Higher Nursing. Specialty "Nursing" (bachelor's degree)


The article analyzes the state of higher nursing education (HSE) in Russia at the present time. The reasons for the need for changes in the training of specialists in this field are identified. Attention is focused on the existing foreign experience in the training of bachelor nurses. A modern model of teaching nursing bachelors in our country is proposed and substantiated. The main types and tasks of their professional activity. The proposed HSE model and future specialists - bachelors of nursing - will be in demand by the healthcare system in positions provided for by the current regulatory framework.

Keywords: . Higher nursing education. Nursing Bachelor. Model of nursing education. GEF VSO new generation. Professional activity

Honey. education and prof. development. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 48-52.

The state of higher nursing education (HSE) today

Since 1991, nurses with higher education have been trained in Russia. The main goal was to provide this industry with specialists to reform nursing based on the introduction of modern nursing technologies, appropriate training, education and management of nursing staff.

In accordance with the goal set, the main areas of preparation of the state educational standard of the first generation were psychological, pedagogical and administrative and managerial, and the qualification assigned to graduates was defined as "manager" while maintaining the specialty "nursing". Since at the time of the opening of the specialty in Russia there was only a single-level system of higher education, the level of training was defined as "specialist".

Given the need to train senior nursing personnel from among those who already own the profession of a nurse, admission to the faculties of the Higher Educational Education was limited only to applicants with a secondary medical education, and the full-time study period was reduced to 4 years against the minimum 5 accepted at that time for training specialists with higher education. At present, the faculties of the Higher School of Education work in 45 universities of Russia: in 36 state medical universities of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, 7 state and 2 non-state universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The total number of students currently studying is 10,287 people, including 635 students (6%) studying full-time, 968 people (9%) - part-time (evening) and 9125 (85%) - part-time form of education. Most of the students (700 people) - in the St. Petersburg medical academy them. I.I. Mechnikov, a little less - at the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov (647 students) and Samara State Medical University (615 students). The total number of graduates for all years of study was 20,009 people.

To date, in accordance with the current order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 415n dated 07/07/2009 "On approval of qualification requirements for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare", graduates of the faculties of the HSE (after completing an internship in the specialty "Nursing Management") may hold the following positions: deputy chief physician (director, head, head) of a healthcare institution; head nurse; chief midwife; chief paramedic; hospice director; nursing home director; supervisor structural unit(nursing care, medical prevention, medical statistics, organizational and methodological); statistician; methodologist. Currently, 6812 graduates of the HSE faculties (34%) work in the healthcare system in positions in accordance with their education.

What is the need for change? The existing system of training came into conflict with the legal foundations of domestic education, namely paragraph 3 of Art. 24 of the Law "On Education":

"Persons with an average professional education relevant profile, as well as persons whose level of education or abilities are a sufficient basis for obtaining higher professional education in reduced or accelerated bachelor's programs, can receive higher professional education in such programs. Obtaining higher professional education under reduced specialist training programs and master's programs is not allowed.

The only way to save higher nursing education is to transfer it to a 2-level system "bachelor-master". The issue of comparing the existing HSE system with the "bachelor-master" system was considered in 2006 at a meeting of the deans of the HSE faculties educational institutions higher and additional professional education of Roszdrav with the participation of experts from the World Health Organization.

During the meeting, it was noted that it is necessary to study foreign experience in the training of bachelor nurses, as it is promising for Russia. The conclusion was based on an analysis of the complexity and content of the educational program for the training of bachelors of nursing and their activities abroad. This decision was supported by WHO experts who took part in the meeting.

An analysis of foreign nursing education shows that its general trend is to move towards HSE. In countries where Bachelor of Nursing is being trained, the bachelor's level is seen as the basic nursing training that opens the "entrance" to the specialty. The transition of nursing education to the university level, as a rule, occurs in an evolutionary manner, with the parallel existence of educational programs at different levels.

At the same time, it should be noted that the presence of a bachelor's degree does not give a nurse a formal preferential right to occupy any positions. Nursing bachelors and nurses without a bachelor's degree ( a basic level of training) have the same licenses and can apply for the same positions. The presence of a bachelor's degree is seen as a competitive advantage in the labor market, allowing, other things being equal, to take more prestigious and highly paid jobs.

As shown by foreign studies, a higher educational level contributes to greater loyalty to the profession. Nurses with a bachelor's degree are less likely to leave the profession than nurses with a lower level of education, even when they hold the same positions and receive the same salary.

A possible model of the HOS. The VSO model is based on the 2-level system of higher professional education provided for by Russian legislation:

Bachelor - 4 years.

Master - 2 years.

In this regard, in April 2010, we developed a draft Federal State Educational Standard for the preparation of bachelors in the specialty "nursing", in May 2010, we submitted this standard to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The standard was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and federal law"On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" in the current editions.

In accordance with the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards, the standard period of full-time education is 4 years, the total labor intensity of mastering the main educational program is 240 credit units. At the same time, the possibility of a reduced (up to 2 years) undergraduate program for persons with secondary medical education of the corresponding profile is provided. Thus, persons with a secondary medical education in the specialties: "nursing", "general medicine", "obstetrics" can continue their education in the basic educational program of the bachelor's degree, starting from the 3rd year. -part-time (evening) form of education.

The draft standard provides for the following main types of professional activities of a bachelor nurse:

Therapeutic and diagnostic;



Organizational and managerial;


At the same time, the specific types of professional activity for which

bachelor, may be determined by the higher education institution together with interested participants educational process.

The following tasks of professional activity of bachelors are defined:

In the field of medical and diagnostic activities:

Participation in medical and diagnostic care for patients of various age groups in a hospital and clinic;

Organization and implementation of nursing care in the hospital and at home;

Assessment of the patient's condition and provision of emergency pre-medical care for acute illnesses and accidents;

Medical assistance to the population in extreme conditions of epidemics, in outbreaks mass destruction.

In the field of rehabilitation activities:

Conducting rehabilitation programs and events;

Organization of nursing support for rehabilitation work.

In the field of preventive activities:

Carrying out measures to strengthen and maintain the health of the population of various age groups;

Organization of training and control of training of the patient and his environment;

Identification of physical, mental, social, environmental, ethnic risk factors for the patient's health and advising the public on how to reduce their impact on health;

Ensuring a safe hospital environment; teaching the patient and his family to maintain health at different age periods, care and self-care, a healthy lifestyle;

Ensuring the work of the department (office) of prevention, the health center.

In the field of organizational and managerial activities:

Maintenance of accounting and reporting medical documentation;

Organization of the work of nursing services at various levels;

Implementation of innovative technologies in nursing activities;

Organization of collection and processing of medical and statistical data;

Development of methodological and educational materials for the training and professional development of nursing staff.

In the field of research activities:

Analysis of scientific literature and official statistical reviews;

Conducting scientific and practical research in the field of nursing and public health.

The GEF of the new generation in the specialty "nursing" (qualification "Bachelor") differs significantly in focus, content and methodology from the well-known to us, the current GOS VSO of the second generation. The professional training of future bachelor sisters has significant features. Thus, the professional block of disciplines includes both subjects for basic training of a nurse (in accordance with the new generation approved by the Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary Education in the specialty "Nursing"), and the disciplines included in the training program for a specialist with HSE (from the second generation standard): psychology in professional activities, pedagogy with teaching methods, management theory, management in nursing, marketing in health care, medical and pharmaceutical commodity science, organization of preventive work with the population, statistical accounting in health care, standardization in health care, public health.

The special block of disciplines includes mainly the disciplines of basic training of a nurse: the theory of nursing; fundamentals of nursing; nursing in therapy, pediatrics, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry and the course of narcology, geriatrics, in infectious diseases and the course of HIV infection; basics of rehabilitation.

Positive aspects of the practical implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation in the specialty "nursing". To date, in all regions of the Russian Federation there is a shortage of nursing professionals, in connection with this, the training of nursing bachelors, starting from the school bench, will partially compensate for the shortage of nursing personnel.

The training of bachelors in a reduced program from among specialists with a secondary medical education (specialty "Medicine", "Nursing", "Obstetrics") will allow them to keep them in healthcare and develop professionally.

Changes in the admission criteria for bachelor's degree will allow for the transfer in the prescribed manner from specialty to specialty of those students who for some reason are not able to continue their education at medical faculties. This innovation also makes it possible to receive HSE as a second higher education.

Strategically, the introduction of a bachelor's degree should lead to the modernization of secondary medical education. With the introduction of applied baccalaureate into the educational system, which is now being tested in other specialties by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, leading medical colleges will be able to claim the right to implement such programs.

The Place of Bachelors of Nursing in the Health System

As mentioned above, in world practice, the bachelor's level is considered in most cases as the level of basic, general nursing training. Obviously, the Russian model should not deviate from the main global trends.

In this regard, the question may arise about the need for a bachelor's degree as such. With 4-year training of bachelor sisters versus 3-year training of nurses in the secondary vocational education system, the difference in the structure and content of the main educational programs will be primarily in the amount of humanitarian, social and fundamental training. During the 3rd and 4th years of study, students are given in-depth knowledge of the blocks of psychological, pedagogical and administrative disciplines. As a result, we will get a nurse with more developed general cultural and socio-personal competencies, and in professional terms - with the skills to work in a team and manage this team.

However, it should be borne in mind that the goal of higher nursing education should not only be to provide the industry with highly qualified nursing personnel.

In addition to readiness to perform their professional duties, a modern nurse must have the ability to quickly adapt to innovative changes in medicine, which is ensured by the level of general cultural and personal development and the depth of fundamental training. Getting a higher education leads to an increase in the social status of a nurse, which contributes to an increase in loyalty to the profession.

The role and place of bachelors in health care should determine the content of their training. Bachelors are future nurses for high-tech care, nurses working autonomously: school medicine, professional medicine; Public health nurses are specialists in health promotion and prevention.

Nursing bachelors can form the primary level of management of the nursing service - senior nurses. The next possible direction of activity is preventive work with the population, primarily in the health schools that are currently being created. Bachelors can apply for positions in accordance with the current order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 415n and 451n.

The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Biology - a profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • Social studies - at the choice of the university
  • Physics - at the choice of the university
  • Chemistry - at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

The more medicine develops, the more stringent the requirements for personnel become. So far, the attitude towards a nurse has remained in society, as an employee without special qualifications. But since 1991 in Russia there is a specialty 34.03.01 "Nursing". It prepares labor personnel with higher education. The emergence of this direction was a reaction to global trends.

As experience shows, higher education affects the quality of nursing work. Most often, after graduating from a bachelor's degree, such a specialist does not leave his profession, as he sees broad prospects for self-realization. The range of competencies includes not only medical activities, but also rehabilitation, organizational, managerial and research.

Admission conditions

This course is designed to educate personnel who will later be able to perform professional tasks, relying on the baggage of natural science and medical knowledge.

There is an opportunity to enter one of the universities in Moscow, having first received a secondary medical education in the specialties "Medicine", "Nursing" or "Obstetrics". Then the training will begin from the third year. But they also accept graduates of 11 classes.

What subjects they will have to take for admission:

  • biology (profile exam);
  • Russian language;
  • social science / chemistry / physics.

Many universities introduce an additional exam, checking the level of applicants foreign language . This is explained by the fact that domestic medicine is actively adopting world experience.

Future profession

Such a specialty involves the skillful use of knowledge and practical skills to perform a wide range of professional tasks. A nurse with a higher education can both provide emergency care and organize patient care in a hospital or at home. She also conducts educational work, provides a safe environment for health. She is trained in reporting and other medical records, organizational and managerial skills.

Where to apply

The course can be mastered in the following educational institutions:

  • First Moscow State. honey. university. Sechenov;
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;
  • Russian State Social University;
  • Saratov state. honey. Razumovsky University;
  • Northeastern federal university them. Ammosov.

Training period

A full range of necessary subjects can be mastered in four years at the full-time department.

Disciplines included in the course of study

To become a bachelor in this profile, you have to study the following subjects:

  • hygiene: general and hospital;
  • psychology and pedagogy;
  • nursing and management;
  • epidemiology;
  • healthcare and marketing;
  • commodity science in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry;
  • preventive work with the population;
  • standardization and statistical accounting: aspects in health care;
  • nursing: theory and foundations;
  • nursing in various fields of medicine;
  • rehabilitation: basics.

Acquired Skills

After completing the course, the specialist can perform the following tasks:

Employment prospects by profession

After completing a bachelor's degree, opportunities for self-realization become much wider and more attractive. Higher education was created so that the nurse quickly adapts to innovations, skillfully uses innovations.

It can work not only in medical and medical institutions. Such a specialist is needed in school medicine, public health. There are vacancies in sanatorium-resort institutions, rehabilitation centers, holiday homes.

What does a specialist work after a bachelor's degree:

  • nurse;
  • administrator;
  • registrar.

The starting level of remuneration is quite high - not less than 15 thousand in domestic currency. As competence grows, you can qualify for more solid rates.

Benefits of Professional Development

For a nurse, education prospects are not limited to undergraduate studies. You can enroll in a master's program, where you have the opportunity to choose different directions for further self-realization. If you choose the best universities, then you will have not only acquaintance with research activities, but also foreign internships. Subsequently, this experience will play a significant role in employment.

After graduating from the master's program, you can go on the path of a teacher. Also, a specialist has the opportunity to devote his life to science. He has more opportunities for employment in vacancies of an administrative and managerial kind. He can also find an interesting and highly paid job in healthcare organizations, acting as an expert or consultant.

Higher nursing education is the professional training of qualified specialists in the field of health care. The specialty "Nurse" is quite in demand for 2019. University graduates can get positions in private and public clinics, as well as in other high-tech areas of medicine. Depending on the region, the salary in this profession varies from 20 to 80 thousand rubles. You can get such an education in absentia, and the training and the diploma you receive will fully comply with the state standards of the Russian Federation.

How is the training

Until today, the idea of ​​nursing as a profession is constantly changing.

Training of medical staff is carried out in full-time and part-time forms. However, in absentia, a high level of organization, composure and discipline, as well as the ability to properly allocate time, will be required. In addition, after you can.

Most of the knowledge is required to be studied independently - from scientific literature, textbooks, encyclopedias and articles in scientific journals. And to take the material at the same level as full-time students who receive knowledge at the lectures of teachers.

Persons who have completed 11 grades of school or have received secondary vocational education can apply for enrollment in distance learning. In the absence of USE results, internal examinations in chemistry, biology and the Russian language are provided.

A diploma in higher nursing education will allow you to engage in clinical practice, teaching, research and administrative work.

Where to Get a Nursing Education

A nurse (in the male version: a nurse) is a specialist with a specialized secondary medical education who helps a doctor, provides first aid, and performs many tasks for the needs of a medical institution.

A number of public and private universities offer not only full-time, but part-time forms of obtaining specialization in the higher program. These are the highest educational establishments, in which you can get the specialization Academic Nurse and Nurse without strict reference to lectures and classes.

Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky

Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky

SSMU includes the Institute of Nursing Education, formed in 2004. The university offers a plan for preparing a bachelor's degree in the specialty "Nursing". For 2019, more than two and a half thousand people were released.

Training is conducted according to several types of programs: full-time, part-time and individual. Part-time form involves 4 years 6 months of study. After graduation, you can work as a nurse and continue professional growth.

The Accelerated Individual Plan is suitable for students with secondary education and lasts 3 years 5 months. Upon completion, specialists can obtain leadership positions in nursing and engage in pedagogy.

It is possible to provide distance education.

The cost of full-time education for 2018-2019 is 108,300 rubles for the first year, and full-time absentee form- 50 300 rubles.

Novgorod State University

Novgorod State University

NovSU has a graduating department of nursing, which trains qualified employees - an academic nurse, a brother or a teacher of this profile. Education is conducted according to the bachelor's program in full-time and part-time forms. The term of study is 4 years.

Required for admission USE scores or internal exams in specialized subjects of biology, chemistry and general Russian. The university provides an innovative program distance learning during which students take courses remotely in a convenient format.

The cost of full-time education is 108,000 rubles per year. The correspondence form offers a lower tuition fee and a free schedule for attending classes.

North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova

North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova

The Medical Institute of the North-East of the Russian Federation offers full-time and part-time forms of education for bachelors in the direction of "Nursing". Higher education in this area has gained popularity recently and allows you to occupy leadership positions with nurses and assist doctors.

The cost of full-time education per year is estimated at 275,500 rubles for the 2018-2019 academic year. The part-time form is more accessible and leaves the opportunity to combine learning with practice, that is, gaining real experience.

The entrance exams for higher nursing education are: biology, chemistry and Russian language. Upon completion of training, students receive a state diploma.

Krasnodar Municipal Medical Institute of Higher Nursing Education

Students of the Krasnodar Municipal Medical Institute of Higher Nursing Education

Krasnodar Autonomous Municipal Medical Institute of Higher Nursing Education is the main source of qualified nursing professionals with higher education.

This is the first university in the Kuban that trains nurses and brothers with higher and postgraduate education. During its activity, the university has graduated more than 600 certified medical staff, and about 7,000 healthcare workers have undergone retraining and advanced training.

Education of students of the direction "Nursing" is conducted on full-time and part-time forms. The price, depending on the type, varies from 51,100 and from 69,500 rubles for the 2018-2019 academic years.

Russian State Social University

Russian State Social University

RSSU provides applicants with a bachelor's program in the field of "Nursing" on the basis of full school or secondary specialized education in full-time and part-time forms of education.

The price for full-time students is 188,000 rubles per year for the 2018-2019 academic year. Part-time form implies a more affordable cost and greater freedom of action.

The admission committee must provide the results of the USE or internal university exams in chemistry, biology and the Russian language. Examinations in disciplines in the process of study are taken at the university and meet state requirements.

Tyumen State Medical University

Tyumen State Medical University

The Department of Higher Nursing Education of TSMU offers a bachelor's degree program in the specialization "Nursing". University graduates will be able to work as mid-level staff in high-tech areas of medicine and hold the position of assistants to doctors. Also, after advanced training, it is possible to get a position as a senior nurse.

Full-time education costs 160 thousand rubles a year, while part-time education is estimated at only 54 thousand rubles and is more accessible and free to allocate one's own time. Distance learning can be combined with real medical practice.

Northern State Medical University

Northern State Medical University

SSMU is recruiting applicants for higher education "Nursing". Education is conducted in two forms: full-time and part-time. The cost of distance learning is more affordable and amounts to 45,000 rubles a year, compared to full-time education, which is estimated at 166,000 rubles a year.

Admission is carried out according to USE results. If there are none, then internal exams are held in the Russian language, biology and social science. After completing their studies, students can hold positions of nurses, physician assistants and senior nurses in public and private medical institutions.

In addition to primary higher nursing education, it is expected to improve the qualifications of specialists in the further process of work. Universities offer courses in various areas in the direction of "Nursing":

Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education

The educational center on continuous medical and pharmaceutical education

The Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education offers part-time professional development courses. Nursing studies are conducted in the form of general seminars, consultations with teachers, lectures, individual lessons and practice.

Educational activities are carried out in accordance with government requirements operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Advanced training allows nurses to grow up the career ladder and gain new unique knowledge in the fields of medicine.

EDITOR'S CHOICE: Regional Academy of Business Education

Lesson at the Regional Academy of Business Education

The Regional Academy offers advanced training and retraining courses for nurses in the field of health and medical sciences with a specialization in Nursing. In the film "Nurses" you can observe the profession from the inside

Entering the correspondence course in the direction of higher nursing education, you need to be prepared for self-development and self-control. Students have a number of positive points that can be used.

Correspondence form gives more free time, which must be properly organized and distributed. You yourself plan how much time you will devote to work and rest.

Distance learning allows you to combine work and study activities, that is, it is possible to acquire the necessary practical skills in the process of studying. The cost of the correspondence form allows you to save finances, since this type of training is several times cheaper than the full-time form.

On average, the price for part-time students is 30% less than the full price. And remote acquisition of knowledge makes it possible to save even more time and money on travel and accommodation when it comes to big cities. But at the same time, it is assumed that you will devote a significant number of hours to independent study of disciplines and assignments.

Nursing in Russia began in 1803

Nurses are in demand in many branches of medicine. High salaries can be found in private laboratories and non-government hospitals. However, the first time after training, graduates will have to work in the ordinary positions of a nurse and nurse, administrator and registrar.

And practice in public clinics will give more experience and allow you to hone your professional skills. Employment prospects for part-time graduates are no different from full-time students. Nurses and brothers are required in hospitals, private clinics, sanatoriums, rest homes and educational institutions, this. In addition, you can go to work in the field, get something else.