Infections and inflammation of wounds. What is an infected wound and how is it treated? Can you spread infection with your hands?

Any surgery can lead to infection, which can have both a minor and a major impact on your health.

This article will help you identify some of the common post-surgery infections so you can easily spot them and see your doctor before it gets more severe.

Surgery is usually the last resort once it is determined that medications are no longer helping. However, the operation may cause an infection.

How can an infection be diagnosed after surgery?

How to determine that the discomfort and problems you are experiencing are the consequences of the infection and not the healing process?

After surgery, the body becomes weak and therefore care must be taken to ensure that the body is not exposed to bacteria and germs that can cause infection. These infections include pain, swelling, pus formation, skin discoloration, and general malaise.

Common postoperative infections

Post-operative care usually includes checking the patient's response to surgery, as well as the occurrence of infections. However, from time to time, infection tends to occur no matter how many preventive measures are taken. This usually occurs in the case of minor surgeries in which the patient is allowed to go home within a few hours of the operation. It is in this case that most people are unable to tell if they are "healed" or "infected". This is why it becomes extremely important for a person to identify the physical discomforts he or she is experiencing and talk to a doctor as soon as possible. Early detection and identification of the infection can save you a lot of trouble later on. Just read the following points and learn about the most common infections after surgery.

Headaches and/or body pain

These are the most common symptoms of infection after surgery, although they can also be confused with the consequences of surgery! It is normal to feel pain and discomfort during the operation period, however, if you experience severe muscle and headaches after surgery, you should discuss this with your doctor, as an infection may be one of the reasons.

Swelling and redness

Seeing swelling and redness at the site of the operation, which does not subside from day to day, but becomes more severe, may indicate the presence of an infection.

Pus and bleeding

When pus begins to form at the site of the surgical suture for any reason, it is most likely a very serious infection. You can see that there is a formation of a thick greenish-yellow semi-liquid. In some cases, you will also see pus with some blood along with it. If you observe this phenomenon, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible to prevent further complications.


Again, experiencing mild fever is a common symptom after surgery, but if the temperature reaches 38°C, then you should see a doctor. That is why it is very important to regularly measure body temperature with a thermometer. Fever may be accompanied by headaches, body aches, and malaise. However, general malaise may also be present without fever.

Burning at the site of the surgical suture

Another sign of infection after surgery is a burning sensation when you touch the incision. This indicates that the incision is infected and that the body is fighting the infection.

Other possible infections after surgery

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Change in stool and urine color
  • Vomiting with or without blood
  • Problems in urination and/or bowel movements
  • Loss of appetite or being unable to eat properly
  • Breathing problems

Infections after surgery will differ depending on the type of surgery that has been done. There are many ways to prevent infection after surgery. However, by watching how your body reacts after surgery, you can prevent serious consequences.

Dark red streaks running in the direction from the wound to the heart are feature blood infection.

A person is surrounded by a huge number of pathogens of various diseases. They are present in the air, in the ground, on the things we use. Of course, healthy skin is a barrier to the penetration of pathogens. But if the skin is damaged, it has wounds, cracks, ulcers, then this is a great opportunity for infection. Infectious agents enter the wound at the time of its receipt or can be brought in by dirty hands, in contact with non-sterile dressings, or in contact with insects (flies). The causative agents of the disease, once in the human body, cause infectious inflammation. However, the body of a healthy person is able to defend itself against infectious agents that have penetrated into it, destroy them and the poisons they secrete. Such an important protective function in the body is performed by leukocytes (white blood cells) and specific protective substances formed in the blood plasma (antibodies). There is a certain type of white blood cell that "devours" invading pathogens. They are called macrophages (killer cells). Substances produced by the immune system neutralize infectious agents or prevent their further reproduction. Thus, pathogens that enter the body can cause an infection if there are a lot of them and the immune system is not able to resist them, or when the immune system is completely weakened. The period from the moment pathogens enter the human body until the first signs of the disease appear is called the incubation period.

What are wound infections?

Diseases caused by infection of wounds:
  • purulent inflammation of the wound,
  • blood poisoning (sepsis),
  • tetanus (tetany),
  • gas gangrene,
  • erysipelas on the wound
  • rabies.

Purulent wound:

The first signs of inflammation appear 12-24 hours after pathogens enter the human body. The wound and the tissues around it turn red as blood flow increases. There is a burning sensation of the wound, the body temperature may rise. Damaged tissues swell, so the nerves are pinched - pain occurs. The leukocytes that perform a protective role die and, together with the destroyed tissue cells, form pus. Foci of infection are suppressed much faster in tissues that are well supplied with blood. Therefore, purulent infections on the head or neck appear less frequently than on the lower leg or foot. Any wound can become infected, but not every wound fester. At first, microbes adapt in the wound and after about 6 hours begin to multiply. The danger of suppuration depends on the nature and location of the wound. Newborn children and the elderly are more susceptible to purulent infection.

Blood poisoning:

Of particular danger in a purulent wound is blood poisoning (sepsis). With sepsis, bacteria and the poisons (toxins) they secrete enter the bloodstream and then to all organs. Infectious agents (most often streptococci and staphylococci) spread throughout the body. They act on the lymphatic vessels, causing them to become inflamed.

General infection of the body:

Lymph nodes are the last defensive "bastion" that protects the body from infectious agents. Pathogens enter the lymph nodes, enter the circulatory system, causing a severe general infection of the body. With sepsis, the patient has a fever, chills, a headache, a pulling pain in the limbs, general weakness, an increased pulse and respiration, and a decrease in appetite. If the patient does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, then his life may be in danger.

Pay attention to the appearance of the wound:

Wound infections may or may not be outwardly pronounced. For example, with tetanus and rabies, the wound does not change outwardly. In other diseases, changes in the wound are possible - the appearance of edema or pus.


Pus is a viscous yellowish or greenish liquid with an unpleasant odor. The composition of pus includes dead blood leukocytes, fragments of dead tissue and lymph.


The vaccination course consists of intramuscular injections of toxoid.

Tetanus (Latin tetanus) is an acute infectious disease caused by clostridium found in soil and dust. These bacteria do not cause inflammation of the wound at the point of entry into the body, so there are no early symptoms of the disease with tetanus. The first symptoms appear only after 3-14 days after infection (less often from several hours to 30 days), i.e. after the end of the incubation period. The patient begins to have convulsions, first the chewing muscles convulsively contract, then the convulsions gradually cover other muscles of the body. Muscle spasm causes any stimulus. The poison of bacteria affects the nerves that innervate the respiratory muscles. common cause death in tetanus is suffocation caused by convulsions of the respiratory muscles. Mortality reaches 60%. With preventive vaccination, this disease can be avoided. A vaccine made from tetanus toxins is injected into the gluteal muscles three times at regular intervals. Usually, if there are no contraindications, all children are vaccinated. For this, a complex vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (DTP) is used.

Gas gangrene:

Gas gangrene is the most dangerous wound infection caused by anaerobes living in soil and dust. Once in the wound, they penetrate into its deeper layers. The causative agents of anaerobic gas gangrene are able to live and multiply only in an oxygen-free environment, therefore crushed or bruised tissues are most susceptible to infection, to which, as a result of damage to blood vessels, the flow of oxygenated blood stops. The causative agents of the disease during the metabolic process emit a poisonous gas, causing an increase in pressure in the tissues, resulting in squeezing of blood vessels in the wound area. Blood circulation in the wound area worsens, oxygen supply to the affected part decreases. These are excellent conditions for the spread of pathogens, so the affected tissues die and decompose after a while without the formation of pus.

Gas bubbles:

Swelling of some parts of the wound and tightness of the skin suggest the presence of gas gangrene. In the affected tissues, gas bubbles form, when pressure is applied to the swollen tissues, a characteristic creak is heard. The wound area becomes pale yellow, then red or blue-red, but with the progression of the process, the pain completely disappears. The patient's well-being worsens due to the multiplication of pathogens and the release of toxins into the blood, carried throughout the body.

You need to act fast:

At the slightest symptom of gas gangrene, you should immediately go to the hospital. The doctor will make a wide incision and surgical treatment of the wound, providing air access to the wound. After treating the wound, the patient is given antibiotics, oxygen, and other treatments, such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy. If gangrene cannot be stopped, then the affected limb has to be amputated.


Rabies is a viral infection that attacks the central nervous system and is spread by biting or scratching sick domestic or wild animals. The appearance of the wound does not change with the penetration of pathogens, and the incubation period can be delayed up to a year, so if you suspect a bite from a rabid animal, immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will inject a serum that will protect against the disease. People who are constantly in contact with animals should be vaccinated against rabies as a preventive measure.


Erysipelas - an infectious disease caused by streptococcus, characterized by fever, inflammation, mainly of the skin. Pathogens enter the lymphatic vessels through fresh or old lesions on the skin. Symptoms of the disease: reddening of the wound tissues with clear boundaries, soreness when touched, high fever, chills. To avoid blood poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe penicillin or another antibiotic. Incorrect treatment of the disease caused by infection of wounds can cause great harm to a person and even endanger his life. It is urgent to call the SMP (ambulance) or take the victim to the hospital. Often only a doctor can provide qualified assistance. However, Erysipelas is successfully treated with ancient conspiracies and herbs. And often only healers are subject to this disease. From time immemorial, "grandmothers" have cured soldiers in a field of severe wounds. This phenomenon still cannot be explained by traditional medicine.


In case of injury, bite, severe burns and frostbite, it is necessary to contact the surgeon for the introduction of anti-tetanus serum or anti-tetanus immunoglobulin. Usually children are vaccinated against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria. Representatives of certain professions are vaccinated again.

Every person at least once in his life had to feel for himself what an infected wound is and how long and painstaking the process of its treatment is. According to the classification of injuries, this type of wound is the most dangerous, which, if improperly and belatedly treated, can cause enormous harm to health, up to amputation of limbs or death.

This form of infection in wounds is caused by an imbalance between the microbes that have entered the wound and the protective properties of the body. Infection is especially common in people with diabetes and circulatory disorders due to weakened immunity, which cannot fully resist the disease process. Abrasions and bruised knees in children are also a cause for concern.

There are cases when it is not possible to provide first aid or treat the site of injury, and then suppuration begins in the wound. Pyogenic bacteria infect the wound, and as a result, a general infection of the blood occurs, which can have disastrous consequences for the victim.

A pronounced sign of an infected state of the wound, that is, the presence of an infection in it, is the accumulation of separated pus. There are some features of purulent wounds that help to recognize them among other types of damage.

The main signs of infection in the wound are:

  1. Pain in the area of ​​the wound, which has a pulsating and aching character.
  2. There is swelling around the wound.
  3. Redness around the wound at a distance of 1-2 cm.
  4. An increase in body temperature above 37 ° C indicates that the infection has begun to spread throughout the body.

These symptoms can be supplemented by general disorders throughout the body: dizziness, nausea and weakness.

Particularly dangerous for humans and favorable for infection is the period of the first 6-8 hours, when the pathogenic properties of microbial contamination are more pronounced. For the development of infection, the presence of dead tissue is favorable.

In severe purulent infection, the body responds with a general reaction according to the nature and extent of the local process. As soon as symptoms appear in the form of edema and phlegmon, this reaction intensifies. Its prominent representative is fever, which manifests itself in a deterioration in the patient's well-being, increasing pain in the wound, changes in the blood (an increase in leukocytes, the appearance of protein and hyaline cylinders).

Read also:

What to do if you burn your finger -

Complications when infected with a purulent infection

A serious complication of infection with a purulent infection is sepsis - a general infection of the body with microbes that have entered the bloodstream.

This disease occurs against the background of a violation of protective immunological reactions or in the process of a long-term neglected course of a purulent wound process. With sepsis, there is a different incubation period, which can last from two days to several months.

This condition is divided into acute, subacute and chronic sepsis. In severe cases, acute sepsis can result in the death of the patient within 2 days to 2 weeks, subacute - from 16 days to 2 months, chronic - from 2 to 4 months.

Acute sepsis is characterized high temperature accompanied by fever. The patient's condition is classified as serious. The skin becomes earthy. In patients, the pulse is weakly palpable, tachycardia begins, a decrease blood pressure, anemia increases, signs of leukocytosis appear. The condition of the wound is dry, with pale granulations, it bleeds easily, a white coating appears. At the slightest suspicion of sepsis, doctors perform immediate surgical intervention. This is the most effective method in order to save the patient's life.

Treatment of infected wounds

If purulent discharge began to appear in the wound, this indicates that an infection has entered it. For rapid wound healing, the infection must be suppressed by providing the victim with the necessary assistance. First you need to ensure the outflow of pus. If it has accumulated under the crust formed on the wound, it is soaked in hydrogen peroxide and removed with a bandage dipped in peroxide or another antiseptic applied for half an hour. If pus is secreted under the skin, it is squeezed out of the hole, which is made along the edge where the skin flap has dried.

Mandatory procedures are daily wound treatments with hydrogen peroxide. If necessary, pus must be squeezed out. Ointment Levomekol - good remedy, which promotes the healing of an already cleaned wound. It is recommended to apply a bandage with this ointment to the wound daily.

In acute suppuration (phlegmon, abscess), they resort to surgical intervention. The wound is opened with a scalpel, excision of non-viable tissues is performed and wound discharge is taken for laboratory studies of microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics. The wound is washed and dried for several times, then swabs soaked in saline are applied to the site of wound suppuration. For some patients with severe pain, saline is replaced with a solution of novocaine. Sutures are applied, which, with a good result of healing, are removed on the ninth day.

Physicians very successfully use napkins with immobilized trypsin to heal purulent wounds, thanks to which local manifestations of inflammation disappear after several times of applying the solution. On the first day, pain disappears and the wound contents exfoliate, the blood count improves. The terms of cleansing wounds and their further treatment after the use of this medicine are halved. High economy, efficiency and ease of use are the main indicators of immobilized trypsin preparations.

For certain indications, patients are prescribed analgesics, antihistamines and detoxification agents. Throughout therapy, it is recommended to use immune stimulants. With the threat of the spread of infection, according to bacteriological tests, doctors prescribe antibiotics. Control over the course of the healing process, treatment and adaptation in the postoperative period is carried out by physicians during dressing procedures.

Much attention is paid to the expressiveness of inflammatory processes on the sides of the wound, the study of wound material and the patient's blood, as well as studies of the microbial spectrum. Doctors pay special attention to patients with diabetes and people with problems in the circulatory system. Their treatment is based on a different scheme and has a number of features due to the complexity of wound healing.

First aid

In the field, the treatment of infected wounds consists of several stages. If the victims are on a hike, on vacation in the forest or mountains, where there are no medical facilities, then the entire treatment process lies with the team. To do this, it is worth remembering a few recommendations aimed at providing first aid in case of a serious wound:

  • it is necessary to stop the bleeding (apply a bandage or tourniquet);
  • treat the skin around the wound with a clean swab with an antiseptic (alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide);
  • treat the wound itself with chlorhexidine, a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide;
  • apply a sterile dressing.

If the wound is serious, then it will become inflamed in a few days. For her treatment, you need to urgently consult a doctor in a nearby village.

Leaving the places of civilization on long time, you need to have a supply of first aid medicines with you: antiseptics, Vishnevsky ointment, Streptocide, Syntomethacin. And, of course, it must be remembered that active, timely treatment with complex and differentiated therapy, the inclusion of modern methods of rehabilitation measures will help speed up the healing process of wounds complicated by infection. Careless attitude to health problems can lead to irreparable trouble.

In publications about STIs, one letter P somehow flies by itself. predominantly sexually. This P, in particular, becomes the subject of heated debate between sufferers, on the one hand, and insurance companies, on the other. What does it have to do with Insurance companies? Usually, under the terms of insurance, if the infection was not the fault of the patient, then this must be paid for. If the patient himself is "guilty" - he became infected during sex - he does not need to pay. Many myths in venereology originate from here. Let's figure it out.

For some reason, the most common ways of non-sexual infection among the people are considered to be visits to the ATC and gynecologists (they say, an insufficiently sterilized instrument), as well as a pool, sauna, toilet, etc.

Let me tell you about my colleagues. In fact, the use of disposable instruments has become almost universal, and in those rare places where reusable instruments are sterilized, one should think not about STIs, but about other infections, the pathogens of which are much more resistant in the external environment. Although with proper infection control, such cases are nonsense.

Now about everyday cases of transmission. Here "not proven" does not mean absent. Because experimenting - seating thousands of people on a obviously infected toilet bowl - would never occur to anyone. And animals, on which experiments are not forbidden, do not suffer from venereal diseases characteristic of humans. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about a certain percentage of domestic infections, as most popular science medical media do.

Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that most STD pathogens, except perhaps for scabies, survive extremely poorly in the external environment, therefore, in order to become infected in this way, one must try very, very hard and sit on the toilet literally when it has not cooled down from the previous inmate … And yet, according to statistics, if an event happens with a probability of one in a thousand, then for a million cases there will already be a thousand hits.

Have I personally encountered cases of domestic infection? Yes, we met. But it was less than a dozen people in a year in a city of a million people and, rather, is associated with such anti-hygienic habits, which I do not suspect my reader of. (for example, “sterilization” of spoons or nipples that have fallen on the floor by licking). There were also cases when blood or other biological fluids got on open wound surfaces (during a fight or from a surgeon who cut himself during an operation). So there are other, non-sexual ways of transmitting STDs. But it happens so rarely...

Therefore, if at the New Year's corporate party you sat on the toilet without first being tested for STIs or were simply in the sauna or pool, you should not worry. But if something else happened during the celebration, you need to think about how and in time to check. And if the infection happened, then the question is how exactly it happened -. The main thing is how to recover as quickly as possible and with minimal consequences.

List of reasons for an urgent examination:

  • The appearance of discharge (any) from the urethra in men and copious or green / yellow or foul-smelling discharge from the genitals in women.
  • Pain, itching, cramps when trying to urinate (it happens most often) and / or the same sensations in the genital area, anus, perineum.
  • Frequent urination in small portions (pollakiuria). A very specific symptom.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • The appearance of any rashes on the genitals, spots, ulcers, erosion, vesicles, growths.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

Reasons for a scheduled examination:

  • Chronic urological / gynecological diseases: prostatitis, vesiculitis, spermatocystitis, adnexitis, persistent cystitis, etc., everything that ends in -it.
  • Diseases of the joints with a characteristic "ladder" lesion. This is when small joints are affected first, and then large ones. However, it is useful to take tests for any articular pathology.
  • Sexological disorders (weakening of erection, accelerated ejaculation, etc., etc.).
  • Infertile marriage: no pregnancy after two years of regular unprotected intercourse.

Reason for regular examination:

  • Sexual relationships with different partners, even if you are sure that the sex was "protected". It is necessary to be examined at least once a year, suspicious or those who often change partners - once every six months.

Good health!

Leonid Schebotansky


Hello, Natalia! The chance of getting pregnant or contracting an infection for the first time is no less than with any sexual intercourse. The first time you have sex, your body will encounter foreign microbes for the first time and inflammation of the vagina or bladder may develop. Naturally, this applies to both defloration in the usual way with the help of a man's penis, and defloration with the help of fingers. Try both with your partner to observe both intimate hygiene and the simplest one, which is taught to everyone from early childhood. That is - wash everything and always. And also try all the same, despite the craze for early sex in modern world, do not stain yourself with frivolous connections and communicate closely only with those men that you like at least, and at most with those you can rely on, and be sure of their reliability and cleanliness, both physical and mental.

As for the medical examination at school, I do not know that in our Russian state there would be any legal acts that would stipulate that the situation with the gynecological health of a girl should be reported to her parents. Therefore, it seems to me that one can be calm in this respect and not worry in vain. On examination, the gynecologist may find that you have some kind of illness or infection, but, even in this case, I think he should not tell your parents about it. After all, you are already an adult citizen and can do as you please.

In order not to constantly tremble from the fear of a possible pregnancy or sexual infection, at the beginning of sexual activity and at the first time, it is better to protect yourself with a condom, even if you are confident in a man. A condom is a fairly reliable means of protection from unwanted pregnancy. An important requirement is to put on a condom before starting and remove it from the penis after the end of intercourse, avoiding direct contact with the vaginal mucosa. For the first time, you can also use local chemical contraceptives - Pharmatex or Patentex Oval. These are vaginal remedies that give an effect comparable to that of a condom - both in relation to pregnancy and in relation to infection. At the same time, they form a foam that replaces their own lubrication.

It is even possible that you were mistaken about the fact that your young man took your virginity with his finger. Deflowering during the first sex does not have to be done at one time - with severe pain, defloration can be "divided" into stages - with an easily stretchable hymen, each attempt usually leads to an increase in the hole, and at the same time the girl's fear of pain disappears. The rough perseverance of the partner is unacceptable at the first time, because. serious consequences for further intimate life, aversion to coitus, vaginismus are possible.

The first sex and defloration is usually accompanied by a slight bleeding, although in about 10% of cases it is not observed. The blood flowing out during the first sex, according to a widespread tradition, is proof of virginity. During this period, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of hygiene of the genital organs. After the rupture of the hymen, it is recommended to interrupt coitus and not to resume sexual contacts until healing. Normally, 3-5 days after deprivation of virginity at the first time, the edges of the hymen and the remaining hymenal papillae heal and repeated sexual intercourse is painless.