Useful properties of valerian officinalis and use in traditional medicine. Valerian plant matteo valerian

Valerian belongs to herbaceous perennial plants from the Honeysuckle family. Its name comes from the ancient word ”valere” (translated as “to be healthy”). For the first time it is found in the notes of the Italian scientist Matteo Silvatico.

The most popular species today is Valerian officinalis, which is widely and actively used in medicine. Its strong healing properties have been known since ancient times.

The peoples of ancient Rome and Greece considered valerian to be an effective medicinal and perfumery agent. Valerian was added to wines, relaxing and soothing (baths) water treatments were taken with it.

In Russia, the first attempts to use valerian were noticed during the reign of Peter I. Traditional medicine began to use it from the beginning of the 19th century.

Valerian grows on forest edges (paths), along the banks of swamps and rivers. Its root, which is harvested at the end of summer (beginning of autumn), has healing properties. Next to this plant, a gospel can grow, the roots of which have a similar smell, their admixture is very dangerous.

Abroad, most often in the United States, valerian is used in the manufacture of some liqueurs, tinctures and essences. As a minor flavoring, it is added to Havana cigars and rare Turkish tobacco. The British use it as a kind of spice, which is added to some salads.

Valerian roots have a specific pungent odor, therefore, after cleaning and washing, it is dried exclusively in the fresh air. Store valerian in a cool, dry (ventilated) place, in tightly closed jars, boxes or paper bags. Keep it no more than 3 years.

Useful properties of valerian and its application

Among the people, doctors and healers use valerian in the form of alcohol and ordinary tinctures. Often it is mixed with other medicinal plants. Valerian has calming properties that positively affect the cardiovascular system and work gastrointestinal tract. It perfectly relaxes spasms in smooth muscles and reduces the overall excitability of the nervous system.

This is very useful plant dilates blood vessels, completely removes spasms from venous vessels and reduces pressure. For the purpose of treatment, it is recommended to take a tincture or decoction of the roots. You can treat it with a powder of crushed root (a pinch on the tip of a sharp knife) or chew the root with water.

A tincture of the roots is recommended for asthma and the last stages of pneumonia. Any of the means (baths, tincture, powder, infusion) also acts as a sleeping pill. The plant is useful to take during a fright, an attack of epilepsy, migraines, uterine spasm and mental disorder.

Among the people, valerian is widely used as a way to normalize the digestive organs. It is recommended as a choleretic agent and for liver diseases, and for flatulence, valerian relieves spasms.

This plant is very useful for small children during abdominal pain or when gases are poorly discharged. And during gastrointestinal colic, convulsions and vomiting, it is necessary to apply the tincture inside in the form of an enema. Also, these enemas are useful for dysentery and worms.

Roots should be chewed to prevent epidemic diseases; cholera, scarlet fever and typhus.

Baths with the addition of fresh valerian decoction soothe the heart, cramps and the entire nervous system. They reduce the general excitability of the entire spinal cord, especially during periods of nervous insomnia, nervous heart troubles, weakness of the nerves and heart, convulsive condition of the larynx, heart, stomach, nerves, asthma, gases and colic. Such bathing procedures regulate and reduce the number of heart beats, as well as lower blood pressure (arterial). One medium bath requires 1.5 kg of plants.

Valerian, contraindications

Be sure to consult your doctor before taking (any kind) valerian! Do not take the plant for more than 2 months, as severe headaches, esophageal disorders, anxiety and constipation are possible.

Especially valerian is strictly contraindicated in enterocolitis, as it can cause exacerbations, and in case of hypertension, it can disturb sleep. Medicines from valerian significantly increase blood clotting. This is undesirable for older people, especially if there is a threat of a stroke (especially) or a heart attack.

They have a slowing effect on the systems of the medulla oblongata and midbrain, increase functional mobility cortical processes.

In addition, valerian: regulates the activity of the heart, acting through the central nervous system and directly on the muscle and conduction system of the heart, improves coronary circulation, enhances the secretion of the glandular apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, enhances bile secretion.

Valerian: contraindications

Agree, the list of ailments for which valerian is effective is impressive. However, it should not be assumed that natural preparations do not carry any harm. The fact is that each plant has contraindications for use, valerian is no exception.

Valerian-based preparations should be taken with extreme caution during pregnancy. With increased drowsiness and pain in the liver, it is also not recommended to abuse such drugs.

Excessive use of valerian-containing products can cause dizziness, headaches, and disruption of the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.

Valerian: use in traditional medicine recipes

Valerian infusion for typhus, scarlet fever, migraine

Pour a glass of cooled boiled water with a tablespoon of crushed valerian rhizomes. Let it brew for 12 hours, then strain the infusion. Take one tablespoon several times a day before meals.

Valerian infusion for neurodermatitis

Pour a tablespoon of chopped dry valerian roots with a glass of boiling water. Wrap the container with a warm blanket and leave for an hour.

Take up to five times a day, one tablespoon. You can also cure neurodermatitis in a child with an infusion prepared according to this recipe - it is enough to give the baby 4-5 times a day for a teaspoon of the remedy.

Valerian for rectal cancer

Crushed valerian root (1 tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water. Put on fire and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Then let the product brew for 10 minutes and strain.

Alcohol tincture of valerian for nervous shock

25 grams of valerian roots pour 100 ml of alcohol. Clean in a dark place for a week. At the end of the specified period, the tincture should be filtered.

When shocked, it is recommended to take 15-30 drops of tincture, after diluting them with water, 3 times a day. Children prepared according to this recipe can be treated with a tincture of fear - for this, dilute as many drops of tincture in water as your child is old.

Valerian tincture for external use

Moisten gauze in the alcohol tincture of valerian prepared according to the above recipe. Apply to the affected area and keep as long as possible.

Valerian tincture to lower blood pressure

The aroma of valerian can hardly be confused with anything else. However, it is aromatherapy that often helps to reduce arterial pressure. To do this, a highly concentrated tincture of valerian should be sniffed for three minutes before going to bed. If in the morning you have headaches, then this indicates an overdose - reduce the duration of the procedure and do not take such deep breaths of the valerian aroma before bedtime. The course is up to 4 months.

Valerian baths for nervous excitement, anxiety, tearfulness and insomnia

Pour 5-6 handfuls of valerian with a liter of boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes. Strained broth should be poured into the filled hot water bath. It is not recommended to bask in such a bath for longer than 10 minutes.

Valerian in spastic conditions of the intestines and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach

Mix 1 part valerian root, 1 part fennel fruit, 2 parts peppermint leaves, and 6 parts chamomile flowers. Place 10 grams of the resulting mixture in an enamel bowl and pour a glass of hot boiled water. After that, cover the container with a lid and heat for 5 minutes in a water bath. After this, the broth must be cooled for 45 minutes, strained and squeezed raw materials. Add boiled water so that the volume of the broth is 200 ml.

Valerian for gastritis with liver complaints

Mix in equal proportions valerian, watch, peppermint, orange zest. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Wrap the container for half an hour with a warm towel. After the specified time, strain the infusion and take 3 times a day after meals, one glass each.


Useful properties and contraindications of valerian

Valerian officinalis has other names: shaggy grass, baldrian, pink yarrow, moun-grass, earthen incense, cat root, odolan, magpie grass, marian, buldyryan. Valerian is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the honeysuckle family. The plant grows wild on the edges of the forest, along the banks of rivers and swamps and in the forest.

Features of valerian

The stem of valerian officinalis is straight and ribbed, its upper part is branched. In the first year, only rosette castings grow in the plant, in the second year leaves with denticles appear along the edges. Valerian flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences and have a fragrant smell. The plant begins to bloom in the second year of life in the period June-August. The fruits begin to ripen in July-August and are oblong achenes with a feathery crest. Plant propagation occurs by seeds.

Valerian rhizome has healing properties, which has a thickness of up to three centimeters and has multiple cord-like roots of a light brown color. These roots have a strong specific odor and a bittersweet taste.

The composition of valerian officinalis includes: alkaloids, borneol, formic and malic acid, essential oil, valerian-borneol ester, saponins, trace elements, sugars, resinous and tannins, valenotriates, mertinol, baldrinal, palmitic and stearic acid, macro and microelements, vitamins, glycosides . Some of these substances are unique to valerian root.

Valerian harvesting

After flying around the seeds, valerian begins to harvest its roots, this is done during the period of late August and September. Valerian often grows next to other medicinal plants and it is important not to confuse their roots, as the admixture of other roots can be dangerous. The dug out roots of valerian officinalis have a specific smell, they are cleaned from the ground and washed in cold water. Then the roots are dried for some time in the fresh air and dried in the attic, they can be dried in a dryer, but at a low temperature.

Valerian roots have a shelf life of up to three years in jars, tight boxes or paper bags.

The healing properties of valerian

The main property of valerian is the provision of a sedative effect. Preparations with valerian reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, reduce spasms of smooth muscles, help with fright, epilepsy, migraine, mental disorders and have a hypnotic effect.

The plant has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, promotes the expansion of blood vessels, relieves spasms of venous vessels, reduces pressure, and is used for tachycardia and hypertension.

Also, valerian is able to have a positive effect on the thyroid gland, it is used for uterine spasms and menopausal disorders, asthma and pneumonia.

Valerian officinalis normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it increases appetite, increases the secretion of the stomach and pancreas, relieves spasms in flatulence and is a good choleretic agent for diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Valerian officinalis contraindications

Preparations with valerian should be taken with caution during pregnancy, with increased drowsiness, pain in the liver. Excessive consumption of tinctures and decoctions can lead to dizziness, headache, disruption of the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.

Watch a video about the medicinal properties of valerian:

The benefits of valerian, its use and contraindications

Valerian belongs to herbaceous perennial plants from the Honeysuckle family. Its name comes from the ancient word ”valere” (translated as “to be healthy”). For the first time it is found in the notes of the Italian scientist Matteo Silvatico.

The most popular species today is Valerian officinalis, which is widely and actively used in medicine. Its strong healing properties have been known since ancient times.

The peoples of ancient Rome and Greece considered valerian to be an effective medicinal and perfumery agent. Valerian was added to wines, relaxing and soothing (baths) water treatments were taken with it.

In Russia, the first attempts to use valerian were noticed during the reign of Peter I. Traditional medicine began to use it from the beginning of the 19th century.

Valerian grows on forest edges (paths), along the banks of swamps and rivers. Its root, which is harvested at the end of summer (beginning of autumn), has healing properties. Next to this plant, a gospel can grow, the roots of which have a similar smell, their admixture is very dangerous.

Abroad, most often in the United States, valerian is used in the manufacture of some liqueurs, tinctures and essences. As a minor flavoring, it is added to Havana cigars and rare Turkish tobacco. The British use it as a kind of spice, which is added to some salads.

Valerian roots have a specific pungent odor, therefore, after cleaning and washing, it is dried exclusively in the fresh air. Store valerian in a cool, dry (ventilated) place, in tightly closed jars, boxes or paper bags. Keep it no more than 3 years.

Useful properties of valerian and its application

Among the people, doctors and healers use valerian in the form of alcohol and ordinary tinctures. Often it is mixed with other medicinal plants. Valerian has calming properties that positively affect the cardiovascular system and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It perfectly relaxes spasms in smooth muscles and reduces the overall excitability of the nervous system.

This very useful plant dilates blood vessels, completely relieves spasms from venous vessels and reduces pressure. For the purpose of treatment, it is recommended to take a tincture or decoction of the roots. You can treat it with a powder of crushed root (a pinch on the tip of a sharp knife) or chew the root with water.

A tincture of the roots is recommended for asthma and the last stages of pneumonia. Any of the means (baths, tincture, powder, infusion) also acts as a sleeping pill. The plant is useful to take during a fright, an attack of epilepsy, migraines, uterine spasm and mental disorder.

Among the people, valerian is widely used as a way to normalize the digestive organs. It is recommended as a choleretic agent and for liver diseases, and for flatulence, valerian relieves spasms.

This plant is very useful for small children during abdominal pain or when gases are poorly discharged. And during gastrointestinal colic, convulsions and vomiting, it is necessary to apply the tincture inside in the form of an enema. Also, these enemas are useful for dysentery and worms.

Roots should be chewed to prevent epidemic diseases; cholera, scarlet fever and typhus.

Baths with the addition of fresh valerian decoction soothe the heart, cramps and the entire nervous system. They reduce the general excitability of the entire spinal cord, especially during periods of nervous insomnia, nervous heart troubles, weakness of the nerves and heart, convulsive condition of the larynx, heart, stomach, nerves, asthma, gases and colic. Such bathing procedures regulate and reduce the number of heart beats, as well as lower blood pressure (arterial). One medium bath requires 1.5 kg of plants.

Valerian, contraindications

Be sure to consult your doctor before taking (any kind) valerian! Do not take the plant for more than 2 months, as severe headaches, esophageal disorders, anxiety and constipation are possible.

Especially valerian is strictly contraindicated in enterocolitis, as it can cause exacerbations, and in case of hypertension, it can disturb sleep. Medicines from valerian significantly increase blood clotting. This is undesirable for older people, especially if there is a threat of a stroke (especially) or a heart attack.

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Valerian - medicinal properties, contraindications

Valerian medicinal (cat's grass, mountain grass, odolanka, devil's rib) refers to the oldest medicinal plants, as it has been known since time immemorial, and the origin of the word "valerian" from Latin means "to be healthy."

The ancient Greeks knew about its healing properties and influence on higher nervous activity.

It's perennial herbaceous plant, which has a vertical short rhizome and numerous adventitious roots, which, after digging, have a peculiar smell.

The stems are ribbed, erect, hollow inside, the height of which reaches 50-150 centimeters. The leaves are opposite, pinnately dissected with lanceolate segments. Margins of segments are serrate, rarely entire.

The flowers are small, with a delicate pleasant aroma, white or light pink in color, which are collected in corymbose semi-umbels at the top of the stem and in the axils of the upper leaves.

The fruit is in the form of a brown flat achene, bearing at the top a feathery crest of 10 spinous rays fused at the bases. Blossoms in June-July, fruits ripen in July-September.

It is found in the European part of Russia, except for the steppe regions. It usually grows in grassy, ​​peat bogs, swampy, wet meadows, along the banks of ditches, reservoirs, as well as among shrubs, in forest glades.

The assembly of rhizomes with roots is carried out after fruit ripening, from July-August, or in early spring. The plant is dug up with shovels, in swamps - with pitchforks, the earth is shaken off, the entire aerial part is cut off, thick rhizomes are cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts, while trying to preserve the roots. The halves of the rhizomes with the roots are separated, the ground is shaken off again and washed quickly, then rinsed with water.

Raw materials are left in well-ventilated rooms for drying or laid out in a layer of no more than 15 centimeters, periodically ted.

After that, they are transferred to the attic, to well-ventilated sheds, under sheds and dried until they become brittle in dryers at a temperature of 35-40 degrees

Rhizomes with valerian roots contain 0.5-2% essential oil, the main component of which is the ester of borneol alcohol and isovaleric acid.

The effect on the body is explained by a complex of biologically active compounds, but all the same, the essential oil acts on the body more strongly than all the components.

Healing properties

It has a versatile effect on the body. In the study of scientists showed that it depresses the central nervous system, reduces spasms of smooth muscle organs. All this is due chemical composition plants.

IN folk medicine Valerian has been used for a long time, as it has carminative, antihelminthic properties, promotes better digestion.

The infusion helps with headaches, shortness of breath, nervous excitement, shocks, convulsions, severe emotional experiences, palpitations, insomnia, as well as a remedy that supports strength.

Powdered valerian roots are popularly known as a remedy for pneumonia, typhoid, scarlet fever, and migraines.

Water steam is used to wash the eyes of children with inflammation of the mucous membranes. The plant is effective in diseases of the thyroid gland, while the patients showed an improvement in their general state of health, decreased nervous excitability, and painful heartbeats disappeared.

The plant is part of many complex preparations, such as Zelenin drops, valocordin, cardiovalen and others.

Application methods

¦ 2 teaspoons of dry rhizomes brew 0.2 liters of boiling water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes, filter. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals for neurosis, arrhythmia, hysteria, migraine, convulsions, flatulence, spasms of the stomach and intestines. Menopausal neurosis - flushing of blood to the head, thyrotoxicosis.

¦ Inhale the aroma of dry rhizomes before going to bed with insomnia or make two knots from gauze: put valerian root in one, mint root in the other. Before going to bed, put a bundle with valerian on the right - at the head, a bundle with mint - on the left, take the plants 100 g each, if there is no effect, increase the dose.

¦ Mix 20 g of valerian rhizomes and motherwort grass, 10 g of yarrow flowers, 10 g of anise fruit. 1 st. pour 0.2 liters of boiling water over a spoonful of collection and boil over low heat for 20 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, bring the volume of the broth to the original. Take 50-70 ml 2-3 times a day before meals for pain in the heart, palpitations.

¦ 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, strain. Adults take 1 tbsp. spoon, children - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for insomnia.

¦ 8 g of dry crushed raw materials pour 1 cup of boiling water, put in the oven for 10-15 minutes. In another vessel, boil 0.5 l of water, then pour 2 tbsp. spoons of hawthorn flowers, leave for 20 minutes, strain and pour into a decoction of valerian. Mix and drink 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for vascular diseases.

Valerian preparations should not be taken long time, as well as in large doses, because it has a depressing effect on the nervous system and digestive organs, while it can cause nausea, headache, agitation, disrupt the normal activity of the heart.

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Valerian - useful medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing properties of valerian have been known since ancient times. Its roots were used in medicine for the treatment of kidneys, liver, epilepsy. It was used for heart failure and for diseases of the stomach. Valerian has a wide spectrum of activity. There are practically no contraindications.

Valerian is a perennial plant. She has many other names: devil's rib, cat's root, shaggy grass or moun grass.

The beginning of its flowering occurs in June, and the seeds appear by September. On an industrial scale, valerian is grown on drained, cultivated peatlands.

For medicinal purposes, valerian rhizomes and its essential oils are used. The roots begin to harvest after the seeds fall. They are dug up, washed, dried in the fresh air for several days, after which they are left to dry in a dark place at a temperature of -40 degrees. After drying, the roots acquire a brown hue and a specific smell.

The healing properties of valerian

Valerian has antispasmodic and choleretic effects. It restores cardiac activity. It is used as a sedative for insomnia and nervous excitement. It will help with angina pectoris, biliary tract disease, liver and hypertension. When taking valerian, excitability decreases, sleep improves, irritability, fears, and a sense of tension disappear. It is prescribed for migraines, vasospasm, epilepsy and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Valerian officinalis - This is a super popular sedative that people have been using for more than a millennium. Herbalists around the world easily recognize valerian "by sight", and simple people, at least have an idea of ​​its remarkable properties.

Valerian, description

Biology: Valerian officinalis is a perennial herbaceous wild plant. In our country, it is found everywhere, with the exception of the Far North and deserts. The plant prefers moist soils, so it is easier to find it in damp forests, along river banks, in meadows and marshy places. Less commonly, valerian is found in the mountains and dry plains. In the middle lane and southern regions of Russia, valerian is cultivated. The plant reaches a height of one to two meters. Valerian leaves are dissected, located on a hollow ribbed stem.

The rhizome is short, with numerous light brown roots, has a specific smell. It is the rhizome and roots that are of medical value. The flowers are small, white-pink, collected umbellate inflorescence. Valerian blooms for a long time - from May to August, the fruits begin to ripen from June. In cultivated valerian, for a higher yield of roots, the flowering shoot is removed in the second year. Valerian roots are harvested in autumn: they are cleaned, dried, packed in bales and stored in a dry and well-ventilated area. The yield of roots is 2.5 t/ha (for comparison, carrots have 40 t/ha).

Story: healing action valerian officinalis on higher nervous activity was known even by the doctors of ancient Greece. It was used as a means of bringing harmony, peace and tranquility, and was also used for diseases of the respiratory system and as a diuretic. Dioscorides wrote about valerian, as about "a means capable of controlling thoughts." In medieval Europe, this plant was used with a variety of nervous disorders, including epilepsy. They knew about the properties of valerian in Ancient Rus'. There is one beautiful Slavic legend about the discovery of valerian: “A long time ago, a certain Panteley the healer went to the forest to collect medicinal herbs. He went out into the forest clearing and was stunned by the beauty revealed to him: strange plants grew among the gray bushes in the morning light. It was as if a lot of pale pink, glowing in the dark lights were hanging in the air. Panteley cautiously went out into the clearing, and after thinking a little, he began to dig up the ground in search of the roots of a mysterious plant. Here Pantelei was surprised to find that the more he collects the roots, the better and freer he feels. When the bag was filled, at the same time the soul of the healer was filled with joy and fun. On the way home, Panteley distributed amazing roots to people, and they immediately began to experience an extraordinary surge of vigor and vitality.

Why is valerian soothing? The therapeutic effect of rhizomes and roots of valerian is primarily due to the essential oil and alkaloids of the plant. They reduce reflex excitability, enhance inhibitory processes in the central nervous system and, thus, have a sedative effect, make it easier to fall asleep and improve the quality of sleep. Presumably, the main mechanism of action of valerian is the potentiation of the GABAergic system of the brain (with direct action on GABA receptors and inhibition of GABA reuptake)

Application of Valerian Root

In folk medicine valerian, like many other herbs, has a wide scope. She is being treated insomnia, epilepsy, neuroses, hysteria, migraine, excitation due to mental trauma, tachycardia and pain due to mental trauma, tachycardia and pain in the heart area, asthma, extrasystole, paroxysmal tachycardia, spastic constipation, as well as diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Traditional medicine has narrowed the scope of this plant, although almost any doctor can prescribe valerian for you, you just have to complain about insomnia or nervous tension.Valerian has a mild sedative and anxiolytic effect, and side effects are minimal. According to data published on, 45.7% of people in the United States take valerian for sleep disorders. For insomnia, valerian is best for those who have sleep problems. The effect is somewhat weaker if the sleep disturbance consists of waking up in the middle of the night. To improve the condition, long-term use of valerian (several weeks) is usually required. However, some feel an immediate hypnotic effect, which is most likely a placebo effect. Hysteria, anxiety, hyperexcitability, stress, chronic fatigue,intestinal and stomach colic sometimes they are also indications for the use of valerian. Valerian enhances the effect of other sedatives, therefore, when they are used together, the doses of drugs should be adjusted.

Valerian contraindications

Side effects: Valerian intake is sometimes accompanied by dizziness, drowsiness, and allergic reactions. In some individuals, it can cause agitation, headache and nightmares. With prolonged use of large doses, dyspepsia, apathy, lethargy and mild depression may develop. Contraindications to the use of valerian is the joint use with alcohol, opiates, benzodiazepines and barbiturates. The clinical studies on valerian are extensive and interesting material, mainly related to insomnia. According to the analysis of more than 300 herbal remedies studied by Wagner H. (Germany) in 1999, valerian is among the top ten herbal remedies,
the use of which is justified. So, in a German double-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled study in 2000, Donath F. et al found that patients with physiological sleep disturbance were significantly better helped by valerian root extract at a daily dose of 3 g compared with placebo, and that a single dose of valerian did not improved sleep, but the use of the extract for two weeks led to a significant improvement in the quality of sleep compared with placebo; in addition, the structure of sleep was normalized. In 2007, the Committee on Herbal Products of the European Agency for Medicines Evaluation decided that the therapeutic dose of valerian extract should be from 300 mg to 1 g per dose, and doses below 100 mg have only a placebo effect. In Russia, smaller dosages are popular, and valerian extract tablets are available in 20-60 mg. In a 2006 study by Műller S. Klement S., the thought of the ancients about the harmonizing effect of valerian, at least on children, was confirmed: excited patients became more active. In 2007, Indian scientists (Bhttfcharyya D. et al.) found that valerian is better than placebo in helping to cope with stress-induced mental disorders when taken for 60 days at a daily dosage of 1g. At the same time, resistance to stressful influences increases, the manifestation of anxiety and depression and concentration and memory are not disturbed.

Cat drug: Everyone knows that cats are more than partial to valerian. Having smelled it, and, especially after tasting a few drops, they become incredibly excited: they goggle, start meowing loudly, roll on the floor, rub themselves - in general, they lose their heads. And this applies not only to domestic, but also to wild cats. Lions, cougars, tigers, lynxes rage from the smell of valerian. If there is valerian at home, the cat will persistently beg for it or try to get it on its own. Valerian is a real feline drug. By the way. Legends have survived to this day. That Cleopatra used valerian as an aphrodisiac. True, for this purpose, the upper parts of plants with flowers were taken, with which the slaves covered the floor around the queen's bed.

Summary: Valerian is a wonderful plant that brings people calm and harmony. Moreover, this calming is not only chemical, but also psychological, “image”, which does not beg, but rather, on the contrary, increases the dignity of valerian.

Pafararm LLC offers a drug "Valerian P" , produced cryogrinding technology at low temperatures that preserves all
medicinal properties of valerian officinalis. Valerian officinalis is also used in combination with other sedative herbs to enhance the sedative effect and ensure long-term action, therefore valerian is part of the biologically active complex Nervo-Vit.

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About the natural properties of valerian

Valerian is a cat root!

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Valerian, medicinal properties and contraindications, which will be discussed in detail in the article, is often used to calm the nervous system. The pharmaceutical properties of this plant have been compared to powerful sedatives, as it has a cumulative effect and has an alkaloid-mineral complex.

Description of the complex and rich composition of valerian

Unlike other types of herbs, valerian does not have the main active ingredient, but still, there is one component - essential oil, which has the characteristic smell of this plant. The composition is an ideal combination of more than 100 biologically active substances, which together have a positive effect on the body.

The healing properties of the essential oil lie in the joint action of such components as micro- and macroelements, alkaloids, tannins, ketodes, a complex of vitamins, alcohols (the main one is isovaleric), saponins, esters. In total, the roots and rhizomes contain up to 2% of essential oil. Also in the composition are formic, palmitic, malic, stearic and acetic acids, terpinoids, camphene, pinenes and glycochid compounds.

The medicinal properties of valerian have a versatile effect, but most of all they have a depressing effect on the central nervous system and help reduce muscle spasm.

Drops in the form of tincture of alcohol are taken with:

  • headaches;
  • convulsions caused by brucine;
  • nervous excitations;
  • deep emotional experiences;
  • heart palpitations;
  • shortness of breath
  • asthma;
  • coronary insufficiency;
  • spastic constipation.

In folk medicine, the plant is known as a remedy for flatulence, worms and poor appetite. The crushed roots are brewed into powder and made into decoctions, which are used in the treatment of typhus, lung diseases, scarlet fever and headaches.

Important! Valerian-based preparations, for example, Valocordin, Cardiovalen, are used together with other sedatives to prolong their action. Such a complex is categorically not suitable for children, since it will contribute to a slowdown in development and apathy.

A useful infusion for washing the eyes of children and adults, as well as for general strengthening of the body. The effect of the treatment comes only with regular use, and not with a single dose.

The ancient people also knew about the properties of valerian, the plant extract was added to perfumes and attracted cats, which became intoxicated with a characteristic aroma.

For women

Medicinal properties for women have rhizomes and roots. The plant is used:

  1. With a climax. During the restructuring of the body, insomnia and a feeling of fatigue are noted. It is valerian (tablets, decoctions) that helps to improve sleep, relieve irritability and significantly improve overall health.
  2. During pregnancy. During this period, any nervous state and overstrain are dangerous for women, as this can affect the health of the unborn baby. Medicinal properties during pregnancy are antispasmodic and sedative effect.

Important! Pregnant women should not take valerian tincture, since it contains alcohol, it is better to give preference to tablets or decoctions.

The use of drugs or decoctions on the root of valerian is recommended for women in anxiety, nervous excitement, stress, tearfulness, insomnia. An alternative to the internal reception is a warm, relaxing bath with a decoction of the plant (7-8 tablespoons of crushed roots, brewed in 1 liter of boiling water, infused and poured).

For children

The insufficiently strengthened nervous system of the child forms unstable behavior, excitability, restlessness and capriciousness. Doctors prescribe valerian for children with the following disorders:

  • hyperactivity;
  • neurasthenia;
  • insomnia;
  • apathy for food;
  • tachycardia;
  • migraine;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • spasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hysteria.

How much to drink for children? Despite vegetable origin, valerian is a powerful sedative, so it is important to follow the dosage instructions that come with pharmacy tinctures and tablets. The abuse of medicines based on valerian roots can lead to depression, decreased performance, drowsiness, allergic rashes, problems with stool, and developmental delay.

Important! Along with indications, valerian has by-effect from the use (inflammation of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, individual intolerance), so the treatment should be prescribed by a specialist.

Valerian herb is contraindicated in children under 1 year old. After the baby has celebrated his first year, you can give him 1 drop, a 2-year-old child - 2 drops, and so on.

For men

The use of valerian root in medicine has not bypassed the strong half of humanity. Moreover, for some reason, grass is considered a means that lowers potency. This is an erroneous opinion, since male strength directly depends on the concentration of testosterone in the blood, the production of which is not affected by valerian. On the contrary, the medicinal root is able to cope with problems cardiovascular disease(tachycardia, arrhythmias), reduce the frequency of muscle spasm, avoid increased overexcitability and nervous tension.

Valerian can only cause drowsiness and a decrease in nervous excitability, which can help reduce sexual desire for the opposite sex.

Valerian root, which has medicinal properties and contraindications, has several uses:

  1. Interior. It is used for flatulence, nervous excitement, anxiety, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches.

Recipe number 1 - 2 tsp. crushed roots brew in 1 tbsp. boiling water. To maximize the saturation of the liquid with useful substances, the infusion is recommended to be additionally brought to readiness in a water bath for 15 minutes. How to use? - 1 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day on an empty stomach.

Recipe number 2 - make a mixture of herbs from the rhizome of valerian, yarrow (flowers), motherwort and anise fruits. Proportions: herbs 20 g each, fruits - 10 g. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection with 1 glass of boiling water, bring to readiness in a water bath for 20 minutes, let cool, strain, pour more boiled water into a glass to replenish the initial volume. How to drink? - 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. The decoction is recommended for heart problems.

Recipe number 3 - for insomnia. This is a classic decoction, when 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and continue boiling for another 15 minutes. Next, insist 40 minutes, filter and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day (children - 1 tsp)

  1. Aromatherapy (for insomnia). How to cook? Mix 100 g of crushed mint and valerian roots, place in gauze, inhale before going to bed or put near the pillow. Also, the inhalation procedure can be repeated at night.

Important! Valerian inhalations can lead to headaches upon waking up in the morning, in which case, reduce the dosage of the herb, which is placed in a gauze bag, or reduce the number of times the fragrance is inhaled.

Aromatherapy can be carried out for up to 4 months without a break, but in this case, it would be useful to listen to the doctor's opinion.

For people with diseases such as enterocolitis, hypertension, cirrhosis, glomerulonephritis and other liver diseases, the use of the root or rhizome is contraindicated. Men and women of advanced age, as well as drowsiness, should take the plant with caution.

With alcohol addiction

Valerian tincture, medicinal properties and contraindications, which were discussed in the article, are prohibited for use in alcoholism. The herb tends to depress the central nervous system, suppress nervous excitation and its combination with alcoholic drinks leads to the development of depression, slow work of nerve cells, pressure surges.

Harm brings valerian with regular use of alcohol and the stomach. The combination of incompatible components leads to increased mucus production and an increase in the toxicity of alcohol several times.

Correct workpiece

Valerian roots have healing properties, so they are the ones to be harvested. They are dug up in the fall, before the stems are dropped, washed well in cold water, subjected to a light antiseptic treatment, dried in the fresh air and placed in a dry, well-ventilated area, such as an attic.

Important! Harvesting roots after frost is not recommended, since the roots near growing plants are intertwined and also acquire the smell of valerian. Thus, it becomes possible to confuse roots that do not have medicinal properties, worse - have toxins and poisons.

After going through all the stages of harvesting, the plant acquires a characteristic fragrant smell due to the release of bornyl-isovaleric acid.

Currently, a common and popular drug is valerian tincture, the benefits of which are familiar to almost everyone. Valerian, in lat. Valeriana, is a perennial plant with more than 200...

The medicinal properties and contraindications of valerian officinalis have been known since ancient times. Like many medicinal plants, valerian has its own rich "biography". It is mentioned not only in famous medical books, but also in myths, legends, tales of European peoples. Such glorious doctors and pharmacologists as Hippocrates, Pliny, Avicenna and Dioscorides knew about valerian. It was believed that this miracle plant pacifies thoughts, calms the soul and heart. In the Middle Ages, valerian already occupies an honorable place in the list of medicinal herbs. In addition, during the same period, due to its aromatic properties, it was used as a deodorant.

Plant features

Growth area

The homeland of valerian is the Mediterranean basin. Likes a warm climate, grows in temperate and subtropical zones. The plant is distributed throughout Europe and the European part of Russia. Valerian does not grow only in the cold conditions of the Far North and in the arid regions of Central Asia. Valerian officinalis is usually found in swampy areas, in damp bushes and moist forests, on the banks of rivers, lakes, forest streams, and in meadows.

Botanical description

How to recognize valerian officinalis in natural conditions?

How to grow, harvest, dry and store

What are the features of growing and harvesting valerian officinalis?

  • Growing Valerian officinalis. Since valerian is widely used in pharmacology, the plant is grown on plantations. Special highly productive varieties of this herb have been bred (for example, Ulyana, Maun), which are cultivated on farms. When growing valerian officinalis on a personal plot, it is important to remember the following conditions: the soil must be moist, the plant can be sown or grown from seedlings, it is better to allocate a separate area for cultivating grass so that it does not shade other plants. It is advisable not to plant valerian close to the windows of the house because of the specific smell, the best place- along the fence. Seeds should only be fresh, otherwise germination will be very low. You can sow in early spring, summer or late autumn. For getting good harvest(thick and large roots) topping is carried out - the buds are cut off before flowering.
  • collection. It is recommended to collect valerian in the fall, when the seeds fly around and the stems turn brown. But experienced herbalists do not advise delaying the collection, because it will be difficult to distinguish dried stems from other plants. It is possible to mistakenly take the root of another herb, which may not be safe. Also, when harvested, the roots of valerian are often intertwined with the roots of neighboring plants (more often it is the medicinal guinea pig), which absorb the smell, so you need to carefully separate and distinguish the rhizomes of the herb. It is better to dig out the rhizomes of valerian along with the roots. Some sources say that you need to use both the main root and small rhizomes. Others say that the shoots can be removed.
  • Drying. Before drying, the dug roots are washed with water and thoroughly cleaned from the ground. Then the raw material should be dried a little in the open air, after which the roots are dried in the attic, in special dryers, but at a low temperature.
  • Storage . The fragrant aroma of valerian can be absorbed by other plants from the home first aid kit. Therefore, it must be stored separately, in well-closed containers: glass, porcelain, thick wooden boxes. The storage location must be dry and cool.

The roots of a biennial plant are considered the most valuable. During drying and storage beneficial features valerian intensifies. A more pronounced aroma also appears due to the formation of an isovaleric acid ester.

medicinal properties

The use of valerian root should be long-term and systematic, then there will be a therapeutic effect. But self-medication is not recommended.

  • Chemical composition. Valerian is a "pantry" of useful substances. It contains: alkaloids, tannins, sugars, glycosides, butyric, acetic, formic acids, borneol, valeric esters, alcohols and many other substances.
  • Depressant. Even people who are far from medicine know that the first remedy for “nerves” is valerian drops. The herb calms the central nervous system, relieves muscle spasms, reduces pressure, and improves blood circulation. It is recommended for neuroses, tantrums, palpitations, convulsions, insomnia, heart attacks due to nerves.
  • To normalize digestion. Valerian relaxes smooth muscles in all organs and tissues, therefore it relieves spasms of the stomach and intestines, improves peristalsis. Also, the herb helps with chronic constipation, pain in the liver, gallbladder.
  • Gynecology. Applied in menopause when women experience mood swings with hormonal changes, are irritated or depressed, complain of frequent migraines, high blood pressure, hot flashes, tachycardia.
  • Allergic diseases. With neurodermatitis, valerian relieves nervous excitement, which leads to a decrease in skin rashes and itching. Valerian is also prescribed for asthma.

Earlier in folk medicine, it was believed that only the smell of valerian gives a calming effect. After a number of studies, it has been proven that a sedative effect is obtained after the combination of valerian ester and other biologically active substances. The uniqueness of valerian is that its healing properties are manifested in a complex. It does not contain any leading healing substance. The concentration of valerian is also important to obtain a therapeutic effect.

It is important to remember about safety measures when treating with valerian. An overdose of the drug and its long-term use can provoke a number of side effects: drowsiness, weakness, apathy, depression, reduced performance. In this situation, you need to stop taking valerian and consult a doctor. There are opposite situations when valerian does not help due to small doses. In this case, you also need to consult a doctor.

Dosage forms of valerian

Pharmaceutical preparations of valerian are in such dosage forms: tablets, drops, powder, tincture. At home, you can make decoctions, teas and tinctures.

How long does it take for valerian to start working? The sedative effect does not occur immediately, but the medicine acts for a long time with regular use. You also need to remember that the drug enhances the effect of antispasmodics and sleeping pills.

Age restrictions and contraindications

Valerian is allowed for children after 3 years, it is used in small doses, which the doctor calculates according to the weight and age of the child. Valerian extract in tablets is allowed only from the age of 12. In what forms is valerian used in young patients?

  • Baths. It is useful to take baths with a decoction of valerian when the child is overexcited, bad dream. You can alternate them with coniferous baths. The procedure is carried out before going to bed.
  • Decoctions and tinctures. Sometimes valerian is prescribed for infants. The drug is given in a highly diluted (not alcoholic!) form as a component of teas for colic, with chamomile and dill seeds. You can also rub the infusion of grass (not alcohol!) on the baby's stomach in a clockwise direction.

What are the contraindications to the use of valerian root?

  • Individual intolerance to valerian.
  • For diseases of the liver and gallbladder, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Excessive drowsiness, lethargy, CNS depression associated with any disease.

Valerian preparations should be used with caution in infants, nursing mothers and pregnant women. Also, drivers should refuse to take this medication the day before and while driving a vehicle, since valerian slows down psychomotor reactions and reduces concentration.

The medicinal properties of valerian are well studied. It is the first sedative for heart ailments, neuroses, insomnia and spasmodic pains in the stomach and intestines. Valerian also regulates the secretion of the pancreas and stomach. Often, the drug is prescribed with other sedative and cardiac drugs in combination therapy.