The last day of the month of Rajab c. The month of Rajab has begun

The month of Shaaban (Arabic شعبان) is the holy Muslim month in the Islamic world, is considered the 8th month in the lunar calendar and is the second most important pious month. It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), held a post in last days month of Shaaban.

The month of Shaaban is located between the month of Rajab and Ramadan which lasts 29 or 30 days depending on lunar calendar. On the night of the 14th to the 15th of this month, the night of "Baraat" is celebrated in which Muslims pray and read the Koran. The night of Baraat is considered the night of the forgiveness of sins and is in the middle of the mentioned month.

The name of the month Shaaban appeared before Islam and according to the legends of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) it comes from the Arabic word "Tashaaba" which means "Spread". During the month of Shaaban, it is customary to do good deeds and be vigilant on the night of Baraat.

Calendar month Shaaban

Mention of the month of Shaaban

Blessed Companion Osama ibn Said asked the Prophet Muhammad (SAW): “Messenger of Allah, I saw you fasting in the month of Shaaban and I didn’t see you fasting in another month.” To which the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) replied: “He (Shaaban) is the month between Rajab and Ramadan, which is neglected by many people. And this is the month in which the account of actions (human existence) is provided to the Ruler of the World. So, I wish that my deeds would be taken into account while I keep the post.

Ummul Mumiy Aisha said: “Prophet Mohammed (SAW) mostly fasted in the month of Shaaban. I said to him, "Messenger of Allah, is Shaaban your favorite month to fast?" He replied: “In this month, Allah is compiling a list of human deaths in the coming year. Therefore, I would like to die while I am fasting.”

It is reported that the month of Shoban is optional for fasting, but deserving of it and therefore the prophet Muhammad did not like to miss it.

Night in the middle of Shaaban.

Many Islamic preachers advise special worship during the night of the 15th of the month of Shaban. This is based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the meaning of which is that on the night of the 15th of the month of Shaban, Allah will say: “If a person repents of his deed, I will forgive him and if a person asks for prosperity, I will provide him, and if a person has grief I will help him and so on.” reported by Ibn Majah.

This night is between the 14th and 15th of the month of Shoban. In the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that this is a pious night during which people can receive special Divine Mercy.

On the night of the 15th of Shabaan, after the Maghreb or Ish, they read Surah Yasin and ask for good health, protection from adversity and strengthening of iman (faith).

Judging by the legends, this night has a beneficial effect on the believer himself. Therefore, this night should be directed to reverence and absolute submission to Almighty Allah. Also, fasting should be kept on the day after the night, that is, on the 15th day of Shabaan.

Unlike the Gregorian calendar, the Islamic year does not begin on January 1, but on the day of the Hijra, when the Prophet Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD. Each of the 12 months of the Muslim calendar has an average of 29 days. However, there is no fixed start and end date for each month as they float based on the phase of the moon (new moon to new moon). All in all lunar year has 354 days, so it is 11 days shorter than the sun. That is why the calendar shifts by 11 days every year, and, consequently, the dates of some holidays change.

In total, there are 36 holidays in the Muslim calendar. Each of them has a sacred meaning for representatives of the Islamic world.

home distinguishing feature Islamic calendar - it does not have holidays borrowed from other religions. Since Muhammad forbade his followers to celebrate the events of other faiths.

In February

  • February 19 - The suffering of Fatima.

Fatima is the youngest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. For Muslims, she is an example of piety and patience, as well as the best moral qualities. She died a few months after the death of her father. Believers consider the death of Fatima as an act of martyrdom, and in honor of this, they annually honor her memory with 20 days of mourning.

In March

Several events are celebrated in the first month of spring.

  • 21 March - .

In some countries they are called Nooruz, Navryz. It marks the renewal of life, and is also considered the day of purification. It is customary to prepare for it in advance, 2 weeks in advance. Believers germinate wheat and lentils, which they then decorate festive table. Be sure to clean up the house. There is a belief that in Navruz Allah forgives sins and debts.

  • March 22 - Night of Raghaib.
  • March 25 - Hijri to Ethiopia.
  • March 31 - Imam Ali's birthday.

In April

  • April 14 - Isra and Miraj.

Isra - the transfer of the Prophet Muhammad from the mosque located in Mecca to the Jerusalem mosque, and his subsequent ascension to Heaven (Miraj).

In May

  • May 1 - Night of Baraat.

Believers are sure that on this night Allah is able not only to forgive sins and debts, but also to punish and repay sins. That is why Muslims on this day pray with special trepidation and promise not to do anything bad.

  • May 2 - Imam Mahdi's birthday.
  • May 17 - the beginning of the Holy month.

Ramadan (in some countries called Orozo, Ramadan) is the most respected post in Islamic culture. Duration is a month. At this time, believers are forbidden to consume food and water during daylight hours, use foul language, smoke, and have sexual intercourse. The main goal is to cleanse yourself spiritually and bodily, to realize your mistakes and not to allow them in the future.

On the same date, they also make a small pilgrimage, Umrah.

In June

  • June 2 - Battle of Badr.
  • June 5 - Fatah Day Mecca.
  • June 6 - Suffering of Imam Ali.
  • June 9 - Night of Power and Predestination.

Another big religious holiday. It is believed that it was on this day that the first suras of the Holy Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

  • June 15 is the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

In different Muslim countries, the event is called differently - Uraza Bayram, Ramadan Bayram or Orozo Ait. It is customary to visit the mosque, distribute alms, invite relatives and lay a rich table.

  • June 15 - Battle of the moat.
  • June 17 - Battle of Uhud.
  • June 24 - Battle of Hunayn.

In July

  • July 9 - Suffering of Imam Jafar.
  • July 15 - Treaty of Hudaybiya.

In August

  • August 13 - the beginning of the month of Zul-Hijjah.
  • August 21 - Day of Arafat.

Celebrates the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. Believers are convinced that if you sin on this day, the sin will be increased 100 times and will definitely return on earth or in existence after death.

  • August 22 is the Feast of the Sacrifice.

It marks the end of the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). In some countries they call it, in others (for example, in Kyrgyzstan) - Kurman Ait. It is customary to set a rich table and bring a lamb as a sacrifice. At the same time, the meat of the animal is divided into 3 parts, one of which is given to the poor, the second is eaten with relatives, relatives and friends, and the third is not forbidden to be left to yourself.

  • August 23 - At-Tashriq.
  • August 30 - Gadir-Khum.

In September

  • September 5 - Eid al-Mubahil.
  • 11 September - New Year by Hijri.

It is from this day that the lunar calendar begins. At the same time, the onset of the new year is celebrated in Muslim countries differently than in European and Western countries. There is no Christmas tree, no fireworks, no champagne at midnight, believers do not even lay a magnificent table, instead they go to the mosque and read a sermon about the Prophet Muhammad.

  • September 17 - a trip to Khaibar.
  • September 19 - Tashua of Imam Hussein.
  • September 20 - Day of Ashura or commemoration of the prophets of the messengers of Allah.

Date of creation of heaven, angels and the first man on Earth. But for believers, this is not a festive event at all, but a mourning one, so many Muslims publicly torture themselves, and appropriate music and lamentations are heard from everywhere.

In October

  • October 11 - the beginning of the month of Safar.
  • October 30 - Arbain.

In November

  • November 5 - Hijri Night.
  • November 7 - The day of the death of the Prophet Muhammad - one of the saddest events in the Islamic religion.
  • November 20 is the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.

In most Muslim countries, this date is an official holiday. The event is celebrated on a large scale, in some states and subjects of the Russian Federation they arrange a three-day vacation.

Today is the first day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, Rajab. The month of Rajab is one of the four forbidden months, in which wars, enmity, and sinful acts are prohibited.

The Quran says: “Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve. So it was written in Scripture on the day when Allah created the heavens and the earth. Four months of them are forbidden. This is the right religion, and therefore do not act unjustly towards yourself in them. Fight the polytheists all together (or all together), just as they fight you all together (or all together). Know that Allah is with the pious.” (8:36).

The hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) says: “The year consists of 12 months, four of which are forbidden, three of them are in a row: Dhul-Qaada, Dhul-Hijja, Muharram and Rajab Muzara, which is between Jumada and Aban”(Bukhari).

Significant events that occurred in the month of Rajab are Isra and Miraj (Night migration of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Mecca to Jerusalem and ascension to heaven). Also this month, on the night of Raghaib, the blessed nikah of the parents of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) took place.

The righteous said that the month of Rajab is the month of crops. The next month of Shaban is the month of watering and caring for these crops. BUT holy ramadan month of harvest. Therefore, Rajab is the first step of spiritual purification on the path of preparation for the holy month of Ramadan. This month, the believer should pay special attention to:

1. Keep fasting. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Fasting on the first day of the month of Rajab is an atonement for sins committed for three years. Fasting on the second day is an expiation for two years. On the third day in one year. Each of the other days is an atonement for the month of sins committed..

“Remember, Rajab is the month of the Almighty, whoever fasts at least one day in this month, Allah will be pleased with that.”

“In some years, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) fasted so long in the month of Rajab that we thought that he would never break his fast. And in some years he did not start fasting in the month of Rajab for so long that we thought that he would not fast at all..

2. Move away from sins. Sin is always forbidden and always moves us away from the pleasure of Allah Almighty. But the sin committed in the holy months, which is Rajab, exceeds that committed in other months. Therefore, in order to avoid the displeasure of Allah, it is especially important to control oneself, manage one's nafs and beware of the forbidden.

3. Do good deeds even more. Help parents, strengthen family ties, devote more time to family, help the poor and give alms. Any even the smallest good brings a great reward in the Holy Months. Whoever helps to do a good deed, points out and explains it to others, receives the same reward as those who have done this good deed.

4. Compensate for missed prayers and fasts. Considering that Ramadan is ahead, the believer should start preparing for it thoroughly even before it begins, first of all, making up for missed prayers, fasts and other missed religious obligations.

O people, fear Allah Almighty and give thanks to Him for His mercy to us. He has given us blessed periods of time and many other blessings. Appreciate your blessed days properly, fill them with obedience to the Almighty and approaching Him, move away from sins and fill your life with meaning and perfection. After all, Allah created these periods in order to forgive our sins, multiply our good deeds and strengthen our path.

We, by the grace of Allah (praise and greatness to Him), meet the blessed month of Allah - Rajab, which is a great opportunity to do the best and good deeds.
Almighty Allah granted His believing servants especially blessed days and nights, such as: Raghaib, Mi'raj, Baraat Qadr, which fall on three sacred months - Rajab, Sha'aban and Ramadan.

Praise be to Allah, who honored us with the happiness of living up to this time of spiritual gifts, where everyone who wishes can, with his sincerity and worship, acquire the blessings of eternity from Allah. For we are commanded to spend these blessed days and nights God's servants manner.

The venerable Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), with the approach of these three sacred months, prayed to the Creator as follows: "Allahumma barik lana fi rajabi wa-sha'abani wa-balligna ramadan"“O Allah, make the months of Rajab and Shaaban blessed for us and let us live until Ramadan”(Ahmad, Bayhaki, Kashf al-Hawa. Vol. 1: 186, No. 554), and in one of his hadiths he said: “There are five nights in which prayer will never be rejected:

1. Night of the first Friday of the month of Rajab (Night of Raghaib);

2. Fifteenth night of the month of Sha'aban (Night of Baraat);

3. (Each) Friday night;

4. Pre-holiday night of Ramadan;

5. Pre-holiday night of the holiday of Kurban "(Ibn Asakir, Mukhtar al Ahadith: 73).

According to the lunar calendar, the month of Rajab is the seventh month of the year and one of the four sacred months called ‘ashkhuru-l-khurum. There are two blessed nights in this month - Raga 'ib and Mi 'raj.

It is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha'ban is my month, Ramadan is the month of my ummah." The word Rajab comes from the word tarjib and means "respect", "reverence" and "worship". Allah Almighty forgives sins and grants high degrees those who, out of respect for this month, fast and worship Him. One of the hadiths says that Rajab is the name of one of the heavenly springs, the water of which is “whiter than milk and sweeter than honey” and that on the day doomsday its water will be rewarded to those who have fasted this month.

Since the fasts and worship performed in the month of Rajab are especially pure and pleasing to God, there is another name for this month - ash-Shahru-l-mutahhar, which means "the month of purification." Therefore, the month of Rajab is a month of repentance and admiration. The month of Sha'aban is the month of love and faithful service to Allah. The month of Ramadan is a month of intimacy and prosperity.
Dhun-nun al-Misriy (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “The month of Rajab is the month of sowing seeds, ІІІa’aban is the month of watering them, and the month of Ramadan is the month of harvesting piety and serving Allah. Everyone reaps what he sows. And the one who did not sow anything, in the month of harvest will greatly regret it ... ".

One of the sacred hadiths says: “Rajab is the month of Allah. Whoever shows respect to this month, Allah will also show respect in this and the next world.
One of the Islamic scholars said: “The reckoning is like a tree. If the month of Rajab is the leaves of a tree, then Sha'ban is its fruits, and the month of Ramadan is the harvest. The month of Rajab is the month of Allah's forgiveness, Sha'aban is the guardianship and intercession of Allah, and Ramadan is the boundless blessings of the Almighty.

Therefore, there is hope that those believers who answer this call on the night of Ar-Ragaib will find their salvation. That is why mature believers should give great importance this night, fasting during the day and spending the night in worship.

On this night, the Honorable Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who saw many miracles and signs of his Lord, performed, as a gratitude and gratitude to Allah, twelve rak'ats of prayer (S. Atesh. Islamic Encyclopedia: 216; O. Nasuhi Bilmen Islamic Encyclopedia: 205; A. Fikri Yavuz Islamic Encyclopedia: 529).

Almighty Allah, whose forgiveness and mercy are limitless, sent us a guide and savior, the Prophet of Mercy - Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He is in constant concern for us. Our sins sadden and hurt his heart. Therefore, a true Muslim cannot do anything that could contradict the call of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Allah Almighty says:

“A messenger from among you has come to you. It is hard for him that you are suffering. He longs to [guide] you [to the true path], and towards the believers he is compassionate, merciful” (At-Tauba, 9/128).

Therefore, dear Muslim brothers, three holy months and blessed nights must be used to approach Allah Almighty. Let's do more repentance and du'a during these months, trying to repay our material and spiritual debts for the sake of the Lord's pleasure. Let's read more Holy Quran, pronounce salawats to the Honorable Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Let's line up in mosques and make du'a for the sake of our common salvation. Let's visit our old and sick people, thus honoring their good prayers. Let's make dua for the dead and recite the Quran to them. Let's give time and attention to the poor, the poor, the needy, the lonely, the orphans, and the widows. Let's teach our children about the virtues of these blessed days and nights.

I would like to recall the hadeeth of the Honorable Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), which was reported by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him): “Allah Almighty says: “I am close to My servant as much as he can imagine. And when he remembers me, I find myself next to him. If he remembers Me in someone's company, I remember him in a company better than this. If a slave takes a step towards me, I take two steps towards him. And if a slave goes to Me on foot, I will run to meet him ”(Al-Bukhari, Muslim (may Allah have mercy on them), Al-Lu’-Lu’uwal Marjan. Kitab At-Tawba. No. 1746).

Prayers performed in the month of Rajab

Prayer with a request for the fulfillment of desires is a Hajjat ​​prayer (it expresses a request for the fulfillment of desires), which can be read at any time when the need arises. It consists of 10 rak'ats, i.e. after the niyat (intention of prayer), 10 more rak'ats are read. It can be read on the 1st and 10th, on the 11th and 20th, 21st and 30th days of the month of Rajab. This prayer can also be read after evening (maghrib) and night (‘isha) prayers. It is even more preferable to read this prayer on the night of Friday and Sunday during the prayer of tahajjud. This prayer, read 30 times during the month of Ramadan, distinguishes a Muslim from an atheist. The godless will not be able to do it. For this prayer, the following intention (niyat) must be expressed: “O my Allah! For the sake of our spiritual leader (i.e. the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who filled the world with light with his appearance, in the name of the month of Rajab you valued (declared sacred), endow me with Your Divine mercy and grace. Write me in the row Thy pious and pious servants. Save me from the torments of transient and eternal life. For Your sake, I said this Niyyat. Allahu Akbar! ".

Moreover, in each rak'at of this prayer, in which 2 rak'ats are read (a total of 10 rak'ats), sura al-Fatiha is read 1 time, sura al-Kafirun 3 times and sura al-Ikhlas 3 times.

Night of wish fulfillment (Laylat al-Ragaib)

It is assumed that Laylat ar-Ragaib is the night of the first Friday of the month of Rajab, connecting Thursday with Friday. This night is also revered among Muslims along with other blessed nights.

On this night, Muslims ask for the fulfillment of their desires. They meet this night with prayers in the hope of the mercy and blessings of Allah. Therefore, it is revered as the night of the Fulfillment of Desires: Ragaib from the word ragiba - “dream”, “desire”.

In the hadiths, it has come down to us that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) read a prayer of 12 rak'ats that night. However, there is no confirmation of the truth of this information. Islamic scholars also wrote about this, for example, the authors of the books Bahr ar-ra iq and Raddu-l-Mukhtar.
Among Muslims, the reading of prayer in 12 rak'ahs on the night of Raghaib was first introduced at the beginning of the 12th century. This prayer is considered nafl. If you do it sincerely for the sake of Allah, then a person will receive an appropriate reward, however, if you do not read it, there will be no sin. This prayer is read between the evening (maghrib) and night (‘isha) prayers. Every 2 rak'ahs end with a greeting (as-salamu ‘alaikum wa-rahmatullah). In the first rak'ah, sura al-Fatiha is read 1 time and sura al-Qadr 3 times.

Du'a that ascend in the month of Rajab

Since Rajab is the month of Allah, this month one should read Sura al-Ikhlas (Purification) more often, which describes the main attributes of the Almighty. It is especially pleasing to recite the following dhikrs 3,000 times in this month:

  1. During the first 10 days: "Subhana-llahi-l-hayyi-l-kayyum";
  2. Next 10 days: "Subhana-llahi-l-ahadi-s-samad";
  3. Last 10 days: "Subhana-llahi-l-gafuuri-r-rahiim".

These tasbihs should be recited at least 100 times daily. In the month of Rajab, it is very useful to offer a prayer of repentance:

“Astaghfiru-llaha-l-azima-llazi laa ilaaha illa hua-l-khayyal-kayyuma wa-atubu ilaih. Tavbata abdin zaalimin li-nafsih, laa yamliku li-nafsihi mawtan wa-laa hayatan wa-laa nushuura"

Meaning: I pray to forgive my sins of Allah the Great, Living and Eternal, besides Whom there is no Godhead, with the repentance of a slave who has sinned against himself, unable to either kill, revive or resurrect himself.

Today is the month of Rajab, which is the seventh month of the lunar calendar. It has been mentioned in the Quran as forbidden. It was during this month that many important events in Islamic history took place. Everything interesting about this month in our material.

The very name "rajab" is derived from the word "ar-rujub", which means "exaltation". This month has been exalted for several reasons.

Firstly, the peculiarity of this month was highlighted by Allah himself in the Qur'an. Along with three other months (Dhul-Qaada, Dhul-Hijja, Muharram), He called the month of Rajab forbidden.

"Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve. So it was written in the Scripture on the day when Allah created the heavens and the earth. Four months of them are forbidden (dhul-qaada, dhul-hija, muharram and rajab). Such is the right religion, and therefore do not do them unjustly towards yourself."

"At-Tawba", verse 36


Secondly, Rajab is the messenger of Ramdan. When the young moon of this month appeared, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) told the Muslims about the need to prepare for the arrival of Ramadan and said the following dua:

"Allahumma barik lana fi Rajaba wa Shaban wa balligna Ramadan"

"O Allah, grant us blessings in the month of Rajab and Sha'ban and let us reach the month of Ramadan"

(Shu "abil Imaan and Ibnus Sunni)

Only one month separates Rajab from Ramadan. Therefore, Muslims need to start preparing for Ramadan both morally, spiritually, and physically now. It is advisable to do a lot of good deeds this month, keep fasting and avoid everything forbidden.

Thirdly, the month was exalted near historical events, who played a huge role in the history of not only the Islamic world, but also of all mankind.

1) Night of the Miraj. In the 10th year of the prophecy (approximately 620), in the month of Rajab, an event took place, known as al-Israwal-Miraj. In one night, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was miraculously transferred from Mecca to Jerusalem, where he read namaz with all the Prophets, becoming their imam. Then Allah raised his Beloved to heaven and beyond.

The 10th year of the prophethood turned out to be very difficult for the beloved of Allah. He lost his main protector, uncle Abu Talib, and his beloved wife Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her). Muslims were persecuted and openly persecuted by the pagans of Mecca. It is in this

In a difficult situation, in the midst of the struggle between Islam and kufr, Allah showed His chosen servant some of His greatest signs by moving the Prophet (peace be upon him) to the holy mosque (Al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem, and from there to the highest realms.

2) The prescription of 5 times prayer. A feature of the Miraj was that during it the obligatory five times prayer was ordered.

3) Battle of Tabuk. In the 9th year of the Hijri, there was a campaign against Tabuk, which marked the establishment of the power of Islam throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

According to intelligence received by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the emperor of Byzantium, Heraclius, gathered 100-150 thousand troops to attack Medina. Then the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) mobilized the maximum number of believers to repel this attack by the Byzantines, and although the battle did not take place, the campaign discouraged the Byzantines from attacking and can rightfully be considered a victory without a fight, as well as a test for believers.

4) The liberation of the Al-Aqsa mosque. In the year 583 AH (1187), Sultan Salahuddin came out with

army against Jerusalem and liberated it from the crusaders who ruled it for almost a century. This conquest played an important role not only because of the significance of Jerusalem in Islam, but also in the victory of the Muslims over the crusaders.

5) The collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate. In 1342 AH (in 1924) in the month of Rajab, an extremely sad event occurred for the Muslim Ummah: on 28 Rajab (March 3), the Ottoman Caliphate was officially abolished by Mustafa Kemal Pasha (known as Ataturk). Having lost their state, Muslims, their resources and their lands, have become an easy trophy for non-Muslim colonizers, who periodically pulled the strings to make sure that the caliphate was destroyed and replaced by secular power.

The month of Rajab is a great opportunity to get acquainted with great history Islamic civilization and commit more righteous bodies, earning rewards, and preparing the body and soul for Ramadan.