Recipes for stomach ulcers. Healthy and tasty dishes for stomach ulcers: recipes

An esophageal ulcer is a rather serious pathological process that requires long-term and competent treatment. In this case, dietary nutrition plays an important role, which is aimed at maintaining a normal environment in the digestive tract.

Nutrition Features

Even if the diagnosis of an esophageal ulcer is not confirmed, the patient is advised to reconsider his diet when the corresponding symptoms appear.

Diet for esophageal ulcers is an important part of successful therapy. Food is not a provoking factor in the development of an ulcer.

But, if the patient has an exacerbation of the pathological process, then he needs to limit the use of certain foods.

During the period of treatment of the disease, it is necessary to limit the intake of heavy food, since the body spends a lot of energy on digesting it. Sometimes rational nutrition becomes the only way to successfully treat the disease.

Such a measure is necessary when closing the valve between the esophagus and the stomach. In this case, drug therapy is powerless. Most doctors prescribe dietary nutrition to patients and regularly monitor the course of the disease.

The diet is characterized by the presence of a small number of restrictions. During the treatment of the disease, the patient is advised to refuse to eat fried foods. Also, do not eat excessively fatty foods.

sick in without fail must refrain from drinking alcohol. Do not use store-bought sausages and pates. Eating such food is harmful even for a healthy person. And with an esophageal ulcer, they are strictly prohibited.

Thanks to the diet, there is an acceleration of the processes of reparation of ulcers, which leads to their reduction. Via diet food the possibility of an inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the organ is also eliminated. The use of the diet should be carried out during the period of treatment of the patient, not only on an outpatient basis, but also at home.

Dietary nutrition for esophageal ulcer is the key to successful treatment of the pathological process. That is why the patient is advised to strictly adhere to certain rules.


In order for food products not to have a negative impact on the performance of the digestive tract and the course of the disease, it is necessary to prepare dishes according to certain rules:

  • The use of meat products should be carried out in stewed or boiled form. Steamed cutlets and meatballs are also recommended.
  • During the period of treatment of the disease, patients are allowed to use cottage cheese, the fat content of which is not more than 2.5 percent. Yoghurts and dairy products are allowed to be consumed only if they are at room temperature.
  • In the treatment of esophageal ulcers, patients are allowed to eat eggs. They can be eaten boiled and soft-boiled. Steamed omelets are also recommended from this product.
  • Butter is recommended for dressing ready meals.
  • Patients can eat chicken. Before cooking, be sure to cut off the fat and skin from it. From this type of meat you can cook steam cutlets. Also, chicken is used for stewing with vegetables.
  • Quite useful in the diet are cereals. After cooking cereals, they must be grinded.

The use of vegetables should be carried out in a baked or boiled form. They also make puree.
Most experts with esophageal ulcers recommend that patients eat broccoli.
If all of the above rules are followed, the possibility of irritation will be eliminated. gastrointestinal tract food, which will positively affect the process of treating the disease.

During the course of the disease, the patient's diet should be developed taking into account the permitted products. The patient is advised to eat vegetables.

His diet should consist of peas, beans, cabbage, spinach, potatoes. Zucchini, tomato, etc. Do not refuse during the course of the disease from fruits and berries.

It is best to give preference to non-acidic foods - raspberries, grapes, peaches, strawberries, apples, etc.

The patient must remember that grains are in the category of complex carbohydrates that are essential in the diet. That is why their diet should consist of brown rice, bread, crackers, bulgur, oatmeal.

Proteins must be supplied to the human body. That is why cooking is carried out using chicken, beans, eggs, lean meat. It is also recommended to add shrimp, squid, cold sea fish, etc.

Proper selection of food for esophageal ulcers will eliminate a variety of complications during the course of the disease.

Approximate diet

In most cases, with an esophageal ulcer, patients are prescribed diet No. 1. It consists in using only approved products.

Most doctors develop a menu for a week. The first breakfast on Monday should consist of oatmeal, which is pre-steamed with boiled water, and lightly brewed tea. For lunch, the patient can be given vegetable soup, which is pre-ground.

Also, the patient's diet should consist of milk jelly. For an afternoon snack, you can drink rosehip tea, to which honey is added in a small amount. Dinner should consist of boiled rice or potatoes and a baked meatloaf that has no crust. Before going to bed, you can drink dairy products, but not more than 200 milliliters.

For Tuesday breakfast, they prepare semolina porridge based on dairy products and compote based on dried fruits. Lunch should consist of jelly, and lunch should consist of milk rice soup. Potato casserole and compote.

For an afternoon snack, the patient is allowed to drink a glass of dairy products. Dinner should consist of boiled buckwheat, jelly and curd soufflé. At night, you are allowed to drink a small amount of dairy products.

Breakfast on Wednesday should consist of fat-free cottage cheese, to which honey and sour cream are added, as well as tea with dairy products. For a second breakfast, a pear is baked to the patient and dairy products are given. Cooking for lunch milk soup based on pearl barley, beetroot puree, fish cutlets, berry jelly. For an afternoon snack, you can eat a few toasts and drink rosehip broth. Dinner consists of rice pudding and a boiled egg.

For breakfast on Thursday, it is recommended that the patient be given aspic based on the tongue, carrot puree and lightly brewed tea. A little later, you can drink a glass of compote. Lunch consists of meatballs, milk oatmeal soup, mashed potatoes. The afternoon snack is the same as on Wednesday. Cooking recommended for dinner chicken cutlets OK, carrot puree and compote.

On Friday, a steam omelet and compote are prepared for breakfast. You can have a bite baked apple and dairy products. For lunch, vegetable soup is prepared, for which a weak broth is used.

About diseases of the esophagus in detail in the video:

It is also recommended to give the patient rice pudding and apple jelly. For an afternoon snack, the patient should eat unsalted crackers and wash them down with rosehip broth. Dinner consists of dairy products and buckwheat curd.

For Saturday breakfast, patients are recommended curd soufflé and weakly brewed tea. For a second breakfast, you need to give a little fruit jelly. Lunch consists of milk rice soup, steam cutlets, carrot puree, compote. The afternoon snack is the same as on Friday. Dinner consists of a rice casserole with raisins and yogurt.

On Sunday, breakfast should be rice porridge and tea, to which a small amount of dairy products is added. Lunch consists of toast and fruit juice. For lunch, vermicelli soup is prepared using chicken broth, steamed chicken cutlets, boiled potatoes, dried fruit compote.

The afternoon snack consists in the use of crackers and unsweetened tea. For dinner, a vegetable stew is prepared for the patient. Before going to bed, the patient can drink a glass of dairy products. This menu is universal and therefore it is widely used in the treatment of esophageal ulcers in almost all patients. If the patient has allergic reactions to certain products, then they can be replaced.

An esophageal ulcer is a local manifestation on the mucous membrane of this organ. In most cases, it appears against the background of exposure to bacteria and infections. Most of them are treated with antibiotics.

This leads to a violation of the microflora of the digestive tract. To restore it, the patient is advised to prescribe proper nutrition. The diet should be developed in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient.

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What can and cannot be eaten with a stomach ulcer? Grocery list

Principles of nutrition in gastric ulcer

To draw up an individual diet for a stomach ulcer, you should know the general nutritional recommendations for people suffering from this disease. A properly designed menu will allow you to be full, enjoy eating, have good health and avoid exacerbations.

Diet Basics

  1. Sufficient energy value. The total calorie content of food consumed during the day should be 2700 - 3000 kilocalories.
  2. Balance. Should be included in the diet required amount nutrients.
  3. Fractionality along with a small amount of portions. You should eat 6-8 times a day, but in small amounts of food.
  4. The temperature of the food consumed should be indifferent: food and drinks should not be taken cold or hot.
  5. Salt is either eliminated or reduced to a minimum.
  6. Recommended heat treatment of products: boiling, stewing, steaming, baking without crusting. Fried, canned, smoked, spicy and all foods that irritate the gastric mucosa are excluded.
  7. Dishes should be freshly prepared, and in texture - soft, juicy or pureed (sparing the gastric mucosa).
  8. Products that increase the formation of gases are excluded.
  9. Excluded from the diet: alcohol, drinks with gas.
  10. The amount of water consumed increases to 1.5 - 2 liters, if there are no contraindications associated with the presence of kidney and thyroid diseases.

What can not be eaten with a stomach ulcer?

Many foods and drinks are completely excluded from the diet. Everything that causes an increase in the production of gastric juice and irritates the gastric mucosa is included in the list of prohibited foods:

  • Bread: rye, any fresh, rich bakery products.
  • Broths: all strong, primary meat and fish.
  • All mushrooms in any form.
  • Meat: wiry, tough, fatty; coarse poultry meat (goose, duck); salted and smoked lard.
  • Fish: fatty varieties, any variety in salted or smoked form; caviar.
  • Dairy products, spicy and salty cheeses.
  • High-fat dairy products (cream, sour cream, whole milk and others).
  • Eggs: fried eggs, beaten, hard-boiled.
  • All legumes; from cereals: millet, corn, barley, barley, wild rice; muesli.
  • Vegetables with indigestible fiber: turnips, radishes, swedes, radishes, white cabbage, sorrel, spinach, onions, cucumbers, garlic, rhubarb.
  • All canned, smoked, dried, pickled products.
  • Spicy snacks, sauces, mustard, ketchups, horseradish.
  • Fruits and berries with a high content of acids and with a hard peel: citrus fruits, watermelon, pineapples, currants, cranberries, kiwi, figs, gooseberries, apricots, grapes, dates.
  • All nuts and dried fruits.
  • Sweets: chocolate and chocolates, ice cream.
  • Drinks: cocoa, strong coffee and tea, kvass.

What can you eat with a stomach ulcer

At first glance, from what you can eat with stomach ulcers, the dishes seem insipid and not very tasty. However, the list of products recommended for use in this disease is very large. With the desire and skills in cooking, you can cook a lot of not only healthy, but also delicious dishes. So, with a stomach ulcer, you can eat:

  • Bread: yesterday or dried, from wheat flour superior or first class.
  • Bakery products and pastries: sponge cake, dry biscuits (biscuits), crackers, lean buns, unleavened dough pies with minced meat from boiled meat or fish, low-fat cottage cheese, non-sour apples, jam.
  • First courses: soups cooked on vegetable broths with mashed cereals and vegetables, milk soups with vermicelli or groats, mashed soups, soups on secondary meat and fish broths, cereal soups with mashed vegetables without meat. Soups are seasoned with unroasted flour or a mixture of milk and egg.
  • Meat, poultry and fish dishes: low-fat varieties, boiled in a whole piece, as well as steam soufflés, meatballs, minced meat zrazy. Recommended meat of turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal, River fish.
  • Dairy products: low-fat cream and milk; low-fat yogurt, kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, fermented baked milk; fresh low-fat cottage cheese; mild cheese with reduced salt content or fresh.
  • Eggs: in the form of steam omelettes, as well as cooked soft-boiled.
  • Dishes from cereals: mashed or semi-viscous cereals cooked in a milk-water mixture or in water from semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal (hercules), steamed cereal meatballs.
  • For garnish - boiled pasta, preferably small and boiled.
  • Vegetables and dishes from them: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, beets - boiled or in the form of soufflé, steam cutlets. Tomatoes and tomato paste - in limited quantities.
  • Sauces: milk bechamel (without roasting flour), fruit and milk for desserts.
  • Fats: high grade melted butter, unsalted fresh butter, refined vegetable oil.
  • Desserts: sugar, honey, marshmallows and marshmallows are allowed; dishes from allowed fruits and berries: casseroles, jelly, puree, sambuca, soufflé, compotes, kissels.

What fruits can you?

  • Apples.
  • Pears.
  • Bananas.
  • Avocado.
  • Persimmon.
  • Sweet berries.

What can you drink with an ulcer?

  • Fresh juices from sweet berries and permitted fruits.
  • Decoctions of wheat bran, rose hips.
  • Weak tea, you can with milk.
  • Weak coffee with milk or cream.
  • Compotes from permitted fruits and berries.

Sometimes, even after studying the lists of allowed and prohibited foods, people have additional questions. For example, is it possible to eat seeds with a stomach ulcer - a product loved by many? Answer: no, sunflower seeds are prohibited for use with stomach ulcers. Seeds, getting into the stomach, act on its mucosa irritatingly, increase acidity and cause flatulence. Just like nuts, seeds contain fats that are difficult to digest and absorb.

Often patients wonder if vodka, which many consider to be a “pure” alcoholic drink, is so harmful. And is beer allowed in exceptional cases - a drink that is considered non-alcoholic in some sources? In the case of any alcohol, the opinions of doctors are unanimous: no alcoholic beverages can be drunk with a stomach ulcer! Any alcohol increases acidity, causes inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease. In addition, alcohol intake contributes to the occurrence of formidable complications:

  • perforation of an ulcer (perforation, formation of a through hole in the wall of the stomach);
  • internal bleeding.

Nutrition for an exacerbation of an ulcer

In the event of an exacerbation of a chronic disease, an even more gentle diet for the stomach is prescribed. All dishes should be cooked in a liquid or mushy consistency. Bread, all fruits and vegetables in any form are completely excluded. Eating 7 - 8 times a day. The duration of such a strict diet should be 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the severity of the process.

An important component of any treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is diet.

Dietary nutrition for gastric erosion should be based on the following principles: it should be healthy, complete in terms of the content of all food components, balanced in diet. Diet for erosion of the stomach implies not only a choice the right products, but also their culinary processing according to technology, compliance with the optimal temperature of dishes, as well as the frequency and mode of eating.

Conservative treatment of erosion will bring the expected result faster if the patient follows a diet. It is necessary to provide gentle nutrition for the stomach so that the process of regeneration of the mucosal epithelium proceeds faster.

Diet involves thermal sparing of the gastric mucosa. All food and drinks taken should not be very high or low temperature. Optimum temperature roughly equal to body temperature. Hot drinks (tea, coffee), ice cream, cold cocktails are excluded. Reception of hot dishes is accompanied by a violation of the motor function of the stomach, irritation of the mucous membrane.
Mechanical sparing of the gastric mucosa is provided by eating in the form of liquid and semi-liquid dishes. The menu should include pureed cereals and soups, slimy soups are especially useful. Food for erosion of the stomach should not contain solid foods (crackers, large pieces of meat, unground vegetables, etc.). The patient should eat up to 6 times a day, preferably in small portions, so that the stomach can cope with the volume of food. Jelly-like dishes have less mechanical effect on the mucosa, so the diet should contain jelly, porridge-smear, aspic.

The diet for erosion of the stomach should not contain any products that cause irritation of the mucous membrane and increase the secretion of gastrin. Spices, seasonings, hot sauces, mayonnaise, garlic, radish, radish, acidic varieties of berries and fruits should not be added to the patient's diet during erosion, fried foods, strong rich broths, and smoked products are also excluded. Negatively affects the course of the disease alcoholic beverages, carbonated water, citrus fruits, coffee, black bread.

Prohibited Products

It is forbidden to eat:

  • fatty varieties of fish and meat, fatty soups;
  • foods rich in fiber;
  • sour fruits and berries;
  • pickled, salted, smoked products;
  • carbonated water, coffee, strong tea;
  • some types of vegetables (white cabbage, radish, radish).

Approved Products

The patient's daily diet should include:

  • jelly-like dishes, jelly;
  • low-fat dairy products (except sour);
  • cereals and mucous porridges;
  • hard low-fat cheeses;
  • necessarily first courses (ground soups, vegetable broths, slimy soups);
  • egg dishes (steam omelets, boiled eggs);
  • steamed fish and meat dishes;
  • refined vegetable oils;
  • vegetable puree.


Soup Recipes

Semolina milk soup: for 250 grams of milk, take 4 tablespoons of semolina and 250 grams of pure water, 1 egg. Add sugar (a quarter of a teaspoon), a pinch of salt. Add ¼ teaspoon of butter to the finished soup. Mix half of the milk and water, pour semolina in a jet, stirring constantly, bring the cereal to readiness. Heat the remaining milk to 70 degrees, mix with the egg. Add the resulting mixture to the soup, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil, turn off. Add oil.

Slimy milk soup made from barley groats. 350 ml. water, 150 ml. milk, 40 grams of barley groats, a quarter chicken egg, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of sugar, butter. Rinse barley groats under running water, pour boiled water over it, put on fire. Boil until the cereal is soft, then strain through a sieve, do not grind. Do not pour out the remaining cereal broth, add milk there, bring to a boil. The soup is seasoned with a mixture of eggs and hot milk. After readiness, add sugar, salt before serving.

Recipes for decoctions of cereals

Rice slimy decoction. Rinse 2 tablespoons of rice groats, pour one glass of cold water, add a pinch of salt. cook for at least 2 hours. strain the resulting decoction of rice cereal, add salt.

Decoction in milk with pearl barley. Mix a glass of milk and half a glass of water and pour the washed pearl barley over the mixture. Boil the cereal for at least 2 hours. strain the broth and dilute with hot milk. Add sugar and salt to taste.

Decoction of pearl barley with egg, soybean oil. Rinse the cereal under running water, cover with cold water and cook for at least 2 hours. if the water boils away, add hot water. You will get a boiled pearl mixture. It must be rubbed through a sieve. Rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve, dilute with milk and add to the broth. Sugar and salt to taste.

egg recipes

Steam omelet. For 2 eggs, take 80 grams of milk, a pinch of salt, butter. Whisk eggs with milk. Pour the resulting mixture into a greased mold. An omelet with a thickness of no more than 4 cm is better baked. The omelette is served warm, poured with butter.

Egg porridge. Beat 50 grams of milk and 2 chicken eggs, salt to taste. Pour the mixture into a bowl and put on a slow fire. Add butter and stir.

Second course recipes

Cod quenelles. Gutted cod 110 grams, a quarter of an egg, half a teaspoon of butter. For the sauce: half a teaspoon of first grade flour, 30 grams of milk, a pinch of salt. pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder several times, mix with sauce and yolk. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and gently fold into the mixture. The resulting mass is used to make dumplings. Immerse the formed quenelles in boiling water and cook over low heat.

Cod fish soufflé. Half an egg, 120 grams of peeled fish, a teaspoon of refined oil. Sauce: 30 grams of milk, half a teaspoon of flour. Sunflower or olive oil for greasing the mold.
Boil the cleaned fish until done. Then it should be slightly cooled and passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate. Prepare the sauce and chilled add it to minced fish. Then add the beaten egg, salt, vegetable oil.

Food occupies an important place in the life of a modern person. Food is needed to restore strength and normal functioning of the body, with its help to get new sensations, to cheer yourself up. It is diverse, but for patients with a stomach ulcer, at first glance, it can become insipid and monotonous due to the need to follow a therapeutic diet.

Nutrition is both the basis for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and one of the important components of their treatment. Peptic ulcer of the stomach imposes significant restrictions on the diet of its owners, especially during an exacerbation.

Diet principles

How is the diet for stomach ulcers?

  • It should provide enough energy, the menu for a stomach ulcer includes all the necessary substances.
  • You need to eat in small portions, but often (about every 3 hours).
  • The amount of liquid drunk during the day should be sufficient.
  • You need to limit your salt intake.
  • Do not drink alcohol, do not smoke.
  • As little as possible, consume foods and drinks that increase the secretion of gastric juice (for example, coffee).
  • All dishes that you can afford with a stomach ulcer should not be excessively high or low temperature, too spicy or salty ─ moderation is important here.
  • Less in the diet should be foods that promote flatulence, bloating: legumes, black bread, cabbage, etc.
  • Exclude fried, smoked, very salty dishes from the menu.
  • Give priority to the following types of cooking: steaming, boiling, stewing, baking.

Sample menu for ulcers:

  • For breakfast: Steam omelette, low-fat cottage cheese, fruit compote.
  • A baked apple can be a great snack.
  • For lunch: Chicken soup, mashed potatoes, lean fish, jelly.
  • For an afternoon snack: Oatmeal in milk with berries and pieces of fruit, tea.
  • You can have dinner with buckwheat, stewed zucchini, and then drink tea with a wheat bun.
  • Before going to bed, you can allow yourself a glass of milk.

What to exclude from the diet

It is better to remove from your diet:

  • mushroom dishes;
  • meat and fish of fatty varieties;
  • sausages, sausages and other smoked meats;
  • fast food;
  • carbonated drinks, chewing gum, coffee;
  • canned food, semi-finished products;
  • sweet and floury.

Recipe Examples

Recipe books and the Internet are filled with recipes for various dishes for stomach ulcers. And in terms of their taste, many of them are no worse than the usual dishes.

With a stomach ulcer, salad recipes are distinguished by their simplicity, they use a variety of products, such as potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes, etc. You can choose a combination to taste.

A feature of gastric ulcer is that doctors recommend preparing mucous soups, they envelop and soothe the gastric mucosa.

Soup with pumpkin puree and rice

Required: 1 tbsp. l. rice, 1/3 cup milk, ½ cup pumpkin puree, 1 cup water, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, salt and herbs to taste.

Cooking process:

  • rinse and sort the rice, then boil it in a glass of water;
  • add pumpkin puree;
  • mix hot milk with butter and pour into the prepared soup, salt, mix, cook a little over low heat and can be served.

codfish soufflé

An example of a second diet meal.

Required: 125 g of boneless cod, 1 egg, a little butter, salt. For sauce: ½ tsp. flour, 30 g milk.

Cooking process:

  • cod, after all the bones have been selected, rinse and boil;
  • grind into fish in a blender.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce, for this:

  • sauté flour, add hot milk and cook over low heat;
  • the resulting sauce is poured into the chopped fish;
  • add salt, yolk, whipped protein, everything is whipped;
  • The finished mass is laid out in a baking dish and steamed until tender.

The recipes needed for a stomach ulcer concern not only the first, second courses and salads, but also include many desserts. Dishes can be steamed with an ulcer, as well as in a slow cooker.

Rice and apple casserole cooked in a slow cooker

It will require: 1 cup of rice, 300-350 gr. cottage cheese, 2 apples, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 chicken eggs, vanilla sugar, cinnamon to taste.

Cooking process:

  • cook 1 cup of rice. Next, 300–350 grams of cottage cheese are added to it, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, break 2 eggs, you can add a little vanilla sugar and cinnamon;
  • everything is thoroughly mixed;
  • then finely chopped apples are added to the bowl, everything is mixed again;
  • the resulting mass is laid out in a multicooker bowl and cooked for about half an hour in the "baking" mode;
  • sour cream or jam can be an addition to the casserole.

Steamed cheesecakes with berries

You will need: 300-350 grams of curd mass, a third of a glass of flour, a chicken egg, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, a few tbsp. l. vegetable oil and water, a pinch of baking powder for dough, a pinch of salt, berries.

Cooking process:

  • cottage cheese is mixed with berries;
  • an egg is broken here;
  • salt and sugar are added;
  • then ─ all the remaining ingredients;
  • after thorough mixing, put the resulting dough into molds for baking muffins;
  • cheesecakes are cooked in a slow cooker for about 20 minutes in the "steaming" mode.

Semolina pudding with apples

Required: 1 cup of semolina, 3 cups of milk, 1 cup of sugar, 3-4 chicken eggs, 2 apples.

Cooking process:

  • after the milk has boiled and the foam has been removed, you can pour semolina;
  • cook semolina until thickened;
  • grind egg yolks with sugar, add to porridge;
  • send finely chopped apples without skin there;
  • beat the egg whites into foam and also add to the porridge;
  • transfer the entire resulting mass to a baking dish and bake in the “steam cooking” mode for 30 minutes.

The therapeutic diet for stomach ulcers contains a great variety of different tasty and healthy recipes, everything is limited by the culinary's imagination, you can cook delicious dishes from the most ordinary products.

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stomach ulcer and duodenum is a serious disease that requires treatment to avoid exacerbations. In addition to the medical recommendations of the doctor, compliance with therapeutic diet aimed at sparing the stomach. Proper nutrition will relieve pain during an exacerbation, will help effective treatment and recovery.

Therapeutic diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers

A gastric and duodenal ulcer occurs as a result of damage to the spiral microbe Helicobacter pylori of the mucous membrane. The disease is accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen, heartburn, nausea, and belching. Untimely treatment leads to complications that are life-threatening.

The therapeutic diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers is prescribed in combination with the drugs indicated by the doctor and is aimed at sparing the stomach by eating foods that do not stimulate the secretion of gastric juice in the menu. Healthy diet in the treatment of the disease, it is aimed at protecting the gastric mucosa from thermal and mechanical damage, and therefore food is consumed in processed form at room temperature.

Nutrition principles

The diet for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is recognized to reduce the use of foods in the menu that increase the secretion of gastric juice. The diet should be dominated by: cereals, soups, dairy products, steamed or boiled poultry, cooked vegetables. Appointed for a period of 10 to 12 days.

Nutrition in the treatment of the duodenum should be fractional (4-5 times a day) and low-calorie. All products during the diet are boiled, steamed, and then crushed, passed through a meat grinder, rubbed through a sieve. It is necessary to eat dishes in the consistency of soup or liquid porridge. Food should be at room temperature. Salt intake should be kept to a minimum.

Grocery list


  • How to follow a diet Table 1a and 1b for ulcers and gastritis - principles and menus
  • Diet for the intestines and stomach: principle, menu, recipes
  • Diet for chronic gastritis - menu examples
  • What can and cannot be eaten with the Table 1 diet?
  • Diet food for gastroduodenitis

Diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers - a list of foods that you can include in your diet:

  • Dried wheat bread, dry biscuits, crackers;
  • Chicken, dairy, cereal, vegetable soups;
  • Beef, veal, chicken;
  • Milk, yogurt, sour cream, cream;
  • Low-fat river fish: pike, perch, pike perch;
  • Potatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots, zucchini;
  • Buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, rice, barley;
  • Pasta;
  • Raspberry, strawberry, strawberry;
  • Butter and vegetable oil;
  • Compotes, jelly, jelly;

From drinks with a diet for the treatment of ulcers and duodenal ulcers, the use of mineral water without gas, decoctions from berries, vegetable and fruit juices (non-acidic).

It should be excluded from your diet with a therapeutic diet indicated for ulcers and duodenal ulcers:

  • Fatty meats;
  • Fatty varieties of fish (marine);
  • Mushrooms;
  • Fatty, fried, salty foods;
  • Fresh pastries, rye bread;
  • Sausages and canned food;
  • Salo, fats of animal origin;
  • Ice cream;
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Menu for every day

Menu for every day for a diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

  • Omelette for a couple;
  • Chicken soup;
  • Milk;
  • Buckwheat porridge with beef cutlets.


  • Butter sandwich. Jelly;
  • Milk soup;
  • Kissel;
  • Rice with boiled chicken breast.


  • Semolina. Strawberry;
  • Vegetable soup;
  • Compote;
  • Pasta. Veal medallions.


  • 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  • Pike ear;
  • Milk. Cracker;
  • Spaghetti. Beef meatballs.


  • Buckwheat. Raspberries;
  • Pike perch for a couple. Carrot salad;
  • Yogurt;
  • Vegetable puree. Steamed beef cutlets.


  • Pumpkin porridge;
  • Beef roll. beetroot salad;
  • Jelly;
  • Pearl barley. Steamed chicken meatballs.


  • Oatmeal. Strawberry;
  • Bouillon. Chicken fillet for a couple;
  • Yogurt;
  • Perch fillet. Mashed potatoes.

The diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers during the period of exacerbation should be as gentle as possible. Its main goal is the healing of ulcers and erosions, reducing inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Diet during an exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers helps to reduce irritation of the mucous membrane, normalizes the processes of its repair.

With a diet, all chemical and mechanical irritants are excluded. All dishes are either steamed or boiled and ground to the consistency of soup or liquid porridge. Meals should be fractional ( 5-6 meals a day). Dishes are consumed warm from 15 to 65 degrees. During the period of exacerbation excluded from diets s for gastric and duodenal ulcers: bread and baked goods, raw vegetables, snacks, fresh fruits, spices and sauces.


Recipes for a therapeutic diet for duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer:
Steamed beef cutlets

Steamed beef cutlets


  • Beef;
  • Butter;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Chicken egg;
  • Milk;
  • Wheat bread;
  • Salt.

Grind beef in a meat grinder. Soak bread in milk until swelling, grind in a meat grinder, add to ground beef. Add egg, butter, salt. Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We form cutlets. Roll each cutlet on all sides in breadcrumbs. Add a glass of water to the slow cooker, turn on the “Steam cooking” mode. Depending on the size, cutlets will be cooked in 30-50 minutes.
Useful and tasty beef cutlets perfect for a lunch or dinner menu with a diet for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Steamed vegetable meatballs

Steamed vegetable meatballs


  • Potato;
  • Carrot;
  • Sour cream;
  • Wheat flour;
  • Salt.

We peel potatoes and carrots. We rub the vegetables on a fine grater, squeeze out excess moisture. Add sour cream and flour. Salt to taste, mix until smooth. We form meatballs. We send them to the double boiler for 35-40 minutes until cooked.
Following a diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers, you can include vegetable meatballs in your diet as an independent dish or as a side dish.

Milk soup with vermicelli

Milk soup with vermicelli

Recipes for stomach ulcers used in the diet of people suffering from this disease must not only be useful and have a healing effect on the diseased organ, but also give pleasure from ready-made dishes. It is very important that the diet of a person with an ulcer is not monotonous, and the food is not tasty, quite the contrary, dozens of delicious dishes can be prepared from the recommended products if desired. In addition, it should be noted that the presence of an ulcer is not considered a life sentence, as a result of which patients will be deprived of all the joys of life. This disease is an occasion to start paying more attention to your diet and make it balanced and beneficial.

Proper nutrition with a certain set of foods useful for digestion is considered the most effective way treatment of any stage of peptic ulcer. As for the bans on some of them, they are insignificant, they can be easily replaced by other various dishes, and refusing them will bring nothing but good. According to doctors, the main mistake of patients with an ulcer is an incorrectly composed diet. The first misconception is the erroneous opinion that you need as little as possible with such a disease. On the basis of this, people refuse many useful products to the detriment of themselves and their bodies. In a person with a stomach ulcer, the digestive process does not work to the full extent, so his body does not get enough, all those useful and necessary for its existence, substances. Artificially limiting oneself in food, involuntarily there is a deficiency in vitamins and minerals, which will necessarily affect the further development of the disease.

When compiling a menu for a patient with peptic ulcer, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  1. In no case should you limit your diet to a sufficient amount of meat. Protein food is the most useful and nutritious, it is enough to eat a small amount of a properly cooked meat dish and feel full. Small portions of food are more useful for ulcers, as they irritate the damaged mucosa less. The restriction applies only to various deli meats prepared with the help of smoking, salting, hot spices, etc.
  2. It is necessary to eat fractionally and often, using small portions. It is not recommended to rush and eat on the go. Long breaks between meals should not be allowed, even if there is no appetite, it is necessary that something neutral like an apple or boiled chopped vegetables get into the stomach.
  3. The daily menu should be varied, complete and contain the required amount of vitamins. But at the same time, dishes should not irritate the walls with solid particles, not be sharp, and fruits and berries should not be sour. The softer the food, the better for the patient with an ulcer.
  4. You should not abstain from milk, as more useful product for a sick stomach is not found. In addition, it is well and easily absorbed, neutralizes excess acid and does not irritate the gastric mucosa. There is one condition that is very important - milk must be natural and fresh.
  5. The patient's body also needs carbohydrates, they should be at least 0.4 - 0.45 kg in the daily menu.
  6. It is necessary to refuse products with fiber. Although it is extremely useful for the processes of digestion, but patients with ulcers are not the case.

Sample menu for all days of the week

Diet can be the best assistant in eliminating the symptoms of an ulcer. Compliance with dietary requirements during an exacerbation is especially effective, by eating only the most sparing food these days, you can greatly alleviate the course of the disease and get rid of painful symptoms.

An approximate diet for a week, which must be followed by patients with an ulcer:

First day

  • Breakfast: weak tea with milk and yesterday's bun.
  • 2 breakfast: oatmeal with pieces of soft fruits or berries, cream.
  • Lunch: one of the varieties of vegetable pudding, apple compote.
  • Snack: low-fat cottage cheese, jelly.
  • Dinner: rice casserole, yesterday's bun.

Second day

  • Breakfast: semolina pudding, chamomile tea.
  • Second breakfast: soft-boiled egg, soft cheese, compote.
  • Lunch: vermicelli soup with vegetable broth, steamed beef meatballs, sweet tea.
  • Afternoon snack: lean cookies, fermented baked milk.
  • Dinner: boiled potatoes, baked fish, compote.

Third day

  • Breakfast: steam omelette, yogurt, white bread.
  • Second breakfast: sweet curd mass, kefir.
  • Lunch: soup with vegetables and millet, stewed carrots.
  • Afternoon snack: yesterday's bun, cocoa with milk.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken, vegetable stew, rosehip broth.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: yesterday's pastries, butter.
  • Second breakfast: soft cheeses, tea with berries.
  • Lunch: soup with buckwheat, vegetable stew, tea with milk.
  • Afternoon snack: berry jelly, yesterday's bun.
  • Dinner: baked potatoes, baked fish, kefir or yogurt.

The fifth day

  • Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, bread, warm milk.
  • Second breakfast: boiled veal, stewed zucchini.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup cauliflower, chicken stew, sweet tea.
  • Dinner: lean ham, white bread with tomato.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast: bread, butter, cocoa.
  • Second breakfast: apple puree or banana, mint tea.
  • Lunch: soup with boiled rice, boiled pasta with minced beef, apricot drink.
  • Snack: biscuit cake, fresh fruit compote.
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled sea fish, milk jelly.

Seventh day

  • Breakfast: steam omelet, banana and peach, fresh fruit compote.
  • Second breakfast: applesauce, a bagel from yesterday's baking.
  • Lunch: meat broth soup with dumplings, zucchini caviar.
  • Snack: meat or liver pate, cocoa with milk.
  • Dinner: fish boiled or baked in foil, rice pilaf with chicken, sweet tea.

Recipes with photos, simple and delicious

As already mentioned, the nutrition of patients with peptic ulcer should be enjoyable and appetizing in appearance. To do this, it is not at all necessary to use lengthy cooking methods and look for tricky recipes with incomprehensible names. Often it is quite enough to simply subject the products to the usual heat treatment, boil, bake or stew, and then put them beautifully on a plate, after which there will be a desire to quickly try the cooked dish. To achieve this result, you can use simple, but that has not become less popular and interesting recipes.

Rice casserole

In this case, when preparing a casserole, it is advised to use a slow cooker, in which the food is evenly baked, boiled well and the resulting dish retains all its taste and beneficial features. For cooking, you need to take one glass of rice, eggs, milk, salt and sugar, steamed pitted raisins. Rice is pre-boiled in milk, selecting the “Porridge” mode, then add beaten yolks and everything else, put on the “baking” mode for 20–25 minutes.

Vegetable salad

Salads are useful for any organism, a salad of boiled potatoes and beets is suitable for patients with an ulcer. Even the most inexperienced chef can cook it, for which you need to peel and chop the boiled vegetables on a medium grater, add salt and any vegetable oil to the salad, you can sprinkle a little fresh herbs for decoration.

fruit pudding

For cooking, semolina, milk, apples or pears, at least two eggs, sugar, butter are used. Semolina is poured into the milk while boiling in a thin stream, it is allowed to add vanillin. After the porridge has cooled, butter softened at room temperature and 2 yolks, ground with powdered sugar, are added to it. Finely chopped fruits are added to the finished dish.


In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including in the case of peptic ulcer, it is recommended to include first courses in your diet as often as possible.

Meat soup with rice cereal

It is necessary to take 400 ml of water, 80 ml of milk, 20-25 g of rice, 0.5 eggs, salt and a little butter and vegetable oil. Boil the broth from 100 g of veal, boil the rice and rub it through a sieve. Meat prokulete in a meat grinder, combine with rice and boil. Beat the egg with milk, pour in a thin stream into the boiling soup, along with all other products. The resulting dish has excellent taste and is quite nutritious.

Milk-rice soup

This dish can be safely eaten even at times of exacerbation of the ulcer, for its preparation it is necessary to do the following: rinse the rice in the amount of 2 tablespoons, and cook it until softened. After that, it is wiped, add 200 ml good milk, salt and sugar at your discretion and 0.5 teaspoon of butter. Boil everything and serve.

Diet cuisine

To diversify the daily menu, dietary meals used for patients with ulcers should be tasty and include a variety of ingredients that are beneficial to digestion. In the diet of people with an ulcer, the following dishes can be used:

Beef soufflé with cottage cheese

You need to take 200 g of meat, and it should not have lived in it, cook it until tender and pass it through a fine meat grinder grate along with 50 g of cottage cheese. Beat one egg yolk with 15 g of butter, then add whipped protein to it, mix everything and combine with minced meat. Form into balls with your hands and steam until tender.

Meat puree with buckwheat

Take and boil 150 g of veal, pass through a fine grate of a meat grinder, add 25 g of butter, broth, then leave everything to stew for 5 minutes. Rub boiled buckwheat through a sieve, combine with meat, mix everything until smooth, salt and boil. Over time, it will be possible to use whole boiled porridge, which does not need to be ground with a sieve.

You need to take 200 g of fish fillet, boiled carrots in the amount of two pieces, 50 g of stale bread, previously soaked in milk. Grind everything, add an egg and 15 g of butter to the resulting mixture, form cutlets and steam them. Diet food dishes can be both useful and differ in their diversity. Although there are prohibitions on certain types of food, from what is allowed to be eaten, you can cook first courses, porridge, fish dishes, and dessert. By adhering to the doctor's recommendations and eating right, you can quickly eliminate the ulcer and prevent its exacerbation.

Recipes with propolis

The treatment of an ulcer with propolis is not anything special, it will especially effectively affect the disease during periods of its exacerbation. To prevent relapse, you can start treatment with this substance in advance without waiting for a relapse.

The most popular recipes with propolis, which are used for peptic ulcer disease, have been used for a long time, they have not become less popular today:

  1. Alcohol tincture of propolis, which you can prepare yourself or buy at a pharmacy. For treatment, it is necessary to add tincture to a glass of water, starting with a few drops, gradually increasing their amount to 50 drops. Take before meals up to three times a day. The course continues for 2 months. After a month break, it is repeated.
  2. Propolis in milk. To grind propolis, you need to pre-freeze it in the refrigerator, after which mix it in an amount of 50 g with 0.5 l of milk, hold until dissolved in a water bath and drink a glass before bedtime. Keep the rest in the refrigerator.
  3. With severe debilitating pain, you can use propolis with novocaine, for which 30 drops of propolis are combined with 40 ml of novocaine and taken on an empty stomach.

In most cases, the pain resolves after 4-5 days from the start of treatment, and complete healing of the ulcer with scar formation usually occurs within a month.

Aloe with honey

With an ulcer, the combination of honey with aloe will be very beneficial, since both of these ingredients have unique medicinal properties. Aloe promotes wound healing, activates regeneration processes, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to its medicinal qualities, the agave contains a whole list of vitamins and trace elements, with the help of which the ulcer on the mucous membrane heals many times faster. Honey added to aloe enhances the secretion of the gastric mucosa, which in turn improves the digestion of food and relieves its stagnation in the stomach. In combination with aloe juice, honey accelerates the recovery processes on the damaged mucosa, and the wounds received from the resulting ulcers heal faster.

Recipes based on honey and aloe are available in sufficient quantities, the most wait, and therefore the most popular looks like this: you need to combine honey and aloe juice in equal parts, and take the resulting remedy one teaspoon before meals. With this remedy, the ulcer is less disturbing and heals much faster.

It should be remembered that an ulcer is a very serious pathology, often taking on a chronic character and requiring a long and directed treatment. The further well-being of a person depends on how big changes its formation will cause and what difficulties arise when eliminating an ulcer.

Table number 1... And immediately there is an image of a hospital with its pureed soups in enameled bowls. Not too "tasty" image. But this does not mean at all that while on a diet, you should forever forget about dishes that cause appetite. In order to diversify your table, you should approach the matter responsibly and with imagination.

You can find a detailed description of the principles of the diet figured out what dishes people suffering from ulcers or gastritis can treat themselves to.

How to cook: steam or boil. Sometimes you can bake. Also pay attention to the slow cooker, it will help you create many delicious dishes that do not contradict the principles of table number 1.


Non-acidic and low-fat dairy products

Boiled and lean meat, fish, white poultry meat

Eggs (no more than 2 per day)

Boiled and pureed vegetables

Cereals and pasta

non-acid fruits

Strong vegetable broths

Sour and spicy foods

Fried, fatty, etc.

Menu options

Option number 1

Breakfast: steam omelet, herbal tea

Snack: baked apple

Lunch: cauliflower soup with croutons, fish cakes and mashed potatoes.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese cake

Dinner: vegetable puree and boiled chicken breast, boiled beetroot salad with prunes

Option number 2

Breakfast: lazy dumplings with low-fat sour cream and strawberry syrup, weak tea

Snack: bunch of white grapes

Lunch: white bean, carrot and spinach soup, baked beef with pumpkin slices, kissel

Afternoon snack: pear semolina casserole

Dinner: rice zrazy with chopped lean beef, stewed zucchini

Option number 3

Breakfast: semolina porridge in milk with berry jam, weak tea

Snack: banana and peach

Lunch: milk soup with baked pumpkin, buckwheat with stewed carrots and steam meatballs

Afternoon snack: baked apple

Dinner: vermicelli casserole with cottage cheese

Recipes for table number 1

Beet and Potato Salad

Beetroot and potato salad Photo: 1/4 small beetroot

1 potato

1/2 st. l. vegetable oil

Step 1. Steam beets and potatoes or bake in the oven.

Step 2. Peel vegetables and cut into strips.

Step 3. Put in a salad bowl, salt, add oil, sprinkle with herbs quite a bit.

Lean meat pate

Photo: One million menus

500 g rabbit meat or lean veal

200 g chicken liver

2 tbsp vegetable oil

1/3 white loaf


3-4 carrots

1/3 cup milk


Step 1. Meat and liver cut into pieces, pour cold water and boil over low heat.

Step 2. Peel the carrots and add to the boiled meat, you can cut it into large pieces.

Step 3. Soak bread in water with milk.

Step 4. Make minced meat, liver, add soaked bread without crusts.

Step 5. Add an egg, parsley, salt and mix the minced meat.

Step 6. Bake the pate mass in the oven, you can arrange it in molds, greased with oil, for 30-40 minutes.

Milk soup with pumpkin

Milk soup with pumpkin Photo: One million menus

1 glass of water

300 g pumpkin

2 tbsp semolina

3 glasses of milk

1 tbsp butter

2 tsp Sahara

Step 1. Pour semolina into boiling milk in a thin stream.

Step 2. Boil it for about 15 minutes.

Step 3. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, boil in a small amount of water, puree with the broth.

Step 4. Add the pumpkin to the pot, bring the soup to a boil. Salt, add sugar.

Carrot and potato puree

Mashed potatoes and carrots Photo: One million menus

4-5 potatoes

2 carrots

2 tbsp butter

1 glass of milk

Step 1. Peel and boil potatoes and carrots. Salt.

Step 2. Drain the broth, puree the vegetables with a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

Step 3. Add warmed milk, butter, beat.

Steamed white fish pudding

Steamed white fish pudding Photo: One Million Menus

300 g cod or haddock

2 slices of white bread

1 tbsp butter

1/3 cup milk

Step 1. Steam the fish (about 5 minutes). Soak bread in milk.

Step 2. Pass the fish through a meat grinder 2 times and add bread.

Step 3. Add egg yolks, melted butter and salt.

Step 4. Beat the whites into a steep foam, add to the fish mass.

Step 5. Spread the mass into cupcake molds and bake at a temperature of 170 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Chicken with vegetables in a slow cooker

Chicken with vegetables in a slow cooker Photo:

1 chicken breast

1 carrot

1 small zucchini

1 package frozen cauliflower (or 300 g fresh)

2 tbsp odorless vegetable oil

dried thyme

Step 1. Peel carrots and zucchini. Cut them into cubes.

Step 2. At the multicooker, turn on the "Frying" or "Baking" mode. Slightly fry vegetables, but not to a crust. Add cabbage disassembled into inflorescences.

Step 3. Cut the chicken into cubes, salt. Add to vegetables.

Step 4. Sprinkle vegetables with dried herbs, pour in 1 glass of water (included in the multicooker kit).

Step 5. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode, the multicooker will turn off when the dish is ready, after about 1.5 hours.

Chicken with apples

Apple Chicken Photo: One Million Menus

1 large breast

Parsley - 2-3 sprigs

1 tbsp odorless vegetable oil

Step 1. Salt the chicken and sprinkle with herbs.

Step 2. Peel the apples and cut into slices.

Step 3. Wrap everything together in foil or put in a baking sleeve.

Step 4. Bake in the oven for about 40-50 minutes. Can be baked in a slow cooker.

Rice casserole in a slow cooker

1 cup rice

1 glass of milk

1 glass of water

100 g sugar

2 tbsp raisins

A few drops of vanilla

Step 1. Boil rice with milk and water, turning on the "Porridge" program. Cool down.

Step 2. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Rub the yolks with sugar.

Step 3. Mix the yolks with raisins and rice.

Step 4. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks, add whites to rice gradually, mixing gently.

Step 5. Pour the rice dough into an oiled multicooker bowl. Bake on the "Baking" program for 50 minutes.

Pear semolina pudding

Pear semolina pudding Photo: One million menus

1 cup semolina

3 glasses of milk

1 cup of sugar

5-6 sweet pears

2 tbsp butter

Step 1. Boil the milk, remove the foam and pour the semolina into it, sifting it. Add vanilla.

Step 2. Cook porridge until thick. Add oil.

Step 3. Grind the yolks with sugar and add to the hot porridge.

Step 4. Pears cut into slices. Add to porridge.

Step 5. Whisk the whites into a strong foam, add to the porridge. Put the pudding in a pan or form greased with oil, cook in a water bath for half an hour.