How to make a wooden board smooth. Plywood cutting boards: material classification, tools used, progress of work

  1. Material selection
  2. Made from solid material: saw cut wood, wide board or plywood sheet
  3. Step 1: design
  4. Step 2: Preparing the Tools
  5. Step 3: woodworking
  6. Step 4: details
  7. Step 5: Protection
  8. How to make a board from fragments
  9. More ideas

The cutting board should be clean and sturdy. It can perform 2 functions: to be a decorative accessory, to serve as a cooking appliance.

Creating a kitchen board is a creative process that does not have a clear algorithm.

What can be a cutting board

The technical composition must be free of toxic impurities.

The groups are fastened with clamps, aligned with slats in the upper and lower planes (see photo).

When the glue dries, the group blanks are ground and planed to give evenness.

Dividing a large board into narrow fragments allows you to process workpieces on machines. They are guided by the width of the working areas of the planing equipment.

The processed group blanks are leveled in thickness, glued, lubricating the side ends with glue, and the structure is fixed with clamps.

Step 5: trimming and final sanding

When the glue dries, the board is cut to the desired size, the surface is sanded again. Corners can be rounded with a router.

A small groove is cut around the perimeter of the board. There will accumulate juice formed when cutting products.

Step 6: oil treatment

The finished product is treated with oil.

In a similar way, a board is made from fragments of any shape.

More ideas

For boards, you can use snags, unusual fragments of wood. Sometimes clear forms are avoided, they manage with grinding and impregnation of the product with protective oil.

In the finished board, you can cut a hole to remove scraps, grind the cut, attach legs to the board, and so on.


Wooden boards absorb odors and accumulate bacteria. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out grinding, impregnate the product with oil at least 3 times a year. The service life of the board will increase.

There are never too many kitchen utensils. This is especially true for cutting boards, which break down very quickly. To save money on buying this item, you can make it yourself. Since not everyone can work with wood, plywood will be an ideal option for modeling. Do-it-yourself plywood cutting board is made quickly, the material is cheap, the raw materials are environmentally friendly.

The functionality of plywood in everyday life

Cutting boards can be conditionally divided into decorative and household. The decorative option is used to decorate the interior of the kitchen, so the type of material matters. Craftsmen use mainly high-quality wood species.

Household boards are less demanding. The only condition is the environmental friendliness of the material. Given the requirements, plywood products are a versatile option that will satisfy any housewife.

The functionality of plywood in domestic conditions is due to the following points:

  1. Does not deform under the influence of temperature fluctuations.
  2. Durable surface.
  3. Small mass.
  4. Plywood can be used for cutting, beating meat, serving as a hot stand.
  5. Difficult to bend or break.

A do-it-yourself plywood cutting board can replace expensive wooden, ceramic, non-environmentally friendly plastic and fragile glass options for kitchen utensils of this functionality.

Features of the execution of work on the manufacture

Housewives want the cutting board to not only perform direct functions, but also decorate the room. When making a product from plywood, it should be borne in mind that the surface of this material cannot be decorated with carvings. It is worth using other types of decoration.

Aesthetic appearance is achieved through unique contour lines and decorative patterns that are applied to the surface of the board. To make the board beautiful and original, you should pay special attention to the shape.

There are two ways to make plywood boards: solid and glued. Each option has its advantages over the other. A solid board is easier to manufacture, and a glued board is more functional. Getting to work, it is necessary to adequately assess your skills and capabilities.

Tools for the job

To make a plywood board quickly and efficiently, you need to use the right tools for this. If the work on the manufacture of products for the kitchen is done for the first time, then questions may arise regarding the tools.

To make the simplest board, you will need the following tools:

  • If you think about how to cut plywood, then a manual or electric jigsaw would be an ideal option.
  • To form holes, you will need a drill with a set of wood drills.
  • A set of sandpaper with varying degrees of grit.
  • Sander.
  • Milling machine.
  • Rasp.

A set of tools for decorative finishing depends on how and with what the product will be decorated.

cutting board mockups

It is very easy to make drawings of plywood cutting boards, just pick up the paper of the required format, a ruler and a simple pencil. The drawing is created in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. You need to decide on the shape of the future product.
  2. Consider the dimensions of the cutting board.
  3. On paper, create a sketch of the product.
  4. Using a ruler and other drawing tools, a layout is created.

On the drawing, marks are recreated regarding the dimensions and other features of the future product.

How to make your own plywood cutting boards

Do-it-yourself plywood cutting board is made exclusively from material that has a thickness of at least 10 millimeters. Otherwise, the product will be brittle. Further, exclusively mechanical actions are performed with respect to the wooden material.

The algorithm for making boards for the kitchen from plywood:

  1. A sketch of the future product is transferred to the plywood board. A ruler can be used during drawing transfer. You can cut out a picture and outline it on plywood.
  2. Cut out the future product along the contour. Straight lines are formed with a circular saw, complex shapes with a jigsaw.
  3. The edges of the contour cuts are ground with sandpaper, a grinder or a file. The tool is selected in accordance with the shape of the cut.
  4. A hole is drilled on the handle and the work surface is polished.
  5. Decorative decoration depends on further functionality.
  6. The product must be impregnated with a protective compound that will extend the service life.

Making a board by gluing has a slightly different algorithm: parts are cut out, each individual part is polished, the elements are processed, combined into a single composition.

Optimal shapes for comfortable use

The shapes of cutting boards are responsible for convenience and functionality. The best option are rectangular, oval and round shapes. These are standard solutions for this kind of products.

A do-it-yourself plywood cutting board should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Modern design solutions for kitchen utensils take into account all the functional features of the product.

Sliding models are relevant. The board moves apart, freeing the pallet. Vegetable waste can be dumped into the container so that they do not interfere with the cutting process. An analogue are boards with a waste department. Technologically, it looks like a drawer in a desk. The shape of such products should be rectangular.

Corner board is usually made for kitchens where there is very little space. Thanks to the unique design, the board can be installed between perpendicular surfaces, which saves work space.

The board with legs is a unique option that can easily replace a complicated board with a sliding mechanism or a product with a waste compartment. Any plate is installed nearby, which will serve as a container for collecting waste.

Finishing cutting boards

Beautiful plywood cutting boards are the result of a decorative finish. Due to the characteristics of the material, such an option as plywood carving is completely excluded. At the same time, there are enough decor options that will improve the aesthetics of the product.

The functional option is to burn the pattern on the surface of the product. The board, thanks to this technique of drawing, can be used for its intended purpose or be purely decorative.

You can paint a wooden canvas. A product with such a pattern will serve exclusively as an ornament. Making elementary recesses along the edge can decorate the surface of the board no less effectively.

To protect the product from rapid wear and to give a uniform color, the board is coated with mineral oils. They are completely harmless to health and have a good effect on the wooden base.

Like there, with Fagot, in "The Master and Margarita" - choral singing takes a little time, and a whole carload of benefits from it. Let's rephrase and say - you can create a cutting board out of plywood quite quickly, and the benefits of this venture will be felt in the family for more than one year. The main thing is just to choose a suitable sheet of plywood, stock up on tools and show a creative vein.

Although, it doesn't hurt to know something to start with. The most important thing is to imagine what the construction market offers you, what kind of plywood you can get your hands on.

The case is a "penny", and the pleasures are "a whole car"


The main parameter that characterizes a plywood sheet is its quality, determined by the number of knots per square meter.

There are five types of quality, denoted by Roman numerals:

  • IV - the lowest quality, which allows even falling knots and edge irregularities of more than 5 mm. Such plywood is obviously not suitable for making a cutting board.
  • III - such plywood has no more than 9 flaws, of which the most noticeable knots are up to 6 mm in diameter. Plywood of this quality is also not suitable for a board in the kitchen.
  • II - here there are only cracks, but no more than 20 cm, a new indicator is also introduced - the leakage of glue on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 2% of the total sheet area. Considering that the board itself is just in length and will be about 20 cm, then, of course, quality II is also best avoided.
  • I - quality I allows knots, but not more than 2 cm. If we take into account that knots are different for knots, sometimes these “interferences”, on the contrary, can give their zest to the board, then such plywood can already be considered as a starting material.
  • E is the so-called elite quality, there are not a single knot, and hence the direct path to work.

There are several more criteria for classifying plywood, but they will no longer be less critical when choosing. For example, the size of the sheet in width and height. But the minimum size is 1525 by 1525 mm, which guarantees at least 10 boards from one sheet, for yourself, as well as friends and acquaintances.

For our purposes, only one more parameter will be significant - the thickness of the plywood and, accordingly, the thickness of the future product. Many start with 6mm and are quite satisfied, although, one way or another, over time they come to the conclusion that 10mm would be better. This choice should be taken as the most optimal.


When it comes to carpentry work, it is very important to stock up on reliable tools.

To make a cutting board you will need:

  • jigsaw, and this is the most important thing, (see more details)
  • and also, a whole set of sandpaper of various calibers,
  • stationery - pencil, paper, carbon paper, eraser,
  • maybe a small file,
  • good, vise.

Work progress

The manufacturing steps are very simple:

  • First, you patiently select or create drawings of plywood cutting boards with your imagination and transfer them to your paper.
  • Pre-prepared. It is not necessary at this stage to achieve the ideal smoothness of the sheet, it will be difficult for you to transfer the drawing, the pencil will only slide, a slight roughness will not hurt.
  • Then, using carbon paper, the drawing is already announced on a sheet of plywood.
  • Well, and, the main stage,. Of course, you need to learn how to use this instrument, or rather, even to say - to adapt. But the main rule, without which not a single instruction for working with a jigsaw can do, is to keep its canvas as close and often as possible to the vertical. The second rule says - the jigsaw does not tolerate haste, we do everything slowly.

Helpful Hint: If you're doing a job that's very dear to you and you've found an unusual board shape for yourself, it's not worth the risk.
The best thing in this situation is to bring a computer and create a drawing in a program such as AutoCAD.
Take this drawing to any woodworking service center that has a CNC machine.
Only in this way can you get the perfect sample that fully meets your drawing.
Only grinding will remain on your conscience.


The cost of all your efforts to make a plywood cutting board will not be measured in monetary terms at all. It will be measured by much more valuable things - the ability to fantasize, work hard and the desire to please others. Have you noticed that teachers of labor education in schools offer boys in grades 5-6 the first thing to make with their own hands - a plywood cutting board.

In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

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One of the most important kitchen appliances is the cutting board. This accessory is very important for a real housewife, it is used for cutting almost all types of products: vegetables, fruits, meat, sausages and confectionery. Some types of cutting boards are even used as pots and pans, or as a serving device on a festive table. Therefore, it should be not only comfortable and strong, but also attractive and pleasant to the touch.

Types of materials

Today, stores selling kitchen utensils offer a huge range of cutting boards from various materials: silicone, plastic, stone, ceramic, glass and of course wood. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each material separately.


Products made of marble, granite and other stones look very spectacular. But you should be aware that, for example, marble cannot withstand high temperatures and treatment with acidic detergents. But for that, the marble surface has a bactericidal property and is able to kill harmful bacteria.

Most often, granite or marble is used to make boards.

Boards and stones are great for rolling dough and making confectionery. They are durable and have many positive properties.


Plastic objects are always famous for their long service life, but it should be understood that plastic does not withstand any high temperatures at all and is capable of melting in any contact with fire. In addition, it is very unfavorable for the body and is able to store a large number of microbes on its surface.


This material does not dull knives like others do. In addition, it is convenient to store, as its flexibility allows you to roll the board. Silicone withstands both low and high temperatures, but should not be washed with acidic detergents.

glass ceramics

This material is very durable, it can be easily washed, it can withstand any temperature and is not able to absorb food odors. The main drawback of glass ceramics, like ceramics, glass, is that these materials dull kitchen knives. For that, such boards are very beautiful, and they can complement the interior of the kitchen.


Of course, the most popular material for the manufacture of cutting boards. Wood should not be washed in dishwashers, as it is easy to clean by hand. Wood is a durable material, and it is indispensable for professionals. It not only helps to cut food efficiently, but also does not dull kitchen knives.
Types of wooden boards

A wooden cutting board may not be a kitchen utensil, but an element of decor.

Today, the market offers a wide range of wood cutting boards. Here is just a small list of types of wooden boards:

  • Classical, there are its prototypes with metal or plastic edging, as well as with a department for a kitchen knife;
  • Retractable - built into the kitchen furniture and pulled out if necessary, for example from under the countertop;
  • A board with a plate is very convenient, because after cutting the food, you just need to move the pieces with a kitchen knife into a plate.

Of course, complex designs are difficult to make with your own hands, but any owner can make a classic kitchen appliance for cutting food on their own.

Making a wooden board

The simplest version of a do-it-yourself cutting board is using a material such as plywood. This material is easy to use, practical, easy to clean and quite durable. In order to make such a product with your own hands, you need a certain tool:

  • Pencil;
  • Sample;
  • Hacksaw and workbench;
  • Drill and drill;
  • Files and sandpaper;
  • Vice.

The most important thing is to make the right drawing, and only then make a template with it, after that you can get to work. Before you make a cutting board out of wood, evaluate your work, do you have time, would it not be easier to purchase a finished product in a store.

Work plan:

  1. We prepare a wooden board, preferably from hardwood, without knots and burrs. If necessary, remove burrs with a joiner's planer.
  2. We make markings with a pencil on the workpiece in accordance with a pre-prepared template.
    Using a hacksaw and a workbench, cut out the product according to the template. In the required place, we make holes for mounting on the wall with a drill and a drill.
  3. Having clamped the product in a vice, with the help of a file and sandpaper we clean its surface.
  4. We process a do-it-yourself board with varnish on the outside, you can also apply a drawing there, including one made with a chisel.
  5. To make a cutting device on a stand, we simply attach two legs to a classic board, and on one side we make a cutout in order to substitute a plate and not drop the pieces by moving them with a kitchen knife. In any case, a do-it-yourself wooden cutting board will always delight the eye and soul.

Kitchen appliances such as cutting boards look very nice in the interior if they are kept clean, tidy and follow certain rules.

Proper care will increase the life of the board and keep it attractive for a long time.

Here are some useful tips that will make it a useful element of the interior:

  • If you make only one side of the wooden board work, then the second can be used as the front when stored in the kitchen. Thus, only one side will be visible to guests, which can be decorated, painted, pasted over with a pattern, and so on, it all depends on your imagination.
  • It is good when the appearance and type of material are selected in accordance with the overall interior of the kitchen, for example, in modern kitchens, you can use minimalist boards, in houses with children in the form of animals, and so on.
  • Choose the wood for the manufacture of the product responsibly. Conifers can release resins, and for example, oak is too heavy. Birch, beech, acacia are best suited.
  • Do not wash wooden boards in dishwashers, preferably by hand under a tap. And once a couple of weeks, wash the device with vinegar solution.
  • The appliance should be cleaned every time after slicing food, especially after slicing fish and meat.
  • If you cook a lot with different products, you can keep a whole set of cutting boards in the kitchen.
  • If you take care of the cutting board, it will serve you for a long time, it will perfectly complement the interior. The main thing is to wash its surface in time - so as not to allow microbes to multiply.

In the apartment of each reader of this report in the kitchen there is a tool necessary for cutting various products - a cutting board. Initially, it was stone, then iron, bronze, and only then became wooden). Although plastic counterparts have recently appeared, a wooden board is still popular as well. I recently managed to get into a workshop where cutting boards are made, but what I saw did not go well with my ideas about such a simple utilitarian kitchen item on which vegetables, meat and other food are cut.

Today, we will find out how the most expensive cutting boards are made in Russia.

As the theater begins with a hanger, so the workshop where wooden products are made begins with a warehouse where wood lies. To our master, whose work will be discussed today, it comes ready-made, dried at a certain temperature for several years. Fresh wood cannot be used for the production of boards, as the finished product will deform over time from shrinkage.

Here in the warehouse a certain temperature regime and air humidity are maintained, which prevent the wood from drying out too much and becoming too wet. On this table, which hangs on the wall of the workshop, you can see the optimal percentage of humidity at different temperatures.

There is also a hygrometer showing the degree of humidity in the room. True, the master said that he had incorrect readings).

For the manufacture of some boards with a particularly complex pattern, a CNC machine (computer numerical control) is used. The machine is small, it is enough to connect a laptop with a predefined program to it.
The drawing of the board, on which the cutter is currently working, is inspired by the famous work of Maurits Escher "Reptiles".

If desired, the cutter will work wonders).

This is how the board looks like after the machine has worked. If you look closely, you will see that this future board is glued together from pieces. Why this is done, we will find out later.

If the base of the board is made of walnut, then the inserts are cut from other types of wood that differ in texture and color - oak and rosewood.

As the master told me, the machine cut out the figures on the board in such a way that when inserting other reptile figures, no gaps are found. The figurines are very close to each other.

In this photo you can see examples of gluing. The multi-colored section is glued from different types of wood. One of the most difficult boards to manufacture will be glued from such material. You can see it at the end of the post.

The master takes a simple board, processes it, aligns the edges. Then the board is cut into pieces, which are turned with the end part and glued together. Moreover, gluing is not done in a random order, but in a special way so that the annual rings are directed in opposite directions, this will prevent the boards from deforming when the humidity changes.

Why is this being done? Due to the vertical arrangement of the wood fibers, the knives do not dull longer, since the knife blade does not cut the fibers, as in ordinary boards, but penetrates between them - it slides. The fibers return to their original state after the culinary hassle on it. Accordingly, the board does not deteriorate, and chefs do not have to sharpen their knives several times per shift, as is the case with conventional boards.

As a material, in addition to walnut, hornbeam, ash, maple, oak and beech, valuable types of wood are also used, such as American cherry, moving, mahogany. As you can see from the markings on the wood, it is from the USA, there is from South America and Africa.

other types of wood.

After the wood is cut into pieces and turned upside down, it is glued and clamped in clamps - a special press. As you can see, there are shields of different thicknesses. The thicker one will become a board, and the thinner boards will be used to cut patterns and shapes on the surface of future boards, similar to the figures from Reptile. After gluing, the shield will be ready in an hour, however, it is recommended to subject it to stress after 24 hours.

For gluing, a special adhesive is used that does not contain formaldehyde, is approved for contact with food and has great water resistance.

It looks like a room where all the tools needed for carpentry are located.

Perfect cleanliness and order! As you may have noticed, the workshop has all the machines and tools for making any wooden product. A true carpenter's paradise.

Special clamps for large boards.

We will not touch that board with reptiles yet, work on it will be carried out for more than one hour, therefore we will process another. After it is glued, it is driven through this grinding machine - thicknesser. In fact, this is a modern planer.

Then the sidewalls of the board are cut with a circular saw.

The sides are ground on another machine with a vertical belt movement. Here the corners are rounded.

The board is then run through the drum sander again.

This time the surfaces are polished more delicately. However, that's not all.

Pumps are attached to each machine, collecting sawdust from wood processing. After processing by machine tools, the product is polished with a manual grinder. First use a coarser sandpaper, 120 grit, then 240 grit, in order to finally polish the board

Finishing touches to round off the edges and we can say that the carpentry work on the board is over.

After all the above operations, the board takes a bath of mineral oil, which has no taste, no color, no smell. The oil is made from petroleum, but it is completely safe, and it is even used in the cosmetic field.

The same board with reptiles that is shown at the beginning of the post will turn into the same one. After some time, when the board is saturated with oil, it will be allowed to dry, then treated again, with a hot mixture of mineral oil and wax in a ratio of 4/1.

Other boards are sent to the same oil bath.

And now let's go to the "Showroom" of elite cutting boards). In this room, boards are packed and waiting to meet their future owner.

Hygrometers monitor the level of humidity.

This board just broke my mold of simple utilitarian kitchen utensils! I can’t even imagine how you can dare to shred products on a work of art).

Many hours were spent to make a board with a 3D effect. By the way, these boards are the most expensive, and it is clear why.

And this board can be safely hung instead of a picture!

The master also makes special boards for beating meat. There are even grooves for blood flow.

I will also add that the end boards, due to the material and production features, turn out to be thick and heavy, but they do not roll around the table / work surface of the cook. No need to put a rag or a damp cloth / towel, hold at risk. The boards are additionally equipped with rubber (sometimes silicone or plastic) legs, which are insurance against absorbing water that has accidentally fallen under the board.

After the board has passed all stages of the production process, it is packed in a film.

A little hot air and you're done.

This map shows where the ordered boards went - mainly Russia, Europe, the USA, there are even Japan and Australia.

Well, for those who want to make an end cutting board with their own hands - a master class. If you have all the tools and machines shown above, then go for it!

And as a bonus, watch the video on how to make boards with drawings, just class!