Clematis 3 pruning groups the best varieties to buy. Clematis flowers: their varieties and photos

Clematis from the Jacqueman group, which is extensive and valuable for our climate, will grow even if you forget to cover it for the winter. This group is completely cut off before the onset of cold weather. In a harsh winter, it will freeze, but it will not completely disappear, and if you do not forget to cover it before the next cold period, it will recover.

Plant features

The Jacqueman group differs from others in the predominance vigorous and tall vines. In our latitudes, they are cut off strongly, which corresponds to the 3rd trimming group. This procedure contributes to the annual formation of more and more new shoots, while the root system develops well.

When the bush has already matured, it even needs to be thinned out, since the whips do not have enough light in the center of the beam, so they dry out along with the leaves. Not the last role is played by the location of the plant. So, in a sunny area, the vine does not grow as high as in partial shade, but more flowers form on it.

The flowering of clematis of the third pruning group is very plentiful when they are young and it is not difficult to remove faded flowers, it forms new buds throughout the summer. If the bush is already an adult, the removal of flowers becomes a laborious process, so this manipulation can be replaced by cutting selective lashes in half so that some of the buds form a little later. So you can prolong the first flowering.

There are varieties with constant flowering, stopping only for a while, there are those that bloom a second time only in autumn, forming only rare flowers.

Characteristics of clematis varieties 2 and 3 pruning groups

Blue flame

The height of the clematis bush of the blue flame variety is 3-4 m. The flowers are large, up to 18 cm deep blue in color, a lighter strip stretches in the center of each petal, yellow anthers. In July, August, September, the plant blooms. The blue flame, due to the rich color of the wide petals that overlap each other, is in perfect harmony with any varieties of different colors.

The main number of flowers in clematis is formed at the top. Pruning should be carried out in the fall in the third group, that is, significantly. In spring, it forms semi-double flowers, of which there are only 1-2, but this is not its decoration.

Clematis blooms differently from year to year, sometimes a lot of flowers form, sometimes not very much. The plant has two main flowering waves, in autumn it is much less, but the color is more saturated, you can see the glow from within.

  • They look beautiful in a column with falling flowers. You can maintain different heights of shoots so that the flowers look at the entire height.
  • By constantly increasing the support, you can grow a blue flame up to 3 m high. It is used in flower beds as a background background.

Nikolay Rubtsov

This variety of clematis has large purple-red flowers that have a strip along the length of each petal. The edges of the petals are wavy. The plant blooms from July to September. The variety reaches a height of 2.5-3 meters, pruning is carried out in 3 groups.

The blooming clematis flower turns lilac, in diameter from 12 to 16 cm, then a bar appears. In the sun, the petals fade a little, the middle of the flower is light yellow.

  • The color of flowers from year to year can vary from lilac to pink. This variety of clematis blooms very actively, covering the lashes along the entire height. big amount flowers. In the garden, flowering begins from the end of May or from the beginning of June. It, of course, does not differ in brightness, rather pale, but plentiful, the foliage is not even visible.
  • As a support, it is better to choose a flat surface of the grid instead of an arch. Because it quickly builds up the density of branches, the flowers are formed in large numbers, so they can be observed from both the south and the north. On the grid, they look like a living wall, blooming on both sides.
  • The height of the bush is about 2 m. Clematis blooms for about a month, but if the heat prevails, the flowers wither faster. In autumn, re-blooming begins, but it is not as plentiful as in early summer.

hagley hybrid

The variety has pale pink-lilac flowers, reaching 10-15 cm in diameter. Petals wide elliptical, wavy along the edge, the anther is red or brown. Clematis blooms in July, August, September. It is better to plant in partial shade, as the flowers tend to burn out. The height of the bush reaches 2-3 m, it requires pruning in 3 groups.

The flower, when it first blooms, becomes a bright pink-lilac color with a pearly sheen, eventually turns pale, acquiring a pale pink tone. Wide corrugated petals, 6 pieces are formed. Variety blooms for a long time, starting from June, repeating, not as active as in summer, flowering in autumn.

  • In autumn, clematis requires strong pruning in group 3. After that, you need to cover with leaves and film. Flowering is abundant throughout the height with the formation of pink chiseled shiny flowers.
  • It is better not to plant next to high-growing varieties, especially with a similar color, as it is lost against their background. Grow as a freestanding plant. For this variety of clematis, a ball will be a good support.
  • It grows up to 1.5 m, however, in coolness and moisture, it expels shoots about 2 m long.

Variety Allanakh

This plant produces ruby-red flowers of medium and large diameter from 10 to 20 cm, a slightly darker stripe runs through the center. The height of the lashes is from 2 to 4 m. The trimming group is the second.

Variety belongs to the red-flowered species, although somewhat bright for this species, it has bright red flowers, which is not typical of most of these species, since they are more often purple.

This clematis is used for arbors, because it has large attention-grabbing flowers, 15-18 cm in diameter.

The petals are narrow, but there are from 6 to 8 of them. For some gardeners, the lashes grow above 2 meters, over time, as the plant gets older, its branches stretch upwards. Pruning is carried out in the second group in the fall.

A large number of flower stalks do not form on the bush, as in the Hagley Hybrid or Comtis de Bouchot variety described above, but it pink-red flowers, located along the entire height of the vines, allow you to enjoy the elegant beauty.


A variety with large 10-20 cm in diameter flowers of pink-purple color, fading to light purple, also happens to be purple in color with a darker stripe in the middle. The middle of the clematis is pink. Beige anthers form on green-white threads. Petals are formed from 4 to 6, they are slightly wavy in the center, corrugated. Victoria clematis blooms in July, August, September. The height of the lashes is from 3 to 4 m, cut in the fall in 3 groups.

This variety has nice shape petals overlapping each other. The color is purple with a pink tint, lightens slightly with time. Liana forms a lot of flowers, most of them are concentrated in the upper part of the vine.

Because of this feature, the time is chosen low, so as not to raise your head to admire the flowers. You can decorate them with a pillar, on which falling shoots are interesting.

This variety of clematis blooms once, but for a long time. In autumn, 1 or 2 flowers may appear, which will not create much beauty.

Warsaw night

The flower of this variety is large and velvety reaches 10-20 cm in diameter. The color is red-violet, in the middle it has a strip of purple-violet. The petals are slightly corrugated, anthers are formed on green-white stamens. Blooms in June, July, September, October. The bush reaches a height of 2.5 - 4 m. In the fall, pruning is performed in 3 groups.

The clematis flower of this variety is dark, velvety with a yellow center, 10-16 cm in diameter. First it opens dark purple, after turns dark purple. The central strip also changes. The hue changes depending on the lighting and the weather, then they are all purple, then purple, then both on the bush at the same time.

The flowers are located along the entire height of the vine, so it is better to place the flower garden in the foreground so as not to cover their bulk. In addition, you can see up close the play of shades.

The first flowering is the most abundant and long-lasting, it occurs in June, only single flowers are re-formed. The height of the lashes reaches 2.5 m, the strength of growth is average. In autumn, careful pruning is carried out in group 3, after all the lashes are cut off completely, the bush is covered with grass.

Comtis De Bouchot

A variety with pink flowers, their diameter is 10-15 cm, the petals are wavy, corrugated with pale yellow anthers. Blooms in July, August, September. The height of the lashes is 3-4 m. It is cut off in the fall according to the third trimming group.

The plant is magnificent, it forms a lot of flowers, spreading along the entire length, greenery is not even visible. Flowering continues all summer and autumn, interrupted only for a short time.

The color is not quite pure pink-lilac, which still tends to fade, the flowers are not very large, mostly 10 cm in diameter. But it is rare to find such a combination as abundant and long flowering.

Clematis of this variety is easy to care for, grows quickly and high, forms a large number of peduncles, undergoes heavy pruning in the 3rd group in autumn.


Clematis of this variety forms dark purple, almost black petals with a contrasting middle. Blooms in July, August and September. The bush grows up to 2-2.5 m, is trimmed by 3 groups.

The flowers are not large, their diameter is often no more than 10 cm, but there are many of them, the petals twist slightly down, which gives an openwork. It blooms velvety, the bright yellow center looks spectacular.

The background for these dark flowers is selected light.

Requires strong pruning in group 3.


Variety with blue-violet large flowers, reaching 12-15 cm, which have a purple-violet stripe in the center . Blooms in July, August, September.

It is used to decorate gazebos, as it grows quickly and high, reaching more than 3 m, there are many flowers on it.

The petals are narrow, their number is from 4 to 6, the shade is not as saturated as in other purple varieties. At the beginning, the flower has a dark tone, there is a velvety, after which it fades a little in the sun. But the flowering is almost continuous.

If they forget to cover it in autumn, it suffers such neglect, but if it does not grow in a sunny place, flowering will be incomplete, because it prefers good lighting.

Yalta sketch

The flowers are 12-16 cm in diameter, light crimson in the center, have a bright stripe, lose their brightness over time. The petals are flat, the anthers are light yellow and yellow. The bush reaches 3 meters, forming abundant flowering, rarely moderate with repetition. In May, flowers form on last year's shoots; in July, August and September, fresh shoots are covered with flowers.

This variety has a pale pink-lilac color of the petals, in the center of which the strip changes the intensity of the tone depending on the weather, sometimes it does not appear at all, it can be very bright. The variety may not be recognizable due to its similar variability.

Most of the flowers are located at the top of the bush. To preserve the duration of flowering, the lashes are left, however, with full pruning on the shoots of the current year, flowering can also be quite good. In the autumn, flowers appear again, but they are few, but more saturated in color.

Clematis from the Jacqueman group, which is extensive and valuable for our climate, will grow even if you forget to cover it for the winter. This group is completely cut off before the onset of cold weather. In a harsh winter, it will freeze, but it will not completely disappear, and if you do not forget to cover it before the next cold period, it will recover.

Plant features

The Jacqueman group differs from others in the predominance of vigorous and tall vines. In our latitudes, they are cut off strongly, which corresponds to the 3rd trimming group. This procedure contributes to the annual formation of more and more new shoots, while the root system develops well.

When the bush has already matured, it even needs to be thinned out, since the whips do not have enough light in the center of the beam, so they dry out along with the leaves. Not the last role is played by the location of the plant. So, in a sunny area, the vine does not grow as high as in partial shade, but more flowers form on it.

The flowering of clematis of the third pruning group is very plentiful when they are young and it is not difficult to remove faded flowers, it forms new buds throughout the summer. If the bush is already an adult, the removal of flowers becomes a laborious process, so this manipulation can be replaced by cutting selective lashes in half so that some of the buds form a little later. So you can prolong the first flowering.

There are varieties with constant flowering, stopping only for a while, there are those that bloom a second time only in autumn, forming only rare flowers.

Characteristics of clematis varieties 2 and 3 pruning groups

Blue flame

The height of the clematis bush of the blue flame variety is 3-4 m. The flowers are large, up to 18 cm deep blue in color, a lighter strip stretches in the center of each petal, yellow anthers. In July, August, September, the plant blooms. The blue flame, due to the rich color of the wide petals that overlap each other, is in perfect harmony with any varieties of different colors.

The main number of flowers in clematis is formed at the top. Pruning should be carried out in the fall in the third group, that is, significantly. In spring, it forms semi-double flowers, of which there are only 1-2, but this is not its decoration.

Clematis blooms differently from year to year, sometimes a lot of flowers form, sometimes not very much. The plant has two main waves of flowering, in autumn it is much less, but the color is more saturated, you can see the glow from the inside.

  • They look beautiful in a column with falling flowers. You can maintain different heights of shoots so that the flowers look at the entire height.
  • By constantly increasing the support, you can grow a blue flame up to 3 m high. It is used in flower beds as a background background.

Nikolay Rubtsov

This variety of clematis has large purple-red flowers that have a strip along the length of each petal. The edges of the petals are wavy. The plant blooms from July to September. The variety reaches a height of 2.5-3 meters, pruning is carried out in 3 groups.

A blooming clematis flower acquires a lilac color, in diameter from 12 to 16 cm, after which a strip appears. In the sun, the petals fade a little, the middle of the flower is light yellow.

  • The color of flowers from year to year can vary from lilac to pink. This variety of clematis blooms very actively, covering the lashes along the entire height with a large number of flowers. In the garden, flowering begins from the end of May or from the beginning of June. It, of course, does not differ in brightness, rather pale, but plentiful, the foliage is not even visible.
  • As a support, it is better to choose a flat surface of the grid instead of an arch. Because it quickly builds up the density of branches, the flowers are formed in large numbers, so they can be observed from both the south and the north. On the grid, they look like a living wall, blooming on both sides.
  • The height of the bush is about 2 m. Clematis blooms for about a month, but if the heat prevails, the flowers wither faster. In autumn, re-blooming begins, but it is not as plentiful as in early summer.

hagley hybrid

The variety has pale pink-lilac flowers, reaching 10-15 cm in diameter. The petals are wide elliptical, wavy along the edge, the anther is red or brown. Clematis blooms in July, August, September. It is better to plant in partial shade, as the flowers tend to burn out. The height of the bush reaches 2-3 m, it requires pruning in 3 groups.

The flower, when it first blooms, becomes a bright pink-lilac color with a pearly sheen, eventually turns pale, acquiring a pale pink tone. Wide corrugated petals, 6 pieces are formed. The variety blooms for a long time, starting in June, repeating, not as active as in summer, flowering in autumn.

  • In autumn, clematis requires strong pruning in group 3. After that, you need to cover with leaves and film. Flowering is abundant throughout the height with the formation of pink chiseled shiny flowers.
  • It is better not to plant next to high-growing varieties, especially with a similar color, as it is lost against their background. Grow as a freestanding plant. For this variety of clematis, a ball will be a good support.
  • It grows up to 1.5 m, however, in coolness and moisture, it expels shoots about 2 m long.

Variety Allanakh

This plant produces ruby-red flowers of medium and large diameter from 10 to 20 cm, a slightly darker stripe runs through the center. The height of the lashes is from 2 to 4 m. The trimming group is the second.

The variety belongs to the red-flowered species, although it is somewhat bright for this species, it has bright red flowers, which is not typical for most of these species, since they are more often purple.

This clematis is used for arbors, because it has large attention-grabbing flowers, 15-18 cm in diameter.

The petals are narrow, but there are from 6 to 8 of them. For some gardeners, the lashes grow above 2 meters, over time, as the plant gets older, its branches stretch upwards. Pruning is carried out in the second group in the fall.

A large number of flower stalks do not form on the bush, as in the Hagley Hybrid or Comtis de Bouchot variety described above, but its pink-red flowers, located along the entire height of the vine, allow you to enjoy elegant beauty.


A variety with large 10-20 cm in diameter flowers of pink-purple color, fading to light purple, also happens to be purple in color with a darker stripe in the middle. The middle of the clematis is pink. Beige anthers form on green-white threads. Petals are formed from 4 to 6, they are slightly wavy in the center, corrugated. Victoria clematis blooms in July, August, September. The height of the lashes is from 3 to 4 m, cut in the fall in 3 groups.

This variety has a beautiful shape of petals that overlap each other. The color is purple with a pink tint, lightens slightly with time. Liana forms a lot of flowers, most of them are concentrated in the upper part of the vine.

Because of this feature, the time is chosen low, so as not to raise your head to admire the flowers. You can decorate them with a pillar, on which falling shoots are interesting.

This variety of clematis blooms once, but for a long time. In autumn, 1 or 2 flowers may appear, which will not create much beauty.

Warsaw night

The flower of this variety is large and velvety reaches 10-20 cm in diameter. The color is red-violet, in the middle it has a strip of purple-violet. The petals are slightly corrugated, anthers are formed on green-white stamens. Blooms in June, July, September, October. The bush reaches a height of 2.5 - 4 m. In the fall, pruning is performed in 3 groups.

The clematis flower of this variety is dark, velvety with a yellow center, 10-16 cm in diameter. First it opens dark purple, then it becomes dark purple. The central strip also changes. The hue changes depending on the lighting and the weather, then they are all purple, then purple, then both on the bush at the same time.

The flowers are located along the entire height of the vine, so it is better to place the flower garden in the foreground so as not to cover their bulk. In addition, you can see up close the play of shades.

The first flowering is the most abundant and long-lasting, it occurs in June, only single flowers are re-formed. The height of the lashes reaches 2.5 m, the strength of growth is average. In autumn, careful pruning is carried out in group 3, after all the lashes are cut off completely, the bush is covered with grass.

Comtis De Bouchot

A variety with pink flowers, their diameter is 10-15 cm, the petals are wavy, corrugated with pale yellow anthers. Blooms in July, August, September. The height of the lashes is 3-4 m. It is cut off in the fall according to the third trimming group.

The plant is magnificent, it forms a lot of flowers, spreading along the entire length, greenery is not even visible. Flowering continues all summer and autumn, interrupted only for a short time.

The color is not quite pure pink-lilac, which still tends to fade, the flowers are not very large, mostly 10 cm in diameter. But it is rare to find such a combination as abundant and long flowering.

Clematis of this variety is easy to care for, grows quickly and high, forms a large number of peduncles, undergoes heavy pruning in the 3rd group in autumn.


Clematis of this variety forms dark purple, almost black petals with a contrasting middle. Blooms in July, August and September. The bush grows up to 2-2.5 m, is pruned in groups 3.

The flowers are not large, their diameter is often no more than 10 cm, but there are many of them, the petals twist slightly down, which gives an openwork. It blooms velvety, the bright yellow center looks spectacular.

The background for these dark flowers is selected light.

Requires strong pruning in group 3.


Variety with blue-violet large flowers, reaching 12-15 cm, which have a purple-violet stripe in the center. Blooms in July, August, September.

It is used to decorate gazebos, as it grows quickly and high, reaching more than 3 m, there are many flowers on it.

The petals are narrow, their number is from 4 to 6, the shade is not as saturated as in other purple varieties. At the beginning, the flower has a dark tone, there is a velvety, after which it fades a little in the sun. But the flowering is almost continuous.

If they forget to cover it in autumn, it suffers such neglect, but if it does not grow in a sunny place, flowering will be incomplete, because it prefers good lighting.

Yalta sketch

The flowers are 12-16 cm in diameter, light crimson in the center, have a bright stripe, lose their brightness over time. The petals are flat, the anthers are light yellow and yellow. The bush reaches 3 meters, forming abundant flowering, less often moderate with repetition. In May, flowers form on last year's shoots; in July, August and September, fresh shoots are covered with flowers.

This variety has a pale pink-lilac color of the petals, in the center of which the strip changes the intensity of the tone depending on the weather, sometimes it does not appear at all, it can be very bright. The variety may not be recognizable due to its similar variability.

Most of the flowers are located at the top of the bush. To preserve the duration of flowering, the lashes are left, however, with full pruning on the shoots of the current year, flowering can also be quite good. In the autumn, flowers appear again, but they are few, but more saturated in color.

All of the above varieties need sanitary pruning. To do this, the bushes are carefully examined, the affected branches are removed, they are immediately burned.

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Clematis - description, photo, varieties of the third pruning group, video

The biggest dream of gardeners growing flowering ampelous plants is to have their offspring delight in their flowering for as long as possible, and at the same time there should be as little hassle as possible with long lashes, especially in preparation for wintering. You can bring it to life by planting clematis of the third pruning group on the site. The description and photos of the varieties, which we have specially compiled and today we want to present to you, will serve as reinforcement for the theory of the long-term beauty of these luxurious creeping vines.

Characteristics of the group

The third group of clematis is one of the easiest to breed. This includes varieties that have a long flowering period (up to 3 months), while in most species it is later. The reason for this phenomenon is the fact that the vine sets buds only on young growth. Accordingly, this leaves an imprint on the procedure for the formation of a bush: annually it is necessary to completely cut out the bush, leaving stumps no more than 15 cm in height (one or two buds). This is enough for the vine to revive.

Varieties of the third group have one more feature: they grow quite quickly and if we neglect pruning, soon the bush will turn into a tangled ball of ugly twisted lashes. What can we say about the fact that flowering will have to be forgotten. Thus, by annually cutting off the shoots that have grown during the season, you can not only renew the bush and maintain its compact forms, but also preserve the varietal qualities of flowering.

It is best to prune in the fall - then the bush, or rather its remains, will be easier to cover and prepare for wintering.

And now we bring to your attention a description of the most popular varieties of clematis of the third pruning group (with photo).

Large-flowered clematis

One of the most spectacular species are hybrids, which have large inflorescences. Large flowers of rich or delicate color, simple or double, immediately catch the eye and make the bush the pride of the grower.

Clematis Ville de Lyon

The description of clematis Ville de Lyon should begin with the fact that it belongs to the Vititsella group. The diameter of the inflorescences reaches 16 cm, while they have a rich color and consist of 5-6 simple petals and long, up to 2 cm, stamens. Some consider it red, but most of all the color is similar to fuchsia, while the tips of the petals are darker. Interestingly, by the end of flowering, purple hues begin to predominate. The bush is quite large, the length of the lashes is from 3 to 4 m. Flowering begins late, in July, but lasts until the first frost.

The variety has increased winter hardiness and is resistant to most fungal diseases, but it can burn out in the sun (the flowers will become faded).

Clematis Barbara

The variety is the result of the work of Polish breeders, it has earned popularity thanks to simple, but very large (up to 16 cm in diameter), inflorescences with an interesting color: they are deep pink, but the stamens are painted maroon.

The bush itself grows up to a maximum of 3 m, winter-hardy, late - blooms from June to September.

Clematis can be cut lightly and then flowering will be already in May, and with strong pruning, flowers will appear only in the second half of June.

Clematis Venosa Violacea

One of the unpretentious types of clematis, grows no more than 3 m in height, winters well and rarely gets sick. Flowering occurs in mid-summer and delicate flowers flaunt on the bush until October. They are solitary, consist of 4 or 6 simple petals, are medium in size and have a two-tone color:

  • the center of the petals is white;
  • purple stripes run along the entire length at the edges on both sides.

Clematis can be grown on a support, as well as as a groundcover.

Clematis Etoile Violet

A characteristic feature of this clematis from the Vititsella group is the abundance of large flowers with a rich dark purple color, which bloom in June and adorn the bush until the end of summer. In the center of the inflorescence, white stamens are visible as a bright spot. Liana is subject to heavy pruning, but thanks to a good growth rate, it quickly gains a height of about 3 m, however, it cannot please with special density.

It is better not to let it into a high arch - it will be too watery, but on a low ladder, which it can wrap around completely, it will be possible to achieve the effect of splendor.

The variety is unpretentious, can grow in almost any soil, both on a support and as a groundcover.

Clematis Pink Fantasy

A very delicate Canadian hybrid with large pink flowers, with a subtle darker hue along the broad petal, and the stamens are also pink. Liana on average rises to a height of up to 3 m and blooms from mid-summer to early autumn.

The variety successfully took root even in the middle lane and northern latitudes due to its high frost resistance.

Clematis Cardinal Wyshinsky

Some gardeners call him Cardinal Wisniewski, thus interpreting the Polish surname in the Russian manner. Small, up to 3 m in height, the bush will delight with very large (20 cm) burgundy-red inflorescences, consisting of 5-6 simple petals, slightly wavy along the edge. Red-brown stamens complement the rich coloration. Flowering lasts from summer to early autumn. Among breeders, it is deservedly recognized as the best variety in the group of red large-flowered clematis.

The species prefers semi-shady places, in the sun the brightness of the color fades and the flowers turn pale.

Clematis Hegley Hybrid

A small bush from 2 to 3 m in height grows slowly, but it will please with an abundance of buds: they are large, up to 18 cm in diameter, of a delicate light pink color, open on young branches late, in mid-summer, and bloom until September. The stamens are chocolate colored. The hybrid has good resistance to low temperatures.

The variety prefers partial shade - in the bright sun, the flowering time is reduced, and the color turns pale.

Clematis Taiga

Our flower growers had the opportunity to purchase this original Japanese variety only 2 years ago, after Taiga won an honorable third place at the profile exhibition. And there was a reason - large terry inflorescences attract attention with multi-colored colors: if the extreme petals are monophonic, purple, then the rest are only at the beginning of the petal, and most of the edges are painted white-green, while the tips are wrapped inside.

Clematis blooms from June to September. Liana averages 2 m in height, with good lighting it grows up to 2.5 m.

Clematis Mazowsze

Liana up to 3.5 m high branches well along the support, and from June it is decorated with very large, up to 20 cm in diameter, inflorescences. They hang on long pedicels and consist of 6 wide petals with a velvety surface, painted in a rich burgundy color. A lighter stripe is barely visible along the center of the petals, which is actually located on their reverse side. They themselves are wide, in one row, but at the tip they are smoothly rounded, ending with a small sharp tip. It is noteworthy that it is pink and white.

Mazowsze blooms late, at the end of June, but the flowers bloom one after another until September. The variety winters well and is suitable for growing in the middle lane.

Clematis Comtesse de Bouchot

This clematis is also called the Countess de Bouchot. Quite a tall variety, can reach up to 4 m in height, although it does not grow very fast. In one place it can live up to 20 years. The buds are not small, but not very large (no more than 15 cm), pink-lilac, with traced longitudinal ribs, cream-colored stamens. Flowering is long, comes in June and ends in September. The variety has good winter hardiness.

In order for the buds to retain their rich color until autumn, it is better to plant the bush in partial shade, otherwise they will burn out and become light.

Clematis Stasik

In the middle lane, a flower with the unusual name Stasik feels good - this is a suitable variety for beginner gardeners. He does not require too much attention, winters well and blooms profusely, though not too early and not very large flowers. The first inflorescences bloom in early July on young branches, they are the largest, up to 11 cm in diameter, painted in dark pink with a red tint, gradually turning into purple. There are no more than 8 petals on each flower, but most often 6, they are slightly pointed and collected in the form of a star.

See also: Let's get acquainted with the flower of alocasia

A characteristic feature of the variety is the presence in the middle of each petal of a lighter wide stripe or several narrow stripes, and back side the flower is paler than the front. Flowering ends in September, while the buds are already noticeably smaller.

Since the bush grows compact, up to 1.8 m in height, and its growth rate is low, it can be planted in containers with the establishment of additional support.

Small-flowered varieties of clematis

Their buds will not surprise you with their size, but abundant flowering makes you forget about it - we are talking about types of vines with inflorescence diameters up to 10 cm. Description and photos of clematis varieties of the third pruning group with small inflorescences will make sure that size is not the most important thing.

Clematis tangut

One of the most charming types of clematis combines varieties with a characteristic shape of inflorescences into a separate group: they are small, up to a maximum of 5 cm in diameter, and look like the heads of tulips or bells. The color of the buds depends on the particular hybrid, but the main ones are white-yellow tones.

It is interesting that in nature the plant does not exceed 30 cm, but cultivated species grow from 3 to 6 m in height. A characteristic feature is the angular stems with strong branching. They firmly wrap around the support, although they do not form a dense wall - the leaves are quite rare.

Among the most popular varieties of Tangut clematis, it is worth noting:

Clematis Tangut Love Radar

Such a romantic name is another hybrid representative of the Tangut clematis, which is worth talking about separately. The variety will not please the large size of the inflorescences, but it will surprise them with an unusual shape: when unopened, the flowers look like drooping bells, which have 4 petals, slightly bent outward along the edge. When the bud fully opens, it turns into a four-pointed star, burning in a rich yellow color, while its diameter is only 4 cm. Radar of Love blooms in several waves with a short break.

The variety has good winter hardiness, which allows it to be grown almost throughout Russia. He also feels good in a tub in an enclosed space.

Clematis stinging

A rather tall bush grows whips up to 5 m long and branches well along the support, creating a dense wall of dense small leaves, while clematis can be up to 4 m wide. Distinctive feature varieties - small inflorescences in the form of crosses of four narrow petals, painted white, with pubescent sepals. Despite the modest size of the buds, there are a lot of them and it seems that there is a huge white cloud in front of your eyes, in addition, it is also fragrant - the flowers smell sweetly of honey with a subtle almond tint. Flowering occurs in mid-summer and lasts until its end. Burning clematis can be grown even in the northern regions, since it has a high frost resistance.

The variety owes its name to the pungent smell that the roots of the shrub emit.

Clematis Manchurian

The variety has good frost resistance, a compact bush in the first half of summer will surprise you with an abundance of small (about 1.5 cm) white inflorescences in the form of stars of 4 petals with a delicate, subtle aroma.

Some gardeners often confuse Manchurian clematis with stinging clematis and even believe that this is the same plant. They really have very similar flowering, both are frost-resistant and even belong to one, third, pruning group, but these are two separate varieties that can be distinguished by the following features:

  1. Bush height. Burning clematis can grow up to 5 m in height, while Manchurian - no more than 2 m.
  2. Flowering period. The first variety is late (blooms in July-August), and the second is early (June-July).

Clematis Princess Diana

Photo and description of clematis Princess Diana will not be able to fully convey its amazing and delicate charm of flowering: small, up to a maximum of 7 cm in diameter, inflorescences are shaped like a bell or tulip with 4 petals. They are bright pink, only at the very edge you can see a light border. Flowering, although later (in the second half of summer), is plentiful, and continues until autumn, while the bells do not hang down, but seem to “stick out”. The bush itself grows up to a maximum of 3 m in height.

Clematis Princess Kate

Another "royal lady" with abundant flowering and fairly large sizes. It differs from Princess Diana in a larger (up to 4 m) bush and light-colored inflorescences. In addition, the flowers are slightly smaller, a maximum of 6 cm in diameter, also in the form of a bell, at first half-opened, then the petals straighten. The color of the buds is very interesting:

  • inside the flower is white with a slight pinkish tinge and a dark pink center;
  • the outside petals are pink-lilac.

Blooms from June to autumn, winters well.

The variety is also found under the name Princess Ket and is one of the rare Texas hybrids.

Clematis Arabella

Low, up to 2 m, the bush grows well on a support and without it, covering the soil around with its lashes for the same distance. Flowers in large sizes will not surprise you (maximum diameter is 10 cm), but they will delight you with abundance: in summer, at the height of flowering, sometimes leaves are not visible on the liana under a flower carpet of purple buds with long white stamens. Each has 4 to 5 simple petals of uniform color, but with clearly defined longitudinal grooves. As they fade, they turn pale and gradually turn blue. The variety blooms late, in June, but stands in buds until October.

Clematis Vanguard

The variety is relatively new, obtained in 2004 by English breeders and belongs to the Vititsella group. Differs in small (5 cm in diameter), but very original inflorescences:

  • the middle of the bud is terry, from small pink petals;
  • along the edge of the terry "pillow" there are large, red and curving petals.

The height of the shrub reaches 3 m, it grows quickly, flowering lasts from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

A characteristic feature of Vanguard is its high winter hardiness.

Clematis Ashwa

Compact variety: on average, the vine rises to a height of 1.5, sometimes up to 2 m, so it can be grown in pots. It blooms late, in June, but it will please you with a rich color. The inflorescences are not very large, up to 10 cm in diameter, but bright, purple, with a red stripe along the petals. There are about 6 of them in a flower, the edges are intricately bent, which gives a special charm. The stamens are purple-tipped and the anthers are pinkish.

Let's hope that this small selection of clematis varieties with photos will be useful to you when buying plants for the garden. And if you find plants here that are already growing on the site, now you will know how to prune them correctly.

Classification of clematis into 3 pruning groups - some varieties, their photo and description

Clematis are reputed to be the absolute favorites of gardeners. Thanks to a wide range of colors, sizes and shapes of flowers, they are able to transform any area. From the whole variety, 3 groups are distinguished, differing in some nuances of care, in particular, in the method of pruning. The last of them includes species and hybrid clematis, the varieties and photos of which are presented in the article. Detailed description and characteristics, as well as feedback from experienced growers, will provide more information about these plants.

Clematis classification

About 300 species of clematis and more than 2000 varieties have now been described. Some species are completely different from each other. Among them there are shrubs, and semi-shrubs, and herbaceous perennials. However, in amateur gardens, liana-like plants are most widely used.

Several classifications of clematis are known, but the most convenient for amateurs is the distribution by pruning groups, namely:

  • Group I - clematis, flower buds in which are formed only on last year's shoots;
  • Group II - clematis capable of forming flower buds twice per season. The first time in May-June on the shoots of the past year, the second - at the end of summer on the regrown shoots of this year;
  • Group III - clematis, in which flower buds are formed only on shoots newly grown in the current year.

It is important to know which group clematis belongs to in order to properly care for it.

Each presented group, respectively, requires different pruning.

  1. Clematis of group I need only periodic rejuvenation, when weak, dried or lignified shoots are removed after flowering;
  2. In the representatives of group II, after the first flowering, a part of the old shoots is cut out along with the resulting seedlings. The second time they are cut in the fall, while leaving shoots 50-100 cm long.
  3. All shoots of group III clematis are almost completely cut out for the winter. Only 2-3 pairs of kidneys are left.

Attention! When purchasing clematis seedlings, it is imperative to specify which pruning group the young plant belongs to. Without determining group membership, you can greatly shorten those shoots that cannot be cut at all, or leave unnecessary ones. As a result, clematis will either not bloom at all, or its flowering will be very weak.

What varieties and species belong to group 3

Pruning group 3 includes most of the clematis varieties found in gardens. These are branched vines with long (4-6 m) shoots and a strong root system.

Jacqueman group. Quite large plants, reaching a height of 2-4 m, depending on the variety. In a sunny place, the vine does not grow as long as in partial shade, but flowering is much more abundant. The leaves of Jacqueman's clematis are complex, with 3-5 leaflets. The flowers are fully opened, they can be of various shades. Large in size - from 8 to 20 cm in diameter.

Varieties belonging to this group form buds only on new shoots of the current year. At the end of autumn they are heavily pruned. Popular varieties of this group:

  • clematis Bella - has short shoots (up to 2 m) and white star-shaped flowers. Its flowering period is from July to September. Very winter hardy.
  • Rouge Cardinal - the length of the shoots is the same as that of the previous variety. Purple cruciform petals. Blooms in the middle of summer. It is better to cover for the winter.
  • Gipsy Queen - liana up to 3.5 m, forming a massive bush. Bright purple petals practically do not fade in the sun.

Vititsella group - represented by varieties with purple flowers of varying color intensity. They can be both open and drooping. The diameter of the flowers is 10-20 cm. The shoots of this group grow very quickly and reach a length of 3-3.5 m. Some varieties of the group:

  • Viola - the height of the bush reaches 2.5 m. The flowers are open. Their color is dark purple with purple veins.

  • Ville de Lyon - shoots up to 3.5 m long. Carmine-red petals fade in the sun. Flowering is long and abundant. Up to 15 buds can form on each shoot.
Advice. For clematis, it is better to use a vertical grid as a support. So they will look like a living wall strewn with flowers on both sides.

Integrifolia group. This species is not able to cling to the support itself. The height of the bushes is about 2.5 m. The flowers are drooping, they look like bells and have a variety of colors. Clematis Duran - considered one of the most beautiful in this group. A fast growing shrub with simple, ovate leaves. Flowers, most often consisting of 4 petals, open, drooping, medium-sized. The color of the petals is deep purple, the anthers are yellow.

The Tangutik group is a very tall, 3-4 m vine covered with orange-yellow, small (3-10 cm in diameter) drooping flowers that look like physalis. Prefers bright lighting. Blooms from June to September.

The Texensis group is one of the most beautiful clematis. The flowers, consisting of 4 petals, are pitcher-shaped and do not fully open. Colors - red, pink, purple.

Oriental clematis is a very long liana (4-6 m). In July-August it is covered with yellow, pubescent, flowers consisting of 4 petals. Shaggy, decorative fruits in autumn become a wonderful decoration of the garden.

Pruning clematis plays pretty importance in agricultural technology for crop care. Throughout the season, you will have to resort to the sanitary removal of all broken and damaged shoots more than once, and in the autumn you need to find time to do the most important pruning, which is a decisive factor in regulating the growth of the plant and, moreover, affects its flowering.

At the same time, every gardener who ever encounters this crop knows that there are three different groups of clematis pruning and each of them is important in its own way. However, in the first year of the growing season, pruning for all clematis is carried out in exactly the same way, and only starting from the second year of the culture's life, gardeners begin to take into account the breakdown into certain groups.

First pruning

As for the first pruning, it is carried out, so to speak, cardinally, namely to the first bud above ground level. At the same time, such a “trick” will help stimulate the development of new and “sleeping” basal buds in the next year. The need for a second such strong pruning occurs quite rarely, if in the second year of life the seedling still remains rather weak in development. In all other cases, it is necessary to build on only some features of clematis pruning. So, what are these methods, what are their features and fundamental differences from each other? It is worth sorting out, but, of course, in order!

Clematis pruning groups

The “sorting” of clematis into pruning groups is quite simple and is related to the shoots on which certain varieties form their flowers. So, let's say, some plants simply will not be able to bloom if you cut off the shoots with buds in the fall. For them, it is preferable to just shorten the branches slightly or to prune immediately after the end of flowering, that is, from May to June. In general, it is quite fair to note that the flowering period can be determined by the pruning period. If you cannot immediately determine which clematis pleases you in the garden, take a closer look at it and orient yourself by the time of its flowering, which will help you “open all the cards”.

Clematis 3 pruning groups

The third group includes all representatives of the Vititsella and Jacqueline groups, that is, summer-flowering plants. Moreover, color is observed only on shoots formed in the current year. Consequently, the autumn pruning of such plants is also carried out thoroughly, when after the “procedure” only 2–3 knots remain near the ground itself.

For the pruning process itself, you need to stock up on a rather sharp pruner or a long knife, with which the shoots are cut in such a way that the blade passes about 5 - 7 millimeters above the kidney and, ultimately, their length from the ground is about 15 - 20 centimeters. You should not worry about the fact that the bush will become too “bald”, because next year you will be able to observe new buds on young shoots. It is especially important to carry out a thorough disinfection of the working tool before pruning each new bush.

Another feature that clematis of the 3rd pruning group has is the ease of building a shelter for the winter, because in this case you do not need to think about how to cut sensitive shoots until spring. Perhaps that is why such plants have such an unprecedented distribution in all gardens and front gardens.

Clematis 2 pruning groups

This includes all early plants that bloom in the summer - representatives of the Lanuginosa group, or simply woolly clematis, as well as certain varieties of the Florida and Patens groups. A feature of such plants is the formation of flowers, both on young and overwintered shoots. Moreover, the first buds are observed exclusively on the "old" branches and only in last days summer flowering can be observed on young shoots.

Pruning of such plants is usually done quite sparingly and best time for such a procedure is late autumn. As for the height at which it is worth getting rid of the “extra” shoot, here gardeners disagreed somewhat - some recommend cutting branches at a level of 50 - 100 centimeters from the ground, while others simply insist that this figure differs by 100 - 150 centimeters. Here you will have to make a choice yourself and find for yourself the “optimal” length of the shoot. In any case, after pruning, all healthy lower and fully matured shoots in without fail gently lay on the ground and cover well. In the event that the clematis bush really needs rejuvenation, it is permissible to cut it a little more, but only to the first true leaf and no more. At the same time, you can completely get rid of all weak and dead shoots without hesitation.

The first pinching for representatives of the second pruning group (clematis Westerplatte, Ashva, Piilu, Multi blue) is carried out at a level of 20 - 30 centimeters from the ground. The second such procedure is usually done after the growth of all shoots at a height of 50 - 70 centimeters, and the last vaccination should be done even higher - at 100 - 150 centimeters.

Clematis 1 pruning group

Representatives of the Patens and Florida groups, sprawling and flowering, respectively, give color exclusively on overwintered shoots, and it is for this reason that autumn pruning should only consist in removing non-lignified and weak shoots. The rest of the branches are only slightly shortened, removing about one third of their length, while leaving shoots no longer than 100 - 150 centimeters. After these whips, it is worth rolling up slightly and laying on the ground, making a thorough shelter.

At the same time, it is worth noting that Florida and Patens are quite capricious in wintering, so it is quite important to wrap the plants well in order to prevent the possibility of freezing of color buds. Otherwise, the plants simply will no longer be able to please you with a beautiful and very abundant flowering. Of course, there is a lot of trouble, but at the same time, it must be remembered that only such varieties as the President and others can surprise gardeners with beautiful, very large and often double flowers. So, there is an incentive, as they say!

Combined pruning clematis

It should be noted that quite often gardeners can also carry out combined pruning, which consists in a strong pruning of bushes, which is carried out at 1 - 2 internodes from the ground. At the same time, all the remaining shoots should be cut a little weaker - by about 10 - 12 knots.

The advantage of this pruning is the onset of early flowering on last year's weakly pruned shoots, which is later observed on young branches. We apply this type of pruning exclusively for hybrid clematis, moreover, the obtained ways of connecting plants with different pruning groups. In addition, according to such a “scheme”, you can “mow” a seedling if you cannot determine its group for sure. The use of combined pruning to adult plants is the key to the gradual rejuvenation of their vines. For this, shoots older than three years, immediately after the first flowering, are cut quite strongly.

No matter what kind of clematis pleases your eyes, you can absolutely not be afraid of pruning, since this procedure can in no way harm the plant, because even radical “haircuts” should be carried out at a certain interval. If you have carried out such a procedure a little earlier, there is nothing wrong with that!

The biggest dream of gardeners growing flowering ampelous plants is to have their offspring delight in their flowering for as long as possible, and at the same time there should be as little hassle as possible with long lashes, especially in preparation for wintering. You can bring it to life by planting clematis of the third pruning group on the site. The description and photos of the varieties, which we have specially compiled and today we want to present to you, will serve as reinforcement for the theory of the long-term beauty of these luxurious creeping vines.

Characteristics of the group

The third group of clematis is one of the easiest to breed. This includes varieties that have a long flowering period (up to 3 months), while in most species it is later. The reason for this phenomenon is the fact that the vine sets buds only on young growth. Accordingly, this leaves an imprint on the procedure for the formation of a bush: annually it is necessary to completely cut out the bush, leaving stumps no more than 15 cm in height (one or two buds). This is enough for the vine to revive.

Varieties of the third group have one more feature: they grow quite quickly and if we neglect pruning, soon the bush will turn into a tangled ball of ugly twisted lashes. What can we say about the fact that flowering will have to be forgotten. Thus, by annually cutting off the shoots that have grown during the season, you can not only renew the bush and maintain its compact forms, but also preserve the varietal qualities of flowering.

It is best to prune in the fall - then the bush, or rather its remains, will be easier to cover and prepare for wintering.

And now we bring to your attention a description of the most popular varieties of clematis of the third pruning group (with photo).

Large-flowered clematis

One of the most spectacular species are hybrids, which have large inflorescences. Large flowers of rich or delicate color, simple or double, immediately catch the eye and make the bush the pride of the grower.

Clematis Ville de Lyon

The description of clematis Ville de Lyon should begin with the fact that it belongs to the Vititsella group. The diameter of the inflorescences reaches 16 cm, while they have a rich color and consist of 5-6 simple petals and long, up to 2 cm, stamens. Some consider it red, but most of all the color is similar to, while the tips of the petals are darker. Interestingly, by the end of flowering, purple hues begin to predominate. The bush is quite large, the length of the lashes is from 3 to 4 m. Flowering begins late, in July, but lasts until the first frost.

The variety has increased winter hardiness and is resistant to most fungal diseases, but it can burn out in the sun (the flowers will become faded).

Clematis Barbara

The variety is the result of the work of Polish breeders, it has earned popularity thanks to simple, but very large (up to 16 cm in diameter), inflorescences with an interesting color: they are deep pink, but the stamens are painted maroon.

The bush itself grows up to a maximum of 3 m, winter-hardy, late - blooms from June to September.

Clematis can be cut lightly and then flowering will be already in May, and with strong pruning, flowers will appear only in the second half of June.

Clematis Venosa Violacea

One of the unpretentious types of clematis, grows no more than 3 m in height, winters well and rarely gets sick. Flowering occurs in mid-summer and delicate flowers flaunt on the bush until October. They are solitary, consist of 4 or 6 simple petals, are medium in size and have a two-tone color:

  • the center of the petals is white;
  • purple stripes run along the entire length at the edges on both sides.

Clematis can be grown on a support, as well as as a groundcover.

Clematis Etoile Violet

A characteristic feature of this clematis from the Vititsella group is the abundance of large flowers with a rich dark purple color, which bloom in June and adorn the bush until the end of summer. In the center of the inflorescence, white stamens are visible as a bright spot. Liana is subject to heavy pruning, but thanks to a good growth rate, it quickly gains a height of about 3 m, however, it cannot please with special density.

It is better not to let it into a high arch - it will be too watery, but on a low ladder, which it can wrap around completely, it will be possible to achieve the effect of splendor.

The variety is unpretentious, can grow in almost any soil, both on a support and as a groundcover.

Clematis Pink Fantasy

A very delicate Canadian hybrid with large pink flowers, with a subtle darker hue along the broad petal, and the stamens are also pink. Liana on average rises to a height of up to 3 m and blooms from mid-summer to early autumn.

The variety successfully took root even in the middle lane and northern latitudes due to its high frost resistance.

Clematis Cardinal Wyshinsky

Some gardeners call him Cardinal Wisniewski, thus interpreting the Polish surname in the Russian manner. Small, up to 3 m in height, the bush will delight with very large (20 cm) burgundy-red inflorescences, consisting of 5-6 simple petals, slightly wavy along the edge. Red-brown stamens complement the rich coloration. Flowering lasts from summer to early autumn. Among breeders, it is deservedly recognized as the best variety in the group of red large-flowered clematis.

The species prefers semi-shady places, in the sun the brightness of the color fades and the flowers turn pale.

Clematis Hegley Hybrid

A small bush from 2 to 3 m in height grows slowly, but it will please with an abundance of buds: they are large, up to 18 cm in diameter, of a delicate light pink color, open on young branches late, in mid-summer, and bloom until September. The stamens are chocolate colored. The hybrid has good resistance to low temperatures.

The variety prefers partial shade - in the bright sun, the flowering time is reduced, and the color turns pale.

Clematis Taiga

Our flower growers had the opportunity to purchase this original Japanese variety only 2 years ago, after Taiga won an honorable third place at the profile exhibition. And there was a reason - large terry inflorescences attract attention with multi-colored colors: if the extreme petals are monophonic, purple, then the rest are only at the beginning of the petal, and most of the edges are painted white-green, while the tips are wrapped inside.

Clematis blooms from June to September. Liana averages 2 m in height, with good lighting it grows up to 2.5 m.

Clematis Mazowsze

Liana up to 3.5 m high branches well along the support, and from June it is decorated with very large, up to 20 cm in diameter, inflorescences. They hang on long pedicels and consist of 6 wide petals with a velvety surface, painted in a rich burgundy color. A lighter stripe is barely visible along the center of the petals, which is actually located on their reverse side. They themselves are wide, in one row, but at the tip they are smoothly rounded, ending with a small sharp tip. It is noteworthy that it is pink and white.

Mazowsze blooms late, at the end of June, but the flowers bloom one after another until September. The variety winters well and is suitable for growing in the middle lane.

Clematis Comtesse de Bouchot

This clematis is also called the Countess de Bouchot. Quite a tall variety, can reach up to 4 m in height, although it does not grow very fast. In one place it can live up to 20 years. The buds are not small, but not very large (no more than 15 cm), pink-lilac, with traced longitudinal ribs, cream-colored stamens. Flowering is long, comes in June and ends in September. The variety has good winter hardiness.

In order for the buds to retain their rich color until autumn, it is better to plant the bush in partial shade, otherwise they will burn out and become light.

Clematis Stasik

In the middle lane, a flower with the unusual name Stasik feels good - this is a suitable variety for beginner gardeners. He does not require too much attention, winters well and blooms profusely, though not too early and not very large flowers. The first inflorescences bloom in early July on young branches, they are the largest, up to 11 cm in diameter, painted in dark pink with a red tint, gradually turning into purple. There are no more than 8 petals on each flower, but most often 6, they are slightly pointed and collected in the form of a star.

A characteristic feature of the variety is the presence in the middle of each petal of a lighter wide stripe or several narrow stripes, and the reverse side of the flower is paler than the front. Flowering ends in September, while the buds are already noticeably smaller.

Since the bush grows compact, up to 1.8 m in height, and its growth rate is low, it can be planted in containers with the establishment of additional support.

Small-flowered varieties of clematis

Their buds will not surprise you with their size, but abundant flowering makes you forget about it - we are talking about types of vines with inflorescence diameters up to 10 cm. Description and photos of clematis varieties of the third pruning group with small inflorescences will make sure that size is not the most important thing.

Clematis tangut

One of the most charming types of clematis combines varieties with a characteristic shape of inflorescences into a separate group: they are small, up to a maximum of 5 cm in diameter, and look like the heads of tulips or bells. The color of the buds depends on the particular hybrid, but the main ones are white-yellow tones.

It is interesting that in nature the plant does not exceed 30 cm, but cultivated species grow from 3 to 6 m in height. A characteristic feature is the angular stems with strong branching. They firmly wrap around the support, although they do not form a dense wall - the leaves are quite rare.

Among the most popular varieties of Tangut clematis, it is worth noting:

  1. Anita. The inflorescences are white, wide open, a bit like garden jasmine flowers, bloom in two waves (summer-autumn), the height of the bush is 4 m.
  2. Aureolin. Half-open pale yellow bells bloom continuously from June to early autumn, the height of the bush is up to 3 m.
  3. Bill Mackenzie. The tallest and fastest growing species with a vine height of up to 6 m. Inflorescences in the form of rich yellow round bells, slightly open.
  4. Grace. Flowers of 4 petals of pale beige color fully open and become like a star. Bush height 3 m.
  5. Lambton Park. One of the most large-flowered and brightest species of this group, it blooms with dark yellow, slightly elongated, bells, the diameter of which reaches 5 cm. The buds do not fully open. The height of the bush is not more than 4 m.

Clematis Tangut Love Radar

Such a romantic name is another hybrid representative of the Tangut clematis, which is worth talking about separately. The variety will not please the large size of the inflorescences, but it will surprise them with an unusual shape: when unopened, the flowers look like drooping bells, which have 4 petals, slightly bent outward along the edge. When the bud fully opens, it turns into a four-pointed star, burning in a rich yellow color, while its diameter is only 4 cm. Radar of Love blooms in several waves with a short break.

The variety has good winter hardiness, which allows it to be grown almost throughout Russia. He also feels good in a tub in an enclosed space.

Clematis stinging

A rather tall bush grows whips up to 5 m long and branches well along the support, creating a dense wall of dense small leaves, while clematis can be up to 4 m wide. A distinctive feature of the variety is small inflorescences in the form of crosses of four narrow petals, painted in white color, with pubescent sepals. Despite the modest size of the buds, there are a lot of them and it seems that there is a huge white cloud in front of your eyes, in addition, it is also fragrant - the flowers smell sweetly of honey with a subtle almond tint. Flowering occurs in mid-summer and lasts until its end. Burning clematis can be grown even in the northern regions, since it has a high frost resistance.

The variety owes its name to the pungent smell that the roots of the shrub emit.

Clematis Manchurian

The variety has good frost resistance, a compact bush in the first half of summer will surprise you with an abundance of small (about 1.5 cm) white inflorescences in the form of stars of 4 petals with a delicate, subtle aroma.

Some gardeners often confuse Manchurian clematis with stinging clematis and even believe that this is the same plant. They really have very similar flowering, both are frost-resistant and even belong to one, third, pruning group, but these are two separate varieties that can be distinguished by the following features:

  1. Bush height. Burning clematis can grow up to 5 m in height, while Manchurian - no more than 2 m.
  2. Flowering period. The first variety is late (blooms in July-August), and the second is early (June-July).

Clematis Princess Diana

Princess Diana will not be able to fully convey its amazing and delicate charm of flowering: small, up to a maximum of 7 cm in diameter, the inflorescences are shaped like a bell or tulip with 4 petals. They are bright pink, only at the very edge you can see a light border. Flowering, although later (in the second half of summer), is plentiful, and continues until autumn, while the bells do not hang down, but seem to “stick out”. The bush itself grows up to a maximum of 3 m in height.

Clematis Princess Kate

Another "royal lady" with abundant flowering and fairly large sizes. It differs from Princess Diana in a larger (up to 4 m) bush and light-colored inflorescences. In addition, the flowers are slightly smaller, a maximum of 6 cm in diameter, also in the form of a bell, at first half-opened, then the petals straighten. The color of the buds is very interesting:

  • inside the flower is white with a slight pinkish tinge and a dark pink center;
  • the outside petals are pink-lilac.

Blooms from June to autumn, winters well.

The variety is also found under the name Princess Ket and is one of the rare Texas hybrids.

Clematis Arabella

Low, up to 2 m, the bush grows well on a support and without it, covering the soil around with its lashes for the same distance. Flowers in large sizes will not surprise you (maximum diameter is 10 cm), but they will delight you with abundance: in summer, at the height of flowering, sometimes leaves are not visible on the liana under a flower carpet of purple buds with long white stamens. Each has 4 to 5 simple petals of uniform color, but with clearly defined longitudinal grooves. As they fade, they turn pale and gradually turn blue. The variety blooms late, in June, but stands in buds until October.

Clematis Vanguard

The variety is relatively new, obtained in 2004 by English breeders and belongs to the Vititsella group. Differs in small (5 cm in diameter), but very original inflorescences:

  • the middle of the bud is terry, from small pink petals;
  • along the edge of the terry "pillow" there are large, red and curving petals.

The height of the shrub reaches 3 m, it grows quickly, flowering lasts from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

A characteristic feature of Vanguard is its high winter hardiness.

Clematis Ashwa

Compact variety: on average, the vine rises to a height of 1.5, sometimes up to 2 m, so it can be grown in pots. It blooms late, in June, but it will please you with a rich color. The inflorescences are not very large, up to 10 cm in diameter, but bright, purple, with a red stripe along the petals. There are about 6 of them in a flower, the edges are intricately bent, which gives a special charm. The stamens are purple-tipped and the anthers are pinkish.

Let's hope that this small selection of clematis varieties with photos will be useful to you when buying plants for the garden. And if you find plants here that are already growing on the site, now you will know how to prune them correctly.

The two main advantages of shrubs of the buttercup family, better known as clematis, are that they grow quickly and bloom profusely and for a long time. In one season, the length of the stems can overcome the mark of both 2 and 4 meters. It depends on the variety, climate and proper care and cultivation. The unique number of shapes and shades of the flowering parts of the plant awakens the wildest fantasies not only among professional landscape designers. Any grower who has tried to breed clematis in the garden can safely classify himself as one of their ardent admirers.

The varied design of the garden with clematis is a tribute to the modern fashion for liana-shaped perennials that came to Russia from Europe. Any vertical shape, thanks to the proximity of clematis, turns into an exotic decoration of the local area. Clematis are used in garden design, in landscape design for decorating all kinds of arches, arbors, trellises, terraces. Flowering branches are indispensable when there is a need to hide an old tree, shrub, stump from prying eyes or decorate a wall.

The current opinion that growing clematis in a winter garden is impossible without many hours of effort and continuous trouble has long been refuted by the experience of thousands of gardeners who successfully cultivate vines in their garden plots in any region of the country. Due to its undemanding nature of the soil, all care for clematis in the garden comes down to regular abundant watering and the correct annual laying of the plant shape - preparation for the next summer season. How to plant, how to care for and how to breed some types of clematis will be described below.

In July, single and double bluebells appear on perennial vines that have been heavily cut since autumn. The peculiarity of these varieties of clematis is that the lower the shoots are cut after flowering, the more abundant the formation of buds on young branches and the larger the flowers.

Clematis comes from Poland - all the colors of the rainbow in one garden

The Polish clematis Mazury was bred in the first decade of the 21st century, the originator is S. Marchinsky. This is a winter-hardy plant of medium height, no more than three meters. Stems herbaceous, green, leaves simple, solitary. Terry flowers in diameter up to 16-18 cm. The color of the sepals is lavender-blue, in the center are light yellow stamens. About 200 beautiful terry balls bloom at the same time on one bush. The first description of Clematis Mazuri appeared relatively recently, but the variety has already won several prizes at international festivals and the love of gardeners around the world.

Silver medalist of the international exhibition "Green is life" in 2006 Clematis Mazowsze - a late variety of giant flowers. A vigorous plant with a length exceeding 3.5 meters. All summer until autumn, the bush is a firework of burgundy-red shades, strewn with flowers with a diameter of 20 cm, with velvety wide petals. The center is a hedgehog of lilac anthers on cream legs. Awakening of the plant - in the spring, when the first shoots begin to appear from the growth points of the roots. Pruning for the winter according to the type of the third group (strong).

The low compact clematis Perida feels great not only in the summer garden, but also in large containers indoors (in a container). The height of its stems is not more than 2 m. The leaves are solitary or three-toed, heart-shaped. Simple red flowers are collected from oval sepals with sharp narrow tips. They resemble a wide bowl with a diameter of 13-16 cm, in the center - a lilac-red anther spider. On new grassy shoots that have grown since the beginning of the season, lush color in the summer months. Pruning according to the third type.

Exotic shapes and colors - clematis from Japan

Clematis Red Star, a native of Japan, surprises with a unique number of double and semi-double flowers. Each in diameter can be up to 14 cm, consists of 20-40 lanceolate elongated petals, changing shade from red at the tips to light pink at the base. In the center of the sepals is a pink highlight. Stamens with pistil are yellow-white. The variety is medium tall, up to 2 meters. Frost resistance is weak. Good immunity to diseases of the species.

The novelty of the new millennium clematis Rooguchi is the owner of many prizes at international exhibitions. Bred by Japanese breeders. The variety has features - stems with a length of 1 to 2 m cannot independently wrap around supports, vertical gardening is only when fixed. The flowers are small, unopened blue bells hanging on long stalks. Pruning is strong - to the ground, in the autumn. The formation of bells on new grassy shoots.

Purple Oriental Carpet - Clematis Blue Bird

Exotic clematis The gray bird will not leave indifferent any contemplator of its fantastic flowers. Six long narrow purple or blue, twisted, spaced petals connected by purple anthers in the center - an unusually beautiful sight. And such inflorescences on one bush are formed more than 100 pieces. Lianoid shrub does not have the ability to climb vertical supports. If it is not fixed on a trellis, it will appear as an exotic oriental carpet. The length of the branches does not exceed 2 meters. It is cut heavily, to the ground.

The lower the pruning, the more abundant flowering next year.

Like a Van Gogh painting

In the Jacqueman group, the Tai Dai clematis hybrid is famous for the rare color of large flowers. Fantastic beauty of the inflorescence as if just from under the brush of an impressionist artist: on a white background of wide corrugated petals, stains and strokes of a delicate light purple color. Such a plant will not get lost in the Garden of Eden. The length of the branches in a warm climate is more than 4 m, in the Middle lane - about 2 m. The bush formation group is the third. Rave reviews about Clematis Tai Dai appeared immediately after its presentation in 2006, in America, where it comes from. On the territory of Russia is not yet too widespread, but most likely, this is a matter of the near future.

Fragrant Purple Garlands - Clematis Sweet Summer Love

Small-flowered clematis Sweet Summer Love blooms from July to September. A tall plant with long branches over three meters long gracefully wraps around any vertical support. It looks no less impressive as a ground cover decoration of the landscape. Behind the purple-red flowers 3-4 cm across, beautiful dark green leaves are not visible. The variety has a bright aroma, thanks to which reviews of Clematis Sweet Summer Love are always only enthusiastic. Pruning is strong, up to the second knot.

From May thunder to leaf fall, clematis of weak pruning bloom

In early spring, when other plants are just planning to move from seedlings to the ground, buds of the first wave of flowering are already being laid on last year's branches of clematis. These are varieties belonging to the second pruning group. The stage of spring flower abundance occurs at the end of April - beginning of May in mild climate regions. The second wave is on tender green grassy shoots in July and August.

Miss Bateman - snow-white classic

Spreading clematis Miss Bateman belongs to the Patens group (large-flowered perennials). These are creepers of medium pruning, shoots are partially removed. Miss Bateman is a climbing plant with large white single flowers. 8 white wide oblong sepals with a pinkish spot in the center partially overlap each other. From the center, purple anthers, the petals are slightly lowered down, in the form of an open bowl. The diameter of the inflorescences is 15 cm. The leaves are three-fingered, green, medium in size. The length of an adult plant is 2.5 meters. Flowering in two waves - in May and in mid-summer. Clematis Ballerina, a variety of domestic breeding, named after Maya Plisetskaya, is very similar in appearance and type of pruning. The variety is more winter-hardy, as it is specially zoned for the Russian climate of the Middle Strip.

Terry individualism in lilac color - Clematis Multi Blue

Charming blue flowers - two-color terry. The lower part is an open bell of 6-8 ovoid violet-blue sepals, the upper part is a lilac-greenish-yellow pompom of narrow twisted petals. Unlike most clematis of the second pruning group, it forms double inflorescences on both old and young shoots throughout the spring-summer season. Creepers of the Multi Blue variety over the summer reach two meters in length. In autumn, last year's lignified stems are cut low to the ground, the shoots of the current year are shortened, removing a fourth. The representative of the ranunculus family of the Patens group is a frost-resistant plant, but in the regions of the Middle Strip for the winter, the root zone is still insulated.

Blue blooded white clematis

Terry clematis The Duchess of Edinburgh is a magnificent garland of snow-white flowers. In May-June they look like wonderful spherical pompoms, from July to August - simple white flowers of 6-8 petals. Terry decorate the plant twice as long as simple ones, up to 20 days. But summer flowering is more abundant than spring. The pruning group is the second, weak one.

Clematis Omoshiro, a variety from Japan, is a real exotic miracle that strikes with its tenderness from May to September. Large white, slightly pinkish flowers at least 15 cm in diameter are collected from 6-8 ellipsoid sepals. The edge of each petal seems to be outlined with ink using the thinnest brush. Filigree precision and exciting tenderness - that's what comes to mind when you see this flower. Purple anthers on cream legs only decorate it. On vertical supports, creepers are able to rise to a height of 2-3 meters. It prefers well-lit places, but without direct sunlight. In the light, the flowers turn pale and lose their exotic feature. Pruning - partial, weak, second group.

Blue and purple are the colors of reliability and unpretentiousness

Known since the eighties of the last century clematis Ball of Flowers, originator - M. Beskaravaynaya. A liana-like shrub from the Lanunginoza group blooms in two stages - in spring on last year's lignified stems, in summer - on green grassy ones. Huge simple flowers more than 20 cm in diameter, the color is lilac-blue, with a purple spot in the center. Sepals - wide ovals with a corrugated edge. The height of the stems is up to 2.5 meters. The leaves are simple or triple, dark green. Flowering from June to September, pruning group - the second, weak.

Clematis General Sikorsky, bred in Poland, quickly gained popularity among fans of the vine. Blue and purple varieties are considered the most picky among clematis. And their beauty is undeniable. The bush formation group is the second. With creepers up to three meters long, strewn with purple large flowers, the variety will decorate any landscape.

A long flowering period, coupled with the simplicity of agricultural technology, always favors the choice of dark-flowered species.

Clematis Henryi - an elder in the buttercup family

Perhaps it was thanks to this variety called Clematis Henry that the victorious march of vine-like shrubs across Europe began. One of the oldest varieties known since the 19th century, Clematis Henryi is a large-flowered, early-flowering plant in the buttercup family. A tall bush is able to braid a support more than 3 meters high. Simple snow-white flowers more than 15 cm in diameter, more than 100 pieces are formed at the same time. Weak pruning guarantees the beginning of flowering in June and its end with the onset of stable cold days in September-October.

Stars of Polish festivals

Bicolor Clematis Serafina is another Polish representative of the family. Combines the color of flowers pink-purple and white colors. The peculiarity of the variety is that the edges of the long lanceolate petals are of a dark shade, and from the base to the pointed tip there is a longitudinal wide white stripe. Bright stars of flowers in diameter exceed 20 cm. Two stages of the formation of flower garlands - in May and in August.

Clematis Maidwell Hall does not require pruning, an early semi-double variety. Its flowers are blue bells hanging on long legs with a delicate lilac tint. It blooms twice - in April-May and in August. The first wave of buds - on last year's uncut branches, the second - on newly grown shoots. The variety is distinguished by its unpretentious disposition, love for shaded areas of the soil. An ideal variety for growing near walls, trellises, fences, as a decoration for old shrubs.

Garden of Eden within reason

Delicate clematis and roses in the garden are no longer rare guests. Modern scientists-breeders have already achieved considerable success in breeding new, unpretentious, frost-resistant varieties. In the market or in the store, the eyes run wide with a fantastic variety of choices. For amateur gardeners, this abundance is only at hand - there is an opportunity to try your hand at growing something new, unusual, for example, try planting clematis Barbara Jackman or Arabella. Planting clematis in the garden will create your own Eden. That is why summer gardens throughout the country in summer turn into a riot of colors and a whirlpool of heavenly aromas. Check out the article:.