Medicinal properties of dairy products. Dietary and therapeutic properties of fermented milk drinks

The benefits of dairy products

Dairy products are products that are produced by bacteria. There are two types of them: lactic acid and mixed fermentation. Lactic acid include acidophilus, cottage cheese, curdled milk, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt. The mixed ones include koumiss, acidophilus-yeast milk, kefir, shubat. Dairy products contain bacteria that break down milk sugar, which improves digestibility. Thanks to their medicinal and dietary properties, have great importance in human nutrition. Since ancient times, the healing properties of these products have been of great importance. With their help, various diseases are treated - from hair loss to tonsillitis. By using them, you will not only strengthen the immune system, but also improve digestion. Even fermented milk products are able to remove toxins and get rid of extra pounds. Do not forget that lactic acid bacteria produce vitamins such as C, B1, B2 and antibiotics. In any case, these are the healthiest foods.

Proper use of dairy products

Kefir is recommended to drink for liver diseases, gastritis, colitis, anemia, heart attack, bronchitis. And Japanese scientists have found that kefir will help with cancer and chronic infections. The use of acidophilus is useful in the treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases. But you should not abuse it either, it can lead to clogging of the body with toxins. For young people, the rate of fat intake is 50 grams per day, for the elderly - 30 grams. Therefore, choose yogurt or kefir with a low percentage of fat. American experts have found that the calcium contained in fermented milk products helps to maintain a long-term result when losing weight. Those women who consumed dietary dairy products got rid of extra pounds more easily. Thanks to such a diet, you will not only lose weight, but also increase the immunity of your body. Everyone knows that dairy products are useful for both children and adults. For example, milk is absorbed only by 32% per hour, and kefir or yogurt is completely absorbed. Such products are simply necessary for the heart, nervous system and bones. Everyone knows that fermented milk products contain bifidobacteria, which kill pathogens. The use of such products in a few weeks eliminates putrefactive processes and restores the functioning of the kidneys and liver. If you are taking antibiotics, it is helpful to eat fermented milk products during treatment. So you get rid of the negative effects of antibiotics.


Previously, it was believed that two-month-old children should be introduced into the diet of kefir, but now this should not be done. The problem is that milk and kefir lead to the loss of iron in the body of such small babies. The use of kefir up to a year can provoke microbleeding in the stomach. Moreover, the composition of kefir includes yeast and alcohol. And this means that the load on the stomach will be twice as high. Therefore, experts recommend introducing kefir into the diet after a year, and even then no more than 200 ml per day.

Many years ago, people already knew about all the beneficial properties of milk and dairy products. They were used both for food and for cosmetic purposes. All the "usefulness" of lactic acid products cannot be counted, but we will try to do it.

Consider each product individually and identify the best and most useful product with lactic acid bacteria. So, what are the healthiest dairy products, let's find out.

The benefits of dairy products for the body

What is a fermented milk product and how is it produced?

Everyone knows the benefits of milk for the body, although lactose is contraindicated for some people and it is forbidden to consume milk in its pure form. In addition, calcium, phosphorus and other elements from milk are poorly absorbed.

This means that people are allergic to milk, is it possible to have fermented milk products in this case? Such people and everyone else just need to include sour milk in their diet, it is easily digestible and does not contain sugar, lactose.

How is fermented milk raw material obtained, and what varieties does a useful fermented milk product have?

All fermented milk products are obtained by fermenting boiled milk with the addition of lactic acid bacteria concentrate. As you can see, this is a natural process and many of you are probably familiar with the taste of sour milk. Previously, sour milk was obtained because of hopelessness - there was simply nowhere to store milk in warm conditions.

And now, knowing which fermented milk product is more useful, some still do not introduce it into the diet every day, but in vain. The taste of a fermented milk product with the addition of beneficial microorganisms is somewhat different, sour-sweet, and the consistency becomes thicker.

Is it possible to buy dairy products in the store?

A real fermented milk product always has a sour taste, but not sweet. This indicates improper processing and fermentation of the original product.

Most often, this is what happens - on the shelves of stores we buy yogurts, in which, in addition to this, various preservatives are also added. In this case, most of the same bacteria that we are talking about are lost, and the benefits of fermented milk products are also lost.

Making healthy yogurt is now easier than ever at home, the main thing is to discard laziness and unwillingness to do something yourself. It is prepared both in yogurt makers and simply in containers and put in a warm place. The next day, a wonderful healthy yogurt is ready, incomparable with store-bought products.

Eating such yoghurts every day, you can get rid of many diseases, this is especially important if there are children in the family and for them this is a delicious and healthy dish.

Varieties of dairy products:

  1. Products that are formed by the fermentation of milk and disintegration (coagulation of casein) into flakes. That is, milk sugar is converted into lactic acid, so the sour taste is necessarily present. These include cottage cheese, sour cream, acidophilus, yogurt, fermented baked milk and yogurt.
  2. Mixed fermentation products - lactic acid and alcohol . These products include kefir, koumiss, matsoni, as well as bifidok, to which a probiotic culture is also added.

In the second case, along with lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide, and acids are also produced from sugar. All this further enhances the digestion of food when eating such products.

The proportion of alcohol is so small that it does not affect a person - approximately 0.07%. But for very young children, kefir is not recommended for use, it is advisable to replace it with natural yoghurts with sourdough until the age of 3.

Who is primarily shown to drink kefir, eat cottage cheese, and why are fermented milk products useful? Overweight people, because it is they who are in danger diabetes, worries about increased arterial pressure. It is for them that sour milk is the most valuable.

It has been proven that after establishing a kefir diet, feelings akin to a bird's flight appear - lightness in the body and lightness in the soul.

The most useful fermented milk products are kefir, matsoni, unsweetened yogurt. It is advisable to buy products in glass containers or tetrapacks (cardboard boxes), and not in plastic.

What dairy products are good for the intestines

We all know that there are a lot of useful products for the intestines, among them cereals, vegetables and fruits, nuts, wholemeal bread.

Are dairy products good for the intestines? Of course - yes, because they contain special microorganisms for cleansing the intestines. It is not so difficult to maintain the body in a healthy state, it is enough to include fermented products in the diet every day.

All processes in the body depend on the health of the small and large intestines. Every day we consume various foods, any supplements, all this should be excreted from the body, and only what is useful should be absorbed. But not always waste products are excreted, starting to be absorbed into the organs and accumulate toxins there. It is lactic acid bacteria that take over all the work and remove all the harmful that accumulates inside.

Usually in the human body, a balance is maintained between beneficial bacteria and harmful rods. This is achieved through the daily consumption of healthy foods.

If problems are of concern - constipation, diarrhea and flatulence, most likely the problem can be solved quickly by adding kefir or yogurt to the diet. These products remove carcinogens from the body, lower cholesterol.

Which fermented milk product is the most beneficial for the intestines?

It happens that a person suffers from rashes, constipation at the same time, then a special analysis is given for the presence of beneficial bacteria. It determines whether there is a dysbacteriosis (imbalance) in the intestine.

The doctor determines which bacteria is the smallest and prescribes special yogurts and kefir, which, in addition to lactic acid bacteria, also contain streptococci and acidophilus bacillus (lactobacilli), bifidobacteria.

In the name of such products, the prefix - bio is usually indicated, they are considered very useful in the presence of dysbacteriosis in the intestines. Such yogurts during the course of treatment regulate the ratio of useful and harmful bacteria(pathogenic flora) and the person recovers faster.

Can dairy products be eaten with allergies? Since sour-milk products no longer contain lactose, it breaks down and there is also a minimum of sugar, with any type of allergy, sour-milk products can be eaten and even needed.

In rare cases, an allergy can also occur to the protein contained in sour milk. Such intolerance can occur in young children under the age of 3 years, and it is worth consulting a pediatrician.

Very healthy dairy products

Kefir and its properties

The benefits of dairy products

As we have already said, kefir is a product of mixed fermentation and the most useful fermented milk product. Kefir contains a unique set of trace elements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, bacteria and fungi. The most useful fermented milk product kefir (classic) should have the following composition per 100 grams of the product:

  • Protein - at least 3 grams
  • Fats - 2.5%
  • Acidity is normal - 85-130°T

The benefits of one-day kefir are fully justified for every person. But it is worth noting that kefir can accumulate alcohol in the composition, or rather increase its percentage with a shelf life.

These are, of course, the minimum doses, but the longer kefir is idle after preparation, the more alcohol-containing elements it contains. Therefore, you need to use kefir immediately after preparation, this is especially important for children.

Useful properties of dairy products. Kefir

Kefir is useful for anemia, dysbacteriosis, rickets, food allergies, and even pneumonia. This is a product of all those who are losing weight and want to keep fit. Because, unlike milk, it is digested in half an hour, and by all 90%.

At the same time, your digestion improves, your appetite improves, and kefir at this time disinfects the intestines. By the way, it is considered the world's antiseptic and antibiotic for the body.

Also fermented milk product promotes better absorption of useful vitamins throughout the day, calcium, iron, vitamin D. You get all this from lunch, breakfast and dinner . A glass of kefir before meals will help in this.

That is why kefir for an afternoon snack is considered more effective and useful than any pills, nutritional supplements that people try to consume by all means.

With kefir, you can generally refuse drugs, because its benefits far outweigh the harm. But there are also contraindications to the use of the product.

Is it possible to use fermented milk products for people with high acidity of the stomach? You need to drink it with caution. Also, if you suffer from indigestion, drinking more than a glass a day can lead to even more problems.

Is it possible to fermented milk products (kefir) with pancreatitis? Kefir with such a disease can not be used, it can be replaced with sourdough. Unless, of course, you choose a starter of excellent quality and with the shortest shelf life.

And the last contraindication - if you need to concentrate - you are going to an exam or an important meeting - a glass of yogurt is not the best option to cheer up, as it relaxes the body more. It is better to drink a glass of juice for this purpose.

What is useful sourdough fermented milk product?

Relatively new product on store shelves - leaven, appeared recently, but has already gathered admirers around him. Some people doubt - is it worth replacing kefir with sourdough, what is useful in it and how does it affect the body?

We answer - with a shelf life of several days (not a month!) The sourdough contains a maximum of beneficial bacteria, including acidophilus bacillus and other beneficial microorganisms.

The benefits of sourdough for children

If you want to know the truth, it is several times better than kefir, because it has low acidity. Therefore, it is allowed to drink it to small children, as well as to those who suffer from gastritis and pancreatitis. It is used in the treatment of allergies, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system and fights insomnia.


The traditional dish of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia is made from baked milk (cow's) with the addition of streptococcal and Bulgarian sticks. It's basically a type of yogurt. Only without flavoring additives. The drink is absorbed much better and faster than baked milk, and contains a whole set of vitamins: C, PP, A, B, iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, sodium.

drinking alone a glass of fermented baked milk, you can replenish your body with calcium by a quarter of the daily norm, and by 20% with phosphorus. In addition, the protein in it is absorbed faster than the protein of whole milk. These are fermented milk products, the benefits of which are obvious and there is also harm. Contraindications - stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity.

Cottage cheese

fresh cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is formed by fermenting milk and gradually withdrawing the whey. Classic, fat, fat-free, low-fat - what kind of cottage cheese do you prefer? Each of these types is useful in its own way.

For diabetics - completely fat-free is suitable, for allergy sufferers - non-greasy, but for people who do not suffer from these diseases, the classic one is suitable. There is also cottage cheese with additives - raisins, dried apricots, calcined - enriched with calcium.

Most useful product rich in protein, minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus) and vitamins PP, C, B2, B1. Cottage cheese is digested very easily, while the fattest cottage cheese per 100 grams has a calorie content of only 226 calories. Therefore, cottage cheese is used in diets and is indicated for obese people, with liver diseases, hypertensive patients, and atherosclerosis. In other words, cottage cheese literally dissolves fats in the body.

The benefits of dairy products for children and adults

Cottage cheese strengthens the skeletal system, cartilage tissue, raises hemoglobin, and also positively affects the human nervous system. Cottage cheese is especially useful for children, women and the elderly.

Since the female body often loses calcium, and it is they who need to restore this balance in time, as well as strengthen hair and nails. The elderly often suffer from a lack of calcium, and children need it for growth.

The benefits and harms of cheese

If you are a fan of cheese - that's good, but everything is fine - in moderation. The fact is that hard cheeses are quite fatty and contain a lot of calories. Naturally, a cheese lover can consume up to 200 grams at a time, and this covers the daily dose of the norm, additionally being deposited on your sides. Sorry to get off topic...but we have to say this.

This product also has its advantages - these are real pantries of calcium, protein, tryptophan, lysine, phosphorus and zinc. The use of hard varieties of cheese helps to strengthen the skeletal system, prevents caries, and soft varieties - such as feta, mozzarella - promote good sleep.

White cheeses are considered dietary and they are just as delicious. These are low-fat varieties of Ricotta, Mascarpone, Camembert, and other varieties, they are great for diets and cooking various dishes.


homemade yogurt

Bulgaria is considered the birthplace of yogurt, since it was there that the first yoghurts containing Bulgarian sticks and sourdough were made. To this day, the tradition of natural yogurt continues. The product that is sold on our store shelves is not considered yogurt in Bulgaria.

In our production technologies, it is permissible to add pectin, thickeners, sweeteners, etc. to the product. Well, thanks to preservatives, many vitamins are lost, but the shelf life is preserved.

You can make yogurt, like Bulgarian, at home. The use of such yogurt will bring many benefits.

Matsun (matsoni)- a traditional dish of Armenia and Georgia, it is revered there, like bread. And Caucasian centenarians use matsoni every day and get sick less often. This fermented product is similar in texture to yogurt. It is prepared from cow, buffalo, goat or sheep milk.

Moreover, in the Armenian national cuisine its methods of preparation and ready-made yogurt is dominated by acidophilus bacillus. In Georgia, matsoni is prepared a little differently, and the final product is enriched with Bulgarian sticks.

Sour-milk product "Snezhok", benefits

Snezhok is a fermented milk drink that was produced during the USSR and was very fond of the inhabitants. It is prepared by fermenting pure bulgarian sticks and thermophilic streptococci. Plus, sugar or berry syrups were traditionally added to this composition.

The benefits of snowball in improving the functioning of the digestive system, removing toxins from the body, strengthening the immune system. It's all about the technology of preparation - it is the same as that of Bulgarian yogurt, except with the addition of natural fruit and berry syrups.

Can dairy products be eaten while taking antibiotics?

When antibiotic treatment occurs, the body experiences a shock, all bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract die. And the whole body suffers from this. To immediately fill it with beneficial bacteria, using probiotics is not only possible, but also vital. The best are yogurts containing lacto and bifidus bacteria without preservatives and sweeteners, as well as kefir.

Is it possible for breastfeeding dairy products? Of course, a nursing mother is recommended to consume fermented milk products - this is an important element in maintaining lactation! It is preferable to choose high-quality cottage cheese, bifidok yogurt, but kefir and koumiss contain a certain percentage of alcohol, so you need to be more careful with them.

A liter of such a product will harm the baby, but a glass a day will only benefit. The baby and mother will strengthen the joints, hair, nail growth will increase, immunity will strengthen.

Is it possible to fermented milk products at a temperature? The answer to this question is unequivocal - kefir, sourdough and yogurt are very useful at a temperature.

Firstly, at a temperature the body needs to eat, but there is no appetite as such, and sour-milk products in this case are the best friends. Secondly, the body will spend energy not on digestion, but on recovery, which leads to a speedy recovery of the patient and a decrease in body temperature.

Is it possible to post sour-milk products? The purpose of fasting is to cleanse the body of everything carnal and submit to the holy spirit. That is, all products of animal origin, including proteins, are excluded from the diet, naturally and dairy products. But it should be remembered that fasting is not a torture of the body as a whole, therefore there is a list of people who are forbidden to fast, these are:

  • Pregnant and lactating mothers
  • Patients and people after surgery

With prostate adenoma, fermented milk products are useful and very efficient. They have a mild laxative effect and are supplied with lacto and bifidus bacteria necessary for the body to fight the disease. Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor, the treatment of which requires a special diet, and this diet must include yogurt and yogurt without fail.

Dairy products are easily digested by the human body and are part of numerous diets. Regular consumption of kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, and other products of this category is an ideal way to get the necessary vitamins and minerals that are so important for our health, without harming the figure. We invite you to learn about the properties of the main fermented milk products, how and in what quantity they should be consumed, and in what situations this should not be done.

Calorie table

For those who keep a diet and count the number of calories in products, we have simplified this task with the help of a table of calorie content of milk and sour-milk products. Now let's look at each of them separately.


Kefir activates the work of internal organs and is quickly digested by the stomach, therefore it occupies one of the first places in the list of dietary foods. It is worth considering the fact that kefir is a "live" fermented milk product, therefore, it changes its properties during the allowable storage period. This means that fresh kefir has a slightly laxative effect, and on the third day after production it is still suitable for consumption, but changes its properties to the opposite, that is, it acquires a “fixing effect” for the gastrointestinal tract. If you drink kefir in its pure form, then get the freshest product possible. Three-day kefir is more suitable for baking.

Beneficial features:

  • restorative effect. With normal tolerance of the product, kefir will strengthen your immune system and contribute to the speedy recovery of strength after an illness or nervous stress;
  • Normalization of the digestive tract. Kefir improves digestion and contributes to the normalization of metabolism;
  • Cleansing. Regular use of kefir helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, improves skin condition, prolonging its youth and cleansing it of acne and acne;
  • Weight loss. Kefir is included in the menu of the most effective diets and ways to lose weight with the help, because it speeds up the process of splitting fats and metabolism.


  • Individual intolerance;
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • Intestinal disorder.

Sour cream

Unlike kefir, sour cream is more high-calorie, but at the same time more nutritious fermented milk product. Sour cream contains vitamins A, B2, B12, E, PP, C, H, as well as trace elements necessary for human health, such as potassium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, zinc, fluorine, and many others. It is important to consider that all this composition and useful properties of the product are related only to natural sour cream. Among store-bought fermented milk products, you can find a sour cream product that has an unnaturally long shelf life for sour cream, and of course, does not contain even half of the substances that are present in real sour cream.

Beneficial features:

  • Removal of cholesterol from the body. Regular consumption of this fermented milk product is the best prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • Acceleration of the digestion process. A small amount of sour cream added to the first or ready-made side dish contributes to the speedy absorption of food;
  • Mood improvement. Sour cream is a powerful natural antidepressant, and in addition, it contributes to the rapid recovery of strength after hard physical labor or nervous stress;
  • Restoration of hormonal balance. Of all fermented milk products, it is sour cream that is considered the most effective tool. Regular use of sour cream has a beneficial effect on the reproductive functions of the body, prolongs women's youth, protecting them from early menopause, and improves potency in men.


  • Gastritis and gastric ulcer during the period of exacerbation;
  • Obesity;
  • Individual intolerance.


Trusting persuasive advertising, many girls and women include store-bought yogurts not only in their daily diet, but also in diets that include this fermented milk product. Few people think that the beneficial properties attributed to yogurt are related only to natural product without various flavors, flavors, stabilizers, preservatives, etc.

When choosing store-bought yogurt, pay attention to its shelf life. In any case, you will not find natural yogurt on the shelves of the supermarket, but at least you can buy a fermented milk product as close as possible in properties to it.

Beneficial features:

  • Easy digestibility;
  • Normalization of the digestive tract.


  • Hazardous additives used by the manufacturer to extend the shelf life;
  • Unnatural flavors that can cause allergies.
Advice: If you like the taste of yogurt and use it regularly, switch to a less harmful combination of fruits, berries and syrups with sour cream or fermented baked milk. Alternatively, you can diversify your diet with homemade milkshakes. Best Recipes drinks see .


Ryazhenka is a natural fermented milk product made from baked milk or cream sourdough, which does not use artificial ingredients. Ryazhenka contains vitamins B, PP and C, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and organic acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Beneficial features:

  • Appetite improvement. It is useful to drink Ryazhenka for people, and especially for small children, with reduced appetite;
  • Weight loss. Ryazhenka contributes to the speedy digestion of heavy and fatty foods, as it activates the digestive tract;
  • Replenishment of calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency can be expressed not only in the fragility of bones, which you are unlikely to know about if your life is not connected with sports. This problem modern society most often expressed in brittle nails, skin and hair problems, and of course, in frequent visits to the dentist. Regularly drink fermented baked milk and enrich your body with calcium - it is not only not difficult, but also pleasant!


By itself, fermented baked milk cannot be dangerous to health, unless you have an individual intolerance to this fermented milk product. When choosing store-bought fermented baked milk, always pay attention to the shelf life - the shorter it is, the more natural composition at the product. Store ryazhenka in the refrigerator for no more than a day after opening the package. Do not combine fermented baked milk with protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, fish, etc.

Cottage cheese

The percentage of fat content of cottage cheese is not an indicator of quality, however, low-fat cottage cheese is still digested faster and easier. Observe the daily intake of cottage cheese - it should not exceed 100-150 grams per day.

Beneficial features:

  • High calcium content. Cottage cheese is recommended for all people with normal tolerance to this fermented milk product, and it is especially necessary for pregnant women. During the period of active formation of the bones of the unborn child, the woman's body gives off most of the calcium to the fetus, as a result of which many of them suffer from brittle nails, hair loss and dermatological problems;
  • Prevention of various diseases. Cottage cheese is especially useful for people during the period of recuperation after illnesses, and helps to increase immunity. Regular use of this fermented milk product is the best prevention of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, disorders of the nervous system and gastrointestinal diseases.


  • Regular consumption of fatty cottage cheese in large quantities leads to an increase in cholesterol levels;
  • People with diseased kidneys should consume cottage cheese in moderation and not too often, due to the high protein content in the product;
  • Fat-free and granular cottage cheese is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders;
  • With urolithiasis and various diseases of the gallbladder, it is better to refuse to use cottage cheese.

He found that they contain the same living microorganisms as ours. gastrointestinal tract that help it function successfully. The process of creating a fermented milk product is simple: milk is fermented with the help of one or another type of bacteria, and as a result yogurt, kefir, yogurt are obtained - it all depends on which particular bacterium was involved in the process. However, no matter how different the taste of fermented baked milk, acidophilus or ayran may be, their beneficial effect is similar. Those fermented milk products that we see on store shelves do not have a “narrow specialization”. Their action and purpose are approximately the same: normalization of the intestinal microflora and increased immunity. The healing properties of fermented milk products are all in our article.

Protection system

The intestinal microflora are microorganisms that are involved in the process of digestion of food and provide immune protection to the intestines by producing antibiotic-like substances. In addition, they help neutralize toxins produced during digestion. Another important function of these bacteria is the production of vitamins, such as vitamin B12, which regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body, and folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the circulatory and immune systems. (And by the way, it practically does not come to us with food.) The microflora of our body is a complex and unstable system. Overwork, emotional stress, infections, chronic diseases, prolonged use of antibiotics, an unbalanced diet, changes in sleep and rest patterns - all this can kill some bacteria and create favorable conditions for the development of others, which, as a result, become too much. The consequences of such changes in the intestinal microflora can be very diverse: this is a violation of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract (in other words, diarrhea or constipation), increased susceptibility to infections, possible allergic reactions associated with a drop in immunity. In addition, when we are stressed, we stop eating regularly, and then nausea, pain and discomfort can occur due to intoxication with our own pathogenic microflora. In particular, a condition called “traveler’s diarrhea” is known, when intestinal disorders occur due to a change in the Veda, climate, and nutrition. Such “shifts” are exactly what doctors call a state of dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis. This is a disease, and it is treated with the same bacteria, only the patient receives them not from yogurt, but from drugs that the doctor prescribes based on the results of the analysis in order to restore the microflora. Because “uncontrolled intake of a probiotic drug, depending on its duration, will either lead to the same dysbacteriosis or will not have any positive effect. But in order to prevent dysbacteriosis, there are probiotic products with their preventive effect. There are beneficial bacteria in yeast bread, kvass, cereals ... but in almost imperceptible quantities. Their main source is dairy products.

Create a comfortable environment

For intestinal microflora proper nutrition- It's a varied diet. And of course, including fermented milk products to maintain a balance in the microflora. Also, a comfortable environment for her is created by fiber and organic acids contained in cereals, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and especially in sprouted grains. But foods high in chemicals, such as sugary sodas, lead to a significant decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. They are badly affected by foods high in sugar (it causes fermentation and decay), as well as an excess of refined foods that do not have enough fiber.

Only the living

Today, no one doubts the benefits of fermented milk products. They can be attributed to the so-called functional nutrition, which, in addition to its nutritional benefits, also has the ability to benefit our health. However, for this benefit to actually manifest itself, several important conditions must be met. The probiotic strains found in fermented milk products must pass through the upper gastrointestinal tract, where they meet with, for example, stomach acid. Therefore, they must have qualities that will allow them to overcome such barriers and settle in the colon.” One of these qualities is, paradoxically, the sheer number of bacteria. In order for a fermented milk product to effectively work on the prevention of dysbacteriosis, the total content of microorganisms in it must be at least one million per milliliter. In medicinal preparations with probiotics, the dose is increased many times over. But in order for microorganisms to "work", they must remain alive. And for this they need special conditions, primarily temperature, - then they will be able to remain active for six weeks. The recommended storage temperature for fermented milk products is from 4 to 8 °C. But in the heat, the activity of bacteria increases, and their life cycle may end before we have time to benefit from yogurt or kefir.

From a store or pharmacy?

How to choose "your" fermented milk product? According to your own taste, the experts are encouraging. To date, scientists have up to 600 strains. Fermented milk products usually contain three main types: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterobacteria (E. coli). Each of them must always be present in our microflora in balance with the rest. Do we all need probiotics? The answer is simple: everyone! Restrictions are possible only if a person has an allergic reaction to the product or if he has a lactose deficiency, that is, milk intolerance. Probiotics can be for us the prevention of many diseases: allergies, gastritis, stomach ulcers, liver diseases. A healthy person needs two to four glasses of a fermented milk product a day. But if he suffers for a long time from a change in stool or pain in the stomach, then it is worth talking only about probiotics prescribed by a doctor. And a few more considerations. It is not recommended to drink too acidic drinks (for example, acidophilus or matsoni) for those who have increased stomach acidity. And overweight people should pay attention to the percentage of fat content of the product. In any case, if doubts remain, a nutritionist or nutritionist will come to the rescue, who will be able to choose fermented milk nutrition, taking into account the individual needs of the body. Prebiotics are substances of non-microbial origin that are not broken down by digestive enzymes and are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. They create conditions for the reproduction of "personal" bifido and lactobacilli. This is the main difference between probiotics and prebiotics: probiotics are living bacteria that make up our microflora, and prebiotics create a favorable environment for them, they are, as it were, their food. The concept of prebiotics was formulated by scientists only 15 years ago. These substances are found in small quantities in dairy products, oats, wheat, bananas, garlic, and beans. But their content there is very small, so if necessary, drugs with prebiotics are prescribed by a doctor.

Fermented milk drinks are divided into two groups according to the nature of fermentation: drinks obtained by only lactic acid fermentation (yogurt, acidophilic milk, yogurt, etc.), and drinks produced as a result of mixed lactic and alcoholic fermentation (kefir, koumiss, acidophilus-yeast milk and etc.).

Sour-milk drinks are even more valuable in dietary terms than milk, as they have high therapeutic and prophylactic properties and even greater digestibility.

High digestibility fermented milk drinks(compared to milk) is a consequence of their impact on the secretory-evacuation activity of the stomach and intestines, as a result of which the glands of the digestive tract secrete enzymes more intensively, which accelerate the digestion of food.

Dietary and medicinal properties fermented milk drinks are largely due to the beneficial effects on the human body of lactic acid bacteria and substances formed as a result of their vital activity during the fermentation of milk (lactic acid, carbon dioxide, alcohol, vitamins, antibiotics, etc.).

The digestibility of fermented milk drinks increases due to the partial peptonization of proteins in them, i.e., their breakdown into more simple connections. In addition, in products obtained as a result of mixed lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation, the protein clot is penetrated by the smallest bubbles of carbon dioxide, making it more accessible to the digestive tract enzymes.

Sour-milk drinks have a pleasant, slightly refreshing and spicy taste, stimulate appetite and thereby improve the general condition of the body. Fermented milk drinks obtained by alcoholic fermentation, enriched with a small amount of alcohol and carbon dioxide, improve the functioning of the respiratory and vasomotor centers, slightly excite the central nervous system. All this increases the flow of oxygen to the lungs, activates redox processes in the body.

It has been established that as a result of lactic and alcoholic fermentation, the content of most of the main vitamins in fermented milk drinks increases. Therefore, with regular use of them in food, the nervous system is strengthened.

The medicinal properties of sour-milk drinks are based on the bactericidal action of lactic acid microorganisms and yeast in relation to the causative agents of certain gastrointestinal diseases, tuberculosis and other diseases, as well as on the beneficial effect on the body of the substances that make up these products. The bactericidal properties of fermented milk drinks are associated with the antibiotic activity of bacteria and yeasts developing in them, which, as a result of their vital activity, produce the following antibiotics: nisin, lactolin, diplococcin, streptocin, etc. These antibiotics have a bactericidal (kill) and bacteriostatic (suppress vital activity) effect on some microorganisms .


The main biochemical and physico-chemical process that occurs in the production of fermented milk drinks and sour cream is lactic acid fermentation. The essence of lactic acid fermentation is that milk sugar is fermented to lactic acid under the action of microorganism enzymes, casein coagulation and clot formation occur.

During alcoholic fermentation, which proceeds with the participation of lactic yeast, milk sugar is fermented to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. At the same time, during lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation, side processes occur with the formation of volatile acids, carbon dioxide, esters and other compounds that are involved in the formation of the taste and smell of the product.

The main microflora of fermented milk products are lactic acid bacteria and yeast. In laboratories, microorganisms are isolated in pure form and specially grown (cultivated). Such microorganisms grown for specific purposes are called cultures (eg lactic streptococcus culture).

Milk fermented by introducing certain cultures of lactic acid bacteria or yeast into it is called ferment and is intended for fermentation of milk in the production of fermented milk products.

Lactic acid streptococci increase the acidity of milk up to 120 T, lactic acid sticks (Bulgarian and acidophilus) - up to 200-300 °T and are the most powerful acid-forming agents.

For the preparation of laboratory starter in the production of kefir, kefir fungi (grains) are used, the microflora of which is a symbiosis of lactic acid streptococci and rods, aroma-forming bacteria and lactic yeast, mycoderma and acetic acid bacteria.

The activity and purity of starter cultures largely determine the quality of the finished product.

In the production of fermented milk drinks, two methods are used: thermostatic and reservoir.

At thermostatic method In the production of fermented milk drinks, the fermentation of milk and the maturation of drinks take place in bottles in thermostatic and cold chambers.

At reservoir method fermentation, fermentation of milk and maturation of drinks take place in one container (milk tanks).

Fermented milk drinks produced by the reservoir method, after maturation and mixing, are poured into glass or paper containers, therefore, their clot, compared to drinks obtained by the thermostatic method, is disturbed - having a homogeneous creamy consistency.

Ready fermented milk drinks are stored at 0-2 °C until sale. The temperature of the finished product when shipped from the factory should be no more than 8 °C.


In commodity science, fermented milk drinks should be classified according to the nature of the clot and general organoleptic indicators into three groups: mixed fermentation products, curdled milk and acidophilic products. Each of these three groups is subdivided into three subgroups: fermented milk drinks without food fillers and flavorings; fermented milk drinks with fillers and flavorings; fermented milk products for children and special nutrition.

Kefir. This is the most popular fermented milk drink among the population, obtained by mixed fermentation. For the production of kefir, a natural symbiotic starter is used - on kefir fungi. The composition of the microflora of kefir fungi is stable, which makes it possible to obtain a homogeneous product.

Kefir, being a product of mixed fermentation, contains, along with lactic acid, a small amount or traces of alcohol (on average 0.1-0.2%), but even in such an amount, alcohol together with carbon dioxide give the drink a pleasant refreshing taste and tonic properties.

Kefir is made with a fat content of 3.2; 2.5; 1% and non-fat, as well as Tallinn kefir with a fat content of 1% and non-fat. They produce fortified kefir with the addition of vitamin C (up to 10%)

and kefir with fillers. The acidity of fatty kefir should be in the range of 85-120 °T. Serum separation is allowed no more than 2% and slight gas formation. The shelf life of kefir is not more than 36 hours at a temperature not exceeding 8 °C.

As a result of the violation of technology, the ingress of foreign microflora into the starter, such defects as butyric, acetic, rotten and other taste and smell appear in kefir. In the case of overripe kefir and its storage at temperatures above 8 ° C, whey often separates, gases are released and the clot breaks.

Kefir fruit produce a fat content of 2.5; 1% and low-fat with the addition of fruit and berry fillers after ripening. It is obtained by the reservoir method according to the general scheme of kefir technology. Fruit and berry fillers are pumped into a tank with kefir, thoroughly mixed and left for 1-3 hours at a temperature of 8-10 ° C for additional maturation. The mass fraction of sucrose in kefir is not less than 7%. Fruit kefir has a taste and smell characteristic of kefir and added fillers.

Kefir special - 1% fat and non-fat, from a mixture of whole milk, skimmed milk and milk protein concentrates, fermented with sourdough prepared on kefir fungi.

Koumiss. Like kefir, it belongs to the products of mixed fermentation and is produced from mare's milk, which, compared to cow's milk, is characterized by a reduced mass fraction of fat (1.5%) and casein (1.2%), an increased mass fraction of milk sugar (6.5 %) and albumin. In koumiss, the main causative agents of lactic acid fermentation are bulgaric and acidophilus bacillus, which do not have an inhibitory effect on the development of yeast, therefore alcohol (up to 3%) and carbon dioxide quickly accumulate in koumiss.

Natural koumiss is made from unpasteurized mare's milk with 1% fat at a fermentation temperature of 32-34 °C for 2-3 hours, after which it is bottled and sent for maturation at a temperature of 6-7 °C. The duration of maturation ranges from 1 to 3 days. Natural koumiss, depending on the duration of maturation, is weak (1% alcohol), medium (1.5%) and strong (3%).

Koumiss can also be made from 1.5% fat cow's milk. Depending on the duration of maturation, weak koumiss contains 0.6% alcohol, medium - 1.1 and strong - 1.6%. The acidity of koumiss ranges from 95 to 130 tons. The finished product is a foaming liquid with a refreshing sour taste, with small flakes of protein.

Yogurt. Depending on the characteristics of the technology and the composition of bacterial starter cultures, several types of yogurt are produced: Mechnikovskaya, acidophilic, ordinary, Southern, Ukrainian, fermented baked milk, varenets, etc. Yogurt is obtained as a result of natural fermentation of milk with lactic acid streptococci or in combination with lactic acid bacilli.

The shelf life of curdled milk at a temperature of 8 ° C is not more than 36 hours from the date of production. The change in the consistency of curdled milk during storage (whey separation, weak clots), as a rule, is due not to microbiological reasons, but to technological reasons (pasteurization and homogenization modes, milk quality, etc.).

Yogurt must meet organoleptic and physico-chemical requirements. The taste and smell should be pure sour milk. Varents and Ukrainian curdled milk (ryazhenka) have a pronounced aftertaste of pasteurization; curdled milk obtained with the addition of sugar and other food fillers has a rather pronounced sweet taste and smell of the introduced additives.

A clot of curdled milk should be strong enough in consistency, undisturbed, without gas formation. It is allowed to release whey not more than 3% of the total volume of the product. The appearance at the break should be glossy, stable. A clot of acidophilic and southern curdled milk, prepared using slimy races, may be of increased viscosity - slightly viscous. The color of curdled milk made from sterilized or baked (aged 2-3 hours at a temperature of 95 ° C) milk is white with a brownish tinge.

Curdled milk produced from pasteurized whole milk, fermented by a culture of lactic acid streptococcus at a fermentation temperature of 36-38 ° C. Ordinary curdled milk has a dense prickly clot, a slightly bland taste. They produce it with a fat content of 3.2; 2.5; \% and lean.

Prostokvasha Mechnikovskaya produce in more than the ordinary one. It is obtained from pasteurized milk fermented with a culture of thermophilic lactic streptococcus with the addition of Bulgarian bacillus at a temperature of 45 "C. 1 part of the starter of the Bulgarian stick is added to 4 parts of the starter of the lactic acid streptococcus. The Bulgarian stick causes a pronounced sour taste and delicate texture of the finished product. Mechnikov yogurt is produced only 4% fat.

Yogurt acidophilus produced from pasteurized milk fermented at a temperature of 40-42 ° C by a culture of thermophilic lactic streptococcus with the addition of acidophilus bacillus. As a result of the development of acidophilus bacillus, the consistency of the finished yogurt may be slightly viscous.

Prostokvasha Yuzhnaya are made from pasteurized milk fermented with cultures of Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic lactic streptococci in a ratio of 3: 1 with or without the addition of yeast. Prostokvasha Yuzhnaya resembles yogurt and differs from it in that it is made from milk with the usual dry matter content. The fermentation temperature in the production of Southern curdled milk is 45-50 °С. In terms of properties, it approaches yogurt prepared with natural sourdough at home.

Yogurt - one of the most common dietary fermented milk drinks in Europe and America. The birthplace of yogurt is the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. According to the microflora, organoleptic properties, yogurt made from whole milk differs little from Mechnikovskaya or Southern curdled milk. As a rule, it is a fermented milk product made from whole milk pasteurized at 80-95 ° C with an exposure of 5 to 30 minutes at a fermentation temperature of 40-45 ° C. As a starter in the production of yogurt, cultures of thermophilic lactic streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus are used in a ratio of 1: 1.

Thus, yogurt is prepared according to the type of southern curdled milk, but its feature is an increased mass fraction dry matter (16-22%). Yogurt is produced both in its natural form and with various fillers. It can be produced by both thermostatic and reservoir methods.

Yogurt has a clean, sour-milk taste and smell, with the addition of sugar - sweet; fruit and berry yogurt has a characteristic taste and aroma of the added syrup. The consistency of the drink is homogeneous, without sludge fat, slightly viscous.

Ryazhenka (Ukrainian curdled milk) is prepared from milk with a fat content of 4; 2.5 and 1%, as well as 2.5 and 1% fat and with vitamin C. Ryazhenka is produced by long-term temperature treatment of milk (95 ° C with an exposure of 2-3 hours) and fermented at 40-45 ° C with sourdough from cultures of thermophilic lactic streptococcus. It has a sour-milk taste with a pronounced aftertaste of pasteurization, a delicate, but moderately dense clot without gas bubbles. The color of ryazhenka is creamy with a brownish tinge. Produce fermented baked milk 4; 2.5 and 1% fat.

Varenets produced from sterilized or baked milk with a fat content of 2.5%, cultures of thermophilic lactic streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus are used as a starter culture. Microbiological processes in the production of Varents are similar to those occurring during the production of fermented baked milk. Varenets is close to ryazhenka in properties, but the acidity is felt somewhat sharper, since its fat content is lower than ryazhenka.

acidophilic drinks. To obtain acidophilic fermented milk drinks, milk is fermented with a culture of acidophilus bacillus. Unlike Bacillus bulgaricus and lactic streptococci, acidophilus bacillus is isolated not from milk, but from the intestines of an infant and differs in that it can take root in the intestines, develop for some time in an alkaline environment, excite the secretory work of the stomach and pancreas.

acidophilus milk prepared by fermenting pasteurized milk with pure cultures of acidophilus, mucous and non-mucous races. Acidophilic milk is produced with a fat content of 3.2; 2.5; 1% and non-fat, as well as sweet, sweet with vanilla, cinnamon, two ways. At a fermentation temperature of 40-45 ° C, 3-5% of the ferment is added. To obtain a product with a viscous but not too slimy consistency, the ratio of non-mucilaginous and slimy strains should be 5:1.

The finished product has a pure sour-milk taste characteristic of acidophilus bacillus, a homogeneous consistency of liquid sour cream. Slightly viscous consistency is allowed. At acidity above 120 °T, a metallic taste appears.

acidophilus obtained by fermentation of pasteurized milk with a fat content of 3.2; 2.5; 1% and low-fat sourdough, consisting of cultures of acidophilus bacillus, lactic acid streptococcus and kefir fungi. The ratio of these cultures in the leaven is 3:1:1. As a result of the use of such a starter, the product acquires a slight sharpness, which causes alcoholic fermentation. To the greatest extent, the taste of acidophilus is expressed at an acidity of 100-110 T. Sweet acidophilus is made - with the addition of sugar, vanillin or cinnamon.

acidophilic yeast milk fat content 3.2; 2.5; 1% and non-fat are produced on the basis of sourdough from pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus and special races of lactose-fermenting yeast in a ratio of 4:1.

Acidophilic yeast milk is recommended as an adjuvant in the treatment of tuberculosis, intestinal diseases, furunculosis, etc. Fermentation temperature 33-35 °C. Acidophilus-yeast milk has a pleasant, refreshing sour-milk taste and smell, slightly spicy, with a yeasty taste. Its consistency is homogeneous, low viscosity and ductility. Slight gassing and frothing due to yeast development is acceptable, as well as slight whey separation.


Quality fermented milk drinks are determined by organoleptic indicators: taste and smell, appearance and consistency, color, as well as acidity and alcohol content (for koumiss). The consistency and nature of the clot of fermented milk drinks are determined by the raw materials and technology, and also depend on the production method. The products produced by the thermostatic method have an undisturbed clot. In fermented milk drinks obtained by the reservoir method, the clot is disturbed, easily moving in a bottle or other consumer container.

In kefir, koumiss, acidophilus and acidophilic yeast milk, separate gas bubbles are allowed, which are formed as a result of alcoholic fermentation. Abundant gas formation, rupture of the clot and separation of whey from the clot of more than 2% for kefir and more than 3% for yogurt and acidophilus are not allowed.


Sour cream is a fermented milk product produced by fermenting normalized pasteurized cream with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci.

Sour cream has a large nutritional value due to a significant amount of milk fat (from 10 to 40%), protein content (about 3%), lactose (3%), organic acids (0.7-0.8%) and other components.

Recently, for the purpose of rational nutrition of the population, sour cream with 15, 20 and 25% fat content has been produced in large quantities.

Currently, not only fresh cream is used for the production of sour cream, but also dry cream, whole and skimmed milk powder, frozen and plastic cream. Therefore, the consistency, taste and smell of sour cream differ from those of 30% fat sour cream.

The consistency of sour cream largely depends on the content of fat and SOMO, with an increase in which it becomes thicker, the separation of whey from the clot slows down.

Sour cream is produced in two ways: thermostatic and reservoir using cream homogenization or using low-temperature processing (physical maturation) before fermentation.

The technological cycle of sour cream production consists of the following main operations: acceptance and separation of milk, normalization of cream, pasteurization, homogenization, cooling, fermentation and fermentation of cream, packaging, cooling and ripening of sour cream, storage and transportation.

With the thermostatic method of producing sour cream, the cream after fermentation is packed in glass containers and fermented in a thermostatic chamber, after which it is cooled. This method produces low-fat types of sour cream, it is also used when using raw materials with a low SOMO content.

One of the conditions for obtaining sour cream High Quality- pasteurization at high temperatures. The pasteurization temperature, depending on the fat content of the cream, is 92-96 ° C with a holding time of 15-20 s. This mode provides a more stable sour cream with a thick consistency during storage and with a pronounced taste of pasteurized cream, which is imparted by the resulting free sulfhydryl groups, volatile carbonyl compounds, lactones, etc.

On quality cream has a significant effect on the homogenization of cream, which contributes to a significant improvement in its consistency.

Sour cream is packaged at fermentation temperatures or after partial cooling and left for maturation in refrigerators at 1-7 °C.

The main ways to improve the quality of low-fat sour cream with a traditional consistency: heat pasteurization; homogenization and physical ripening of cream; packing by gravity with compressed air; adding food fillers, protein stabilizers to the cream.

Along with organoleptic indicators, when assessing the quality of sour cream, its acidity is taken into account, which should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 6.9.

Table 6.9

The main physical and chemical indicators of sour cream normalized during the examination