How long does a cancer man choose a girl. Characteristics of a cancer man: what attracts women and how to keep him for life

Each sign of the zodiac has its own characteristics. They must be taken into account in order to conquer a Cancer man. If a woman wants to please, conquer and keep, you need to behave correctly with such a representative of the stronger sex.

Cancer men have multifaceted character. When planning relationships for life, they take into account all the features of their companion - it will not be possible to completely re-educate him.

Advantages and disadvantages of a Cancer man

Every person is versatile.

The positive features of this sign include:

  1. Attachment to home.
  2. Patience.
  3. Softness.
  4. Sympathy for someone else's misfortune.
  5. Helpfulness.
  6. Musicality.
  7. Fantasy.
  8. Love for travel.

Some features are controversial - softness can play a cruel joke.

The negative aspects of Cancer men are:

  1. Surface judgment.
  2. Strong emotionality.
  3. Bias.
  4. Dreaminess.
  5. Frequent divergence of thought and deed.
  6. Shyness.
  7. Selfishness.
  8. Propensity to hoard.

A person is influenced by the sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Cancer, born in the year of the Dragon, thinks soberly, is responsible. The rabbit is outwardly soft, but it turns out to be capricious and spoiled.

Male snakes will tie a partner themselves if she attracts them. The monkey is distinguished by its comprehensive development, bright character.

The rat loves household chores. A man does not need noisy companies, the relationship is conservative.

Important! To charm a Cancer man, first study his character and interests. This applies to all zodiac signs.

How to please and conquer this zodiac sign?

There are many ways to get the attention of a Cancer man.

To seduce him, remember the 10 commandments:

Direction of action Peculiarities
Mum If a woman seeks a cancer man, she must be like his mother. You can't compete with her, speak badly
versatility This zodiac sign needs a woman - a lover, mother, friend
subtle flattery Criticism is perceived painfully, disapproval of actions is the wrong step. You can’t flatter frankly - subtlety is important
Sex Cancers love determined women, but pressure is scary. If a woman just wants to be in bed with a man, initiative is enough
no ambition He admires an ambitious woman, but the limit of relations with her is lovers
Inner world In a girl, a Cancer man is looking for modesty, loyalty and devotion. At the same time in bed she must be sensual
Without too much modesty If he is married to a modest woman, then he will look for the missing on the side
Interest A Cancer man is not attracted to a woman right away. He needs to understand that she is interested in him.
A little bit of jealousy When captivating a partner, make him jealous. It should be the attention of other men, but not flirting
Loyalty This zodiac sign is a faithful family man, the other half should be the same

Women can turn to trainings - such are conducted by Pavel Rakov. He will teach you how to win a man and not let go.

Sometimes relationships start out as pen pals - by choosing tactics, you will achieve significant success.

How to keep it?

It is not enough to seduce a man and make him fall in love with you - you must also keep him.

There are many ways, but tactics depend on the woman's zodiac sign:

  1. woman fish Cancer doesn't always understand emotionally so restraint is important.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the partner's actions and not forget about gratitude to him - it is enough to express it in words.

  2. Aquarius girl with a different worldview it will be difficult to achieve mutual understanding.

    Achieve it more efficiently by working together. Men's care must be reciprocated and understood.

  3. To Capricorn cancer will have a strong sex drive, but for long relationship it is not enough.

    Sometimes you need to show your vulnerability and appreciate the care, even if it is shown clumsily. Relationships need to be built on trust.

  4. Sagittarius and Cancer have interesting ties. Relationships can quickly flare up, but soon fade.

    A woman should adequately perceive the guardianship of her partner, show patience and respect. Relationships can only be maintained through mutual understanding.

  5. scorpion woman and her cancer partner are in for a hectic sex life. You can keep a man with trust, mutual understanding and tolerance.
  6. Libra woman will keep the partner with his charm and understanding. Some habits of a partner will be annoying, but they must be put up with.

    Both sides will have to adjust - this also applies to the bed.

  7. woman maiden and cancer links similarity. Partners are compatible both as colleagues and as lovers.

    Virgo must remember that her opinion is highly valued, but it is impossible to respond with criticism. You can’t impose your opinion on a partner, and relationships must be built on friendship and mutual understanding.

  8. Lion and cancer girl connects a lot, but the exactingness and irritability of a partner can ruin relationships.

    She needs to accept male care and respond to it in the same way. A man needs to be convinced that his half is a reliable rear.

  9. Partners of the same zodiac sign- a wonderful tandem. It is important to appreciate the virtues of the second half and be sympathetic to the shortcomings.
  10. Twin woman tolerance is important, especially to changes in the mood of a partner. To keep him, you need to give up arguments and listen to him.
  11. Taurus Union with cancer is harmonious and strong. It is not difficult to save it if you show tolerance for the emotional outbursts of your partner.
  12. Aries with Cancer complete harmony, but it is fragile because of the imperiousness of the first sign. More softness and concessions will keep the partner.

Note! In cancer, at the age of 30-40, a midlife crisis can begin, which is especially difficult.

It must be experienced, then after 40 years a man will become an excellent family man.

How to conquer a Taurus man to a Cancer woman?

Taurus is characterized by solidity, calmness, prudence and endurance. Jealousy and stubbornness in it are combined with tenderness and care.

You can win the heart of such a man:

  1. Sensuality.
  2. Romance.
  3. stability.
  4. Home comfort.
  5. Practicality.
  6. Respect for friends.
  7. Decent behavior in society.
  8. The absence of accusations.

Stock up on patience- Taurus fall in love for a long time, but the feeling remains forever. We need softness and delicacy, but sensuality in intimacy.

How to conquer a Scorpio man to a Cancer woman?

Cancers and scorpions of the same element - it is not difficult to achieve mutual understanding.

To fall in love with such a man, you need to understand him:

  1. scorpions like to attack - show them weakness.
  2. Create a riddle inherent in every woman. At the same time, you need to show that the girl is completely surrendering to the relationship.
  3. Show trust to a man, but at the same time to step back.
  4. The girl must be seductive and attractive, but depth is needed for a scorpion to study this riddle for a long time.
  5. Good hostess. A woman should be able to do a lot around the house, but obey the scorpion in everyday life.

Note! The year of the yellow earth dog is coming. For Cancers, the family will come to the fore at this time - an ideal time to build relationships.

Having studied the character of a Cancer man, you can win his attention. It will be more difficult to keep a partner, but any relationship is built on mutual trust and concessions - this zodiac sign is no exception.

Useful video

The easiest way to win a man's heart is not to try to win it. As for the Cancer man, all the more militancy will not help you. Men born under this sign of the zodiac are soft and compliant, but they sacredly honor traditions.

And according to tradition, a man should be a conqueror, so at least try to pretend that he is conquering you. Try to tame them with affection. Take a closer look at the situation: is it because you liked this cute guy so much that he himself has been walking in circles around you for a long time, trying to attract your attention.


If you trust the horoscopes, in the description of the character of the Cancer man many contradictions. On the one hand, he is dreamy and gentle, mysterious and unpredictable. On the other hand, a prudent, cautious and thoughtful type. But what to do if you like this one. And now how to please him?

first date

How to interest a Cancer man? Oh don't worry! He's already interested since he asked you out on a date. Now a lot will depend on you. It's easy to get him interested, but it's also easy to lose his interest. He respects thoughtfulness in everything, so if the date is going to be extreme, he will definitely warn you about it. However, the older the Cancer man, the less inclined he is to extreme sports (although he is not averse to dreaming about it). But a picnic in nature is probably his favorite type of date and relaxation. In any case, he will check how active and creative a girl you are, because he considers himself that way.

Methods of conquest

Of course, the Cancer man will look for a woman who will impress him. Necessarily equal or even higher in social status (so that there is something to strive for), and at the same time, she must respect family values. All this can be demonstrated on the first date. These are 10 simple commandments that it is desirable to observe:

Cancers are focused on eternal enduring values, even if there are so few of them left in modern world. You will understand this yourself when you get to know them better. The Cancer guy is able to give a woman a special world, his own, unique, to become a good devoted friend, an attentive and gentle lover.

Rules of behavior

From his chosen one, he wants in return respect and devotion. Of course, at first a woman can attract him with her ardor, high self-esteem, youth, freshness, passion, explosive temperament, bright appearance, glamorous appearance, because men are greedy for all this and Cancers are no exception. But then the attentive Cancer will notice how all these qualities fade in Everyday life homebody, which he, in fact, is.

They are a little passive in relationships, taking the initiative only in rare cases. But keep in mind that they perceive someone else's initiative selectively. These guys hate violence, coercion. Softness, persuasion, persuasion, and even harmless cunning can achieve much more from him than open assertiveness.

They love to dream. Do not dissuade them, perhaps their dreams are not so unrealizable as you think. These guys will surprise you. In response, share your plans, so be sure - Cancers will treat them with respect!

It is impossible to inspire this type of love out of jealousy, do not even try. He will not rush at an opponent like a bull at a red rag. If he sees that you are fine without him, so be it.

It is believed that Cancers have a complex character, and sometimes they are unbearable. Some things they greatly exaggerate, they need patience. So be patient - and you can conquer it. Do not criticize - he can not stand it, in this he is like a child. You can joke about something that does not suit you - this will work more effectively than criticism. He will respect and love you if you try to understand him and find a way.

Attention, only TODAY!

A man born under the zodiac sign of Cancer is a sensitive, deep and emotional person who does not immediately open his heart.

What kind of Cancer man in a relationship

AT Cancer man behavior the horoscope is full of secrets and mysteries. At the same time, he is looking for a reliable and stable relationship, so he is not in a hurry, but gradually draws closer, if he is comfortable. If any problems arise, Cancer simply hides in its “shell”, will not prove or argue anything, therefore it is not easy to “open” it.

Romantic Cancer can charm anyone. The happiest union for Cancers is with Scorpio or Pisces. Feels good with Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. But Cancer in love can find a compromise with a representative of any sign, if she fully understands and accepts his vulnerability and sensitivity.

How a Cancer Man Falls in Love

He does not confess his love for a long time, it is not easy for him. But he always amazes his beloved with his touching and devoted attitude, and it is impossible not to be fascinated by him. Very gallant in courtship.

The woman he can fall in love with must be perfect, according to his ideas, - pretty, intelligent, and at the same time, attention must be paid to him. If you do not show proper care, he can "withdraw into himself", fall into a depressive state.

How long does a Cancer man fall in love?

As a rule, love from a man according to the zodiac sign cancer comes as quickly as it leaves. To keep feelings, a woman will have to cook deliciously, take care of herself, look spectacular and young. Crayfish love their eyes and if before their eyes, well-groomed interesting woman, love is provided to you for a long time.

How to understand if a man loves Cancer

Cancer constantly takes care of his beloved, provides support, but his efforts can be too intrusive, and sometimes look like restrictions. Of course, this can be annoying. Besides male cancer behavior can be manipulative - in order for you to do what he needs.

To him, like no one else, emotions and feelings are important. It is the manifestation of emotions that causes affection in him. He is deeply attached, but often suffers, even in happy relationships, constantly thinking that "what if they leave me." He does not know how to defend himself, does not tolerate ridicule, cruelty, cynicism, rudeness and criticism.

Cancers are often monogamous, in any case, often changing women is not about them.

If you like to flirt with men, do not like to show emotions, do not tolerate changing moods, you and Cancer are not on the way.

Cancer man - strange behavior

The Cancer man is characterized by mood swings, so he can suddenly become tough and rude, although he was just gentle and passionate. This behavior can cause misunderstanding.

He does not forget resentment, remembers the past, and if something in the behavior of a Cancer man not so, perhaps he remembers something that you have long forgotten. He is very closed and it will not be easy to achieve what the problem is.

Since the Cancer man is very vulnerable, his often changing mood requires a sensitive and understanding woman who seeks to create harmony.

How to understand the feelings of a Cancer man?

Feelings and male cancer behavior can be very controversial - passion and tenderness lead to the fact that he often shows frivolity. And his vulnerability causes suffering in love, because he is very prone to self-flagellation. He is romantic, but at the same time the owner - any trifle can cause jealousy.

According to the horoscope, Cancer is a faithful, good family man, husband and father. The rupture of relations is going through very hard, he himself is little able to break up. Even a careless word can hurt him. Therefore, he needs a woman who understands, sympathizes, comforts and cares. She should value constancy, a traditional family, be serious and sensitive. A Cancer man can be "opened" if he believes that you have accepted him as he is, with all the advantages and disadvantages.

Cancer men in love

It is Cancers that are perfect for a measured family life, intimate conversations, when you want to surround someone with care and receive it in return.

Cancer does not tolerate coldness, indifference and frivolity, does not like surprises, extreme situations and thrill. He needs peace of mind, affection and warmth. Therefore, it must always be supported, avoid conflicts with it, because it cannot stand criticism. He constantly needs confirmation of love for him and his own significance.

In contact with

It so happened that you caught yourself in an involuntary, but strong sympathy for that young man who likes to quote films of the last century, treat you to tea, but at the same time spontaneously disappears from sight. Something inside suggests that this sympathy is mutual, but his behavior is so strange that it’s impossible to understand him right off the bat. And if you find out that the man you like is Cancer, how to understand that he is in love?

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Characteristic signs of Cancer men

Men of this sign are very specific, it is difficult and tiring to understand them.

  1. Cancer is a sign of dynamic Water, therefore it is prone to change. From his appearance it is difficult to understand the next emotional state, which can be radically different from what it was five minutes ago.
  2. Cancers are very curious about female gender: they seem to consider women equal to themselves and in every possible way encourage independence, self-sufficiency, but at the same time, in fact, they continue to patronize the ladies.
  3. In the family, they strive to take a dominant role, in relationships they are in the lead, although they can play in the transfer of initiative.
  4. On the one hand, they consider themselves dominant by definition, and on the other hand, they want the woman herself to go towards him. This makes it difficult to understand that a Cancer man is in love with you.

Cancer men are always gallant, well-mannered. It's funny that such politeness and courtesy may at times not match their appearance: they have neat, but extremely comfortable things in their wardrobe with a long history that Cancer undoubtedly remembers.

This cannot be called hysteria or theatricality, but still Cancer men love to exaggerate. It is sometimes very difficult to understand and assess the seriousness of their complaints with a bright emotional color. This is especially true of some negative events, words.

Also, Cancer men are somewhat hypochondriacal, and a banal malaise with a runny nose is turned into torment by a lonely and misunderstood sufferer.

If the man you like is Cancer, how to understand that he is in love with a woman? This is quite difficult, given the changeability of mood, as well as expectant tactics and "encryption".

The behavior of a Cancer man in love is not immediately noticeable, because at first he himself fixes the fact that he is in love, and only then, after deliberation and imperceptible checks, he moves closer.

  1. As an object of love, there can only be that girl who, in the opinion of the Cancer man, can be not just a partner, but also an ally and friend.
  2. Since Cancers are almost always aimed at deepening relationships and their duration, manifestations of love are preceded by "random" conversations on seemingly abstract topics. So the Cancer man "scans" compatibility in terms of life positions and the intellectual level that he needs to develop relationships with the one he is in love with.

About how a Cancer man behaves, if he likes a girl, they write on modern forums - as about men who do not take the first step for a long time: it seems that he looks into the eyes when talking, and helps at work, and on a date for the third month does not call. Here the controversial position of Cancers about the function of women emerges. They really want the object of love to understand everything and go forward, but at the same time they want to remain strong, courageous and decisive. Therefore, half-hints begin and gradually increasing signs of attention towards the woman with whom he is in love.

Compatibility table of zodiac signs

Behavioral features

Of course, it is impossible to equate all Cancers with the same brush, but there is a certain stereotype in their conduct if they are in love.

  1. Cancers have great intuition. In some magical way, they begin to capture your mood and invite you to those places and events that intrigue you yourself. So they try to spend more time with the object of love and at the same time satisfy his need for comfort and attention. With such a pastime, Cancers become quite talkative and try their best to entertain you. Their jokes are witty enough to cause laughter. And they are sure that a woman's laughter is already a sign of victory.
  2. And they listen to the one they are in love with. And they hear. They do not revel in their own stories, but listen and analyze what the object of love says. They really try to penetrate and deepen, and sometimes offer some ideas about a solution to a problem or some question. Without asking. They know when to offer help, especially when they are in love. He will remember what you said the day before yesterday about a conflict at work, and will inquire about how it was resolved without confusing characters and details. Later, such participation smoothly turns into caring, and Cancer may be eager to solve your problems for you, which he should not be allowed to get involved in.
  3. If a Cancer man is in love, the behavior and signs can be banal and appear as casual tactile contacts. The man of this sign invades personal space without any hint of permission from the girl with whom he is in love. Again, he feels when he can, and he does it quite prudently: during a conversation, when transferring items, in line, at the exit. That is, when it seems natural. If he does not feel rejection, he will go further towards rapprochement.

Perhaps he hides his feelings?

Yes, maybe, especially when you're really in love. And especially at the very beginning. There is such a tendency. How to understand that a Cancer man is in love, but hides his feelings? It remains the sign language and which "with giblets" betray everyone that is in love.

The following can indicate the hiding feelings of Cancer:

  1. When talking, his facial expressions change depending on what he hears. They do not always control it, because the main thought process is directed to perception. Of course, there are also masters of self-control.
  2. The Cancer man, who is in love, reaches out to look into your eyes and observe your behavior, your face, some details of your wardrobe. Consider it carefully.
  3. He will not pass by if he sees that the draft is from open window makes you feel uncomfortable. Even if a man diligently hides his feelings, he will close the window. He cares about your comfort. Can easily justify his behavior with banal sympathy.
  4. The Cancer man's gestures change. There is a feeling that all his gestures are addressed to his beloved. He turns to face you if there is communication in the company. Gestures become open and sweeping.

Any sign of attention of romantic Cancers should not be interpreted as a manifestation of love. This can be a manifestation of banal politeness and good breeding: they give way to a place in transport and open the doors to every woman, and not just her lover, because this is required by etiquette.

Useful video

At different signs of the zodiac. Useful information about the love preferences of cancer men, see this video:


  1. How to understand that a man is in love? Cancer itself will let you know that he is determined to start a relationship, despite the expectant and "probing" tactics.
  2. If a Cancer man delves into your monologues, subtly feels your own mood swings, and accidentally takes your hand when he passes a stack of documents, you can assume that he is in love with you.
  3. Be prepared for the fact that the Cancer man will not immediately make it clear that he is in love. This man needs time to make sure that the candidacy is what you need.

All Cancers ( June 22 - July 22) are somewhat wary of others. This is a sign of the Zodiac of very closed people, whose trust is quite difficult to earn.

Any Cancer in love, especially at the beginning of a relationship, is very careful.

He looks closely at his partner, afraid to reveal his feelings. It is often difficult to conquer these timid people, however, there is one important detail. Cancer is a sign of the zodiac, whose representatives are very inclined to create a family, permanent relationships.. To earn love, you must first show the seriousness of your intentions.

How to Win a Cancer Man Forever

A sensitive Cancer man in love is incredibly emotional, but prefers not to let his feelings out. He is too protective of his world of sensations inside. In addition, the sign of the Zodiac endowed him with powerful intuition. The Cancer man feels the emotions of loved ones so deeply that he is able to take them for his own. Vulnerability and high degree empathy makes him be incredibly careful in choosing a partner. How to fall in love with a Cancer man?

First step

For a permanent relationship, a man who represents the sign of the Zodiac needs a strong, strong-willed woman who is able to take the initiative. He himself will take too long to decide to take the first step forward. Constant doubts, timidity, shyness greatly interfere with Cancer in personal affairs. When meeting a quiet homebody, a woman should be the first to approach and start a conversation.

To conquer Cancer, you should start a relationship yourself, otherwise a love affair will remain in your dreams.

Just do not rush things too much or force such a timid guy to make sudden changes. Sharp, thoughtless actions can only scare him and make him hide deeper in his shell. A woman should be soft, careful, so that the Cancer man does not feel a threat to his comfort.

Serious intentions

This sign of the Zodiac gives representatives a high need to create a strong family. Most often, they need marriage, and not a casual romance. Even at the very beginning, it is worth openly showing the seriousness of your intentions in order to win the favor of such a guy. Cancer man must understand that the girl who shows sympathy for him really wants to share his life with him. This will instill confidence. A man whose zodiac sign orients him towards creating a family will gradually open up. Shared plans are incredibly close. Cancer will have to get out of his hiding place in order to let a new person into his destiny. Just don’t lie, a man endowed with subtle intuition will immediately notice any falsehood and close himself from the insincere lady in his little world forever.

Romance with a Cancer man

After that, Cancer in love will become very attentive, gentle, sensitive to his chosen one. To get used to a girl, such a man needs a rather long period of time. He must make sure that the person next to him is really worth trusting his feelings and only after that he decides on more serious actions. Gradually, he will become more open and will do everything to provide his companion with stable comfort, security, peace. Sometimes a Cancer man becomes aggressive in a relationship because he is afraid of losing his partner.. It happens that his love is somewhat possessive. He begins to control the woman, conflicts, quarrels with her. This is due to his innate distrust and fear of losing his beloved. A woman needs to show that nothing threatens their relationship. When Cancer gains a sense of security, all quarrels will smooth out. It takes a lot to win this man long time, and then you have to put a lot of effort into keeping the warmth and trust of the relationship.

How to Win a Cancer Woman Forever

Do you like a woman whose zodiac sign is Cancer? It will be quite difficult to win her love, trust. To achieve the location of such a cautious girl, you need to spend a lot of effort. Outwardly, she may look friendly and benevolent, but only a select few know what a Cancer woman really feels. Her inner world is open only to the closest. In a romantic relationship, this girl is extremely cautious. She fears pain, afraid to show her feelings. The Cancer woman is very vulnerable and she has to fence herself off from the outside world with strong armor.

First step

Before you start courting this sensitive girl, you should study her character, tastes, and habits in detail. Otherwise, the risk of frightening her is too great, which is why the Cancer woman will forever close behind the walls of her shelter and it will be impossible to achieve her. The incredulity with which this girl is endowed by the sign of the Zodiac makes her take a long look at her alleged lover. A man, especially at the beginning of a relationship, should not put pressure on her or take hasty actions.. A guy who decides to win the heart of a Cancer woman will need patience, attentiveness, and sensitivity. You can carefully invite her for a walk or to some quiet place near the water.

A little secret of the Cancer woman

To attract such a sensitive girl, a man needs to openly show that she is incredibly important to him.

It is the need to feel your need that is the little secret of the Cancer woman.

She really expects from her chosen one feelings of great strength, care, attentiveness. Throughout their life together, it is required to maintain in this girl confidence in the sincerity of her intentions. Marriage or relationship should become for her a bulwark of calm, security, comfort.

Romance with a Cancer woman

After starting a relationship, you need to constantly emphasize the sincerity of your feelings. It is worth devoting the maximum amount of time to the Cancer girl, being with her constantly. All her undertakings should be encouraged as much as possible and help to translate them into reality. This woman needs constant attention from her partner. At first, she will act rather aloof. Only when a Cancer girl realizes that her chosen one can be trusted, she will reveal her real self. After a woman of this zodiac sign lets her lover into own life, a man will feel the depth of her inner world and the strength of emotions securely hidden there. The love of a Cancer girl is truly unforgettable.

To win the favor of such a sensitive woman, it is necessary to surround her existence with tender care. The sign of the Zodiac endows its representatives with a huge need for a truly attentive partner. The girl needs to constantly feel support loved one. She appreciates affection, understanding, careful guardianship.

It is worth learning to listen to your companion, to understand her interests, dreams, plans. It is necessary to show maximum sympathy, empathy. We must constantly participate in the life of a loved one. She will really appreciate the emotional support of her man. After this girl will repay her care, Cancers know how to be grateful. Winning the trust of an emotional woman is very difficult, but all efforts are clearly worth it.