Experimental building materials. Unknown brutalism

The editors of RBC-Real Estate decided to compare several common methods of building individual housing in a short time.

Photo: Depositphotos/photography33

The fastest and cheapest technologies for building houses are the following:

  • block (houses made of cellular concrete: foam concrete, sibit, polystyrene concrete, gas silicate, expanded clay block, etc.);
  • frame (which includes all types of frames: on wood, glued beams, metal, plastic, etc.);
  • multilayer enclosing structures of the "sandwich" type;
  • houses from fixed formwork.

In this context, we will not consider one of the most popular materials for low-rise buildings today - brick.

Foam blocks

Photo: Depositphotos/sever180

Brick and stone low-rise housing construction in Russia is unconditionally the leader, occupying about 60% of the market. The share of more economical wood is approximately 23%

The fastest way to build a house is if the preparatory - and the lion's - part of the work has already been done somewhere. Most likely, this is a plant for the production of various building structures. However, one of the most popular materials for individual housing construction in a fast format - foam blocks - can not only be brought in ready-made form, but also manufactured directly at the construction site using vibropresses. The laying of foam blocks with a thin seam makes it possible to obtain sufficient resistance to heat transfer with a reasonable thickness of the structure. The material is durable - it does not burn, does not rust, does not rot, etc. Due to its almost perfect geometry and large dimensions, foam concrete provides high construction speed. Depending on the complexity of the project, the construction period of the box is from two weeks, "turnkey" - up to three months.

Houses made of these materials are 10-15% cheaper than, for example, frame houses. Technologies are offered on the market that make it possible to achieve the cost of construction under a roof - 11-12 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m of the total area of ​​the house, for self-finishing - from 20 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m depending on configuration. Although if you look at the ratio price - quality - time, then foam blocks are still a relatively long way, which has a number of disadvantages. One of the main ones - due to the high hygroscopicity and the tendency to get wet foam concrete, the surface of the walls of the foam blocks needs exceptionally good protection from the effects of the external environment, which is not always possible to achieve. The difference between the foam block, gas silicate, expanded clay, etc. is in some consumer properties.

Characteristics of cellular concrete


Volume. Weight


Heat transfer Kcal/m*h*g

Impact moisture


Requires protection

foam concrete

Requires protection

aerated concrete

Requires protection

Polystyrene concrete
Heating prohibited

Requires protection

Requires protection

Table: svoy-dom.com

Sandwich panels

This is the slogan of frame construction common in Europe and America. The most common technology for pre-fabricated frame housing construction is the construction of houses from SIP panels (sandwich panels, SIP - Structural Insulated panel). This is a three-layer construction - two oriented cement-bonded, metal, magnesite or plywood boards and a layer of insulation between them (usually solid polystyrene or polyurethane foam injected under pressure). Sometimes houses are insulated with mineral wool. From the outside, the walls are faced with facade plaster or sheathed with siding. The panels are mounted mainly on a wooden, and sometimes on a metal or composite frame. Timber-framed houses in Russia are often referred to as Canadian.

The main advantages of frame houses are the low cost of construction, the lightness of structures (the construction of a massive foundation is not required), the all-season and ease of finishing - due to the perfectly even surfaces of the material, there are no "wet" processes during construction. Frame houses have a low heat capacity of walls and ceilings - to create a comfortable temperature in the room, it is enough to heat only the air. Cottage from SIP-panels with an area of ​​100-300 sq. m is being built by a professional team in five to seven days, that is, a month and a half after the start of construction, you can already live in the house. It is risky to build longer without skills - any violation of technology leads to a loss of consumer properties. The turnkey estimate is calculated based on the terms of reference, depending on the quantity and class of materials used (the economical option will cost about 16-17 thousand per 1 sq. M).

At the same time, some materials used in "sandwich construction" may be unsafe for humans. Sometimes in the production of insulation, as well as in particle boards, phenol-formaldehyde resins are used as a binder, which causes the emission of this harmful substance into the indoor air. Cotton wool is also a source of carcinogenic dust. When it comes to wooden structures, a lot depends on their quality.

Light steel thin-walled structures

To some extent, a competitor of a wooden frame in the IZhS market is light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC) made of galvanized steel. Abroad, the technology has been successfully used for more than a dozen years. In our country, the practice is not very common. Nevertheless, a certain steady demand for a metal frame has already developed. Lightweight steel structures are used both as independent load-bearing structures in low-rise buildings, and as elements of roofing systems and half-timbered walls.

Light steel thermal profiles form the basis of thermal panels. They are made of high-strength structural steel with a thickness of 0.8 to 2 mm. Corrosion resistance is achieved by galvanizing with a coating thickness of 18 to 40 microns inclusive, due to which, according to experts, the service life of the material increases to one hundred years. Metal structures, unlike wooden structures, are not subject to shrinkage, which allows you to order windows and doors almost immediately, perform finishing work and, therefore, reduce construction time. The strength of steel structures makes it possible to make wider openings between the bearing elements, to use any roofing and cladding materials. The total cost of a house from LSTK with an area of ​​​​about 110 square meters. m - a little over 2 million rubles.

Foam glass

Photo: Depositphotos/Jeanette.Dietl

Russian scientists-builders have recently developed a new technology for the production of prefabricated house kits for low-rise construction. The basis of the technology is a material unique for the world practice - an analogue of foam glass - thermogran. It turns out that the wall is practically a single-layer panel made of a homogeneous material with a finished outer surface for wallpapering. The wall is only 250 mm thick. Heating is provided in the floors. Overlapping, enclosing and roofing structures made of this material allow the house to have a relatively small weight. Accordingly, the foundations do not require capital expenditures. The houses are planned to be "planted" on a slab or on screw piles. Installation time - up to ten days. Estimated selling price of a two-storey house with an area of ​​180 sq. m will be approximately 20 thousand per 1 sq. m. m.

Experimental houses were previously built on a metal frame. However, now manufacturers have switched to a glass-magnesium frame.

Modular houses

Of course, not all fast technologies for low-rise construction are described above. Yes, and they have a lot of different derivatives. There are unique new developments. However, the fastest way to deliver a house is to buy a modular version. Installation time is one to two days. The cost of construction, in particular for one of the Chinese firms currently building low-rise housing in Yakutia, is in the region of 15 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m.

By the way

Comparative analysis of "ideal" walls

Brick wall: plaster - 5 mm; brickwork - 250 mm; insulation with mineral wool - 100 mm; air gap - 20 mm; facade cladding with brick -120 mm.

Foam block wall: plaster - 5 mm; foam block - 200 mm; mineral wool insulation - 100 mm; air gap - 20 mm; facing of a facade a brick - 120 mm.

Glued laminated timber wall: sheathing on the inside of GKL + GVL - 25 mm; frame for sheathing - 27 mm; timber - 150 mm; mineral wool insulation - 100 mm; gap - 20 mm; facing of a facade a brick - 120 mm.

Wooden frame: sheathing on the inside GKL + GVL - 25 mm; wooden frame filled with mineral wool -150 mm; crate - 44 mm; fiber cement panels under a brick -15 mm.

LSTK: sheathing on the inside of GKL + GVL - 25 mm; steel frame filled with mineral wool -150 mm; crate - 44 mm; fiber cement panels under a brick -15 mm.

experimental construction

Pilot construction based on
the results of the conducted N.-and. and design work in order to verify the accepted
tech. solutions to improve existing and create new buildings and
structures for various purposes. In the process of experimental construction
and during subsequent operation, new
space-planning, constructive and technological. decisions, tricks
planning and building prom. nodes, cities, page - x. complexes, etc. experimental
construction can also be carried out in order to pre-test new
methods of construction and installation work, new forms of organization and management of construction,
production, etc. The objects of experimental construction can be
otd. prom., residential, social., S.-x. buildings or special structures (dams,
bridges, road sections, engineering networks, etc.), as well as groups of buildings,
concentrated in prom. node, microdistrict, residential area, etc.

Projects intended for for experimental construction,
contain fundamentally new technical solutions, application to-rykh in mass
building must ensure the achievement of a high level of industrialization,
reducing the time and reducing the cost of building, increasing the exploitation. And
architectural qualities of buildings and structures (see Experimental
design). Design and estimate documentation for E. with. approved
Gosstroy of the USSR. Financing of experimental construction objects
is carried out at the expense of the general funds allocated for capital construction.
The exception is objects intended for subsequently for destruction at
their testing or disassembly (i.e., not replenishing fixed assets), financing
to-rykh is carried out at the expense of state funds. budget allocated for
n.-i. works. During the period of building n.-and. and design organizations that developed
project documentation, carry out methodical. management of work on special
program that defines the purpose, objectives and conditions for conducting E.s. Experimental objects
construction after construction are accepted into operation by the state. acceptance
commissions in the prescribed manner.

After the completion of the experimental construction and
conducting field surveys org-tion, carried out methodological. management
experiment, is scientific and technical. report, in which clarified
techno-economic indicators, conclusions are drawn and proposals are made and
recommendations. Positive results E. page. used for
improvement of existing standard designs and structures and development
new. On this basis, changes are also made to the regulatory documents on
design and construction. In order to ensure a unified technical policies in
areas of construction of the main. tasks for E. s. annually (since 1963) included
Gosstroy of the USSR in the plan of the most important n.-and. works and implementation of achievements of science and
equipment in construction, approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR as part of the Union
development plan x-va. Compared with conventional construction, providing E. with.
material and technical resources are carried out on a priority basis;
financing of the construction is carried out according to the consolidated budget and financial calculations (and
not according to estimates compiled according to working drawings); in the budget and financial calculations
additionally, the costs associated with the manufacture and testing of prototypes are included
structures and equipment, the cost of providing technical. help, natural
observations, etc. In addition, in accordance with the Decree of the State. committee
Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages and the Secretariat
All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated July 4, 1963 construction and installation organizations, in the program of which more than 50%
constitute work on the objects of electrical engineering, included in the plan for new technology, according to
remuneration of management and engineering and technical. workers assigned to one
group above, and time workers directly involved in the implementation
works on E. e., are awarded for high-quality and early completion
tasks in the amount of up to 40% of the tariff rate.

Experimental construction of residential buildings in Moscow,
Kyiv, Leningrad and a number of other cities revealed more correct principles
development of cities, residential districts and microdistricts, new types of residential buildings with
increased improvement, made it possible to check their constructive and
space-planning solutions, etc.

E. s. in Moscow (in Novye Cheryomushki) lanternless prom.
buildings with a flat roof made it possible to outline the main. ways to improve
design solutions; accepted for the construction of this object, the project of production of works
formed the basis of a standard project for the organization of the construction of buildings of this type.

Aalto started designing this small summer house for himself in 1949. During the design and construction process, the house became a playground for experiments and a laboratory of ideas in the field of architecture, materials and philosophy. In particular, the themes of a building without foundations, freedom of form, unusual brick structures and brick as a building material and architectural element were explored.

The greatest variety of manufacturing technologies
(hence, species) exists in the second group, that is, the group of building
cement blocks.
Lightweight concretes are most commonly used in building construction.
differ among themselves in the brand of cement, the composition of the filler, the composition
heat insulating component. And already depending on these characteristics, you can
select cellular concretes, where air or gas gases serve as thermal insulation
bubbles, and blocks where expanded clay, wood chips or
foam balls. However, in order…

Brick: pros and cons

Yes, the brick is strong
frost-resistant, not afraid of fungus and does not rot. He is not afraid
precipitation and does not burn, solar ultraviolet does not have any effect on the brick
influence. The brick is durable, and also meets all environmental and
aesthetic standards. The strength of the house is due both to the quality of the material and
masonry method - each next laid row of bricks knits the previous one, then
yes, there are no vertical seams passing through at least two rows.

And one moment. The cost of brick production is not less than
than one and a half times, more expensive than the production of other materials, of which
erect walls. Considering that a brick is several times smaller than any other
building block, the complexity of construction increases significantly. Together
the price and laboriousness make a brick house quite expensive.

Properties of cellular concrete

The duration of the construction of experimental facilities should
be determined by the construction organization project in accordance with
approved by the State Construction Committee of the USSR norms for the duration of construction
enterprises, buildings and structures.

In cases where, under the conditions of experimental construction
longer than those established by the specified standards are necessary,
deadlines, ministries and departments should agree on the duration
construction of an experimental facility with Gosstroy of the USSR and Gosplan

Research and design organizations —
leading performers - developers of construction projects
experimental facilities make up work programs
experimental construction, participate in the implementation of these
programs, develop guidelines for compiling consolidated
scientific and technical reports on the results of the experimental

Experimental construction work programs
provides for:

purpose of experimental construction;

the order and scope of scientific research before the start, and in
necessary cases and during the construction of experimental

order and scope of observations during the construction of experimental
objects, and, if necessary, the state of these objects in
period of operation;

technical and methodological assistance to construction and installation
organizations in the implementation of construction under the project, as well as in
organization of accounting of material and technical resources and labor costs;

measures to control the implementation of work programs
experimental construction;

guidelines for compiling consolidated scientific and technical
reports on the results of experimental construction in accordance
with GOST 19600-74;

recommendations, developed where necessary and related to
features of the application of scientific and technological achievements in
construction of experimental facilities, as well as with testing
checked elements, materials, products, structures and
equipment for experimental facilities.

The experimental construction work programs indicate

4. It is a big risk to choose a completely new building material or new technology. It is more correct to pay attention to the technologies that have been worked out over the years, to look at the constructed facilities that have stood for several seasons, and to communicate with the owners. As a result, you will better understand how the house will behave in two or three years, and you will not encounter unpleasant surprises.

Irina Galitskaya, Commercial Director of Greenside:

1. Our company is engaged in the production of glued beams. This popular material allows you to quickly build high-quality, modern and beautiful wooden houses. Since this is a relatively new material for building houses, the latest achievements of science, technology, research and development in the field of building materials are used in its production throughout the entire technological cycle.

If you carefully study the full production cycle of this material, if you delve into all the stages of wood harvesting and processing, then there will be no doubt about the reliability, strength, durability and suitability of glued beams for building a modern wooden house. Therefore, we are not inclined to experiment with an already debugged technological process.

There is an opinion that for a wooden house it is necessary to provide heating power at the rate of 1 kW of energy per 10 m2 of area, that is, we may need up to 7 thousand kW of electricity per month to heat a 200-meter house, and this is not counting home appliances. Agree that's a lot. Especially when there are many modern materials that allow you to minimize these costs, but about them a little later.

The photo shows that the logs are very warm, in fact, the space of pairing logs is a zone of high heat loss.

Insulation of a brick house

Many are convinced that a brick house is the embodiment of reliability and warmth, over time this illusion changes with the belief that such a house requires careful insulation, otherwise it can greatly upset the thrifty owner. Often there are figures of 30 - 35 thousand rubles of expenses for heating such houses with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b200 square meters. Thermal engineering calculation shows that a brick wall 38 cm thick creates resistance to heat transfer more than 5 times lower than normal. This is the reason for the high heat consumption.

Rates and rates of payment. WORK RESOURCES OF CONSTRUCTION…

apply... experiment as construction sites
male workers with different levels of training, i.e., different qualifications. …
In addition, on some construction For reference



Alkyd enamel, its feature and application

hammer paint

Homemade glue at home

Mounting foam

Natural stone

Summary scientific and technical reports should contain:

passports of experimental objects;

detailed characteristics of the adopted urban planning,
space-planning, architectural and constructive solutions of buildings
and structures used in the construction of new construction
materials, products, structures, equipment and systems of engineering
provision of experimental facilities (depending on the purpose

data on the estimated cost of construction, originally approved
and finally formed on the basis of settlements with contractors
construction organizations;

information on the normative and actual duration of construction
indicating the factors that influenced their change;

technical and economic indicators of construction, including consumption
basic building materials, the amount of labor, and in
foreseen cases and operating costs;

description of solutions for the organization, technology and management of construction
production, production methods, construction and installation works and
the level of their mechanization; list of basic and special
fixtures, fittings, mounting tools and other devices,
used in construction;

results of surveys of experimental objects (individual parts,
structures, engineering systems or equipment of buildings and
structures) during the construction period, and in cases provided for
experimental construction work programs - during the period
operation of these facilities;

assessment of the progressivity of those tested in experimental construction
new developments taking into account operating costs in comparison with
standard or similar solutions used in domestic and
foreign construction practice;

recommendations for further use of the results
experimental construction, including scientific and technical
advances in standard or reusable economical
individual projects of buildings and structures, to improve
regulatory documents, state or republican
standards in the field of construction and building industry

As part of the summary scientific and technical reports should be given
project materials and photographic documents in the amount characterizing
conducted experiment.

Summary scientific and technical reports are considered in
one month from the time of their compilation by scientific and technical
(technical or scientific) research or
design organizations — lead executors — project developers
for the construction of experimental facilities specified in
state plan for the economic and social development of the USSR or
union republics among the performers first. For consideration
results of experimental construction should be involved
representatives of construction and installation organizations that carried out
construction of experimental facilities, enterprises manufacturing
new building materials, products, structures and equipment, and
also representatives of ministries and departments - customers and
contractors, and in cases stipulated by the work programs
experimental construction, and organizations that carry out
operation of experimental facilities. Scientific and technical
(technical or scientific) councils make recommendations on
further use of the results of the experimental
construction and draw up their decisions in protocols.

Casa Sperimentale (Experimental House) - the residence of the architect Giuseppe Perugini - fully justifies its name. The building, built in the late 1960s, is an unusual eclectic combination of brutal geometric structures, rotating shapes, transparent cubes and multi-level interior spaces. About what this experiment was inspired by, why evil tongues called it "Architectural Frankenstein", and how fair this assessment is, read in our article.

Recently, brutalist architecture, which flourished in the 1950s and 1970s, has received increasing attention from architects, who again often use concrete as the main building material. In studying the heritage of brutalism, architects are often helped by modern photographers, and their fresh look at forgotten or little-known architectural monuments.

So, thanks to a report by photographer and urban explorer Oliver the Astrologer, the architectural world has again drawn attention to one of the most unusual buildings of brutalism - the house of the architect Giuseppe Perugini, located in the Italian city of Fregen. The architect built this building in the late 1960s to experiment with form and space on a 1:1 scale. The photographer deliberately placed people in the interiors to convey a sense of scale and emphasize the contrasting textures of metal, glass and concrete that make up Perugini's cacophony.

Like any experiment, criticism met the project ambiguously. Some saw in it only an imitation of the bizarre geometry of the works of Paul Rudolph, combined with the modernism of Le Corbusier. But the majority of experts reacted favorably to the project, noting the original finds of the architect.

Thanks to its construction and, first of all, to the exoskeleton made of steel beams, the building seems to be hanging on the tall trees that surround it, thanks to which the archetype of the "nest" is played out, that is, a safe place where you can retire from the outside world and recuperate. The building's main beams are flanked by secondary beams located above and below the modules, supporting the weight through special cruciform elements made of red painted steel. The staircase leading to the house can be raised at any moment, like the gates of a castle, if the inhabitants want to completely protect themselves from the outside world. The facades have ledges and recesses where lamps or various hollow elements are located. This square architecture is softened by the spherical elements of the facades.

Unfortunately, since 1995, after the death of Giuseppe Perugini, the house has been completely abandoned, its walls are covered with graffiti, and the window openings are often empty, despite this building is still up for sale. But so far it attracts only tourists and photographers.

Architects are people who construct a new reality, they build experimental houses in which you want to live, gingerbread houses, fairy-tale palaces, and sometimes they produce architectural freaks. The team of the "Big City" went for a walk around summer Moscow in order to find original modern, pre-revolutionary and Soviet residential buildings.

1. St. Mashkova, 1/11

The modern landmark of the city is the egg house, which was built relatively recently, in 2002, and is still waiting for its owner. An expensive mansion in the center of Moscow definitely resembles a Faberge egg. The egg house is a product of the Luzhkov era: build whatever you want, any kitsch, there would be money and connections. On the other hand, the building on Mashkov Street was included in the list of the most remarkable residential buildings in the capital. From Russian motives, architects confidently came to vigorous postmodernism. We don't know if such a house could have been liked by Faberge lover Nicholas II. The egg on Mashkov Street is not simple, but four-story, there are five habitable premises in the egg. And the egg can be used for offices. Price: $5,400,000.

2. Nezhinskaya, house 13

The nine-story circle house resembles an old gray donut. The author of the project is the Soviet architect Yevgeny Stamo, one of the few designers of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses known to us. On the eve of the Olympics-80, the authorities liked the architectural idea of ​​​​Yevgeny Stamo - a house in the form of a "space plate". The courtyard is large, the size of a football field. Shops and a pharmacy are located on the ground floors. The round residential building has 26 entrances and 936 apartments.

Maybe today this bagel will seem rather miserable to someone, but the new Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley looks almost the same.

A one-room apartment on the second floor can now be bought for 5,590,000 rubles.

3. Butikovsky lane, building 3

Residential complex class DeLuxe Cooper House in the fashionable district of Ostozhenka. The six-story club house has 18 apartments ranging from some 127 to 470 square meters. Three buildings of the house are connected by glazed galleries with a winter garden. For residents, there is a gym, a spacious swimming pool, a cigar club (we didn’t quite understand that this is perhaps a smokers anonymous club?) and a playground.

The cost of the apartment is from 919,000 rubles per square meter.

4. Bolshaya Tulskaya street house 2

The house-ship on Bolshaya Tulskaya was built for about twenty years. Odnushki in it were given out to bachelors, so the people called the house bachelor. The length of the "ship" is 400 meters, the height is more than 50 meters. There are about a thousand apartments in the house - and quite diverse, from small to huge two-level ones. Some, according to rumors, were walled up during construction: supposedly they have windows, but there are no doors. Whether this is true, no one knows for sure. On the ground floor there was a kindergarten, grocery stores, cafes. But if once the house-ship was supposed to resemble a cruise ship against the blue sky, today it is an unsightly box of dirty gray with glazed balconies.

The huge building does not decorate the capital, but it attracts attention.

It is not difficult to buy an apartment here: about a dozen are put up for sale, however, only one and two apartments. The average cost per square meter is 187,000 rubles, the price of a one-room apartment varies from 5.8 to 7 million rubles, a two-room apartment will cost 8-8.5 million rubles.

5. Grizodubova street, 2

It would seem that the time for experiments is over: today it is fashionable to plant trees and shrubs on the streets, build comfortable houses for housing and high-quality playgrounds for children. But no, architects are itching. The 24-storey building "Sail", or "Snail", on the Khodynka field not only arouses the interest of tourists, but also plunges Muscovites into remarkable surprise.

Until the 20th century, the Khodynka field was empty. Once False Dmitry was defeated here, Shuisky's troops were defeated. "Khodynka" became a household name after the tragedy that happened here during the festivities on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II.

In the 19th century, there was a hippodrome and barracks on the site of the Parus house; in the early 20th century, it was the turn of the airfield, which lasted until 2003. In his honor, not far from Khodynka, the Aviators' Park was opened in 2008, on one of the alleys of which there is a monument to the pilots who died in World War II.

Khodynka never became an ordinary sleeping area in Moscow.

The cost of a two-room apartment in Parus reaches $615,560.

6. Rimsky-Korsakov street, houses 8–18

The house on Rimsky-Korsakovo is considered the longest residential building in the capital; it is also called the Great Wall of China. The total length of the house in Otradnoye exceeds 1100 meters. Although there are still gaps between the buildings, and the house actually cannot be called the longest in Moscow. In 1963, a research center for testing high-voltage equipment was opened in Vysokovoltny proezd. It is believed that the Great Wall of China was erected as a screen protecting North Otradnoye from harmful electromagnetic radiation. Did he perform this function, it is difficult to say, and was it right to make such a building residential? Kitchens and stairwells overlook the dangerous side of the street, but that's little consolation.

Today, the cost of a four-room apartment in a shield house is from 12.6 to 14.1 million rubles.

7. 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 3/5, building 4

Socialized housing was one of the leading social and architectural ideas of the 1920s. On the one hand, the housing crisis of those years forced them to look for any ways to provide citizens with housing, on the other hand, not only and not so much the family began to be thought of as a unit of society, but rather a work collective - a commune. Why privacy, large kitchens, where Soviet citizens will discuss power, at the same time learning the art of argumentation? The best thing is to settle people in so-called communes with a common kitchen, shower and toilet.

In Syromyatniki, the architect Georgiy Mapu decided to build three buildings around the courtyard, made in the form of a regular pentagon. The courtyard was conceived not as a utilitarian outbuilding of pre-revolutionary merchant Moscow, but also not as a courtyard-well of bourgeois tenement houses. It was intended to become the most important place for joint leisure and a platform for rallying residents. Work began in 1927, in 1930 two buildings were occupied, and the third was never built.

The passage between the two buildings - large and small - was turned into an arch, and in 1954 it was built up. Six-story residential buildings pierce through the corridors, and the landings (two of the three are made pentagonal) are spectacularly lit.

One of the buildings was intended for family settlement, there was not supposed to be a complete socialization of life - the living rooms had kitchens and bathrooms (their narrow windows are visible on the facade), the other two buildings were intended for bachelors and small families - with shared kitchens and bathrooms in the corridor.

Today in Moscow, communal houses are fashionable housing among intellectuals. Small apartments in such houses reach double the cost of both buying and renting. This is understandable, housing is experimental and rare, not every day you live in a commune house, where the spirit of the twenties and thirties of the past century hovers. If you try, you can buy a 48-square-meter apartment for $326,304, but the demand for communal houses today outstrips their number.

Experimental house in Northern Chertanovo, 6


some of the apartments are two-storey

underground garage with a tunnel leading directly to the street

pneumatic waste removal system

Denis Romodin,sovarch.ru : “There are no streets in this area, only numbers of buildings and buildings. This is one of the first experimental projects in Northern Chertanovo, it appeared in the late seventies on the site of collective farm arable land. The filling was unimaginably luxurious for that time: giant halls were arranged on the floors, it was possible to go down to the underground garage by elevator, some of the apartments were made two-story, and European heating systems were installed everywhere. The apartments were partially equipped with furniture from Czechoslovakia. There were also vacuum garbage chutes here: all the waste fell into the tunnel, and from it the garbage was blown several times a day into a special storage facility on the outskirts of the district. Mostly high-ranking employees of the Likhachev plant settled in this house.

The open-ended development of the area assumed that the inhabitants of the apartments would be able to enjoy sunbathing.

How is life really here?

Alexey Lysov, musician:“We got an apartment in Severnoye Chertanovo after my parents wrote a convincing letter to party officials. Mom generally knows how to eat the brain, and she pity someone there: a large family vegetates in a country house behind Krylatsky. That's how we ended up here. These apartments have a completely anti-Soviet, bourgeois layout: we, for example, initially had a dressing room. And on the ground floor for young mothers, a stroller was provided.

Alexey Lysov in a family apartment on the 12th floor

But the main thing here, of course, is the curious views. In the house opposite, for example, a prolific artist lives, his canvases on the easel are constantly changing - in the evening you can see them. And in the neighborhood there used to be a man who every morning went out onto the balcony completely naked and kicked a pear. Every day he practiced the same movement. There is also a sports complex nearby, where fencing champions trained before the Moscow Olympics. All sorts of important sports people still come across here. Once I witnessed a suicide: an aunt, the wife of a football player, stood all day on the ledge of the ninth floor. Firefighters arrived with a ladder, but they did not have time to remove it, it jumped. Well, in the end, from here you can admire the forest in which the Bitsa maniac hunted.

The plants in this house are not only in the halls - the residents set up lush gardens on the balconies

Another important feature of this house is the huge balconies, there are two of them in our apartment. At first, my parents were afraid that we would all fall into it, because during the construction they were not glazed. My father made something himself, now it all looks pretty dumb. But it is very expensive to do everything professionally: for the glazing of two such terraces, you need to pay half a million rubles at once. Another problem is fires, on these wide cornices many people plant all sorts of flowers and grow wattle. In autumn, the plants dry up, and if someone throws a cigarette butt on top, it will definitely blaze.

On the balconies in this house you can not only store interesting items, but also sleep

I don’t know how it is in other areas, but here everyone knows each other. A whole generation of young people grew up in two local schools - after all, they began to settle in Severnoye Chertanovo in 1980, and all the children grew up together. Gangs formed all the time in our buildings. Members of the most reckless of them, from the seventh houses, once climbed into the attic into the elevator shaft and cut off the cabins with gas shears - both cargo and passenger. One cabin stopped, and the second flew from the 24th floor to the very bottom: it blew half the entrance in general. Here, by the way, there is also amazing acoustics: you sit by the window and hear in detail how someone twelve floors below is talking on the phone. And car alarms are very annoying: one will work - and it echoes throughout the area. Once I was returning home from the center with a friend on a moped. And we, like fools, rode with him, tore off the muffler along the way - and the moped immediately became like an airplane. It's just unrealistic. We drove into the area, it was hell: three in the morning, we had already turned off the engine, we were coasting, and once something rolled through the bushes. I wonder what it is? Look - an ashtray. It turns out that some crazy person throws himself at us! And again something falls: this time - a dumbbell. We grabbed the scooter and ran to the entrance.