Sour-milk drink katyk. Katyk for weight loss - useful properties and calorie content

Katyk is a fermented milk drink traditional for the peoples of Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Bulgaria, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Its history goes back over 2 thousand years. From ancient times, nutritious and healthy katyk has helped maintain good health for many years, and the subtleties and secrets of its production have been carefully passed down for generations.

This drink is a fermentation product, the starter is a certain combination of Bulgarian sticks and lactic streptococci. The favorite drink of the Turkic peoples is made from natural milk: sheep, buffalo, cow or goat. The main difference between katyk and other types of sour products is that it is prepared from boiled milk, which ensures a high fat content of the drink. The process proceeds under certain conditions, and not by self-fermentation. In general, if curdled milk turns out by itself, then you will have to work hard on the katyk. However, beneficial features katyk outweigh all the hassle associated with its preparation.

The benefits of katyk. What is useful katyk?

In its structure, this drink strongly resembles yogurt. Its taste can be slightly spicy, sweet or sour. Sweet katyk is drunk instead of yogurt, while sour katyk is excellent for dressing. It is added to vegetable salads, served mixed with pepper and herbs as a separate dish, make fried soups and other incredibly delicious oriental dishes.

The benefits of this product are well known to all. It is famous for its beneficial and nutritional properties. This drink includes a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are required for the normal functioning of the human body. With its regular use, the microflora gradually normalizes. gastrointestinal tract, exerting a positive effect on the natural cleansing of the body. Katyk can be used by lactating and pregnant women.

Moreover, by normalizing digestion and stimulating appetite, this unique drink helps cleanse the intestines of toxins, helping to significantly reduce weight. The drink improves the tone of the body, lowers sugar and cholesterol levels, restores strength, and prevents the appearance of kidney stones.

This product suppresses putrefactive intestinal bacteria, helps to prolong health and youth. There is an opinion that the well-known eastern centenarians owe their good health to katyk.

: yogurt, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, snowball. But there are few people who have tried katyk. What is it? Let's figure it out.

Katyk is a traditional fermented milk drink of nomadic peoples. It differs greatly from other fermented milk products. This product is not made from cow's milk, but from buffalo or goat milk. The main and important difference is that milk must be boiled and kept to a certain amount of specific bacteria. What is useful katyk?

Benefit and harm to the body

Useful properties of katyk

Contraindications for katyk

  • Due to a poorly formed digestive system, this product should not be given to children under ten years of age.
  • In order not to harm yourself, you need to properly store this fermented milk product and do not use it after the expiration date. You can store katyk for no more than three days. After that, it can only be used as an additive in soups and pastries.
  • This product is high in fat, so it is not recommended for overweight people to use it.

Cooking katyk at home

Many are interested in the question: is it possible to make such a fermented milk product at home? There are two ways to cook katyk at home: on the stove and in the oven. Let's consider each method in more detail.

Cooking katyk on a gas stove

Not everyone can buy a katyk, as it is not easy to find it. But if you have a desire, then you can cook at home. For this you need natural milk good quality. Pour a liter of milk into a saucepan and boil it over low heat for five minutes.

While the milk is cooling, prepare a jar in which the milk will sour. The jar should be well washed and sterilized. When the milk has cooled to 37 degrees, it must be poured into this jar. For sourdough, add two tablespoons of katyk to milk, mix the contents with a wooden spoon or spatula. Loosely cover the jar, wrap it in a blanket and leave it in this state for ten hours.

When the time is up, check your katyk for readiness. Shake the jar a little if the milk does not splash, then the fermented milk product is ready for consumption. It is necessary to store katyk in the refrigerator.

Cooking katyk in the oven

On the gas stove, katyk may not work, as it is difficult to keep track of uniform heating and the specific temperature of the milk. It is easier to prepare a fermented milk drink in the oven, because the oven can be set to a certain temperature. In our case, the oven should heat up to ninety degrees. It is necessary to place boiled milk in it and leave it there until the milk becomes less. The milk should be taken out, let it cool down a little and add the leaven from the katyk to it. Then the container with the fermented milk product must be wrapped and let it brew until it thickens. Katyk is ready!

So what do you do if you don't have sourdough? Exists several cooking options of this fermented milk product without sourdough from katyk.

  1. In a liter of fresh milk, add half a glass of sour cream. Leave the resulting mixture for a day in a warm place, do not cover. In a day you will get curdled milk, which will be a starter for katyk.
  2. Boil a liter of milk and add half a glass of kefir to it, as well as a chopped cherry sprig along with leaves. The resulting liquid will become leaven.
  3. Take half a glass of sour cream and add a spoonful of cabbage pickle to it. The starter is ready!

What is the difference between katyk and ryazhenka and what can be prepared from it

What is the difference between katyk and ryazhenka? Let's figure it out.


What can be cooked from katyk.

  • It can be served as a separate dish, adding a little greenery to it.
  • Katyk is great for dressing salads.
  • On the basis of katyk, you can cook cold soups.
  • This fermented milk product can be added to the dough for making pancakes, pancakes, tortillas and other pastries.

Katyk is one of the most favorite drinks of the Turkic peoples. In their national cuisines, this fermented milk drink is used in its natural form, and also as a seasoning for various salads, soups and other dishes. For more than two millennia, the secrets of making katyk have been passed down from one generation to another.

Tasty and healthy katyk is nothing but a product of sour-milk fermentation. A certain combination of the so-called Bulgarian bacillus and lactic acid streptococci is used here as a starter culture. Representatives of the Turkic peoples can prepare their favorite drink from the milk of goats, sheep, cows or buffaloes. Katyk differs from the well-known curdled milk, first of all, in that the process of its fermentation takes place in boiled milk - that is why the drink turns out to be quite fatty. In addition, curdled milk is prepared on its own, and the preparation of katyk requires a lot of certain efforts and knowledge. Milk for the preparation of this drink should be melted over low heat, constantly stirring and making sure that it does not boil, but warms up to 90 degrees. Since the milk loses approximately 15-30 percent of water during the rendering process, the finished product is denser and more saturated. In this regard, in the process of souring, katyk leaves almost no sediment in the form of whey. But if, nevertheless, serum appears, then only on the surface and its amount is very small. For uniform souring of milk, immediately after boiling, it must be carefully filtered through gauze or a piece of light natural cotton fabric. The temperature during fermentation should be no more than forty degrees - only in this case the most optimal growth process of the Bulgarian stick can be ensured. Another rule for the preparation of this fermented milk drink says that the katyk of the previous day must be used as a starter for katyk. For one liter of milk, one hundred grams of sourdough should be used. First you need to mix the starter thoroughly, and then combine it with warm milk and mix again. After that, cover the vessel with the fermented milk product with a saucer and carefully wrap it in something warm, so that the milk is not shaken. Now, for 10-12 hours, the katyk should stand in a warm room, and after that it is immediately removed to a cool place.

If katyk was prepared according to all the rules, it will have a surprisingly pleasant and refreshing taste, as well as a uniform and dense texture. Depending on individual preferences, katyk can be sweet, sour or spicy. At the same time, katyk with a sweet taste is used as an independent product, and spicy and sour katyk makes an excellent seasoning for various dishes. In addition, to give katyk a more piquant taste and beautiful color in the cuisines of some nationalities - for example, Tatar and Bashkir - they add beets or cherries to it.

Composition and useful properties

Thanks to a unique starter culture containing lactic acid streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus, katyk has a very high nutritional value. These microorganisms interfere with the development and reproduction harmful bacteria, and also contribute to the restoration of a normal healthy balance of intestinal microflora. Therefore, those who regularly eat katyk are much less likely to experience problems with the digestive process. Among other things, katyk is rich in vitamins A, E, D, B vitamins, as well as important and valuable minerals - iron, copper, zinc, calcium, silicon and phosphorus.

Katyk is a drink of the Turkic ancient peoples. In their national cuisine this product is used as a variety of seasonings for almost all dishes, for the preparation of traditional Kurt cheese, and it is also drunk in its natural form. The recipe for an ancient drink has been passed down from generation to generation for many years, and relatives use the same sourdough for it for several months.

For real katyk, you can use any milk, but the main thing is that it is natural. Milk should be boiled, cooled to human body temperature and add a tablespoon of starter per liter of milk, and then leave the resulting liquid for 12 hours. After 12 hours, you need to mix the milk and wrap it in something warm. Now you need to leave the future katyk again for 12 hours, and it is not recommended to touch it, since lactic acid bacteria do not like air. After this time, the container should be sent to the refrigerator until it thickens. After a few hours, the drink is ready. It must be stored in a cool or cold place, such as a refrigerator or basement.

Katyk properties

Katyk sourdough contains a huge amount of lactic acid bacteria, such as streptococci and Bulgarian sticks, thanks to which the product has a high nutritional value. Microorganisms prevent the development of harmful putrefactive bacteria in the human body, help restore a healthy balance of the intestines and stomach, and increase the protective functions of the body. The drink helps to gain eternal youth, is able to strengthen and tone the skin.

Benefits of katyk

The drink contains a large amount of copper, calcium, silicon, phosphorus, iron, zinc and vitamins E, A, D and B. Some of its types have a low calorie content, which allows people on a diet to use this product. It also stimulates appetite and cleanses the intestines of toxins, thereby reducing a person's weight. The product can be drunk by pregnant or lactating women. The drink not only reduces the level of cholesterol and sugar, but also prevents the appearance of kidney stones, improves the tone of the body.

Application of katyk

The ancient drink can be added to a variety of salads as a dressing or mixed with spices and herbs. Often vegetables are fried in a frying pan, and then poured over with katyk, it turns out “fried soup”. It is also added to soups, for example, from mung (beans) or mung beans. They also cook homemade noodles with it.

Yegei cottage cheese, which is mainly used in Kazakh cuisine for cooking stews or poultry, is obtained from salt and katyk.

It can be diluted mineral water, having received another, no less useful drink, ayran. If you add salt and fermented dill to katyk, you get a seasoning for various meat dishes, which is popularly called chivot. Tajik and Uzbek cuisines are famous for their summer fresh vegetable soup - chalop, which consists of garlic, spices, salt and katyk. Azerbaijanis cook ovdukh - soup with eggs, veal and katyk.

Harm katyk

Katyk is mainly a fatty product, so it is not recommended for people who are obese to consume it. It is important to find a truly natural drink, as a fake can be dangerous for the body. Before using it, you should consult a doctor, because intolerance to dairy products may occur. Do not give it to children under the age of 10, as it can harm their digestion. If you drink an expired drink, diarrhea and severe poisoning are possible.

Cachaça >>

It is believed that people who regularly consume fermented milk products obtained by fermenting the whole milk of cows and other animals live much longer and better. It is not for nothing that koumiss, yogurt, curdled milk, ayran, or katyk are considered one of the main products in the diet of Caucasian centenarians.

These drinks, saturated with lactic acids and beneficial bacteria, have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, inhibiting anaerobic fermentation in the intestines, which leads to an improvement in the condition of the immune, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and excretory systems.

Katyk - what is it?

Katyk is a fermented milk product found among the Turkic peoples. In addition to the territory of Central Asia, this product, obtained by fermenting milk with the help of special bacterial cultures, is widespread in the Balkan countries, for example, in Bulgaria.

So what is katyk, what is the benefit of including it on the menu regularly, and what are the ways to make a healing drink at home? Translated from the Turkic language, the word "katyk" means an additive to food, seasoning, food vinegar or sauce.

And this speaks of its multifaceted application in cooking. In Central Asia, it is consumed in its pure form, used as a dressing for salads, hot dishes, soups, including cold soup chalop (analogous to Russian okroshka on kefir) - a national Uzbek dish of greens, young fresh vegetables and katyk.

After 2-3 days of storage in a cold place, the acidity of the drink increases, which allows it to be used instead of vinegar as a seasoning for food. And on the basis of katyk, a kind of kefir is prepared among the Balkan, Caucasian and Turkic peoples - ayran, diluting it with mineral water, koumiss, whey, whole milk and adding table salt, spices and herbs.

And, of course, you can bake ruddy pancakes, pancakes, flat cakes and pancakes from katyk, as well as add it to baking dough, replacing traditional kefir or sour cream in the recipe. I will share the recipe for pancakes based on katyk, which I mastered thanks to a friend from Tatarstan, at the end of the article.

Production technology

Unlike all types of curdled milk, yogurt and kefir, katyk is made not from whole fresh, but from boiled cow, goat, sheep, buffalo or camel milk, which provides a higher percentage of lipid content in the finished product. Sometimes milk is not only boiled, but also evaporated by a third (baked milk).

Bacterial cultures are added to warm milk. As a rule, this is a combination of lactic acid streptococci and thermophilic bulgaric bacillus. The drink is kept warm for 6-10 hours at rest, that is, avoiding shaking, shaking or stirring. Temperature environment in the process of fermentation is maintained at a level of 35-40°C.

Sometimes the finished product is tinted with natural food colorings, in particular, beetroot or cherry juice. Traditionally, katyk is classified as a fatty product, but modern manufacturers offer sour-milk drinks and fat-free katyk with a minimum fat content in their assortment.

Using a similar technology (based on milk after heat treatment), ryazhenka and varenets are prepared, so they are considered to be fermented milk products similar in taste and nutritional properties.

However, katyk and ryazhenka have some differences. The fact is that ryazhenka is a product necessarily made from baked milk. Katyk is made not only from melted milk, but simply from boiled milk. In addition, the process of fermenting katyk takes several hours more (ryazhenka is ready in 3-4 hours).

The benefits of katyk, medicinal properties

Once in the intestines, beneficial bacteria, which are used in the preparation of katyk, ensure the normalization of the microflora, restoring its optimal balance and suppressing the processes of decay and fermentation. And, as you know, most of the cells of the immune system are located in the small intestine.

That is why the regular inclusion of katyk in the diet benefits the entire body - it not only improves the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, eliminates, normalizes stools and cleanses the body of metabolites and toxic compounds, but also activates defensive forces, allowing you to qualitatively resist infectious agents and fight foreign invasions into our body.

Due to the beneficial protein compounds present in katyk, in particular essential and non-essential amino acids, drinking the drink improves the regeneration of muscle tissue cells and all organs. Moreover, the proteins in the fermented milk drink are in a bioavailable form, being absorbed by 100% in a short time.

Also the product is rich in vital important vitamins(A, groups B, C, D), macro- and microelements (calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, potassium, etc.) involved in all biochemical reactions of our body. In general, the constant presence of katyk and other fermented milk products on the menu contributes to rejuvenation, prolongation active longevity promoting the health of people of all ages.

Cooking katyk at home

Buying a drink today is not difficult - this sour-milk masterpiece is included in the line of sour-milk products of many domestic manufacturers, both well-known and small, farm, private. For those who have the opportunity to regularly receive natural homemade milk, it will not be superfluous to learn how to make katyk in your own kitchen using special bacterial starter cultures.

Fortunately, modern kitchen appliances (yogurt maker, slow cooker), which facilitate the process of heating milk and maintain the specified temperature characteristics for a long time, are at the disposal of almost every housewife. And katyk from homemade milk, especially steam, is much tastier and healthier than from the store, pasteurized and sterilized.

We bring to your attention a recipe for katyk at home, which every caring hostess can master. In the absence of a slow cooker, pre-boiled milk is simmered in a conventional oven, setting the temperature at around 90 ° C. In the multicooker for the preparation of baked milk, use the "Heating", "Stew" or "Chef" mode.

After reducing the volume of liquid by ¼, the product is removed, cooled to a temperature of 40 ° C and sourdough is added to it, taking 2-3 tablespoons of finished katyk for every 1-2 liters or special bacteria purchased at a pharmacy or store. A jar for fermentation or a bowl of a yogurt maker is pre-rinsed with boiling water to kill germs.

During cooking, the container is not rearranged, and the liquid is not stirred. The thickened drink, resembling sour cream in consistency, is stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 5 days. In its pure form, katyk is drunk for the first 3 days, adding berries, fruits, honey, jam or greens and garlic with salt to taste, and then it is used to dress salads or soups.

Thin pancakes on katyk

A few years ago, a friend from Kazan visited us. It was she who taught me how to bake such delicious pancakes that always turn out and do not burn. You can cook pancakes on katyk according to this recipe at least every day, but they are especially popular in my family on Maslenitsa.


  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour, sifted wheat - 6 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • katyk - 1 glass;
  • lard - a piece for greasing the pan.


  1. I beat the dough in a blender bowl using the mixer attachment. This is much more convenient, and drops of liquid do not fan out all over the kitchen.
  2. I drive the eggs into the container, add butter, sugar, salt, half of the katyk, all the flour and mix with a whisk at the minimum speed of the blender.
  3. After the flour lumps disappear, I lay the remaining katyk and continue mixing.
  4. The dough is ready. Advice! If a fermented milk drink is initially excessively thick, for example, a store-bought one with a low percentage of fat content is always watery, but you can insert a spoon into a homemade product, then I dilute the resulting dough with boiled water so that it resembles kefir in consistency, and again beat with a mixer. The first time you have to experiment, but then there will be no problems with consistency.
  5. For baking pancakes, it is better to use a special pan with a non-stick coating.
  6. Before pouring each portion of the dough, carefully grease the bottom of the heated frying pan with a piece of lard, pricked on a fork.
  7. The amount of dough per eye so that the pancakes are thin, but with even edges.
  8. Bake over medium heat on each side until golden brown.
  9. For each product, if desired, you can put a piece butter(Shrovetide, after all).
  10. And you can also wrap curd mass, thick jam or jam in them.

Try it, you won't regret it! Now you know what katyk is and what it is eaten with - and if you have never tried this fermented milk product, then I advise you to go to a large supermarket as soon as possible (there is always the largest selection) and purchase the first package in your life with favorite drink of the people of Central Asia.

By the way, when you take the first sip, do not forget to make a wish, because there is a belief that it will certainly come true if you try something for the first time.