The diet of a 5 year old child. Children's menu for every day

With each new month that has passed since the first birthday, the baby becomes more and more active.

It is difficult to force a little fidget to sit still: he runs, jumps, climbs onto a sofa or chairs, confidently climbs the stairs.

In order to replenish energy consumption, the nutrition of a child at 1 year and 5 months old should be varied, balanced and high-calorie.

Basic principles of formulating a diet at 1 year and 5 months

The kid, who is only one month old up to a year and a half, is already confidently wielding a spoon and knows how to drink from a cup.

Therefore, he may well cope on his own with any dish without the help of adults.

In addition, now the crumbs have 8 or even 12 teeth in their mouth, so not only mashed potatoes and slurry porridge, but also more solid food are “too tough” for him.

To properly organize the nutrition of a child at 1.5 years old, you should heed the advice of nutritionists and pediatricians:

In the interval from one year to 1.5 years, there is a gradual transition from five to four meals a day. Moreover, the child himself should decide how it is more convenient for him to eat.

If he is used to waking up early (at 6-7 o'clock), then as a first snack before breakfast, he can be offered milk, jelly or kefir with cookies or crackers. If the baby wakes up later, then interrupt the appetite before breakfast is not worth it.

This is also the case with evening feeding: if 2.5-3 hours pass from dinner to bedtime, then the baby has time to get hungry and he can be offered to eat something light.

The volume of food that a child should receive at 1 year and 5 months during the day is from 1 to 1.2 liters.

Therefore, with five meals a day for one feeding, he should eat no more than 200-240 ml, and with four meals a day - no more than 250-300 ml.

The nutritional value of food, which will be enough, not only to compensate for the expended energy, but also for growth and development, is 1350 kcal.

At the same time, lunch should account for 35%, for breakfast and dinner - about 20%, for an afternoon snack - 15%, and for a morning and evening snack - 10%.

If the baby does without a snack, then 10% is evenly distributed between the rest of the meals.

The main part of the diet should be foods familiar to the child - milk, cereals, vegetable and meat purees, fruits.

But, the little one needs to begin to be accustomed to new tastes, introducing products unfamiliar to him into the composition of the dishes.

The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky advises introducing one new product once a week.

At the same time, parents need to carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body, in particular, the work of the intestines and the appearance of skin rashes.

If negative symptoms appear, the use of the product should be stopped immediately.

It must be borne in mind that a new dish, no matter how tasty it may seem to adults, may not please the baby.

In this case, you should not try to force-feed him, as this will further discourage the child from eating and may provoke crying.

You can only try again after a few days. At the same time, it is important to remember that, according to the observations of nutritionists, a child needs to eat a new dish or product at least 10-15 times in order to get used to it.

At 1 year and 5 months, the baby should eat not only homogeneous food, but be able to chew small pieces.

Therefore, you can add a chopped apple or pear to the porridge, and do not rub the soup through a strainer, but simply mash it with a fork.

Still, the child should not eat fried foods. The best cooking methods are boiling (in water or steam), stewing with a small amount vegetable oil, baking in a special heat-resistant dish or foil, microwave cooking.

In order not to miss the reaction of the child to a particular product, cooking recipes should be as simple as possible, without many ingredients.

It is necessary to cultivate aesthetic taste in a child from a very early age. Therefore, great attention should be paid to table setting.

Even ordinary porridge or mashed potatoes should be put on a beautiful plate, garnished with herbs, pieces of vegetables or fruits.

One has only to show imagination and funny bunnies will turn out from mashed potatoes, and meatballs with rice will turn into funny hedgehogs.

In addition, the table should always be covered with a beautiful napkin, and the baby should wear a neat clean bib.

It is very important that the baby always receives food at the same time. This will not only help him in the future to more easily adapt to the diet in kindergarten, but also helps to increase appetite and improve the digestibility of dishes.

What to do if a healthy child refuses to eat? According to Dr. Komarovsky, the most important thing is not to force or try to “squeeze” at least a couple of spoons under jokes, fairy tales and cartoons.

You just need to let the baby go, or even better - go for a walk with him (if it's not time for sleep) and let him run and jump to his heart's content.

Having worked up an appetite, the little one will make up for lost time in the next feeding.

What should be in the diet of a child at 1 year and 5 months

While there is still a limited range of foods that a child can cook with, there are many delicious and nutritious meals that can be created with creativity.


Vegetables are not only a source of many vitamins and minerals, but also a guarantee of the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Fiber, which is part of vegetables, “like a brush” cleans the baby’s intestines, getting rid of toxins and toxins accumulated there.

In a year and 5 months, the following vegetables can be in the child's diet:

  • potato;
  • zucchini, squash, zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • turnip;
  • cabbage - white, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts;
  • beans, peas (in small quantities, if there are no problems with peristalsis);
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • onion - onion and green.

With caution, you can enter tomatoes, bell pepper(not bitter), green vegetables (spinach, sorrel, lettuce).

Use dill and parsley as a seasoning and decoration for dishes.

Meat and fish products

As before, meat for cooking should be taken only lean. Veal, rabbit meat, turkey or chicken are best suited.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no veins in the meat that the baby is not yet able to chew.

Meat should be on the child's menu every day. At 1 year and 5 months, its norm is 90-100 g. Meat can be served in such dishes:

  • steam cutlets;
  • steamed meatballs;
  • meatballs with rice;
  • meatballs;
  • meat pate;
  • stuffed zucchini;
  • pasta "navy";
  • potato zrazy with meat filling.

Twice a week for lunch or dinner, the baby should be given fish. The fillet of low-fat sea fish - hake, pollock or cod is best suited. From it you can cook:

  • fish and rice cutlets;
  • fish baked in foil with vegetables;
  • fish soufflé;
  • fish stewed with sour cream.

It is imperative to ensure that bones do not fall into the child's plate. To do this, minced fish should be ground through a fine sieve before cooking.

Milk and dairy products

The share of milk and dairy products in the baby's menu is still significant - 500-600 g per day.

This includes milk in its pure form, as well as used for the preparation of milk porridges, milk soups and other dishes.

The nutrition of a child at 1 year and 5 months should include fermented milk products:

  • kefir;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • sour cream (only in processed form);
  • cottage cheese (about 50 g).

Preference should be given to products made at home (for example, using a special electric yogurt maker).

The fat content of the milk that is used should not exceed 2.5%.

As a new product, the child can be offered processed cheese (without various additives) of the Yantar type, spreading it on bread or cookies.

Hard cheese can still be used in small quantities in grated form for sprinkling various dishes.


A variety of fruits and berries must be present in the daily diet of the child. The recommended dose is 200-250 g.

At the same time, 40% is allocated to the share of raw fruits, and the remaining 60% - to a variety of purees, soufflés, mousses, casseroles, etc.

Preference should be given to fruits that grow in the area where the baby lives. For central Russia, these will be:

  • apples;
  • pears;
  • plums;
  • apricots;
  • cherries.

If the child is already familiar with some berries, then their list can be gradually continued, including not only garden, but also wild ones:

  • Strawberry;
  • raspberry;
  • blackberry;
  • cranberry;
  • cowberry;
  • blueberry;
  • currant;
  • gooseberry.

In the case when the little one is not yet familiar with raspberries or strawberries, they should be given little by little, observing the reaction.

In addition, a child aged 15 should drink at least 100 ml of fruit juice.

Cereal and pasta dishes

An important place in the child's menu is given to cereals, which contain a large amount of carbohydrates that the baby needs for growth and development.

In addition, cereals are a source of vegetable protein, vitamins and microelements, without which a child's body cannot do.

By the age of 1 year and 5 months, dishes from the following cereals should be present in the baby’s diet:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • corn;
  • rice;
  • barley;
  • millet;
  • barley.

Contrary to the prevailing opinion that semolina- the most useful, it should not be given to children due to the high content of starch, which is difficult to digest.

From cereals, you can cook not only cereals, but also make casseroles, soufflés, meatballs, and also introduce them into first courses, cabbage rolls, meatballs, etc.

The baby can be gradually accustomed to pasta. True, it is still difficult for him to chew large horns or shells, but the baby will not refuse small stars, letters and other "children's" pasta.

On the day the baby should eat about 100 g of bread.

Best of all, the children's body absorbs products made from white flour, since rye flour can provoke intestinal upset.

For tea, compote or kefir, the child is offered low-fat cookies, crackers or dryers.

Other products

At 1 year and 5 months, eggs should be on the baby's menu. The daily norm is half a chicken or a whole quail. They can be served hard-boiled or as an omelet, mixed with milk.

In this case, the omelet should be cooked not in a pan, but in the microwave. The dish will turn out no less magnificent, but will not have a fried crust.

Still, the child should not be given pure sugar. Sweeten porridge, casserole or other dish is best with fresh or dried fruit, homemade jam or marmalade.

Chocolate and chocolates are also banned. As a dessert, marmalade or marshmallow is suitable for a baby.

You can give honey little by little if the child is not allergic to bee products.

Sample menu for the week

The table below contains sample menu for a week for a child of 1 year and 5 months.

MondayRice steam balls with jam

Tea, bread and butter

Soup puree
potato s

Fish cakes with
vegetable side dish


chicken with

Tea, biscuits

TuesdayOatmeal with apple

Kissel, cookies

Borscht with cabbage

Zucchini stuffed with rice and meat


Turkey meat soufflé with buckwheat porridge

Tea, crackers

WednesdayCottage cheese-apple casserole with sour cream

Tea, bread and butter

Soup with broccoli and peas

Veal cutlets with mashed potatoes


Potato zrazy with meat

Kissel, cookies

ThursdayEgg and milk omelet

Fresh cabbage salad with herbs

Kissel berry

Fish soup with pasta


meat pate

pumpkin puree

Tea, bread and butter

FridayBuckwheat with milk

Baked apple

Vegetable soup with rice

Chicken meatballs


Curd fruit mousse

Carrot salad with apple

SaturdayRice pudding with meat

Rosehip decoction

Bread and butter

Chicken soup with meatballs

Meatballs with stewed vegetables


Naval pasta with rabbit meat

fruit mousse

SundayMillet porridge with sour cream and jam

Tea, bread and butter

Soup puree with cauliflower

Veal cutlets with pumpkin puree


Fish baked with vegetables

Kissel, cookies

For second breakfast and afternoon tea, the baby can be offered kefir, yogurt, jelly or fruit juice, as well as cookies, bread with melted cheese or crackers.

The nutrition of a child at 5 months is entirely provided by breast milk or mixtures of the first stage. But now many parents are already thinking about the first complementary foods.

  • He is already confidently sitting with support, that is, he can be fed in a high chair;
  • Does not push out the spoon with his tongue, but tries to lick it;
  • Interested in your food and asks for it;
  • She does not eat enough breast milk, she asks for food earlier, the four-hour interval between feedings is not maintained;
  • The first tooth erupted.

These signs indicate that the baby is ready to try his first "adult" food.

Feeding children on artificial feeding

Formula-fed babies traditionally start feeding earlier, as their digestive systems are ready for it earlier. However, the issue of underfeeding is not so acute for artificial people - you can simply increase the amount of the mixture. If the baby refuses to eat something other than the usual mixture from the bottle, you can wait a little longer.

Infant nutrition

Breastfed babies may already not have enough milk if he does not fill up, emptying his chest, crying and looking for more. If you notice this, try giving your baby the first solids. For example, pureed vegetables and juices if the child is overweight or normal weight, or liquid cereals if there is a lack of weight. Porridges are used only dairy-free, they can be diluted with mother's milk or a mixture. The menu of a child at 5 months also includes mashed fruits and juices.

Mom Sonya, 7 months: “It was a restless night's sleep that told me 2 months ago that my daughter did not have enough food. At first we attributed it to cutting teeth, but she did not refuse breast milk, on the contrary, she constantly asked for breasts. At the next weigh-in, it turned out that she only gained 200 grams and the pediatrician suggested trying porridge or starting to supplement with formula. We began to introduce cereals, and by the next weigh-in, the weight was added according to the norm. ”

Choosing the type of food

The nature of the stool also influences the choice of the first complementary foods. If the stool is too hard, the baby has difficulty pooping, it is better to start with vegetables and fruits, they contain fiber and pectin, which promote bowel movements. Rice porridge is suitable for babies with unstable stools, but prunes, beets, cabbage, apricots do not need to be given to them yet.

How to introduce complementary foods?

It is better to offer new food to the baby at the beginning of the day in order to observe the reaction of the body. First give a try vegetable puree until the baby is hungry, and then supplement with milk or formula. Fruit juices, on the contrary, are not given on an empty stomach, they are very acidic. This can lead to regurgitation and indigestion. Juice is best offered after a meal.

Having chosen the type of complementary foods, give it, starting with a teaspoon and bringing this amount to about 50 ml per week (how much the child is ready to eat). The first complementary foods are offered only once a day, it will gradually replace one meal, but it will be later, but for now it will be necessary to supplement the baby with breast or formula. With the introduction next product they are being replaced with other foods.

Juice is also given gradually, starting from a few drops, bringing up to 30 ml. It is not necessary to give more at this age.

Do not introduce a new product if the child is sick, naughty, the chair has deteriorated, teeth are being cut. Also do not give a new product for the first two days after vaccination.

Always keep an eye on your baby. Do not be afraid if the stool changes, this is normal. The main thing is that there is no liquid foaming diarrhea or vomiting. In these cases, cancel this product, take a break for a week and offer your baby another one. Be sure to check with your pediatrician!

Diet plan for a 5 month old baby

How much should a child eat at 5 months breastfed and artificial? We will try to answer these questions.

Important! The volume of menu products is indicated for ready meal. If you cook 50 g of dry porridge, you will get three times the norm!

Table for 1 day with natural feeding looks like that:

On artificial feeding the amount of food will be slightly less, because. the calorie content of milk formula is higher than breast milk:

The total volume per day is no more than 900 ml, not counting the juice that can be given between lunch and dinner.

Water, herbal tea, decoction of dried fruits are given during the day on demand.

As can be seen from the tables, the daily routine of a child at 5 months includes five meals per day. But a sixth feeding can be added if the baby wakes up at night. By the way, night awakening can also be due to the fact that the child begins to experience hunger. How to find out if this is so? Let's answer the two most important questions:

How much should a 5 month old baby eat?

This amount reaches a liter of milk per day. If such a volume is not recruited, then the baby really does not have enough nutrients.

How much should a baby weigh at 5 months?

Whether a child has enough milk is also judged by weight and height, the WHO table will help with this (these tables are also called Valuable). For the fourth month, boys on average add 430-580 grams, and girls 390-580. In height - 2 and 1.9 cm, respectively. If the weight gain is significantly lower (by 20%), then it is simply necessary to introduce complementary foods.

Table of height and weight of boys, according to WHO:

Very low
Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
The weight 5.6-6.1 6.1-6.5 6.5-7.8 7.8-8.3 8.3-8.8 > 8.8
Growth 9.9
59 .9 - 61.1
61.1 - 62.3
62.3 - 65.6
65.6-67 67-68.9 > 6

Table of height and weight of girls, according to WHO:

Very low Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
The weight 5.5 - 5.9
5.9-6.3 6.3-7.2 7.2-7.7 7.7-8.1 > 8.1
Growth 9.1 59.1-60.8
60.8-62 62. 0 - 65. 1
65.1-66 66.0-68.0 > 68. 0

According to the norms of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the minimum weight for girls at this age is 5.9, and the maximum is 7.7 kg. Accordingly, in boys - 6.1–8.3 kg. If we talk about height, then for girls the norm is 60.5-66 cm, and for boys 61-67 cm.

What not to give a baby at five months

The diet of a child at 5 months is rather poor, and rightly so, because the baby's intestines cannot yet digest heavy food. That is why they do not add to dishes butter and other animal fats. Exclude salt and sugar, all spices, meat and fish broths. You don't even have to try this yet. You can add a little vegetable oil (for example, flaxseed) to the puree. It is best to dilute mashed potatoes and porridge with mother's milk or a mixture.

Five month old baby menu

Despite the small variety of products, the diet can and should be diversified. What to feed the baby, you need to decide based on his preferences. To do this, they try to give different kinds vegetables and cereals, see what the child likes.


Vegetable complementary foods often start with zucchini. This is a hypoallergenic vegetable, quite tender in texture. Then cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, and so on are introduced - all green, pale yellow colored vegetables. Brightly colored vegetables: carrots, beets are included in the diet later and are usually mixed with other purees.


Fruits and berries begin to give according to the same principle: from light-colored to dark-colored. Traditionally, the apple comes first, followed by the pear. From tropical fruits, a child at 5 months can only have a banana. With plums, cherries, grapes, it is better to wait up to 6-7 months.


Of the cereals, those that do not contain gluten are the first to be introduced: rice, buckwheat, millet.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

Watch carefully for possible manifestations of allergies. It would be rational to have a special notebook where to write down what was given to the child, what was the reaction, how the stool changed, whether a rash appeared. It is convenient to keep such a notebook at hand or use a notebook with magnets, hanging it on the refrigerator.

Keeping a food diary

Keeping a diary, where the daily routine and nutrition is noted, will not take much time for mom, but she will be able to analyze the information and adjust the menu. Parents often get tired while caring for a child and become distracted. After reading the entry in the diary that there was broccoli for lunch yesterday, mom will not be scared when she sees an unusual color chair.

kitchen utensils

The recipes for all dishes for babies are very simple. To prepare them, it is better to get a sieve, since it is not very convenient to cook such a small amount of food in a blender. Mom will also need a measuring cup and a plastic grater (it is better than a metal grater because it does not oxidize food). Kitchen scales are very helpful, which allow you to measure the right amount of food by weight.

Children's appliances

Some babies have a hard time adjusting to spoon feeding. In this case, liquid 5% porridge can also be given from a bottle. But still, it is necessary to systematically make attempts to switch to feeding in a high chair, from a spoon and learn to drink from a cup. To interest the baby in children's appliances, you may have to try several options.

DO NOT store cooked food

Remember that cooked food cannot be stored, even in the refrigerator.

It is better to use less food for cooking. If you are feeding your baby food from jars, then the remains of this food are also not subject to storage.

Homemade food or jars?

Parents are interested in what is still better: cook it yourself or use industrial-made mashed potatoes. In summer, of course, it is better to use fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits to enrich the diet with vitamins. In winter, you can buy ready-made mashed potatoes. However, to increase the life span of puree in a jar, chemical substances, so they are worth using if there is no time to cook fresh food. Vegetables and fruits sold in supermarkets in winter are treated with chemicals, traces of which in food can lead to allergies or worsen stools, and there are much fewer useful substances in them.

In winter, it is rational to buy frozen cauliflower, broccoli, spinach and cook from them. Self-freezing of vegetables is also welcome. If you prudently prepared containers with diced zucchini, pumpkin, in season, then their preparation will take very little time. Adults, including a nursing mother, also do not interfere with fresh vegetable stew in winter.

You can also cook cereals for making cereals yourself by grinding it in a coffee grinder. At the same time, cereals bought in a store must first be washed and dried. Usual dosage: five grams of cereal per hundred milliliters of liquid. Porridges of industrial production are used those in which there is no milk.

Menu table

A sample menu table for the week looks like this:

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 feeding Breast milk (GM) or adapted formula (AMC)
2 feeding Buckwheat porridge and supplementary feeding GM or AMS
Rice porridge and supplement GM or AMS Buckwheat porridge and supplementary feeding GM or AMS Corn porridge and supplementary feeding of GM or AMS
3 feeding


Broccoli puree, st. oil, supplement
Zucchini puree, st. oil, supplement
Cauliflower puree, st. oil, supplement
Potato puree, st. oil, supplement
4 feeding Applesauce, supplement
Pear puree, supplement
Banana puree, supplement
banana puree, supplement
Applesauce, supplement
pear puree, supplement
Pear puree, supplement
5 feeding Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula

10 recipes for babies at five months

1. Apple-banana puree

  • 30 g peeled yellow or green apple (1/4 medium apple);
  • 30g ripe banana (1/5 medium banana)
  • 10 ml mixture or water.

Grate the apple on a fine grater, bring to a uniform state, rubbing through a sieve. Just wipe the banana and dilute the puree with water or a mixture.

2. Pumpkin puree with milk

Cut a piece of pumpkin into small cubes and boil over low heat for 20 minutes. It should become slightly translucent and soft. Rub the vegetable through a sieve. Mix four teaspoons of puree with 50 ml of breast milk, rub again thoroughly. You can add a little water until the desired semi-liquid consistency is reached.

3. Mashed zucchini and broccoli

  • 3 broccoli florets;
  • 30 g young zucchini, peeled.

Boil vegetables until soft. Drain, save the broth. Turn zucchini and cabbage into puree. Dilute with broth until liquid.

4. Mashed potatoes with white cabbage

A seasonal dish, it is good to cook it when the first young potatoes and cabbage of early varieties appear. It is not recommended to use white cabbage of late varieties for the dish, coarse fiber can lead to increased gas formation.

Peel and soak the potatoes in clean water for an hour and a half, so that excess starch comes out of it, which is undesirable for a five-month-old baby.
Boil vegetables, cut into small pieces, in a sealed container until soft. Cool slightly, wipe and dilute with the mixture, breast milk, the remaining broth.

5. Rice porridge with milk

  • one heaping teaspoon of rice flour;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 50 ml of prepared milk formula, breast milk;

Dissolve rice flour in milk or mixture. Boil water, pour milk with flour in a thin stream and cook until thickened.

6. Buckwheat porridge

1 tsp with a slide of buckwheat flour;

Water - 100 ml;

Pour a teaspoon of flour into hot water and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Cool slightly, add 1/5 tsp. cold-pressed vegetable oil (optional)

7. Infusion of prunes, regulating stool

It is used with a tendency to constipation, which is typical for artificial children. If such a problem arose in a breast-fed baby, the mother can simply eat the prunes herself.

Rinse 7-8 fruits thoroughly in hot water. Then pour fresh boiling water, close the lid and insist for 18-12 hours. Give the baby two to three teaspoons three times a day. The broth can be kept in the refrigerator for two days after preparation, but to give, bringing to room temperature.

E. O. Komarovsky recommends preparing a decoction of raisins for babies, especially those who are artificially fed. This product contains natural sugars, a large amount of minerals, especially potassium. It is simply necessary on hot summer days when the child sweats a lot.

8. Decoction of raisins

Rinse hot water a tablespoon of raisins, preferably dark varieties. Then pour boiling water (glass), boil for 10 minutes. and let cool. After throwing out the raisins, give the decoction to drink 100 ml per day.

9. Banana porridge

  • One heaping teaspoon of rice flour;
  • 1/6 of a banana;
  • 100 ml of water.

Pour rice flour into hot water and cook until thickened. Put the mashed banana into the prepared porridge and boil for another 1 minute.

10. Herbal tea with a slight anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and diuretic effect

  • ½ tsp chamomile (herb);
  • ½ tsp linden (flowers);
  • ½ tsp strawberries (leaves).

Herbs pour boiling water (glass) and insist in a sealed container until cool. Strain and give 150-200 ml per day for anxiety, increased gas formation, during the period when teeth are being cut.


It is so laid down by nature that the composition of the nutrient fluid contains all the necessary components for the full physical and mental development of a little man.

It also happens that not every mother can provide for her baby breast milk in the required quantity.

In some women, it may not appear at all or disappear at some stage. In order for the baby to receive the necessary range of nutrients, it is administered.

The nutrition of a five-month-old baby is different from a four-month-old. New foods can be introduced into the baby's diet that were not yet acceptable a month earlier. Acquaintance with a new product should be carried out after a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician.

If the artificial child does not experience a feeling of discomfort and an unadapted formula when feeding, then it is quite acceptable. It is also worth paying attention to the set of required weight for this age. It should be within acceptable limits, which indicate that the process of assimilation of all trace elements and nutrients occurs at the proper level.

Otherwise, this kind baby food should be changed to another. In addition to the adapted mixture, natural juices and purees from vegetables or fruits are added. It is better to give any new product in a minimal amount and observe the reaction of the baby. In addition to taste perception, it is necessary to take into account the tolerance of the body.

The appearance and external symptoms may indicate that the product was not well received. In such cases, stop eating such food and consult a doctor.

A rich assortment of cereals is available among the new products. Pediatricians recommend introducing dairy-free gluten-free meals based on rice, corn and into the diet.

Porridges on water or milk are boiled from crushed cereals, with rare exceptions from whole ones, but with grains disintegrating to a soft consistency. It is worth considering that dishes for the first tastings are prepared in a ratio of 5 mg of cereals per 100 ml of liquid. After a successful adaptation period, the amount of cereal is doubled.

Another innovation in the menu of the artificial baby is cottage cheese. Its daily intake should not exceed 40 mg, and the percentage of fat in the product should be minimal.

Thus, the mono-diet of the crumbs, consisting exclusively of an adaptive milk formula, will gradually turn into a full-fledged mixed diet upon reaching the age of five months.

Mode and power scheme

Pediatricians recommend feeding the baby at least five times a day. When planning a diet, it should be borne in mind that the breaks between each meal should be about four hours. You need to get at least six hours of sleep at night.

Thus, the most optimal hours for good nutrition are as follows:

  1. 6 to 7 am;
  2. from 10 to 11 am;
  3. from 14:00 to 15:00;
  4. from 18 to 19 pm;
  5. from 22 to 23 pm.

Such a routine will systematically saturate the child's body with the necessary nutrients. Properly chosen time is the basis of baby nutrition. An equally important role in the full development is played by the scheme for the introduction of complementary foods.

Specialists have developed a template version, which is the basis for menu development. The most effective set of products can only be selected by a pediatrician for each individual case.

The standard scheme contains several basic products for a five-month-old artificial baby:

  1. adaptive milk formula - 400 ml;
  2. fruit juices - 50-60 ml;
  3. fruit purees - 50-60 g;
  4. vegetable puree 150 g;
  5. cottage cheese - 40 g;
  6. milk porridge - 50-100 g;
  7. - 200 ml;
  8. butter - 1-4 g;
  9. vegetable oil - 3 g.

What to feed the baby: food table

A five-month-old baby begins to get acquainted with new products in a minimal amount. It is better to start juice consumption with one or two drops diluted with water, gradually increasing the dose to 50 ml per day. The first fruit can be the simplest green apple, which is not an allergen.

Grumbling in the stomach or should warn mom from further use of freshly squeezed juices. If at least some negative reaction was noticed, then it is better to replace juices with dried fruit compotes.

The same green apple is suitable for making fruit puree. After its adaptation, pears, apricots, peaches and bananas can be introduced into the diet.

The selection of vegetables for the first purees is quite diverse. White-colored ones are suitable - potatoes and cauliflower, from green - zucchini and broccoli. With a positive susceptibility of neutral vegetables, you can try representatives of the orange group - carrots and.

As in the case of juices, vegetable purees should be taken from a minimum dose of 1/4 teaspoon, increasing the amount to 100 g per day.

Porridges based on water or milk are boiled from cereals ground into flour. From cereals, you can eat corn, buckwheat and rice. Oatmeal is also acceptable.

Sample menu for the day

Organizing a varied five meals a day, with a limited set of products, is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The basic principle of nutrition is 1 meal = 200 ml.

A basic menu for the day might look like this:

  1. milk mixture - 200 ml;
  2. fruit juice - 50 ml + milk mixture - 150 ml;
  3. vegetable puree - 150 ml + 1/4 yolk;
  4. fruit puree - 40 ml + cottage cheese - 40 g + milk mixture 120 ml;
  5. milk mixture - 200 ml.

Healthy Recipes

Recipes for crumbs are based on grinding fruits and vegetables to a puree-like consistency.

Despite the similarity of cooking techniques, the tastes of dishes can be completely diverse:

  1. apple puree. Cut the peeled fruit from the peel and core into several pieces and place in a saucepan with 75 ml of boiled water or milk mixture. Cook over low heat until the apples soften. Mix the resulting thick puree with another 75 ml of an identical liquid until smooth;
  2. strawberry puree. This berry, like all other red ones, is an allergen. Acquaintance with this product should start with a minimum amount - half a teaspoon of puree. To prepare puree, you will need only 50-60 grams of strawberries, which must be thoroughly washed and chopped in a blender bowl. After use, monitor the reaction of the baby;
  3. cauliflower puree. For one small cabbage inflorescence, you will need 30 ml of milk mixture or boiled water. Cool the boiled vegetable over low heat, chop and place in a blender. Add liquid and mix everything well;
  4. porridge with cereal. Finely grind 1-1.5 tsp. boil rice, buckwheat or oatmeal in 100 ml of water over low heat. After cooking, cool and add 50 ml of milk mixture. If butter has already been introduced into the baby's diet, they can fill the porridge in the amount of half a teaspoon;
  5. zucchini puree. Peel a young vegetable without seeds, cut into small cubes and boil until tender. Cool softened zucchini until warm state and beat with a blender until smooth. Add 50 ml of milk, water or milk mixture to the resulting puree.

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Dr. Komarovsky about artificial feeding:

The nutrition of a 5-month-old formula-fed child should not be very diverse. Its task is to fully satisfy the body's needs for energy and essential nutritional ingredients. Modern adapted mixtures do an excellent job with this. The main thing is that the mother, together with the pediatrician, carefully selects the appropriate mixture for feeding the crumbs, prepares it correctly and gives it in the required volume.

What mixtures to use in the menu of a 5 month old baby?

To feed a child of this age, use the same mixture as at 4 months. The kid is already used to it, tolerates it well and does not spit up. If at the same time he gains weight well, behaves actively, does not act up, then you should not change either the feeding regimen or its volume. A five-month-old baby usually eats two hundred milliliters five times a day. Don't think that this is not enough.

Infant formula is not a drink, but a wholesome food that lingers in the baby's stomach for a long time and causes a feeling of satiety.

Does a 5-month-old baby's diet consist only of an adapted formula? This is absolutely normal! Periodically, on demand, it is necessary to give him some water, especially in hot weather. For these purposes, it is better to allocate a separate bottle.

Maybe it's time to feed?

If it seems to you: the menu of a 5-month-old formula-fed baby can be expanded, check if your baby is ready for complementary foods. To do this, HONESTLY answer yourself the following questions:

  1. Does your child have one or more teeth in their mouth?
  2. Has the baby's weight doubled compared to what it was at birth?
  3. Does the baby sit confidently?
  4. Is adult food arousing your child's curiosity?
  5. If you bring a spoon to your baby's mouth, does he not actively push it out with his tongue?
  6. Does your five-month-old baby deliberately turn away from a product he doesn't like?

If you answered yes to 5 or more questions, then the menu at 5 months can be expanded with complementary foods. The kid is ready for it. If not, don't rush. Wait a little more.

How to organize nutrition at 5 months if the test showed that the child is ready for complementary foods?

If your 5-month-old is ready to feed, use the tips in the article on feeding 6-month-olds.

Nutrition at 5 months for most babies is adapted formulas.

Feeding food that is unsuitable for age and quality always leads to sad consequences. Underfeeding inhibits the development of crumbs, and overfeeding leads to disruption of the endocrine system.

Is it possible to add milk (goat or cow), allergy to lactose and other enzymes, when you can start adding it to cereals - you will learn the answers to these and other questions from the video of our partner TEST.TV

Your baby has grown to five months, and you have a natural question about how to feed him now. How to organize the nutrition of a child at 5 months?

The timing of the introduction of complementary foods matters!

The general position of allergists and pediatricians is that the ideal age for the introduction of a certain set of products is between 4 and 6 months. This time has been called the "window of tolerance" because it is during this period that the child's immune system is ready to get acquainted with such a different set of food antigens.

Pediatricians today are less likely to offer the so-called delayed introduction of complementary foods. According to experts from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, this practice is currently considered erroneous.

It used to be (and even today you can still see similar information on various sites) that the later introduction of complementary foods is a kind of allergy prevention. However, many years of experience and modern research show that this is not the case.

Even 10-15 years ago, there were often recommendations that up to 8 months the baby should only be breastfed, and complementary foods should not be introduced. These children are now 15 years old. The diagnostics of their health showed that those who later received complementary foods are more likely to suffer from food allergies. Therefore, everyone has come to understand that complementary foods should not be put off, regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or formula feeding. However, you do not need to start it earlier.

The ideal age for complementary foods is 4-6 months. By this time, according to experts, the child's immune system is ready to get acquainted with a new set of antigens.

  • So, if you are the mother of an artificial baby, then you can introduce him to new products from 4 months.
  • If your child is breastfed, complementary foods are introduced from 6 months. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, however, in " methodological recommendations» No. 225 states that when breastfeeding, complementary foods can also be started from 4 or 5 months.

New foods in the diet

To begin with, let me remind you once again that before 4 months, no types of complementary foods are recommended. The baby receives either breast milk or an artificial mixture, selected taking into account his needs and characteristics of the body.

By the 5th month, the baby still receives two types of complementary foods - vegetables and porridge. Only other types of vegetables and cereals are added to them.

If you acted according to this scheme, then at 5 months it's time to introduce the baby to new products.

At 5 months, the baby is ready to try new foods such as porridge, fruit puree, cottage cheese, and meat puree.


Meat is the next food. Meat puree is introduced into the diet of a child of 5-5.5 months. To begin with, it is better to take ready-made canned food - hypoallergenic, in which there will be no broth. Despite the intuitive feeling that the broth is healthy, it is still too early for children of this age to eat such food. The broth strongly stimulates the digestive organs, increases intestinal permeability. Therefore, never use canned baby broth for five-month-old babies!

Meat must be introduced from ½ teaspoon, this should be done during the day (at lunch) to see how the child tolerates it. The next day - already 1 p.m. l., and gradually bring up to 20 g - this is 4 tsp. l. without a slide. You can stop at this amount until the baby is 5.5 - 6 months old.

Advice: add meat to vegetables, as the product is new to the baby, and its taste will be unusual for him.

When you first enter the product, it is better to take a single-component puree in order to understand how the child reacts to a particular fruit. If no allergies or signs of diathesis have been revealed in a week, then you can try mashed potatoes from several ingredients. You need to start with ½ ch. l. puree, gradually bringing up to 20-30 g per meal. It is ideal to add fruit puree to porridge or cottage cheese.

Fruits are sources of vitamins, minerals, so they are definitely needed by the growing body of the baby. Fruits are given in the form of fruit purees, consisting of 1 or more components

Cottage cheese

In the menu of a 5-month-old baby, you can also enter cottage cheese. This applies to those children who do not suffer from allergic rashes. Allergic rashes in the first year of life are in 99% of cases a reaction to cow's milk protein. Therefore, with cottage cheese, the issue is resolved individually with a pediatrician and an allergist. If the child has no reactions, he tolerates everything well, then at 5.5 months you can offer cottage cheese to the baby. Here, too, you need to start with 1 teaspoon and bring it up to a volume of 20-30 grams.


If you haven't introduced porridge at 4 months, now is the time to do so. A good option is industrial cereals, which can be diluted with breast milk and formula, as well as boiled water. Among them are milk porridge and dairy-free. To prevent allergies, it is better to start with dairy-free ones.

And just like with other products, you should start eating porridge with 1 or 2 tablespoons - no more.

Not suitable for a baby for the first feeding of porridge from manually ground oats, barley and wheat. They are high in gluten, which can cause indigestion. If you cook porridge for your child yourself, then it is better if it is buckwheat, rice or corn.

This does not apply to industrial cereals, since the cereals in them are cleared of gluten, which causes allergic reactions and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is better to feed allergenic children with ready-made "semi-finished products".


The menu of a child at 5 months looks something like this.
Baby menu - 5-5.5 months:

  • 9.00-11.00 - vegetable puree (50 g), breastfeeding or formula;
  • 13.00-15.00 - breast milk or formula; fruit puree or cottage cheese (6 tsp);
  • 18.00-20.00 - breast milk or formula; juice (10-15 ml);

Baby menu - 5.5-6 months:

  • 6.00-7.00 - breast milk or mixture;
  • 9.00-11.00 - porridge (150 g), breastfeeding or formula;
  • 13.00-15.00 - vegetable puree, meat (up to 20 g), juice or compote;
  • 18.00-20.00 - either fruit puree, or cottage cheese, or porridge (if the child has not mastered the morning portion, then it can be divided into two doses - 75 g in the morning and 75 in the evening, only prepare fresh each time), breast milk or mixture;
  • 22.00-24.00 - breast milk or formula.

Such wide time intervals are taken because each baby has his own individual mode of life. This diet is intended to guide you according to the nutrition schedule, and not to indicate the exact time of feeding the child.

Important: These two baby diets are exemplary. That is, you can vary the products, using only what is recommended for your baby by a pediatrician, as well as create your own nutrition schedule.

The baby does not eat well: what to do?

Are you struggling to establish complementary foods, and the baby refuses to eat? This problem is very relevant. Many mothers complain that their child does not eat well. In order to help solve this problem, you need to understand how objective it is, not far-fetched.

When a problem is not a problem

First, weigh the little one. If his weight is normal in all respects, then there is nothing to worry about. Check the standards for special weight tables (see the tables here). Do not focus on the neighbor's children and do not raise a panic due to the fact that your tomboy's cheeks do not lie on his shoulders. Excess weight, as has been proven by scientists, only harms the health of children.

All children are individual. Some people eat a lot and quickly, others slowly and little. Maybe your little one is from the second category.

Advice: in no case do not stuff the baby with excess food. Force-feeding can reinforce the idea in the child's subconscious mind that food is torment.

Before you panic about your baby not eating well, you need to determine how far-fetched the problem is. Perhaps your child is just a toddler.

When the problem is objective

If your baby is not eating and the weight is not growing enough, then you can talk about the problem. What are the causes of poor appetite?

Disease. Lack of appetite is often a symptom of some illness, so don't wait for other symptoms to show up. You should consult a doctor. If the doctor did not diagnose anything terrible, then the problem should be looked for elsewhere.

Lack of mode- one of common causes poor appetite. This applies to those children who are fed "anyhow and at any time." The task of parents is to build a schedule that will be convenient for the baby. At a certain time, he will be tuned specifically to food, and not to "sleep" or "play."

Not very active. When a child is active, he spends a lot of energy, which is replenished through nutrition. Simply put, after active games, gymnastics, swimming and similar activities, children's appetite increases. Low activity in itself is suspicious, so it is best to consult a pediatrician.

Don't like food. This is the most common reason for not eating. Moreover, a child can happily drink a time-tested mixture or breast milk, but flatly refuse broccoli and cauliflower. There is nothing wrong with this either, because he does not yet know that it is tasty. Eat a spoonful from his jar and smack your lips to show how much you like this food. But if the baby does not want to eat broccoli at all, replace it with zucchini, and offer broccoli next time.

Individual approach

Yes, not everyone goes through the process of establishing nutrition smoothly. There are such "gourmets" who refuse everything, even seemingly tasty fruit purees. There are children who react to the most hypoallergenic products with severe rashes.

That is why the diet should be discussed with the pediatrician observing you. Only he will be able to adequately assess the condition of the baby and, based on this information, set the start time for complementary foods and draw up the necessary menu EXACTLY FOR YOUR CHILD.