Fireweed root useful properties. Ivan tea in folk medicine and cooking

Our planet, its endless bowels, are available to us as a source of strength, good health and long life. The ancient science of understanding the secrets of water, earth, air and plants was born by our ancestors, for whom the knowledge of the useful properties of the world around them was not only a boon, but also the only way to survive. Millennia have passed since then. And those ancient knowledge, accumulating the experience of generations, stepped over to us, into modernity, in the form of a collection of natural knowledge named ethnoscience .

Today, traditional and traditional medicine go hand in hand through life. Gone are the days of persecution, when adherents of therapeutic methods of treatment declared sorcerers, healers, herbalists - sorcerers and charlatans. And adherents of traditional medicine and natural forces, in turn, betrayed doctors "anathema". AT modern world alternative therapies and traditional medicine are complementary and medical specialists are increasingly recommending holistic therapies. Just look at the pharmacy showcases, where medicinal herbs and herbal preparations and conventional medicines coexist perfectly on the shelves. chemical basis. In addition, the composition of popular drugs increasingly includes components plant origin. And this is not only the victory of traditional medicine! When the forces of science unite with the forces of nature, and help to give a worthy rebuff to the forces of disease, we win with you.

We have not forgotten about respected gardeners and gardeners - hardworking people who literally create nature with their own hands. Especially for them - sections Garden on the window and Indoor vegetables and fruits. And especially for those nature lovers who strive to improve the body by following the rules of nutrition - our sections Avitaminosis and medical nutrition. as well as delicious recipes from Plant Cooking.

The plans for the development of the site include replenishing it with the most diverse information about the healing natural forces and expanding the list of medicinal herbs and medicinal plants. At the request of our readers, we have a section on holy water and water blessing rites. rules Orthodox Lent. Also, due to numerous requests from our readers, we have added to our resource dedicated to the treatment of allergies (traditional and folk methods). In our problematic age, when the number of allergens is increasing every day, and immunity, unfortunately, under the influence of not the best environmental situation, is declining - such information will be very useful.

For those who love and understand the gifts of nature, such as such a magnificent creation as precious and semiprecious stones, we have created a special section - Stone therapy, stone treatment - which will surely interest fans of exquisite jewelry, natural amulets and talismans.

  • The collection of medicinal herbs should be carried out in places remote from highways and railways, as well as industrial enterprises and industrial waste disposal sites.
  • You need to believe in yourself and the healing power of nature. Probably, it is this rule that should be considered the basis of traditional medicine, the cornerstone of the fight against diseases. Call on the inner forces of your body, let yourself be filled with bubbling natural energy and deal a crushing blow to diseases. Imagine how the magical world of herbs, flowers, plants, pure natural sources and sunlight gives you strength and joy! Keep this feeling in yourself and the dark forces of illnesses, even the most, at first glance, terrible ones, will begin to melt and recede.
  • Each of us is born for happiness, like a bird for flight. May your day be filled with joy and natural warmth, a part of which lives in each of us.

    Medicinal herbs and medicinal plants

    If you want to learn how to use the generous natural forces for your own benefit, we hope that our site will become a good helper for you. Well, we will be infinitely glad to see a new admirer of Mother Nature's talents.

    • The use of medicinal plants should be coordinated with the attending physician, especially when it comes to the treatment of children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. In this case, individual intolerance by the body of certain plants, as well as products of natural origin, should be taken into account.

    Site administration In the world of herbs wishes you all the very best!

    Fireweed angustifolia

    Useful properties and application of narrow-leaved fireweed

    Botanical characteristics of fireweed angustifolia

    Fireweed angustifolia is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the fireweed family. The straight, unbranched, juicy stem reaches a height of 75 to 200 cm. The creeping rhizome is well developed, has numerous processes and can reach a length of 100 cm. The leaves are alternate, sessile (very short petiole), elongated, with a pointed apex.

    The flowers are wide open, purple or bright pink, collected in a conical brush at the top of the plant. The fruit is an elongated capsule with numerous small seeds inside. A characteristic feature of fireweed seeds is the presence of a tuft (consists of fluffs), due to which the seeds can scatter a considerable distance from this medicinal plant.

    The narrow-leaved fireweed blooms in the summer - from mid-June to mid-August, bears fruit in late July - August.

    The natural distribution area of ​​the narrow-leaved fireweed is almost the entire territory of Russia. Abundantly this medicinal plant grows along roads, on forest clearings, burned areas and embankments.

    Useful properties of fireweed

    AT traditional medicine both the above-ground part of the fireweed - leaves and flowers, and the underground - rhizome are used. The collection of leaves and flowers occurs during the flowering period of the medicinal plant, and the flowers should not be fully opened, since there is a high probability that during the drying process they will turn into seeds. Before drying, the leaves are separated from the shoots and laid out under a canopy in a thin layer.

    The roots are harvested after flowering (in autumn). After digging, the rhizome is cleaned from the ground and washed well under cold water, after which it is dried in an oven at a temperature of 70 ° C.

    AT chemical composition fireweed leaves contain a number of useful organic compounds: flavonoids, tannins (up to 20%), mucous substances (up to 15%), pyrogallic group tannin (up to 10%), alkaloids (0.1%), coumarins, sugars, ascorbic acid ( vitamin C), iron, manganese, provitamin A (retinol acetate).

    The chemical composition of the roots contains carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins, starch, and mucous substances.

    The chemical composition of flowers contains flavonoids, tannins, mucous substances, ascorbic acid, coumarins, sugars and essential oils.

    Healing infusions and decoctions of fireweed are used in folk medicine as an effective enveloping, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, soothing, hemostatic and laxative agent.

    The use of fireweed

    A decoction and infusion of fireweed are used for a number of diseases. various bodies and organ systems. In its chemical composition, fireweed leaves contain a significant amount of mucus and tannin, which is why the infusion is successfully used for various diseases. gastrointestinal tract characterized by high acidity (stomach and duodenal ulcer, gastritis). In addition, the infusion helps to cope with negative consequences intestinal dysbacteriosis and normalize the flora.

    The presence of ascorbic acid, iron and manganese in the chemical composition of this medicinal raw material characterizes the healing infusion as effective remedy in the fight against iron deficiency anemia (low hemoglobin according to the result of a general blood test). In addition, the infusion can be used by women with heavy menstruation, as well as in the postpartum period.

    Infusion and decoction of fireweed stimulate cardiac activity and have a mild effect on the nervous system. They are used for insomnia. nervous overexcitation, increased irritability and headache.

    As an external agent, an infusion of the leaves is successfully used for diseases of the oral cavity, such as stomatitis, sore throat, tonsillitis. Dry powder from the leaves of a medicinal plant is used as an adjuvant in the treatment infected wounds and ulcers. As a poultice, it is used for otitis media (including acute) and soft tissue bruises.

    Infusion of fireweed angustifolia

    Recipe No. 1. 15 g of crushed medicinal raw materials (aerial parts of a medicinal plant) are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes, then filtered into a clean bowl and taken 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 3 times a day.

    Recipe number 2. 1 tablespoon of medicinal raw materials (roots and rhizomes) is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 45 minutes, after which it is filtered into a clean bowl. Take an infusion 3 times a day, 15 ml for headaches and insomnia.

    Recipe number 3: 1 tablespoon of medicinal raw materials (leaves) is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for two hours, after which it is filtered into a clean bowl. Take the medicine 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 3 times a day for anemia and 1/3 cup three times a day for chronic cystitis.

    Recipe No. 4: 2 tablespoons of medicinal raw materials are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and infused for 6 hours, after which they are filtered into a clean bowl. This infusion is used as an external remedy for otitis, for this the tampon is well moistened in the infusion and injected into the ear hole.

    Decoction of fireweed angustifolia

    10 g of dry medicinal raw materials (flowers) are poured into 200 ml of water and placed in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Take a decoction of 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 3 times a day.

    Fireweed tea

    Several hundred years ago, tea was an extremely rare and very expensive drink in Rus', which could only be afforded by noble people and the rich. That is why the common people were looking for a worthy replacement for him from what grows on Russian land. As a result of a long search, fireweed tea became very popular, which later received the name "Russian tea".

    For the first time, the aerial part of the medicinal plant was harvested in the village of Koporye, which is why tea was called Koporye. The drink gained great popularity among the ordinary population of Russia, because it was many times cheaper than English and Chinese tea in terms of cost, and in terms of taste it was not inferior to them at all.

    The technology for making real Koporye tea includes several sequential steps:

  • collection;
  • drying;
  • grinding (either lightly crush or “tap” in a bag);
  • fermentation;
  • drying.
  • There is a second, simpler and faster method of brewing Koporye tea, it consists in simply pouring boiled water over the dried leaves and flowers of fireweed and letting the composition brew for 10-15 minutes, however, most of the beneficial properties of the medicinal plant will be lost.

    The collection of the aerial part of the fireweed occurs during the period of active flowering of the plant. Leaves and flowers are collected and laid out separately from each other. Only the upper and middle leaves are cut off (without the lower leaves), while the plant material is immediately separated from the stem (without pulling it out).

    The next stage is drying. To do this, the leaves are laid out in a thin layer under an awning and left to dry slightly for a couple of hours, after which the medicinal raw materials are twisted by hand until the juice is released.

    Then it's time for fermentation. To do this, medicinal raw materials are placed on a baking sheet, in a saucepan, in a jar and left for several days at a temperature of 25 ° C. The container must be covered with a damp cloth and carefully monitored so that it does not dry out, for this you will either have to moisten it regularly. or timely replace a dry wipe with a wet one.

    Drying is the final step in making Koporye tea. As a rule, the leaves are dried in an oven at 70°C for 40 minutes.

    In the end, the leaves should dry completely and acquire a dark (almost black) hue.

    It is necessary to store dried fireweed leaves in a glass jar with a tight closed lid. To brew tea from fireweed, pour 2 teaspoons of the resulting tea leaves with boiling water and let them brew for 15 minutes.

    Flowers do not require such a long and laborious drying procedure. To dry the flowers, simply lay them out in a thin layer and dry them in a dark place.

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    fireweed leaves

    The main medicinal raw material of fireweed angustifolia are the leaves, which have a number of unique properties. healing properties. Healing infusions of fireweed leaves have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, soothing and enveloping effect. Besides, biochemical composition medicinal raw materials allows us to consider a healing infusion as an additional remedy in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, reduced immunity and dysbacteriosis. An extract from the leaves of a medicinal plant is also successfully used in modern cosmetology as a natural tightening component.

    fireweed seeds

    The seeds of fireweed are very small and numerous. One plant during the growing season can produce about 20,000 seeds. A distinctive characteristic of fireweed seeds from other medicinal plants is the presence of a white tuft (fluff), which contributes to the instant scattering of seeds at a considerable distance from the plant.

    At the same time, the seeds retain the ability to germinate and grow for many years. Fireweed seeds contain up to 45% fatty oil in their chemical composition.

    From a medical point of view, fireweed seeds are of no value, therefore, in medicinal purposes does not apply.

    Fireweed mountain

    Mountain fireweed is a perennial herbaceous plant of the fireweed family. Its stem is single, erect, pubescent, in the upper part, as a rule, branched, the height is 25–60 cm. The leaves are short-petiolate (sessile), ovoid, with an unevenly toothed edge. The flowers are about 5-10 mm in diameter and are pink, purple or (rarely) white. Flowers are collected in terminal racemes.

    The fruit is a pubescent capsule 5–7 cm long. Mountain fireweed blooms in June-July, bears fruit in July-August.

    The natural distribution area of ​​mountain fireweed is almost the entire territory of Russia, Europe, Siberia and the Caucasus. This species grows in shady damp places, in coniferous and mixed forests, as well as among shrubs.

    The above-ground and underground parts of the medicinal plant contain tannins in their chemical composition, which makes it possible to use the healing infusion of mountain fireweed as an effective hemostatic agent.

    Infusion of fireweed mountain

    2 tablespoons of crushed medicinal raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for two hours, then the resulting infusion is filtered and used for bleeding 1/3–1/2 cup 3 times a day.

    Fireweed marsh

    Bog fireweed is a perennial herbaceous plant of the fireweed family. A single erect cylindrical stem is covered with hairs in the upper part. The length of the stem of the fireweed can reach 80 cm. The leaves are short-leaved (sessile), opposite, entire, their length is 2–9 cm. The small flowers of the plant are located at the ends of the stem and form a small brush. The petals are pink or white.

    The fruit is a short pubescent capsule 4–8 cm long. Seeds are small, spindle-shaped.

    Fireweed marsh blooms from July to September inclusive, bears fruit from July.

    Natural distribution area - Europe, the Caucasus, Scandinavia, Eastern and Western Siberia, Far East, Central Asia, Mongolia, China, North America. Fireweed marsh grows in damp, wetlands, along the banks of reservoirs, peat and sand quarries.

    Medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the plant, which contains in its chemical composition tannins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and flavonoids.

    An aqueous infusion of fireweed is used in folk medicine as an effective remedy for bleeding of various etiologies, diarrhea. nervous excitement and insomnia. Externally, an infusion of a medicinal plant is used for various skin diseases (for example, such as scrofula).

    Tincture of fireweed marsh

    20 g of dry medicinal substance is poured into 200 ml of 40% ethyl alcohol, then left in a dark and cool place for 10 days, after which it is filtered and taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Alcohol tincture is used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Infusion of fireweed marsh

    1 tablespoon of the medicinal substance is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for two to three hours, after which it is filtered into a clean bowl and taken 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Water infusion is used for bleeding. nervous breakdown and insomnia.

    Fireweed hairy

    Hairy fireweed is a perennial herbaceous plant of the fireweed family. The branched, erect, cylindrical, strong stem is covered with long soft hairs along its entire length, it can reach 150 cm in length. The leaves are short-leaved, finely serrated along the edge. Leaves are opposite at the bottom of the plant, alternate at the top. The flowers are solitary, the petals are painted in a dark pink color.

    The fruit is a pubescent capsule, the length of which is 4–10 cm. The seeds are small, ovoid and numerous. The plant blooms in summer, from June to August inclusive.

    The natural distribution area is the European part of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Western Europe, Central Asia, Western Siberia, Asia Minor, North Africa, India, China, Mongolia. This species grows in damp places, in water meadows, swampy areas, along the banks of reservoirs and in reed beds.

    Fireweed small-flowered

    Small-flowered fireweed is a perennial herbaceous plant of the fireweed family. The stem is single, erect, simple or branched, covered with small soft hairs along its entire length, its length, as a rule, is 100 cm. The leaves are oblong-ovate, narrowed upwards, short-petiolate (sessile). The upper leaves are alternate, the lower ones are opposite. The flowers are small (length 5-10 mm), the petals are painted in a light pink hue.

    The fruit is a pubescent capsule up to 8 mm in length. Seeds are small, numerous, dark brown in color.

    Small-flowered fireweed blooms from June to September.

    The natural distribution area is the European part of Russia, Europe, India, the Himalayas, Iran, the Caucasus. This species grows along the banks of various reservoirs (rivers, lakes, reservoirs), in swampy areas, in ditches.

    Medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the plant (grass), which is collected during the budding period (beginning of flowering).

    In its chemical composition, the fireweed herb contains alkaloids (up to 1%), tannin, mucus, pectin, sugar, ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

    A decoction, infusion and tincture of a medicinal plant are used with great success in folk medicine as an effective remedy in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, namely prostatitis. cystitis and kidney disease. In addition, the use of medicinal infusion helps in the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with headaches, insomnia and sore throats.

    Infusion of small-flowered fireweed

    1 tablespoon of dry medicinal raw materials is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes, after which it is filtered and taken 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 3 times a day.

    Small-flowered fireweed tea

    1 teaspoon of medicinal raw materials is poured into 250 ml of boiling water, infused for 10-15 minutes and filtered into a clean container. Take the resulting infusion for chronic prostatitis, adenoma and cystitis, 200 ml 2 times a day on an empty stomach.

    Phytoapplications with small-flowered fireweed

    Leaves of small-flowered fireweed are steamed in boiling water, and after they have cooled, they are applied to the places of localization of inflammatory processes on the skin and acne.

    fireweed extract

    The chemical composition of the fireweed extract contains tannins, triterpene acid, flavonoids and phytosterols.

    Alcoholic and aqueous extracts of fireweed have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and are used in folk medicine for chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, such as acute and chronic prostatitis, adenoma, chronic inflammation of the ureters and inflammation of the bladder (cystitis).

    fireweed root

    The root system of fireweed is powerful, creeping, can reach a length of one meter. Along the entire length, the horizontal roots are strewn with buds, from which an ankle-length stem grows.

    Fireweed roots are used both in folk medicine and in cooking. Plant materials are harvested in the fall, after digging, the roots are washed in cold water and then dried, first in the open air and then in the oven.

    In the chemical composition, fireweed roots contain from 10 to 20% tannins, carotene, sugar, mucus, pectin, alkaloids and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

    Contraindications to the use of fireweed

    As a rule, healing infusions and decoctions of fireweed are well tolerated (except in cases of individual intolerance), so there are no contraindications and restrictions in its use.

    Ivan-tea (fireweed) - beneficial features, composition, application in medicine. Koporye tea recipe


    The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

    What is Ivan tea?

    Blooming Sally is a genus of perennial plants of the cypress family. It grows throughout the temperate climate zone. Ivan-tea broad-leaved grows in the arctic, subarctic zone, and part of the temperate climate zone.

    Prefers sandy, fairly dry soils. It occurs along forests, in thickets of shrubs, in clearings and even scorched lands.

    Most often, under the name "willow-tea" they mean narrow-leaved willow-herb, or narrow-leaved fireweed.

    Ivan-tea narrow-leaved (fireweed)

    plant description

    Ivan-tea narrow-leaved is a perennial herb, reaching a height of 0.5 - 1.5 (up to 2) m.

    It has a thick creeping rhizome. Many buds form on the roots, through which the plant reproduces vegetatively.

    The stem is straight, round on the cut, densely covered with leaves.

    The leaves are alternate, sessile, simple, linear-lanceolate, pointed, sometimes almost round, from 4 to 12 cm long and 7 to 20 mm wide. On the front side, the leaves are dark green, shiny, on the back - dark green, reddish or light pink. Along the edges of the leaves are glandular-toothed or solid.

    The flowers are large, wide open, dark red or pink, sometimes white, with a double perianth. The flowers have four petals, up to 3 cm wide. The flowers form spike-shaped inflorescences located in the upper part of the plant in the form of a conical brush 15-50 cm long. Each flower forms both male and female reproductive cells of the plant. A nectar ring develops around the pistil.

    Ivan-tea narrow-leaved blooms from about mid-July to mid-August.

    The fruit is an oblong box, slightly curved, covered with hairs. Up to 20 thousand seeds are formed in a box. Ivan-chai angustifolia, unlike other species of the genus Ivan-chai, is characterized by the presence of the so-called seeds on the seeds. tuft (fluff), through which the seeds are able to move downwind over long distances.

    Pollen grains are three-pore, rounded. They reach 4.8 - 8.4 microns in width. Pollen from willow-tea is yellow-green.

    Collection and drying

    Leaves, flowers and rhizomes of willow-tea are used in folk medicine. Rarely use unblown shoots. Raw materials are harvested during the flowering period.

    Flowers are recommended to be collected when they are just beginning to bloom, until they are covered with fluff from seeds. The leaves are placed on a cloth or paper in a thin layer, and dried under a canopy, out of reach of direct sunlight.

    Parts of willow-tea prepared in this way are used to prepare decoctions, infusions, tinctures and other plant preparations, as well as to prepare culinary dishes. The traditional willowherb drink, in turn, requires that the leaves be subjected to a fermentation process according to special rules.

    The composition of Ivan tea

    The composition of young leaves and roots of narrow-leaved fireweed includes from 10 to 20% tannin. The leaves contain about 15% mucus. Also, the leaves of the plant are rich in vegetable fiber, which normalizes the work of the intestine, but does not break down in it.

    Tannins (tannins)

    When taken orally, tannins have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so products containing tannins are recommended for use in these diseases. Also, tannins exhibit antibacterial and hemostatic properties, help eliminate or prevent unpleasant symptoms from bee stings. But the most useful property of tannins is the ability to bind and remove toxic metals from the body when poisoned by them.

    In Ivan tea, in addition to mucus and tannins, the following components were found:

    • Carbohydrates;
    • organic acids;
    • Phenolic compounds;
    • Pectin;
    • Bioflavonoids;
    • Traces of alkaloids;
    • Micro and macro elements.

    Carbohydrates (saccharides)

    Functions of carbohydrates in the body:
    • Energy function - the body receives about 56% of energy only by burning carbohydrates;
    • Plastic function - saccharides serve as a "building" component nucleic acids, nucleotides, cell wall, various enzymes, complex proteins;
    • Storage function - carbohydrate glycogen is able to accumulate in the liver and muscles for subsequent consumption by the body.
    • Fiber cleans the intestines and improves its function.


    Action of pectin:
    • Removes toxins and toxic substances from the body (heavy metals, pesticides, etc.);
    • Normalizes metabolic processes;
    • Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body;
    • Normalizes peripheral blood circulation;
    • Improves intestinal peristalsis.


    Action of bioflavonoids:
    • Reduce fragility of blood vessels;
    • Regulate the permeability of the vascular wall;
    • Prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
    • They have an antioxidant effect: prevent premature aging, reduce the risk of developing cancer;
    • Protect cells from destruction during excessive secretion of histamine.

    trace elements

    Ivan tea leaves are rich in iron, copper and manganese. They also contain zinc, titanium, molybdenum, boron, etc.


    • Necessary for the production of hemoglobin;
    • Provides the process of cellular respiration;
    • Necessary for the growth process;
    • It is a component of many enzymes that provide digestion and energy metabolism;
    • Participates in the synthesis of immune cells;
    • Participates in the generation and transmission of nerve impulses.
    • Ensures the maintenance of normal blood composition, prevents anemia;
    • It plays an important role in the absorption of iron by the body, as well as in the synthesis of hemoglobin protein;
    • Normalizes the function of the liver, spleen and lymphatic system;
    • Helps to cope with obesity;
    • Reduces the risk of developing hypertension, sciatica, and cancer.
    • Plays an important role in the process of growth and development;
    • Provides good structure bone tissue;
    • Participates in the synthesis of thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone;
    • Ensures normal digestion;
    • Improves memory and muscle reflexes, reduces irritability;
    • Normalizes blood glucose levels;
    • Necessary for the synthesis of interferon in the body.


    In the leaves of fireweed angustifolium, such macroelements as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. were found.


    • It is one of the most important elements of metabolism;
    • It is the most important building element of bones, teeth and nails;
    • Ensures the normal functioning of muscle tissue and the nervous system;
    • Maintains a normal heart rhythm;
    • Prevents the development of hypertension;
    • Provides blood clotting.
    • Provides blood clotting;
    • Necessary for the normal functioning of the prostate gland, gallbladder and intestines;
    • Participates in the synthesis of estrogen;
    • Normalizes the contractile function of muscles, including myocardium (recommended for arrhythmia);
    • Plays an important role in the absorption of ascorbic acid, potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus;
    • Reduces the negative effects of stress and depression;
    • It activates a number of enzymes that provide carbohydrate and energy metabolism.


    • It is a necessary element for the normal operation of all organs, incl. hearts;
    • Regulates water-salt metabolism in the body;
    • Prevents the development of edema;
    • normalizes blood pressure;
    • prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels;
    • eliminates spasms of peripheral vessels;
    • Promoting saturation of the brain with oxygen, increases physical and mental performance.
    • Promotes normal growth and rehabilitation of the body;
    • Stabilizes energy metabolism;
    • Helps relieve pain from arthritis of the joints;
    • Strengthens teeth;
    • Improves metabolism;
    • Regulates acid-base balance;
    • Participates in the process of transmission of nerve impulses;
    • Improves the absorption of dextrose.


    Fireweed leaves are rich in ascorbic acid (the content of vitamin C is about 4 times more than in lemon). The plant also contains a number of other vitamins, such as A, B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , B 6 , B 9 .

    Vitamin C

    • It is a powerful antioxidant: prevents premature aging, reduces the risk of malignant diseases;
    • Needed in iron metabolism;
    • Improves the muscle tone of the vascular wall;
    • Necessary for the formation of bone tissue, as well as red blood cells;
    • Regulates the concentration of glucose and cholesterol in the blood;
    • Prevents atherosclerosis;
    • Breaks down toxic substances in the body;
    • Significantly reduces the recovery time for most pathologies.

    Vitamin A
    • Plays an important role in redox reactions;
    • Participates in the processes of protein formation;
    • Improves the functions of cell membranes;
    • Prevents premature aging;
    • Improves immunity;
    • Activates the formation of collagen: rejuvenates the skin, helps to eliminate wrinkles;
    • Necessary for vision: provides the synthesis of retinal pigments;
    • It has an antioxidant effect, prevents the formation of malignant tumors;
    • Inhibits the formation of "bad" cholesterol;
    • Normalizes the concentration of glucose in the blood;
    • Participates in the formation of steroid hormones and male germ cells.
    Vitamin B 1
    • Reduces the level of the amino acid homocysteine, the excess of which leads to heart attacks and strokes;
    • Provides methionine synthesis;
    • Regulates nitrogen metabolism;
    • Normalizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood serum;
    • Removes excess lipids from the liver;
    • Normalizes the acidity of the digestive juice;
    • Accelerates recovery from bacterial and viral infections;
    • Improves the state of nicotine intoxication;
    • Reduces the negative impact of stress.
    Vitamin B 2
    • Normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
    • Participates in the formation of red blood cells;
    • Supports immunity, participates in the formation of immunoglobulins;
    • Increases visual acuity, relieves eye fatigue;
    • Stimulates the work of the brain;
    • Increases resistance to stress;
    • Normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Improves the absorption of vitamin B 6 .
    Vitamin B 3 (nicotinic acid)
    • Provides normal tissue growth;
    • Optimizes lipid metabolism;
    • Reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
    • Eliminates headache;
    • Reduces the risk of diabetes and hypertension;
    • Increases joint mobility;
    • Helps form a number of hormones.
    Vitamin B 6
    • Provides full assimilation of proteins and fats;
    • Helps to cure a wide range of nervous and skin pathologies;
    • Relieves nausea ;
    • Provides the formation of complete nucleic acids that prevent aging;
    • Helps with night pains in the muscles, cramps in the legs, numbness of the hands, etc.;
    • Acts as a natural diuretic.
    Vitamin B 9 (folic acid)
    • Regulates the maturation of red blood cells, ensures normal hematopoiesis;
    • Plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin;
    • Provides good digestion;
    • It has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system and the mood of a person;
    • It is necessary in the process of formation of most organs of the fetus (therefore, it is necessary during pregnancy).

    Ivan tea properties

    • Antimicrobial;
    • Anti-inflammatory;
    • Antipyretic;
    • Anticonvulsant;
    • enveloping;
    • Astringent;
    • Sedative (soothing);
    • Hypnotic;
    • Painkiller;
    • Antioxidant;
    • Vascular strengthening;
    • Hemostatic.
    The antimicrobial properties of Ivan tea have been successfully used in folk medicine to treat various infectious diseases, such as infections of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Ivan tea is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent used for a variety of inflammatory diseases. Among them, male and female inflammatory pathologies of the reproductive system, as well as inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, digestive tract, and urinary system should be distinguished. Also, fireweed helps with colds and acute respiratory infections, but only if the plant preparations were started in the first two days after the first symptoms of the disease appeared. If you start using Ivan tea later, then either there will be no effect, or it will be the opposite.

    Fireweed narrow-leaved has a pronounced enveloping and astringent effect - therefore, the plant is recommended for use in pathologies of the digestive tract - gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer.

    Like motherwort, Ivan tea has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect.

    The antioxidant property of fireweed is provided by the content of plant phenolic compounds in it, which are especially strong antioxidants, as well as vitamins A and C. Thanks to this property, fireweed is often recommended as a means of prolonging youth.

    The vascular-strengthening property of fireweed is due to the content of bioflavonoids in it, which strengthen the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, making them less brittle, more elastic, and also protect them from the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

    What does Ivan tea treat?

    Ivan tea is used for the following pathologies:
    • nausea, vomiting ;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • decreased visual acuity;
    • BPH;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • migraine;
    • insomnia;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • neuroses;
    • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • anemia;
    • bronchitis, pneumonia;
    • acute respiratory infections, influenza;
    • menopause, menopause;
    • irregular, heavy periods;
    • whites;
    • oncological diseases;
    • intoxication, including alcohol;
    • smoking (helps quit).

    Ivan tea: composition, properties, preparation - video

    Koporye tea


    Fireweed tea has been known since ancient times. In the 12th century, Alexander Nevsky recaptured the fortress from the Teutonic Knights and destroyed it. On the site of the fortress, the village of Koporie arose, the inhabitants of which were most successful in harvesting and selling tea from fireweed angustifolia. Therefore, he subsequently received a second name - Koporye tea. It is also called Ivan-chai, Russian tea. This drink is mentioned in ancient Russian manuscripts, it was popular even at the time of the founding of Moscow, it was also loved in Europe.

    At the end of the 19th century, Ivan tea began to seriously compete with Indian tea, which was exclusively traded by the British East India Company. Great Britain, owning huge tea plantations in South Asia, regularly bought thousands of tons of Russian tea, since it was very popular among the inhabitants of the island. Subsequently, under the pretext that producers of Koporye tea add white clay to it, the import of the product was stopped. Koporye quickly fell into disrepair.

    Useful properties of Ivan-tea (Koporsky tea)

    Ivan-tea, which has a great aroma and pleasant taste, is very useful plant with a number of medicinal properties.

    Dentists recognize its anti-inflammatory effects as well as its ability to prevent tooth decay. Therapists note that when using willow-tea, the body's resistance to respiratory viral infectious diseases increases, the function of the liver and kidneys normalizes, and potency increases. When using willow-tea in the body, the blood begins to be cleansed, and its composition is optimized. Thanks to this, the drink is used in the treatment of food, alcohol and nicotine intoxications, and accelerates the recovery of patients. Even Tibetan monks use fireweed angustifolia to treat the skin, and Chinese healers - for certain bleeding. In medical sources, there are references to the ability of fireweed to increase fertility. In Soviet times, Ivan-tea was used to prepare the antitumor drug Hanerol, which proved to be effective in studies.


    Fireweed leaves are distributed on paper or fabric with a layer no higher than 5 cm, for 15-24 hours. Leaves should be stirred from time to time so that wilting occurs evenly and the upper leaves do not dry out.


    Grinding between the palms, fireweed leaves are twisted into small spiral sausages, about 5-10 cm long. Twisting is done until the leaves turn dark from the released juice.


    Spindle-shaped sausages made from twisted fireweed leaves are placed in an enamel bowl, spreading them with a layer 5 cm high. The leaves are covered with a piece of wet cloth from above and placed in a warm place (at a temperature of 24-27 degrees) for 6-12 hours. The higher the temperature of the environment, the which tea is placed, the faster fermentation occurs. Fermentation is considered sufficient if the herbal smell of the leaves changes to a strong floral-fruity aroma.

    Important! Leaves should not be placed in an environment with too high a temperature, or fermented for longer than the recommended time - in this case, fireweed tea, as a rule, acquires an unpleasant odor and loses its positive taste.


    After fermentation is completed, the leaves are cut into small pieces, placed in a sieve or baking sheet, which are pre-lined with parchment paper. The crushed tea is evenly distributed over the surface of the paper with a layer of no more than 1.5 cm, and dried at a temperature of 100 degrees for 1 hour. It is recommended to dry willow-tea in special dryers. Periodically, you should check the readiness of tea to the touch. Well-dried fireweed is very similar in appearance to ordinary black tea, but it clearly surpasses it in strength and strength of aroma. If you squeeze a tea leaf between your fingers, it should break, but not crumble into powder. When all the tea has reached the above-described condition, the drying temperature is reduced, and the draft is significantly increased.

    Important! Do not overexpose tea in the dryer. If the fermented fireweed is dried for too long, or if high temperature- tea will "give" paper.


    Fermented and dried fireweed, like regular tea from the leaves of the tea bush, should be stored in a hermetically sealed container. The most convenient dish for storing ready-made Ivan tea at home is a glass jar with a nylon lid.

    Reviews about Koporye tea

    Many people, having once tried improperly prepared Ivan tea, are disappointed in this drink, considering its taste unpleasant. This happens when a non-professional was engaged in the preparation of raw materials. If a branded conveyor-made product was used to brew the drink, its taste can also be disappointing. In addition, such a product is usually quite expensive.

    Most phytotherapists and herbalists agree that in order to make really high-quality Ivan tea, all manipulations with a leaf of fireweed must be done manually.

    Therefore, in order to appreciate tea from fireweed angustifolia, it is extremely important to follow all the rules for collecting, fermenting, drying and storing the leaves of the plant.

    Connoisseurs of Koporye tea unanimously claim that a properly prepared leaf of angust-leaved fireweed allows you to prepare a drink that surpasses the most the best varieties regular tea. Well, as far as health benefits are concerned, then ordinary tea made from the leaf of camellia sinensis cannot be compared with Ivan tea.

    Koporye tea recipe: collecting, fermenting and drying Ivan tea - video

    Which tea is healthier: Ivan tea or "Indian" tea

    In Russia, the import of Koporye tea from abroad, as well as its sale within the country, were banned, although the drink is harmless to health. Gradually, Indian tea began to gain popularity in all sectors of society, and Ivan tea was undeservedly forgotten.

    The consequences of such a massive passion for foreign teas are far from always positive. Many nutritionists and doctors are sure that this hobby is to blame for the increase in the number of strokes, myocardial infarctions, and nervous breakdowns. And all this is due to the fact that tea from the leaves of the tea bush (camellia sinensis) contains a large amount of caffeine. The human body, which in the process of evolution has never encountered such an amount of caffeine entering it, simply cannot absorb and utilize it completely.

    Everyone knows that caffeine increases activity and activates the processes of excitation in the cerebral cortex, and also increases motor activity. The alkaloids contained in the leaves of camellia sinensis, and, subsequently, in the drink, have a stimulating effect on the heart. The contractions of the heart muscle increase and intensify. Subsequently, a person feels a certain surge of strength. However, such an unnatural "warming up" of the body is accompanied by high energy costs. Regular consumption of caffeine large quantities nerve cells are depleted, and over time, a person will feel tired, which will last much longer than a short burst of energy after a cup of tea. Therefore, doctors and nutritionists are increasingly agreeing that camellia sinensis tea should not be consumed regularly - this drink will be useful once a week, and for some - even once a month.

    Caffeine is contraindicated in many pathologies: insomnia, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Excessive consumption of drinks rich in caffeine causes an exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract. Also, tea tannins activate the excretion of elements such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus from the body. Thus, tea, like coffee, exhausts people who consume it daily, and in large quantities. However, moderate consumption of tea, especially green tea, is recognized as beneficial.

    Ivan-chai, in turn, does not contain caffeine. It contains substances that bring only benefits to the body. Therefore, Koporye tea for most people, in comparison with ordinary tea, is a healthier drink.

    Ivan tea for prostate adenoma

    Prostate adenoma is an unpleasant and dangerous disease from which no man is immune. Most herbalists confirm that Ivan tea helps with prostate adenoma. It is believed that the phytosterols contained in the plant slow down or stop prostate hyperplasia.

    Regular intake of Ivan-tea, as well as the encapsulated preparation of the plant, allows many patients to avoid surgical intervention, since the gland ceases to increase in size. German phytotherapists state the following: “Willow tea water extract has been proven to have a powerful anti-inflammatory and healing effect in acute and chronic prostate pathologies in the first and second stages of adenoma, in cystitis, and can also be used in combination with other drugs after surgery on In case of pathologies of the prostate gland, in addition to narrow-leaved willow tea, eating pumpkin seeds helps, which speeds up the healing process.

    The substance contained in the fireweed angustifolia, and providing the main therapeutic effect, is called beta-sitosterol. In the treatment of prostate adenoma, beta-sitosterol plays an important role, since it reduces the likelihood of prostate hyperplasia, as well as malignant degeneration of its cells. Also, this substance reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood plasma, and normalizes metabolism. German pharmacists B. Theis and P. Theis proved that preparations from fireweed angustifolia inhibit inflammation in the prostate, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of adenoma.

    When used together with other plants, for example, as part of fees, the therapeutic effect is complementary and enhanced. Infusions of such fees should be consumed in courses.

    Gathering 1

    Collection Components:
    • Fireweed narrow-leaved - 3 tablespoons;
    • Stinging nettle root - 2 tbsp;
    • Goldenrod - 2 tablespoons;
    • Horsetail, hop cones and cumin - 1 pc.
    Dry all ingredients, grind and mix. Pour the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for about 30 minutes, filter. Infusion drink 3 times a day before meals, 1/3 cup.

    Gathering 2

    Collection Components:
    • Ivan-tea rhizome and licorice root - 10 parts each;
    • Echinacea purpurea root - 3 parts;
    • Schisandra chinensis leaf - 2 parts.
    Dry the ingredients, chop and mix. Brew one tablespoon of the mixture with boiling water in a volume of 400 ml, and 10 minutes. cook on low heat. Leave for 30 minutes, then filter through triple cheesecloth. Take orally 100 ml 3 times a day, before meals.

    Gathering 3

    In dried and crushed form, mix in equal proportions the leaves of willow-herb, common strawberry, hazel and birch. Brew four tablespoons of the mixture with 400 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, let it brew, filter through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Can be used internally without restrictions. Sugar or sweeteners should not be added.

    Infusion for prostate adenoma

    3 tsp dry chopped herbs willow-tea brew 400 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 5-10 minutes, filter. This infusion is best drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach, or before going to bed, 150-200 ml at a time.

    Ivan tea can be brewed as usual - one teaspoon of tea per 200-250 ml of boiling water. This drink eliminates inflammation of the prostate, stops further hyperplasia of the gland, improves the readings of urological tests. In addition, this drink reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms.

    Modern studies of the properties of willow tea allow us to recommend it to all men over 50 years old, since this medicinal herb does not bring any harm, while calming the nervous system and normalizes sleep.

    Ivan tea in the treatment of cancer

    Since Ivan-tea contains a number of useful vitamins, trace elements and organic matter, it can be recommended for chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as a tonic and vitamin remedy.

    However, the benefits of Ivan tea in the treatment of oncology do not end there. There are scientific data on the antitumor properties of fireweed angustifolia. These properties are provided by the content in the plant of the active substance hanerol, which has antitumor activity. Back in the 80s, Soviet scientists developed the Hanerol drug, which, according to research results, turned out to be an effective antitumor agent for certain types of cancer. However, for a number of reasons, the production of the drug was closed.

    Ivan tea for excess weight and double chin

    Known folk recipe drinking Ivan tea with a pinch of salt. It is drunk in 150 ml, half an hour before meals. Thanks to this, it will go away excess weight and also you will get rid of a double chin. It appears due to violations in the functioning of the salivary glands. Salivary glands become deficient in salt and increase saliva production to prevent chewing and swallowing problems. The flow of blood to the glands increases, the vessels begin to secrete lymphoid fluid for the formation of saliva. However, the lymphoid fluid also penetrates beyond the salivary glands, accumulating in the subcutaneous space of the chin and neck. When using salted Ivan-tea, this process stops, and the second chin disappears over time.

    Salted willow tea is similar in composition to kelp. Therefore, steamed tea can not be thrown away, but eaten like greens for meat and fish dishes.

    Ivan tea honey (fireweed honey)

    Ivan-tea honey is usually called fireweed honey. Fireweed angustifolium has a number of medicinal properties, and it contains a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients. Of course, the bees do not know about this, but they still diligently collect nectar from its flowers.

    Such an addiction of bees is quite understandable: Ivan-tea is an excellent honey plant. Due to its wonderful smell, it attracts bees from great distances. From the collected nectar, very fragrant, tasty and healthy honey is obtained.

    Fireweed honey has earned its popularity among lovers and connoisseurs good varieties honey. However, it has not yet gained mass popularity, perhaps due to its specific appearance.

    Ivan-tea honey is yellowish or slightly greenish, in consistency, like cream. It is quickly sugared, so clots are formed in it, resembling grains or snowflakes. When honey is candied, it takes on a lighter shade, which puzzles many people. Many begin to suspect that they were sold low-quality honey, or it was diluted sugar syrup. However, only a few connoisseurs of this product know that Ivan tea honey is one of the most common in Russia.

    As a result, ignorant people, wishing to purchase high-quality, natural honey, often opt for a beautiful but useless fake. Dyes and other food additives, not always of natural origin, are added to it, which allow turning honey into a beautiful uniform mass. It is very difficult to get the benefit of such a product, but you can get poisoned by it, since it is not always possible to find out in advance what substances were added to it to create the perfect color.

    In addition to poisoning, allergic reactions can develop on fake honey. But natural honey from Ivan tea can rarely cause allergies. As a rule, it helps the human body get used to various foods in the diet, and also increases its resistance to external factors. Of course, only natural fireweed honey has such an effect, which, if desired, can be easily learned to distinguish from the best fakes.

    Properties and application

    Ivan-tea honey has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Our ancestors understood that honey has everything useful action, which the narrow-leaved fireweed itself possesses. Therefore, it was used to treat the same pathologies.

    Scientists are still only studying the properties of this variety of honey. However, even today it finds application as a cosmetic product. It is added to scrubs and creams to make the skin softer and healthier. In recipes that have come to us from time immemorial, you can find many interesting ways to use fireweed honey. For example, they were smeared with it in a bath, then removed, after which they washed the body well - such a procedure cleanses, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, eliminating wrinkles. Such properties of honey were noticed by cosmetic manufacturers, and they began to add it to many cosmetic products in order to act on the skin in a natural way.

    Of great interest is the practice of using honey from willow tea in the treatment of pathologies of the skin and mucous membranes (only natural honey is used, without any additives). Many experts did not immediately believe in this, but scientific data have shown to confirm the effectiveness of such therapy. People successfully treat boils, boils, acne and other problem areas of the skin with fireweed honey. Just like Ivan tea itself, honey from it has antiseptic properties - it destroys pathogens, cleanses the skin - and the disease recedes.

    Of course, fireweed honey is not a panacea for all skin diseases, so you should not count on miraculous healing. If, for example, the origin of a skin rash is associated with some internal disturbances or pathological processes, honey will not be effective in its treatment. Therefore, doctors recommend starting to engage in medical treatment only after examination by a dermatologist. If you take up the treatment of a skin disease with honey, without finding out its cause, you can even worsen your condition.

    There are still discussions among nutritionists and other doctors about the properties and range of applications of honey from willow tea. In the people, it is used not only for skin problems, but also for pathologies of internal organs. At the same time, the range of recommendations for its use in traditional medicine is so wide that sometimes narrow-leaved fireweed was considered a witch's potion. However, without a doubt, it can be argued that fireweed honey helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For this, 1 tsp. honey is diluted in a cup of warm boiled water, and drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach. Such a pleasant medicine stabilizes the work of the intestines, destroys pathogenic bacteria and lowers the acidity of gastric juice. In view of this property of Ivan-tea honey, it is often used as part of the treatment of hyperacid gastritis. Accordingly, with gastritis with severely low acidity, fireweed honey is not recommended.

    Also, nutritionists and traditional medicine experts recommend eating 1 tsp. fireweed honey, as it saturates the body with vitamins, and also increases its defensive forces. However, you should not eat it excessively, because with daily and excessive use, fireweed honey can adversely affect the state of health, simply because any substance that brings only crawling in adequate quantities can cause intoxication.

    The therapeutic and prophylactic properties of honey from willow-herb tea were appreciated in cardiology and psychotherapy. Natural fireweed honey improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle, and has a positive effect on arterial and intracranial pressure. If a person has insomnia, you can eat a teaspoon of honey before going to bed and drink it with cool water (you should not drink honey with hot water, as this significantly reduces its useful qualities). This recommendation also applies to persons who have any disorders of the nervous system.

    Thus, moderate and correct usage natural fireweed honey can only strengthen your health, invigorate and fill you with strength. And before going to bed, on the contrary, it will help you relax and enjoy a restful, restorative sleep.


    Ivan-tea is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity to any substances of the plant.

    According to popular beliefs, Ivan tea should not be drunk in large quantities by men, as this can lead to a decrease in potency. However, this belief is not scientifically confirmed, so trusting this recommendation or not is an individual matter.

    Since the use of fireweed honey leads to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, it is not recommended for gastritis with low acidity.

    Side effects

    With prolonged and immoderate intake of Ivan-tea, an intestinal disorder may occur, which disappears on its own when you stop taking fireweed preparations. Before use, you should consult with a specialist. Application, recipes and medicinal properties fireweed (ivan - tea) in folk medicine.

    Medicinal plant fireweed. Family: Cyprus.
    fireweed and has other names: Koporye tea, plakun, Kuril tea, Ivan-tea, narrow-leaved chamerion, mother liquor, drema, dremukha, narrow-leaved fireweed, skrypnik, down jacket, bread box, fur, monastic tea, Russian tea and other names.

    Ivan - tea heals many ailments. Video

    HEALING PROPERTIES. Fireweed It is a herbaceous, perennial plant. In height - up to two meters. It has a thick rhizome, creeping, up to one meter in length, with numerous shoots. Stem erect, slightly branched or simple, glabrous and rounded.

    Blooming Sally. Preparation of fireweed, fermentation, drying. Video


    At leaves are long and narrow, on short petioles, lanceolate-linear, pointed at the apex, with sharply prominent veins.

    inflorescence - a conical rare brush, reaching a length of forty cm. A reddish calyx, almost dissected to the base. Large flowers, wide open, purplish-pink, when dried, acquire a shade of blue.

    Fluffy, pod-shaped box - fruits narrow-leaved, up to eight cm long. Very small seeds, with a tuft, numerous, of long hairs.

    Well, it blooms from half of June to half of August, fruits ripen from August to September. The plant reproduces by both rhizomes and seeds, grows throughout Russia.

    Ivan tea (fireweed) prefers loamy and sandy soil, often found in clearings, clearings, in mixed and coniferous forests, near rivers, railways. embankments, on drained peatlands, etc.

    Fireweed - (Ivan - tea). Benefit and harm. Video

    Also, use fireweed at as an emollient, astringent, wound healing and enveloping agent.

    Fireweed decoction of herbs is used for rinsing with sore throat.


    Blooming Sally. Syrup. A photo.

    The use of fireweed - Ivan - tea, Koporsky tea. In Tibetan medicine fireweed grass angustifolia apply from headache, smallpox, as an antipyretic sleeping pill, scrofula, a rhizomes apply when gonorrhea and syphilis.birch branches broom and blooming fireweed(from July to August) - this is something wonderful!


    For cosmetic purposes, fireweed flowers infusion: (a spoonful of Art. on boiling water Art.) is used for steam baths and before . The procedure lasts ten minutes, it is done every day or every other day for a week.

    Anti-inflammatory mask from fireweed: ten ml. flowers on the vodka, on the tip of a knife salt and oatmeal, mix until liquid sour cream and apply on the face for ten to fifteen minutes.

    INfusions and decoctions of IVAN - TEA (fireweed)

    Fireweed herb infusion: twenty gr. dried raw materials pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for a couple of hours, decant. Take a spoonful. three times - four times a day before meals.

    DECORATE OF CYPRUS. fifteen gr. raw materials pour a glass of boiling water, boil for fifteen minutes, insist an hour and a half, then decant. 1 spoon st. three times a day before meals.

    Fireweed JUICE from fresh with tops of leaves wring out. Take half - a whole spoonful of Art. with the same amount honey four times a day before meals.

    Fireweed ROOT BATCH: ten gr. roots crushed pour two hundred and fifty ml. boiling water, boil twenty minutes, decant. Take a tablespoon, several times a day.

    PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. CYPRUS. BLOOMING SALLY. Contraindications, as such no. There may be signs of individual intolerance. When applied long tea, may cause disorder some people.

    Be healthy!

    Fireweed, treatment with fireweed (Ivan - tea). Video

    Fireweed - how to cook and what heals. Video

    Julia Vern 16 568 3

    A plant with a beautiful, truly Russian name - Ivan-tea is familiar to all rural residents for its tall growth and long stems strewn with bright red flowers, which grows everywhere near country roads, forest edges and water meadows.

    The botanical name of Ivan-tea is narrow-leaved fireweed - a perennial plant, reaching a height of up to 2 m per season. The stems of the plant are straight, simple, abundantly leafy. The leaves are alternate, with short petioles, wedge-shaped, about 14 cm long and up to 3 cm wide. The upper surface of the leaves is dark green, the lower surface is gray-green or pale pink. The flowers are bisexual, 2 to 4 cm in diameter and, depending on the species, can be light gray, pale pink or bright red.

    Fruit ripening in late August, early September. Like the whole family of fireweeds, the fruits are arranged along the stem from bottom to top. The fruits are a fluffy capsule containing 5 to 12 oblong seeds.

    Fireweed angustifolia is distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, preferring dry sandy places with good access to direct sunlight. Fireweed is the first plant that populates conflagrations. Ivan-tea seeds have a very high level of germination - they can sprout in a few years, waiting for favorable conditions. Very often, fireweed grows in wild raspberries and along the perimeter of crops or rural plots.

    Since the 12th century, a drink made from Ivan-tea has been widespread in Rus', not only among the poor classes, but also among the rich representatives of the royal court. An infusion of fireweed leaves and flowers was called Koporye tea, after the same name of the settlement of Koporye, in which the servants of the local monastery used the drink as medicinal product from many diseases.

    Overseas sailors liked Koporye tea very much, and they first brought Ivan tea to England, from where it quickly spread to other European countries.

    Many historical sources are silent about the fact that Koporye tea significantly exceeded the consumption of Indian tea in England, even if this country had long owned a serious tea production in colonized India.

    Ivan tea began to be forgotten in Europe not at all through the fault of competitors who distributed Indian and Chinese varieties of tea around the world, but because of our Russian people, who, due to gossip and intrigue, were still able to force Kopor tea out of the Russian market and flood it , a more expensive Indian and Chinese product.

    To date, many have heard about the Ivan-chai plant, but rare residents of our country regularly drink tea from it. More often, an infusion of leaves and flowers of fireweed is used in folk medicine.

    The chemical composition and economic use of Ivan-tea

    The roots and young leaves of the plant are rich in tannins, which contain from 10% to 20% of the total mass of the extracted elements, and in adult leaves - up to 15% of mucus. Stems and leaves, before the beginning of the flowering period, are rich in protein - about 20%.

    In addition, 100 g of fresh fireweed contains:

    • up to 588 mg% of ascorbic acid, which is 6 times more than in the pulp of a fresh lemon, medium in size;
    • iron - 23 mg;
    • manganese - 16 mg;
    • boron - 6 mg;
    • nickel - 1.3 mg;
    • molybdenum - 0.44 mg;
    • salts of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, lithium and cobalt, in a total amount of up to 132 mg.

    In addition to food purposes, fireweed angustifolia perfectly copes with decorative tasks - it is often sown in wildlife sanctuaries, nature reserves, city parks and flower beds.

    Due to the high content of protein and trace elements in the green part, willow-tea is a good food for pets. Abundant thickets of willow-herb and its almost constant flowering throughout the season create favorable conditions for honey bees, which produce fragrant, very sweet, transparent fireweed honey.

    The root system of fireweed is abundant, highly branched, which is actively used to strengthen railway and highway embankments, the edges of ravines and the banks of nimble rivers.

    Interesting to know!
    In the Caucasus, from the dried roots of willow-tea, flour is produced, from which bread is obtained, which is practically not inferior in taste and nutritional properties to rye.

    Due to the high content of carbohydrates, fireweed roots ferment and expel alcohol of good quality.

    The stems and leaves have good bast properties, due to the abundance of plant fiber in their structure, due to which, in ancient times in Rus', and now in some Caucasian settlements, ropes are woven.

    Young stems, roots and leaves of fireweed can be eaten raw, making salads from them, saturated with vitamin C and trace elements. The nutritional value of lettuce, due to the high amount of easily digestible protein, is not much inferior to dishes from beans and peas.

    Ivan tea in science

    Domestic researchers have devoted enough attention to the narrow-leaved fireweed, which not every representative of the Russian flora can boast of. A high anti-inflammatory effect and enveloping properties of decoctions and infusions of plant parts have been scientifically proven, due to the high content of tannins and mucus from them. Extracts and extracts from the roots of fireweed are widely used to treat inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system and prostate.

    In the 70s of the XX century, scientists of the All-Russian Oncological center of RAMS, from willow-herb inflorescences in the active vegetation phase, the drug hanerol was obtained, which has an anticancer effect due to cytostatic and hemagglutinating activity.

    At the end of the 20th century, on the basis of the Belarusian Research Institute, the ability of fireweed to reduce the activity of the herpes virus was studied in detail.

    In 1997, in the St. Petersburg Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy, data appeared on the stable anti-allergic and decongestant properties of leaf and root extracts of fireweed angustifolia.

    Ivan tea and folk herbal medicine

    The medicinal possibilities of Ivan tea have been known for a long time, since the time of the Koporye monks, who, as already mentioned, successfully used infusions from parts of the plant for many diseases.

    The main beneficial properties of Ivan tea:

    • Regular use of infusions from the leaves of willow-tea helps to improve hematopoiesis.
    • Due to the content of tannins, it has a sufficient anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial effect, especially in the genitourinary and digestive systems of the body, as well as against the herpes virus and venereal disease pathogens.
    • Fireweed narrow-leaved is useful in the fight against neurosis, insomnia, anxiety. Improves mood, reduces the level of aggression - has a mild calming effect on the brain.
    • Ivan-tea infusions have an overwhelming effect on the development of atypical cells in cancer.

    How to brew Ivan tea

    For internal use, decoctions and infusions of parts of the plant are used. Decoctions are prepared from the underground part of the fireweed, and infusions are prepared from the soft parts of fireweed - leaves, flowers and stems, in order to avoid the destruction of useful elements by prolonged exposure to high temperature.

    For the infusion, you need a tablespoon of dry leaves per 250 ml of boiling water, in which the mixture is infused for 20 minutes. Take half a cup, twice a day on an empty stomach, in the morning and in the evening.

    For a decoction, you need 4 tablespoons of dry rhizomes. It is necessary to boil for half an hour, followed by a two-hour infusion, in one liter of water. Apply a tablespoon, three times a day, on an empty stomach.

    It is necessary to use infusions and decoctions of Ivan-tea for no more than a month, followed by a one and a half month break, in order to avoid stress on the central nervous system.

    There are few contraindications for the use of Ivan tea. In addition to regular one and a half month breaks, infusions and decoctions are not recommended for use at the age of less than six years, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

    Fireweed narrow-leaved ("Ivan-tea") refers to perennial herbaceous plants from the cypress family. It has an unbranched, straight, succulent stem, reaching a height of 75-200 cm. The rhizome is creeping, well developed, has numerous processes and can reach 100 cm in length. The leaves are sessile (with a short petiole), alternate, elongated in shape with a somewhat pointed apex.

    The flowers of fireweed angustifolia are wide open, bright pink or purple in color, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe top of the plant they are collected in a conical tassel. The fruit is represented by an elongated box with many small seeds inside. Distinctive feature fireweed seeds are considered to have a tuft (from fluffs), due to which they can scatter very far from the source plant. The flowering time of Ivan-tea falls on the summer period - from June to mid-August, the fruits ripen in late July-August.

    This plant is common throughout the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia, fireweed grows in the coniferous forests of Siberia and the European part. The preferred habitat is light forests, sandy places, clearings and edges, ditches and railway embankments, as well as places with crops.

    Preparation and storage of fireweed

    Ivan-tea is harvested during the flowering period, carefully cutting or breaking off the stems. Since this plant is a perennial, it is impossible to uproot the stems. It is also imperative to leave at least a quarter of the population so that the fireweed can bloom and produce seeds. It is better to prepare Ivan tea from darkened places, because then the tea will be tastier - such leaves are easy to roll and ferment better, and, conversely, the leaves of plants in the open sun are drier and rougher, which makes them difficult to roll and less juicy.

    For drying, several tops with flowers should be tied together and hung. In this case, the flowers should dry well, and if they seem damp when checking, they can be dried in a non-hot oven (at 50 ° C) or a non-hot oven. Dried flowers must be cut off and stored in a place protected from moisture. Separate drying of flowers is also allowed: flowers must be picked from the stems and evenly spread out on paper (but not newsprint) or fabric.

    Dried and fermented fireweed should be stored in a container with the possibility of hermetic closure, similar to how ordinary tea is stored. An ordinary glass jar with a nylon lid is best suited for this. Until the moment of use, dried willow-tea is recommended to withstand at least 30 days. At the same time, its taste qualities only increase with the duration of the shelf life.

    Application in everyday life

    In the Caucasus, fireweed was used to make flour for baking bread, as well as making an alcoholic drink. Young leaves, shoots and roots are considered edible and can replace cabbage or asparagus. Boiled roots can be used instead of potatoes. Fireweed down is a wonderful filler for pillows. In ancient times, it was used as yarn and tents were knitted, and the fibers of the stem were used to create ropes.

    Earlier in Russia, a hot drink made from Ivan tea, called "Koporsky tea", was very popular. In everyday life, this plant is an excellent feed for livestock (served ensiled and fresh), as well as a good summer honey plant. Fireweed angustifolia is often used as an ornamental plant. Suitable for fixing ravines, soil, highway and railway embankments.

    The composition and medicinal properties of fireweed

    1. Fireweed angustifolia is endowed with many properties and can be used as: soothing, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, enveloping, wound healing, choleretic, hemostatic, emollient, hematopoietic, analgesic, detoxifying, antitumor, lactogenic, and also an antioxidant agent.
    2. The excellent calming effect of fireweed is used in the treatment of insomnia, various neuroses, states of anxiety and fear.
    3. For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers with high acidity, enteritis, gastritis, enterocolitis), this plant is used as an enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent.
    4. The high-molecular type hanerol compound contained in fireweed has an antitumor effect, due to which willow-herb is considered wonderful. medicinal plant for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis, malignant and benign formations, as well as prostate adenoma.
    5. In folk medicine, fireweed is prescribed for headaches, diseases of the spleen, hair loss, in the presence of stones in the kidneys and liver, for the prevention of caries, increased potency, recuperation after exhaustion, normalization blood pressure, treatment of inflammation of the throat, nose and ears, with alcohol and food poisoning.
    6. External use of the decoction is advisable for sore throats and inflammations (rinsing), as well as for poorly healing ulcers and wounds (washing).
    7. At the same time, to accelerate the healing of wounds, it is allowed to use dry, powdered grass (as powders).
    8. Also, Ivan-tea is used in the form of poultices, as an analgesic for arthralgia and bruises.
    9. The use of fireweed in folk medicine

      Fireweed mask anti-inflammatory

      Mix 10 ml of infusion of fireweed flowers on vodka with oatmeal and "Extra" salt (on the tip of a knife) to get a liquid creamy consistency. Apply the finished mask on the face, hold for 10-15 minutes.

      Fireweed herb tincture for gastritis, ulcers, enteritis

      Pour 20 g of raw materials into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Separate the liquid by straining and take 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3-4 times a day.

      Fireweed decoction with sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder

      For 200 ml hot water take 15 g of dry grass and boil for 15 minutes. Then insist 1-1.5 hours and strain. Use 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

      Fresh fireweed juice with honey for recovery after a serious illness and cancer

      Squeeze the juice from fresh young fireweed leaves, including the tops of the stems. Take 0.5-1 tbsp. l. 1 to 1 with honey, four times daily before meals.

      Fireweed extract against oncology and for prevention

      Take a whole fireweed plant (with a root), wash, chop into a jar, pour vodka to cover the greens, close tightly. Infuse for a week in a dark place. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day (for prevention - 2 times) immediately before meals.

      A decoction of the roots for gargling and washing poorly healing wounds

      Pour 10 g of ground fireweed rhizomes with 250 ml of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. Then strain and drink at intervals of 1 tbsp. l. three to four times a day.


      Fireweed narrow-leaved does not have any contraindications. The only exception is the presence of individual intolerance in specific people. And long-term use of fireweed tea can lead to indigestion.