What men think about is the most interesting thing in blogs. How often does a man think about the woman he's in love with Think they're men

Men's thoughts immediately before sex with a woman
1. "How lucky I am." All thoughts around this phrase arise in a man at the very moment of excitement. The heart stops or the pulse accelerates, breathing becomes intermittent and the man is completely unable to think about anything other than his woman. A man's thoughts revolve around what a girl has gorgeous breasts, an excellent ass, how sweetly she speaks, or how he dreams of burying his face in her gorgeous hair. And if you think that men do not pay attention to details, then you are mistaken. My friend Nazar says that long before the possibility of sex, he studies how tight a girl's blouse fits, how cleverly her color matches her eyes, and how well-groomed her hands with sharp claws are, which he so wants to feel on his back. Another friend of mine said that before undressing his future wife, he mentally thanked God for such a perfect creature. It is interesting that many men note the peak of a romantic mood and a surge of aesthetic feelings for their beloved within a few hours before sexual intercourse.

2. "What should I have done?" This is a different type of men who are trying to keep everything under control and remain vigilant even in the face of temptation. My ex-boyfriend admitted that immediately before sex, he begins to actively plan a further schedule, so that a sweet moment does not turn into long hours that may affect his work. Sometimes he would just tug at my hands for one minute, saying that he should set an alarm or call a friend about a car at the MOT. Agree, not romantic at all.
3. "So, let's get started." According to psychologists, many men are nervous and afraid of failure before having sex with a woman, even if they have done it many times. There are no romantic thoughts in the head of such representatives, only full concentration on the process. They tell themselves that you can't make laugh and you need to bring the girl to orgasm first. Others consider what type of foreplay to start with. Still others convince themselves that the main thing is not to goof off. A friend shared with me that, first of all, he thinks in a panic about how the intricate dresses of his designer girlfriend are removed (which amused me a lot).
4. Thoughts about contraception. When a man senses that sex is coming soon, a “cooling” moment appears in his head that makes him think about the consequences of an unprotected act. Therefore, thoughts about whether he took or forgot a condom, whether his girlfriend thought about contraception, or about what would happen if you just stick out a penis from a partner in time, does not leave a man from the moment of excitement to the very orgasm.

What do men think about during an act of love
1. Aesthetic thoughts. Summing up the collected material, I can confidently say that all men think about how a girl looks during a sexual act. Some focus on a particular "fetish" and may take several minutes to study how her ankles move during an orgasm. Others are visited by romantic thoughts about how beautiful the beloved is, how soft and elastic her skin is. Still others try to move their partner to their favorite position in order to fully enjoy the view from a certain angle, as this spurs their sexual “appetite”.

2. "What if I blunder." Such thoughts are characteristic of men of an earlier age with little experience. My first boyfriend claimed that every time he had sex with me, he was afraid to come before me, or that the erection would suddenly disappear (once this happened "drinking"). Another friend of mine constantly worries that his girlfriend can get an orgasm from caressing herself, more than once from his efforts, and he is ready to “chew” such thoughts in his head during the whole process. In one men's magazine, I somehow read that the first thought when “entering” a woman for guys is about the size of their “friends”, namely: will he go in tightly, will he be able to push him deep enough, worries about the subtlety of the “instrument and similar reasoning.
3. "What she likes the most." It was nice to know that almost all of my friends devote 70% of their thoughts during sex to the theme of satisfying a girl. Friend David said that he constantly models poses in his head, where the G-spot is stimulated especially intensively. Poor Andrei admitted that when caressing a girl with his hands, he thinks about how many centimeters to the left or right to move his fingers, how hard to press and whether they should be moistened. But men think about such subtleties no less than us, closely following every breath, closed eyes, dilated pupils and respiratory rate. It should also be mentioned here that many men carefully study the reaction of the girl towards the end of the process, since they are sincerely afraid that the girl will feign pleasure and remain unsatisfied. Yes, yes, they are also afraid that a disappointed girl will go looking for pleasure with another man who has both “a larger penis” and “a more impressive experience”.
4. "Just don't fall in love." I was very surprised that even such thoughts visit men on the verge of orgasm. Moreover, they act in both directions - either the man is afraid that the passion for this woman will cause him deeper feelings, or that the partner, in the joy of orgasm, will want to ring him and draw him into a stable relationship.
5. Extraneous thoughts. Sometimes men get bored during the act or they had a busy day. Therefore, do not be upset if sometimes they fly in the clouds and think about all sorts of nonsense. My friend Sasha said that he constantly thinks about what bothers him in bed - a crumpled blanket, a bright light, a hard sofa, her "staring" puppy, the TV on, etc. Another friend, more mature, noted that with age, he began to think more often during sex about pressing problems - a child’s illness, conflicts at work, buying a stepladder or a flying carburetor in a car.

6. Thoughts about the other. As sad as I am to tell you about this, many of my acquaintances, and other respondents, note that they often think about another woman during sex with a partner. For example, my forty-year-old bachelor admitted that during sex he thinks about all the girls he would like to see in bed at once (about a blonde in a cafe, about a brunette at work, and about a redhead on a dating site). Some introduce porn actresses to heighten excitement, and my friend Alexei now cannot cum without the thought of Megan Fox (this is already a clinic, in my humble opinion).
7. "Damn, what a pose to offer her." As it turned out, this is one of the first thoughts that visit a man at the very beginning of sexual intercourse. “Will she like the position on the side”, “Will she be offended by the dog-like position”, “Will she be able to bend her legs exactly as I read yesterday in the Kamasutra” - approximately such reflections overcome our brave lovers, while they diligently try in some spontaneously adopted pose.
8. “If only they didn’t get caught.” Of course, such a thought is visited mainly by cunning and insolent people who are hiding from their wife with their mistress in an apartment. The same category includes young people who are worried that at the wrong moment their parents or girlfriends will suddenly appear. Well, the third group, in which this idea is found everywhere - real extreme people who at the same time want to be caught (that's why they choose beaches, rooftops, hostels, etc. for sex), but are still embarrassed if this really happens.
9. “I would like a blowjob.” Oh, men constantly think about oral sex, not knowing how to properly hint to a girl about their desire. So they can, having sex with you in a missionary position, actively think about how to invite you to play more carefully with their boyfriend. And, of course, when it comes to oral sex, men have a whole cloud of new thoughts. My good friend Valera shared that every time he is afraid of being bitten or scratched by his partner for the “same” place. Another comrade stated that he constantly ponders every movement of a girl during a blowjob, thinking about whether he likes it deeper or faster, in this position or in the previous one, when he directs her or she takes the initiative.

Reflections of men after intercourse
I want to note that not all men turn sideways and fall asleep after intercourse, because there are "steadfast soldiers" who are ready to soak up their girlfriend for a few more minutes. And here the thoughts of the guys differ from the degree of relationship with their girlfriend and some other nuances.
1. If the man is married to you. In this case, all my married friends admitted that they feel tenderness towards their soul mate and fatherly care, reflecting on the past years and such a typical moan during her orgasm. Immediately after these thoughts, as my brother said, there are reflections on how it is better to present a report at work tomorrow and whether it is worth further postponing the repair in the bedroom (there, the wallpaper has already completely wiped off). Some individuals are taken to reflect on the love affairs of his wife - did her men satisfy her the way he did, did she cheat on the sly. Others remember their sins and experience wild shame for having once betrayed their beloved woman sleeping peacefully. There are still instances that succeed in dashing memories of youth, when he and his wife closed in the shower at a party or pounced on each other in a back street right on the street. Well, the last group of married men begins to think painfully about the former erection and think about whether to try Viagra next time.
2. Thoughts of the newlywed. When my husband and I first got married, he tried to voice all his thoughts after sex, namely, how happy he is and what a hero. Several times he thought about the second time, and he picked up new positions for a second act of love. A friend said that after having sex with his young wife, he considered all her failures in the form of sharp teeth, jerky movements and too loud moans. An acquaintance Artyom once said that immediately after sex he mentally examines the contents of the refrigerator in the hope that the little wife will open her arms and let him fill his overworked belly with might and main. Sometimes he immediately began to think about passing the level of his favorite computer game, knowing that it was time to relax after such a dashing "round" with his wife.
3. What does a male lover think about. The thoughts of a lover after sex are very diverse - is it time for him to get out already, will she feed him dinner again, did the woman like the new position he worked out, or maybe she even got another one? A friend said that after a particularly stormy night, her lover lay and thought for a long time, and then he took and made an offer on emotions.
4. If a man is married to another. Such a male, of course, will think about the pressing problems of personal safety: did I get infected with something, did I turn off the phone, my wife should not miss me at such a time, it would be time to go home already, I can hang out in mine for another 2 days " business trip” and similar thoughts. Sentimental persons may begin to reflect on the injustices of life and regret that they did not meet their beloved before the appearance of a grumbling and plump wife. Others are trying to actively cover their tracks, thinking from a careful soul, and about whether the mistress left her panties in the pocket of her work trousers.

5. Thoughts about casual sex. Friends admitted that in the case of a one-time spontaneous sex, they often think about a permanent partner, comparing the girls with each other. Others begin to look for flaws in the girl, just not to persuade themselves to meet her again. Comrade Max said that after casual sex he was worried that the girl would not try to seduce him and did not hope for a new meeting. Those guys who were not completely sober during sex, after the act, I begin to analyze the information received from the girl - remember her name, place of work, and, in principle, try to navigate their location and specific position.

A man falls in love with you because he knows that he himself can be surrounded by your love. He falls in love with you because he feels safe expressing his deepest, personal feelings for you.

He feels this way because he knows that you can return his feelings. He feels that reciprocity is possible on your part, and therefore, at the most unconscious level, he begins to look for your society, your touches, your love. He may not even know why he feels this way.

All he knows is that there is something special about you that he doesn't feel with any other woman in his life. He is in love.

He wants to take you in his arms and hold you forever.

This is the "secret psychology" of men's love.

I say that this is a secret because it is poorly understood by both women and men themselves. It is rare that you or he will know for sure, but there will be an inexplicable attraction, a desire for something more and lasting than a fleeting flirtation.

Many of us are wrong about why a man falls in love.

We think that a man needs sex, or he wants to have a fabulously gorgeous woman with a great body. We believe that a man liked us because we are pleasant for him, and kind, and pliable. Particularly pliable.

Therefore, we do everything for him. We cook wonderful meals and give deep and thoughtful advice about everything that bothers him.

We light candles when he comes. We put on the sexiest clothes and buy lacy lingerie.

And yet he tells us that he is not sure of his feelings. Or he withdraws and becomes moody. Or he stops calling or looking for us as often as he used to. Either he does something very hurtful, or he lies to us, or he tells us that he doesn't understand what you mean by being together.

This is because, deep down, you have not evoked love in his heart. You didn't connect on the deepest, most intimate level of his feelings.

We become the only one for him, without even thinking about what we want, or whether he really meets our need for security, love and a serious relationship.

Romantic archetypes of women that attract men

Men are attracted to women (and vice versa) for many reasons. But there are some things that stand out in a woman's personality that make the attraction especially strong. There are four categories or archetypes that seem to be important in determining what is best in a person.

Using these four archetypes together will give you an irresistible confidence and energy that captivates "high quality" men and inspires them to be loving and faithful for the long haul.

All four are inherent in every woman, but, as a rule, only one is dominant. Which one is your dominant archetype?

1. Feminine

» Feminine » stylish, elegant, loves luxury. The very embodiment of the feminine, she has the power to ignite deep attraction due to her sensual nature. Men find her ability to be strong yet open, vulnerable, and self-supporting just irresistible. Notable women of this type are Princess Grace of Monaco and Halle Berry.

She is stylish and beautiful. She is not shy about highlighting her physical beauty and being adored for it. We all know that men evaluate everything visually. However, she does not dress in a way that only pleases a man; she does it primarily for herself.

How to reveal your feminine charm and attractiveness: emphasize your beauty with taste. Don't be afraid to draw attention to that gorgeous neck or your slender legs. This will communicate that you are confident (even if you don't always feel like it) and that you like the way you look.

2. Islander

Warm, bright and energetic, the "islander" instantly captivates and conquers men with her smile. The word "boredom" has no place in her vocabulary - she is characterized by "pleasure" and "adventure". She stands out from the crowd and doesn't care what others think of her non-conformist style and lifestyle. Famous women "islanders" are Josephine Baker and Shakira.

Why are men attracted to such women?

She is spontaneous, adventurous. She is the living embodiment of Carpe Diem (take everything from life). The way she builds relationships and spices them up makes her a breath of fresh air for men. Men (and women) can get bored and lose interest when relationships become predictable. That she acts like a chameleon is the way an islander keeps a man on a leash. Life with her is full of pleasant surprises.

How to Unleash Your Feminine Islander Charm: Be open to everything. Choosing the right moment is something that most women just can't do.

If you are a woman who can:

  • To suddenly swim in the ocean (fully dressed) instead of saying, “I can't, I just got my hair done. "
  • Pack up your bags and head to St. Barth's, writing a one-day notice for a weekend of fun and sun instead of saying "I need a week to pack!"

You are like a "triple oasis" (where there is shade, food and water) for a person who is lost in the desert. Although you can't freely say "Yes!" every time, be open to doing the relationship off the cuff.

3. Regal

Cautious in her choice, balanced and secretive, the “royal” knows her strength and uses it. She needs a very strong man to be her partner. People think that she is too picky, but if you get into her inner circle, you will understand that she is a jewel. She knows what she wants and is going to get it.

Why are men drawn to regal women?

She is mysterious and reserved. It is not easy for her to open up to people. She is not talkative. This creates an air of mystery that men find highly desirable. Famous regal women are Cleopatra and Beyonce.

How to Unleash Your Regal Attractiveness: Listen 80 percent and speak 20 percent. Show interest and ask questions. It's a win-win situation where you let the man do most of the talking. The more you listen, the sooner you will find out if it suits you or not. This saves valuable time for both of you. In addition, men want to be heard and listen - just like women do.

Of course, you don't want this to look like an interrogation; with practice, you can achieve the desired balance.

4. Entrepreneur

The entrepreneur is smart, independent and focused on her job. She needs a man with whom she can build an empire; one who takes the initiative. She needs a very strong man who could win her heart. Famous female entrepreneurs are Oprah Winfrey and Anna Wintour (editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine).

Why are men attracted to a female entrepreneur?

How to showcase your attractiveness as an entrepreneur: Consistently invest in your personal growth by creating a spending plan for your education.

A few ideas: teach foreign language, start a new hobby, take up a personal growth program, and/or hire a mentor and travel abroad.

Don't take these archetypes seriously, but sometimes it's interesting to know which category you fall into the most!

How to capture a man's heart?

First, here's what a man doesn't like: when you tell him what you think about relationships, or what you did the other day, or what you think about the latest news you read or gossip at work. He is listening. He participates in the conversation. But this does not affect his feelings.

It's because you talk about everything except who you are. You are building walls between you without even realizing it. You chose not to tell him how sad you were that morning or how your friend made you happy by calling and supporting you.

Or you actually don't even pay attention to your own emotions. You are too busy with a to-do list and tasks that you need to do.

But if you allow yourself to FEEL for real and then speak from the excess of those feelings, you would make him feel secure and attached to you.

It is so simple. But for many of us it seems so counterintuitive. It's difficult. We are not used to being juicy, sexy, sensual people. So many of us are programmed to be doing, thinking, managing, worrying creatures. Unfortunately, these qualities make a person feel nothing around.

When you become a feminine, luscious, physically sensual being, you will simply captivate him with what you were always meant to be...to be an alluring woman who is soft on the outside but strong, cheerful, and resilient on the inside.

How do you do it? It's easy when you know exactly how to use your feelings and emotions to communicate with the irresistible feminine trait that seduces a man.

If you find it difficult to cope on your own, ask questions and together we will try to find answers.


10 signs a man is in love

Since men are great at hiding their feelings, a woman often cannot understand if he is in love with her or just wants to have a good time with her. But still, there are 10 signs that should help you find the answer to this exciting question. When asking yourself this question, you must remember a very important point if you doubt that a man loves you, despite the fact that you spent quite a lot of time with him. a lot of time, then your doubts have good reason.

1. “You can understand that a man is in love by the way he agrees to do something that a woman suggests. When a man begins to introduce a woman to his friends, this is a clear sign of falling in love.

2. “A man in love is always in high spirits. He becomes truly happy and changes his whole life. Friends and relatives notice the change that has taken place in him.

3. “A man in love lets a woman run the house. He's proud of how she's made a difference. He buys furniture that she likes. He even lets her keep her tampons under her sink. He is ready to let a woman into his life.”

4. "He begins to pay more attention to his appearance, thinks about the future - financially, physically and in all other aspects."

5. “He compromises his own interests. He quits his business just to meet her. If she's hungry, he'll jump out of bed and run for donuts in the middle of the night."

6. “Men are drawn to variety until they fall in love for real. If he really wants one woman, he doesn't care how many more he can have, because he only wants to be with her. Other women are of no interest to a man in love. All temptations cease to exist when a man is truly in love.

7. "When a man thinks about a woman all the time, when he does nice little things for her, when he thinks about how to please her."

8. "Suddenly, a man feels that he no longer wants to look around the corner in the hope of meeting someone else." “A man in love is ready to do anything for his beloved woman. He never thought of starting a family and having children, but with this woman he wants everything and immediately.

10. “She doesn't have to beg. He knows it instinctively."

Believe in true love and in practice check the effectiveness of all the signs described. If they are there - you should not have any doubts!


The truth about how men fall in love

After my article about the hunter-prey myth, it became clear from the reaction of the girls that most simply do not know the truth about how men fall in love.

Interestingly, the comments from women who are already married are strikingly different from the messages of girls who cannot find a husband in any way.

  • Married ladies agree with me that leaving all the work to a man is unlikely to get married.
  • Unmarried people shout out loud that in no case should you do anything yourself, otherwise the representatives of the stronger sex will be “not interested” and they will not “appreciate” her.

My dears, the feeling of a man that his girlfriend is the best in the world and he does not want to lose her for anything does not come from the torment that he had to endure in order to “win” her. This feeling comes from lightness and joy when he is next to her. Hard work correlates with the concept of “mountain from the shoulders”, and not at all with the joyful realization of “I am terribly lucky”. A man falls in love because he enjoys being with you, not hard.

In addition, by bullying a suitor at the courtship stage, you give him the moral right to mock you when he “wins” you. Any action creates a reaction.

How do men fall in love?

Men and women fall in love differently and at different speeds. By following the “hunter” scheme, on the contrary, you reduce your chances of attracting a partner for a long time. Only by ceasing to be “prey”, you get a chance for a serious relationship. To do this, you need to understand how men fall in love.

Stage 1: I like you

For men, it all starts with physical attractiveness. If a woman can still fall in love with a guy who is not physically attractive to her because she “respects” him, this is completely impossible for a man.

Recently, an experiment was conducted in America: a handsome guy and a girl put great photos on a dating site, but they went on a date in special makeup and a suit in which it seemed that they had a serious excess weight.

  • All the guys who came on a date with a suddenly “fat” (compared to her photo on the site) girl almost immediately asked a question about her weight and left.
  • The girls, who discovered a more complete guy, allowed him to kiss and hug themselves on the cheek at a meeting and parting, and spent the whole meeting with him, that is, they treated him much softer.

After a divorce, many Western women who have gained weight begin to exercise and lose weight, after which they quickly find themselves a new partner. For ladies, this is elementary: if you are slim and don’t “compost men’s brains”, you will easily find a partner for yourself.

So remember: men are initially attracted to your physical body. If you think that the guy approached you because he likes your character, you are cruelly deceiving yourself.

What exactly a man likes about your appearance may differ. There are those who adore large or, conversely, small breasts, thin ankles, long fingers or long straight (or curly) hair. Some people like steep hips, while others like narrow ones. Every man has his own "type" that he likes. Many will not even be able to say what exactly attracts them, but this feature still exists.

A man sees his "type" in a woman and begins to feel that "he likes her." But so far this guy hasn't fallen in love at all.

Stage 2: Exploration

Most men are constantly attracted to several women, they “like” several girls. So they do "reconnaissance" to see who will respond to his initial advances. That is, at any time, they try to conduct intelligence on several women. Only seeing the reciprocal interest, the guy begins to concentrate his efforts on one girl.

These advances are very minimal, it's not even flirting or courtship. A man just needs to understand that if he starts courting you, something can happen. At this stage, even if he likes the girl, he still doesn’t care if she rejects him or accepts courtship. If she rejects him, he will start courting another without any problems. Naturally, there are exceptions (anxious ones who go crazy), but most normal men feel this way.

Stage 3: Persecution

This is what you love so much, girls, right? The man is following you.

If a woman gives a guy even the weakest positive signal in response to his advances (someone needs a stronger signal), he will begin to pursue. Sometimes a man can even imagine a positive answer.

A guy who thinks he likes a girl goes into action trying to get her attention. At this stage, the man is trying to make you notice him and understand that he likes you. Some women are already falling in love by this point, seeing the attention of a man. If you give him a positive response (for example, agreeing to a date or replying to a message), it will move to the next stage.

Stage 4: Making an impression

At this stage, many women are already beginning to fall in love, but the man did not even think about his feelings. For now, he just wants to impress you by trying to show that he is a worthy partner. A man plans dates, gives you gifts, and generally tries to make you happy. If you haven't “gone up” by now, it will usually happen at this stage.

Stage 5: Winning your love

After all his investment, a man wants you to love him now. To receive your love is an achievement for him. Instead of falling in love with you, he only cares if he succeeded in getting you to love him. The man may even demonstrate his ability to be in a serious relationship so you can see that he has the potential to be a great long-term partner. You are probably already seriously in love, but he is not yet.

Stage 6: Decision

If a man gets to this point, which doesn't always happen, it means you've already made your feelings explicit about him and he knows you love him and want him. serious relationship. What you don't know is that for your "hunter", this was all just a preliminary game to get yourself proof that he is the man you are looking for.

In addition, there are small problems:

  • Until now, your admirer has not been himself. Therefore, the guy you fell in love with is not at all what he really is.
  • He never wondered if you were the right person for him in the long run. Everything that has happened up to this point has happened purely on the basis of his physical attraction.

It is at this point in the relationship that the man who “won” you begins to wonder if he needs this relationship at all. He begins to look at your human qualities and what, in general, you are able to offer in this department.

Your lover begins to ask himself:

  • Do I love her?
  • Do I want to be with her?
  • Will I be happy with her?
  • Is this the woman I really want?

Interestingly, if you believe in the myth of the hunter, chances are you haven't been yourself all this time either! You, too, diligently pretended. Therefore, you may well have behaved in such a way that your partner will not answer positively to all these questions.

It is at this stage that a young man may decide to end the relationship for “completely no reason” or for a reason that seems to you made up (quite possibly it is). Men who easily follow their impulse to “conquer” are easily ready to give up a woman at this stage, unless she is his ideal in everything. Why not? He knows that he is able to conquer a woman.

Stage 7: Love

If a man, after analyzing your relationship and his feelings, makes a positive decision, he is ready to fall in love with you and surrender to his feelings. The next 2-3 months will be wonderful and wonderful. You will notice that your partner cares about you and truly loves you. Everything, your man fell in love.

The representatives of the stronger sex are more rational than we women. They really need to think about their feelings before giving in to them.

So that you, as a woman, do not fall into the trap of a conquering man, the only way is to reverse this scheme. This will mix up all his usual mechanisms, and he will have to build a relationship with you without having all these proven tricks in stock.

The ability to connect with him on a “human” level, before you yourself fell in love and lost time, immediately brings your relationship to the penultimate stage for male love, and makes him decide whether he wants to be with you in principle. But this connection is not possible if you are playing games. This is only possible if you know how to break through to his "human" level and are not afraid to show your true "essence".

Also be sure to read:

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What does a man think when he meets "his one and only" | Blog of Yaroslav Samoilov

The concept of "the one" or "the only one" is rather vague in our time. Is it possible that each of us is destined for only one person with so many connections and contacts? Yes maybe. Or maybe not.

But as soon as life path there is “the same” or “the same”, this question disappears by itself.

I am often asked: “If a man says he loves, then why doesn’t he do anything for me?” or “Can a man love?” Yes, he can! But this does not always mean that he is ready to conquer mountains and strain for the sake of such love. Do you want to know how a man understands that he has met “his only one”, whom he wants to protect, protect, provide?

How does a man think before this meeting and after it?

I am sure that every woman wants to know about this. After all, this will help to understand whether he truly considers you his soulmate. Therefore, get ready to “get into the head” of your man. Now you will learn in detail about his 7 thoughts, which he carefully hides. Thought 1. “I will move mountains, but I will fulfill her every wish” Once a wonderful science fiction writer Robert Highline once said one smart phrase: "Love is a state in which the happiness of another person is an integral part of your own." So it turns out that every man who is truly in love wants her to be happy. To do this, he will be ready to realize any of her dreams. And for him it doesn’t matter how difficult it is to implement them. What does a man think about when he wants to make you happy? He wants to become a knight in shining armor and, swinging his sword right and left, kill the terrible dragons that threaten his beloved. But in real life, a man acts differently. It all depends on his capabilities at the moment. Yes, today he can take you to an expensive restaurant or take you on a yacht trip, make a valuable gift. But also his feelings for you, his desire to take care of the woman he loves, can be expressed in simpler ways. He can simply take care of you when you are sick, make surprises or indulge in your favorite sweets. Show attention and respect towards you.

Regardless of the magnitude and importance of such actions, they will always mean one thing - he considers you “the one.” Thought 2. “For her sake, I am ready to become stronger” A man always strives to become the best version of himself, regardless of the state of the relationship in which he is . But when the “right” woman comes into his life, he has completely new motivations. What does the man think after that? Now he is sure that he must try even harder to achieve his goals. After all, you become a ray of light on his gloomy life path and he wants to be proud of him. He will want to present you with an improved self. Therefore, if you do not understand what and how a man thinks when he returns home late again due to visiting the gym or being late at work, look at him and everything will become clear. If burning eyes and a strong kiss are the invariable components of each such return, then all this is for you. Don't get mad at him and don't tell him he's wrong. He needs a gym so that there is always a strong man next to his beloved woman. And delays at work will allow him to become more successful and start earning more in order to be able to satisfy all your needs.

Thought 3. “Never before have I met such a beautiful woman.”

How do men think about their lovers? We love a woman for who she is. And everything in her seems beautiful. It is impossible to literally describe the emotions of a man when he sees the woman he has been waiting for all his life. He loves her differently: just out of bed in rumpled pajamas and in a beautiful evening dress. Every time, her sight takes his breath away . What is a man thinking about at this moment? Absolutely nothing! Realizing that he is standing in front of the most beautiful woman in the world, he is no longer able to think about anything! Thought 4. “I am glad that my past relationship did not work out!” This thought is exactly what a man thinks about when he realizes that you are “the one”. No, he won't complain about the failed relationship he had before you. He will be glad that he had them. After all, with their help, he was able to prepare for a meeting with “the one.” And now he is an experienced man who knows what a woman can want, how to care for her and how to make her happy. Thought 5. “My personal desires are no longer so important” How does a man think when he is alone? “I want to get married and live with a single woman until the end of my days? So that she gives birth to many, many children for me? ”Well, it’s unlikely! It’s hard to want children if you don’t know who their mother will be. It's hard to think about a family if you don't know who will be next to you. What does a man really think about? Until the moment of meeting the woman with whom he is ready to link his fate, there were personal desires and goals in his life. They are simple and clear. And believe me, among them there are definitely no dreams of beautiful interior items or a new sofa. But, having met “that one”, he understands that now it is necessary to realize the goals and desires that concern both of you.

Thought 6. “I hope I didn’t ruin everything.”

Have you ever seen fear in his eyes because he did something wrong? Yes, a man can also worry that he is not strong enough and quick enough in making decisions! Agree that no one is perfect. What does a man think about at these moments? About the fact that he must daily prove the seriousness of his feelings. Therefore, you need to love your man for who he is. It is also necessary to tell him about it. Of course, this does not mean that now he can sit on the sofa with a bottle of beer, turn on the TV and thus spend all the evenings remaining for the rest of his life. No! If he considers you "the one", then will daily surprise with something and not sit idly by. He may try to find a new joint hobby, start going to the pool together, offer to make new shelves in the bathroom for your entire cosmetics collection. And if something doesn’t work out for your man, try to support him. So that he doesn’t even have thoughts that one of his failures can change your opinion of him for the worse. Thought 7. “I don’t know how it happened, but I’m so happy about it” Luck, fate, fate - the reason, by which he met you may have different names. Sometimes it is impossible to explain how you met. They lived in different places (cities, and maybe countries) and until the moment of that very meeting they did not even suspect the existence of each other. Nevertheless, this meeting took place. I don’t know about you, but your man in his heart definitely thanks fate for this. Believe me, it's true.

What to do with this knowledge?

Yaroslav Samoilov

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What does a man think when he meets “his one and only”?

How to ask a man?

How to behave with a man in bed. 5 ground rules?

How to fall in love with a man?

How to please a man?

10 text messages that make it clear that men like you

5 golden truths on how to understand a man

16 priceless examples of how to compliment a man

19 nice sms for your beloved man

11 statements of a man in love or how to understand that a man is in love

How to seduce a man? 4 ways that will surprise you


Understanding what others care about is no less important than finding out what you really want out of life. Having learned what the opposite sex is interested in, it is much easier to build relationships with him, to find mutual language and avoid conflict. What men think about allows you to look into their soul and evaluate whether this person is the one you would like to see next to you and whether you can build a long-term and, most importantly, happy relationship with him.

Understanding what men think

No matter how strange it may seem, but the stronger sex does not always think about sex. His head is filled with other thoughts, because he needs not only to have fun, but also to win recognition among his gender, and it is formed not only on the basis of the presence or absence of a spouse in their lives. Unlike women, for the stronger sex, their marital status does not affect their self-esteem in any way.

If he is single or changes girls like gloves, but at the same time he is financially successful, has real estate, a good car and a certain status in society, he is already considered a successful person. presence in his life beautiful girl only complements his image. Therefore, before marrying, a real man seeks to secure his independence and the opportunity to provide for his future family. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the stronger sex are persistent in this matter. And they marry, guided by feelings, and not by cold calculation and responsibility, which is vital in this matter. This often happens because some have not yet had time to find themselves, to decide what success means to them.

Everyone has his own, but in the male world, nevertheless, his inalienable features are: social status, finances and strength. And this is due to the fact that from birth, boys are told that they are obliged to be earners and protectors. Therefore, they think most often about achieving this status and obtaining all the attributes corresponding to it. After all, he wants not only to earn the recognition of other men, society, but also the woman he loves.

If he fails to implement the program laid down in him, then he will not be able to become the one who suits the majority of the fair sex. And often it is the failure of the stronger sex that causes divorces. It makes no sense to blame them for not always being able to be those whom their loved ones would like to see in them. It's just that men are the same people and they are also characterized by laziness, fears, internal problems and anxieties. And even when it seems that he is a weakling and a loser in life, he still thinks about how to stop being like that. Only some cope with this task faster, not allowing emotions and desires to take over them, while others never find themselves, continuing to go with the flow, especially when a woman takes on his duties.

Until they find themselves, do not understand who they are, what they need to do, what amount of income is acceptable for them, how they need to live and what to do to earn recognition, they will not be able to become real men and pay due attention to their beloved. And here it is up to the fair sex to decide for themselves whether they are ready to wait for a meeting with someone who has fulfilled himself and grown up, or is it better to take a risk and connect life with someone who is still in search.

But, do not be upset, it is not necessary to look for the rich and successful, which, unfortunately, are not so many. A man considers himself accomplished even when his plans are only slowly being fulfilled. Having not yet received everything that he planned, he still knows that he is on the right track, because he has found himself. He no longer needs to think about one thing, completely immersed in it. Now it will not be difficult for him to look away from his achievements and think about how to conquer and satisfy his beloved.

Top 10 What Men Think About

  • Of course, the thoughts of the stronger sex are also associated with the fair sex, only they change depending on the age of the man. Young people under 30 most appreciate beauties by their appearance, how attractive and relaxed they are, but their intelligence is no less important when it comes to finding a permanent girlfriend. But still, during this period, the heads of young men are busy with self-realization, so the number of girls and their beauty are directly associated with their status and success rate. In addition, at this age, it is equally important for them to satisfy physical needs, and not to take responsibility for the family. They are not yet ready for this, and therefore they do not consider their qualities in the opposite field in this vein. Now they have in the first place: achieving a position in society, recreation and entertainment. But of course, there are exceptions.
  • At the age of 30-35, their views change. They already reach a certain level, see their future more clearly, and the desire to love and be loved, to have a family and be responsible for it is already coming to the fore. Now they are thinking about the fact that every man should plant a tree, build a house and raise a son in his life. It is very important for them how smart, loyal and caring a woman will be next to them. They need support and encouragement, their success must be shared by those who are dear to them.
  • Having crossed the 40-year milestone, the representatives of the stronger sex think about the need for mutual understanding between him and his beloved. He needs a rear and confidence even more that at home he will rest from his labors and enjoy communication with an intelligent and confident woman who knows what she wants from life, takes care of herself and takes care of him.
  • Men's thoughts about women are diverse, but among them one can single out something in common, what excites them and what they look for in them. They want their girlfriend to be independent, but not so much that he feels unnecessary and useless. The male ego is very sensitive. For many years he has been trying to prove to himself and others that he has become a provider and protector, has managed to achieve success and earn the recognition of others. Such a struggle does not pass without a trace for anyone, and one has to pay for it with too sensitive pride. And at the slightest threat to him, the stronger sex begins to act. They do not throw tantrums, although there are some, but when they feel hurt, and unable to cope with this, they decide to part with the one who did not take care of his ego.
  • They want to see next to them the one with whom you can talk about everything, knowing that she will listen, understand and support, and will not dismiss, criticize and say that he is a loser, and she did not expect anything else.

  • They do not like irritable, always dissatisfied and scandalous ladies. Even if they themselves are partly to blame for this, they will never admit it and blame the woman for everything. There's nothing you can do about it, it's worth either accepting or thinking about finding someone who won't make you feel that way.
  • Not wanting to meet again, the representative of the stronger sex will never say this directly. He will try to soften his words by promising to call. This does not mean that he did not like the girl, this only indicates that he did not decide whether to continue communication or not.
  • Men also think about the upcoming vacation, when they are happy to watch a sports program where their favorite team plays or an athlete performs, play a new computer game, and repair a car. At this moment, they do not care about a trip to the country, the continuation of repairs or shopping. Even if his beloved asks to do something, he sincerely does not understand why it needs to be done right now, and not on another day, when he will be free.
  • In general, rest for men with friends, communication, fishing and hiking in the forest, in a garage or a bar without their halves is very important. This allows them to distract themselves, gather their thoughts and recuperate after a hard week of work. They share fellowship with friends and love, and do not mix these areas of their lives.
  • Men don't think about dates, they don't represent for them important information. There is no need to be offended by this, it is better to accept it.

As many people know: “An alien soul is dark” and you can’t recognize another person if you haven’t been with him in a variety of situations. In addition, few people are ready to open their souls and tell about themselves what sometimes they themselves have not yet understood. Therefore, the most in a simple way to lift the veil of secrecy that hides the worldview of a beloved man is the ability to hear him. He will always put his thoughts into words and it will not be difficult for an attentive interlocutor, to whom he is interesting and dear, to understand what he really thinks about.

… love to cuddle

Love to hug, it's generally normal. Even the most brutal and stern biker or the director of a large company, or in extreme cases, an army general - they all sometimes like to feel like kittens and curl up on the knees of their beloved woman, even if only the head fits there, on these knees. Don't pay attention to the details, everyone needs tenderness, including men. Strong men also have their weaknesses.

Just don’t overdo it, even the most avid romantic or little basket son doesn’t like being called “my boy”, a man should still remain a man. Leave the "boys" to moms.

… do not like makeup

Not any, of course. Looking at a well-groomed beauty and not guessing that she has at least a gram of cosmetics on her is excellent. To be confused by the miraculous transformation of a beloved from Cinderella into a fairy-tale princess is simply wonderful. But, alas, when it comes to kissing, the fairy tale ends: hardly anyone will like the taste of foundation and lipstick in their mouth. And then, to be frank, men love naturalness. It's hard to believe, but pajamas and tousled hair like your chosen one much more than an impressive layer of makeup.

…are also under pressure to get married

Their grandparents, just like yours, want to “still have time to babysit their great-grandchildren,” and their parents dream of “retiring and devoting themselves to their grandchildren.” And, believe me, this oppresses men no less than us, especially if the wedding is not included in the immediate plans. Agree, marriage for the sake of marriage is a much less exciting process than marriage for love and mutual desire.

…think they are great in bed

As children, they were taught that confidence is the key to success. Please ladies, don't dissuade them. It is much easier to teach all the subtleties of a confident man than a mattress and mumbling. In addition, with all the outward self-confidence, our men are sometimes much more insecure than we ourselves: “Did she like it?”, “I was able to please her?”, “Why doesn’t she moan?”, “She did not like?!". Do not directly destroy his fragile world, because by and large, you can always find workarounds. Well, or a new partner.

… don't like the morning after, uh, a passing fling

My head hurts, my conscience is generally still asleep, and even more so I don’t have the strength to talk. So, ladies, our advice to you is not to hope for anything more than a breakfast of scrambled eggs and a cup of coffee. Everything else is from the realm of fantasy. Let's be honest, not all relationships begin with a bed, and if you have already decided on an adventure, then be prepared for the fact that you will not be taken to the registry office either tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or even a month later. So, make life easier for yourself and your man - enjoy the full solitary awakening and pleasant memories.

…think it’s all about PMS

These three letters are worse than nuclear war for any guy. What could be worse when you are literally to blame for everything and there is no chance for forgiveness?

Alas, to our misfortune, absolutely sincerely, without exception, all men believe: all our problems are only because of menstruation, resentment, anger, sudden tears ... Yes, all this is due to that very unfortunate week, which certainly happens once a month. By the way, a headache (or any other) also happens only during PMS and never again. We do not get sick, we are robots whose program fails once a month. And what are these surprised eyes worth: “Why does your stomach hurt, because your period ended two weeks ago!”

… love shopping

Shopping therapy is not exclusively a feminine fad, it is such a psychological unisex. So don't be surprised when you meet your man with a hundred bags, you'd better be sorry. But, for God's sake, don't make him go shopping with you - watching someone change endless outfits that most likely seem exactly the same to him is absolutely unbearable! Better yet, bring a friend with you.

…think shower sex is overrated

All they think about is how not to fall and break their necks and yours. We bet you will think about it too, as soon as the first jets of water douse you from head to toe. In addition, if your partner is a pro in his field, there is every chance of freezing first and then catching a cold. Go to a warm and cozy bed. Last resort - on the carpet. Well, well, in the most extreme case - on the table.

... don't like to hear about our previous relationships

This problem is relevant regardless of gender, age and the seriousness of the relationship. Who would like to hear about how you and someone somewhere, once it was good ... or bad, what's the difference. If you keep thinking about your ex-boyfriend with or without reason, then your current partner can be sure that the previous relationship is not yet completed, at least on a psychological level. It is best to leave your luggage outside the door of his apartment. After all, you would certainly be offended if he talked about his former passions every day.

...dream to be pitied

A man should be pitied and supported. And these are not common words. He is always tired (even if he did not as an example less than you), he has problems at work, his boss offended him, not Ali's bonus, put a stain on his shirt, all people are bastards, he has a headache, a pen, a leg - most likely everything it will have to be amputated, as a result, to be left without a job, completely impoverished and start pawning jewelry in a pawnshop. From all these terrible events that hung over your loved one, only one thing can save him - you, or rather your sincere sympathy. Believe me, for him a pimple on his forehead is completely different from what it is for us. While we are looking for a new concealer, the man will think through the plan of his funeral to the smallest detail. And, by the way, it is possible to check with you whether you will be faithful to him after coffin board. Firstly, you will, and secondly, hug your beloved tightly and promise with an oath: everything will be fine!

By the way, psychologists say that as soon as a man starts complaining about life, pain, fatigue and a mosquito bite - it's done! The next step is happy love. And all because men's complaints are highest degree trust.

Men think about love, that's a fact. Of course, among men there is no unity of opinion regarding love, because there are so many opinions as there are men. Here the men split into two camps. Those who believe in love and those who do not.

Most men agree on ideal love. It can be described by a formula - to each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities. That is, the beloved must accept him as he is. Accept, inspire, support, understand, do not insist and admire. To create comfort and warmth in their little world. But the man will already take care of her to the best of his ability. In some ways, this is reminiscent of the relationship of a man with his mother. In fact, most are looking for the ideal mother and are guided by the idea that if a woman is the ideal mother in a relationship for him, then you can have your own children with her.

Of course, men like to think that their chosen one will have a set of high moral qualities. But as a series of anonymous surveys showed, first of all, a man looks at appearance. And no matter what ideal character traits a woman possesses - if her appearance does not match the taste of her partner (yes, someone loves thin big-eyed blondes, and someone puffy brunettes), then no spiritual beauty will help here.

So we found out male opinion about ideal relationships.What else do men think about love?

Romantics believe that marriages are made in heaven. That every person has his “half” and, having met her, all problems can be solved. Of course, true love can be recognized at first sight and the heart will immediately whisper that this is She! They are looking for a combination of fidelity, beauty and femininity.

Skeptics and cynics argue that, on the contrary, there is no love. There is an instinct for procreation, the desire to survive and the search for a sexual partner. Such men are not looking for an unattainable ideal, and are ready to seduce any girl they like "here and now." And they do it well, because they do not hesitate to use the entire arsenal of seduction tools accumulated over the centuries.

Well, the truth is again somewhere in the middle. While a man is looking for his "perfect" girl, seducing the "ordinary" ones along the way, one day he realizes that he has fallen in love. And that all the constructed conclusions are of no importance, because the one that is nearby is everything he needs.

* Everyone in life has someone who will never let you go, and someone who you will never let go.
Chuck Palahniuk.

* What is worse - making love without loving, or loving without making love?
Frederic Begbeder,

* There is only one big love in life, all previous loves are just a test of the pen, and all subsequent ones are catching up.
Frederic Begbeder

* There is something worse than life with you - it is life without you.
Frederic Begbeder

* When you despise the one you love, you insult yourself.
Frederic Begbeder

* Making someone fall in love with you is a piece of cake: pretend you don't care, that's all. Win-win strategy. Men and women equally fall for those who do not pay attention to them ... Having fallen in love, you should first of all convince the person you want more than anything in the world that you are neither hot nor cold from him. To love means to play indifference, to drown out the beating of the heart, to say the opposite of what you feel. Basically, love is a scam.

Frederic Begbeder

* Men are always between the former and the future, the present does not occupy them. They better rush from nostalgia to hope, from loss to dream. We are forever sandwiched between two missing ladies.
Frederic Begbeder

* Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end.
Erich Maria Remarque

* Love is wonderful. But one of the two always gets bored. And the other is left with nothing.
Erich Maria Remarque

* As long as we love, we can forgive.
François de La Rochefoucauld

* When people do not agree on the main thing, they disagree over trifles.
Don Aminado

* Hearts can break. Yes, hearts can break. Sometimes I think it would be better if we died when they break, but we don't die.
Stephen King

* If you want your husband to adore you, start feeding him 3-5 minutes before he gets hungry.
Yuri Shanin

* Women live in memories. Men by what they forgot.
Janusz Wisniewski

* To redraw according to one's own measurements and keep it to oneself - that's what lovers usually want - spouses or parents, it doesn't matter.
Max Fry

* Two things a real man wants: danger and play. Therefore, he wants a woman, as the most dangerous toy.
Friedrich Nietzsche

* If one man gets cold feet and runs away, then there will be millions of others. One day you'll find someone crazy who won't shy away.

* A woman in love with you can help increase your creativity, can inspire you to such heights that you never even dreamed of. And she asks for nothing in return. She just needs your love, and this is her natural right.

* When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens to cry.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

* In love, there is no worse catastrophe than the death of the imagination.
George Meredith

* Each person carries in the depths of his "I" a small cemetery, where those whom he loved are buried.
Romain Rolland