Calorie homemade cottage cheese and dietary properties. Useful properties of homemade cottage cheese for humans Harm from eating cottage cheese

One of the most common fermented milk products is cottage cheese. To date, there are several types of it, the main difference of which is the fat content of the product. Also, various curd masses with flavoring additives or fruit fillers are prepared from cottage cheese.

Homemade cottage cheese is considered the most delicious and healthy. This product has the highest fat content among other curd products. Depending on the products used, it can reach 30%.

Nutritional value of 100 grams homemade cottage cheese will be like this:

  • proteins 15.5 grams;
  • fats from 23 grams;
  • carbohydrates 3.3 grams.

Cottage cheese is valued for its high calcium and protein content. This product is useful for almost everyone, it is easily digested and does not change the acidity of the stomach.

Cottage cheese is the basis of dietary and therapeutic nutrition; it is given to children in the first year of life.

The composition of cottage cheese contains amino acids that our body needs. A large amount of minerals ensures the growth of muscle mass, strengthening bones and teeth. The introduction of cottage cheese into the diet will strengthen the heart muscle.

The uniqueness of such a product as cottage cheese lies in its relatively low calorie content with a high fat content.

100 grams of homemade cottage cheese contains about 240 kcal.

This is an average because The calorie content of homemade cottage cheese may vary depending on the products used.

According to the classic recipe, it is necessary to use full-fat homemade milk. After settling, a large layer of cream is formed in it, up to a quarter of the total volume. If the fat content of milk is insufficient, then the housewives can add previously collected cream to it. Often, at home, they do not adhere to the exact recipe, and all the components are put "by eye".

Low-fat cottage cheese calories (2 percent to 5 percent)

For people who want to lose weight, it is better to eat low-fat cottage cheese. On the shelves of shops you can find fat-free cottage cheese. Such a product contains pure protein, but its absorption in the body is poor, since there are no necessary milk fats.

During the skimming process, vitamins such as A, D, E disappear from milk. This is due to the fact that these vitamins are fat-soluble, and in the process of removing unnecessary fat, they are removed along with it. As a result, the product is less nutritious and healthy.

To make eating cottage cheese healthy, it is better to choose a product that contains fat, at least in small amounts. Ideal in this case will be low-fat cottage cheese, which can contain from 2% to 5% fat.

100 grams of cottage cheese with two percent fat content contains:

  • proteins 18 grams;
  • fat 2 grams;
  • carbohydrates 3.3 grams.

Skim cheese has the same set of minerals as other types of this product. In industrial conditions, manufacturers can add additional vitamin and mineral supplements to it, which is indicated on the packaging.

With the constant use of low-calorie cottage cheese, it is necessary to introduce other products into the diet that could compensate for the lack of vitamins and nutrients.

The calorie content of a 100-gram serving of cottage cheese with 2% fat is 103 kcal.

If the fat content of the product is higher, then the calorie content will increase slightly. 5% cottage cheese contains:

  • proteins 17.2 grams;
  • fat 5 grams;
  • carbohydrates 1.8 grams.

The energy value per 100 grams of 5% cottage cheese is 121 kcal.

The calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese from different manufacturers can vary significantly, its the value can be from 95 to 115 kcal. This difference occurs as a result of the use of various additives or sugar, which gives improved taste to low-fat cottage cheese. Therefore, before buying a finished product carefully read the packaging, which indicates the composition and caloric content b.

To be sure of the quality of cottage cheese, you can make it yourself. Low-fat cottage cheese is made from skimmed milk. To make it at home, you need to ferment milk with the desired percentage of fat content.

How many calories are in semi-fat cottage cheese (9 percent)

Ideal in terms of the ratio of benefits and taste is bold types of cottage cheese. In this case, at reduced calorie essential lactic acids and vitamin D are preserved, without which the absorption of calcium in our body does not occur.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of semi-fat cottage cheese (9%) is:

  • proteins 16.7 grams;
  • fats 9 grams;
  • carbohydrates 2 grams.

The calorie content of a 100-gram serving of cottage cheese with a nine percent fat content is 159 kcal.

Semi-fat cottage cheese can be consumed in its pure form, with sour cream and sugar. The introduction of additional products will increase the calorie content, this should be remembered by people who have problems with being overweight. Also, cottage cheese with 9% fat is perfect for making casseroles, cottage cheese desserts, dumplings and other dishes.

Which cottage cheese is better

If we compare types of cottage cheese with different fat content, we can say that a product in which the fat content is higher is more beneficial for the body.

But it cannot be argued that eating low-fat cottage cheese can be harmful. The thing is that with a balanced diet, our body receives a sufficient amount of the minerals, vitamins and nutrients it needs from other products. Eating meat and fish will give you required amount squirrel. Vitamins can be obtained from vegetables.

Nonetheless, it is necessary to include in the diet fatty dairy products, such as fatty cottage cheese, cream, milk, sour cream. The composition of milk fat includes phospholipids of cephalin and lecithin. These components are responsible for the transmission of impulses along the nerve endings and are building material cell membranes.

Complete rejection of fats can cause irreparable harm to health.

To make a diet, it is better to consult a specialist. A nutritionist will make a daily diet taking into account individual characteristics.

Homemade cottage cheese is the most delicious. It makes wonderful creams for cakes, fillings for buns, puffs and cakes. That's just the same cottage cheese - the fattest.

The fat content of cottage cheese depends on the fat content homemade milk. From this, the calorie content of the product changes. In general, the question of determining the fat content of homemade cottage cheese is one of the most difficult, so you should always adhere to approximate data. And this happens because it’s impossible to simply determine the fat content of homemade cottage cheese. It can be more fat or less fat, it is well defined in taste and appearance. But you are unlikely to find out the exact percentages from the owner.

The calorie content of the final product depends on the feedstock. Since full-fat cow's milk is used at home, and not skimmed milk powder (as well as other components in the production of fermented milk products), the calorie content of cottage cheese is ultimately much higher than the store comrade. Plus, in the process of making homemade cottage cheese, cream is added. And this is the fattest part. That is why homemade cottage cheese, unlike store-bought, is soft, yellowish, and not white and crumbly.

It is believed that low-fat cottage cheese is 0% fat, low-fat - up to 5%, bold - up to 9% and fat - up to 18%. The calorie content changes accordingly. Homemade cottage cheese most often belongs to the category of fatty. The calorie content of such cottage cheese is 236 kcal.

How to reduce the calorie content of homemade cottage cheese? Question not for manufacturers

The answer is no. If you can't afford that luxury, don't use it at all. Or dilute fat-free cottage cheese with homemade. You can also add sour fruits here, such as kiwi, oranges, apples and others. By the way, in this form, a very nutritious and tasty breakfast or a snack between lunch and dinner can take place.

Fat-free cottage cheese calories

The energy value of fat-free cottage cheese is about 100 kcal. And this is more than 2 times different from the calorie content of homemade cottage cheese.

Such cottage cheese can be eaten with or without fruit. But it is not at all suitable for creating creams and desserts. For these purposes, homemade cottage cheese is perfect. It makes perfect cheesecakes, cheesecakes, puffs and any homemade pastries. But this does not apply, unfortunately, to the correct and healthy eating. But it's delicious!

Homemade cottage cheese contains not only calories

Also lots of calcium and protein. This is a very valuable product for expectant mothers. And in this case, it is better to really focus on home-made products. And only after childbirth and breastfeeding, you can switch to dietary nutrition, if the figure requires it.

Important point! Cottage cheese is useful to eat at night. The fact is that it takes a long time to digest in the body. And so it expends its energy on splitting curd particles even when you sleep. Roughly speaking, you sleep and lose weight at the same time, because the energy is spent on the processing of food. This is the main advantage of cottage cheese. The proteins that are in its composition are used to restore muscle tissue. In this sense, cottage cheese is extremely important in the nutrition of athletes and people involved in any sport.


Homemade cottage cheese:

Everyone knows that the most useful products are those that are prepared at home with their own hands. Fermented milk products are no exception: cheeses, yogurts, various curds and just cottage cheese. Especially such products are useful for our children. For a child, there is nothing better than homemade natural food. How can store-bought yogurt with the addition of sugar, a lot of dyes and preservatives compare with homemade yogurt made from natural milk and sourdough?

Among other things, home-cooked products will never cause allergies in a child (unless, of course, it is not on the main components). And the taste of homemade products is much better than purchased ones.

We all learned from childhood that milk gives health. We add that its fermented milk derivatives are no less useful and nutritious. No other human food can be compared with milk in terms of completeness of composition. Nature has arranged so that dairy products are easily digested by the body and leave very little decay products in our body.

The body, assimilating food, pre-processes it with the help of gastric juices. At the same time, one food requires more juices, the other less. In the first case, the body has to work and strain harder, using more energy and digestive glands than in the first. For the assimilation of dairy products, digestive juices require a minimum amount. Therefore, receiving fermented milk products, the body practically rests. By the amount of protein, milk and dairy products are many times superior to others. 1 liter of milk contains as much protein as eight eggs, and cottage cheese contains more protein than fish or meat. In addition, dairy protein is easier and faster to digest than meat protein. Cheese, for example, is more nutritious than fish, meat, eggs. Cheese contains about 25% of easily digestible proteins.

Also in products made from milk, there are many useful substances, vitamins, minerals, trace elements that are necessary for the human body for normal functioning.

Fermented milk products are useful not only for children, but also for young people, and women during pregnancy, and the elderly, and patients in the rehabilitation period after an illness. In addition, fermented milk products are also useful for those who take care of their appearance and figure.

Today, there are many types of dairy products. But among them, as one of the most popular, cottage cheese should be noted. The calorie content of homemade cottage cheese is often of interest, because it is known that cottage cheese can be included in different diets, and who does not like to just enjoy homemade cottage cheese, just like that, for the soul. Maybe for this reason, so often many people are interested in simple questions - what is the calorie content of homemade cottage cheese, the benefits of cottage cheese and what dietary properties has this product. So, let's find out with you how cottage cheese can be useful.

Dietary properties:

Cottage cheese is a useful product. It is included in the diet of children from the first year of life. The beneficial qualities of cottage cheese are due to its unique composition - it is one of the most important sources of protein and calcium, a source of forsor, vitamin A, vitamins from group B. Among other fermented milk products, only cottage cheese has the least restrictions on its use by children. It is also used in dietary and clinical nutrition. The casein protein contained in it is 14-18% of its total mass. Casein, in turn, contains lysine, methionine, tryptophan. It is easily absorbed and easily digested by our body. In stores, as a rule, there is a large selection of cottage cheese, but home-made cottage cheese is recognized as the most delicious and healthy. You can buy it on the market or cook it yourself.

Cottage cheese is useful for the prevention of fatty liver, promotes the functions of hematopoiesis, respiration, digestive and nervous systems. It is useful for ailments of the pancreas, biliary tract, liver diseases. Cottage cheese is good for people with diabetes, as well as those who have suffered injuries or burns. Cottage cheese makes bones stronger, serves to prevent atherosclerosis, helps restore cartilage tissue. With heart and liver diseases, with atherosclerosis, it is enough to eat 100 gr. cottage cheese per day.

If we are already talking about the benefits of cottage cheese, we cannot ignore one more of its properties. It is included in a small number of products recommended for chronic diseases of the digestive organs. Cottage cheese does not increase acidity and does not irritate the stomach. The most useful here is homemade cottage cheese, obtained by separating whey from milk.

About calories:

The nutritional value is determined by the type of cottage cheese, and, of course, directly depends on its fat content. It is quite clear that the number of calories in the cottage cheese is the greater, the higher the fat content of the cottage cheese.

For example:

The calorie content of homemade cottage cheese is 230 kcal per 100 gr.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 14.0

Fats - 18.0

carbohydrates - 2.8

For its manufacture, whole milk should be used; its fat content will be 18%. That is why this product, with all its useful properties, cannot be called dietary product. However, 150 gr. cottage cheese per day will not affect body weight. Of course, if you eat more, without reducing the consumption of flour and fatty foods, there is a risk of gaining weight. Cottage cheese is high in calories, it contains a lot of animal proteins, which helps to build muscle mass - this is important for those who play sports.

And what is the calorie content of homemade cottage cheese, cooked different ways? But this one:

Homemade cottage cheese calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

BUT the nutritional value homemade cottage cheese prepared in different ways, like this:

Table of nutritional value of homemade cottage cheese (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Is it possible to cook this dish at home? Yes, you certainly may! Here is one of the recipes:

Homemade cottage cheese:


  • Milk (3.5%) - 1.5 liters
  • Sour cream (kefir, curdled milk) - 2 tablespoons

Milk (1 liter) is poured into a jar. Sour cream is added to it and placed in heat - sour. About a day later, the mixture will turn sour.

Pour ½ liter of milk into a saucepan, bring it almost to a boil, then add the sour mixture to it. All this is simmered on low heat for 15 minutes, covered with a lid. You can, for example, leave it overnight if you cooked it in the evening.

Strain through a colander with gauze. Hang to glass serum (1-2 hours). Serum, by the way, is also very useful and delicious product. Ready! Eat healthy, in moderation. And then the rather high calorie content of homemade cottage cheese will not cause a set of extra pounds.

Homemade cottage cheese rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin A - 12.2%, vitamin B2 - 16.7%, vitamin B12 - 33.3%, vitamin PP - 19%, calcium - 15%, phosphorus - 27.5%, molybdenum - 11%, selenium - 54.5%

What is useful cottage cheese

  • Vitamin A is responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, increases the susceptibility of color by the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal intestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Calcium is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, is involved in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities increases the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor of many enzymes that provide the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Bek's disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan's disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
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They belong to 1831. But according to some sources, there are allegations that the first types of fermented milk product were made as early as the 3rd century BC. e. A traveler, walking through the desert, filled a wineskin with warm sheep's milk, as a result of which, under the influence of heat, a curd mass was obtained.

This method of cooking quickly spread throughout the ancient Roman Empire and Egypt. Today, there are many methods for calculating the calorie content of products per 100 grams, which are popular in diets and diets. proper nutrition. One of the ingredients of any diet plan is sour-milk cottage cheese.

Usually, natural cottage cheese with the traditional cooking technique is divided into acid-rennet and acid.

It all depends on how the proteins coagulate in milk and its saturation with fats. Acid-rennet cottage cheese is obtained through the use of a special enzyme (abomasum or pepsin), which ensures the coagulation of milk in a neutral reaction with the addition of starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria for accelerated coagulation of proteins.

Such enzymes are widely used to produce cheeses, curds, fermented milk products, both in the dairy industry and at home. The acid curd product is made from skimmed milk, by the natural coagulation of protein under the influence of lactic acid, which is obtained in the process of lactic fermentation.

Such fermentation develops by adding additional starter culture to milk.

A significant part of any type of cottage cheese contains a significant amount of liquid (up to 80%). Technologically, it is possible to obtain a fermented milk product with a low liquid content, but then it will be dull and dry in taste.

Depending on the properties of raw materials, several types of cottage cheese are distinguished:

  • Fat cottage cheese(12 - 23%) - the most high-calorie and nutritious type of fermented milk product, which contains high-grade milk protein in its composition.
  • classic product or cottage cheese of medium fat content with a fat content of 4 - 10%, retains all useful components as much as possible.
  • Bold product with a maximum fat content of about 2 - 3.8%, where all useful macro and microelements remain.
  • Skim cheese, which is the most popular in the diet menu, contains virtually no whey and has a maximum fat concentration of up to 1.8%. But when using this type of cottage cheese, calcium is absorbed 40% less than in other fatty varieties of the product, due to the low content of fat-soluble vitamin D. Fat-free fermented milk products also lack vitamins E and A.

You should choose cottage cheese depending on the required norm of proteins and fats specifically for each individual. The lower the fat content, the lower the amount of nutrients in the fermented milk product. If cottage cheese contains only 5% fat, it is ideal for dietary nutrition. In this case, its chemical composition is harmoniously combined with nutritional value.

For athletes, it is recommended to use a product with a 9% fat content, because in this case protein and high calorie content are needed to gain muscle mass. For heavy physical exertion, cottage cheese with 15% fat content is recommended.

Calorie content, BJU

Cottage cheese (calorie content per 100 grams is calculated depending on the fat content) is considered one of the most popular fermented milk products.

Nutritional value of cottage cheese

The main ingredient in cottage cheese is the milk protein casein, which gives it White color. Such a protein is absorbed more slowly and more efficiently, while it helps to restore and even build muscle mass, which is especially important for athletes. Interesting: 100 grams of cottage cheese contains as much protein as two chicken eggs.

Cottage cheese. Calorie content and chemical composition.

A fermented milk product with a low carbohydrate content, so it is often used in low-carb diets. Most of the carbohydrates in cottage cheese come from natural milk sugar and lactose and are an important ingredient in the product as they serve as a source of energy for the body.

Phosphorus in cottage cheese helps the body process fats and carbohydrates, and also participates in the production of protein. Like calcium, it is important for the health of teeth and bones, paired with B vitamins, it contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the kidneys and the human nervous system. In addition, phosphorus helps balance acid levels in the body by acting as a natural alkalizing element.

In addition to the energy and nutritional value of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the product is rich in micro and macro elements, minerals and vitamins, which are actively involved in metabolic processes body, and make it a complete and healthy food for any person.

The indicators of the composition of cottage cheese per 100 grams of the product are given in the table:

Vitamins, mg per 100 g of product Minerals, mg per 100 g of product
BUT 42 Calcium 178
IN 1 0,05 iron 0,1
IN 2 0,22 Potassium 218
AT 3 1 Magnesium 16
AT 6 0,12 Sodium 64
AT 12 0,3 Phosphorus 129
FROM 0 Iodides 9
D 0,21 selenium 9
E 0,23 Zink 0,5

Calorie content of a fermented milk product

Cottage cheese (calorie content per 100 grams of the product depends on the fat content in the raw materials from which the lactic acid product was made) contains the optimal amount of useful trace elements. At the same time, the glycemic index of cottage cheese is quite low, about 30 units, so it is often used in medicinal and diet food. GI is a measure of a food's effect on blood sugar levels.

There are several groups:

  • low GI from 0 to 55 units;
  • average 56 - 69 units;
  • high above 70 units.

Such a value as that of cottage cheese is comparable to the glycemic index of some green vegetables and unsweetened fruits, which makes it possible to use it even for people with diabetes.

However, it is worth remembering that when sugar, candied fruits, nuts and dried fruits are artificially added to a fermented milk product, the GI increases dramatically. In addition to the fact that cottage cheese is completely absorbed by the body, it does not have a tissue and cellular structure and contains a balanced protein.

Reference table BJU different types cottage cheese, will give an idea of ​​the nutritional value of the product:

Indicators Fat cottage cheese, 23% Curd classic, 8% Classic cottage cheese, 5% Curd, 2% Curd, 1% Curd, 0%
Proteins, gr 9,55 15,0 17,2 18 16,3 16,5
Fat, gr 21,44 8,0 5 2 1 0
Carbohydrates, gr 16,99 1,5 1,8 3,3 1,3 1,3
Calorie content, kcal 301,07 138,0 121 103 79 71


Cottage cheese (calorie content per 100 grams of fermented product, satisfies the body's daily need for most nutrients) is known for its unique properties and benefits.

In addition to the fact that the addition of cottage cheese to various dishes improves their taste, the lactic acid product has a number of benefits for human health:

It is important to remember that only the highest quality and naturalness of the product is the main necessity for effective nutritional results. Interesting: goat cheese contains much more calcium than its counterpart from cow's milk.


Cottage cheese is a fairly versatile product that has a number of advantages, especially for people who are lactose intolerant. Although the product allows you to reduce weight, its regular use can lead to weight gain. It can also be quite a heavy product for people with gastrointestinal problems and a tendency to constipation.

In people suffering from arthritis, heavy consumption of cottage cheese can provoke the development of joint pain. The sodium content in 100 grams of a fermented milk product is 40% of the body's daily need for this trace element, which plays an important role in maintaining the optimal water-salt balance in cells.

With an excess of sodium, some negative aspects may appear in the form of:

  • water retention;
  • puffiness;
  • swelling;
  • weight gain.

Such side effects may be temporary, but with frequent cottage cheese diets, when the product becomes the main source of nutrition and an excessive amount of sodium enters the body, quite complex problems can develop.


  • high blood pressure;
  • violation of the kidneys;
  • heart failure;
  • risk of heart attack and stroke.

Cottage cheese does not contain fiber. The recommended daily intake of dietary fiber is 25 grams for women aged 19 to 50 and 40 grams for men aged 19 to 55. Lack of fiber negatively affects the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to the development of constipation, diabetes, vascular atherosclerosis and other undesirable consequences.

Important: such problems can arise only with the systematic use of cottage cheese, without adding additional food to the diet. The recommended daily dose of the product should not exceed 250 grams.


It is forbidden to use a fermented milk product of animal origin in case of individual intolerance, allergic reactions to cow protein, atherosclerosis and serious kidney diseases.

It is also worth considering the expiration dates, storage conditions and freshness of the product, otherwise poisoning can not be avoided.

Diet Menu

The cottage cheese diet is a short diet designed to quickly shed a couple of extra pounds. Nutritionists do not recommend giving preference to fat-free cottage cheese when dieting and proper nutrition, as the body will not receive enough essential nutrients.

It is best to opt for a fermented milk product from 2 to 5% fat. It is preferable to eat a treat in the morning, and preferably for breakfast, then the body will need at least two hours to digest the product.

Pros and cons

The obvious benefit of the cottage cheese diet is that it actually works, as drastically cutting calories and avoiding fast carbs makes it easy to lose weight in a short period. Such a diet is most often designed for a short period of time, from three to seven days. It is easy to follow and does not require complex recipes.

At the same time, a diet high in protein helps to feel fuller for longer and reduces the likelihood of overeating. Like any dietary restriction, the cottage cheese diet has its drawbacks. If you eat only cottage cheese during the day, the body will not receive all the nutrients necessary for its normal functioning.

In the long term, low-calorie diets such as the cottage cheese diet can cause fatigue, nausea, a general feeling of weakness, loss of muscle tissue, which in turn provokes a slowdown in the body's metabolism and loss of cell fluid balance.

Menu for the week

Cottage cheese (calorie content per 100 grams increases with the addition of fresh fruits, nuts or seeds) will help you lose a couple of extra pounds if you just need to fit into a little black dress for the holiday. For additional enrichment of the diet with nutrients, you can diversify the diet with foods high in fiber.

It is also necessary to drink enough water or decoctions during the day. Official versions there are no cottage cheese diets, this refers to a meal plan where you can eat cottage cheese at every meal for at least three days.

At the same time, alcohol, carbonated and sweetened drinks, fruit juices should be avoided. Today, the fermented milk product is successfully used in salads, baked dishes, confectionery, on sandwiches, in omelettes, in salad dressings and baked goods. Cottage cheese can be combined with fish, meat, eggs, vegetables and mushrooms.

One of the options for a cottage cheese diet is shown in the table:

Products Description Nutritional value, BJU / Kcal per 100 g of product
1 day Cottage cheese 260 gr, lettuce 2 bunches, apples 2 pcs. Using a blender, all the ingredients are whipped, 2 tsp of lemon juice, salt, pepper are added to taste. Ready sauce can be used with rye bread, potatoes - 100 gr, ham - 160 gr. 8,14/8,91/4,92/133,41
2 day Baked cod fillet - 200 gr, cottage cheese - 200 gr, pickles - 100 gr, chicken egg, potatoes - 300 gr, parsley. Cottage cheese mixed with parsley, finely chopped egg and pickles, eat three times a day with potatoes and fish 9,69/2,61/14,84/124
3 day Cottage cheese - 200 gr, grated cheese - 40 gr, green peas - 100 gr, cauliflower - 200 gr, boiled carrots - 400 gr, egg whites - 2 pcs. Vegetables are cut into small pieces, laid out in a mold, poured on top with a mixture of cottage cheese, grated cheese and egg whites. Baked in the oven for 30 minutes 6,22/3,23/4,94/72,66
Day 4 Cottage cheese - 200 gr, grated cheese - 40 gr, bread - 100 gr. The cheese is rubbed on a grater, seasoned with pepper and salt, mixed with cottage cheese and laid out on bread 15,04/9,06/15,56/207,41
Day 5 Cottage cheese - 300 gr, strawberries - 200 gr, lemon juice - 1 tbsp, muesli - 100 gr. Cut strawberries, lay out in layers: muesli, cottage cheese and berries. Sprinkle with lemon juice. 10,29/5,65/14,66/149,71
Day 6 Cottage cheese - 250 gr, yolks - 2 pcs, semolina - 0.5 cups, rhubarb root - 200 gr, starch - 1 tbsp. Mix cottage cheese with yolks, add semolina and egg whites. Boil chopped rhubarb for two minutes and add to the total mass. Bake the casserole in the oven for 30 minutes 9,65/6/14,7/152,78
Day 7 Oatmeal - 300 gr, cottage cheese - 150 gr, apples - 2 pcs, banana - 1 pc. Oatmeal can be mixed with cottage cheese and an apple or any other fruit. 4,16/2,26/11,72/85,63

When to expect an effect

How long the cottage cheese diet lasts, the choice is individual. Real changes can be noticed already on the third day. But, you can not torture yourself to a hungry faint. After all, any diet will be effective if supplemented with feasible physical activity, walking or regular gymnastics at home.

Diet contraindications apply to those who have allergic reactions to dairy products, kidney and liver diseases, and metabolic disorders. You can not use the diet for pregnant and lactating, as well as adolescents under 18 years of age.

The success of any diet implies not only the calculation of calories per 100 grams, but also the choice of quality products. Therefore, when purchasing homemade cottage cheese, it is important to know that a bitter taste indicates a poor quality of milk, and a sour one indicates a stale product.

When the curd mass is hard, such curd was prepared in violation of the technology, which means that it does not contain useful vitamins and most trace elements. If you rub the cottage cheese between your fingers, you get an oily liquid that rolls into lumps. A poor quality product will be sticky to the touch.

Video about the benefits of cottage cheese

What happens if you eat cottage cheese every day: