How to strengthen the vertical slope on the site. We strengthen the slope on the site: proven methods

The ideal relief of a suburban or summer cottage should have a slope of no more than 7-10 o, in such conditions it is easier to take rain water and organize watering of plants in the beds. But in reality, most summer residents can only dream of a flat, like a table, plot, erosion and washing out of the soil leads to the fact that a good part of the valuable territory is eaten up by a growing slope.

It is possible and necessary to fight this phenomenon, especially since there are more than enough means to strengthen the slope in the summer cottage.

How to protect a summer cottage

It all depends on the steepness of the slope and the location of the suburban area. If the territory of the summer cottage is surrounded by a large number of trees and shrubs, then you should not worry too much, it is enough to build several terraces and a couple of flights of stairs on the summer cottage for more comfortable movement. Another thing is if the summer cottage is in the middle of the slope or the foot of a bald mountain, on clay or sandy soil with large quantity ground water. In this case, you should seriously take care of strengthening the slope, otherwise erosion or a landslide can cause serious trouble.

Modern science offers several basic ways to strengthen the slope:

  • By planting shrubs and plants with a powerful root system that can bind the surface soil into a single "carpet". This scheme allows you to minimize the erosion of the upper fertile layer;
  • Laying geotextile grids and sheets under the surface layer of soil. Cloth, mats or a system of plastic - metal cells and nets can strengthen even loose sandy soil on very steep slopes;
  • Arrangement of terraces and protective barriers. The most time-consuming and difficult to use method, but often it is terraces that can solve the problem of landslide and strengthen the soil layer in the most difficult geological situations.

Of great importance for choosing a technique, how to strengthen the slope, is proper drainage. It is the near-surface and rain water flows that cause the sluggish, very slow sliding of the fertile layer along the clay lens of the base. The thicker and weaker the fertile layer, the stronger the sliding down the slope. Sandy soil behaves similarly. Often, rain streams simply wash away a very valuable layer of soil with humus and fertilizers brought by the hands of a summer resident down the slope.

Note! Most of the scientifically substantiated and developed by specialists methods of slope retention at high slope angles were designed for technological needs related to the strengthening of slopes in areas adjacent to the roadbed and foundations of industrial facilities.

What can you choose to deal with a sliding slope in the country

The specificity of the suburban area lies in the fact that most, at least a third or even half of the territory is reserved for beds and open crops. To avoid harmful shading, most of the beds are planted at a certain distance from fruit bushes and trees. Ironically, it is this part of the summer cottage that is most often located on an open slope, well lit by the sun and irrigated by rain. Therefore, the beds more often fall into the risk zone, and the solution to the problem of how to strengthen the soil on the slope becomes not so obvious.

Moreover, most vegetable crops planted in a summer cottage have underdeveloped root systems, their planting is almost always seasonal, therefore, in order to strengthen the slope with planted tomato or pepper bushes, one should not even dream of.

You can, of course, plant a certain number of soil-protecting plants in the beds - periwinkle, barberry, juniper, clover, but they will compete with the main crops, and the feasibility of growing vegetables in a summer cottage will be reduced to a minimum. Therefore, any beds, open areas of cultivated soil, remote from shrubs and trees, can only be strengthened with terraces.

It is quite difficult, although it is realistic to strengthen the agricultural part of the summer cottage with the help of a geo-canvas or geomat, but for the slope of the summer cottage reserved for landscape design, this solution will be ideal.

The rest of the territory of the summer cottage - a place for a house, a garage, a bath can be perfectly strengthened using the engineering methods given above. Experts even recommend in advance to provide for the possibility of strengthening part of the soil in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entrance to the site and the territory adjacent to buildings with a concrete foundation. If the slope angle is large enough, and most of the soil is sandy loam or even sand, to protect the buildings, it is necessary to strengthen the upper layers of the soil using a geogrid.

Structurally, the geogrid is a system of plastic cells connected into one sheet. The geogrid is laid on a prepared base, lined with high-modulus geotextile, and covered with ballast - crushed stone, gravel screenings mixed with sand and cement. The most optimal scheme for using a geogrid, which makes it possible to strengthen the slope of a summer cottage, is given below.

In order to strengthen the slope with a geogrid, you will need to perform the following operations:

  1. Remove the top layer of soil to a depth of 10-15 cm, level and plan the reinforced area;
  2. Lay high-modulus geotextile with a density of at least 300 g/m 2 , fix the fabric with steel staples;
  3. Lay out the geogrid on the slope from top to bottom and strengthen the unfolded tape with anchors - long plastic or steel rods;
  4. Fill the cells with crushed stone, cover with moist soil and tamp with a manual rammer.

Advice! Use pieces of steel reinforcement as anchors, at least half a meter long. Anker is hammered in a checkerboard pattern with a step of one meter.

The geogrid system allows you to strengthen the slope even in problematic sandy or heavily watered areas. If the slope has a very large angle of inclination, then the geogrid is “buried” into the ground by at least 20-30 cm, and large and heavy crushed stone is used as a filler. A strip of soil on a slope, on which a staircase, path or road to enter a summer cottage is located, should without fail reinforced with a geogrid or geogrid.

For example, for the arrangement of a pedestrian staircase, the geogrid is not covered with soil, but immediately covered with formwork and poured with concrete to form supports for the steps. In any other case, the road or stairs will simply be torn into several fragments due to the slow sliding of the soil along the slope of the site.

Methods to strengthen the slopes and gardens of summer cottages

If for uncultivated soils and plots the methods and technologies that allow to strengthen the slopes are well known and have shown very good results in practice, then for summer cottages the situation remains not entirely certain. None of the manufacturers of agrotechnical and special materials for soil stabilization has seriously dealt with such a problem.

Therefore, for cultivated land in a summer cottage, three main methods of strengthening the soil are used:

  1. Construction of terraces;
  2. Deep groundwater drainage;
  3. Dosed application of watering;
  4. Separation of terraced areas with safety paths.

The above list of measures allows you to strengthen the soil on slopes with an angle of inclination up to 70 °. With proper planning of the terrace and drainage system, it is possible to completely abandon the use of such means as geogrids and geotextiles, especially since seasonal digging or plowing of beds and seed plots periodically damages thin plastic and fabric materials.

How to strengthen a slope with a terrace system

As a clear example of the effectiveness of this method of combating erosion and landslides, one can cite the schemes of terraced plots for growing rice and tea in the highlands of Southeast Asia. In some cases, plots located in hilly and mountainous areas have a width of no more than one and a half meters, but this does not prevent the planted crops from being absolutely securely kept on an almost sheer slope.

If your summer cottage has a territory bordering on steep slopes, then it can also be used for growing vegetables, you just need to build terraces correctly. To do this, you need to break the slope on the site into several horizontal terraces of approximately the same width.

Construction begins at the top of the slope, gradually going down. The width of each terrace is selected from the terrain conditions, the steeper the slope on the site, the narrower the strip. The optimal height difference is 50-60 cm. This solution minimizes the effect of shading and simplifies the construction of stairs.

Before leveling the horizontal plane of the terrace, you will need to strengthen the edge of the strip with stuffed supports. To do this, along the edge with a garden drill, a series of holes are drilled in the ground, at least a meter deep and 60-90 mm in diameter. Stakes or thick poles, pieces of timber are hammered into each such well, allowing to strengthen the base of the terrace. The material is pre-treated with an antiseptic and coated with liquid clay. After installing the stakes, an improvised fence of supports is obtained with a step of 50-60 cm.

The surface of the terrace is dug up, part of the soil is removed to strengthen the slope, large crushed stone and rubble stone are laid on the bottom, after which the fertile layer is returned to its place and leveled. If the soil contains a large amount of sand, then it is best to strengthen the bottom of the terrace with a geogrid or geomat. Along the edge, it is imperative to make a surface drainage, for example, from empty plastic bottles cut along the length, which can be laid in the ground and reinforced with cement mortar. Of course, the installed drainage system must have a longitudinal slope leading to the safety path.

Slope Safety Measures

To avoid the risk of a landslide, every three or four terraces down the slope they build a main wall in the form of a gabion or rubble-cement masonry 60-80 cm wide. Such a wall allows you to effectively strengthen the slope 10-15 m long. A stone wall must have a bundle, for example, cement, lime, clay mortar, or, as in the case of a gabion, a steel mesh. Often, masonry is reinforced by arranging piles of asbestos-cement pipes, this allows you to seriously strengthen the barrier and reduce the size of the masonry.

In broken terraces, safety paths must be equipped. In fact, these are ordinary paths or stairs leading down or up the slope, the base of which is reinforced with geogrid, gravel and anchor rods.

This solution allows you to make terraces of unlimited length without the risk of soil slipping. In addition, drainage trays are installed on the paths, discharging water down the slope of the summer cottage. Of course, paths and stairs can be made in the form of a snake or a broken march, this will only strengthen the slope.

A good addition would be to plant low-growing shrubs along the edge of the terrace, such as gooseberries or currants, this will strengthen the edge and prevent the terrace from shedding.


The greatest results in strengthening the slopes can be achieved if neighbors in the summer cottage participate in the process. If more than 70% of the area is reinforced with terraces or geogrids on the slope of a hill or ravine, then the territory of the dacha cooperative can be considered completely safe.

In the view of a resident of a metropolis, a suburban area is a piece of paradise with a beautiful house, green lawns, fragrant flower beds, a stream or a pool, neatly laid out beds. But often reality is directly opposite to fairy-tale ideas, and you get a plot with a ravine or on the edge of a hill. Do not worry: the correct strengthening of the slopes and landscape decoration will solve all problems.

If you become the owner of a summer cottage with uneven terrain, unpleasant surprises should be turned in a favorable direction. First you need to remember the advantages of an unusual site:

  • Stagnation of rainwater in any area with a slope is completely excluded.
  • The plane turned towards the sun is well lit, therefore, on the slope, especially on the south side, ornamental plants and vegetable crops will quickly develop.
  • Unusual terrain is a unique opportunity for the original design of the backyard territory.
  • Taking advantage of the natural relief features, there is no need to specially erect structures to create a waterfall, cascade or alpine slide.

Let's take a look at the cons as well. For plants planted on a slope, additional frequent watering will definitely be required, since water will practically not linger in the soil. Lawn lovers are out of luck - it is rather difficult to achieve an even silky carpet on an inclined plane. Uneven terrain cannot be used for more practical things, such as a playground or a clearing for recreation, and it cannot be installed on it. And the main disadvantage is the additional costs for strengthening slopes and slopes, refining, arranging beds or flower beds.

So, now we can get down to business.

In general, for the correct choice of strengthening method, it is necessary to take into account several factors:

  • soil structure;
  • slope degree;
  • proximity of groundwater;
  • the likelihood of natural destruction: landslides, washouts, shedding.

Suppose that for a gentle slope it is enough to plant plants that will fix the soil with their roots and stop the process of destruction. Steep slopes require a more serious approach: only specially made structures made of biomats, gabions, stones, concrete blocks, geogrids can prevent shedding. After choosing the material, it is necessary to determine the exact working area and carry out preparatory work.

Even the steepest slopes can be turned into a magnificent stone garden by laying out retaining walls with beautiful decorative tiles, and adjacent paths with paving stones

It is not necessary to make the reinforcing structure of the same type or single layer: structures in the form of stairs or terraces visually increase the area of ​​​​the territory

If the angle of inclination does not exceed 8-10 degrees, then plants are suitable for stabilizing the soil cover: trees, shrubs, flowers and herbs. Their flexible roots penetrate deep into the soil, thereby protecting it from landslides and erosion. Trees have the most powerful roots, but planting the entire slope with large plants does not make sense. Compositions of separately standing low trees and shrubs look much more attractive. Broom, elderberry, viburnum, Japanese quince, skumpia, barberry, cotoneaster, dog rose are well suited for decorating a steep edge or ravine.

The uneven relief allows you to create real masterpieces of decorative art: the combination of stones of various shapes, bright colors and flowing water looks more than picturesque

Flowering bushes also serve as decorative elements, as well as plants with long shoots and lush flowers, such as climbing roses. Too bright a cocktail of climbing plants should not be made, 1-2 densely flowering species are enough. Ground cover plants are ideal for decorating an inclined surface. Periwinkle, woolly weevil, ivy, sunflower create a dense carpet that serves as a backdrop for larger species.

Ground cover plants are a good way to reinforce gentle slopes, and with the help of color variety and height differences, they can hide small relief imperfections.

Uneven terrain with elevations, ledges and depressions is a real find for lovers of alpine slides and rockeries. From a pile of stones coniferous trees and several types of flowers, they are able to create a real miracle, decoration of any suburban area. The only thing you need to take care of before setting up a flower garden is to create favorable growing conditions, that is, to ensure regular watering.

Artificial strengthening methods

The design of the slope by plants is considered a natural way to protect against shedding, although the strengthening of the slope on the site can also occur artificially - with the help of stones, logs and structures made of polymeric materials.

Material on geoplastics in landscape design will also be useful:

Retaining walls made of durable material and stairs are the most common methods for strengthening and parallel decorating slopes in summer cottages.

Option #1 - stone or log fences

Artistically designed fences made of various materials hold surfaces of any degree of steepness well. or wooden elements are laid on the outside of the slope, securing different ways: using cement or fixing in the ground (burrowing into the ground). Limestone slabs, cobblestones, shell rock, pieces of granite are stacked in the form of a wall, and wooden parts are laid with a ladder or fence.

Option # 2 - geotextile laying features

Steep slopes are difficult to stabilize naturally with trees or grasses. In this case, geotextiles save - a dense material made of polyester or polypropylene fibers, which perfectly passes water and has high rates strength. A fragment of the material is pulled onto the surface, fixed on all sides with anchors, then decorated. Great for decorating a natural stone or tiles out of sync with flowers planted on a fertile layer of soil.

Anchors, which hold the geotextile layers, must be removed after backfilling with soil - unfixed material is easier to remove if necessary

Option #3 - geomats and biomats

Both types of soil cover are used to more effectively protect surfaces with a slope of up to 45% (some types of geomats - up to 70%) when planting. Biomats are made from coconut or straw fibers attached to a cellulose layer. Geomats are multilayer gratings made of polypropylene. The root system of plants does not develop immediately, therefore, in order to instantly stabilize the soil, the retaining structures are first laid, and plants are planted on them.

Biomats have two important advantages: greening the surface within 2 months and partial soil fertilization due to the decomposition of the material

Geomats are a practical and relatively inexpensive material with many advantages, including easy installation, high efficiency and durability.

The rolled material is laid out over the entire surface of the slope, each piece is fixed around the perimeter and grass or flowers are sown. The loose fibrous structure allows the seeds to gain a foothold and germinate, and later form a thick carpet with an invisible reinforcing layer.

Option #4 - a step-by-step example of installing a geogrid

Strengthening a small area is within the power of even a novice landscape designer, in other words, the owner of the cottage. If there is a small ravine or ditch with crumbling slopes, you can use a three-dimensional geogrid - a modern polymer tape structure.

By filling the cells of the geogrid with vegetable soil, you can prepare excellent soil for planting climbing or erect flowers, lawn grass, small shrub

If a country house or the bathhouse stands on the edge of a cliff, then a geogrid reinforced with gravel is a great way to create an obstacle to the gradual destruction of the slope

The elements welded together resemble a lattice with large cells that are filled with heavy building material: crushed stone, sand, concrete or nutrient soil for planting.

By strengthening both slopes of the ditch that crosses the summer cottage, you can create an original stone stream or an unusual rockery with coniferous plants and flower beds

Before starting reinforcement, it is necessary to prepare the soil: remove large plants, level and compact the soil as far as possible. There are two options for laying the geogrid: on geotextiles or directly on the ground. In the first case, geotextiles are spread over the entire width of the slope, which plays the role of a drainage layer, and then a grate is placed on top. The second option involves direct installation of the mesh - immediately to the cleaned area.

Slopes consisting of sand or other sedimentary rocks are subject to particular destruction, which, under the influence of wind and rain, begin to crumble.

Geogrid cells should be located along the slope. The basic principle of material selection is: the steeper the slope, the wider the belt. The lattice segment is stretched in different directions and fixed along the perimeter with anchors or specially planed pegs.

On small slopes, especially in dry areas where drainage is not needed, one geogrid is sufficient - no additional insulating materials are needed

The cells are covered with either fixing rubble (sand) or soil under the turf. If flower plantings are planned, the soil should be fertile and fertilized.

To fill the grate with soil or sand, you can use construction vehicles, a garden wheelbarrow, or just a bucket with a shovel.

This is one of the simplest options for strengthening the slope in the country. By turning on your imagination and using one of the decoration methods, you can turn an ordinary crumbling slope into a flowering garden - beautiful and original.

If you are a resident of a big city, then, accordingly, you already have certain stereotypes about what your site should be like and what exactly it can be, and, of course, you already imagine that the garden is laid out, the flower beds are well-groomed, and for gardening is not required. But if these dreams remain only dreams, then there are a number of problems that we must certainly try to solve.

Agree that you often think that you will buy a plot either on the seashore or on a perfectly flat surface, but in reality this is not always the case. And the owners of suburban areas face many problems in the form of hills, hills, ravines and pits. What to do and how to be? It is these two questions that we will try to answer in our article, and you will also find information about what slope strengthening is and how to do it. We will explain how to determine if your slope needs strengthening. We will try to tell you about the main methods of strengthening, as well as how you can do it yourself, what plants (shrubs and trees) will help keep your site in a stable state, without slipping and destruction. And we will also tell you what a geodetic grid of a site is and why it is needed.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Strengthening the slopes is a complex and painstaking process, but it is necessary for almost every second summer cottage, and this topic is quite relevant. The very first step should be to draw up a geodetic grid of the site, with an accurate measurement of all elevation differences and transfer them to the general plan. Such a grid is necessary in order to determine where you can build a house and which project will be optimal, where support walls are needed, and where you can strengthen the slope in other ways. In addition, the geodetic grid will provide you with information on how the slope is divided, what its structure is, what material would be preferable to strengthen it, and what plants can be used for this.

You should not forget that mostly professionals can do such work, but their services are expensive, and therefore all calculations and diagrams can be done on your own using simple tools.

Now it's worth thinking about what are the advantages and what are the disadvantages.

First you need to determine to what extent it is necessary to strengthen the slope


Among the advantages of a plot with slopes, it is necessary to highlight:

  1. After heavy rain, stagnation of water is not expected, which means that cleaning and unrest on this issue are excluded.
  2. Due to the fact that the plane is turned towards the sun (especially when it comes to slopes on the south side), which means that all plants are constantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation, so they will grow faster and the fruits will be juicier.
  3. Due to the fact that the terrain in your summer cottage will be different from the standard one, you will be able to create a unique and inimitable landscape design that will be unlike everyone else.
  4. You can use the disadvantages of your site and turn them into advantages. You will not need to build special structures, use special material, since slides various kinds already at your fingertips.


But with all the advantages of an unusual site, the relief with slopes has its drawbacks, including:

  1. Frequent watering of plants located on the slopes. This is due to the fact that water practically does not linger on the slopes, the sun acts more strongly, which means that the earth dries up quickly.
  2. It is almost impossible to achieve an even layer of the lawn. There is an option to use a rolled lawn, but this is an expensive procedure, although it is worth noting that such a lawn can serve as one of the types of slope reinforcement.
  3. If your site has a slope, then you can forget about installing decorative elements or a playground, since there is a huge risk of "sliding".
  4. Economic costs. Unlike the owners of a flat area, you will have to spend money on constantly strengthening slopes and slopes.

The main ways to strengthen the slopes

Now you can think about how exactly to strengthen the slopes and slopes.

The first and most popular, and most importantly - in a simple way fortifications should be called the natural way (a grid of the site is desirable). The advantage of this method is that you do not need material, and you can do everything yourself. Its peculiarity is that the slopes are strengthened with the help of plants. Trees and shrubs play a decisive role. But it is worth considering the fact that the angle of inclination of the slopes should not exceed the figure 8 or 10. In order to understand how plants should be planted correctly, you must develop a slope grid. Plants should be selected with deep, fast growing and highly branched roots. In order to strengthen the slope, you will need to plant the following plants with your own hands:

  • viburnum,
  • broom,
  • rose hip,
  • cotoneaster,
  • barberry.

Naturally, you choose something from this list. The advantage of this method can be a great decorative look, plants and flowers will create their own atmosphere and help you save your money. Remember that it is on such a terrain that you can create alpine slides and rockeries without much effort.

The second popular way can be strengthening with retaining fences (for steeper slopes). First you need to see what the grid of your slope is (the angle of inclination and bumps). Such a fence can be made of large stones or wooden logs. This method is much more practical and durable than strengthening with plants. You should lay stones and wooden logs from the outside of the slope, while reinforcing them with cement or simply driving them into the ground. For this method, any stones are suitable.

Plot on a slope - terraces-flower beds

Third, no less in an efficient way can become a geotextile for very steep slopes. Such slopes and slopes cannot be reinforced with shrubs, trees, or a small fence, so experienced gardeners know that geotextiles must be used for such cases.

Geotextile is a material made of dense fibers that perfectly passes water, but at the same time has high strength indicators.

It is used as a base for a geogrid or as a base material. How to apply it correctly is shown in the figure.

The fourth, quite popular option is to strengthen the slopes with the help of geomats.

Geomats are multi-layered, dense plant lattices that protect the soil from leaching and landslides.

Their peculiarity is that the root system of plants develops very quickly, so the slopes are strengthened quite quickly. For convenience, a rolled geomat was created, which is very easy to operate and transport.

The fifth method, which is considered the most effective - geogrid. If you have drawn up a grid of the site and you see that the slopes need to be strengthened without delay, then it is worth using a geogrid, which you can purchase at the store. The elements welded together very much resemble a lattice, but remember that they then need to be filled with crushed stone, concrete or other filler, they can be sown with grass. This is the simplest option for artificial reinforcement of slopes. After that, you can figure out how to decorate your lattice.

Quite often, owners of plots on a slope face difficulties in arranging it. The main question is how to competently organize the construction and landscape design in your possessions so that it is reliable, functional, and, of course, beautiful. This article will offer the best options for solving the problem.


The first thing to do is to draw up a construction plan. When drawing up a project, the following points should be considered:

  • plot slope;
  • location of outbuildings;
  • rest zone;
  • plantations;
  • finding storm drains.

The next point in the arrangement will be the maximum allowable leveling of the slope. The most suitable for this will be the method of terracing, the use of which involves the removal of soil in one place and its transfer to another. Particularly steep slopes may require retaining walls.

Slope strengthening

An important condition for this type of site is the strengthening of the slopes. To prevent slipping of the soil, several types of fortifications are used:

Natural strengthening. Creeping shrubs are planted along the entire slope, the root system, which will be created by a natural frame. The most popular plants are wild rose, willow and lilac.

Geomaterial. The material covered with a special protective layer is not subject to various harmful external influences. Fits under the fertile layer of soil.

Embankment. Suitable only for areas with a large area, as it significantly hides space. One of the main disadvantages is the periodic sprinkling of soil.

Retaining walls. The ideal solution if you plan to design the site in the form of terracing. You can use natural materials - stone or wood.

Gabions. Modular structures filled with large rubble, stone or pebbles.

Organization of the drainage system

To prevent landslides, gullies and slope collapse, it is very important to consider the location of the drainage system.

The laying of the drainage system is carried out after the location of all the buildings on the site is known, all the necessary earthworks have been carried out, the supporting walls have been installed and the water supply has been installed.

Basic rules for installing a drainage system:

  • trenches are laid along the slope throughout the site to the receiving collector;
  • at the bottom of the trench, with a depth of 30 cm to a meter, a layer of sand is laid (about 10 cm);
  • geotextiles are laid on top of the sand, covering the walls of the channel with a margin;
  • the next step - gravel is poured (about 20 cm);
  • further - install and connect pipes;
  • another layer of gravel;
  • covered with geotextile;
  • falls asleep with an unfertile layer of soil;
  • fertile soil is laid.

Getting Started with Design

The landscaping of a plot on a slope is perhaps one of the most enjoyable moments for its owner. You can use the services of a specialist or just your imagination. Below will be offered several design options for every taste.


A deck-like area above the slope will be an ideal relaxation area, with a beautiful view. It can be equipped with sun loungers, a dining area and a barbecue area.

Alpine slide

This is a kind of composition of flower beds, lined with natural unhewn stone. Plants on the hill are planted according to the principle, the lower, the higher. The main condition is that they must be suitable for growth on inclined surfaces.


This type of design requires mandatory reinforcement with supporting walls. The number and size of sites depends on the functional affiliation of each of them.

Despite the fact that the supporting walls with this design technique take up a lot of space, it is very convenient if you want to clearly divide the boundaries of your site. Between themselves, the terraces can be combined with paths or steps.

Waterfall and stream

Organization would be a great solution. artificial reservoirs. A waterfall can decorate a supporting wall, and with the right choice of plants that will be located along the stream, the impression of a natural source will be created.

vertical garden

On the most visible wall of your site, you can organize a plant composition from your favorite garden plants and flowers. Climbing plants are usually used for the main background, a bright accent on which will be various flowers planted in pots and located on the wall to your liking.

Observation deck with bench

On one of the upper tiers of the site, you can organize an observation deck. A wonderful privacy area where you can relax and unwind while enjoying the view of the blooming garden. As an option - an open gazebo, twined with ivy.

decorative vegetable garden

Even the narrow spaces between the supporting walls are good to use functionally, placing in them small ridges for vegetables, herbs and spices. They should be high enough and filled with fertile soil.

"Wild" slope

If you are a fan of "wild" nature, it is quite acceptable to design a site in this style. It will be enough to equip the ascent and descent in the form of stairs, paths or steps, along which to plant plants that do not require special care.

Choose ground cover plants that will not only give aesthetic pleasure to their appearance, but also strengthen the soil.

To make the final decision on how your site will look like, viewing various photos of the design of the site on the slope will help.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the arrangement of a site on a slope requires large material and physical costs. But it is precisely such a relief that will make it possible to turn it into a place unlike any other, where you want to return and host relatives and friends.

Photo of the site on the slope

A sloping garden is always very expressive and interesting. The picture that he represents is decorative, changeable and pleasing to the eye with its diversity. But, undoubtedly, such a site brings more trouble.

How to choose plants to strengthen the slope

If you want to avoid unnecessary problems, you should take a responsible approach to planning landscaping. The fact is that from the whole variety of types of ornamental or fruit crops, you can choose exactly those that will effectively strengthen the slope. It is known that plants with a non-surface fibrous root system cope best with this task. And vice versa: bare areas without landscaping and plants with a tap root system will subject the slope to creep and erosion.

When choosing an assortment of trees and shrubs for a garden, you should always pay attention to plants that grow in similar conditions in the natural environment. Most often on the forest slopes you can see thickets:

  • fieldfare or maple,
  • sea ​​buckthorn

You should not transfer shrub arrays to your garden: they can be difficult to care for and not very decorative.

Ornamental plants to strengthen the slope

You can always create decorative groups of one or more types of trees and shrubs, which will only emphasize the charm and complexity of the hillside garden. Groups of several plant species are of different heights and outwardly very textured. Monospecies groups are more simple and landscape.

The main trees and shrubs to strengthen the slope:

  • and Thunberg;
  • brittle willow, goat and purple;
  • Tatar maple and Ginala;
  • goof silver;
  • common juniper, Cossack and horizontal;
  • wrinkled rose;
  • and Hungarian;

The greater the slope of the landscaped area, the faster the flow of water. Therefore, plants for planting should be chosen resistant to lack of moisture and nutrients.

What plants are not suitable for strengthening the slope

Plants with a tap root system should not be planted on a slope:

  • Birch,
  • hawthorn,
  • pear,
  • larch,
  • field maple or holly maple,
  • small-leaved linden,
  • alder black,
  • fir,
  • Rowan,
  • plum.

Trees and shrubs with a superficial root system are also undesirable for planting:

  • pine (only on sandy soils),
  • birch warty,
  • deren,
  • red oak,