Scientific Center for Children's Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Federal State Budgetary Institution (Research Institute of Pediatrics, Rehabilitation Center, CDC). Scientific Center for Children's Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Federal State Budgetary Institution (Research Institute of Pediatrics, Rehabilitation Center, CDC) Pediatric Medical Academy

About the clinic of the Pediatric University

Today, the Children's Clinical Hospital at the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University is one of the largest in Russia. It is a leading multidisciplinary federal medical institution with a huge scientific base and centuries-old traditions of the Leningrad School of Children's Doctors.

Every year, over 100,000 children receive qualified medical care in the clinic, more than 15,000 modern surgeries are performed. The specialists of the Clinic are doctors of the highest category, candidates and doctors of medical sciences with many years of experience. They provide surgical and therapeutic, high-tech and specialized medical care both on a planned and emergency basis in all areas of pediatrics. Modern equipment of operating units allows you to perform surgical interventions of any complexity. Endoscopic equipment provides minimally invasive operations on various bodies and tissues, which significantly reduces the length of stay of small patients in the hospital. The clinic is also equipped with modern diagnostic equipment: a multispiral computed tomography scanner, MRI, expert-class ultrasound scanners, an X-ray surgery unit, and a modern radioisotope laboratory. Clinical-biochemical, bacteriological, virological laboratories allow to perform the entire range of research at the most modern level.

On the basis of the university clinic, patients with malformations and disorders of urodynamics are operated on, urolithiasis in children is treated, patients of all nosologies are assisted, children are assisted with injuries, congenital malformations and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, endoprosthesis replacement of limb joints is performed in children. Children with pathology of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, with traumatic injury of the spleen are examined and assisted at the departments of the clinic of the university, correct birth defects development of the colon and anorectal region, provide emergency, round-the-clock, angiomicrosurgical care for children, and much more.

In addition, the SPbGPMU clinic specializes in helping newborns with various diseases, including children with congenital anomalies and malformations, doctors are actively using new technologies for nursing very premature babies born with extremely low and very low body weight. If necessary, specialists of the university of related specialties are always involved in the treatment of the patient: pediatric surgeons, neurologists, ophthalmologists, neurosurgeons. The university clinic has all possible personnel and material resources to provide highly qualified medical care to children, as well as women in labor and women with reproductive dysfunction.

    - (LPMI) (Litovskaya street, 2), the first specialized pediatric university in the USSR. It was founded in 1925 as the Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy (IMM), in 1928 it was transformed into a research institute, in 1932 the pediatric faculty of the 1st LMI was transferred to IMM, in ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    - (LPMI) (Litovskaya street, 2), the first specialized pediatric university in the USSR. It was founded in 1925 as the Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy (IMM), in 1928 it was transformed into a research institute, in 1932 the pediatric faculty of the 1st LMI was transferred to the IMM, in 1935 ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    Pediatric faculty of ChSU named after I. N. Ulyanova- educational structural subdivision Chuvash state university them. I. N. Ulyanova training pediatricians, pediatric surgeons. It is part of the Medical Institute of the Chuvash State University named after I.N. ... ... Wikipedia

    pediatric- see pediatrics; oh, oh. Institute of Pediatrics… Dictionary of many expressions

    Coordinates: 41°21′51″ s. sh. 69°20′07″ E  / 41.364167° N sh ... Wikipedia

    On the territory of the Academy, the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy (SPbGPMA) is the oldest pediatric higher educational institution(university) in the world. Contents 1 History ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 41°18′37″ s. sh. 69°18′06″ E  / 41.310278° N sh. 69.301667° E etc. ... Wikipedia

    It was founded in 1935 on the basis of the medical faculty of the Central Asian University. As a part of T. m. and. (1975): faculties of medical, sanitary and hygienic, dental, will prepare the department, postgraduate studies ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    SEI HPE "Russian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation» (GoU VPO RSMU of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) Founded in 1906 Rector N.N. Volodin Location Moscow ... Wikipedia


  • Potatoes and cabbage on eco-beds. Harvest without chemistry, Raspopov Gennady Fedorovich. A new ecological method of growing potatoes and cabbage from a pediatrician and gardener with many years of experience Gennady Raspopov will allow you to get a chemical-free crop, which can be used ... Buy for 100 rubles
  • Carrots and beets on eco-beds. Harvest without chemistry, Raspopov Gennady Fedorovich. A new ecological method of growing carrots and beets from a pediatrician and gardener with 40 years of experience Gennady Raspopov will allow you to get a crop without chemistry, which you can use ...

Which gained fame outside of Russia - the Institute of Pediatrics on Lomonosovsky Prospekt in Moscow. This institution provides high-quality care for young patients. Diagnostics and treatment in all areas are carried out here. Today we will find out what departments this institute has and where the institution itself is located. We will also find out what parents think about this medical institution.

Address. How to get there?

The Institute of Pediatrics is located in Moscow. Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 2, building 1 - this is where the institution is located.

There are two ways to get to the medical organization:

  1. Using public transport. Buses No. 130, 67, as well as trolleybus No. 49 run from the Profsoyuznaya metro station. You need to get to the stop "Cheremushkinsky market". Also from the metro station "Universitet" bus number 103 runs.
  2. By using the car. You need to go along Vavilov Street from the center to the intersection with Lomonosovsky Avenue.


There are 13 of them in the institute. These are the following departments:

  1. Receiving and diagnostic.
  2. For premature babies.
  3. Allergology and pulmonology.
  4. Nephrological.
  5. Rheumatological.
  6. Cardiology.
  7. Rehabilitation therapy of small patients with cerebral palsy.
  8. Surgery.
  9. Skin diseases.
  10. Pathologies of infancy.
  11. Gastroenterological.
  12. Psychoneurology.
  13. Diagnostics and rehabilitation treatment.

You can stay at the institute both for and for round-the-clock treatment.

Diagnostic departments

There are 5 of them in this medical organization. These are the departments:

  • Department with angiography room.
  • Children nutrition.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • X-ray computed tomography.

Departments of surgical intervention

The Institute of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatrics contains the following departments in which operations are performed:

  • Urological.
  • Department of Reproductive Health.
  • Orthopedics and neurosurgery.
  • Maxillofacial Surgery.
  • Department for patients with cardiovascular problems requiring surgical intervention.
  • Emergency surgery.
  • Otorhinolaryngology department.
  • Neonatal surgery.

Reception and diagnostic department: characteristics

The Institute of Pediatrics on Lomonosovsky Prospekt is famous for its doctors and nurses. The admission department of this medical institution is intended for the hospitalization of children. It consists of 2 divisions:

1. Emergency room. The nurse is registering a small patient, measuring his body temperature. The doctor examines the patient.

2. Hospital with boxed rooms. All conditions have been created here to make it comfortable for a sick child to stay and be treated in this institution. Double boxes with a toilet, an air disinfection system, excellent food - all this makes it convenient to spend time in the hospital.

Department for premature babies

The Institute of Pediatrics on Lomonosovsky Prospekt accepts even tiny babies. In the department for premature babies, specialists treat newborns with various diseases.

Here, doctors apply a wide range of studies, such as:

  • Diagnosis of intrauterine infections.
  • Doppler ultrasound.
  • Electroencephalogram.
  • MRI and computed tomography.
  • The study of markers of damage to nerve cells.
  • Bronchophonography, etc.

Thanks to the experience of doctors, you can undergo a complete diagnostic examination in just 3-5 days. After that, the specialist draws up an individual plan for therapy and monitoring the baby. The Institute of Pediatrics in Moscow works on the principle of "mother and child", that is, the baby is hospitalized together with the parent in a cozy ward.

Most often, help is provided here for babies with such ailments as:

  • Problems of the nervous system: hyperexcitability, delayed psychomotor development.
  • Dysbacteriosis, constipation, frequent regurgitation, decreased appetite, poor stool.
  • Dysplasia, malformations of the skeletal system.
  • Allergy.
  • Jaundice, rickets.

Pathological department

Here they help children from 1 month to 3 years. Children with infectious and somatic pathology are accepted for examination and treatment at the Institute of Pediatric Pediatrics in this department. The exception is dangerous infections such as tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, meningitis, etc.

Somatic problems effectively dealt with by the doctors of the institute: intracranial hypertension syndrome, delay in psychoverbal or motor development, thermoneurosis, chronic constipation, prolonged diarrhea, hydrocephalus, anemia, prolonged jaundice, urinary tract infections.

Cardiology Department

It was founded in 1952. The Scientific Institute of Pediatrics works here in such areas as:

  • The study of the characteristics of heart problems, the development of estimates of the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Conducting research on genetic pathologies in children with cardiomyopathies.
  • Scientific explanation of the causes of cardiac arrhythmias, as well as the development of rational methods for treating young patients.
  • The study of the features of the manifestation of arterial hypotension, hypertension in childhood.
  • Improving the methods of drug therapy for heart failure in patients.

In the cardiology department, the following problems are diagnosed and treated: cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, congenital vascular and heart defects, cardiac arrhythmias, infective endocarditis, Kawasaki disease.

The latest modern tomograph allows you to detect problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Nephrology Department

Diagnosis and treatment of all kidney diseases are carried out here. This is the only nephrology department in the Russian Federation that performs the entire diagnostic cycle, including the treatment of rare kidney problems. Diseases most often encountered by specialists of the institute: urinary tract infections, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, congenital kidney pathologies.

There are 10 wards with a total of 28 beds. Including there are 2 separate chambers of superior comfort.

Department of skin diseases

Here, various diseases of the internal organs are detected and comprehensively treated, which are often the cause of the chronic course of skin ailments in young patients. pediatrics is equipped with the latest equipment, thanks to which the treatment of skin problems can be compared with the most modern medical facilities in Europe. In the department of skin diseases, specialists relieve children of such problems as:

  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Scleroderma.
  • Eczema.
  • Acne.
  • Alopecia.
  • Lichen.
  • Hives.
  • Viral dermatoses.
  • Purulent skin diseases.
  • Hereditary skin problems - epidermolysis, tuberous sclerosis, etc.

The Institute of Pediatrics in Moscow is an institution, in each department of which it is comfortable to be. This also applies to the Department of Skin Diseases. There are rooms for both 1 and 2 people. Shower and toilet - these facilities are also found in every room where children lie. The department has supply and exhaust ventilation which is so necessary for patients with allergic skin diseases. Indeed, thanks to such a system, a special microclimate is created on the floor, in which there are no viruses, fungi, bacteria, allergens. In the skin department, specialists conduct telemedicine consultations with parents of seriously ill children who live in other Russian cities.

Positive evaluations of people

The Institute of Pediatrics receives mostly good reviews. People note such positive moments in the work of the institution:

  • There is no need to leave the room with the child for ultrasound, tests. All experts come by themselves. This is the nature of this institution. A portable ultrasound machine is brought into the wards so that parents do not carry the child around the hospital.
  • Competent, pleasant nurses and doctors. The entire staff of the institute is perfectly matched, all responsible and sincere people.
  • Normal conditions, and if necessary, there will be excellent ones (for an additional fee). If a woman wants to settle in a single room with all amenities, then she is given this opportunity. But even in ordinary wards, the conditions of stay are normal.
  • Children are treated free of charge if the parent provides a referral.
  • All equipment is the latest, and this allows you to diagnose various diseases in boys and girls.
  • For mothers lying with babies, consultations are held with a psychologist, if required by the parent. There are also classes with a correctional teacher. A nutritionist even makes a diet for nursing mothers, an immunologist - an individual vaccination schedule for a child. Parents also like that free classes are held here, where experts explain everything and answer various questions related to feeding and raising boys and girls.

Negative evaluations of people

They are few, but still they are. Some people are unhappy with things like:

  • If you contact the institute privately, the cost of services is very high.
  • Some mothers write on the forums that the food in this institution is tasteless.
  • Parents note that nurses are apathetic, slow, and not always able to provide qualified assistance.


From this article, you learned what the Institute of Pediatrics on Lomonosovsky Prospekt in Moscow is like, what departments are included in it. We also found out that here you can undergo both paid and free treatment. And the numerous positive reviews of parents about this institution indicate that they really help to quickly put any child on their feet, even with the most severe and rare diseases.

"... But you're a doctor and you're used to everything.

In 1930, at the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, at that time - the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute, the pediatric faculty was opened. This is one of the first faculties for the preparation of pediatricians in the country. And although now in Russia pediatricians are trained at 38 faculties, the pediatric faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova - leader. Worthy successors of the great pediatric teachers work here - wonderful people, world-famous scientists, excellent doctors and brilliant organizers.

Among them are academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Yu.F. Isakov, N.I. Nisevich, N.S. Kislyak, G.M. Savelyeva, O.V. Volkova, V.F. Uchaikin, E.A. Stepanov, V.A. Mikhelson, Yu.G. Pivovarov, Yu.P. Lisitsin, M.R. Bogomilsky, E.I. Sidorenko; professors Yu.G. Mukhin, G.A. Samsygina, V.F. Demin, B.N. Budlaev, N.P. Katlukov, I.M. Osmanov, A.A. Terentiev, V. A. Filin and many others.

Since the health potential of the country's population is formed from childhood, then, as the first People's Commissar of Health N.A. Semashko wrote back in 1923, "the improvement of the population should begin with the improvement of the mother and child." This, of course, makes it necessary to train doctors who are highly professional and qualified in pediatrics - the science of childhood diseases, their diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

How is the training structured at the faculty?

In general, pediatric students study medicine, various aspects of it for 6 years (at the full-time department) and 7 years (at the evening department) at 54 university departments. Moreover, training is carried out not only at specialized, purely pediatric departments (propaedeutics of childhood diseases, faculty pediatrics, hospital pediatrics, childhood infectious diseases, pediatric surgical diseases, etc.), but also at departments where they study the issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of certain diseases among adults, since a child at the age of 14-15 is already a practically formed body of an adult. This approach to education is all the more relevant because at the VIII Congress of Russian Pediatricians, held in February 1998, it was decided to provide medical care in a children's clinic not only to children, but also to adolescents under the age of 17 years (inclusive), who are currently observed in teenage rooms of children's clinics.

In addition to clinical training, pediatricians study fundamental natural sciences, medical-biological and medical-preventive disciplines, which makes it possible to train highly qualified specialists who, after receiving a diploma as a pediatrician, can work in any medical specialty, of which there are now more than 100.

In addition to theoretical training, students must undergo an internship, during which future pediatricians master practical skills at the bedside of a patient in various medical institutions. In accordance with the curriculum, students practice as an assistant: after the 1st year - junior medical staff, after the 2nd year - a ward nurse, after the 3rd year - a procedural nurse, after the 4th year - a hospital doctor (surgery, therapy, obstetrics and gynecology ), after the 5th course - a doctor of outpatient clinics.

What is fundamentally different from other pediatric faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov?

Department head

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation

Zakharova Irina Nikolaevna

Head of Education

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department

Svintsitskaya Victoria Iosifovna

125373, Moscow, st. Geroev Panfilovtsev, 28, Children's City Clinical Hospital. BEHIND. Bashlyaeva

[email protected]

Full nameAcademic degreeAcademic titleJob title
ZAKHAROVA Irina Nikolaevna Doctor of Medical SciencesProfessor,
Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation
head of department
Chief pediatrician of the Central Federal District of Russia, member of the executive committee of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, Honorary Professor of the Scientific Center for Health Care of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
After graduating in 1979 with honors from the Kuibyshev State Medical Institute. DI. Ulyanova worked as a local pediatrician for 9 years in various regions of the USSR and abroad. In 1988, she entered the clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics of the Central Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education (now FGBOU DPO RMAPE of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, with which it is inextricably linked to the present. I.N. In 1994, under the guidance of her Teacher, MD, Prof. N.A. Korovina, she defended her Ph.D. "Clinical and pathogenetic aspects of tubulointerstitial kidney disease in children".
Since 2001, Zakharova has worked as a professor of the department, since 2008 - the head of the department.
Since 2008 I.N. Zakharova is the Chairman of the Dissertation Council on Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery.
Since 1997 - Consultant in pediatrics at polyclinics of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, many private centers. Member of the editorial board of the journals "Issues of Practical Pediatrics", "Medical Council", "Consilium Medicum (Pediatrics), etc.
In 2010 she became an Honorary Professor of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In December 2010, she received the title of Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. In February 2011 she received a diploma from the State Duma, in February 2012 she was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.
Since May 2012, he has been the chief freelance pediatrician of the Central Federal District of Russia.
Since 2013 Member of the Executive Committee of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.
Under the guidance of Irina Nikolaevna, 12 PhD theses were defended. Author of over 300 scientific publications in periodicals, manuals and guidelines for doctors.
ZPLATNIKOV Andrey Leonidovich Doctor of Medical SciencesProfessorProfessor
Dean of the Pediatric Faculty of RMAPE.
After graduating with honors from the Donetsk Medical Institute (1984) A.L. Zaplatnikov worked as a doctor in a children's hospital, as a deputy chief physician in a children's hospital in one of the largest industrial centers of Donbass, and then as a local pediatrician and emergency doctor in children's clinics in Moscow. During this period, his interest in science is manifested, he generalizes practical experience and publishes the first scientific works. In 1991-1993 - training in clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, work on a Ph.D.

After successfully defending his dissertation in 1994, he was enrolled in the staff of the Department of Pediatrics of the RMAPE, with which his further development is inextricably linked. professional activity. Thanks to the work at the department, A.L. Zaplatnikov is formed as a highly qualified specialist, gaining invaluable experience in research and teaching work. His development as a researcher, clinician and teacher took place under the guidance of prof. ON THE. Korovina, Assoc. S.V. Levitskaya, Assoc. Z.N. Vikhireva, Assoc. A.V. Cheburkin. In 2003 A.L. Zaplatnikov defends his doctoral dissertation (“Clinical and pathogenetic substantiation of immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis of viral and bacterial diseases in children”, scientific consultant - Prof. N.A. Korovina). In 2008 he was awarded the title of professor.

Under his leadership, dissertations are carried out and successfully defended, he is the author of more than 250 scientific papers, as well as a co-author of numerous manuals, methodological recommendations, monographs and manuals. A.L. Zaplatnikov is the editor-in-chief of the series "Pediatrics" of breast cancer. In 1999-2011 served as Vice Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the National Regulatory Authority for Medical Immunobiological Products.

KOTLUKOVA Natalya Pavlovna Doctor of Medical SciencesProfessorProfessor

Graduated from the 2nd MOLGMI them. N.I. Pirogov in 1975 (Moscow) with a degree in pediatrics. Dissertation for the degree of Ph.D. defended in 1982. Dissertation for the degree of d.m.s. defended in 2001. Subject of doctoral dissertation: "Cardiovascular pathology in newborns and young children."

Teaching disciplines: pediatrics, pediatric cardiology and rheumatology.

Specialization: pediatric cardiology.

Last advanced training: Pediatrics, Moscow. Date of issue of the certificate: October 31, 2016; Pediatric cardiology, Moscow. Certificate issue date: 03/25/2019.

Total work experience: since 1980.

Work experience in pediatrics: since 1982.

Teaching experience: since 1982.

Kotlukova N.P. has more than 300 scientific publications (including in foreign press), including 4 monographs, 6 manuals, and 15 teaching aids, guidelines and lectures on various sections of pediatrics and pediatric cardiology. Author of the textbook "Pediatric Cardiology", 2018

Kotlukova N.P. is the initiator in carrying out scientific work on the study of the efficacy and safety of treatment of infantile hemangiomas with non-selective beta-blockers. Since 2010, she has accumulated vast experience in the successful medical treatment of this pathology, as evidenced by the results of publications and speeches both in Russia and abroad, including in the media. In 2019, a patent for the invention "Method for the treatment of infantile hemangiomas" was received. N.P. Kotlukova is one of the authoritative specialists in the field of metabolic pediatrics and orphan diseases. N.P. Kotlukova is one of the authors of clinical guidelines for the provision of medical care to patients with Pompe disease.

N.P. Kotlukova was three times the laureate of the RNIMU competition. N.I. Pirogov for the best research and educational work, including the first prize winner for the cycle of scientific research "Perinatal cardiology and cardiovascular pathology in young children."

Professor N.P. Kotlukova - Vice-President of the Russian Association of Pediatric Cardiologists, Scientific Secretary of the Department, Member of the Cycle Methodological Commission on Pediatrics, Member of the Russian Council of Experts on Pompe Disease, Member of the Editorial Board of the journals "Pediatrics" named after. G.N. Speransky, "Children's diseases of the heart and blood vessels", "Medical Council", "Practice of a pediatrician", "CONSILIUM MEDICUM". For 15 years, N.P. Kotlukova was the scientific secretary of the Dissertation Council No. N.I. Pirogov for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations. Currently, N.P. Kotlukova is a member of the Dissertation Council D 900.006.04 of the Medical Academy. S.I. Georgievsky Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU im. V.I. Vernadsky "(Simferopol).

N.P. Kotlukova has a number of honorary titles and awards: Diploma winner and winner of an annual grant in the nomination "Clinical Medicine" of the Charitable Foundation for the Promotion of Domestic Medicine and the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2001); Laureate of the national award "Vocation" in 2010 - to the best doctors of Russia in the nomination "For the creation of a new direction in medicine", awarded "For the creation of a system for providing highly specialized interdisciplinary care to pregnant women and newborn children with pathology of the cardiovascular system" (2010); Gratitude of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "For merits in the field of healthcare" (2004); Badge of Honor "Veteran of Labor" (2010); Honorary badge "Excellent worker of healthcare" (2009); Winner of the competition "Best teacher of the year-2012"; Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "For merits in the field of healthcare and many years of conscientious work" (2016); All-Russian award in the field of perinatal medicine in the nomination "Person of the Year" (2016).

MAKAROV Leonid Mikhailovich Doctor of Medical SciencesProfessorProfessor
VOLODKO Elena Anatolievna Doctor of Medical Sciencesassistant professorProfessor

In 1973 she graduated from the Omsk State Medical Institute. Kalinin. Thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences "Surgical tactics for malformations of the kidneys and ureters in newborns and infants", 1983

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences "Surgical tactics for hypospadias in children with impaired sex formation", 2006

Teaching disciplines: pediatric surgery, pediatric uroandrology.

Direction of training (or specialty): pediatric surgery, pediatric uroandrology.

Data on advanced training and professional retraining:

    Advanced training in the specialty "Pediatric uroandrology" - 2017

    Advanced training in the specialty "Pediatric Surgery" - 2014

    Advanced training in the specialty "Urology. Oncourology" - 2011

General length of service: the beginning of labor activity from 09/09/1966 (general length of service).

Work experience in the specialty "Pediatric Surgery" since 07.1974.

Work experience in the specialty "Pediatric uroandrology" since 17.05.2007.

Work experience in the specialty "Urology" - from 03.2011.

PRIKHODINA Larisa Serafimovna Doctor of Medical Sciencesassistant professorProfessor

Information about the university: Russian State Medical University, Department of Pediatrics, graduation date 1994 Data on the defense of the dissertation: Thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. Sciences "Clinical and diagnostic significance of the study of the spectrum of urine proteins in children with kidney diseases occurring with hematuria syndrome" (Moscow, 2001);

Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Sciences "Clinical and genetic patterns of progression of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in children and the effectiveness of immunosuppressive therapy" (Moscow, 2012).

    Specialty: pediatrics, 2017, FGBOU DPO "RMANPO" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

    Specialty: nephrology, 2016, FGBOU DPO "RMANPO" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

General work experience: from 09-1985

Work experience in the specialty: from 09-1996

Pedagogical experience: from 11-2012

Information about membership in medical communities, published works: member of the International Association of Pediatric Nephrologists (IPNA), European Society of Pediatric Nephrologists (ESPN), member of the International Society of Nephrologists in ISN, member of the board of the Creative Association of Pediatric Nephrologists of Russia, member of the Russian Dialysis Society member of the Medical Council of Experts OxalEurope and the European patient organization NephсEurope, member of ESPN working groups, member of the editorial boards of the journals Nephrology and Dialysis and Clinical Nephrology.

h-index / citation:

RSCI 6/405; Scopus 4/27; Web of Science 2/17

KHOLODOVA Irina Nikolaevna Doctor of Medical Sciencesassistant professorProfessor
Graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the 2nd MOLGMI named after A.I. N.I. Pirogov in 1984.
From 1984 to 1987 studied in clinical residency at the Department of Children's Diseases No. 3 of the Russian State Medical University (Head of the Department Prof. Demin V.F.), from 1987 to 1990. - PhD student in the same department. In 1990 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, from the same year - an assistant at the Department of Children's Diseases No. 3. Since 1997 - Associate Professor. In 2004, she moved to work as an assistant professor at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the Moscow Faculty of the Russian State Medical University (Head of the Department Prof. Ilyenko L.I.). In 2005 she defended her doctoral dissertation.

Since 2008, she has worked at the Russian State Medical University (then the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov) as a professor at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the Moscow Faculty. Since September 2015 - Professor of the Department of Pediatrics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Has over 100 scientific works(including 3 works on pedagogy), 2 monographs, 18 methodological recommendations, 1 author's certificate, 3 times was the winner of the annual Pirogov competition of the Russian State Medical University, Laureate of the Moscow Government Prize in the field of medicine (2008), awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, badge "Excellent worker in health care", an honorary medal "In the name of life on earth" of the public fund "Kind people of the world".

Highly qualified teacher and doctor. Has the highest medical category. He gives lectures, conducts seminars, makes rounds and consults difficult children. He actively introduces the homeopathic method of treatment into practical healthcare, owns the Fol diagnostic method. These methods are constantly used in their practical activities. He speaks a lot at scientific and practical congresses, congresses, conferences.

KOMOLYATOVA Vera Nikolaevna Doctor of Medical Sciences
PAMPURA Alexander Nikolaevich Doctor of Medical Sciences

Graduated from 2 MOLGMI them. N.I. Pirogova in 1989, Diploma RV No. 444061, pediatrician. Doctoral dissertation "Clinical and immunological characteristics of various forms of atopic dermatitis in children and optimization of its treatment", 2003 Diploma DK No. 020203.

Courses taught: Pediatrics.

Data on advanced training: diploma of professional retraining 180000206508, pediatrics, 2017 "RMANPO" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, specialist certificate 0377180730729, 2Ts-44-148759, Moscow 12/25/2017.

Total work experience: since 1990.

Work experience in the specialty: since 1990.

Information about membership in medical communities, publications: member of EAACI, RAAKI; author of more than 250 publications.

MUMLADZE Eteri Borisovna Candidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorassistant professor
Doctor of the highest category.
In 1968 she graduated from the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute. For 3 years after graduating from the institute, she worked in the early childhood department of the Regional Children's Hospital in the city of Kalinin (now Tver). After training (1971-1973) in clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics of the Central Physicians Institute for Advanced Studies (TSOLIUV), from 1973 to 1978 she worked as the head of the nephrology department of the Children's Hospital No. 9 (now the G.N. Speransky Hospital). In 1978 she defended her thesis on the topic “The state of plasma renin activity in glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis in children” (supervisors: Professor M.P. Matveev and Professor Yu.N. Kasatkin). From 1978 to the present, E.B. Mumladze's professional activity has been associated with the Department of Pediatrics of the TsOLIUV (now RMAPE), she worked as an assistant, then as an associate professor. Eteri Borisovna Mumladze - doctor of the highest category, chief pediatric nephrologist of the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow.
Author of more than 250 scientific papers, as well as co-author of numerous manuals, guidelines, monographs and manuals.
In the field of scientific interests - issues of pediatric nephrology, arterial hypertension, antibiotic therapy. Participates in certification cycles in pediatrics, nephrology, cardiology. For many years he supervises the work at the department with clinical residents.
TVOROGOVA Tatyana Mikhailovna Candidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorassistant professor
Doctor of the highest category.
After graduating from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute named after N.I. Pirogova worked as a pediatrician for a year at Children's Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after G.N. Speransky, then in 1966 she moved to the Department of Pediatrics of the TsOLIU of Doctors (now RMAPE), where she has been working to the present. Almost all labor activity of Tvorogova T.M. associated with the Department of Pediatrics, where she worked as a senior laboratory assistant, junior and senior researcher, assistant, and then associate professor. Her formation as a researcher, clinician, teacher took place under the guidance of prof. R.L. Hamburg, prof. M.P. Matveeva, prof. ON THE. Korovina, associate professor L.P. Gavryushova. In 1976 she defended her thesis on the topic: "The importance of mucoproteolytic enzymes in the violation of the content of mucoid compounds in diffuse glomerulonephritis in children."
The main scientific and practical direction of her activity is the optimization of the diagnosis and treatment of cardio-rheumatological and nephrological diseases in children. Author of more than 200 scientific papers, 12 rationalization proposals.
He combines active medical and scientific-pedagogical work with social activities, being the secretary of the Academic Council of the pediatric faculty of the RMAPO.
ZAYDENVARG Galina Evgenievna Candidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorassistant professor
Doctor of the highest category. Graduated from the Tomsk State Medical Institute, Faculty of Pediatrics in 1978. Training in clinical residency (1979-1981) at the Department of Pediatrics of the Kemerovo Medical Institute. From 1980 to 1990 worked in the nephrology department of the clinical regional hospital No. 1 in Kemerovo. In 1990-1999 - Assistant of the Department of Optional Pediatrics, St. Petersburg Medical State Academy. In 1999 she defended her thesis on the topic "Differential diagnosis of hematuria in children using phase-contrast microscopy" (supervisor - MD, Professor N. D. Savenkova). Since 2000 he has been working at the Department of Pediatrics of the RMAPO. In 2009, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
Sphere of scientific interests – gastroenterology, nephrology, endocrinology.
GORYAINOVA Alexandra Nikitichna Candidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorassistant professor
Born in a family of teachers. After graduating from high school in 1970, she entered the Voronezh State Medical Institute (VSMI) at the pediatric faculty, from which she graduated with honors in 1976. During her studies at the institute, she received a scholarship named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. She was left at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics in clinical residency, then full-time postgraduate study. Under the guidance of an outstanding pediatrician and pediatric nephrologist, Professor Valentina Panteleevna Sitnikova and a senior researcher at the Central Scientific Research Laboratory, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nina Vasilievna Zhuravleva, she completed a thesis for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Pathogenetic and prognostic significance of a natural inhibitor of macromolecular antibody activity (EIF) in glomerulonephritis in children ". From 1981 to 2001 she worked as an assistant at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics, from 2001 to the present she has been working at the Department of Pediatrics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. Since 2009, associate professor of the department.
He has more than 100 publications, 16 published abroad.
Research interests: pediatric nephrology, pediatric cardiology, diseases of the neonatal period and early childhood.
BEREZHNAYA Irina Vladimirovna Candidate of Medical Sciences
assistant professor

She graduated from the Russian State Medical University in January 1994. Data on the defense of the dissertation: thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic "The use of interferon alfa in the complex therapy of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases in children", 2011.

Teaching disciplines: gastroenterology, pediatrics.

Name of the direction of specialization training: gastroenterology, pediatrics, pulmonology, dietetics.

Data on advanced training: specialty, year and place of obtaining the certificate Gastroenterology 2017 RMAPE, Pediatrics 2015 RMAPE, Pulmonology 2016 First Moscow State Medical University, Dietology 2018 Department of Gastroenterology and Dietology, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Research Institute of Nutrition.

Total work experience: since 1983.

Work experience in the specialty: since 1994.

Teaching experience: since 2012.

Information about membership in medical communities, publications: member of the ECCO (European Society for the Study of Crohn's Disease), member of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, member of the Association of Pediatricians. More than 50 printed works, co-author of 4 guidelines.

Svintsitskaya Victoria Iosifovna Candidate of Medical Sciences
assistant professor

Head of Education since 2015.

In 2004 she graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Russian State Medical University. In 2009 she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic "Impairment of phosphorus-calcium metabolism and bone metabolism in tubulointerstitial kidney diseases in children." Scientific adviser Professor Korovina N.A.

Teaching disciplines: nephrology, pediatrics.

Name of specialization area: Pediatrics, Nephrology

Advanced training data: Pediatrics (certificate in February 2015, RMAPO), Nephrology (certificate in November 2015, RMAPO), Health Organization and Public Health (certificate 2019, RMAPE).

Total work experience: since 1997.

Work experience in the specialty: Pediatrics since 2003; nephrology since 2011.

SUGYAN Narine Grigorievna Candidate of Medical Sciences
assistant professor

Information about the university: Yerevan Medical Institute, graduation year 1993. Information about the defense of the dissertation: supervisor, MD, Professor Zakharova I.N. "The clinical significance of short-chain fatty acids in functional disorders gastrointestinal tract in young children, 2010.

Teaching disciplines: pediatrics, gastroenterology.

Name of the direction of specialization training: pediatrics, gastroenterology.

Data on advanced training: specialty, year and place of obtaining the certificate:

    Gastroenterology, 2016, GBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

    Pediatrics, 2015, GBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Total work experience: since 1988.

Work experience in the specialty: since 1997.

Information about membership in medical communities, publications: since 2015, a member of the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN).

DMITRIEVA Yulia Andreevna Candidate of Medical Sciences
assistant professor

Graduated from the Russian State Medical University, Faculty of Pediatrics, 2006. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences "Risk factors and features of the course of rickets in young children in modern conditions", supervisor prof. Zakharova I.N., 2011

Teaching disciplines: Pediatrics, Gastroenterology.

Name of the direction of preparation of specialization: Gastroenterology.

Data on advanced training: specialty, year and place of receipt of the certificate: Pediatrics 2015, RMNPO; Gastroenterology 2018, RMANPE.

Total work experience: since 2001.

Work experience in the specialty: since 2006.

Teaching experience: since 2010.

Information about membership in medical communities, publications: member of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN), more than 110 publications in peer-reviewed scientific publications, Hirsch index 14.

PRILETINA Irina Antonovna Candidate of Medical Sciences
assistant professor

Graduated in 1986 from the 2nd Moscow Order of Lenin State Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogov, specializing in pediatrics; 1988 completed internship in pediatrics; 1996-1998 - clinical internship of the RMA PO RF, specializing in pediatrics; 1998-2001 postgraduate study of RMA PO RF. In 2001 she defended her thesis on the topic "Allimentary correction of frequent morbidity in children."

Teaching disciplines:

    Issues of outpatient pediatrics: organization of work, development of children and dynamic monitoring of them, multifactorial assessment of the state of health, issues of preventive care, issues of pharmacotherapy, physical education of children, childhood infections, issues of nutrition of children, rehabilitation of children with PEP.

    Specific prevention of infectious diseases (vaccination)

    Issues of child disability: ITU, rehabilitation, palliative care and prevention of child disability.

Name of the direction of specialization training: pediatrics.

Data on advanced training: specialty - PEDIATRICS, 2018 RMANPE

Total work experience: since 1978.

Work experience in the specialty: since 1986.

Teaching experience: since 1999.

Information about membership in medical communities, printed works: 2011 (books, textbooks, methodological developments, learning programs PC PO and TU, articles in journals, abstracts at congresses).


Teaching disciplines - pediatrics, cardiology
Directions of training (specialty) - pediatrics - residency at the Department of Pediatrics GBOU DPO RMAPE 2010-2012.
Data on advanced training (professional retraining) - pediatric cardiology in 2015
Total work experience - since 2008.
Work experience as a pediatrician - since June 2015, work experience as a teacher at the Department of Pediatrics - since October 2015.
IVAKHNENKO Yury Ivanovich Candidate of Medical Sciences

Graduated from Rostov State Medical University in 2005. Data on the defense of the dissertation: thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic "Electroencephalographic monitoring during anesthesia with halogen-containing inhalation anesthetics in children", 2011.

Teaching disciplines: Anesthesiology and resuscitation.

Name of the direction of preparation of specialization: Pediatrics.

Data on advanced training: Anesthesiology and resuscitation. RMANPO 2018

Total work experience: since 2002.

Work experience in the specialty: since 2008.

Teaching experience: since 2012.

Member of the Moscow Scientific Society of Anesthesiologists-Resuscitators.

VECHORKO Valery Ivanovich Candidate of Medical Sciences

In Russia, the improvement of doctors in the main specialties began in late XIX century, however, the system of postgraduate training of pediatricians developed later. At the origins of its creation was the outstanding pediatrician G.N. postgraduate education- RMAPO).

The authority of G. N. Speransky and the successful work of the entire team allowed the department to quickly acquire the significance of the All-Union Educational and Methodological Center for the Specialization and Improvement of Pediatricians. G.N. Speransky emphasized that the high qualification of a doctor is possible only with the continuous improvement of his theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Georgy Nesterovich steadily oriented his employees towards the constant improvement of their own knowledge, the ability to convey the most advanced achievements of biomedical science to practicing pediatricians. Particular attention was paid to the transfer of medical experience. The tasks were solved due to the clinical orientation of the classes, the harmony of the presentation of the material and the clarity practical advice. G.N. Speransky and his staff during rounds, lectures and practical classes not only generously shared their clinical experience, but also introduced them to the most advanced methods of diagnosing, preventing and treating childhood diseases.

G.N. Speransky believed that the improvement of doctors should have a clear practical focus and take place on the basis of a multidisciplinary hospital that also provides urgent care. After all, it is there that patients with a variety of pathologies are sent, which determines the possibility of conducting clinical analyzes of both the most typical cases and rare diseases. Therefore, the department, which in the early years worked on the basis of the Institute of Pediatrics, was subsequently transferred to the Children's City Hospital No. 9 in Moscow. Thanks to G.N. Speransky, new buildings were built in this hospital, and the laboratory service was expanded. On the basis of the children's city hospital No. 9, the department worked for more than 30 years, now it bears the name of G.N. Speransky. Since 1985, the department has been working in the Tushino city children's hospital - one of the largest multidisciplinary children's hospitals in Moscow, on which many departments of the pediatric faculty of the RMAPE are based.

A full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Professor G.N. Speransky headed the department for almost 30 years. During this time, the department has become the leading educational and methodological center for advanced training of pediatricians in the country. In addition to advanced training courses for practical doctors, the department began to improve for the main specialists and the teaching staff of other GIDUVs and FUVs. From 1961 to 1966 The department was headed by Professor R.L. Hamburg - an excellent clinician, a well-known pediatric cardiologist and teacher. A special contribution to the development of the department was made by Professor M.P. Matveev, who led the department for 17 years. Professor MP Matveev was distinguished by intelligence, erudition, broad scientific outlook and talent as a clinician. In 1983-1984 the department was headed by Professor G.I. Klaishevich, a highly qualified pediatric cardiologist and an excellent teacher, who for a number of years worked as the first dean of the pediatric faculty of CIUV. IN different years such well-known pediatricians as professors A.S. Rozental, S.G. Zvyagintseva, O.G. Solomatina worked at the department; Academicians V.A. Tabolin and Yu.E. Veltishchev, well-known pediatric nephrologist Professor M.S. Ignatov.

Currently, there are 12-15 cycles per year, where more than 450 pediatricians improve their skills. Seminars for professors and teachers of medical academies, universities and institutes, international seminars continue to be held regularly.

The department trains about 10-15 interns and clinical residents, 4-5 graduate students from Russia, as well as from countries near and far abroad. Each of them knows the interpretation of clinical blood tests, urine tests, biochemical blood tests, ultrasound results, endoscopic (esophagogastroscopy, colonoscopy), radiological (including cystography, urography, irrigography). Encrypts the ECG, can evaluate the indicators of daily monitoring of blood pressure. Mandatory is training on simulation simulators, the ability to provide resuscitation in emergency conditions in pediatric practice.

Continuing the traditions laid down by Georgy Nesterovich Speransky, professors of the department Zakharova Irina Nikolaevna, Korovina Nina Alekseevna and Zaplatnikov Andrei Leonidovich, together with residents, interns, graduate students, conduct weekly rounds in the departments of the Tushino hospital, analyzing the most complex, diagnostically obscure clinical cases.

For the implementation of the educational process, the department has the following premises located at the main clinical base of the department (in the Tushinskaya children's hospital): a lecture room, an office of the head of the department, a professor's office, three classrooms, utility rooms. In addition, the departments of the hospital house the offices of associate professors who supervise these departments. Lecture and classrooms are equipped with multimedia technology for demonstrating lecture material in the form of presentations. A training room has been equipped for practicing practical skills on mannequins. To carry out the current and final control of knowledge and conduct a test exam with cadets of certification cycles, a computer class with 15 computers is provided.

The process of training interns, residents and graduate students is carried out in accordance with the developed by the staff of the department and the correspondingly approved educational programs in the specialties "Pediatrics", "Pediatric cardiology".

To assess the knowledge of specialists of pediatricians and to conduct a qualification (certification) exam in pediatrics, the staff of the department compiled test tasks in accordance with the qualification requirements for a pediatrician and the educational program of the additional vocational education doctors in the specialty "Pediatrics", approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The staff of the department has developed a number of methodological manuals for pediatricians:

  1. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements in children: modern approaches to correction: A guide for a pediatrician. / N.A. Korovina, I.N. Zakharova, A.L. Zaplatnikov, E.G. Ordinary. - Moscow: Medpraktika-M, 2003. - 100 p.
  2. Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children. Methodical manual for doctors. / ed. A.G. Rumyantseva. - Moscow, - 2004. - 45 p.
  3. Antibacterial therapy of pneumonia in children (a manual for doctors) / N.A. Korovina, A.L. Zaplatnikov, I.N. Zakharova. - Moscow: Publishing House "Medpraktika-M", 2006. - 48 p. - 10000 copies.
  4. Cholestasis syndrome in children. A guide for pediatricians. / N.A. Korovina, I.N. Zakharova, Yu.G. Mukhina, M.I. Pykov, A.V. Degtyareva, E.L. Tumanova, N.E. Malova. - Moscow: "Adamant", 2006. - 92 p. - 5000 copies. – ISBN 5-86103-044-8
  5. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon in children. / I.N. Zakharova, N.A. Korovina, L.N. Mazankova, M.I. Pykov, T.E. Borovik, V.N. Kopeikin, I.M. Kolobashkina, E.A. .V.Berezhnaya, O.V.Tatarkina. - Moscow: 4TeArt, 2010. - 100 p. - 5000 copies. – ISBN 978-5-903274-37-6
  6. Diagnosis and treatment of pyelonephritis in children (a manual for doctors). / N.A. Korovina, I.N. Zakharova, E.B. Mumladze, L.P. Gavryushova. - Moscow: Publishing House "Medpraktika-M", 2007. - 44 p. - 6000 copies.
  7. Vegetative dystonia in children and adolescents (a guide for physicians). Ed. 3rd add. / N.A. Korovina, I.N. Zakharova, L.P. Gavryushova, T.M. Tvorogova, E.B. Mumladze. - Moscow: Publishing House "Medpraktika-M", 2009. - 60 p. - 4500 copies. – ISBN 978-5-98803-178-9
  8. Pharmacotherapy of urinary tract infections in children (a guide for physicians). / N.A. Korovina, I.N. Zakharova, A.L. Zaplatnikov, E.B. Mumladze, A.N. Goryainova. - Moscow: ID "Medpraktika-M", 2006. - 100 p. - 10000 copies. – ISBN 5-98803-049-1
  9. Clinical aspects of celiac disease in children: A manual for practical pediatricians / N.A. Korovina, I.N. Zakharova, Yu.A. Lysikov, E.A. Roslavtseva, T.E. Borovik, L.A. Kataeva, I .V.Berezhnaya, E.V.Skorobogatova, T.A.Malitsyna, O.V.Zazulina, N.A.Averkina. - Moscow: MedExpertPress, 2007. - 79 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-902781-07-3
  10. Cystitis in children: etiology, diagnosis and treatment (a manual for practicing pediatricians). / N.A. Korovina, I.N. Zakharova, E.B. Mumladze. - Moscow: ID "Medpraktika-M", 2007. - 32 p. - 6000 copies.
  11. Vulvovaginitis in childhood and adolescence (a guide for physicians). / N.A. Korovina, I.N. Zakharova, T.M. Tvorogova. - Moscow: ID "Medpraktika-M", 2007. - 52 p. - 13000 copies.
  12. Features of nutrition of pregnant women and women during lactation (a guide for doctors). / N.A. Korovina, N.M. Podzolkova, I.N. Zakharova, M.Yu. Skvortsova, N.E. Malova. - Moscow: ID "Medpraktika-M", 2008. - 64 p. - 13000. - ISBN 978-5-98803-113-0
  13. Qualification tests in pediatrics (questions and answers). / N.A. Korovina, I.N. Zakharova, A.L. Zaplatnikov, L.P. Gavryushova, I.M. Kolobashkina, T.M. Tvorogova, E.B. Mumladze, A.V. Cheburkin, G .E. Zaidenvarg, A.N. Goryainova, E.M. Ovsyannikova, N.E. Malova. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2005. - 144 p. – ISBN 5-9704-0067-X
  14. Modern approaches to the adaptation of infant milk formulas (a manual for doctors). / Zakharova I.N., Borovik T.E., Dmitrieva Yu.A., Gordeeva E., Surkova E.N. - Moscow: RMAPO, 2012.
  15. Rickets and hypovitaminosis D - a new look at a long-standing problem. / I.N. Zakharova, N.A. Korovina, T.E. Borovik, Yu.A. Dmitriev. - Moscow: RMAPO, 2010
  16. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children: problem and solution. / I.N. Zakharova, L.N. Mazankov. - Moscow: RMAPO, 2011
  17. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in children: what to do? How to treat? / I.N. Zakharova, N.A. Korovina, M.I. Pykov, O.P. Kameneva, G.E. Seidenvarg, L.A. Poleshuk, L.A. Kataeva, E.N. Andryukhin. - Moscow: RMAPO, 2012
  18. Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in young children./ I.N. Zakharova, Yu.A. Dmitrieva, N.E. Malova. - Moscow: RMAPO, 2011
  19. Features of nutrition of children from one to 3 years. / I.N. Zakharova, T.E. Borovik, A.V. Surzhik, Yu.A. Dmitriev. - Moscow: RMAPO, 2012
  20. Infantile intestinal colic: to treat or not to treat? / I.N. Zakharova, T.E. Borovik, G.V. Yatsyk, V.A. Skvortsova, N.G. Sugyan, E.N. Kasatkina, Yu.A. Dmitrieva, N.G. Zvonkov. - Moscow: RMAPO, 2013

1. Agadzhanyan N.A., Vlasova I.G., Ermakova N.V., Torshin V.I. Fundamentals of human physiology // M., 2005 - 408 p.;

2. Aksenova V.A., Ait A.S., Barinov V.S. Phthisiology. // National leadership. - M.2007. - 512 p.;

3. Alekseeva E.A., Litvitsky L.F. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. // M., 2007. 358 p.;

4. Alekseeva E.I., Zholobova E.S., Chistyakova E.G., Vilieva S.I. Reactive arthritis in children. // M., 2005. - 90 p.;

5. Allergy in children: from theory to practice // Ed. Namazova - Baranova L.S. - M., 2011. - 668 p.;

6. Alferov V.P., Romanyuk F.P. Nutrition of children of the first year of life: a guide for doctors. // St. Petersburg, 2003. - 48 p.;

7. Anemia in children: diagnosis and treatment / Ed. A.G. Rumyantseva, Yu.N. Tokarev. M., 2000. - 241 p.;

8. Anokhina T.I., Belaya O.F., Volchkova E.V. Infectious diseases and epidemiology. // M.2004. - 368 p.,

9. Antibacterial therapy in neonatology and pediatrics: a guide for doctors // V. S. Shukhov, N. N. Volodin, I. I. Ryumina; ed. A. D. Tseregorodtseva, V. S. Shukhov. - M., 2004. -165 p.;

10. Baranov A. A., Kuchma V. R., Sukhareva L. M. Evaluation of the health of children and adolescents during preventive examinations (a guide for doctors) // M .: Izdat. house "Dynasty", 2004 .– 168 p.;

11. Baranov A.A., Bozhenova L.K. Pediatric rheumatology. // M., 2002 - 336 p.;

12. Baranov A.A., Shcheplyagina L.A. Problems of adolescence. // M. 2003.- 477 p.;

13. Baranov A.A., Shcheplyagina L.A. Physiology of growth and development of children and adolescents.// M., 2000. - 448 p.;

14. Baranov A.A.,. Kuchma V.R.,. Tutelyan V.A., Velichkovsky B.T. New opportunities for preventive medicine in solving the health problems of children and adolescents in Russia // M: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 176 p.;

15. Belozerov Yu.M. Pediatric cardiology. //M., 2004. - 597 p.;

16. Bogomilsky M.R., Chistyakova V.R. Children's otorhinolaryngology // M., 2002. - 432 p.;

17. Bochkov N.P. Clinical genetics. // M., 2001. - 448 p.;

18. Buravkov S.V., Grigoriev A.I. Fundamentals of telemedicine. // M.: Firm "Slovo". - 2001. - 109 p.;

19. Hematology/oncology of childhood // Ed. A.G. Rumyantsev and E.V. Samochatova - M .: ID MEDPRAKTIKA-M, 2004 - 792s.;

20. Ginter E.K. Medical genetics. // M., 2003 - 448 p.;

21. Golubeva L.G. Gymnastics and massage for the little ones. // M., Education, 1999.;

22. Golubeva L.G. Massage and gymnastics in the practice of a local pediatrician, // Polyclinic. - No. 1. - 2005. - p. 21-28;

23. Grigoriev A.I., Orlov O.I. Clinical telemedicine. //M.: Firm "Slovo". - 2001. - 112 p.;

24. Dementieva G.M. Preventive and preventive neonatology. Low birth weight. Hypoxia of the fetus and newborn (lectures for doctors) // Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics. -M., 1999 - from 70.

25. Demin E.F., Klyuchnikova CO., Kotlukova N.P., Shcherbakova M.Yu. Lectures on Pediatrics. // M., 2004. - T. 4. - p. 180 - 322;

26. Pediatric gastroenterology. Selected Chapters // Ed. Baranova A.A., Klimanovskoy E.V., Remarchuk G.V. - M., 2002, p. 499-530

28. Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children. Manual for doctors // Ed. A.G. Rumyantseva, N.A. Korovina; Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, RMAPE of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, - Moscow, 2004. - 40 p.;

29. Diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases in children and adolescents (ed. N.P. Shabalov). - M.: MED-press-inform, 2003. - 544 p.;

30. Doskin V.A. Fundamentals of rational nutrition of sick children and disabled children. // Questions of children's dietology - 2003 - No. 6 - p. 27-34;

31. Doskin V.A., Keller H., Muraenko N.M., Tonkova-Yampolskaya R.V. Morpho-functional constants of the child's organism // Handbook. M.: Medicine, 1997 288 p.;

32. Doskin V.A., Kosenkova T.V., Avdeeva T.G. et al. Polyclinic Pediatrics.// M., 2002. - 504 p.;

33. Drannik G.N. Clinical Allergology and Immunology. //M., 2003. - 604 p.;

34. Zharikov N. M., Ursova L. G., Khritinin D. F. Psychiatry: Textbook // M., 1989 - 250 p.;

35. Zakharova I.N., Dmitrieva Yu.A., Surkova E.N. Long-term consequences of improper feeding: a guide for doctors. // M., 2010. - 68 p.;

36. Ignatova M.S., Korovina N.A. Diagnosis and treatment of nephropathy in children. // M., 2007. - 352 p.;

37. Ignatova M.S. Children's nephrology // M., 2011 - 696 p.;

38. Kokolina V.F. Modern aspects of contraception // M., 2003. - 42p.;

39. Kokolina V.F. Juvenile uterine bleeding // M., 2003. - 20 p.;

40. Kondratenko I.V., Bologov A.A. Primary immunodeficiencies // M., 2005. - 232 p.;

41. Korovina N.A. et al. Diagnosis and treatment of pyelonephritis in children. // M., 2003. - 46 p.;

42. N. A. Korovina, A. L. Zaplatnikov, I. N. Zakharova, and A. V. Cheburkin, Russ. Frequently ill children: modern possibilities of immunorehabilitation: a guide for physicians. // M.: Kontimed, 2001. - 68 p.;

43. Krasnopolskaya K.D. Hereditary metabolic diseases. // Reference manual for doctors. - M., 2005. - p.9-20;

44. Kuzmina L.A. Hematology of childhood. // M.: MEDpress-inform, 2001. - 400 p.;

45. Lectures on pediatrics. Volume 7. Dietology and nutrition. // Ed. Demina V.F., Klyuchnikova S.O., Mukhina Yu.G. - M., 2007. - 395 p.;

46. ​​Leont'eva I.V., Alexandrov A.A., Rozanov V.B. Arterial hypertension in children and adolescents. // M., 2010;

47. Lisitsin Yu.I. Medical ethics, deontology and bioethics // Problems of social hygiene and history of medicine. - 1998. - No. 2. -- P. 7-13.;

48. Lyskina G.A., Shirinskaya O.G. Mucocutaneous lymphonodular syndrome (Kawasaki syndrome). // M., 2008. - 139 p.

49. Makarov L.M. ECG in pediatrics. // M., 2002. - 274 p.;

50. Makarova Z.S., Golubeva L.G. Improvement and rehabilitation of frequently ill children in preschool institutions. // M., 2004 - 180 p.;

51. National program for optimizing the feeding of children in the first year of life in the Russian Federation. // M., 2010;

52. Neonatology // Ed. Dementieva G.M., Volodina N.N. – Guidelines for pharmacotherapy in pediatrics and pediatric surgery. Volume 4. - M., 2004. - 260 p.;

53. Nisevich N.I., Uchaikin V.F., Shamshaeva O.V. Infectious diseases and vaccination in children. // M.2007. - 688 p.;

54. Features of the pathogenesis and clinic of skin diseases // Ed. N.G. Korotkogo, I.Ya. Markin. - M., RSMU. - 1998. - 144 p.;

55. Ostropolets S.S. Medical ethics and medical deontology in pediatrics. // Clinical Pediatrics. 2006. - No. 2. - With. 4-10;

56. Acute respiratory diseases in children: treatment and prevention // Scientific and practical program of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. - M. International Foundation for Maternal and Child Health, 2002. - 69 p.;

57. Ophthalmology // Ed. Sidorenko E.I. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2007. - 440s.;

58. Pankov D.D., Kuznetsova I.V., Rumyantsev A.G. Diagnosis and correction of borderline (premorbid) conditions in children and adolescents in educational institutions (basic concepts and screening programs). // M., 2003;

59. Papayan A.V., Savenkova N.D. Clinical nephrology of childhood. // St. Petersburg, 2008

60. Papular dermatoses //Ed. N.G.Korotkoy, V.Yu.Udzhukhu. - M., RSMU. - 2000. - 84 p.;

61. Parfenov A.I. Enterology. // M.: Triada-X, 2002. - 744 p.;

62. Pathological physiology //Ed. N.N. Zaiko. - M., 2006. - 640 p.;

63. Persia L.S., Elizarova V.M., Dyakova S.V. Dentistry of childhood // M., 2003. - 640 p.;

64. Petrukhin A.S. Children's neurology // Textbook: in 2 volumes - M., 2009. - 839 p.;

65. Petrushina A.D. et al. Emergency conditions in children. // M.: " medical book", 2002. - 176 p.;

66. Pechora K.L. Psychological and pedagogical examination of children aged 1 year 3 months - 6 years. Rehabilitation games and activities with children. Guidelines// M., 1995;

67. A practical guide to childhood illnesses. Volume 2. Gastroenterology of childhood (under the editorship of Belmer S.V., Khavkin A.I.) // M.: Medpraktika-M, 2003.- 360 p.;

68. A practical guide to childhood illnesses. Volume 5. Emergency pediatrics (under the editorship of B.M. Blokhin) - M.: Medpraktika-M, 2005.- 600 p.;

69. Prives M.G., Lysenkov N.K., Bushkovich V.I. Human anatomy. // St. Petersburg: Hippocrates, 2001. - 704 p.;

70. Protocols for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of intrauterine infections in newborns // Ed. Volodina N.N.; Russian Association of Perinatal Medicine Specialists. - M., 2001;

71. Pulmonology: A Guide to Pharmacotherapy in Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery. / Ed. S.Yu.Kaganova // M.: Medpraktika, 2002. - 512 p.;

72. Radiobiology: a textbook for universities // Ed. Belova A.D. - M., 1999;

73. Guidelines for clinical laboratory diagnostics// Ed. V.V. Menshikov. - M., 1982. - 576 p.;

74. Guide to medical nutrition children // Ed. K.S. Ladodo. - M.: Medicine, 2000 - 384 p.;

75. Rumyantsev A.G., Pankov D.D. Actual issues of adolescent medicine. // M., 2002 - 375 p.;

76. Sigidin Ya.A., Guseva N.G., Ivanova M.M. Diffuse connective tissue diseases. // M., 2004. - 635 p.;

77. Skripkin Yu.K. Skin and venereal diseases. //M.1980. - 552 p.;

78. Modern technologies rehabilitation in pediatrics. // Ed. Lilyina E.T. - M., v.1 - 2000, v.11 - 2003, v.111 - 2005;

79. Handbook of functional diagnostics in pediatrics. // Ed. Yu.E. Veltishcheva, N.S. Kislyak. - M., 1979. - 624 p.;

80. Stetsenko S.G., Goncharov N.G., Stetsenko V.Yu., Pishchita A.N. Medical law. Textbook for legal and medical challenges.// Under the general editorship. prof. N.G. Goncharova. – Edition 2, supplemented and revised. - Moscow: RMAPO, Central Design Bureau of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - 2011. - 568 p.;

81. Strachunsky L. S. Antibacterial therapy of pneumonia in children: a guide to pharmacotherapy in pediatrics and pediatric surgery // ed. S. Yu. Kaganova. M.: Medpraktika-M, 2002. T. 1. S. 65-103 .;

82. Stukolova T.I., Lectures on polyclinic pediatrics. // M, 2005. - 448 p.;

83. Tatochenko V.K. Practical pulmonology of childhood. // M., 2001. - 268 p.;

84. Timchenko V.N., Levanovich V.V., Mikhailov I.B. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of childhood infections. // St. Petersburg: "ELBI-SPb", 2004. - 384 p.;

85. Uchaikin V.F., Molochny V.P. Infectious toxicosis in children. // M., 2002. - 168 p.;

86. Uchaikin V.F., Molochny V.P. Emergency conditions in pediatrics. // M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2005 - 256 p.

87. Uchaikin V.F., Shamsheva O.V., Korsunsky A.A. Vaccination. // M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011;

88. Khavkin A.I. Microflora of the digestive tract // M. Fund for Social Pediatrics, 2006. - 416 p.;

89. Khaitov R.M. Clinical Allergology. // M., 2002. - 240 p.;

90. Kharkevich D.A. Pharmacology //M., 1981. - 416 p.;

91. Surgical diseases of childhood: Textbook: In 2 volumes. // Ed. Yu.F.Isakova. - M., 2004

92. Tsaregorodtsev A.D., Tabolin V.A. Guidelines for pharmacotherapy in pediatrics and pediatric surgery. // M., 2002, v.2, Clinical genetics. - 232 p.;

93. Tsaregorodtsev A.D., Tabolin V.A. Guidelines for pharmacotherapy in pediatrics and pediatric surgery. T.3 Nephrology. - M., 2003. - 345 p.;

94. Tsybulkin E.K. Emergency pediatrics in algorithms. // St. Petersburg; "Peter Com", 1998. - 224 p.;

95. Tsybulkin E.K. Threatening conditions in children: Emergency medical care. // M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2007. - 592 p.;

96. Chicherin L.P. Problems of reforming the activities of the pediatric section: an information letter. - M., 2002;

97. Shabalov N.P. Neonatology: in 2 volumes. // St. Petersburg, 2000;

98. Shiffman F.D. Pathophysiology of blood.// SPb., 2000. - 448 p.;

99. Breast-feeding: A Commentary by the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, Vol. 49, no. 1 July 2009;

100. Complementary Feeding: A Commentary by the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, Vol. 46, no. 1, January 2008;

101. Enteral Nutrient Supply for Preterm Infants: Commentary From the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Committee on Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, Vol. 50, no. 1 January 2010.

ХVIII Congress of Children's Infectious Diseases of Russia "Actual issues of infectious pathology and vaccination" Head. Department of Pediatrics named after Academician G.N. Speransky RMANPO, chief pediatrician of the Central Federal District of Russia, member of the executive committee of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, honorary professor of the Scientific Center for Health Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Irina Nikolaevna Zakharova in the Health program of November 24, 2019, said: pediatricians have achieved that today children take vitamin D in all ages. As a result, children began to get sick less and get complications less often.

October and November were eventful for the Department of Pediatrics named after Academician G.N. Speransky of our Academy.
On October 9, 2019, doctors, residents, graduate students and employees of the RMANPO received a unique opportunity to communicate with a world-class specialist. Within the framework of educational projects of the Department of Pediatrics named after Academician G.N. Speransky on the basis of GBUZ "DGKB im. BEHIND. Bashlyaeva DZM” a scientific and practical conference was held with the participation of Professor Michael Lentze (Germany), President of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists and Nutritionists (ESPGHAN) 2004-2007, Honorary Head of the Pediatric Department of the Children’s Clinical Hospital at the University of Bonn, Honorary Professor of the Austrian Society pediatricians, member of the German Academy of Natural Sciences

November 19-21, 2019 was held V Moscow City Congress of Pediatricians "Difficult Diagnosis in Pediatrics". Scientific program The congress was formed under the leadership of the head. Department of Pediatrics. Academician G.N. Speransky RMANPE I.N. Zakharova.

The Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the RMANPE, Head. Department of Neonatology A.L. Zaplatnikov, head Department of Pediatrics. Academician G.N. Speransky I.N. Zakharova, head Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases L.N. Mazankova, head Department of Pediatric Endocrinology L.N. Samsonova, Professor of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases T.A. Chebotareva, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology G.F. Okminyan and other employees of the pediatric faculty of RMANPO.

On October 9, 2019, doctors, residents, graduate students and employees of the RMANPO received a unique opportunity to communicate with a world-class specialist. Within the framework of educational projects of the Department of Pediatrics named after Academician G.N. Speransky on the basis of GBUZ "DGKB im. BEHIND. Bashlyaeva DZM” a scientific and practical conference was held with the participation of Professor MichaelLentze (Germany), President of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists and Nutritionists (ESPGHAN) 2004-2007, Honorary Head of the Pediatric Department of the Children’s Clinical Hospital at the University of Bonn, Honorary Professor of the Austrian Society of Pediatricians , Member of the German Academy of Natural Sciences.

EmployeePosition, academic degreeSupervised branch
Zakharova Irina NikolaevnaHead of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian FederationDepartment of Gastroenterology,
pediatric department,
3rd Department of Infectious Diseases, Department of Nephrology
Korovina Nina AlekseevnaProfessor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian FederationDepartment of Gastroenterology,
pediatric department,
3rd Department of Infectious Diseases, Department of Nephrology
Zaplatnikov Andrey LeonidovichProfessor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
3rd infectious department
Department of resuscitation and intensive care
Neonatal intensive care unit
Mumladze Eteri BorisovnaDepartment of Nephrology
Tvorogova Tatyana MikhailovnaAssociate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical SciencesPediatric department
Zaidenvarg Galina EvgenievnaAssociate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical SciencesDepartment of Gastroenterology
Kolobashkina Irina MikhailovnaAssociate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical SciencesDepartment of Gastroenterology
Goryainova Alexandra NikitichnaAssociate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical SciencesPediatric department for newborns
3rd infectious department
Dmitrieva Yulia Andreevna3rd infectious department
Consultative and diagnostic polyclinic department
Svintsitskaya Victoria IosifovnaDepartment assistant, candidate of medical sciences3rd infectious department
Sugyan Narine GrigorievnaDepartment assistant, candidate of medical sciencesDepartment of Gastroenterology
Berezhnaya Irina VladimirovnaDepartment assistant, candidate of medical sciences