Grass hemlock application for cancer where it grows. Hemlock - medicinal properties and contraindications of herbs

Readers are often asked to tell about this legendary plant, which is credited with miraculous cures for cancer. I heard from doctors working in clinics in small towns and villages about real cases of recovery with the help of hemlock tincture. But we must remember that hemlock is a poisonous plant, and it should be used only as a last resort for malignant tumors, when all possible medical measures have been taken: chemotherapy, radiation, and used to help them, and not instead. And of course, you should not use it for the "prevention" of cancer. Hemlock poison accumulates in the liver and disrupts its work forever. This can be accepted when it comes to life and death, but killing the liver for “preventive purposes” is at least strange. There are more harmless and no less effective ways cleansing the body of carcinogens. In addition, unsystematic repeated intake of tincture of the drug can lead to the appearance of individual cells - degenerates, which almost do not respond to any medicines. In addition, there is a high probability of a malfunction in the immune system. And what happens when the time comes for the hemlock to fight a real, real tumor?

The main active ingredients of hemlock are alkaloids (poisons): coniine, pseudoconiine, propylpiperidine. They slow down the cell division of tumors. But, unfortunately, this poison has a negative effect on normally dividing cells. Usually full course according to proven methods (Tishchenko, Danikova) does not lead to side effects. The main purpose of hemlock tincture is immunostimulation.

For the human body, the poison coniin is an antigen. The body, rejecting it, produces antibodies that are activated and destroy cancer cells.

Treatment with this remedy is effective, especially for leukemia and metastatic tumors with a prognosis of a complete cure or the transition of the disease to the stage of remission. But the use of any remedy, and especially such as hemlock tincture, should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Hemlock - biennial herbaceous plant from the umbrella family. In the first year, a bunch of basal leaves and hemlock develops, very similar to parsley in leaves and roots, which was the cause of repeated poisoning. In the second year, a branched stem up to two meters high develops strongly. It is furrowed, naked, with a bluish coating, and below with reddish-brown spots. The leaves are vaginal, glabrous, on long petioles, pinnate, with ovate-oval leaves, the flowers are small, white, collected in an inflorescence - a complex umbrella. The fruits are grayish-green ovoid two-seedlings with wavy ribs, similar to dill seeds. The plant has a sharp unpleasant mouse smell. Blooms from May to September. Hemlock is a very common plant. Likes to grow near damp places, but does not tolerate moisture itself. Often found along railway tracks, near rivers and lakes, on the edge of vegetable gardens and along fences.

For treatment, it is better to collect fresh inflorescences. The raw materials are torn off, put in a half-liter jar and chopped with the tips of scissors, then poured into another container, for example, a three-liter bottle (this is about a course of treatment), in which it will be infused. There should already be some vodka in the dishes, because the hemlock "burns", that is, it heats up itself, while losing some of its properties. Shake the content as it fills. It is necessary to collect about a third of the bottle, cut as finely as possible, and if you take inflorescences, then they fill the container to the top and lightly press, on average, the amount is the same. Then the bottle is topped up with vodka and put in the refrigerator or in another dark cool place.

Young hemlock shoots can also be used as raw materials, and this is the best of all types of raw materials. It does not have an irritating and overwhelming effect on the body, moreover, it is a strong pain reliever for cancer.

What if the hemlock has already faded? No problem: he throws out young leaves near the roots - this is an excellent raw material, and seeds will come later - they can also be used. Take by volume two parts of young leaves and seeds to 4 parts of 90-degree alcohol. Hermetically closing the dishes, place in a dark cool place (refrigerator) for 18 days. After this period, the hood is ready for use.

Although fresh tincture is always more effective, hemlock can be dried for future use.

Collection time: May-September. Leaves and flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering and dried in the usual way in the shade in the fresh air separately from other plants. The seeds are collected with umbrellas and dried in the same way as the leaves and flowers. When the umbrellas are dry, the seeds fall out easily. They store raw materials in a hermetically sealed container, separately from other plants: do not forget - this is a strong poison. Shelf life - two years.

The poison coniin, the active substance of hemlock, causes muscle contraction in small doses, and paralysis in toxic doses. Poisoning occurs when stems enter the mouth, mistakenly taken by children for angelica, from which whistles are made, when eating seeds similar to dill, when clogging ridges with vegetable crops. Hemlock causes contact damage to the skin and mucous membranes, occurring as severe allergic reactions. When poisoned by this plant, the limbs become heavy, the poisoned complain of a cooling of the whole body and a feeling of crawling in the limbs, the face is pale, swallowing is difficult, symptoms such as unsteadiness, dizziness, dilated pupils appear, objects blur or fluctuate before the eyes. Burning in the mouth, throat, salivation, nausea, vomiting are noted. In mild cases of poisoning, disorder occurs gastrointestinal tract. In severe - ascending paralysis, which can lead to death from respiratory paralysis. Therefore, care must be taken when harvesting hemlock, after handling it, wash your hands thoroughly.

At the first signs, you need to repeatedly induce vomiting with warm water, linseed or hemp oil. Take orally 5-10% hydrochloric acid solution, 5% tannin solution, 30 tablets activated carbon, saline laxative - 30 g of magnesium sulfate in half a glass of water. It is necessary to take heart remedies - caffeine, camphor, fresh air, warm wrapping, artificial respiration will also help.

Hemlock tincture is prescribed according to the first method of Tishchenko: in the morning on an empty stomach an hour before meals for half a glass of water - one drop of infusion. The next day at the same time - two drops, and so, daily increasing the dose to forty drops. Then, just as gradually, reducing one drop daily, return to one drop.

So it is necessary to repeat 2-3 times, with breaks of 8-12 months.

During these long breaks, treatment with other herbs and fees is mandatory. For some tumors, it is desirable to supplement internal treatment with external treatment, which is carried out in courses of 10 days in a row 2-3 times a year. During breaks, other medicinal herbs are used. There are several methods for taking hemlock, but this one is the safest - here you can, focusing on the condition, prevent overdoses.

Firstly, hemlock is always taken with water, or rather, an aqueous decoction of oregano. It is necessary to take into account its quantity - than more water, the milder the poison is perceived by the body. Up to 13 drops are given in 100 ml of water, from 13 to 26 - 150 ml, and from 26 to 40 - 200 ml of raw water. Do the same when lowering the dose, only in reverse order.

Secondly, monitor your condition: if signs of poisoning appear with 30-35 drops - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness in the legs, etc. - you must stop increasing the dose. Immediately start reducing to one drop. Several cycles are required before recovery. Overdoses are unacceptable - inflammatory processes begin, the condition worsens sharply. In this case, stop taking the hemlock and take a weak solution of potassium permanganate with milk for 3 days, and then start reducing the doses to 1 drop.

In the second method, an aqueous infusion is used. I think that this is generally not only the simplest, but also the most effective. This is the best of the hemlock techniques.

For patients who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation, the most practical working method of taking hemlock in increments of up to 15 drops is recommended. After the dose is increased to 15 drops, all subsequent days, until complete recovery (destruction of the tumor), it is necessary to adhere to this dosage.

This technique gives the highest percentage of recovery, since 15 drops is a well-functioning sparing dose, at which the protective function of healthy cells is not inhibited.

During treatment, it is necessary to keep a diary and note your condition at each new stage of treatment in order to choose your personal optimal dose, at which the body is not oppressed by poison and successfully fights the tumor.

The following are schemes for the individual use of this drug.

Scheme for taking hemlock drops for very debilitated patients and children

1 - - - three days

1 - 1 - three days

1 1 1 - three days

1 1 1 1 three days

2 1 1 1 three days

2 1 2 1 three days

2 2 2 1 three days

2 2 2 2 until recovery

Scheme of taking hemlock drops for debilitated patients

8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 admission deadlines

1 - 1 - three days

1 1 1 1 three days

1 2 1 2 three days

1 2 2 2 three days

2 2 3 2 three days

3 3 3 3 three days

4 3 4 3 three days

4 4 4 4 until recovery

Reception time 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00

terms/preparation of hemlock ASD-2 ASD-2 ASD-2

Week 1-7 drops 5 5 5

Week 8-10 5 10 5

Week 10 10 10 10

Week 10 10 15 10

Week 10 15 15 15

Week 10 15 20 15

Week 10 20 20 20

Week 10 25 25 25

until recovery 10 25 25 25

It is very important to understand that hemlock preparations only destroy cancer cells, but you still need to remove the destruction products from the body. Therefore, in parallel with the hemlock, it is important to take cleansing teas. In addition, herbs will promote the action of hemlock, protect the liver and reduce the negative effects of the poison.

If the patient is treated with hemlock, then usually the pain is minor, and there is often no need to use previously prescribed painkillers and narcotic medications.

In the case when the patient is treated with other herbs and remedies, then just as an anesthetic, it is recommended to additionally drink an alcohol tincture of hemlock, two drops per tablespoon of water five times a day before meals. And during severe pain, it is allowed to take 10 drops of tincture with water (up to two times).

In the treatment of lung cancer, a complex technique is given, using ASD - 2 together with a hemlock. The preparations must be taken 4 times a day, one hour before meals, dropping it into water (from 50 to 100 ml of water per reception). See table 3.

In the treatment of lung cancer, pine pollen is very necessary, it is often sold in the markets. The collected pollen should be sifted, mixed with honey 1: 1 and taken in a dessert spoon 15 minutes before meals or an hour after. Limit milk and kefir while taking ASD - 2, but you can drink it at night. Tea and coffee - to exclude.

And more importantly - your psychological state. I am convinced that for healing it is necessary, at least for a while, to break out of the rut of life, which led to the disease. Other water, air, emotional environment, feasible work on earth and "dissolution" in nature and God - maybe this is happiness and health.

For questions about the treatment of oncological diseases, please contact the author of the Tishchenko methods at:

Spotted hemlock is a poisonous plant that has been used in medicine since ancient times as a healing medicine. Most often, tincture in the presence of malignant neoplasms, even if metastases have appeared. This tool, despite its toxicity, has saved more than one life.

How to collect a plant for making an infusion

Hemlock spotted biennial plant. The height of one specimen reaches 2 m. It has a tubular stem, which is covered with bloom and reddish spots. The leaves of this plant resemble parsley. Hemlock blooms with small white flowers, after which rounded seeds are formed.

Important! When collecting spotted hemlock, you need to be careful, because it is a poisonous plant. All of its parts have a strong toxic effect.

For the preparation of medicines, the leaves and flowers of the hemlock are collected, but if it has healed, you can take seeds that have no less healing properties. Harvesting of raw materials takes place all summer.

by the most large quantity inflorescences have useful substances. It is from them that it is recommended to make tincture. It is best to collect hemlock with rubber gloves, but if you are without them, then you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water after all the manipulations. Do not involve children in this activity, because getting a small amount of plant juice into your mouth can provoke poisoning.

After collecting, in order not to lose the healing properties, you need to immediately grind the raw materials, and then pour a small amount of alcohol. When harvesting hemlock, take a glass jar of alcohol or vodka with you, where you put the plucked inflorescences and leaves. This will save volatile substances, due to which antitumor properties are achieved.

Composition of hemlock spotted

The seeds of the plant contain in large quantities:

  • poisonous alkaloids - coniine, methylconiine, pseudoconhydrin, conicein;
  • tannins;
  • beta carotene;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • vitamin C;
  • fixed oils.

Hemlock leaves have no less active components - caffeic acid, essential oils and a small amount of alkaloids. Small flowers contain quercetin, kaempferol.

Useful properties of a healing agent

The tincture, which is prepared with spotted hemlock, has various qualities, which allows it to be used in the treatment of many diseases.


  • antitumor;
  • wound healing;
  • absorbable;
  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic.

During treatment, a pronounced sedative effect is observed. A person becomes more balanced, sleep is calmer.

The drug has an immunostimulating effect. After a course of treatment, the protective functions of the body increase, it fights viruses, bacteria, and infections better. Seasonal epidemics colds for the person who took the tincture, go unnoticed.

Important! An additional effect of the use of this medicine is a slight diuretic effect.

Most valued for its antitumor effect. It is able to suppress growth and get rid of cancer at any stage, even when metastases have spread in the human body. Also, the drug is used for benign neoplasms.

The poisonous plant is often used as an analgesic or antispasmodic. It is also an excellent anticonvulsant.

What does the tincture treat - application

The use of a medicine that is prepared from the spotted hemlock has saved many lives. Dangerous and poisonous alkaloids that are contained in the plant, in certain doses, have a healing effect on the body. A tincture or extract will help with cancer at different stages.

Hemlock tincture is an indispensable tool in gynecology for the treatment of many female diseases:

  • mastitis;
  • polycystoda;
  • fibroids.

Important! The healing extract will help or other benign formations - polyps, ovarian cysts.

Hemlock is used for the lungs, stomach, thyroid, duodenum, brain and mammary glands. In oncology, this is an indispensable plant that will help get rid of malignant tumors and metastases.

Due to the antiseptic and wound-healing effect of hemlock, it is recommended for the treatment of:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • arteriosclerosis.

Important! The healing extract lowers blood pressure, so it is an excellent medicine in the treatment of hypertension.

This tincture has found its application not only for women, but also for men. This is an indispensable remedy for prostatitis, with malignant tumors of the prostate gland.

Hemlock tincture is used orally or externally for compresses in diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • rheumatism;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthrosis;

Important! Permissible is the use of external tinctures for the treatment of warts, papillomas, fungus. To do this, dilute it in water in a ratio of 1: 1 and apply to the problem area in the form of a compress for 30-40 minutes.

Hemlock has an antispasmodic effect, relieves pain in headaches or other localizations of pain, helps with Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, chorea, whooping cough.

The immunostimulating effect makes it possible to use the tincture for lupus, rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used to treat serious infectious diseases - tuberculosis, syphilis, which are difficult to treat and require a long term of rehabilitation.

How to prepare a remedy

Hemlock spotted is used to treat a wide variety of diseases only in the form of a tincture or extract. This form of medicine will help preserve most of the nutrients that are found in inflorescences, leaves and seeds of plants.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare the medicine, you need to take pure medical alcohol. In a small container, place 150 g of fresh raw materials, which were collected on the same day. Fill the herb with 300 ml of 90-96% alcohol. This mixture should be infused in a cold place, preferably in the refrigerator for 20 days.

Important! You can not grind raw materials with a meat grinder. This will greatly reduce the quality of the final product, the tincture will be ineffective.

Try to shake the medicine often so that the beneficial substances are evenly distributed, and the tincture acquires the desired properties. Also, do not open the jar so that the volatile components do not separate from the liquid, which will weaken the properties of the extract.

Vodka tincture

To prepare a medicine from spotted hemlock, you can use ordinary vodka. Medicine prescription:

  1. When collecting raw materials, take a liter glass jar with you, which is tightly closed with a lid. Pour into a container for 1/3 of the vodka.
  2. Tearing off parts of the plant, best of all inflorescences or leaves, immediately chop them and put them in a jar. The container must be tightly closed with a lid to prevent the weathering of volatile elements.
  3. Shake the jar all the time, all parts of the plant should come into contact with the liquid. Top up with vodka as the container fills up. Fill the jar to the top with grass.
  4. Leave the medicine in a cold place for at least 18 days. At this time, do not open the lid, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the tincture. Shake the jar 1-3 times every day.

After this term, strain the healing liquid through several layers of gauze.

Important! Sign the container with the medicine so that you do not accidentally drink it. Large doses of tincture produce a toxic effect on the body.

Store the finished product out of the reach of children in a glass container. Optimum temperature for storage is 14-18°C.

Methods for using infusions

There are several effective methods of using a healing extract. Each of them allows you to make the most of beneficial features plants without harm to health.

Taking the extract according to Tishchenko

This method will help in the presence of benign and malignant neoplasms, chronic diseases or with reduced immunity.

Start treatment with one drop of medicine, every day, adding another drop. Having reached a dose of 40 drops, reduce the amount of tincture. Gradually you should come back to one drop.

Important! For severely weakened people, you can reduce the maximum dosage of the tincture to 20 drops.

Drink the remedy for tumors in the morning on an empty stomach, diluting it in a glass of water. Do not swallow liquid in one gulp. Only with this approach can the maximum effect of the hemlock be achieved.

Important! High-quality tincture has a rich color and a specific "mouse" smell.

For the prevention of various diseases, you can also use the Tishchenko scheme. Then it will be enough to take one course of taking the tincture.

Treatment scheme according to the Yermolchik method

This method will be used for the treatment of oncological diseases, while the tincture should be drunk with various healing decoctions:

  • oats;
  • licorice;
  • camel brushwood;
  • oregano.

To prepare a decoction of oats, you will need 200 g of dry grains. Soak them overnight with a little water to swell the oats. In the morning, add water so that it completely covers the grain. Boil all this for 1.5 hours, constantly adding fresh water. When the grain is cooked, you can remove the saucepan from the heat and strain the liquid.

Important! To prepare a decoction of herbs, pour 1 tbsp. l. dry ingredients 240 ml of boiling water. Steep this mixture for 20 minutes.

The scheme of taking the medicine in this case:

  • 4 days 1 drop 6 times a day at regular intervals;
  • every 4 days increase the dose of tincture by 1 drop;
  • the maximum amount of medicine - 5 drops, take until recovery;
  • drink 70 ml of decoction with each dose of the healing elixir.

This technique is suitable for people with serious illnesses; it cannot be used for prevention.

Contraindications for use

Hemlock tincture is very toxic and not always safe. Therefore, treatment with this medicine must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility, so as not to harm yourself.

Plant extract is contraindicated for the following categories:

  • old people;
  • little children;
  • when a person is greatly weakened from illness;
  • pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding;
  • after surgery.

Also, hemlock should not be taken for serious liver problems. This organ removes dangerous poisons from the body, which is impossible in this case.

Important! Treatment with tincture should be started 2 months after the removal of malignant tumors, but only if the patient feels well.

With intolerance to the extract, side effects may occur:

  • hearing and vision disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • a person is very sick;
  • the pupils of the eyes dilate.

With severe poisoning, convulsions, paralysis of the limbs, loss of consciousness may appear.

If you decide to take up treatment with hemlock tincture, approach this issue very seriously to protect yourself from negative consequences. But if everything is done correctly, you can be healed and forget about cancer or other diseases.

A sick person, tired of fighting a deadly disease and resolutely rejecting the recommendations of official medicine, directs the remaining forces in search of folk remedies, which, according to "experts", managed to help when a malignant tumor spread throughout the body and practically "ate" it. It is not surprising that and hemlock for cancer, many patients begin to take when faith in recovery has almost left, but there is still a glimmer of hope to prolong his life. In this state, people often go to any lengths and, at times, reach such substances that are scary to take inside.

Hemlock has been known since ancient times both as a medicine and as a poison that can kill a person on its own. Without doubting its healing properties, one should still find out whether it can replace anticancer drugs and whether it is worth completely rejecting the recommendations of oncologists.

A bit of history

Hemlock or puzzler, omega, poisonous umbrella, tar and much more than a biennial umbrella plant is called, causing severe headache and dizziness when consumed in small quantities, or death in severe poisoning. Even Hippocrates knew the unique properties of hemlock, but the ancient Greeks used it not only as a medicine. They say that the great Socrates died from the hemlock, deliberately poisoned by the poison of this plant.

Many poisonous substances plant origin in the Middle Ages, in the Renaissance and in modern times, they continued to be used both as medicines and as a murder weapon. Such were the times ... However, gradually many countries began to abandon the use of hemlock because of its toxicity. For example, in the United States of America, the headache was prescribed as the main pain medicine in the early 19th century, and in Russia it was excluded from the official pharmacopeia only on the eve of the 20th century. Meanwhile, at present, the traditional medicine of some countries still recognizes this "umbrella", which is on a par with other medicinal raw materials. But, as they say, the new is the well-forgotten old, so the properties of this plant were not forgotten and were remembered again in connection with the development of homeopathy and the growth in the number of oncological diseases.

Russian scientists, in search of an effective cure for cancer, constantly continue to explore new antitumor drugs, where hemlock also did not go unnoticed. Many sources refer to the developments of Professor Arkhangelskaya medical academy Aleutsky Nikolai Nikolaevich, who, in fact, was engaged in this plant, studied its properties and effect on the body affected by cancer. However, it should be noted that both the professor and his other like-minded people (candidate of medical sciences S. V. Korepanov, working in Altai, pharmacist L. N. Dyakonova from St. Petersburg), based their conclusions on scientific research, that is, the study of the influence plant alkaloids on cancer cells were handled by experts, not amateurs. Aleutsky N. N. and co-authors patented methods of treating cancer with hemlock(plant preparations for the treatment of sarcoma and other tumors). Perhaps, in the near future, the accumulated materials on hemlock will form the basis of a new antitumor drug, which will be released by the pharmaceutical industry to be prescribed in specially selected doses, taking into account other circumstances.

Now, many sources are taken to assert that hemlock helps in all cases, with advanced forms, with metastases, when official medicine "refused the patient." True, some distributors of ready-made drops still warn that hemlock does not affect all people in the same way, explaining this by individual immunity. Probably the reader guessed that the point here is precisely in those forms of cancer that are no longer subject to treatment(in such cases, hemlock can be used to relieve pain). But what is interesting: these same distributors recommend drinking hemlock to prevent the development malignant tumor. That is, a completely healthy person starts cancer prevention with hemlock and takes it constantly? In any case, the author met with similar advice.

Hemlock, its properties and harvesting

Hemlock spotted is one of the species of the family of wild-growing umbrella biennial plants, which is considered in folk medicine the first means of combating malignant neoplasms due to its poisonous alkaloids:

  • Koniin (the most important);
  • Methylconiine;
  • Conhydrin;
  • Pseudoconhydrin;
  • Konicein.

In addition to the listed components, chemical composition hemlock includes fatty (glycerides) and essential oils, some organic acids and flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol).

It grows in all parts of the world. In Russia, it covers the entire European territory, extends to Western Siberia and the Caucasus. Meanwhile, the best raw material for the preparation of hemlock tincture against cancer is recognized as a plant collected in Ukraine, however, hemlock, which grows, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory, will not be inferior in its healing properties to the Ukrainian counterpart. By the way, it is noted that plants of southern latitudes are significantly superior in their toxicity to their northern relatives, and the greatest danger from hemlock comes before flowering. Subsequently, the poison is mainly concentrated in the fruits and seeds, while the remaining parts become less poisonous. A large number of dangerous alkaloids are lost during drying, and after cooking, they say, omega becomes absolutely harmless. Of course, all these nuances are taken into account when harvesting a plant for the treatment of hemlock cancer, but the loss of some of the toxicity does not mean that it can be perceived as an ordinary herb:

  1. Hemlock cannot be tasted, it is “none”, although it is poisonous. Distinctive feature omega - a mousey smell that appears when rubbing parts of the plant in the hand.
  2. Do not involve children in the collection of raw materials, and, in addition, also explain why you need to stay away from it and how to distinguish poisonous omega leaves from ordinary parsley, which is widely eaten.
  3. Harvested parts of the plant should not be placed or stored next to other medicinal representatives of the flora.

It blooms closer to the "crown of summer" (June-July), which means that at this time herbalists usually prepare for the harvest. In order to use hemlock for cancer, various parts of the grass (flowers, leaves, stems) are used. During the flowering period, leaves and unripe seeds are harvested (along with an umbrella).

Preparation of medicinal herbs is a whole science.For the preparation of hemlock tincture, the most popular method is to collect the plant immediately in a pre-prepared jar, into which a bottle of vodka is poured. The jar is filled with plucked leaves and umbrellas by a third, while periodically shaking so that the parts of the plant are well wetted. If you harvest only umbrellas, then the jar can be filled to the brim, but they must also be moistened. Upon arrival home, the future medicine must be placed in the refrigerator and left for 2 - 2.5 weeks to infuse.

A tincture of unripe seeds and leaves of the root zone can be prepared in pure alcohol (medical, of course). To do this, parts of the plant are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 2 (seeds with leaves: alcohol) and infused in the refrigerator for 2.5 weeks (18 days).

Folk medicine, homeopathy, official pharmacology

As a home-made medicine, hemlock has always been used for various, dissimilar conditions:

factory hemlock tincture

  • Fear, anxiety, insomnia (as a sedative).
  • Pain of any localization and origin (oncological too).
  • Spasms and convulsions (epilepsy, chorea, whooping cough, migraine).
  • Indigestion (heartburn, constipation, colic);
  • Violation of urination.
  • Diseases of the female genital area (violation menstrual cycle uterine fibromyoma, endometriosis).
  • Rheumatism, gout (topical application).
  • Anemia.
  • Exudative diathesis.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Usually in such cases, a 10% tincture of hemlock is used (half a liter of vodka + 50 grams of dried and chopped grass), which stands for 3 weeks in a dark place. It is used like other folk remedies: dripped into a tablespoon of water (10 drops) and drunk before meals 2 times a day. With severe pain, the dose can be increased to 20 drops.

During the period of temporary oblivion by the people of the hemlock, it continued to be used by homeopaths who prepared medicines from specially selected small doses of plant alkaloids. homeopathic remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular pathologies based on this plant and now continue to be popular among patients who reject "any synthetics." Proponents of herbal medicine have never ignored the use of hemlock for cancer of any localization, however, given the growth of oncological pathology, special attention has been directed to the treatment of lung cancer, stomach cancer, and breast tumors with hemlock.

Hemlock against cancer: treatment regimens

Treatment with hemlock for lung cancer is no different from that for stomach cancer or other tumors.

There are several schemes for the treatment of cancer with tincture of this plant:

  • According to the most gentle method No. 1(method Tishchenko V.V. or "royal") you need to drink hemlock 1 time a day before meals (at the same time!), Dilute the tincture in half a glass of water. The dose increases daily by 1 drop and corresponds to the day of admission: day 1 - 1 drop, day 2 - 2 drops ... Day 40 - 40 drops and countdown. Hemlock should be taken 2-3 courses in a row (I finished and immediately started the next one), but a break of up to a week is still acceptable if the patient is tired or other circumstances prevented him from immediately starting a new course. The treatment regimen (1-40-1) is recommended to be renewed 2 times a year or 3 times in 2 years until a complete cure (at least, traditional healers say so).
  • Take hemlock according to method No. 2 somewhat more difficult, since the dose increases more dramatically: treatment begins with one drop, but three times a day. A single dose increases daily by 1 drop, that is, on the first day the patient drinks 3 drops (1x3), on the second day - 6 drops (2x3), on the third - 9 drops (3x3) and so on, bringing the single dose to 40 drops. Then the dosage is reduced in the opposite direction: 40x3, 39x3, 38x3 ... Treatment should be calculated for 2-3 courses in a row, which should be renewed 3-4 times in 2 years.
  • An even tougher technique #3 It is also recommended for the fight against oncological diseases of all localizations, which provides for an increase in a single dose during the day: in the morning on the first day - 1 drop, in the afternoon - 2 drops, in the evening - 3 drops. The second day, start with four drops and continue to increase the dose to 40 drops, then the dosage is reduced according to the already familiar pattern. It should be borne in mind that at some stage the patient may feel the effect of hemlock (nausea, dizziness, headache), in such a case, the tincture should be stopped until the undesirable effects disappear, in order to then resume it again.
  • In severe forms of cancer, it is recommended to take hemlock according to method No. 4, which involves increasing the dose according to one of the above schemes and bringing it to the onset of symptoms of poisoning, while continuing to drink hemlock, reducing the dose by only a few drops. It should be noted that the author does not share this approach to the treatment of malignant processes. Without an oncologist, doing such amateur activities can be very dangerous.

Hemlock is diluted in water, and its amount increases in proportion to the increase in dose (10 drops - 50 ml, therefore, 40 drops - about a glass).

About the most important

The main thing can be considered that hemlock is very poisonous and, if the patient decides to try a folk remedy, then this should be done only after consulting with an oncologist. Some people drink hemlock after surgery to prevent recurrence, which perhaps makes some sense, but the prevention of hemlock cancer in healthy people is impossible: prolonged use of the alkaloids of this plant will lead to chronic intoxication, which, as you know, is fraught with other troubles.

You should not especially rely only on hemlock for cancer of all stages and localizations. Replacing conventional cancer treatment folk remedy, you can simply miss precious time, which cannot be turned back by any hemlock. The reader himself may wonder: if omega is so omnipotent, then why do cancers continue to claim thousands of lives every year? Maybe the dead people simply had an individual immunity to home-made drugs, or did the cancer that spread throughout the body turn out to be stronger?

Video: hemlock - collection, preparation of tincture

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the limits of the resource. Face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment are not currently provided.

Most often, during the collection of herbs, a person fences himself off from worldly fuss, plunging into the world of plants, inhaling their aroma and useful phytoncides.

But some plants require a cautious approach and the implementation of the necessary precautions. Spotted hemlock is one of these plants.

Despite its ubiquitous growth - in landfills, wastelands, forest edges, along fences and even in vegetable gardens - this is a very poisonous plant!

But, like many poisons, in microdoses it has a healing effect where conventional medicinal herbs are ineffective or simply powerless.

  • The composition of the grass, and especially in the fruits, contains a large amount of alkaloids. Such as coniin, methylconiin, conicein, conhydrin, pseudoconhydrin.
  • In the ground part of the plant there are coumarins, flavonoids, vitamin C, essential oils.
  • Hemlock has a calming, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory action.
  • Most often, alcohol tinctures are prepared from hemlock seeds and leaves, which are used in the treatment of cancer, since hemlock poison has a toxic effect on cancer cells.
  • Hemlock is used for various pains of the intestines, stomach, urogenital area.
  • Hemlock herb preparations are prescribed for impotence and prostatitis.
  • Grass is prescribed for delayed menstruation, urinary incontinence, anemia and persistent cough.
  • It is used externally for rheumatism and gout, as well as for female diseases and hemorrhoids.

How to distinguish hemlock from other plants

Since the collection of hemlock requires great care, it is resorted to only in exceptional cases, when the need for its use prevails over the danger of poisoning.

After all, hemlock can easily be confused with the most harmless plants - parsley or carrots. Therefore, you need to know the obvious differences between these plants:

  • Despite the similarity of the leaves, hemlock has an unattractive "mouse" smell. The flowers of the plant also smell unpleasant.
  • The stems of hemlock are also different from other plants. The whole stem of the hemlock is covered with reddish speckles, which are not found on carrots or other similar plants.

How and when to harvest hemlock

Hemlock blooms in June-July.

FROM medicinal purposes harvest stems, leaves, flowers, seeds.

Grass collection is carried out at the beginning of flowering. Seeds are harvested together with umbrellas at the end of flowering. Seeds during drying easily spill out of umbrellas.

How to dry hemlock

Dry the plant in the standard way: in the shade, in a place protected from sunlight and with good ventilation.

Access to fresh air is necessary not so much for plants, but so that poisonous vapors do not accumulate in the room, which have a toxic effect on the human body: headache, dizziness, clouding of consciousness appear.

Dry the hemlock until the stems are brittle.

To avoid accidents, raw materials are stored in glass jars with well-closing lids separately from other plants and products, out of the reach of children. Shelf life of raw materials is two years.

In the article we discuss spotted hemlock - medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant, how it looks and where it grows. We discuss the use of herbs as an anesthetic for oncology (cancer) and give a recipe for Tishchenko's tincture with hemlock.

Spotted hemlock is a herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family (lat. Umbelliferae). The Latin name is Conium maculatum. This biennial plant is also called spotted omega, puzzle, poisonous umbrella, clubs, tar.

Hemlock is a poisonous herb. Plant poisoning leads to severe headache and dizziness. Hence the name of the herb. Due to the fact that parsley and carrot tops look like hemlocks, they are often confused, and you can get poisoned by accident. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to distinguish hemlock from edible plants.

If you rub the hemlock in your hands, then a sharp unpleasant odor will appear, which is compared with the smell of mice. It is better to pluck the plant with gloves, and not with bare hands.

What does it look like

Appearance of hemlock grass. This biennial member of the Umbelliferae family has a branched tubular stem that can be up to 2 meters long. In the upper part of the shoot has a bluish bloom. The bottom of the stem is covered with red-brown spots. This feature is reflected in the name of the plant - "spotted".

The lower petiolate leaves are thrice pinnate and resemble parsley leaves. The length of the leaf plate reaches half a meter. The middle and upper leaves are much smaller.

Inflorescences consist of many small flowers and resemble dill. Umbrella five-dimensional flower has five petals white color inverse heart shape. The grass blooms from June to July.

The fruit of the hemlock is an egg-shaped seed box, consisting of two parts. The ribbed fruit is 3-3.5 mm long. Seed ripening occurs in August and September.

Where does it grow

Spotted hemlock grows in meadows, forest edges and limestone slopes. A weed plant can be found in the garden and in wastelands.

The distribution area of ​​​​the hemlock is quite large: the entire territory of Europe, Asian countries with a temperate climate, North Africa. In our country, it is found on the territory of the European part, in Western Siberia and the Caucasus.

Hemlock grass

Hemlock spotted is often used in folk medicine. When taken properly, hemlock stops the division of cancer cells. As a medicinal raw material, the upper part of the plant is used - leaves, shoots, flowers.

Chemical composition

Hemlock spotted contains:

  • fatty oil;
  • retinol;
  • alkaloids;
  • essential oil;
  • quercetin;
  • caffeic acid.

The alkaloid coniine, which is part of the plant, is the most poisonous component of the hemlock.

Medicinal properties

Hemlock is used in folk medicine. The herb can be bought at any pharmacy. Hemlock is widely used in folk medicine. It has a calming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Means based on hemlock lower blood pressure.

Hemlock tincture exhibits anticonvulsant and antispasmodic effects. It is used for epilepsy, migraine, chorea and whooping cough. The infusion helps to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Hemlock-based products are used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: they eliminate polyps in the intestines and stomach, effectively cope with constipation. In addition, the diuretic effect of hemlock condensed juice helps with diseases of the genitourinary system.

Plant-based products are used to fight cancer. They are used as painkillers. In addition, they reduce the spread of cancer cells.

How to collect

The collection of medicinal raw materials begins during the period of flowering and seed ripening. Harvesting continues throughout the summer. The grass is cut with a sharp knife along with umbrella inflorescences. Since the plant has a pungent odor that causes a headache, it is necessary to be on the windy side during the collection of raw materials.

It is necessary to dry the plant under a canopy. The grass is laid out in a thin layer and periodically stirred so that it dries evenly. Dry raw materials at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

Store hemlock separately from other plants in a well-ventilated area. Shelf life - 2 years.

How to apply

Hemlock is poisonous, but in moderate dosages it has a healing effect. Plant-based products are widely used in folk medicine. Infusions on water, alcohol tinctures, condensed juice, oil and patches are made from hemlock. Hemlock products have a powerful analgesic effect.

An infusion of water is used for douching with myoma, and is also taken orally for hypertension to reduce pressure, for heartburn and constipation. The tool has an immunomodulatory effect.

Alcohol tincture is used to treat cancer of the stomach and liver, mastopathy, thrombophlebitis. The remedy helps with varicose veins.

The condensed juice of the plant is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system. Antispasmodic action helps with migraines.

Hemlock extract effectively copes with diseases that are accompanied by severe convulsions. It is used to treat bronchial asthma, epilepsy, chorea.

Hemlock oil is used for external use. It is used to treat skin diseases, relieve pain in rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and reduce swelling in thyroid goiter. The remedy relieves inflammation and treats fungal diseases.

Since the plant is poisonous, its intake should be strictly under the supervision of a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the correct dosage and course of taking the drug.

Cancer tincture (oncology, metastases)

The treatment of cancer is a long process that requires a certain preparation of the body. Before treatment with hemlock, it is necessary to cleanse the body, and while taking the drug, follow a diet so as not to increase the load on the liver.

Hemlock effectively copes with oncological diseases of I and II degrees. It stops the development of cancer, prevents the spread of metastases and has a powerful analgesic effect.


  1. Fresh hemlock herb - 2 cups
  2. Vodka or medical alcohol - 250 ml.

How to cook: Cut the plant, place the raw material in a glass jar and fill with vodka. If you use alcohol, then it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 3. Close the container tightly with a lid and put it in a cool dark place. Shake the contents daily without opening the lid. Insist for 30-40 days. Strain the finished tincture through cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: Drink the tincture according to the standard scheme in the form of a ladder. Start with 1 drop per day, increase the dosage by 1 drop daily until you reach a dose of 40 drops. Then reduce the number of drops each day by one. For a lasting effect, you must take at least 2 courses of taking the drug.

Result: The tincture has an analgesic effect and reduces swelling. The tool blocks the spread of cancer cells and prevents metastases from appearing.

For more information on the use of hemlock for cancer, see the following video:

Water infusion for asthma

Hemlock helps with convulsions, which is effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Plant-based remedies eliminate a painful cough and have an analgesic effect.


  1. Hemlock leaves - 10 gr.
  2. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over dry leaves and let it brew under the lid for 12 hours. It is best to use a thermos for this purpose. Strain the finished medicine through gauze. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

How to use: Take 1 teaspoon infusion before meals, gradually increasing the dosage to 1 tablespoon.

Result: Water infusion is suitable for a more gentle treatment during a weakened state. The tool effectively copes with convulsive cough and has an analgesic effect.

Oil from the fungus

For external use, you can prepare oil with hemlock. The tool helps with burns, skin inflammation and fungal infections. It eliminates discomfort and heals the epidermis.


  1. Fresh herb hemlock - 20 gr.
  2. Hemlock seeds - 5 gr.
  3. Olive oil - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind the herb, crush the seeds with a rolling pin, place the dry ingredients in a glass jar. Fill with oil, close the lid and let it brew for 3 weeks. Shake daily. Strain the finished oil through cheesecloth 2-3 times.

How to use: The oil can be applied directly to the site of inflammation or used for compresses. Apply the oil to the problem area for half an hour, then rinse with water. Repeat the procedure at least 2 times a day.

Result: The oil effectively treats fungal diseases. Regular use of the product eliminates the fungus in 3-5 days. The tool is suitable for the treatment of any skin diseases.

Tincture for convulsions (spasms)

Hemlock tincture has an antispasmodic effect and quickly relieves severe convulsions. It is used to treat epilepsy, chorea, whooping cough, renal colic, stomach cramps.


  1. Dry hemlock grass - 30 gr.
  2. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour dry grass into a jar, fill with vodka, cover and shake. Infuse the remedy for at least a week.

How to use: Take 2 drops of the tincture diluted in 1 tablespoon of water before each meal, up to a maximum of 5 times daily.

Result: The drug helps to quickly relieve spasm and convulsive condition. In addition, the drug has an analgesic effect.

As a pain reliever

Preparations with hemlock have a powerful antispasmodic and analgesic effect. Plant-based products can be taken orally or used externally. In the pharmacy, you can buy ready-made tincture of the plant, dry herb and multicomponent preparations based on hemlock, for example, Konium.

Tishchenko's tincture


  1. Fresh inflorescences and hemlock seeds - 100 gr.
  2. Medical alcohol - 200 ml.

How to cook: Grind fresh inflorescences with seeds, place in a glass jar and fill with diluted alcohol or vodka. Medical alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 2:3. Infuse the product for at least 20 days, shake daily without opening the lid. The finished product has a rich blue-violet color and a characteristic mouse smell.

How to use: Take the remedy in the morning on an empty stomach. Start with 1 drop, gradually increase the dosage to 40 drops, then gradually decrease in reverse order.

Result: The tool has a powerful analgesic and antispasmodic effect. The tincture can be used externally to rub the area of ​​pain.

Hemlock tincture

The main dosage form of hemlock is an alcohol tincture. Hemlock tincture is used for oral and external use. Regardless of the disease, consult your doctor before using the remedy. Remember that the plant is poisonous. Hemlock tincture is a strong concentrate of poisonous alkaloids.

The tincture of the plant can be prepared from fresh raw materials or dry grass can be used. A product based on fresh raw materials is more effective, but more poisonous.

To prepare the tincture, you can use the seeds of the plant and basal leaves. To make a high-quality tincture, it is necessary to observe the proportion: 2 parts of raw materials to 1 part of vodka or alcohol.

For elderly and severely weakened patients, it is better to take an aqueous infusion of the plant and reduce the course of admission to 20 days. A single dose of the drug is increased daily by 1 drop. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 40 drops.

Usually hemlock tincture is taken according to the scheme:

  • the course of administration begins with 1 drop and is increased daily by 1 drop;
  • starting from the 10th day of admission, the agent is diluted in 100 ml of water;
  • bring to a maximum of 40 drops per dose, then begin to reduce the daily dosage by 1 drop;
  • after completing the course, take a break of 2 weeks, then repeat the course.

For more effective action, the alcohol tincture is diluted in a small amount of water and kept in the mouth before taking. Thus, the tincture begins to be absorbed into the vessels under the tongue, which means that the active substances enter the blood faster.


In the list of contraindications to the use of hemlock-based products:

  • individual intolerance;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • kidney failure.

Hemlock is taken with caution in case of hypotension.

Do not drink alcohol while taking hemlock-based funds. This is a double load on the liver, which is busy fighting plant poisons. Drinking alcohol at this time can lead to severe poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning or drug overdose:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • nervous excitement;
  • tachycardia;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • speech disorders.

At a later stage of poisoning, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of tissues, a convulsive state, up to paralysis of the respiratory system.


The Umbelliferae family (lat. Umbelliferae), to which the plant belongs, unites more than 400 genera, including the genus Hemlock (lat. Conium). Omega spotted belongs to the order Umbrella (lat. Apiales), class Dicotyledonous (lat. Dicotyledones), department Flowering (lat. Magnoliophyta).


The genus Hemlock (lat. Conium) combines 4 types of plants:

  • Conium chaerophylloides;
  • Conium sphaerocarpum;
  • Conium fontanum;
  • Conium maculatum.

In folk medicine, only spotted hemlock (lat. Conium maculatum) is used.

Hemlock spotted infographics

Photo hemlock spotted, its useful properties and applications
Spotted hemlock infographic

What to remember

  1. Hemlock spotted is used in folk medicine to treat cancer, relieve convulsions and inflammation.
  2. Plant-based products have analgesic, antispasmodic and diuretic effects.
  3. The plant is highly poisonous, so before using it, you should consult a specialist to prescribe the dosage and course of treatment.