Diet nutrition tables: therapeutic diet tables for medical diseases. Diet nutrition tables: therapeutic diet tables for medical diseases Diet 16 table what you can

Indications for appointment

Diet No. 16 (table No. 16) is indicated for peptic ulcer in children and adults, with chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis (in the period of exacerbation or subsidence). Also, this diet is indicated after the abolition of diet 1a, after abdominal operations and tonsillectomy, with reflux esophagitis, after gastroduodenal bleeding.

Special purpose

Diet 16 is intended for those patients who observe half-bed rest. With this mode, the patient is up to 50% of the daytime in a sitting position, can move around the ward and department. Diet No. 16 provides such a patient with physiological needs for protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and so on.

general characteristics

Patients who adhere to diet 16 should limit chemical and mechanical irritants and secretion provocateurs in the diet. gastrointestinal tract. The range of products and dishes coincides with that of the 1a diet.

You can also include homogenized vegetables and fruits, crushed wheat crackers in the diet. You can eat meat and fish - cook steam cutlets, meatballs, dumplings. Mucous soups must be replaced with pureed ones.

All food should be steamed, boiled to a soft state, boiled, wiped and pureed (brought to a puree consistency). You can not eat food cooler than 15 ˚С and hotter than 62 ˚С. As with table No. 1a, food should be taken 6 times a day, which is called a fractional diet. For all types of gastroduodenal pathology, the diet is prescribed for up to 10-14 days.

Diet number 16 was developed by physicians in order to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers, gastroduodenitis, gastritis in various stages. In addition, the Pevzner therapeutic diet is also applicable to those recovering from abdominal operations, who are prescribed a half-bed rest. It allows you to unload the digestive tract as much as possible and at the same time provide the body with good nutrition.

First of all, the effectiveness of the diet is achieved by clear instructions about what foods can be used for food and what can not be eaten at all. Diet Table 16 has one of the shortest allowed food lists of any diet. All food enters the body in an already crushed form. Thus, it does not irritate the walls of the stomach and does not require too much energy for digestion.

All foods that stimulate appetite and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice are excluded from the diet. Therefore, the feeling of hunger is practically absent, although in general the calorie content of the diet is low - up to 2000 kcal.

The amount of table salt is limited to 6-8 grams per day. Only light and quickly digestible food enters the body.

Additional rules

For Diet 16 to be as effective as possible, you need to follow certain rules for cooking and eating:

Diet 16 is quite specific. Usually the patient is on it for 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease, and then transferred to a more complete diet. No physical activity during this period is unacceptable.

Wiped menu

Although diet 16 does not offer any special recipes, you can cook dishes only from permitted products, the list of which is quite limited. You need to fill the soup with a small amount of cereal so that after wiping it remains moderately liquid. It is difficult to recommend a menu for a week, it is better to proceed from the wishes and state of health of the patient.

For cooking, you can use:

  • Bread - dried or crushed crackers.
  • Cereals - semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice.
  • Meat - beef or veal.
  • Poultry - chicken or turkey breast without skin.
  • Fish - low-fat varieties, pre-boiled and chopped.
  • Milk - not too fat, only warm; sour curd.
  • Eggs - in the form of a steam omelette or soft-boiled, 2-3 per day.
  • Vegetables - only pureed beets, carrots, potatoes.
  • Fats - a little butter.
  • Drinks - weak tea, rosehip broth, kissels.
  • Sweets - sugar and natural honey.
  • Sauces - low-fat with sour cream, no flour added.

It is strictly forbidden to use:

  • marinades and pickles (including homemade);
  • smoked meats;
  • salted meat or fish;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • fresh fruit;
  • any confectionery;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • black tea and coffee;
  • all kinds of alcohol.

A sample menu for each day might look like this:

  1. Breakfast: pureed oatmeal in milk with the addition of butter; tea with milk.
  2. Second breakfast: cottage cheese soufflé with honey; rosehip decoction.
  3. Lunch: mashed soup with cereals or vermicelli; steam cutlets; jelly.
  4. Afternoon snack: vegetable puree; rosehip decoction.
  5. Dinner: fish soufflé with mashed potatoes; tea with milk.
  6. Before going to bed: a glass of warm milk is required, optionally with the addition of honey.


Pureed food is easily absorbed by the body, and the list of allowed foods allows you to balance the diet as much as possible in terms of the content of valuable nutrients. Practice shows that in patients on a diet of 16, the symptoms are not so severe, and the disease is milder.

Of course, the proposed diet lacks variety. But it is strongly not recommended to change or supplement it in any way without the permission of the attending physician. It was created by professional nutritionists with a specific purpose, and you need to treat it the same way as taking medication - carefully and responsibly. Only in this case complex treatment will give you the fastest results.

Nutrition of children in the hospital is carried out according to the doctor's prescription under the direct supervision of a nurse. In the organization of nutrition for children, two basic principles are used: individual and group. An individual diet is prescribed by a doctor: in this case, food is prepared specifically for each child, with a group principle, one or another diet is prescribed, which has a certain therapeutic effect. The number of the diet or table, as well as the feeding regimen of the child depends on the age and nature of his disease. The nurse should know what dietary table each sick child receives and monitor its observance.

For children of the first year of life, the most rational is feeding breast milk. During an illness, this is especially necessary for the child, as it contributes to a faster recovery. The feeding regimen may vary depending on the disease and the general condition of the child. The doctor in the medical history calculates the feeding, draws up the menu, and the nurse makes sure that the mother, or the one who cares for the child, observes it. In the case of a serious condition of the child, the nurse feeds through the tube.

AT diet food children use treatment tables No. 1-14 and general diets No. 15-16.

Children from 1 year 3 months. up to 3 years old receive food in accordance with table number 16, and from 3 to 18 years old - table number 15. These diets provide the child's needs for basic nutritional ingredients, if there are no indications for the appointment of clinical nutrition.

Depending on the disease, an older child receives therapeutic nutrition, which is the most important component of complex therapy. The main purpose of its appointment is to restore the disturbed functions of the diseased organ and the body as a whole. Medical nutrition should take into account the pathogenesis of the disease, clinical manifestations, the dynamics of the development of the disease and fully meet the needs of a sick child in food ingredients. This is achieved by adapting chemical composition diet to the condition of the patient through the selection of products and the method of their culinary processing.

For the nutrition of patients, there are various dietary tables that are prescribed for therapeutic purposes.

Table No. 1 - at peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic gastroduodenitis in the acute stage and incomplete clinical remission;

table number 2 - for acute and chronic gastritis with reduced secretion, enteritis and colitis in the period of convalescence (recovery);

table number 3 - for chronic bowel diseases with constipation in the acute stage and incomplete clinical remission;

table number 4 - for chronic intestinal diseases with dyspeptic symptoms, malabsorption syndrome (impaired intestinal absorption);

table number 5 - for chronic hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, acute hepatitis during an exacerbation

table number 6 - with urate and oxalate nephropathies;

table number 7 - for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract without signs of decompensation; table No. 7a, No. 7b, No. 7c - for kidney diseases with signs of decompensation;

table number 8 - for obesity;

table number 9 - at diabetes;

table number 10 - for diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory disorders;

table number 11 - with anemia;

table number 12 - for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system;

Indications for appointment

Diet No. 16 (table No. 16) is indicated for peptic ulcer in children and adults, with chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis (in the period of exacerbation or subsidence). Also, this diet is indicated after the abolition of diet 1a, after abdominal operations and tonsillectomy, with reflux esophagitis, after gastroduodenal bleeding.

Special purpose

Diet 16 is intended for those patients who observe half-bed rest. With this mode, the patient is up to 50% of the daytime in a sitting position, can move around the ward and department. Diet No. 16 provides such a patient with physiological needs for protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and so on.

general characteristics

Patients who adhere to diet 16 should limit the diet of chemical and mechanical irritants and secretion provocateurs in the gastrointestinal tract. The range of products and dishes coincides with that of the 1a diet.

You can also include homogenized vegetables and fruits, crushed wheat crackers in the diet. You can eat meat and fish - cook steam cutlets, meatballs, dumplings. Mucous soups must be replaced with pureed ones.

All food should be steamed, boiled to a soft state, boiled, wiped and pureed (brought to a puree consistency). You can not eat food cooler than 15 ˚С and hotter than 62 ˚С. As with table No. 1a, food should be taken 6 times a day, which is called a fractional diet. For all types of gastroduodenal pathology, the diet is prescribed for up to 10-14 days.

The quality of nutrition determines the level of health for any person. With the help of a properly selected diet, almost all physiological problems can be solved: lose weight or gain weight, normalize or reduce sugar levels. For simple tasks, there are a lot of simple diets, and in a more complex situation, medical techniques are used.

Modern dietology uses medical diets compiled in the middle of the last century. Despite the prescription of their formation, the principles of these diets have not been refuted by modern scientists and are still working effectively. The author of these techniques, Manuil Pevzner, devoted his life and all his scientific works to the creation of a cycle of therapeutic diets. Thanks to this, we still use them today in sanatoriums, hospitals, and at home.

The system consists of 16 diets, which are called treatment tables. Each such table is assigned a serial number from zero to 15: table No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and so on. Some of these diets are divided into subspecies: No. 1a, No. 4c, No. 7g. All tables are made taking into account the physiological needs of the organism affected by a particular disease. Diets of therapeutic nutrition are prescribed for use depending on the severity and type of the disease:

- for patients in serious condition after brain injuries, operations on the gastrointestinal tract, viral diseases with fever.

- with gastritis with high acidity, after an exacerbation of peptic ulcer during the attenuation period:

  • - exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • - in the first days after exacerbations of peptic ulcer and gastritis with high acidity.

- not exacerbated chronic colitis, low acidity of the stomach, gastritis with a lack of acidity, gastric achylia.

- in diseases of the digestive system with difficult defecation (constipation) or its absence.

- for the treatment of intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea; colitis with diarrhea; gastroenterocolitis:

  • - exacerbation of colitis and enteritis with diarrhea;
  • - attenuation of diseases accompanied by diarrhea;
  • - in the period of compensation of chronic enteritis and colitis.

– during recovery and remission after hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis:

  • - exacerbation of hepatitis and liver disease;
  • - pancreatitis without complications and exacerbation.

- with diathesis and gout.

- during the recovery period after nephritis, hypertension:

  • - a severe form of acute nephritis.

- with excessive deposition of adipose tissue - obesity.

- mild to moderate diabetes mellitus.

- for the treatment of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels:

  • - severe circulatory disorders;
  • - after myocardial infarction;