Psychics about the horoscope of the Druids. Topol. The healing properties of trees and the magic of the druids Recommendations of the druids for poplar and oak

Poplar (lat. Populus) is a genus of fast-growing trees of the Willow family. The poplar continues to grow even if the tree is broken or its top is sawn off. The rapid growth of poplars continues up to 40-60 years, after which it slows down. Some types of poplars live up to 120-150 years.

Decorative, slenderness and beauty from early youth. Over the years, however, he creates problems for himself. He is very sensitive to the passage of time, he begins to be afraid of old age too early, from this fear he ages even more. Only the good influence of others can help, so you need to carefully choose the people with whom you have to communicate.

Care must be taken when changing the place of residence: not every environment is conducive to development Poplars. He feels bad in cramped conditions, but does not like, however, to live apart. He feels the need for comrades, but is tormented by the environment of persons not chosen by himself. Very sensitive to infringement of freedom and easily falls into pessimism. He tries not to show it, but no one can be mistaken about this for a long time.

His love is sensitive to the slightest trouble, and even little things can throw him off balance. At times he is touched by himself, but more often he manages to hide it, and in this reticence he finds a kind of pleasure.

Courage and pride help him overcome the most difficult tasks, and anxiety is rarely seen on his face. Those who know him little often mistake him for a cheerful and calm person.

He is not a materialist, has a penchant for altruism. At the same time, it is superbly organized and does not forget about the future. In marriage - difficult happiness, too sensitive and too independent. His weapon in matrimonial skirmishes is indifference, complemented by a smile and a joke. If he cannot do otherwise, he tends to be hostile towards his partner.

Has a subtle innate mind that does not age at all. His shrewdness and critical mind can even sometimes influence his ambition. Many Poplars are found among physicians.

Traits of those born under the sign of Poplar: the need for independence, a tendency to neurasthenia, dreaminess and synthesis, intuition and fantasy, an inspired mind.

Famous people under the sign of Poplar

Born under the sign of Poplar:

1478 - Thomas More, English writer and politician.
1700 - Daniel Bernoulli, Swiss physician, mathematician, one of the founders of mathematical physics and hydrodynamics.
1812 - Charles Dickens, English writer
1814 - Anders Jonas Angstrom, Swedish physicist, astronomer, discoverer of hydrogen in the Sun's atmosphere, founder of spectroscopy.
1828 - Jules Verne, French writer, founder of science fiction.
1829 - Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov, physiologist, founder of the physiology of labor ("Reflexes of the brain").
1831 - Petrovna Blavatsky, Russian philosopher, religious scholar, writer, traveler, founder of the Theosophical Society.
1834 - Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, an outstanding Russian chemist who compiled Periodic system chemical elements.
1836 - Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov, Russian literary critic.
1840 - Hiram Stevens Maxim, American designer and industrialist, creator of an automatic rifle, cannon and machine gun ("Maxim"). He founded a cannon factory in Germany.
1844 - Efimovich Repin, Russian artist-itinerant.
1850 - Guy de Maupassant (real name Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant), French writer.
1873 - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin, Russian writer.
1881 - Alexander Fleming, Scottish bacteriologist, first to discover the antibiotic penicillin, laureate Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine.
1895 - Zoshchenko, Russian Soviet writer.
1895 - Paul Bragg, nutritionist, pioneer of the American healthy lifestyle movement, is known in Russia for his book "The Miracle of Fasting".
1897 - Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, biophysicist, founder of heliobiology and air ionification.
1899 - Alfred Hitchcock (Alfred Joseph Hitchcock), Anglo-American director, Oscar winner ("Birds", "Fury", "Strangers on a Train", "39 Steps").
1906 - Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, Soviet aircraft designer.
1909 - Alexander Andreevich Kovalenko, Soviet pilot, hero of the Great Patriotic War, The hero of the USSR.
1922 - Yuri Averbakh, Soviet chess player.
1926 - Fidel Castro (Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz), Cuban leader, revolutionary and politician.
1926 - Albert Mkrtchyan, film director ("Sannikov Land").
1930 - George Soros, American financier and public figure of Hungarian origin.
1937 - Dustin Lee Hoffman, American film actor, winner of two Oscars ("Rain Man", "Tootsie", "Kramer vs. Kramer", "Captain Hook", "Epidemic").
1938 - Leonid Kuchma, former president of Ukraine.
1939 - Anatoly Kashpirovsky, psychotherapist.
1947 - Sofia Rotaru, singer, People's Artist of the USSR.
1949 - Vadimovna Muravyova, artist of the State Academic Maly Theater, People's Artist of Russia.
1951 - Sadalsky, theater and film actor ("The meeting place cannot be changed", "Say a word about the poor hussar", "Royal hunting").
1954 - Valery Gazzaev, famous Russian football player and football coach.
1955 - Mavrodi, swindler and financial genius, founder of the financial pyramid JSC "MMM".
1960 - Antonio Banderas (Jose Antonio Dominguez Bandera), film actor.
1960 - David Duchovny, American actor (The X-Files)
1961 - Konstantin Lvovich Ernst, producer, TV presenter.
1961 - Sergei Chigrakov, Russian rock musician, leader of the group Chizh and Co.

Care must be taken when changing the place of residence: not every environment is conducive to the development of Poplar. He feels bad in cramped conditions, but does not like, however, to live apart. He feels the need for comrades, but is tormented by the environment of persons not chosen by himself. Very sensitive to infringement of freedom and easily falls into pessimism. He tries not to show it, but no one can be mistaken about this for a long time.

His love is sensitive to the slightest trouble, and even little things can throw him off balance. At times he is touched by himself, but more often he manages to hide it, and in this reticence he finds a kind of pleasure.

Courage and pride help him overcome the most difficult tasks, and anxiety is rarely seen on his face. Those who know him little often mistake him for a cheerful and calm person. He is not a materialist, has a penchant for altruism. At the same time, it is superbly organized and does not forget about the future. In marriage - difficult happiness, sometimes too sensitive and too independent. His weapon in matrimonial skirmishes is indifference, complemented by a smile and a joke. If he cannot do otherwise, he tends to be hostile towards his partner.

Has a subtle innate mind that does not age at all. His shrewdness and critical mind can even sometimes influence his ambition. Many Poplars are found among physicians.

Traits of those born under the sign of Poplar:

the need for independence, a tendency to neurasthenia, dreaminess and synthesis, intuition and fantasy, inspired mind.

It is believed that a person born under this sign is characterized by a decline in vitality, sensitivity, vulnerability, pessimism or utopianism, a need for affection, emotional intimacy and independence at the same time.

The poplar has a lunar type character. Heightened impressionability, sensitivity, little vital energy, low tone, so that not everything is favorable for Poplar, you need to carefully select people for communication and living conditions - where there will be less astral strikes and vampirism.

He must abstain from meat food - the carrier of astral dirt. Topolyu gets upset too easily, takes offense, feels sorry for himself, creates problems for himself out of everything, grows weak from the slightest cause, that is, he suffers clearly excessively. Anyone notices his pessimism and suspiciousness, although Topol tries to pretend to be a cheerful and laid-back person. A mask of internal chronic pain is often visible on his face. In silent self-pity, he tends to find some satisfaction. Still, he tries to control his pessimism and prevent it from becoming chronic. In this he is promoted by the desire not to show himself weak, pride and courage.

Sometimes pessimism is replaced by utopianism. Topol boldly defends his views, however, turns into aggression only when he notices that his weak, painful place has been discovered. In general, he is philanthropic, but Poplar is hindered by irritability, a small ability to calm the storm of feelings raised by the past wind. In family conflicts, he tends to demonstrate indifferent silence, covered with a smile. In marriage and other long-term contacts, it is difficult for him to be happy: he is too impressionable and, moreover, longs for independence, so that in which case it would not be excruciatingly painful, which is difficult to combine with his need for affection.

Topol's problems arise from the fact that the ethereal astral psyche (still on the animal level) annoys the higher human one. If Poplar nevertheless entered into marriage, he treats the preservation of stability responsibly, softens friction, and rarely divorces. He is not an egoist, not a brawler, but simply a nature with heightened sensitivity, clearly noticing the slightest rudeness in the emotional sphere, vulnerable to these rudeness and little able to control his reaction. Work should give him an emotional charge.

Subtle mind, artistry, psychic abilities, which, perhaps, it is better not to awaken if there is no qualified spiritual mentor nearby. Compassion for wildlife, especially weak creatures, communication with her, if she is not aggressive.

In the magic of the druids, a special place is occupied by mental and physical tranquility. In this state, the druids looked through the past and the future, and in general everything they touched. The mastery of such practices began with the help of special breathing, and the preparation for such a practice itself lasted for years. First of all, you should master the breathing practice. Breathing practice meant "listening" to one's own heart, and beginners closed their eyes, relaxed and learned to achieve breathing, in which 3 pulses per inhalation and three pulses per exhalation.
They tried to breathe like this for about an hour without a break, and daily breathing exercises led to the fact that gradually the breathing rhythm became slow in everyday life.
The second stage of the training consisted in breathing, in which there was one breath for 4 beats of the pulse and one exhalation for 4 beats of the pulse. It was already a "breath of insight." In such a state and with such a rhythm of breathing, the druid took any object in his hand and could tell where, when and what happened to this object. They took a person by the hand and talked about his past and future. But the rhythm of such breathing had to be observed for an hour and no less. The more time the druid breathed in this rhythm, and the more this rhythm of breathing became habitual for him, the greater the gift of insight he possessed. Moreover, the more immovable was the subject of the study, the greater the effect was achieved. Reading information from running water, live fire, or an animal was much more difficult and required years of training.

Only a few of the druids mastered the "breath of death", when 5 heartbeats accounted for inhalation and 5 heartbeats for exhalation. Druids took their students to the cemeteries, where they lay down on the graves, entered the state of "breath of death" and looked through the life of the deceased person. They also used the same method when only a deceased person could know certain information.

It was in this state that the druids talked to the trees and heard the voices of the gods, from whom they asked for advice and they told them what to do in this or that case. The strongest "talking" effect had trees growing in places of power and they had to be quite old, ancient. And another feature of such a tree is a hole in the trunk. The most experienced Druids placed two small flat stones in the hole in the tree and carved "their" signs on the tree. Stones once laid must touch each other and must never be touched again. "Your" sign represents you and only you and the tree will know its owner. The Druids made offerings to their trees in the form of wine, honey, or burned incense next to the tree. Modern druids use fertilizer for this purpose, because old trees in modern world already need a drink.

In Druidic magic, a special place was devoted to the "awakening" of trees. First, the druid chose a tree, then lowered stones into the hole, then he performed the “awakening” ritual for a long time. The ritual consisted of the following: the druid approached the tree, touched it with his hand and uttered an appeal. In modern Russia and modern England, this appeal sounds differently, but any druid can make his own appeal. It is pointless to pronounce the appeal of the English druids in the coastal taiga, the tree feels a sequence of sounds that belongs only to the archetype that has developed in this region. Students of the Far Eastern Academy of History, Psychology and Parapsychology use the symbiosis of Bohai and Slavic evocation when addressing. During the research, it was established that the wording in the form of “Hear me ...”, “Pay attention to me ...”, etc. can also be used.

Then follows the ritual of invocation. Its sign is drawn on the bark of a tree. In England, tree signs are called "Ogham Signs". In Russia - "Signs of IRIYA". The signs of IRIYA are transmitted only within the magical Slavic tradition and will never be published, but for students of DVAIPP specializing in Slavic magic and druidic magic, the Signs of IRIYA are mandatory for study. Summoning the spirit of any tree, although it will take immeasurably longer than using the Signs of IRIYA, can be done by drawing a vertical line or rune "IISA" on the tree. When drawing signs, it is necessary to pronounce the triune name of the tree, that is, its modern name, more ancient and most ancient. Again, no one will publish such knowledge, but a person who wants to master the ritual of the druids can pronounce the modern name of the tree, but the stress must be done in three different places or with three different intonations. For example: "birch", "birch", "birch". For oak, you won’t come up with three different stresses, but you can say “oak”, “du-u-b”, “doo-oo-oo-oo-ub”. Of course, it is much easier and more effective to study druidic magic with a teacher, but since today in Primorye druidic magic is taught only in DVAIP, and not all of our readers can study in this higher educational institution, then they can try a variant with an accent or different lengths when pronouncing the name of the tree.

And finally, there is a blessing. The hand is removed from the tree, a step is taken back and it is necessary to knock strongly on the trunk three times.

Performing such a ritual many times, you will eventually wake up the tree and it will begin to communicate with you. Why is druidic magic being popularized today? Why do we give recommendations with the help of which even not a druid, but any reader can wake up a tree? Why can previously forbidden rituals be found even in a newspaper? Druids believe that the time has come for the awakening of the planet. If people wake up at least a few trees in Primorye, then those, in turn, will seek communication with other awakened trees. If a sufficient number of people wake up a sufficient number of trees around the world, then their united consciousness will cover the entire planet - then the trees will already be able to influence the human consciousness and awaken in it the ability to clairvoyance, clairvoyance, telepathy ... People will become more intelligent, which will protect the trees from destruction and help people become equal to the gods.

But back to the magic of the druids. You have awakened the tree. The druid chooses the right time, as communication with some trees is better during the day, and with others at night. For example, with birch, oak, alder, it is better to communicate during the day. With willow, apple, grapes, poplar, it is better to communicate at night. Formulate your question, approach your tree and light the incense that will serve as an offering. After that, touch the tree and say out loud a question regarding what interests you. At first, the tree will respond to you with a very light knock of stones placed in a hole or hollow. Yes - 1 hit, no - 2 hits, 3 - unknown. You can ask the tree anything you want, but never bring anyone else to the tree. Druid magic is solitary magic. Your tree serves only you and questions should concern only you. You can’t ask for others, otherwise the tree will stop communicating with you.

A special place in the magic of the druids is given to the staff. If in classical magic you use a wand, then for druids the staff is a symbol of the magician. The druid himself determines what wood his staff will be made of. He must like the tree. The staff must be carved from a stick that will suit its weight. He decides for himself whether to put symbols on his staff or whether he will be clean. Before cutting the stick, you must be sure that this is what you need. Before you cut the stick, you must explain to the tree why you are doing it. You must also ask him for permission. Before cutting the stick, you must make an offering (honey, wine, or incense). You must explain at length to the tree why you are doing this and you must be convinced that you will follow the magic of the druids. If you are not going to do it, then you should not cut the staff. You can talk to a tree without a staff, wake it up and find out the answers to questions, you can also without a staff. But cutting off the stick, it must be processed immediately. Peel off the bark and give it the look you need with a knife and sandpaper. When it dries, you can apply varnish or paint over it. Druids always name their staff. A handle can be inserted into the top of the staff.

healing trees

Trees do indeed have powerful healing powers. From ancient times they were endowed with a soul, various mythological qualities were attributed to them. There is even the science of "dendrotherapy" - a method of treatment and prevention that uses healing properties trees. And it is not without reason that the proverb says: “To have fun in a pine forest, to marry in a birch forest ...” It is believed that each tree has its own unique abilities.

Oak is a symbol of longevity. With direct contact with him, a person can receive the maximum possible amount of vital energy. Walking through the oak forest normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and nervous system.

But the powerful energy of oak is useful only for relatively healthy people and can harm the seriously ill.

Birch, unlike oak, helps sick and weak people. It relieves pain and promotes healing. Birch concentrates strength and attention, generates energy in the body. It is not without reason that many people prefer birch brooms to the bathhouse.

Pine calms, relieves mental tension, stress, frees the soul from resentment and annoyance. Long walks through the pine forest relieve cough and runny nose.

Spruce helps to control emotions. The smell of burnt dried pine needles purifies both the air at home and the energy. If you hold a fir cone in your palms for several minutes, you can get rid of the negative energy accumulated in the body.

The apple tree is a tree of female power that can awaken sensuality in a woman.

Elm is a male tree. It endows the representatives of the stronger sex with truly masculine character traits.

Maple - contributes to finding peace of mind; frees from negative emotions and gives inner strength.

Chestnut treats rheumatic diseases and insomnia, relieves nervous tension, pro chases fears.

Larch fills with optimism. Contact with her is useful if a person is tormented by fears and doubts, he suffers from bouts of depression.

Poplar actively "sucks" negative energy from environment. But, at the same time, people under whose windows poplars grow often suffer from a headache.

Aspen is a kind of vampire. Stronger than all other trees, it takes energy not only from people, but also from bacteria. Aspen relieves headaches and cures tumors. Aspen wood never rots, it is not afraid of water. No wonder it was from aspen that church domes, boats, and piers were made. And in the old days, aspen twigs were placed under the pillows of children to protect them from damage and the evil eye. Aspen log under the bed helps relieve back and joint pain.

Try to relax and be open as much as possible. Inhale slowly and deeply (mentally absorbing energy), hold your breath and exhale just as slowly. Such an energy session should last no more than 3 minutes in summer and no more than 10 minutes in winter and be carried out no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

With trees that “suck” energy (aspen, poplar, bird cherry, willow, spruce, alder), you need to “communicate” with headaches, heart neurosis, osteochondrosis, goiter, pain in the liver, as well as inflammation, burns and injuries.

Energizing trees (oak, birch, pine, rowan, maple, apple, chestnut, linden) help with sore throats, colds, gastrointestinal disorders, arthritis and chronic diseases.

Make friends with "your" tree, say hello to it, thank it, communicate as with a best friend, and it will thank you with its healing energy.

Druid tree Poplar: general characteristics

The Celts greatly appreciated the attractiveness of Poplars, but, drawing a parallel with Birch and Linden, they argued that representatives of this sign cannot enjoy everyday pleasures, do not appreciate the beauty of life.

These are very slender, graceful and beautiful people already from an early age they begin to create problems for themselves. They are obsessed with the idea of ​​the frailty of life and constantly experience the feeling (even at the age of 30) that their time has already irrevocably passed. Needless to say, their soul is filled with various vain fears! Pessimistic mood is a feature of Poplar. As the druidic horoscope warns, Poplars should be treated very, very carefully. Because even the simplest jokes they painfully perceive at their own expense.

Druid Calendar: Poplar Trees - Will and Activity

Poplar is very amenable to influence, readily allows itself to be controlled. Thinks and acts according to existing rules. He underestimates himself, so he likes to borrow other people's thoughts. Therefore, do not be surprised when one day you hear from him your judgments, which you previously shared with him in private.

Druidic horoscope: Poplar - intuition

Poplar does not trust her, which is a pity, because by doing so he deprives himself of a great way to improve relations with loved ones.

Poplar tree according to the horoscope of the druids - intelligence

Poplars are the owners of a very subtle intellect that does not age with time. People born under this druid tree horoscope sign are very inquisitive and critical, often cynics. This often hinders their professional development.
It is very difficult for such people to find happiness in love: they are too sensitive, independent and have too low self-esteem. All this complicates their personal life.

The Poplar man hides his feelings deeply so that the second half appears smiling or having an indifferent look. Maybe, nevertheless, sometimes they should allow themselves a small outburst of aggression, allow themselves to scream loudly and tear their shirt on their chest. Perhaps such a "performance" for Poplars would be "cleansing therapy."

All these internal difficulties often make the wards of the Poplar tree druids lonely or unhappy people, dissatisfied with their relationships. However, it is encouraging that when they really love themselves and are loved, they become soft and docile.

The Morality of the Poplar Man

Poplar strictly adheres to moral principles - not so much because of deep convictions, but out of respect for existing customs and rules.

Druid Horoscope: Poplar - sensuality

This quality is expressed in them quite strongly, but completely controllable. In intimate life, Topol treats partners with extreme respect (often even excessive).

Topol's communication skills

Poplars love society, they are not a type of hermits. However, they are annoyed by people who do not belong to their environment, came into their company from outside. It is difficult for a poplar to adapt to others; to those who do not know them well, who do not love, do not admire them, or are indifferent to them.

The work of the Poplar man according to the druid horoscope

Poplar's horizons are very broad: philosophy, politics, art - these are just some of the areas of interest to him. Despite the many interests, these people are practical and always think about the future, so they choose the most profitable professions, for example, a doctor, an economist, a specialist in computer science, and only in private life for their own pleasure study the works of Plato and Modigliani.

Druid Tree Health Poplar

His condition often gets the Topols in trouble. They get tired quickly, prone to mental fatigue. The horoscope advises Poplar tree people to check their blood pressure more often. They also tend to be overweight, and their weak point is the eyes.

Famous Topol people

Salvador Dali, Dmitri Mendeleev, Jules Verne, Alfred Hitchcock, Alla Tarasova, Sofia Rotaru

Person by date of birth - Poplar: summary

It is very important for Poplar to choose the right people who will make up his inner circle. He only wants warm, friendly and energetic people. It should also be noted that not every place contributes to its development, so Poplar may not live everywhere.

These people need to learn to control their bouts of pessimism so that it does not turn into chronic diseases. In this struggle with their weaknesses, strong character traits, pride and courage should help - a great gift to these people from fate. It is thanks to them that the wards of the Poplar druid tree cope with any difficulties, troubles and hardships.

Since ancient times, when man was unusually connected with nature, there was a cult of trees. They were considered sacred. To a person, they seemed incredibly powerful and durable. Oak, pine, and cedar were especially revered for these qualities. Trees were known as oracles - fortune tellers. Druids had a particularly deep knowledge of plants. It was they who compiled the plant horoscope based on comparative characteristic properties of people and plants (trees, flowers). Druids, like hermits, lived in the forests, learned to understand the language of plants. The Druids were convinced that each tree was one of a kind and that it needed a special approach. According to their beliefs, trees, like people, are able to empathize and console. They can be capricious, cry, get sick, rejoice and even love.

So the calendar













Don't be discouraged if you don't find your tree nearby. Birch and oak generously give their energy, and are favorable to everyone.

And now a few words in general about the energy of trees. If you don’t get attached to the Druid calendar, where your tree, whatever its energy, remains yours, it’s worth saying that in general trees are divided into two groups: those that give energy and those that take energy. Givers are oak, birch, pine, apple, cedar, linden. Pickers - alder, aspen, poplar, bird cherry, creepers, spruce. You don't have to be afraid of it. If you are sick or sad, these trees will take care of your problems. If you lack vitality, depression tormented you, oak, birch, pine and linden will cure you. The undisputed leader in this matter is oak.

Now back to the Druid calendar. Of course, I like the first one, which is more detailed, but usually they use compressed when there are more voluminous time periods per tree.


02.11 - 11.01, 05.07 - 14.07

Fir trees are beautiful, but their beauty is cold and harsh. She is attracted to everything exquisite (antique jewelry and furniture, expensive perfumes). She loves holidays. Fir always gets its way thanks to its reliability and pressure. She reaches great heights in her career, but living with her is incredibly difficult, since she cannot find a common language with everyone.


04.02 - 08.02, 05.08 - 13.08

Slender and beautiful for many years. Proud and courageous Poplar easily solves any complex problems. However, he has weakness- he begins to be afraid of old age early. You should be very careful when choosing a place when moving. Another negative feature of Poplar is pessimism. In love, Poplar is very sensual. He has a big heart and willingness to help everyone. At the same time, he knows the value of money, knows how to earn it, and is practical.

Apple tree

23.12 - 01.01, 25.06 - 04.07

Good, beautifully built, although not very tall. Charming, kind, selfless. Knows how to enjoy life, but does not flutter through it, but acts responsibly and practically. The apple tree has a penchant for science, philosophy. She strives to achieve perfection in everything, loves emotional peaks that keep her in good shape.


12.01 - 24.01, 15.07 - 25.07

Does not rush to the heights, balanced, sometimes slow. Generous, straightforward, open. Able to influence others. Sacred believes in kindness. Inclined to defend only noble deeds, however, it is hard to bear defeat. The mind is very practical, but at the same time a passionate heart. An optimist with a great sense of humor.


25.01 - 03.02, 26.07 - 04.08

Has a strong and strong body. Becomes independent early. He does not pursue fame and money, he knows how to adapt to any situation. Faithful in love and friendship. He thinks well about what he says. Prefers a measured and even life in the circle of loved ones and friends.

South Kartas

09.02 - 18.02, 14.08 - 23.08

Powerful, strong, enduring. Good health. He knows how to feel at home anywhere. Self-confident, makes you reckon with yourself. He has absolutely no sense of danger, so he often gets into unpleasant situations. Selfish and persistent. If you fall in love, then forever. Most are incorrigible optimists.


15.05 - 22.05, 12.11 - 21.11

Energetic, strong, beautiful. Too fair and fighting for the truth, so he rarely stays at work. Persistent, but not stubborn. prudent. Monogamous, who needs a big counter love. prone to daydreaming.


23.05 - 03.06, 22.11 - 01.12

Elegant and free to move. Demanding, loves to be taken care of. Always knows what he wants. Developed intuition. Selfish, but not stingy. He chooses a woman for marriage both out of love and reason. Likes organization, including in family life.


04.06 - 13.06, 02.12 - 11.12

Esthete. Dreams of awards, honors, glory, admiration. Responsible and fair. It is very hard to deviate from the rules, accepts new ideas carefully. In love, always decent. Nice partner. True, if you have to choose between love and duty, as a rule, duty chooses.


14.06 - 23.06, 12.12 - 22.12

Expressive facial features. Never goes unnoticed. Needs warmth and stability. It does not take root well in a new place, it does not feel good everywhere. Not ready for the challenge. The character is emotional, impulsive. Committed to parents, nepotism. Reliable in friendship and marriage. Not at all romantic. Very touchy.


March 21 - spring equinox

Full of dignity, strong and resilient. Self-possessed, strong-willed, always achieves the goal. Does not know how to be flexible, but respects the independence of others. Hospitable, faithful in friendship, which cannot be said about love. Although in marriage it can settle down over time. Thinks in a businesslike way, but is not devoid of intuition. Financially secure and helps relatives.


02.12 - winter confrontation

Until old age, dexterous, flexible, stately. Successful in every field. Resourceful. He constantly makes plans and successfully implements them. Generous but practical. Ideal husband (wife). Builds his life in the name of loved ones. His house is a full bowl. He loves interesting leisure, participates in the upbringing of children.


June 24 - summer confrontation

Solid charm and ease in family life. Delicate and restrained. She is disgusted by window dressing in any area. Easily gets used to a new place, hardworking. Loves home comfort, true. She marries somewhat recklessly, but is not inclined to regret it.


September 23 - autumnal equinox

Inconspicuous. Balanced and tolerant. Has its own outlook on life. Fair, kind, diplomatic. Ready to help, but will not allow himself to be exploited. In marriage, he respects the independence of a partner, for which, alas, he often pays.


24.08 - 02.09, 19.02 - 28/29.02

Beautiful, refined, able to effectively emphasize their dignity. Love to live beautifully and richly. Courageous and persistent in achieving the goal. In any business there is success. Impulsive, but gets out of trouble with honor. The sign of Pine is very favorable for women.


01.03 - 10.03, 03.09 - 12.09

If a woman, then attractive and talented. Loves water and sun. Always enjoy life. It seems gentle, but it is deceptive. Determination and efficiency she does not hold. He does not like compromises, therefore he is not an easy partner. Always sharply defends his point of view. Can't stand boredom and routine. Artistic, brings poetic coloring to personal relationships. A good psychologist, developed intuition.


01.04 - 10.04, 04.10 - 13.10

Charming, knows how to present himself in a favorable light. Ready to please loved ones, even to the detriment of themselves. Unnecessarily independent, hence the friction with loved ones. A well-developed sense of beauty, she is loyal and friendly, you can always rely on her. Smart, efficient. A little helpless in everyday matters and, bogged down in a routine, can forget about something important.


11.03 - 20.03, 13.09 - 22.09

Charming and knows how to use it. Easily adapts to any conditions. Everywhere is able to arrange comfort. Very sensitive to flattery. Full of contradictions, but still attractive to people. Interesting and pleasant to talk to. One thing is bad, she is very jealous, often without any reason.

Hazel (hazelnut)

22.03 - 31.03, 24.09 - 03.10

It is imperceptible, but upon close acquaintance it strikes with charm and intelligence. They are almost magical at Hazel. Hazel doesn't need much. She is smart, wise, sometimes, however, capricious. She is ready to make life easier for her partner in any way she can. Always sincere in love. Original.


11.04 - 20.04, 14.10 - 23.10

Well-groomed, sometimes flirtatious. Likes to be where he is interested. Full of energy and tireless. Individualist, tends to make risky decisions. You can't call a homebody. He loves new knowledge and learns it easily. In love, it is full of contradictions, and it is difficult to live with it.

Walnut (walnut)

21.04 - 30.04, 24.10 - 02.11

A complete contradiction. You never know what he will do. Suffering makes others suffer. He loves his relatives, but constantly presents them with “surprises”. Nut has a quick reaction. An esthete who does not like dullness in life and those around him.


01.05 - 14.05, 03.11 - 11.11

The soul of any company. However, he is not as sure of himself as he seems, because he is very vulnerable. Diplomatic, knows how to get along with people. Loves children, responsible. Marriage to Jasmine is not easy. Knows how to earn money, is not afraid of any work. Has a flexible and lively mind.