Medicinal properties of red mountain ash and contraindications. Rowan red useful properties and contraindications Red rowan juice medicinal properties

AT last years traditional medicine is gaining momentum. Many of the patients have lost confidence in expensive drugs, increasingly using alternative treatments.

The pride of traditional healers is the red mountain ash, the healing properties of which are known to many. Its fruits are a panacea for a large number of diseases, such as hypertension, hemorrhoids, and obesity.

What are the useful and medicinal properties of red rowan berries, do the fruits have contraindications? Let's figure it out!

Criteria for choosing a quality product

How to choose fruits:

  • you need to carefully examine the rowan. The fruits should be large, dry, shiny;
  • Next, you need to try them by touch. Good berries should be soft;
  • the season is also important: the product harvested after the first frost is the most useful.

Composition, calories, glycemic index

The fruits of the plant contain a whole set of vitamins, biologically active components. Vitamins include vitamin C: in this product its content is several times greater than in or lemon.

Other vitamins - E, PP, K, P (rutin), group B (riboflavin, thiamine,). In terms of carotene content, mountain ash is several times superior.

The nutritional value of the product is 50 kcal. Despite the pronounced bitterness, it has big amount easily digestible sugars (fructose, sucrose, glucose, sorbose). The glycemic index is 25.

Mineral composition represented by the content of , manganese, sodium, . The composition contains tartaric, citric, ursolic acids.

Benefit for health

The composition of rowan has strengthening, restorative, nourishing, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, capillary-strengthening, diaphoretic, antibacterial, antidysenteric, adsorbing, hemostatic, diuretic, antifungal, tonic, sugar-lowering, anti-goiter, analgesic, vasodilating effect.

Rowan is valued for its hemostatic effect.. Its juice stops bleeding, fights cancer cells and various bacteria, and relieves swelling.

Rowan juice is a good laxative.

Rowan red - vitamins for eyes and skin:

What is useful for the body

Regular consumption of fresh fruits or products containing berries will make up for the deficiency of vitamins and a number of trace elements, and will speed up the recovery of the body after protracted diseases.

Rowan juice helps to cope with many diseases. These are rheumatism, dysentery, asthenia, dropsy, liver disease, glomerulonephritis, tuberculosis. It is also useful for obesity, for removing warts and papillomas.

For adult men and women

Men need to take fresh fruits or jam from these berries to prevent stroke, heart attack.

Berries have a diuretic effect, this is a good prevention of prostatitis.

They help cure thrush - the drink is recommended to be taken one glass at a time until the condition is completely stabilized.

To prepare the infusion, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. fruits (in dry form), brew a glass of water.


Classic berries, despite the abundance of useful substances in the composition, are contraindicated for small children. The fact is that In infants, this product can cause severe allergies..

Many children love to chew mountain ash right on the street.. They can not interfere; the main thing is that the tree does not grow in a polluted area.

For the elderly, diabetics, athletes

Red rowan will help reduce pain with rheumatism, intestinal atony, dysentery, cholelithiasis, which is often diagnosed in the elderly.

Regular intake of decoctions, infusions of red mountain ash is a good prevention of early aging of internal organs.

Red rowan is useful for diabetes . But you can not exceed the daily dosage. This measure is due to the fact that excessive consumption of mountain ash can cause a rash on human skin.

As a natural antibiotic, it is actively used to improve immunity, therefore often included in the diet of athletes.

How and how much to eat

The daily norm of red mountain ash is 100-150 g. Do not use again, because an allergic reaction may occur.

Before use, the fruits should be washed well.

Possible harm

You now know about the health benefits of mountain ash, it remains to figure out whether red berries are harmful?

With excessive use of red rowan an allergic reaction may occur up to the development of severe diseases.

Cooking recipes


To make a pie you will need prepare: kefir - 400 g, sugar - 1 cup, eggs - 3 pcs., margarine - 100 g, soda - 1 tsp, red rowan - 1 cup, flour - 3 cups.

You need to prepare the dough. Dissolve soda in kefir, mix everything thoroughly, leave for 5 minutes. Add sugar and eggs to kefir.

Dissolve margarine in a water bath, pour this liquid into our dough. Add flour. The consistency of the dough should resemble non-liquid sour cream.

Add rowanberries to the finished dough, mix everything diligently. The dough must be sent to the oven, bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of up to 180 degrees. Before serving, the cake can be decorated with powdered sugar, glaze.

Sauce for meat

To prepare the meat sauce you will need: water - 400 ml, red rowan - 700 g, sugar - 400 g, lemon - 10 g, salt, spices (cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, thyme, paprika, coriander, mint).

Pre-soak the mountain ash for several hours (up to 8 hours). Pour it into the basin, put on fire. You need to cook until most of the berries burst.

When the mass becomes homogeneous, strain the juice through a sieve. Add salt, sugar, herbs to it. When the foam appears on the sauce, remove it.

At the end, add a slice of lemon, spices. Remove the bunch of herbs and lemon. Pour the sauce into a gravy boat, serve with meat.


For cooking, you need to take 1 kg of berries and 3 cups of water. It will take 1.7 kg of sugar. The fruits must be doused with boiling water.

Add water and sugar to the berries, put on fire (about 40 minutes). After cooking, the jam is ready, it must be poured into containers.

Rowan jam, video recipe:

Other areas and uses of berries

For weight loss

Rowan lowers cholesterol in human blood, removes excess fat from the liver. Berry juice binds carbohydrates, so this drink allows you to keep your health in good shape and keep your figure.

If a person is obese and wants to lose weight, then it is better to use red rowan herbal tea.

To prepare slimming syrup, prepare red rowan berries - 1 kg, 600 g of sugar. The components must be mixed. Means to take daily in a tablespoon 3 times a day.

To prepare a decoction for weight loss you need 1 tbsp. l. berries. Crush them, add some twigs. Boil the product for 5-10 minutes.

In folk medicine

Red rowan is actively used in the treatment of diseases.

With hypertension you need to take the juice from the berries. To do this, brew a tablespoon of berries. The drug must be taken three times a day for one month.

For persistent constipation take rowan mixture. To do this, the berries need to be twisted in a meat grinder, add sugar in equal proportions.

The mixture should be taken in a tablespoon three times a day. The portion should be washed down with a large amount of liquid.

With puffiness you need to take tea from the leaves of berries. Fresh or dry leaves (300 g) are brewed with boiling water. Tea must be infused for half an hour. It can be taken no more than three times a day, one glass.

Folk recipes from red rowan from the program "Our Morning":

In cosmetology

Rowan also used in the preparation of scrubs, teas, decoctions and infusions.

Skin rejuvenation. To prepare such a mixture, dry berries are needed - 2 tbsp. l., honey - one spoon. Mix these components, dilute with warm water until a state of medium density appears.

Apply the mixture for 15 minutes on the skin. The consistency is washed off.

Hair strengthening. For cooking, you need rowan - 100 g, kefir - 1 glass, egg - 1 pc. Mix the components until a homogeneous mass.

With such a mask, you need to walk for 10-25 minutes. The head must be washed with shampoo.

Against wrinkles. To prepare this mixture, you will need rowan juice, honey - all components must be taken in equal proportions (1 tsp). Mix all the ingredients, add the foamed egg yolk.

Apply the mixture on the face and neck. After a few minutes (up to 15 minutes), the face must be washed with warm water.

Red rowan is a valuable berry, which is actively used in cooking, in cosmetology and medicine. Her beneficial features experienced by many generations, confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

In contact with

The ripening time for the fruits of chokeberry or chokeberry (this is how the name of this plant sounds differently) comes at the end of September-October. It is with the first frosts that the largest amount of useful, medicinal substances is concentrated in black berries. The fruits of chokeberry have a pleasant sweet-sour, slightly tart taste. From them it turns out fragrant jam, beautiful compote and very tasty ruby ​​juice. All this can be prepared for the future for the winter. Recipes for making juice from chokeberry are just presented in our article. But first, let's dwell on the beneficial properties of black berries for the body.

Benefits of Juice

Substances contained in chokeberry berries have the following positive effects on the human body:

  • slow down the aging process due to the large amount of flavonoids, in particular rutin, which is 2 times more in chokeberry than in currants;
  • normalize the work of the intestines, increasing its peristalsis due to the high content of natural pectin;
  • downgrade arterial pressure with hypertension;
  • help strengthen immunity and protect the body from colds during a surge of seasonal diseases;
  • stabilize the functions of the thyroid gland due to the high content of iodine;
  • promote the removal of heavy metals from the body;
  • are effective prevention atherosclerosis.

Below are recipes for chokeberry juice for the winter. It is in this form that it is possible to preserve most of the useful vitamins and regularly replenish their daily intake.

Chokeberry juice with a juicer for the winter

This way to get healthy drink is the most preferable in terms of saving free time and effort. For cooking juice from chokeberry for the winter, it is advisable to use an auger juicer, after which there is a minimum of cake.

To begin with, all the berries should be washed well and cleaned of twigs and leaves. After that, the chokeberry can be gradually loaded into the juicer. Sugar is added to the resulting juice (per 1 liter of liquid 100 g of sand). The sweet drink is poured into jars, covered with lids and sent to the pan for sterilization for 20 minutes. Ready juice is rolled up with a can key, turned over and wrapped up until the morning. You can store it at room temperature.

Do-it-yourself rowan juice

Not all housewives have a juicer in their house. In this case, a sieve will help to get juice from rowan berries. But first you need to achieve softening of the fruit. To do this, clean and towel-dried berries in a saucepan are covered with sugar (at the rate of 100 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruit). After 3-4 hours, juice will begin to stand out from the mountain ash. The berries themselves will become softer. Now they need to be transferred to a sieve and grind thoroughly. Pour the resulting liquid into jars.

Chokeberry juice for the winter is subject to mandatory sterilization. To do this, cans with a healing drink are placed in a pot of boiling water and heated for 15 minutes.

Rowan juice with citric acid and cherry leaf

Since not all people have a juicer or other devices for obtaining natural juice at home, we can offer you an interesting option for making it using improvised means. More precisely, no tools are needed. The recipe uses only clean glass jars with lids, water, berries, sugar, citric acid and cherry leaves.

Chokeberry juice for the winter is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Pure aronia berries (1 kg) and 15 cherry leaves are placed in a saucepan. From above, the ingredients are poured with water (2 l).
  2. After boiling water, the compote is cooked for another 2 minutes, after which the pan is removed from the heat. The prepared broth is infused at room temperature under the lid for 2 days.
  3. After the specified time, the liquid must be poured into another pan. 300 g of sugar, a teaspoon of citric acid, 15 cherry leaves are added to it.
  4. The juice is brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes, after which it is poured into jars, rolled up with a can key and wrapped up.

How to get juice from mountain ash using a juicer?

Using this method, it is possible to obtain the most natural juice. To prepare it, you need to put clean berries in a juicer colander and install it on the structure. The cooking pot itself is put on fire, which, after the appearance of condensate on the lid, must be reduced. The juice tap should be opened approximately 1 hour after placing the juicer on the stove. The taste of the drink should be rich and as natural as possible.

Chokeberry juice for the winter can be collected immediately in jars, and then simply rolled up with lids. Sugar is added as desired.

with apples

From the fruits of aronia, not only healthy juice is obtained, but also a delicious compote. It can be prepared from rowan alone, or with the addition of other fruits, such as plums or apples. This option of harvesting chokeberry for the winter (both juice and compote) allows you to compensate for vitamin deficiency in the cold season. It is recommended to use it daily.

The sequence of preparation of compote from chokeberry with apples:

  1. Ripe berries (1.5 tbsp.) Must be thoroughly washed and put in a colander to drain the water.
  2. Four sweet and sour apples should be cut into 8 parts, core with seeds removed.
  3. At the bottom of a three-liter jar, first put chokeberry berries, then apples and pour boiling water over them.
  4. Cover the jar with a lid and leave on the table for 20 minutes.
  5. Pour 2 cups of sugar into a separate saucepan.
  6. Using a special lid with holes, pour the infusion from the jar into a saucepan with sugar, boil it and pour it over berries and apples again.
  7. Roll up the jar with a can key, turn over and wrap for 8 hours.

Chokeberry in its own juice for the winter

A delicious treat prepared according to this recipe can be called both juice and jam at the same time. Whole berries can be used to decorate desserts and homemade pies. And if you pour chokeberry in its own juice with water, you get a delicious compote.

To prepare the preparation of berries (2 kg), it is necessary to wash, sort out from twigs and leaves and dry on a towel. Then the rowan is transferred to the pan. At this time, sugar (2 kg) is poured into another dish and a glass of water is poured. The mass is brought to a boil, and then cooked for a few more minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Berries in a saucepan are poured with syrup, juice from half a lemon is added. Chokeberry is boiled for 5 minutes, after which it is laid out in jars and closed with lids.

The following juicing tips will help you get the full benefit of chokeberries:

  1. The maximum of vitamins is contained only in ripe fruits of chokeberry. To make sure that it is time to harvest, you need to lightly squeeze the berry with your fingers. If dark ruby ​​juice starts to stand out from it, then you can pick the fruits from the branches.
  2. Of the remaining after juicing with citric acid and a cherry leaf of berries you can cook delicious jam. To do this, just skip the soft fruits through a meat grinder and add sugar to them to taste. The jam cooked for 5 minutes is laid out in jars.
  3. A similar delicacy can be made from chokeberry left after compote with apples. Even boiled berries retain a lot of vitamins, so they should not be thrown away under any circumstances.

Mountain ash is extremely unpretentious, it is not demanding on soils, it tolerates frost well, and even pests bypass it. It would seem that an ideal horticultural culture, but the taste of the fruits of a wild culture leaves much to be desired. Its berries are small, hard and bitter in taste, but here the beneficial properties of red mountain ash in winter are very relevant.

In addition, at the moment, breeders have bred many dessert varieties of this beautiful plant. Thanks to the work of Michurin and his followers, the berries became larger, lost their astringency and bitterness.

Although I personally prefer the most ordinary mountain ash - red, the beneficial properties of which certainly no Michurinists spoiled for the sake of taste and appearance.

Rowan in the garden - beautiful and useful plant. Its leaves release phytoncides, plant antibiotics into the air, due to which the air next to the tree is particularly clean and fresh. The fruits not only delight the eye with their fiery color in gray autumn weather, but also have a wide range of useful properties.

For example, mountain ash contains more vitamin C than lemons, and in terms of the content of carotenoids, which are converted into vitamin A in the human body, mountain ash leaves carrots far behind. In addition, rowan fruits contain vitamin P, tannins, organic acids, sugar, essential oils and many other compounds.

Due to its rich composition, the beneficial properties of red mountain ash are widely used in traditional medicine. Moreover, not only fruits are used, but also leaves and bark. For example, fresh rowan leaves are rubbed and applied to areas of the skin affected by a fungus, and inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes and skin are treated with decoctions from the bark.

But, of course, the fruits are of great value.

They are prepared in advance different ways. You can dry the berries in special dryers or on a baking sheet, in this form, red rowan berries do not lose their beneficial properties for two years, if stored in a tightly closed container in a dry and cool place. You can scroll the fruits along with sugar through a meat grinder and store in the refrigerator or cellar. Also, jams are made from mountain ash and juices are made.

Red rowan recipes


Squeeze juice from 1 kg of fresh berries, add 600 g of sugar, boil and cork.
This syrup is used to treat beriberi, urolithiasis and relieve pain in rheumatoid arthritis.

rowan juice

Get juice using a juicer or juicer, pour into jars and sterilize. Sugar can be added if desired. And you can add it already when you use it.

Juice will serve as an excellent medicine for hypovitaminosis, exhaustion, anemia, help in the treatment of dysentery and strengthen the protective properties of the body.

Rowan jam

Sort through the berries, removing the spoiled ones.

For 1 kg of berries, add 2.5 cups of water and boil while stirring for 5 minutes. Strain the berries through a colander and leave for now.

Prepare syrup:

add 800 g of sugar to the water remaining from boiling the berries and boil until it is completely dissolved.

Pour the berries into the syrup, mix and leave for ten hours.

The next day, bring the jam to a boil and leave until the next day.

Then cook in three doses for 8-10 minutes with an interval of 6-8 hours.

Ready jam should be thick, a drop of syrup on a plate should not spread.

Mountain ash harmonizes well with apples in taste, so instead of 1 kg of mountain ash, you can take 700 g of mountain ash and 300 g of apples.

Perhaps every housewife knows how to cook jam, but not every housewife understands that prolonged heat treatment leads to the fact that all the beneficial properties of berries are significantly reduced in proportion to the cooking time. Therefore, if jam - then "five minutes". But it’s better to make juice or freeze fresh berries. Of these, then you can make confiture for hastily, and cook the compote, or just use bright red beads to decorate the doorstep or cake.


With all the beneficial properties of red rowan, it should be noted that it can also be dangerous. Rowan preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy. You should not eat mountain ash and nursing mothers. And it is also not recommended to use rowan preparations for people over 45 years old.
In general, there are legends about the red mountain ash and its beneficial properties. At what most of them are true;) So why lose such a useful and absolutely free medicine? While there is time - get a little bit. Only of course not in the city, and even more so not near the highway.

Perhaps you still know something about the beneficial properties of red mountain ash, or do you have experience in harvesting it for the winter? Share with us in the comments!

Consumption ecology

Mountain ash is extremely unpretentious, it is not demanding on soils, it tolerates frost well, and even pests bypass it. It would seem that an ideal horticultural culture, but the taste of the fruits of a wild culture leaves much to be desired. Its berries are small, hard and bitter in taste, but the beneficial properties of red mountain ash in winter are very relevant.

Useful properties of red rowan

Rowan in the garden is a beautiful and useful plant. Its leaves release phytoncides, plant antibiotics into the air, due to which the air next to the tree is particularly clean and fresh. The fruits not only delight the eye with their fiery color in gray autumn weather, but also have a wide range of useful properties.

For example, mountain ash contains more vitamin C than lemons, and in terms of the content of carotenoids, which are converted into vitamin A in the human body, mountain ash leaves carrots far behind. In addition, rowan fruits contain vitamin P, tannins, organic acids, sugar, essential oils and many other compounds.

Due to its rich composition, the beneficial properties of red mountain ash are widely used in traditional medicine. Moreover, not only fruits are used, but also leaves and bark. For example, fresh rowan leaves are rubbed and applied to areas of the skin affected by a fungus, and inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes and skin are treated with decoctions from the bark.

The medicinal properties of red rowan fruits include:

normalization of blood pressure;

metabolism is restored, the immune system - which means the functions of the pancreas and spleen are restored - they produce a sufficient amount of antibacterial substances, which allows you to get rid of colds, inflammation of the thyroid gland, fibroids, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, inflammatory processes and joint pain;

the liver and bile ducts are well cleansed - which means clean vessels and capillaries, the cholesterol content in the blood decreases, heart murmurs, headaches disappear, memory and vision improve, limbs do not freeze;

the intestines are cleansed, inflammatory processes in it are removed - which means constipation or diarrhea stops, colitis disappears (the first 5-7-10 days of taking there may be light stools with mucus, this is normal and does not require stopping the intake);

as a choleretic, diuretic and hemostatic agent, and in combination with the leaves are used to treat scurvy.

Fresh juice from rowan berries and leaves with the addition of honey is an effective antiscorbutic agent.

Rowan also has anti-inflammatory, capillary-strengthening, astringent, diaphoretic, anti-dysenteric properties.

In addition to the above, rowan infusions are also used by the peoples of other countries in:

  • liver disease,
  • kidneys and urinary tract,
  • bodies gastrointestinal tract,
  • anemia,
  • asthenia,
  • gout,
  • glaucoma,
  • malignant tumors,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • rheumatism,
  • with general weakness (after serious illnesses, operations),
  • has an early and ulcer-healing effect.

Fruits are harvested for future use in various ways. You can dry the berries in special dryers or on a baking sheet, in this form, red rowan berries do not lose their beneficial properties for two years, if stored in a tightly closed container in a dry and cool place. You can scroll the fruits along with sugar through a meat grinder and store in the refrigerator or cellar. Also, jams are made from mountain ash and juices are made.

Red rowan recipes


Squeeze juice from 1 kg of fresh berries, add 600 g of sugar, boil and cork.
This syrup is used to treat beriberi, urolithiasis and relieve pain in rheumatoid arthritis.

rowan juice

Get juice using a juicer or juicer, pour into jars and sterilize. Sugar can be added if desired. And you can add it already when you use it.
Juice will serve as an excellent medicine for hypovitaminosis, exhaustion, anemia, help in the treatment of dysentery and strengthen the protective properties of the body.

Rowan jam

Sort through the berries, removing the spoiled ones.
For 1 kg of berries, add 2.5 cups of water and boil while stirring for 5 minutes. Strain the berries through a colander and leave for now.

Prepare syrup:

add 800 g of sugar to the water remaining from boiling the berries and boil until it is completely dissolved.
Pour the berries into the syrup, mix and leave for ten hours.
The next day, bring the jam to a boil and leave until the next day.
Then cook in three doses for 8-10 minutes with an interval of 6-8 hours.
Ready jam should be thick, a drop of syrup on a plate should not spread.

Mountain ash harmonizes well with apples in taste, so instead of 1 kg of mountain ash, you can take 700 g of mountain ash and 300 g of apples.

Perhaps every housewife knows how to cook jam, but not every housewife understands that prolonged heat treatment leads to the fact that all the beneficial properties of berries are significantly reduced in proportion to the cooking time. Therefore, if jam - then "five minutes". But it’s better to make juice or freeze fresh berries. Of these, you can then make quick confiture and cook compote, or simply use bright red beads to decorate a doorstep or cake.

Cucumbers with rowan

Cucumbers with mountain ash - a very tasty winter preparation. The recipe for such cucumbers is surprisingly simple, and adding red rowan berries to jars with cucumbers makes the preparation more beautiful and festive. Cucumbers with mountain ash look very impressive on the table and have an unusual spicy taste. The marinade is prepared with the addition of apple cider vinegar, but the cucumbers are closed without sterilization. From this amount of marinade, three seven hundred gram jars are obtained.

Cooking time: 8 hours or more

List of ingredients

fresh cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg
red rowan - 300-400 g
water - 1 l
apple cider vinegar - 1/4 cup
salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method

Rinse fresh, small cucumbers thoroughly, put in a basin and pour cold water over. Leave for 4 hours, then change the water to fresh and leave for another 2-4 hours. Rinse the cucumbers prepared in this way and cut off the tails. Rinse rowan berries and pour over with boiling water. Arrange cucumbers in sterilized jars along with rowan berries.

Dissolve salt and sugar in water. Add vinegar and heat to a boil, stirring constantly to marinade, so that the spices are well dissolved. Pour boiling marinade into jars with cucumbers, cover with sterile lids and let it brew for 10 minutes.

After that, pour the marinade back into the pan, heat it again to a boil and pour cucumbers over it again. Leave for 7 minutes. Then drain the marinade again, boil it again and pour it into a jar of cucumbers. In this case, you need to ensure that the marinade reaches the edges of the jar. Using screw caps, hermetically close the rowan cucumbers. Turn them over on a flat surface, wrap them up and leave to cool completely.


With all the beneficial properties of red rowan, it should be noted that it can also be dangerous. Rowan preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy. You should not eat mountain ash and nursing mothers. And it is also not recommended to use rowan preparations for people over 45 years old.
In general, there are legends about the red mountain ash and its beneficial properties. At what most of them are true;) So why lose such a useful and absolutely free drug? While there is time - get a little bit. Only of course not in the city, and even more so not near the highway. published

Red rowan, its health benefits, contraindications and possible harm from use have been known to mankind for several thousand years.

The unique qualities of mountain ash have given it a special place in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Red rowan continues to attract attention and enjoy great popularity.

Did you know? Ancient Greek myths tell about the origin of the bright berries and feathery leaves of mountain ash from the feathers and drops of blood of an eagle who fought with demons, saving the cup of the goddess of youth, Hebe. The Celtic Druids considered mountain ash to be one of the twelve sacred trees. Rowan berries ("Food of the Gods") could heal the wounded, and each berry eaten brought a year of life. German-Scandinavian and Slavic mythology Rowan was considered a female tree (the goddess Freya wore a rowan necklace), a receptacle for Perun's lightning, a talisman tree, a symbol of fertility and love.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of red rowan

The usefulness of red rowan has long been known. Rowan is a perennial plant (it can live up to 200 years), and all of it (branches, bark, flowers, leaves, fruits) is literally saturated with vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

Rowan fruits are especially rich in vitamins. With their help, you can fill the vitamin deficiency in winter and early spring.

Chemical analysis shows that 100 grams of mountain ash contains:

  • 81 mg of ascorbic acid is almost twice as much vitamin C as in lemons and oranges;
  • 9 mg of β-carotene, i.e., surpasses many varieties of carrots;
  • 2 mg tocopherol;
  • 0.5 mg of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is one of the leading places among fruit and berry crops;
  • 0.2 mcg folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • 1500 micrograms of retinol (vitamin A) - ranked fifth after fish oil, beef and cod liver and carrots;
  • 0.05 mg thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • 0.02 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • minerals (magnesium (331 mg), potassium (230 mg), copper (120 mcg), phosphorus (17 mg), sodium (10 mg), calcium (2 mg), manganese (2 mg), iron (2 mg)) .
A large amount of vitamin C and flavonols (hyperoside, astragalin, etc.) is found in leaves, quercetin and spireoside - in flowers, amygdalin glycoside and fatty oils - in seeds, tannins - in the bark.

The energy value of 100 g of berries is 50 kcal (81.1 g is water, 8.9 g is carbohydrates, 0.2 g is fat, 5.4 g is dietary fiber, etc.). Fresh rowan fruits are practically not eaten: the presence of sorbic acid (a natural preservative with antimicrobial properties) gives the berries a tart-bitter taste.

During the processing of berries (in the manufacture of jams, tinctures, etc.), as well as under the influence of cold, this acid easily breaks down, the bitterness disappears, and a pleasant tart aftertaste remains (red mountain ash is acceptable for children in the form of jam, marmalade, marshmallow, jam, etc.) .

Did you know? scientific name rowan red - Sorbus aucuparia. Its origin is connected with the Celtic word for "tart" - "sor" and the Latin "aucupari" - "what birds like". The Slavic names "rowan", "gorobina" comes from "ripple" (freckle, pockmarked) because of the bright color of rowan berries. V. Dahl also produces the name of mountain ash from "spring" - to clean, clean. The Slavs believed that the mountain ash purifies the air, water, the surrounding space from all that is bad, filth.

Useful properties of mountain ash red for the body

The wide distribution of mountain ash in Eurasia and North America, the presence of more than 100 species of this plant facilitated the work of breeders, during which new varieties appeared (large-fruited, without bitterness, melliferous, etc.), which are actively used in cooking.

Rowan red (common) of all rowan varieties is most often and actively used in medicinal purposes due to its pronounced beneficial properties:

  • an abundance of vitamins and minerals (prevention of beriberi);
  • bactericidal properties of phytoncides (prevention and counteracting intestinal infections, inhibition of fungal growth);
  • the property of gelation (prevention of gas formation, removal of excess carbohydrates);
  • the presence of sorbitol (help with constipation, safe for diabetics);
  • diuretic effect (treatment of urolithiasis, inflammation of the genitourinary system, prevention of prostatitis);
  • the ability to reduce the level of bad cholesterol (normalization of pressure, strengthening of the vessels of the heart and brain, prevention of strokes, heart attacks, hypertensive crises);
  • the presence of potassium and magnesium contributes to the work of the heart muscle;
  • high content of pectins (removal from the body of heavy metals, harmful chemical compounds, etc.);
  • the presence of vitamins E, A, PP, K, etc. (red rowan ideally combined useful properties for women of all ages - normalizes menstrual cycle, eliminates disorders during menopause, increases blood clotting, rejuvenates the skin, normalizes metabolic processes, removes toxins from the body, has an anti-cancer effect, reduces excess weight and etc.).

How to prepare and store rowan medicinal raw materials

In the form of medicinal raw materials, flowers, twigs, fruits, leaves and rowan bark are harvested. All of them in one way or another have medicinal properties.

The shelf life of raw materials is one year (for dried berries - two years).

The workpiece is made:

  • early spring (at the beginning of sap flow) - harvest the bark. For medicinal purposes, the bark of young annual branches is suitable. The branches are cut with secateurs, a longitudinal incision is made in the bark and separated from the branch. Dry in the shade or dryers;
  • spring cut young twigs with buds. After they are cut into pieces (1 cm) and dried;
  • during the flowering of mountain ash (in May) harvest flowers(you need to pick inflorescences) and bark;
  • at the end of summer (August) cut off green rowan leaves(the concentration of vitamin C at this time of the year in them is maximum). The leaves are dried after harvest.

Collecting the main source healing properties mountain ash - its berries - the process is special and unhurried. It is correct to collect rowan in the morning in dry and clear weather. The timing of the berry picking depends on how the raw materials will be stored (fresh, dried, dried, etc.):

  • September October- it's time for harvesting berries, followed by fresh storage and drying. Berries must be removed before the first frost in order to save more nutrients. Collect berries with brushes, cutting them with secateurs. Brushes are hung for storage in a cool room.

    More often dried berries(so they retain a maximum of useful properties, water evaporates, the concentration of trace elements increases). You need to dry the rowan in the shade or in the dryer, stirring occasionally (dry until the moment when the rowan ceases to stick together when squeezed in the hand).

    Ready mountain ash will be better stored in glass jars with a tight lid. Dry rowan serves as the basis for the manufacture of rowan powder - you just need to grind it. Dry mountain ash is stored without losing its qualities for two years;

  • October November(after the first frost) - the berries are collected for culinary purposes and preparations (the fruits have given up part of the bitterness, they are easily separated from the stalks). The collected berries are frozen, jam is made from them and tinctures are prepared.

    Frozen berries are great for dryinga kilogram of rowan berries is poured with boiling water for three minutes and soaked for 12 hours in cold water (changing it periodically). After draining the water, dry the mountain ash and pour 250 g of sugar, then leave it in the room for 20 hours. Drain the released juice, add another 250 g of sugar and repeat the procedure.

    Drain the juice, pour hot syrup (to cover all the berries), heat to 90 degrees and hold on this fire for seven minutes. After the berries, remove, cool and dry in the oven twice for half an hour at 70 degrees. After the berries have cooled, dry for six hours at 30 degrees.

    Another common way to store vitamins is juicing. There are several methods for its manufacture. First option- for quick consumption of the drink (not stored for a long time): Pour a kilogram of washed berries with 600 g of sugar and let stand for four hours. Boil and boil for 30 minutes. You can use a juicer.

    Second option- preparation of juice for storage. Ripe berries sort and rinse several times, pour water and warm up to 90 degrees. The berries are softened, cool them, rub through a sieve or grind in a meat grinder.

    Strain the resulting mass and boil (in order to make the juice sweeter, you can stir in sugar syrup). This juice is kept sealed in sterilized jars.

    Use in folk medicine: treatment with red rowan

    Red mountain ash has been used in folk medicine for a long time. Juice, fruits, bark, fresh and dried flowers, decoctions, tinctures, ointments, lotions, etc. are used.

    Did you know? Our ancestors learned to use a huge amount of phytoncides contained in mountain ash. Without drinking water a few freshly cut rowan branches, placed in swamp water for two or three hours, make it quite suitable for use. The same can be done with tap water. In veterinary medicine, animals are fed with rowan leaves. In agriculture, stored potatoes are sprinkled with rowan leaves (putrefactive bacteria are killed).

    rowan juice

    Rowan juice, like a berry, contains vitamins, retains useful properties, but also has the same contraindications.

    Therefore, rowan juice (very pleasant in taste) is recommended to be taken only after consulting a doctor.

    Most often and most successfully, rowan juice helps in the treatment of:

    • hemorrhoids. Treatment can take place only in the fall - you need juice from freshly squeezed berries. To relieve exacerbation of hemorrhoids, rowan juice is drunk three times a day, ¼ cup, washed down with plain water;
    • low acidity, atherosclerosis, liver diseases. 30 minutes before eating, you need to drink a teaspoon of rowan juice;
    • rheumatism. It helps three times a day (before meals) a cocktail of rowan juice, milk (1/3 cup each) and a tablespoon of honey;
    • constipation. Drink pure rowan juice 50-70 g three times a day (in combination with honey, the effect will be better);
    • throat diseases(tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc.). Rinsing with warm water (one glass) with the addition of rowan juice (1 tablespoon) will help;
    • endocrine diseases. Three times a day before meals, drink a tablespoon of rowan juice.

    Important! The constant use of rowan juice has a contraceptive effect, relieves swelling of the extremities.

    rowan tea

    Rowan tea is especially useful for beriberi, colds and flu epidemics. Medicinal properties red rowan are fully preserved in tea.

    It has a preventive and therapeutic effect depending on the composition:

    • from rowan leaves- choleretic, diuretic and anti-edematous action. For a liter of boiling water, brew 300 g of fresh or 100 g of dry leaves. Infuse for 30 minutes, drink a glass three times a day;
    • from the fruits of mountain ash and wild rose- anti-cold. Ingredients (each one tablespoon) pour boiling water (two glasses) in a thermos. Leave for eight hours. To enhance the effect, add honey and grated ginger. Drink two or three times a day for half a glass;
    • from dry rowan berries- treatment of diarrhea. 10 g of dry berries pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Drink twice a day (morning and evening) 50 ml.
    Vitaminized prophylactic teas consist of several ingredients: mountain ash, black currant, raspberry, chokeberry. Brewed infusions are added to green or black tea, drunk with honey, raspberry jam, lemon. Such teas well tone up, increase the body's resistance.

    Important! When brewing tea from dried rowan fruits, it is best to use a thermos instead of a teapot. Another option is to boil it over low heat. This will keep it longer high temperature, at which the mountain ash will "give" the broth a maximum of useful substances.

    The causes of warts are not always clear. Doctors believe that the main factor that causes the appearance of warts is a decrease in immunity (due to malnutrition, stress, allergies, etc.).

    Treatment of warts involves taking many medications, which does not always have a positive effect on the body (especially for children). The use of a natural remedy is more preferable.

    Exists different recipes, they are all simple:

    • lubricate warts with mountain ash juice (until they disappear);
    • chop the rowan berries into a pulp, steam the skin and put the berry mass on the wart overnight, wrap it with cellophane and gauze. Remove in the morning. The course of treatment is seven days;
    • cut a fresh rowan berry and attach it to the wart with a cut. Fix the berry with a band-aid. Change berries every day. The course of treatment is seven to eight days.

    Infusion for colds

    The use of infusions of red rowan for colds is widely known.

    The main requirement in the manufacture of medicinal infusion - do not boil the fruits, otherwise many useful properties will be lost.

    One of the recipes for infusion of dry rowan berries:

    • pour 500 ml of water into an enamel bowl and pour 9 g (1 tbsp.) rowan berries, cover tightly;
    • put in a water bath (for 20 minutes);
    • remove and leave for one hour, after straining, drink four doses of half a glass during the day.

    Adult patients with colds can be recommended strong infusions of rowan(on cognac, medical alcohol, vodka). Making such infusions is easy: liter of vodka per 200 g of fresh berries. Pour the mountain ash into a glass container, pour vodka and cork. Put for 14 days in a dark place (the bottle should be shaken and turned over several times). After straining, take 30 g of tincture three times a day before meals.

    Did you know? For the first time rowan tincture on vodka under the Smirnov brand was shown in 1889 at the World Exhibition in Paris. It was not possible to fake the tincture that has become very popular - for its preparation, a unique sweet variety of mountain ash Nevezhensky, accidentally bred in the Vladimir province, was used.

    Infusion for gastritis

    Rowan infusion is effective for low acidity. For infusionyou will need fresh rowan (five glasses of berries) and three glasses of sugar. Mash the berries, mix with sugar and leave warm for eight hours. After the juice is released, cook for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally (make sure not to boil).

    Drain and strain. Take the remedy for a tablespoon 4 times a day before meals for a month.

    For diabetics use an infusion of 400 g of fresh berries and two liters of boiled water: pour the crushed berries with water, shake well and leave for four hours. Infusion take a teaspoon before meals (no later than 30 minutes).

    Infusion for anemia

    From anemia well helps infusion of rowan leaves. 30 g of fresh leaves are crushed in a blender, then poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for one hour. The portion is divided into three parts and drunk per day.

    With background heavy menstruation mash rowan berries (2 tablespoons), pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour and a half and take throughout the day.

    Tincture for atherosclerosis

    With atherosclerosis helps integrated infusion of dried rowan (20 g), flax seeds (1 tablespoon), crushed strawberry leaves and marigold flowers. Mix everything and pour boiling water (0.5 l), hold in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then insist another 40 minutes. Take three times a day for half a cup before meals. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

    Decoction for scurvy and whooping cough

    For the treatment of scurvy and whooping cough prepare a decoction: dry rowan collection (15 g of leaves and 15 g of berries) pour water (200 ml), boil and boil for 10 minutes. Infuse for two hours, cool and filter. Consume twice a day for half a cup.

    Decoction for hemorrhoids

    With this disease, effective help will be provided decoction of rowan juice(eliminates constipation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stops bleeding, heals wounds). To prepare a decoction it takes a kilogram of berries and a liter of water. Berries are poured with water and put on a small fire. After boiling, remove from heat, cool and rub through a sieve. Stir in the juice 0.5 kg of sugar and boil. Take 100 ml three times a day.

    In addition to juice, for the treatment of hemorrhoids actively use rowan bark:pour five tablespoons of crushed bark with water (0.5 l), boil and cook for two hours. Drink 30 ml three times a day before meals.

    How rowan is used in home cosmetology

    The use of red rowan in home cosmetology has a long tradition. People used the bactericidal, healing, restorative properties of mountain ash. Traditionally, juice, fruit pulp, decoctions are used - in the form of lotions, masks, compresses, creams, etc.

    The result is noticeable immediately - irritation is removed, pores are narrowed, the skin is slightly whitened and loses its oily sheen, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes more elastic. If red rowan does not cause allergic reactions and there are no other contraindications, you can safely use natural cosmetology.

    Nourishing face mask

    In the manufacture of masks for dry and normal skin, the main ingredient is fresh rowan, butter, cream, honey, etc. are used:

    • grind the butter (1 tbsp.) With the yolk and honey (1 tsp.). Add crushed mountain ash (2 tablespoons) to the resulting mass. This mask is applied for 30 minutes, after which the face is wiped with a napkin;
    • mix rowan juice (1 tsp) with butter(1 tablespoon). Apply for 20 minutes and rinse with linden infusion.

    For oily skin, the mask is prepared more “light”:

    • mash rowan berries (1 tablespoon), combine with kefir (2 tablespoons) and lemon juice (1 tablespoon). The mask is applied for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

    Lotion is also good for oily skin ( rowanberry puree (2 tablespoons), honey (1 tablespoon), apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon), vodka (1 tablespoon) and water (200 ml)).

    Important! When using masks, it should be borne in mind that the combination of mountain ash and carrots can color the skin, give it an orange tint. If you are going to go somewhere after the procedure, it is better to refrain from such a mask for a while or do it in the evening.

    Toning mask

    Toning masks will be useful for all skin types. Preparing them is easy:

    • mix one teaspoon of rowan juice, honey and vegetable oil with egg yolk. Apply the mask for 20 minutes. For best results, the mask is combined with a steam bath. Course duration - 8 sessions;
    • mix gruel from rowan berries (2 tablespoons) with honey (1 teaspoon) and hot water(2 tsp). Apply to skin for 20 minutes. Top with a warm compress. The duration of the course is 12 procedures. It should be borne in mind that such a tonic mask has a whitening effect.

    An excellent tonic is frozen rowan juice. Daily use of frozen juice cubes with light massaging will rejuvenate the skin and lift its tone.

    Rejuvenating mask

    To rejuvenate aging skin mashed rowan berries will be useful. Apply a mass of berries for ten minutes and rinse with cold water. A mask of rowanberry puree and grated carrots is also effective (worn for 15 minutes). If the skin is oily, then beaten egg white is added to the mountain ash.

    Good rejuvenating effect for problem skin is a mask of rowan juice, grated walnuts, a decoction of plantain and St. John's wort (all 2 tablespoons). All ingredients are mixed and applied for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water.

    Possible harm and contraindications

    Despite all the usefulness and high medicinal properties of red mountain ash, you should be aware that there are contraindications for which it is possible Negative consequences use of this tool.

    To reduce to a minimum the use of mountain ash should be people:

    • with increased acidity of the stomach;
    • with urolithiasis (it is possible to provoke the movement of stones);
    • hypotensive patients;
    • with a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
    • after a stroke / heart attack;
    • with ischemic disease hearts;
    • children under the age of three;
    • with individual intolerance to mountain ash.

    Red rowan during pregnancy and breastfeeding is also undesirable in the diet, as it increases the likelihood of involuntary miscarriage, allergic reactions in the baby.

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