Planting tomatoes in May: auspicious days and useful tips. The best time for planting tomato seedlings in open ground Planting tomato seedlings in May

Growing tomato seedlings is a laborious and lengthy process. But when the seedlings have already formed, the key to a high yield of tomatoes is the correct planting of seedlings in open ground. When and how to plant tomatoes in open ground, we will consider in detail in the article.

The main thing is to follow the technology when planting seedlings, especially if the seedlings of tomatoes are of different varieties. The timing of the disembarkation depends on many factors and the weather conditions of the region where the disembarkation will be made. Consider also recommendations for planting tomato seedlings according to the Lunar calendar for 2017.

Lunar calendar for planting tomatoes in open ground in 2017

The phases of the moon and constellations affect the growth and development of plants, so many gardeners use recommendations. This will help grow plants that are more resistant to disease and stress.

In the Lunar calendar you will find dates, phases of the moon and the constellation in which they are located, thanks to which you will learn what can and cannot be done in the garden on a given day.

Planting of tomato seedlings usually ends at the end of June, so below are the planting dates until the end of June.

Unfavorable days of landing and work in May-June 2017 are the following dates:

Seedlings are planted in open ground when frosts should not return to your region. This usually happens from mid-May (southern regions) to early June (northern regions).

Usually, after planting, the seedlings are covered with a film for several days to improve survival.

For this purpose, a small greenhouse is constructed from iron arcs, on which the film material is stretched and pressed to the ground with bricks on the sides.

The temperature of the soil at the time of planting seedlings should be at least 10 degrees (if a greenhouse is used) and 15 degrees when planting tomatoes in open ground. At temperatures below 10 degrees, seedlings will not take root and will die.

How to plant tomatoes outdoors

At the time of planting, the seedlings may already outgrow and stretch out, therefore, before planting in the ground, it is necessary to cut off the lower pair of leaves and plant them with a slight depth. Adventitious roots form at the bottom of the stem, which provide additional nutrition.

Planting seedlings step by step:

The plot a week before planting seedlings should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate - 1 liter of a weak solution per 1 m 2 of the plot. Then the soil is fertilized: organic fertilizers 4 kg of humus per 1 m 2 and mineral fertilizers 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and wood ash per 1 m 2. The land is being dug up in the area.

Planting tomato seedlings is carried out as follows:

Low-growing early varieties in a checkerboard pattern with a distance between seedlings of 30-35 cm and between rows of 60 cm;
- tall varieties are planted according to the scheme 30 x 70.

Planting seedlings:

Carefully remove the plant from the pot;
- in a pre-prepared hole, pour fertilizer for tomatoes (such as Signor-tomato) 1 tbsp. l., mix with the ground at the bottom of the hole. Now place an earthen ball with roots in a hole;
- if there are overgrown plants, we deepen them into a hole by 10 cm;
- if you have decided on the planting depth, spread the seedlings in the holes on their side and pour plenty of water in several passes;
- sprinkle the plants with earth, at this moment the plant remains on its side;
-- after complete backfilling, carefully lift the stem of the tomato, and tie it to a peg (if the plant is tall);
- Mulch the soil around the plant with dry peat to retain moisture.

Video - when and how to plant tomatoes in open ground

Proper care of tomato seedlings after planting

The first 3-4 days after planting seedlings, she does not need to be disturbed.

Watering seedlings start after the adaptation of plants, it should be plentiful but not too frequent. Drying out of the earth is not allowed, as well as overflow. Irregular watering leads to blossom end rot. Also after 5 days, loosen the ground around the bushes.

Feeding. The first feeding of seedlings is carried out 2 weeks after planting: these are complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions.

in a garter tomatoes are needed already 2-3 weeks after planting (depending on the size of the bush), for this you can use trellises or pegs.

Pasynkovanie tomatoes carried out when they have grown to a height of up to 30 cm. The growing shoots between the stem and this leaf are removed. In case of serious damage to the main stem, the lowest stepson is left, all the rest are removed. So the tomato bush will not be thick and more nutrients will go to fruit ripening.

Video - care for seedlings after planting in the ground

Follow the technology of planting and caring for tomato seedlings and you are guaranteed to get high yields.

In many parts of our country, tomatoes are grown in open ground. True, there are places where the only way growing tomatoes became only greenhouses! The creation of adverse environmental factors led to greenhouse cultivation - cold and rainy summers, frequent winds, droughts, a short summer period, leading to the fact that nightshade simply does not have time to grow. However, planting plants in a greenhouse does not mean anything! There is no guarantee that tomatoes will grow, safely bringing the long-awaited harvest ...

The fact is that greenhouses very often get sick, unlike those that grow in open ground. They need to create the most favorable environment, maintain the desired humidity, temperature in the greenhouse and be sure to fertilize the soil. Care must be timely and correct. However, even considering all this and trying to do everything right, most vegetable growers cannot grow a good crop of tomatoes! Why?! It turns out that astrologers and experienced gardeners have been interested in this issue for a long time, and it was found that the Moon, being in one position or another, has a different effect on plants, including the growth of tomatoes!

May 2017 planting of tomatoes in the greenhouse

If planting tomatoes in a greenhouse is carried out at an unfavorable moment at that time, then no matter how you take care of your “wards”, as they say, there will be little sense from them! Finding out about favorable periods is very simple - just look at the lunar calendar of the vegetable grower. So, for example, the bulk of summer residents will begin to plant their greenhouses in May, and in 2017. This month will have its own specific days. So, we start work right from the first day and continue planting all day, until the second of May, until seven in the morning Moscow time. After that, tomato seedlings and their planting material should not even be touched.

It will be possible to return to planting tomatoes in greenhouses only from May 6 to May 11 inclusive. On May 11, after eight in the evening (Moscow time), we turn off work and it will be possible to return to them only on May 14 and continue landing until the very late evening of the 16th. After until May 19, you will need to take a break and, although the planting of tomatoes will have to be postponed for a while, it will be quite possible to do landscaping in the greenhouse itself - pull out emerging weeds, spray the greenhouse from pests.

There will be no more favorable days for planting tomatoes in the greenhouse in May 2017. Only almost at the end of the month on the 23rd and 24th. Moreover, on May 23, they start working after four in the afternoon, but on May 24, you can plant tomatoes all day. If you have been cultivating greenhouse tomatoes for many years now and, frankly, all work is wasted, try to do everything in 2017, focusing only on the vegetable grower's lunar calendar. Such recommendations are developed by astrologers experienced in this matter, who know a lot about how the Moon can affect plants at one time or another ...

Tomatoes are thermophilic plants, so it is important to know the rules for planting them. Many do not know when to plant tomatoes in open ground and make mistakes that can affect the harvest. One of the most important and crucial moments is planting seedlings. However, before starting this process, the seedlings need to be well prepared for such an important stage. After all, it is after planting that tomatoes begin to actively grow and develop.

How to properly prepare seedlings

Planting a tomato in open ground begins with the preparatory stage of young plants for environmental conditions. In order for the number of established plants to increase significantly, seedlings must go through a hardening process. Therefore, two weeks before planting in open ground, conditions similar to those in which tomatoes will have to grow are created.

Outdoor hardening is considered the best option, while the residence time should gradually increase. This adaptation can take up to two weeks. During this period of time, the plant gets used to the outdoor temperature and sunlight. Ultimately, seedlings can be left overnight, but only if frost is not expected.

In order to determine whether the seedlings have hardened or not, you need to look at its leaves. The greenhouse plant has a light green color of the leaves, after adapting to outdoor conditions, they acquire a darker shade.

The purple shade of the stems and dark green leaves indicate that the seedlings have adapted to the sun's rays, so they will not wither after planting in open ground.

When should seedlings be planted outdoors?

After the plant has fully adapted to external weather conditions, the question remains, when can tomatoes be planted in open ground? Tomato seedlings are planted only in the warm season, while the threat of freezing of the plant should be completely excluded. If we talk about the southern region of the country, planting takes place there in mid-May. In the central part - in early June.

Planting tomatoes should occur only when the soil at a depth of 40 cm warms up to 15 degrees. Low soil temperature will inhibit the development of the root system.

Seedlings planted in open ground before the due date, when there are still no suitable temperature conditions, will often suffer from fungal diseases (for example,). Nutrients will enter the roots slowly and either a reduced yield or the death of the plant is expected as a result. Therefore, it is important to know when tomatoes are planted in open ground.

If you are guided by folk signs, then you should pay attention to such a tree as a birch. If the leaves have fully blossomed, this indicates that the soil has completely warmed up, and the time has come to plant the tomatoes.

When deciding when to plant tomatoes in open ground with seedlings, it is recommended to always focus on weather conditions. It should also be understood that in one area the soil temperature can vary significantly.

Planting seedlings correctly

The first step is to decide on the site where the tomatoes will grow. The soil should be well warmed up by the sun's rays, there should be no drafts and wind exposure. In a shaded area, the plant will not develop properly and you can forget about the harvest.

Tomatoes are not planted in the same area. The earth must change every year. Also, do not plant tomatoes after garlic.

  1. To get a good harvest, you need to plant strong seedlings. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the stem - it should be thick and strong. Secondly, on the leaves - there should be from 6 to 8 pieces. After planting, after 1.5 months, the lower leaves are cut off to reduce phytophthora damage.
  2. In the evening before planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly. So it will be easier to get it and at the same time not damage the root system. If the plant grows in cups, then this should not be done, since the dried earth is much easier to get out of the glass without damaging the root.
  3. Landing is best done in the afternoon or in cloudy weather. If the decision is made to plant in the morning, then in the evening watering is canceled.
  4. Rows should be 70 cm apart and plants should be planted 40 cm apart.
  5. Pits are dug along the rows with a shovel. The depth will depend on the height of the seedling (long ones are planted deeper). During planting, it is important to thoroughly water the hole, then fill the seedling with dry earth or humus.

After landing, it is recommended to start care, so it is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of this action. Tomatoes need not only watering and the right temperature conditions, but also nourishing the soil with nutrients. For this, special complex fertilizers containing calcium, boron, iron, magnesium are purchased and used according to the instructions.

Growing tomatoes in the open field also provides for hilling the earth around the seedlings twice a week. Thus, a sufficient amount of oxygen will be supplied to the root system, which is so important for the development and growth of the plant.

How to tie up tomatoes in the open field

With proper care, tomatoes quickly stretch in growth. At this point, the question arises of how to tie up tomatoes in the open field. It should be noted right away that not all varieties of tomatoes are tied up. Low-growing plants do well without support. Tall varieties are tied up so that the stems do not lie on open ground, because lying bushes quickly rot and often get sick.

Benefits of tying a tomato:

  • facilitates watering and fertilizing;
  • tied plants are well dried and ventilated after heavy rains;
  • fruits on tied bushes are warmed by the sun's rays evenly, so they will ripen faster.

In order to tie up seedlings, you will need dressing material (for example, stockings, tights, nylon cord), metal rods, a thin plastic or metal pipe, or long wooden stakes. The length of the stake should be higher than the seedling.

The dressing material will be in contact with the plant, so you should not use last year's, as pathogenic bacteria can remain on it.

In order to tie up the tomatoes, the support is driven a few centimeters into the ground from the bush and the stem of the plant is tied to it (the ends of the garter material can be twisted or crossed with a figure eight).

Knowing when to plant tomatoes in open ground and how to care for them, you can safely start planting vegetables.

Video about planting a tomato in open ground

Many gardeners are already preparing seeds and soil for growing vegetable seedlings. The question of when to plant seedlings of tomatoes in open ground in 2017 is not idle for them, even though there are still 3-4 months ahead.

Tomatoes can be sown with seeds in open ground, or you can grow seedlings on the windowsill and plant them already in the ground.

Mexico is considered the birthplace of the culture, from where the Spaniards brought tomatoes to Europe. There, this representative of the nightshade family is grown as an evergreen perennial.

In Europe, in particular in Russia, tomatoes are an annual plant. Due to climatic conditions, this crop is planted in open ground with seedlings.

Tomatoes contain a record number of useful elements. Among them are the most vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The tomato holds the record for the presence of the antioxidants lycopene and xanthophyll. Of the minerals in tomatoes, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, and magnesium are present in large quantities. In smaller quantities, the fruits contain iron, calcium and sulfur. They contain even less selenium, fluorine, iodine, and zinc. The calorie content of tomatoes is only 20 kcal per 100 g.

The variety of varieties and hybrids of this crop is so large that it is sometimes difficult for an experienced vegetable grower to make his choice.

It should be noted that:

  • varieties should be selected taking into account the area where they will grow, climatic conditions greatly affect the yield of tomato;
  • varieties for growing in a greenhouse do not give the declared yield in the open field, and the same will happen if you plant outdoor varieties in a greenhouse;
  • varieties of tomatoes are selected taking into account what they are grown for: for salads, for pickling or conservation;
  • to some extent, the yield of varieties is influenced by the shape and size of the bush: low-growing tomato varieties are less prolific than tall ones.

Many gardeners independently harvest tomato seeds from varieties grown on the site. They are suitable for sowing within 7-8 years.

It all starts with seedlings

Tomatoes can be sown with seeds in open ground, or you can grow seedlings on the windowsill and plant them in the ground. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing, you should focus on the climatic conditions of the area where the tomatoes will grow. This culture does not tolerate even the slightest frost. Even tomatoes do not like shaded areas and blown. They grow well in windless and sunny beds.

Seeds of new varieties of tomatoes should be bought in specialized stores. And in the future, you can get by with your own collected seed.

In most regions of the Russian Federation, a seedling method of growing tomatoes is used. Although sowing tomatoes in open ground gives more hardened plants, their poor germination can negate all the gardener's work.

In most regions of the Russian Federation, a seedling method of growing tomatoes is used.

Pre-sowing preparation of seeds

Before sowing tomatoes, you should prepare the soil mixture and seeds. Pre-sowing preparation begins 2-4 days before sowing. Seeds are soaked in water to test for germination.

The next stage is the dressing of the seed to destroy the pathogens of various diseases that are on the surface of the seeds. Etching is carried out with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. It is prepared from 1 g of pharmacy potassium permanganate and 100 ml of water.

The seeds are dipped into the prepared solution in a cloth bag and kept in it for 20-25 minutes. Next, the seeds are hardened. To do this, they are placed in the refrigerator for 3 days. You can put them on the top shelf of the refrigerator, but not in the freezer. It is better to grow tomatoes from prepared seeds.

Soil selection

For sowing tomato seeds, carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumbers and turnips are called the best predecessors. Soil for seedlings is harvested in the fall. The soil mixture is made up of land taken from the site where tomatoes will be grown, humus, soil for greenhouses and peat. It is disinfected by freezing in the winter or by calcining before sowing tomatoes in the ground.

Before laying seeds in the ground, you can add 0.5 kg of wood ash to a bucket of soil mixture and 1-2 tbsp. superphosphate. After thorough mixing, the soil is ready.

For growing seedlings, any containers with drainage holes in the bottom are suitable. To protect future crops from pathogenic microbes, the container is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, keeping it in it for 3-4 hours. Previously, clay pots are calcined in the oven, and plastic containers and containers that were in use are washed with soapy water.

For sowing, the soil is moistened and holes are made with a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm. If more than 1 plant is planted in a container, then a distance of 2-3 cm is left between the holes. Then the seeds are lightly covered with soil mixture and covered with glass or film. Sowing seeds is done at the end of February. Before the first shoots, the temperature in the room should be + 22 ... + 24 ° С.

After the appearance of the first shoots, the containers with plants are moved to a cooler place. When the air temperature outside rises to + 10 ... + 15 ° С, you should start hardening the tomatoes. The boxes are taken out to the balcony. Airing time 1 hour. Each subsequent day is added 1 hour, so that in the end, the seedlings before planting can be left for the whole day in the fresh air.

Watering seedlings should be carried out as the earthen clod dries. Watering is not carried out on cloudy days, so as not to overmoisten the soil and not cause black leg disease.

Experienced vegetable growers advise spraying crops once a week with a solution of 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. whey and 5 drops of iodine.

Planting in open ground

The timing of planting tomatoes in open soil is different for each locality; they cannot be universal.

The following factors may influence them:

  • air temperature;
  • bed type;
  • the presence of shelter over seedlings.

Experienced gardeners have their own signs indicating that it's time to plant tomatoes in the ground. Since the tomato is a very heat-loving crop, it is necessary to plant tomatoes in open ground when the average daily temperature reaches + 12 ° C.

Plants that have reached a height of 25 cm and have 6-9 leaves can be planted on the garden bed. In any case, you should focus on the absence of frost at night, and this may be the end of May or the beginning of June. It is impossible to say specifically what date to plant tomato seedlings, many factors must be taken into account.

Tomatoes take root well and begin active growth when the air temperature reaches +18°C and above, and the soil warms up to +15°C.

When planting seedlings at lower temperatures, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of sheltering the bushes at night and on cloudy days with any suitable material. It is better to plant seedlings in the evening or in cloudy weather. When planting tomatoes in the ground will be most optimal, you need to start preparing the soil in the garden.

The earth is dug up, fertilizers are applied, copper sulfate is scattered to disinfect the soil. Dig a hole deep enough to fit the bush in it until the first leaves on the stem. Each well is watered with warm water.

The seedling is carefully removed from the container so as not to damage the root system. Some vegetable growers plant the plant vertically, tying it to a peg. Others lay each bush at an angle and sprinkle with earth in this position. A little humus is placed under the roots in each well for nutrition.

The hole is covered with soil, lightly tamped and poured under the bush at least 1 liter of water. To protect seedlings from the development of phytophthora, the plants are watered with Fitosporin solution 3-4 days after planting.

seedling care

For successful rooting of seedlings in open ground, and this is 7-10 days after planting, it is important to observe some conditions:

  • it is better to water the plants in the late afternoon to retain moisture in the soil longer;
  • watering is done under the root and try not to fall on the leaves, so as not to cause their disease;
  • it is necessary to carry out hilling of tomato bushes, this is done 2-3 times during the season;
  • feed tomatoes 3-4 times per season, the first time - 3 weeks after planting in the ground.

One of the most popular horticultural crops is the tomato. A vegetable rich in vitamins is unpretentious in care and grows in different habitat conditions: from a summer cottage and a greenhouse to a balcony. Getting a quality product depends on the time of planting the seeds. When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2018, the lunar calendar and the experience of experienced gardeners will tell you. They have long noticed that varieties of vegetables and other seedlings should be selected depending on the region, so this issue will also be considered.

One of the most popular horticultural crops is the tomato.

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes are planted later. They can be sown in March, but tall ones - in January or February. You should not plant tomatoes on the full moon or new moon, as well as within two days before and after these dates. On the waning moon, vegetables are set up for abundant root growth, which is not suitable for tomatoes, but good for potatoes and other similar plants.

Do not plant tomatoes on a full moon or a new moon, as well as within two days before and after these dates.

  • From February 15 to 20 is an unfavorable period for tomato seeds. These days will have a waning moon and a new moon.
  • In March, the numbers 14 and 28 will be an exception. At this time, it is worth leaving the tomatoes alone.
  • In May, the full moon will fall on days 4-7. Planting seedlings at this time is very unfavorable.

By excluding these numbers from the gardening calendar, you can safely plant tomatoes: with proper care, they will delight you with a healthy and tasty harvest.

Specialized magazines and newspapers for gardeners will help you find out the favorable time for planting tomatoes. They always indicate the appropriate days for each vegetable and give useful tips.

According to the lunar calendar, there are special days when the seeds take root in the best way.

According to the lunar calendar, there are special days when the seeds take root in the best way. Gardeners have time from January to April to decide on the desired varieties of tomatoes and choose the right time to plant them. The success of the enterprise depends mainly on the proper care of the plant. Even tomatoes planted on an unfavorable day can give a good harvest, and sown at the best time without proper supervision can die.

  • In February, the best numbers for planting tomatoes will be 5 and 6.
  • In March 4 and 5, 9 and 10, 12-13. Vegetables planted on 17, 20 and 21 grow well.
  • In April, 8, 12, 22, 26 and 28 are considered suitable dates this year.

It is important to take into account the characteristics of the selected variety and recommendations for care. The expected weather conditions and the place of planting of tomato seeds will influence the choice of the correct date.

Does it make sense to plant tomatoes in February 2018

Tall varieties of tomatoes - De Barao, Alyonushka, Midas, Miracle of the Earth - ripen at different times, but all are great for February seedlings in 2018. The advantage of such varieties is long-term fertility and a smaller area of ​​land for sowing. For six months, such tomatoes can grow up to 7 meters, so gardeners see a lot of sense in choosing such varieties of vegetables and sowing them in February in anticipation of an early harvest.

Other types of tomatoes will wait for more favorable weather and a period in March or April. Low-growing varieties are more compact and suitable for growing at home, so indoor gardeners who prefer them skip February, planting seedlings in subsequent months.

It is recommended to sacrifice quantity for quality. Instead of twenty seedlings in small cups, grow ten roots in one liter containers. A vegetable that started life in spacious conditions will have a high yield.

When to sow tomatoes for a greenhouse in 2018

Seedlings are transplanted into greenhouse conditions in March-April

Seedlings are transplanted into greenhouse conditions in March-April. The room should be heated, providing the tomatoes with a temperature suitable for healthy development. Only in April-May, tomatoes can be sent to a greenhouse without heating or placed under a film.

  1. Seedlings for the greenhouse are planted in the second half of February on the days of the lunar calendar suitable for this. In this case, transplantation can be carried out as early as March-April.
  2. Transplanting to a greenhouse is a kind of stress for vegetables. Their condition is affected by the composition of the soil, air temperature and even the level of illumination. Preparation for this procedure should begin at least 2 weeks in advance.
  3. For heat-loving tomatoes, a greenhouse is the most suitable habitat in the climate of the northern regions of Russia. One of the popular varieties of tomatoes intended for growing in greenhouses is Poisk F1 tomatoes.
  4. It's not scary if the seedlings "outgrow" a little. Rushing to transplant plants into a greenhouse will be a mistake. But it should not be delayed either: too grown seedlings will give thin, lifeless stems.

The timing of the ripening of different tomato varieties should be taken into account in order to calculate the desired time for the appearance of the crop. Early ripe ones will give full fruits in 85-100 days. The period of appearance of mid-ripening is 100 or more for 20-30 days. The late ripening ones are the last to ripen.

Sowing and planting dates for tomatoes in Siberia, the Urals, the Moscow region in 2018

The regional location of seedlings is of no small importance for the future growth and health of the plant. Russia stretches for many kilometers, covering different climatic zones, so domestic vegetable growers should pay special attention to recommendations for planting tomatoes in their area of ​​the country.

  • Gardeners living in the Urals and Siberia are advised to deal with tomato seedlings from March to April.
  • But vegetable growers of the Moscow region can start sowing seeds earlier. In their region, tomatoes will take root equally well if planted in early March or within a month. Seedlings under the greenhouse are sown only closer to the middle.

It is necessary to take into account not only the lunar calendar and recommendations by region. It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the long-term weather forecast for the coming months, calculating the best landing time.

Folk wisdom says that tomato seedlings can be planted immediately after the lilac or mountain ash blooms.

The main reference point for planting tomatoes is spring frosts. They are able to destroy growing vegetables, preventing them from growing to their full potential. Due to this natural factor, seedlings are planted in the chosen place only after the end of the last spring frosts.

The right time for sowing tomatoes and planting seedlings will ensure a stable harvest in the future, subject to all the rules of crop production. You should fertilize the soil, take care of vegetables, whether they grow in a greenhouse or on open ground. Gardeners will be rewarded with tasty and healthy fruits, rich in vitamins and devoid of harmful impurities typical of store products. Tall varieties of tomatoes will provide a harvest not only for the owners, but also for buyers, fully reimbursing the owner for the spent finances and efforts.

5 rules for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

Tomatoes in the greenhouse: care in detail (video)

The best time for tomato seedlings is from late February to early April. Depending on the regions and weather conditions, the frames of the favorable period fluctuate towards a warmer month. Frosts will have a detrimental effect on plants, so you should wait out the last spring cold snap in order to calmly deal with tomato seedlings in anticipation of a future rich harvest.