Baby menu 11 months for a week recipes. What to do with breast milk

Making a daily diet for children is not so difficult. The menu of a child at 11 months consists of many dishes that are present on the parent's table. You can not give only salted and pickled foods, smoked meats. It is also advisable to exclude chocolate from the diet and Exotic fruits so as not to lead to the development of atopic dermatitis. If, according to the survey data, the baby’s height and weight correspond to standard indicators, psychomotor skills are well developed, the results of urine and blood tests are normal, then the child is being fed correctly.

At 11 months, WHO recommends 5 meals a day for children: morning and evening breast milk or formula, breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. Additionally, 1 snack with unsweetened cookies is allowed. Breaks between meals should be about 4 hours.

How to properly feed your baby:

  • Products must be steamed, stewed or boiled.
  • The menu should consist of fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat, fish and dairy products.
  • Exclude spicy seasonings, flavor enhancers, potato starch from the menu. Do not give foods that can cause allergies - exotic fruits, chocolate, honey.
  • It is allowed to slightly salt food, add sugar.
  • It is not necessary to beat the products with a blender or rub through a sieve. You can just mash with a fork. It is necessary to gradually prepare the child for eating in pieces and develop chewing skills.
  • It is important to give raw vegetables. It is permissible to grate them on a fine grater, season with sunflower or olive oil.
  • Don't force your child to eat foods they don't like.
  • Do not introduce whole milk into the diet for up to a year.
  • It is necessary to introduce new products with great care. You should start with one teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume. If a child reacts to a new food with an allergy, it should be immediately abandoned. The next attempt can be postponed for at least a month.

It must be remembered that the development and growth of the child is directly dependent on the food he eats. Therefore, the menu should consist of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

As already mentioned, during the day the child should eat 5 times. The entire daily diet can be summarized in a table (the approximate value of the indicators is indicated).

Feeding, No. Menu
1 For the first feeding, breast milk or formula is given if the baby is bottle-fed.
2 Breakfast starts with porridge, you can add half the yolk.
3 For lunch, vegetable puree is prepared (zucchini, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli) along with steam cutlet. As a substitute - soup with buckwheat or rice, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
4 For dinner, you need to give up to 150 ml of kefir, 30 grams of cottage cheese, it is permissible to mix with fruit puree (up to 60 grams). If the child is active, you can cook a light vegetable soup. Meat should not be given at night.
5 Before going to bed, they offer kefir to the crumbs, necessarily a mixture or breast milk.

Every day the child should eat a variety of foods. You can combine products that the baby has already tried, make up your own recipes. The diet must contain meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, soups. It is not forbidden to buy canned vegetables and fruits in supermarkets and add them to the food already familiar to the child. Based on the data in the table, you can make a diet for a week.

What to feed

You need to add new dishes and products to complementary foods every month in a certain amount

The introduction of food in pieces is an important moment at the age of 11-12 months. By this time, the child already has 6 teeth or more, and you need to teach him to chew. Therefore, do not grind all the products too much.

Be sure to include liquid foods in your diet. It is necessary to cook all kinds of soups or broths for the baby. You can use lean meats as a basis - rabbit, chicken, turkey, calf. You can not give pork and beef.

Meat products are not allowed to be fried. You can cook cutlets, meatballs, steamed meatballs.

Every day, the child should eat half the yolk, as it contains a large amount of essential trace elements. The yolk can be mixed into porridge so that the child does not refuse to eat it. The presence of raw vegetables and fruits in the menu is also required. Salads, freshly squeezed juices and purees should be given at least every other day.

If the baby is not prone to allergies, then you can gradually introduce fish dishes. Recommended for the use of pollock or hake fillets. In no case should a child eat fatty fish from the salmon family. It will adversely affect the stomach of the crumbs.

Dairy products are also mandatory for an 11-month-old baby. Do not give cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir in one day. These products need to be rotated.

You can not feed the crumbs store or cottage cheese. It is necessary to replace it with a special children's cottage cheese or a product obtained in a children's dairy kitchen.

The child needs to be fed. It can be compotes from berries, dried fruits. You can cook them from both fresh and frozen fruits. Such a drink will saturate the small body with essential vitamins.

Maintaining an Appetite

Maintaining a baby's appetite is an important task for both diet planning and overall health.

When introducing complementary foods, do not get hung up on standard portions. If during feeding the child turns away, pushes away the spoon with food, then he has already eaten or is simply not hungry. Overeating at such an early age is fraught with negative consequences- gastritis, allergies and other ailments. It is necessary to take into account the activity of the baby, mood, state of health. And do not cram all the food from the plate, but give as much as the baby wants.

No need to force them to eat those foods that the child does not like, just because they are useful. You can go to the trick and add a little of such a product to your favorite food. Remember that at this age the child is learning about the world and may want to play with food. He should not be allowed to do so. Let him study!

Partial refusal of the baby to eat may be due to snacking. If a child chews something before eating, then he most likely will not want to eat the main dish. It is important to organize a complete and varied diet for the baby, which he will be happy to adhere to.


How to diversify the diet of children 11-12 months? From the products that the baby has already tried, you can cook many different dishes. Here are some recipes for new moms.

Vegetable stew

  1. You will need 1 medium-sized potato, a white cabbage leaf, half a fresh zucchini, 120 ml of water.
  2. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
  3. Place the white cabbage leaf in the pan along with the potatoes. Pour 120 ml of water, boil for 30 minutes.
  4. Clean the zucchini from seeds and peel, cut into cubes. Put it in the pot and cook for another 15 minutes.
  5. Grind the vegetables through a sieve or beat with a blender.
  6. Add some breast milk and half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

chicken cutlets

  1. Take 200 g of chicken fillet, a crust of white bread, 1 egg yolk and half a teaspoon of butter.
  2. Soak the bread in water, grind in a meat grinder along with the meat. You can repeat the procedure a second time.
  3. Add to the resulting mass butter and yolk, mix thoroughly.
  4. Form medium cutlets, cook them for a couple.


  1. You will need 100 g of low-fat fish (hake, pollock), 1 potato, carrot and onion.
  2. Boil fish for 30 minutes. Remove the bones, tear the meat into fibers.
  3. Boil the vegetables separately. Mash with a fork.
  4. Mix fish and vegetables. Thin with broth to desired consistency.

One of the main dishes of feeding a child at 11 months is porridge with vegetables in milk.

Vegetable puree with turkey meat

  1. Take 100 g of turkey, 1 potato, 50 g of cauliflower, medium onion.
  2. Boil vegetables in lightly salted water.
  3. Separately, boil the meat until tender.
  4. Grind meat with a blender, vegetables can be mashed with a fork.
  5. Mix all products. It is allowed to add a little breast milk or formula so that the puree is not too dry.

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole

  1. Take 100 g of cottage cheese, 150 g of carrots, 2 yolks, 40 g of white bread, a teaspoon of butter.
  2. Peel and boil carrots. Grind on a grater.
  3. Soak bread in boiled water, mix with carrots, yolks and cottage cheese.
  4. Transfer the resulting mass into a baking dish. Top with butter.
  5. Cook in a water bath for 30 minutes.

fruit dessert

  1. You will need a banana, 1 medium carrot, an apple.
  2. Boil carrots until tender.
  3. Bake an apple in the oven. Remove seeds and skins.
  4. Grind all ingredients in a blender. Add half a teaspoon of sugar.
  5. If the mass turned out to be thick, you can add a little boiled water.

Kissel from flakes "Hercules"

  1. Take a third of a glass oatmeal, 1 glass of water, 1 glass of milk, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of sugar.
  2. Pour flakes with warm boiled water. Leave overnight.
  3. Squeeze the liquid well from the cereal, add milk, sugar and salt to it.
  4. Stir and cook over low heat, the jelly should become thick.
  5. Be sure to refrigerate before serving.

To ensure the full development of an 11-month-old baby, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet. Thus, the small organism will receive everything important vitamins and trace elements, which will provide him with excellent health.

The child already eats quite diversely. His diet includes different types vegetables, cereals, meat, fruits, dairy products. What is important for parents to know about the nutrition of a child of this age and how best to build a menu for such a baby?

Features of the diet

The volume of solid food in the baby's diet is already quite large, which allows you to minimize breastfeeding or formula feeding, but most pediatricians do not recommend weaning the baby from the mother's breast or excluding the adapted mixture from the baby menu. It is optimal to continue to give such food twice a day - immediately after waking up in the morning, and also before bed at night. The rest of the time the baby will eat solid food.

11 month old baby still needs breast milk or adapted formula

New products at this age are practically not introduced, so the main attention of parents should be directed to the already available dishes in the baby's diet. Experiments with flavors and combinations are welcome. For example, a casserole can be made from cottage cheese, fruits and eggs for an 11-month-old baby, and kissel can be offered instead of juice.

Calculate your feeding schedule

Indicate the date of birth of the child and the method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Generate a calendar

An eleven-month-old baby can also already be offered raw fruits and vegetables. For example, you can grate a carrot and an apple, add a little sour cream to them and feed your baby with such a very vitamin dish.

Diet and how much a baby should eat at 11 months

At 11 months, five meals a day are preserved, while twice a day it is advised to give the baby breast milk or a mixture that can be either adapted or sour-milk. The intervals between feedings at this age are three to four hours. For example, a breastfed child eats his mother's breast for the first time in the morning at 7 o'clock, then at 10 o'clock he has breakfast, at 14 o'clock - lunch time, at 18 o'clock the penultimate feeding, and at 22 o'clock - the last (mother's milk).

The total amount of food eaten by a child per day is calculated based on the body weight of the baby. Divide the weight of the crumbs by 9 and get the amount of food for the day. Most babies weigh 10 kg at 11 months, so the approximate daily amount of food is 1100-1250 grams. It is divided by the number of meals and the average amount of food for one feeding is found out - 220-250 g.

Weaning recommendations are guidelines and should be adapted to your baby's needs.

As for individual complementary foods, the following maximum amounts per day are recommended for a child aged 11 months:

sample menu

When breastfeeding

For a breastfed baby, the daily menu at 11 months will look something like this:

With artificial feeding

A bottle-fed baby at 11 months old will eat approximately the following menu:

Despite a significant expansion of the menu, children aged 11 months should not be given fried foods, smoked meats, exotic fruits, fatty meats that are not intended for baby food dairy products, oily fish, nuts and many other products. Before giving a dish to a baby, always think about the benefits and safety of this product for the child's body.

All new foods in the baby's diet should be introduced gradually and carefully.

Consider the following recommendations:

  • Prepare your child fresh food every day, and if you use prepared food for children, make sure that the expiration dates match. To make life easier, you can start preparing home-made convenience foods for baby food. For example, one day you can make portioned fish or meat cutlets for your baby, freeze them, and in the future take one serving from the freezer and boil or steam the cutlet, which will take less time.
  • As often as possible, give the baby a spoon in his hands and teach the baby to eat on his own, without worrying that the result will be spilled soup or mashed potatoes on the floor. Let's drink from a mug or glass, but only under the supervision of an adult.

Your child already knows so much, and his activity makes you think about the introduction of vitamins at 11 months. Is it worth it, read in another article.

The kid grows up every day, becomes stronger, eats funny. It is interesting to watch him - he is almost a year old. Young mothers are given the opportunity to expand the diet, although many questions arise. Feeding a child at 11 months - what is possible, what should not be in a hurry? How not to provoke an allergy with new products, should I continue to give breast milk? The topic is extensive and interesting, it is worth understanding in detail.

There are general recommendations, but each kid has his own taste preferences. The weekly and daily diet of a child at 11 months is varied with products that are gentle on the child's digestive tract. Food with coarse fibers that are difficult to digest is excluded.

It is important to monitor your child's reaction to new foods. Trial times are given by a teaspoon so that children get used to it. If an allergy or individual intolerance appears, it is easier to notice and cancel.

In the menu of an 11 month old baby there is breast milk when mom has it. But the basis, in addition to milk, is already made up of:

  • stewed and chopped vegetables;
  • cereals and soups;
  • cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir;
  • soups and casseroles;
  • mashed potatoes and steamed dishes;
  • yolk, meat (minced meat) and fish;
  • juices and drinks;
  • light desserts.

Adapted mixtures, which children at 11 months willingly eat, are already gradually being replaced by "adult" food, which after a year will be in preference. You should not be zealous with cow's milk if the baby is not artificial: the percentage of proteins differs from the mother's. Excess protein is an additional burden on the kidneys, which is why the amount of vegetables in the diet one year old baby should increase when they switch from mixtures to a natural product.

Children at eleven months are already very active, they behave differently at the table: some eat actively and willingly, others are naughty, demanding breasts, do not want to get used to the taste of lightly salted meat and fish. Some people like the smell of fruit juices, others frown when they feel the natural sourness and specific aftertaste.

For children who love adapted milk formulas and prepared baby cereals, many mothers try to give them as often as possible: they are faster and easier to cook. This does not mean that the rest of the products should appear in the children's menu only occasionally. Breastfeeding fades into the background - preferably 2 times a day.

The kid has grown up, behaves quite consciously, there are already favorite dishes on the menu. While awake, he willingly watches how his mother cooks. And it is worth devoting more time not only to its development, but also to the diversity of the diet for an 11-month-old baby.

Add exotic fruits beef liver, nuts, legumes (foods that are difficult to digest) should be done little by little as a component of other dishes. It's better to start with asparagus, avocado, and spinach than to rush into citrus and berries.

So that there is no question of what to feed him today, pediatricians and nutritionists recommend compiling a menu for 2-3 days in order to rationally make purchases. Five meals for the daily nutrition of an 11-month-old baby is enough if it is tasty, satisfying and varied.

Try not to give sausages with spices, fried and peppery, fatty and salty foods. Don't overdo it when you want to sweeten cereals and drinks. Do not give salads with a large number of components: the children's enzymatic system will not cope with their absorption. Children's menu up to a year - verified classic recipes, there is no place for experiments and the use of "special" culinary abilities.

Baby development at 11 months

Eleven months is an inquisitive period when the baby develops more and more consciously, masters skills, “babbles” the first words. He studies the world around him not only visually, but also by touch (with his hands) and by taste (with his tongue).

At a time when the child grabs everything, fine motor skills of the hands develop. Do not be upset when a daughter or son throws something on the floor: the trajectory of a flying object and the sound of a landing is also part of his development.

Memory is actively developing:

  • visual;
  • tactile;
  • auditory;
  • olfactory.

Because of this experience, the baby reacts warily or turns away if a spoonful of vegetable puree is brought to the face, the taste of which was not delighted last time. It is necessary to take into account the fact that even small personalities form their own opinion on the taste of dishes and on the diet.

You need to be patient in order to correctly respond to children's whims and wisely turn minor troubles into a game. If the baby has eaten, but wants to play with porridge with a spoon, let him experiment. So what, that then the whole head is in semolina after feeding, you will wash it, but each time it will not be so persistently taken away from the spoon.

It is also necessary to accustom an 11-month-old “whim” to independence, even if he clumsily holds a spoonful of soup, spilling half. He wants to convey to his mouth - give me the opportunity, then change clothes. If parents have enough patience, then at 11-12 months old children are able, albeit uncertainly, to hold a cup and a spoon, although they do not always fall into their mouths.

The diet of an 11 month old baby is by the hour. During this period, he sleeps 2 times a day. The night schedule is more relaxed, so mom also rests. If it seems that the baby does not have enough basic nutrition for 5 meals, treat him during unscheduled wakefulness. For example, give milk with soft unsweetened biscuits or apple compote.

In no case do not force the baby to eat when he is not hungry or lethargic: there is a suspicion that he is sick! useful product, "fed" on the negative, has every chance of becoming unloved for a long time. Vomiting and indigestion of food is possible - a rejection reaction.

Children up to a year are more and more active: they begin to walk, new rooms for them are the whole Universe. In order for an inquisitive "natural scientist" to have enough energy for "flying in a dream and in reality", his diet must be high-calorie and balanced in vitamins and important amino acids.

Children during this period must learn to chew, even with those few teeth that they already have. But food should not be hard for them, requiring long chewing - not every baby wants to fully cope with such a task when there are only 6-8 teeth. Too dense or solid food is better to grind with a blender.

There can be no talk of bones: babies up to a year old do not yet know how to separate it from the vegetable pulp with their tongue and extract it on their own. Meatballs, sausages and cutlets help him chop with a fork. Make sure that the child does not overeat if they give him his favorite dish.

When, what and how to feed a child?

  1. Feeding at night is not recommended if children are sleeping peacefully. Even if the baby does not sleep and shows a desire to eat, liquid food is enough. The path to caries is the remnants of food in the mouth at night. Children eat differently at night - some are satisfying, others are light. If there is enough breast milk, then applying at night is enough.
  2. Drinking babies is given more if breast milk is no longer available. For 1 time, children drink half a glass of fruit juice or drink, but it is important to monitor the amount of sugar. In sour juices, you do not need to pour a lot of sugar or add a few tablespoons of honey, it is better to replace it with a liquid with a more neutral taste. Water, dried fruit compote, "sour milk" and milk mixtures, herbal tea according to the "children's" recipe are relevant.
  3. The main diet - according to the schedule - children should eat about 5-6 times. Sometimes it seems to the mother that the crumbs have a poor appetite, but, most likely, he is full. A portion of about 200 grams is enough. One meal includes the entire volume with liquid and complementary foods.

The topic of feeding babies, their proper diet never becomes outdated and does not bother young mothers who create an “interest club” on the playground while walking with their children. After all, nutrition and health of the child are directly related. About what and how much a healthy eleven-month-old toddler should eat, why sometimes the baby refuses to eat, we'll talk in the article.

Last month before the end of infancy, this is the period when the child is already so “adult” that almost any type of food can be introduced into his diet, but at the same time, his nutrition differs in some features, such as:

  • food should be heavily crushed;
  • it should not contain starch, spices, or any other additives;
  • it should be boiled or steamed.

The fact that feeding a peanut who has reached the age of eleven months is correct can be judged by a number of factors indicating his good health:

  • the weight and height of the child corresponds to the age norms;
  • he is not naughty without visible reasons, cheerful and cheerful;
  • he has no sleep problems;
  • its development corresponds to age indicators;
  • he observed the timing of teething;
  • all tests are fine.

Baby menu at 11 months

In anticipation of the exit from infancy, the baby receives food five times a day. The menu of an eleven-month-old baby who is breastfed is practically no different from the “artificial one”. Just in the first and last meal, one receives breast milk, and the other - milk formula. What else can you feed a baby when he reaches 11 months? What to enter in the menu of an eleven-month-old peanut?

It can be:

  • cereals and soups
  • meat and fish dishes,
  • fruits and vegetables,
  • bread and dairy products.
Peas and dishes prepared from it contain trace elements, vitamins and proteins necessary for the body. But is it possible to feed an eleven-month-old baby with pea soup? Just a couple of spoons. As a full-fledged dish, they begin to be fed only in the second year of life.

An eleven-month-old baby can be given almost all the same cereals that are present on the "adult" table, including:

  • corn and barley;
  • oatmeal and semolina;
  • buckwheat, millet and rice.

For their preparation, water, milk, butter, salt and sugar are used. To diversify the diet of a child who has reached 11 months, salads made from grated vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers) are introduced into it. They are seasoned with vegetable oil, baby cream or natural yogurt.

As for fruits, an eleven-month-old baby can be given (in addition to those that he already eats from 10 months old) pomegranates, tangerines, grapefruits, oranges. But we should not forget that for all their usefulness, citrus fruits are strong allergens.

At this age, you can feed your child with fish dishes several times a week.

For an eleven-month-old baby, lean sea fish is preferable:

  • zander,
  • pollock.

An eleven-month-old peanut can be given as much finely chopped meat as he eats, but not more than 60-80 grams. From the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself that an eleven-month-old baby can eat almost everything that adults eat. It's just that the cooking method and portion sizes are slightly different.

11 month old baby not eating well

By nature itself, a mother has a desire to feed her baby at any cost. She is indescribably delighted by the fact that the child eats everything that is offered to him on both cheeks. And if suddenly her eleven-month-old child refuses the offered food, the mother panics, there is a desire to urgently save the baby. There is no need to run anywhere and save anyone yet, but you should calmly figure out if the child does not want to eat or cannot.
If the baby does not want to eat the food offered to him, then he simply does not have an appetite.

The reasons for its absence are as follows:

  • illness (it is psychologically difficult for parents, but it is clear that this is a temporary phenomenon and it will pass as soon as the baby recovers);
  • individual metabolic indicators (one needs to saturate large quantity food, the other - less).

If, according to the behavior of the baby, you can understand that he wants to eat, but cannot do this (for example, greedily grabs his breast and immediately throws it), is naughty and behaves restlessly, there is already a reason for the presence of some problems, the main ones which are.

In this article:

The time passes when the child wakes up every 2 hours to eat and the mother forgets about constant sleep deprivation. But the older the baby, the more important the question of the correct and healthy menu for the baby becomes.

Features of feeding

The child is growing, what you need to know when compiling the menu? The nutrition of a child at 11 months has its own rules that must be observed.

Meals should be at least three meals a day, in addition to mixtures or breastfeeding.

The obligatory presence of porridge, which contains fiber and has a high energy value for a growing organism.

The presence of fruits and vegetables in the preparation of a child's menu at 11 months is mandatory and vital. The baby should receive enough vitamins to strengthen the immune system and protect against bacteria and germs.

Meat products and food of animal origin are directly related to the nutrition of an 11 month old baby. These are proteins for the growth of the body and iron for the healthy functioning of the circulatory system.

Naturally, all products must be introduced gradually and their quantity increased, relying on the child's appetite and growth, but in no case should you overfeed. Everything useful should be in order.


Although the baby will soon begin to walk and it seems to you that you can endlessly diversify the menu of a child of 11 - 12 months - this is not so. There are certain prohibitions on the way food is prepared and its consistency.

Spices should be absent in the diet of an 11 month old baby. The baby's intestines are not yet formed to receive such food and can behave unpredictably.

Mandatory absence of exotic fruits - foreign delicacies often cause allergic reactions.

The baby has not yet grown all the teeth and the digestive tract is not ready to digest any kind of food. Food should be moderately chopped - this will gradually teach the baby to chew food and will not affect the functioning of the intestines.

Remember: only steamed products! This method is healthier and safer for proper digestion in children.

All of the above requirements must be met for up to 3 years.

Menu, please!

A baby at this age should have breakfast, lunch and dinner.
For sensible mothers, it will be useful to know a few tips when compiling a menu for crumbs:

  1. After waking up at 6-7 in the morning, the baby is given breast milk or formula.
  2. Breakfast at 9 o'clock should include the following dishes: porridge - 120 - 150 ml, boiled egg (half can be used), homemade fruit puree 40 - 50 ml, fruit juice or compote 30 ml.
  3. Lunch at 14.00 - 14.30: vegetable broth 40 - 50 ml, mashed vegetables 150 gr. (it can be potatoes or boiled carrots), meat puree (chicken or beef) 40 - 50 gr., fruit juice 50 - 70 ml ..
  4. Dinner at 18.00 - 19.00: kefir 100 - 150 ml., cottage cheese 30 - 50 gr., fruit puree 50 ml..
  5. At 22.00 mix or mother's milk.

This is an approximate baby menu, some mothers give vegetable or some meat puree for dinner. It all depends on the physiology and appetite of children. You can give your child cookies or a bagel between lunch and dinner. Be sure to drink water between meals, a balanced amount of water in the body improves digestion and protects against dehydration during a hot period of time.

Try not to feed your baby ready-to-cook whenever possible. vegetable puree you can perfectly make them at home. For the health of little men, only home-made food is useful, no matter how hard the baby food manufacturers try. The same applies to juices: better squeezed at home than having unknown concentrates - store-bought.
And the last thing: a child’s poor appetite is not necessarily a consequence of illness, as a lack of walks can affect.
Walk more often and eat with pleasure!

Useful video about the development of the baby at 11 months