Sedentary games in the middle group of kindergarten. Card file of mobile and sedentary games for children of the middle group

Play is an independent activity in which children first come into contact with their peers. They are united by a single goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common interests and experiences. In the game, the child begins to feel like a member of the team, to fairly evaluate the actions and deeds of his comrades and his own. The task of the leader is to focus the attention of the players on such goals that would evoke a commonality of feelings and actions, to promote the establishment of relations between children based on friendship, justice, and mutual responsibility.

For children of preschool age, games are of exceptional importance: the game for them is study, the game for them is work, the game for them is a serious form of education.

In games, children rejoice, at every step discovering new things in the world around them, in the forms of play, mastering the skills that life requires. The game is more than any other activity in preschool age, requires certain actions from the child, the identification of personal properties and qualities.




Prepare an envelope with task cards and invite guests or children to travel on a “fun train” at a holiday or game program. Sitting at the table to music or chanting words:

Knock knock knock the wheels

Our train is moving forward.

Who gets off at the bus stop

He will dance and sing to us.

as soon as the quatrain ends or the music stops, the participant who has the envelope takes out a card with the task from it and completes it.

Tasks for children:

Sing a kolobok song.

Tell the neighbor on the right "What beautiful ears you have"

You are a kangaroo. Hold a ball between your knees and jump around the table with it.

Draw a blindfolded horse.

Say three times the saying "Dad bought a purchase."

You are a butterfly. Show how you flutter in the meadow.

You are a bird, show how you incubate eggs in the nest, fly for food, feed the chicks.

You are a rooster. Show how you dig the earth, find a seed, call the chickens.

You are a train. Show how you will approach the station .. Depart from it.

Put three candies in your mouth, eat them.

Get a prize.

Draw a dog that rejoices at its owner.


Children stand in a large circle, the instructor in the center of it with a large ball in his hands. The ball should be caught only if something edible is named: carrot, cake, sweets, ice cream, cake, pineapple, orange, etc.

If the instructor says inedible things: car, garage, fence, slippers, etc. and throws the ball to the player, he should not catch it. If a player makes a mistake by catching the ball, he is out of the game.

"Find and shut up"

The physical education instructor shows a bright small rubber or soft toy, the children remember it. The instructor invites the children to squat down and close their eyes. At this time, the instructor quickly hides it and says whoever finds the toy does not pick it up, does not point a finger at it, and does not say out loud where it is hidden. Which of the children will be the first to find the toy, approaches the instructor and says in his ear where the toy is hidden. The game is repeated 3-4 times. The leaders of this game can be the children themselves.

  1. BIRDS

Children choose (or appoint a counselor) "Mistress" and "hawk", the rest - "birds". The "mistress" secretly from the "hawk" gives the name to each bird: "cuckoo", "hawk", "sparrow". The "Hawk" arrives and begins negotiations with the "hostess".

What did you come for.

For a bird.

For what?

The hawk calls "cuckoo". The cuckoo runs out, the hawk catches it. If there is no bird named hawk, the mistress says: There is no such bird. The game continues until the hawk names 3-4 birds. Other children are assigned to the role of hostess and hawk.

Rules: 1. The hawk may chase the bird up to the agreed line. If he catches, takes with him, no - the bird returns to its place. The captured bird does not play until the end of the game.


All children stand in a large circle. The instructor starts the game, pronounces an affectionate word or phrase, for example: “My pretty” or “Sunshine”, gives the ball to the player. The player who was given the ball, in turn, says his word and passes the ball to the next participant in a circle. The participant who cannot name the word is out of the game. The game lasts 1-1, 5 minutes.


Game progress: Choose a seller and a buyer, the rest depict ribbons. The buyer steps aside so as not to hear what color the seller calls his ribbons.

The buyer to the seller, a conversation is fastened.

Who's come?

Merry Agnes.

What you need?


What colour?

The buyer names the color. If he guessed the color of one of the players, he leaves with him .. If he is mistaken, he can name another.

The buyer is replaced if he guessed most of the colors. They also choose a new owner.

"Finish the word"

Children stand in a circle. The instructor stands in the center of the circle with a large ball in his hands. He throws a ball to someone and says the first syllable of a word, for example: “Ma. ” before this, gives the players a hint that it is a name, a pet, a piece of furniture, etc. The player to whom the ball was thrown catches it and calls the word in full. If he guessed the word correctly, he throws the ball back to the instructor, and if not, he is out of the game.

  1. TsAPKI

The instructor stands with his arms outstretched, palms down, and the playing children put their index finger under the palm of the instructor. The instructor says: “Under my roof, mice have gathered. Hare, squirrel, toad. TsAGP"


“Hares stood on the mountain and shouted: “Hide your fingers! "DAC"

At the word "DAC! » the instructor clenches his hand into a fist, and everyone should quickly remove their fingers. Whose finger is captured is out of the game. The game continues 3-4 times


When the leader says “Fire”, everyone squats, sits without moving. Water - all depict swimmers. The host tries to confuse the players by calling the same word in a row. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. They play until there is only one player left. You can not delete children, but make comments. Change leaders more often.


The instructor calls the animal, and the children must show the leashes of this animal, for example, depict how he walks, eats, washes, etc.

Physical education instructor: Lisa.

Children show how she walks, paws at her chest, wagging her tail.

Physical education instructor: Rooster.

Children walk slowly, importantly, they raise one leg high, bent at the knee, then the other.

Physical education instructor: Dog.

Children run and bark.

Physical education instructor: Horse.

Children run in jumps and shout: "Igo-go."

Physical education instructor: Mouse.

Children run on tiptoes and squeak: “Pee-pee-pee.”

Physical education instructor: Bear.

Children walk with their legs wide apart, on the outside of the foot.


Game progress: Players sit in a circle, the counselor gives each the name of a city. Then he says: "I heard that in the city of Voronezh dogs crow and roosters bark." The player with the name of the city of Voronezh answers: “No, sir, in the city of Voronezh, dogs do not crow, and roosters do not bark. The city where dogs crow and roosters bark is called Oryol. The player whose city is named responds in the same way. If he does not answer immediately or confuses, i.e. says incorrectly: "Dogs do not bark, and roosters do not crow," then he gives a pledge. When a lot of pledges are collected, they are redeemed by performing some task.


Children sit in one line. The instructor approaches the first seated player and clearly but quietly speaks a word in his ear, for example, a car, a ball, a doll, a dog, etc. The first player passes to the second, the second to the third, etc. The last player approaches the instructor and speaks the word that has come to him. If the word is distorted, you need to go back and identify the player who incorrectly conveyed the word. The culprit becomes the leader and the game continues.


The players sit on chairs in a circle. The driver comes out in the middle. He approaches any player and asks, for example: “Do you have notebooks, sausage, water, sweets, cakes, rakes.?” The player responds. “No, go to the neighbor opposite” (shows with his hand which one). The driver goes to the indicated player, asks him the same thing. And everyone else at this time should change places. The driver must also follow this and have time to take a free chair. Whoever did not get the chair becomes the driver.

  1. EARS

Children get up in pairs and, playing patties, say: Mom beat, beat, beat and reported everything to dad. Dad beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the woman.

Baba beat, beat, beat and reported everything to grandfather.

Grandfather beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the sisters.

The sisters beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the brothers.

The brothers beat, beat, beat and rolled into the tub.

And there are two frogs in the tub - close your ears as soon as possible!

At the last words, the children quickly cover their ears with their palms. Which of the players did faster, he won. The game is repeated 3-4 times.


(Held to establish warm friendly relations.)

All participants stand in a common circle and are calculated on the 1st. 2nd. 1st stand in the inner circle, with their backs to each other. 2nd numbers to the outside, facing the 1st. (You can put the boys in front of the girls in a circle). Thus, pairs are formed. (Communicate with each other using words and gestures).

Hello my friend! - (handshake)

How are you here? - (knock each other on the shoulder).

Where have you been? (Bending to each other's ear.)

I missed! - (knock on both shoulders).

Here you are! - (open arms, spread apart)

How glad I am! (Hug each other, pat each other on the back.)

Then the second numbers shift to the right or left, and again the couples communicate.

The game continues until the participants come to their previous pairs.

the next child says his name and shows the movement, everyone repeats, etc., until all the children say their names.


Target: increase the creative activity of children, awaken imagination, cheer up, develop composure, attentiveness, the ability to manage their emotions and actions, the skills of collective and coordinated activity.

The teacher invites the children to perform all the movements that he names, but at the same time he himself can show completely different movements. For example, the Teacher says: “Hands to the sides!”, Raises his hands up himself, etc. The game is played for 2-3 minutes. It can be carried out both in a circle and in any other construction. Option: Children do what the teacher shows, and not what he says.


Target: Development of coordination of movements in large and small muscles of the hands.

Description: Children sit or stand with their hands on their knees. The teacher shows different gymnastic movements sequentially for the arms and shoulder girdle, for the torso, for the legs. Children repeat all the exercises, except for one agreed in advance - “forbidden”. The game becomes more complicated with a change in the rule: when the host shows the “forbidden” movement, the children perform another movement assigned instead of it. For example, instead of the forbidden one - stretching the arms forward - the children must perform a prearranged movement - clap their hands or puff out their cheeks.


Target: Development of the skill of throwing and catching the ball, coordination of movements; formation of correct posture; attention training.

Description: The players are divided into two equal groups and lined up in two lines parallel to each other, which stand in front of the benches. Each team chooses a captain, who stand at a distance of 5-6 steps from their teams. The captains have the ball in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, the captains throw the ball to the player of their line, standing in front. He, having received the ball, throws it back to the captain and sits on the bench. The captain throws the ball to the next player on his team. He throws it back to the captain and sits next to the first. Other players do the same. The game ends when all the players on the team are seated. The player who did not catch the ball must run after it and return to his place.


Target: Formation of correct posture, strengthening the muscles of the arch of the foot; teaching plasticity of movements, the ability to relax muscles.

Description: A group of children is divided into "snowflakes", "breezes", the leader is "Frost". “Winds” sit on chairs (bench), “snowflakes” scatter all over the site (hall), “Frost” says: “The winds are blowing.” "Winds" begin to blow along with "Frost": "shhhhh." "Snowflakes" stand on their toes, their hands are raised up, their hands are relaxed, they begin to slowly step over on their toes, switching to an easy run around the entire area, and spin. “Frost” says, hugging himself: “Frost!”, while the “snowflakes” squat, clasping their knees with their hands, saying: “Ahhhhh”, lowering their head to their chest. "Frost" says: "The breezes blew, they blow easily." Children, without straining, exhale with the sound “ffff-u-u”, “snowflakes” get up smoothly, raise their hands up and easily run around the entire playground on their toes. At the same time, the lips close into a tube and the children blow on the fluff, depicting flying snowflakes. The game is repeated: "snowflakes" become "breezes" and vice versa.


Target: teach children to perform various movements in accordance with the text, develop attention, memory. Strengthen the muscles of the back, legs.

Description : Children, holding hands, rhythmically walk in a circle, reading a poem.

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step.

Stay where you are!


Let's do it like this!

With the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movement that the teacher shows, for example, turn, bend over, squat, etc.

"Winter round dance"

Target: Development of coordination of movements, attention, speed of reaction.

Description: Children form a circle, stand facing the center of the circle.

Wider circle, wider circle, the winter is calling. They walk in place, clapping their hands.

All the girls and guys in the winter round dance.

Hold hands together, one, two, three.

And go around in a circle, one, two, three! Walking in circles holding hands

Now turn around, one, two, three! Children turn the other way

And go around in a circle, one, two, three! Walk in a circle, holding hands to the left

Now step together, one, two, three!

In the same place, one, two, three! They walk in place.

Like snowflakes spin, one, two, three. They spin in place, hands to the sides - down. And get down on the ground, one, two, three! They squat down.


Target: perform movements in accordance with the text; after hearing the last words, catch the ball with both hands without pressing it to the chest.

Game description: Children pass the ball in a circle with the words:

“1,2,3 - run the ball quickly,

4,5,6 - here he is, here he is

7,8,9 - who can throw? I!"

The one who has the ball on the word “I” goes to the middle of the circle and says:

"One, two, three - run!" or just tosses the ball up and catches it.


Target: teach children to listen carefully to the poem and act according to the text. Description: children are freely located around the hall and perform game movements. Good morning! - the birds sang. (children wave their hands) Good people get out of bed; (show how they wake up, stretch) All the darkness is hiding in the corners, (squat down and cover eyes with hands) The sun is up and going! (return to their previous position, spread their arms to the sides, march in place)

"Birds" Target: learn to perform imitative movements, imitate the vocal imitations of birds. Description: Children stand in a circle or freely position themselves around the hall, perform movements in accordance with the words: A flock of birds flies south, the sky is blue around. (Children flap their arms like wings)
To fly faster
You have to flap your wings. (Children wave their hands more intensively)
In the clear sky the sun shines,
The astronaut flies in a rocket. (Sipping - arms up)
And below the forest, fields -
The earth is spreading. (Low lean forward, arms out to the side)
The birds began to descend
Everyone sits down in the field. They have a long way to go
The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds)
And again it's time to go, we have to fly a lot. (Children stand up and flap their "wings")
Here is the south. Hooray! Hooray! It's time for us to land. (Children squat)


Description: The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

We stomp our feet, (stomp) We clap our hands, (clap) We shake our heads, (shake our heads) We raise our hands, (hands up) Then we lower them, (hands down) We raise our hands (hands to the "castle") And we run around , (circle in place) One, two, three, (three claps) Any figure freeze! (depict any figure)

"Get ready, kids!"

Target: improve the ability to navigate in space, avoid collisions; move in the general game situation.

Description: Children form a circle, turn to face the center of the circle.

Get it together, kids! Spring calls: "It's time to walk!"

They clap their hands.

We will walk through the forest, breathe fresh air.

They walk in place. Breathe through your nose.

On tiptoe along the path, one after another, we will go.

They turn, walk on tiptoes, hands on their belts.

We won’t step into small puddles, we’ll go around.

They walk with their knees high, hands behind their backs.

There are trees in the way. We need to bypass them.

They snake one after another.

Go, children, carefully: you can prick yourself on the branches.

We will follow the spring, we will start a round dance.

They walk in a circle holding hands.

We will sing and dance - Spring - to meet a freckle.

Stop, put your hands up. Then perform a bow - lean down, lower your hands.


Target: To develop in children observation, dexterity.

Description: All players stand in a circle close to the center. One player becomes the center, this is the speaker. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One is given a ball. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He can ask each of the players to show their hands by saying "hands". The player extends both hands forward, palms up. The one who had the ball or who dropped it, becomes in the middle, and the driver takes his place.

Description: The ball is passed in any direction. The ball is passed only to a neighbor. You cannot pass the ball to a neighbor after the driver demands to show his hands. Options: Put two balls into play. Increase the number of drivers. Give the task to the one who had the ball: jump, dance, etc.


Target: develop memory and attention, the ability to concentrate.
Description: Pick up and put on the table five or six small toys.
Have the children memorize them and then close their eyes for a few seconds. At this time, remove one of the toys and ask them to guess what you have hidden.
If it is difficult for children to remember so many toys at once, start the game with three or four, gradually increasing their number.
Game development: Invite the children to memorize the order in which the toys are placed on the table (which one stands for which).
Then discreetly swap two or three of them. Ask them to guess which toy is in the wrong place.

"Needle and thread»

Tasks: develop orientation in space and, to some extent, coordination of movements and attentiveness. Well suited for playing in kindergartens and at children's parties.

Description: Children stand one after another, holding hands tightly - this is a “long thread” The teacher stands first - “needle.” He walks on his heels, on his toes, on the outside of his foot, or with his knees high, constantly changing direction. The rest of the children repeat all the movements after him, trying to keep up.

A needle, a needle is walking down the street

and thread and thread leads.

A needle, a needle on the heels (like a bear, a horse, etc.) goes and a thread and a thread leads.

"Stop ! »

Tasks: To develop in children endurance, the ability to act on a signal. Practice forming in a circle and walking in a circle.

Description: Children walk around the room. Suddenly the music stops, but the children have to keep going at the same pace until the leader says: “Stop!”

"Many - One"

Target: Learn to catch the ball, accurately throw it into the hands of the instructor. Activate your child's vocabulary

Description: Children are built in a circle, the instructor stands in the middle of the circle, throws the ball to each child ( different ways) and calls the word in the singular - the child catches the ball and throws it back and calls the word in the plural. 1,2,3 - catch up with the ball, the children scatter, the leader catches the guys with the ball. Options: calls a word, for example, house, the child catches the ball, throws it back to the leader, calls the word with a diminutive suffix - house

Card file of mobile and sedentary games for kindergarten. Middle group.

Tazhekenova S.A.
This selection of outdoor games will be useful for kindergarten teachers and parents of children aged 3-5.
Tasks: To develop orientation in space in children, to consolidate the skill of building in a column. Practice running.
Description: Children are built in 3-4 columns in different places of the site, which are marked with flags. The players pretend to be pilots on airplanes. They are preparing to fly. At the signal of the educator, “Get ready for the flight!” children circle with their arms bent at the elbows - they start the engine. "Fly!" - says the teacher. Children raise their arms to the sides and fly in all directions, in different directions. At the signal of the educator "To land!" - planes find their places and land, build in columns and go down on one knee. The teacher notes which column was built first.
The players should fly out after the teacher's signal "Fly!".
At the signal of the educator "To land!" - the players must return to their columns, to the places where their sign is posted (a flag is placed).
Options: While the planes are flying, swap the flags, take them to the opposite side. Change the leaders in the columns.
Tasks: To develop in children attention, the ability to distinguish colors and act on a visual signal. Exercise children in running, walking.
Description: Children sit along the wall, they are cars. Each is given a flag of some color. The teacher stands facing the players, in the center. In the hand - 3 colored flags, according to the colors of the traffic light. Raises the flag, children with a flag of this color run around the site in any direction, on the go they buzz, imitating a car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop, and at the signal “Cars are returning!” - go step by step to their garage. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color, but can raise both 2 and all 3 flags together, then all the cars leave the garage.
You can leave the garages only at the signal of the teacher, return to the garage also at the signal. If the flag is omitted, the cars do not move.
Options: Lay out the landmarks of different colors in the corners. At the signal “Cars are leaving”, at this time, swap landmarks. Invite children to remember different brands of cars
"At the Bear's Forest"
Tasks: To develop in children endurance, the ability to perform movements on a signal, the skill of collective movement. Exercise in running in a certain direction, with dodging, develop speech.
Description: A line is drawn on one side of the site - this is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for a bear is outlined. On the opposite side is the children's house. The teacher appoints a bear, the rest of the children are at home. The teacher says: "Go for a walk!". Children go to the edge of the forest, picking berries, mushrooms, imitating movements and say in chorus: “I take mushrooms and berries from a bear in a forest. And the bear sits and growls at us. The bear at this time sits in his place. When the players say "Growls!" the bear gets up, the children run home. The bear tries to catch them - to touch them. The captured bear takes to itself. After 2-3 caught, a new bear is selected.
The bear has the right to get up and catch, and the players - to run home only after the word "growls!".
The bear cannot catch children behind the house line.
Options: Enter 2 bears. Put obstacles in the way.
Tasks: to develop determination in children, to exercise in running with dodging.
Description: A circle is drawn on the ground or a cord with tied ends is placed. The teacher chooses a trap, which becomes in the center of the circle. It's a cat. The rest - birds, are outside the circle. The cat is sleeping, the birds fly into the circle for grains. The cat wakes up, sees the birds and catches them. All the birds fly out of the circle. The one touched by the cat is considered to be caught and goes to the middle of the circle. When 2-3 birds are caught, a new cat is selected.
The cat catches birds only in a circle.
The cat can touch the birds, but not grab them.
Options: If the cat can't catch anyone for a long time, add another cat.
Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, according to the word, quickly builds in pairs. Exercise in running, color recognition. Develop initiative and ingenuity.
Description: The players stand along the wall. The teacher gives everyone one flag. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter around the playground. On another signal, or on the word “Find yourself a pair!”, Children with flags of the same color find a pair for themselves, each pair, using the flags, makes one or another figure. An odd number of children participate in the game, 1 must be left without a pair. The players say: "Vanya, Vanya - do not yawn, quickly choose a couple!".
The players get into pairs and scatter at the signal (word) of the educator.
Each time the players must have a pair.
Options: Instead of flags, use handkerchiefs. To prevent children from running in pairs, introduce a limiter - a narrow path, jump over a stream.
Tasks: to develop in children the ability to act on a signal, coordinate movements with each other, exercise in running, walking.
Description: Children are divided into 2 equal groups. One group depicts grooms, the other - horses. A stable is outlined on one side. On the other - a room for grooms, between them a meadow. The teacher says: “Grooms, get up quickly, harness the horses!”. Grooms with reins in their hands, run to the stables and harness the horses. When all the horses are harnessed, they line up one after another and, at the direction of the teacher, walk or run. According to the teacher "Arrived!" grooms stop horses. The teacher says "Go to rest!". Grooms unharness the horses and let them graze in the meadow. They return to their places to rest. Horses calmly walk around the site, graze, nibble grass. At the signal of the teacher, “Grooms, harness the horses!” the groom catches his horse, which runs away from him. When all the horses are caught and harnessed, everyone lines up one after the other. After 2-3 repetitions, the teacher says: “Take the horses to the stable!”. The grooms take the horses to the stable, unharness them and give the reins to the teacher.
The players change movements at the signal of the teacher. At the signal "Go to rest" - the grooms return to their places.
Options: Include walking on a bridge - a board laid horizontally or obliquely, suggest different trip goals.
"CALL THE Rattle"
A task: develop a reaction to the signal, improve running skills.
Description: the children stand in a semicircle, the teacher is in front of them, behind him is a bell (tambourine, drum, rattle). He shows it to the children and quickly hides it. Asks what they saw, then runs to the other side, saying, "I'm running, running, running, and I'm ringing the rattle." He puts the rattle at the back, spreads his arms wide apart and says: “Everyone quickly runs here and finds the rattle.” The children are running. Whoever found it first, calls and gives it to the teacher. The game is repeated.
Rules: do not push, do the task at the signal of the teacher.
A task: develop children's orientation in space. Practice running fast.
Game description: a hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players - hares form "their own house" (two hares hold hands, creating a house). The homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. The hare can escape from the hunter by running into any "house"; To whom the homeless hare stands with his back, he becomes the leader. If the hunter catches, then they switch roles.
the hunter can catch the hare only outside the lair.
Hares cannot run through the lair.
If the hare ran into the den, he must stay there.
As soon as the hare ran into the lair, the player located there must immediately run out.
Players forming a circle should not interfere with the hares running in and out.
Tasks: develop: speed of reaction, dexterity and dexterity, learn to play in a team, observing the rules of the game.
Game description: children are on the playground. The trap, appointed by the teacher or chosen by the players, becomes in the middle of the site. On a signal: "One, two, three - catch!" - all the children scatter around the playground, dodge the trap, which tries to catch up with one of the players and touch it with their hand (stain). The one whom the trap has touched with his hand steps aside. When 3-4 players are spotted, a new trap is chosen.
Options: traps with ribbons. The participants of the game are given satin ribbons, which the children fasten to the elastic band of the shorts, from the back. At the command of the teacher or at the whistle, the children begin to randomly run around the playground. And the driver tries to catch up with them, while tearing off the tape. According to the teacher’s sound command: “Stand in the circle!”, The children are again built in a circle, and the “Trap” counts the number of ribbons that he could pull out from the players.
Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running, jumping on both legs, squatting, catching.
Description: One of the players is appointed as a wolf, the rest depict hares. On one side of the site, hares mark their places with cones, pebbles, from which circles or squares are laid out. At the beginning of the game, the hares stand in their places. The wolf is at the opposite end of the site - in the ravine. The teacher says: “The bunnies are jumping, hop - hop - hop, onto a green meadow. They pinch the grass, listen to see if the wolf is coming. Hares jump out of the circles and scatter around the site. They jump on 2 legs, sit down, nibble grass and look around in search of a wolf. The teacher pronounces the word "Wolf", the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch and touch them. The hares run each to their own place, where the wolf can no longer overtake them. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. After the wolf catches 2-3 hares, another wolf is selected.
Hares run out at the words - hares jump.
You can return to your places only after the word "Wolf!".
Options: You can’t catch those hares that the hare-mother gave a paw to. Put cubes on the way - stumps, hares run around them. Choose 2 wolves. A wolf to jump over an obstacle - a stream.
Tasks: To develop children's dexterity and ability to perform movement on a signal, exercise in dodging, catching, climbing, deep jumping.
Description: A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site. In the chicken coop on the perch (on the benches) there are chickens, the children stand on the benches. On the other side of the site is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is appointed as a fox, the rest of the chickens - they walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. At the signal of the “Fox”, the chickens run away into the chicken coop, climb onto the perch, and the fox tries to drag the chicken that did not have time to climb the perch. He takes her to his hole. The hens jump off the perch and play resumes.
A fox can catch chickens, and chickens can climb a perch only at the signal of the teacher "Fox!".
Tasks: to teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text, to jump on two legs moving forward, landing on toes with half-bent legs. Strengthen leg muscles. Develop attention, coordination of movements. Cultivate friendships.
Description: gray bunny washes. All players form a circle. The chosen bunny becomes in the middle. Children pronounce:
Gray bunny washes
It looks like he's going to visit.
I washed my nose, I washed my mouth,
I washed my ear, wiped it dry!
Bunny makes movements in accordance with the text. Then he jumps on two legs to one of the children. The one to whom the bunny approaches jumps to the middle of the circle. The game is repeated 5-6 times.
Directions. There may be several bunnies in the circle - 4-5 They perform a game task.
Rules: listen carefully to the poem and perform movements according to the text.
Tasks: strengthening the ability to play by the rules of the game. Exercise in crawling on all fours around the hall.
Description: Children depict a herd (cows, calves, sheep). They choose a shepherd, hand him a horn and a whip. The adult says:
early in the morning
Shepherd: "Tu-ru-ru-ru."
And the cows are in harmony with him
Tightened: "Moo-mu-mu."
The shepherd boy plays the horn to the words “Tu-ru-ru-ru”, after the words “Mu-mu-mu” the cows moo. Then the shepherd drives the flock into the field (to the agreed lawn), everyone roams around it. After a while the shepherd cracks his whip and drives the flock home.
The game can be repeated. You can slightly change the plot of the game by introducing a wolf into it. In this case, the shepherd drives the flock to the meadow and carefully monitors whether a wolf appears, which hunts sheep and calves. Seeing a wolf, he snaps his whip, as if scaring him away and driving the herd home.
Directions: The game needs space. Children should not stray into one place.
Tasks: develop responses to verbal cues. Practice climbing the gymnastic ladder.
Game description: children stand at one end of the hall, they are birds. At the other end of the hall is a tower (gymnastic wall). At the signal of the teacher: “The birds are flying away! "- the birds fly, spreading their wings. At the signal "Storm! "- the birds fly to the tower - they hide from the storm in the trees. After the words: “The storm has stopped,” the birds fly again.
Rules: listen carefully to the teacher's signals and take actions.
Tasks: develop dexterity orientation in space. Practice climbing, running.
Game Description: the players are divided into two groups: one is "kittens", the other is "puppies", they are located at different ends of the site. At a signal, the kittens begin to run, easily, as if playing. To the words "kittens!" they say "meow!". In response to this, the puppies bark "woof-woof-woof!", run on all fours after the kittens, who quickly climb the gymnastic wall. The puppies return to their places.
After 2-3 repetitions, the children change roles. You can end the game as follows: invite everyone to quietly and slowly "like a cat" pass.
Rules: act on the signal "Kittens".
Tasks: teach children to throw the ball up, and catch it with both hands, without pressing it to their chest. Develop coordination of movements, eye.
Description: on two columns (racks) a rope is stretched at the height of the child's hand raised up. He tosses the ball over the string and catches it on the opposite side.
1. if several children are playing, then a competition can be held between them. The one who wins large quantity once caught the ball for the stipulated number of throws (8-10 times).
2. Children can be divided into pairs. Some throw and catch balls, while others count or everyone becomes in a circle, and one or two of the players go to the middle of the circle and throw the ball. Everyone is watching to make sure the job is done right.
3. You can also include such exercises: throwing the ball up, wait until it hits the ground, and then catch it; hit the ball on the ground and catch it; throw the ball higher, clap your hands, catch the ball; toss the ball, quickly turn around and, after the ball bounces off the ground, catch it
Tasks: teach children to roll the ball towards the mace, trying to knock it down. Develop an eye, the accuracy of the throw.
Game description:
Players stand behind the line, 2-3m from which maces are placed in front of each. The children have balls in their hands. On a signal, the players roll the balls towards the clubs, trying to knock them down. At the next signal, the children go after the balls and pick up the fallen maces. The game is repeated, everyone remembers how many times the mace was knocked down by them.
Options: roll the ball with the right, left hand, two hands. foot.
Tasks: teach children to throw the ball over the net to each other, with two hands from below, or from behind the head. Develop the accuracy of the throw, coordination of movements, eye.
Game description: children stand on a line at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the stretched net, take large balls, throw them over the net with both hands from behind their heads, then run after them, catch up and throw them over the net again.
Two groups of players stand on either side of the net stretched 15 cm above the child's raised arm. Children throw the ball to each other from behind the head or from the chest or
1 child throws the ball over the net to the other side, the one who catches it throws it to one of the neighbors, and he returns the ball to the net, the teacher counts on which side the ball is smaller, since it fell to the ground.
Tasks: teach children to walk around the hall, looking for a hidden object. Develop attention span.
Game description: the children turn to face the wall, the teacher hides the flag and says: "It's time", the children are looking for the hidden flag. Whoever finds it first hides it when the game is repeated.
Rules: do not spy on the teacher, where the flag will be hidden.
Options: the educator speaks coldly if the children are far from the hidden object, hotly - if nearby.
Tasks: to teach children to look for a hidden object, when finding it, do not show what they found, but say it in the ear of the teacher. Develop endurance, attention.
Game description: at the signal of the teacher, the children turn their faces to the wall. The teacher hides the handkerchief. Then the children go to look for a handkerchief. The one who found it without showing a look, approach the teacher, and says where he found the handkerchief and takes his place in the line, or sits down on a bench. The game continues until most of the children have found the handkerchief. The game is repeated.
Rules: do not tell other participants where the item is.
Tasks: teach children to guess those children who leave. Develop memory, attention.
Game description: children stand in a circle or semicircle. One of the players remembers the players and then leaves the room. One of the children is hiding. The teacher says: “Guess who left?” if the child guessed correctly, then he chooses someone instead of himself, if he is mistaken, then he leaves again, another child hides.
Rules: do not tell the driver which of the players left.
Hide and Seek
Tasks: teach children to look for their comrades to call them by name. Develop orientation in space, attention.
Game description: according to the rhyme, the driver is selected. He stands near the teacher and closes his eyes, the rest of the children hide. The driver says: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I'm going to look! Finding the child, he calls him by name, the child comes out of hiding and approaches the teacher. When the driver finds 4-5 children, he is assigned to the role of the leader.
Options: two leaders are selected.

Take care of your hands!

Purpose: to develop attention, speed of reaction.

Children form a circle. The teacher, who at first plays the role of a leader, stands in the middle of the circle. Children stretch their arms forward with palms up. At the signal "Take care of your hands!" - the teacher tries to touch the palms of the players. Children should quickly hide their hands behind their backs. Those who are touched by the driver are out of the game.


Purpose: to develop friendly relations in the children's team.

Children stand in a circle. The driver is selected - a bug. He squats down in the center of the circle. Children go in a circle with the words:

spider bug,

thin legs,

red boots,

We fed you

We fed you

They put on their feet. (Children approach the bug and put it on its feet.)

Forced to dance.

Choose who you want

Dance as much as you want!

The bug chooses a mate and dances with him. The player chosen by the bug becomes the driver, the game continues.

Evil and good cats

Purpose: to teach to act on a signal, to develop the ability to control one's emotions, to help relieve tension and aggressiveness.

The teacher announces to the children that today they will be cats. He says that cats are kind (they caress, purr, walk with soft steps) and evil (they jump, scratch, hiss). On a signal (for example, a blow of a tambourine), children turn either into evil or good cats.

Watchman and bell

Purpose: to develop attention, auditory perception.

Children sit in a circle. One child is selected by counting to be the watchman. He sits in the center of the circle face down with a bell on his back. One of the children, whom the teacher silently points to, sneaks up to the watchman, carefully takes the bell and returns to his place. After the words"Watchman, watchman, you overslept, your bell is gone!"the watchman wakes up and starts looking for the bell. He carefully looks at the children, trying to guess who has the bell. If the watchman cannot find the bell for a long time, the teacher says: "Call the bell!" The child who hid the bell shakes it behind his back, a ringing is heard, the watchman finds the player who hid the bell by the sound.


Purpose: to develop attention, the ability to act on a signal.

Children perform dance moves to the music. As soon as the music ends, the children turn into "pebbles": they sit on the floor with their heads down and covering it with their hands. The teacher covers one "pebble" with a blanket. Children guess who is there.

Find and shut up

Purpose: to develop attention, endurance, spatial perception.

You will need a small toy to play. The teacher hides the toy in the group, offers to find it. Warns that having found a toy, you need to approach the teacher and quietly say where it is hidden. You can not pick up a toy and talk loudly about its whereabouts.

Vegetables and fruits

Goal: develop attention, consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher names various vegetables and fruits. If a vegetable is called, the guys squat down, if a fruit, stand on their toes and raise their hands up.

In an even circle

Purpose: to develop attention.

Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, reading a poem.

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step.

Stay where you are!


Let's do it like this!

At the end of the poem, the children repeat the movement shown by the teacher.

Traffic light

Purpose: to develop attention, color perception.

To play, you need circles of red, yellow and Green colour. Children stand in a scattered position facing the teacher. At a red signal, everyone stands still, at a yellow one they stand up, at a green one they walk in place.


Card file of games low mobility

for children of middle preschool age.

Compiled by: Chigrintseva S.A.



Purpose: To teach children to move on a signal, to develop auditory qualities.

Silence by the pond

The water does not sway

The reeds don't make noise

Fall asleep kids.

Children go in a column one by one.

After the words, the children stop, squat, tilt their heads and close their eyes. The one who moves stands at the end of the column.

Interactive technologies: work in pairs, round dance, chain.


Purpose: To develop the activity of children in motor activity. Encourage children to play. Develop physical qualities.

Tiki-taki, tiki-taki

Crayfish are walking in our river.

They walk backwards
looking for crayfish in the ford river,

Crayfish began to drink water -

Come out, you lead!

The players sort out in pairs, stand in a circle. Everyone in the pair turns their backs to each other and gives hands. With the beginning of the text, all pairs move in the same direction in a circle so that the first in a pair goes straight in the direction of movement and leads the hands of the second, walking backwards (this is cancer). At the end of the text, the game is repeated with a change of direction.

Interactive technologies: work in small groups (triples), round dance, chain, carousel.


Like snow under the tree, snow,

And on the tree snow, snow,

And under the hill snow, snow,

And on the hill snow, snow,

A bear sleeps under the snow

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

Children stand in a circle. A bear is selected, he sits in the middle of the circle, closes his eyes.

On lines 1 and 3, the children go into a circle, on lines 2 and 4 - out of the circle, on line 5, children carefully approach the bear, the 6th line is pronounced by one child at the direction of the teacher. The bear must recognize by the voice who said.

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "interview", "chain".

"The gray hare washes"

Purpose: To form the ability to follow the development of the game. Develop the ability to imitate characteristic actions.

Bunny gray washes

Looks like he's going to visit

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

He washed his ear, wiped it dry.

the children stand in a circle, the bunny is in the middle, he beats the text and approaches one of the children, he becomes a bunny.

Interactive technologies

work in small groups (troikas).

Purpose: To teach children to play by the rules. Develop language and physical skills.

Vanya, you are in the forest now.

We call you: "Ah!"

Well, close your eyes

Don't be shy

Who called you?

Find out soon!

children walk in a circle and say the text leading in the middle of the circle.

The driver closes his eyes and guesses which of the children called him.

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel".

"The guys have a strict order"

Purpose: To develop the ability to act on a signal, physical qualities.

The guys have a strict order,

They know all their places.

Well, trumpet more cheerfully:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

children walk around the room scattered. At the signal, the children line up.

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "carousel".


Purpose: To develop attentiveness, quick wit, sound culture of speech.

Inflate our balloon

puff up big

stay like this

do not burst!"

children form a tight circle, hold hands, take small steps back, expanding the circle,

At the signal of the educator:

"The balloon burst!" children squat

or slowly walk towards the center of the circle and

pronounce: "sh - sh - sh - sh"

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel".

"Sun and Rain"

Purpose: coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills, vocabulary enrichment, development of creative imagination and motor imitation, teaching the elements of pantomime.

The sun looks out the window

shines in our room.

We'll clap our hands

very happy with the sun.

Top, top, top, top / 2r.

Clap, clap, clap, clap / 2p.

children go around

children clap their hands

children stomp rhythmically

children clapping rhythmically

At the teacher's signal "it's raining", the children squat - "hide".

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel".


Purpose: coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills, vocabulary enrichment, development of creative imagination and motor imitation.


By the water claps,

Clap your hands

Yes, bare feet.

Children stand freely. The game exercise is performed as shown by the teacher. Under the reading of the nursery rhyme, the children shake the hands of both hands, as if hitting the water.

They stamp their feet on the last line, stepping from one foot to the other.

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel", "work in pairs", "work in small groups".

"Wolf - top"

Purpose: To develop coordination of movements, hearing, physical qualities. Teach, choose a leader with a counting rhyme.

Wolf - spinning top, wool barrel

Fled through the spruce

Fell into the juniper

Hooked on tail

Spent the night under a bush.

Children stand in a circle. According to the counting rhyme, a wolf is chosen. The wolf walks with wide steps around the circle, at the last words he crouches behind someone's back, he becomes a wolf. The game is repeated. You can choose two wolves

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel".


Purpose: To develop auditory qualities, physical qualities, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

across the lawn

warmed by the sun,

Behind the flowery moth

Summer has passed.

Bathed in the river

Lie down on the sand


flew by

And disappeared into the distance.

Children stand in a circle. With the beginning of the reading of the poem, they move in a jump in one direction, and Leto gallops in an opposite direction inside the circle.

On lines 6-7, Leto stops, Leto performs jumps in place with swinging movements of the hands (“mill”). On the last 3 lines, Leto runs out of the circle and sits down behind one of the players. With the end of the text, the children look for where Summer hid. Who finds him behind his back, goes to the middle.This is a new Summer.

Interactive technologies: "round dance", "chain", "carousel",

Pair work, small group work.


Purpose: To train children in coordination and orientation in space when performing various tasks. Develop auditory attention through play.

The children stood in a circle
Saw the flag

Who to give, who to give
To whom should the flag be given?

Come out, Olya, in a circle,

Take, Olya, the flag!

Come out, come out, take it

Raise the flag higher!

Children stand in a circle, in the center one child with a flag. After the words: "come out, come out ..." the named child goes to the middle and takes the flag. The first child stands in a circle, the game is repeated

Interactive technologies: "dance", "chain".

"Make a Riddle"

Purpose: To develop speech, imagination, memory.

Try to prompt the children as they find it difficult, for example, glass, transparent, do fish live in it?

The child comes up with riddles about objects familiar to him.

Interactive technologies: "chain", "carousel".


Purpose: To develop memory, speech, the ability to analyze, present and defend arguments.

Continue the game by helping him make a certain conclusion.

The game starts like this: “It seems to me that the mother of the calf is a horse. After all, they have hooves, they are covered with wool, they eat hay, etc.”

Interactive technologies: "chain", "carousel", "work in small groups", "Interview", "Aquarium".

"Great Circle"

“Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show”

Purpose: To teach children to call an action a word, use verbs correctly (time, person), develop creative imagination, quick wits.

A more complex version of this game is the individual reproduction of similar actions. The organization of such a game is approximately the same as in "Broken Phone". All participants close their eyes, except for the first two, one of which shows the other some action (watering flowers, or chopping firewood, or playing ball). Then the second child shows the same action to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on. So in turn, the children pass the same action to each other. The last child in the row must guess this action.

Children are divided into small groups (4-5 people each), and each group, with the help of an adult, thinks through a staging of an action (washing, or drawing, or picking berries). Children must choose the story themselves and agree on how they will show it.

After such preparation, each group silently shows its action. Each show is preceded by the well-known phrase: "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show." Spectators carefully observe the comrades and guess what they are doing and where they are. After guessing correctly, the actors become spectators and the next group enters the stage.

Interactive technologies: "chain", "carousel", "work in small groups", "Interview", "Aquarium", "Big Circle", work in small groups (triples).

« Mirror"

Purpose of the game .
Game progress. Children become in a circle. The child chosen with the help of a counting rhyme becomes the center of the circle. Everyone else says:
an even circle,
One after the other
Hey guys, don't yawn!
What Vovochka (Annechka, Valechka, etc.) will show us,
Let's do it together.
The child in the center of the circle shows a variety of movements, the rest of the children repeat them.

"On the track"

Purpose of the game . To develop speech and motor activity of children.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's stretch our legs.

We're walking down the road

Raise your legs higher. (Walking in place.)

And along the same path

We jump on the right leg. (Jumps on the right foot.)

And now a little more

Let's jump on the other leg. (Jumps on the left leg.)

Let's run along the path

Let's run to the lawn. (Running in place.)

On the lawn, on the lawn

We jump like bunnies. (Jumping in place on two legs.)

We clap our hands

Let our feet dance. (Free dance moves.)

Stop. Let's sit down and rest. (Squatting.)

And we'll walk back. (Walking in place.)


Purpose: to form the ability to play together, develop interest in games

Game progress: With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver is selected, he becomes in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. The teacher gives one of the players an object that can be hidden (lace, ribbon). All children except the driver know who has the item. When the driver approaches this child, the children begin to clap loudly, when they move away, the claps become quieter. The game continues until the driver finds the item. If he fails to do this for a long time, then another driver is selected.

"Giants and Dwarves".

Purpose: to train children to act on a signal

Game progress: The driver (most often an adult) explains to the guys that he can only pronounce the words "giants" and "gnomes". At the word "giants", everyone should rise on their toes and raise their hands. And at the word "gnomes", everyone should sit down lower. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

Of course, the driver wants to ensure that the players are wrong. To do this, he first pronounces the words "giants!" loud and bass, and the "gnomes" - a quiet squeaky whisper. And then, at some point, the other way around. Or saying "giants", the driver crouches, and saying "gnomes" - rises on his toes.

The pace of the game is accelerating and all the players are gradually dropping out. The last player who has never made a mistake becomes the leader.

"Run quietly."

Purpose: to learn to move silently.

Game progress: Children are divided into groups of 4-5 people, divided into three groups and lined up behind the line. A driver is chosen, he sits in the middle of the site and closes his eyes. On a signal, one subgroup silently runs past the driver to the other end of the site. If the driver hears, he says "Stop!" and the runners stop. Without opening his eyes, the driver says which group ran. If he correctly indicated the group, the children step aside. If they make a mistake, they return to their places. So alternately run through all the groups. The winner is the group that ran quietly and that the driver could not detect.


Purpose: to train children to act on a signal, walk in an even circle

Game progress: Children walk in a circle one after another. At the signal of the leader "Stop!" stop, make four claps, turn 180 degrees and start moving in reverse side. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

"Circle circle".

Purpose: to train children to act on a signal, walk in a circle

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and say the words:

“Circle - circle, scarlet flower!

One, two, three - turn around, Olya, you!

The named child turns his back in a circle, holds hands. Children continue to pronounce the words of the game. As soon as there are 5-6 children with their backs in the circle, the game stops.


Purpose: to exercise children in walking and running in a circle

Game progress: Children form a circle. walking in circles; to the teacher's signal "Wind!" snowflake children speed up their pace and start running at a moderate pace. At the signal "The wind has died down!" gradually slow down and stop.