If you dream about temperature. Dream Interpretation high temperature Dreamed that high temperature

Temperature - If you dream that you have a fever, this means that you are ready to get sick, but if you take action in advance, then the disease can be prevented. The same applies to those who you dream about. Measure the temperature - you are able to manage your own health. Don't neglect this opportunity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Hand

If you dream of beautiful hands, you will be famous, quickly master your profession and have a high position in your circle.

Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes - portends trouble.

Blood on your hands - promises temporary alienation among people close to you, an unfair condemnation of a friend.

If you see that the hand is damaged, you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you.

In a dream, burn your hands - it promises you a loss in the competition with fate: putting all your strength into achieving wealth, you will miss something more valuable.

To dream about your hands, densely covered with hair, promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigues against those who are truly devoted to you.

If the size of your hands is larger than natural, you will soon move towards your brightest goal. Too small hands encourage you to be more active.

Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice in relation to people who love you.

If a woman admires her hands in a dream, the dream portends that she will be able to win more than one sincere heart.

If she sees that someone takes her hand in hers and kisses her, the dream warns her of greater caution in behavior.

If - you see a fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers - success will lift you to a very great height.

Tied hands portend future difficulties. Untying them in a dream. You will truly master the position.

Amputated hand - to parting or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses).

Sleep warns of possible deception or fraud.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: "dream book high temperature" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

High body temperature

“What is the temperature in a dream for? If you see temperature in a dream, what does it mean?

What is the dream of Temperature:

interpretation of sleep according to 90 dream books

The latest dream book

Temperature - to a cold; subject to harsh criticism.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you had a very high temperature, this is a harbinger of unexpected failure. Sometimes such a dream prophesies a sharp deterioration in well-being.

To measure temperature in a dream is a dream that warns against danger. You should be very careful in dealing with strangers.

If you dreamed that a person close to you had a fever, this means that you will not take someone's promise seriously, which will cause you to suffer later.

Calculating the average annual temperature in a dream is a sign that in real life you have to do a noble deed.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Temperature - means a change in health, for the sick - to recovery, for the healthy - to illness.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Temperature - you will be shocked.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Temperature - to a change in mood.

Esoteric dream book

If you dream that you have a fever, this means that you are ready to get sick, but if you take action in advance, then the disease can be prevented. The same applies to those who you dream about.

Measure the temperature - you are able to manage your own health. Don't neglect this opportunity.

I dreamed of Temperature, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Temperature is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Hello, I want you to help solve the dream, thanks in advance .. I dreamed that I walked along long winding corridors and the walls were high and white ... I went out to the children. playground of the kindergarten .. Holding a thermometer in my hands (as if I had already measured the temperature. (only bals. 37.4 I was so happy .. I stood and looked at the thermometer .. And woke up ..

Good evening! Help me understand the dream! I dreamed that they told me that I had a temperature and I went to look for a thermometer and did not find it! Then he woke up!

i dreamed that I was at school and the teacher touched my head and said that I had a high temperature, but I myself did not feel any heat or pain. and the most interesting when she said go to the doctor, I ignored

i dreamed that I was in the hospital, I was in bed in my room. I also dreamed that I had temperature three. eight and five.

today I dreamed that my temperature was 37.8 and I was very hot then I woke up

I dreamed as if I couldn’t help but wake up, that is, I always want to sleep. Mom decided that I was sick, I measured the temperature, it was 39. And when I touched my forehead, I did not feel any temperature. Please tell me what is it for?

I dreamed that I ran away from others for a few minutes to a friend whom I love. He lay in bed. Found that the forehead is hot. Asked where the temperature came from

replied that he did not know. She lay on his lap, upholstered in the harassment of others. She left but promised to come back later. On the way I found a lot of jewelry, a cat. belonged to me, but were hidden by someone

I dreamed that I had a high temperature, and it was such a bad condition that it was as if I was almost dying, and called an ambulance, barely crawled to the door and there in the entrance asked to call an ambulance

I was at my old school, walking down the hallway. Suddenly I met one teacher, called her several times (she did not immediately hear, although she was nearby). We hugged, like we were talking. And then she put her hand on my forehead, and said something about the temperature (however, I felt quite healthy). We went into the office, there was also another teacher; we also greeted her, and she also put her hand to my forehead. They talked about how I didn't look good, my temperature, etc. But I felt healthy. Something like this.

I dreamed that I was licking and measured the temperature and it was 37.3 and I was surprised that it exists at all, oddly enough, it rarely happens to me

I came to do an ultrasound for pregnancy, I myself don’t know if I’m pregnant or not, they measured my temperature, I showed 39

I had a temperature of 42, but I didn’t feel bad, then when the doctor said that I should feel bad, I immediately felt bad, I asked for an injection, but they gave me pills

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • High temperature according to the dream book

    If you dreamed that you had a high temperature, then perhaps you should pay attention to your health. There is also a possibility that when you see a mercury column in a dream that “ran away” up, you should be prepared for the fact that a period is coming when danger will follow you around. Therefore, interpreting what the fever is dreaming of, dream books recommend paying attention to all the nuances.

    Miller's dream book

    Did you dream that you had a fever and a high temperature? This unpleasant vision means that you can find yourself in a very tense position, with an intensity of relationships and feelings. Did the fever overtake the child? A dream is a reflection of problems in business or at work.

    But, the sultry weather seen in a dream means some factors beyond your control that will interfere with you and your plans.

    Brief interpretations

    If you want to get concise answers to your question of what a high temperature is dreaming of, then turn your attention to brief interpretations.

    • In a dream, you had a fever - to a sharp deterioration in health.
    • Fevers someone else - be careful in making decisions.
    • See that you are measuring the temperature - luck depends on your ability to concentrate.
    • Midday heat is a sign that a career can skyrocket.
    • The hot air of the bath symbolizes excellent health and high performance.

    Fever as a symbol of danger

    The simplest interpretation of sleep, explaining why body heat is dreaming, is given by Miss Hasse's dream book: beware of diseases! And in Modern dream book there is another version: a high body temperature is a sign of an unexpected and offensive failure. Especially if the fever happened suddenly and asymptomatically.

    Do you see in a dream that one of your friends is rushing about in a fever? This dream promises suffering and grief due to the fact that you do not take seriously someone's promises. Bringing down body temperature in a dream - to the solution of all those issues that cause difficulties.

    Summer heat is a sign of career achievements

    Anyone who dreamed that looking at the thermometer outside the window, he sees that the air temperature is very high outside, should monitor his actions, as well as the words in the team, because such a vision means a tense situation around the dreamer, as the Eastern Dream Book believes .

    Another version of the Lunar Dream Book: a career will take off at a rapid pace if you dreamed that the mercury column of the thermometer was frozen in the upper divisions of the scale. I agree with this interpretation and the dream book of pastor Loff. Its interpretation is similar: you diligently built your path to the heights of your career, so if in a dream the thermometer notes that it is hot outside, then this means a completely natural and well-deserved promotion.

    When the degrees are in favor, or you'll be healthy!

    Do you want to know why the high temperature in the steam room is dreaming? There is nothing complicated! According to almost every interpreter, such dreams predict excellent health and well-being. For a sick person, a dream promises a speedy recovery.

    Dream interpretation high temperature

    Dream interpretation high temperature

    A column of a mercury thermometer creeping up in dreams often indicates ongoing malfunctions in the body. Such a sign will hint at an unsuccessful fight against infection, the consequences of which will affect the dreamer soon after sleep. Will fever always be interpreted as a harbinger of diseases, the dream book will tell.

    According to the esoteric interpreter, the feeling of heat and ache in the bones in a dream warns of impending problems, both moral and physical, but security measures taken in time will keep the body and mind healthy.

    As the modern dream book says, the temperature will hint at unsolved problems that exist in reality, oppressive thoughts in the head, personal problems.

    Fast and clear

    Experiencing fever or fever while sleeping

    In order not to waste time looking for that one true prediction, dream books provide short interpretations for viewing by dreamers.

    • If you have a fever in dreams, then your health will deteriorate.
    • Intense heat can be seen as a sign of unexpected events that will shock.
    • A vision with body temperature measurement symbolizes upcoming changes.

    If the thermometer shows a temperature below 40 and above, then a flurry of hard-to-control emotions will fall upon the sleeping person.

    The degrees are creeping up

    The high temperature in the steam room is identified with good health and longevity.

    For birthdays in May-August, the interpreter gives conflicting meanings. For patients, rising degrees promise a speedy recovery. For healthy people, on the contrary, dreams promise a deterioration in well-being.

    Seeing high degrees on a thermometer

    According to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov, the heat represents criticism from close relatives.

    The dreamer will receive bad news when the head is spinning due to the heat in the bath.

    Influenza, fever, other diseases

    Why dream of a temperature that is kept at around 37-38? Reality will provide the sleeping person with the opportunity to correct the current situation, it is only necessary not to miss the fateful chance.

    The future of his family depends entirely on the dreamer if, according to the plot, he intends to measure the temperature.

    Feeling the chills according to the scenario of visions, the dream book will tell you that now is not the best period for the implementation of plans.

    What does a fever mean in a dream? Beware of failure, interpreter Miss Hasse insists.

    summer heat

    I dreamed about the heat on the street - feelings of love will flood in, a desire to create will appear.

    Dream of summer heat

    The Eastern dream book warns that in reality you need to follow the statements, sayings, so as not to incur the wrath of the team if the midday heat is dreamed.

    According to the lunar predictor, the higher the degrees on the thermometer creep, the faster a person adapts to a new workplace.

    The "hot" story will tell about a career take-off, the implementation of global ideas, - Loff's interpreter believes.

    Miller's opinion

    How does a psychoanalyst explain fever or chills?

    • The heat may be dreamed of by someone who finds himself in an awkward position.
    • As Miller believes, a fever in a baby will indicate existing problems at work.
    • The absence of a shadow, high air temperature is associated with future obstacles and obstacles.

    Unspokenness torments a person who constantly becomes ill in dreams due to a sharply rising temperature.

    Other interpretations

    Urgent matters will wait if you have a fever, warns the spring dream book.

    Your mood is changeable when the degrees are on the bar measuring instrument bouncing up and down.

    Fever, influenza, acute respiratory infections loved one may be seen as a symbol of the existing abyss of misunderstanding between the dreamer and the hero of dreams.

    Temperature measurement will tell about upcoming intrigues, spreading gossip.

    Why dream of temperature

    What if the temperature is dreaming?

    What portends?

    Add to calendar

    Dream Interpretation Temperature, why dream Temperature in a dream to see

    From this article, you can find out why the Temperature is dreaming from the dream books of different authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of dreams on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

    Why dream of Temperature: interpretation of sleep according to 75 dream books

    What is the temperature for in a dream in autumn?

    Temperature - Temperature means a change in health, for the sick - for recovery, for the healthy - for illness.

    What is the temperature for in summer?

    Temperature - You will be shocked.

    Why dream of temperature in spring?

    What does Temperature mean - To a change in mood.

    Why dream of temperature, interpretation:

    Temperature - If you dream that you have a fever, this means that you are ready to get sick, but if you take action in advance, then the disease can be prevented. The same applies to those who you dream about. You can control your own health by measuring the temperature. Don't neglect this opportunity.

    Why is the temperature dreaming?

    Temperature - get sick in reality. To see someone have a temperature - this person will get sick.

    Why is the temperature dreaming?

    Temperature, heat in a dream - you will be overwhelmed by strong emotions in reality.

    Why dream Temperature by day of the week:

    Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

    • If you dream about temperature in a dream from Sunday to Monday
    • What is the dream of Temperature according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
    • If you dream Temperature from Tuesday to Wednesday
    • If you dream about temperature according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
    • What is the dream of Temperature from Thursday to Friday
    • If you dream about temperature in a dream from Friday to Saturday
    • Why dream Temperature in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

    Wed March 02, 2016, 12:58:40 PM

    The temperature in the dream book. Tell your dream:

    Mandatory fields are marked with * .

    Dream Interpretation High temperature dreamed of why a high temperature is dreaming in a dream

    High temperature - It is a dream that you have a high temperature - then in the near future you can catch a cold and get sick.

    If you dream that your friend or relative is sick, then your business will decline.

    What is the dream of High temperature according to the dream book:

    Recovering in a dream after a high temperature - then you have nothing to worry about, your position is stable.

    It is a dream that you have a high temperature and an exacerbation of the condition - then you will honorably overcome the difficulties of fate and achieve your goal.

    See also: why dream of raving, why dream of illness, why dream of fever.

    dream book of morpheus

    Dream Interpretation Online. Interpretation of dreams and dreams.


    Why dream of temperature

    Having a high temperature in a dream is an unexpected failure, in some cases, a sharp deterioration in your well-being. Measure the temperature - a warning of danger. Be careful doing business with strangers. To see a thermometer in a dream - close friends will set you up soon, so be careful. To find that a loved one has a fever - you will not take seriously someone's promise, and subsequently you will suffer because of this. Calculating the average annual temperature is a sign that you are destined to do some kind of noble deed.

    According to the esoteric dream book, if you find yourself having a high temperature in a dream, you run the risk of getting sick. It is still possible to prevent the disease by taking appropriate measures in advance. If you dreamed of a person with a high temperature, all of the above is true for him. Measuring your body temperature in a dream is a sign that you can manage your own health yourself. Be sure to take advantage of this. To see a thermometer in a dream - you will easily achieve your goal. To use a thermometer for air or water for its intended purpose is a call not to do anything important and not to make sudden gestures until you consider in detail all the little things and possible consequences.

    Miss Hasse believes that the thermometer is dreaming of an unclear relationship at work. Have you read alternative versions of what a dream about temperature promises? Write it in the comments.

    house of dreams

    what does every dream mean

    Dream interpretation temperature in a child

    Why dream of temperature

    Often in a dream a person sees himself or his relatives and friends. Unfortunately, these are not always happy dreams, very often we see an unhealthy person or ourselves sick. A dream in which the temperature rises is a warning about a disease that can be prevented.

    Such dreams are useful in that they give a sign, thanks to which unpleasant situations can be avoided. You need to know why the temperature is dreaming, especially if in reality a person feels unwell. In that case, this is good dream. It means a partial deliverance from ailments or a complete recovery. If the sleeper is actually healthy, but his temperature rises in a dream, this is a signal of a disease that can be prevented by taking action. For example, at the slightest hint of acute respiratory infections, treatment should be started immediately.

    Did you dream about the temperature that the dreamer measured on his own? He has a gift to some extent manage his health - you need to use it skillfully, not allowing yourself too much, then he will help to keep himself in shape for many years.

    Another interpretation says that sleep temperature means criticism from the outside. Such a dream can promise mood swings and extremes of "laughter and tears." If a person dreamed that his temperature rose sharply, this is a harbinger of failure. Often such a dream portends a deterioration in well-being.

    If another person's temperature rose in a dream, this means that the sleeper will not believe someone's promises, but then you will regret it.

    Dream Interpretation Temperature

    What is the dream of Temperature in a dream from a dream book?

    Have elevated temperature bodies - unforeseen circumstances worsen the state of your affairs.

    You want to measure it - be vigilant when dealing with strangers, there is a high probability of deception.

    Dream Interpretation: Why dream about temperature

    Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Temperature

    Very soon you will suffer an unexpected failure that will disrupt all your plans for the near future - this predicts a dream where you have a very high temperature. After such a dream, you need to monitor your health, as it can deteriorate dramatically.

    If you dream that you are measuring your temperature, then you need to be careful, as this dream warns of impending danger. You should not enter into communication with unfamiliar people.

    You will rely on a person who promises to help you in some business, but in vain - this is warned by a dream about a high temperature that your relative has risen.

    In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about temperature mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see the temperature in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

    High body temperature

    Dream Interpretation High body temperature dreamed of why in a dream High body temperature? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see High body temperature in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - High Temperature

    Seeing yourself with a high temperature is a success in all matters.

    Dream Interpretation - Temperature

    Temperature - If you dream that you have a fever, this means that you are ready to get sick, but if you take action in advance, then the disease can be prevented. The same applies to those who you dream about. Measure the temperature - you are able to manage your own health. Don't neglect this opportunity.

    Dream Interpretation - Temperature

    Temperature means a change in health, for the sick - for recovery, for the healthy - for illness.

    Dream Interpretation - Body

    Your body. Seeing your body healthy, beautiful, smooth - good sign. For a sick person, such a dream promises recovery, for a healthy one - vivacity and an increase in strength. If a girl or a young man dreams of his own body, on which something characteristic of the opposite sex has appeared (for example, a girl may have hairy legs, like a man, and a young man may have female breasts), such a dream may portend an imminent marriage. If such a dream is dreamed of by someone who has already married, the dream is not very favorable. It means an affair on the side, which is a danger to marriage.

    Dream Interpretation - Body

    Seeing the naked body of your wife is a great happiness.

    Dream Interpretation - Body

    The way you see yourself in a dream says a lot about your own vision of your body in real life. Sometimes in a dream you appear in your real “bodily shell”, and sometimes your body seems to you either ideal or ugly. It is a reflection of how you feel and how you think you look in the eyes of others. As a rule, thinking about your own body reflects how you feel about yourself as a person.

    Dream Interpretation - Body

    If you dream that your body has become larger than usual, then severe trials await you, experiencing, because of which you can make yourself sick. If the body in a dream is naked, then you will find great shame, shame, humiliation. The dream in which you saw injuries on the body predicts trouble and warns of danger. See interpretation: wounds.

    Dream Interpretation - Body

    To dream of a fat body, with countless folds of fat, portends health problems. A slender tanned body is a sign of success in love, constant attention from men. A bleeding body - trouble with a loved one, slashed with scars - to difficult trials, tattooed - you will experience oppression.

    Dream Interpretation - Body (body parts)

    According to its dream meaning, it is closer to the physical and mental state of a person. It is also surprising that the various parts of the body down to the cellular micro level have their own consciousness, i.e. they have their own mind! From this point of view, a dream is an integrated manifestation of the consciousness of various layers of the psyche, expressed by parts of the body of the sleeping person himself. According to the symbolic meanings of these parts of the body, various physiological disorders and diseases can be predicted in advance. At the same time, individual parts of the body have a closer symbolism of their own in their eventual life expression. For example: "teeth" (depending on the type) reflect the general state of health or ill health of the sleeping person or indicate other people (relatives); "back" refers to our past; "hands" is a matter, action, the nearest field of our activity; "hair" attractiveness, expression of vitality and mood; "legs of the course of events"; "skin" sensitivity, vulnerability; "eyes" views of the world; "head" chief, etc.

    Dream Interpretation - High

    A large and high door, gate - portends wealth and nobility.

    Can a child have a fever in a dream for no reason. Just because he is sleeping.


    For no reason, the temperature does not rise! it's hard to judge just by words. If the child was absolutely not worried about anything, then the reasons may be the following: overexcitation (he played actively for a long time), dressed or was dressed too warmly, an allergic reaction to some product, roared or freaked out for a long time and stubbornly before going to bed, too warm and stuffy at home.

    If something bothered him, then probably the inflammatory process in the body: it activates defensive forces body, especially at night, as the natural processes in the body slow down during sleep. You need to see a doctor.

    In general, children often have an increase in temperature, but this is usually a one-day affair for the above reasons.

    can't without a reason

    Olga Skorishchenko

    no, it can’t, in a dream, on the contrary, the body temperature usually drops, as all processes in the body slow down! usually if the temperature rises at night, then this is 90% the beginning of SARS IN THE MORNING CALL YOUR PEDIATRIST!

    Can't do it without a reason! Even if just sleeping! There is a reason.

    they can piss because they are sleeping. And the temperature is unlikely!

    Golden Fox

    On the contrary, there should be a cold forehead.

    teeth or cold

    Depending on what age the child has, if they are breastfeeding, their heat transfer has not yet returned to normal. then yes it can be... wrapped + diaper .. can rise. Here you need to look at his condition and behavior ... And if the baby is already big, then for no reason the temperature does not rise. .

    Marina Putilina

    no. What is the child's age.

    Oksana Vlasyuk

    Doubtful. Measure it in the morning and call your doctor. Before the new year, we had been ill with intestinal flu, it started with a temperature, and until the doctor examined, we thought that it was a common cold. And then 3 more family members, including my husband and I, “fell down.” We still cannot understand where this infection came from.

  • Temperature

    Why dream of temperature

    Having a high temperature in a dream is an unexpected failure, in some cases, a sharp deterioration in your well-being. Measure the temperature - a warning of danger. Be careful doing business with strangers. To see a thermometer in a dream - close friends will set you up soon, so be careful. To find that a loved one has a fever - you will not take seriously someone's promise, and subsequently you will suffer because of this. Calculating the average annual temperature is a sign that you are destined to do some kind of noble deed.

    According to the esoteric dream book, if you find yourself having a high temperature in a dream, you run the risk of getting sick. It is still possible to prevent the disease by taking appropriate measures in advance. If you dreamed of a person with a high temperature, all of the above is true for him. Measuring your body temperature in a dream is a sign that you can manage your own health yourself. Be sure to take advantage of this. To see a thermometer in a dream - you will easily achieve your goal. To use a thermometer for air or water for its intended purpose is a call not to do anything important and not to make sudden gestures until you consider in detail all the little things and possible consequences.

    Dream interpretation high temperature

    A column of a mercury thermometer creeping up in dreams often indicates ongoing malfunctions in the body. Such a sign will hint at an unsuccessful fight against infection, the consequences of which will affect the dreamer soon after sleep. Will fever always be interpreted as a harbinger of diseases, the dream book will tell.

    According to the esoteric interpreter, the feeling of heat and ache in the bones in a dream warns of impending problems, both moral and physical, but security measures taken in time will keep the body and mind healthy.

    As the modern dream book says, the temperature will hint at unsolved problems that exist in reality, oppressive thoughts in the head, personal problems.

    Fast and clear

    Experiencing fever or fever while sleeping

    In order not to waste time looking for that one true prediction, dream books provide short interpretations for viewing by dreamers.

    • If you have a fever in dreams, then your health will deteriorate.
    • Intense heat can be seen as a sign of unexpected events that will shock.
    • A vision with body temperature measurement symbolizes upcoming changes.

    If the thermometer shows a temperature below 40 and above, then a flurry of hard-to-control emotions will fall upon the sleeping person.

    The degrees are creeping up

    The high temperature in the steam room is identified with good health and longevity.

    For birthdays in May-August, the interpreter gives conflicting meanings. For patients, rising degrees promise a speedy recovery. For healthy people, on the contrary, dreams promise a deterioration in well-being.

    Seeing high degrees on a thermometer

    According to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov, the heat represents criticism from close relatives.

    The dreamer will receive bad news when the head is spinning due to the heat in the bath.

    Influenza, fever, other diseases

    Why dream of a temperature that is kept at around 37-38? Reality will provide the sleeping person with the opportunity to correct the current situation, it is only necessary not to miss the fateful chance.

    The future of his family depends entirely on the dreamer if, according to the plot, he intends to measure the temperature.

    Feeling the chills according to the scenario of visions, the dream book will tell you that now is not the best period for the implementation of plans.

    What does a fever mean in a dream? Beware of failure, interpreter Miss Hasse insists.

    summer heat

    I dreamed about the heat on the street - feelings of love will flood in, a desire to create will appear.

    Dream of summer heat

    The Eastern dream book warns that in reality you need to follow the statements, sayings, so as not to incur the wrath of the team if the midday heat is dreamed.

    According to the lunar predictor, the higher the degrees on the thermometer creep, the faster a person adapts to a new workplace.

    The “hot” story will tell about a career take-off, the implementation of global ideas, Loff’s interpreter believes.

    Miller's opinion

    How does a psychoanalyst explain fever or chills?

    • The heat may be dreamed of by someone who finds himself in an awkward position.
    • As Miller believes, a fever in a baby will indicate existing problems at work.
    • The absence of a shadow, high air temperature is associated with future obstacles and obstacles.

    Unspokenness torments a person who constantly becomes ill in dreams due to a sharply rising temperature.

    Other interpretations

    Urgent matters will wait if you have a fever, warns the spring dream book.

    Your mood is changeable when the degrees on the measuring instrument jump up and down.

    Fever, flu, acute respiratory infections in a loved one can be seen as a symbol of the existing abyss of misunderstanding between the dreamer and the hero of dreams.

    Temperature measurement will tell about upcoming intrigues, spreading gossip.

    If you dreamed that you had a high temperature, then perhaps you should pay attention to your health. There is also a possibility that when you see a mercury column in a dream that “ran away” up, you should be prepared for the fact that a period is coming when danger will follow you around. Therefore, interpreting what the fever is dreaming of, dream books recommend paying attention to all the nuances.

    Miller's dream book

    Did you dream that you had a fever and a high temperature? This unpleasant vision means that you can find yourself in a very tense position, with an intensity of relationships and feelings. Did the fever overtake the child? A dream is a reflection of problems in business or at work.

    But, the sultry weather seen in a dream means some factors beyond your control that will interfere with you and your plans.

    Brief interpretations

    If you want to get concise answers to your question of what a high temperature is dreaming of, then turn your attention to brief interpretations.

    • In a dream, you had a fever - to a sharp deterioration in health.
    • Fevers someone else - be careful in making decisions.
    • See that you are measuring the temperature - luck depends on your ability to concentrate.
    • Midday heat is a sign that a career can skyrocket.
    • The hot air of the bath symbolizes excellent health and high performance.

    Fever as a symbol of danger

    The simplest interpretation of sleep, explaining why body heat is dreaming, is given by Miss Hasse's dream book: beware of diseases! And in the Modern Dream Book there is another version: a high body temperature is a sign of an unexpected and offensive failure. Especially if the fever happened suddenly and asymptomatically.

    Do you see in a dream that one of your friends is rushing about in a fever? This dream promises suffering and grief due to the fact that you do not take seriously someone's promises. Bringing down body temperature in a dream - to the solution of all those issues that cause difficulties.

    Summer heat is a sign of career achievements

    Anyone who dreamed that looking at the thermometer outside the window, he sees that the air temperature is very high outside, should monitor his actions, as well as the words in the team, because such a vision means a tense situation around the dreamer, as the Eastern Dream Book believes .

    Another version of the Lunar Dream Book: a career will take off at a rapid pace if you dreamed that the mercury column of the thermometer was frozen in the upper divisions of the scale. I agree with this interpretation and the dream book of pastor Loff. Its interpretation is similar: you diligently built your path to the heights of your career, so if in a dream the thermometer notes that it is hot outside, then this means a completely natural and well-deserved promotion.

    When the degrees are in favor, or you'll be healthy!

    Do you want to know why the high temperature in the steam room is dreaming? There is nothing complicated! According to almost every interpreter, such dreams predict excellent health and well-being. For a sick person, a dream promises a speedy recovery.