What is the name of the fruit. Exotic fruits and berries with names, descriptions and photos

Today, a real abundance of exotic fruits is presented on store shelves. Not all people know their correct name, and they don’t have the slightest idea about the taste qualities. In our article, we will take a closer look at the asterisk fruit. First of all, let's dwell on how it is correctly called and in which countries it grows. We will also be sure to consider how to choose a ripe fruit so that it pleases with excellent taste and is good for the body.

What is the star fruit called?

In Europe, this fruit is loved for its unusual shape. It is enough to cut it across - and the original decoration for holiday table ready. On the different languages the name of the fruits of an interesting shape sounds differently - starfruit, carom, tropical star, star apple. And all of them perfectly characterize the appearance of the plant.

The correct name of the fruit with an asterisk, according to the scientific classification, sounds like this - carambola. It belongs to the oxalis family, a genus of woody plants Averroa. The fruits grow on trees with a dense crown, reaching a height of 3-5 meters, and wide leaves up to 50 centimeters long. Glossy to the touch has a ribbed surface. When cut, the fruit forms a five-pointed star.

Where does carambola grow?

The homeland of the fruit "asterisk" is Southeast Asia. In the wild, carambola grows on the island of Sri Lanka, in India and Indonesia. The plant is acclimatized in Brazil, Guyana, some US states (Hawaii, Florida), Israel. Forms from these countries are often imported to Russia.

Tourists can admire how carambola grows when visiting Thailand. The plant blooms several times a year. At this time, its crown is covered with beautiful, pink-lavender flowers. After about 2 months, green ribbed fruits are formed, inside of which there are several seeds. Fruit turns yellow as it ripens. The length of carambola does not exceed 15 cm. The fruit ripening period is May-August.

If desired, carambola is easily grown at home from an ordinary seed. The plant is unpretentious in care, shade-tolerant, not afraid of drafts. Requires medium watering.

The taste of an exotic fruit

We can say for sure that this fruit is very juicy. But his taste can be completely different. Unripe fruits, namely in this form they are removed from trees for subsequent import to Russia, are quite sour, with an unpleasant aftertaste. Such a fruit is more like a vegetable, such as a cucumber. Ripe fruits with massive ribbed outgrowths have a rather sweet taste. Carambola is often compared to gooseberries, apples, cucumbers, grapes, and even oranges. Several flavor notes are combined in one plant at once, which is why it is so difficult to describe this tropical fruit. Thanks to its high water content and sweet and sour refreshing taste, carambola easily quenches thirst.

The "star" fruit in the cut has an almost regular shape of a five-pointed star, so it is often used for desserts. At home, carambola is stored in the refrigerator for about three weeks.

Composition and benefits for the body

One of the pleasant advantages of the star fruit is its low calorie content. 100 grams of juicy and ripe carambola contains only 34 kcal. The pulp contains a large amount of minerals important for the body (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and iron), as well as vitamins (C, B1, B2, B5, beta-carotene).

  • weakened immunity and beriberi;
  • headaches, dizziness and fever;
  • colic in the abdomen and constipation.

Sweet and sour tropical fruits of an unusual shape are a source of antioxidants, have an antimicrobial and antifungal effect on the body. The pulp of ripe carambola helps to reduce the level of glucose and cholesterol in human blood.

Asian healers use in medicinal purposes not so much the fruit as the leaves and flowers of the plant. But regular consumption of fruits will be enough to improve your condition and strengthen your health.

Harm and contraindications

Due to the high content of oxalic acid, carambola may not be as useful as it seems at first glance. From the use of sweet and sour fruits with juicy pulp, people with diseases of the kidneys, stomach and duodenum. Oxalic acid can aggravate the course of diseases such as gastritis and enterocolitis. At the same time, residents of Asian countries use the properties of this substance when removing stains, as well as when polishing copper and brass.

Excessive consumption of carambola fruits can cause intoxication. Signs of this condition are hiccups, vomiting, numbness, muscle weakness, or insomnia. Intoxication manifests itself within 1-14 hours after eating carambola.

How to choose ripe fruits?

Only fruits that have ripened on the tree have a sweet taste and a pleasant smell of jasmine. They are distinguished by their characteristic bright yellow color and brown stripes on massive ribs. Unfortunately, they can only be purchased in places where carambola is directly grown. To import fruits from hundreds of kilometers away, they have to be picked while still green. Such fruits ripen directly on store shelves or in a home refrigerator.

In Russia, choosing ripe carambola fruits will be quite difficult. The "asterisk" fruit, presented in our stores, has a light green or pale yellow color. Until fully ripened and eaten, carambola should lie at room temperature for several days or in the refrigerator for up to three weeks.

How do you eat star fruit?

The unusual shape of carambola allows you to use the fruit cut into thin slices as a decoration for drinks, desserts, fruit salads and other dishes. However, the use of an exotic fruit with an asterisk in cooking is not limited to this.

In Asian countries, carambola is used in the preparation of many interesting drinks and dishes:

  1. Sweet and sour fruit juice is added to alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, giving them an exquisite taste.
  2. Unripe fruits are used as vegetables and are subject to frying, stewing and pickling.
  3. Ripe carambola is boiled in syrup and served as a delicious dessert.
  4. Sweet, naturally ripened fruits are used in the preparation of jam, marmalade and jelly.
  5. In China, chefs add carambola to meat or fish dishes, and also prepare a delicious sauce from it.

When consumed raw, the fruits are not peeled, but eaten straight with a smooth and thin skin. First, carambola is washed well, removing dirt from the cavities and ribs, and then cut into 1 cm thick slices.

The term "fruit" appeared in 1705 and since then means edible or inedible fruits of trees, shrubs (earlier, all plant fruits were called vegetables). The product is one of the main components of the human diet, since, depending on the variety, it contains many vitamins and microelements. According to rough estimates, there are a little more than 2,000 fruits on the planet.


A small tree or large shrub with a wide round crown. Very elegant are its reddish-brown or brown-olive, shiny, bare shoots, often in places (but not entirely) covered with a grayish film, 2-3 buds nearby. Very decorative at the time of flowering, decorated with numerous large white or pale pink flowers, with dark red recurved sepals. No less beautiful is the apricot at the time of fruiting, decorated with velvety-pubescent, often with a blush, sweet, rounded fruits with a longitudinal groove up to 3 cm in diameter. The tree loves light and tolerates drought well, living up to 50 years or more.


Interest in avocados is constantly growing last years, but still few people know that there are varieties whose fruits are more like a bottle gourd, there are black, pimply, oval and huge spherical avocados. Moreover, some of these varieties for a number of important indicators chemical composition three times different from each other. Nevertheless, with the help of properly selected varieties, people in different parts of the world take care of their skin condition, hair health, treat atherosclerosis, relieve arthritis symptoms and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

cherry plum

Strongly prickly branched multi-stem trees, sometimes a shrub, with thin brownish-green shoots, 3-10 meters high. Cherry plum flowers are white or pink, solitary. Blooms in early May. Cherry plum fruits ripen in August-September. Excellent honey plant and rootstock for plums.

A pineapple

Everyone knows that sweet ripe pineapple is added to salads, yogurts and pies. Less people know that pineapples can be fermented and cooked from them cabbage soup. Even fewer have heard that pineapple leaves are used to produce a light and durable leather substitute, new types of fabric, nanofiber, which has become an alternative to plastic. And very few people know that scientists today, with the help of the bromelain enzyme contained in pineapple, are finding new ways to treat respiratory diseases, angina pectoris, ischemia, and are also actively exploring the potential of the enzyme in the fight against cancer cells.

Annona (guanabana)

tree in natural conditions reaches 6m in height, the room is much lower. Unlike some other annonas, this is an evergreen tree. The leaves are oval or oblong, glossy, leathery, dark green, up to 15 cm long. They have a slightly spicy smell, especially noticeable when rubbed. The flowers are fragrant, large (up to 4.5 cm in diameter), consist of three yellow-green fleshy outer petals and three pale yellow inner petals, can appear in different places - on the trunk, branches and small twigs. Flowers never fully open. Guanabana fruits are oval or heart-shaped, often irregular in shape, up to 30 cm in length, 15 cm in diameter and weighing up to 3 kg, dark green, turning yellow-green when ripe.


There are many legends about the beneficial properties of an orange, some of which, however, are not confirmed by anything. For example, some believe that an orange breaks all records for the content of vitamin C, although in fact it does not stand out among other citrus fruits in this parameter. Others believe that orange fruits (or freshly squeezed juice) can effectively burn fat and provide relief from extra pounds in diets. This is also not entirely true.


Bananas have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-allergic properties. With the help of banana components (dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline), atherosclerosis, hypertension are treated, liver enzyme activity is increased, convulsions are relieved, and small doses of banana increase the quality and quantity of sperm. The main thing is not to abuse the banana diet, so as not to get the opposite effect, and also not to provoke problems with excess weight and varicose veins.


Bergamot is a hybrid species of an artificially bred plant of the genus Citrus. The plant was obtained by crossing orange and citron. The skin of bergamot contains valuable essential oils used in the cosmetic and perfume industries, as well as in medicine.


grapefruit (English) grape and fruits- grapes and fruit) - a citrus yellow-orange fruit that grows in subtropical climatic latitudes. Grapefruit grows on an evergreen tree of the same name, reaching a height of 13-15 m. A ripe fruit in diameter is no more than 15 cm. In appearance, grapefruit is most similar to an orange, but its flesh is more acidic, and the inner white veins are bitter. Many scientists believe that the grapefruit originated in India as a natural hybridization of the pomelo and the orange.


This is a fruit plant with a multi-thousand-year history of cultivation, which almost all this time is fighting for the right to be no worse than its close relative - an apple. And the pear is really no worse. Potassium, antioxidants, coarse dietary fiber, less fruit acids, fiber-related “light” sugars and other beneficial substances make this fruit both tasty and healthy, and in some cases medicinal. Experimentally proven, for example, the ability of pears to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and prevent strokes.


A small evergreen tree up to 3-4 m high, belongs to the myrtle family, tolerates drought well. Blooms once or twice a year. It gives one main crop - up to 100 kg per tree and 2-4 additional, much smaller crops. Guava matures ninety to one hundred and fifty days after flowering. The shape and size of the fruit is extremely variable. In appearance, the guava looks like a bumpy green or yellow apple. Guava fruits are round and pear-shaped, with a bright yellow, reddish or green thin skin. The mass of fruits of cultivated varieties is from 70 to 160 g, the length of the fruit is from 4 to 6.5 cm, the diameter is 4.8-7.2 cm. which disappears in mature fruit.


A plant of the mulberry family, a close relative of the breadfruit tree. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh. Jackfruit fruits are the largest edible fruits growing on trees: 20-90 cm long and up to 20 cm in diameter, they weigh up to 34 kg. Their thick skin is covered with numerous cone-shaped protrusions. Young fruits are green, when ripe they become green-yellow or brown-yellow and when tapped they make a hollow sound (immature fruits are deaf). Inside, the fruit is divided into large lobes containing yellow, fragrant, sweet pulp, consisting of juicy soft fibers. Each slice contains one fairly large oblong white seed 2-3 cm long. The cut jackfruit fruit has a pleasant specific smell, slightly reminiscent of a banana and pineapple.

dragon fruit (pitahaya)

An extraordinary fruit. Currently, it is grown in southern Mexico, in some countries of Central and South America, in Vietnam, as well as in Israel (in the Negev desert). Depending on the species, the size of the pitahaya fruit, the color of the pulp (white, pink, purple), the color of the skin (from yellow to orange, from red to purple) and the surface texture of the fruit (with small outgrowths, with thin colored scales) vary. The pulp of the dragon fruit fruit is always filled with small black seeds, which are customary to clean out.


Durian has such a disgusting smell that you are unlikely to be allowed into a public place with it. However, if you overcome disgust or just close your nose and taste the juicy pulp, you will immediately understand where the concept of the king of fruits came from.


Evergreen, slow-growing tree 5 m high with drooping branches and a dense, highly branched, rounded crown or shrub. The leaves are soft, dark green, smooth on top and covered with whitish pubescence below. The leaves are sensitive to light and cluster together at night. The flowers are small pink or purple-red. Carambola fruits are fleshy, crispy and juicy, slightly spicy, with massive ribbed outgrowths, ranging in size from chicken egg to a large orange. Ripe fruits of carambola are amber-yellow or golden-yellow. They are unusual in shape - they look like a ribbed airship.


The herbaceous vine Actinidia sinensis and its fruits are berries with green flesh and brown skin covered with small hairs. The history of kiwi is very unusual. The birthplace of the creeper with the name mihutao, which became the progenitor of kiwi, is China.


clementine or Citrus clementina is one of the varieties of tangero. It is a hybrid of orange and tangerine. It was created back in 1902 by Father Klemen, who was not only a priest, but also a wonderful breeder. The shape of the fruit is the same as that of the mandarin, but they are much sweeter.


whale. golden orange
Yellow-orange tropical fruit of the citrus family of an evergreen plant. This fruit has other names - kinkan and fortunella. Outwardly, the kumquat looks like a very small oval orange. In length, it reaches a maximum of 5 cm, and in width - 4 cm. The fruit is consumed completely with the peel. The taste of the fruit is very close to sour tangerine, but the peel has a sweet-tart taste. The kumquat is native to southern China.


Lime is the fruit of a plant in the citrus family native to India, genetically similar to lemon.
Lime is a small tree or bush from 1.5 to 5.0 m high. The crown is dense, the branches are covered with short spines. Inflorescences are axillary, with 1-7 flowers, remontant flowering. Lime fruits are small - 3.5-6 cm in diameter, ovoid, lime flesh is greenish, juicy, very sour. The peel is green, yellowish-green or yellow, very thin when fully ripe.


Although lemon is popularly considered the champion in the amount of vitamin C, in fact, in terms of the content of ascorbic acid, it does not stand out among other citrus fruits and even lags behind some of its “brothers”. But that doesn't make it useless. Traditional medicine includes lemon in prescriptions for "thousands of diseases": from seborrhea and arthritis, to constipation and tuberculosis. And scientific research is aimed at using lemon potential in therapy to restore liver function, reduce "bad" cholesterol and blood pressure.


lat. Litchi chinensis- Chinese plum
A small sweet and sour fruit covered with a crusty skin. The fruit grows on evergreen tropical trees, the height of which reaches 10-30 meters. Homeland is China. The fruit is oval or round shape with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm. The ripened fruit has a dense red peel with large quantity sharp tubercles. Only the pulp of the fruit is used for food, which has a jelly-like structure, and in color and taste resembles peeled white grapes. Inside the pulp is an oval brown bone. The main harvest of lychee occurs in May-June.

Longan (Lam Yai)

The fruit of an evergreen longan tree native to China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia.
The juicy flesh of the longan has a sweet, very fragrant, nephelium-like taste with a peculiar tinge. The color of the hard, inedible outer shell of the fruit varies from mottled yellowish to reddish. Like the Chinese lychee, the longan fruit contains a hard, dark red or black seed.


The evergreen mango tree has a height of 10 - 45 m, the crown of the tree reaches a radius of 10 m.
New leaves grow yellowish Pink colour, but quickly become dark green. The flowers are white to pink, after opening they have an aroma similar to that of lilies. Ripe mango fruits hang on long stems and weigh up to 2 kg. The skin of a mango is thin, smooth, green, yellow or red depending on the degree of maturity (combination of all three colors is often found). The pulp of a mango can be soft or fibrous, also depending on the maturity of the fruit, it surrounds a large, hard, flat bone.


Tall evergreen tree up to 25 m high with a pyramidal crown and black-brown bark. The leaves are oval-oblong, dark green above and yellow-green below, 9 - 25 cm long and 4.5 - 10 cm wide. Young leaves are pink. Flowers with fleshy green petals with red spots. The mangosteen fruit is round, 3.4 - 7.5 cm in diameter, covered on top with a thick (up to 1 cm) burgundy-violet inedible skin containing sticky coloring latex, under which there are 4-8 segments of white edible pulp with seeds tightly adjacent to it . Mangosteen bears fruit late - the first fruits on trees for 9-20 years of life.


There are many myths about mandarin. Many have probably heard that more than 4 fruits a day cannot be eaten? This is an exaggeration - there is no common table for all indicating the dangerous amount of this citrus. They also say that green leaves on a tangerine are a sign of its special freshness, that the oranger the peel, the sweeter the fruit, that the naringin contained in the zest directly burns fats, and that citruses in general and tangerines in particular are hardly the best source of vitamin C. All this is also not entirely true. But mandarin has properties that have long been in demand in folk medicine which make it a promising product in the fight against some serious diseases.

passion fruit

An ancient tropical crop of the genus Passiflora that produces yellow or dark purple oval fruits (when ripe) growing on vines. Passion fruit is grown for its juice, which is often added to other fruit juices for flavor. Passionfruit fruits are yellow-orange or dark purple fruits, oval in shape and about 6-12 cm in size. Fruits with smooth, shiny skin are preferred, but sweeter with rough, cracked skin.


tour. musmula
This is a whole genus of plants, which includes almost 30 species. However, there are two main cultivated types of medlar: German and Japanese. The German medlar has been known to mankind for more than 1000 years BC. In the territories of Ancient Babylon, Mesopotamia, it was freely traded, it was taken on ships to the west to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It was from here that the medlar came to European lands. To date, the German medlar grows in the Balkans, Asia Minor, the Crimean Mountains, Transcaucasia, Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Greece and northern Iran. The tree is quite finicky and grows well only in dry, sunny places and on slightly acidic soil.


A fruit that is a peach with a smooth skin. Despite the widespread myth, nectarine is obtained by selection or simple mutation of peaches and is not a peach-plum hybrid.
This classic example of a bud mutation occurs when peach trees self-pollinate. Nectarines sometimes appear on peach trees, and peaches on nectarine trees. Nectarines are first mentioned in 1616 in England.


A low, slender tree with a thin, branchless trunk 5-10 meters high, crowned with an umbrella of palmately dissected leaves on long petioles. Papaya leaves are large, 50-70 centimeters in diameter. The flowers develop in the axils of the petioles, turning into large fruits, 10-30 cm in diameter and 15-45 cm long. Ripe papaya fruits are soft and have a color from amber to yellow.


A tree of the Rosaceae family, has a subgenus of almonds. It differs from almonds only in fruits. The leaves are lanceolate with a serrated edge and almost sessile, appearing before the development of the leaves, pink flowers. The fruit is a peach, spherical, with a groove on one side, usually velvety. The peach pit is wrinkly furrowed and punctately dimpled.


English pomelo
Citrus fruits of the evergreen tree of the same name. The peel of the fruit is quite thick, and the slices are large, separated by rigid partitions. white color bitter taste. The color of a ripe pomelo can vary from light green to yellow-pink. The pink color usually acquires only one side, which during ripening was turned to the sun. The fruit is the champion among citrus fruits. Its diameter can be 30 cm, and its weight can reach 10 kg. The taste of pomelo is very close to grapefruit, but the pulp is not so juicy and when peeled, the inner membranes are more easily separated from the edible part.


It is also called Chinotto or Bigaradia - it is a woody evergreen plant belonging to the Rut family, a species of the genus Citrus. It is considered a hybrid of pomelo and mandarin. When fresh, the orange is considered inedible, and it is valued mainly because of the zest. The peel is quite easily separated from the fruit, you just need to cut it into 4 parts. The zest of oranges is used to make desserts. It is also often added to ice cream. For such a dessert, you need to take orange zest and juice, cream and sugar. All this must be beaten with a mixer and sent to freeze.

Fruits and vegetables in Thailand are very diverse. Below we have collected for you what you should definitely try while in the land of smiles.

Fruit in Thailand
1. Durian

Durian (Thai name - durian) is the undisputed leader of our list. The fruit is pale green-yellow in color with a shell-like skin. Weight from 2 to 5 kg. Durian has a very unpleasant smell and an excellent sweet-creamy taste. Durian is eaten raw, while the seeds are roasted and eaten instead of nuts. Keeping at home or in a hotel, as well as transporting, is not recommended due to the smell. Many hotels, hospitals, shopping malls and other in public places you can find special signs reminding you that it is forbidden to bring durian into the room. The Thais themselves speak of durian as "a fruit with the taste of heaven and the smell of hell."

Do not try durian - vacation in vain))

2. Mango

Mango (Thai name - mamuang) - outwardly yellow, green or reddish oblong fruit, outwardly a bit like a melon. Inside, juicy yellow-orange or green flesh with a sweet and sour taste.

In my opinion, the most delicious mango is green on the outside and yellow on the inside.

3. Dragon fruit

Pitaya or pitahaya ("dragon fruit", dragon's eye) (Thai name - geow mangon). Bright pink or yellow fruits with sparse green scales. Inside, white or red flesh with small black seeds.

4. Guava

Guava (Thai name - farang) - fruits of light green color, outwardly resemble an apple. Rough skin outside. The flesh is white or red, crisp like an apple, with many small seeds.

5. Papaya

Papaya (papaya) (Thai name - malakor) - pear-shaped fruits, green or yellow. The flesh is orange or bright pink. Papaya is eaten both as a vegetable and as a fruit, depending on the degree of ripeness. Thais love to cook their famous “papaya salad” from papaya.

6. Mangosteen

Mangosteen (mangosteen) (Thai name - mangkhud) - a small fruit that looks like an apple with a brown or purple skin. Sweet. Tastes like grapefruit.

7. Lychee

Lychee (Thai name - linchi) - fruits the size of a small plum, with a scaly pink peel. Inside is a white pulp that is eaten and an inedible pit. It tastes like grapes.

8. Sapodilla

Sapodilla (Thai name - la moot) - a yellow-brown fruit, similar to kiwi. Crispy flesh with a creamy caramel flavor and a few hard pits. It tastes like persimmon.

9. Passion fruit

Passion fruit is a purplish-purple or golden fruit, about the size of a small grapefruit. Under the peel are the bones in a juicy sweet shell. It turns out a very tasty cocktail: soda, passion fruit and sugar syrup.))

10. Longan

Longan (Thai name - lamyai) - small fruits of light brown color, resembling walnuts in appearance. Inside is a transparent white pulp and a hard bone.

11. Jackfruit

Jackfruit (Indian breadfruit, eve) is a large fruit with thick, spiky, yellow-green skin. It looks like a durian, but its "thorns" are smaller. The pulp is yellow, sweet, with an unusual smell and taste of a Duchesse pear. The segments are separated from each other and sold in bags. The ripened pulp is eaten fresh, the unripened is cooked. Jackfruit is mixed with other fruits, added to ice cream, coconut milk. The seeds are edible when boiled.

12. Pineapple

Pineapple (Thai name - sapa rot). Thailand's pineapples are considered among the best in the world. There are about 80 varieties of this fruit. Its taste is rich - from sweet and sour to honey. The smell of ripe pineapple is pleasant and slightly sweet. When choosing a pineapple, pay attention to its texture: it should be slightly crumpled under your fingers, but not too soft or, conversely, too hard. In Thailand, mini pineapple, or as it is called "royal pineapple", is also very popular.

13. Coconut

Coconut (Thai name - ma phrao). Season: all year round. If not for these fruits, Thai cuisine would be just a combination of Chinese and Indian. They are added to rice and eaten fresh. Most soups are cooked with coconut milk. Coconuts in syrup are offered as a dessert. The markets sell coconut milk right in the fruit. Be prepared for the fact that coconuts in Thailand are not the coconuts we are used to seeing in bounty ads. They are green and big. But, there is another type - small light brown.

14. Langsat

Langsat (Thai name - lang sat). Season: July to October. This fruit is almost unknown outside the country, but is very popular in Thailand itself. Its grayish flesh has both a sweet and sour taste. Langsat seeds are bitter, so the fruit should be eaten with care. Do not confuse with longan.

15. Pomelo

Pomelo (Thai name - som oh). Season: from August to November. It tastes like grapefruit, but more sweet than sour. In addition, the pomelo is much larger in size. The flesh is reddish, pale yellow and orange.

16. Rambutan

Rambutan (Thai name - ngaw). Season: all year round, peak - from May to September. One of the most noticeable and delicious exclusively Thai fruits. Bright red fruits with pale green bristles taste vaguely reminiscent of grapes, only sweeter. Rambutan grows in the central and southern provinces (Chanthaburi, Pattaya region, Suratthani).

17. Rose apple

Rose apple (Thai name - chom poo). Season: all year round. There are two varieties of this fruit: one is really pink, the other is green. To taste, the fruits are similar to ordinary apples, only a little more sour. The most beautiful rose apples appear on the markets during the cool season - from November to March.

18. Salak

Salak, snake fruit (Thai name - la kham). The scaly fruits are burgundy-brown in color, the shape is oval and slightly elongated, reminiscent of a drop of water. The peel is thin and fairly easy to remove, but when peeling the fruit, you need to be careful: it is covered with small soft spikes. The flesh of the herring is yellowish-white.

19. Sugar apple

Sugar apple (Thai name - noi naa). Season: June to September. Under the bumpy green skin lies a sweet and fragrant milky flesh. If the fruit is ripe enough, you can eat it with a spoon. By the way, the basis of the special ice cream served in Thai restaurants is the sugar apple. The fruit loves a hot and humid climate, so it is grown mainly in the south of the country.

20. Carambola

Carambola (Thai name - ma feung). Season: October to December. Fruits are yellow or green, oblong. Cut across have the shape of a five-pointed star. Because of this, they have a second name - star fruit, or "star fruit". Ripe fruits are very juicy. The taste is pleasant, with floral notes, not very sweet. Unripe fruits are quite sour. They contain a lot of vitamin C. The fruit is mainly used for making salads, sauces, juices and soft drinks.

21. Tamarind

Tamarind (Thai name - makham thad). Season: December to March. Tamarind is a sour fruit, but a sweet variety grows in Thailand. Thais usually boil the fruit in water to get a refreshing drink.

22. Watermelon

Watermelon (Thai name - Taeng Mo). Season: all year round. Peak season: October-March. Appearance: Watermelons are small in size, with red or yellow flesh. Yellow ones are more expensive, because in Thailand it is the color of wealth. Taste: Sugar-sweet common to watermelon, refreshing in both varieties. Significantly sweeter than Astrakhan. Consumption: Necks, smoothies and fresh watermelon juice are popular. Used for figured fruit carving.

23. Banana

Banana - (Thai name - Kluai). Season: all year round. Appearance: yellow or green. Taste: very sweet, the smaller the size and thinner the skin, the tastier, but these are not stored. Long ones are stored better, they cost more. Very nutritious, they are eaten unripe with spices, semi-ripe dried in the sun, ripened deep-fried, boiled in coconut milk or syrup, the flowers are used in cooking various dishes.

24. Mandarin

Mandarin (Thai name - Som). Season: all year round. Peak season September-February. Appearance. Smaller than European varieties, with a thinner, greenish-yellow skin. Taste: sweet with slight sourness, very juicy. Compared to European varieties, not so bright taste. Consumption: In Thailand, they are mainly juiced and sold everywhere on stalls on the streets.

Fruits in Thailand by seasons.

Traveling abroad means getting to know more than just gorgeous landscapes and culture. Outlandish overseas fruits and unusual berries will help to create a complete taste picture about the location. It is easier to choose from the variety of offers you like with the help of the description.


Considered a fruit. The taste is more inclined towards a vegetable, namely pumpkin with hints of an unripe pear with a nutty tinge. Ripeness is determined by the degree of softness. Has a large bone inside. The peel is not edible. Sizes up to 20 centimeters. The soft, oily flesh is eaten raw. Butchering is the removal of the skin and bone. You can try in Vietnam, India, Cuba, Dominican Republic


Visually similar to a red-yellow or orange pear. Ripe fruits are used (immature poisonous) thermally processed, the taste resembles Walnut. Maturity is determined by the openness of the fruit - a ripe one bursts, and the pulp protrudes. It is offered to feast in Brazil, Jamaica, Hawaii.


It has the shape of an oval golden color. Grows in clusters. Rigid rind on the outside, hard prickly bone on the inside. The pulp is sweet, juicy, taste with mango and pineapple notes. Places of growth: India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Philippines.


The taste is not comparable to those sold in Russia - juicy, fleshy, sweet and sour fruits with a bright aroma. Sizes from an average apple to the usual for us. You should choose a pineapple of medium hardness - the pulp will definitely be tasty. It will be possible to take a sample in Brazil, China, the Philippines.

Bail (tree apple)

Fruit with hard skin. Only a hammer will help to divide it in half. On sale is often presented cut. Flesh with hairs, yellow, irritating to the throat. It will be possible to see on sale in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka.


The taste of the fruit resembles borscht with mayonnaise and sour cream. The smell is specific. Cleaning is to free from the crust. They can offer a curiosity on the island of Borneo from the Malaysian side.

banana pink

A miniature species up to 8 centimeters in size with a thick peel. The skin of ripe pink bananas bursts, revealing pulp with many seeds. An unpretentious plant that can be grown even at home. Widespread throughout many warm countries.


Berry with a black color and a neutral taste (not sweet and not sour), similar to lingonberries. It looks like a blueberry. It is possible to try it in the countries of the northern hemisphere - Korea, Japan, Canada, the USA, China and even Russia.

Eye of the Dragon

Round brown fruit. The skin and the bone inside are not edible. The consistency is jelly-like, transparent white. The taste is bright, sweet. Big calorie content. Excessive consumption may increase the temperature. You can buy in Thailand, China, Cambodia, Vietnam.

Strawberry Guava (Cattleya)

Fruits are yellow to red. The size reaches a diameter of 4 centimeters. Juicy, sweet strawberry flavored guavas are exotic fruits from India, Africa, Bermuda, and America.

Guanabana (soursop)

Fruit with a mass of 3 to 7 kilograms. The shape is round, oval. The green surface of the soursop is covered with processes in the form of soft bells. Inside is white, soft, with a taste reminiscent of citro with sourness. The ripe fruit is pressed with a finger. You will be able to eat in the Bahamas, in Mexico, Peru, Argentina.


Fruits that grow on poles and branches. Grows in clusters. They look like black grapes. The skin is bitter and unfit for consumption. The pulp is like clear jelly, sweet, with bones. Grows in Brazil, Argentina, Panama, Cuba, Peru.


A large green fruit, weighing up to 34 kilograms. It should be purchased already cut. Yellow slices have the taste of melon and duchesse. Possible allergic reaction and difficulty swallowing. The symptom goes away after a few hours. It grows in Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand.


The king of fruits. It has a specific smell of a mixture of onions, garlic and dirty socks. The pulp is soft, sweet and healthy. You should buy cut slices. A whole durian reaches a large size and is covered with thorns. Due to the smell, you can not eat in public places and transport in transport. You can taste the curiosity in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia.

Imbe (African Mango)

Exotic tree with orange fruits. The size is small - up to 3 centimeters. The taste is bright, rich, sweet and sour. Has a coloring effect. You can try in Africa.


The fruit is pear-shaped and blue-violet in color. Weight varies between 80 grams and 8 centimeters in diameter. The skin can be eaten. The taste is juicy, watery, reminiscent of strawberries with an admixture of blackcurrant. You can eat in the Mediterranean countries, the Crimea and Central Asia.

Spanish lime (Giseps)

It looks like a familiar lime only in shape. It looks light green, the peel is not edible, pleasantly sweet inside with a bone. You can eat by removing the tip of the peel and squeezing. Found in Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia.


Yellow-green star-shaped fruit. It has a smooth skin that is edible. The taste is bright, with hints of a flower, similar to an apple. Inside there are seeds that are edible. You can see it on the shelves of Thailand and Indonesia.


Oblong fruit of bright yellow color. The ripened fruit is covered with yellow-orange horns and bright green inside. The cut looks like a cucumber. The taste is a combination of melon, avocado, banana and cucumber. They eat the pulp, cutting the fruit like a watermelon. You can try in New Zealand, Africa, Chile, Israel.


Looks like a hairy potato on the outside and a gooseberry on the inside. Size up to 80 grams and 7 centimeters. The flesh varies from yellow to green with edible black seeds. Choose soft, smooth fruits. The taste is similar to strawberry. Growing countries: Chile, Italy, Greece, Krasnodar region of Russia.


Round, large fruit, reaching 3 kilograms. According to the degree of maturity, it is divided into young and overripe. A young coconut has a tender skin, juicy flesh and milk/juice inside the shell. Overripe coconuts have a hairy surface, a cloudy liquid inside, and a tough inside. The second are found in the countries of importation. Growing countries: Thailand, Vietnam, India.


Exotic fruits China predominantly. Small citrus fruits 2-4 centimeters long. Inside they have inedible bones. Eaten with skins. The taste is similar to orange, but more sour. You can also try in Japan and Southeast Asia.


Melon shaped fruit. Covered with a red-brown hard crust. The inside is white, sweet-sour with seeds. The most delicious is the fruit that left the tree itself. The trees are located in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia.


Fruit in the form of a cucumber on the outside and corn inside. The ripe color of the fruit is bright yellow. Fiery orange flesh inside. The taste is juicy, sweet, with sour notes. Contains a lot of water. Grows in Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia, Argentina.


It is similar in appearance to longan, but has a brighter taste and smell. Ripe lychee has a red skin. Transparent smooth pulp has a sweet taste. Contains inedible bone. Where to eat: China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand.


It looks like a longan. Distinguished by a larger size and yellowish skin color. The delicacy inside is similar in shape to garlic. The taste is specific, sweet and sour. The peel is inedible, but useful. You can find it in the markets of Thailand.

magic fruit

Guest from West Africa. Small red fruits reach 2-3 centimeters and grow on trees. They have a bone inside. The magic of the fruit lies in the ability to retain the sweetness of the taste for a long time. Lemons and grapefruits eaten after a treat will also seem sweet.

Mameya (Mammeya)

Similar to apricot in appearance and taste of pulp. Larger in size - up to 20 centimeters in diameter. The skin is light brown. The berry has one to four seeds. The hint of taste goes into mango. Place of offer: Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela.


A popular large tropical fruit. It is better to cut the fruit with a knife - remove the skin and bone. The color of the fruit changes with the degree of ripeness - from green to orange-red. Taste gathered notes of melon, rose, peach and apricot. Growing countries: Myanmar, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam.


Outwardly, it resembles a persimmon, only the color is dark purple. The skin is thick and inedible. Inside - garlic cloves with a unique sweet-sour taste. Ripe fruit is firm and without dents. Mangosteen peel juice does not wash out. Sample locations: Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand.

passion fruit

Fruits of various colors from yellow to purple. The size is 8 centimeters in diameter. Ripe fruits are covered with a wrinkled skin. The pulp is the same iridescent, depending on the variety, similar to sweet and sour jelly with stones. Is an aphrodisiac. It grows in Vietnam, India, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.


Elongated fruit. The peel is covered with thorns, the degree of maturity is determined by their hardness. Inside are white fruits with a stone. The taste varies from sweet ice cream to light marshmallow. Perishable, not subject to transportation. It grows in Australia, Malaysia and the Philippines.


A perishable fruit that can ferment. The effect also affects animals. The fruits are small, yellow, with a stone. Fresh with a slight aroma and not sweet in taste. You can only meet in Africa.


Small fruits in yellow, orange and red hues. Grow up to 5 centimeters. Thin skin conceals transparent slices of fresh sweet taste. The bone of the fruit is bitter and tightly attached to the pulp. You can find it in India, China, Thailand, Vietnam.


Sunny orange small fruit with brown pits. Unripe tastes like persimmon - tart and viscous. Ripe has the aroma and taste of blueberries. Home of the fruit: Egypt, Dominican Republic, Crimea, Abkhazia, southern Russia.


A fruit shaped like a cherry tomato. The hairy fruit progresses through the stages of maturity from green to bright orange. Taste - strawberry-pineapple with notes of mango. Grows in Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica.

Noina (sugar apple)

A fruit with the size of an average apple and the appearance of a green cone. The internal component is soft, sweet, pleasant to the taste. Butchering is difficult due to uneven inedible skin. The maturity of the fruit is determined by its softness. But do not be zealous - the fruit is fragile and can fall apart when checking. Place of growth - Thailand.


The fruit is shaped like a convex green potato. The smell of the fruit is specific - spoiled cheese with mold. The taste is not pleasing - bitter. But at home, it is considered very useful and healing. Noni is the basis of the diet of the poor in southeast Asia. You can meet in Australia and Malaysia.


Fruit in the form of a cylinder. Color from unripe green to mature yellow-orange. The size reaches 20 centimeters. It is more convenient to buy cut. The taste is a melon-pumpkin mixture. Places of cultivation: Bali, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia.


Exotic fruits from Egypt. Large - up to 700 grams. Painted in different shades of yellow with lilac stripes. Inside are seeds that are edible. Ripe fruit should be chosen - it is tender, soft, with a melon note. The peel is removed - it is possible, but unpleasant to eat. You can also try in Peru, Turkey, New Zealand.


Oblong fruit of bright color (pink, burgundy, yellow). The surface is scaly. You can peel like a grapefruit or cut and eat with a spoon. Inside the pulp is transparent, white or reddish, sprinkled with small grains. It grows in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Malaysia, China, Vietnam.


Small brown fruits with a diameter of up to 13 centimeters. Inside they have a few unusable grains. The inside is white with a tropical taste and aroma. It is used as a base for sherbet and jelly. Habitat: Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil.


Citrus hybrid of orange and grapefruit. It has a large size, reaching up to 10 kilograms. The peel is thick, fleshy, green. The pulp is in film slices that are bitter. The taste is less juicy than grapefruit. You should choose ripe for a bright citrus smell. You can eat in Tahiti, India, China, Japan.


Fleecy fruit of red-violet color. You can open it by twisting it with both hands in different directions. Inside is transparent, with a bright taste. The raw grains are poisonous. Ripeness directly depends on the brightness of the color of the fruit. They will offer to buy in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Thailand.

Buddha Hand (Citron)

Beautiful on the outside and uninteresting on the inside. The unusual shape of the fruit resembles a hand with many fingers. But 70 percent of the fruit consists of a peel, 30 percent of sour-bitter pulp. It is actively used in culinary crafts. You can admire the curiosity in India, Japan, Vietnam, China.


Convex brown fruit with small prickly protrusions. It is advisable to clean with a knife. The inside is divided into 3 parts with a bright sweet taste of persimmon pear. Parameters - up to 5 centimeters. Grows in Malaysia, Thailand.


It has a pear shape of uneven brown color. The rind is inedible and needs to be removed. The pulp is white with a bright mangosteen flavor. Seeds have a laxative effect and are used as needed. Grows in Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines.


A small fruit with a thin matte skin. The size of the fetus is 10 centimeters and 200 grams. Taste - milky caramel, causes viscosity in the mouth. Seeds are not recommended. Grows in Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Hawaii.

Sugar palm (Cambodian palm)

"Female" trees bear fruit. Fruit pulp is packed far inside, transparent white. Has refreshing properties. It is the basis for Thai sweet ice. Distributed in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines.

Plums Natal

The fruits of this tree are the only part of the bush that does not harm people. Branches and leaves are unfit for consumption and contain poison. The color of the plums is hot pink with a wrinkled texture, and the taste is sweet. Suitable for use in baking as a filling. Homeland - South Africa.


Berry in the form of an oval with dimensions up to 5 centimeters in diameter. Skin color options: yellow, burgundy, purple. The peel is unhealthy, peeled off with a knife. The taste is currant with notes of tomato. The smell is bright fruity. Located in Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile.


Outwardly, it resembles a bean pod with a light brown skin. It is used in the preparation of sweets and sauces for meat. The pulp is dark brown in color with a spicy sweet and sour taste. Has bones. You can try in Sudan, Thailand, Cameroon, Australia, Panama.


A green fruit with a ponytail on top. Weight reaches 45 grams, up to 5 centimeters in size. The peel is thin with an ambiguous taste, sour and causes a viscosity in the mouth. It is recommended to peel the fruit from the skin or cut into two halves and eat with a spoon. The color of the pulp varies from cream to burgundy (the latter indicates the spoilage of the product). The taste is fresh, tropical, with strawberry notes. grows in South America, Georgia, Abkhazia, Caucasus.


The unripe fruit serves as a source of nutrition for the inhabitants of African countries. It tastes like bread when cooked. Ripe fruits have a pleasant sweetness similar to banana. The size is large, up to 3.5 kilograms. It is recommended to purchase cut. It is possible to take a sample in Southeast Asia.

Chrysophyllum (Star apple)

The fruit is oval-shaped with a skin color to match the flesh - pale green or lilac. The flesh is sticky, sweet, the consistency of jelly with stones like an apple. Cut like a star. It is recommended to use only ripe fruits. Where it grows: India, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia.


A relative of the pitaya, rounded and with a smooth surface. Inside is a juicy transparent watery pulp with seeds. The taste is tropical, bright, sweet. Eat, cut in half, with a spoon. The skin is not edible. Grown on plantations in Israel.


The surface of the green-colored fruit may be with or without tubercles. The pulp is similar in structure to an orange, but includes the tastes of mango, banana, strawberry with notes of ice cream. Contains hard, inedible grains. Habitat: Asian countries, Israel, Algeria, Australia, Spain.

Black Boot (Chocolate Pudding)

A dark green type of persimmon. The flesh takes on an almost black color with brown seeds. The taste of chocolate pudding, sweet and bright. The size reaches 13 centimeters in length. The homeland of the product is Guatemala, Brazil, Southern Mexico.


The shape is similar to bell pepper. The light varies from green to red. White flesh inside. The taste is sweet, watery. Good thirst quencher. It is not subjected to cleaning, it has no seeds. Grows in Sri Lanka, Colombia, India, Thailand.


Small fruits up to 6 centimeters. Smooth, green with brown spots. I have a sweet apple taste and a tropical aroma. Delicious fruit - dense, not hard. The skin is edible, the pit is not. It is found in Japan, China, Thailand, the Caucasus.

All the fruits of Thailand are a combination of unusual tastes that falls on tourists who come to the kingdom of smiles. How to choose the most delicious fruits in Thailand? How much do they cost?

This is the most complete guide on the Internet about the fruits of Thailand and the seasons of their ripening. You will also find Thai fruit names.

Fruits of Thailand educational program

Everyone who travels to Thailand is interested in what fruits grow in Thailand?

Every tourist wants to bring fruits from Thailand, but you need to know the rules of transportation so as not to get into a slip. How to recognize all the exotic Thai fruits and at what time of the year do the most delicious ones ripen?

You will find these and other details in today's article. After reading, you will remember what fruits look like in Thailand, what they are called in Thai. This will facilitate the selection in the market and the purchase.

At the end of the article- a plate of fruit ripening in Thailand by months, it is easy to determine the lowest prices for Thai fruits during the year.

Names and descriptions of fruits

Mango is the most tender fruit (Mamuang in Thai)

Let's start with the most delicious, popular and favorite fruit among Russians - Mango.

Thai mango - (Ma-muang in Thai) has many varieties. We will not go into details, they are all delicious and edible.
Some people prefer oblong Thai yellow mangoes,

the most popular mangoes in Thailand - these are

someone likes round, small and plump (I think they are sweeter) Round plump mangoes grew in Cambodia. Their price is very low. Not more than 40 baht per kg.

For me, the king of fruits in Thailand is not durian, but mango. Because such delicious mangoes as Thai mango, you will not try anywhere else.

Mango is good for health. Despite the fact that it is sweet, eating mango will not hurt your figure, so you can safely make necks, salads, add to desserts and make jam from it.

In Thailand, many cosmetic products, creams, masks, toothpastes are produced on the basis of mango. Mango butter and mango creams are a delight!

If you don’t want to wait for a parcel from Thailand and you need Thai goods right now, then a trusted store in Russia is Siamgarden.ru

Thai Mango season falls on March - June. But in general, mangoes bear fruit in Thailand several times a year.

Unfortunately, during the tourist season (October to March), prices for mangoes are mostly not humane, and all because it is not available in such quantities.
But whoever seeks will find. This winter, in the Jomitien market there was also such a price for mangoes:

Although, average price for mango now - 60 baht. In summer it is even cheaper - 30 baht per kilogram.

Life hack for tourists: Buy the hardest and toughest mangoes home. Take mangoes of different varieties. Do not hesitate to green mango, it will ripen within a week.

In general, when buying a mango, you need to pay attention to such things: The skin of the mango should be dense and clean. No dark spots or fading.
Do not wrinkle mangoes when buying, they become unusable very quickly. By the way, mangoes are as tender as bananas. A little pressure on them - that's it.

Sellers in the markets will ask in Russian “With you?” "Home?" and depending on the answer, throw a mango into the bag for you. So, smile and pick your own mangoes, since the market is a market everywhere, you won’t have time to blink an eye, as you are thrown sluggish and spoiled.

Don't buy huge mangoes. It is much more convenient to eat and peel those mangoes that are the size of a girl's palm. Such mangoes by weight - 3 - 3.5 pieces per kilogram.

Thais peel mango like this: they take a knife, cut the mango along with the peel on one side and the other. The pulp is cut with a knife to the skin and then horizontal stripes are made. The resulting cubes are easily cut into a plate:

I personally don’t like the dessert “mango sticky rice” (glutinous rice with mango - khau nyau mamaung), popular in Thailand. It is much nicer to eat mangoes without rice. But my children are just delighted and even take ice cream along with glutinous rice and mango.

Thailand's king of fruits - Durian (Thu-ryan)

Everyone who travels to Thailand knows about Durian. Everyone who has been to Thailand should try it, as this is exactly the exotic that cannot be ignored.
A huge prickly fruit costs crazy money, especially in the off season.
A small piece of durian packed in a film is sold for 120 - 150 baht.
At the same time, fans and connoisseurs of Durian advise eating it immediately after cleaning, so it quickly starts to go out and stink.

Almost all hotels in Thailand have a sign saying that entry with durians is prohibited. It is clear why. Nobody likes a mixture of rotten onions, garlic and garbage, but this is exactly what peeled durian smells like, as it contains a huge amount of sulfur, which, interacting with oxygen, gives such a smelly smell.

For many years I could not understand the enthusiasm for this fruit until I went to. In short, part of it takes place on a real fruit plantation, where you will be fed fresh fruit. It was there that I tasted durians. Oh my gosh, they are absolutely delicious!!

Durian tastes like dense milk cream kind of like ice cream. I can not say that you can eat durians every day. Also, durians are very high in calories.

Refrain from eating durian if drunk. Since durian can greatly increase blood pressure, which, along with drinking, can harm your health.

The price of Durian in the harvest season starts from 100 baht per kg. Durian season in Thailand is summer. June to August. During the year, durian is also sold, but it costs more and there is less choice.

Dragon fruit - the most tasteless fruit of Thailand - Pittahaya (Kheeu - mang: con)

Oh, I remember how I wandered around night Bangkok with my husband at night in search of this very dragon, which relatives ordered us to bring. The dragon was eventually found at a Bangkok night fruit market, but was it worth the effort?

In my opinion, Dragon Fruit is a tasteless something. It has no taste, no smell handsome relative cactus. But nevertheless, many people love the dragon fruit and buy it in Thailand.

Some people eat it with lime juice, they say it tastes better.

The benefit of the dragon

Delicious to add Dragon to smoothies and milk shakes, ice cream, decorate desserts.
The dragon is very low in calories, its bones improve eyesight, and it is also useful for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

The dragon looks very exotic. It comes with white and raspberry flesh inside, a color that does not affect the taste.
To eat a dragon, cut it in half and eat it with a spoon. or after peeling the skin, cut into slices.

It is added to salads, tinctures and syrups are made.
The price of dragon fruit fluctuates depending on the season. From 40 to 80 baht per kg.

Dragons grow in the form of creepers, but in general the dragon fruit is a cactus.

Noina - Paradise apple of Thailand - (Noi-na)

It looks like a green scaly ball. Firm to the touch. In Thailand, the noina fruit is called the sugar apple.
The inside of the noina is filled with cream-like pulp. Lots of bones. It is customary to eat, cutting in half, throwing out the bones, which are quite poisonous if they are specially eaten a lot.

Noina, or sugar apple, is definitely worth a try in Thailand, the sweet, soft pulp inside is somewhat reminiscent of a pear in taste.

Noina is sold everywhere in the markets of Thailand, the price in the harvest season is about 40 baht per kg. Sold all year round, I bought somewhere for 60-70 baht per kg.
Noina can be made into a delicious children's dessert by mixing the pulp of noina with coconut juice and freezing.

Rambutan - the hairiest fruit in Thailand (Ngo)

Rambutan is one of my favorites. Its pros: easy to clean, easy to eat, delicious.
Rambutan belongs to the lychee family, and the word "rambutan" in Malay means hair.

Be careful when buying. Fresh and tasty rambutan should have "healthy hair". That is, no blackness, the appearance is peppy, with red-green hairs.

To eat it, you need to cut it in a circle with a knife, press on the skin, which will peel off and eat, spitting out the bone that is inside it (one), but it is separated extremely poorly.

The taste of rambutan is hard to describe. It is elastic like grapes, with the aroma of roses and spices.
The price of rambutan starts from 40 baht per kg in the off-season and from 20 baht in the season, in summer. Very poorly stored. It may not reach Russia.

Mangosteen - unusual garlic (Mang - khuuk)

the most delicious and tender Thai fruit - mangosteen!

Another one of my favourites. Exactly in the top 5 fruits of Thailand in my ranking. Inside the mangosteen are many garlic-like cloves. That's what we call him among ourselves.
The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, reminiscent of a mixture of peach and grapes, cannot be described, you need to try. The fewer slices inside the mangosteen, the fewer seeds.

It is easy to clean: just like rambutan in a circle, you just need to twist the halves in different directions.

Thais clean mangosteen simply by scrolling the top flower in different directions. When the flower has fallen, cut the mangosteen in half with your fingers.

How to choose a fresh mangosteen?

Take the fruit in your hand. It should not be too soft, but not wooden. If wooden is all, it is gone, the same with soft, rotten fruit. Should be easy to push through with your finger.

Mangosteen becomes wooden after spending a lot of time in the refrigerator or in the air.
Freshly picked mangosteen is good for girls on a diet. Its calorie content is only 40 kcal per 100 grams of pulp. Mangosteen peel is used in Thai medicine for a variety of ailments as an antiseptic, astringent, remedy for diarrhea, and to improve bowel function.

Prices for mangosteen in Pattaya - from 50 to 120 baht. Mangosteen season - summer, when mangosteen can be bought for 20 baht directly from farmers' cars.

High-quality and useful cosmetics are made from Mangosteen. Scrubs, mangosteen paste, healthy and very fragrant.

Papaya - like boiled carrots (mala-koo)

An ancient Indochinese fruit. Super useful. It is possible and necessary even for small children to give as the first complementary foods.

Thai papaya tastes, they say, not as wonderful as Indian. But I have not tried Indian, there is nothing to compare with.
No pronounced taste. Probably, most of all, papaya reminds me of boiled carrots.
Papaya weighs from 1 to 8 kg.

To choose a fresh and good papaya, pay attention to the peel. It should be yellowish with a green tint. The all-green papaya goes into the famous Som Tam salad.
Oh, it's really delicious there! Salivating at the memory. Sometimes, in Som there, instead of green papaya, they put green mango.

Papaya should be eaten by cutting off the skin like a potato and dividing the fruit in half to remove the seeds inside. low-calorie papaya helps with many ailments.

In winter, another variety is sold in Pattaya, which looks like a large peach. The difference is that it has no seeds at all, and it tastes like strawberries.

Papaya costs in Thailand from 20 baht per kg. On average, one papaya costs 20-40 baht.

Passion fruit - the most fragrant and healthy fruit of Thailand (Passion fruit) (Sau-wa-root)

Also a great fruit. Exotic for Russia due to its poor transportation.
Passion fruit is a fruit with a very rich smell and taste. The jelly-like pulp under the thick skin smells really cool!

Passion fruit is usually cut in half and eaten with a spoon. One of the most delicious and low-calorie fruits, and in terms of usefulness it will give 100 points ahead to everyone!

The benefits of passion fruit

Life hack: You can bring home frozen passion fruit pulp. All beneficial features saved, costs a penny (120 baht kg). Sold in Makro.

Being a fan of passion fruit, I found out in foreign sources that it contains a huge amount of vitamin C and iron, and this is very unusual, since usually only vitamin C is found in fruits, which, as you know, is absorbed in extremely small quantities without iron.

Passion flower, passion fruit or passion fruit - on the contrary, allows the body to absorb the entire supply of vitamin C, as well as iron, which makes it very, very useful during colds, to raise hemoglobin, for a weakened, tired body.

Passion fruit is especially useful for girls and women, as it has antioxidant properties and eating it has a beneficial effect on the skin, which becomes younger, rashes and pimples go away, the body rejuvenates and vitality appears.

The best and healthiest eating option is to eat raw, with a spoon, about 3-4 fruits per day. Since passion fruit contains a lot of vitamin C and is a sweet and sour fruit, people with high acidity need to be careful. Passion fruit for them can be dangerous and bring heartburn.

Passion fruit is also indicated for those who have problems with the intestines and digestion. Literally in 2-3 days of eating, the stool is adjusted and all pains, bloating, flatulence, initial types of hemorrhoids and cracks disappear.

The price in the markets of Pattaya for passion fruit varies from season to season. The lower bar is 60 baht. The season is summer-autumn, in winter passion fruit is sold at 100-120 baht per kg.


When choosing passion fruit, take fruits with a wrinkled skin, this is a ripe fruit. It is desirable that the passion fruit be of medium hardness, good color of ripe eggplant. A smooth skin indicates that the fruit has recently been plucked, it may be sour, but you can also take it.

Useful information for tourists in Thailand

We have been living in Pattaya for many years and over the years we have accumulated a lot of useful information, which will help you save you money, because the exchange rate of the ruble to the baht does not inspire optimism and I think no one has extra money.

Here are the articles that are most helpful for you before your trip:

Where to buy fruits in Pattaya profitable and cheap

You will find the best fruit prices in Pattaya in the markets:

Ratanakaorn market. The address is Tepprazit Street, in the middle, next to the Colosseum show. Works from 5 am to 15-16 pm.

Wat Boon Market- located on st. Wat Boon, next to Paradise Condo, Park Lane, Amazon, Atlantis. Works from morning until 18 pm.

Jomtien night market. Located in the middle of the Jomtien waterfront, within walking distance of Aqua Condo. Open from 5 pm to 11 pm. Prices may be higher than at Wat Bun and Ratanacorn.

At the Ambassador Hotel there are fruit rows, the prices there are quite reasonable, it makes no sense to go to the city especially for fruit.

In the center of Pattaya there are no good cheap markets. Prices are inflated, overpriced.

In the area of ​​st. Pattaya park, next to the hotel there is a good market, which is open from lunch until late in the evening, and also, in the same street, farmers often sell fruits from cars

Sapodilla - like a tasteless persimmon (La-mut)

Living in Thailand, of course, I tried almost all the fruits, but there are some that are puzzling. Here is one of the sapodilla.
Tastes like an unripe persimmon. Some strange astringent taste, in general, some kind of nonsense. If you are going to taste, then sapodilla is inexpensive (of course)), the price of sapodilla in Pattaya is about 30 - 40 baht per kg.
Choose a fruit that has a soft skin. The harder, the more it knits.

Salak - sour strawberry (Sa-La (Ra-kum in Thai) Snake fruit

That's definitely a snake. Even when you take it in your hand, it feels like you are touching a snake by the skin. Similarly, rough and prickly.

The sour pulp that grows on the snake palm. It helps to cope with diarrhea, as the herring fruits contain tannin.
I do not see any other purpose of taking herring inside, except as an antidiarrheal property. Since the taste is rather strange for us. Sour, astringent.
It cleans well, the skin peels off by itself, one has only to press.

The price of Salak (snake fruit) in Pattaya is 70 - 90 baht per kg.


What the Thais love is the lychee. Lychee in marinade, lychee in compote, lychee everywhere.

Lychee fruits look very beautiful - such a soft pink ball that also smells nice.
In appearance, lychee is similar to both rambutan and longan. Lychee also has one bone inside the transparent pulp. The bone is not eaten.

For my taste - lychee is similar to grapes with sourness. Delicious, fragrant! Externally and internally, the lychee is the twin brother of the longan. Softer in taste.

The price of lychee in Pattaya is 100-120 baht per kg. Season - June-July.

Lychee is very useful, uplifting, contains a lot of B vitamins, phosphorus, protein, iron, pectin, while being low in calories. It has a lot of potassium and chromium.

Star fruit - (Carambola) Ma-feung) Star fruit


Of course, a beautiful and exotic carambola fruit is an old fruit. It is not cleaned, just cut across so that 5 terminal stars are obtained.

Serves as a table decoration, cocktails, etc. It tastes more like a vegetable than a fruit. Very watery and sour. Useful, contains many vitamins.

Ripe carambola is bright yellow. In Pattaya, it is easy to find carambola just growing like a weed on trees. The tree brings a huge amount of fruits that fall and which no one even collects. Thais almost never eat carambola, and if they eat it, they add greenish to salads.

The price in Pattaya for carambola (star fruit) is around 40 baht per kg.

A few words about insurance

If you are going to Thailand, then do not forget about insurance. Medicine in Thailand is good and at a high level, but the prices for an appointment with a doctor also start at $ 80-100.
Based on our experience, we advise you.

Longan - Dragon Eye - (la-miai)

In Chinese, "long yang" is "dragon's eye". Free translation from Chinese, and here it is - longan. The bone really looks like someone's eye.

Longan is one of my favorites. tastes like a delicious and ripe melon, but be careful, longan is very easy to overeat. Then there will be a feeling of dizziness and nausea.
You should not eat more than 5-10 berries at a time, I know for myself.

When buying, inspect the bunch of longan. The fruits should be the same color, slightly rough, not wrinkled and without spots.
The peel quickly bursts when pressed and can be eaten like nuts.
The bone itself is bitter, do not eat. The price of longan in Pattaya is 60 -80 baht per kg per season. for sale all year round, the main season is summer.

Breadfruit Jackfruit (Kha-nu-n)

Jackfruit is very similar to durian, look make no mistake when buying!
Jackfruit fruits are simply huge! They reach 40 kg of weight, so you should not walk around under a tree on which Jackfruit grows, and in Thailand you will often come across it.

Jackfruit is Portuguese for big and round. Thais love jackfruit, probably also because from one piece you can get a lot of pulp similar to an apple.

Jackfruit has an unusual taste. It's hard to describe. Most often eaten in a pickled form, in sweet syrup.
From a huge jackfruit, many many "berries" are obtained:

It is unlikely that you will buy a whole Jackfruit, since the price of an average fruit is 900 - 1000 baht. Therefore, it is not sold in the form of a green carcass, but packaged and sold on substrates.

Benefits of Jack fruit

Jackfruit is very satisfying and healthy. A large amount of folic acid in it is a recommendation for eating pregnant and lactating women. Jackfruit is sweet, soft, very fragrant and somewhat reminiscent of turbo banana chewing gum.
It has a lot of vegetable fiber, which is so difficult to find in other products, as well as magnesium.

The price of a substrate with jackfruit is about 40-70 baht.

Guava (fara-ng)

In Thailand, there is a delicious and fresh guava. The one that is pink inside is tastier, very fragrant, and the one that is light green is more watery and does not have a rich taste.
In Thailand, guava can often be found at fruit hawkers and will be bright green in color. Don't let that bother you, she's just soaked in sugar syrup. So it acquires sweetness and taste. Firm, crunchy in taste.
Even unripe guava has a strong smell. It can be used at home as a fragrance and absorber of other odors, such as in the refrigerator or next to the ashtray.
Thais love unripe guava, eat it with spices and marinate, make sauces.
Guava makes a very tasty and fragrant smoothie or juice. But provided that sugar is added there.
The price of guava in Pattaya is from 40 baht per kg.

Tamarind - the most high-calorie fruit in Thailand (ma-kham-wang)

The twisted tamarind is a fruit of the date family. The taste is very controversial. Usually it is not eaten just like that, but soaked to get juice-syrup, or dried, rolled in sugar to eat as candied fruits.

And without sugaring, tamarind is very high in calories. For 100 grams, there are more calories in tamarind than in a cheeseburger - as much as 240 calories! So do not eat it for those who are trying to monitor their weight.

Tamarind is popular as a cosmetic. It whitens, gives freshness to the skin, is used as a raw material for scrubs, facial cleansers, creams, etc.

Coconut - the most popular fruit of Thailand (Ma Phrau)

Coconut in Thailand is pickled, eaten raw, baked, made into syrups and ice cream, added to soups and sauces, meat and fish, everywhere in general.
About the benefits of coconut oil, coconut is a very useful and cool product.


Did you know that coconut water has been used during civil war for a blood transfusion? Because in its composition, coconut water is similar to blood plasma.
Coconut water (young coconut) should and can be given even to infants, it is so useful and rich in vitamins.
I think almost everyone loves coconuts, and in Thailand there are a lot of them and everywhere, at the most affordable price.
The harvest of coconuts in Thailand is all year round, so their price does not change.

Coconut price

The price of coconuts in Thailand is 15 - 20 baht for a coconut in a store and 30 - 40 baht in the city or on the beach. In Pattaya, most often they sell either white young coconuts or their counterparts, a different variety, in a green peel.

I love the taste and smell of coconut, on occasion I always order a cocktail in coconut or a shrimp cocktail in coconut, and the kids love the coconut ice cream that they put in the coconut and sold by the Thais from their carts. This ice cream costs 20 baht, if you see an ice cream man with an iron tank under an umbrella, be sure to try it!
The season is all year round.

Banana - (klu-ay)

It is better not to use the Thai name for a banana when communicating with Thais, as you risk being misunderstood due to the peculiarities of pronunciation.
The fact is that klu-ay, said in a different key, means a male organ, and its name is in a rough form.

Bananas in Thailand, like coconuts, are everywhere. They are cheap, every spirit house has them as an offering.
They are completely different in taste here than in Russia. It is generally accepted that “forage varieties” are sold in Russia. I don't know, but I think it is.

In the Motherland, you can feed the whole family with one banana, they are that big. Here I love to buy a bunch of small bananas because they are very sweet and filling.
Bananas are rich in potassium, and despite the fact that they are not too dietary (too much starch), they are still useful in that they monitor health. Just eat them not in a bunch a day.

I buy green bananas in Thailand, as they ripen very quickly (a day or two), and when buying already yellow ones, I did not have time to blink an eye - they are already black.
The price for a bunch of bananas, and they are sold that way, and not by kg, in Pattaya is 25 - 30 baht.

The most delicious bananas in Thailand are small ones. They are very sweet and convenient to give to children as a snack.

Pineapple (Sappa-root)

They say that the most delicious and fragrant pineapples grow in Thailand. And this is true. You will not find such sweet, juicy, tasty pineapples anywhere else. That pitiful semblance of what they feed us in Russia is just for chickens to laugh at.

Pineapple is sold all year round in Thailand and is cheap. It, like bananas, is sold by the piece, not by kg.
One big pineapple costs in Pattaya -20 -30 baht. You can buy already peeled for 20 baht in a bag on ice from a fruit vendor in the city.

Thais masterfully peel pineapples without leaving a single sharp thorn and without cutting off anything superfluous, so I advise you to take the peeled one.
In the Jomitien market, peeled pineapples are sold for 20 baht (half). In the evening, they give you 3 peeled pineapples for 50, so swoop in!

The pineapple scam

Note that peeled pineapple wedges and tiny mini pineapples are most often soaked in sugar syrup. So it is preferable to buy unpeeled fruit.

All sorts of charlatans like to sell fat-burning vitamins with pineapple, I don’t know how they work, but pineapple really contains a substance that speeds up metabolism, improves concentration and stamina, helps to diet and lose weight.
It’s clear that you can’t polish a Big Mac with pineapple and think that “Hurrah! I eat and lose weight!!”

At the same time, Thai cosmetics based on pineapple are very high quality, effective and efficient. For example, pineapple oil. Or pineapple botox serum. All my relatives, readers, praise her very much, they say that this the best remedy from facial wrinkles.

Pineapples should be eaten with caution for hypertensive patients and people who have high acidity.
When choosing a pineapple, press on the skin, it should be slightly soft. By color, even if you took a completely green pineapple, it will ripen over time.

Although not peeled pineapples in Thailand, in my opinion, they only buy home. There is no difference in price, but it will still not be possible to clean it just like the Thais.

Watermelon - (Tang-moo)

Tangerine is a Thai manadrine. Basically, it has a green, very thin skin.
Tangerine is famous for being squeezed juice everywhere and sold in 330 ml bottles for 20 baht. Juice by the way is very tasty, sweet and healthy.

His trouble is that there are always sooo many bones. Having peeped what kind of juicers the sellers of tangerine juice use, I bought myself the same one for 400 baht in Makro. Now I enjoy juices without leaving home.

Tangerines, like tangerines, oranges and citrus fruits, are not cheap in Thailand.
Rather, tangerine is just the cheapest of them. It is sold all year round and costs about 50 baht per kg. Wholesale is cheaper. 10 kg of tangerines in macro cost 330 baht.

As well as mangoes, papaya, watermelons and tangerines, in Pattaya you can often find a pickup truck with farmers selling their goods.
Tangerines from the car will cost 3kg per 100 baht.


4664 kumquat - mini orange

Last on my list, but not least. Very cute and tasty fruit, citrus family. Like a mini orange. Kumquat can be eaten raw, marinated, made into candied fruit or marmalade.
Kumquat is very useful to brew for colds, as an antibacterial drink that helps with colds and colds. That is, kumquat + ginger + honey, and a tasty, healthy drink will quickly put you on your feet.

The price of kumquat in Thailand is different, from 50 to 90 baht per kg.
For some reason, in Pattaya comes across quite rarely.

Fruit season in Thailand - table

In order not to paint when a Thai fruit has a picking season, especially since there are a lot of them, and you can’t remember everything, there is such a plate, printing which you can easily find out why suddenly a mango costs 250 baht per kg)))