Why February 8 is science day. Day of Russian Science

Day Russian science traditionally celebrated on February 8 according to the decree of the President Russian Federation No. 717 of June 7, 1999 "On the establishment of the Day of Russian Science". The holiday originates from the founding of the Academy of Sciences in 1724. The founder of the Academy was Peter I. In 1991, the Academy was named the Russian Academy of Sciences. The RAS includes 470 institutions employing about 55,000 researchers. It is interesting that in the USSR this significant day was celebrated on the third Sunday of April, which was associated with the work of V.V. Lenin "Outline of the plan of scientific and technical work", recognizing the existence of science in the USSR. And until now, many people of science celebrate this holiday "in the old fashioned way." Russian Science Day is a memorable day for scientists, researchers, and those who are seriously involved in science.

Congratulations on Science Day
I wish you new knowledge
amazing discoveries,
The most interesting events.

More weird facts
There is a lot of happiness in personal life,
Let them always appreciate in work,
Always be respected for everything!

Learning is light, and everyone knows it,
It will lead us all to success!
Let our science flourish
And moving forward with speed!

We thank the scientists for the development,
For the contribution that you brought to the country!
We wish to make new discoveries,
After all, they are very important for all of us!

Let Russian science
Only flourishes day after day!
And let the whole neighborhood know
That we are always moving forward!

I wish you all strength, patience
And fresh, new ideas!
Let Russian creations
Only admire all people!

Today is a special holiday
It's time to glorify science.
We want to congratulate scientists
And shout loudly: "Hurrah!"

Hooray for the day of Russian science!
The state is strong in science.
Proud of both children and grandchildren,
Our whole country is proud.

Scientists, you are our strength,
And we congratulate you all!
Let life be easy and beautiful
Glory and success will come to you!

Happy Russian Science Day, friends,
Happy day of mind, knowledge and strength.
I wish more opening
The scientists came out from under the pen.

Prosperity and goodness to you,
Creative ideas and finds,
Non-standard solutions to problems,
The developments we and the country need.

There is such a day, it is very important
For our Mother - the country.
Everyone loves science
We really need science.

And this day, a wonderful holiday,
Allows us to realize
That the work of scientists is not in vain!
Scientists should be respected!

Happy Russian Science Day
I congratulate you heartily
The path of a scientist is not easy,
It is tortuous, endless.

I wish you victories
New significant achievements,
unexpected discoveries,
Only happy moments.

Congratulations to all scientists!
Illuminated, winged,
Knowing everything about progress
Who gave the world a hundred miracles!
We remember different people:
Archimedes and Galileo
Vernadsky, Lomonosov, Pavlov -
They deserve their laurels!
Let each luminary become science.

Will reveal the potential, does not know boredom!
Scientists, all the cards are in your hands!

Days of science for the country
We definitely need.
I congratulate you cordially
And I wish you happiness forever.

Let dreams come true
Peace, light, kindness to you.
Let health come
Let success not leave!

Different sciences are needed
How important air and water are
We cannot develop without them.
We will not help the sick with treatment,
We can't fly into space
Warm up lunch and dinner
So instead of laziness, evil and boredom
Let's help science!

A long tradition of celebrating national scientific achievements in Russia, unfortunately, was interrupted in the early 90s and was resumed only by a presidential decree of June 7, 1999 "On the establishment of the Day of Russian Science." According to this decree, the date of February 8 was not chosen by chance. Back in 1724, it was on February 8 that the Russian Academy of Sciences was established, the 275th anniversary of which was widely celebrated in our country.

The Importance of Science

It is on this frosty holiday on February 8 that it is worth noting the importance of Russian science in our lives. After all, we use many scientific discoveries every day and do not even think about it.

For almost 3 centuries, Russian science has opened up to the world a huge number of great names and achievements, it has always been in the forefront of world scientific progress, especially in the field of fundamental research. The names of such outstanding scientists as N.A. Dollezhal, M.V. Lomonosov, D.I. Mendeleev, I.V. Kurchatov, E.K. Tsiolkovsky, P.L. Kapitsa, L.D. Landau, I.V. Kurchatov, A.P. Aleksandrov, I.P. Pavlov, P.L. Kapitsa, S.P. Queens and a great many others. Russian scientists were in many ways "pioneers" of science - for example, the doctrine of the biosphere was developed, an artificial satellite of the Earth was launched, the world's first nuclear power plant was put into operation.

There is also a holiday of science, the third Sunday of April, celebrated all the years Soviet power. In 1918, between April 18 and 25, Lenin drew up a "Outline of a plan for scientific and technical work", which was the actual recognition of science by the Soviets. To this day, many scientific teams celebrate Science Day "according to the old style", that is, on the third Sunday of April.

At all times, science has been a powerful resource for economic transformations, the most important component national wealth the driving force behind technological progress. The scientific and technical potential of any country is the most important national resource, one of the foundations of industrial development. The use of scientific knowledge ensures the economic growth of the country, thanks to the achievements of science and the technologies generated by it, the well-being of the population is significantly increased.

From the history of the Academy

The creation of the Academy of Sciences is directly related to the reform activities of Peter I, aimed at strengthening the state, its economic and political independence. Peter understood the importance of scientific thought, education and culture of the people for the prosperity of the country. And he began to act "from above". According to his project, the Academy differed significantly from all related foreign organizations.

She was a government agency; its members, receiving a salary, had to provide scientific and technical services to the state. The Academy combined the functions of scientific research and teaching, having a university and a gymnasium in its composition. On December 27, 1725, the Academy celebrated its creation with a large public meeting. It was a solemn act of the emergence of a new attribute of Russian state life.

The physician Lavrenty Blumentrost was appointed the first president of the academy. Concerned about the conformity of the Academy's activities to the world level, Peter I invited leading foreign scientists to join it. Among the first were mathematicians Nikolai and Daniil Bernoulli, Christian Goldbach, physicist Georg Bülfinger, astronomer and geographer Joseph Delisle, historian G.F. Miller. In 1727 Leonard Euler became a member of the Academy.

The scientific work of the Academy in the first decades was carried out in three main areas (or "classes"): mathematical, physical (natural) and humanitarian. In fact, the Academy immediately joined in the multiplication of the scientific and cultural wealth of the country. She received the richest collections of the Kunstkamera at her disposal. The Anatomical Theatre, the Geographical Department, the Astronomical Observatory, the Physical and Mineralogical Rooms were created. The Academy had a Botanical Garden and tool workshops. Great botanists I.G. worked here. Gmelin and I.G. Kelreuter, founder of embryology K.F. Wolf, the famous naturalist and traveler P.S. Pallas. Works on the theory of electricity and magnetism were carried out by G.V. Richman and F.W. Aepinus. Thanks to the research of academic scientists, the foundations were laid for the development of mining, metallurgy and other industries in Russia. Work was carried out on geodesy and cartography. In 1745, the first general map of the country was created - the "Atlas of Russia".

The activities of the Academy from the very beginning allowed it to take an honorable place among the largest scientific institutions in Europe. This was facilitated by the wide popularity of such luminaries of science as L. Euler and M.V. Lomonosov.

Contribution of M.V. Lomonosov

A whole era in the history of the Academy and Russian science was the scientific, educational and organizational activity of the great scientist and encyclopedist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov.

He enriched it with fundamental discoveries in chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, geography; made a great contribution to the development of history, linguistics and poetics; organized in 1748 the first chemical laboratory; actively participated in 1755 in the founding of Moscow University, now rightfully bearing his name.

On the initiative of the Academy and with its participation, complex expeditionary studies were carried out, which made a huge contribution to the discovery of Russia's natural resources, and ethnographic studies of the country's territories from the White to the Caspian Seas, from the western regions to Kamchatka. Great Northern (1733-1742) and academic expeditions of 1760-1770, capital works of expedition members I.G. Gmelina, S.G. Gmelina, A.P. Gorlanova, S.P. Krasheninnikova, S.P. Pallas and others played an outstanding role in the development of geography, biology, ethnography, history and culture of the peoples of Russia and were highly appreciated in Europe, opening little-known territories to European researchers.

They resolved the issue of the strait between Asia and America and the northeastern borders of Russia. Maps of the surveyed areas were drawn up, their fauna and flora were studied, minerals were identified, the history, ethnography, and economic activities of the peoples living there were described, and the study of their languages ​​\u200b\u200bbegan. Sailing with V. Bering G.V. Steller became a pioneer in the study of the nature and life of the peoples of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands.

In 1748, the appointment of the first Russian president of the Academy took place, he became Count K. G. Razumovsky. Domestic scientists began to be elected to the Academy. The first Russian academicians were S.P. Krasheninnikov - the author of the first natural science book ("Description of the Land of Kamchatka"), written in Russian, M.V. Lomonosov, poet V.K. Trediakovsky, and later astronomers N.I. Popov, S.Ya. Rumovsky, P.B. Inohodtsev, naturalists I.I. Lepekhin, N.Ya. Ozeretskovsky, V.F. Zuev and others.

Scientific publications

The publications of the Academy actively contributed to the dissemination of scientific knowledge. "Notes on Vedomosti" published articles about natural phenomena, minerals, machines and instruments, about travel, about distant countries and peoples, about diseases and their treatment, about poetic and dramatic art, about opera and much more. The "Calendars" or "Monthly Books" published by the Academy in two languages, which also regularly published articles on historical and natural science topics, had a large audience. And although by the end of the century private publishing and journalism were gaining strength, it was academic publications that retained their leadership in the promotion of science (we still retain this leadership).

The subjects of the Academy published in 1755-1764 were varied. in Russian of the magazine "Monthly compositions, for the benefit and amusement of employees." Later, Akademicheskie Izvestia and other popular publications appeared, publishing articles by academicians and translations of foreign popular science literature.

The Academy played a huge role in the preparation and implementation of the school reform in the 80-90s of the XVIII century. Members of the academy developed the main provisions of the reform, participated in the training of the first professional teaching staff, compiled and published about 30 textbooks and manuals. By definition, S.I. Vavilov, "in the 18th century and at the beginning of the 19th century the Russian Academy was generally synonymous with Russian science."

In 1783, in parallel with the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy began to work, the main task of which was to compile a dictionary of the Russian language. Its members were famous Russian writers and poets - D.I. Fonvizin, G.R. Derzhavin, since 1833 the genius of Russian poetry A.S. Pushkin, as well as scientists S.K. Kotelnikov, A.P. Protasov, S.Ya. Rumovsky and others. One of the initiators of the creation and the first chairman of this Academy was Princess E.R. Dashkov. In 1841, the Russian Academy was abolished, and some of its members merged into the Academy of Sciences, forming the Department of the Russian Language and Literature.

The main duties of the Academy follow from the very purpose of its appointment, which is common with all academies and learned societies: to expand the limits of human knowledge, to improve the sciences, to enrich them with new discoveries, to spread enlightenment, to direct, as much as possible, knowledge for the common good, adapting theory and science to practical use. useful consequences of experiments and observations; her in brief the book of her duties.

In addition to the duties common to it with other academies, the position is added to directly turn their labors in favor of Russia, spreading knowledge of the natural products of the empire, finding means to multiply those that are the subject of national industry and trade, to improve factories, manufactories, crafts and arts - these sources of wealth and strength of states".

And again, the reformer Peter the Great brought a bit of the Western European way of life to the country. According to his decree of February 8, 1724, the Academy of Sciences was approved. Hence the memorable date - the day of science. The most interesting thing is that the name of the institution has not changed in any way, to the Academy of Sciences, depending on historical events abbreviations and names of new old states were added. Since 1925, the institution was called the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and since 1991 the Russian Academy of Sciences.

official date

The Day of Russian Science began to be celebrated only in 1999. According to the presidential decree, the holiday was officially fixed on February 8, thus building a historical bridge between our and Peter's times. And how many wonderful scientists Russia gave to the world in different eras. This is also a simple village boy, who later became one of the most prominent sons of science and founded Moscow University. We are talking about Mikhail Lomonosov, who, centuries later, marks the Day of Russian Science of the Year. These are the outstanding scientists of the 20th century Academician Pavlov, Tsiolkovsky, Kapitsa, Landau, Kurchatov and Korolev. And this is just a small list of our famous scientists compatriots.

Ahead of the planet

Our country has become a legislator in a number of scientific fields. We were the first to fly into space, made important developments in nuclear power and the biosphere. Our great scientists have won the Nobel Prize in many different fields. The first of these was the famous Professor Pavlov for his work, which described the basics of the physiology of digestion. On the day of science, it is also worth remembering the outstanding biologist Ilya Mechnikov, who received an award for his work on immunity. In 1978, the Russian physicist Pyotr Kapitsa was awarded Nobel Prize for the most important discovery in physics, the proof of the superfluidity of helium. Science Day in Russia is not an empty word and not a legacy of Soviet developments. Our most recent scientist was the physicist Novoselov, who was noted by the Swedish Academy of Sciences for his research on graphene. It happened quite recently - in 2010.


The Russian Academy of Sciences includes 9 directions at once, depending on the field of study, which are located in Moscow. The RAS also has 3 regional departments and 15 large scientific centers. Science Day is celebrated in all departments of a large scientific structure. The Russian Academy of Sciences is a whole city scattered across the expanses of the country, with a population of 50,000 people. Among them are honorary "residents", and these are 500 academicians and 800 corresponding members. Despite the fact that the official date, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, is set for February 8, most of the old-school employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences prefer to celebrate Science Day, as before, on the third Sunday of April.

On June 7, 1999, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, in commemoration of the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Sciences in Russia, the Day of Russian Science was established, which is celebrated annually on February 8. The Decree states that the holiday was established: “considering the outstanding role of domestic science in the development of the state and society, following historical traditions and in commemoration of the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Sciences in Russia.

On February 8 (January 28, O.S.), 1724, Peter I signed a decree on the formation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which was originally called the Academy of Sciences and Arts. The Academy of Sciences and Arts studied the laws of the surrounding world and society, the essence of man and public consciousness, and also carried out publishing activities. All this had a beneficial effect and still affects to this day. social development countries and economic growth, to progress in technology, to international relations.

In 1925, the institution of Peter I changed its name to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and since 1991 it has been called the Russian Academy of Sciences - RAS.

For Russia, this holiday has a special meaning. Over the years of its existence, our country has given the world many well-known names that have made an incomparable contribution to world science.
The names of scientists who came from the Academy are world famous: Mikhail Lomonosov, known for many talents, Ivan Pavlov, who studied reflexes, Dmitry Mendeleev, creator of the periodic table chemical elements, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, passionate about the development of a spacecraft, Lev Landau, whose textbook is used by physicists all over the world, Igor Kurchatov, the "father" of the Soviet atomic bomb, you can go on indefinitely.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the composition of the RAS includes big number research institutes, laboratories and museums. The activities of the Academy extend to almost all areas of science, these are: mathematics, astrophysics, physics of quantum liquids and crystals, elementary particle physics, mechanics, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, history, philosophy, literary criticism, folklorism, the list is far from complete.

The Day of Russian Science, which is celebrated on February 8, is a relatively young holiday that appeared at the end of the 20th century. The date of February 8 was not chosen by chance. It was on this day, February 8, 1724, that Peter the Great signed a decree establishing the Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is curious that not only offspring from wealthy noble families could study at the Academy, but also the children of people of the lower class - the main thing is that they be talented and have a craving for knowledge.

The contribution that the Academy of Sciences made to the development of the economy, new technologies, mathematics, physics, and medicine in the 18th and 19th centuries cannot be overestimated. At this time, in-depth research is being carried out in various scientific fields, museums are being created (including the famous Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg). The foundations of many fundamental teachings are being laid.

Science Day in the USSR

In 1925, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR appeared. The research and discoveries of Soviet scientists have made an invaluable contribution to world science. It was in the USSR that the first nuclear power plant was launched, the first artificial Earth satellite was created, such a science as astronautics appeared, astronomy and biology reached a fundamentally different level.

The Day of Science holiday in the USSR, of course, existed, but it was celebrated on the third Sunday of April. This is due to the fact that in mid-April 1918 V.I. Lenin published an article "Outline of Scientific and Technical Works", which determined the goals and paths of development of science for the coming decades.

Day of Science in modern Russia

In 1991, the USSR Academy of Sciences was renamed into Russian Academy Sciences. Eight years later, in 1999, in honor of the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Sciences, the President of the Russian Federation signed an order establishing the Day of Russian Science. Since then, February 8 has been the official holiday of all Russian scientists. True, many research teams celebrate their professional day in mid-April, in the "old way". Therefore, we can safely say that Russian science has two whole holidays. Well, our scientists fully deserve it!

Traditions of the Day of Russian Science

Although the Day of Russian Science is not a day off, it is widely celebrated in almost all scientific teams. It has become a good tradition to hold seminars and scientific conferences on this day. On this day, dissertation defenses are often appointed, because getting a candidate's or doctoral degree on the holiday of all scientists is especially honorable!