Complications after antibiotics. Antibiotics: consequences of use

The benefits and harms of antibiotics depend on the specific disease and the individual characteristics of the organism. First of all, you should know what these compounds are, what is their classification.

Antibiotics are a group of drugs whose action is aimed at suppressing bacteria, microbes, fungi and other microorganisms in the body that provoke infectious diseases.

What are antibiotics and their properties

The main property of the compounds of this series, which distinguish them from other drugs, is a selective effect. They are aimed at blocking specific microorganisms or their groups, while not having a negative effect on other types of bacteria, etc.

Features of the action of antibacterial drugs:

  1. A gradual decrease in the therapeutic effect due to the fact that the cells of a microorganism get used to their effects over time.
  2. The activity of drugs does not occur in the tissues of the body, but in the cells pathogenic bacteria.

Antibiotics are classified according to the method of preparation:

  1. Natural.
  2. artificially synthesized.
  3. Obtained by chemical modification of natural substances.

The presented classification is conditional, since many "natural" medicines are obtained exclusively by chemical synthesis.

Why antibiotics are harmful to the body

The harm from the use of such dosage forms due to the fact that they affect the internal organs and systems. The negative effect is also due to the decay products of pathogenic bacteria that have a toxic effect on the organs and tissues of the body.

Liver after taking antibiotics

The liver is most susceptible to harmful effects, since the decay products of one or another antibacterial drug pass through it. The following phenomena may be observed:

  1. The appearance of inflammatory processes both in the liver itself and in the gallbladder.
  2. Negative effect on the metabolic process, which can lead to serious consequences.
  3. Pain syndrome - occurs when the course of treatment with drugs of this group is delayed.
  4. Gallbladder dysfunction.

Depending on the properties of a particular drug, other effects may occur.

Stomach and pancreas after taking antibiotics

Antibiotics affect the stomach and pancreas. The main harm is an increase in the level of acidity of gastric juice. Symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting often occur when the dosage of drugs is exceeded.

How antibiotics affect the heart

Medicines can be harmful to the cardiovascular system. This usually appears as:

  1. Skachkov blood pressure both as an increase and as a decrease.
  2. Arrhythmias, palpitations.

Some drugs can increase the risk associated with the occurrence of dangerous situations, up to cardiac arrest. This is true for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The effect of antibiotics on the kidneys

The kidneys are the second organ most susceptible to the harmful effects of drugs in this direction. Negative manifestations are expressed in:

  1. Impaired kidney function.
  2. Changes in urine indicators, its smell and color.

Antibiotics are harmful to the kidneys due to the fact that they can have a devastating effect on the epithelium that covers the organ from the outside.

The effect of antibiotics on the nervous system

Some drugs may cause adverse reactions from the nervous system. These include:

  1. Lethargy and a significant slowdown in reaction.
  2. Dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, impaired coordination and dizziness.
  3. Impaired short-term memory and concentration.

Effects on blood and urine tests

Medicines in this group affect the main parameters of blood and urine, which must be taken into account when taking tests.

Major stat changes:

  1. Decreased production of red blood cells.
  2. Reducing the content of leukocytes.
  3. Certain drugs increase the amount of histamines.
  4. Decreased platelet count.
  5. Decreased levels of calcium and potassium.
  6. Decreased hemoglobin.
  7. Decreased platelet count.
  8. Influence on blood clotting.

Important! These changes are typical when taking certain medications, that is, the negative effect varies depending on the antibiotic taken.

The impact on the performance of urine tests can be as follows:

  1. Change in color and smell.
  2. Change in acidity level.

The vast majority of these drugs affect blood counts more than urine.

The effect of antibiotics on potency

Most of the antibiotics used in modern medicine do not harm the health of men and their reproductive functions. During the course of treatment, some dysfunction may be observed, but it is associated not so much with the properties of the drugs, but with the general condition of the body, which spends the internal resource to fight the infection. Sexual function is fully restored after the completion of the course of treatment.

Why antibiotics are dangerous for children

These drugs are more harmful to children than to adults. Possible damage to the kidneys and liver, the occurrence of allergic reactions, pathological processes in the stomach and intestines. This effect of the drug on the children's body is manifested in more severe forms, so many drugs are contraindicated for children under 8 years of age. In addition, certain medications can have a negative impact on the formation of tissues during the growth and development of the child's body.

Is it possible to drink antibiotics during pregnancy

Many antibacterial drugs should not be used during pregnancy, with the exception of: penicillin, cephalosporin, macroids. They are the safest for pregnant women. Other drugs can provoke pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, adversely affect the bacterial flora of the reproductive organs and harm the fetus. Therefore, the appointment of antibiotics during this period is made taking into account the ratio of harm and benefit for both the expectant mother and the child.

The use of antibiotics should be minimized in the first trimester of pregnancy, since during this period all the main vital systems of the baby are formed.

Antibiotics while breastfeeding

Certain antibiotics are acceptable for breastfeeding women. If their use is necessary, breastfeeding after taking antibiotics is not recommended. The decision on drug therapy with these drugs should be made by the attending physician based on how harmful specific antibiotics are to the baby and what the woman needs.

Side effects from taking antibiotics

In general, taking these medications can cause the following side effects:

  1. Damage to the tissues of the liver and kidneys.
  2. The defeat of the nervous system, characterized by the appearance of dizziness and headaches, vestibular dysfunction.
  3. Negative effect on the microflora of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Damage to the oral mucosa and reproductive organs.
  5. Allergic reactions.
  6. Local reactions - dermatosis at the injection site and other pathologies of the skin.
  7. Increase in body temperature.
  8. Changes menstrual cycle. Menstruation after antibiotics may be delayed or, on the contrary, appear earlier. Pain syndrome may be observed.
  9. Antibiotics can be harmful to blood cells and cause anemia.

Important! Each drug has unique properties and list side effects. The easiest way to avoid them is to carry out treatment in strict accordance with medical recommendations.

Are there any benefits to antibiotics?

Despite the fact that taking antibiotics negatively affects the activity of certain organs and systems of the body, this class of drugs in most cases is beneficial. He destroys harmful bacteria and prevent their reproduction. The indispensability of antibacterial drugs is due to the fact that other medications may not provide the desired therapeutic effect in the treatment of bacterial infections. Therefore, the benefits and harms of antibiotics for the human body are determined in each case individually.

Indications for use

Diseases for which antibiotics are successful include:

  1. Pathology of the nasopharynx of bacterial origin.
  2. Infectious diseases of the skin.
  3. Bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.
  4. Bacterial infections of the genitourinary system.
  5. Intestinal and gastric pathologies provoked by pathogenic bacteria.
  6. Prevention of infections in injuries, for the treatment of purulent wounds.

The properties of antibiotics are such that their use is advisable for the treatment of pathologies provoked by pathogenic microflora.

How to drink antibiotics without harm to health

Antibacterial drugs are potent in their properties, therefore, in order for the treatment to take place with maximum benefit for the patient, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations:

  1. The main rule is not to self-medicate, not to adjust the timing of taking and dosage of drugs at your own discretion. Properly selected dosage is a guarantee that drugs will not cause adverse reactions and cause minimal harm to organs and tissues.
  2. Any potent medicine has a list of contraindications. The attending physician must take into account all diseases in the anamnesis, and the patient must carefully read the instructions for the drug prescribed by the doctor. Phenomena such as individual intolerance to a particular substance or allergic reactions can only be detected in the process of taking the medicine. In this case, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will replace the antibiotic with an acceptable option.
  3. Most of these medicines should be taken after meals to reduce the negative impact on stomach acid and intestinal microflora. For this reason, tablets should be taken big amount water.
  4. Antibacterial agents cannot be combined with simultaneous administration alcoholic beverages: at least it can reduce the effectiveness of treatment, in the worst case, it can have a serious negative effect on the body.
  5. Possible harm from drugs is often stopped by probiotics, i.e. substances with the opposite effect, which are taken only on the recommendation of a specialist.
  6. It is allowed to take vitamin-mineral complexes, which smooth out the harmful effects of antibiotics.

Consequences of uncontrolled use of antibiotics

Mass and uncontrolled self-treatment is a serious problem in medical practice. The use of medicines without prescription and control of a doctor is harmful and dangerous:

  1. Lack of effect and benefit. This class of medicines is aimed at the treatment of diseases of bacterial-infectious origin. If other factors have served as the cause of the disease, there is no effectiveness of treatment with drugs, but adverse reactions from their effects on the body remain.
  2. Reduced immunity and addiction. Harmful bacteria tend to adapt to the action of antibiotics, so the medication may not be useful in the long run. In addition, it can negatively affect healthy bacterial flora, which can cause a decrease in immunity.
  3. It has been proven that excessive use of antibiotics can increase the risk of cancer.
  4. The percentage of allergic reactions is high.

That is why medicines will be beneficial only if recommended by the attending physician.

Antibiotics and alcohol

In most cases, the simultaneous use of antibacterial agents and alcohol is contraindicated. Medicines in this group in themselves put a lot of stress on the liver and kidneys. Drinking alcohol can significantly increase the intoxication of these organs.

The effect of alcohol and antibiotics on the body is ambiguous. The pharmacokinetic characteristics of most drugs (and hence the benefits of use) are reduced, the negative effect on the liver is enhanced. Therefore, it is worth focusing on medical recommendations and rules for the use of a particular antibacterial agent.

How long does it take for antibiotics to leave the body?

The timing of the removal of antibiotics from the body in each case is individual. This is influenced by factors such as:

  1. drug properties.
  2. Individual properties of the organism, including the metabolic rate.
  3. Diet.
  4. characteristics of the disease.

The peak concentration of most substances in the blood occurs after eight hours. The average withdrawal time is from one day to a week after the end of the course.

How to restore the body after taking antibiotics

After the end of the course of treatment, you should help the body neutralize the negative effect of its use of drugs. This can be done using the following methods:

  1. Reception of vitamin complexes.
  2. Reception of probiotics, the properties of which will help restore the microflora.
  3. Adjustment of the daily diet, the use of products with a high content of biologically active substances. Dairy products are especially useful.
  4. When antibacterial drugs have an excessive effect on the liver, hepatoprotectors are prescribed to restore its functions.

Recovery will be quick if you strictly follow medical recommendations. Properly calculated dosage of the drug and treatment regimen is the key to a quick restoration of the functions of internal organs.


The benefits and harms of antibiotics are determined in each case individually. In most cases, the benefits of their use are quite tangible. For the treatment of diseases of bacterial origin, they are indispensable. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician.

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If a person at least once in his life was faced with the need to take antibiotics, then he is probably familiar with the importance of recovering from antibiotics. Antibiotics are an effective medicine in the fight against harmful microorganisms that cause infections and inflammations. We take these drugs during seasonal colds, as well as tissue inflammation, after operations, in order to prevent complications.

However, it's no secret that the antibiotics that have saved millions of lives also have back side. A kind of payment for their effectiveness is severe toxic effects and the death of beneficial microflora. Some of the new generation of drugs are already partially devoid of these shortcomings, but the vast majority of drugs against bacteria still leave behind unpleasant consequences.

Doctors, prescribing a course of antibacterial drugs, always tell the patient how to recover after taking a course of antibiotics. Sometimes in a hospital, a full-fledged rehabilitation is carried out after antibiotics, if a patient with immunodeficiency had to endure aggressive treatment. But in this article, we will rather talk about how to cleanse the body after antibiotics at home after a domestic situation: for example, treating a cold.

What are the harms of antibiotics

Before proceeding to the direct description of the recovery course, it should be explained why recovery after antibiotics is necessary. As already mentioned, after prolonged use of antibiotics, along with the pathogenic microflora, the beneficial microflora also dies - for example, digestive bacteria, which are harmless to humans and help digest food.

As a result, after the use of antibiotics, an imbalance of the intestinal microflora occurs (if we are talking about tablets, and not about antibiotics in ampoules or local remedies). The "vacant" place of dead bacteria immediately begins to be occupied by other microorganisms - either other bacteria or simple fungi, which begin to grow into the walls of the intestine, disrupting its activity.

Antibiotics affect the woman's body even more. For example, a common problem of the fair sex is the appearance of thrush after taking antibiotics. This is due to the fact that antibiotics, even taken in the form of tablets, can have a systemic effect on the body, acting not only in the intestines, but also on the mucous membranes.

Complications after antibiotic treatment can be very different. The main, and most harmless, are flatulence, diarrhea, prolonged constipation and other intestinal disorders. In severe cases, the liver is seriously affected and other toxic effects develop.

Once again, we note that recovery after taking antibiotics is a normal procedure that is included in the course of treatment. This does not mean that antibiotics are a bad remedy and you should avoid using them by all means (on the contrary, it can be dangerous for your health), but it is necessary to help your body wisely. It is also not necessary to engage in amateur activities - how to restore the body should either be prompted by the doctor, or the patient himself should coordinate his initiative with him.

Is it necessary to restore

Many supporters of a healthy lifestyle and treatment folk remedies so fanatically discussing the cleansing of the body of toxins after antibiotics, as if a person did not undergo a course of treatment, but was poisoned.

Firstly, the recovery of the body after taking antibiotics is not required for all patients. If a person, for example, is being treated for a cold or an inflammatory process, but does not have any serious chronic diseases, is not elderly and does not have an immunodeficiency, then a standard course of antibiotics cannot harm him. Another thing is if the course of treatment is delayed and side effects become apparent - diarrhea or flatulence appears, the supply of nutrients from the intestines is disrupted, and bloating may occur.

Secondly, rehabilitation after a course of antibiotic treatment is necessary not only as a recovery of the body after antibiotics, but, above all, as a recovery of the body after an illness. Bacteria themselves cause much more damage than antibiotic drugs can do, so the question should not be so much about how to recover from antibiotics, but rather how to recover and eliminate the consequences of an illness.

Thus, after a course of antibiotics, you need to drink drugs to restore the body to those people who:

  • were weakened at the time of treatment;
  • experience the side effects of antibiotics.

For other patients, after antibiotics, you only need to observe a sparing regimen, take a course of vitamins and have a good rest.

How to minimize the negative effects of antibiotics

In order not to think about how to restore the body after antibiotics, you need to follow the rules for taking them, which will help preserve beneficial microflora bacteria and the health of other organs.

First of all, you should know about antibiotics that you need to drink these drugs only as directed by a doctor and taking tests. The most toxic antimicrobial drugs are broad-spectrum drugs, it is much more effective to identify the pathogen at the very beginning of the disease by inoculating the flora and taking a selective drug.

Without a doctor's prescription, you should not drink antibiotic drugs in any case, because. this leads not only to intoxication of the body, but also to the fact that bacteria get used to the drug and become resistant to its effects. This is already dangerous not only for a particular person, but also for everyone who comes into contact with him.

The second golden rule is to take antibiotics strictly in the dosage and duration that was prescribed by the doctor. A smaller dose and duration may cause the bacteria to become resistant and survive, so it is necessary to drink the whole course, even if the patient seems to be already healthy.

Diet during and after the course of treatment is an important part of maintaining the microflora. After antibiotics, to restore the functioning of the liver and intestines, it is good to eat sour-milk products, cereals (especially oatmeal), bread containing wholemeal flour and bran, fruits and vegetables, lots of greens, nuts.

To eliminate symptoms such as flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, drink several glasses of kefir per day, or at least one glass at night. For those people who cannot stand the taste of kefir, there is an alternative - ryazhenka, sourdough, drinking yoghurts with a milder taste.

cleansing after antibiotics

The first stage of recovery after antibiotic treatment is completed is detoxification. At this stage, all toxins and toxins, as well as residual traces of the drug, must be removed from the body. How to cleanse the body after taking antibiotics? To do this, there are several basic techniques that you can both combine and choose one you like.

The main assistant in detoxification is activated charcoal. There are other drugs for removing toxins, but they are needed more for cases of poisoning. Better and cheaper for rehabilitation at home than activated charcoal, no other medicine can do it. The principle of action of coal is to absorb toxins, bind toxic substances to harmless complexes and remove them from the body. This remedy can be drunk after antibiotics for both children and adults - activated charcoal is absolutely harmless.

So, we found out how to cleanse the body, but how much should be treated with coal? And what medicine can replace it? Everything is individual here. Average term detoxification with activated charcoal is about 3 days, with a tendency to constipation, it is better to limit yourself to 1 day and repeat the intake of charcoal after normalization of the stool. You can replace black charcoal with white activated charcoal or any absorbent preparation, following the recommended dosage for it.

Another option is to drink a glass of warm boiled water every morning on an empty stomach. This rule can be combined with activated carbon and can be used not only as a recovery after treatment. This habit can be adopted at least for every day. However, people with diseased kidneys should take this rule with caution and first consult with their doctor.

IN ordinary life we do not notice that we do not drink enough clean water, replacing it with juices, coffee, and other liquids. It is noted that the body of those people who regularly drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day more harmoniously distributes adipose tissue and accumulates less toxins. Be sure to drink clean water in the morning, and up to one and a half liters during the day. This regimen helps to eliminate intestinal upset, flatulence, problems with stools. The functions of the intestines are restored.

Strengthening immunity after antibiotics

We figured out how to cleanse the body after antibiotics. The next step is to restore normal immunity and increase the endurance of the body. You can drink special preparations containing antioxidants after taking antibiotics, or you can drink natural remedies that act in the same way. So, what should be consumed after antibiotics, how to restore the body? To do this, you need to add dried fruits to your table (especially prunes and dried apricots), nuts (hazelnuts and almonds are natural remedies to improve immunity), greens (especially parsley), natural cocoa.

For many patients, the question is important - what to drink during the recovery course, except for kefir and water? The amount of liquid consumed can be supplemented with natural decoctions of herbs - for example, a decoction of nettle leaves. You can also use other herbs - for example, gastrointestinal collection, linden leaves and others. It is undesirable to drink coffee and strong tea, because. they can tire a weakened body and quickly dehydrate it.

With the normalization of the peristalsis of the stomach, more protein products can be introduced into the diet - lean meat and fish, eggs. It is undesirable in the early stages of recovery to overload the body with heavy, richly seasoned and fried foods. Give preference to poultry meat and fish, steamed or boiled. Do not get carried away with the use of sweets and muffins.

What to drink to further strengthen the body, the doctor must decide. Sometimes it happens that even seemingly harmless multivitamin complexes can harm health, because. against the background of an imbalance in the body, they act inadequately. So after taking a course of antibiotics, along with how to treat the disease, the doctor should suggest what measures to take for his rehabilitation.

Special additives

Despite the fact that the use of special drugs like Hilak Forte or Pancreatin seems obvious in terms of recovery after a course of treatment, this is not quite the right decision. Firstly, these are expensive drugs, without which a person can easily do without resorting to the rules healthy eating and corny by introducing fermented milk products into your diet. Secondly, drugs for the liver are not preventive and are intended to treat disorders of this organ, healthy people do not need to take them. Finally, thirdly, the effectiveness of various pro- and eubiotics has not yet been clinically proven.

The decision on whether to take this or that drug to restore microflora or liver function should be made by a doctor. It remains within the patient's right to use the information available to him to ascertain the effectiveness of a prescribed drug.

Healthy lifestyle

Despite the banality of this paragraph, compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle directly affects the dangers of antibiotics. Firstly, moderate physical activity before taking the drug reduces the risk of side effects, because. body with regular exercise physical education becomes more resilient and less prone to toxic effects. Secondly, physiotherapy after (not during!) the disease, it contributes to the speedy restoration of intestinal motility, the supply of tissues with oxygen, and hence the detoxification of the body.

The next item is proper nutrition and lack bad habits. These are one of the most important factors that affect liver health. It is the liver that bears the brunt of antibiotics, and because of the weakness of the liver, most of the toxic effects occur. Hepatocytes (liver cells) tend to restore their functions, and this process occurs much faster in those people who take care of their health.

Another important point that many people forget when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Timely diagnosis and compliance with medical prescriptions are the conditions under which treatment proceeds as quickly as possible, efficiently and without painful consequences for the patient. Therefore, in no case do not self-diagnose, self-medicate and do not take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.


Let's summarize the rules that will help maintain intestinal health and get minimal side effects when taking antibiotics.

  1. You need to constantly monitor your health. The healthier a person is before taking antibiotics, the less likely they are to have a toxic effect, and the faster the patient will recover from the disease.
  2. Trust medicine. It is necessary to consult doctors for help in a timely manner, drink medicines only as directed by a doctor, and follow medical prescriptions during the recovery period.
  3. Not everyone needs drugs to recover from antibiotics. This point is close to the previous one - trust the doctor's recommendations, ask them about the state of your body and the need for additional measures.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids and cleanse your body of toxins. Our body is a self-healing system that is able to correct almost any failures that occur in it. You just need to help her a little and remove toxic substances.
  5. Eat foods that improve bowel function and contain antioxidants. During the recovery period after an illness, do not load the body with heavy and unhealthy food.
  6. Don't heal what doesn't hurt. Do not fall for advertising tricks to buy a drug to improve liver function, if doctors have not identified violations of its work. A standard course of antibiotics during work is not capable of destroying liver cells.

And finally, be healthy and happy!

Hello everyone, this is Olga Ryshkova. Doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat conditions caused by bacteria, such as some respiratory infections, skin infections, and infected wounds. These drugs block vital processes in bacteria, either kill them or stop them from multiplying. This helps our natural immune system fight infection.

Different antibiotics work differently against bacteria. For example, penicillin destroys the cell walls of bacteria, and erythromycin stops protein building in bacteria.

Proper use of antibiotics is importance for the timely treatment of various infections, however, they can have side effects that cause other temporary health problems. Some of them can even cause more serious illnesses. What harm do antibiotics (i.e. antibacterial drugs) have on the human body?

Here are 10 consequences of the harmful effects of antibiotics on children and adults.

1. Diarrhea and constipation.

These are two common side effects of antibiotic use. Antibacterial drugs do not understand which bacteria are bad and which are good and upset the balance of the intestinal flora, killing the right microorganisms along with the infectious ones. This leads to antibiotic-associated diarrhea or constipation. Among them are cephalosporins, clindamycin, penicillin and fluoroquinolones.

The use of probiotics is effective in the prevention and treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and constipation. To prevent or treat this side effect, add probiotic yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut into your diet.

2. Nausea and vomiting.

While taking antibiotics such as penicillin and metronidazole, many people experience nausea and vomiting. These symptoms occur when antibiotics kill some of the good bacteria in your gut. There is bloating, nausea and vomiting, which are usually mild and transient. In this case, you can eat probiotic yogurt and drink ginger tea.

3. Vaginal fungal infections.

Candida fungus and other microorganisms living in a woman's vagina are harmless if naturally balanced. Antibiotics, such as clindamycin and tetracycline, used to treat infections, change the natural balance in favor of more fungi, killing beneficial bacteria. This leads to the development of a fungal infection. Its symptoms are profuse, white vaginal discharge, burning and itching. For treatment, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs.

4. Allergic reactions.

Some people are allergic to antibiotics such as penicillin and cephalosporins. Allergic reactions may include symptoms such as hives, skin rash, itching, swelling, shortness of breath, wheezing, runny nose, fever, and anaphylaxis.

In addition, studies show an association between the harmful effects of antibiotics on the fetus during pregnancy or childhood and subsequent asthma. Minimize your use of antibiotics and stay away from those you are allergic to. Report adverse reactions to your doctor so that he can change the drug.

5. Weakening of immunity.

Bacteria that are friendly to us gastrointestinal tract form a significant part of the body's immunity. Antibacterial drugs indiscriminately kill beneficial and harmful bacteria, and their long-term use significantly reduces the effectiveness of the immune system, thereby increasing the risk of developing secondary bacterial infections. Instead, include foods with antibiotic properties such as ginger, yogurt, oregano, grapefruit, turmeric, and garlic in your diet.

6. Risk of developing cancer.

Excessive use of antibiotics can cause oxidative stress and increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer - colon, breast, liver. Remember that antibiotics do not cure viral infections(flu, SARS, herpes) and do not take them unless absolutely necessary.

7. Damage to kidney function.

Some antibacterial drugs such as methicillin, vancomycin, sulfonamides, gentamicin, fluoroquinolones, gatifloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, streptomycin can be harmful to your kidneys. Studies have found an increased risk of acute kidney injury in men taking fluoroquinolones.

The kidneys remove unnecessary substances, regulate the balance of water and minerals in the blood, even a slight damage to them can cause serious problems. If you have a kidney disease, tell your doctor about it so that you can adjust your medication. And if you notice changes in urination, swelling, nausea and vomiting while taking antibiotics, consult a doctor.

8. Urinary tract infections.

Antibiotics used to treat certain conditions can cause urinary tract infections (UTIs), especially in children. They often destroy beneficial bacteria living near the urethra and promote the growth of dangerous microorganisms in the urinary tract and bladder. UTIs can be prevented by practicing good personal hygiene.

9. Diseases of the inner ear.

All members of the aminoglycoside family of antibiotics are toxic to the inner ear, where the drug can enter through the circulatory system or by diffusion from the middle ear into the inner ear. There is a higher risk of ototoxicity with the use of aminoglycosides in those who take drugs. Symptoms of ototoxicity are partial or profound hearing loss, dizziness, and tinnitus (temporary or permanent).

10. Reducing the effectiveness of birth control pills.

If you are taking birth control pills, rifampicin and similar drugs may make them less effective. This has been confirmed by research. When taking antibiotics, if you need to use contraception, ask your gynecologist to suggest other methods of contraception, such as progestogen injections, intrauterine devices.

How to take antibiotics without harm to health.

  • Remember that side effects vary from person to person and from antibiotic to antibiotic.
  • Drink plenty of water while taking antibiotics to avoid dehydration.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine.
  • Avoid eating spicy foods, switch to soft diets.
  • Do not take medicines without a doctor's prescription.
  • Complete the entire course of treatment so that the body receives the desired dosage.
  • Never take medication left over from a course of treatment.
  • Do not take antibiotics prescribed for someone else. Your infectious bacteria may differ from those for which the medicine was recommended.
  • Don't pressure your doctor to prescribe antibiotics for you to get well soon. Instead, ask about methods for relieving symptoms.
  • Use natural antibiotic products such as ginger, yogurt, honey, oregano, grapefruit, turmeric, and garlic to fight infections.

Although antibiotic treatment is often accompanied by a number of complications, after which it is not so easy to restore the body, these drugs continue to be actively used and prescribed to patients, including children and pregnant women.

What are antibiotics

Antibiotics are special substances of biological origin that can inhibit the growth of viruses, microbes and microorganisms or completely destroy them. Specificity of action is the main feature of antibiotics. That is, each specific type of pathogenic microorganisms is not susceptible to each type of antibiotics. It is this feature that formed the basis for the classification of modern antibiotics into drugs with a narrow spectrum of action (suppress the vital activity of microbes of one species) and a wide spectrum of action (destroy different kinds microorganisms).

Antibiotics are designed to help a person overcome an infectious disease, but it is extremely important not to cause additional harm to health. In order not to have to face serious complications, uncontrolled intake of such drugs is unacceptable - any drugs should be prescribed by a doctor and taken strictly under his control.

The negative effect of antibiotics on the body

Before listing the possible negative consequences of taking antibiotics, it should be noted that in a number of diseases, treatment with antibacterial drugs is an absolute necessity. We are talking about such pathologies as pneumonia, sepsis, purulent tonsillitis, etc. And if a short use of antibiotics can give a very good effect, then using them too long can lead to severe side effects:

  • There is a suppression of not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microflora in the body. This leads to the fact that a kind of “lifeless environment” is created in your body, in which only microorganisms with developed resistance can exist.
  • There is a violation of cellular respiration, which means that the access of oxygen to the tissues is significantly limited, that is, your body, as it were, goes into an anaerobic state.
  • Antibiotics also have a negative effect on the liver, clogging the bile ducts of this organ. Moreover, the negative impact is much stronger than from the regular use of alcohol.
  • The buffer systems of the liver, the main purpose of which is to compensate for toxic effects, are also rapidly depleted. Gradually, the liver radically changes its functions and instead of cleansing, it pollutes our body. In order to avoid this negative effect, in some cases our doctors prescribe drugs in addition to antibiotics to support the normal functioning of the liver.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics literally "turns off" our immune system.

This is only a small part of the harmful effects that antibiotics can have on the human body. Depending on the specific type of drug, this list may be updated. It is precisely because of such an extensive list of severe side effects that the specialists of our clinic try to resort to antibiotic treatment only in the most extreme cases, when other means are ineffective.

Antibiotics and microflora

You already know that the basis of the effects of antibiotics is the suppression and destruction of microflora. Our body, together with the microflora inhabiting it, form a stable homeostasis. Thus, the quality of our life activity is regulated precisely by the balance of all ongoing processes. Any antibiotic is an inhibitor that suppresses chemical reactions, including beneficial microbes, which negatively affects homeostasis.

In simple words, antibiotics within us provide a kind of temporary sterility. In such an environment, no microorganism except the pathogenic microbes themselves can exist, and this is fraught with the development of a variety of pathologies. It is completely wrong to believe that the microflora is able to quickly recover after such exposure. That is why our doctors, prescribing antibiotics to patients, also prescribe drugs that support the intestinal microflora.

Antibiotics during pregnancy

The use of antibiotics during pregnancy is a rather complex and controversial topic. Of course, you know that during this period it is undesirable to take any medications at all, but what if the body had to face a serious infection that threatens the fetus? The specialists of our clinic never prescribe antibiotic treatment pregnant women without serious indications. They may be sexual infections, pyelonephritis, pneumonia, etc.

When prescribing drugs, the gestational age must be taken into account. It is highly undesirable to use antibiotics in the first trimester, when the vital organs of the fetus are being formed. In this case, antibacterial drugs can damage the functions and organs of the child, causing congenital pathologies. If the treatment of the mother is still necessary, our doctors ensure the strictest control over the process of therapy, so that even the slightest complications occur, the drug can be discontinued.

If you had to undergo antibiotic treatment before pregnancy, but you are planning to conceive, then it is better to postpone it for two to three months. However, if the pregnancy came unplanned, do not worry: antibiotics, which were taken before the delay in menstruation, are unlikely to adversely affect the health of your child.

How to take antibiotics without harm to health

The main condition that must be met for effective treatment antibiotics with minimal harm to the body - this is taking drugs strictly according to the doctor's prescription, observing the dosage, the time of taking the medicines and the duration of the course of treatment. If you are taking any other medications, be sure to tell your doctor, as some medications may not be compatible with antibiotics. Also, during the course of treatment, you should refrain from drinking alcohol.

It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor if, while taking antibiotics, you have allergic reactions, as well as if you do not feel better, but to the existing clinical manifestations new pathological symptoms have been added.

So, as you can see, antibiotics are rather “insidious” medicines, which, on the one hand, cannot be dispensed with, but on the other hand, it can be quite difficult to recover after treatment with them. If there is an emergency, and our doctor has prescribed one or another antibiotic for you, strictly follow all prescriptions and do not stop the course of treatment, even if improvements occur quickly.

The drugs of this pharmaceutical group require a balanced approach to prescribing, but there are cases when they cannot be dispensed with. These are bacterial infections that caused an inflammatory process with purulent discharge, tissue damage, and a rise in temperature.

Diseases for which antibiotics are used:

    otitis media,

    Streptococcal acute tonsillitis,



    bacterial angina.

Viral diseases are not treated with antibiotics due to the futility of such measures. It should be remembered that antibacterial drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account side effects and contraindications.

Can antibiotics and antivirals be taken at the same time?

It is acceptable to take these drugs at the same time if superinfection occurs. This situation occurs during primary viral infection. The invasion of viruses weakens the immune system, against the background of this, pathogenic microflora is activated.

Superinfection occurs during the development of secondary bacterial pneumonia on the background of SARS, or with HIV infection. When a person is infected, bacterial diseases are also activated.

The human body reacts with an increase in temperature to infection with viruses and microbes, to the development of tumor processes and. The immune system initiates a similar reaction. Before starting antibiotic treatment, you should find out the cause of hyperthermia. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Pain and sore throat, cough, chills - characteristics influenza and SARS, in 90% of cases caused by viruses, not bacteria. Taking antibiotics with these symptoms is not only useless, but also dangerous - immunity will decrease and beneficial microflora will be destroyed.

If a combination of a viral and bacterial infection is diagnosed, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs. It is not easy to define this fine line even for a specialist with medical education. One of the signs of bacterial infection is hyperthermia, which does not reduce performance during the week, or temperature fluctuations.

When prescribing an antibiotic, the doctor focuses on clinical symptoms and on the results of laboratory tests. If the drug is prescribed correctly, after 1.5-2 days the temperature begins to decrease. The absence of positive dynamics indicates that the antibiotic was prescribed incorrectly and a replacement is required. If the course of treatment is completed too early, the disease may become chronic or relapse.

Can a sore throat be cured without antibiotics?

Treatment of bacterial tonsillitis, which is diagnosed in 90% of cases of this disease, is necessarily carried out with the use of antibacterial drugs. It is caused by a pathogenic bacterium beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A. Symptoms of bacterial tonsillitis: severe pain when swallowing saliva and food, purulent deposits on the tonsils.

Complications of angina when antibiotics are abandoned:

    Peritonsillar abscess - a formation filled with pus, causes high temperature, sharp pain in the throat.

    Acute rheumatic fever - affects the brain, heart, bone and joint apparatus.

    Acute glomerulonephritis is a violation of the urinary function due to an inflammatory process in the glomeruli of the kidneys.

The frequency of taking these drugs is not regulated. If during the illness, while taking antibacterial agents, the symptoms of the disease do not disappear, there may be a misdiagnosis. Here, it is already required to re-use antibiotics, and to clarify the diagnosis by conducting laboratory tests.

The variety of bacteria that led to re-infection, and their sensitivity to antibiotics, is determined by bacteriological culture of body fluids (urine, feces, sputum, mucous scrapings). If the disease is of a viral nature, even the frequent use of antibacterial agents will not give any result.

3 consequences of frequent use of antibiotics:

    It is important to know that the frequent use of drugs in this group will lead to addiction, and in a serious situation they will not affect the causative agent of the disease.

    With frequent use, the allergization of the body increases.

    Antibacterial agents cannot differentiate "bad" bacteria from "good" ones, and act with the same intensity on pathogenic and beneficial microflora. Therefore, dysbacteriosis becomes a frequent companion of patients who abuse antibiotics. Diarrhea, bloating, and loose stools often result from the frequent use of these drugs.

After what period of time can I drink antibiotics again?

You can generally not make intervals between courses, if necessary. The only condition is the mandatory change of the drug. If an antibiogram was done at the beginning of the disease, then by the end of the first course of treatment it will be ready, and the appointment will be justified.

How many times a year can antibiotics be taken?

In case of emergency, antibacterial drugs are taken repeatedly, repeating courses of treatment one after another. Naturally, repeated courses of treatment are carried out with various drugs to prevent resistance to bacteria. With frequent courses of treatment, body support is required by taking vitamin preparations, hepatoprotectors, and probiotics.

How soon can I get tested after taking antibiotics?

Control over the effectiveness of treatment is carried out 2-5 days after the end of the course of drug therapy. Bacteriological culture of urine for flora will give objective indicators if it is taken no earlier than 10-14 days after the end of taking antibacterial agents. These drugs have a minimal effect on blood tests - a shift in the leukocyte formula and ESR indicators is possible.

What to drink with antibiotics for microflora?

Normalization of useful microflora is carried out by lacto- and bifidobacteria contained in probiotics and prebiotics. These biological products are not taken simultaneously with antibacterial agents, since the active substance of the drug will destroy beneficial bacteria along with the pathogenic flora. They are used no earlier than 2 hours later, or the flora is restored at the end of the course of antibiotic therapy. It is advisable to take biologics for at least 14 days, ideally up to 30 days. In most cases, the patient's immunity itself restores the balance of microflora.

10 rules - how to take antibiotics correctly

    Medicines should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. It is important to remember that antibacterial agents are used only in exceptional cases. The main indication for taking them is a severe form of a bacterial infection that they cannot cope with on their own.

    Signs of acute bacterial infection:

    • Purulent process;

      Persistent and prolonged hyperthermia;

      Changes in the blood formula - pronounced leukocytosis, a shift to the left of the leukocyte formula, an increase in roe;

      Deterioration of the patient's condition after a temporary improvement in well-being.

    Viral infection with SARS, influenza, intestinal disorders is not treated with antibiotics.

    It is necessary to record information about previously taken antibiotics. Information about previous courses of treatment with antibacterial drugs, the time of admission, diseases, side effects, the presence or absence of allergic manifestations, dosage, is very important. Such data is especially valuable for the pediatrician. Using these data, the doctor will be able to more accurately select drugs if necessary.

    No need to insist on prescribing antibiotics when visiting a doctor. It is possible that the doctor, having reinsured himself, will prescribe the drug at the request of the patient. It is possible that such a measure will speed up recovery, but will bring negative consequences. It is also not worth replacing drugs with more “effective and strong” drugs on your own. They may have a different composition and dosage.

    Before choosing an antibiotic, you need to pass an analysis for bacterial culture. Determination of the causative agent of the disease by the method of bakposev to determine sensitivity to antibiotics will allow you to accurately select the drug. The only negative is that the study takes from 2 to 7 days.

    Strict adherence to the frequency and time of taking the medicine is required. To maintain a constant concentration of the active substance in the patient's blood, it is necessary to observe the frequency and time intervals between doses of the antibiotic. Taking the drug three times does not mean that it is taken during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Such a condition means an 8-hour period of time between taking the medicine. Double reception - 12-hour period of time.

    The term for taking antibiotics is determined by the doctor. On average, this period is 5-7 days, in some cases it reaches 10-14 days. Long-acting antibacterial drugs (Sumamed, Hemomycin, Azithromycin, Ecomed, Azitrox, Azitsid, Zi-factor) are taken once a day for 3-5 days. In some cases, the following scheme is applied: a 3-day intake of the drug with a 3-day break, 3 times.

    The course of treatment cannot be interrupted. Even if the patient feels a persistent improvement in the condition, the medication should not be interrupted. The course of treatment is extended for a period of 2-3 days after recovery. And, conversely, if the effect of taking the drug for 3 days is not felt, then the causative agent of the disease is not sensitive to this antibiotic and should be replaced.

    You can not change the dosage prescribed by your doctor on your own. Too little dose causes bacterial resistance, too much leads to overdose and side effects.

    The intake of antibiotics depends on the time of the meal. Instructions for the use of antibacterial drugs clearly defines their dependence on the time of eating:

    • While eating;

      1-1.5 hours after a meal or an hour before a meal;

      The medicine is washed down only with clean non-carbonated water;

      Most antibiotics should not be taken with tea, coffee, fruit or vegetable juices, milk or dairy products, although there are exceptions to this rule.

    Be sure to take probiotics during antibiotic treatment.. To restore the normal balance of the intestinal microflora, probiotics are taken: Linex, Acipol, Narine, Rela Life, Rioflora-Immuno, Gastrofarm. The need for such measures arises, since antibiotics destroy beneficial microflora. An additional measure is the use fermented milk products. For best results, probiotics should be taken between antibiotics or after a course of treatment.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician of the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016, she has been working at the diagnostic center No. 3.