Ground cover plants from the succulent family. Succulents - photos and names, planting in the garden

Thick, water-filled leaves and stems of stonecrop are designed in such a way that they are able to retain the moisture received for a long time. The name of the Crassulaceae family is interpreted as "eternally alive", and indeed, these succulents are extremely adapted to the gardener's inattention of creation. And the reproduction of these plants is not particularly difficult. Let's get to know them better

In the modern classification from stonecrops, or sedums (Sedum), a group of plants separated with taller straight stems (50-70cm), paniculate inflorescences in the form of a dome, with bell-shaped flowers that do not open to the stars, which received name ochitnik (Hylotelephium). Ochitniki bloom from late July to September, making a worthy company for summer and autumn garden plants.

The most recognizable representatives of the genus are sedum (Hylotelephium spectabile) and found in the forests and glades of the Non-Black Earth Region ochitnik telephium (Hylotelephium telephium). A wide variety of garden varieties and hybrids have been created with pink, purple-red, beige or white flowers, differing in height, leaf color. The textured leaf outfit maintains the decorative appearance of green-leaved stonecrops (Brilliant, o. telephium).

Throughout the season, their compact bushes are in harmony with the linear leaves of cereals, irises, daylilies. Speaking about the green leaves of stonecrop, it should be noted that most of them have a bluish bloom, which is most clear at dawn and practically disappears in the warm colors of the setting sun. Ornamental plants can produce single species stems with green leaves, which should be removed so that the bush does not turn into a progenitor. With variegated bushes of Frosty Morn or Mediovariegatum, you can dilute the hosta border or frame the flower arrangement, alternating them with green-leaved varieties.

Do not plant them only with other variegated plants. Filling the garden with green-red, purple and brownish leaves of the Purple Emperor type also needs to be treated with caution. Otherwise, it is easy to get a dark failed spot in the flower garden or make gloomy borders. At the same time, this color gives win-win options in combination with beige, yellow, silver, dark green and crimson, lilac-pink.

See also: DIY mini garden of succulents

Plant astilbes, early-flowering chrysanthemums, and a sapling to such ochitniks.

It takes half of the summer to wait for the flowering of the sedum - during this time its leafy outfit becomes so familiar that flowering is perceived as an unexpected gift. The violent opening of the inflorescences, which even the smallest and youngest shoots have, turns the bush into a blooming bouquet.

To complete the golden leaf border, pick up a variety of ochitnik with bright pink, red or raspberry ( Red Cauli with dark green leaves on reddish stems) inflorescences, and for green leaves - with white ( Gooseberry Fool and Iceberg with dark green leaves), lime-lemon inflorescences (low curb variety with green leaves of Citrus Twist).


Based on shades of pink and raspberry, with the participation of Rosenteller stonecrop, Korean chrysanthemum and paniculate hydrangea, it is easy to create an autumn trio that will decorate any corner of the garden until October. If you like more contrasting solutions, then land a pit Matrona next to spirea golden princess, add yellow flowers of Korean chrysanthemum and purple leaves of geyhera to the first row, and choose any shrub with green leaves as a background plant, such as openwork and translucent dwarf birch. White-beige flowers with greenish-lemon centers look elegant on bright raspberry stems of stonecrop Hab Gray(dark green leaves with a purple-red dark center, diverging in a reddish mist towards the edges).

In a garden that should be decorative throughout the season, they are best combined with gray fescue. It will delicately dilute the dark color during the period of growth and budding of the stonecrop. Types of stonecrops with star-flowers, forming thickets pressed to the ground, as before, are referred to as sedums.

Blooming half below ochitnikov false sedum (Sedum spurium).

Its wintering fleshy leaves can be green, variegated ( Tricolor), purple ( Purple Carpet). The flowers, depending on the variety, range from pink to crimson and purple-red.

Sedum Rural (Sedum selskianum) differs in the form of leaves and yellow flowers. Their place is in rocky compositions, on hills among gravel; for the border and foreground of the flower garden are not suitable due to uncontrolled growth in different directions.

At sedum kamchatka (Sedum kamtschaticum), as in s. false, there is a variegated variety Variegatum, but the leaves do not hibernate. The shoots of the plant become woody and in the spring they are reddish solid cords that are beautifully overgrown with juicy young leaves, especially bright in the decorative leaf form. The lush clumps of the plant resemble compact bushes that can be successfully grown along cobbled paths exposed to the sun.


Sedum recurved (Sedum reflexum) from a distance it looks like a miniature forest of fir trees. The height of the plant is 15-20 cm, and the creeping and rooting stems along the entire length are longer and form cushion-like thickets, which easily “absorb” small and medium-sized stones encountered on the way. Variety Cristatum with originally curved leaves, which are light green scallops, quite whimsical.

It does not always please with really solid large ridges, which, when growing, turn into strange shoulder blades lying on the ground. It is interesting that the inflorescences of the variety partially turn into comb-shaped processes with a number of flowers at the top. When planting these sedums, do not forget that they create large patches of color, which are especially prominent in ornamental forms and during flowering.

True, low growth allows you to take into account their color combinations only with the nearest neighboring plants. They look great on rocky hills, next to creeping coniferous plants, and they win when combined with both forms with blue and gray, and with golden needles.

All sedums absolutely cannot stand the neighborhood of cultures with more aggressive roots, and the smaller the plant, the more sensitive it is. Not without reason found in nature almost throughout Russia sedum caustic (Sedum acre) not only finds sandbanks of rivers free from vegetation, roadside shoulders, light pine forests, but also releases poisonous substances that depress neighboring plants. In garden compositions with. caustic forms a low golden mat, completely covering the soil. There are forms with white (f. alba) and yellow (f. aureum) leaves.

Looks like him more openwork sedum white (sedum album). The species plant resembles the previous species, its fleshy leaves also do not exceed 5 cm in height; only during flowering the difference becomes apparent. Sedum white blooms with white stars, collected in large paniculate inflorescences on almost bare raspberry stems. Purple anthers give the flowers a light pinkish tint.

f. atropurpurea chocolate red leaves and stems. Another covering is Spanish sedum (Sedum hispanicum). This plant is loved for a cloud of snow-white flowering and for dew or rain drops shining with a diamond shine on delicate, thin, fleshy bluish leaves. Unfortunately, s. Spanish is not a perennial and dies off after flowering. This significant drawback is often compensated by active self-seeding, in which case gardeners do not even notice the change of generations. Otherwise, it is not inferior to the previous species and is actively used as a ground cover plant with a height of only 5-6 cm.

For more whimsical exotic small fry, it is advisable to equip gravel gardens in flowerpots, release the best patches in rock gardens, where to place them with a motley mosaic.

Oregon sedum (Sedum oreganum) Procumbens refers to such highlights. The amount of red tone in the color of this variety varies depending on the lighting - even slight shading can turn the variety into a specific green-leaved plant.

This is a highly decorative, relatively winter-hardy perennial with evergreen leaves that look like candies. It blooms extremely rarely with yellow flowers. Spatulate sedum (Sedum spathulifolium) looks more intriguing in the form of a subspecies, the leaves of which, like mold, are covered with a white powdery coating. A pronounced representative with bluish-purple leaves with white is a variety cape blanco .

No less original are the varieties in which red flashes shine through the white coating on greenish leaves, the Purpureum variety is very interesting with young leaves in the form of white roses and old ones - purple. If you are lucky, the plant will please you with low, up to 10 cm, peduncles with yellow flower stars. evergreen rosettes thick-branched sedum (Sedum pachyclados) resemble plants of the genera Rhodiola and Molodilo.

The species is rarely found in gardens, as it grows poorly and often freezes out, blooming even less often. In central Russia, flowering is a great success, so even a small number of white stars appearing on the side of the rosettes is indeed a huge achievement.


Succulents combine plants from different families, but have one important thing in common: they accumulate moisture in the stems and leaves. Hence the name - from the Latin "succus" - juice.

Among succulents there are grasses and trees, shrubs, lianas and epiphytes. This group of plants does not require frequent watering and is completely not demanding in care. In addition, succulents are distinguished by their original beautiful leaves, both in color and in shape.

Very decorative flowering species. Because of this, the succulent garden has become popular in landscape design and among amateur gardeners.

The choice of succulents for garden compositions from the Crassula family is diverse - these are Crassula, Aichrizon ("tree of love"), stonecrops, Kalanchoe, Echeveria ("stone rose"), eonum ("living forever").

Succulents are sure to please you:

  • colorful appearance
  • unpretentiousness in care
  • ease of propagation and transplantation
  • the ability to create a variety of compositions

The most common and used in landscape design succulents are young and stonecrop (sedum). They, in turn, have many subspecies of various shapes and colors.

Succulent species of milkweed are used as ground cover plants.

Creeping stonecrops are ideal for multi-tiered compositions, for roof gardening (Crassula calico kitten, crassula Pangolin, crassula Red pagoda).

Prickly pear diversifies your garden not only with southern color and sunny blooms of yellow flowers. At the end of summer, you can also harvest delicious vitamin C-rich fruits.

A beautiful flowering succulent for a flower bed or slide will be livysia. This perennial plant has a variety of flower colors - pink, white, red, plain and striped. Libya pygmy, plum-shaped and dull will decorate the garden and will surely delight you with colors.

Advice: some species have large sharp thorns, which is dangerous for children and animals, so it is better not to choose such plants for growing.

Place to land

Of course, these plants have more advantages than disadvantages. But despite the fact that succulents are not demanding to care for, some points should be known and taken into account.

For good growth and development of plants, you need: sun, moderate watering and sandy soil.

When planting succulents, leave some space between them for free growth. Fill empty spaces with pebbles, snags, figurines of lizards, snakes, snails. Combine plants with similar lighting and watering needs into flower beds.

Planting these plants does not require fertile soil. Succulents will take root well among the stones and crevices of the alpine hill, and retaining walls, which will noticeably enliven the construction of the terraces.

Compositions from succulents

Duet succulent + stump. In an old stump or snag, you can plant young. Very stylish and unusual.

Composition of succulents in a flowerpot or flat vessel, in a shell, garden sculpture and other interesting items that match the style of the garden. You can decorate the composition with colored stones or beads.

Create a three-dimensional relief composition ( topiary), using a frame of a certain shape, for example: an animal figure, a crescent, a star.

Drop off a flower bed in a certain shape, such as lizards, using different varieties of juveniles.

Mosaic flowerbed, in which plants are planted in groups, alternating different colors and varieties, forming ornaments and patterns.

Mixes of succulents

Creating your own garden, you can safely experiment with a combination of succulents in the shape, color and texture of the leaves. Easy to transplant and propagate, succulents will allow you to fantasize and create new flower bed options.

Penumbra. If you have chosen a place in partial shade, then succulents that do not require much lighting are suitable for such a flower bed: guernias, ceropegia, slipways, crassula greens, havortia, gasteria with a green cover, aloe, sansevieria.

Sun. For a dry place under the scorching sun, the following types of succulents are suitable, which differ in brown color, wax coating, have "pubescence" on the leaves, as well as a ribbed shape:

  • euphorbia
  • frithia
  • lithops
  • faucaria
  • pachyphytum
  • cotyledon
  • echeveria
  • sedum
  • graptoveria
  • havoria and gasteria of brown color
  • groundsels with pubescence and bloom
  • peperomia succulents
  • piaranthus
  • gudia
  • miniature agaves
  • prickly pear


Hathiora is not capricious in mixes and is adjacent to all succulents.

Pachyphytums require spacious areas for landing.

It is better not to plant a fat woman in ceramic flowerpots.

Vertical gardening

Succulents are great for vertical gardening. They can decorate arches and pergolas or make a special support structure, shelving.

Perfectly complements the planting of tradescantia succulents, which can curl along a support or be grown in a flower pot. And also, hoya or wax ivy as a hedge.

In the form of ampelous, you can use:

  • some types of ragworts (rouley, creeping ragwort and lemon-shaped ragwort)
  • epiphyllum
  • ripsalis
  • Schlumberg (Decembrist)
  • stonecrops, such as Sedum morganianum ("donkey's tail"), which creates magnificent cascades on fences and facades

Under comfortable conditions, these plants will surely delight you with their flowering.

An interesting idea and original decoration - a wall panel of succulents. To do this, you will need a frame with a mesh and cells filled with a special primer. Plant cushion-shaped succulents or rosette-shaped succulents in the cells with a mosaic - this is young, stonecrop, echeveria, etc. You will get such an unusual living picture.

The catalog of succulents (succulentus) includes indoor, or home, as well as garden or outdoor plants, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of special fabrics for water supplies. Most often, these species and varieties grow in areas with arid climatic conditions and a hot long period. The group, which is united by the generalized name "succulents", includes both leafy and flowering plants, interconnected by similar conditions in their habitat.

Botanical Features

Succulents are plants that are well adapted to the lack of moisture and exposure to direct sunlight. The term denotes a set of external signs and properties of a plant that was acquired under the influence of similar growing conditions. There are stem and leaf succulents.

Regardless of the species, succulents easily adapt to extremely low rainfall, uneven distribution of moisture, bright sunlight and high levels of solar radiation, as well as dry air, almost complete absence of shading, differences in day and night temperatures, and clay or stony soils.

There are about ten thousand succulents that belong to different families and grow in different regions, but a significant part of them is represented by the following families:

  • cactus family (Cactaceae)
  • family of goves (Asclepiadaceae)
  • Asphodelaceae family (Asphodelaceae)
  • Crassulaceae family
  • spurge family (Euphorbiaceae)
  • Mesembryanthemaceae family

It should be noted that all succulents belonging to the stem category are able to retain water in a thickened, often ribbed stem part. Foliage small or reduced to spines. Prominent representatives are cacti and a significant part of the species of milkweed. Leaf succulents are characterized by moisture conservation thick and fleshy foliage. Aloe, lithops, haworthia and echeveria can be primarily attributed to this category.

Photo gallery

Succulents: varieties (video)

Popular leaf species and varieties

Non-flowering succulents have a highly decorative appearance., which is successfully complemented by relative unpretentiousness and endurance.

Species/variety name Description of culture Features of cultivation
Agave Queen Victoria A non-flowering perennial with basal, rigidly concave, triangular in shape, with a matte surface, dark green leaves with a whitish border and one long spike, growing in circles. The plant is very difficult to tolerate exposure to direct sunlight, as well as temperatures above 21-22 ° C
Adromiscus spotted Thick-leaved perennial houseplant with a basal arrangement, greenish-spotted, thick and fleecy leaves, the edges of which have a purple tint Growing in the absence of direct sunlight and temperature conditions not higher than 21 ° C
Aloe squat Herbaceous-leaf perennial culture, represented by basal, thin, but firm, sword-shaped, light green in color, with pointed leaves covered with small and rough thorns A medicinal houseplant that does not need too competent and special, constant care
fat woman A tree-like plant with a dense stem part and small, oval, succulent, dark green leaves, symmetrically arranged along the branches A plant in room conditions requires constant, regular, but fairly moderate irrigation measures.
Haworthia Herbaceous type dwarf houseplant with basal fleshy, xiphoid, short, dark green leaves with a white stripe Needs a shady place and fairly plentiful, timely irrigation measures

Common flowering succulents

Of course, flowering indoor ornamental plants belonging to the category of succulents do not differ in lush and too attractive flowering. Nevertheless, such crops are very popular with domestic amateur flower growers.

Species/variety name Description of culture flowers Features of cultivation
Agave american Leafy perennial, the aerial part of which is represented by basal, green-variegated or monochromatic green, thick, with a narrowing in the upper part, hard, linear-lanceolate leaves arranged in a circle and with small spikes on the edges Inconspicuous appearance, greenish-yellow flowers with a tall pedicel Cultivation in special deciduous-soddy-sandy soil at a temperature not lower than 8 ° C
adenium Perennial tree-like plant with a dense stem part, with strong branching and lanceolate, serrate, dissected, light green leaves Abundant flowering, raspberry-red-burgundy flowers with a light throat, simple and double type The plant needs spraying, relatively frequent watering and a temperature regime of at least 12 ° C
Aloe variegated Herbaceous-leaf perennial with basal, green-variegated, with a wavy pattern, thick, narrowed upwards, hard, linear-lanceolate leaves, forming a leaf rosette and growing in a circle Flowering is quite rare, represented by orange flowers collected in clustered inflorescences. An unpretentious type of succulent that requires minimal care
Anacampseros A bushy type, weaving houseplant with dense dark purple shoots and small, dense, watery, symmetrically arranged leaves. Flowers of medium size, pinkish color, located on long and succulent pedicels. Needs constant watering, unlimited space and plenty of lighting
Argyroderma Massive rosette consisting of a pair of very fleshy, matte greyish-green leaves The correct form, bright pink coloring, with small and thin petals
Brigamia A plant with a dense low-growing stem, small branches with single, oval-elongated leaves The flowers are yellow, small in size, located on separate, rather long pedicels. The plant needs enough abundant watering and high-quality lighting.
Graptopetalum Stemless herbaceous plant with small, dense, watery, heart-shaped leaves, collected in a pink rosette. Large, pink-colored, lily-shaped flowers, located on tall peduncles Involves growing in a drainage-type substrate from fine-grained stones

What succulents to grow at home

Indoor succulents are characterized by excellent decorative properties, which allows you to design almost any interior. Quite often, it is succulents that are grown in rooms with insufficient lighting. It is also important to note that succulents are able to actively develop in conditions of a low temperature level, but the most comfortable is a room with high humidity levels.

Experienced flower growers grow such ornamental plants in close proximity to an aquarium or indoor fountain. Succulents are fairly easy to care for and even the lack of proper care can not negatively affect their appearance. However, it should be remembered that indoor culture prefers drained substrates, high-quality sunlight, timely watering throughout the growing season.

How to plant succulents (video)

The best garden types and varieties

The category of succulents includes grasses and trees, as well as shrubs, vines and epiphytes. Such a garden plant does not need frequent watering and is absolutely not demanding in care. Many succulents intended for outdoor cultivation are characterized by foliage that is original in shape and beautifully colored. Blooming varieties are especially decorative, which makes them popular in landscape design and among domestic amateur flower growers.

When creating garden compositions, succulent plants from the Crassula family are often used, represented by crassula, stonecrop, Kalanchoe, echeveria or "stone rose", eonum or "ever-living plant". Many well-known landscape designers recommend using different types of juveniles and sedum for garden decoration, which differ not only in shape, but also in the coloring of the aerial part. Euphorbia species are very often used as ground cover ornamental garden plants. An interesting multi-tiered decorative composition can be created from creeping stonecrops, which are also considered ideal for roof gardening.

Growing prickly pear allows you to diversify the backyard landscape, and will also form a quite decent harvest of tasty and very vitamin fruits by the autumn period. Flower gardens, flowerbeds and alpine slides can be harmoniously complemented by perennial lyvia, which blooms in pink, white, red, plain and striped flowers.

Compositions from succulents (video)

Under natural conditions, in the territory of the middle zone of our country, many succulent plants are quite common. Young people grow on the sandy soils of pine forests, and you can also find blooming sedum flower stars of gold and pink coloring or. Stonecrop rock, from the Tolstyankovye family, has also become widespread. Cultivated species with colorful external characteristics are not only unpretentious in care, but easy to propagate and transplant, and also make it possible to create a variety of highly decorative compositions.

Ground cover plants that bloom all summer or cover the ground with a thick green carpet are able to emphasize the beauty of the garden and summer cottage, shade tall plants, hide minor defects in the flower garden, alpine hill. Creeping flowers also look original in single compositions, complemented by stones, garden lamps, conifers or hosts.

To choose ground cover perennials suitable for the landscape, varieties, photos and descriptions of which will be presented below, you should familiarize yourself not only with the names, but also with the conditions for their cultivation.

Plants with a height of no more than 20 cm are ideal for decorating a rockery, an alpine slide or a wooden board cut in a small summer cottage. Especially beautiful undersized groundcovers look in groups with fluffy hostas, juniper, thujas or against the background of tall flowers. To choose fast-growing ground cover perennials for a summer residence or garden, it is worth studying the list of plants below with a photo and a brief description.

Creeping thyme (thyme)

Thyme is a perennial decumbent semi-shrub with peduncles-semi-shoots 15-20 cm high. Its creeping stems take root at the base with age, woody, forming a thick green carpet. The plant has rigid oblong-oval leaves, forms pinkish-violet small flowers at the ends of the branches, collected in inflorescences, and after flowering - spherical fruits of a black-brown color.

Creeping thyme (or thyme) is an unpretentious perennial that grows well even on poor soils. It is quite frost-resistant, easily tolerates drought and heat. It is better to plant it in a lighted place, protected from winds and drafts.

Omphalodes (umbilical cord)

These are short, perennial groundcovers with lanceolate leaves in rosettes. Flowers of a bright blue hue form inflorescences. The thickets on the site grow due to the numerous mustaches produced by the plant after the end of flowering.

There are 2 types of omphalodes:

  • Cappadocian;
  • spring.

The umbilical plant prefers to grow in partial shade from shrubs, trees, on loose, well-moistened soil. In the photo below you can see how it blooms in the garden plot in the summer.

Stonecrop (sedum)

This groundcover perennial belongs to a large group of low-growing plants that have the ability to grow very quickly. Many types of stonecrop are known, the following names are considered the most popular:

  • hare cabbage;
  • prominent;
  • Carpathian;
  • Kamchatka;
  • hybrid;
  • hexagonal;
  • false;
  • caustic;
  • Lydian.

Stonecrop flowers are small, collected in corymbose inflorescences, can be pink, yellow, white or red. Sedum blooms from June to September. It is advisable to plant the plant in a sunny area with dry soil. The photo below shows 2 varieties - stonecrop caustic Aureum and sedum Kamchatsky.


Saxifrage is a herbaceous rhizomatous plant that grows naturally in alpine meadows. Usually reaches a height of 15-20 cm. It is distinguished by a powerful root system, creeping stems with rounded leaves collected in rosettes. The saxifrage blooms with white or pinkish-red flowers, it is undemanding to the soil and watering. Needs good lighting, the presence of a small amount of limestone rubble in the soil.

Shade-loving ground cover perennials

Natural grassy rugs help to change the look of any unsightly shaded area, so they are indispensable in the modern landscape. Such thick carpets are used to create alpine slides, rockeries, and to decorate garden paths. Even in the shade, decorative cover plants look beautiful, spectacular, attracting the eye with their unusual foliage or small flowers.

tenacious creeping

This creeping, rhizomatous perennial has dark green leaves, blue candle-shaped buds, and easy-rooting shoots. It quickly covers any areas of the soil, forming a dense carpet. The most beautiful plant looks in the shade, partial shade under the trees. The tenacious red is valued by gardeners for purple leaves, variegated - for creamy yellow blotches on the foliage.

When grown in the sun, the leaves lose their decorative effect, the flowers become pale. It is better to plant a survivor on loamy soil, propagating by seeds or rosettes. Often watering and loosening seedlings is not necessary.


This perennial has long, recumbent stems that form a continuous carpet in the meadow. The leaves are heart-shaped, covered with a marble pattern. Flowers are collected in leaf axils. Lamb grows well in partial shade, loves coolness and moist soil. After the soil dries out, the plant quickly restores its decorative effect if the stems are watered abundantly. Requires pruning after flowering.


It is a shade-tolerant plant that forms dense, slow-growing mats of round, dark green leaves. Small dark red flowers are hidden under them, they are not decorative. The following types of hooves are known:

  • European;
  • caudate;
  • Canadian.

Bushes need to be transplanted every 3-4 years, as they die in one place. Hooves are cold-resistant, love slightly acidic or acidic soils, shade and rare watering.


Zelenchuk yellow looks like a low bush with serrated leaves along the edges. It blooms at the end of May, forming yellow flowers, collected in whorls of 6 pieces. In summer, it produces creeping shoots that grow 1-1.5 m in length. Popular varieties with silver spots on the leaves or along the edge. Zelenchuk prefers shady and semi-shady places, loves fertile soil and moderate watering. Reproduces by shoots.

Plants creeping on the ground

When choosing creeping flowers for a summer residence, you should pay attention to creeping perennials with decorative leaves or beautiful flowers. Forming dense rugs near the paths, gazebos or in the corner of the garden, such ground covers can fill the voids on the site, divert attention from uneven terrain. Also, creeping plants can be planted along the fence, they can be supplemented with garden compositions with stones, conifers.

Iberis evergreen

Iberian or Iberis is a herbaceous perennial that forms dense semi-bushes up to 30 cm high, up to 1 m in diameter. The leaves are evergreen, white flowers reach a size of 1.5 cm. Up to 1000 flowers can bloom on one plant, turning Iberis into a white cloud in the middle of a rockery or flower garden. Flowering lasts from April to the end of May. Semi-bushes prefer to grow on loose, dry soil, they do not like even light shading.


Budra ivy is a perennial with creeping shoots covered with rounded leaves. In the axils, small flowers of a lilac hue are collected in whorls. In summer, it produces numerous creeping shoots. The cover is formed short-lived, but the boudra grows well on the sand, in containers or at the foundation of the house. It reproduces by self-seeding.

Gerbil (arenaria)

Forms undersized mats of creeping shoots covered with greenish-glossy leaves and white star-shaped flowers collected in inflorescences. It grows rapidly, resembling moss in appearance. Common varieties of gerbil are:

  • mountain;
  • soddy;
  • purple.

It grows in sunny, well-dried areas, likes regular moisture, and propagates by dividing the bush in late spring or early summer.


The semi-shrub forms a low dense cover of creeping shoots up to 20 cm high. It blooms profusely, for a long time, with pink, blue or white flowers. The leaves are oval, dark green, shiny, may be variegated. The pubescent or herbaceous periwinkle grows most rapidly, but these varieties do not winter in our latitudes. The plant prefers semi-shaded dry areas, fertile loose soil, good drainage.

Beautiful undersized flowers for the garden

Perennial ground cover flowers for a garden or a summer residence are chosen by those who want to give the site originality and brightness. These plants can be planted along paths, borders, in the foreground of flower beds and at the edge of the lawn. Long-blooming ground covers are indispensable in compositions in the middle of rockeries, alpine hills, on a rocky slope.


This is a perennial plant that reproduces well by self-sowing. By planting it on the site, it will be possible every year to admire a multi-colored rug that blooms beautifully throughout the summer. Groundcover "for the lazy" does not require frequent watering, grows on any type of soil, loves sunny places, drought-resistant. Looks great in low flower beds, along the edges of garden paths, near the gazebo or porch of the house.

Phlox subulate

A beautifully flowering groundcover with needle-shaped leaves blooms from early spring, covering the ground in summer with a carpet of blue, pink or white flowers. They plant in one place both one variety for uniformity, and a mixture of awl-shaped phloxes, creating original compositions near stones, in lowlands, on slopes. The plant grows rapidly, propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Also, gardeners plant another species in mixborders and discounts - splayed phlox. Its flowering is rarer, but the flowers are larger. The flower grows best in lighted areas with any soil, prefers moderate watering.


Two types of carnations are usually planted in gardens - garden and grass, but sometimes Turkish, Chinese, Shabo varieties are bred. This is a fragrant beautiful flower that has many shades. The plant is considered unpretentious, requires only regular watering and weeding from weeds. Perennial garden carnation serves as an excellent decoration of the garden, in landscape design it is used to decorate flower beds, rockeries, alpine slides.

Carnation-grass feels good in the middle of pebbles, gravel, sand, in lighted places. It is planted as a single groundcover or combined with other plants. Does not bloom in shade.


Long-flowering obrietta loves to grow on dry ground, prefers sunny areas of the garden, abundant watering in hot weather. It rarely blooms in the shade, it requires shelter for the winter. It is most often planted near artificial reservoirs, “dry” streams, in tall flowerpots and rock gardens, on fertile, well-dug ground. Chalk, lime, a little sand are added to the soil. If the stems are cut back after flowering is complete, shoots can reappear with new bright purple flowers.

Primula (primrose)

About 500 species of this beautifully flowering primrose are known with rosettes of evergreen leaves and umbrella-shaped spherical inflorescences. The most popular among gardeners is an ordinary, spring, rejected, finely toothed and high primrose. The ground cover is quite unpretentious in care and cultivation, has many colors, from white to yellow-cream, red and pinkish-burgundy.

Often in gardens there is a multi-flowered hybrid with fragrant large flowers in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. The plant feels good in the sun and in partial shade, grows on any type of soil. Does not tolerate drying out of the soil, needs to be transplanted every 4 years.

You can plant in the garden or in the country not only the above ground cover perennials, but also other plants, including spicy and coniferous:

  • peppermint;
  • lemon balm;
  • undersized or creeping juniper;
  • rezuhu;
  • moneywort;
  • young;
  • edelweiss;
  • badan;
  • smolevka;
  • lumbago;
  • daisies.

The choice of perennial undersized plants depends on the soil on the site, the illumination of the place, the preferences of the gardener and the terrain. You can easily combine green or flowering rugs on slopes, in ravines and on flat lawns, supplement them with tall flowers, annuals, and shrubs.

The word "succulents" comes from the Latin succus - juice. They have fleshy succulent stems and leaves, in which these plants accumulate moisture, adapting to the adverse conditions of the desert.

Succulents are very loved by flower growers for their attractive and unusual appearance and unpretentiousness. They are often grown in the garden and indoors.

Basically, in our temperate climate, two varieties of succulents are grown: leaf and stem.

Leafy have thick succulent leaves. These are plants such as aloe, agaves, Kalanchoe, stonecrops, fat women, stone roses.

Stem plants have a fleshy stem (cacti, small teas).

In the design of succulent flower beds, various types of these plants are most often combined, sometimes adding other decorative foliage.

This is one of the favorite plants for alpine slides and rock gardens. Almost all succulents are not demanding on soil fertility and prefer well-lit areas on dry soils and do not like strong waterlogging.

High views in combination with low ones are perfect for borders and borders, for narrow flower beds, for example, near the walls of a house.

Low-growing stonecrops and stone roses look great among the stones on the alpine slides.

From succulents, you can create beautiful mini gardens on a stone, driftwood or in a flower pot.

The most suitable container for succulents is a wide container with a height of 10-15 cm. 3 cm of expanded clay is poured into the bottom as drainage, then there is soil for cacti.

With a little imagination, you can create exotic mini landscapes that resemble desert landscapes.

Succulents look great on snags and stumps.

A special kind of succulent flower garden design is vertical flower beds and live “pictures” within frames. To create such works of art, wide rectangular boxes are used, a metal mesh that is attached to a wooden frame and holds back a layer of soil. Plants are planted in grid cells.