Boar meat is tasty or not. A dead boar is more dangerous than a live one! Plague is a viral infection

Recently, four people living in the same apartment turned to one of the Minsk polyclinics with complaints of muscle pain, fever up to 37.5, swelling of the eyelids, faces, and a rash on the skin. It turned out that all of them, about three weeks before the disease, had eaten boiled wild boar meat brought by a relative. Boar meat was not subjected to veterinary examination. All four were diagnosed with trichinosis.

In order for the picture of the study to be complete, it is necessary that the whole carcass of the killed animal be delivered to the laboratory. And what is important - with all internal organs (some infectious diseases can only be identified by the affected internal organs). But, as a rule, only small pieces of animal meat, particles of the diaphragm, intercostal muscle are brought to the laboratory (the infection is most often localized in these places), but this cannot give a 100% guarantee that the entire carcass is not infected. The reason is that if you check the whole carcass, then you will have to pay a lot for the examination, plus provide the necessary certificates (permission to shoot, a copy of the license ...).

So it turns out that hunters go for examination for payment only if the hunter himself is from another area and when transporting the carcass without a corresponding certificate from the veterinary sanitary examination laboratory, questions may arise, or when studies have shown that the meat is not suitable for human consumption. In the latter case, the infected carcass of the killed animal is destroyed or sent for disposal.

The hunters themselves, who bring meat to the laboratory for testing, admitted that they do not like to advertise their activities, and that it is much easier to bring parts of the carcass for testing. After all, often hunters from different cities, even from different regions, participate in an ambush on a wild boar, and the carcass of the killed animal is immediately divided into parts and taken away by the hunters to their homes.

Also, cases of detection in the meat of wild animals of such diseases as sarcocystosis (affects muscle tissue), ascadidosis, metastrangellosis, echinococcosis, finnosis (in which the quality of meat products decreases), as well as damage to the skin of animals by septic processes (purulent wounds, abscesses, phlegmon ), in the presence of which it is impossible to eat meat.

However, this is only a small part of the diseases that can be contracted through the meat of wild animals, and therefore laboratory tests are indispensable if you want to eat the meat of a freshly shot bear or wild boar and not be afraid for your health.

In order to check the meat for the content of cesium 137 radionuclides, it must be at least half a kilogram and it is better if the pieces of meat are from different parts of the carcass (chest and pelvic parts). The consumption of wild meat with a high content of cesium radionuclides is dangerous for human health. It is especially not recommended to cook dishes from the bones of such animals.

What is useful boar meat?

Why is boar meat dangerous?

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Boar meat benefits and harms

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Boar meat - benefits and harms

Boar meat has a specific taste and a significant set of useful properties. The benefits and harms of wild boar meat are of particular interest to those who first encountered this product. But experienced hunters and their relatives often prefer wild boar to softer, but also fatter pork.

What is useful boar meat?

The meat of a wild boar is quite different from pork, although these animals are close relatives. The main reason for this is the huge differences in their diet. A domestic pig is fed with the expectation of increasing meat and fat, but a wild animal excess weight to nothing. That is why wild boar meat is leaner, and its calorie content is lower - only 122 kcal (for pork - from 316 to 489 kcal).

For people who follow their figure, wild boar can be an excellent low-calorie source of proteins and minerals, because. This animal in nature feeds on a wide variety of foods, mainly plant foods. One of the most useful components of boar meat is phosphorus. It is necessary for good condition of teeth and nails, healthy joints and high-quality metabolism.

Useful properties possesses not only boar meat, but also its fat and liver. Fat in folk medicine used to treat pneumonia and bronchitis, and the liver helps with hepatitis and cirrhosis.

To prepare tasty dish from wild boar, you need to know some tricks. If the meat was taken from an adult animal, it may have a specific flavor that not everyone likes. Soaking in water or a weak solution of vinegar will help get rid of the smell. Most of all, wild boar is suitable for baking, frying or cooking barbecue. The second courses of wild boar meat are prepared with fragrant spices and herbs.

Why is boar meat dangerous?

Meat - benefit or harm to the human body?

Fragrant shish kebab, tender chops, spicy lamb or ruddy chicken... Mmm... Just a mention of these dishes makes the imagination draw tempting pictures and makes most of us have an irresistible desire to eat something tasty right now. Most, but not all.

The number of those who, due to certain beliefs, consciously refuse to eat meat is growing every year. In a society where meat and meat products have traditionally been considered one of the staples of the diet, there are a growing number of vegetarians who claim that eating animal protein is against the principles healthy eating, and all the necessary components the body can get from plant foods.

Let's try to figure it out - is it really so, is it worth minimizing its presence on our tables, or does the use of meat exist?

Benefits for the body

Let's start with the last question. Indeed, despite the convincing evidence of the opponents of meat-eating, many cannot live a day without this product, which is not bad at all. After all, it, be it pork, beef, lamb, horse meat, meat of a rabbit, elk or other animal, has a huge energy and nutritional value, and the protein contained in it, which is close in composition to human, is rightfully called "the main building material» of our body. It is involved in metabolic processes that continuously occur in the body, maintains muscle elasticity and bone strength, and also forms immunity.

Meat quickly replenishes wasted energy reserves, provides the substances necessary for normal growth and development, and maintains performance at the proper level. The normal functioning of the human body is not possible in the absence of essential amino acids. AT large quantities they are found precisely in products of animal origin - meat, offal, eggs, while their composition is as balanced as possible, which makes such food especially valuable. The lack of them (for example, linoleic, arachidonic) leads to a slowdown in growth in children and provokes the development of atherosclerosis in adults.

The benefits of meat, especially red - in a significant content of iron - an element responsible for hematopoiesis. Meat iron is perfectly absorbed and helps to restore the deficiency of this substance in the body without the use of drugs. By the way, many vegetarians suffer from anemia, which cannot be said about those who regularly eat meat. Doctors strongly recommend the product to young girls and women expecting a baby - during this period, iron deficiency occurs in most expectant mothers observed in the antenatal clinic.

Meat also contains such important components as magnesium (which is of particular importance for the nervous system), zinc (necessary for tissue growth and regeneration and the production of sex hormones), phosphorus (strengthening tooth enamel and improving brain activity) and potassium (maintaining normal blood pressure). In sufficient quantities, the product contains vitamins A, B12, D, PP.

The benefits of meat, in particular, some of its types (rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal) also lie in the relatively low calorie content. Such meat is allowed to be consumed during many diets, since it does not burden the digestive system and at the same time contributes to the active work of the body.

Hoki fish - benefits and harms

Baked under a rusk-lemon dressing, fried in a delicate batter or cooked in combination with olives and juicy tomatoes. The list of dishes based on makruronus does not end there. In other words, this is a hoki fish, which is not only a rare guest on our table, but also about the benefits, the dangers of which we know little.

Benefits of hoki fish

The fish, which was also called the longtail, outwardly is very similar to the breadwinner of the people, the hake. Especially if you buy a carcass. This predatory representative of the deep sea has practically no bones, which undoubtedly contributes to its quick preparation.

As for nutrients, hoki contains up to 25% percent of iodine. He, in turn, is involved in metabolic processes, accelerates biochemical reactions, and affects the growth temperature and neuropsychic development of a person. Phosphorus helps maintain the normal condition of both bones and teeth. Iron maintains human immunity in the normal range. In addition to these useful substances, macrouronos contains: manganese, potassium, fluorine, magnesium, calcium, copper, cobalt, chromium. Thanks to them, the mood improves, cheerfulness of the spirit appears.

Longtail is the personification of useful dietary supplements. Moreover, hoki fish is valued for its low calorie content. This low-protein, almost non-fat product contains only 35 kcal per 100 g.

Sweet white meat with a pronounced shrimp taste is not only possible, but should also be included in your diet for those who adhere to diet food. After all, the calorie content of an appetizing hoki cannot but rejoice.

Harm of macrouronus

To date, as such, there are no restrictions on the consumption of meat from this fish. The only thing is, if you are allergic to fish carcasses, seafood, then this product should be discarded.

The benefits and harms of soy meat

Today, soy meat can be found on the table not only among adherents of vegetarian food, but also among lovers of meat dishes. The secret to this lies in the unique composition this product, which in some diseases becomes simply irreplaceable.

Soy meat came to Europe from Asian countries, in which they began to use soy in cooking several millennia ago. And since in many Asian countries ordinary meat was a luxury, over time they learned how to make its vegetarian counterpart from soybeans, which quickly took root in other countries.

Soy meat is made from a dough mixed with water and defatted soy flour. The product is brought to readiness with the help of a reusable passage through a special device resembling a meat grinder, resulting in a spongy mass, which is cut into pieces and dried. Soy meat is produced in the form of chops, goulash, minced meat, cutlets and other semi-finished products. Dried soy meat can be stored in this state for about a year. However, the prepared product is recommended to be consumed within three days.

The benefits of soy meat

Natural soy meat is considered a low-calorie and dietary product that is ideal for overweight people. Just like regular meat, soy contains a large amount of easily digestible protein needed by the human body. In addition, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, for example, linoleic, which enters the human body exclusively through food. Soy meat is rich in beta-carotene, vitamins E, PP and B vitamins. It also contains potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, choline, thiamine and folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on memory and development, is responsible for a good mood. All vitamins and nutrients in soy meat are contained in a bioavailable form, so they are easier and faster absorbed by the body.

Thanks to this composition, soy meat cleanses the walls of blood vessels from harmful cholesterol, promotes a long-term effect of saturation and perfectly stimulates intestinal motility. It is recommended to eat it for the elderly, as well as for those who have diabetes, suffer from allergies, hypertension or atherosclerosis.

Harm of soy meat

Natural soy meat is not harmful to health and can be included in the menu even for small children. The only contraindication to its use is individual intolerance to soy. Another thing is meat made from genetically modified soybeans, which today flooded store shelves all over the world. It is believed that the consumption of such a product, especially in large quantities, can lead to a decrease in immunity, metabolic disorders and the state of the microflora in the body, as well as the development of cancer.

Benefits and harms of meat

Meat - the benefits and beneficial properties of various types of meat

  • pork meat
  • Beef
  • Chicken's meat
  • Turkey meat
  • The benefits of duck meat
  • The benefits of rabbit meat

Meat and meat products make up the bulk of the human diet. Only a few refrain from eating meat and eat exclusively vegetarian food. Despite the fact that a person has been eating meat for several thousand years, disputes about the benefits and harms of this product do not subside.

Proponents of eating meat argue that only this product is able to supply the human body with the necessary and irreplaceable proteins. While vegetarians claim that meat is harmful, it is the source of the causative agents of a wide variety of diseases.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of meat, it must be said that a lot depends on the type of meat. Today, the human diet includes cattle meat (beef, veal), small cattle (goat meat, lamb), pork meat and poultry meat (chicken, turkey, goose, duck, quail meat). As well as horse meat, rabbit meat and game (game meat includes the meat of any wild animals: hare, wild boar, deer, bear, etc.). In some countries, the meat of dogs, cats and other animals (camels, buffaloes, mules, donkeys) is eaten. Each type of meat has its own flavor and useful properties.

pork meat

- the benefits of this product are not only in the high protein content, but also in the content of vitamin B12, vitamin D, trace elements: iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Pork is good for the bone and nervous system. "Meat-eaters" claim that by excluding pork from their diet, a man is threatened with impotence.


- the benefits of meat from cows and calves in a high content of B vitamins, as well as C, E, A, PP, minerals: copper, magnesium, sodium, cobalt, zinc, iron, potassium. Beef is extremely useful for blood formation, is able to increase the level of hemoglobin, and is indispensable for anemia.

Chicken's meat

- the benefits of this product in a high content of easily digestible protein, in a minimum amount of fat and in the absence of carbohydrates. In addition, chicken is rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Chicken meat can affect blood pressure, is involved in lipid metabolism, balancing the sugar content in the blood and urine, it also lowers cholesterol and stimulates the kidneys. Chicken meat excellent dietary product with low energy value.

Turkey meat

- the benefits of this product in a large number of vitamins (A and E), as well as in the content of iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iodine, manganese, magnesium. The sodium content of turkey is twice that of beef, so salt can be omitted when cooking turkey meat. In terms of iron content, turkey meat is also a champion and is far ahead of beef, pork and chicken combined. Calcium, which is contained in meat, makes turkey an excellent prevention of osteoporosis, prevents joint diseases.

The benefits of duck meat

For the body in a large number of vitamins and nutrients, duck contains: B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12), as well as vitamins E and K. Duck meat is rich in selenium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Along with this, duck is a rather fatty product containing saturated fatty acids, which can form cholesterol plaques in the vessels.

The benefits of rabbit meat

as a dietary product known to all, it is a product saturated with protein, and containing a small amount of fat and a minimum amount of cholesterol. The vitamin and mineral composition of rabbit meat is no poorer than the composition of other types of meat, but due to the small amount of sodium salts, it is more beneficial for the body and is indispensable for those who suffer from food allergies, cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.

Speaking about the benefits of meat, one cannot fail to mention the methods of its preparation. Boiled and baked meat is the most useful for the body, there is much less benefit in fried meat and barbecue. Smoked meat is so saturated with a carcinogen that it is better not to use it.

Wild boar meat. Calorie content, benefits and harms. - VashVkus

The use of wild boar meat in cooking has its own specifics, which makes it possible to give greater tenderness and preserve the high nutritional value of dishes. The first thing to do with a piece is to clean the skin from the bristles. The traditional way to get rid of coarse hair is to singe or scald the skin with boiling water, after which the hairs are easily removed. If the animal you are butchering was a hardened billhook during its lifetime, its meat may have a specific smell, which is removed only with the help of long soaking. Wild pig or young piglets are free from this disadvantage and can be used for cooking without pre-training. Any game, and wild boar is no exception, is best used in order to prepare main courses. The broth from such meat, although it turns out to be rich, has a specific aftertaste and may seem tasteless to an unusual person.

In addition to boiling and frying, roasting wild boar meat with spices and herbs is very popular among cooks. This simple recipe, which came to us from time immemorial, is still popular in the best restaurants in the world and can be successfully repeated at home, even by a hostess with little experience.

The benefits of wild boar meat:

The active lifestyle of wild animals makes their meat leaner compared to domestic pork. In addition, the high content of protein and minerals gives the product a high nutritional and energy value.

Harm and contraindications:

Boar meat

Boar meat is a valuable dietary product. They get it from forest dwellers - wild boars, also called wild boars, wild pigs or billhooks. These animals grow in natural conditions, feed on roots and acorns, due to which their meat is considered environmentally friendly.

Boar meat has a dark pink hue, and when properly cooked, it acquires a rich taste and a slight pleasant smell.

Interesting! People began to eat wild boar meat since ancient times, long before the appearance of domestic pigs.

Pretreatment of wild boar meat

The meat of adult or old males requires an additional soak in a 2% vinegar solution for three hours, otherwise ready meal will be tough and with an unpleasant odor. Acetic acid softens the connective fibers and removes odor. Meat obtained from females or young males does not need pre-treatment.

Interesting! During the hunt, people and dogs drive the boar, and emissions of certain substances occur in the body of the animal. Subsequently, such meat acquires a specific smell. To neutralize it, the meat must also be soaked in milk or a solution of vinegar.

Before cooking, the meat must be freed from bristles. It can be removed by scalding, peeling or singeing. After any of these procedures, the meat must be thoroughly rinsed.

Cooking wild boar meat

Wild boar is used mainly for cooking second courses, since when this meat is cooked in the broth, a large number of inclusions are formed. Parts of meat carcasses are used in different ways:

  • Boar ham is dried, dried, smoked, salted or baked. Boiled ham is obtained by long-term cooking of the ham.
  • Chops are prepared from the loin and brisket of a wild boar or twisted into minced meat with a small addition of wild boar fat. The kidney part of the loin is freed from the tendons and a schnitzel is obtained.
  • The shoulder blade is good for stewing.
  • The neck part is suitable for both second and first courses.
  • The lower parts of the limbs are ideal for jelly or jelly.

Those who like to hunt wild boar in field conditions roast prey on coals or on a fire, smoke or make barbecue.

Spices and herbs for wild boar:

  • mustard;
  • pepper - black or red;
  • garlic;
  • lemon juice;
  • thyme;
  • cowberry;
  • juniper.

What to serve with

Excellent side dishes for this type of meat are:

  • fried potatoes;
  • braised cabbage;
  • vegetable stew.

Spicy sauces are perfect for wild boar roast.

The benefits of boar meat

Boar contains two important elements:

  • phosphorus, which is necessary for a person for healthy teeth and bones, and also promotes the absorption of many vitamins;
  • antioxidants that maintain normal blood sugar levels, prolonging youth and health.

This type of meat is rich in vitamins (groups B, PP, E) and minerals (calcium, chromium, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, selenium).

Boar meat contains a minimum amount of cholesterol. It is recommended for people with diseases of the digestive and nervous systems, it is useful for the mucous membranes of the whole body, and also improves the appearance of the skin.

Due to the low content of lipids, wild boar meat is suitable for dietary cuisine.

Harm of boar meat

Dietary boar meat is not harmful product and is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to the product.

Energy value of the product (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 21.5g (∼ 86 kcal)

Fats: 3.3g (~ 29.7 kcal)

Carbs: 0g (∼ 0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 70% | 24% | 0%

Today, soy meat can be found on the table not only among adherents of vegetarian food, but also among lovers of meat dishes. The secret to this lies in the unique composition of this product, which in some diseases becomes simply irreplaceable.

Soy meat is made from a dough mixed with water and defatted soy flour. The product is brought to readiness with the help of a reusable passage through a special device resembling a meat grinder, resulting in a spongy mass, which is cut into pieces and dried. Soy meat is produced in the form of chops, goulash, minced meat, cutlets and other semi-finished products. Dried soy meat can be stored in this state for about a year. However, the prepared product is recommended to be consumed within three days.

The benefits of soy meat

Natural soy meat is considered a low-calorie and dietary product that is ideal for overweight people. Just like regular meat, soy contains a large amount of easily digestible protein needed by the human body. In addition, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, for example, linoleic, which enters the human body exclusively through food. Soy meat is rich in beta-carotene, vitamins E, PP and B vitamins. It also contains potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, choline, thiamine and folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on memory and development, is responsible for a good mood. All vitamins and nutrients in soy meat are contained in a bioavailable form, so they are easier and faster absorbed by the body.

Thanks to this composition, soy meat cleanses the walls of blood vessels from harmful cholesterol, promotes a long-term effect of saturation and perfectly stimulates intestinal motility. It is recommended to eat it for the elderly, as well as for those who have diabetes, suffer from allergies, hypertension or atherosclerosis.

Harm of soy meat

Natural soy meat is not harmful to health and can be included in the menu even for small children. The only contraindication to its use is individual intolerance to soy. Another thing is meat made from genetically modified soybeans, which today flooded store shelves all over the world. It is believed that the consumption of such a product, especially in large quantities, can lead to a decrease in immunity, metabolic disorders and the state of the microflora in the body, as well as the development of cancer.

Lots of protein

If it saves the figure, it is better to use wild boar meat, and not beef or chicken. This will help you keep your body in good shape and ensure proper nutrition. This meat is also effective for bodybuilders and athletes. Meat will give them much-needed protein.

Wild boar meat has fewer calories than pork. It also has less fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and more protein—higher protein levels than pork, beef, lamb, and chicken, to be exact. Boar meat is smoked, fried, stewed, marinated.

Unlike domestic pork, wild boar is a bit sweeter (taste with "notes" of nuts) and cleaner in taste, not greasy, without flavor. It is more compact than a pig, it has a third less fat, calories and cholesterol. The wild boar grows up to 1.5 m in length and weighs up to 70 kg - smaller than the pigs that are raised by farms. Their diet includes acorns, nuts, grass, roots, apples, and just about any crop that is available. Such a diet gives piquancy to the taste of their meat.

Features of wild boar meat

Where does the unpleasant smell of wild boar meat come from?

The results of modern research prove that the unpleasant specific smell of billhing boar meat is not associated with its primary property. Fat and meat acquire it in the process of improper cutting of the carcass.

The main organ where this smell is formed is a special formation of the penis diverticulum of the preputial sac. It is a bubble-like protrusion of the wall of the preputial sac in adult billfish, the size of large apple, with a diameter of 12-15 centimeters, the bottom of which rests on the abdominal muscles, and the hole opens into the preputial sac at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from its exiting hole.

The wall of the diverticulum consists of 3 shells: inner, middle and outer. The internal one is of the same type in its structure with the membrane lining the preputial sac. It consists of 2 layers - stratified squamous epithelium and connective tissue layer. On the surface of the epithelial layer are layered masses such as smegma - a product of necrosis of epithelial cells. The middle shell is formed by striated muscle tissue, the outer shell is loose connective tissue with more or less adipose tissue. There are no glandular formations in the wall of the diverticulum.

The content of the diverticulum in different seasons of the year varies both quantitatively and qualitatively. During the rut, it overflows the cavity of the diverticulum, stretches its walls and is a homogeneous grayish-yellow liquid. The main component of the content is sperm with all its inherent elements. In addition to semen, urea was found in the composition of the liquid - up to 2% and creotinine, which indicates the presence of urine in it. Morphological studies show that in addition to a huge amount of spermatozoa, there are epithelial cells and their decay products in a small amount. During this period, the content of the diverticulum has a particularly strong and unpleasant odor with a wide spectrum of action and the ability to be adsorbed by the meat and fat of the fresh carcass.

After the end of the rut, the contents of the diverticulum gradually change. Its quantity decreases and therefore the inner wall becomes folded. It is less homogeneous, has a liquid part and clots of various shapes, colors and consistency. The latter are located mainly near the walls of the diverticulum. The amount of urea in the contents is only 0.75%. There are traces of creatinine. The clots resemble the smegma of the preputial sac. In them, in one quantity or another, there are elements of the breakdown of spermatozoa and products of autolysis of epithelial cells.

Thus, the direct contents of the diverticulum are sperm, consisting of spermatozoa and the secret of the vesicular, prostate and bulbourethral glands, as well as urine products and decay of epithelial cells.

An unpleasant specific odor formed in the diverticulum from these sources cannot be attributed to any of the varieties of odors according to Zwaardemarker's classification. It is more complex, polyvalent, its strength and spectrum of action depend not only on the quantitative ratio of these sources, but also on the interaction of odors generated by each of them. Given that fresh meat and especially fat perceive this smell, when cutting the carcass of billhing boars, it should not be contaminated with the contents of the diverticulum. Therefore, it is worth being guided by the following technology.

How to cook a recipe in the oven

Boar in the oven is one of the most delicious and at the same time simple cooking options for this meat. There are many ways to bake it, and now we offer a recipe for cooking with vegetables, thanks to which the dish will turn out juicy and satisfying.


For marinade:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • ¼ cup vinegar 9%;
  • 8-10 cloves of minced garlic;
  • 2 grated bay leaves;
  • black pepper (peas) - 1 tablespoon.

For the dish itself:

  • wild boar meat - 1.5 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 8 medium pieces;
  • onions - 4 pieces;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground coriander - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil- 50 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the meat in the marinade for 24 hours, after mixing black pepper, ground bay leaf, garlic and vinegar with water (preferably leave the marinade in a cool place).
  2. After aging in the marinade, you can proceed to the direct cooking process, which begins with slicing bell pepper(straws) and garlic (plates).
  3. After removing the meat from the marinade, remove the pepper and other adhering seasonings from it, and then with a sharp knife make deep punctures over the entire surface of the piece.
  4. Mix salt, ground coriander and black pepper.
  5. Grate a piece of boar meat well with the resulting mixture, and insert chopped garlic and bell pepper cloves into the previously made cuts.
  6. Set the meat aside and cut the vegetables (you can into large cubes).
  7. Pour them onto a deep baking sheet, evenly spread over the entire surface, pour sunflower oil on top (this will help avoid drying out during cooking) and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  8. In the middle of the baking sheet, make room for the meat and put the prepared piece there.
  9. You can put the rest of the pepper on top of it.
  10. Cover the baking sheet with well folded foil so that all the juices from the meat remain inside.
    Important! If you want the meat to brown a little, 20 minutes before the end of cooking, you need to remove the foil and let it “walk” without it.
  11. Put everything together (vegetables and meat) in the oven, preheated to +200 ° C, and leave it there for 2 hours, periodically checking the readiness of the future dish.

Video: cooking boar meat with vegetables

Cooking wild boar meat is no more difficult than processing other types, but there will be much more benefits from it. Therefore, at the slightest opportunity, you should not deny yourself the creation of a delicious and fragrant meat dish.

Is it possible to eat wild boar meat without checking

When buying meat products in stores and supermarkets, the buyer can ask the seller for a certificate confirming the quality of the meat and its safety for health.

When buying game from private hunters, no one will give you such a guarantee, therefore, before preparing and using such a product, you need to carefully consider the positive and negative aspects of such food.

What is dangerous

Did you know? wild boars are distinguished by excellent health and are able to survive even with significant injuries. In the circle of hunters, stories are not uncommon when they managed to get animals with bullets and fragments of knots stuck in the body, and sometimes foreign objects got stuck in the vital organs of the animal - the heart and lungs.

When eating game, the probability of infection with the same trichinosis is very high, therefore, in order to eliminate undesirable consequences, it is better to spend money on laboratory examination and assessment of the quality of wild boar.

In addition, such a study will help to exclude the presence of other serious diseases in the animal, the most terrible of which is rabies.

Is it useful

Given the low calorie content of boar meat, it will be very useful for people who follow their figure, or those who are forced to adhere to special diets due to their health.

Check out useful and harmful properties beef, elk and horse meat as well.

However, this is not the only advantage of this game variant, and its additional “opportunities” include:

  • improvement of the condition of teeth, nails and hair due to the high content of phosphorus;
  • increased metabolism;
  • treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver (however, the use of wild boar fat and liver can be of great benefit for these purposes);
  • normalization of the digestive and nervous systems;
  • improvement of the condition of the mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive and genitourinary systems;
  • fight against diabetes(antioxidants present in the composition can reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood and neutralize the action of free radicals).

In general, wild boar is a good solution for those who want to maintain their good health for many years to come.

Jellied wild boar

This dish is uncomplicated, although many men consider it just that. You should not be afraid to cook jelly, especially when you have never seen the process itself. Put the wild boar meat in a large saucepan. Any parts will do: from the neck, shoulder blades, legs.

If you manage to get an ear, or even better two, the jelly will freeze 100%.

Pour the meat with water so that the meat is covered with it by 4-5 centimeters, bring to a boil. An important point: after the meat boils, foam will begin to form on the surface of the water. It should be removed. Then we make a small fire and prepare the following ingredients.

We need to prepare onions, garlic, carrots, peppers and bay leaves. We throw a whole carrot, we do the same with onions. After about an hour, add a couple of cloves of garlic, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Everyone, let's go to rest. We have enough time to load a couple dozen cartridges and even watch the first half of the game of our favorite football team.

If the water evaporates quickly, then it should be added. You will have to cook for 3-4, and sometimes all 5 hours. After that, remove the fat from the surface of the resulting broth with a napkin. This must be done to avoid the formation of a layer of fat in the jellied dishes.

Let the meat cool and tear it into small pieces with your hands. It is with hands, and not with a meat grinder or, as some still do, rub through a fine sieve. Tear it, do not regret the difference in pieces, or rather, torn shreds. Put the meat on the plates. Here you need to do to your liking: less broth, more meat, or vice versa.

Someone idolizes aspic for a large amount of meat, then throw the plates to the top. Pour in the broth and put in a cool place. You can put it in the fridge, but not in the freezer. If your jelly freezes, feel free to show off at every opportunity - not every housewife achieves such a result without gelatin.

What can be cooked from wild boar meat

A successful hunt took place. However, even if it was not very successful, you still returned home with prey. Your trophy is ready to be cooked into a gala dinner. But the keeper of the hearth has a reasonable question: “What can be cooked from wild boar meat?”. After all, the game caught is completely different from the semi-finished product from the supermarket, which does not require special culinary skills in cooking. Nevertheless, let's try to convince the hostess that the task is completely solvable and your man's prey will turn out to be a luxurious dinner.

Question one. What is it eaten with?

The question is incorrect. First you need to prepare the trophy for heat treatment. This process includes several stages: cleaning the skin, butchering the carcass, soaking to remove the smell. Cleaning the skin consists of singeing or removing the remnants of the bristle by pulling out. Then the meat is thoroughly washed under running water with a stiff brush. The division of the carcass is carried out along the line of the spine into two parts, then with the help of cutting equipment into smaller pieces that are convenient for storage. Soaking wild meat is a necessary process. At home, to remove an unpleasant odor, the boar is castrated before slaughter. Wild meat will have an unattractive odor when cooked and in the dish, if it is not soaked in a weak solution of vinegar essence for at least a day. Another important detail. Forest meat, no matter how young the piglet is, is likely to taste tough in any form. Therefore, in order to cook wild boar meat, we will apply a little trick - we will marinate it. To do this, mix in a deep bowl 1 glass of water, 1 tbsp. dry red wine 0.5 cups 4% vinegar. Add spices and herbs: spicy parsley and celery roots, onion, peppercorns and juniper berries (if any, of course, are available). Marinating time will be at least twelve hours. The process is quite laborious, but the result is worth it.

Real jam. And not only.

It is likely that the preparatory process has somewhat tired you, so getting down to the most important thing, let's cheer ourselves up. Turn on some favorite tune from a western, let our creative process inspire Django. It seems that everything is in order with the mood - autumn nodded affably in the window with a yellow cowboy hat and put a handful of maple leaves the color of red wine on the windowsill. Our dish will also be a little autumnal. What can be cooked from wild boar meat? Yes, almost everything is the same as from ordinary pork. But we will get creative and make lingonberry chops. The recipe is quite simple. From the prepared neck, cut into portions, beat them well, salt, pepper and fry on both sides for strong fire. Prepare the sauce: grind the lingonberries in a blender, boil over low heat until thickened, add a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. We serve all this splendor hot, with sauce and a side dish of vegetables (sauerkraut, pickled lingonberries and whole fried potatoes). The trick is that we added feminine charm to this dish and prepared the coveted dish of all men - fried wild meat. I am sure that such a dinner will be appreciated by your hunter.

Watch the video of cooking wild boar baked with vegetables!

Vitamins of beauty and tranquility

What vitamins are in boar meat? Most of the fair sex call these substances almost the main ones in their personal “vitamin hierarchy”. We are talking about vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamins of group B. Face and hair care necessarily includes cosmetic products with the addition of vitamin E. In addition to beauty, tocopherol gives other “bonuses”: it reduces the risk of developing hypertension and other cardiovascular ailments prevents the formation of tumors and early aging.

B group vitamins will take care of your nervous system, relieving neurosis, depression, insomnia, mobility disorders, and enhance the effect of vitamin E on skin, hair, and nails.

Boar medicines in folk medicine

Since ancient times, the wives of hunters have known that the first thing to do from the carcass of a wild boar is to isolate the fat and cut out the liver. Interest in these parts of the carcass was associated with their healing properties- colds and bronchitis were easily treated with boar fat, and sometimes with the help of such a medicine it was possible to defeat even pneumonia. Fat was used both for warming the chest and for oral administration.

Wild boar liver dishes helped cure liver diseases. Modern folk healers continue to practice the treatment of colds, anemia, hepatitis, cirrhosis with fat and the liver of a formidable forest dweller.

Meat benefits and beneficial properties of various types of meat

  • pork meat
  • Beef
  • Chicken's meat
  • Turkey meat
  • The benefits of duck meat
  • The benefits of rabbit meat

Meat and meat products make up the bulk of the human diet. Only a few refrain from eating meat and eat exclusively vegetarian food. Despite the fact that a person has been eating meat for several thousand years, disputes about the benefits and harms of this product do not subside.

Proponents of eating meat argue that only this product is able to supply the human body with the necessary and irreplaceable proteins. While vegetarians claim that meat is harmful, it is the source of the causative agents of a wide variety of diseases.

pork meat

- the benefits of this product are not only in the high protein content, but also in the content of vitamin B12, vitamin D, trace elements: iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Pork is good for the bone and nervous system. "Meat-eaters" claim that by excluding pork from their diet, a man is threatened with impotence.


- the benefits of meat from cows and calves in a high content of B vitamins, as well as C, E, A, PP, minerals: copper, magnesium, sodium, cobalt, zinc, iron, potassium. Beef is extremely useful for blood formation, is able to increase the level of hemoglobin, and is indispensable for anemia.

Chicken's meat

- the benefits of this product in a high content of easily digestible protein, in a minimum amount of fat and in the absence of carbohydrates. In addition, chicken is rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Chicken meat can affect blood pressure, is involved in lipid metabolism, balancing the sugar content in the blood and urine, it also lowers cholesterol and stimulates the kidneys. Chicken meat is an excellent dietary product with low energy value.

Turkey meat

- the benefits of this product in a large number of vitamins (A and E), as well as in the content of iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iodine, manganese, magnesium. The sodium content of turkey is twice that of beef, so salt can be omitted when cooking turkey meat. In terms of iron content, turkey meat is also a champion and is far ahead of beef, pork and chicken combined. Calcium, which is contained in meat, makes turkey an excellent prevention of osteoporosis, prevents joint diseases.

The benefits of duck meat

duck is quite a fatty product

The benefits of rabbit meat

as a dietary product known to all, it is a product saturated with protein, and containing a small amount of fat and a minimum amount of cholesterol. The vitamin and mineral composition of rabbit meat is no poorer than the composition of other types of meat, but due to the small amount of sodium salts, it is more beneficial for the body and is indispensable for those who suffer from food allergies, cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.

Speaking about the benefits of meat, one cannot fail to mention the methods of its preparation. Boiled and baked meat is the most useful for the body, there is much less benefit in fried meat and barbecue. Smoked meat is so saturated with a carcinogen that it is better not to use it.>

  • Soda benefits and harm to the body
  • Peanuts nuts benefits and harms
  • The benefits and harms of pickled cucumbers
  • Acidophilus benefit and harm
  • Cabbage benefit and harm
  • Dried persimmon benefits and harms
  • The benefits and harms of the sun
  • Eggplant benefits and harms
  • Peanut halva benefit and harm
  • Soy sauce benefits and harms
  • The benefits and harms of bananas for women

Helps Lower Cholesterol

There are two types of cholesterol in the human body. One is good cholesterol and the other is bad cholesterol. We should always consume foods that increase good cholesterol levels.

At the same time, they must control the amount of food consumed that creates bad cholesterol in the body. To do this, one of the best ways is to buy wild boar meat, cook it properly and use it regularly. Boar meat can lower cholesterol levels in the body as it is made up of fatty acids such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated.

Boar meat is a source of antioxidants

If substances that neutralize oxidation processes enter the body, cells become more resilient, youth and life expectancy are prolonged. In wild boar meat, such compounds were found - antioxidants, which also regulate blood sugar levels, protecting against diabetes.

mineral complex

Pork-game has a strange reddish color. It is explained by an impressive proportion of iron, which everyone who does not want to suffer from anemia needs. Also in boar meat there are "deposits" of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper. But most of all in the product - zinc, selenium and phosphorus.

Thanks to these components, you will strengthen the skeletal system, joints and muscles, prevent tooth decay and wrinkles. The minerals contained in this game have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, improve metabolic processes and quickly eliminate the defects of the mucous membranes.

Features of wild boar meat

You were lucky enough to fill up a whole wild boar on a hunt and in front of you are several tens of kilograms of meat from this animal? How to cook such meat? In order to answer this question, you need to know some features of wild boar meat. So, for example,

it is better to cook main dishes from the meat of this animal and use the meat for this together with the skin, but previously cleaned of bristles. But boar meat is not good for making broths.

Also, you should be aware that the meat of males (the older the boar, the tougher it is), during the rut period has a specific and not very pleasant smell. In order to get rid of this smell, the meat itself is recommended to be pre-soaked for a day in a weak vinegar solution. And, here the meat of females or male gilts does not need such soaking, since it does not have such an unpleasant odor. But, if you still decide to cook wild boar skewers, it is imperative to soak the meat in order to make it softer and more tender.

Varietal division of the carcass of a wild boar

The simplest and most classic type of varietal division of a wild boar carcass is the division of its carcass into half carcasses (across) and the separation of the back or leg part from the middle and front parts.

The most valuable parts in this division of the carcass are, of course, the back parts of the ham - they can be used for salting, smoking or baking. While the middle part of the carcass can be additionally divided into 3 longitudinal parts, the uppermost one can be used for the loin, the middle part for the sternum and the lower one can be used for making meat stew. In the case when there is excess spinal fat on the meat, it is recommended to cut off the excess, leaving a fat layer 1 centimeter thick, but no more.

It is noteworthy that the larger the boar carcass, the more options you have on how to use this meat. So, a zealous hunter will make sure that nothing is lost from him and even uses boar legs to make jelly and jelly.

Boar meat stewed in sour cream

Cut wild boar meat into small pieces and stuff with lard. Separately, fry finely chopped onions and grated carrots in the same fat. The meat is lightly fried, but without adding fat. The pan needs to be heated quite strongly and lay out the meat. It is to lay out, not to throw.

The meat will stick to the hot pan and it will turn out to be such a moment when the upper pieces are absolutely not fried, and the lower ones need to be turned over. If everything is done correctly, then each piece will be slightly fried and a crust will be created on the surface, which will retain the juice of the meat.

Then we put meat with vegetables in a separate dish, pour sour cream (it would be nice to buy home-made) and put in the oven. Cooking time: 40-50 minutes.

By the same principle, you can cook in a slow cooker, but you still have to pre-fry the meat. The slow cooker will do the rest for you.

How to avoid bad smell from boar meat

Boar carcass cutting

Features of cutting a wild boar carcass

  • The first operation should be ligation of the opening of the preputial sac. This will prevent spontaneous leakage of the contents of the diverticulum.
  • Cutting the carcass should begin with the removal of the diverticulum of the preputial sac and penis, along with the skin and surrounding fat. For this, 2 parallel skin incisions are made. Removal of this area should be done in front of the preputial foramen and to the entire depth of subcutaneous fat. After separation from the abdominal wall, it is removed, after bandaging the posterior end of the penis. The latter must be done to avoid contamination of the meat with semen products.
  • When removing the skin, do not allow the wool cover to come into contact with the naked carcass.
  • When opening the abdominal cavity, the removal of the genitourinary apparatus must be done carefully, without violating the integrity of the testicles, accessory sex, vesicle, prostate, bulbourethral glands and the bladder, that is, those organs whose contents are involved in the formation of an unpleasant odor.
  • The carcass of a wild boar or its parts after cutting must be isolated from the skin and failure.

Compliance with the above rules when cutting the carcass of a wild boar, as practice shows, provides good taste to the meat.

Today we learned where and why an unpleasant smell appears in the meat of a billhook boar, and how to properly carve a carcass in order to avoid this trouble. Do you like to hunt wild boars? Share with us your stories from the hunt for billhooks, as well as recipes for cooking wild boar meat.

The article was prepared based on materials taken from free sources.

Read also about how to choose a gun for hunting.

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game meat

Wild bird cooking

Quail meat poisoning

How to cook the liver?

How to cook stew at home?

How to salt meat

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Cooking wild boar meat the right way

The older the boar, the tougher its meat

We have already said that

the older the boar, the tougher its meat.

However, long-term soaking for a day either in an acetic solution or in whey can correct the situation. Due to the peculiarities of lactic and acetic acid, meat fibers soaked in such a solution become softer, and the dishes themselves become tastier.

Also, you should be aware that those parts of the carcass that contain muscles and large connective tissue layers must be boiled until tender, and only then used for cooking main dishes. But it also needs to be done correctly.

The meat is immersed in cold water, put on fire, the water is brought to a boil and the meat is boiled in this water until cooked.

The same pieces, on which there is practically no fat layer, can be immediately immersed in boiling water and boiled until half cooked.

And, for frying, it is better to use the upper parts of the dorsal-lumbar part of the boar carcass. If you want to cook minced meat for cutlets, then pre-boil the neck of the boar, the abdominal wall and grind them in a meat grinder.

In the case when there is no time for preliminary boiling of meat, and there is no special desire either, you can use the upper section of the hind limbs for stewing. By the way,

if the meat contains a minimum of connective tissues, there are no bones, but there is a large fat layer (such meat is usually classified as a category of the first grade), it is recommended to cook it in an open dish, without a lid.

Wild boar hunting video:

Meat benefit or harm to the human body

Fragrant shish kebab, tender chops, spicy lamb or ruddy chicken... Mmm... Just a mention of these dishes makes the imagination draw tempting pictures and makes most of us have an irresistible desire to eat something tasty right now. Most, but not all.

The number of those who, due to certain beliefs, consciously refuse to eat meat is growing every year. In a society where traditionally meat and meat products were considered one of the staples in the diet, there are more and more vegetarians who argue that eating animal protein does not comply with the principles of a healthy diet, and the body can get all the necessary components from plant foods.

Let's try to figure it out - is it really so, is it worth minimizing its presence on our tables, or does the use of meat exist?

Benefits for the body

Meat quickly replenishes wasted energy reserves, provides the substances necessary for normal growth and development, and maintains performance at the proper level. The normal functioning of the human body is not possible in the absence of essential amino acids. In large quantities, they are found in animal products - meat, offal, eggs, while their composition is as balanced as possible, which makes such food especially valuable. The lack of them (for example, linoleic, arachidonic) leads to a slowdown in growth in children and provokes the development of atherosclerosis in adults.

The benefits of meat, especially red - in a significant content of iron - an element responsible for hematopoiesis. Meat iron is perfectly absorbed and helps to restore the deficiency of this substance in the body without the use of drugs. By the way, many vegetarians suffer from anemia, which cannot be said about those who regularly eat meat. Doctors strongly recommend the product to young girls and women expecting a baby - during this period, iron deficiency occurs in most expectant mothers observed in the antenatal clinic.

Meat also contains such important components as magnesium (which is of particular importance for the nervous system), zinc (necessary for tissue growth and regeneration and the production of sex hormones), phosphorus (strengthening tooth enamel and improving brain activity) and potassium (maintaining normal blood pressure). In sufficient quantities, the product contains vitamins A, B12, D, PP.

The benefits of meat, in particular, some of its types (rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal) also lie in the relatively low calorie content. Such meat is allowed to be consumed during many diets, since it does not burden the digestive system and at the same time contributes to the active work of the body.


Boar meat is a valuable dietary product. They get it from forest dwellers - wild boars, also called wild boars, wild pigs or billhooks. These animals grow in natural conditions, feed on roots and acorns, due to which their meat is considered environmentally friendly.

Boar meat has a dark pink hue, and when properly cooked, it acquires a rich taste and a slight pleasant smell.

Interesting! People began to eat wild boar meat since ancient times, long before the appearance of domestic pigs.

Pretreatment of wild boar meat

The meat of adult or old males requires additional soaking in a 2% vinegar solution for three hours, otherwise the finished dish will be tough and with an unpleasant aroma.
Acetic acid softens the connective fibers and removes odor. Meat obtained from females or young males does not need pre-treatment.

Interesting! During the hunt, people and dogs drive the boar, and emissions of certain substances occur in the body of the animal. Subsequently, such meat acquires a specific smell. To neutralize it, the meat must also be soaked in milk or a solution of vinegar.

Before cooking, the meat must be freed from bristles. It can be removed by scalding, peeling or singeing. After any of these procedures, the meat must be thoroughly rinsed.

Cooking wild boar meat

Spices and herbs for wild boar:

  • mustard;
  • pepper - black or red;
  • garlic;
  • lemon juice;
  • thyme;
  • cowberry;
  • juniper.

What to serve with

Excellent side dishes for this type of meat are:

  • fried potatoes;
  • braised cabbage;
  • vegetable stew.

Spicy sauces are perfect for wild boar roast.

The benefits of boar meat

Boar contains two important elements:

  • phosphorus, which is necessary for a person for healthy teeth and bones, and also promotes the absorption of many vitamins;
  • antioxidants that maintain normal blood sugar levels, prolonging youth and health.

This type of meat is rich in vitamins (groups B, PP, E) and minerals (calcium, chromium, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, selenium).

Boar meat contains a minimum amount of cholesterol. It is recommended for people with diseases of the digestive and nervous systems, it is useful for the mucous membranes of the whole body, and also improves the appearance of the skin.

Due to the low content of lipids, wild boar meat is suitable for dietary cuisine.

Harm of boar meat

Dietary boar meat is not a harmful product and is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to the product.

Calorie 122kcal

Energy value of the product (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 21.5g (86 kcal)

Fats: 3.3g (29.7 kcal)

Carbs: 0g (0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y):
| 24%
| 0%

Game goulash

  1. First you need to put the cauldron on the fire, pour a little vegetable oil into it and lightly salt it. Wait until the smoke comes from the vegetable oil. This must be done in order to seal the meat, while leaving it juicy inside. If you do not heat the vegetable oil, the meat will begin to cook.
  2. When the oil is hot enough, feel free to throw into it the wild boar meat cut into pieces - 2 kilograms. Allow the meat to brown, then turn the pieces over to the opposite side. The reddish color of the game does not mean that the meat is ready. Wild boar meat takes much longer to cook.
  3. The whole process should take place on the highest possible fire, without covering the cauldron with a lid.
  4. As soon as you see that the meat is well reddened and reddened enough, you can add one and a half kilograms of chopped onions to the cauldron.
  5. For taste, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of salt, mix.
  6. Fry until the onion becomes transparent.
  7. After that, add spices with a pronounced taste.
  8. Then, add 2 tablespoons of tomatoes and mix well.
  9. Throw in a bay leaf.
  10. To make the gravy thicker, add one and a half tablespoons of flour and mix.
  11. Then pour one and a half glasses of boiled water and stirring, let the dish boil.
  12. When the dish boils a little, add another one and a half glasses of water and stir until the dish is ready.
  13. Serve game goulash with fluffy rice or potatoes.

Stiffness and smell are not the reasons for the rejection of wild pork

If wild boar meat first appeared in your kitchen, the first thing that may cause a reluctance to cook this product is excessive meat rigidity and a specific smell. The meat of an old boar will smell stronger than a young one, convincing you more and more that you can’t cook anything tasty from a wild boar.

But it's not! Do not rush to conclusions, because any housewife has vinegar and favorite spices at hand. Make a weak solution of vinegar, add a little seasoning, and keep the meat in the marinade longer.

When for some reason you cannot make a marinade, simply soak the product in water or whey - this will also weaken the ambiguous flavor.

To make the fillet as soft as possible, you need to boil it well - in the end you will get a broth with a spicy flavor and healthy meat. What else to cook from a wild boar? It is best to bake such game in the oven, stew in sour cream, make chops and pastes from it. Bay leaves, black or red pepper, cinnamon, cloves, crushed nutmeg, thyme, lingonberries, liquid mustard, lemon juice go well with wild boar.

Cooking wild boar meat

Wild boar is used mainly for cooking second courses, since when this meat is cooked in the broth, a large number of inclusions are formed. Parts of meat carcasses are used in different ways:

  • Boar ham is dried, dried, smoked, salted or baked. Boiled ham is obtained by long-term cooking of the ham.
  • Chops are prepared from the loin and brisket of a wild boar or twisted into minced meat with a small addition of wild boar fat. The kidney part of the loin is freed from the tendons and a schnitzel is obtained.
  • The shoulder blade is good for stewing.
  • The neck part is suitable for both second and first courses.
  • The lower parts of the limbs are ideal for jelly or jelly.

Those who like to hunt wild boar in field conditions roast prey on coals or on a fire, smoke or make barbecue.

Boar meat has a specific taste and a significant set of useful properties. The benefits and harms of wild boar meat are of particular interest to those who first encountered this product. But experienced hunters and their relatives often prefer wild boar to softer, but also fatter pork.

What is useful boar meat?

The meat of a wild boar is quite different from pork, although these animals are close relatives. The main reason for this is the huge differences in their diet. A domestic pig is fed with the expectation of increasing meat and fat, but a wild animal does not need it. That is why wild boar meat is leaner, and its calorie content is lower - only 122 kcal (for pork - from 316 to 489 kcal).

For people who follow their figure, wild boar can be an excellent low-calorie source of proteins and minerals, because. This animal in nature feeds on a wide variety of foods, mainly plant foods. One of the most useful components of boar meat is phosphorus. It is necessary for good condition of teeth and nails, joint health and quality.

Not only wild boar meat has useful properties, but also its fat and liver. Fat in folk medicine is used to treat pneumonia and bronchitis, and the liver helps with hepatitis and cirrhosis.

To prepare a delicious dish of wild boar, you need to know some tricks. If the meat was taken from an adult animal, it may have a specific flavor that not everyone likes. Soaking in water or a weak solution of vinegar will help get rid of the smell. Most of all, wild boar is suitable for baking, frying or cooking barbecue. The second courses of wild boar meat are prepared with fragrant spices and herbs.