The best vitamin complexes for menopause. What are the best vitamins for menopause

For some reason, in our society it is not customary to talk about menopause ... About everything else - please. And about the puberty of adolescents, about pregnancy, about critical days, they shout from all angles in advertising for care products. Moms proudly write about lactation on all forums and discuss delays and all sorts of hormonal disruptions there ... But for some reason, the word menopause is pronounced with a certain amount of derisive-scornful attitude, or, alternatively, in a pitifully muffled voice. Which, however, offends no less. Surely everyone is familiar with the phrase, which can sound differently, depending on the attitude of the person pronouncing it: "Yes, she has menopause !!!" Sometimes this phrase is thrown to offend, sometimes to justify some actions... And, accordingly, our women try to hide to the last that they have entered this phase. And to the rather severe and complex symptoms of menopause, everyone has a psychological factor added in different ways. I went through all the stages of this "psycho-training". At first there was surprise and shock - what already?! Yes, I still seem to be full of energy and feel very young ... Then - God, how terrible it is ... I won’t tell anyone - they will pity me, ridicule, despise me, stop loving, they will consider me old - emphasize the necessary! And finally - the period when I was able to cope with this, by the way, Airek also played a significant role in this. When you can openly declare to the whole country: "I have a menopause!!!" becomes not so scary, as paradoxical as it sounds. The modern vision of life and travel abroad also provided great support in this. There is no "cult of youth", as in our country and women there grow old with dignity and relatively calmly.

In fact, what we have is that menopause is the next step in the hormonal development of a person, and there is nothing shameful or something that should cause ridicule. Why are we calm about men and advertising where old men advertise pills to maintain their "pleasure" and are so derogatory about women who go through a very difficult period in their lives?! I already wrote about what I had to go through in reviews of my struggle with menopause - Klimalanin, Valerian, Vitamins MENOPAIS, Sage, etc. Below is a complete list of links to these reviews.

Thanks to all these measures (not immediately, oh, not immediately), I now feel almost normal. But, for the stability of this condition, it is necessary to maintain the level of estrogen at least at a minimum level at all times. Since I categorically do not want to drink hormones, I have to constantly feed myself with this kind of vitamins and herbal preparations. These vitamins include the hero of today's review. Unfortunately, this company is very little represented in Russia, but for many now this is not an obstacle. Many have already mastered online shopping, as well as trips abroad.

So, Klosterfrau Menobalance - refers to a group of vitamins, dietary supplements to maintain women's health during menopause.

They contain a group of B vitamins needed at this time, as well as magnesia, calcium preparations, soy (which contains a lot of isoflavones), green tea extract and herbal preparations of sage and flax. This is a balanced reception complex. Unfortunately, I could not find the composition in Russian, I give the composition in a somewhat clumsy version of the electronic translator:

Balance Klosterfrau Meno

  • balancing during menopause
  • regulates perspiration
  • for strong bones and nerves
  • natural - no soy or isoflavones

Lady's Mantle, from the Rose family, has antispasmodic and sedative properties.
Hop is known for its properties to calm the nerves and improve sleep.
Vitamins support energy metabolism. They help with fatigue and exhaustion and maintain a balanced mental function.
Vitamin E protects cells from oxidative stress.
Vitamin D, calcium and magnesium contribute to the maintenance of bones and teeth and maintain normal muscle and nerve function.
1-2 tablets with a little liquid to swallow food without chewing.
The recommended dose should not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children.

Daily allowance for adults in accordance with the Food Information Regulations 1 tablet 2 tablets

Vitamin D50%100%

Vitamin E15%30%

Vitamin B225%50%

Vitamin B625%50%

Vitamin B12249%498%



Sage, an aromatic herb traditionally used against excessive sweating.

Nutrition information PR: 1 tablet 2 tablets 100 g

Condenser 3.1 kJ / kcal 0.76.2 kJ / kcal 1.5268 kJ / 64 kcal

Lubricant<0,01 г0.014g0,6 г

Of them saturated<0,01 г0,012 г0,5 г

Carbohydrates 0.090 g 0.18 g 7.8 g

Of which sugars0.014g0.028 g1.2 g

Protein 0.029 g 0.058g 2.5 g

Salt<0,01 г<0,01 г0,28 г

Vitamin D2.5 µg5.0 µg0.0002 g

Vitamin E1.8 mg alpha-TE3.6 mg alpha-TE0.16 g alpha-TE

Vitamin B20.35 mg0.71 mg0.031g

Vitamin B60.35 mg0.70 mg0.030 g

Vitamin B126.2 µg12 µg0.0005 g

Calcium 280 mg 560 mg 24 g

Magnesium94 mg187 mg8.1 g

Frauenmantel dry extract 33 mg 65 mg 2.8 g

Sage dry extract 30 mg 60 mg 2.6 g

Hop dry extract 16 mg 32 mg 1.4 g

Calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, bulking agents (cellulose, cross-linked carboxymethylcellulose), Überzuggmittel (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, fatty acids, Polythylenglycol), release agent (talc, silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids), Frauenmamntel dry extract (10:1), sage dry extract ( 4-7: 1), Polyvinylpyrrolidone stabilizer, hop cones dry extract (4-5: 1), lactose, DL-Alpha Tocopherol Acetate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Cyanocobalamin, Cholecalcifol (Vitamin D3), Color, Titanium Dioxide.

  • artificial flowers
  • Gluten
  • Gelatin

Active Ingredients:
Calcium, pyridoxine hydrochloride, pyridoxine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, cholecalciferol, calcium ion, magnesium oxide, magnesium ion, female mantle dry extract, sage leaf dry extract, hop cone dry extract, DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate (R, R, R) - alpha-tocopherol equivalent

Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.
Cool, dry, always closed and kept out of the reach of children.

The form: The pack contains 2 blisters of 15 tablets each. With the recommended intake of 1 tablet per day - enough for exactly a month. Tablets are round, white, biconvex. A little big, in my opinion. Each time, after taking, they stand for a while in the throat ... I try to take it with food, so there is less chance of causing pain in the stomach. I came to this after taking all kinds of vitamins for a long time.

Action: But liked it!!! Yes, they, like all other drugs in this group, have a cumulative effect and do not begin to act immediately. But the fact that they still work - I feel. Hot flashes began to disturb me less, sweating is less pronounced, I became calmer.

I like that they are almost natural. It is also wonderful that they already contain magnesium and calcium, which is so necessary for the female body during this period, and I do not need to buy and drink these drugs separately. There is also my favorite sage. Together, these vitamins have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and on the course of menopause in particular.

In the pharmaceutical market, such drugs are widely represented. Each of them has certain indications and contraindications, therefore, only a doctor should prescribe them, after an internal examination of the patient, taking into account her complaints.

What drugs are indicated during menopause

Any woman who has reached the age of 40-45 years begins a gradual extinction of sexual function. And although this is a natural process of aging of the body, many patients experience a lot of unpleasant symptoms at this time:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • intermittent sensation of heat (hot flashes);
  • rapid weight gain;
  • lability of the nervous system.

Long-term (at least a year) intake of vitamins helps to alleviate the condition. The most important for the female body of them are:

  1. Tocopherol (vitamin E). It has strong antioxidant properties. Improves the condition of the vascular walls, has the ability to lower high blood pressure. It is advisable to start taking tocopherol even during premenopause, since this vitamin supports ovarian function, is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone.
  2. Retinol (vitamin A). According to experts, taking retinol reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the uterus, intestines, and mammary glands. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, slows down the formation of wrinkles.
  3. Vitamin D. Plays an important role in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Its intake reduces the likelihood of a woman developing osteoporosis, a disease characterized by increased bone fragility and occurring against the background of a decrease in the concentration of estrogens in the body.
  4. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It has immunostimulating and antioxidant properties, is involved in the regulation of many metabolic processes.
  5. Vitamins of group B. Hormonal changes during menopause are often accompanied by apathy, mood swings, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia. All this worsens the quality of life of a woman, reduces efficiency. To stop these symptoms, doctors advise their patients to take B vitamins, which normalize the functions of the nervous system.

In addition to vitamins, when menopause occurs, a woman's body also needs an additional intake of trace elements. The most necessary of them during this period can be called:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • zinc.

Vitamin complexes for women aged 40-45 years

As we said above, after reaching the age of forty, the aging process gradually begins in the female body. During this period of life, the patient needs vitamin and mineral complexes that help the ovaries support the synthesis of sex hormones. Consider some of the drugs in this group:

Name of the drug

It contains vitamins A, groups B, C, D and E. It contributes to the normalization of the functions of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The drug was developed by domestic pharmacologists specifically to maintain the health of women in the menopausal and post-menopausal period of life. The composition includes not only the main vitamins, but also lutein, lycopene - substances necessary to maintain the functions of the visual apparatus. For better assimilation, the components of the drug are presented in tablets of three different colors. They should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions and instructions of the attending physician.

The drug reduces the severity of hot flashes by normalizing the level of estrogen in the blood. Clinical studies have shown that taking Estrovel reduces the likelihood of oncological diseases of the reproductive system.

The main components of the drug are extracts of medicinal plants. It has a fast therapeutic action, in a short time improves the general condition of a woman.

How to deal with hot flashes

Almost every woman over 50 is well aware of such a menopause symptom as hot flashes. Their occurrence is due to the fact that estrogens affect not only the sexual sphere, but also the center of thermoregulation of the brain. A decrease in estrogen levels is accompanied by a decrease in body temperature. In response to this, compensatory processes are launched in the body (rapid heartbeat, vasodilation), which lead to the appearance of a sudden feeling of heat.

To reduce the severity of hot flashes, the doctor may recommend taking herbal preparations that contain not only natural vitamins, but also phytoestrogens. Let's consider some of them.

Phytoestrogens should only be taken with a doctor's prescription. Improper use can provoke the development of estrogen-dependent tumors of the reproductive system in a woman.

Is it dangerous to take vitamins in old age?

Many people believe that in old age multivitamin preparations provoke the development of malignant neoplasms. In fact, this statement is not true. In February 2009, the results of a major scientific study conducted by the Women's Health Initiative were published. 161,808 women in the post-menopausal period took part in it. All of them took multivitamin preparations for 8 years. and oncological pathology in this group did not exceed similar values ​​among other women of the same age.

Truth and myths

The debate about the benefits and harms of multivitamin preparations has been going on for more than a decade. There are many myths about this group of drugs. Let's take a look at the most popular ones:

  1. We get all the nutrients we need from food. Some studies show that the needs of a modern person for vitamins are not fully covered with food intake. This is due to the fact that the diet of many people is dominated by refined foods, contains a small amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
  2. Natural vitamins are much better than synthetic ones. In terms of biological activity and chemical structure, there is not much difference between them. In addition, many synthetic vitamins are obtained from natural raw materials, for example, ascorbic acid is synthesized from glucose, and nicotinic acid is synthesized from citrus peel, chokeberry berries.
  3. Large doses are better than small ones. And this statement is not true. It must be understood that multivitamin preparations are not sweets, but medicines that should be taken only in the dose prescribed by the doctor.


As you can see, there are a lot of vitamin preparations that can help a woman survive the period of natural aging with minimal discomfort. However, only a doctor can give the right advice on whether it is necessary to take vitamins and which drug to choose after an internal examination of the patient, taking into account her complaints and general health.

Self-medication can cause complications. For example, an excess of vitamin D leads to:

  • general weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • increase in blood pressure.

If a woman receives drugs that thin the blood (anticoagulants), including acetylsalicylic acid, then tocopherols are prescribed with caution. This is due to the fact that such drugs potentiate the action of each other and can cause increased bleeding.

There are other restrictions as well.


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During menopause, a woman experiences stress from changes in her physical and psychological state. During this period, more than ever, the need for a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex is high. The pharmaceutical market offers many balanced and high-quality drugs at a relatively low cost. At menopause, a deficiency of amino acids, vitamins and minerals is unacceptable. What vitamins to drink with menopause, you can find in this article.

Features of the choice of the complex during menopause

The average age of menopause is 42 to 50 years. The process itself lasts about five years - menstruation is unstable, the hormonal status changes. This greatly affects the physical and mental state: a woman becomes irritable, unbalanced, suffers from hot flashes, pressure surges. It is during this period that many chronic diseases develop, including endocrine pathologies, oncology - both benign and malignant neoplasms, problems with the stomach and intestines. Because of all these misfortunes, many women "fall apart" and give up, feel old and problematic. Because of this, mental illnesses can develop - anxiety and depressive disorders.

During this period, it is very important for a woman to maintain efficiency and feel sufficiently in demand. What vitamins to drink when menopause begins, and how to maintain vigor of the body and strength of mind? To do this, it is necessary to maintain maximum vital activity, not to give up public positions. After a few years, hormonal storms will subside, and the psycho-emotional state will even out.

What vitamins to drink during menopause? It is optimal that they have a sufficient amount of:

  • iodine (to support the endocrine system);
  • vitamin E, or tocopherol - to smooth out hormonal failure;
  • calcium (responsible for bone health);
  • magnesium (responsible for the stability of the central nervous system);
  • phytoestrogens and plant extracts;
  • essential amino acids;
  • the whole complex of vitamins of group B.

"Hypotrilone": composition, description and reviews

The drug is enriched with tocopherol, selenium and 3-carbinol. Recommended for women during the period of the following diseases and conditions:

  • mastopathy;
  • papillomatosis and condylomatosis;
  • pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  • growths (hyperplasia) of the endometrium;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • period of menopause;
  • fibroids;
  • cystic formations of the ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • ovarian and cervical cancer.

If a woman is looking for an answer to the question of what vitamins to drink with menopause, you should try Hypotrilone. This drug satisfies the need for tocopherol (responsible for the health of the organs of the reproductive system) and selenium (supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system).

Reviews of specialists and patients about the effect of the drug do not differ in obvious enthusiasm. At the same time, some women who took this dietary supplement mentioned a decrease in the severity of premenstrual tension and pain during menstruation. The ability to somehow influence the growth of neoplasms has not been clinically proven in the laboratory. What vitamins to drink during menopause, if the action of "Hypotrilon" seemed insufficiently effective? Let's move on to a description of drugs that are more complete in terms of composition and action.

menopause ": composition and reviews

The instruction for the vitamin-mineral complex reports its ability to have the following effects on the body:

  • decrease in the intensity of hot flashes during menopause;
  • controls sweating;
  • restores cognitive qualities - memory, intelligence;
  • has a positive effect on the cells of the nervous system, has a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system;
  • eliminates anxiety, nervousness and depression in a woman during menopause;
  • thanks to selenium in the composition, there is a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart muscle, selenium gives them greater elasticity;
  • has a beneficial effect on the genitals of a woman, as a result of which sexual desire returns to her;
  • moisturizes the mucous membranes of the vagina, greatly facilitating sexual life;
  • can be used as adjuvant therapy for cystitis, fibroids and other diseases.

Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. Women do not notice any magical effect on the organs of the reproductive system. Time cannot be reversed, just like the process of menopause. On the other hand, working capacity increases, mood improves, sad thoughts go away, bone tissue hurts less, and the psycho-emotional state improves. What vitamins to drink with menopause, if the budget is about six hundred rubles? Definitely a good choice would be Doppelherz Active Menopause.

"Supradin" in tablet and effervescent form

"Supradin" is the leader in the pharmaceutical market among vitamin and mineral complexes. At a relatively low cost, the composition is rich in minerals and vitamins. For menopausal women, this is an excellent choice, despite the fact that there are no special phytoestrogens in the composition. But there is a whole complex of essential minerals - iron, zinc, selenium, calcium. Also in the composition there are all the vitamins of group B, which are so necessary for the female body during menopause.

Reviews indicate that vigor appears already in the first week of admission. It becomes easier to get up in the morning. This effect is especially noticeable when using the product in an effervescent form. Tableted "Supradin" is also good, but it is absorbed a little worse. For this reason, changes in well-being may not be noticeable as quickly as when using an effervescent form.

"Alphabet 50+": the composition and features of the reception

This is a great option for those who are looking for an answer to the question of what vitamins to drink during menopause. "Alphabet" - these are special vitamins, the daily dosage of useful substances in which is divided into three doses. Three tablets of different colors should be taken after breakfast, lunch and dinner. In order for all useful trace elements to be assimilated as much as possible, just such a form of the drug was created.

  1. The pink tablet contains copper, ascorbic acid, thiamine, iron and folates. Iron prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia and improves blood composition. Ascorbic acid increases immunity and resistance to seasonal colds.
  2. The blue tablet contains nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, iodine, magnesium, manganese, zinc. Iodine provides support for the thyroid gland, thereby indirectly facilitating the process of getting rid of excess weight and endocrine problems. Pyridoxine and riboflavin restore the cells of the nervous system, give peace of mind, normalize sleep, and improve mood. magnesium is completely absorbed due to the presence of pyridoxine in the composition and supports cardiac activity.
  3. The white tablet contains cyanocobalamin, calcium, chromium, phytoestrogens. Calcium maintains the state of bone tissue, preventing the development of bone diseases. Phytoestrogens keep hormone levels in more or less one position, preventing major spikes.

This is with a menopause in the price category up to five hundred rubles. Don't be embarrassed by the inscription "50+" - this vitamin and mineral complex is also perfect for women a few years younger. Reviews about the complex are positive - side effects almost never occur, and the result of taking is felt after a week of use - vigor comes, performance improves, the psycho-emotional state is smoothed out.

"Orthomol Femin" for women during menopause: description, composition, reviews

This complex was specially designed for women during menopause. The composition includes vitamins D3, E, C, group B, as well as trace elements (alpha- and beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10) and Omega-3 fatty acids. The complex not only affects the level of estrogen, but also helps to improve the appearance. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, hair stops falling out.

With menopause, the following problems begin:

  • rapid weight gain due to sudden hormonal changes;
  • problems with the absorption of carbohydrates and fats - almost all of them immediately go into fat reserves;
  • hyperhidrosis and hot flashes;
  • changes in bone and cartilage tissues.

Today, the pharmaceutical market has a large number of medications designed to relieve the symptoms of menopause. What vitamins to drink for women with menopause? Orthomol Femin is a good choice. Reviews of the host women indicate a positive trend in well-being.

"Klimadinon" - a drug designed specifically for women during menopause

The main active ingredient of this drug is cimicifuga rhizome extract. Available in the form of tablets and liquid drops. It has the ability to saturate the body with valuable bioflavonoids, due to which the negative symptoms of menopause are smoothed out.

The drug stops the jumps in the production of estrogen by the ovaries, due to which there is a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Nervousness, irritability disappears, the intensity of hot flashes softens, and hyperhidrosis decreases. The woman becomes cheerful and cheerful. What vitamins to drink with menopause, so as not to get better? You can try Klimadinon - the effect on estrogen levels is directly related to being overweight.

"Aevit" and "Tocopherol": the cheapest, but effective vitamins for menopause

These are vitamins familiar to all of us, which can be purchased at any pharmacy and the cost of which is low. But few people know that vitamin E ("Tocopherol") has a healing effect on the female reproductive system. It is prescribed even for infertility and problems with conception. In this regard, there are many analogues of vitamin E, both expensive and cheap. And if a lady does not know what vitamins to drink during menopause, you should not overpay, Tocopherol is quite good in capsules from domestic pharmaceutical plants.

"Aevit" is also vitamin E, only with the addition of retinol, or vitamin A. Sold in capsules with oily contents. Once a quarter, you need to drink a course of these inexpensive and useful vitamins for the female body during menopause.

"Amino 2500" for women over 50 who lead an active lifestyle

In search of an answer to the question of what vitamins to drink with menopause at 55, women forget about the importance of saturating the body with essential amino acids. Meanwhile, the amount of muscle mass and how hair and skin look depends on their presence in the diet. After all, keratin and collagen are precisely amino acids, the building material for human hair and epidermal cells.

Excellent and relatively inexpensive "Amino 2500" can be purchased at sports nutrition stores and some pharmacies. The composition includes collagen, l-carnitine, alanine, glutamic acid, lysine, cystine, phenylalanine, serine, tryptophan. It is necessary to take 4-6 tablets per day. If a woman devotes regular time to sports, you should definitely choose a high-quality amino acid complex and include it in your diet. This will help maintain the tone of the body and muscle tissue even during such a difficult period as menopause. By the way, amino acids are also necessary to fight excess weight. L-carnitine has proven itself especially well in this regard.

What vitamins are better to drink with menopause: rating of the most popular

Depending on the ratio of price and quality, you can make a small rating. The most recommended are complexes at a low price, but with a rich composition:

  • "Alphabet 50+".
  • "Supradin" effervescent form.
  • Orthomol Femin.
  • "Doppelhertz Active Menopause".
  • "Hypotrilone".

What vitamins to drink with menopause, because the choice is too big? You should try several complexes empirically and, based on the individual reaction of the body, choose the most suitable one for yourself. For some, it will be "Supradin", and athletes will not be able to do without amino acids. Women with a predisposition to diseases of the reproductive system are best to try Hypotrilone. The choice in the end always depends on the goals pursued and the individual tolerability of the drug.

During the menopause, many women begin to complain of a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes, sweating, headaches, or simply feeling unwell. In order to alleviate the patient's condition, normalize her hormonal levels and help her endure this period of life with the least loss, doctors prescribe her drugs to relieve the symptoms of menopause. Preparations for premenopause are very different, and they must be chosen together with the doctor.

The upcoming menopause always causes a lot of new worries and experiences, but you don’t need to be afraid of anything, as modern medicine knows how to cope with the situation.

Drugs to relieve these symptoms can be clearly divided into two large groups. These are herbal preparations, as well as preparations based on hormones. Depending on the patient's well-being and the state of her health, the doctor makes a choice in favor of the type of medicine. It is worth saying that, of course, herbal preparations are most often prescribed, as they are safer, highly effective and definitely will not cause side effects. As for drugs based on hormones, they are not as harmless as it might seem at first. These drugs have many contraindications and side effects, and if there is such a possibility, then you should refrain from taking them.

Non-hormonal drugs for the treatment of premenopause

For every woman, the onset of menopause comes at different times: for some it comes earlier, for others a little later. Usually changes in the work of the ovaries begin after 30 years. When such a restructuring begins to go in full force, then a woman has unpleasant symptoms, and along with this, a logical question: what to take when premenopause begins?

Premenopause can last only a year, or it can stretch for 10 years. And usually, no matter how long the premenopause lasts, doctors recommend that their patients take herbal preparations in order to maintain an attractive appearance and maintain good health.

In addition to drugs for oral administration, there are also drugs for external use. These can be candles to eliminate vaginal dryness, facial skin masks, vitamins and vitamin complexes designed specifically for those women who have entered the age of premenopause.

Attention! As mentioned above, phytoestrogen preparations are relatively safe during menopause. But still, you should not take them uncontrollably and without a prescription from your doctor, as they are not as harmless as they seem. In order to decide on additional therapy for menopause, the doctor will have to insist on a series of tests and studies so as not to harm the patient.

Indications for the use of phytoestrogens in premenopause

Drugs to relieve the symptoms of menopause are indicated in the following cases:

  1. Early onset of menopause (before 45 years).
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Too long absence of menstruation before the onset of menopause.
  4. Chronically high blood pressure.
  5. Late onset of menstruation (after 16 years).
  6. Diseases of the excretory system.
  7. Diseases of the vessels and heart, which made themselves felt even before the onset of menopause.
  8. Unnatural cessation of menstruation (after surgery to remove any organs of the reproductive system).
  9. Launched the process of development of osteoporosis and other diseases of bone tissue.
  10. Insufficiently high body weight.
  11. If earlier the patient drank too much coffee and drank alcohol, which already had a detrimental effect on her health. Herbal preparations can only help if the lady leaves these addictions.
  12. Infertility.

What are the drugs with phytoestrogens?

Most often, with menopausal syndrome, the patient is prescribed the following drugs:

  • Estrovel. This medicine is designed to fight hot flashes, make sleep normal, and reduce sweating. It also helps reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis. It strengthens the entire reproductive system, helps with uterine bleeding, improves immunity, actively fights stress and nervousness, relieves swelling. Also suitable for early menopause.

With a pronounced menopausal syndrome, the drug is prescribed 3 times a day after each meal, 1-2 tablets (depending on the recommendations of the attending physician). In order for a visible result to appear, you need to take Estrovel for at least one month.

Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Women prone to allergies should take the drug in minimal doses and only under the supervision of a physician.

  • Feminal. This medicine is made on the basis of red clover, which contains a large amount of phytoestrogens and has a beneficial effect on the female body. This remedy helps to reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, relieves symptoms of anxiety and aggression, facilitates the process of falling asleep, and fights breast diseases.

As for the dosage, you need to consult a doctor for this, because the dosage is prescribed only on an individual basis.

The composition of the drug is as natural as possible, so it can be taken for quite a long time. Usually therapy with Feminal is about six months, but it depends on , what symptoms torment a woman, and what she wants to get rid of.

  • Femiwell. This drug is also prepared on the basis of red clover, but manufacturers also add soy, which is also a fairly strong phytoestrogen. In addition, the drug includes a vitamin complex and a number of substances that will help it to be absorbed in the body. This remedy is prescribed for any symptoms of menopause, and not just for hot flashes. This includes an unstable psycho-emotional state, and swelling, and headaches, and increased blood pressure, and sweating. You can take Femivell as a remedy for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis.

You need to take this medication one tablet per day, and check with your doctor for the duration of treatment. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Hormonal drugs to combat perimenopausal symptoms

If premenopause is very difficult, then the gynecologist has no choice but to prescribe a sick drug that will act instantly. Hormones are such medicine. Hormones are needed in order to replenish the supply of these substances, and remove the symptoms of menopause, which were caused by this very deficiency.

Such pills will not completely restore ovarian function, but will significantly improve the condition of a woman in the menopausal period. They also reduce the risk of occurrence and development of diseases that can often begin precisely against the background of menopause.

Hormonal drugs for menopause are prescribed based on existing problems. It is imperative that only a professional appoint them. If you drink such drugs uncontrollably, it can lead to bleeding, the development of cancerous tumors and other rather serious diseases. Also, such therapy is contraindicated for many, even if menopause is very difficult to tolerate.

What hormonal drugs are most often prescribed for premenopause?

You can't prescribe hormonal drugs on your own. You need to see a doctor with the problem “I have premenopause, what should I do?” Who will tell you what to drink during premenopause and how to do it? Among the hormonal drugs that help to overcome the symptoms of menopause, the most prominent are the following:

  • Klimonorm. This medicine improves the functioning of blood vessels, eliminates excessive emotional manifestation, moisturizes the mucous membranes, helps the skin to look young and fresh longer, does not allow problems with the urinary system to develop, prevents incipient osteoporosis, and prevents calcium from being washed out of the bones.

The drug is taken 1 dose per day, the duration of treatment is calculated for 3 weeks exactly.

The drug can be used when the ovaries are removed, but doctors warn of rather serious side effects in the form of the development of tumors and uterine bleeding.

  • Divina. This remedy helps to compensate for the lack of estrogen, from which women suffer during menopause. With the help of this medication, you can restore the menstrual cycle, you can get rid of hot flashes and excessive sweating, reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, prevent tumor processes and endometrial growth, and prevent bone diseases.

The course of treatment with the drug is 21 days, drink one tablet per day.

Taking this medication should not be started without the approval of the attending physician, where he has a number of contraindications: Divina should not be used by women who are sick with endometriosis, hepatitis, oncological diseases. There are diseases in which this drug can be drunk only under the close supervision of a doctor.

  • Klymen. This remedy helps to get rid of heart problems that began to develop against the background of menopause, fights hot flashes, improves sleep quality, prevents problems with the genitourinary system, helps the skin stay young longer, and reduces the risk of cancer.

The course of treatment is 3 weeks, 1 tablet per day is used.

Thus, for the treatment of menopause, there are many drugs, both hormonal and non-hormonal. Such a variety is necessary so that a woman, with the help of a doctor, can choose what really suits her, and will help to cope with all the undesirable manifestations of the climacteric syndrome.

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Many women who have entered the premenopausal phase notice that their condition is noticeably worsening. With the extinction of the reproductive function, skin problems appear, hair grows dull and falls out, nails exfoliate. The internal state also changes. The patient may experience mood swings, depression, aggressiveness, tearfulness, and anxiety. This is due to physiological changes in the body, which leads to hormonal imbalance. Special vitamins for menopause can alleviate the condition, which will alleviate unpleasant symptoms, help strengthen immunity and make it easier to endure this difficult period.

Why is it important to take a multivitamin during menopause?

At the first symptoms of premenopause, when menstruation becomes less and less frequent, experts advise patients to take special vitamin complexes. These drugs have a beneficial effect on health and help prolong youth and good health. Vitamins for menopause will help to cope with the following problems:

  • Slow metabolism due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Decreased production of sex hormones.
  • Weakening of the immune system.

These three problems significantly reduce the quality of life of patients after 40 years of age. According to doctors, they are the cause of an unstable emotional background, the development of age-related diseases and premature aging. The doctor should select the drug, taking into account the age of the woman, the severity of the menopause and the results of clinical blood tests.

In severe menopause, in addition to the complex of minerals, the doctor may prescribe hormone replacement therapy. However, today these appointments are made only as a last resort, when the patient's condition significantly worsens her life. These medicines should also be prescribed only by a specialist.

What trace elements are especially needed during menopause

Starting from the period of premenopause, patients have an increased need for certain valuable trace elements, namely:

  • Magnesium. This mineral is involved in the metabolic process, has a mild sedative and antispasmodic effect. A woman in menopause needs magnesium to maintain bone mineral density and prevent heart disease.
  • Calcium. Responsible for bone density and dental health. Also, the trace element is involved in the process of coagulation and metabolism. Lack of calcium leads to disruption of the heart and bone fragility.
  • Bor. Participates in fat metabolism. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine system and promotes the absorption of magnesium, calcium and fluorine. Boron stimulates the production of sex hormones, thereby relieving the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.
  • D. Participates in the formation and strengthening of the bone skeleton. The lack of this element leads to loss of teeth, frequent fractures and diseases of the spine and joints. Also, recent studies have shown that this microelement prevents the development of skin and oncological diseases.
  • E. It is the most powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E in menopause has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, prevents premature aging and protects the patient from the development of age-related diseases.
  • FROM. Affects the elasticity of the vascular wall. Its deficiency leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, the occurrence of edema and internal bleeding. Also, the microelement has a significant effect on the body's immune system, protecting a person from viral and bacterial diseases.
  • AT. This group of substances is involved in all metabolic processes. It is the microelements of group B that contribute to the stability of the emotional background, increase physical endurance, strengthen the immune system and increase mental performance.
  • BUT. Participates in the production of sex hormones, stimulates the endocrine system, strengthens the immune system, prevents premature aging. It has been proven that the microelement is the prevention of the occurrence of neoplasms in the female reproductive organs and intestines.

Indications for the use of multivitamins in menopause

Many women, having learned about the need to take vitamins during menopause, independently purchase drugs and begin to use them uncontrollably. Doctors insist that such an approach to taking medicines is unacceptable. An excess of any of the substances can cause the development of dangerous conditions from an allergic reaction to heart problems. Vitamin complexes, like other medicines, should be drunk only according to indications. Among the clear indications for taking multivitamins in menopause are:

  • Avitaminosis.
  • Insufficient production of estrogen.
  • Regular flushes.
  • Instability of the psycho-emotional background.
  • Rapid aging of the skin.
  • Weakened immunity.

These indications must be confirmed by clinical plasma analysis. Only after a thorough examination and identification of deviations, the therapist will be able to select and prescribe a set of vitamins for menopause, which are necessary for you.

When taking the drug, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended dosage and regularly take a blood test.

How to choose multivitamins for menopause

Today in pharmacies you can see a huge variety of medicines for women. This variety often confuses patients, because every patient wants to get the best effective vitamins and not become a victim of advertising fraud. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, experts advise that it is better to purchase prescription drugs.