Guzhvin Anatoly Petrovich biography. Diplomas and titles

Predecessor: post established Successor: Alexander Alexandrovich Zhilkin Birth: March, 25(1946-03-25 )
Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan Oblast, Russian SFSR, USSR Death: August 17(2004-08-17 ) (58 years old)
Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Awards:

Anatoly Petrovich Guzhvin(March 25, Akhtubinsk - August 17, Sochi) - Governor of the Astrakhan Region in -2004.


Governor (Head of Administration)

He died in Sochi from myocardial infarction. After his death, three days of mourning was declared in the region.


In honor of Anatoly Guzhvin are named:

  • School for Gifted Children. A. P. Guzhvin in Astrakhan
  • Razdorskaya secondary school named after. Governor A.P. Guzhvin in the village of Razdor, Kamyzyaksky district, Astrakhan region
  • Governor Anatoly Guzhvin Avenue in Astrakhan
  • Shipyard named after A.P. Guzhvin
  • A hydrographic vessel of the Caspian flotilla was named in honor of A.P. Guzhvin
  • Lyceum № 1 im. A. P. Guzhvin and a street in the city of Kamyzyak.

A family

Wife: Nadezhda Nikolaevna Guzhvina. Children: Peter Anatolyevich Guzhvin, Elena Anatolyevna Guzhvina. Grandchildren: Igor and Olga

Awards and titles



  • Order of the Holy Metropolitan of Moscow Innocent III degree
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st class ()

Diplomas and titles:

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Compatriots remember him in their own way: who is childhood, who is youth, who joint work. The human memory tenaciously holds memories ofthis wonderful son of his Akhtuba land, who became the firstGovernor of the Astrakhan Region

Anatoly Guzhvin, March 25, 1946 - August 17, 2004. He hasn't been with us for 10 years.

In 1962 He started working as an electrician at the Akhtubinsk shipyard. Was at party and Komsomol work.

In 1970 year graduated from the Astrakhan Technical Institute of the Fishing Industry and Economy with a degree in electrical engineering, Saratov Higher Party School.

In 1990 year elected People's Deputy of the RSFSR.

In 1990 year was elected a deputy of the Astrakhan regional council, in April 1990 - chairman of the regional executive committee.

August 28, 1991 of the year appointed head of the administration of the Astrakhan region. From January 1996- ex officio member of the Federation Council.

About the plant

From the memoirs of Sergei Kulakov, First Deputy Head of the Ministry of Defense of the city of Akhtubinsk and the Akhtubinsky District in 1990-2001: “We were at the shipyard: Anatoly Petrovich came there about the construction of a landing stage, that landing stage that still exists. The men with whom he once started working at the plant discussed its construction. And, characteristically, he remembered everyone by name, as if only yesterday they went home and today they met again.

About countrymen

Aleksey Furik, head of the Moscow Region “Mr. Akhtubinsk and Akhtubinsky District” from 1996 to 2005: “He was very worried about the Akhtuba region, because this is his homeland. He called me by phone twice a week at 20 on Saturday and Wednesday or Thursday. And he asked: “Well, how are things there? How in industry, how in agriculture? Sometimes he called me and said: "Alexey Alexandrovich, listen, they called me (he gave out his phone number to all Akhtubinsk residents), a resident called, I know her, such a grandmother, she lives on a hillock and there is such a remarkable tree ..." Then there he reached every grandmother. It was difficult for me to find out the coordinates of these people later, but they found them. Every call was important to him. It deserves admiration and respect."

About drip irrigation

Anatoly Petrovich was the first in Russia to understand the advantage and apply drip irrigation. The first twenty hectares of the system were tested in the Astrakhan region, in Akhtubinsk, on the farm of Evgeny Panasenko. It made it possible to increase the yield of tomatoes by five, six, eight times.

Viktor Tsapko, former chairman of the Novo-Nikolaevskiy SPK: "Volgograd residents came to us to watch and study," Krasnodar "has never done this, both they and Rostovites came. Now everyone is engaged in drip irrigation. This is his merit."

About gasification

Anatoly Petrovich, together with the leadership of the GLITS, met with Ivan Shabunin, who at that time was the head of the administration of the Volgograd region, to resolve the gas issue. Within half an hour the issue was resolved. Thanks to this, gas came from Volgograd to the city of Akhtubinsk.

From the memoirs of Viktor Vedischev, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Defense of the city of Akhtubinsk and the Akhtubinsky District from 1993-2005: "There was not enough money in the budget, but he found a way out of the situation. And all the veterans received subsidies from the budget so that they could carry out gasification through Kapustin Yar. And people remember this."

About social programs

From archive video. Vagit Alekperov, president of the Lukoil oil company, talks about Anatoly Guzhvin: "The Astrakhan region itself is unique. Your governor Anatoly Petrovich Guzhvin is unique, the energy of this person should be envied. Therefore, we participated, sometimes not even knowing that we were participating in social programs. Because Anatoly Petrovich led us to this problem in such a way that we all We were convinced that we were investing in industrial projects, and I still have this conviction."

About the garrison

Yuri Klishin, head of the GLITS them. V.P. Chkalov 1991-1996: "Anatoly Petrovich was an Akhtubinsk citizen. This largely determined his attitude towards the people who worked and served here. He instilled in us a sense of friendship, collegiality in making decisions on many issues. About 28 thousand people served in the garrison, and 50 lived in Akhtubinsk "52 thousand. And we had to resolve any issues only together. The construction of a sports sports complex began here, he did a lot to open a special school, a day faculty of the Rise branch of the MAI."

About the love of football

From the memoirs of his son, Peter Guzhvin: "He played in the teams of RybVTUZ in his youth, and then, when he came to Akhtubinsk, he participated in matches in the composition of various teams. Therefore, it is not in vain that football tournaments are held annually in memory of Anatoly Petrovich Guzhvin in the Kamyzyaksky district, the city of Astrakhan and in the Akhtubinsky district. I am grateful the head of the district, Viktor Alekseevich Vedischev, that after so many years this initiative is supported.It was under my father that Volgar, thirty years later, returned to the first league of domestic football.At that time, our Astrakhan stadium gathered thirty thousand spectators.

What I really remember is that on Sundays (on Saturday he had a working day) he let the driver go, took me and during the period of agricultural work he went to collective farms, to brigades, to the fields to watch how the harvest was going.


From the memoirs of Alexander Zhilkin, current governor of the Astrakhan region, first deputy governor of the Astrakhan region in 19991-2005:

"Anatoly Petrovich was a very kind person, and he empathized in any problem with the person with whom he was in contact. This was a bright trait of Anatoly Petrovich's character. And most likely, working in the most difficult period of the post-Soviet period, when the country actually fell apart, when we years of non-payment of wages, the shutdown of the entire industrial complex, the collapse of agriculture, I think that this situation shocked him so much that the person’s heart simply could not stand it. He could not survive all this. "

Prepared by Sergey Lutsev, authorized representativeGovernor of the Astrakhan region in the Akhtubinsky district in 2000-2005.

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Head of administration (governor) of the Astrakhan region since 1991; was born on March 25, 1946 in Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region; graduated from the Astrakhan Technical Institute of the Fishing Industry and Economy with a degree in electrical engineering in 1970; He began his career in 1962 as an electrician at the Vladimir Shipyard (Astrakhan Region); 1971-1972 - teacher of electrical engineering at the Astrakhan River School; since 1972 - head of the department of Komsomol organizations of the Astrakhan city committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, 1974-1980 - first secretary of the Trusovsky district committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Astrakhan, then first secretary of the Astrakhan city committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League; 1980-1985 - First Secretary of the Kamyzyak District Committee of the CPSU of the Astrakhan Region; 1985-1987 - Secretary, then Second Secretary of the Astrakhan Regional Committee of the CPSU; 1987-1991 - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Astrakhan Regional Council of People's Deputies; was elected a deputy of the Astrakhan Regional Council (1977-1991), a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1988-1990); 1990-1993 - People's Deputy of the Russian Federation, participated in the work of the deputy group "Communists of Russia"; in 1991 he was appointed head of the administration of the Astrakhan region; in December 1996 he was elected head of the regional administration (52.45% of the vote); On December 3, 2000, he again won the election of the head of the regional administration, gaining 81.4% of the votes of the voters who participated in the voting; in 1993 he was elected to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; 1996-2000 - was a member of the Federation Council ex officio, was a deputy chairman of the Committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States; author of publications in journals and analytical collections, as well as the educational and methodological manual "Astrakhan Region - Problems of Reforming" (1995); corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization, full member of the Ecological Academy, honorary member of the International Academy of Sciences; has state awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (1998); was elected chairman of the regional branch of the VOPD “Our Home is Russia” (1995-1997); awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1980) and Friendship (1995), the Honorary Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation (1996); Laureate of the Prize of Peace and Spiritual Consent of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; married, has a daughter and a son; hobbies: sports (volleyball, football, chess), hunting and fishing. He advocated the sovereignty of Russia within the framework of the USSR, the socio-economic revival of Russia, the improvement of food supply for the population, and the solution of environmental problems. On August 21, 1991, the Presidium and the executive committee of the Astrakhan Regional Council declared that the situation in the region was stable and did not require the imposition of a state of emergency, and demanded from the Supreme Soviet of the USSR an official medical report on the state of health of the President of the USSR, as well as the official publication of all decisions of state bodies of the RSFSR. At the same time, the executive committee and the regional council considered it inappropriate to hold any rallies and demonstrations.
A. Guzhvin supported the decision of the regional council not to introduce a state of emergency in the region, the demand for an official conclusion on the health of the President of the USSR M. Gorbachev and banned any rallies and demonstrations in the region.
He advocated land reform and privatization, for the reform of public education, health and culture.
He noted that with the collapse of the USSR, the Astrakhan region became a real border of the state and called for establishing close ties with Kazakhstan.
He supported Gaidar's reforms, although he spoke in favor of some of their adjustments.
He supported the appointment of V. Chernomyrdin as Prime Minister of Russia (as an experienced practitioner, unlike Gaidar).
In April 1993, he supported President Yeltsin in a referendum.
In October 1993, he established the Fund for the Elimination of the Consequences of an Attempted Armed Coup in Moscow and allocated 10 million rubles from the regional budget, launching a fundraising campaign in the local press.
In December 1993, before the elections, he took an evasive position, declaring that he did not support any of the candidates for the Federal Assembly.

Biography Guzhvin Anatoly Petrovich

More biographies:

  1. Chairman of the State Duma of the Astrakhan Region; was born on August 12, 1947 in the village. Kharabali Astrakhan region; graduated from the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute; worked as a teacher at the Volga secondary school in the Narimanov district of the Astrakhan region; served in...
  2. Head of Administration (Governor) of the Lipetsk Region since 1998; was born on February 23, 1952 in the workers' settlement of Terbuny, Lipetsk Region; Graduated from the Saratov Agricultural Institute (in absentia) with a degree in engineering in 1982,......
  3. Member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the second (1995-1999) and third (since December 1999) convocations, member of the Communist Party faction, deputy chairman of the Property Committee; born March 11, 1949; graduated from Astrakhan ......
  4. Chairman of the Board of the Commercial Bank “Zabaikalzolotobank” (Chita); born in 1941 in Toropets, Tver region; graduated from the Kemerovo Industrial College and the All-Union Financial and Economic Institute; worked as a foreman, a teacher in a vocational school ......
  5. Former head of administration of the Novosibirsk region and member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; was born on May 17, 1936 in Kharkov; graduated from the Kharkov Aviation Institute in 1960, associate professor; 1960-1966 –......
  6. Former Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation (December 1998 - January 2001); was born on April 27, 1938 in the city of Kronstadt, Leningrad Region; Graduated from the Faculty of History of Leningrad State University in 1960......
  7. Former First Secretary of the Astrakhan Regional Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Regional Council; born in 1937; graduated from the Odessa Higher Marine Engineering School, the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU, candidate of economic sciences; since 1958......
  8. Head of Administration (Governor) of the Arkhangelsk Region; was born on January 30, 1952 in the village of Maloe Toinokurye, Primorsky District, Arkhangelsk Region; Graduated from the Arkhangelsk Forestry Engineering Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering of road transport in 1975,......
  9. Chairman of the Lipetsk Regional Council of Deputies; born August 14, 1953 in the village. Chernava, Lipetsk region; graduated from the Civil Engineering College, Lipetsk Polytechnic Institute in 1981 with a degree in civil engineering; worked as a master builder; passed ......
  10. Head of the Department of Constitutional Legislation of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation since 1997, State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 1st class; was born on May 7, 1950 in the city of Noginsk, Moscow Region; Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University in ......

Head of administration (governor) of the Astrakhan region since 1991; was born on March 25, 1946 in Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region; graduated from the Astrakhan Technical Institute of the Fishing Industry and Economy with a degree in electrical engineering in 1970; He began his career in 1962 as an electrician at the Vladimir Shipyard (Astrakhan Region); 1971-1972 - teacher of electrical engineering at the Astrakhan River School; since 1972 - head of the department of Komsomol organizations of the Astrakhan city committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, 1974-1980 - first secretary of the Trusovsky district committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Astrakhan, then first secretary of the Astrakhan city committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League; 1980-1985 - First Secretary of the Kamyzyak District Committee of the CPSU of the Astrakhan Region; 1985-1987 - Secretary, then Second Secretary of the Astrakhan Regional Committee of the CPSU; 1987-1991 - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Astrakhan Regional Council of People's Deputies; was elected a deputy of the Astrakhan Regional Council (1977-1991), a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1988-1990); 1990-1993 - People's Deputy of the Russian Federation, participated in the work of the deputy group "Communists of Russia"; in 1991 he was appointed head of the administration of the Astrakhan region; in December 1996 he was elected head of the regional administration (52.45% of the vote); On December 3, 2000, he again won the election of the head of the regional administration, gaining 81.4% of the votes of the voters who participated in the voting; in 1993 he was elected to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; 1996-2000 - was a member of the Federation Council ex officio, was the deputy chairman of the Committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States; author of publications in journals and analytical collections, as well as the educational and methodological manual "Astrakhan Region - Problems of Reforming" (1995); corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization, full member of the Ecological Academy, honorary member of the International Academy of Sciences; has state awards, including the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (1998); was elected chairman of the regional branch of the VOPD "Our Home - Russia" (1995-1997); awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1980) and Friendship (1995), the Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation (1996); Laureate of the Prize of Peace and Spiritual Consent of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; married, has a daughter and a son; hobbies: sports (volleyball, football, chess), hunting and fishing.

He advocated the sovereignty of Russia within the framework of the USSR, the socio-economic revival of Russia, the improvement of food supply for the population, and the solution of environmental problems. On August 21, 1991, the Presidium and the executive committee of the Astrakhan Regional Council declared that the situation in the region was stable and did not require the imposition of a state of emergency, and demanded from the Supreme Soviet of the USSR an official medical report on the state of health of the President of the USSR, as well as the official publication of all decisions of state bodies of the RSFSR. At the same time, the executive committee and the regional council considered it inappropriate to hold any rallies and demonstrations. A. Guzhvin supported the decision of the regional council not to introduce a state of emergency in the region, the demand for an official conclusion on the health of the President of the USSR M. Gorbachev and banned any rallies and demonstrations in the region. He advocated land reform and privatization, for the reform of public education, health and culture. He noted that with the collapse of the USSR, the Astrakhan region became a real border of the state and called for establishing close ties with Kazakhstan. He supported Gaidar's reforms, although he spoke in favor of some of their adjustments. He supported the appointment of V. Chernomyrdin as Prime Minister of Russia (as an experienced practitioner, unlike Gaidar). In April 1993, he supported President Yeltsin in a referendum. In October 1993, he established the Fund for the Elimination of the Consequences of an Attempted Armed Coup in Moscow and allocated 10 million rubles from the regional budget, launching a fundraising campaign in the local press. In December 1993, before the elections, he took an evasive position, declaring that he did not support any of the candidates for the Federal Assembly.

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