Pond filters. DIY landscaping Coarse pond water filters

“Why should I buy your expensive Ultrabead pressure filters if I get myself a cheap Chinese pool sand filter? After all, in the pool it keeps the water clean, and it will work here too!” - tells me another "specialist" in the filtration of reservoirs with koi carps. "Good luck to you!" - I usually answer such assholes.

What is the difference between a pressure biofilter with a floating plastic load and a regular sand filter for a pool?

The filter tanks, as a rule, are the same, but in biofilters the bottom of the “barrel” is additionally strengthened, since an additional tap cuts into it to drain the dirt, and additional pressure goes to the bottom, because the load floats at the top. In the case of sand, it lies quietly on the bottom of the tank, and there is no need to additionally strengthen the bottom, since the sand takes on the force of water pressure.

But with the multicrane, the differences begin. In the biofilter, a separate branch pipe is additionally cut into the connecting pipes, to which a powerful compressor is connected through a check valve (also called a blower from the English blower) to clean the floating load. The fact is that in the process of work, floating plastic granules are covered with a biofilm that has adhesive properties, and after a while these granules coalesce into a lump. To break up this lump, we use a powerful jet of air during cleaning. A sand filter usually does not have such a mechanism, as inorganic debris accumulates there when it is used in swimming pools.

Inside these filters, too, everything happens the other way around: in the biofilter, water in the filtration mode is supplied from the bottom up, and in the sand filter - from the bottom up. What is the difference? And the difference is in the details!

What happens when we install an ordinary sand filter instead of a special biofilter? During operation, the sand is clogged with fish feces, organic waste, and "overgrown" with bacteria. All this begins to rot, anaerobic conditions are created, because oxygen simply cannot get there, since everything turns into a mixture of silt and sand. Remember how sometimes you have to clean the sandy bottom of the aquarium and from there comes such a “pleasant” air. Yes, and the sand itself “turns blue”, “blackens”, and bubbles of hydrogen sulfide, methane and other foul-smelling and laughing gases are constantly emitted from there.

Imagine what the sand turns into in our sand filter. The fact is that the sand filter is designed for mechanical filtration of water in swimming pools. The water in such pools is usually treated with disinfectants that prevent the development of bacterial colonies, pathogens, etc. Yes, and the water itself is usually not polluted with organic matter, unless some "naughty" allows himself to quietly urinate into the pool and introduce unwanted ammonium into the water. Since there are almost no bacterially active surfaces in such systems, this ammonium does not participate in the nitrogen cycle and is present in the system in a dissolved form, and adversely affects the skin of swimmers. Therefore, the owners of the pools warn vacationers about the dangers of such an undesirable phenomenon.

To filter the water in a fish pond, special biofilters with a load are needed that allow you to build up a huge oxidizing area densely populated with nitrifying and heterotrophic bacteria, which, with the help of oxygen, process ammonium into harmless nitrates. Nitrates are also not very useful when they are high in water, and for their utilization it is necessary to arrange a bioplateau, vegetative filters, etc. Aquatic and other plants use nitrates for their nutrition.

Pressure filters are hermetically sealed pressure vessels filled with millions of small plastic granules. These granules float and therefore effectively purify water from suspended impurities using mechanical filtration, and the huge surface of these granules is an excellent substrate for the growth of biofilm, which plays a huge role in the process of nitrification/denitrification of waste products of aquatic organisms, i.e. biofiltration.

A good biofilter should have the following characteristics:
- convenient in operation;
- contain the required amount of bioload with an adequate area of ​​oxidation;
- have a reliable design and maintainable units.

So do not peck, please, at the cheapness of sand filters. They are not intended for use in decorative ponds, they are not intended! Their operation in this capacity is not only useless, but also unsafe: the sand is clogged to such an extent that the container cannot withstand pressure and the pump pumps out all the precious water, giving your pets no chance to survive.

Good luck and think with your own head!

Clean water is essential for a healthy life for all living things. Animals will not drink stale, dirty water, they are looking for sources of clean drinking water. Inhabitants of natural water bodies can swim away from the polluted area to a cleaner area. It is harder for fish and other living creatures that inhabit an artificial pond, which is not carefully looked after. Various litter gets into the water, in the form of leaves, twigs, dust and other things that pollute the pond. In addition, the waste products of fish, fallen parts of aquatic plants remain in the reservoir. All this rots, falls to the bottom with dirty silt. It actively develops harmful bacteria and fungi. This whole process greatly reduces the amount of oxygen in the pond.

An excess of fish in the pond, a lack of plants, and rainwater lead to the appearance of a large amount of nutrients in the pond, due to which small green algae grow intensively on the surface of the water. In the process of decomposition of such algae, putrefactive bacteria are actively involved, which also begin to actively multiply and consume much more oxygen. Accordingly, too little oxygen remains in the water for the normal functioning of fish, ornamental plants and the entire pond as a whole. This condition of the reservoir can cause diseases in both fish and plants, which will lead to unforeseen costs for their treatment or even replacement.

If you love your pond and its inhabitants, don't allow water pollution that disrupts the normal natural balance. Use biological agents for this, as well as water filtration systems.

To choose the right filter for your pond, you need to know its size and the ratio of the number of fish and plants to the volume of pond water.

Filtration systems for ponds are usually quite large, so it is advisable to consider their location and installation even when designing a pond. It is very difficult to mount a filter in a finished decorative pond without violating the design of the recreation area.

Your artificial pond will exist as a natural, created by nature, with its own ecosystem, if you have the right filtration system selected and installed.

Means to combat water bloom in artificial reservoirs

At the present time, numerous products have been developed and are being produced for purifying the water of small summer cottages. With their help, you can get rid of the flowering of the reservoir without harm to ornamental plants and living beings. It is enough to use these tools periodically, only when a problem arises. Depending on what you want to improve in your pond, different preparations are used. You can not only remove harmful algae, but also neutralize ammonia, increase the amount of oxygen in the water. With careful dosage, these products do not harm either the biosystem of the pond or the surrounding area. After application, they decompose into carbon dioxide and water. When using these preparations, it is necessary to ensure the circulation of water to maintain a normal pH level and better saturation of the water with oxygen.

In large ponds, with a significant volume of water, such preparations are ineffective. They are used to prevent pollution of the reservoir, and as an additional water purification before turning on the complex filtration system, which is equipped with large ponds.

Natural minerals - zeolites - are used to purify water in ponds. They absorb harmful substances, preventing water pollution. This quality of zeolites is based on the porous structure of the crystal. To ensure the normal biological state of the pond for the entire summer season, you need only 1 - 3 kg of mineral per 1000 liters of water. Zeolite is placed in special nets and lowered into a pond.

Mechanical filters to protect against large and small debris

A mechanical filter is a lattice container in which a porous sponge is placed, or special granules are poured. Water, passing through the filter, is cleaned of sand, small stones, algae and plant debris that get stuck in the sponge or granules. Such filters are used to protect pumps in fountains, as well as in filtration systems for decorative ponds for pre-cleaning.

Skimmer - a device for cleaning the surface of the water

On the garden plot, the pond is surrounded by green spaces. Leaves, twigs, seeds and other small debris from them are carried by the wind to the surface of the water. If it is not removed, all the garbage settles to the bottom and rots, forming silt. Water stagnates, its upper part overheats in the hot sun, while light does not break through on the muddy bottom, and the water becomes cold. This state of the pond is dangerous to the health of its inhabitants.

A filter for the surface of the water - a skimmer - can help your pond avoid this condition. This device sucks up debris floating on the surface of the reservoir, which has not yet had time to get wet and sink to the bottom. When the pump is turned on, the entire surface layer of water begins to move towards the upper part of the skimmer, which floats freely on the surface of the pond and draws in water with debris. First, dirty water passes through the basket, in which the largest debris, such as twigs, leaves, wood chips, etc., gets stuck. Then it enters the filter, which purifies the water from the remaining small litter. The skimmer not only purifies the water of the reservoir, but also improves its circulation. The upper, sun-warmed layers of water, passing through the filter, sink to the bottom, displacing the lower cold water to the top. Thanks to the skimmer, the water in the pond becomes clean and mobile, which prevents the formation of duckweed on its surface.

Skimmers are available in three versions. The skimmer, whose top floats on the surface of the pond, is not affected in any way by water level fluctuations caused by either heavy rain or dry weather. Another skimmer is installed on the bottom using a rack. Small stones are poured into the rack to fix it well. The top of the skimmer protrudes above the water. This type of skimmer is equipped with an automatic adjustment device when the water level changes within 16 cm. The skimmer on the rack is installed in reservoirs with a depth of at least 80 cm. The third version of the skimmer is lateral. It is placed on the edge of the pond. A feature of such a skimmer is the need for a separate pump.

If you have a small pond, for example from an old bathtub, you can simply clean it with a net.

At the bottom of any open reservoir, sooner or later, silt is formed from the debris that has rotted in the water. It must be removed. To do this, use a special device - ilosos. It can be compared to a household vacuum cleaner. The difference is that the silosus is much more powerful and serves to suck up not dust, but water with silt, garbage, the remains of the life of the inhabitants of the pond and plants that have settled to the bottom. Ilosos is used for use in any artificial reservoirs with a hard surface

UV filters - protection against organic compounds

Filters based on ultraviolet radiation help protect pond inhabitants, including fish and plants, from various diseases. They can be used for sufficiently large reservoirs, the volume of which reaches 230,000 liters. Install such filters outside the reservoir. Ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on harmful algae and microorganisms, which, after processing, are collected in small lumps. These lumps are easily collected by a biomechanical filter, which is best placed next to the ultraviolet filter. By installing this type of water treatment, you will see the result in 5-10 days. The water will become clear, plants and fish will look healthy.

The advantages of UV filters include ease of assembly. They are equipped with connectors for all types of hoses. Lamps have a service life of 8000 - 10000 hours. After installing the filter, it does not need special care. Many companies produce ultraviolet filters for ponds. The principle of their operation is the same, but there is a difference in design, power, installation method. German ultraviolet filters are especially appreciated. They differ in that they are equipped with a built-in tube cleaning system, which works automatically or with the help of an electromagnet. This system protects the UV filter lamp from contamination, which increases the efficiency of irradiation and extends the life of the lamp.

T-Flow - devices against algae

T-Flow is a device consisting of a microprocessor, an anode and a cathode. The anode is made of mineralized copper alloy and the cathode is made of stainless steel. When the microprocessor generates electrical impulses, copper ions are formed, which kill thread algae and other types of harmful algae. This device has no effect on other plants, as well as on people and animals, since the amount of copper ions formed is very small. T-Flow devices come in various modifications. They are used for medium and large reservoirs.

Application of multi-chamber filter systems

A lot of multi-chamber filter systems have been developed. You can choose the system that suits your pond. To do this, you need to know the volume of your reservoir, its purpose, what plants you will plant in it and in what quantity, and also decide whether fish will live in the pond. All these factors influence the choice of a multi-chamber filter system.

The multi-chamber system consists of three types of filters assembled in one housing. The body is made of fiberglass or polyethylene. These materials are well tolerated by low temperatures in winter and ultraviolet rays in summer. In order for the water after purification to be completely clean and transparent, three stages of purification are carried out. First, ultraviolet irradiation of water is carried out, after which lumps are formed from dead algae and microorganisms. These lumps, as well as debris from the reservoir, are drawn into a mechanical filter by a pump. This is how mechanical cleaning works. The water is then biologically filtered. Each filter separately cannot fully clean the reservoir. Ultraviolet destroys algae, which remain in lumps in the water. Therefore, a mechanical filter is indispensable. The biological filter is not suitable for cleaning water from large debris. Therefore, all three filters in the complex are most effective.

Center Vortex multi-chamber filters

Center Vortex filters include several chambers with filters, each of which is designed to purify water from a certain type of pollution. Water enters from below into the mud chamber, in which the largest amount of debris is retained. The water then passes upward through the filter media. At the top, it overflows the edge of this filter chamber into the next chamber. After the last chamber, clean water flows back into the pond through the drain pipe located in the upper part of the body. Pollution collected in the lower part of the chambers is removed through the drain pipes into the sewer or, together with dirty water, is used to fertilize and irrigate the summer cottage.

Features of the vortex chamber

If there is a round swirl chamber at the beginning of the filter system, then this is a big plus for it. As a result of the rotation of water along the inner walls of the chamber, the main part of the debris and dirt enters the lower chamber to collect sediment. Therefore, already significantly purified water enters the filters, which prolongs their service life. In these systems, it is very important to choose the right pump for your filter. If the pump is too powerful, water will flow faster than necessary. As a result, the filter chambers will be filled with water above the required level, which will affect the quality of filtration.

These filtration systems use smaller pumps than other systems, so they can be considered more economical, since all filters are constantly running and consume a lot of electricity.

Distinctive features of BIOTEK filters

BIOTEK multi-chamber filters carry out ultraviolet irradiation and biological purification of pond water. It is important to choose the right system specifically for your reservoir, since the set of filters in it depends on the size of the pond, the presence of plants, fish and other features in it.

The positive qualities of these filter systems are relatively small dimensions, convenient and uncomplicated connection of various types of filtration, which greatly facilitates the maintenance of the system. The disadvantage of some common models of these filters can be called a low-lying drain hole, which makes it difficult to disguise it. The latest filters do not have this drawback.

Pressure filter systems

If you have a small reservoir, up to 20,000 liters, it is better for you to purchase a filter system with a pressure filter. It includes all three types of cleaning - ultraviolet, mechanical and biological, which will provide you with high-quality water filtration in the pond, protect its inhabitants from diseases. These systems are easy to use and economical.

  • Buy a pressure filter and get:
  • Professional water purification in three stages using a pressure filter;
  • Filter with ultraviolet lamp;
  • Convenient and easy operation of the unit;
  • The ability to create a cascade above the place where the filter is installed;
  • Possibility of inclusion in the filtration system of water heating (“Druk filter” systems);
  • The possibility of easy masking of the filter, as it can be buried up to the cover in the ground (water connections are on the cover).

Please note the following:

All of the above information about filters is an overview. To responsibly choose a filter system, you need to take into account more detailed features of the reservoir, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

If there are fish in the pond, the selection of a filter in terms of power and volume becomes more complicated. It must be taken into account that in good water the fish will multiply intensively. Therefore, when calculating the filter for a fish pond, the water volume of your pond should be doubled.

For the normal state of the ecosystem of the reservoir, a sufficient amount of oxygen in the water is extremely necessary. To achieve this, use aeration pumps in filtration systems, create decorative waterfalls that will saturate the water with oxygen and decorate your pond.

In order for the filtration system installed in your pond to be durable, work smoothly and efficiently, you need to pay special attention to the choice of the pump. It must be selected according to power and other technical data that are suitable for the filter you are installing. Small solid formations should easily pass through the pump without clogging it. It is necessary to place the pump in such a place of the reservoir that all the water gets into its area of ​​\u200b\u200baction.

Filters in open reservoirs work constantly, throughout the warm season. Switching on is carried out at the beginning of the season, at a water temperature of at least 12 degrees. Shutdown is possible in the fall, when it gets cold enough. It is allowed to turn off the filtration systems in the warm season for cleaning.

The water pressure in the filtration system is determined by various factors: the size of the hose, the number and diameters of the connecting elements, the presence of an ultraviolet emitter, and other reasons. So that water does not overflow over the top or, conversely, it is not enough for the efficient operation of the pump, the water pressure must be adjusted. For this, valves or speed controllers are used.

Having become acquainted with all the properties, advantages and disadvantages of various filtration systems, you may decide to choose the right system for your pond on your own. We advise you to better contact a specialist who has knowledge and experience on this topic.

Filtration systems and electrical equipment do not decorate the landscape of a summer cottage. You have to mask them, showing your imagination. These can be picturesque artificial stones, sculptural compositions or green spaces.

Types of filtration systems for artificial reservoirs | Near the househttp://website/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/19-385x300.jpghttp://website/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/19-385x300-150x150.jpg 2019-01-04T20:14:16+03:00 Near the house Ponds Water, Filters Clean water is essential for a healthy life for all living things. Animals will not drink stale, dirty water, they are looking for sources of clean drinking water. Inhabitants of natural water bodies can swim away from the polluted area to a cleaner area. It is harder for fish and other living creatures that inhabit an artificial pond, which is not carefully looked after. IN...Near the house [email protected] Administrator Near Home

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Vladimir Marchenko 05/28/2015 | 7048

Filtering the water in an artificial pond is necessary for a number of reasons. Only in this way the reservoir will retain its original cleanliness and freshness and will not "bloom".

After you have organized pond in the country you probably have a few more questions. If you are, for example, planning on keeping live fish, breeding aquarium fish, or simply planting ornamental plants, then you should be concerned about the issue of clean water. Pond water can be purified using special filters. What types of filters are there and what to look for when buying them?

Why do you need a water filter?

The main problem of any reservoir is bloom. This is an inevitable process caused by activity phytoplankton and other organisms. It is especially pronounced if the water in the pond is stagnant, and the ambient temperature is above 20 ° C. How does flowering happen?

In a static and closed water system, the same processes always occur. Dead plants, waste products of fish and other organisms, fallen leaves and branches - all this settles on the bottom. putrefactive bacteria taken for their decomposition. Active bacteria wash out oxygen from the aquatic environment and saturate it with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Here phytoplankton is involved in the matter, which makes the water "bloom".

Plants that can revive the pond begin to "suffocate" - they do not have time to produce oxygen, and the bottom is gradually covered with a continuous layer of sediment. Phytoplankton "hosts" in the pond, from which the smell of rotten eggs begins to emanate (hydrogen sulfide has begun to be produced). A muddy green film covers the surface with a continuous carpet, the composition of the inhabitants is now changing. swamps- the fish (if it was) is dying out, but there is absolutely no salvation from mosquitoes. Under favorable climatic conditions, one season is enough for the full flowering of the pond.

To combat flowering, you basically need a filter.

Types of pond filtration

There are many ways to filter a pond. There are several ways to clean and maintain an artificial reservoir on the site in good condition.

1) biological filtration. When using this method, aerobic bacteria are launched into the pond, which decompose organic residues into oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. The method is suitable for those who do not want to interfere in the "natural affairs" and is ideal for restoring natural balance.

2) Chemical cleaning. On sale there are special reagents that decompose nitrates, phosphates, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other waste products into water and carbon dioxide.

3) Ultraviolet radiation. UV waves are safe for fish and higher algae, but at the same time they kill microorganisms and lower algae that cause the "bloom" of the reservoir. For the skin and eyes of humans and animals, such installations are also unsafe.

4) mechanical filters. These devices purify the water, making it completely transparent. Regular pumping of water through the filters retains even the smallest particles in layers of quartz sand or special granules. The filters are easy to change and are perfect for pond cleaning.

How to choose a pond filter?

Experts advise choosing a filter at the design stage of a reservoir. True, there is always a chance that during the construction process you will want to reduce the size of the pond or think about breeding fish. Therefore, it is better to buy a filter when all issues are resolved and the pond has a complete look.

When buying a pond filter, you need to consider the following factors:

  • pond volume(its length and depth);
  • peculiarities climate;
  • Availability living organisms;
  • illumination;
  • power pumps(if they are).

The most difficult thing to select a filter is if you plan to breed fish in the pond, because it constantly needs oxygen in sufficient quantities.

Flow type filters always work only in conjunction with a pump. Dirty water passes through the filter system, getting rid of debris and sediment. A porous filter keeps algae out, while a container with bacteria and reagents fights organic residues and random chemical compounds that have entered the water.

The flow filter is an excellent solution for small ponds with a volume of about 300-350 m³. For larger reservoirs, the installation of several combined flow filters will be required. The best models carry out complex cleaning - mechanical, chemical and ultraviolet, which makes them universal in the fight against any pollution.

Filters of this type do not have the highest performance - they are able to effectively clean only small ponds, up to 60 m³. But purified water can be supplied to a height of up to 5 m thanks to a circulation pump installed at the bottom of the reservoir.

The cleaning process is generally identical to the operation of the flow filter, but the pressure unit is additionally equipped with an electric pump and several modules for deep filtration. The only drawback is that powerful pumps are needed for full operation, but not all pressure filters are equipped with them.

The pressure filter can be operated without getting into the water, which is especially good in cool weather.

A budget option is a sand filter for a pond. Instead of a complex multi-level filtration system, it has a simple sand and algae collector. The disadvantage of this type of filter is that organic matter begins to decompose, releasing hydrogen sulfide, methane and other harmful gases.

floating filter, or skimmer, is usually recommended as an additional filtration device. It can only be used in conjunction with an in-line or pressure cleaner. These are small installations that float on the surface of the pond and actively drive water and debris in it through the filtration holes. Large wastes (fallen leaves, grass) remain in the waste bin, while small ones are driven through the filter and crushed. The skimmer prevents leaves, twigs and grass from sinking to the bottom and decomposing there.

Filter power calculation

Ability filtration system to cope with the cleaning of the reservoir is called it power. A well-chosen filter should pass all the water from your pond through itself in 1-1.5 hours.

In nature, lakes with crystal clear water usually have a large area, while small ones often turn into swamps. Therefore, in order for artificial ponds to please the eye, they need care. The transparency of water in an artificial reservoir is ensured not only by performing regular procedures for its mechanical cleaning, but also primarily due to a competent project for arranging the pond itself, as well as due to the operation of the water filtration and aeration system. The sum of these factors should provide establishment of biological balance in the reservoir lower and higher flora and fauna, the existence of which is evidenced by clean water without an unpleasant odor.

When arranging an artificial pond, its main parameters - location, volume and purpose - play a key role. Choosing place, take into account that the reservoir should be illuminated by the sun for 4-6 hours during the day, and at summer noon, shading of at least 40% of the water surface is necessary. At the same time, the pond is not located directly under the trees: falling leaves or needles have a bad effect on its biobalance.

Typology of the arrangement of the reservoir

The water in any artificial pond must be continuously enriched with oxygen and regularly pumped through a filtration system, the type of which depends on the purpose of the reservoir.

decorative pond area of ​​8-12 m 2 with a maximum depth of about 60-80 cm is focused exclusively on the cultivation of ornamental plants. In this case, the task of enriching water with oxygen is often solved with the help of an external compressor (aerator), which pumps air into the water column. The compressor, together with a filter for cleaning and a pump, the parameters of which are selected based on the size of the reservoir, is installed in a secluded place on the shore of the pond. Filtration is provided by taking water from the pit at the deepest point of the reservoir and returning it to the pond from the side opposite from the place of intake.

Pond for fish should have a deep-water zone (80 cm or more) for the wintering of living organisms, the area of ​​​​which should be a significant part of the pond. There, the water will not warm up much during the summer heat and freeze in winter. The area of ​​a fish pond usually exceeds the minimum dimensions of an ornamental pond and can reach 50 m2. The number of individuals is selected based on the fact that 1 m 2 of the pond area should account for no more than 0.25 m of the total length of the fish bodies. To purify and saturate the water with oxygen, you will have to install an aerator complete with a multi-stage filter.

bathing pond, whose area exceeds 70 m 2 and the depth can reach 1.5 m, should be equipped not only with an automatic filtration and aeration system, but also with a special zone of natural purification and biological water regeneration. The swimming and regeneration zones of the pond can be combined or spaced apart in different areas. With a joint organization, the regeneration zone should be separated from the bathing zone. It is necessary to build dividing walls 20-30 cm below the water level. The role of a dividing wall can also be played by a tightly stretched fine mesh, which needs to be changed every few years. The volume of the bathing and regeneration zones is usually 1:1 or 1:2.

Useful flora and fauna

In any artificial pond, regardless of its size and purpose, protozoa and higher plants, as well as insects and microorganisms, coexist. Most of the lower plants and microorganisms start up on their own, but the owner of the reservoir should take care of breeding higher ornamental plants and fish.

To maintain a healthy biological balance in the pond, it is imperative to grow oxygenating algae floating in the water column- swamp, pondweed, hornwort, turcha, urut and elodea. These plants process organic matter in water into green mass and saturate the reservoir with oxygen, thereby maintaining the normal functioning of other organisms. When oxygenators grow too large, their excess is removed manually.

In addition, the pond should grow free floating plants(water paint, hornwort, telorez) and deep sea perennials with floating leaves(marsh flower, capsule, water lily). They are not only decorative, but also useful, because they shade the water during the heat. In reservoirs with fish, ⅓ of the water surface should be covered with surface greenery, but it should not be allowed to grow over more than ½ of the area.

Mechanical harvesting and cleaning

The pond must be periodically freed from debris floating on the surface, excess aquatic plants. If the water has become cloudy, measures should be taken to establish a biobalance. Leaves and other organic debris that fall to the surface of the water quickly get wet, settle to the bottom and begin to decompose after a while. To remove leaves and debris that get into the water, you can use skimmers. These floating devices are a basket into which impurities are automatically collected from the water surface.

In autumn, during leaf fall, above the surface of the pond, you can even put on a special mesh. In extreme cases, use a net, but then you will have to collect the leaves every day. In the spring, the pond is pumped out (while leaving the liquid in the regeneration zone of the bathing pond and in the deep section of the fish pond) and clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner. In addition, pruning and, if necessary, transplanting overgrown aquatic plants should be performed in the fall.

Pond filtration

Special filter systems that ensure the purity of the water in the pond must contain mechanical cleaning elements- containers with porous filter material, which allows you to clarify the water by removing debris and dirt particles. In addition, the filter may include components of light and chemical-biological treatment. They are used to disinfect and purify water from toxins using ultraviolet light and filter substances such as coal or resin. To normalize the microflora of water, a separate compartment of a multi-stage filter may contain beneficial microorganism capsules. The main purpose of such multi-stage filtration is not so much mechanical cleaning as normalization of the biological balance of the reservoir, when the development of unnecessary algae and harmful bacteria is naturally suppressed in the pond. Filter elements should be changed every 3-6 months, while the condition of mechanical filters should be checked at least once every 2 months.

Filter types

In most cases, water is used to purify water in garden ponds. flow or pressure cleaning systems, which are driven by the pumps supplied or supplied separately. Water is sucked from the reservoir and fed to the filter, where it is purified, and then returned to the pond again. In cheaper and less productive flow filters, water enters by gravity, and in more expensive and efficient pressure filters, it is pumped under pressure.

Powerful pond filters consist of several blocks located in a common housing. One of them - sterilizer(an ultraviolet lamp that irradiates water, killing microorganisms and blue-green algae in it). The main part of the system three stage filter. In its first section, the water is preliminary purified from leaves and other large contaminants. As a result of this process, water is enriched with oxygen. The second stage of purification provides for the biological decomposition of ammonia - a decay product of organic bacteria into harmless nitrogen compounds. At the third stage, the ammonia residues are absorbed by a special substance, after which the water flows back into the reservoir.

Filter selection

You can determine which filter is needed based on its maximum performance or on the performance of the pump that is included with the filter. A pond without fish should be completely pumped in 2 hours, and with fish in 1 hour. Thus, by calculating the approximate volume of the pond in liters, it is easy to determine the models that suit you. For efficient water treatment in bathing or stocked ponds the filtration system must operate continuously for 24 hours(only in a decorative reservoir filtration is allowed for 6 hours a day).

Preparations for cleaning the reservoir

To purify water from organic and biogenic elements, as well as to control the reproduction of protozoan algae, chemical and biological preparations. The use of the latter does not affect the established biological balance in the pond and in most cases they do not pose a threat to plants and living organisms. With the help of biological products, it is possible to suppress the growth of microalgae and stop the flowering of water (for example, a liquid extract of barley straw is used). There are also all kinds of preparations for maintaining the immune system of fish in cold water, increasing the activity of processes in the pond in winter and early spring, etc.

Chemicals are used to restore the acidity level of the reservoir, saturate the water with oxygen, and dissolve algae. When using them, one must strictly observe the dosage, since in excessive doses they are harmful to fish, plants and humans. Their use can lead to a violation of the biobalance of the pond.

Filter Fountain Pump

If you install a fountain pump with a mechanical filter and an ultraviolet lamp to suppress harmful bacteria and algae at the bottom of an ornamental pond, then you can do without using an external filter to purify the water. Available models of filtering fountain pumps can be used for reservoirs up to 5000 l. To protect against clogging, the pumps are installed on a concrete or metal base at the bottom of the reservoir. They are connected directly to the electrical network, so when choosing, pay attention to the length of the cable and provide a residual current device in the network. Naturally, such a pump must be turned off when servicing the pond.

Pond aeration

The enrichment of water with oxygen is extremely important for the flora and fauna of an artificial reservoir. The air supply helps keep the water clean and clear, allows the fish to develop normally, prevents the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, regulates the growth of algae, and ensures the circulation of water from the bottom to the surface, eliminating unpleasant odors. In winter, aerators work as de-icers and contribute to the formation of a non-freezing water surface.

Two types of devices are used. Diffuser bottom aerators consist of a compressor installed on the shore and diffusers connected to it by flexible hoses at the bottom. This technique is very effective, but it does not create a water pattern on the surface. And here floating aerator fountains in addition to pure water, they bring aesthetic pleasure. Moreover, you can order several interchangeable fountain nozzles. Such aerators do not need to be installed, they stay afloat on their own.

Wintering stocked pond

In autumn, fish begin to prepare for wintering and store fat. When the temperature drops, it sinks to the bottom of the reservoir and stops eating. During this period, fish should not be fed, as the abundance of uneaten food leads to water pollution. From mid-autumn to mid-spring, the water in the stocked pond may not be filtered, so it is necessary to provide for the possibility of turning off the filtration equipment.

An important question remains water aeration. The main danger for fish in winter is the lack of oxygen and the accumulation of carbon dioxide under the ice. For the wintering of such a pond, the water aeration system is not turned off for the winter. With its help, water is enriched with oxygen, and carbon dioxide, formed during the decay of leaves, algae and other organic matter, freely comes to the surface. As an alternative, stocked ponds can be equipped with a deicer that prevents the formation of ice on the surface. A submersible pump can also be used. It is located 20-60 cm below the surface of the water. It works for itself, as a result, moving water does not freeze. The main disadvantage of all these methods is a sudden power outage, therefore, in winter, the reservoir needs attention.

Recently, more and more often, when designing the general design of a backyard territory, land owners resort to organizing various types of reservoirs. This, of course, gives the territory near the house some naturalness and originality, but the most important thing is the enchanting beauty that attracts not only the owner himself, but also any guest. However, it is no secret that any “beauty requires sacrifice”, although in this case it is more accurate to say not “victims”, but efforts. Any body of water requires regular filtration to maintain its original attractiveness, and this is regardless of whether it is inhabited by living organisms or not. It is important for each owner of the pond to control its condition, because the order in the entire garden plot will essentially depend on this.

In view of this, there are two ways to keep the backyard pond clean: regular water purification in the pond or installing a special filter. The first option is relatively unprofitable, because it requires large expenditures, both physical and material, and this is not very convenient when the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir is large enough. But the second one is just what you need, it is the most effective, and the most common. And its huge advantage is that you don’t have to drop everything and run to the store to buy such a necessary device, almost any amateur gardener with “skillful hands” is able to successfully create a homemade pond filter.

Methods for cleaning the reservoir

Many owners of such a wonderful element of landscape design, such as a pond, have completely different points of view regarding its care. For example, some prefer not to resort to cleaning in principle, because they are confident that nature will take care of itself, especially when it comes to a natural reservoir. Most often, plants grow at the bottom of such ponds that bring great benefits:

  • they are able to supply water with oxygen;
  • prevent the appearance of harmful algae;
  • maintain the necessary balance of chemical elements;
  • water is purified, making it transparent;
  • perfectly decorate the reservoir, being at the same time a successful element of decor.

Plants can serve as a good water purifier

However, not only representatives of the flora can act as excellent sources of filtration; underwater inhabitants, such as crayfish or cupids, are often bred to perform this function.

As for artificial reservoirs, the basis of which is polyethylene, biological substances with various cleaning bacteria are used to clean them. In addition, there is also a chemical cleaning method, which, according to many, is absolutely safe for the inhabitants of the pond and for its owner. Its essence lies in the fact that the reagents, getting into the water, start a chemical reaction and subsequently decompose into water and carbon dioxide, which contributes to the purification of various substances.

Filtration of the reservoir can also be carried out using ultraviolet radiation. This is the best option in cases where mechanical cleaning did not bring the desired results.

One thing is for sure, that any body of water requires maintenance and obligatory filtration, and without the efforts of its owner, it will hardly be possible to achieve good results. There will always be some debris on the surface of the water in the form of dry grass, twigs, foliage, and so on. And the water itself can become cloudy or dirty over time. In any case, you will have to resort to the cleaning process - either install a pump, or build a do-it-yourself filter for the pond, which from an economic point of view will be more profitable.

Expert recommendations: how to clean the pond in your country house (video)

Filter targeting

One of the successful mechanical ways to clean a pond is to install a filter. In fact, they are indispensable devices for maintaining the purity of the reservoir. First of all, such treatment facilities are created to prevent the blooming of the water surface, they are aimed at the destruction of microorganisms that provoke this phenomenon. In addition, the operation of filters does not allow small particles to enter the reservoir, and if there are any, then the process of purification from them takes place. Also, the filtration process includes the release of the pond from dirt and various kinds of impurities.

How the filter works

How to make such a device for filtering? Of course, you can go the path of least resistance and just buy it in specialized stores. And you can create such a filter for the pond with your own hands. In this case, you will have to purchase some important parts and fixtures, and, accordingly, make some efforts. In view of this, it is very important to know what filters are and what types are divided into.

Types of cleaning devices

As you know, all filters can be conditionally divided into two categories - pressure and non-pressure. They differ in their working principle.


The advantage of the former lies in their relative cheapness and practicality. Most often, structures of this working principle are used in cases where there is a fountain on the site, that is, a device in which a water flow moves under some pressure. Its essence lies in the fact that, thanks to the operation of the pump, water moves to the cleaning element, while it goes through several stages of filtration and returns to the pond in a purified form. The positive qualities include the small dimensions of the pressure cleaning device, which allows not to allocate much space for it and makes it possible to preserve the natural appearance of the pond. Few of them have an ultraviolet sterilizer in their composition, which not only cleans the pond, but also perfectly disinfects it.

pressure filter


The second category of filters is non-pressure, or they are also called gravity, and some cleaning experts call them modular or multi-chamber. Any of these names clearly reflects the principle of operation of the device. In fact, filters of this type are a certain reservoir, which consists of several separate cells or chambers, each of which is filled with a certain material, passing through which the water is purified from various contaminants or debris. Water is supplied by means of the pump, goes through several stages of purification, and then freely returns (by gravity) to the pond.

Non-pressure cleaning structures are always installed above the water level, because otherwise the device will not work. Filters of this type are most often referred to as multifunctional and therefore the demand for them is much higher than for other models. Although they are much larger than pressure structures and their construction is much simpler, nevertheless, the results obtained always justify all expectations. When purchasing such a filter, it is important not to forget to buy a pump, through which water is supplied to the device.

Non-pressure filter

By the way, making a pressureless filter is quite easy. To do this, in your "arsenal" you need to have:

  • special brushes that will trap large debris, such as, for example, dry foliage or algae;
  • coke braid, the presence of which in the filter will rid the water of small debris;
  • a small piece of foam rubber that protects against harmful microbes and supplies the reservoir with beneficial bacteria;
  • capsules with special solution.

Before inventing this device, it is important to consider several factors:

  • the best option for a reservoir of medium volume;
  • can be used for a pond with fish;
  • the best time to operate is the end of spring and before the beginning of autumn.

Sand filters

Sand filters deserve special attention. By the way, they are also in great demand, because they have huge advantages. First, it is the pricing policy. Sand cleaning devices can be attributed to the budget option, since its cost is relatively low, but the quality of work does not suffer from this. They do an excellent job with the task. Secondly, these filters are quite simple and affordable to maintain. Thirdly, these devices can boast of reliability and unpretentiousness, which is also important.

The internal composition of the filter includes two main elements - sifted quartz sand and gravel. The cleaning process of this device occurs by backwashing. Nothing complicated, simple and high quality! It is for this reason that these cleaning designs are very popular.

DIY sand filter (video)

Creating a filter with your own hands

As noted above, it will not be difficult for pond owners with “skillful hands” to make a filtration device on their own. To do this, you just need to purchase all the necessary parts and elements for design.

Filter from improvised means. Photo 1

Since the most important component of any filter is the filler, the total cost of its creation will directly depend on this. However, before going to the store, it is important to take into account one of the main conditions - in which particular reservoir this filter will work: in a simple one or in the one where the fish live. Why is it important? It's no secret that aquatic life can pollute the pond much more than just algae. In view of this, there is a need to create not just a primitive filter, but a sufficiently powerful cleaning device.

Filter from improvised means. Photo 2

The Importance of Filtering

All living things that surround us need constant care. If we talk about a reservoir, then for him one of the excellent options for such care will be regular filtration. Installing a filter, bought in a store or made by yourself, will always justify the efforts of its owner.

Water purification system

Any reservoir is a closed space filled with liquid. The garbage that enters the pond eventually undergoes a decomposition process, as microorganisms contribute to this and an insufficient amount of oxygen live on the bottom. All this will lead to the flowering of water, which will adversely affect the life of the fish. If you still do not resort to the filtration process, then a rather beautiful pond will very quickly turn into a not very beautiful mini swamp that emits a fetid smell. This will be the final stage of the life of your reservoir.

And therefore, in order to avoid such a nuisance, just before designing a reservoir on your site, it is worth considering in advance which filter to install and where exactly. The brand of the purchased device does not play a special role or it will be the result of your efforts, the most important thing is the result of the work of the cleaning structure. And it depends on her whether the pond will be the main decor element of your site and a source of admiration for your neighbors and acquaintances!