Scrabble rules of the game what not. Board game Scrabble (Scrabble) Rules of the game Every word counts! Basic rules and objectives of the game "Erudite"

Scrabble (translated from English as “digging around in search of something”) is a very popular game. For the first time in Russian, the rules of Scrabble were described in 1968, in the journal Science and Life. The name of the game was translated as "Crossword". However, the game was widely known later as "Erudite" or "Slovodel".

Description of the board game set: board and chips

The field of play is a square with dimensions of 15 by 15 divisions - a total of 225 seats. Also in the set there are game pieces - wooden or plastic squares with letters and glasses printed on them. There are 104 letters in total, the number of copies of each depends on the frequency of its use in a particular language, the cost of each chip is determined from the same indicator. Also in the set there are several "blanks" or "wilds" that can be used instead of any symbol of the player's choice.

In specialized stores you can buy a desktop in Russian or an English version - Scrabble. The execution and cost of fun can be different: from a cheap set of plastic and paper to collectible handmade wooden sets.

Basic rules and objectives of the game "Erudite"

The main goal of the game is to score more points than the opponent, making up words from chips. There is a variant of the game in which the winner is the one who first scores a predetermined number of points.

According to the rules of the game "Erudite", from 2 to 4 people can take part in the round, depending on the size of the set - for more players will need more chips. For those who are not sure about the capabilities of their own memory, it is better to stock up on a piece of paper and a pencil to write down the composed words.

The list of all the rules of the game "Erudite" is not great. It includes the following items:

  1. Words should be composed in two directions: vertically - "top-down" and horizontally - "left-to-right".
  2. Before the start of the round, each participant is randomly given 7 chips.
  3. The player making the first move must place the inscription through the central cell of the field.
  4. After each move, the player collects the spent chips.
  5. All subsequent words are compiled only in "connection" with those already laid out.
  6. If the player does not want to make a word in turn, then he should change the chips and skip the move.
  7. The participant who used all 7 chips in one move receives additional points.
  8. A universal chip ("dummy" or "joker") can be used in place of any letter of the player's choice.
  9. The participant can replace the "dummy" with the required letter, provided that he uses it already in the next turn.
  10. The above rules can be changed or supplemented by prior agreement of the players.

Point 10 gives the participants scope for the flight of their imagination and makes the game even more interesting.

We count points in the game "Erudite" correctly

Scoring in a game is not easy. Each player should keep a record of the words laid out during the course and the number of points scored. There are specially marked areas on the field that increase the cost of chips. The rules of the Scrabble game for scoring can be formulated as follows:

  1. The cost of the letter doubles on the green cells of the field and triples on the yellow ones. The extra points are called the premium.
  2. The sum of the move consists of the value of the laid out letters and is calculated for each player separately.
  3. If one of the tokens of the word is located on a blue cell, the cost of the word is doubled, on a red cell it is tripled. First, the premium for the letters is calculated, then for the word as a whole.
  4. If the player used all 7 chips during the turn, he receives a bonus of 15 points.

As you can see, the rules of the game "Erudite" are extremely simple and clear. The colors of the premium game board areas may vary from set to set. In any case, detailed instructions with analysis and illustrative examples for each rule are always attached to the fun.

Who benefits from the game "Erudite"?

In addition to the fact that the fun is incredibly exciting and addictive, it is also very cognitive activity. Board game"Erudite" is perfect for schoolchildren and students studying foreign languages.

Scrabble will allow you to arrange a real competition and find out "whose English is better" or "who knows more foreign words." Watching the game is as interesting as participating in it yourself. You can arrange entire tournaments on "Erudite" within the framework of open lessons at school and even among the faculties of higher educational institutions like a chess match.

Parents can play "Scrabble" with their children to develop their intelligence and knowledge of the spelling of their native language. Sometimes the desire to win makes the child engage in real word creation and invent non-existent objects and concepts. You should not immediately reject the children's compiled options, it is much more fun to ask the child and listen to his interpretation of the "new" word.

Scrabble (eng. Scrabble - “digging in search of something”) is a board game that can be played by 2 to 4 people, laying out words from the letters they have in a 15 x 15 field. In the Russian-speaking environment, it is known as " Scrabble."

playing field consists of 15x15, that is, 225 squares, on which the participants of the game lay out letters, thereby making words. At the beginning of the game, each player receives 7 random letters (there are 104 in total in the game). The first word is laid out in the middle of the playing field, then the next player can add the word “to the intersection” from his letters. Words are laid out either from left to right or from top to bottom.


It is allowed to use all the words given in the standard dictionary of the language, with the exception of words spelled with capital letters, abbreviations, and words that are written with an apostrophe or a hyphen. In the Scrabble variant, all cases, declensions and tenses can be used.

At the same time, in the game "Erudite", according to the traditions of Russian linguistic games, it is allowed to use only common nouns in the nominative case of the singular (or plural, if the word does not have a singular form).

It is forbidden to use a dictionary to look up words. The dictionary is allowed only in case of checking for the existence of an already laid out word.

At the beginning of the game, everyone is given seven tokens. In one move, you can lay out several words. Each new word must touch (have a common letter or letters) with previously laid out words. Words are read only horizontally from left to right and vertically from top to bottom.
The first word laid out must go through the central cell.
If a player does not want or cannot lay out a single word, he has the right to change any number of his letters, skipping a move.
Any sequence of letters horizontally and vertically must be a word. That is, the game does not allow the appearance on the field of random letter combinations that do not represent words that meet the above criteria.
After each move, you need to get new letters up to seven.
If a player used all seven bones during a turn, then an additional 50 points are awarded to him.

Chip distribution and letter values

Letter Quantity Price
A 8pcs 1 point
B 2pcs 3 points
4pcs 1 point
G 2pcs 3 points
D 4pcs 2 points
E 8pcs 1 point
Yo 1pc 3 points
W 1pc 5 points
Z 2pcs 5 points
And 6pcs 1 point
Y 1pc 4 points
K 4pcs 2 points
L 4pcs 2 points
M 3pcs 2 points
H 5pcs 1 point
About 10pcs 1 point
P 4pcs 2 points
R 5pcs 1 points
With 5pcs 1 point
T 5pcs 1 point
4 pieces have 2 points
F 1pc 10 points
x 1pc 5 points
C 1pc 5 points
H 1pc 5 points
W 1pc 8 points
W 1pc 10 points
b 1pc 10 points
S 2pcs 4 points
b 2pcs 3 points
E 1pc 8 points
Yu 1pc 8 points
I 2pcs 3 points

Scoring and bonuses

Each letter is assigned a number of points from 1 to 10. Some squares on the board are painted in different colors. The number of points a player gets for a laid out word is calculated as follows:
if the square under the letter is colorless, the number of points written on the letter is added
if the square is blue, the number of points of the letter is multiplied by 2
if the square is pink, the score of the whole word is multiplied by 2
if the square is blue, the score of the letter is multiplied by 3
if the square is red, the score of the whole word is multiplied by 3

If the word crosses both the red and blue cells, then the doubling (triple) of the word points counts the doubling (triple) of the letter points.

Dummy (joker, "asterisk")

Also, in the set of bones there are several empty chips (in the version of "Erudite" - stars). Such a chip can be used as any letter of the player's choice. For example, a player can set the word "TE*EFON", where the role of the letter "L" will be played by a dummy.

Rules for scoring and the use of pacifiers may differ and players should agree on the nuances in advance. Below are possible options rules.

Dummy scoring:
The dummy always has 0 points (classic Scrabble rules).
The dummy brings as many points as the letter, the role of which it plays, would bring.

Reuse of pacifiers:
After being placed on the field, the empty is considered played and remains in this place until the end of the game (classic Scrabble rules).
If one player laid out the word "TE * EPHON", then, then, any player, having the letter "L", can replace it with an empty one and take it for himself. As a rule, there is an additional rule that obliges in this case to use (lay out) the dummy taken from the field in the same move, that is, when you can’t take it for yourself “in reserve”.

Scrabble (or in the original Scrabble) is a classic and exciting game into words. The goal of the game is to score the most points for the words on the playing field, which are somehow tied to the words of other players. To play Scrabble, you will need at least one partner. You will also need an official playing field and a complete set of tiles with letters. During the game, you will have to invent words, count points and challenge the wrong words of your opponents, and if necessary, change the bones in your hands if they do not suit you at all. In this case, one player will be responsible for keeping a record of the points scored by all players, so that at the end of the game a winner can be determined. If you enjoy this game, you can start meeting friends outside the playing field more often or consider joining the Scrabble club and even sign up for related competitions.


Part 1

Preparing for the game

    Make sure you have everything you need to play Scrabble. Before you start playing, you need to make sure that you have everything you need for it. You will need one game board, 104 letter tiles, one tile stand for each player, and a tile bag. You will also have to find from one to three partners in the game.

    Find a dictionary so you can deal with difficult cases. There are situations when during the game one of the players puts out a word that seems erroneous to other players or is not a word at all. In such a situation, this word needs to be checked in a dictionary. Therefore, you simply need to have a dictionary on hand to deal with such cases.

    Pour the bones with the letters into the bag and shake it. In order for the bones with the letters to mix well, they must be poured into a bag, tied and shaken well. If you don't have a bag, you can simply place the bones face down on the table and shuffle.

    Decide who will start the game first. Pass the bag around to each player and ask them to draw one bone from it. Open the elongated letters by laying them out on the table. The game begins with the player who has a tile with the letter “A” or the letter closest to it (in alphabetical order). Throw the letter tiles back into the bag and shuffle again before typing letters to play with.

    Pull the dice out of the bag to play with. Starting with the player who drew the letter closest to the “A”, pass the bag around to all players and draw 7 tiles each (without peeking). Do not show your bones to other players. Place them on the bone stand and pass the bag to the next player. All participants in the game should have 7 bones.

    Build new words based on the ones already laid out. In subsequent moves, new words must build on those already laid out. Cannot be placed on the playing field separately worthwhile words All of them must be interconnected.

    Use your letter dice in such a way as to score the most points in a turn. It would be wise to think over several options at once and choose the one that will bring you more points. At the same time, try to use the advantages that give players the prize squares of the playing field, as well as letters of high value, such as “Ф” and “Ш” or “ъ”. The types of prize squares that you will find on the playing field are listed below.

    • double letter- a bone that falls on this square receives twice the number of points from that indicated on it.
    • double word- a word with a letter that fell on such a cell receives a total doubling of points for it.
    • triple letter- a bone that has fallen on this square receives three times the number of points from that indicated on it.
    • triple word- a word with a letter that lies on such a cell receives a total tripling of points for it.
  1. Challenge the words of other players. If you think that the word posted by another player does not exist or there is a mistake in it, then you can challenge it. The contested word is checked against a dictionary.

    • If the contested word is present in the dictionary and the player spelled it correctly, then it remains on the playing field and the player receives points for it. The person who disputed such a word misses his turn.
    • If the word is not in the dictionary or it contains an error, then it is removed from the playing field. The player receives no points and wastes the current turn.
  2. Exchange bones with letters you don't need. At some point in the game, you may decide to exchange some or all of your tiles for new ones. The exchange is considered a move. Unwanted tiles are discarded into the bag and shuffled, after which you draw the same number of tiles that were discarded. Remember that when you make an exchange, you lose the right to compose a word on the same turn.

Part 3


    Keep track of points as the game progresses. It is very important to keep an accurate score for each player throughout the game. The player who made the word must announce the number of points scored by this word, and the person responsible for recording the points must carefully record the points of all players after each move.

  1. Pay attention to the prize squares of the playing field. Prize squares allow you to increase the number of points you get for a word, so pay special attention to them during the game. You can use the properties of the prize square only if you placed a letter tile on it during the current turn. Those prize squares whose properties have already been used by you or other players in previous turns do not count again.

    • When simultaneously taking into account the prize squares for letters and the word, first of all, full points for letters are calculated, and only then the bonus number of points for doubling or tripling the word is determined. For example, if your word covered the "Double letter" and "Triple word" squares at the same time, then you must first count the double letter, and then multiply the total score for the word by three.

Scrabble board game - classic version

Formally, the history of Scrabble began in the United States in 1938, when Alfred Butts created the prototype of the game called Criss-Crosswords. Ten years later, the work of the founding father of Scrabble was continued by James Bruno. It was he who gave the game its current name and rules. Four years later, "Scrabble" ascended to the Olympus of the American entertainment market.

At the same time, national versions of the game began to appear. The localization of Scrabble for the USSR was called "Erudite". With a detailed review of this game, you can. Other varieties of Scrabble have also emerged. Changes in them affected not only the name, which in our latitudes is often pronounced as "Scrabble". There is a version for children, travelers, a modification of Twists & Turns, a mathematical version.

And yet the most popular is the classic Scrabble. It is played by millions of people in the most different countries, it is according to its rules that local tournaments and the world championship with an impressive prize fund are held. Who knows, maybe someday you will get it? A good reason to get to know Scrabble better now.

Game package

The game comes in a bright green box, which is not ashamed to present to someone as a gift. Packed inside is a playing field, a sheet of rules, 102 letter tiles and 2 empty ones, a pouch and dice holders. There are only 4 of them, according to the number of the maximum planned number of players. However, you can play with a larger company, just someone will do without coasters, and the game itself will take less time.

Chips 18x18 mm in size are made of white plastic, they are light, smooth, pleasant to the touch. Stands are also plastic, dark green, quite ergonomic. For the duration of the game and subsequent storage, it is convenient to put the chips in a green cloth bag with the inscription Scrabble. All these elements are high-quality and solid, even with intensive use they look like new for a long time.

You can't say the same about the rules. The most important instruction is printed on a regular sheet of paper, which wrinkles too easily. It must be handled with extreme care, otherwise it will quickly lose its presentation, and the letters will begin to wear off.

The durability of the playing field is also in serious doubt. The field itself is a square with a side of 27 cm, divided into 225 cells, 15 in 15 rows. It is printed on glossy paper, which is pasted on hard rough cardboard. The print quality is good, the different colors of the cells are clean and bright, the inscriptions do not blur and everything is translated.

But in order for the field to take up less space in the box, a solid base is folded in the center. And at the place of the fold, the cardboard is thin, so when it rubs, it breaks through - a matter of time. Just in case, it is better to be careful with him too.

Rules and gameplay

The box states that Scrabble is for 2-4 players. It is believed that this is the optimal number of people for a party lasting about an hour and a half. In fact, there may be more players, up to 10 or more. It is important that everyone gets 7 tokens with letters. True, in this case, the game will not last long and will not be very exciting. If there are 6-8 people in the company, everything is fine.

First, the participants of the game conduct a draw. That is, they draw one at a time from the bag with all the chips. The one who gets the letter closest to the beginning of the alphabet gets the right to make the first move. To do this, the bones removed for the draw are sent back to the bag, after which each player takes 7 chips from there. Of course, it is better not to show them to your opponents.

Now you can start the game. The essence of "Scrabble" is to compose words from the letters that fell out to the participants. The first player puts a word on the field, placing the bones with letters vertically or horizontally so that one of them occupies the central cell of the field. This square is marked with an asterisk and doubles the points earned per word.

To calculate them, you need to add up the value of each letter written under it on the chip. (To calculate the points earned by the players, you will need paper and a pen. Moreover, it is worth writing down not only points, but also the words themselves in this sheet - it is much more convenient.) Since the player has spent part of the chips, he takes the same number of bones from the bag. So he again has 7 chips in his hands.

Meanwhile, the next party member adds one or more letters to the composed word. As a result, a new word should appear on the playing field. The use of the letters set by the first participant for this is mandatory. You cannot form a separate word at the other end of the playing field, only to get twice as many points.

You can place your letters between two different words (such an opportunity appears closer to the middle of the game), in front of the word of the previous participant, behind him, at a right angle or parallel, close to him. In this latter case, the fully contiguous letters must form complete words in their own right.

This is difficult, but there is good news: it is allowed to use the plural form of words, case declensions different parts speech, including verbs of different tenses, particles. It is easier to list what remains banned. You can not use non-existent words, prefixes, suffixes, abbreviations, words with a hyphen, apostrophe and proper names.

Having made his move, the player gets chips up to seven pieces and counts the points for the word. By correctly placing a letter, you can get double or triple the number of points for it or the entire word. It is enough to take a colored prize cell with the appropriate signature.

And here there is one nuance. Even those letters of the word composed by him that have already been placed on the playing field go into the overall standings of the player. But the bonus points for those of them that hit the double-triple cells through the efforts of the previous participant do not bring bonus points the second time. Only the net worth of each letter is counted.

This is how the whole game process goes. Participants compose their words, count points for them, try to squeeze the maximum out of the letters they have dropped out. If the player fails to make a word from the chips in his hand, he skips a move or, in exchange for a pass, changes one of the bones. Naturally, at random.

A Scrabble game is considered complete when the bag of chips is empty, one of the participants has completely used their knuckles, or everyone has managed to skip two moves. The same thing happens if none of the players can make a word even after changing the chips. Then the game ends, and the winner is the one who has earned the most points.

Game impressions

Scrabble is deservedly considered a game not only interesting, but also very useful. According to competent experts, it develops logical thinking, attentiveness, expands vocabulary and increases the level of literacy. Many experienced fans of the game compare it to chess and share winning strategies with each other.

Well, novice Scrabble lovers are surprised to find that this is an exciting and fun action. Indeed, after reading the rules, one may get the impression that Scrabble is a complex and prohibitively boring game. In fact, the gameplay is much easier and more fun than you expect.

The game is played with pleasure by teenagers and adults, couples and large companies. A game of Scrabble is appropriate even at a holiday party, where figuring out whether a particular word exists takes place with particular excitement. And also this game is a good non-trivial gift, for which you definitely won’t have to blush.