Gymnastics of the cervical-thoracic department of shoshina. Gymnastics for the neck of Shishonin, features of the treatment program

Passive lifestyle malnutrition, work at computers - all this leads to problems of the musculoskeletal system and disorders in the work of the cervical spine. Gymnastics for Shishonin's neck will help eliminate discomfort and discomfort, as well as improve physical health, you can watch the doctor's video lesson on our website.

Gymnastics for Shishonin's neck

A. Yu. Shishonin – doctor-rehabilitator, candidate of medical sciences sciences, heads medical Center"Health of the 21st century". He began to develop the program in 2003, in 2008 he published it and released discs that allow you to practice gymnastics on your own in a home hospital. His author's complex is very similar to the exercises according to the Bubnovsky method, but has its own distinctive features and benefits.

The value of therapy

Salt deposits in the neck often lead to its overstrain, circulatory disorders, nerve compression and the appearance of various diseases that can be acute or chronic. Often people are interested in indications for therapeutic exercises for the muscles of the neck.

The grounds for mastering the full complex are:

  • aching back pain;
  • migraine;
  • regular dizziness;
  • distraction and chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • scoliosis;
  • muscle spasms.

Also, Shishonin's gymnastics is indispensable for cervical osteochondrosis, hernia, and edema. It perfectly helps to get rid of hypertension and pressure surges. Exercise therapy according to the author's program has practically no contraindications.

It is forbidden to practice the complex only for persons with elevated body temperature, neoplasms, infections and inflammatory processes, the risk of internal bleeding, as well as pregnant women.

Shishonin's method is recognized as effective and progressive. Mastering it will be as easy as possible. After a few days of gymnastics, you will feel lightness in the neck and shoulders, notice an improvement in mood and general well-being.

Features of the treatment program

Before starting training, it is necessary to study the secrets of the technique and delve into the recommendations that the author himself voiced. The workout lasts no more than 20 minutes. Exercise tips are simple and accessible to everyone:

  • you need to look straight ahead, if dizziness appears, you should close your eyes;
  • it is better to practice without music, concentrating as much as possible on the score and the correct execution of movements;
  • it is best to practice gymnastics while sitting in front of a mirror;
  • exercises to be done from full version gymnastics;
  • the first three weeks of the lesson should be carried out every day, the next 14 days you can exercise 5 times a week, then it is recommended to train 4 times a week (every other day);
  • it is necessary to practice the main complex in a clear sequence;
  • each movement is performed 5 times to the right and left side;
  • you should move smoothly and measuredly, slowly and without making sudden movements, it is important to breathe deeply and calmly;
  • at each point it is necessary to fix the position of the neck for 10-30 seconds.

If your neck hurts after a workout, then you did something wrong. You should reconsider the procedure, consult with a specialist in exercise therapy. Reviews of doctors indicate that gymnastics is very effective and has a pronounced effect in a short time, and if systematically performed, it leads to a complete recovery of the body.

The Magnificent Seven

Dr. Shishonin's neck gymnastics consists of 7 simple and understandable exercises that anyone can perform, without any physical preparation. You can train at home or at work (during your lunch break). To make it easier for you to master the method, we present all seven exercises with pictures and detailed descriptions:

  • Metatron.Sit down on a chair, keep your back straight, tilt your head - now to the right, then to the left shoulder. We perform 5 times in each direction, do not forget to fix the position at the maximum point for half a minute.

  • Spring.The exercise consists of several stages. It is necessary to sit straight, lower your head down so that your chin touches your chest. Fixed position. Next, raise your eyes, and at the same time push your neck forward. Fixing again. Then we straighten up.

  • Goose.It is necessary to take a comfortable position, put your hands on your waist and pull your neck forward as much as possible, freeze like this for half a minute, then relax. Now we turn our head to the right and strongly stretch our chin until a feeling of discomfort appears. We repeat the movement, but to the left side.

  • A look into the sky. We turn our head as far as possible to the right, fix it, then smoothly move the position to the left, also fix it.

  • Frame. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but includes the shoulder girdle. Before turning, you need to put one hand on your shoulder, and place the other relaxed on your hip.

  • Fakir. Again, smoothly rotate the head from one side to the other, but keep the hands together above the crown.

  • Heron. We sit straight, put our hands on our knees. Raise the chin up, bring the shoulder blades together. We fix the position for 30 seconds, return to the IP.

You can complicate the training of the neck muscles if you stretch after the complex. Some simple exercises(tilts forward, turns to the side) will help to consolidate the effect.


If you have problems with the cervical spine, resort to the Shishonin method, and you will feel an improvement very quickly. We wish everyone good luck and good health.

Modern working conditions and daily habits cause chronic neck pain. Dr. Shishonin has developed a safe and effective exercise system that relieves muscle tension.

Her technique is very simple and suitable for home use. The main condition for performing gymnastics for the neck according to Dr. Shishonin is compliance with all the rules and regularity of performance.

Earlier on the blog it was already said how you can stretch and strengthen the muscles of the whole body, without creating stress on the joints, this system is called. For younger and more resilient ones, it is suitable, which pumps all muscle groups well. Relieve back and joint pain, helps. To strengthen the muscles of the legs, upper back and abdomen, improve blood circulation in the brain, use.

When performing, be sure to take into account all possible contraindications and, if necessary, consult your doctor.

Gymnastics for the neck according to Shishonin

Alexander Shishonin attaches great importance to the health of the muscles and blood vessels in the cervical area. Spasm of these vessels leads to some serious and common diseases, including hypertension and subsequently to a stroke.

One of the advantages of the technique developed by Dr. Shishonin is that the complex consists of only 7 basic exercises and several additional stretching neck muscles. You can do them at home or at work. All exercises are simple. You can do them at any age, even with total absence physical training.

Who is Dr. Shishonin?

Alexander Yuryevich Shishonin is a well-known Russian doctor who developed a method for treating hypertension, vertebral hernia and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The young doctor has a Ph.D. He opened his own clinic, where treatment is carried out exclusively according to the author's methods.

Explaining his technique and recommending it, the doctor attaches particular importance to the treatment of hypertension. He believes, not without reason, that any medications only temporarily reduce high blood pressure, without eliminating the very cause of this phenomenon.

Having experience in various fields of medicine, including manual therapy and oncohematology, A. Shishonin found his calling in the treatment of hypertension and diseases of the spine. The results of his many years of research showed that in order to successfully cure these and other related problems, it is necessary to establish blood supply in the blood vessels of the neck.

Clamped neck vessels cause high blood pressure, stroke and other problems. Proper stretching of the neck and elimination of spasms improves the full saturation of the brain with blood. This is not only the best prevention of stroke, but also contributes to the complex normalization of blood flow in the body.

Despite the doubts that Shishonin's methods are subjected to by doctors working according to the traditional system, the treatment in most cases turns out to be effective. Improving mobility in the cervical spine helps to improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system in general and eliminate specific problems. The success of the author's technique is supported by international recognition. At a specialized congress in the USA, neck gymnastics was successfully presented and approved by international doctors.

Indications for the use of exercises. Contraindications

Despite the fact that Shishonin's technique was originally developed for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis and hypertension, the range of indications is very wide. Gymnastics will help with:

  • The presence of constant tension in the cervical spine. This is especially true for knowledge workers who spend a long time sitting at a computer;
  • Chronic pain in the neck and shoulder;
  • Circulatory disorders in the brain. This phenomenon is signaled by headaches, dizziness, drowsiness or insomnia, memory impairment and other mental disorders;
  • Increased arterial or intracranial pressure;
  • Neck and thoracic osteochondrosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis);
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Violations of cerebral circulation;
  • Frequent numbness in the shoulders or arms.

One of the important indications of Shishonin gymnastics is recovery from spinal injuries. Gentle traction and improved blood circulation in this area is the key to a successful return to full mobility of the spine.

Shishonin's author's technique has a minimum number of contraindications. But still they are. Any exercises are prohibited in the acute phase of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In the presence of infectious diseases or inflammatory processes of a different nature, even simple physical activity is contraindicated. It is worth avoiding activities and elevated temperature body, as physical activity can worsen the condition. Gymnastics is also contraindicated in the presence of bleeding - internal or external.

The presence of a tumor process in the spine can become an obstacle to exercise. In this case, it is worth getting a doctor's permission. The same applies to pregnant women and patients who have previously had spinal injuries.

Some restrictions apply to patients suffering from osteochondrosis. Unless otherwise instructed by the doctor, exercises can be performed only in the first and second stages of the disease. Any deterioration in well-being, general weakness or serious ailments is a reason to postpone gymnastics.

In any case, before starting treatment according to the Shishonin method, you should consult a doctor. It is especially important to first consult a neurologist.

What are the benefits of exercise? Is there any harm from them?

The benefit of Shishonin's technique primarily lies in the elimination of stagnant processes in the neck. First of all, this problem is characteristic of the representatives of "sedentary labor".

The main benefit of the doctor's set of exercises is to normalize blood circulation, eliminate muscle spasms and clamps, and activate lymph movement.

Already after a month of regular classes, there is a decrease in pain in the neck and back, a decrease in headaches, and sleep patterns are improving.

The technique helps to normalize blood flow in the brain. This prevents the occurrence of a stroke. The benefits of gymnastics are primarily in the study of the deep muscle groups of the neck, which often spasm and lead to pinching and pain.

However, if you ignore the doctor's prescriptions and do exercises contrary to the ban, you can provoke additional problems. One of side effects exercises with a strong pain syndrome and displacement of the vertebrae can become even more pinched nerves and increase the pain syndrome.

Exercises with tension can worsen the condition only in the presence of serious pinching of the vertebrae, in the postoperative period, and also in the presence of acute conditions and exacerbations. The acute stage of cervical osteochondrosis can be especially dangerous.

Gymnastics for the neck according to Shishonin - 7 exercises and a fixing massage

In total, there are 7 basic exercises in the complex of Dr. Shishonin. Performing one exercise after another, the blood circulation of the vessels of the brain gradually improves. General well-being improves, dizziness, drowsiness disappear. Improves memory, vision, hearing.


Starting position - sitting with a straight back and straightened shoulders. Next, you need to tilt your head to the left to the shoulder and fix in this position for about 15 seconds. The same steps must be repeated on the right side.

While moving your head, you need to make sure that there are no strong uncomfortable sensations. Small pulling sensations are possible. This means that the muscles are tense within the normal range. If a sharp pain appears during the tilt, you need to find out the cause and temporarily stop the exercise. Complete 7 repetitions in total.


Provides alternate stretching and compression of the neck. Starting position - sitting with a straight back with legs bent under you. To correctly repeat the exercise, you need to imagine that the crown is pulled up. In this case, the chin tends to squeeze into the neck.

Maintain this position for 15 seconds. Then go to the starting position and take your head as far back as possible. When the back of the head is practically pressed into the shoulders, stay in this position for 15 seconds, maintaining even breathing. At this moment, you need to make sure that the head does not tilt back. In this case, the front surface of the neck and chest are stretched. Repeat 5 times for 15 seconds.


Also, while sitting, stretch your head forward. From this position, pull the chin to the armpit. Here, the neck is effectively stretched from the side and strained from the other side. Hold for 15 seconds, fixing all intermediate positions. Do the same on the other side, then returning to the starting position. Do 5 reps.

A look into the sky

This exercise is designed to develop the muscles of the suboccipital group. The first stage is turning the head to the side until it stops. In this position, lift your chin up. The head should not be thrown back (you just can't throw it back). Hold for 15 seconds and relax. Repeat the same on the other side, returning to the starting position. When fixing the head to the starting position, the shoulders should not move.


Exercise is necessary to work out the scalene muscles on the side of the neck, which are located between the sternoclavicular and trapezius muscles. Raise your hand up. Press firmly on the opposite shoulder. At the same time, the bent arm should stretch forward, the shoulder slightly rises.

Turn your head to the shoulder of the bent arm, press the chin on the shoulder. The tension in the hand is constantly maintained during execution. In this position, you need to be 15 seconds, then relax. Lower your hand and do the same symmetrically on the other side. Repeat 5 times.


The muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle are being worked out. Raise your hands up through the sides. Connect the palms over the top of the head. The shoulders should be strictly above the head, they do not need to be brought forward. The closed palms of the hands should be directly above the crown. While in this position, turn your head to the side. Hold for 15 seconds, relax and lower your arms. Raise your arms again and turn your head to the other side. Hold for 15 seconds and relax.


Here the muscles of the thoracic spine are worked out. Raise your arms through the sides so that they are horizontal. Then pull back with force, trying to connect the shoulder blades. Maintain this position for 10-15 seconds. Then relax lower your hands.

Raise your arms again to make a slanted line. Hold for 15 seconds with tension in your hands. Then relax. The same - in the other direction, constantly monitoring the location of the hands. There should be 5 repetitions in total.


Starting position - sitting on a chair with your hands folded on your knees. It is performed as follows: lower your hands, then take them back, while pulling your head up. In this position, you need to be 15 seconds. Then return to the original position. Do only 5 repetitions.

tree pose

Stretching exercise can be performed as a warm-up (before or after the main exercises). Raise your hands up through the sides. Turn your palms parallel to the ceiling. Reach up, pushing your head forward. With the correct repetition, you will feel a slight tension in the muscles of the neck and lumbar. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Then relax, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Warm-up before gymnastics and strengthening exercises

Before starting the main exercises, a warm-up is necessary. This will tone the muscles and prepare them. If the physical form allows, push-ups are done first. For men - the standard emphasis on arms and legs, women can do push-ups while kneeling. Keeping your back straight, you need to bend as low as possible. Breathing should be even and rhythmic. The head at the same time looks straight, which allows not to overstrain the back.

Basic exercises should be accompanied by a set of stretch marks. It is important to stretch the lateral muscle groups of the neck. First, you need to raise your hand up through the side so that your fingers touch the opposite ear. Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side, stretching the neck muscles well.

Now, stretching the back muscles of the neck. You need to grab the back of your head with your hands and lean slightly forward and down. As a result, the upper thoracic region is also stretched. Fixation time - 15 seconds.

The complex is completed by stretching the lateral muscle groups of the neck. Hands should be placed on the back of the head and alternately stretch the head to the left and down, then to the right and down. Return to starting point. Repeat 2-4 times.

Exercise rules

Like any physical exercise, the Shishonin complex requires knowledge and the implementation of certain rules. Their observance will make treatment or prevention as safe as possible.

There are several basic rules:

  • do not exercise on a full stomach. It is better to wait 1 - 1.5 hours after eating;
  • before starting classes, you need to prepare. To do this, with soft strokes and massaging movements, warm up the back of the head, shoulders and neck;
  • increase the load gradually, gradually adding intensity. This will avoid damage to the cervical vertebrae. The best option is to start doing 3-5 exercises from the complex and then gradually increase the intensity and duration;
  • be sure to keep it regular. At the first stage, daily short sessions are recommended. After a habit is developed and a muscle corset is formed, you can leave classes 3 times a week for a longer duration;
  • the number of repetitions of each exercise should be at least 5 times.

When exercising on your own, be sure to monitor your posture and body position. It is necessary to repeat the exercises with a flat back and straightened shoulders.

It is advisable to avoid sudden movements and jerks during classes. The smoother the movements, the less risk of damage and injury.

What result to expect?

Although the whole complex takes up to 25 minutes a day, with the right technique, the result can be achieved after a couple of weeks. Everyone who has tried Shishonin's technique on themselves notes the following results:

  • strengthening the muscle corset in the neck and pectoral muscles;
  • the acquisition of tone by the muscles of the neck, the elimination of spasms and a feeling of stiffness in this area;
  • reduction of symptoms of chronic fatigue, increased efficiency;
  • elimination of insomnia and other manifestations of disorders of the nervous system;
  • vision improvement.

According to the results of a study of the health status of patients who used this technique, there is a normalization of metabolism, an improvement in blood circulation in problem areas. A study of the health status of people who used this gymnastics showed that the risk of developing hypertension is significantly reduced. This allows you to get rid of associated diseases.

Video on how to do gymnastics for the neck according to the method of Dr. Shishonin

As the experience of those who have tried the author's technique of Dr. Shishonin shows, it is really effective. At the same time, it is useful in preventive and medicinal purposes. Proper stretching for the neck helps improve sleep, memory and concentration.

See the full set of exercises with doctor's explanations:

This video has no music. Dr. Shishonin himself shows how to do the exercises:

With regular performance, the spasm of the vessels of the neck goes away. This effect not only relieves pain, but also increases efficiency, prevents the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. All that is needed to start classes is to study the technique and exclude possible contraindications. According to the experience of patients, tangible results become noticeable after 2-3 months.

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effective method get rid of diseases that long time were not amenable to healing, as well as the ability to prevent the development of painful abnormalities. A person, faced with a pathology in a chronic form, often makes, it would seem, the only correct decision - to be treated with the help of pharmacological preparations. The trouble is that patients are not always sufficiently informed about alternative methods.

Shishonin Alexander Yurievich - scientific director of the clinic that bears his name. Author of many works in the field of integrative rehabilitation and correction, developer of the method of cervical-cerebral therapy. The fundamental importance in the author's works is given to the restoration of the functional abilities of muscle tissues in the cervical spine.

The root cause of the manifestation of pain syndrome, Dr. Shishonin considers pinching of nerve endings. The problem is quite common and unpleasant, as the condition is accompanied by intense pain and limited movement. Deviations develop against the background of compression of the nerve roots by the vertebrae, muscles, tendons, vertebral cartilage, protrusions, neoplasms.


Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the regular implementation of a simple gymnastic complex.

The identified indications are:

Pay attention to the main complex of therapeutic exercises should be people who, by the nature of their work, lead sedentary image life. The exercises are quite simple, do not require special devices, and can be performed in an office environment.

Gymnastics for Shishonin's neck with hypertension and osteochondrosis

Age-related changes, sedentary work and other negative factors lead to displacement of the cervical vertebrae. The components of the spinal column pinch the vessels that feed the brain, which disrupts proper blood circulation. The brain center responds to such changes by increasing the strength and purity of heart contractions. Elementary pressure rises, blood flow increases.

If a person has a weak heart, it simply cannot work in an enhanced mode. Then the head center gives a signal to the capillaries to shrink, not allowing blood flow into their channel. That is why many have cold extremities in hypertension.

Gymnastics Shishonin for the neck allows you to timely eliminate the compression of the cervical arteries and veins, to keep blood pressure within normal limits without the use of special drugs.

The clamping of blood vessels provokes not only the deterioration of blood microcirculation. The nutrition of nearby tissues is disturbed, intervertebral discs and ligaments weaken, instability of the vertebrae appears, which leads to spasm of muscle fibers. This explains the pain in the cervical and thoracic regions with osteochondrosis.

Dr. Shishonin, developing his technique, was based on ultrasound data, which made it possible to determine how much and in what area the arteries were pinched. According to the results of the research, the source of all painful deviations was revealed - the first cervical vertebra. The element is called the atlas, since it has a significant load. Consisting in conjunction with the skull, it is responsible for the rotation of the head. For various reasons, one of which is a high pillow, the atlas can shift, which threatens with a pressure surge, or even a hypertensive crisis.

A set of exercises helps to correct the situation, eliminate subluxation of the vertebra. That is why gymnastics can be used as a morning exercise.


The gymnastic course is a safe type of procedure, but like any event, it requires common sense. Do not overexert the body if you suspect a serious ailment.

Absolute contraindications to exercise are:

  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • short-term meningitis, stroke, heart attack;
  • headache and dizziness of unknown etiology;
  • fresh surgical intervention;
  • congenital anomalous deviations in the structure of the upper part of the spinal column;
  • spinal infections;
  • osteochondrosis in the active phase;
  • external or internal bleeding;
  • increase in temperature indicators.


The basic complex includes 8 simple exercises. All gymnastic movements are performed while sitting.

Example #1 "Metronome". Straighten your back. Slowly tilt your head to your shoulder. Pulling the upper body to the stop, freeze for 10 - 20 seconds and also slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the movement 5 times to the right and left side.

Example #2 "Spring". Slowly bow your head, trying to reach your chin to your neck. Having reached the desired, linger for 10 - 20 seconds. Then tilt your head back, stretching your neck forward, fix the position for the same time. Slowly straighten your head. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise. The number of repetitions is 5.

Example #3 "Look to the sky". Turn your head to the right, well stretching the lateral muscles of the neck. Hold the position for 10 - 20 seconds. Change position by slowly turning your head to the left. Do the movements - 5 times, while turning, looking at the top point.

Example No. 4 "Frame". Place your right hand on your left shoulder. Place your left hand on your left knee. Turn your head to the right side. Fix the adopted position. Do it all in reverse side, putting the left hand on the right shoulder, 5 times.

Example No. 5 "Fakir". Connect the palms of your hands to each other. Slightly bending your arms at the elbow joints, lift them above your head, feeling the back muscles. Then repeat all the movements described in example No. 3.

Example #6 "Airplane". Fully extended arms, spread apart, connecting the shoulder blades. Hold them at shoulder level for up to 30 seconds. Gently lower your limbs to your knees. The number of repetitions is 5. Do the same movements, but raising one hand up and lowering the other slightly down.

Example No. 7 "Heron". With your hands on your knees, straighten your back. With a gradual movement, push your chin up, throwing your head back. Raise straightened arms, below shoulder level, spread them apart, connecting the shoulder blades. Freeze for 10 - 30 seconds. Complete the exercise by tilting your head in different directions. The number of approaches is 5.

Example No. 8 "Tree". Raise your arms to the sides, bending at the elbows. Raising up, connect your fingertips, turning your palms outward. The outline of the hands should resemble the crown of a tree. After staying in this position for up to 30 seconds, lower your hands to your knees. Do the lifts 5 times.

At the end of the training, linger in a relaxed state for several minutes.

Course Features

How much exercise to do? During the first 2-3 weeks, classes are held daily. Then the regularity is reduced to a maintenance course - 3 times a week. To eliminate serious problems, several cycles with two-week intervals between them will be required.

Having resorted to Shishonin's therapeutic exercises for the neck, you need to follow the execution technique. To adjust the exercises at first, it is better to carry them out in front of a mirror. Beginners should not fix the position for more than 10 seconds. To enhance the relaxing effect at home, musical accompaniment is acceptable.

It is necessary to monitor your posture: when performing exercises, keep your back straight. All movements are performed smoothly, measuredly, without excessive fussiness. A mandatory requirement is even rhythmic breathing.

Watch for sensations: gymnastics should not be accompanied by the manifestation of pain in any part of the body.

This video tutorial presents the gymnastics for the neck of Dr. Shishonin. The doctor recommends this set of exercises for hypertension and other problems: osteochondrosis, weakness of the neck muscles, and posture disorders. Under the video are given detailed descriptions photo exercises.

Features of gymnastics for the neck

Gymnastics exercises for the neck are performed with a delay. That is, it is necessary to take the desired position and linger in it for 5-10 seconds.

All presented exercises for the neck are performed repeatedly, 5-10 times in each direction.

  • perform exercises in a sitting position, especially if you feel that they lead to dizziness, keep your back straight, do not slouch
  • before doing the exercises, I recommend doing it for 2-3 minutes. You can complete gymnastics for the neck with the same self-massage.
  • perform Shishonin's gymnastics exercises without undue stress and very carefully
  • do all stretching movements until you feel a pleasant stretch, but no more
  • do not apply much force with your hands when stretching the muscles of the neck
  • when performing exercises, especially in the stages of posture retention, breathe calmly and rhythmically, without holding your breath
  • do not engage in a draft; the neck should be warm.
  • exercises can and even need to be performed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening or in the afternoon and in the evening.

The seeming "tediousness" of gymnastics will be abundantly rewarded with a significant improvement in condition, a feeling of lightness in the shoulders, a retreat of tension and headaches.

Gymnastics for neck muscles

Exercise "Metronome"

Starting position - head straight. Gently tilt your head to the side, as if trying to reach the edge of your shoulder with your ear. Feel the stretch in the muscles opposite the bend. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position. Next, tilt your head to the other side, also trying to reach the edge of your shoulder with your ear. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times.

Metronome exercise
Metronome exercise

Exercise "Spring"

Starting position - head straight. Gently move your head forward and slightly lift your face up. Close your eyes. Feel the tension in the back of your neck and the stretch in the muscles in the front of your neck. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position. Next, move your head back, slightly lowering your face down. Feel the tension in the muscles in the front of your neck. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Do the exercise 5-7 times.

Spring exercise
Spring exercise

Exercise "Goose"

Starting position - head straight. Gently and slowly push your head forward without changing the tilt. Then gently turn your head to the left and press your chin against your left collarbone. Feel the tension in the front muscles of the neck and the stretch in the back muscles of the neck. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Then smoothly reverse the movement and return to the starting position. Do the exercise on the other side. Repeat this neck exercise 5-7 times on each side.

exercise goose
exercise goose

Exercise "Look at the sky"

Turn your head to the side. Then gently lift your face up, as if "looking at the sky." Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Then gently lower your head and turn it back to its original position. Turn your head to the other side. Raise your head and again linger for 5-10 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position by doing the movements in reverse order. You should repeat the exercise 5-7 times in each direction.

Exercise Look to the sky
Exercise Look to the sky

Exercise "Frame"

We keep our heads straight. Place your left hand on your right shoulder. Raise your left elbow to the level of your chin. Gently turn your head to the left and press your chin against your left shoulder. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Then slowly turn your head to a straight position. Lower your left hand. Place your right hand on your left shoulder. Turn your head to the right and press your chin to your right shoulder. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times in each direction.

Exercise "Fakir"

Head straight. Raise your arms above your head and join them with your palms. Lightly press your palms together with effort. Turn your head to one side. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Then slowly turn your head to the other side. Also stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times in each direction.

Exercise "Airplane"

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the shoulder girdle - trapezius and deltoid. Improves blood circulation in the muscles of the neck.

We keep our heads straight. We spread our hands to the sides. Let's take them back. We hold our hands in this position for 5-10 seconds. Slowly return your hands to the starting position. Then we lower one hand lower, and raise the other higher. We take them back again and hold for 5-10 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. We change the position of the hands to the opposite and again take them back for 5-10 seconds.

Repeat the exercise in each position 5-7 times.

Exercise "Heron"

Starting position - head straight. Stretch face up. We take our hands back and slightly to the sides. We stretch our hands down. We feel a stretch in the front of the neck, the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms. The exercise is performed for 5-10 seconds. Then we return to the starting position. We repeat 5-7 times.

Exercise "Tree"

In a sitting position, raise your hands up, turning your palms up. Stretch up for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Exercise Tree

Grab your head with your left hand, placing its palm on your right ear. Gently tilt your head to the left, helping yourself a little with your left hand. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Feel the muscles stretch right side neck. Gently return to the starting position. Then grab your head right hand. Tilt your head to the right for 5-10 seconds. Feel the stretch in the muscles on the left side of your neck. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times on each side. Don't try too hard!

Exercise stretching the back muscles of the neck

Fold your hands into a lock at the back of your head. Gently tilt your head forward, slightly helping yourself with your hands. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Feel the stretch in the muscles at the back of your neck. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times with short breaks. Do not apply too much force, stretching the muscles of the neck!

Fold your hands into a lock at the back of your head. Turn your head to the side and tilt it forward, slightly helping yourself with your hands. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Feel the stretch in the muscles at the back of your neck. Return to starting position. Then turn your head to the other side and tilt, helping yourself with your hands. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times on each side. Don't put too much effort into stretching your neck muscles!

After gymnastics, sit for a minute in place, do not rush to get up. Let the blood circulation in the neck area recover. Take a few calm breaths in and out.

These neck exercises are especially good in the evening before bed. Be healthy!

Gymnastics for the neck of Dr. Shishonin, the video of which we propose to watch, will help get rid of discomfort and problems caused by circulatory disorders.

Neck Pain Causes Discomfort

Around the age of forty, and sometimes much earlier, ordinary person there is a persistent spasm of the neck muscles, which prevents the normal functioning of the arteries of the neck and impairs blood circulation in the brain.

It causes common health problems such as frequent headaches and dizziness, as well as unexplained irritability and a general lack of energy. Such a serious disease as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is also caused by constant spasm.

Tense muscles prevent the timely supply of nutrients to the intervertebral plates, retain metabolic products in the tissues surrounding the spine. So completely reversible changes cause destruction cartilage tissue, the growth of osteophytes and even the formation of hernias.

Can these problems be avoided? Can! To do this, you need to get rid of the constant spasm and strengthen the muscles of the neck, which is facilitated by gymnastics for the neck of Dr. Shishonin.

If you have back and neck pain

If you have back and neck pain, first pay attention to our tips:

The cause of neck pain is persistent muscle spasm

Tip number 1. See a good neurologist. It will help you find the cause of the pain and relieve acute pain.

Tip number 2. Your doctor may prescribe a course of massage for you to relax your tight muscles. Agree! You will immediately feel a little better.

Neck massage - wellness treatment before gymnastics

Gymnastics is very good to perform after a course of massage.

Tip number 3. Use various ointments and gels with caution. They are expensive and do not solve the main problem. Among other things, they can cause allergies and other side effects.

Tip #4 Use spasm tablets with caution. Use them only as directed by your doctor and do not abuse. Remember that they only temporarily relieve pain, but do not eliminate the cause of the pain.

Important! For back pain, do not abuse pills and ointments. They do not address the cause of the pain and have many side effects.

Tip #5 Pay attention to your bed. Do you have a good mattress? Is the pillow comfortable? It is not necessary to buy expensive orthopedic bedding. However, they must be comfortable and the degree of rigidity suitable for you.

Tip #6 Pay attention to your workplace. Try to get a comfortable chair and table for work. Do not sit in front of the computer in one position for a long time. Try to do a light workout at least once an hour.

Tip number 7. Watch your posture. A straight spine is the basis of our health. Try to pay attention to when you start to slouch and immediately straighten your shoulders and back. It will soon become a habit to keep your head and back straight. A good posture exercise is the boat.

Boat exercise for posture

Another good exercise for strengthening your back is lifting your arms and legs at the same time from a prone position.

Tip #8 To get rid of scoliosis and muscle clamps in the back, it is recommended to roll the back on a special cylindrical roller. He will put all the vertebrae in place, as well as align the back. Do these exercises only if there is no severe pain and no contraindications.

Tip #9 Regularly do exercises for the neck and back of Dr. Shishonin.

On the author of the technique. Path to health.

Shishonin Alexander Yuryevich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, founder of the method "Cervical-cerebral therapy", founder of the medical direction of Integrative Rehabilitation.

Alexander Yuryevich began to develop a health restoration program in 2003. As they say, everything ingenious is simple. Movement improves blood flow not only in the muscles, but also in the internal organs, endocrine glands, and in the brain. Therefore, it is movements and exercises that are given the most importance in the health recovery program.

At the moment, Dr. Shishonin's health recovery program has already helped thousands of people get rid of pain and return to a full life.

Gymnastics for Shishonin's neck, the video of which we attach to this article, allows you to relax and stretch even the deepest muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. Its regular implementation serves as a prevention of such diseases as osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, humeroscapular periarthritis and periarthrosis, as well as their accompanying pathologies. For modern people, who spend most of their lives behind a computer monitor in an uncomfortable body position, this complex is especially relevant.

Alexander Yurievich says:Movement improves blood flow not only in the muscles, but also in the internal organs, endocrine glands, and in the brain«.

Gymnastics Shishonin with hypertension:

Alexander Yurievich Shishonin made a truly sensational discovery. While exercising with his patients who came to him with problems in the spine, he noticed that when doing gymnastics, the blood vessels open and hypertension goes away.

Important! Gymnastics helps not only to relieve muscle spasm, but also releases pinched vessels in the neck. It helps with high blood pressure!

How to perform it correctly?

Tip number 1. We carry out the complex regularly. To get the result, you will first need to perform the complex daily for two weeks. At the same time, no more than forty to fifty minutes will need to be devoted to gymnastics per day. In the future, after the spasm is removed, and the muscles acquire a certain tone, classes can be carried out two to three times a week.

Important! The most important rule for the effectiveness of classes is regularity. For chronic back and neck pain, exercise should become a habit for you.

Tip number 2. We do all exercises with caution. We avoid sudden movements, especially with serious problems with the spine.

Tip number 3. Keep your back straight. All exercises of the complex are performed while sitting with a straight back.

Tip #4 We do warm-up exercises before the complex. Dr. Shishonin recommends doing push-ups before warming up. Push-ups can solve a number of back problems, and in combination with basic exercises, they give an amazing effect.

Tip #5 Performing a set of exercises regularly is not easy. Never criticize yourself if something doesn't work out. Make some nice promise to yourself if you manage to fulfill the complex. Treat yourself to pleasant little things and praise yourself more often.

Important! Getting busy is hard. Be sure to praise yourself and encourage!

If you do the exercises correctly, following the instructions of Dr. Shishonin, then after the first classes you will feel an improvement in your general well-being against the background of improved blood flow in the vessels of the neck and brain. After regular classes, your vitality will increase, and the long-awaited lightness will appear in the body. Although in order to achieve this result, you need to make some efforts, but over time you will understand - it was worth it!

Warm-up before doing gymnastics

In order to warm up the muscles before the gymnastics complex, it is worth doing a little warm-up. It is push-ups from the knees. By themselves, push-ups are an excellent exercise, which is very useful for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis.

Step 1- Get on your knees. The back and neck are in a straight line.

Step 2- Perform a simple push-up on the hands. We try not to overwhelm the body down.

We try to perform the exercise at least 8-10 times.

Gymnastics Shishonin - description of exercises

Gymnastics for the neck developed by Shishonin begins with warming up exercises (push-ups), after which the deep muscles are worked out. The full complex includes ten exercises, each of which has a specific goal. All of them are performed in a sitting position with a flat back and do not require special preparation. Even small errors in the performance of these exercises will not harm the muscles and spine. Gymnastics ends with stretching of the neck and cervical spine.

Exercise 1 - "Metronome"

Exercise "Metronome" well stretches the lateral surface of the neck. Can be performed even in the most severe conditions. We sit down. Keep your head straight.

Exercise "Metronome" (step 1)

We tilt our heads to the side. We hold 15 seconds. We tilt our heads to the other side. We try to feel the tension of the muscles. We repeat 7 times.

Exercise "Metronome" (step 2)

With regular exercise, over time, you will begin to notice that you can tilt your head more and more. The muscles of the neck will become more elastic, and the spine more flexible.

Exercise "Metronome" - execution technique

Exercise 2 - "Spring"

This is a stretching and squeezing neck exercise. First, imagine that the crown is stretched towards the ceiling. The chin is pressed into the neck. We should stretch the back of the neck. We hold 15 seconds.

Then we stretch the front surface of the neck. Also hold for 15 seconds. We do not throw our heads back. We repeat 5 times.

Exercise "Spring" - execution technique

Exercise 3 - "Goose"

In the Goose exercise, those muscles are involved that are difficult for us to work out with ordinary head tilts. Stretch your head forward.

We draw an arc with the chin and reach for the armpit. We should have a good stretch of the neck in the lateral part. Hold for 15 seconds and go back. We perform the exercise in the same sequence on the other side. We repeat 5 times.

Exercise 3 - "Looking at the sky"

We turn our head to the side until it stops. The back and shoulders remain in place. Try to pull your chin up a little. The position of the head will hardly change, but we should feel a stretch. We hold 15 seconds. We repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercise 4 - "Frame"

Performing the “frame” exercise, we will be able to work out not only the muscles of the neck, but also the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Raise your hand up and place it on the opposite shoulder. We push hard. The elbow is pulled forward. We turn our head towards the shoulder free from the hand. We press the chin on the shoulder. Hold for 15 seconds and relax.

We change sides. We repeat 5 times.

Exercise 5 - "Fakir"

We raise our hands through the sides up. We put the palms together over the top of the head. We turn our heads to the side. Leaving your hands above the crown, hold the tension for 15 seconds. Relax. We change sides.

Exercise 6 - "Airplane"

We take our hands back, trying to connect the shoulder blades together. Hold tension for 10-15 seconds. Relax.

We raise our hands in the position of an inclined line, where one hand will be raised a little higher and the other a little lower. We try to take our hands back in this position. We repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercise 6 - "Heron"

We spread our arms a little to the sides and take them back to the stop. Pull the chin up. We do not tilt our head back. We hold 15 seconds. Relax. We repeat 3 times.

Exercise 7 - "Tree"

We raise our hands through the sides up. We expose the palms parallel to the ceiling. We stretch our palms to the ceiling. Move the head forward a little. We hold 15 seconds. Relax. We repeat 3 times.

Stretching the neck with the help of hands (a set of stretching exercises)

Now the neck is well warmed up and you can move on to the part of stretching the neck with your hands.

We clasp the head with one hand and press on it, trying to slightly stretch the lateral surface of the neck. Let's do it carefully. Remove your hand after a few seconds.

We grab the head from behind with both hands and gently press on it, trying to stretch the back of the neck. We linger in the position for a few seconds.

We clasp the head with both hands, but now the movement is made at an angle down and sideways. First in one direction, then in the other direction.

Video gymnastics for Shishonin's neck:

There was tinnitus and dizziness. Along with some drugs, gymnastics helped a lot! (Ivan Nikolaevich)

After the first regular exercise, you will definitely feel an improvement in overall well-being.

I do this exercise with my child. There were big problems with curvature in the cervical spine. No pills or injections helped. When I started doing gymnastics, improvements were noticeable. The child stopped complaining of headaches. (alevita)