Testicles of a 2 year old boy. Chicken or quail eggs? How many eggs can kids have? Pseudocryptorchidism, or wandering testis

One of the most common pathologies of the abdominal cavity in children is an inguinal hernia. Usually it is detected at an early age, and parents are faced with the need for treatment. At the same time, it is desirable to have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat exactly is happening to the child, and why this happened. In this article, we will answer these and other questions.

What it is

A baby hernia in the groin is a condition in which the vaginal process of the peritoneum bulges out through the inguinal canal. What is looking for an exit through the inguinal canal is called the hernial sac. Inside, he has parts of internal organs, such as the bladder or intestines. The inguinal canal is a small gap in the groin area between muscle tissues and ligaments. Inside the gap in female children is a round ligament of the uterus, and in boys there is a spermatic cord.

According to statistics, hernial formations in the groin are most often found in boys. According to various estimates, the risk of such an ailment in them reaches 25-30%, while in girls it is only about 3%. According to pediatricians, for every girl with this diagnosis, there are 6 boys with a similar problem.

In premature babies, the risk of developing an inguinal hernia is significantly higher than in crumbs who were born on time. The risk of development in the first is at least 25%, in children who appear on time - 5%.

Reasons for the appearance

Hernia in the groin is considered congenital, acquired forms are the lot of adults and the elderly. In boys and girls, the prerequisites for the appearance of bumps in the inguinal region are always created even when they are in the mother's stomach.

In future boys, during the embryonic period, the testicles form in the abdomen. They begin to descend down to the inguinal canal only at 5-6 months of pregnancy. At the same time, they somewhat “pull” the peritoneum behind them. Finally, the testicle descends closer to childbirth, at the 9th month of pregnancy. The same pulled pocket from the peritoneum, which was formed as a result of omission, is called the vaginal process.

Normally, it is completely tightened by the time the boy is born. If for some reason this does not happen, the communication of the inguinal canal with the abdominal cavity remains open. This can lead to the fact that along the path that the testicle has passed, a loop of intestines or another internal organ may also go. This is what will become a hernia in the groin.

If everything is more or less clear with boys, then with the mechanisms of the appearance of a hernia in girls, more questions usually arise. The answers lie in the anatomical features of the female embryo. In girls, the uterus is also not in its place from the very beginning. First, this important reproductive organ is laid and formed much higher than expected. And then, from about 4-5 months of pregnancy, the uterus begins its way down, in a similar way, dragging along a part of the peritoneum.

Behind it remains a similar vaginal process. And if by the time of birth the communication with the abdominal cavity does not close, the exit of the hernial sac is not excluded. Thus, it becomes clear why premature babies have inguinal hernias five times more common than full-term babies.

But the risk of occurrence and the hernia itself as a fact are not the same thing. There may be a risk, but there is no hernia.

The most common reasons why the hernial sac still bulges out are as follows:

  • genetic predisposition to weakness of the peritoneum;
  • cystic neoplasms of the spermatic cord;
  • hydrocele (hydrocele);
  • hernial formations of the spinal cord, problems with the spine.

Hernias later (after 9-10 years) appear in the groin very rarely, and their root causes may be different than in newborns and infants. With the congenital predisposition described above, inguinal hernias can appear in children with severe obesity, in children who lead an inactive lifestyle, move little, do not play sports, those who suffer from frequent and severe constipation, as well as respiratory diseases associated with with severe chronic cough.


Depending on which side the hernia appeared, it is classified as right-sided or left-sided. Right-sided are more common in boys, little princesses rarely suffer from such a localization of the hernial sac. Hernial formations on the left in the inguinal region are recorded in a third of all cases.

On both sides, at the same time, a hernia in the vast majority of cases appears in girls. Bilateral hernia in male children is found in about 12% of cases.

Like many other hernial formations, the inguinal ones are also divided into oblique and straight ones. The obliques enter the inguinal canal, completely repeating the path of the testicle at perinatal age - from above with passing through the inguinal ring. Hernias of the direct type in children occur very infrequently, with them the hernia sac comes out through the peritoneum.

In boys, a separate type of disease stands apart - scrotal or inguinal-scrotal hernia.

According to the mobility or immobility of the bag, there are:

  • strangulated hernia;
  • elastically restrained hernia;
  • hernia with fecal incarceration:
  • hernia with Richter's pinching (parietal infringement of the intestinal loop);
  • hernia with retrograde infringement (when two or more organs are pinched);
  • unimpaired.

It is possible to correct only unincarcerated inguinal hernias. All types of pinching are subject to treatment with the use of operational surgical procedures.

Dangers and Complications

The main danger of an inguinal hernia lies precisely in the likelihood of its infringement. What it will be - no one can predict. With a fecal type of pathology, infringement occurs due to overcrowding of the intestinal loop, which has fallen into the sac, stool, with retrograde - not only the mesentery of the intestine, which is in the bag, is clamped, but also the mesentery of the intestine, which is located in the abdominal cavity.

In all cases of pinching, the child needs immediate and urgent surgical care. Infringement, no matter what type it develops, is associated with insufficient blood supply in the clamped organ, which quite quickly (sometimes in a few hours) can lead to tissue death, to necrosis. Cases of gangrene of strangulated organs, even in our developed century with operational medicine, doctors register in 10% of cases. Deaths account for approximately 3.9%, with gangrene, mortality is higher - from 20 to 35%.

Infringement is always acute. There is severe unbearable pain in the inguinal region, nausea, and sometimes repeated vomiting, the hernia becomes uncontrollable, the deterioration of well-being grows very quickly. Procrastination and attempts at self-treatment are dangerous. It is urgent to deliver a small patient to a surgical hospital.

In fairness, it should be noted that in childhood, most of the inguinal hernias are not complicated by infringement. But the parents of a child who has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, and who cannot decide on an operation, must be prepared for such a turn of events. The older the child gets, the higher the risk of pinching becomes.

Symptoms and signs

acute condition associated with infringement is not difficult to diagnose. It is much more difficult to find an inguinal hernia before it is complicated by infringement. The fact is that the only symptom is the formation of a hernia in the groin itself. It looks like a seal, round or irregular in shape, slightly protruding.

The easiest way to notice the pathology in babies. For example, in children under one year old, one year old baby, whose parents regularly change clothes, bathe, a hernia will be visualized at moments of strong crying, screaming, during coughing. In a calm state, when the child does not strain the abdominal wall or in a dream, the baby will not noticeably have a hernia.

The location of the sac with a scrotal hernia in boys is inside the scrotum, so it will be deformed. In girls, the hernia usually prefers to descend into the labia, resulting in a strong increase in one labia compared to the second. With bilateral pathology - both lips will be unnaturally large.

In children 5-6-7 years old and older, finding a hernia can be more difficult, because parents no longer have access to all parts of the child's body for ethical reasons. But such children can verbally communicate what is bothering them. Complaints about aching pain in the lower abdomen, as well as pain and a feeling of fullness in the scrotum and groin after a long walk or run, should not be ignored.

An incarcerated hernia should not bother the child much.

Symptoms that should cause parents to urgently send the child to the hospital are as follows:

  • bloating of the abdomen, lack of gas discharge;
  • strengthening the nature of pain in the groin area - from tingling and pulling sensations to acute pain;
  • the hernial sac becomes rigid, tense and motionless, touching it causes severe pain in the child.


Usually, an inguinal hernia can be detected in the first months of a child's life. Often it is found by the parents themselves, in other cases - by a pediatric surgeon at the next scheduled examination in the clinic. It is customary to examine a child from birth to 1 year in a horizontal position.

Babies who are already 2 years old can be examined in a standing position, with a mandatory hernia assessment when the torso is tilted forward. For children who are already 4 years old, the surgeon will give one more "task" - to cough, since with a cough reflex it is possible to examine the hernia in more detail and estimate its size.

The doctor will compare whether the testicles are symmetrical in boys, what is the shape and size of the labia in the girl, then the doctor gives a referral for an ultrasound examination. Boys do an ultrasound of the inguinal canal, girls - an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity. Boys are additionally prescribed diaphanoscopy of the scrotum. This procedure is simple and painless, it consists in assessing how the body is able to pass light rays through itself. This method allows you to establish or disprove dropsy of the testicles as a possible root cause of a hernia in the groin.

When an ultrasound scan shows that part of the bladder has descended into the hernia sac, cystography will be prescribed - a procedure in which a special substance is introduced into the bladder, which is then clearly visible on x-ray, this allows you to examine in detail the state of the clamped organ. Irrigoscopy is prescribed if it is established by the results of ultrasound that there is an intestinal loop in the contents of the bag. With the help of an enema, a contrast solution is injected into the rectum of the child, after which an x-ray is taken to assess the features of the restrained organ.


With regard to inguinal hernias, doctors are usually quite categorical and offer surgical removal of the hernial sac as a treatment. Indeed, there are risks of complications, and by and large there is no point in maintaining a hernia.

An inguinal hernia will not go away on its own, as it happens with an umbilical hernia in babies.

The vaginal process itself, by analogy with the umbilical ring, will not tighten and will not overgrow. If this did not happen at the time of birth, then doctors should act further. It is not worth sticking it with a plaster, hoping for the help of a special bandage, you need to do an operation. The operation called "herniorrhaphy" is the only possible variant problem solving. However, statistics show that about 10% of patients experience genitofemoral pain syndrome after such an operation. Therefore, children with uninjured hernias of small sizes are given a “respite”, choosing the method of vigilant waiting.

The operation itself is considered not the most difficult, even a novice surgeon can perform it.(this is what often happens in reality, it is on hernia repair that yesterday's graduates of medical universities receive their first "baptism of fire"). Therefore, parents who, naturally, are worried about the consequences of surgical intervention, should ask about the qualifications of a specialist before carrying out a planned operation. Children are operated on under general anesthesia. First, doctors access the inguinal canal through an incision, then find the hernial sac and remove it. After that, the inguinal canal is sutured to normal, natural sizes, and in case of its destruction, the plastic of the canal is made.

The hernia can be closed with a mesh if it was possible to set it during the operation and do without removal. Operations are most often tried to be carried out by a non-cavitary method. To do this, use the possibilities of laparoscopy. Laparotomy (incision of the abdominal wall) is performed only when part of the intestine is not viable due to infringement of the hernia and must be removed. After laparoscopic surgery, children quickly recover, after a few hours they rise, the recovery period is short. The chance of recurrence is about 1-3%. Uncomplicated small hernias in the groin of children are removed according to plan, the child can be discharged home with normal health after 3-4 hours.

Doctors estimate the forecasts as conditionally favorable. If the operation was carried out correctly, and the patient will subsequently comply with all appointments, it will be possible to forget about an inguinal hernia for the rest of his life.

After the operation, the child is shown physiotherapy exercises in about a month. You can do it on the basis of the exercise therapy room in the clinic at the place of residence. Exercises with balls, sticks, at the gymnastic wall are designed to help the child return to normal life as soon as possible. In addition, such physical education accelerates the process of tissue regeneration in the area of ​​surgical intervention, improves homeostasis, and strengthens the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Breathing exercises must be added to the set of exercises. 3-4 weeks after the operation, the child can engage in active walking (sports), go skiing, go to the pool. Massage during this period is aimed at preventing violations of intestinal motility, strengthening the abdominal muscles. To do this, the child is massaged on the back along the spinal column, massaging circular movements in the abdomen, around the navel, stroking the oblique muscles of the abdomen. You should always finish the massage with the lower part of the body, stroking and then kneading the legs.

They will help the child and protect against possible relapses and special restraints that are worn after the operation - bandages. Children's bandages are not like adults, you need to buy them in specialized orthopedic salons, after asking the doctor for the size and other design features of the product.

A bandage after an operation to remove an inguinal hernia happens:

  • left-sided;
  • right-handed;
  • bilateral.

The bandage comes with special liners that are fixed in the place where there was (or is) a hernia. It should be understood that such orthopedic devices cannot cure a hernia in the groin, they only support the hernial sac from falling out and slightly reduce the risk of infringement. That is why we have placed information about bandages in the section on rehabilitation.

The birth of a child is an amazing miracle. However, among newborns there are many severe pathological conditions that require medical intervention. In this article, you will learn everything about what cryptorchidism is, what are the symptoms and treatment of this disease, for what reasons the disease develops and what are the signs of pathology.

What is the pathology

Cryptorchidism is a pathological phenomenon that develops among male children. It is characterized by undescended testicles in boys into the scrotum. The condition is considered a developmental anomaly and occurs more often among premature babies.

Such a diagnosis as cryptorchidism in children is not uncommon. Approximately 3% of newborn boys face such a problem.

Testicular monorchism is often found. This means that one of them is missing, and the second is fully located in the scrotum. Left testicular cryptorchidism is more common than right-sided cryptorchidism. Bilateral cryptorchidism in children is found in half of all cases of the disease.

When a boy's testicles move into the scrotum, this indicates the maturity of the baby. However, even in full-term babies, this condition is not uncommon. But by the age of six months, the lowering of the testicles in boys occurs on their own, even without medical intervention.

Physiological features

Inguinal cryptorchidism can lead to unpleasant consequences for the reproductive system of the future man. The location of the testicle is importance in matters of thermoregulation.

After the testicles descend in boys, their full development becomes possible. The average human body temperature is 37 degrees. Although with such indicators the main processes normally proceed, this is a lot for the development and functioning of the seminal glands.

The temperature inside the inguinal canal and the scrotum differs by about 3 degrees. Due to this difference, the male reproductive system functions normally. When the testicle sinks into the groin, it lags behind in development. That is why the main goal of treatment is to help the body to take its normal position as soon as possible.

If the glandular paired organ rises up and is located in the groin, this can contribute to the development of severe disorders:

  • testicular torsion;
  • trauma;
  • infertility;
  • oncological changes.

Most often, the pathology resolves within the first year of life. Late cryptorchidism is rare. However, in some cases, medical assistance can quickly correct the situation and restore the child's normal development process.

Etiology of cryptorchidism

In a child at the stage of intrauterine development, the laying of the organs of the reproductive system occurs in the second month of pregnancy. Initially, the testicles are located near the kidneys. Then, as they develop and grow, they descend into the peritoneum, from where they move through the ring into the scrotum.

When the development of the fetus proceeds normally, by the time the boy is born, the descent of the testicles passes independently and fully. This is possible due to the development and physical growth of the ligaments that develop simultaneously with the organs of the excretory system. Subsequently, this bundle of ligaments will hold the gonads outside the peritoneum.

If complications occur during pregnancy and under the influence of a group of factors, the movement of the testicles through the inguinal canals may stop or slow down. In this case, cryptorchidism develops.

Why does pathology appear

Cryptorchidism is a congenital pathology that develops against the background of a group of causes. There are such factors:

  • mechanical interference;
  • hormonal dysfunctions;
  • hereditary disorders.

A mechanical obstacle to the exit of the glandular organ into the scrotum can be:

  • the difference in the rate of development of the testis and cord;
  • physical narrowness of the inguinal canals;
  • hernia in the groin;
  • underdevelopment of the ligament holding the organ, or its adhesion with the peritoneum;
  • underdevelopment of the vessels leading to the testicle;
  • critical intraperitoneal pressure.

Note! Studies have shown that in 95% of cases of cryptorchidism, the disease was accompanied by the development of a hernia.

Another group of reasons why the testicle did not descend in a newborn lies in hormonal disorders. The following factors can cause an anomaly of development:

  • weak production of hormones by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus;
  • low levels of maternal gonadotropin;
  • lack of male luteinizing hormone.

Therefore, even a hormonal imbalance in a pregnant woman can lead to the development of cryptorchidism in a newborn baby.

Note! A woman should monitor not only the level of sex hormones, but also thyroid hormones.

Genetic disorders rarely cause cryptorchidism. At the same time, in some cases, this violation was associated with a gene mutation. Similar developmental anomalies were diagnosed in children with Down syndrome and with hereditary mutations in the development of the anterior abdominal wall.

Disease classification

Testicular retention can be of varying degrees. From here, several forms of the disease are distinguished, depending on at what stage of the exit the organ stopped. There are two types: abdominal and inguinal cryptorchidism.

They say about the abdominal form of the disease if the testicle has not left the abdominal cavity at all. If it started moving and stopped in the area of ​​the inguinal ring, the diagnosis is inguinal cryptorchidism.

Also, the disease is usually classified into two more forms: true and false cryptorchidism. True cryptorchidism means the following:

  • the complete absence of the testicle in the scrotum and it never descended there;
  • the condition was caused by fusion of the peritoneum or the formation of scar tissue;
  • the phenomenon is provoked by the underdevelopment of the vessels or the vas deferens itself.

If, in the true form of the pathology, the scrotum is pulled back and palpated, the testicle cannot be detected and lowered.

But there are such problems with the testicles in boys, in which the glands one day descend into the scrotum. Then, under the influence of certain factors, the testicles hide in the groin again. This condition is called a false form of cryptorchidism.

Every boy has a cremasteric reflex. This is a muscle that is subject to thermoregulation. Under the influence of a stressful situation, hypothermia or fright, a wandering testicle occurs. This means that when a group of factors occurs, the testicles rise into the groin. Even if you manually return them to their normal position, the situation will repeat.

With false cryptorchidism, the glandular organ is able to independently return to its normal position. This usually happens after taking a warm bath or when the baby is completely relaxed.

Note! If the left or right testicle rises, it is usually not necessary to treat such a pathology.

A false form of cryptorchidism can persist in children 7 years of age. If self-healing does not occur by this age, either conservative treatment is necessary, or the anomaly will remain forever.


Determining cryptorchidism in children from a photo can be difficult. However, visual examination and palpation allow you to quickly make a preliminary diagnosis.

With bilateral cryptorchidism, both testicles are absent in the scrotum. If one testicle looks larger than the other, one-sided pathology can be assumed.

Parents may notice the following symptoms:

  • visual asymmetry of the scrotum;
  • absence of a testicle on the right or left on palpation;
  • periodic aching pain in the groin area.

If one testicle is not much larger than the other, this may be due to individual developmental characteristics. Whether medical assistance is needed is determined by the doctor after the examination.

Possible Complications

If newborn boys testicles do not descend at the right time, this can lead to serious disorders in adulthood. Parents and doctors must decide whether surgery is needed or if the issue can be resolved conservatively.

Cryptorchidism can lead to such serious consequences:

  • twisting of the spermatic cord and testicle-feeding vessels;
  • testicular necrosis;
  • infertility;
  • testicular microlithiasis in boys (cyst formation);
  • infringement of an inguinal hernia;
  • dropsy of the testis;
  • oncological tumors of the glandular tissue of the testis.

Along with the underdevelopment of the inguinal ducts, testicular hypoplasia in boys is possible. With this disease, one or both testicles can be affected.


Diagnosing cryptorchidism is easy. Such a diagnosis can be made by doctors taking delivery. Often, the initial examination of the crumbs reveals such a violation.

Note! During the first month of life, no treatment for cryptorchidism is carried out - the probability of self-healing is high.

In children suffering from cryptorchidism, as a rule, the scrotum is underdeveloped. Puffiness and swelling are noticeable. One or both testicles are missing.

For an accurate diagnosis, palpation is performed twice. The first time examination is necessary in a calm environment familiar to the baby. The second time palpation is carried out after some tension or cooling. This diagnostic method allows to exclude true and false cryptorchidism.

Important! Parents during daily water procedures should carefully examine the child's genitals, and if it is found that the testicle is either there or not, you should contact a pediatric urologist.

To prescribe the treatment of cryptorchidism in boys, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination. This method will allow you to determine what position the testicle has taken and what kind of help is needed.

In more rare cases, computed tomography is used. When the boy's genitals are severely underdeveloped, a diagnostic operation may be required - laparoscopy. Only after such manipulation is it possible to make an accurate diagnosis.

If cryptorchidism has not gone away on its own, and the child has not been provided with high-quality medical care, extremely serious consequences can develop. In 80% of cases, when the pathology is left unattended, cancer develops.

You don't always have to panic. In 75% of cases, cryptorchidism heals on its own during the first year of life. Therefore, surgical intervention during this period is not provided.

False cryptorchidism does not require the intervention of doctors. As the reproductive system develops, the symptom disappears. The cremaster, which causes the testicle to rise, gradually atrophies, and the seminal gland no longer changes its location.

Treatment can be of two plans:

  • medication;
  • surgical.

Drug therapy includes the use of such drugs:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • hormonal agents.

Sometimes drugs are prescribed that stimulate the physical growth of the glandular organ. As a result, it becomes heavier, and under the influence of weight, the process of descent is accelerated.

Testicular surgery is performed on children older than one year under general anesthesia. This measure is resorted to if medical treatment has been ineffective.

Important! Practice shows that the most effective time for surgical intervention in cryptorchidism is the age of 6-18 months.

The operation to bring the testicle down is called an orchidopexy. If the organ is underdeveloped and located in the peritoneum, it is removed. If he did not sink to the end, but stopped in the groin, he was brought down. During the operation, the surgeon seeks to avoid tension of the blood vessels and the cord, since it depends on whether the main functions are preserved.


After surgery to bring down the gonads, carried out before the age of two, complications, as a rule, do not occur. With unilateral cryptorchidism, difficulties in conception occur in 20% of men, and with bilateral cryptorchidism, in 80%.

During recovery, you can perform testicular massage, take water treatments and exercise therapy. The attending physician will recommend a set of restorative measures.

If parents are attentive to the baby, they will be able to notice the pathology immediately. Early diagnosis and elimination of cryptorchidism is the key to a full-fledged unborn child.

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Cryptorchidism in boys undescended testicles into the scrotum, is the most common problem in pediatric urology. According to statistics, this problem occurs in 4% of newborns.

When it comes to premature babies, these figures increase significantly (up to 20%). It is believed that before the child reaches the age of one, in most cases the disease goes away on its own.

However, in rare cases (in 1-2% of all cases) this does not happen, then the child appropriate treatment will be required.

As the baby grows older, the chance that the testicles will take a physiological position decreases. The disease must be treated, since the lack of therapy increases the risk of oncology and infertility.

Characteristics of the disease

Cryptorchidism in children - photo:

Cryptorchidism is a pathology of the development of the external male genital organs, in which 1 or both testicles are not in the scrotum, as it happens normally, but in the abdominal cavity.

At the same time, the temperature regime, which is necessary to maintain the body in a normal state, is not observed.

As a result of chronic overheating, their functionality and development process are disrupted, which can lead to infertility. Problems with potency and the development of testicular cancer in the future.

Most often, pathology is found in children who were born ahead of schedule. This is due to the fact that the descent of the testicles into the scrotum occurs already at a late stage of pregnancy, almost before the very birth (the descent of the testicles indicates the maturity of the fetus).

But even in most premature babies, after they are born (under 1 year of age), testicles descend on their own, and, accordingly, the problem disappears.


In the normal course of the child, when the baby is born healthy and full-term, as a rule, both of his testicles are already in the scrotum, that is, in the place intended for them.

However, there are a number of adverse factors, as a result of which this does not happen, and the testicles remain in the abdominal cavity. Among these factors include:

  1. Too narrow inguinal canal.
  2. Absence of a tunnel leading to the scrotum.
  3. Short spermatic cord (vascular tissue connected to the testicle through which it is fed).
  4. Anomalies in the development of the ligamentous apparatus.
  5. Hormonal disorders in a woman during the period of bearing a child, disruptions in the body of the fetus.
  6. hereditary predisposition.


Depending on the location of the testicle, such types of pathology are distinguished as:

  • abdominal cryptorchidism, in which the testicle remains in the abdominal cavity;
  • inguinal cryptorchidism, in which the testicle left the abdominal cavity, but did not descend into the scrotum, remaining in the inguinal canal.

There is also such a form of the disease as ectopic testis when it either does not descend into the scrotum, lingering in the subcutaneous tissue of the pubis or groin, or enters the opposite half of the scrotum.

Depending on the clinical manifestations diseases, secrete true or false form diseases. In the first case, the testicle is unable to penetrate the scrotum on its own, since factors such as:

  1. Scars and adhesions of peritoneal tissues.
  2. Short testicular vessels and insufficient length of the spermatic cord.

In the second case, testicular descent is possible, but, due to the small size or excessively wide lumen of the inguinal ring, after some time it rises again, leaving the scrotum.

On palpation, the doctor can return the testicle to its place, but after a few minutes it rises again to the groin area.

You can find the testicles in the scrotum when the child is at rest, for example, while sleeping or bathing in warm water.

With strong crying, high activity, the testicle found in the groin area, that is, just above the scrotum.

Symptoms and signs

Depending on the type of pathology, its symptoms manifest themselves in different ways. But in all cases we are talking about the absence of testicles in the scrotum.

So, with true cryptorchidism, the testicles can be felt in the groin area (if they are not palpated, means they have not come out of the abdominal cavity), while it is impossible to artificially lower the testicles into the scrotum.

With false cryptorchidism, you can place the testicles in their proper place, however, after a while they rise again.

With ectopia, the testicles can be located in different areas (pubic area, groin, penile shaft).

Complications and consequences

In the event that in the first year of a child's life the testicles have not descended into the scrotum, the boy needs specialized treatment. Otherwise, there may be unpleasant and even dangerous complications, such as:

  1. Infertility.
  2. Hormonal disorders (the production of the androgen hormone, which is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, decreases, as a result of which their absence or insufficiency is noted).
  3. Potency problems.
  4. The occurrence of cancerous tumors in the testicles.
  5. If the testicle is located in the inguinal canal, it may be torn, which is an indication for emergency surgical intervention.
  6. Undescended testicles often develop in the setting of an inguinal hernia. Its pinching is a life-threatening condition for a child that requires urgent surgery.
  7. Testicular trauma.


Determining the presence of the disease and its variety is usually not particularly difficult.

For this, a visual examination of the boy is sufficient and palpation his groin area.

In some cases, such as if the testicles are in the abdomen, it may be necessary ultrasound this area.

Treatment Methods

The most effective method of eliminating the problem is surgical treatment. This operation is not difficult, does not require a long recovery period.

In some cases, for example, if a child surgery is contraindicated, appoint conservative method treatment with hormonal drugs.


The use of hormonal agents for the treatment of cryptorchidism is justified at the age of 6-24 months, when the boy has bilateral form of pathology. The effectiveness of hormone therapy is relatively low, healing can be achieved in about 30% of cases.

For treatment, a drug based on chorionic gonadotropin is used, which is administered intramuscularly 2 times a week.

The effect of the drug is aimed at increased levels of male hormones in the body, which contributes to the normalization of the development of the testicles and scrotum, and their prolapse.

The effectiveness of this method is quite low, while an overdose of the drug can provoke development side effects such as abnormal enlargement of the penis and scrotum, growth of pubic hair, abnormal development of the prostate gland.

These symptoms disappear as soon as the dosage of the drug is reduced.


In most cases, surgery is indicated when the child has reached the age of one, but he has not had testicular descent at the moment. During the operation, the doctor makes a small incision in the groin area.

Through it, with the help of special tools, the testicle is lowered into the scrotum, after which it is securely fixed there. If the testicle is located in the abdominal cavity, the operation considered more difficult The surgical intervention is carried out in 2 stages.

In some cases, the patient is shown removing the testicle. This is necessary if there is an anomaly in its development, fusion of the testicle with nearby tissues, torsion of the spermatic cord.

The operation is simple, and already 3 days after the operation, the child is discharged from the hospital. However, the boy is still needs special attention and care.

So, it is necessary to limit the child's motor activity as much as possible (fast running, sudden movements, jumps), protect him from falls and injuries, attend exercise therapy and massage procedures.

During the first 3 months after a child's surgery see a doctor weekly.

After 3 months visits to the surgeon become less frequent - 1 time per month.


There are no special methods to prevent the development of pathology, but it is known that the risk of developing cryptorchidism increases if pregnancy proceeded with any deviations and problems.

Therefore, it is important that a woman monitor her health not only during pregnancy, but even at the planning stage.

All chronic diseases must be cured, even before conception give up bad habits, during pregnancy, avoid contact with infections and viruses, do not take illegal drugs, eat well and get more rest.

Cryptorchidism in boys is a disease associated with the incorrect location of the testicles when they are not in the scrotum, but in the abdominal cavity or groin area. The disease is congenital in nature, occurs mainly in premature babies.

However, by the end of the first year of a child's life, the problem is usually disappears by itself.

If this does not happen, the boy needs treatment.

Surgical methods of therapy are mainly used, since the operation is considered very effective and safe.

If left untreated, there is a high risk of developing serious problems that will negatively affect the health of the child in the future.

Cryptorchidism: what you need to know? Tips for parents in this video:

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Nutrition of the child is one of the important components of his proper development. Therefore, the preparation of a diet for the baby should be approached with all responsibility.

One of the important and necessary products - quail eggs. Pediatricians unanimously claim that they can be safely given to children.

It is believed that they contribute to better brain function, improve memory and attention. And if a child is allergic to chicken products, quail products will perfectly replace them.

  1. In children who eat this product, vision improves, immunity is strengthened.
  2. Eggs provide all the needs of the child's body in calcium.
  3. Children almost never get tired and learn better, become more active.
  4. The product contains many vitamins, minerals, proteins, folic acid.
  5. Vitamin B12, which is found in eggs, successfully replaces meat in the diet and at the same time allows you to get all the substances necessary for the body.

One egg weighs ten to twelve grams, to provide the child with a daily supply of vitamins and minerals, it is enough to give him one or two testicles a day.

It is important that all children like these small testicles with a bright shell. They can be cooked in different ways: boil, fry, bake, make an omelet or eggnog.

How to check quail eggs before giving to children

The diet of children should consist only of fresh products. ?
Prepare a container of water and dip the egg into it:

  • Fresh will be at the bottom.
  • A testicle laid a week ago will float in a strictly upright position.
  • The stale one will pop up right away.

One of the main advantages is long-term storage - up to sixty days.

Quail eggs can be given to children in different form. They are fried, boiled, baked, pickled, and also drunk raw.

They are an ingredient for salads, omelettes, scrambled eggs. You can add eggs to a variety of dishes. But it is best to eat them raw.

Cooking a quail egg for a child is very simple.

Soft-boiled eggs will be ready in two to three minutes, hard-boiled eggs in five.

If you want to give your child a raw egg, wash it first. Then break up by pouring into a cup. It is advisable to drink it before breakfast on an empty stomach.

  • Up to three years - one egg,
  • From three to seven years - two.
  • Three students.
  • From the age of 14 - four.

After two weeks of admission, a clear positive effect will be visible. But to fix it, continue eating quail eggs for three months.

Many parents are interested how to drink quail eggs if the baby does not want to eat them raw.

You can mix the egg into another dish, cook fried eggs or scrambled eggs. But it is important that the heat treatment is minimal, as it destroys useful elements.

Make your baby healthy drink by adding honey and fruit juice to a raw egg cocktail. Such a cocktail will help make up for the lack of trace elements and vitamins and your child will definitely like it.

Many parents do not children drink quail eggs to prevent them from contracting salmonella. But all fears are unfounded. Quails do not suffer from this disease, since their body temperature is four degrees higher than that of other birds. Therefore, dangerous microorganisms in their body simply die. Testicles are safe even for one-year-olds.

They are cooked like this:

  • Soft-boiled - from one to two minutes.
  • Hard-boiled - five minutes.
  1. To boil eggs, dip them in boiling water, but they must not be cold, as they may burst.
  2. When cooking, add a pinch of salt, sea salt is better. So that the question of how much to cook eggs for a child does not cause problems, use a timer. Do not cook too long - the yolks will turn black, and the protein will become like rubber. In addition, all useful substances of the product will be lost.
  3. Eggs are boiled over medium heat.
  4. Once ready, place them under cold running water, and then leave until they cool.

RECIPE: Children older than a year can cook an omelette.

To do this, you need butter or vegetable oil, salt.

  • Pour water or milk into a small saucepan and put on fire.
  • Separately, you need to beat two eggs, mixing them with butter and salt. Then pour them into the pan and close the lid. In a couple of minutes, the omelet will be ready.

RECIPE: Older children will love the caterpillar children's salad.

  1. Boil the eggs first. Rinse lettuce leaves, pat dry and arrange nicely on a plate.
  2. Peel the quail eggs, cut in half and stuff with red caviar, put a mixture of yolk with herbs and sour cream on top.
  3. Halves of eggs are stacked on lettuce leaves stuffing down.
  4. At the same time, form a caterpillar, and then decorate it: make eyes, eyebrows, mouth.
  5. On the sides, lay out branches of greenery - legs. The dish is ready.

The benefits of quail eggs for children

Quail testicles are a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, due to which it has a therapeutic effect. Nutrient levels are five times higher than in chicken eggs.

Quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, can be drunk raw. They contribute to the proper formation of the nervous system, full development, improves vision and memory.

The benefits for children are obvious.

The product successfully treats diseases of the heart, stomach, intestines, bronchial asthma and chronic cholecystitis, as well as:

  • anemia.
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Diabetes.
  • Headaches.

If eat quail eggs That's right, they never hurt. The child should be given them as often as possible to saturate his body with vitamins and minerals.

You can also benefit from. It includes the same elements that form the composition of human teeth and bones. Calcium carbonate, the content of which reaches 90 percent, is quickly absorbed by the body and activates the process of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.

Speaking about the benefits of quail eggs for children, one cannot fail to note the disadvantages. First of all, it is cholesterol. According to some reports, this product contains more of it than in eggs laid by a chicken.

In addition, they can cause allergies. Quail eggs contain ovomucoid, a protein that causes allergic reactions.

An egg is a source of protein, minerals and vitamins necessary for the full development of the child's body. The question of whether eggs can be given to children is not even discussed by pediatricians and infant nutritionists. The answer is unequivocal: not only possible, but also necessary! But on the question of when you can give your child an egg, opinions differ. The period is called from several months to a year. And children's nutritionists are cautious for good reason: almost every third child is allergic to an egg. Most often, it is recommended to introduce yolk into the baby's diet closer to 6 months, and protein - a year.

How to introduce an egg into complementary foods for a child?

For the first time, a piece (not more than a quarter) is broken off from the yolk of a hard-boiled egg, having kneaded it, diluted with a small amount of milk or milk mixture. If the child’s body accepted the new one without problems, then, after a while, the pounded boiled yolk can be added to vegetable puree. An infant up to a year old is given egg yolk no more than 2 times a week.

How to give an egg to a child after a year?

A one-year-old baby, in the absence of allergic manifestations, can be given a one-time half of the yolk, and after a week or two, try to introduce boiled protein into the diet. It is also possible to prepare a steam omelette with boiled milk or cottage cheese pudding for the crumbs in a slow cooker or oven. By the way, if a child does not want to eat cottage cheese in its pure form, then it is likely that in the form of pudding he eats with pleasure useful product. It is also permissible to crumble an egg into soup or porridge. Eggs are an essential ingredient in baking. All kids love homemade buns, cheesecakes and cookies, which diversify the child's diet from the age of one.
Chicken eggs can easily be substituted for the currently popular quail eggs, which have similar characteristics but are considered less allergenic. In addition, due to their size, they are more convenient to introduce into the diet of the baby.

Young mothers are often interested in how much to boil eggs for a child. Cooking time is not less than 6 minutes, but not more than 10 minutes. If you cook for less than the indicated time, then salmonella bacteria may remain alive, with excessively long cooking, the egg darkens and acquires an unpleasant hydrogen sulfide odor. Due to the possibility of getting sick Salmonellosis should not be given raw eggs to children. But soft-boiled quail eggs in baby food are acceptable, since quails do not suffer from salmonellosis.

The rate of consumption of eggs

The question of how many eggs a child can eat is very important. Some mothers say that their baby loves eggs and is ready to eat them often. But, given that the product in large quantities contains cholesterol, it is recommended for a preschooler to eat no more than 3 eggs per week, for a schoolchild - no more than 4-5, taking into account the addition of the product to pastries, minced meat, etc.