Mint in the country, we grow it for decorative and medicinal purposes. A photo

Many people grow mint in their backyard.

It's nice to feel its spicy aroma on a summer evening, to have a tea party with the addition of its leaves.

There are many varieties of mint, but peppermint is especially popular in gardening.

This is a perennial plant, quite winter-hardy, moisture-loving and light-loving with a powerful root system, so it is not recommended to plant valuable crops on the same bed with mint.

In one place it can grow up to 10 years, but with periodic replacement of plants.

Conditions for growing mint in the garden

The best predecessors of mint are root crops, legumes, perennials. Flowering from July to October. The height of the bushes is from 30 cm to 1 meter. In a frosty snowy winter, it does not require shelter, but if there is no snow, then freezing of the bushes is possible, so mulching with sawdust or peat with a layer of 15-20 cm is required. It responds well to fertilization, especially likes nitrogen and phosphorus. Avoid overcrowding as this encourages powdery mildew on the leaves. When mint is affected by diseases or pests, treatment is practically useless, since any treatment of plants will make it unusable, so grow mint at a distance of 60-80 cm from a flower garden, other herbs and vegetable crops.

The soil for growing mint should be moist, light, loose, sandy loam or loam with a high content of humus. Does not tolerate soreness. Choose a sunny site with a midday shadow, since mint develops very quickly with a long day, this moment is especially important for those who grow mint for sale.

Can be planted in rock gardens, under trees. Mass plantings of black peppermint will give an amazing decorative effect to the garden.

Planting mint

Before you start growing mint, remember that this is a creeping plant that can fill the entire area, like. So, in order to prevent this unpleasant situation from happening before planting, it is necessary to drive limiters into the soil, which will restrain the growth of rhizomes.

It can be slate sheets or just iron hoops from barrels, or you can grow mint in the country and in large containers with drainage holes. You can grow several varieties of mint at once in a garden bed or in a container, such as peppermint, apple, curly, and Thai. Make a difference for yourself.

Usually mint is grown from seeds, and propagated by cuttings or rhizomes. For a seedling method of growing, buy and start sowing seedlings in mid-April.

Mint seeds are small, so it will be convenient to sow them either with a pointed wet stick or use the advice of gardeners with the help.

Spread the seeds on the surface of the soil, pressing them a little, cover cling film and put it in the sun. In warm sunny weather, plants can be placed outside the window. In mid-late May, seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground, by this time 3-5 pairs of true leaves should form on it.

Before planting mint in the soil, add organic fertilizers(per 1 sq.m. 3 kg of humus) and mineral (potassium chloride, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate 15 g per 1 sq.m.), adding 2 tbsp. wood ash, dig the soil to a depth of 20 cm, level and make a bed in several rows, the distance between which is 40 cm. Plant the plants at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, deepening the rhizome by 5 cm.

If you want the mint to bush, then pinch the top part when the plant is 20-25 cm high.

  • Mint can be grown from cuttings. To do this, cut off the apical part of the shoots (7 cm) and put in water. When the roots appear, plant them in open ground every 20-30 cm, deepening by 5 cm.
  • Growing mint by dividing the rhizomes. Cut the rhizome so that each has 10-12 knots. Plant in holes to a depth of 8-10 cm. The distance between rows is 40-50 cm, and between plants 30-40 cm. When planting mint rhizomes, it is better to add a small handful of humus to each hole.

Mint care, collection

Water daily in the evening in dry hot weather, loosen. In spring, fertilize and mulch plants regularly with compost and wood ash.

In autumn, before frosts, it is better to carry out a deep digging of the soil with the introduction of semi-mature manure at the rate of 2 kg per 1 sq.m.

It is better to collect mint during the flowering period, at this moment it accumulates the largest amount of essential oil, and it does not matter how it is harvested, by pruning, pinching, or simply picking off the leaves. After collection, a new development of shoots begins. For harvesting for the winter: spread the collected parts of mint on paper, dry, after which the leaves can be ground to a pollen-like state or left whole. Place in a resealable container and store in a cool, dark place.

Mint is an aromatic and fragrant plant of the Lamiaceae family, which has more than 25 varieties and 10 natural hybrids. It has a special taste and pleasant aroma due to the content in the shoots of a special substance called menthol. Mint can be grown outdoors in the country or on the balcony at home.

Mint is a perennial plant that is easy to grow and care for. It grows in countries with a temperate climate, and is also used in many industries - food, tobacco, cooking, perfumery, alcoholic beverages and others. At the same time, there are a huge number of varieties of this fragrant herb:

  • long-leaved;
  • field;
  • water;
  • curly;
  • apple;
  • spikelet;
  • green.

Mint is a perennial plant that is easy to grow and care for.

All these varieties and varieties of mint have different flavors and aromas, but the most popular is peppermint. It is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of our country, as well as. It can be bright green or reddish purple.

You can breed this fragrant plant in the garden, in the garden and at home. But planting and caring for mint depends on its variety and variety. For example, hybrid varieties cannot be grown using seeds, only the vegetative path is possible. To do this, you can use the rhizome and cuttings.

There are two main ways to plant mint in the country or at home:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Another option for propagation and cultivation is the division of one whole bush into two separate parts. To do this, it is dug up, cleaned, dried a little and divided.

Planting with seeds is a rather difficult, complex and difficult process. At the same time, the cultivation of hybrid varieties by this method is generally impossible to implement.

But when planting in open ground or on a balcony using seeds, it is important to perform all the steps correctly.

Planting with seeds is a rather difficult, complex and difficult process.

The place of cultivation should be suitable, very sunny and warm. All grasses of the Lamiaceae family do not tolerate severe drought, so it is important to provide for a small penumbra so that at noon the earth does not dry out from the scorching sun. It is important to plant mint so that the sun hits the leaves for at least 4 hours a day. If you create , in this case the best choice- these are windows facing east, south or southwest;

Another important point is the selection of the optimal composition of mail. You can feed the soil with special fertilizers and preparations that promote the active growth of grass. In the country, you need to plant seeds in a fertile post with good drainage, while its optimal acid-base composition will vary between 6-7.

In order to plant mint with the help of seeds, a lot of experience is required, it will be quite difficult for a novice gardener to do this. To do this, you first need to sow them in small trays and pots to a depth of no more than 5 mm, and for germination, you need to create favorable conditions and a temperature of about 21-24 degrees.

Video story about how to plant

Cover the trays with plastic wrap and leave for 1-2 weeks. After the seedlings germinate, they need to be transplanted into pots, the depth of which is 8 cm, and placed in a cool place. After a week, you can start transplanting seedlings into open ground. It is desirable to place each sprout in the sun or in partial shade, while the distance between them should be about 30 cm.

Cuttings are another method of propagation. This method is much easier for the inexperienced grower to do, as it requires less attention and maintenance of the plant. It is better to do this in the spring - from late April to early May. To do this, you must first cut a small branch from the bush. Its length should be about 10 centimeters.

At the same time, a knot with leaves should be located on the cut cutting, which will enable the bush to grow in a new place. The sprig should be placed in a glass of clean filtered water for 7-10 days. During this period, small roots will appear at the cut site, which should be constantly under water during germination. As needed, it must be constantly added.

The twig should be placed in a glass of clean filtered water for 7-10 days

It is necessary to transplant the cuttings into the soil in the country or at home only after the roots have reached a sufficient length (about 2-3 cm). It is better to plant them in the spring, when there will no longer be cold and frost on the street (in late May or early June). Despite the fact that mint is a fairly resistant plant, these conditions must be observed for its proper growth.

Sprouted cuttings are planted to a depth of about 5 cm, if there are several, then the distance from each other should remain about 15 cm. This will give each bush room for future growth. ? To do this, it is important to plant seedlings in the ground in a place where the sun's rays will fall on the plant in the morning and partly in the afternoon.

When planting in open ground, it is important to carefully cultivate the soil beforehand. To do this, you need to loosen the ground and remove all weeds and roots, then break the perimeter into rows for planting. In constantly damp and humid places they need to be made higher, and in dry places they should be further deepened.

When landing on open ground, it is important to carefully cultivate the soil beforehand.

When growing grass pots at home, they can be placed on a windowsill that faces east, south, or west. If the temperature indoors or outdoors is within 20-25 degrees, and watering is sufficient, then mint will grow well.

Mint for full growth needs good lighting, as well as fertile, loose and moist soil. It also tolerates shady conditions, but in this case the soil should not be very wet, as this can lead to rotting of the rhizomes and death of the plant.

Mint for full growth needs good lighting.

Fragrant grass grows most favorably in rich and fertile black soil; clay is not suitable for its growth.

Before planting, it is advisable to pre-fertilize the soil organic matter and manure. Usually mint grows in one place for no more than 3-4 years, after which peas, potatoes, green onions and other vegetables can be planted instead.

Mint care consists of the following activities:

  1. To prevent infestation by pests and diseases, it is important to carefully monitor the growth and appearance of the plant. The most popular ailments are spider mites, slugs, whiteflies, and weevils. In order to avoid infection, care must be taken to ensure optimal air circulation, therefore, with a strong growth of the plant, it is important to cut it regularly.
  2. When harvesting, the leaves must be carefully trimmed with scissors so as not to damage the stem. After they can be washed, dried and used fresh or dried.
  3. Care also involves regular loosening of the soil, hilling, as the soil dries out - watering, as well as removing weeds. Fertilization is best done in early spring, and to protect against frost in the fall, cover it with a layer of loose earth, branches of Christmas trees, and straw.

Video on how to grow mint

When planting mint, it is important to know that it is a very aggressive plant that grows very quickly when favorable conditions are created. This is due to the high creeping of rhizomes, which can take up a large space and displace nearby shrubs and plant crops.

That is why, after planting, it is better to enclose fragrant grass - to bury iron plates around the perimeter of the plant and to the depth of the roots. They will help prevent the spread of rhizomes in the garden and summer cottage. Under these conditions, mint will always delight with its appearance and aroma.

Mint among gardeners enjoys its popularity due to its use. It is often used in medicine as well as cooking.. In addition, it is an unpretentious plant, and requires little care. Let's take a closer look at the species of this plant, how it looks and where it grows.


Among the variety of mints, chocolate mint is popular because of its chocolate flavor. It has green leaves with a purple hue. Plant height up to 25 cm. It grows at a fast pace, as it has powerful creeping roots. It is best planted in a container. Can easily tolerate the first frost. This plant is suitable for beginners and inexperienced gardeners. Basic rules for boarding:

  1. fertile, moist, semi-acidic soil.
  2. illuminated place or penumbra.
  3. landing in early spring when the frosts are over.
  4. Distance between bushes 50 cm
  5. Fertilizer applied one year after planting.


Menthol mint is a type of peppermint that can reach a height of up to 60 cm. It has a pungent odor and a high content of menthol. Unlike other species, it has dark stems. Virtually free from pests and diseases. Leaves can be plucked within 2-3 months after planting while retaining all its useful properties.


This species grows in all countries of the world. The stems reach a height of 60-70 cm. The leaves are green, elongated. The flowers are pink-purple, located at the top between the leaves. Unlike peppermint, field mint does not have a strong odor or cooling taste.. It is widely used in cooking, in the manufacture of drinks and baking cakes.


Perennial plant, which includes essential oil. The aroma of this plant attracts cats. It can reach a height of half a meter to a meter. Flowers in the form of brushes are located on the crown. flowers white color with purple dots. Flowering begins in late June, early July. Widely used in cosmetology, cooking.


Perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of up to 70 cm. There are oval leaves, red in color. The flowers are small, collected in an inflorescence, lilac color. If you rub the leaf, a minty smell comes out. Grows mainly on moist soils, near rivers, streams. Used in cooking.


Fragrant mint is a perennial plant, about 50 cm. It has light green leaves, carved along the edge.. Blooms from July until the first frost. Able to withstand frosts up to 30 degrees. Requires constant pruning of the roots, as it grows strongly due to creeping roots. Some varieties have white spots on the leaves.


Forest mint can reach a height of 40 to 90 cm. It has tall, strong stems on which oblong leaves are located. It has strong branched roots that spread very quickly and require pruning. Flowering occurs from June to August. In the first year, after sowing, flowering occurs, but there will be no seeds.. Flowers can be red, pink, collected in inflorescences. The plant winters well, is not afraid of severe frosts.


Japanese mint acts as a perennial plant, growing from 15 to 50 cm. It mainly grows in swampy areas, it is considered a rare species.. The flowers can be white or light purple, with 4 stamens. Flowering lasts almost 3 months, begins in August and until the end of October. It is used mainly in cosmetology and cooking.


The most popular and familiar to everyone is peppermint. It is a perennial plant, up to 1 meter high. The leaves are green, with serrated edges. The flowers are small purple hue, collected in inflorescences in the form of an ear, located at the top of the shoot. Flowering begins in June and ends at the end of September. Easily tolerates winter and severe frosts. It has creeping strong roots, due to which it grows rapidly. It is a type of water mint. It is often used in folk medicine, perfumery, and cooking.


Curly mint practically does not differ from peppermint. The country of origin is America. A distinctive sign is the absence of a cooling effect. Spearmint contains less menthol. This type of essential oil contains:

  • carvone;
  • limonel;
  • linaloon;
  • citral.

It has been widely used in cooking, used in various seasonings and spices.


This type of mint is native to Mexico. An upright sprawling bush, up to 50 cm high. It mainly grows as an annual plant. It has a lot of greenery, oval green leaves. Begins to bloom in the first year of life. Flowers can be of different shades: pink, purple, white, blue. They reach up to 1 cm in size. The plant prefers fertile soil, a lighted place. Does not tolerate severe frosts. For the winter, it is necessary to transplant into a pot for room conditions. Propagated by dividing the bush and by seed. Widely used in cosmetology and cooking.


Lemon mint is commonly referred to as lemon balm. It can often be found in garden plots. This is a hardy perennial plant. Can reach up to 1 meter in height. Under favorable conditions, after flowering, its seeds are carried by the wind, and almost all get good germination. A powerful, sprawling bush has light green leaves, carved along the edges. The flowers are small, located at the top of the plant, has a white, pink or yellow tint. hallmark is the presence of lemon aroma, especially during flowering. The choice of soil is unpretentious, it grows easily on any type of soil. Its composition includes:

  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • rosmarinic acid;
  • caffeic acid;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids.

It is used in folk medicine, but dosages should be observed so as not to get the opposite effect in treatment.


Wild mint is commonly called field mint. It has a delicate and mild fragrance. Its essential oil contains:

  • menthol;
  • carvone;
  • citral;
  • geraniol.

It also contains many useful substances. It grows throughout Russia. It can be found near rivers, streams, wetlands, in forests. Perennial plant, up to 1 meter high. It has green leaves with serrated edges. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, can be a light purple hue, and dark. Inflorescences are located in the form of an ear at the crown. Unpretentious to conditions. It is used in cooking and folk medicine.

Where does mint grow?

Mint grows mainly in wetlands, on the banks of rivers, along streams, ravines. And also in the steppes, forest-steppes, in almost the entire European part of Russia. You can grow mint in your garden. Each species grows in different countries . For example: meadow grass is more common in Russia, on Far East. Garden mint is more common in the southwest. Curly mint grows in Asia and Africa. Fragrant mint is common in the Mediterranean, Europe, Asia Minor.

What are the medicinal properties

Mint has been widely used in folk medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. She can have effects.:

  • painkillers;
  • vasodilators;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic.

Mint is medicinal plant, it should be collected when the plant has gained color. For the manufacture of the drug use shoots, leaves, flowers. Mint is used to treat the following diseases:

  • asthma;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • cardiovascular;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder.

On the basis of the plant, drops, fees, ointments, tablets are made.. Essential oils are also added to toothpaste.

Before using the drug made from mint, you should consult your doctor to avoid side effects.

In the vast world there are many types of mint that have many useful properties. Also they widely used in the field of medicine. If it grows on the site treatment plant, it can serve as a home first aid kit.

Mint is considered a useful and especially valuable plant that has been used by man for many decades. It has found its application in medical, culinary and even perfumery purposes. Did you know that there are many varieties of this plant?

Interesting fact. If we take the Plent List data as a basis, mint is classified as a type of Lamiaceae, in addition, more than forty species and hybrids are known.

mint varieties


In other words, this variety is called a room variety of mint, a tree with a moth, a plectrantus, and even a spur flower. The plant can be both annual and perennial grows in the tropics and subtropics. If it is carefully looked after, it can grow even in the house.

Mint grows in the form of a bush. Its leaves contain essential extracts that stand out with a complex chemical composition which gives it its pleasant aroma. Can be used medicinally, for decoration purposes or as a culinary condiment (leaf or root vegetables). The plant has a specific aroma, therefore it repels various insects: small butterflies, mosquitoes and others.

The trunk grows from thirty to one hundred centimeters. The stems are pubescent or bare. The flowers of the plant are small in size, they also have bracts that create a special umbrella. The fruit contains four nuts.

menthol plant

It is peppery, and gives off a high concentration of menthol and a rather intense, persistent, as well as intense smell. The plant is resistant to pests and protects against various diseases, stands out for the best indicators of winter hardiness.

The plant, due to its unique composition, has found its application in many areas: it is used by cosmetologists, cooks; stands out with anti-inflammatory, choleretic action, is used as a medicine for inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, improves digestive processes. The leaves of the plant are even used as spices, they make excellent cocktails, such as, for example, mojitos.

Depending on the lighting on the site, the size of the plant can reach sixty centimeters, while its stems grow straight, stand out for their dark shade and power. Flowering begins in the middle of the second - the beginning of the third month of summer. Purple flowers, small in size, form ideal inflorescences.

The very name of the genus, which has become so popular all over the world, comes from the name of the female goddess. According to Greek beliefs, she was the mistress of the god of the dungeon, and her lawful wife turned her into grass.


This type of mint is considered the most purchased and frequently used. She grew up as a hybrid of two opposite varieties. It is actively used to complement the taste of dishes, it becomes the basis for pharmacological agents. It is a valuable honey plant. In nature, it does not grow on its own. It stands out for its burning taste characteristics, which is why it was named accordingly. Healers use this mint as a medicinal plant, it stands out for its soothing and regenerating properties. It is not recommended for people who suffer from low blood pressure at the time of maximum heart contraction. This variety belongs to the class herbaceous plants perennial type. Its stems are hollow, erect, branched, which can reach a meter in height.

The flowers are distinguished by a light purple or pinkish hue, all of which are intertwined in an inflorescence at the top of the stem. Flowering begins at the end of the second month of summer and lasts until autumn. Fruits appear extremely rarely, they consist of four nuts.


Mint, which is similar in its characteristics to the species described above, is called curly. Curly, in the form of a spikelet, mint - all these are synonyms of the same variety. The composition includes the enantiomer linalool, as well as carvone, due to which the plant stands out with a cloying smell and a specific taste. Unsurprisingly, spearmint contains virtually no menthol, and so the leaves don't have a cold aftertaste when eaten. The essential oils of this plant are of higher value than those of the variety described above. It is used not only in pharmacology, cooking, but also for soap making, becoming the basis for tobacco and confectionery products.

The flowers of the plant have a harmonious pinkish-purple hue, with the shortest possible pedicels that gather in shoots covered with a seed plant. The plant begins to bloom from the second month of summer to early autumn. Seeds ripen by mid-autumn.

For maximum preservation of the described mint varieties choose bags made of paper or natural linen that are placed in dark, cool and dry rooms.


This type of mint originated in North Asia, it was originally grown as an ornamental, spice or medicinal plant, which stands out for its rejuvenation and overall strengthening of the body, it also normalizes blood pressure in the arteries. The powdered dried plant can be found in the composition of pharmacological agents that improve the composition of red blood cells, they are also used for ailments of the lungs and liver. This mint is considered the most the best variety beneficial effect on the human immune system. That is why, in the East, it is considered the main rival of ginseng. Essential oils of the plant are distinguished by bactericidal properties.

The plant, according to visual characteristics, resembles a perennial shrub that can grow up to one hundred centimeters. Mint stems have four sides and grow straight. The plant blooms in mid-June or early September. Its smell is simultaneously reminiscent of mint, aniseed thigh, and oregano. The fruits fully ripen in early autumn, besides, the variety is quite frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures down to minus twenty.

exotic varieties


In the people it is called ivy-shaped boudra, or dog mint, the plant stands out with a persistent aroma. It grows in Eurasian fields, in a zone with moderate climatic conditions. It stands out with a bitter and burning aftertaste, does not leave a cold aftertaste. This medicinal plant can be attributed to the melliferous type. It is widely used due to its anti-inflammatory, choleretic, healing effect. Leaves are actively used to make various tonics.

The height of a mature plant reaches a maximum of 40 centimeters, its stems actively crawl on all surfaces, they are complemented by bare or pubescent short hairs. The main vegetative organ of the plant is numerous, rooting. Its leaves contain long petioles, and are distinguished by their shape in the form of buds or roundness, located opposite. Small flowers with a purple or bluish tinge are collected in inflorescences, they can be enjoyed until mid-August.

The mint plant has found its use in medicine ancient China. It stands out for its regenerating action. It is also used for bile stasis, as a remedy for hyperhidrosis, or even as a deodorant. Oil is made from this variety of mint, which is optimal for treating the skin of the eyelids.

cat grade

This type of plant is distinguished by a strong uncharacteristic smell of lemon, which attracts all homeless cats in the area. Mint mainly grows in forest glades, vacant lots, weedy places, on slopes or along the side of the highway. Most often it grows near the belts, because it is considered a valuable honey plant. The plant has found its application in the perfumery industry, in the preparation of soap, in the confectionery shop and of course in pharmacology. Dried leaves and inflorescences of the plant help to overcome gastrointestinal diseases, they are brewed for severe migraines, they are rubbed with extract on skin areas affected by rashes or allergic reactions.

This type of mint is a perennial representative of the flora, capable of growing up to a meter in height. Its roots are like woody species with straight and strong stems. The flowers are a dirty pale color, they can be pinkish or purple. The entire inflorescence is collected in a specific umbrella at the tips of the vegetative organs of higher plants.

Vegetable types of mint

Meadow or field plant

It can be found in European, Asian, Caucasian, Indian or Nepalese markets. It also grows along river banks, close to other bodies of water. The essential oil has a specific pungent odor and a sugary, bitter taste that combines menthol and various citrus notes.

According to the experiments, it was brought that a person who inhales the aromas of mint of this variety will reduce the consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates several times within 24 hours. The plant is used as an additive to dishes, in the pharmacological field (it treats bloating, inflammation of the stomach, heartburn).

ginger type

Among all the varieties of mint presented, it is worth highlighting ginger, which grows so far, mainly in Egypt. It does not have an unpleasant numb aftertaste. According to the recommendation of traditional healers, the flowers of the plant, after preliminary drying, are taken for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps to overcome meteorological dependence, calms the shattered nervous system. The stems are distinguished by four faces, in addition, they are straight and branched with a horizontal and well-developed root system. The leaves of the plant are wide, at the ends become pointed with an elongated ovoid shape.

The plant is often grown for decorative purposes and all thanks to the fiery and greenish hue. Insignificant flowers that are collected in woven branches, as a result, inflorescences are formed in the form of spikelets of a pink or purple hue.

Mint with chocolate aftertaste (chocolate)

The plant grows rapidly in places with high humidity, prefers light soil, is quite aggressive, but practically does not require any additional care. It stands out among other varieties with a pleasant taste and sweetish aroma. Resistant to attack by insects, as well as to sub-zero temperatures. In the necessary light, the sheets are painted in a dark purple color.

This type of mint is often grown for decorative purposes. But, due to the high content of essential oils and a pleasant chocolate taste, it is used for confectionery purposes and in pharmacology.

Lemon flavored (melissa)

This fragrant plant is also called honey slipper, honeysuckle or lemon balm. Lemon-flavored mint gives off a pleasant and refreshing citrus flavor. It grows on southern European and Mediterranean plantations.

This plant stands out for its value, taste and medicinal properties, it contains a high concentration of vitamin C, pigment, unsaturated hydrocarbon from the class of carotenoids, aromatic substances. For many centuries mint has been grown as a honey plant. This plant belongs to the class of perennials, it begins to bloom in the summer, and the fruits ripen in about a season.

If you pay attention to the plant itself, then its height can start from 30 centimeters and reach one and a half meters. The branching of the stem or lateral shoot is short, the flowers are blue, snow-white or light purple, the upper leaves are placed in the axils. The large black fruit can be used as seeds for three years.

This plant is quite winter-hardy, but in severe frosts it is desirable to cover the soil with a layer of peat.

Despite the fact that you can find different varieties of mint on the market, all of them are united by common advantages. The main thing is to choose the one that you really need among the abundance of goods and that suits you not only in terms of pharmacological features, but also in terms of price. Mint itself is a valuable medicinal plant, but if it is also supplemented with lemon, ginger or chocolate aftertaste, it can be actively used in cooking, in the preparation of cooling and low-alcohol drinks.

Video review of new mint varieties