Cucumber as a cultivated plant. cucumbers

Cucumbers are an annual herbaceous plant of the gourd family. According to many scientists, they come from the humid tropical zone of India or Indochina.

The root system of cucumbers consists of a tap root and lateral branches. Cucumbers have the ability to form additional roots. The stem of the plant at a young age is erect, after flowering - creeping, branching. The main stem forms side shoots - lashes of the first order, from which lashes of the second order extend, etc. The length of the lashes and their number on the plant depends on the variety and growing conditions. In early varieties, the lashes are short (50-80 cm), in late-ripening ones they are longer, they have more side branches, the length of the main stem reaches 2.5 m or more.

The leaves are petiolate with a three- or five-lobed plate, arranged alternately on cucumber lashes. The leaf that appears first on the plant differs in the shape of the plate from the rest. Each subsequent leaf is more dissected and serrated. The size and color of the leaves depends on the varietal characteristics and growing conditions.

Cucumber in most cases is a monoecious dioecious plant, on which male and female flowers are formed (Fig. 1). The male ones are located in the axils of the leaves in the form of inflorescences (scutes). Female flowers are usually formed in other nodes one at a time, less often two or three. Male flowers have stamens containing pollen, female flowers have an ovary located below the corolla and stigma sitting inside the flower. The number of male flowers on the plant significantly exceeds the number of female ones. However, there are forms of cucumbers with hermaphroditic (bisexual) flowers. In parthenocarpic forms, fruits are formed without pollination of flowers.

Recently, at the Crimean and Maikop experimental stations of the All-Union Institute of Plant Industry. N. I. Vavilov created gynocy (partly dioecious) varieties: only female flowers are formed in plants, while in others - male and female.

Cucumber is a cross-pollinating plant. The pollen is sticky, stuck together in lumps, not carried by the wind. Pollination occurs only with the participation of insects - bees, bumblebees, wasps, flies, thrips, ants, butterflies.

Rice. 1. Cucumber flowers:
a - male; b - female; c - hermaphroditic.

The fruit of cucumbers is a false berry from 5 to 70 cm long. It has from 3 to 5 seed chambers. The fruits are eaten in an immature state, ranging from 3-5-day ovaries to greens at the age of 8-12 days. The most important morphological features of the fetus are its shape, size, color, surface and pubescence.

The pubescence is simple (each individual spine consists of a hair) and complex (the hair has a thickened spherical base). The surface of the fruit can be smooth, small tuberculate and large tuberculate. With simple pubescence, the surface of the fruit is smooth, with complex - tuberculate. According to the color of the pubescence of the fruits, cucumber varieties are divided into black-thorned and white-thorned, there are significant differences between black-thorned and white-thorned cucumbers. Fruits with black pubescence are very fragrant, tasty both fresh and salty, their skin is soft. But they can turn yellow while still on the plant, quickly lose their presentation. White-thorn varieties are less tasty, their skin is rougher. However, they retain their green color for a long time, and also have a good presentation.

The bitterness of cucumbers is due to the content of the substance cucurbitacin in them. Under adverse conditions (lack of moisture, light, food, low or too high temperature in dry sunny weather), the development of fruits is delayed, in most cases they are bitter.

The shape of cucumber seeds is elongated-elliptical, their length is 7-16 mm, width - 3-6, thickness 2-3 mm. Weight of 1000 seeds - 16-33 g.

Seedlings of cucumbers, depending on weather conditions, appear 3-10 days after sowing. When seeds germinate, two thick fleshy cotyledons appear on the soil surface, which act as leaves, nourishing all the organs of a young plant. Their significance in the life of a plant is great: the growth and timing of the onset of flowering of cucumbers depend on them. Under favorable conditions, the first true leaf appears 5-6 days after germination. During the period of its formation, flower tubercles begin to form in the sinus. The following leaves are formed with an interval of 2 to 7 days. When 5 leaves appear, the plant begins to branch and soon blooms. Biological (seed) ripeness of fruits occurs 40-69 days after flowering.

attitude towards warmth. Cucumbers are very demanding on heat. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 12-15°C. After special hardening, the temperature minimum of enzymatic processes decreases, seeds can germinate at 10°C. The higher the temperature, the faster and more friendly shoots appear. At 20°, seedlings appear after 5 days, at 18° - after 10. When seeds are sown in soil with a low temperature, seedlings are significantly delayed or die completely. Therefore, cucumbers in open ground should be sown when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 12-14 °.

Lowering the temperature below 15° negatively affects the absorption of water and nutrients from the soil solution by the roots, disrupts the normal vital activity of the leaves of adult plants. With a decrease in soil temperature to 8-9 °, the root system functions poorly. If the temperature stays below 10° long time plants stop growing and may die. Short-term frosts are also detrimental to plants.

Cucumber plants are especially demanding on temperature in the first period of growth and development, as well as in the phases of flowering and fruit formation. At temperatures above 20 °, plants bloom in 26 days, and below 20 ° - 37 days after germination. Optimum temperature for cucumbers - 25-30 ° in the daytime and 17-18 ° at night. Before the onset of economic ripeness of cucumbers, the sum of average daily active (? 15 °) air temperatures is 800-1000 °, for the maturation of the testes - at least 1500 °.

relation to moisture. Cucumbers are very demanding on soil and air moisture. According to long-term data of BelNIIKPO, with a yield of 200-300 centners per hectare, plants consume 10-15 m 3 of water per 1 centner of production. This is due to the fact that they develop a large vegetative mass, the leaf surface evaporates a lot of moisture. In addition, the root system of cucumbers has a low suction force (1.5-2 atm.) and is located mainly in the upper soil layer (at a depth of up to 20 cm), where moisture reserves are unstable. Therefore, with a lack of moisture in the soil, the leaves begin to wither, the plants slow down their growth, and their productivity decreases.

The most favorable relative humidity for cucumbers is 80-90% (in greenhouse conditions - up to 100%), soil - 70-80% of the lowest moisture capacity (HB). Excessive soil moisture exceeding 85% of the total moisture capacity, especially in combination with low temperatures, is harmful to cucumbers.

attitude towards the world.
Cucumbers are light-loving plants, although they are less demanding on light than on heat and moisture. Varieties of cucumbers in terms of requirements for light have significant differences. In most varieties, growing with a shortened daylight hours allows you to increase productivity, in some varieties, maturation is accelerated. These features are very important in the cultivation of cucumbers in protected ground. When shaded, they grow poorly and bear fruit. The minimum illumination at which flowering and fruiting of cucumbers is possible is 2400 lux. Optimum illumination - 20 thousand lux.

One of the important biological features cucumbers is that in most of the most common varieties, about 80% of the female flowers (with ovaries) are located on the side shoots (lashes), and the male flowers are on the main shoot (stem). When the plants in the rows are thickened, the main shoot develops mainly with male flowers "barren flowers", the lateral lashes grow weakly, which negatively affects the yield. Therefore, you should not thicken the crops of cucumbers. When growing them in the garden, the illumination of plants is mainly regulated by their placement on the area and the direction of sowing in relation to the cardinal points.

Nutrition requirements. Cucumbers have a relatively high nutrient intake compared to other vegetable crops. The data obtained in the experiments of BelNIIKPO showed that the consumption of basic nutrients from the soil by cucumbers per 100 c marketable products is 11 kg of nitrogen, 6 kg of phosphorus and 24 kg of potassium.

Cucumber plants differ from other vegetable crops in their high demands on soil nutrition conditions, which is consistent with the growth and development of this crop. In a relatively short growing season (90-105 days), under favorable conditions, they form a fairly high yield of fruits. Moreover, their root system is located mainly in the arable horizon and cannot use nutrients from deeper soil layers. Therefore, cucumbers should be placed on highly fertile soils rich in basic nutrients.

The most favorable amount of humus in soils for cucumbers is 2-4%. Cucumbers do not tolerate acidic soils and high concentrations of soil solution, especially at a young age. The optimal reaction of the soil solution is close to 6-6.5 pH, and the permissible one does not go beyond 4-7.6 pH. The largest number of female flowers is formed when cucumbers are placed on soil, the reaction of which is close to neutral (pH 5.9-6.1). The degree of saturation with bases should be at least 75-80%. The content of mobile aluminum is not allowed to exceed 3-4 mg per 100 g of soil. Cucumbers have low salt tolerance compared to other vegetable crops.

The need of plants for basic nutrients during their growth and development changes. At the beginning of the growing season, cucumber plants absorb nitrogen more intensively. With the growth of the lateral lashes, the assimilation of potassium and phosphorus increases, then, due to a strong increase in the vegetative mass, the consumption of nitrogen increases again.

Air-gas mode. Cucumber seeds are very sensitive to lack of air, and under these conditions they sharply reduce the vigor of germination, and often their germination. This is one of the reasons for the high responsiveness of cucumbers to light and loose soils.

Cucumber plants are very responsive to an increase in carbon dioxide in the air. It has been established that the introduction of fresh manure provides not only root nutrition for cucumbers, but also air. Feeding cucumber plants with carbon dioxide increases their resistance to diseases and pests. An increase in the concentration of ammonia, which is released during the decomposition of organic substances, above 0.6% causes leaf burns, and at 4% the plants die.

To provide the roots of the plant with oxygen, frequent loosening of the soil is necessary, due to which soil reserves are replenished from the air.

Cucumber is a heat-loving crop. Varieties of this crop can be divided into groups: greenhouse - with smooth long fruits 30 cm or more long; garden - with fruits 15 cm long and gherkins - sizes no more than 10 cm. In addition, cucumbers with thin white thorns are for salad purposes, and cucumbers with black thorns are pickled.

Growing cucumbers

This crop is grown in a seedless and seedling way. Cucumbers are a heat-loving crop, so they are sensitive to cold, and seed germination depends on the warming of the soil - it should not be less than +14 ° C.

Cucumbers grow in a variety of soils with good drainage, but cucumbers grow best in light soils. The experience of gardeners has shown that cucumbers respond well to the introduction of various organic fertilizers that improve soil structure. You do not need to plant cucumbers in one place, otherwise they will be subject to disease. The best predecessors of cucumbers: tomatoes, corn, early potatoes and peas. When growing cucumbers, you need to constantly supply them with various nutrients.

Growing cucumber seedlings

If you grow cucumbers through seedlings, this will give you the opportunity to speed up fruiting. For example, the first crop grown in seedlings can be obtained two weeks earlier than in the usual way. During the planting period, seedlings should have several true leaves.

For the seedling method of growing cucumbers, it is necessary to take large seeds that have undergone pre-sowing heating - for a month, hold them near heating appliances. Heated seeds will give friendly shoots, cucumbers will begin to bear fruit faster and give less empty flowers.

Then, we put the seeds in bags of any fabric and soak in a nutrient solution for 10 hours: one liter of water, plus a teaspoon of woody hall. Next, rinse with clean water, lay them on a wet cloth and hold until completely swollen. See that the cucumber seeds do not germinate, they should be slightly pecked. Remember: hybrid cucumber seeds do not require pre-sowing treatment.

Cucumber seeds are sown to obtain seedlings in April - in a container about 10-12 cm high. Mix the soil mixture well, fill the container to the top, sow the germinated seeds and water them lightly. Seedlings will be ready in 30-32 days.

For the entire time of growing cucumbers, we water the seedlings once every 7 days, completely spilling the container.

Sowing and planting seedlings of cucumbers

On the day of planting seedlings of cucumbers or sowing seeds in the beds, you need to make holes, the depth of which should be 4 cm, with a distance of 60 cm. We put the cucumber seeds in the holes, sprinkle them with soil and water them, and plant the seedlings vertically.

Cucumber care

The cucumber bed should be weed-free. During the first 3 weeks, loosen the soil.

When cucumbers grow and form fruits, they need a lot of water. To get a high yield, use warm water.

You can’t water cucumbers from a hose, you can’t get water on plants.

Top dressing of cucumbers

If you grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, fertilizing should be carried out five times a season - with complex fertilizers.

cultivated cucumbers in open field, you need to feed four times.

Care consists in tying the shoots, which must be carried out constantly - as they grow. After the formation of the sixth leaf, the main stem must be pinched, this stimulates the branching of the plant itself, and the yield of cucumbers increases. Remember about the constant collection of fruits, it contributes to good fruit formation.

Hybrids for open ground

Every year there are more and more hybrids of cucumbers. In addition, their composition is updated every year - preference is given to early-ripening, fruit-bearing, resistant to various diseases.

Do not forget that all F1 cucumber hybrids do not retain their properties in the second generation, so there is no point in collecting their seeds.

Farmer F1

It is a mid-season hybrid. Cold hardy, disease resistant. You can grow this hybrid in a greenhouse and open ground. The fruits are 12 cm in size. The peculiarity of this hybrid lies in the good growth of the main lash, as well as the rapid appearance of side shoots, in fact, with the growth of which, abundant fruiting occurs.

Othello F1

It is an early hybrid: the fruits ripen on the 40th day after germination.

Othello F1 cucumbers have a pleasant taste. Fruits can keep good taste for a long time. The hybrid is cultivated in open ground, in greenhouses, in temporary film shelters.

Leandro F1

It is a high-yielding hybrid, resistant to various diseases. Cucumbers with large pimples are suitable for pickling.

Evita F1

It is an early maturing hybrid. Disease resistant. Suitable for greenhouses and open ground. Pimply cucumbers with good pickling qualities: they do not have bitterness. Many vegetable growers consider this hybrid to be the best for canning.

In addition to the above, varieties such as: Zhuravlenok are suitable for growing cucumbers in open ground; Parisian and Moscow gherkins, Desdemona.

Cucumber hybrids for greenhouse conditions

For a convenient selection of hybrids by quality, we divided them into several sections.

In the first section, we will place bee-pollinated hybrids: pollination by insects is necessary to obtain fruits.

Octopus F1

It is an early ripening, fruitful hybrid of the gherkin type. Dark green fruits, cylindrical, thorny, devoid of bitterness, up to 9-10 cm long.

Fontanelle F1

It is a mid-season hybrid. The main whip is 3 m long, with medium branching. Cucumbers with a smooth base, cylindrical, without bitterness.

Zozulya F1

It is an early hybrid. It bears fruit already on the 40th day after germination. Cucumbers are rarely tuberculate, cylindrical, without bitterness.

In the second section, we will place parthenocarpic hybrids that form cucumber fruits without pollination.

Wren F1

It is an early hybrid. Cylindrical cucumbers, their length is 20 cm. It has excellent taste.

Patty F1

Recently bred self-pollinating hybrid. Differs in the female type of flowering, gives a lot of fruits, cucumbers with elastic pulp, finely pimply. Resistant to various diseases.

Cucumber is native to northwestern India and China. In our country, he appeared in the garden in the 15th century, and by late XVIII century widely spread throughout Russia. Cucumber is a perennial herbaceous cultivated plant, at a young age it has long, fragile stems creeping along the ground. Side shoots of the first order depart from the main stem, second order from them, etc. Leaves vary in size and color. The first is formed 5-6 days after germination. In the axils of the leaves, starting from the third, tendrils, shoots, flowers and adventitious roots are formed. The flowers are dioecious, cross-pollinated, the male flowers are collected in inflorescences such as a brush or shield, and the female flowers are solitary. The fruit of a cucumber is a false berry (pumpkin) with 3-5 seed chambers. Seeds are white with a yellowish tint.

Cucumber is a light, heat and moisture-loving plant.

Cucumber seeds begin to germinate at a temperature not lower than 15 °C. The optimum temperature for their germination is 25-30 °C. Cucumber consumes the most water during the period of maximum leaf growth and mass fruit formation. The optimal soil moisture for the growth and fruiting of cucumber is 70-80 % the lowest moisture capacity, and the same relative humidity. The root system responds positively to active gas exchange. Loose, well-permeable to air, water and heat, the soil promotes intensive growth and development of plants, increasing productivity. Cucumber needs a high content of carbon dioxide in the air, which is a source of carbon nutrition.

It is better to grow cucumber on highly fertile soils, areas well-lit throughout the day by the sun, protected from the prevailing, especially northern, winds. In the middle lane, it is better for him to allocate the southern slopes. It is good to place a cucumber near water bodies that moisten the air and smooth out possible sharp fluctuations in temperature during the day. The best soils for this crop are loamy air and water permeable soils with a high content of humus; the most suitable are old garden cultivated non-acidic lands. To improve severe clay soils it is advisable to introduce loosening materials in the fall - compost, manure, sawdust, leafy soil, peat. For the same purpose, manure (4-6 kg / m 2), superphosphate (40 g), potassium sulfate (40 g) and ammonium nitrate (18 g / m 2) are used. Peatlands are preliminarily limed. In addition, on all soils, it is desirable to apply fresh manure every year in the spring (5-7 kg / m 2). It is advisable to change the place for planting cucumbers annually; cabbage, tomato, annual and perennial herbs can be used as predecessors, but in no case pumpkin crops.

Ridges and ridges with cucumber should be located from west to east. The width of the ridges and row spacing, depending on the variety, is from 70 to 90 cm. In short-braid varieties, with row sowing, the distance between rows is 45-60 cm. In order for the soil to warm up well, the ridges are cut with an inclination to the south. To do this, the ridges are leveled with a rake, making their north side steep, and the south side flat.

The nutritional value of cucumbers is low. They are poor in carbohydrates and proteins; contain 97-98% water, 0.3-0.6 - fiber, 0.1 - fat, 0.4 % ash, in addition, pectin, amino acids, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, carotene. Of the mineral substances, they contain relatively many potassium salts.

Cucumis sativus
Taxon: gourd family ( Cucurbitaceae)
Other names: cucumber seed
English: Cucumber, Pickle, Gherkin


Garden annual plant from the gourd family. Stem recumbent, rough, 1-2 m long. The leaves are heart-shaped, weakly five-lobed, the lobes are unequally serrated. Flowers unisexual, yellow, corolla cleft. Cucumber flowers are located in the axils of the leaves, male - in bunches, female - more often singly. Fruits of various shapes and sizes, fleshy, juicy with numerous seeds. Blooms in May-July.


As a cultivated plant, cucumbers are grown throughout Russia.

Picking and harvesting cucumbers

For medicinal purposes, flowers, fruits (pulp, juice, peel), leaves, seeds are used. AT diet food cucumbers are recommended for diseases of the liver and kidneys. Cucumbers should not be harvested for future use during the full moon and the last quarter of the moon.

The chemical composition of cucumbers

Cucumbers contain 97% water, the remaining 3% contain nitrogenous, nitrogen-free, ash substances, fiber, thiamine, riboflavin, carotene. The fruits contain a variety of macro- and microelements - salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine and others, various vitamins - C, group B, PP, pectin substances.
The most complete information on nutritional and energy value onion, chemical composition, the content of vitamins, fatty acids and amino acids .

Healing properties cucumbers

Cucumbers are an ancient culture, their cultivation began in 4000 BC. e. Cucumbers came to Russia in the 15th century. Already in the herbalists of the 17th century. cucumbers are written about as a medicinal plant.
Cucumbers in Russia were used as an antitussive. Cucumbers increase appetite, stimulate the secretion of digestive glands, improve the absorption of fats and proteins. wishing fresh cucumbers may help, as they delay the conversion of carbohydrates to fats. Salted and pickled cucumbers do not possess these properties. Fresh, they have laxative, diuretic and properties.

The use of cucumbers in medicine

In ancient Russia, a decoction of cucumbers was advised to drink instead of water, as it "extinguishes all thirst." They drank cucumber juice and ate fresh cucumbers for dropsy, stomach pains, persistent constipation, pulmonary tuberculosis, and used them externally for burns. Crushed fruits were applied to inflamed areas of the skin, tumors. A decoction of old fruits or seeds was drunk for jaundice, liver diseases, a decoction of flowers - for malaria.
AT traditional medicine cucumbers are used for edema, as well as for gastrointestinal colic, with hepatitis. A decoction of cucumbers is drunk to quench thirst. Cucumber juice improves the condition of teeth, hair, nails, is used for. Cucumber juice is drunk with dropsy and applied externally for burns. Water infusion of the peel and cucumber juice are recommended for acne, rashes, inflammatory skin diseases (externally).


Cucumber tincture- 250 g of fresh cucumbers are crushed, poured with a glass of vodka, insisted for 8 days, and then filtered.

Decoction of cucumber tops: brew 500 ml of boiling water 50 g of autumn grass (tops), heat over low heat for 5 minutes, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day for any bleeding.

Cucumbers are widely used in cosmetics.
Water infusion of peel and cucumber juice used for acne, rashes, inflammatory skin diseases.
Masks are made from fresh cucumbers, they lighten the tan, whiten the skin, and make it supple.
Oily skin is washed with tincture of cucumbers.

Crazy cucumber is a plant of the gourd family, which is a winding herbaceous tropical liana. It blooms with yellow fragrant flowers, smells reminiscent of the smell of gardenia. After flowering, fruits are formed on the stems - round, slightly elongated, orange-red. At this time, the plant is very attractive.

As the fruits ripen, they begin to crack and throw out the seeds far from themselves (sometimes up to several meters). Therefore, this plant was given the name - squirting cucumber. The most popular variety of such a cucumber is momordica, translated from Latin, this cucumber also “bites”. The fact is that when a mad cucumber grows, it burns like a nettle. But when the fruits appear, all the pungency disappears.

Blossoms: July - August, ripens: August - September.

When and where to plant a mad cucumber?

To decorate the walls of the house, a gazebo or a fence with weaving stems, a wild cucumber is planted in the garden. In addition to the decorative qualities of momordica has medicinal and curative properties because the juice is poisonous. In folk medicine, cucumber is popular, but it should be handled very carefully.

This plant is easily propagated by seeds that sprout quite easily (like a pumpkin or zucchini). Therefore, it does not need to be given any special attention.

Application, treatment, beneficial properties

Preparations made from wild cucumber have strong diuretic and laxative, antitumor, antibacterial properties.

Decoction of this plant used for diarrhea, inflammatory kidney disease, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Externally applied with trophic ulcers, with sinusitis, treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, skin fungus.

Ecballium elaterium

Fruit tincture

It is necessary to collect the young fruits of a mad cucumber, rinse with the skin (do not cut it), cut into small pieces, fill them loosely with a three-liter jar. Pour everything with half a liter of vodka or alcohol and put the jar in a dark place for two weeks. Strain the finished medicine.

Take the tincture of this plant three times a day, one teaspoon, on an empty stomach. Treatment should be carried out for no more than three days. Thus, you can treat colds, psoriasis, rheumatism (outwardly). The tincture is good for boosting the immune system.


Seeds are used for decoction. Put about 25 g of seeds in a saucepan, pour 200 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then wrap the pan for one hour. Ready broth strain and take half a cup - three times a day. The decoction helps with hemorrhoids and is used as a diuretic.

Some recipes

For outdoor use

For internal use

  • It should not be forgotten that the juice of a mad cucumber is poisonous, even small doses can cause vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, and weakness. Decoctions from this plant are drunk for jaundice, malaria and from worms.
  • Freshly squeezed juice can be used for sore throat, diphtheria, otitis, migraine, runny nose.
  • With angina, the juice of the plant is mixed with honey and olive oil, the throat is lubricated with the resulting remedy.


Crazy cucumber is a very poisonous plant and preparations based on it should be taken very carefully. Need carefully monitor your well-being during treatment. Under no circumstances should these drugs be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

When preparing juice from this plant at home should work with rubber gloves. Since if the juice gets on the skin, a burn, blisters or ulcers can form.

preparations from mad cucumber should be taken only strictly under the supervision of a physician.

Application in cooking

Momordica fruits can be eaten, their taste resembles the taste of persimmons. For consumption, young ten-day (still green) fruits should be taken. If you take more mature ones, then you can’t eat them. because they are very bitter. Such fruits can be soaked in salted water for 12 hours. If, after soaking, they are still bitter, you need to pour salt water again and wait a little longer.

After the bitterness leaves, you need to remove the skin, and the pulp can be used for stewing or making salads. In addition, the fruits can be salted, pickled - just like ordinary cucumbers.

In addition to the fruits of this plant, tubers, leaves and fresh young stems are used for food. They can be used to make light vegetable soup or add to salads.