Arugula or sowing 5 letters scanword. We get acquainted with the best varieties of arugula

Do you love arugula? Don't know what it is?! Then we get acquainted with this very useful spicy herb and its amazing delicate taste.
there is less and less in the body and it's time for good health to include in the diet, just got out of the ground, rich in useful substances. Arugula- its bright representative, which I recently discovered for myself.

Arugula (arugula) or caterpillar seed, wild mustard, indau seed, eruca seed- an annual or perennial herbaceous plant, species Indau, cruciferous family (cabbage). It grows in northern Africa, in southern and central Europe; in Asia it is found from Asia Minor to Central Asia and India. In Russia, it grows in the European part, in the foothills of the Caucasus and in the Kuban.

What arugula looks like (photo)

In Russia, they sow and grow a plant in the fields, beds in vegetable gardens and even on balconies. These caterpillar field lawns are found everywhere with us:

Most often, the caterpillar can be found in open places, warmed by the sun, at the edge of fields, it is considered a weed. In hypermarkets, cultivated grass is available for sale, and the price for it is very considerable.
I will say this: the best grass is the one that grows in nature, it is more fragrant, juicier, and the taste is more tender. Store-bought and even grown in the beds - not at all what is free.

Over time, wild arugula (caterpillar) becomes tougher and begins to bloom, this is how it blooms with us:

The leaves of a flowering caterpillar, of course, are already less tasty. Our grass crawled out back in March, at the beginning of April it began to bloom and now I don’t feel like it anymore, we ate :).

Outwardly, the caterpillar is similar to dandelion leaves, with more tender and less cut leaves and, of course, they do not have that bitterness that is inherent in dandelions.

dandelion caterpillar

The grass has a delicate, barely pronounced mustard-nutty taste, is quite juicy and good just now in early spring, if you pick it in a meadow, it is sold in hypermarkets all year round.

Composition of arugula

Arugula contains protein, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, essential oils (a lot of mustard). The plant is rich in macro-microelements: potassium, iodine, iron, manganese, vanadium, boron, silicon, sulfur.

Almost everything is in the composition of spicy herbs:

  • rare vitamin K ( phylloquinone), it is abundant in grass;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • vitamin A, lutein, beta-carotene;
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid);
  • vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid).

Useful properties of arugula

What is the benefit of including arugula in our diet? In addition to being delicious, the herb will help keep you healthy.

  1. First of all, eruka prevents or lack of vitamins, which everyone feels in the spring.
  2. The most important benefit of the herb is in the content of vitamin K, (in 100 g of the product - 90.5% of the daily requirement), the very one that coagulates blood, promotes wound healing and prevents the destruction of neurons, nullifies the formation of papillomas and other small skin formations. Here arugula is a champion among others foods that are not so much rich in vitamin K.
  3. Rucola fights cancer cells and prevents their development, contains special special substances sulforaphanes that destroy harmful cells. This is a very valuable property of greenery.
  4. Vitamin C in eruk supports immunity, saves us from viruses and infections. Beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthens their walls.
  5. Arugula reduces ulcers and normalizes the acidic environment in the stomach is a gastric plant.
  6. It cleanses the blood of harmful substances, increases hemoglobin, lowers blood sugar.
  7. Thanks to vitamins A and E, the herb improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  8. Eating greens is the prevention of Almheimer's disease.
  9. The presence of folic acid is useful for women who are thinking about offspring.
  10. Arugula has a diuretic property, regulates the water-salt balance of the body.
  11. Like any herb, eruca is low in calories and contains only 25 kcal/100 grams. Helps to reduce.
  12. Arugula contains essential oils, which gives it the right to be used in cosmetology. Whitens the skin, removes pigmentation.
    And these same oils refer arugula to aphrodisiac products.
  13. Arugula is good for women's health.
  14. Traditional medicine recommends an infusion of arugula seeds for the treatment of skin diseases. The fresh juice of the plant helps in the elimination of calluses , hematomas , ulcers and polyps .

Harm of arugula

Harmful arugula cannot be, unless it can be contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Everyone else in moderation and even a little more moderation!

  1. Rucola can cause allergies in some people because it is rich in phytoncides.
  2. In people with kidney and liver diseases, as well as with hyperacid gastritis (increased acidity), it can cause a complication of diseases.
  3. Pregnant women should be careful when using spicy herbs, due to the occurrence of the same allergy in the future in a child.

How to use arugula

  • You can simply chew this delicate herb, which has a delicate taste of greenery.
  • Like any greens, it is good in vegetable salads, in any combination with other spices.
  • Eruka is excellent as an addition to salads with the addition of onions or green onions seasoned with mayonnaise or better with vegetable oil.
  • To meat - great addition!

Arugula Salad Recipes

Recipe at all delicious salad with the addition of arugula. It will require following products, their volumes depending on the amount of lettuce:

  1. tomatoes, cherry tomatoes are better, but any will do,
  2. olives or olives
  3. feta cheese, brynza or Adyghe cheese,
  4. a lot of arugula
  5. any vegetable oil, preferably olive, rapeseed, sesame ... maybe a little linseed, very bitter)

We cut everything arbitrarily, mix, season with vegetable oil (who prefers mayonnaise, you can use them). It is good if sprinkled with sesame seeds on top.

An important rule: when adding grass to a salad for chopping, it should not be cut, it is better to tear it in your hands, so its juice will be better preserved and it will not lose its shape. Although I sometimes, if I add a lot, I cut it, contrary to advice. Still tasty and juicy!

Another salad with arugula from products that are on hand. Suitable for a quick dinner, I personally compiled a recipe:

  • bunch of arugula
  • crab sticks 200 grams if they are not available, you can replace 2-3 pieces with hard-boiled eggs, or both are quite acceptable. (Here I am such a culinary liberal! 🙂)
  • green peas or corn (what is available) 2 - 3 tablespoons,
  • green onion bunch or any greens,
  • any cheese, three on a grater,
  • 1 clove.

Cut the top ingredients into cubes, pepper, moderately salt, mix with the addition vegetable oil. Three cheese on top and sprinkle with herbs a little.

I congratulate all my friends and readers on the approaching Day of the bright Sunday of Christ, or simply speaking, on Easter Day. Be happy, healthy and God bless you.

Now you know everything about arugula and about a wild relative - a sowing caterpillar. In conclusion, a video about the benefits of arugula:

That's all for today, see you soon!

Arugula, or Caterpillar sowing, or Indau sowing, or Eruca sowing (lat. Erúca sativa)- annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Indau (Eruca) of the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae).

It grows wild in northern Africa, southern and central Europe; in Asia it is found from Asia Minor to Central Asia and India. On the territory of Russia, it grows in the European part, the foothills of the Caucasus and Dagestan.

It is currently grown in various places, especially in Veneto, Italy. Arugula has taken root in places with a rather harsh climate compared to the Mediterranean, for example, in Northern Europe and North America.

Grows on dry, loose soil.

Stem up to 40 cm, straight, branched, slightly pubescent.

All leaves are somewhat fleshy, sparsely hairy, rarely glabrous, with a peculiar smell. The lower leaves are lyre-pinnate or dissected, with serrated lobes.

The inflorescence is a rare long raceme. The flowers are pale, rarely bright yellow with purple veins. Sepals 9-12 mm long; petals 15-22 long, obovate-wedge-shaped, sometimes slightly notched.

The fruit is a pod, oval-oblong or oblong, slightly compressed, on short thickened legs, with convex valves, a sharp longitudinal vein 2-3 cm long; spout 5-10 mm long, xiphoid, compressed. Seeds 1.5-3 mm long, 1-2.5 mm long, light brown or light brown, arranged in two rows, compressed oval-rounded.

Blooms in May-July. The fruits ripen in May-June.

The seeds contain essential oil, which is released after pre-fermentation (more than 1%). Its main ingredient is mustard oil. The seeds also contain 25-34% semi-drying fatty oil, which is dominated by erucic acid (20-44%, named after the Latin name of arugula, lat. eruca); there are also linoleic (12-24.9), linolenic (up to 17), oleic (up to 18%) and other acids, steroids (p-sitosterol, compesterin, etc.), thioglycosides. In the aerial part of the plant - alkaloids (0.07%), flavonoids (glycosides of kaempferol, quercetin, isorhamnetin).

The aerial part of the plant has a diuretic, antibacterial, lactogenic and digestive effect; in the Caucasus, the antiscorbutic effect of the plant is used.

It has been grown in the Mediterranean since the Roman Empire, where it was considered an aphrodisiac. Until the 1900s, wild-growing arugula was mainly collected, arugula was not cultivated on a massive scale, science practically did not study it.

It has a rich, spicy taste. It is mainly used in salads, as well as a vegetable addition to meat dishes and pastas. In coastal Slovenia (especially in Koper) they are also added to cheese cheburek. In Italy, it is often used in the preparation of pizza; usually arugula is added to it shortly before the end of cooking or immediately after that. Also used as an ingredient in pesto, in addition to (or replacing) basil. In the Caucasus, young shoots and leaves are eaten. The leaves are used as a seasoning for dishes in the form of a salad, young shoots are eaten fresh, the seeds are used to prepare mustard.

In Indian medicine, the seeds are used as an irritant and anti-skin blister; in folk medicine- for skin diseases, juice - for ulcers, freckles, hematomas, calluses, nasal polyps.

Arugula greens are outwardly similar in shape to dandelion leaves, although such similarity concerns only the contours. Sufficiently dense, in adulthood, even rough carved leaves of arugula are completely inimitable in their taste. Spicy, with peppery and nutty undertones, they combine bright nutty notes with a burning, bitter aftertaste. Spicy and spicy arugula ripens very quickly, it fully shows all its virtues only at a young age, but do not rush to throw away old leaves either.

The use of arugula in cooking

Arugula is an indispensable component of Mediterranean cuisine. Ripe arugula is suitable for cooking, it is used as a seasoning for hot dishes from pasta to risotto. Young leaves go well with cheeses, tomatoes and other vegetables, pasta and meat, used in sauces and dressings.

Arugula, or Caterpillar sowing, or Indau sowing. © Healthyfig

Arugula sowing dates

Arugula gives the largest rosettes and succulent leaves with late sowing, the most delicious crop is always harvested in the fall after the August planting. In order to get an early harvest of arugula, seeds must be sown in early April. You can sow arugula every 10-14 days, in the hottest periods it is better to take a break, because arugula in such conditions will shoot too quickly.

The necessary conditions

Arugula will grow in any soil, but it is best to provide it with a neutral or slightly acidic fertile soil with a light texture. She needs good lighting, summer crops are best spent in partial shade. The optimum temperature for arugula is around 18 °C.

The specifics of growing arugula

This salad can be grown both in the ground and in the greenhouse. Arugula is sown in rows at a distance of about 30 cm between rows. Arugula seeds are not deeply buried, deepening only 1-1.5 cm into the soil. Germination occurs very quickly, in extreme cases after 6 days, and you won’t have to wait long for the first harvest: it can be harvested after 10-14 days. When the first true leaves appear, you need to thin out the plantings, leaving a distance of 5-10 cm between plants.

Specific care for arugula

The amount of moisture available to arugula directly affects the flavor of the leaves. With frequent watering and constant soil moisture, the leaves are more juicy, tender, and the bitterness is not so aggressive. Arugula loves sprinkling and spraying, will gratefully respond to timely weeding and loosening of row spacings. Shoots can be mulched to retain moisture and lower the temperature at the rhizome.

Harvesting and storage

Arugula is harvested selectively, starting from the tenth day of cultivation, or as a whole in the phase of full maturity (from 25 to 35 days). Harvesting must be carried out before the release of flower stalks.

Arugula is stored for several days, it quickly turns yellow. It is best to wrap the harvested crop in foil or foil and store in the refrigerator.

The best varieties of arugula:

  • "Rococo", an early variety with oaky wide leaves with increased productivity;
  • "Emerald", a medium variety with a raised rosette of leaves up to 30 cm high, ripening in 35 days;
  • 'Corsica', a robust medium variety with semi-raised rosettes of lyre-shaped, narrow and bright leaves;
  • "Sicily" is a medium variety with narrow, very dark, surprisingly elegant leaves and a rich taste.

among the people arugula often referred to as nutweed, as arugula often has a nutty aftertaste. Arugula, also known as Indau sowing or Eruca sowing (Eruca sativa) is a salad plant with a rich taste and pungency. Fresh young shoots and leaves are eaten, and the seeds are used to produce mustard and oil.

True, arugula should not be considered an unprecedented exotic - in Russia it was well known under the name "caterpillar" and considered a weed. As a product, arugula came to us from Mediterranean cuisines, mainly from Italian.

The seeds of the cultivated gulyavnik are sold under the names "arugula", "eruka", "rocket salad", "indau" or "arugula".

Useful properties of arugula speak for themselves.

100 grams of grass contains:
up to 15 mg of vitamin C,
up to 1.8 mg - vitamin A,
up to 48 mg - vitamin B9 and many others.

It is also rich in trace elements:
potassium (up to 220 mg per 100 grams of lettuce),
calcium (up to 77 mg),
magnesium (up to 40 mg),
iodine (up to 8 mcg),
iron (up to 0.6 mg).

Modern research confirms that, thanks to biologically active substances, arugula has a beneficial effect on digestion, has a diuretic, expectorant, antibacterial and lactogenic effect. According to some data, regular consumption of arugula helps to strengthen the immune system, normalize water-salt metabolism, increase hemoglobin levels and lower blood sugar levels. It is believed that it is useful to eat it in order to prevent cancer.

Arugula is also known for its "love spell" (the plant is an aphrodisiac). 100 g of dry crushed arugula leaves mixed with 10 g of honey and 10 g of black pepper work wonders. Taking this remedy every morning, one teaspoon gives a long lasting effect.

This plant is able to prevent the appearance and development of stomach ulcers, one of the most widespread diseases, for which a single complex of treatment has not been developed. American doctors have found an alternative and safest way to treat this disease than the use of chemicals. gastrointestinal tract. As a therapy, they suggest using arugula herb. It is well known that cruciferous plants have pronounced therapeutic properties. Arugula is considered one of the most valuable plants in the prevention of cancer.

Healing properties:

Arugula greens contain: vitamin C, B9, carotene, glycosides, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, trace elements - iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron.

Arugula increases the content of hemoglobin in the blood, removes excess cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps to be in good shape all day long.

Arugula stabilizes the metabolism in the body and is one of the main helpers of all those who lose weight.

Arugula has disinfectant, expectorant, mild diuretic properties, serves as a prophylaxis of oncology, treats colds, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers blood sugar levels.

Traditional medicine uses an infusion of arugula seeds for skin diseases.

Green juice in the treatment of ulcers, polyps, hematomas.

It is worth considering an important feature of arugula: it has the strongest anti-ulcer properties. The intake of arugula effectively resists damage to the walls of the stomach, thereby there is a significant decrease in the size of existing ulcers, there is a clear prevention of the appearance of new ones, despite errors in eating and violations diet food. Based on scientific studies of the beneficial properties of arugula, its strong anti-cancer properties are noted, which is a very convincing fact that convinces you to increase the intake of this salad in the diet.

Taste and specificity:

The taste of arugula is ambiguous, tart, bitter-spicy, refreshing. Culinaries often use arugula as a side dish, you can add arugula leaves to create unique flavors and aromas. creamy sauces. Even the inhabitants of Ancient Rome used arugula as a spice. Using this salad along with walnut sauce is definitely an aphrodisiac.

With all the beneficial properties of arugula, its use as food is an indisputable fact, you should only choose this wonderful useful product. It is necessary to buy bright green fresh twigs, they must be young, because the older the twigs-leaves, the more intense, sharper the taste and smell. It is not worth saying that everyone will like it, so the harmony of taste and smell can be felt only in young arugula. Often made extremely simple and healthy salad, including arugula leaves. Arugula lettuce leaves are placed on a beautiful plate, a layer of shrimp is laid on top, then sprinkled with cedar nuts. Topped with olive oil sauce allspice, vinegar. At the very top of this dish, it is supposed to be finely grated parmesan cheese. The salad has an extraordinary, spicy taste, has a positive effect on health due to useful properties arugula.

It is a very popular salad crop in Mediterranean countries and an oilseed crop in Asian countries. Growing it in our open spaces is only gaining momentum, and the market does not yet provide the full variety of varieties, but many varieties of domestic and foreign selection are available for sale. We will talk about the best varieties of arugula and its relative, the two-rower, below.

Arugula: one name - two plants. How to distinguish

If you already have experience growing arugula, you may have noticed that plants grown from seeds with the same name may not be the same in appearance and taste, or different plant names may appear next to the name of one variety on the packaging. Confusion can also arise with the appearance in the picture. Everything is explained simply: two cultures are hidden under the name "arugula".

The commercial name that came to us from Italy is now actively used in trade (in stores, on packages, in catalogs), among vegetable growers, and in cooking. In special botanical literature, a different name is used - indau sowing, or sowing eruca (from the name in Latin). This plant belongs to the genus Indau of the Cabbage family and is a cultivated arugula.

Did you know? Names under which arugula can be found: eruka (Latin), rocket salad (English), caterpillar (Russian), rauca (German), arugula (American), rugola, rugetta (Italian), rocket (French), rocca (Greek) ).

The indau plant is an annual, prostrate, reaches a height of 30-60 cm, is characterized by wide lyre-shaped leaves with a serrated edge. The inflorescence is a rare long raceme. The flowers are light, almost white with purple veins, sometimes yellowish or cream. Small, light brown arugula seeds, similar to mustard seeds, are located in two rows in a pod 2-3 cm long. Arugula greens have a spicy-spicy taste.

The thin-leaved double-row is a perennial decumbent plant 40-70 cm high, belonging to the genus Double-row of the Cabbage family. This plant, which is not very common in our country, is grown abroad as a leaf lettuce crop with the commercial name "wild arugula". It is distinguished by narrow leaves with greater dissection. The flowers are yellow, eventually turning orange. The seeds are very small, similar to poppy seeds, placed in two rows in pods 2.5-4 cm long. The greens taste spicier than that of indau.

Important! When choosing seeds, pay attention to the Latin names. Eruca sativa is an Indian plant, or arugula. Diplotaxis tenuifolia is a thin-leaved, or "wild arugula".

Indau sowing

In the State Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine, only 2 varieties are registered, but nevertheless, seeds of many varieties of Russian and European selection can be found on sale. In Russia, 30 Indau varieties are registered.

Ukrainian selection: Witch Doctor and Lybid

In 2008, in the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine, the first Indau cultivar of domestic selection was entered – Zakhar, created at the Mayak experimental station of the Institute of Vegetable Growing and Melon Growing of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (Chernihiv region), where now certified arugula seeds. This is an early ripe variety, the first shoots appear on the 5-6th day, 27 days pass from shoots to harvest. The stem is straight, with a strongly thickened planting it can bend. The sprout is characterized by a weak anthocyanin staining. The leaves are 6-10 cm wide and 23-25 ​​cm long, moderately intense green. The rosette contains 5-7 leaves. The flowers are white, 2.2-2.5 cm in diameter with purple veins. Yield 1-1.3 kg/sq. m. The variety is suitable for growing in thickened crops and under mechanized technologies. It is recommended for implementation in all zones of Ukraine.

In 2014, the Kyiv enterprise "NK ELITE" registered the Lybed variety. This early variety of arugula pleases with the first harvest in 20 days after emergence. The growing season is 95 days. In the rosette there are about 10 long leaves of moderate green color without pubescence and waxy sheen, the first sheets are not dissected. The average yield of arugula Lybid is 2.5 kg/sq. m. This variety of arugula is characterized by high yield and resistance to shooting. Arugula varieties of Ukrainian selection are suitable for growing in open and protected ground.

The most popular Indau variety is Poker, registered in 2005 by the Research Institute of Protected Ground Vegetable Growing (Moscow) and the Gavrish breeding company. This early ripening Russian variety is valued for its excellent taste and is recommended for salads and side dishes for meat and fish dishes. From germination to cutting greenery, 20-25 days pass. The branched stem of arugula "Poker" reaches a height of 40-80 cm. Strongly dissected green leaves form a rosette 18-20 cm high. In protected ground conditions, the rosette consists of 12 leaves, in open field- 20-28 . Arugula flower Poker - pale cream. The yield of the variety is 1-1.3 kg / sq. m. The variety is suitable for conveyor growing in summer.

Important! Arugula is harvested before flowering begins, later its taste deteriorates.


The mid-season Russian variety Sicily was entered into the register in 2006 by the Scientific and Production Company "Russian Seeds". The greens of this variety are distinguished by a pronounced nutty taste and aroma. Leaves can be eaten 27-30 days after germination. The plant grows to a height of 60 cm. Cold-resistant (tolerates frosts down to -6 ºС), but does not tolerate heat, shoots arrows during drought. The leaves of arugula Sicily are lyre-shaped, pinnately dissected, and the flowers are yellow-white with purple veins. The yield of greenery is 2.5 kg / sq. m.

Did you know? Perhaps arugula is mentioned in the text of the Bible: “And one of them went out into the field to gather vegetables, and found a wild climbing plant, and gathered from it wild fruit full of his clothes; and he came and crumbled them into a pot of stew, because they did not know them” (2 Samuel 4:39-40).

The broad-leaved variety of the Russian selection Rococo was registered in 2006 by the Semko-Junior company. The variety is early ripening: the greens ripen in 20-25 days. It has a sharp taste and strong aroma. Green leaves of medium size are slightly serrated along the edge, collected in a rosette 12-18 cm high and weighing 20-25 g. The flowers are white. The yield of greens is 1.6 kg / sq. m.


The mid-season variety Corsica was created by the Scientific and Production Company "Russian Seeds" and the company "Euro-seeds" in 2006. Greens become edible in 30-32 days from germination. A semi-raised rosette of leaves reaches a height of 62 cm. Narrow leaves have a smooth surface, a green color and a lyre-shaped shape with a notched edge. The flowers are white with a hint of pink. The variety is resistant to cold, but does not tolerate drought and shoots quickly.

Did you know? "Eruca Sativa" and "Wild Rocket" are the names of musical groups.

The Dutch variety Koltivata was entered into the register in 2015. It is precocious: in 20-25 days, greens can be eaten. Large green leaves are strongly dissected and form a rosette 10-15 cm high. The flowers of the plant are cream. The yield of greens is 2.4 kg / sq. m, plant weight - 40 g. This variety of arugula has a strong aroma and a sharp nut-mustard taste, its juicy leaves are rich in essential oils and useful substances. The grade is suitable for cultivation in the open and closed ground.


The mid-season variety Indau Dikovina was registered in 2010 by the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing and the Poisk agricultural company. A semi-raised rosette 18-20 cm high consists of medium green lyre-shaped leaves with a smooth surface. The flower of the Curiosity is creamy with brown veins. Plant weight - 18-20 g. Greenery yield - 1.7 kg / sq. m. The variety is resistant to cold, loves moisture, retains nutritional qualities for a long time and shoots the arrow late.

This early variety with a spicy taste appeared thanks to the Sedek agricultural company in 2012. Greens ripen 24-28 days. The plant reaches a height of 70 cm and a weight of 20-25 g. The rosette of leaves is semi-raised, the leaves are green, medium in size, lyre-shaped in shape and with a smooth surface. Cream flowers. The yield of greens is 2.1 kg / sq. m.


The mid-season arugula Victoria was bred in the Sedek agricultural firm in 2012. Greens become edible 28-32 days after germination. The plant has a height of 70 cm and a weight of 22-27 g. The semi-raised rosette consists of medium smooth lyre-shaped leaves and a light green color. Cream flowers of Victoria. The variety is characterized by a yield of 2.2 kg / sq. m.

Double-row thin-leaved

In the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine, there is only one variety of the fine-leaved double-rowed plant - Grazia of Italian selection. The Russian analogue contains 13 varieties, three of which were introduced in 2017.

Important! Two-row fine-leaved and two-row fine-leaved are two names of the same plant that can be found on the seed market. The first option is listed in the Key to Higher Plants of Ukraine, the second is adopted in the Russian Federation.

The Moscow company "LANS" registered the mid-season variety Rocket in 2006. Rocket greens can be eaten after 28-30 days. A semi-raised rosette of leaves reaches a height of up to 60 cm and a weight of 15-20 g. Medium narrow leaves have a smooth surface, a bright green color, a dissected shape with teeth along the edge. The flower is light yellow. Greens have a strong aroma and a sharp mustard taste. Its yield is 1.5-2.5 kg / sq. m.

Important! In 2006–2007, the two-row varieties of the thin-leaved Euphoria, Taganskaya Semko, Solitaire and Rocket were registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation as varieties of Indau sowing. However, thanks to the dissertation research by Zh. V. Kursheva in 2009, the error was corrected. Today, the document lists the correct botanical species - the fine-leaved biryachnica, but there is still confusion in the non-specialized literature and on the seed market.


This early-ripening variety appeared in 2007 thanks to the Research Institute of Protected Ground Vegetable Growing and the Gavrish breeding company and is quite popular. Solitaire is a cold-resistant variety, it can winter in open ground and give greenery in early spring. Its ripening period is 25 days. A semi-raised rosette of leaves has a height of 18-20 cm and a plant weight of 15-20 g. Medium-sized leaves have green color, lyre-dissected shape with incisions along the edge. Flowers are yellow. The greens are very fragrant and have a strong nut-mustard flavor, the yield is 1.4-1.6 kg / sq. m. Can be grown in a conveyor way during the summer.

The early ripe variety Taganskaya Semko was registered in 2006 by the Semko-Junior company. Greens are suitable for food 20-25 days after the appearance of sprouts. A semi-raised rosette 15-20 cm high and weighing 20-25 g consists of medium dark green leaves with a smooth surface and teeth along the edge. The flower is light yellow. Greens have a strong aroma and pungent taste. Its yield is 1.3-1.5 kg / sq. m.