Types of bird's milk chocolate cake. Homemade bird's milk cake: the best recipes

First of all, we will prepare the necessary ingredients for making a biscuit and soufflé.

In a saucepan, combine agar-agar powder and water. Stir and set aside for 30-40 minutes or longer. I’ll clarify right away that in this case it is impossible to replace agar-agar with gelatin.

In the meantime, prepare the biscuit. Break the eggs into a bowl and pour 75 g of sugar.

Beat eggs with sugar for 6-7 minutes. The eggs should turn into a fluffy and thick foam.

Combine flour with cocoa powder and sift into a bowl with egg foam.

With a spatula or whisk, gently fold the dry ingredients into the egg foam until a smooth dough is obtained.

Pour the dough into a mold with a diameter of 20 cm. Lubricate the baking dish with oil and sprinkle with flour or simply line it with baking paper.

We bake a chocolate sponge cake in an oven preheated to 180 C for about 12-15 minutes (depending on the characteristics of your oven, the time may vary slightly). We check readiness with a wooden skewer or by pressing (the finished biscuit should spring).

Take the cake out of the mold and transfer it to a wire rack to cool. We trim the top of the cooled biscuit, and if it turned out to be too high, then cut it to a height of 1 cm, or you can cut it into two cakes. Also, if desired, reduce the cake in diameter to 18 cm.

We lay out a biscuit in a 20 cm form (I used a ring), and, if desired, line the sides of the form with a curb tape or parchment to make it easier to free the cake from the sides.

Let's make chocolate soufflé. First of all, melt the dark chocolate in the microwave or on a steam bath. It is very important not to overheat the chocolate!

In a bowl for whisking put the soft butter and add vanilla sugar to it. Beat butter for 2-3 minutes until fluffy.

Whisking continuously, add the condensed milk.

Add the already cooled melted chocolate and cocoa powder.

Beat until you get a smooth chocolate cream. The resulting cream is put aside (do not hide in the refrigerator).

Put the agar-agar solution on the stove and bring to a boil.

Add 300 g of sugar.

Stirring, bring the syrup to a boil (the sugar must be dissolved by this point) and cook it to a temperature of 110-112 degrees. If there is no thermometer, then just cook over medium heat for about 4-5 minutes. Take the syrup off the heat and let it cool down a bit.

Meanwhile, beat 2 egg whites until stiff.

With the mixer running, add the syrup little by little. Beat the mass until a very dense and persistent soufflé is obtained.

At the very end, add chocolate cream in small portions.

And beat the soufflé thoroughly until smooth.

The resulting souffle is poured over the biscuit, the surface of the soufflé is leveled. We send the cake to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours - until completely solidified.

When the soufflé has hardened, prepare the glaze. Mix together butter and finely chopped chocolate.

Melt until smooth and uniform. Let's cool down a bit.

We take the cake out of the refrigerator, transfer it to a dish and free it from the sides of the form. Cover the cake with chocolate icing.

We decorate the cake according to your taste and desire.

Let the glaze dry. Cake "Chocolate Bird's Milk" is ready!

You can serve the cake to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

Biscuits, by the way, I also tried different ones for this cake. In the GOST version goes shortbread dough, many confectioners prepare homemade Bird's milk with a classic biscuit and soak it well, I also met an option with almond biscuit ...

And we will bake something in between shortbread and biscuit cakes. And to be even more precise, we will make cupcake dough on yolks (anyway, for the soufflé we will need proteins, at the same time we will attach the yolks). Baked in thin crusts and cooled, it turns out to be moderately dense and crumbly, but does not break like a “sand”, and is in perfect harmony with a delicate soufflé.

For two cakes 16 cm in diameter, we take 80 g of butter at room temperature and 80 g of powdered sugar or sugar. Place in a mixing bowl.

Beat well with a mixer at high speed until the mass becomes lush and light. We can add vanilla extract (1 tsp) or vanilla sugar (10 g).

Add 3 egg yolks one at a time and beat thoroughly after each.

It turns out like this.

In a separate dry bowl, sift 100 g of flour, 0.3 tsp. baking powder and a pinch of salt. Mix well with a whisk.

Add dry ingredients to butter-egg mixture.

Mix with a mixer at low speed until smooth.

Let's bake cakes!

Now we take a form of 16 cm in diameter (I have a confectionery cutter ring), line the bottom with baking paper or put it on baking paper / silicone mat. Distribute half of the dough (it is better to weigh it so that the cakes are the same!) Distribute in the form as evenly as you can. The most convenient thing is a small curved palette knife, one of those with which artists paint in oils. As a last resort, help yourself with a silicone spatula. How am I here.

We put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 15 minutes - until golden brown. The exact time depends on your oven!

We do the same with the second cake. If your oven allows you to bake two cakes at the same time, you are in luck, use this opportunity)

Freshly baked, the cakes are very fragile, handle them very carefully. As they cool, they will harden a little, but still remain quite brittle, be careful.

While the cakes are cooling...

...let's make a soufflé!

For him, we need one very important component - agar-agar. It is a natural gelling agent plant origin. It is obtained from algae. It is considered an analogue of gelatin, but it is necessary to work with agar in a completely different way, and products with it have a completely different structure than on gelatin.

Agar-agar comes in different strengths, but I have never seen that the degree of this strength is somehow indicated, just as I have not seen gelatin packaging written on how much it blooms (a unit of gelatin strength). You have to learn all this on your own skin, unfortunately.

It is also worth bearing in mind that agar weakens with a long shelf life. Fresh is stronger. So, when buying a lot at once, plan in advance where you will use it, do not let it stale.

This time I used agar-agar from the Aidigo store, and it is downright armor-piercing, I tell you) Very good. Light, odorless, strong. I recommend it to you with a clear conscience. It is also quite convenient that it is sold in small packs of 10 g each. But, by the way, the consumption of agar is small: this package, for example, is enough for as many as three standard Cake Bird's milk!

So, we take 1 tsp. with a slide of agar-agar.

Place in a medium (not small!) saucepan. Pour 270 g of cold water there. Mix, set aside.

Now we take 180 g of good butter at room temperature and 80 g of high-quality condensed milk (in my personal rating, Rogachevskaya still occupies the first place).

Beat them at high speed into a light, fluffy cream. If we use vanilla extract (I got it from here), then add it now (1 tsp). We set aside.

We will get the proteins that we have left from the yolks when we baked biscuits. Proteins, I remind or inform those who do not know, must be separated very carefully, in a dry bowl, so that not a drop of yolk gets into the proteins. Place the whites in a large bowl and add a pinch of citric acid to them.

Let's prepare the form. This cake is convenient to make immediately on the substrate. We put a ring for assembling a cake (or a mold without a bottom) with a diameter of 18 cm on a substrate and lay the walls with an acetate film or any other dense and even film, not food: it is too thin and soft, it will lie in folds and even sides of the cake will not work.

We return to our agar.

We put the agar with water on the fire, bring to a boil. Pour in 430 g of sugar (do not be alarmed, at first I also thought that it was a lot, but the soufflé turned out not at all cloying, but very balanced, just like it should be!).

Bring to a boil. The syrup will rise very strongly and will boil! That's why you should not take a small saucepan.

We continue to boil the syrup. Actively bubbling, it will settle slightly, but will continue to bubble.

Cook for about 10-12 minutes, until a temperature of 110 degrees (if you have a cooking thermometer) or until the so-called “thin thread”, when the syrup reaches for a whisk or spoon like a thread.

But! Until the syrup has reached the desired consistency and temperature (at about 105 degrees or 8 minutes, but this very much depends on what kind of dishes and fire you have), you need to beat the egg whites into a strong foam.

Now the syrup is ready! It was difficult to shoot, but I hope it is clear: the syrup really reaches for the whisk with an unbreakable thread. You will see it!

Turn on the mixer again and, whisking the whites at high speed, pour the syrup into them in a thin stream. We try not to pour on whisks!

The mass brightens and increases in volume right before your eyes!

Beat another minute or two. The mass continues to grow and strengthen.

Whisk until the mass cools in no case is necessary. See, our future soufflé is already being wound on whisks? You can stop at this stage.

We add our pre-prepared buttercream.

And at low speed with a mixer, we mix it into the protein mass.

The mass immediately liquefies, but not too much. Mix until smooth. Soufflé is ready! Left…

...collect Bird's Milk Cake!

The souffle hardens quickly, so we also work at the pace of the waltz. But if everything is ready in advance, do not worry, do not fuss, do everything beautifully, you will have time.

We take out our pre-prepared form with a substrate. We put the first cake on the bottom.

We pour half of our soufflé on it. It is advisable to weigh and collect the cake on a scale so that the layers are the same. I didn’t do this, but it’s better to do it if you have everything at hand and you have weighed the bowl in which the soufflé was prepared in advance. Having weighed the soufflé along with the bowl, you will simply need to subtract its weight and divide the resulting number in half.

We put the second cake. He pushes himself into the soufflé a little on his own, I didn't have to help him.

And pour the second part of the soufflé.

Everything! In this form, put the cake in the refrigerator or freezer and keep it there until the souffle grabs. This will happen pretty quickly, but it's better to hold it longer, at least an hour, or maybe two. After the specified time...

Recipe Cake Bird's milk with chocolate soufflé:

Pour agar-agar into a saucepan with a volume of 1.5-2 liters and fill with water. Leave him aside for now.

Prepare a biscuit: beat 2 eggs into a bowl, add sugar and vanilla sugar to them.

Beat eggs with sugar for 7-8 minutes until fluffy and thick.

Add sifted flour.

And mix with a spatula until a homogeneous dough is obtained. Stir gently so that the egg mass settles as little as possible.

Line a mold with a diameter of 20-22 cm with baking paper or grease with a thin layer of butter and sprinkle with flour. Put the finished dough into the prepared form and carefully level the surface.

Bake a sponge cake for a cake in an oven preheated to 190 C for about 15-17 minutes. Since every oven is different and the cake rises differently, baking times may vary. Check readiness with a skewer. Remove the finished biscuit from the mold and leave to cool completely.

Prepare the butter-chocolate base for the soufflé. To do this, break the dark chocolate into small pieces and melt in the microwave or in a water bath. The main thing is not to overheat the chocolate, otherwise it will be taken in small grains. Let the melted chocolate cool slightly.

Transfer the room temperature butter to a bowl and beat until fluffy and creamy.

Whisking constantly, pour in all the condensed milk in small portions.

Sift cocoa powder into the resulting cream and add the cooled melted chocolate.

Beat until you get a smooth chocolate cream. Put the finished cream aside (do not hide in the refrigerator).

At the cooled biscuit, trim the top, if necessary, and cut it into 2 equal cakes.

Carefully trim the edges of each cake. The cakes should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the mold in which the cake will be assembled. To make the cakes smoother, you can use the bottom of a split mold of a smaller diameter for cutting.

Place one cake layer on the bottom of the cake mold.

Prepare agar syrup. To do this, put the soaked agar-agar on fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Boil it for 1 minute.

Add granulated sugar.

And stirring constantly so that the sugar is completely dissolved, boil the syrup to a temperature of 110 C. If you do not have a culinary thermometer, then cook the syrup after boiling for about 4-5 minutes over medium heat. During cooking, the syrup will foam a lot, so be sure to take a deep pan. Remove the finished syrup from the heat and leave to cool.

While syrup is cooling, pour 2 egg whites into a large bowl. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks.

Continuing to beat, pour in the slightly cooled agar syrup in small portions. Pour the syrup in a thin stream under the blades of a running mixer and beat until a very dense and stable mass is obtained.

Switch the mixer to the minimum speed and in small portions add chocolate cream to the protein soufflé.

Stir the soufflé until smooth.

Put all the chocolate soufflé in a mold on top of the biscuit.

Place the second cake on top of the soufflé and press it into the mass.

Now send the chocolate Bird's milk to the refrigerator until the soufflé is completely solidified. This will take about 1-2 hours.

Cover the finished cake with chocolate icing. To prepare it in a water bath or in the microwave, melt the dark chocolate with butter. Allow the glaze to cool slightly and cover the top of the cake with it. Return the cake to the refrigerator until the frosting has set.

Remove the finished cake from the mold, to do this, run a sharp knife along the sides and transfer it to a dish. If desired, you can additionally decorate the dessert with white chocolate and sugar beads on top.

Chocolate cake "Bird's milk" is ready!

Cut it into small pieces (it is very high-calorie) and serve with a cup of aromatic coffee or tea.

Ingredients for a 20-21 cm mold:

For the biscuit:

2 eggs
90 gr sugar
75 gr flour

For the soufflé:

8 gr agar-agar
140 ml water
300 gr sugar
200 g butter at room temperature
100 gr condensed milk
70 gr dark chocolate
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 egg whites

100 gr chocolate for the top + some milk or dark chocolate for decoration.

Soak agar-agar in water and set aside.

Cooking biscuit. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat egg whites with half the sugar until soft peaks.

Separately, beat the yolks with the second half of the sugar until a fluffy light mass is obtained.

Carefully combine the yolks and whites. Add the sifted flour and knead a light airy dough.

We shift it into a mold and send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake until dry, about 20 minutes. Remove from the mold, cool and cut into 2 cakes. Carefully cut off the edges - the diameter of the cakes will turn out to be slightly smaller than the diameter of the form.

Soufflé is ready. Beat room temperature butter with condensed milk until creamy and homogeneous.

Add melted chocolate and cocoa powder and beat again until smooth.

Place the agar-agar pan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and dissolve the agar and cook for another 1 minute.

Add all the sugar and cook, stirring, to 110 degrees.

Remove from heat and let cool slightly (up to 80-90 degrees).

Beat the whites until foamy and, without stopping whipping, begin to pour in agar syrup in a thin stream. As a result, you should get a mass that looks like a dense meringue.

Add chocolate buttercream. And at low speed, mix with a mixer until smooth.

Place a piece of parchment on the bottom of a springform pan. We put one thin cake on it and pour the soufflé over it.

Cover with the second cake and press it into the mass.

Place in the refrigerator until the soufflé is set. This will take about 1 hour.

Melt white chocolate in a water bath. Pour it over the frozen cake. On top we apply a grid of melted milk chocolate. Place in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes until the chocolate hardens. We take out, draw a thin knife along the side of the mold, then remove the side and transfer the cake to a plate.

The sweetness of the cake is perfectly set off by strawberries, which are now in season.

Enjoy your meal!

This is rather my mix of three cake recipes found on the Internet, but the result is very good.

The chocolate layer is real bird's milk in terms of texture, taste and appearance, despite the fact that it is prepared without eggs.

And the strawberry layer is an airy, very tender and tasty soufflé. It turns out not as smooth and shiny as chocolate bird's milk, but more tender.

Cake "Bird's milk" on agar-agar

Also, the “Bird's Milk” cake can be made with other fragrant berries, mango, passion fruit, oranges. It turns out very tasty with a lemon taste and with the aroma of rose water. Delicious confit can be made between layers. In general, experiment. May you succeed!

More recipes for "Bird's milk" at home:



  • 35 g flour
  • 12 g cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp soda
  • 100 g condensed milk
  • 25 g unsweetened yogurt or sour cream
  • a few drops of food essence (you can use rum or vanilla)

Soufflé with strawberries:

  • 250-300 g fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 135 g butter
  • 60 g condensed milk
  • 150 g (instead of egg whites)
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 180 g sugar
  • 100 g water
  • 1.5 tsp agar-agar

Chocolate soufflé:

  • 135 g dark chocolate
  • 135 g butter
  • 60 g condensed milk
  • 150 g (instead of egg whites)
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 100 g water
  • 180 g sugar
  • 1.5 tsp agar-agar

Cake decoration:

  • black chocolate
  • Strawberry

Step-by-step recipe for strawberry-chocolate Bird's milk without eggs on agar-agar:

Preparing the cake crust:

  1. Sift flour, cocoa and baking soda into a separate bowl. In another cup, combine liquid ingredients: condensed milk, yogurt and essence, mix.

    Cooking the dough

  2. Combine both mixtures, gently stir the resulting dough.
  3. On baking paper, draw a circle with a pencil (I outline the lid), turn it over and cover it with a baking sheet.

    Draw a circle on baking paper

  4. Gently spread the dough around the drawn circle, without going beyond it.

    We spread the dough

  5. Bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 175-180 degrees.

    We bake the cake - the basis of the cake

  6. Remove the finished cake from the oven and remove the paper. Cool down.
  7. Place the cake inside a split ring for the cake, the sides of which are covered with confectionery film or baking paper.

    We make the sides around the cake

    Preparation of soufflé with strawberries for the "Bird's Milk" cake:

  8. Wash strawberries and grind into puree. I used frozen strawberries and they came out watery after thawing. Therefore, I boiled it down a little, adding a little less than half of the sugar (about 70 g). Rub the strawberry mass through a sieve to get rid of the seeds (optional). Cool down.

    strawberry puree

  9. Whip softened butter. Add condensed milk. Mix with a mixer until smooth. Gradually pour in the strawberry puree. Mix again until smooth.

    Cooking strawberry cream

  10. Prepare syrup with agar-agar. Pour the remaining sugar and agar-agar into the water. Put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Continue cooking until the mass reaches 110 degrees (it takes me about 15-20 minutes). The syrup will turn golden brown and frothy. At first, the foam will rise high, then, as it cooks, it will settle. The mass itself will become very gel, will try to crystallize on the sides.

    Cooking syrup with agar-agar

  11. In aquafaba () add lemon juice and beat at the highest speed until strong peaks. Attention, there should not even be a trace of fat in the container and on the whisks of the mixer, otherwise the aquafaba may not whip!
  12. Without ceasing to beat, add the prepared hot syrup and beat until the mixture cools down a bit (somewhere up to 50-55 ºС).
  13. Then you need to turn on the lowest speed and add strawberry cream to aquafaba, mix quickly with a mixer and pour into our form with a biscuit. Here you can not hesitate, because. the agar-agar mixture may set before you pour it.

    Pour the strawberry layer of bird's milk

    Preparation of chocolate "Bird's milk":

  14. Chocolate souffle is prepared by analogy with strawberry. First you need to melt the chocolate in a water bath to a liquid state, as shown in the photo. Leave it to cool down a bit.

    Melting chocolate

  15. Beat softened butter, add condensed milk, mix. Then, little by little, while whisking, pour in the cooled chocolate. Mix thoroughly with a mixer.

    Making chocolate cream

  16. Prepare the syrup as described above in the strawberry bird's milk recipe by heating it to 110 degrees.
  17. Beat the aquafaba with a mixer at the highest speed, pour in the hot syrup. Beat until the mixture cools down a bit (somewhere up to 50-55 ºС).
  18. Then make the lowest speed and add cream with chocolate to aquafaba (here you need to be especially careful, because on the one hand, agar-agar freezes at 45 ºC, and on the other, if it is very hot, then butter in chocolate cream can melt). Mix quickly.
  19. Pour the finished chocolate soufflé on top of the strawberry one.
  20. Put the "Bird's milk" in the refrigerator so that the strawberry and chocolate layers freeze.

    Cake "Bird's milk" without eggs

  21. How to decorate the cake "Bird's milk":

    And, of course, decorate the cake. The children helped me, so we just poured “Bird's milk” with melted chocolate and garnished with strawberries. It turned out like this:

    Chocolate cake “Bird's milk” with strawberries

    Hmm, I'm not a food photographer, but I really hope that I managed to convey this delicious mood and, of course, show the delicious lightness and pimples of air in the bird's milk soufflé.