Unrest broke out on Russky Island. “The most prestigious university has fallen into decay”

Far East residents drew attention to the first ranking of Russian universities in terms of Forbes versions, where closer to the end - in 89th place - was FEFU in Vladivostok. Moreover, he is the only representative of the Far Eastern Federal District in this top 100, although there are universities not only in Primorye, but also in the Khabarovsk Territory, as well as in Kamchatka, in the Sakhalin Region and other subjects. In Yakutia - federal university, North-Eastern named after M.K. Ammosov.

The compilers of the rating evaluated domestic universities according to 10 parameters, divided into three groups: the quality of education, the quality of graduates and the Forbes factor. The latter takes into account the "eliteness" of the educational institution and the share of entrepreneurs in the total number of graduates. As a result, the Far Eastern Federal University earned a final score of 36.09 and lost to several brethren in other parts of the country. Yeltsin Ural Federal University in Yekaterinburg took 49th place (38.18 points in total), Southern Federal University in Rostov-on-Don - 42nd place (38.40), Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University - 19th place (42.07) .

Note that out of 600 Russian institutions and universities they published only 100, and the fact that the Forbes rating is commercial, - commented to Komsomolskaya Pravda, a professor at the Pacific State University Ildus Yarulin. - The compilers are interested not so much in the quality of education as in the number of graduates who left this university for business, and how successful this business is. This is not a purely academic ranking, but still a little different. If we talk about education, then what rating can FEFU have if teachers and parents of students are now demanding the resignation of the rector Nikita Anisimova? In addition, judging by the VTsIOM research, in Russia it is considered: the lowest level of education is in the Far East, although in fact hardly anyone in Moscow knows what education in the Far East is. Experts are always indicated in a good rating - who took part. Who is in the Forbes rating from the Far East? Unclear. But they have already given their assessment.

The discussed ranking of universities-2018 was headed by the Russian School of Economics (Moscow) with 50.73 points. As for FEFU, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation urgently flew to Vladivostok to sort out its problems Olga Golodets. Formally, she now oversees only culture, tourism and sports, but at the same time she visited the campus on Russky Island several times and knows the situation from the inside.

At the time of publication of this material, 1009 people have already signed the leadership of the country with a demand to "remove the rector and the team of invited leaders of the Far Eastern Federal University." Muscovite Nikita Anisimov headed the university on August 18, 2016 in the status of acting. rector, and only on December 14, 2017 the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev confirmed him in office.

The largest and once prestigious university in the Far East fell into decay. Persons from other regions who do not have the proper work experience and specialized education were invited to leadership positions. During this time, almost all experienced and competent employees who had worked at the university (including universities before their merger) for more than a dozen years were fired. In their place, the rector invited young, inexperienced managers. The cuts continue. Personnel optimization announced. But the leadership of the departments from invited specialists continues to grow, - emphasize the authors of the petition addressed to the president, prime minister, chairmen of the State Duma and the Federation Council.

Parents of students and staff of FEFU are also dissatisfied with the "planned campaign" to liquidate all branches of the university and the too high cost of tuition for programs higher education for 2018 - "significantly higher than for similar specialties in other universities in the region and central Russia." As a result, there is an outflow of young people aged 18-25 from the Primorsky Territory.


Passing score

The "Passing Score" column shows the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of exams).

What is it and why is it important?

Admission to a university is based on the results of three or four USE(A maximum of 100 points can be scored for each exam). In addition, some universities (Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO) are allowed to take an additional exam in a specialized subject for the chosen specialty. For some specialties, it is also required to pass professional or creative exam. For each additional exam, you can score a maximum of 100 points. When enrolling, individual achievements (portfolio) are also taken into account, such as the final school essay, certificate of excellence, TRP badge, volunteering. A maximum of 10 points can be awarded for an applicant's portfolio.

Passing score for any specialty at a particular university is the minimum total score with which an applicant was enrolled during the last admission campaign.

In fact, we know with what points it was possible to enter last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows with what score you can enter this or next year. This will depend on how many applicants and with what scores they will apply for this specialty, as well as on how many budget places will be allocated. Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you to estimate your chances of admission with a high degree of probability, so it is worth focusing on them, this is important.

International rankings of the highest educational institutions become more and more popular in our country. At the end of July, Webometrics published a rating of university websites, which included Russian, including Far Eastern, universities.

The rating is carried out by a research group from Spain "Laboratorio de Internet" (http://internetlab.cindoc.csic.es/), which studies the educational and scientific activity on the Internet. The authors of the Webometrics project emphasize that this rating analyzes not the scientific and educational activities of universities in general, but the "representation" of the university in the Internet space. Thus, the place of the university depends on the quality of the university website, reflecting the educational and scientific achievements. The rating is carried out twice a year - in January and July.

Pacific State University (PNU) from Khabarovsk. In the all-Russian list, PNU is in 25th place, and in the world ranking it is in 1624th place.

Khabarovsk state academy economics and law– 31st place in Russia, 1793rd place in the world ranking, 2 in the Far Eastern Federal District;

— D Alne-Vostochny Federal University– 56th place in Russia, 2423rd place in the world ranking, 3rd place in the Far Eastern Federal District;

— Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service ( VSUES) - 98th in Russia, 3239th in the world ranking, 4th in the Far Eastern Federal District.

The rest of the higher education institutions that were included in the ranking of websites were distributed in the following order:

— Far Eastern State medical University- 166th place in Russia, 4272 - in the world ranking;

— Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelsky - 177th place in Russia, 4316 - in the world ranking;

- Amur State University - 188th in Russia, 4645th in the world ranking;

— Far Eastern State Transport University — 197th in Russia, in the world ranking at 4,769th place;

— Far Eastern State agricultural university– 226th in Russia, 5329th in the world ranking;

— Kamchatka State Technical University- 240 in Russia, 5548 in the world ranking;

- Sakhalin State University - 269 in Russia, 6131 in the world ranking;

- Far Eastern State University for the Humanities - 270 in Russia, 6153 in the world ranking;

- Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University - 274 in Russia, 6228 in the world ranking;

- Vladivostok State Medical University - 275 in Russia, 6263 in the world ranking;

- Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University - 387 in Russia, 8602 in the world ranking.

The farthest region from the center of our country is the Far East of Russia, united into a single Far Eastern Federal District with the center in Khabarovsk. This is a unique region that includes three regions (Amur, Magadan and Sakhalin), three territories (Kamchatsky, Primorsky and Khabarovsk), as well as the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The Far East covers 36% of the territory of Russia, where only 6.226 million people live (1 person per 1 km of area).

Despite its remoteness from the center and vast territory, the Far East is one of those regions that care not only about the development of the economy, but also the development of the education system, which includes more 50 universities high enough level. But the level of popularity of these educational institutions is completely different.

Rating compiled by Interfax news agency

Based on the rating most wanted and popular in the region is DFU -, which received 100 points in each of the evaluated categories. The most important factor in this victory was the active participation of the university in international activities. Also topping the list are NEFU named after Ammosov(Yakutsk), and VGUES (Vladivostok).

If we look at the results of the introductory campaign in 2014, then along with the indicated universities, VSMU (Vladivostok) is very popular among applicants, Moscow State University named after Nevelskoy(Vladivostok) and KnAGTU (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), where the most relevant specialties were law and economics(more than 30 applicants for a place), dentistry and oil and gas specialties(more than 20 applicants for a place).

Rating of universities, which is compiled annually by the V. Potanin Foundation

This fund finances scholarship program, which is used to select the best students our country.

In 2013 in the list of the best universities in Russia:

  • Pacific State University- 21st place.
  • Far Eastern Federal University- 45th place.
  • - 46th place.
  • - 48th place.
  • DGUPS - 49th place.

If the domestic rankings of universities can be called the most objective in terms of the requirements that apply to them by the current legislation in the country, then the most prestigious are still international ratings. After all, it is they who determine the compliance with modern trends and the requirements of students of the conditions created in various universities for obtaining a quality education.

International ranking

  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service- 2565 place.
  • Far Eastern Federal University- 3045 place.
  • NEFU named after Ammosov- 3500 place.
  • Amur State University- 3746 place.

If we take such an indicator as the academic reputation of the university, then the determining factor in this case will be the entry of the university into the rating of an international agency QS World University Ranking. The only Far Eastern university that made it into this ranking this year was NEFU named after Ammosov, which, along with other universities, shares 151-200 lines.