If you drink wine every day, what will happen. We do not drink, but we are treated? The benefits of a bad habit

Not a single holiday is complete without wine drinks, but some consider the daily consumption of alcohol as an aperitif to be the norm.

People who are accustomed to taking care of their health ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to drink wine every day?” Because it is an alcoholic drink!

We will find out how acceptable the daily use of weak alcoholic beverages is, and what is the likelihood of becoming an alcoholic because of such a habit.

Is it good to drink wine every day?

Most doctors really believe that wine can be drunk daily without fear for health.

How much is good to drink wine

But how much wine is good to drink a day?

No more than one glass: alcohol abuse is harmful to health and contributes to the development of alcoholism!

What kind of wine is good to drink

Every day you can consume only dry red wine, and not just anytime, but in the evening or at lunchtime, during meals. If you are not a freelancer working from home, then it is better to drink wine in the evening: it is unlikely that colleagues will like the smell of wine during working hours!

If earlier red wine was drunk exclusively for company and for the sake of enjoying the taste, today it is often used to improve health, since it is really useful.

Red wine for kidney health

Wine protects the kidneys from urolithiasis, but only if you do not have kidney failure: with this ailment, wine is contraindicated!

Red wine for vascular and heart health

Red wine reduces the risk of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, as it reduces the production of the protein fibrinogen, which thickens the blood, and improves blood circulation.

It prevents the development of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases by reducing the amount of dangerous cholesterol.

It is very useful for smokers and everyone who has problem vessels: red wine relaxes and expands them, bringing them back to normal, so you can drink it to prevent atherosclerosis and varicose veins.

Red wine for brain health

It prevents the development of dementia and prevents Alzheimer's disease, as it strengthens the cells responsible for memory.

Red wine for joint health

Red wine prevents the development of arthritis, rheumatism and other joint diseases.

Red wine for respiratory health

It protects the respiratory system from colds and even cancer.

Red wine for gastrointestinal health

Reasonable doses of red wine contribute to normal digestion and bowel function.

In addition to these beneficial properties, wine prevents the development of diabetes, prostate and vision problems, premature aging, hemorrhoids, and also alleviates allergies.

Why You Can Only Drink Red Wine Every Day

Now you know how much it is good to drink wine and whether it is good to drink wine every day. But why is preference given exclusively to red wine? Unlike other types, it is made from grapes with stones!

The benefits of grape seeds

Grape seeds have a lot of useful properties due to the content:


Grape seeds contain polyphenols that block free radicals and protect the heart and blood vessels.


If the body receives less tocopherol (vitamin E), then metabolism is disturbed, impotence, irascibility and depressive states develop.

Minerals and vitamins

Including A and C, potassium and calcium.

Other types of wine are made from seedless grape pulp, which means they are not as healthy as red and contain a minimum of polyphenols!

Now you know if you can drink wine every day and in what dosages. The main thing is not to exceed the dose and buy only high-quality wine so as not to harm the body!

Reading time: 6 min

LifeGid found out which wine relieves lethargy and which one relieves melancholy. And I wrote down for you a recipe for the miraculous wine of youth.

The question of whether to drink or not to drink wine, everyone asks himself at least once in his life. life guide made it easy for you, and asked this question to experts - doctors and naturopaths. Their answer is to drink! But no more than two glasses a day. And, of course, you should not drink wine for those who are on a diet.

Wine is perhaps the most noble drink among alcoholic "brothers". In many European countries there is a whole cult of its use. It implies, among other things, knowledge of the laws of wine drinking. We talked about the norms related to our health with Elena Konovalenko, Ph.D.

For every taste and color

Wine is an alcoholic drink made from grape juice. Different types of wine come in different degrees of strength, color and purpose.

Natural wines contain from 9 to 16% alcohol, fortified wines - from 16 to 22%. Table wines are a flavoring addition to the main courses, dessert wines are served with desserts.

But the color of wine - red, pink and white - depends not so much on the grape variety, but on the method of fermentation, the age of the vine and the area where the vineyard grew.

If the wine is aged, precipitation is allowed in it - the so-called tartar. As a rule, it appears 6-8 years after the wine is bottled. In bottles with vintage fortified wines, sediment appears already in the fourth year.

People have been drinking wine since ancient times.

Benefits of wine

Wine is useful mainly due to the content of polyphenols. It is this class of substances that is called the source of youth, because they do not allow free radicals to accumulate in the body.

In addition, grapes contain a unique combination of glucose and fructose, vitamins B, C, P, PP, A, sodium, iron, potassium, magnesium and quercetin (it has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties).

In a small amount, wine tones up, relieves fatigue and even has a bactericidal effect. The drink is useful for hypotension, reduced intestinal motor function.

White wine has a diuretic effect. Red - tones. Muscats - excite the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. And sparkling ones relax, therefore they are indicated for melancholy.

REMEMBER: Wine, like any other alcohol, harms the figure because of its calorie content, depending on the strength and type. Calories are always calculated per 100 grams of product. So, in dry wine - 65-85 kcal, semi-sweet - 100-150 kcal, in fortified - 200-250 kcal. The exact calorie content of wine is usually indicated on the label.

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Red wine is healthier

In medicine, there is a whole direction, which is called enotherapy (“treatment with wine”). The most valuable components of grape berries - sugar, organic acids, biologically active substances - give the wine not only interesting taste and aromatic qualities, but also special healing properties.

Wine contains one of the most powerful antioxidants - resveratrol. This biologically active substance is found in red wine, as well as, in small quantities, in white varieties. Resveratrol has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory effects. It is he and wine polyphenols that reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and cancer. Therefore, moderate wine consumption reduces the level of low-density lipoproteins (the so-called bad cholesterol).

However, all the beneficial properties of wine are manifested only under the condition of its moderate use. WHO recommends four days a week to abstain from drinking any alcoholic beverages.

What wine and how much to drink?

From the point of view of usefulness, dry wines are considered the best option. Due to the technological features of production, they contain less sugar than other types of this drink.

The body will benefit from a glass (120-150 ml) of dry wine per day for women and 1-2 glasses (up to 300 ml) per day for men.

At the same time, you can’t abstain from drinking wine all week, and make up for the weekly “norm” over the weekend. Large doses of alcohol are fraught with intoxication and will not bring benefits.

Drink wine in moderation, and be sure to enjoy it.

In order for the wine to “breathe” and reveal its bouquet, before drinking it should be poured into a decanter - a special decanter made of glass or crystal. The price of such a container ranges from 200 to 2000 hryvnia - depending on the volume, shape and material from which it is made.

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The harm of wine - the main dangers of alcohol

Although wine has various health benefits, it is intoxicating anyway. Moreover, ethyl alcohol (ethanol) contained in wine is a strong toxin. In high doses, it has a destructive effect on many organs in the human body.

No less harmful are the products of the metabolism of ethyl alcohol. So, acetaldehyde is the strongest carcinogen that provokes cancer (mammary gland in women, oral cavity, colon).

Do not drink wine and those who are constantly taking medication. The simultaneous use of alcohol with certain drugs can result in life-threatening side effects. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor and carefully study the instructions for the medicine before drinking even small portions of alcoholic beverages.

Drink wine in moderation with the right meals

Dry wines with high acidity should not be consumed in diseases of the stomach. Significantly limit the intake of alcoholic beverages is also for those who suffer from heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux. They weaken the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and contribute to the return of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus.

Those who suffer from gout should not get carried away with wines, since episodes of abuse often provoke an aggravation of this insidious disease.

Wine, like any other alcoholic beverage, should not be consumed by lactating and pregnant women. Even small doses of ethanol can adversely affect the development of the fetus. The same rule applies to car drivers and people working with precision mechanisms.

Muscat excites the nervous system

If wine drinking is contraindicated for you for one reason or another, useful antioxidants and biologically active substances can be obtained from other products. It is enough to enrich the diet with dark grapes, nuts, chocolate, cocoa.

Wine of youth - recipe

Naturopath Elena Svitko prepares rejuvenating wine every year: “I cut grapes, but do not wash them (yeast is on the berries). For 1 kg I take 100 g of sugar, I crush this mass with my hands, and it stays with me for 3 days,- says Elena Vitalievna. — Then I pass it through gauze, it turns out grape juice. I pour it into a bottle and put the shutter, and pour boiling water over the remaining mass at the rate of 1 kg of mass of 1 liter.

All this costs 3 days, then I filter it, pour it into a bottle - and under the shutter with a straw. After 3 days, when both the first and second substances begin to foam, I mix it all up, bottle it, cork it and start drinking. You need to drink 7 liters, a glass a day. This is tantamount to a blood transfusion: the burchak cleans it so well."

Is it possible to drink wine every day without harming the body? You have probably seen interviews in which cardiologists and therapists note the benefits of dry red wine. Especially often such rumors come from abroad, where it has almost been proven that a glass of alcohol every evening will prevent the appearance of sclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, solve sleep problems and improve the quality of life. However, everything is not as simple as it seems. And before you start drinking wine every day, you need to weigh the pros and cons. You independently make a decision that will affect the psychological comfort, mental and physical health.

The myth about the benefits of red wine came from the fact that in the Mediterranean countries, where it is customary to drink this drink regularly, people live long. Do not forget that the longevity of the population of these countries is due to their type of food and climate. The Mediterranean diet, with its abundance of salads, herbs and vegetable fats, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. But the gifts of the cellars played a role in this. In the early 2010s, scientists and corporations took this issue seriously and conducted studies that helped to sort out the pros and cons of daily drinking.

The benefits and harms of wine: scientific evidence

The theory says that dry red wine is good for the heart. There is a so-called French paradox, which is the low number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases in this country. France is famous for its wine production, and it is customary to spend an evening here with a glass of good drink. However, good health can be attributed to a combination of positive factors, such as low stress levels and low sugar content in meals. And what dry facts, proven by biology and chemistry, are there really?
The benefits of wine are due to the fact that it contains resveratrol and polyphenols. The first substance was discovered not so long ago, and it can be considered useful only theoretically. Resveratrol is considered an anticancer drug, but treating cancer with wine is like hoping to clear kidney stones with mayonnaise. The damage that you do with regular drinking will negate all the possible benefits of the antioxidant. How much wine is good to drink per day to get the right dose is unknown.
Polyphenols, volatile substances, are responsible for the characteristic color of red wine. They have anti-cancer effects, but only in animals and only if they are obtained directly from grapes. The technology of making wine is such that the berries go through several stages, during which the polyphenols are destroyed. That is, including grapes in the diet from time to time (do not forget that there is a lot of sugar in it) and drinking wine every day are not the same thing. Food will be good, but wine is doubtful.

How wine affects the whole body

The harm of regular drinking of wine is the formation of dependence. You get used to its relaxing effect and imperceptibly increase the dose. This is how real alcohol addiction develops. To understand whether you are at risk, as well as to realize whether it is harmful to drink wine every day, is not an easy task. It is difficult to evaluate yourself from the outside, but it is somehow a shame to turn to a specialist if you have fallen in love with wine that is harmless at first glance. If you drink every day, you like it and put other things aside, then this is an occasion to think.
But not only the human psyche suffers from alcohol on a regular basis. Alcohol is a poison for all body systems. No matter how much it comes in, it still has a negative effect, gradually destroying the cells. You will notice symptoms in the first week of regular drinking. The appearance, quality of sleep will gradually worsen, mood swings will occur, even if you decide to use the drink as an antidepressant. Guilt suffers:

  • skin (allergy);
  • respiratory tract (bronchospasm, exacerbation of asthma);
  • brain (migraines);
  • stomach (indigestion and constipation);
  • liver (light and medium lesions);
  • nervous system (excitation, tremor or, conversely, drowsiness).

It is forbidden to drink wine during pregnancy and lactation. The stories of women who drank alcohol during pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy child are rather a happy exception. In preparation for conception, exclude alcoholic beverages from your life. Even small doses penetrate directly into the body of the embryo and provoke various diseases.

What happens if you drink wine daily

A bottle of wine is a big enough dose, but what happens if you drink a glass every night? There is a risk that there will be a need to increase the amount of the drink, and this may develop into addiction. But if we assume that everything is limited to this dose, then other side effects will quickly appear.

  1. Sleep problems. Alcohol excites the nervous system, and it does not allow a person to fall asleep and sleep. It will not be possible to fully relax after a glass of wine, as the phase of REM sleep suffers, in which the body relaxes the most.
  2. Dehydration. Alcohol dries out the body, and when it enters the body regularly, it removes water constantly. Even if you drink 2 liters of water a day, permanent dehydration is difficult to prevent. Dryness also affects the condition of the skin, it tightens, acne appears.
  3. Uncontrolled appetite. It can manifest itself both in the form of an increased desire to eat something tasty, and in the refusal of food. A plentiful snack reduces the toxic effect of alcohol, so at first the body asks to add a plentiful dinner to the glass.

Alcohol is a depressant that depresses the nervous system. If at first your daily glass brings you calmness and allows you to fall asleep faster, then over time it contributes to insomnia, anxiety and depression in the morning. At the same time, you have already managed to justify yourself by the fact that there is a benefit in wine, and you do not understand the reasons for the deterioration in well-being.
A person thinks, “I drink wine every day. I won’t get anything from this, because it’s not vodka. ” In fact, alcoholic beverages are not much different from each other if you drink them daily. Of course, if you get drunk, the negative consequences will appear quickly. But if you just relax with a glass in your hand every evening, then in this case you can not do without consequences. You voluntarily constantly put yourself in a stressful state. Keep in mind that the body gradually adapts to the dose, and all effects, especially positive ones, are minimized.

Dry or semi-sweet?

Red wine is said to be healthy. Perhaps it was once so. This is a delicacy product that has been inaccessible to ordinary people since ancient times. But as soon as red wine stepped into the masses, its quality dropped sharply. When scientists talk about the benefits of dry red, they do not mean cheap packaged drinks of strange origin.
Useful substances from grapes fall only into red wine, and from white they disappear. Now let's look at the sugar content in the drink. It is believed that dry red wines are the most difficult to counterfeit, since any dilution or infusion of alcohol will be immediately noticeable upon sampling. Unscrupulous producers prepare semi-sweet wines by mixing the remains of other varieties and adding sugar. Studies have shown that sugary drinks lead to damage to the body faster. Therefore, dry wine is safer.
Only dry red wines were tested for resveratrol content. If you want to experiment with drinking it every day, then choose this variety. No Cahors, Chardonnay and Port are suitable. At the same time, the wine must be expensive enough to exclude the possibility of counterfeiting. Alcohol poisoning is among the most severe and often requires hospitalization.
Having chosen a bottle that satisfies all these qualities, do not forget that the wine begins to deteriorate as soon as it is opened. Starting from the moment of uncorking, the drink comes into contact with air and oxidizes. After 24 hours, harmful iron-based compounds are formed in it, and after another day, the drink loses its pleasant aroma and taste. It can only be used for marinating meat. The very next day, your wine is unsuitable for cancer prevention and everything else. So, you will have to buy a fresh bottle every day. Are you ready for such expenses on an ongoing basis? With this money, you can eat fish, vegetables and fruits every day, which will bring proven benefits to your body.

Dosage issue

Doctors' recommendations do not contain exact data on how much wine you can drink per day. All advice refers rather to daily and weekly doses. They are highly dependent on the characteristics of a particular organism, but usually much less than what we are used to. Even a conventional glass of wine contains two so-called alcoholic units, and no more is recommended per day. After each such call, you need to take a break of several days. In general, doctors discourage drinking on the weekends, but note that it is safer than a moderate daily dose. Of course, you can't get drunk to the point of unconsciousness in any case.
The optimal daily dose of wine for men and women is 50 ml per day. This applies to dry wine, and semi-sweet wine can be drunk a little more. These figures are not a therapeutic dose, but a conditionally safe one. From such an amount of alcohol, the first signs of destruction of the body will not manifest themselves so soon. How many nutrients will remain at the bottom of the glass is an open question.

Drinking one glass of wine a day brings various health benefits.

Rich in Antioxidants

Grapes have high levels of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation ().

Since red wine has more antioxidants than white wine, drinking red wine can increase blood antioxidant levels to a greater extent than drinking white ().

In fact, one 2-week study in 40 adults found that drinking 400 ml of red wine daily increased antioxidant status ().

Higher antioxidant status is associated with a lower risk of disease. For example, drinking red wine has been associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, both of which are associated with oxidative stress ().

May help fight inflammation

Wine contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Chronic inflammation is harmful and can increase your risk of developing diseases such as heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and certain types of cancer. Therefore, it is best to prevent this type of inflammation as much as possible ().

Chronic inflammation can be reduced through diet, stress management, and exercise.

Many foods can reduce inflammation, and wine is considered one of them.

Research shows that a compound called resveratrol in wine has anti-inflammatory properties and may provide health benefits ( , ).

One study in 4461 adults showed that moderate wine consumption was associated with a reduced inflammatory response ().

Participants in this study self-reported their level of alcohol consumption. Those who consumed up to 40 grams of alcohol per day experienced less inflammation than those who did not drink ().

What's more, in a study of 2,900 women, those who drank a glass of wine daily had significantly lower levels of inflammation compared to women who abstained from alcohol ().

On the other hand, other studies have shown that red wine has a less impressive effect.

A study in 87 adults with an average age of 50 found that drinking 150 ml of red wine daily caused only a slight decrease in inflammatory markers compared to abstaining from alcohol ().

While research is promising, more research is needed to better understand the anti-inflammatory properties of wine.

May Benefit Heart Health

Studies show that people who consume moderate amounts of wine have lower rates of cardiovascular disease ().

Researchers believe that the high concentration of polyphenolic antioxidants in red wine may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and metabolic disease ().

Some studies show that drinking red wine can lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of heart disease ().

However, other studies show that drinking a glass of red wine every day does not lower blood pressure in people with normal blood pressure or those who already have heart disease ().

Moreover, wine can interact with blood pressure medications ().

In addition, excessive alcohol consumption can have negative effects on heart health, including increased blood pressure and a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease ().

Scientists have not yet reached a definitive conclusion about whether moderate wine consumption is good for heart health. Research in this area is ongoing ().

Other useful properties

Drinking wine in moderation can also provide other health benefits:

  • May benefit mental health. An occasional glass of wine can reduce the risk of depression. However, excessive alcohol consumption can have the opposite effect, increasing the risk of this condition ( , ).
  • May promote longevity. Studies have shown that drinking moderate amounts of wine as part of a healthy diet can increase life expectancy due to the high antioxidant content of wine ( , , ).
  • May promote the development of friendly gut bacteria. Recent studies have even shown that red wine may promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which may improve markers of metabolic syndrome in obese people ( , ).


Some research suggests that drinking wine in moderation provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that can improve gut microflora and heart health, mental health, and longevity. However, most research has focused on red wine.

What Type of Wine Provides the Most Benefits?

Many people wonder about the differences between red and white wine.

Unfortunately, more research is needed on white wine, as most of the research analyzing the benefits of drinking wine has focused on the health benefits of red wine.

Red wine has been widely recognized for its high concentration of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in grape skins ( , ).

In fact, red wine contains 10 times more resveratrol than white wine ().


Red wine is likely to provide more health benefits than white wine. However, more research is needed, especially for white wine.

Potential Harm

Excessive alcohol consumption can be harmful. Drunkenness and drinking large amounts of alcohol is associated with negative health outcomes ( , ).

Excessive alcohol consumption poses several health risks, including an increased risk of certain cancers, diabetes, heart, liver, and pancreas disease, and unintentional injury ().

A recent analysis of studies has shown that the optimal daily intake of wine is 1 glass (150 ml) for women and 2 glasses (300 ml) for men. Drinking this moderate amount of wine is linked to health benefits, while drinking more can negatively impact your health ().

*One drink equals 1 glass of wine (150 ml).

Keep in mind that while drinking wine in moderation can provide health benefits, it's important to consider the overall quality of your diet. An unhealthy diet can outweigh the beneficial effects of a daily glass of wine ().

In addition, some people should abstain from alcohol, including minors, pregnant women, and people taking certain medications ( , ).


While drinking wine in moderation can have health benefits, drinking too much alcohol can have negative health effects. Certain people and populations should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Should you drink wine to stay healthy?

Studies have shown that drinking moderate amounts of wine along with a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is good for your health ().

Studies have shown that the optimal daily dose is 1 glass (150 ml) for women and 2 glasses (300 ml) for men. This regimen is part of the Mediterranean diet and has been linked to health benefits and disease prevention ( , ).

Although studies show that drinking a glass of wine has several potential health benefits, these effects can also be obtained through a healthy diet.

In other words, if you haven't drunk wine before, you don't need to start just for the health benefits.

For example, a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fiber, legumes, fish, and nuts is already high in antioxidants and helps prevent heart disease ().


While a daily glass of wine may benefit your body, you can get the same health benefits if you eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods.


  • Research shows that a glass of red wine every day is good for you.
  • It provides the body with antioxidants, may extend lifespan, and may help protect against heart disease and harmful inflammation, among other beneficial effects.
  • Interestingly, red wine is likely to have higher levels of antioxidants than white wine. However, more research is needed to better understand which types of wine provide the most benefits.
  • Nevertheless, it is important to remember that drinking wine is not healthy for everyone and is not necessary. You can get the same benefits by eating a healthy diet.

Those who follow this advice usually do not think about why wine is so useful. It is enough for them that the doctor said so. We will tell you why it is worth drinking glass of red wine every day.

A glass of red wine: medicinal properties

Of course, wine is useful only if you do not abuse it. Unfortunately, this is often forgotten. According to experts, the ideal dosage is one glass of red wine in a day. Please note that this is about dry red wine. Moreover, you can drink wine with health benefits not at any time, but only for lunch or dinner(if you work, the latter option is preferable - colleagues are unlikely to appreciate the smell of wine in the midst of a working day).

Numerous studies have shown that a glass of red wine, if drunk every day, helps prevent various cardiovascular diseases. And both in men and women. In addition, wine helps with certain diseases, for example, with diabetes, dementia or osteoporosis.

Wine is one of the oldest alcoholic beverages in the world, but humanity discovered its beneficial properties not so long ago. In the old days, it was drunk solely to quench thirst, relax or enjoy the taste.

Benefits of drinking wine daily

In Denmark, France and England, it is believed that drinking wine is much healthier than beer or other alcoholic beverages. It has been scientifically proven that one glass of red wine every day is good for your health because reduces the risk of a number of diseases: European researchers have proven that drinking 22-32 grams of alcohol every day improves health.


Drinking wine reduces the harm from smoking: thanks to its relaxing and vasodilating action, the wine normalizes the blood vessels, which are especially affected by the effects of tobacco. In addition, this drink is good for the endothelium - a layer of cells that performs the most important functions. Endothelium lines the inner surface of the lymphatic and blood vessels and the heart.

Heart health

Wine is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases: This is one of the most famous properties of red wine. However, you should not exceed the recommended rate. Drink wine regularly, but in small quantities. Scientists believe that red wine prevents the risk of coronary insufficiency, as it reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and increases the level of "good".

Thrombus protection

Wine is a natural anticoagulant, meaning it prevents blood clots.: even if you do not drink it every day, but only on special occasions, your fibrinogen protein level decreases. If this protein is present in too large quantities, then it makes the blood unnecessarily thick. In turn, this can lead to the formation of blood clots.

Prevention of atherosclerosis

Wine reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, which leads to deposition of lipids on the walls of blood vessels. A glass of red drink helps to cope with his symptoms and even prevent this disease. With atherosclerosis, blood vessels lose their ability to relax. Red wine helps maintain vascular health through the formation of nitric oxide. This element is indispensable for the vessels to retain their elasticity.

Prevention of hypertension

Wine regulates blood pressure. It is well known that alcohol abuse leads to hypertension, but if you drink only one glass of wine (250 milliliters), the effect will be the opposite. Wine drunk after a meal lowers blood pressure - this should be borne in mind by hypertensive patients.

Prevention of kidney stones

Wine is known to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Drinking a glass of red wine daily reduces the risk of this disease.

Help with Alzheimer's

Another property is that wine is the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that the antioxidant resveratol, which is part of red wine, has a neuroprotective effect. That is, it prevents age-related changes in the brain, thereby stopping the development of this disease.

Other properties of red wine

Speaking about the merits of wine, it is also worth mentioning that it:

  • Prevents senile dementia
  • Reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis
  • Prevents flu and colds
  • Reduces the risk of
  • Favorably affects digestion
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Reduces the risk of getting diabetes
  • Prevents premature aging of memory cells
  • Helps with varicose veins
  • Reduces the risk of prostate cancer
  • Facilitates the digestion of proteins
  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Good for eyesight
  • Relieves pain from hemorrhoids
  • Relieves suffering from allergies due to its antihistamine action
  • Prevents blood clots

Why red wine?

Many people wonder why it is useful to drink red wine, and not white, rose or sparkling. Actually, there are several reasons. To understand them, it will be useful for you to learn more about this drink.

Wine is made from grape juice. It can be harvested by hand, with scissors or with the help of special machines. At all stages, the process can be more or less "manual" and "ecological" - from the processing of the vine to the collection, transportation of berries and the actual production of wine.

The manufacturing process consists of steps maceration, pressing, fermentation, aging and bottling.

Wine owes its beneficial properties to the content of polyphenols. These substances protect the heart . Their source is the skin and seeds of grapes. How do polyphenols "work"? They block free radicals. White wine, for example, is made only from the pulp of grapes, so its beneficial properties are much more modest. Depending on the grape variety, the number of sunny days and the quality of the land on which the vine grew, as well as depending on the strength, wine may contain more or less polyphenols.

Illustrations: Fredrik Rubensson, F Delventhal, akash Mehra, Dinner Series, Martin Cathrae