Fedor Podtelkov. Mikhail Krivoshlykov

Lesson 4

Theme: The tragedy of the civil war on the pages of the novel by M.A. Sholokhov

Quiet Don

The purpose of the lesson: show the civil courage of Sholokhov, who was one of the first Russian writersXXcentury, he told the real truth about the civil war as the greatest tragedy that had grave consequences for the whole people; understand deep intention of "Quiet Flows the Don"; determine the author's position on the key issues of the novel; prove that any civil war - the greatest tragedy, which has grave consequences for both the individual and the entire nation.

Equipment: portrait of M. Sholokhov, illustrations, handouts.

Methodical methods: storytelling, analysis of episodes, analytical conversation, group work.

And the Lord said to Cain:

Where is Abel, your brother?

During the classes

teacher's word

For a long time in Soviet literature, the civil war was shrouded in the halo of a great feat and revolutionary romance. Sholokhov, one of the first Soviet writers, spoke of the civil war as the greatest national tragedy that had grave consequences for the country.

Why can the creation and publication of the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" be called Sholokhov's literary feat?

(The novel "Quiet Don" was published for twelve years (from 1928 to 1940). And all this time Sholokhov was under enormous pressure - from editors of all degrees to critics, who in one way or another expressed the position of the authorities. It was possible to withstand this pressure, only deeply related to the idea of ​​a thing that was more and more different from other works of Soviet literature and more and more threatening the well-being of the author, up to arrest and prosecution.

Why are the characters of the Bolsheviks less attractive in The Quiet Don than the characters of the Cossacks?

(Sholokhov in his novel proceeded from the truth of life. When he created the characters of the same Podtelkov or Mishka Koshevoy, he painted them not as some kind of “ideal heroes”, but as people who were just groping for a new life path. Each of them has their own share of guilt and responsibility to the people - more for Shtokman and Mishka Koshevoy, less for Ivan Alekseevich. Behind the complexity of Sholokhov's attitude to these figures is the complexity of his attitude to the revolution and the Civil War, which was initially not unambiguous).

Do you agree with Sholokhov's statement that the civil war did not end in 1920?

(“The civil war ... among other things, is so dirty that there are no victories or winners in it ...,” Sholokhov said.

After all, the troubles of the Civil War on the Don for Sholokhov are not an abstraction, but a bitter personal experience that went like a plow through their large family. Three cousins ​​​​of Sholokhov - Ivan, Valentin and Vladimir Sergin - died in the Civil War. He grew up with them on the farm Kruzhilin, where the sister of Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov, Olga Mikhailovna Sergina, after the death of her husband, moved with her four children and settled in the same kuren with Sholokhov. The death of the brothers could not but deeply affect the writer.

According to the writer, the Civil War, which brought people so much grief and trouble, did not end in 1920. After the “reconciliation”, “then all those who survived came to their broken kurens and broken families. Both winners and losers. And a peaceful life began: “They live from gate to gate, they drink water from one well, how many times a day they call each other's eyes ... What is it like? Enough imagination? Here, in my opinion, even the poorest will be enough to get frost on the skin. ” This split, which the war brought, continued for many years, nourishing mutual hatred and suspicion ...

“When did the civil war end there, according to your textbooks? In the 20th? No, my dear, she is still on her way. The means are just different. And don't think it's over soon...)

Output: This characterization by Sholokhov of the time of the revolution and the Civil War at the very end of his life helps better. Sholokhov's bitter words about the break in the life of the people, which determined their troubles and suffering for many decades, reveal the very essence of this great work that called the people to national unity.

The events of the civil war on the Don, reflected on the pages of the novel by M. Sholokhov "The Quiet Don" (historical commentary)

In late 1917 - early 1918, the Cossack "governments" of the Don and Kuban, under the leadership of atamans A. M. Kaledin and A. P. Filimonov, declared non-recognition of the Soviet government and began a war against Soviet power. Then Soviet government to fight them, it sent Red Guard detachments and detachments of Baltic sailors from the central provinces of Russia, uniting them on the Don under the general command of the famous Bolshevik V. A. Antonov-Ovseenko. The fighting at this stage of the Civil War was carried out on both sides, mainly along the railways by a few separate detachments (from several hundred to several thousand people) and received the name "echelon war". The Red Guard detachments of R. F. Sievers, Yu. V. Sablin and G. K. Petrov in January 1918 drove the units of General Kaledin and the White Guard Volunteer Army from the northern part of the Don region. The congress of the Don front-line Cossacks in the village of Kamenskaya on January 10-11 (23-24), 1918 formed the Donrevkom headed by F. G. Podtelkov and M. V. Krivoshlykov and formed revolutionary Cossack detachments, which a few days later defeated the officer volunteer detachment of Yesaul V. M. Chernetsova. Chernetsov and more than 40 officers who were captured, by order of F.G. Podtelkov, were executed without trial or investigation. On February 24, the Red Guard detachments occupied Rostov, on February 25 - Novocherkassk. General Kaledin shot himself, and the remnants of his troops fled to the Sal steppes. The volunteer army (3-4 thousand people) retreated with battles to the territory of the Kuban ...

Episode analysis "The scene of the massacre of Chernetsovites" (part 5, ch.12)

(Viewing film fragments of the movie "Quiet Don" (2nd series)

Twisting his wahmister's upraised mustaches, Golubov shouted hoarsely:

Melekhov, well done! You're hurt, aren't you? Damn it! Is the bone intact? - and,

without waiting for an answer, he smiled: - Head on! Head-smashed!..

The officer detachment was so dispersed that it was impossible to assemble. Got them in the tail!

Gregory asked for a smoke. Cossacks flocked all over the field and

red guards. A riding Cossack trotted from the crowd, far blackening ahead.

Forty people have been taken, Golubov! .. - he shouted from a distance. - Forty officers

and Chernetsov himself.

Are you lying?! - Golubov spun in fright in the saddle and galloped, mercilessly

chopping a tall white-legged horse with a whip.

Grigory, after waiting a little, followed him at a trot.

A dense crowd of captured officers was accompanied by a ring engulfing them,

a convoy of thirty Cossacks - the 44th regiment and one of the hundreds of the 27th. ahead

all went Chernetsov. Fleeing from persecution, he threw off his sheepskin coat and now

walked in one light leather jacket. The epaulette on his left shoulder was

cut off. There was a fresh abrasion on the face near the left eye. He went

quickly without breaking your feet. The papakha, worn on one side, gave him the appearance

carefree and youthful. And there was no shadow of fright on his pink face: he,

apparently, he had not shaved for several days - the blond growth was golden on his cheeks and

chin. Chernetsov looked sternly and quickly at the Cossacks who ran up to him;

a bitter, hateful crease loomed between her brows. He lit on the go

a match, lit a cigarette, squeezing a cigarette at the corner of pink hard lips.

Most of the officers were young, only a few had white frost.

gray hair One, wounded in the leg, lagged behind, he was pushed with a butt in the back

small big-headed and pockmarked Cossack. Almost next to Chernetsov walked

tall brave captain. Two arm in arm (one is a cornet, the other is a centurion)

walked smiling; behind them, without a hat, curly-haired and broad-shouldered, walked the cadet. On

one had a soldier's overcoat thrown wide open with epaulettes sewn

to death. Another walked without a hat, pulling his beautiful black eyes

red officer's cap; the wind carried the ends of the hood over his shoulders.

Golubov rode behind.

Leaving behind, he shouted to the Cossacks:

Listen here!.. You are responsible for the safety of the prisoners to the fullest extent.

military revolutionary time! To be delivered to the headquarters in one piece!

He called one of the mounted Cossacks, sketched, sitting on the saddle, a note:

rolling it up, handed it over to the Cossack:

Download! Give it to Podtelkov.

Turning to Gregory, he asked:

Are you going there, Melekhov?

Having received an affirmative answer, Golubov caught up with Grigory and said:

Tell Podtelkov that I am bailing Chernetsov! Understood? .. Well, so

pass. Ride.

Grigory, ahead of the crowd of prisoners, galloped to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Committee, which was standing in

field near a farm. Near a wide Tachanka tachanka, with

Podtelkov walked around with frozen wheels and a machine gun covered with a green case.

Right there, tapping their heels, the staff, orderlies, several

officers and Cossack orderlies. Minaev only recently, like Podtelkov,

returned from the chain. Sitting on the goats, he bit the white, frozen bread,

chewed crunchy.

Podtelkov! Gregory stepped aside. - Now they will bring the prisoners.

Did you read Golubov's note?

Podtelkov waved his whip forcefully; dropping low-drooping pupils,

bleeding, shouted:

I don't give a damn about Golubov!.. You never know what he wants! On bail to him

Chernetsov, this robber and counter-revolutionary?.. I won’t let you!.. Shoot

all of them - and that's it!

Golubov said he was taking him on bail.

I won't give it!.. It is said: I won't give it! Well, that's all! The revolutionary court to judge him

and punish without delay. So that it was disgraceful to others! .. You know -

he spoke more calmly, peering sharply at the approaching crowd

prisoners - do you know how much blood he released into the world? Sea!..

How many miners did he transfer? .. - and again, boiling with rage, fiercely

rolled his eyes: - I will not give! ..

There is nothing to shout here! - Grigory also raised his voice: everything was trembling in him

inside, Podtelkov's rage seemed to take root in him. - There are many of you

judges! You go there! - trembling nostrils, he pointed back ... - And above

captured you a lot of stewards!

Podtelkov walked away, his whip crumpling in his hands. From a distance he shouted:

I was there! Do not think that you escaped on a cart. And you, Melekhov, shut up

Take it!.. Got it?.. Who are you talking to?

clean up! The Revolutionary Committee judges, and not everyone ...

Grigory touched his horse to him, jumped, forgetting about the wound, from the saddle and,

shot through with pain, he fell backwards... From the wound, burning, blood sloshed.

He got up without outside help, somehow hobbled to the cart,

leaned sideways against the rear spring.

The prisoners arrived. Part of the foot escorts mixed with the orderlies and

Cossacks who were guarding the headquarters. The Cossacks have not yet cooled down from the battle,

their eyes gleamed hotly and angrily, exchanged remarks about

details and outcome of the battle.

Podtelkov, stepping heavily on the falling snow, approached the prisoners.

Chernetsov, who stood in front of them all, looked at him, screwing up his sly eyes contemptuously.

desperate eyes; freely setting aside his left leg, shaking it, crushed his white

a pink lip seized from the inside by a horseshoe of the upper teeth. Podtelkov

walked straight up to him. He was trembling all over, his unblinking eyes crawled over

pitted snow, having risen, crossed with the fearless, despising

Chernetsov's glance and broke him off with the weight of hatred.

Gotcha... bastard! - Podtelkov said in a bubbling low voice and stepped

step back; His cheeks were slashed with a crooked smile.

Traitor of the Cossacks! Scoundrel! Traitor! - through clenched teeth

Chernetsov rang.

Podtelkov shook his head, as if dodging slaps in the face, - he turned black in

cheekbones, with an open mouth flimsy sucked in air.

What happened next played out with astonishing speed. bared,

Chernetsov, who had turned pale, pressed his fists to his chest, leaning forward all over, walked

on Podtelkova. From his convulsed lips, slurred

words mixed with obscene swearing. What he said - heard one

slowly backing Podtelkov.

You'll have to... you know? Chernetsov raised his voice sharply.

These words were heard by the captured officers, and the convoy, and staff.

But-oh-oh-oh ... - as if strangled, Podtelkov wheezed, throwing his hand on the hilt


It immediately became quiet. The snow creaked distinctly under Minaev's boots,

Krivoshlykov and several other people who rushed to Podtelkov. But he

ahead of them; with the whole body turning to the right, crouching, pulled out of the scabbard

saber and, lunging forward, slashed Chernetsov with terrible force


Grigory saw how Chernetsov, trembling, raised left hand,

managed to shield himself from the blow; I saw how a cut brush broke at an angle

and the saber soundlessly fell on Chernetsov's thrown back head. First

a hat fell off, and then, like an ear broken in the stalk, slowly

fell Chernetsov, with a strangely twisted mouth and painfully screwed up,

wrinkled, as from lightning, eyes.

Podtelkov slashed him again, walked away with an aged, heavy gait,

on the move, wiping the sloping valleys of the checkers, blackened with blood.

Knocking against the cart, he turned to the guards, shouted exhausted,

Cut-and-and them... such a mother!! Everyone! .. Now there are no prisoners ... in the blood, in the heart !!

Shots fired furiously. The officers, colliding, rushed

scattered. A lieutenant with beautiful female eyes, in a red officer's

hat, ran, clutching his head with his hands. The bullet got him high

as if through a barrier, jump. He fell and didn't get up. high,

the brave captain was cut down by two. He grabbed the blades of the checkers, from the cut

blood poured from his palms on his sleeves; he screamed like a child - fell on

on his knees, on his back, rolled his head in the snow; alone were seen on the face

bloodshot eyes and a black mouth drilled with a continuous scream. By face

his flying checkers slashed across his black mouth, and he was still screaming

torn off the strap, finished him off with a shot. The curly-haired junker almost

broke through the chain - he was overtaken and killed by some

ataman. The same ataman drove a bullet between the shoulder blades of the centurion, who fled to

overcoat opened from the wind. The centurion sat down and until then scraped

fingers chest until he died. The gray-haired podsaul was killed on the spot;

parting with his life, he knocked out a deep hole in the snow with his feet and still beat,

like a good horse on a leash, if the pitiful Cossacks had not finished it.

Gregory at the first moment, as soon as the massacre began, broke away from

carts - without taking their eyes filled with dregs from Podtelkov, limping, quickly

hobbled towards him. From behind, Minaev grabbed him across, - breaking, twisting

hands, took away the revolver and, looking into the eyes with faded eyes, gasping for breath,


And you thought - how? Or they us, or we them! There is no middle!

1. What motivates the behavior of the characters?

2. How are Podtelkov and Chernetsov depicted in this scene?

3. Why does Sholokhov give detailed description the appearance of executed white officers?

4. How does Gregory feel after the massacre of white officers?

Analysis of the episode "Execution of Podtelkov and his detachment" (part 5, ch.30)

The analyzed episode is one of the key ones for understanding the ideological content of M. Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don". The most important problem is connected with this episode - the problem of humanism, the problem of a person's moral responsibility for his actions.

Grigory Melekhov, squeezing through the ragged crowd, went to the farm and came face to face with Podtelkov. He stepped back and frowned.

- And are you here, Melekhov?

A bluish pallor washed over Grigory's cheeks, and he stopped:

- Here. As you see…

- I see ... - Podtelkov smiled sideways, looking at his whitened face with a flash of hatred. - What, you shoot brothers? Turned around? .. What are you like ... - He, moving close to Grigory, whispered: - Do you serve both ours and yours? Who will give more? Oh you!..

Grigory caught him by the sleeve and gasped:

- Do you remember under Deep Fight? Do you remember how the officers were shot... They shot at your order! AND? Now you're burping! Well, don't worry! You are not the only one to tan other people's skins! You, grebe, sold the Cossacks to the Jews! Understandably? Isho say?

Embracing Christonya, he took the enraged Gregory aside.

- Come on, let's go to the horses. Go! We have nothing to do with you. Lord God, what is happening to people! ..

They went, then stopped, hearing the voice of Podtelkov. Surrounded by front-line soldiers and old men, he shouted out in a high, passionate voice:

- You are dark... blind! You are blind! Officers lured you, forced blood brothers to kill! Do you think if you beat us, it will end like this? No! Today is your top, and tomorrow you will be shot! Soviet power will be established throughout Russia. Here, mark my words! In vain you pour someone else's blood! You people are stupid!

1. How does Grigory perceive the execution of Podtelkov?

2. Why does Grigory leave the square where Podtelkov is being executed?

3. What is the similarity of this scene with the scene of the massacre of Chernetsovites?

4. What is the point of mirroring scenes like this?

(In the scene of the massacre of the Podtelkovites over the Chernetsovites near Glubokaya Balka, the force of class enmity and hatred that divided the Cossacks on the Don is clearly shown. Grigory carefully peers into the faces of the officers who are being shot (for him they are, first of all, not enemies, but living people). The execution of Podtelkov perceives, as a just punishment of God for all the evil that he caused others. (“Remember how the officers were shot in the beam? They shot at your order! Eh? Now you get revenge!”) But he leaves the square because the massacre of unarmed people is disgusting, contrary to his nature. Gregory is lost, crushed psychologically. Everywhere - whether the whites, whether the reds - deceit, savagery, cruelty, which has no justification. War corrupts people, provokes them to such actions that in a normal state a person would never have committed From episode to episode, an internal tragic discrepancy between Grigory's aspirations and the life around him grows. flattery and must make a choice for himself, decide his own fate. The hero of the novel, having committed seemingly monstrous murders and atrocities, ultimately remains a man in the full sense of the word. He is still capable of doing good, disinterested, noble deeds).

Output:“When did the civil war end there, according to your textbooks? In the 20th? No, my dear, she is still on her way. The means are just different. And don’t think that it will end soon”… This characterization by Sholokhov of the time of the revolution and the Civil War at the very end of his life helps to better understand the deep intention of “The Quiet Flows the Don”. Sholokhov's bitter words about the break in the life of the people, which determined their troubles and suffering for many decades, reveal the very essence of this great work that called the people to national unity.

I. Talkov's song "Former podesaul" sounds

The task: while it sounds song by I. Talkov, write a sequence on the theme "War"

(Sequence - a short literary work that characterizes the subject (topic), consisting of five lines, which is written according to a certain plan:

1 line - one word. The title of the poem, usually a noun.

Line 2 - two words (adjectives or participles). Description of the topic.

Line 3 - three words (verbs). Actions related to the topic.

4 line - four words - a sentence. A phrase that shows the author's attitude to the topic.

Line 5 is one word. As a rule, this is an association that repeats the essence of the topic, usually a noun.)

Execution by Chekists of captured Cossack officers on the Don

They were given shovels, they were ordered to dig graves.

Chilling from the cold, the convoy was trampling nearby.

The young officers were blindfolded with a bandage.

The young Chekist read out the verdict to the doomed.

Crosses were torn from them, shoulder straps were cut off with knives.

The machine gun belt was gobbled up by a machine gun in a minute.

And the Latvian arrows, finishing off, no longer spared cartridges.

Proletarian lead killed both the stomach and the temple.

And the golden shoulder straps remained lying on the ground,

The officer's crosses are trampled into the mud with boots.

And the hot cartridge cases have not yet cooled down,

But life is over, there is a connection between the past and the future.

And the courage and glory of Russia remained in the grave,

Jesus children of the great, crucified country,

Young, beautiful, brave, smart, strong,

Blinded by the fury of the Russian civil war.

And in the morning bright stars fell from blue skies,

And above the mass grave, wormwood was already breaking through,

Hungry dogs barked, black crows croaked.

The bloody Crimean blue was washed with dew ...

An excerpt from the autobiographical story of R.B. Gul "The Ice Campaign with Kornilov"

Chapter. Massacre of the prisoners.

They are overtaken by Lieutenant Colonel Nezhintsev, galloping towards us, stopped - a mouse-colored mare is dancing under him.
"Wishing for reprisal!" he shouts.
"What is it? - I think. - Execution? Really?" Yes, I understood: execution, these 50-60 people, with their heads and hands down.
I looked back at my officers.
"Suddenly no one will go?" - passed me.
No, they are out of line. Some are smiling shyly, some with fierce faces.
Fifteen people came out. They go to the standing bunch strangers and click the shutters.
A minute has passed.
Arrived: plee! ... Dry crackling of shots, screams, groans ...
People fell on each other, and from ten paces, tightly pressed into their rifles and legs apart, they were fired at, hastily clicking bolts. All fell. Silent groans. The shots ceased. Some of the shooters retreated.
Some, on the contrary, approached and finished off the still alive with bayonets and rifle butts.
Here it is, a real civil war ...
Near me is a staff captain, his face is like a beaten one. "Well, if we shoot like that, everyone will stand on us," he mutters softly.
The shooting officers approached.
Their faces are pale. Many have unnatural smiles wandering around, as if asking: well, how do you look at us after that?
"But how do I know! Maybe this bastard shot my relatives in Rostov!" - says, answering someone, the officer who shot.

In a poem by M. Voloshin, written in 1918, there are such lines: “I stand alone between them in a roaring flame and smoke, And with all my strength I pray for both of them.” On whose side, in your opinion, is the sympathy of the author of the poem "Execution"? Justify your answer.


From the review of the poet Alexei Surkov about the novel by M. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don":

“...Here Sasha Busygin quite thoroughly questioned whether the proletarian or non-proletarian work The Quiet Don ... It seems to me that Sholokhov wanted to make The Quiet Don undoubtedly our proletarian work, but objectively, regardless of Sholokhov’s subjective desire , the work turned out to be non-proletarian ... The poor Cossack part, represented by Mishka Koshev, is so poor internally that you immediately feel from which bell tower the author is looking at the Don steppe. This situation is further exacerbated by the fact that the entire prosperous part of this very Don Cossacks, that most of the White Guard heroes, most of the officers, in one way or another affected by Sholokhov, they look, despite the fact that they are hostile to us, they look, from the point of view of of the author with crystal-clear ideological, pure people ... It turns out that Sholokhov, in a romantic form, as Shulgin does, is trying to present the White Guard guards ... "Quiet Don" has not yet ended. But Bunchuk, whom Sholokhov put on high romantic stilts, he had already killed along with Podtyolkov. The entire poor part of the village fell out of the sphere of attention of Sholokhov ... Sholokhov does not represent either the aspirations of the middle peasants of the Don, or the aspirations of the weak Cossacks. This is a representative of a full-blooded owner, a strong, prosperous Cossacks.

Why is the poet A. Surkov convinced that M. Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Flows the Don" is not a proletarian work?


Part five

In the autumn of 1917, Cossacks began to return from the front to the Tatarsky farm: Fedot Bodovskov, Petro Melekhov, Mitka Korshunov. According to them, Grigory Melekhov remained in Kamenskaya with the Bolsheviks. Grigory, by that time promoted to cornet for military merit, really succumbed to the strong influence of Fedor Podtelkov, a Cossack who played one of the main roles in the history of the revolutionary movement on the Don. Podtelkov stands for popular self-government, is not listed in any party, but he supports the doctrine of the Bolsheviks. The simple truth of Podtelkov outweighed in Grigory's soul the dubious rantings about the fate of the Cossacks of another fellow soldier, centurion Efim Izvarin, who had seduced Melekhov with his ideas. Izvarin, an educated man, a connoisseur of the history of the Cossacks, stood for the autonomy of the Region of the Don Cossacks, for the establishment of that order on the Don, which was even before the enslavement of the Cossacks by the autocracy. The idea of ​​autonomy attracted many Cossacks.

They were for the Bolsheviks, since they opposed the war, but against Bolshevism, since for the most part the Cossack is a prosperous person and is not going to divide his land. Gregory, cut off from his home for many years, also departed from the cramped Cossack truth.

In Kamenskaya, a congress of front-line soldiers was held, where Grigory met with fellow countrymen. Podtelkov presided. Bolsheviks from Moscow spoke at the congress. The congress of front-line soldiers gradually developed into the elections of the Cossack Military Revolutionary Committee. Lenin, who learned about this, announced that forty-six Cossack regiments on the Don called themselves the government and were fighting Kaledin. A delegation of Cossacks, headed by Podtelkov, went to Kaledin's headquarters with the intention of persuading him to voluntarily relinquish his powers and transfer power to the hands of the Soviet. The hope for a peace agreement with the Bolsheviks and with the Military Circle did not leave the front-line soldiers. Only members of the delegation Podtelkov, Lagutin and Krivoshlykov doubted this. The atmosphere of rejection and hostility that enveloped the members of the committee immediately upon their arrival in Novocherkassk cooled the peace-loving Cossacks. The unsuccessful meeting in the village of Kamenskaya between members of the Military Circle and the Military Revolutionary Committee was repeated, but this time in Novocherkassk.

Kaledin only had to buy time: Chernetsov's detachment began to operate in the rear of the Bolshevik-minded villages. The military government was not going to give up its powers, in the form of an ultimatum, offering the Military Revolutionary Committee of Front-line Soldiers to terminate the agreement with the Council of People's Commissars.

Not only Gregory thought about the future fate of his relatives and homeland. Few Cossacks remained on the farm, who would have calmly experienced the formidable revolutionary years. Tatar, like the rest of the Don Army, was divided into obolevich front-line soldiers and Cossacks loyal to the government. There was a hidden, sometimes breaking civil strife. The beginnings of a civil war were ripening.

And no matter how much the Cossacks, tired of exhausting battles, wanted to avoid bloodshed, the confrontation escalated. Novocherkassk attracted everyone who fled from the Bolshevik revolution. Generals Alekseev, Denikin, Lukomsky, Markov, Erdeli arrived here. Kornilov also appeared here. Kaledin pulled all the Cossack regiments from the fronts and placed them along the Novocherkassk-Chertkovo-Rostov-Tikhoretskaya railway line. But there was little hope for the Cossacks, who were tired of the war. The first campaign against Rostov failed: the Cossacks turned around without permission, refusing to go on the offensive. However, already on December 2, Rostov was completely occupied by volunteer units. With the arrival of Kornilov, the center of the Volunteer Army was moved there. In turn, the poorly trained Red Guard detachments were preparing to fight back. On behalf of the Bolsheviks, Bunchuk arrived in Rostov from Novocherkassk. He had to organize a machine-gun team in a short time.

Among the former workers, and now students of the machine gunner Bunchuk, there was a woman, Anna Pogudko, who shows extraordinary abilities and an unfeminine desire to master military weapons. In the past, a schoolgirl, then a worker from the Asmolov factory, now a “faithful comrade”, Anna gradually wins Bunchuk's heart. Their relationship is uncertain.

Bunchuk had a chance to know the full extent of Anya's fidelity: she was by his side both in battle and during all the months of his protracted serious illness. It was she who left Ilya Bunchuk, who fell ill with typhus after the battle near Glubokaya. Caring for the seriously ill Bunchuk turns out to be a serious test of Anna's feelings, but she endures it. Upon Bunchuk's recovery, Abramson transferred Anna to new job to Lugansk. Bunchuk went to storm Novocherkassk.

Chernetsov occupied the village of Kamenskaya, went to Glubokaya. Scattered, unorganized, although significant forces of the Doprevkom were forced to retreat. From among the elected commanders, the military foreman Golubov appeared. Under his strict command, the Cossacks gathered and defended Glubokaya. Grigory Melekhov took command of one of the divisions of the 2nd reserve regiment on the orders of Golubov. But in the first battle, Gregory was wounded in the leg. Then Chernetsov was taken prisoner, with him - officers.

Golubov bailed Chernetsov and the officers captured with him. However, despite the note from the military commander Golubov, Podtelkov killed Chernetsov, and committed brutal reprisals against the officers. This shook Grigory Melekhov's confidence in the importance of the cause of Bolshevism.

Having healed in the infirmary, Gregory decided to return home. His second return was bleak.

After the Kaledinites thrashed the revolutionary Cossack units, the Don Revolutionary Committee asked for support from the head of military operations against Kaledin and the counter-revolutionary Ukrainian Rada. Red Guard detachments were sent to help the Cossacks. They contributed to the defeat of the Chernetsov punitive detachment and the restoration of the position of the Don Revolutionary Committee. The initiative passed into the hands of the revolutionary Cossacks. The enemy was pressed to Novocherkassk. At an emergency meeting of members of the Don government in the ataman's palace, Kaledin spoke. He was weary of his power, tired of the senseless, protracted bloodshed. Having transferred the government to the City Duma, Kaledin finds the only way out for himself in suicide: the main thing is to stop the enmity and hatred that has swept over the Don. The news of Kaledin's death was brought to the farm by Pantelei Prokofievich, at the same time as this news came a message about the entry of the Red Guard detachments into the lands of the Don Cossacks and the retreat of the Volunteer Army.

All these events required an immediate decision from the farm Cossacks: which side to take, for whom to fight. That war was inevitable was beyond doubt. The Cossacks hesitated. They were tired of the bloodshed and were not too eager to enter a new war. Jack offered to run. Ivan Alekseevich and Khristonya expressed doubts about the timeliness and expediency of the escape. Gregory opposed the flight. Jack was supported only by Mishka Koshevoy.

However, the escape failed (Knave was shot on the spot, Mishka was spared, flogged in the square and released), and Grigory, along with Khristonia and many other front-line Cossacks, was recorded as a "volunteer" in the counter-revolutionary Cossack detachment.

Pyotr Melekhov was chosen as a detachment, the military merits of his younger brother crossed out his biography: he fought on the side of the Bolsheviks.

The volunteer army retreated to the Kuban.

Only the marching ataman of the Don Cossacks, General Popov, with a detachment of about 1600 sabers, with five guns and forty machine guns, refused to speak. Perfectly feeling the mood of the Cossacks, who did not want to leave their native places, and fearing desertion, Popov decided to take the detachment to the winter quarters in the Salsky district in order to make partisan attacks from there to the rear of the villages.

But the Bolsheviks also missed the chance for an early peaceful end to the civil war on the Don. At the end of April, the upper villages of the Donetsk district broke away, forming their own Verkhnedonskaya district.

Under the influence of the criminal elements who flooded the detachments, the Red Guards committed excesses along the roads. Some completely decomposed subdivisions had to be disarmed and disbanded by the Revolutionary Committee.

One of these detachments of the 2nd Socialist Army camped for the night near the village of Setrakov. Despite the threats and prohibitions of the commanders, the Red Guards went to the farm in droves, began to slaughter sheep, raped two Cossack women on the edge of the farm, and opened fire on the square for no reason. At night, the outposts got drunk, and at that time three riding Cossacks, expelled from the farm, were already raising parods in the surrounding farms, putting together detachments from front-line soldiers. An hour after the attack of the Cossacks, the detachment was destroyed: more than two hundred people were chopped and shot, about five hundred were taken prisoner. This was the reason for the split of the Donetsk region.

Only in the north were the centers of the revolution still glimmering. Podtelkov reached out to them, having assembled an expedition in order to mobilize front-line soldiers. However, this was not an easy task: the paths were clogged with trains of Red Army troops retreating from Ukraine.

guardsmen, rebel Cossacks blew up bridges, German airplanes bombarded the roads every day. Podtelkov decided to continue on foot. The population of the Ukrainian settlements received the detachment with noticeable cordiality, but the closer it moved to the Krasnokutsk village, the more tangible was the wariness and coldness of the local residents. Finally, the detachment entered the lands of the Krasnokutsk village, where Podtelkov's most disturbing fears were confirmed: according to the shepherd, the Council in the village was covered, the ataman was elected, who warned the Cossacks about the approach of the Podtelkov propaganda detachment. People fled from the Reds.

Podtelkov, who stood to the last for moving forward, began to doubt, decided to return, at that moment they were discovered by a Cossack patrol. They did not immediately attack, they waited for darkness, and at night delegates were sent to the Kalashnikov farm, where the detachment stopped, with a proposal for the immediate surrender of weapons. The Podtelkovsky Cossacks were ready for this: no one was going to fight with their former brother-soldiers. The apparent peace-loving attitude bribed the former front-line soldiers. Until the last, only Bunchuk resisted (he, along with Lagutin and Krivoshlykov, was part of the expedition).

In one of the battles, Anna Pogudko was mortally wounded. She died in the arms of Bunchuk. After that, Bunchuk could not come to his senses for a long time.

The Red Guards, who did not want to surrender their weapons, were disarmed by force. The prisoners began to be beaten. So they drove them to the Ponomarev farm, where, after rewriting, they closed them in a cramped shack. Bunchuk and three other Red Army soldiers refused to give their data. A military field court, hastily organized from representatives of the farms involved in the capture of Podtelkov, sentenced all the prisoners to death, Podtelkov himself and Krivoshlykov to hang. The following morning, the sentence was carried out. By this time, a detachment arrived under the command of cornet Peter Melekhov. In response to the offer to participate in the execution, Peter was indignant.

This picture seemed too familiar to Grigory, who arrived with Peter's detachment, therefore, when Podtelkov noticed him, Grigory remembered the same cries and groans, the same anger and cruelty unleashed with the connivance of Podtelkov himself. And again feeling the same bitterness, pain and alienation, Gregory left, accompanied by Christonya (who also did not want to be involved in this villainy).

Podtelkov and his deputy Krivoshlykov died by hanging. They tried to the end to maintain morale in their comrades. Before his death, Podtelkov delivered his last propaganda speech - about how he sought to protect the interests of the working people, but this protection, in the form in which he understood it, turned out to be unnecessary for the Cossacks. They tried to hang Podtelkov twice, and both times he broke down. He died only after someone dug a hole under his feet.

Fedor Podtelkov in the last minutes of his life understood all the ugliness of the civil war, all its hopelessness; he did not explode with anger and hatred for his murderers in his dying word, he forgave and pitied them for their deeds.

The establishment of the Soviet power on the Don.

May 10, 1918 a gang of White Cossacks, fearing an open clash, deceitfully disarmed Podtelkov's detachment.

The next day, May 11, 1918 over the leaders of the Don government, Fedor Podtelkov and Mikhail Krivoshlykov, a massacre took place, as well as his entire detachment in the Ponomarev farm.
The mass murder was carried out in front of the inhabitants of the nearest farms - to intimidate the population.

It should be noted that they started their political Olympus from the village of Kamenskaya. The Kamensky Bolsheviks at the initial stage gave them great support.
The White Cossacks created special "hunting" detachments to capture and destroy "apostates" who were going to create red regiments. Convinced that the path to the north was closed, F. G. Podtelkov decided to go to the peasant volosts of the Donetsk district to join with the detachments of E. A. Shchadenko. But by this time his detachment was almost already surrounded by white Cossacks. The bandits demanded that the Podtelkovites surrender their weapons, promising to let them go north, to their native villages.

As soon as the weapons were handed over, the White Guards surrounded the podtelkovites and drove them under escort to the hut. Ponomarev camp. Krasnokutskaya. On the same day, the White Guard court sentenced F. G. Podtelkov and M. V. Krivoshlykov to hanging, and the remaining 78 captured members of the expedition to death.

May 11, 1918 near the farm. Ponomarev there was a massacre. Podtelkov and Krivoshlykov held themselves exceptionally firmly. With a noose around his neck, Podtelkov addressed the people with a speech, he called on the Cossacks not to believe the officers and chieftains.
“Only one thing: don’t go back to the old one!” - Podtelkov managed to shout his last words ...

So the best sons of the Don Cossacks met death courageously.

A year later, when the hut. Ponomarev by the Soviet troops, a modest obelisk was erected on the grave of the heroes with the words inscribed on it: "You killed individuals, we will kill classes."

In 1968, a monument was erected on the grave of F. G. Podtelkov, M. V. Krivoshlykov and their comrades-in-arms near the Ponomarev farm. On the 15-meter obelisk is carved: "To prominent figures of the revolutionary Cossacks Fyodor Podtelkov and Mikhail Krivoshlykov and their 83 comrades-in-arms who died from the White Cossacks in May 1918."

Volume 2 of M. A. Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don” describes the execution of Fyodor Podtelkov and Mikhail Krivoshlykov, as well as his entire detachment in the Ponomarev farm.
Fedor Grigorievich Podtelkov was born in the Krutovsky farm of the Ust-Khoperskaya village of the Ust-Medvedetsky district in the family of a poor Cossack Grigory Onufrievich Podtelkov. From early childhood, he helped his mother with the housework. Fedor lost his father at a very young age. He was raised by his grandfather. The boy had to walk six kilometers to school every day. It's time to serve in the army. The tall, broad-shouldered Fyodor Podtelkov was enrolled in the 6th Guards Battery, which served in royal palace In Petersburg. During the First World War, for the courage and courage shown in battles, constable F.G. Podtelkov was awarded two St. George's crosses, the medal "For Courage". Received the rank of sergeant.
After the February Revolution, the cadet Podtelkov was elected commander of the 6th Guards Battery. After the October Revolution, the battery went over to the side of the Bolsheviks.

On the Don, after the proclamation of Soviet power, Ataman Kaledin launched an offensive. In the village of Kamenskaya, at the suggestion of the Bolsheviks, a congress of front-line Cossacks was convened. F.G. took an active part in its work. Podtelkov. The congress declared the power of Ataman Kaledin overthrown and formed the Don Regional Military Revolutionary Committee. Fyodor Podtelkov was elected Chairman of the VRC, and Mikhail Krivoshlykov was elected Secretary.
Podtelkov participated in the battles with the Kaledin Cossacks, the formation and strengthening of the revolutionary Cossack units, in the convening and work of the 1st Congress of Soviets of the Don Republic in 1918.
The Don Republic was formed at the end of March 1918, and on April 9, the 1st Congress of Soviets of the Don Republic met in Rostov, at which the Central Executive Committee was elected, headed by the communist V.S. Kovalev. The Central Executive Committee formed the Council of People's Commissars of the Don Republic. F.G. became its chairman. Podtelkov.


Installed in front of the building of the city museum of local lore, where the military revolutionary committee worked in 1918.
The opening took place on November 5, 1974. S. I. Kudinov, an honorary citizen of the city of Kamensk, spoke at the rally, who knew F. Podtelkov and M. Krivoshlykov well.
The author of the monument is the Rostov sculptor A. Kh. Dzhlauyan.

Sections: Literature

The purpose of the lesson: to show the inevitability of the tragic fate of Grigory Melekhov, the connection of this tragedy with the fate of the country.

Equipment: technological map of the lesson, textbooks, notebooks, the text of the epic novel "Quiet Don" by M.A. Sholokhov, episodes from the film by S.A. Gerasimov "Quiet Flows the Don", color reproductions of the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.
2. Conversation on questions (repetition of the material covered).
3. Learning new material.
4. Summing up.
5. Grading.
6. Homework with an explanation.


teacher's word. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

Students are asked to answer the following questions:

1. Name the genre of the work "Quiet Flows the Don" (Epic novel).
2. List the historical events depicted in the novel (The First World War, the Civil War, the uprising of the Cossacks on the Don).
3. Indicate the name of the village where the events of the novel mainly unfold (Khutor Tatarsky).
4. In what year did Sholokhov receive the Nobel Prize for the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" (1965)
5. What does "Cossack" mean in translation from Turkic? (brave, daring)
6. Why does the author use dialectisms? (To create color)

Learning new material

Teacher's word. Heroes of Sholokhov are simple people, but bright, strong, strong-willed. Grigory Melekhov - main character Romana is a brave, honest, conscientious and truly talented person. He is the Cavalier of St. George, which speaks of the courage and heroism of Melekhov the warrior.

Student message(History of the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George).

(Demonstration of color illustrations of the order).

The insignia of the military order, usually called the "George Cross" was established in 1807 by the Russian Emperor Alexander I. It was intended to reward the lower ranks of the army and navy for feats and courage in wartime. To deserve "Egoriy" was possible only by real courage and fearlessness in battle. It was worn on the chest in front of all medals on a ribbon with equal orange and black stripes in the colors of the Order of St. George. On the front side of the medallion, Saint George was depicted striking a snake with a spear, and on the other side of the medallion, intertwined monograms S. and G.
Among the lower ranks, this was the most honorable and respected award, which was not removed from the chest even during further promotion to the officer rank and, being already in the officer rank, was proudly worn on the chest with other officer awards. The insignia of the military order was the most democratic award for the lower ranks, because. could be awarded regardless of rank, class, and in some cases the recipients were chosen by decision of a meeting of a company or battalion. The lower ranks, awarded the distinction, received a lifetime pension and were exempted from corporal punishment, and also enjoyed a number of benefits due to the status of the order.
Initially, only the lower ranks of the Orthodox faith could receive a distinction, while the rest were awarded medals for courage and zeal. This caused dissatisfaction on the part of the lower ranks, representatives of other faiths, because. any soldier dreamed of having a cross with the image of a warrior on his chest. Since 1844, the insignia of the military order began to be awarded to the lower ranks - non-Christian denominations. Such signs were distinguished by the fact that on the front and back sides in the central medallion was placed the state emblem of Russia - a double-headed eagle.
1st degree - a golden cross on a St. George ribbon with a bow.
2 degree - a golden cross on a St. George ribbon without a bow.
3rd degree - a silver cross on a St. George ribbon with a bow.
4th degree - a silver cross on a St. George ribbon without a bow.

Special rights and benefits of persons awarded the St. George Cross:

- The George Cross has never been removed.
- The widow of the recipient after his death used the money due to him on the cross for another year.
- Cash distributions during the service were carried out as an increase in salary, and after dismissal from active service, as a pension.
- When awarding the St. George Cross of the 4th degree, the next rank complained at the same time.
- Having the St. George Cross, both employees and reserve and retired lower ranks who fell into a crime, were deprived of the St. George Cross only as a matter of court.
- In case of loss or unintentional loss of the St. George Cross by any of the lower ranks, even if it is a reserve or retired, a new cross is issued to him, at the request of the subject authorities, free of charge.

Teacher's word. Grigory is a full cavalier of the Order of St. George's Cross, received an officer's rank. Cossack troops are one of the most combat-ready units of the regular Russian army.

Student's report on the participation of Cossack troops in hostilities.

For the first time, the Don Cossacks began to act jointly with the Russian army during the reign of Ivan 1U. Having mastered the tactical art of the Russian army, the Cossacks developed their own methods of cavalry fighting in battles with the Turks and nomadic peoples. After the suppression of the Bulavin uprising, the tsarist government deprived the Cossacks of many privileges.
During the First World War, the Cossack formations were among the most combat-ready units of the Russian army. Among the Cossacks there were the smallest losses of manpower, for the entire time of hostilities only one banner was lost. The Cossacks were well versed in all types of weapons, they were excellent at dzhigitovka. During the First World War, there was a great shortage of funds, and the government collected donations to the Fatherland Defense Fund. One of these collections was the collection of awards from precious metals to the state fund. Everywhere in the army and navy, lower ranks and officers surrendered their awards of silver and gold. Documents confirming these facts have been preserved in the archives.

teacher's word. Let's see how the hero treated military service. A Cossack nicknamed Chubaty teaches Gregory the famous blow that cuts a man in two. Gregory cannot master the technique of this terrible blow in any way.

Question. Why can't Melekhov master this blow?

Episode No. 1. Conversation between Grigory and Chubatoy (book 1, part 3, chapter 12)

- You are strong, but you are a fool to cut. That's how it should be, Chubaty taught, and his saber in an oblique flight hit the target with monstrous force. - Chop the man boldly. He is a soft man, like dough, Chubaty taught, laughing with his eyes. - Don't think how or what. You are a Cossack, your job is to chop without asking, Foul, he is a man ... Evil spirits, stinks on the ground, lives like a toadstool mushroom. You have a liquid heart, but I have a solid one.
“You have a wolf heart, or maybe you don’t have any,” Grigory objected.
Output. Sholokhov uses the antithesis. Chubaty imposes on Grigory his understanding of the war, where there is no mercy, no feeling of compassion. The whole nature of Gregory opposes the cruelty that is behind this blow, the hero feels pain for a person (these are the words of Sholokhov).

teacher's word. Grigory proposes to send the captured officer to headquarters. Chubaty volunteered to escort the prisoner.

Episode No. 2. The capture of an officer (book 1, part 3, chapter 12)

A few minutes later, a horse's head appeared from behind a pine tree. Chubaty rode back.
- Well? .. - the constable jumped in fright. - Missed it?
Waving his whip, Chubaty rode up, dismounted, stretched. - He escaped ... I thought to run away. I cut him down.
"You're lying," shouted Gregory. - Killed for nothing!
- What are you making noise? Do you care? Don't go where you don't have to! Understood? Don't climb! Chubaty repeated sternly.
Pulling the rifle by the belt, Grigory swiftly threw it to his shoulder. His finger jumped, not falling on the trigger, his brown face looked strangely sideways.
- But! the constable shouted menacingly, running up to Grigory.
The shock preceded the shot, and the bullet, upholstering the needles from the pines, sang viscously and loudly. The constable, shoving Grigory in the chest, snatched the rifle from him, only Chubaty did not change his position: he still stood with his leg aside, holding his belt with his left hand.
“I’ll kill you!” Grigory rushed towards him.
- Yes, what are you? Like this? Do you want to go to court, to be shot? Lay down your weapons, the officer yelled, and, pushing Grigory aside, stood between them, swearing his hands with a crucifix.

Question. What is this episode about? Why does Grigory want to kill Chubaty?

Answer. Grigory's attempt to kill Chubaty is an attempt to punish evil.

Output. War as mass murder is not Grigory Melekhov's element. By nature, he is a peaceful person. The tragedy of a man in war is forced murder. Gregory dreams of a house. He says to his brother: “I would have been at home now, I would have flown if I had wings.”

Teacher's word. After the October Revolution, the country split. Many yesterday's friends, fellow soldiers, relatives became on different sides, turned out to be enemies. Each side has its own position, its own, though. But Gregory does not share any of the positions. If the heroes of the novel evaluate what is happening only from the point of view of their own truth, then Grigory thinks on a large scale, in his mind there are other categories: war and peace, life and death. That's why Gregory is sometimes with whites, sometimes with reds. He does not find his truth anywhere.

Episode No. 3 The execution of Chernetsov (book 2, part 5, chapter 12),

Podtelkov, stepping heavily on the fallen snow, approached the prisoners. Chernetsov, who stood in front, looked at him, screwing up his bright, desperate eyes contemptuously. Podtelkov approached him point-blank. He was trembling all over, his unblinking eyes crawling over the pitted snow.
- Gotcha, bastard! - Podtelkov said in a bubbling low voice and took a step back; His cheeks were slashed with a black smile.
- A traitor to the Cossacks! Scoundrel! Traitor! Chernetsov rang through clenched teeth.
Podtelkov shook his head as if dodging slaps. What happened next played out with astonishing speed. It became quiet. The snow creaked distinctly under the boots of Minaev, Krivoshlykov and several other people, who rushed to Podtelkov. But he got ahead of them; he slashed Chernetsov on the head with terrible force. Grigory saw how Chernetsov, trembling, raised his left hand above his head, saw how a severed wrist broke at an angle and the saber soundlessly fell on Chernetsov's thrown back head.
Podtelkov, already lying down, hacked him again, walked away as an aged, overweight marching soldier, wiping the sloping valleys of his checkers, black with blood, as he went.
Grigory tore himself away from the cart, keeping his bloodshot eyes on Podtelkov, quickly hobbled towards him, Minaev grabbed him from behind, wringing his arms, twisting his arms, and took away the revolver.

Question. Why did Gregory want to stand up for the enemies with whom he fought to the death a few hours ago?

Student response. Gregory is against the killing of unarmed prisoners, because. considers it a crime.

teacher's word. Grigory Melekhov decides to leave the Reds and join the Whites.

Episode No. 4. The execution of Podtelkov. Watching an episode from the film by S.A. Gerasimov "Quiet Flows the Don"

Question. Why do you think M.A. Sholokhov placed these two episodes side by side in the novel?

Student response. These two episodes are placed side by side by the author to show wrongness and lawlessness both on the part of the Reds and on the part of the Whites.

Output. Evil begets evil, the flow of violence cannot be stopped.

teacher's word. Gregory's throwing between the Reds and the Whites testifies to the contradiction of his character. When describing the hero, Sholokhov very often uses the technique - antithesis. Peaceful consciousness is opposed to the consciousness of war. The hero wants peace and silence, and all around is war and violence. And this is the tragedy of man, the tragedy of a generation, the tragedy of a people who was drawn into a fratricidal civil war, where there is no place for the observance of the law, there is no place for mercy, where there are no prisoners. It is not the hero who is split in his mind, but the world is torn apart. Guys! Remember the works about the civil war that we studied.

Students response. I. Babel "Letter", "Crossing the Zbruch", M.A. Sholokhov "Mole".

Episode No. 5. A conversation between Grigory and Mikhail Koshevoy in the Melikhovs' house. Viewing frames from the film by S.A. Gerasimov "Quiet Flows the Don"

Mikhail is a friend of Melikhov, they grew up and served together. Michael is married to Gregory's sister.

Question. What cannot Michael forgive a friend of his youth?

Answer. Mikhail cannot forgive Gregory for serving with the Whites.

Question. What thought sounds in the words of Gregory: "If you remember everything, you have to live like wolves."

Student response. A very important thought sounds - reconciliation, unity is necessary.

Output. To live on, you need to forgive each other. But this is also the tragedy of Grigory Melekhov and the hundreds of thousands of Russian people who could not find this reconciliation. Each of the opposing sides had its own truth. Therefore, the ending is tragic: Grigory's family is scattered, his beloved woman dies, the house is devastated, after long ordeals the hero returns home. The whole horror of the civil war lies in the fact that honest, worthy people who passionately love Russia spoke on both sides, but no one wanted to hear the other side, to find common ground for unity and understanding. The tragedy of Gregory lies in the need for truth and the impossibility of achieving it.

Episode No. 6. The death of Aksinya (book 4, part 8, chapter 17)

Aksinya pulled on the reins and, throwing herself back, fell on her side. Grigory managed to support her, otherwise she would have fallen.
- Were you hurt? Where did it go?! Speak now!.. – Grigory asked hoarsely.
She was silent and leaned harder and harder on his arm. As he galloped, clutching her to himself, Grigory gasped and whispered:
- For God's sake! At least a word! Yes, what are you?!
Aksinya died in Grigory's arms shortly before dawn. Consciousness never returned to her. He silently kissed her lips, cold and salty with blood, carefully lowered her onto the grass, stood up. An unknown force pushed him in the chest, and he backed away, fell on his back, but immediately jumped to his feet in fright. And once again he fell, painfully hitting his bare head on a stone. Then, without rising from his knees, he took out a saber from its scabbard and began to dig a grave. The earth was moist and pliable. He was in a hurry, but choking was pressing on his throat, and to make it easier to breathe, he tore his shirt.
He buried his Aksinya in the bright morning light. Already in the grave, he crossed her dead, whitened, swarthy hands on his chest, covered his face with a head scarf so that the earth would not fall asleep her half-open, motionlessly directed to the sky and already beginning to fade eyes, He said goodbye to her, firmly believing that they would part for a short time. …

Question. How does Gregory survive the death of his beloved woman?

Answer. The personal life of the protagonist is tragic. With the death of Aksinya comes the realization that the worst tragedy in his life has happened.

Question. What remains for Gregory? Find the answer in the text of the novel.

Student response (Book 4, Part 8, Chapter 17).

Gregory finally returns home, to his father's house, to his native land, takes his son in his arms. Life goes on.

Final word from the teacher. Author's position lies in the fact that it is impossible to achieve the ideal, but this does not mean that one should not strive for it, because we must be responsible to future generations. And when we leave, this heavy burden will fall on your shoulders.

Summarizing, grading.

Homework. Prepare for an essay based on the novel by M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don". (Themes for preparation for the composition are announced).

One hundred years ago, on January 23 (according to the new style), 1918, the Congress of the front-line Cossacks was assembled in the village of Kamenskaya, which elected the Cossack Military Revolutionary Committee, headed by Fedor Podtelkov and Mikhail Krivoshlykov. It was this committee that proclaimed itself the supreme authority on the Don, recognizing the supremacy of the Moscow Council of People's Commissars. From this moment begins the active participation in the Civil War of the Don Cossacks, which until then observed "neutrality".

First flashes

As a matter of fact, fighting on the Don began earlier, at the end of 1917. While the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks was celebrating in Petrograd, Ataman Alexei Kaledin said that « The military government, considering such a seizure of power by the Bolsheviks as criminal ... temporarily, until the restoration of the power of the Provisional Government and order in Russia, assumed the full executive state power in the Don region. On October 27 (hereinafter, all dates are in the old style), Kaledin even invited members of the Provisional Government to the Don to organize an armed struggle, and introduced martial law in the region. Supporters of the Soviet government did not agree with this state of affairs, and asked for help from their associates outside the region.

In 1917, the sailors were one of the pillars of the revolution. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Ships arrived in Rostov on November 24 Black Sea Fleet, which arrived revolutionary-minded sailors. Blood has not yet been shed en masse, but the parties have demonstrated their readiness to take decisive action. Kaledin demanded that the ships be withdrawn back, and that the Red Guard detachments created in Rostov be disarmed, but this ultimatum was ignored. At the same time, a political game was going on to pull power over to themselves: on November 26, the Rostov Bolsheviks announced that power in the region was passing into the hands of the Rostov Military Revolutionary Committee.

Thus, two governments arose on the Don, each of which considered only itself legitimate. These days arrived in the region General Kornilov, and the creation of the white Volunteer Army began. The Reds did not sit idle, by December 25, 1917 Antonov-Ovseenko almost without resistance occupied the western part of the Donets Basin.

Where the scales will swing depended on the Don Cossacks - however, most of the Cossacks took a wait-and-see attitude.

Elite Troops

It must be admitted that the Cossacks as a whole were faithful to the idea of ​​a monarchy (in addition, they swore personally to the emperor). But after the abdication of the king from the throne, it became unclear who to serve. Neither the Bolsheviks, nor Kaledin and the Provisional Government supported by him, were, from the point of view of the Cossacks, completely legitimate power.

Therefore, the Don Cossacks, who fought on the fronts of the First World War, preferred mainly to remain neutral - and although the Cossack detachments under the command of Chernetsov had already actively shown themselves in suppressing mining uprisings in the neighboring Donbass, the bulk of the Don Cossacks took a wait-and-see attitude. Meanwhile, the personal data of the Cossacks were such that they were able to easily change the entire balance of power on the Don.

“Judge for yourself - according to official data, only the First world war 117 thousand Cossacks were called up, of which a little more than 3 thousand people were killed, and only 170 were captured. At the same time, 37 thousand Cossacks received St. George's crosses for exploits on the battlefield. Only the most elite units of the special forces can boast of such effectiveness of actions, as well as the ratio of achievements and losses today, ”said at the presentation of a photo album dedicated to the participation of the Cossacks in the First World War, Doctor of Historical Sciences SSC RAS ​​Andrey Venkov.

The Cossacks showed themselves perfectly on the fronts of the First World War (in the illustration - soldiers of the German and Austrian armies taken prisoner are patrolling, photo from the album Don Cossacks in the First World War). Photo: / Sergey Khoroshavin

However, these people, who had gone through the fire of war, hesitated. Most of the Cossacks did not want to fight. That is why the first attempts to create a Volunteer Army failed. In total, about 5,000 officers, cadets and high school students enrolled in the ranks of the White Guard.

No wonder the Whites on the Don could not resist. By January 28, 1918, the Red detachments occupied Taganrog, February 10 Rostov and February 12 - Novocherkassk. The small detachments of the Volunteer Army could no longer hold back the advance of the Red troops and retreated to the Kuban.

Ataman Alexei Kaledin, who did not receive the support of the front-line Cossacks and did not see the opportunity to stop the Bolshevik detachments, resigned as a military ataman and shot himself.

Subhorunzhy and Ensign

Brave Cossack Fyodor Podtelkov Photo: Wikipedia

The mass involvement of the Don Cossacks in hostilities began after the same Cossack Military Revolutionary Committee, headed by cadet Fyodor Podtelkov and Ensign Mikhail Krivoshlykov.

Podtyolkov was born on the farm Krutovsky farm in the present Volgograd region. Since 1909 - he was in the army, served as an artilleryman in the guards horse artillery. He went through the entire First World War, becoming a consistent supporter of the Bolsheviks by the end of it. Broad-shouldered, tall, with a booming voice, Podtelkov was a born leader, and it is not surprising that it was he who was at the head of the Red Cossacks.

His colleague, Mikhail Krivoshlykov, was of a different type. In the same 1909, when Podtelkov went into the army, Krivoshlykov entered the Donskoy Agricultural School, which he graduated with excellent marks. During his studies, he edited a student newspaper, and after that he worked as an agronomist, studying, in absentia, at the Kiev Commercial Institute. However, when the war began, Krivoshlykov did not escape mobilization. As a person who received some kind of education, he was appointed to the officer position of commander of foot reconnaissance, and then hundreds.

“Being completely invisible before the coup, he began to attract attention in the very first days of the revolution not only by the harshness and extremeness of his judgments, but also by the rude recklessness, the destructive nature of his actions. “Revolutionary” demands in relation to school discipline, attacks against the officers and accusations of “counter-revolutionary”, removal from the walls and beating of royal portraits, ”such were Krivoshlykov’s speeches,” the Cossack magazine told about the young officer in 1918 "Don Wave".

It was these two who were at the head of the Red Cossacks, and in many respects it was their actions of Podtelkov and Krivoshlykov that led to a mass uprising on the Don, which ended with their death and the tragedy of the entire Don Cossacks.

Brother to brother

The Soviet government, having just established itself on the Don, immediately began to implement its promises, including "land - to the peasants." The trouble was that the main part of the land fund in the region belonged to the Cossacks, and landless peasants could be endowed with allotments only at their expense. The Don Cossacks, to put it mildly, did not like it.

Detachments of the Red Guards did not like the Cossacks. Photo: Wikipedia

The first sparks of rebellions began to flare up, which the Bolsheviks tried to crush by force. Arrests, requisitions, executions began. Podtelkov and Krivoshlykov actively participated in these actions. In addition, Podtelkov stained himself with reprisals against prisoners.

Colonel Vasily Chernetsov became famous for both dashing military operations and punitive actions Photo: Wikipedia

Immediately after the proclamation of the Military Revolutionary Committee, a Cossack detachment was sent to destroy it. Colonel Vasily Chernetsov, however, the Reds managed to break it, and the colonel was captured.

Further, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, the following happened - “on the way, Podtelkov mocked Chernetsov - Chernetsov was silent. When Podtelkov hit him with a whip, Chernetsov pulled out a small Browning gun from the inner pocket of his sheepskin coat and point-blank ... clicked at Podtelkov, there was no cartridge in the barrel of the pistol - Chernetsov forgot about this, without giving a cartridge from the clip. Podtelkov pulled out his saber, slashed him in the face, and five minutes later the Cossacks rode on, leaving Chernetsov's chopped-up corpse in the steppe.

It was this murder that became the formal reason for the execution of Podtelkov himself, when he, in turn, fell into the hands of the insurgent Cossacks. And it happened already in May of the same year.

The Soviet government started mobilization on the Don, which led to a mass uprising of the Cossacks. The power of the Bolsheviks on the Don collapsed in a matter of days, and the Cossacks made their choice. On May 10, a detachment of Podtelkov and Krivoshlykov was captured. They surrendered almost without a fight, apparently counting on the good attitude of fellow countrymen, especially since the commanders of the detachments knew each other. However, times have changed - the Civil War was gaining momentum, breaking and destroying friendly and family ties. The next day, Podtyolkov and Krivoshlykov were hanged in the Ponomarev village of the village by the verdict of the court of Cossack elders for the execution of the captive Chernetsov. All 78 captured members of his detachment were also shot.