Husband wife and more. About husbands and wives, and once again about husbands! But there is also a downside.

Incredible Facts

1. Arin Andrews and Katie Hill: A teenage couple who met in a community that supports transgender teens

These teenagers look like a normal young couple in swimsuits.

young transsexuals

It's hard to believe that just two years ago, Erin was a girl named Emerald and Cathy was a boy named Luke. Erin, 17, and Kathy, 19, from Tulsa, Oklahoma, US, have undergone gender reassignment surgery and now they have at their disposal the bodies they have always dreamed of.

Cathy and Erin met almost two years ago in a community that supports transgender teens, and they bonded over their shared feelings and concerns. The families of both children supported them on this difficult path, and support their relationship, emphasizing that they helped each other a lot to do what they did.

Source 2Jamie Eagle and Louis Davies: The transgender couple who won't get married until all gender reassignment procedures are over

Jamie and Louis look like an ordinary young engaged couple. But their love story differs from others, first of all, in that they are both currently in the process of gender reassignment.

20-year-old Jamie Eagle was born a boy, but now he is almost a woman. Her fiance, 25-year-old Louis Davis, was born a girl, and now she is almost a man. They got engaged after 9 months of a torrid romance, but emphasize that will not marry until all gender reassignment procedures are completed.

The young, both Welsh, met when Louis invited Jamie to speak to his university group on the topic of transsexualism.

Husband and wife transsexuals

3. Alexis and Karen: Argentinian transgender couple expecting a baby

The two are residents of Argentina who are now awaiting the birth of their first daughter. In May 2012, Argentina passed a law stating that "any person can legally change their gender and name, if the existing ones do not coincide with gender self-identification".

Incredible stories of people who married animals

Alexis perceives himself as a man, despite being born in female body, and Karen sees herself as a woman, but her genitals are masculine. After meeting these two people, they fell in love and decided to become parents.

This is why Alexis, after suspending her male hormone therapy, after a certain amount of time, became pregnant. In December 2013, they expect the birth of a girl, whose name will be Genesis Angelina.

Alexis, who is 8 months pregnant, noted that she stopped taking testosterone in order to be able to conceive, but as soon as the baby is born, she wants to go under the surgeon's knife to get a male body.

Here is a video of their ultrasound:

4. Felix Laws and Helen Morfitt

Meet the most unusual couple in the UK: Felix and Helen became the first couple in the country in which the husband - former woman and his wife is a former man.

Each of them had gender reassignment surgery scheduled for September 13th, except for Helen in 2003 and Felix in 2010. So, they chose the wedding date easily.

The couple, who have been together for six years, were forced to change their sex on their birth certificates before they fled to Scotland to get married.

Helen is slightly taller than Felix, and they admit that many on the street like to stare at such an unusual couple.

By the way, together they already have 10 children from four previous marriages. They met in 2008 after Felix, who was still a woman at the time, confessed to his doctor that he felt It's like he's not in his body.

Felix was sent to a psychologist, who in turn referred him to Helen, the leader of a transgender support group.

Source 5Chen and Jiang Ling: An ordinary couple who recently got married and are now ready to undergo gender reassignment surgery to switch roles

"We got married a year ago, and today we both want to switch roles with a sex change operation," the husband said. Both people look and act like a normal middle-aged couple.

The happiest and hardest year of marriage revealed

Asked why they decided to have sex reassignment surgery, Chen says that he is an introvert who enjoys caring for and protecting his wife, while Jiang emphasized that she was tired of her mother-in-law's endless mockery.

"I never fell out of my parents' sight until I went to school. I felt so defenseless. I need someone I can count on completely. I want to be a woman so Jiang can take care of me."

Chen's mom seems to think that Jiang doesn't deserve to be around her son, because the girl was previously married and had a child who died for an unknown reason.

“Despite what I do for her and in what quantity, she is still always unhappy, and we constantly fight,” says Jiang.

The idea to "swap bodies" came after another quarrel with my mother. Jiang lashed out at her husband and said: "If I were a man and you were a woman, then no one would mock me." Chen immediately agreed with his wife.

Source 6Jane and Ann: The couple who got married for the second time after changing sex

There are many ways to resurrect a marriage, and one couple in England has rekindled romantic feelings for each other. after one of the partners changed sex.

Barry and Ann got married in 2002, but after a few years they realized that they were unhappy. However, in 2011, they remembered the vows they once swore at the altar. But now it was no longer Barry and Ann, but Jane and Ann!

Barry became a woman and Ann is now in a same-sex marriage.

Ann, now 53, admitted that she mourns the loss of Barry, but added that Jane retained many of the characteristics that she warmly recognizes in her heart. "But now we can talk about hair, clothes and makeup."

The most unusual weddings in the world

Ann was determined get married a second time proving to Jane and the whole world that she accepts her new husband for who he is.

Note: although this story does not imply the presence of a husband - a woman and a wife - a man, but two weddings took place!

Transgender Stories

Source 7Janine and David: An intersex British couple whose marriage license was signed by the Queen herself

In 1994, a man who used to be a woman and a woman who used to be a man wrote a letter to the Queen asking her to let them marry. Janine Newman and David Willis, who had a daughter, were already living together at that time in Louth, Lincolnshire.

They met in 1989 when Janine was preparing for a sex change operation, and in 1994 they placed an appeal to the Queen in the Grimsby Evening Telegraph newspaper, which was printed on the main page.

In a letter to Buckingham Palace, Miss Newman wrote: "My partner David Willis and I want to get married. We intend to spend the rest of our lives together, and the legal relationship allows us to officially recognize us as a family in which we will raise David's daughter."

"We are very simple citizens, and we want to have the right to live our lives the way it is. allowed to other citizens. We want to be integrated into society."

Once I was traveling in the same compartment with a young couple. They swore as if they had accepted "Ozverin". I couldn’t read the book, but I found entertainment for myself: I took a piece of paper with a pen and began to record everything from their conversation that they were unhappy with. It turned out interesting!

Why do men put women in a subordinate position? Why do the articles on the Psychologos in fact proceed from the assumption that men are in some kind of privileged position, that women should conform to them, as if they were some kind of second-class creatures? Why? I will try to answer...

“We have been dating for 2 years, we cannot live together yet. Are planning. He says he loves me very much. And not only speaks, he instantly responds to all my requests. Me too. We have a very good and, as it seemed to me, sincere close relationship. Now I found out that he has a relationship with another ...

How to find your person - the one or the one with whom you want to live for many years, wake up every morning, hold hands together and know that this is the one for you close person? The first is to believe that such a person exists, that you need such a miracle and you should look for such a person. Second, start...

In a group of scientists, the most attractive woman was chosen, who had to approach the male test subjects. Before the meeting, each of the 57 subjects was injected with oxytocin or a placebo nasal spray. An attractive female researcher had to stand at a distance of approximately...

It turned out that if you drop oxytocin into the nose of men who are in constant relationship with one woman, then the comfortable distance to an unfamiliar attractive woman for them increases significantly, which cannot be said about men who do not have a permanent partner. Thus, increasing the oxy...

Dogs are devoted to the owner and well trained. Cats come to the house to enjoy food and home comforts, but they are not attached to the owners, they are poorly trained and walk on their own. If you give your dog a command, it will follow it. If you try to give a command to a cat, at best she will turn...

Most often, when considering the financial side of relationships with men, women are almost always portrayed as some kind of "predators" who lure money from the stronger sex. And very rarely the reverse question is raised: how to learn to take money from a man? Among the weaker sex there are many representatives who ...

Psychologist Arthur Aron has proven that "spend more time together," as most psychologists advise, is almost useless. Instead, he found another way, revolutionary and trouble-free. A true scientist, he investigates the psychological phenomenon of love. Falling in love is not easy after all...

Falling asleep in the evening, we expect that tomorrow will be morning. Leaving the train, the girl expects a hand from the guy, on which she can lean. Adequate people's expectations are a representation of what is likely to happen. However, there are other expectations as well. If I really look forward to a letter, my life is also behind this ...

"I don't like those who like me. And those who like me don't like me!" - a very common sadness (often female) and a topic for consultation. What is worth thinking about here? First. "I don't like those who like me" - that's your problem. There is a fact - you are attractive only for a certain ...

Difficulties often arise in the union of Taurus and Leo. This is due to the great difference in the natural characters of the representatives of these zodiac signs. Even sincerely in love often cannot get along together. Taurus in people value, above all, devotion and fidelity. And Leos strive to shine in society, they just need external admiration and recognition of their merits. This is what leads to misunderstanding between partners and, as a result, serious disagreements. A harmonious union is possible only if one of the representatives of such conflicting signs sacrifices their interests.

Taurus Man and Leo Woman Compatibility

The Taurus guy and the Leo girl may well create a strong alliance based on mutually beneficial agreements. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac aim to build a life filled with prosperity and financial stability, and this is what unites them. They will work together and provide each other with very important support. The result will be success and financial prosperity.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 61%)

Compatibility of Taurus man and Leo woman in a love relationship is average. It's never easy for a couple to keep their feelings together. The thing is that for each partner, their own interests are often in the first place, and this does not contribute to strengthening love.

Keeps representatives of these signs of the zodiac next to each other, in most cases, practicality. The natural leadership qualities of a guy are supported by good level a solid young lady who knows how to realistically assess life events and draw the right conclusions based on this. The partner always acts in accordance with common sense, any adventurism is alien to her.

For a young lady, attractive in alliance with Taurus is that he always idolizes her and believes that the chosen one is worthy of admiration. Against the backdrop of sincere love from a partner, a woman's life turns into a fairy tale filled with pleasant moments and unforgettable surprises.

It is noteworthy that if Taurus and Leo overcome their shortcomings and learn to understand each other, then their feelings will become so strong that they will not be threatened by any external factors.

In bed (compatibility in sex 88%)

According to statistics, the compatibility of a Taurus man and a Leo woman in bed is very high. But it should be understood that it still depends on the depth of love feelings. Sexual intimacy against the background of sincere love can bring partners a lot of pleasure. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac are sensual and passionate by nature, therefore they can fully open up to each other in intimate pleasures.

The Leo woman always has a lot of sexual fantasies in her mind, but she does not dare to embody them in sex with a partner. She fears that the conservative Taurus will not approve of her behavior in bed. Therefore, a partner can fully open up only if she is sure that her chosen one loves her very much.

Another unpleasant quality of the chosen one's character may be that she seeks to control everything that happens in bed. The partner, on the other hand, strives for equality in the sexual sphere and he does not really like it if he is controlled during sex.

Married (compatibility in family life 55%)

Compatibility Taurus and Leo in marriage is low. Even against the background of successful love relationships, lovers do not often decide to start a family. This is due to the fact that partners are afraid that different natural traits of characters during life together will cause constant quarrels and misunderstandings.

A harmonious family union is possible if the partners have a common life goal that they strive to achieve. Over time, representatives of these signs learn to find compromises in the most difficult situations, thus preventing serious conflicts.

The family will be based on the mutual desire of the spouses to build a stable life. Leo's wife is a very positive person, she fills the house with energy and well-being, and over time becomes a real keeper of the hearth. Taurus husband, who always works hard, needs this very much. Cozy home and comfortable family relationships increase his self-confidence and double his strength. If the marriage between representatives of these zodiac signs is successful, then they will overcome any difficulties.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 42%)

Friendship between a Taurus guy and a Leo girl is the exception rather than the rule. Compatibility in this area between representatives of these zodiac signs is below average. And this is due to the fact that people perceive the essence of friendship itself differently.

The young lady Leo has a consumer attitude towards friendship. She does not perceive disinterested unions. A friend, in her understanding, is simply obliged to be there and provide her with all kinds of support so that she can shine in society.

The Taurus guy does not accept friendship that is built on any obligations. He is not used to giving gifts to his girlfriends and prefers to make friends on an equal footing, without leadership.

But, despite all of the above, if Taurus and Leo are familiar long time then friendships can develop between them. But, most likely, it will be due to habit. Friends will periodically discuss any events, they may have common hobbies. But at the same time, they will avoid spending time in the same companies. This is due to the fact that the Leo woman loves a luxurious vacation, and the chosen one Taurus prefers calm communication in a close circle of like-minded people.

Leo Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility

The guy Leo and the chosen one Taurus do not best compatibility in all spheres of life. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac are too different in their natural character, rhythm of life and attitude to ongoing events in the world around them.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 50%)

The compatibility of Leo man and Taurus woman in a love relationship is on average. Feelings, in this tandem, can arise if this contributes to the growth and success of each partner individually. But still, in this case, in such an alliance there will be many difficulties. The thing is that the Leo guy is very selfish, does not even try to understand the thoughts and feelings of his partner. He is not able to appreciate the strength of loyalty and devotion to his chosen one.

On the other hand, when Leo falls in love, he turns into a kind and affectionate kitten. It is in such cases love relationship develop very harmoniously, and the low compatibility of Leo and Taurus in love does not become an obstacle. Moreover, the longer the partners are together, the deeper mutual understanding arises between them. With her calmness and balance, the chosen one Taurus gradually dissolves the natural egoism of her chosen one.

In bed (compatibility in sex 80%)

Compatibility Leo and Taurus in bed is quite high. Representatives of these signs are attracted in the sexual sphere, although this factor rarely becomes the basis for the development of further relationships. Both partners are very emotional and have no complexes, so they are fully revealed in sex.

Leo's chosen one in bed is a bunch of positive sexual energy, splashing out which he fills all the space around. On the other hand, the young lady Taurus, with her calmness and poise, brings aesthetics into sexual relations. Thus, intimate life is filled with harmony and positive emotions. It is noteworthy that for this couple in bed only sensations are important and no words are required at all.

Due to the fact that the partner appreciates earthly pleasures, she allows her chosen one to experiment. This contributes to the fact that the Leo man feels like a real king with such a partner. In marriage, sex sometimes saves partners from divorce.

The sexual relationship between partners lasts a very long time, it is very difficult for these people to leave, even if they do not plan further relationships. Very often, having a family, the Leo guy chooses the Taurus girl as his mistress. But she will only go into such a relationship if she is free.

Married (compatibility in family life 40%)

The compatibility of Leo man and Taurus woman in marriage is low, and therefore they rarely create families. This can only happen after they come to the understanding during the candy-bouquet period that they can get along under the same roof.

Very big disagreements in a couple arise in the financial sphere. Spouse Leo is a spender, he strives for a luxurious life and does not like to count money, even when they are in small quantities. The Taurus wife will not tolerate such an attitude to finances in the family, she is practical and understands that you need to live within your means, while organizing a prosperous and comfortable life, but no more. If the spouses do not find a compromise on this issue, then most likely the family will break up.

Marriages between representatives of these zodiac signs are successful if the spouse is older. In such a tandem there will be no rivalry, and the wife will simply become the shadow of her husband, which will suit both.

So that the family does not break up, a woman must definitely remember that her husband Leo, due to his inflated natural pride, does not tolerate teachings and reproaches. All advice should sound unobtrusive and soft. On the other hand, the spouse should not forget that the beloved will never forgive betrayal. Therefore, shining in society, you must always behave prudently.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 30%)

Friendship between a Leo man and a Taurus woman is rare. Firstly, it is connected with different vital interests. It is simply impossible for these people to cross paths, since a man prefers spending time in noisy societies, and a woman is a homebody and likes to spend her leisure time in a calm company of friends. Secondly, these people have a different attitude to all events taking place in the world around them, so they have very few topics that could unite them as friends.

The Leo guy will strive to make friends with the Taurus girl if it is beneficial for him for any reason. A practical friend may well accept such friendships, but there will be little sincerity in them. It is unlikely that such friends will share their innermost thoughts with each other and ask for advice. The positive side of such friendship is that the other halves of the satellites Leo and Taurus should not be jealous.

Friendship based on working relationships is very rare. The thoughtless activity and initiative of the Leo man will always annoy the Taurus woman, who is used to analyzing and weighing everything before making decisions.

The Leo man is a very proud and energetic person who always strives to be the center of attention. Therefore, it will be very difficult for a balanced and restrained Taurus woman to win his heart. It should be borne in mind that the chosen one will choose her only when she looks bright and outshines other beauties.

The Taurus girl needs to show her attractiveness and charm. For a certain time, you should forget that she is a homebody and you need to strive, as often as possible, to appear in society next to your chosen one.

The attention of the Taurus man should be focused on the following qualities:

  • Confidence. Behave with dignity and seem inaccessible so that the chosen one has a desire to conquer you.
  • Subtle mind. It is necessary to be able to maintain a conversation on any topic.
  • Ability to listen. Leo really likes to be listened to carefully, although he does not need advice.
  • Versatility. It is necessary to demonstrate all your talents in a short time, as well as unobtrusively tell about your hobbies and hobbies.

And, of course, the Taurus girl will attract her chosen one with her softness and tenderness. Such qualities of character are quite natural for her, and it is impossible to hide them.

How can a Leo man conquer a Taurus woman?

The chosen one Taurus is very distrustful by nature, so she will never immediately rush into the arms of a man, even the one she liked. She will look at the boyfriend for a long time in order to try to understand how he suits her.

That is why a man must prepare for the fact that the candy-bouquet period will drag on. And you need to make sure that courtship is beautiful. The chosen one Taurus loves wealthy men. As a rule, Leo men, who like to present expensive and luxurious gifts to their chosen ones, also necessarily belong to these.

The Cavalier Leo should demonstrate not only his natural attractiveness, but also the strength of his character. His chosen one must make sure that he is a successful person. She is aimed at a long-term relationship, a fleeting passion does not suit her. But at the same time, she does not think about marriage, this is not an end in itself for her. Sincere mutual feelings are much more important for her.

During the first meetings, you should not cause jealousy in your chosen one. She appreciates loyalty and devotion, so any doubts about a man's sincere feelings can push her away.

Of course, many couples who have been married for many years face one problem: their sex life becomes boring.

Here, certain behaviors of spouses are already appearing: someone is looking for ways to “reanimate” sex, someone decides to cheat. The hero of our regular column dedicated to sex has been married for more than five years. Six months ago, his family faced this problem: the sexual life did not bring any emotions.

The couple found a way out of this situation. Looking ahead, let's say that this method may seem wild to many, but our hero is confident in its effectiveness. They listened to the advice. “Probably everyone is like that when you live together for many years. Sex became boring, to be honest, I didn’t even want it. My wife went to a specialist who found the problem is that I'm not jealous of her, so I don't want to. Allegedly used to the fact that she is always there. The wife found a way out of the situation. I did not agree for a long time, but she convinced me ...

On one of the forums, we found two men who were willing to diversify our lives by sleeping with my wife. Before my eyes,” says our hero. Preparation. “I have been preparing myself for this for a long time! My wife said several times that you can refuse, but I was afraid that she would leave me altogether if we did not correct the situation. I read articles about this, such fun is called "cuckold". A husband should look at how his wife is satisfied by other men. It seems to turn it on.

In general, for several weeks I prepared myself for this and decided. An appointment was made in our village to do it in a bathhouse. Still, I didn’t reconcile myself to the idea that you can do this on the bed where you sleep every day, ”the Nizhny Novgorod resident admitted. Cuckold is married man who is cheating on his wife, but at present this concept has expanded somewhat and can include situations where a man is unfaithful to his wife, when husbands agree to extramarital relations of their wives, and even when the couple is not officially married. Got busy with business. “Fortunately, the guys we found on the Internet, this is not the first time they took part in this. They explained to us what to do and how to do it, they talked to me for a long time. We ended up going to the bathroom...

For the first few minutes, I really wanted to stop it! I couldn't watch other men kiss my woman. I saw that she was uneasy, but the pleasure was still noticeable on her face. I watched her being caressed ... After a while they moved on to an already direct act. If it were not for the agreement that I should be exclusively an observer to the last, I would not have been able to restrain myself, ”the man admitted. Guilty eyes. “The whole thing lasted about an hour. Each of the participants in this "game" got his pleasure. When it was all over, my wife came up to me and looked at me with guilty but contented eyes. The guys delicately left, but I could not stop looking at her! We haven't had sex like this in a long time! We just melted into each other,” recalls the 32-year-old.

Our hero admitted that many male friends, having learned about this, called him a “rag” and stopped communicating. But the fetishist himself is sure that it was not in vain that he agreed to “provoke jealousy” in such a drastic way. Sexual life in their family has improved, and no one remembers aloud what happened in the bath - such a rule. Recall that we wrote about what Nizhny Novgorod men think about intimate hairstyles for women.

I am trying to read the diaries of Sophia Andreevna Tolstoy and Leo Tolstoy at the same time. I rechecked several times whether the year is the same in the records for one day - the events do not coincide at all, there is nothing in common. Rather, the male and female worldview does not coincide.

Here, for example, are the memoirs of October 8, 1899 (slightly abridged): Sofia Andreevna:Lev Nikolaevich went for a walk without telling me where. I thought that he had left on horseback, and these days he had a cough and a runny nose. A storm arose with snow and rain; Roofs were torn, trees were shaking, frames were trembling, darkness - the moon had not yet risen - it was still gone. I went out onto the porch, stood on the terrace, all waiting for him with such a spasm in my throat and a sinking heart, as in my younger years, when it happened, for hours in the painful agony of anxiety, you wait for him from hunting. Finally he returned, tired and sweaty, from a long walk. It was hard to walk through the mud, he was tired, but brave. Here I burst into tears and reproaches that he did not protect himself, that he could tell me that he had left and where he had gone. And to all my words, hot and loving, he said with irony: "Well, what do I leave, I'm not a boy to tell you." - "But you're unwell." “So the air will only make me feel better.” - “But rain, snow, storm ...” - “And there is always rain and wind ...” I became both sick and tired. I give him so much love and care, and such a coldness in his soul! And yesterday I kissed you madly, saying that she always admires the beauty of my body.

Lev Nikolaevich:home safely .

What kind of husbands were they?

1. Alexander Blok

Who: the great symbolist poet

How it ended up on the list: went too far in the desire to separate flies from meatballs, and sex from love

"I'm scared to meet you. It’s more terrible not to meet you, ”Blok once wrote and his premonition did not deceive him. At least as far as the first sentence of this stanza is concerned. Despite the fact that Blok married Lyubochka Mendeleeva for love, the poet’s husband turned out to be, to put it mildly, strange. It seems that he is forever stuck in adolescence, when a boy idolizes one girl, and on the other, more accessible, he is not averse to having sex. Blok flatly refused to carry out his marital debt. For a whole year (!) After the wedding, Alexander did not touch his wife, being content with corrupt women. Then Lyuba still managed to seduce her own husband, but he still preferred "spiritual intimacy" so that ... not to be disappointed in his wife and not stop loving her. The poet removed erotic tension with anyone, but not with Anyone, and did not even think to hide this fact from his wife.

"I enter dark temples,

I perform a poor ritual.

There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady

In the flickering of red lamps.

Poor Luba! After all, it was enough to read this quatrain to understand that in this temple (as well as later in the USSR) there is no sex!

How he ended up on the list: he constantly confused God's gift with scrambled eggs, and his wife with servants

The great physicist was not too lazy to compose a whole manifesto that regulated his relationship with his first wife. So to speak, he found time between studies in science and intrigues on the side. Albert wanted to somehow improve the rapidly deteriorating relationship with his wife so that the children would not suffer. But ... everything turned out as always. Judge for yourself: in the eleventh year of marriage, Einstein's wife Mileva Marich received a list of requirements from her husband.

She had to make sure that his things and linen were always in order, to supply Albert with food three times a day. She was charged with the duty not to humiliate him in front of the children - with words or behavior - but all these are flowers, if you look at it - there is nothing supernatural in these points. And then berries - Einstein vetoed marital debt. Mileva should not have expected intimacy from her husband and / or reproached him for not having sex. She had to come to terms with the fact that from now on her husband should not stay at home with her or travel, and also part with illusions about who is the boss in the house. This is evidenced by the following two requirements: "You must be silent if I ask you to do so" and "You must leave the bedroom or office immediately and without objection if I tell you about it."

Is it any wonder that this marriage soon fell apart?

3. Ivan Bunin

Who: Laureate Nobel Prize in Literature 1933

How he ended up on the list: after twenty years of marriage, he decided to expose his wife as an “obtuse corner in a love triangle”

The writer, together with his wife Vera Nikolaevna, emigrated to France, fearing the anarchy that reigned in Russia after the October Revolution. But that didn't stop him from making a little cozy mess at home. Bunin's last love - Galina Kuznetsova - turned his head so much (we reread "Light Breath" - it seems that Ivan Alekseevich really liked the type of "teenager woman") that he was literally a year after the start of the novel, tired of secret meetings in a rented apartment in Paris, settled Galina in Grasse ... at his place, at the Villa Belvedere. The wife pretended not to notice the novel, which was vigorously discussed by everyone in the emigrant environment. And then, it seems, one of the protective mental mechanisms worked (and it’s good that it worked - otherwise Vera Nikolaevna could lose her mind): the poor woman managed to convince herself that her husband loves Galya like a daughter, that she replaces Ivan’s only son from her first marriage - Kolya, who died at the age of five from scarlet fever. And if so, then she, too, must love her. Over time, the situation will change - the wife will have a young lover, it will also turn out that Galina prefers women - but that's a completely different story ...

4. Ivan the Terrible

Who: Sovereign of All Rus'

How he ended up on the list: he was very harsh with his wives, when he was upset, he acted according to the principle “No man - no problem”

Until now, it has not been precisely established how many times the autocrat was married. According to the most common version, Ivan had seven faithful (which contradicted church canons, according to which it was possible to get married only twice). Lyut was the king and formidable not only when he took Kazan. It is strange that in Rus' there was no sign: "If you want to take your own life, marry the lord." Most of the biography of the queens resembles a children's counting, which has become popular thanks to Agata Christie: “Ten blacks went to dine, one choked, there are nine left, etc.

According to rumors, the first (most beloved) wife, the noblewoman Anastasia Zakharyina, was poisoned. The second - the daughter of a Circassian prince, distinguished by a violent temper and a propensity for adultery, who planned to carry out a coup with her lover - Maria Temryukovna was imprisoned in the Kremlin under the supervision of guardsmen, she allegedly died of consumption. For the third time, the tsar married the hawthorn Marfa Saburova, she did not live long after the wedding - two weeks, the brother of the late Queen Mary entered the Saburovs' house, who treated someone else's bride with poisonous candied fruit (allegedly from the royal table). A year later, the sovereign ... decided to marry again! And he ordered to marry him with Maria Koltovskaya. The fourth wife of Ivan IV, who turned the lord into a henpecked man, was disliked by the boyars - they slandered him before the tsar. The rest of her days (rather long, by the way, more than 50 years), Anna spent in captivity in a monastery. Meanwhile, the king laid eyes on Maria Dolgoruky. On the wedding night, it turned out that not only Ivan liked Maria - and did not retain her maiden honor before the wedding. She paid a terrible price for her sin: she was drowned in an icy river (this was in November 1573). Then there was 17-year-old Anna, who died three months after the wedding from chest disease. Vasilisa Melentyeva, the penultimate wife of Ivan the Terrible, was buried alive (there was nothing to change). And only Maria Nagoy - Ivan's last wife - was lucky, she survived her husband!

5. Carl Gustav Jung

Who: the founder of analytical psychology

How it ended up on the list: not only did he persistently recommend polygamy to his clients as a panacea for all diseases, but he himself did not shy away from actively using this method

The great student of Freud was married only once and lived with his lawful wife for more than fifty years. Emma Raushenbach gave her husband four daughters and a son. But was she happy? Life with the great psychologist was like a fairy tale - the farther, the worse. Jung, as they say, used his official position and combined the useful with the pleasant, entering into intimacy with the clients who came to him for analysis. And Sabina Spielrein (her role in the film "A Dangerous Method" went to Keira Knightley) was far from the only patient with whom Karl became close.

In addition to Sabina, who, by the way, captivated Freud too, there was at least Fraulein Antonia Wolf. According to Jung, "a wonderful smart girl, with a great sense of religion and philosophy" and of Carl Gustav himself, of course. It was with her that he worked on works on the collective unconscious and ... learned the “mystical” meaning of sexuality - for some reason it did not occur to Jung to realize this idea together with his wife, who bore him five children.

6. Lev Landau

Who: theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize winner

How he ended up on the list: he didn’t know what he was doing

"Small trade shop" - that's what Landau called ... marriage. The great physicist believed that marriage and love are incompatible. He urged his beloved Cora not to spoil their high relationship with a wedding. The scientist was desperately afraid of losing what he valued most in the world - personal freedom, but ... he got married anyway. True, before that he made the bride swear that she would not be jealous of him for other women: “Unfortunately, all my talk about mistresses is only theoretical in nature ... Jealousy in our marriage is excluded, I will definitely have mistresses! I want to live brightly, beautifully, interestingly.

The physicist chose a very suitable, from his point of view, moment to confirm his right to a mistress. When Kora was pregnant, Leo said: “Korochka, I come to you with very good news! I won't be back alone tonight. A girl will come to me! I told her that you were in the country. Sit quietly, like a mouse in a hole, or leave. You don't have to meet. It might freak her out!" Of course, we can understand Kora, who could not bear it and nevertheless left the closet, but Landau did not understand why his wife did this ...

7. Amedeo Modigliani

Who: expressionist artist

How he ended up on the list: according to one version, he offered his common-law wife to share with him ... death

While Amadeo used *** and ***, he destroyed only himself. Yes, destructively, but he, like all of us, had the full and unconditional right to do whatever he wanted with his life. And even though almost all the models of Modigliani after some time became not just models - this does not happen with creative people. What is striking is not the number of women with whom he entered into an intimate relationship, but the artist’s egoism, inflated to unprecedented proportions. Jeanne Hebuterne went through fire and water with him, except that there were no copper pipes in this story (Modigliani became famous only after his death). She quarreled with her parents, who did not approve of her choice (and who would have approved, Amedeo liked to drink, fight, did not shy away from drugs, did not have high moral qualities and a calm character) gave birth to Amedeo's daughter, practically stopped writing herself, although she was a talented artist, because that she had no time or energy left for creativity. And what did you get in return?

Before his death, the artist invited Jeanne to die. Do you know what for? So that he can be with his favorite model in paradise (Modigliani painted Jeanne at least 25 times) and enjoy eternal bliss with her. The saddest thing is that the 22-year-old Zhanna, who was carrying a second baby under her heart, could not help fulfilling the last will of Amedeo, she buried her beloved, and the next day she stepped down from the sixth floor.

8. Vyacheslav Molotov

Who: politician

How he got on the list: allowed his wife to be arrested without even trying to protest

Molotov's wife, Polina Zhemchuzhina, incredibly annoyed Comrade Stalin for at least two reasons. Firstly, she was friends with Nadezhda Alliluyeva, and the leader of all peoples believed that it was she who had a bad influence on his wife, and, most likely, blamed her for the death of his wife (after another quarrel with her husband, Nadezhda walked with Polina around the night Kremlin , complained that it couldn’t go on like this anymore, planned a divorce, and then shot herself that same night).

Secondly, everything was “too” in her - too strong-willed, too ambitious, too smart ... If the saying that a man is the head and a woman is the neck did not exist, then it should have been invented especially for Polina. She twirled her husband as she wanted, and managed to make an independent career. Iosif Vissarionovich strongly recommended several times to Vyacheslav Mikhailovich ... to get a divorce! Molotov did not listen to his recommendations, and then the repressions began. Zhemchuzhina was withdrawn from the candidates for members of the Central Committee, then accused of treason and arrested.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich did not even protest, despite the fact that he loved his wife very much. “I am a member of the Politburo, and I had to submit to party discipline ... I submitted to the Politburo, which decided that my wife should be eliminated,” he explained his behavior. “I was very fortunate,” Molotov later said, “that she was my wife. And beautiful, and smart, and most importantly - a real Bolshevik, a real Soviet person. For her, life was awkward because she was my wife. She suffered in difficult times, but she understood everything and not only did not scold Stalin, but did not want to listen when they scolded him.

9. Leo Tolstoy

Who: great writer

How he ended up on the list: made his wife live a life that wasn’t hers

Did Levushka appreciate her sacrifices? Of course not. Whenever the wife was pregnant or did not have time to recover from the next birth, he "fell into sensual temptation" and cheated on her with another maid or cook. It is not difficult to imagine the scale of the family disaster, if we remember that Sophia gave birth to Leo 13 (!) Children. Later, the search for the meaning of life was added to adultery - and it was then that Sonyushka found out how much a pound is worth. It would be nice if her husband limited himself to giving out valuable instructions, such as “Teach younger children only what is needed for life in the village, no foreign languages! ”, But he either tried to explain to his wife that he felt his guilt before humanity, then he was going to give up ownership, then from all copyrights to his works, leaving the family without a livelihood. Then Sophia will be accused of the fact that her husband left, and that he died ...

10. Henry VIII

Who: King of England

How he ended up on the list: he treated his wives as consumables, consistently getting rid of annoying

To remember all the wives of this British monarch, who tied the knot six times, is possible only with the help of mnemonics, at least English schoolchildren are taught this way: "divorced - executed - died - divorced - executed - survived." It seems that the second representative of the Tudor dynasty very quickly lost interest in what he received (and no matter how much effort was spent on achieving this goal).

In order to marry Anne Boleyn, who flatly refused to become his mistress, the king, drawn into a difficult and painfully long (the divorce process with his first wife Catherine of Aragon lasted about seven years), quarreled with the Vatican to the nines and went to the English department. churches from Rome. But literally three years later, Henry VIII accused his wife, who bore him a daughter (and he so dreamed of an heir to the throne, he already had one daughter!), Of treason and sent to the scaffold. Then the king was inflamed with passion for Jane Seymour, Boleyn's maid of honor, and married her a week after Anne's execution. Jane died in childbirth. When the king was asked who to save - the mother or the child, he replied: “Save the child. I can get as many women as I want.”

The next marriage failed because of ... a portrait (can you imagine what would happen to His Majesty if he lived in the days of the ubiquitous photoshop that works wonders?). The monarch liked the portrait of Anna of Cleves ... unlike the bride herself. So literally six months later the marriage was annulled. Wife #5 - Catherine Howard (wife #2's cousin) was convicted of treason and executed. Catherine Parr was more fortunate than others.

By the way, King Henry 8 was not so handsome, judging by his images on the canvases. However, the actors playing him (both in the TV series "The Tudors", and in the movie "The Other Boleyn Girl") are written beauties.