Shchennikov dry fasting. Dry fasting method according to Shchennikov - myth or reality? Possible harm and contraindications

Dry therapeutic fasting - myths and reality Sergey Ivanovich Filonov

Complete dry fasting (Methodology L.A. Shchennikova)

Secrets of healing dry fasting

New medical technology for the implementation of the method of complete dry fasting (PSG)

Complete dry fasting lasting 7, 9, 11 days serves to:

1. Effective stimulation of healing and restorative forces that increase the body's resistance to various adverse effects on a person: external factors, external-internal and internal.

2. Deliverance of people from various painful conditions and chronic diseases.

3. Strengthening and restoration of regenerative and reparative processes in organs and tissues.

4. Prevention and prevention of possible disorders in the body.

5. A significant extension of the period of active creativity of any member of society.

6. Disclosure and development of the hidden creative reserves of the intellect that each person has in the form of unrealized potential.

7. Joyful perception of the surrounding world and active active creativity for the benefit of ourselves, society and all mankind.

The main advantages of the new medical technology:

The PSG technique is environmentally friendly, does not require the use of drugs;

Periodic cleansing of the body as a result of PSG helps to maintain health, gives rest to all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the creative activity of a person, increases the emotional-figurative perception of the world around him;

The technology of the PSG method, unlike other fasting schemes, allows you to interrupt fasting at any stage of its implementation without harming the health of patients;

PSG strengthens the will of a person and faith in himself and his abilities;

A complete refusal to take any liquid slows down or stops the processes of putrefactive fermentation in the system gastrointestinal path;

PSG is effective way weight loss by obese people (average 1 kg per day);

PSG reduces elevated level metabolism observed in patients suffering from chronic diseases for a long time;

PSG enhances the blood circulation of the skin, causing their redness, opens the pores in the skin, enhances the process of skin respiration, increases the threshold of cold perception, promotes the entry of condensed moisture into the body through the skin and respiratory organs during outdoor walks, especially in the evening and at night. ;

PSG enhances the processes of utilization by the body of abnormal and pathologically altered cells, cholesterol deposits on the walls of arterial vessels, softens deposits of tartar in the oral cavity, as well as deposits of stones in tissues and internal organs (gall bladder, kidneys, joints);

PSG normalizes arterial pressure, as well as the activity of the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, improves tissue respiration and tissue metabolism;

PSG enhances reparative processes in the human body due to the internal reserves and resources of the body itself, improves the conductivity and permeability of nerve impulses (including trophic ones) to various tissues and organs;

PSG activates the processes of removing toxic metabolites, exo- and endotoxins in the body;

PSG can be carried out by patients both independently, at home, and under the supervision of instructors and other specialists who own PSG technology (in the conditions of sanatorium-resort-type institutions and hotel and medical complexes);

The PSG technique allows its use in infectious diseases (acute viral hepatitis in acute and protracted form, chronic hepatitis), oncological diseases (prostate adenomas and uterine fibroids), severe somatic diseases (bronchial asthma, hereditary degenerative diseases of the nervous system, ischemic disease heart), inflammatory diseases (prostatitis, myocarditis and many others).

Comment. The main advantage of this method is that the most curative second acidotic crisis can be overcome immediately during the passage of an eleven-day complete dry fast. Accordingly, a very good therapeutic result, but such fasting must be done in nature, in ecologically clean places and under the supervision of a doctor who owns this technique.

Flaws: in modern people, the body is so full of poisons and toxins that they can die not from hunger, but from powerful intoxication of the body. When a person begins to starve, all the toxins "scattered" in the secluded corners of the body begin to move. They begin to flow into the blood like an avalanche, changing its physiological constants. This alone causes bouts of malaise, lethargy, general soreness. The excretory organs do not have time to remove toxins and poisons from the bloodstream. All excretory organs are included: kidneys, nasopharynx, gastrointestinal tract, skin. as a result, the urine goes cloudy, dirty, pains appear in the kidneys and bladder. The stool becomes liquid, the stomach hurts. There is copious discharge from the nose, as with a cold. The skin is covered with a rash, acne, and even boils. This is very unpleasant, and in some cases even life-threatening. There is a blockade - the body does not adapt to starvation. This usually happens within 4-8 days. The starving person stops losing weight, weakness increases, nausea, headache appear, cardiac weakness and arrhythmia occur. These are the main signs of blockade (severe intoxication). in such cases, you have to interrupt the fast, sit on juices, a plant-based diet, and then repeat the fast again.

Therefore, it is very, very difficult to immediately go through such fasting, without training and good quality cleansing of the body.

Dry fasting in nature Why in nature many animals and plant organisms fall into various states of suspended animation "Watch nature, learn from it, take the best and improve, there is no limit to perfection" Modern man calls himself the king of nature. At

Dry (absolute) therapeutic fasting Dry fasting differs from classical fasting and other types of fasting in the drinking regimen. It is completely absent, that is, we stop not only eating, but also drinking. This type of fasting generally prohibits the ingress of water not only inside, but also

Dry cascade fasting according to V.P. Lavrova (This technique is described in detail in the chapter on historical information about dry curative fasting) Comment. The advantage of this technique is the ideal training and preparation of the body for dry fasting. Such fasting can

Dry fractional fasting (Methodology of S.I. Filonov) Prerequisites for the creation of the method (SFG) Considering the advantages and disadvantages of these methods, the stages of therapeutic starvation, we tried to take the best. The method of fractional starvation helped a lot in the creation of SFG

Myths about dry therapeutic fasting

Dry therapeutic fasting for various diseases Undeniable effectiveness different types fasting, but in this chapter I want to talk about those diseases for which dry fasting is most effective. Disease is the way nature shows that

Dry fasting in acute illness First of all, let's clarify - what is a disease? Let's call a disease a special temporary state of the body, during which the body from a stable state (health) of functioning passes into another (diseased), not

Dry fasting in chronic diseases Chronic disease is nothing more than a violation of the self-regulation program encoded by nature. Therefore, to heal the patient means to restore the natural process of self-regulation of the body. And do

Dry fractional fasting After you have cleaned the intestines and liver, done wet fasting, you can start dry fasting. One of the very important points for a good passage of dry fasting is to eat before fasting.

Dry fasting There are two types of dry fasting: complete and partial. It is carried out mostly on its own. The differences between dry fasting and classical fasting are as follows. The 2nd rule - the drinking regimen - is completely absent. This promotes faster splitting.

Full breathing Full breathing - yoga breathing is the most rational way of breathing, it is the basis of proper breathing. Full breathing contributes to the best ventilation of the lungs, the movement of energy and oxygen metabolism in the body. This breath gives a wonderful effect,

Full Breathing The process of performing the full breathing exercise is divided into four stages. The first is exhalation. First, you should push your stomach forward strongly, as if inflating it. The diaphragm smoothly lowers, while providing maximum air access to the

Leonid Alexandrovich Shchennikov (1932 - 2019) is a unique personality of our time, extraordinary, bright, captivating. This is the only person in our country who has broken the Guinness record for the duration of abstinence from food and liquids (21 days).

Starting in 1975, Leonid Alexandrovich went the hard way to ensure that dry fasting became known to a wide range of people. At the very beginning, he researched and tried on himself various methods of strengthening and healing the body without medicines. He actively engaged in fasting on water, on juices, practiced vegetarianism and a raw food diet, meditative techniques, self-programming, everything about which information could be found. As the tip of the iceberg, as a result of all practices, Leonid Alexandrovich came to the conclusion that dry fasting mobilizes the body at all levels - to achieve health, regeneration. I realized that the effect is achieved as quickly as possible. I checked that the blood and lymphatic system can be cleansed, and the immune system can help a person, it would seem, in the most severe cases ..

He, on his own, without support and even information about what could happen to the body, at his own peril and risk, starved for 7 - 9 - 1 - 14 - 16 and up to 21 days.

At that time, we could learn about the benefits of fasting only from Western publications, religious and spiritual teachings, which were not taken into account by medicine. A few Soviet doctors who studied the topic of fasting (Pashutin, Nikolaev) used only water fasting. A persistent, common rule was - fasting without fluid for more than 3 days leads to death (!).

It is difficult even to imagine the amount of time spent, energy, upholstered rapids; how much disbelief and skepticism surrounded those who tried to bring in the new. The discovery of the practice of fasting without fluid was not beneficial to anyone, it was treated with distrust and hostility, as to everything viable, competitive, effective. After all, a person has found mechanisms and opportunities to heal himself!

At that very time, Leonid gathered full houses at free lectures on Dry Fasting, published literature with his own money, which was often reprinted and rewritten by hand, to then be presented to relatives and friends.

As a result, thanks to the persistent efforts of Leonid Alexandrovich, in 1997, after 20 years of practice and supported by the results of thousands of people, the Method of Rehabilitation of the Organism from Diseases (SG method) was successfully tested in several scientific and medical institutions.

At the time when the Kislovodsk school "Vigilance" was already ten years old, a patent of the Russian Federation for an invention was received - the method of "dry" fasting, as a way of rehabilitating the body. It was a sensation! The empirical results could not be refuted. Medicine officially, for the first time, recognized the benefits of dry fasting!

Now the laws Russian Federation allow to conduct healing courses of dry fasting in medical and private centers, they are recommended for the improvement of a wide range of the population.

It is difficult to calculate how many different clinics in Russia and abroad are now using the method developed and promoted to the masses by Leonid Shchennikov for the treatment of diseases. varying degrees gravity. The so-called "new", "improved" methods are being created, which are based on the forty-year work of Leonid Aleksandrovich.

"And to the glory of God!" - so he said himself. “Now the method of dry fasting is called differently - absolute, strict, complete, and so on. And it doesn't matter what way a person comes to it. For me, the main thing is that people know that there is a drug-free method, open and accessible to almost everyone. Just please remember - it is important to KNOW AND FOLLOW the proven, necessary and necessary RULES of the methodology in order to starve for the benefit, and not to the detriment.

From the book Starving for Health:

Shortly about myself

I was born in 1932 in the Urals and from childhood I began to think about what life is?

One lives 60-70 years, the other more than 100, a tree can live up to 2 thousand years. So, there is a secret of health and longevity?

I decided to figure it out myself. He studied anatomy while working in a regional hospital, got to know medicine better, was fond of homeopathy, and finally realized that a person does not live as long as he could, and is subject to many diseases because there is no unity of the mind with the body.

My lifestyle

If we talk about my own lifestyle, nutritional habits, I can say that for many years I have been following a simple routine and diet for life. It can't even be called a diet in its entirety. For me, it's a way of life.

Energy and creativity

One of the main differences between humans and animals is the ability to be creative. Each of us has this ability, but, sadly, over time it begins to seem to us that it somehow fades, fades into the background, third plan. With proper development and reasonable education, creative abilities develop and cover not one, but several areas. As they say, a talented person is talented in everything. I don’t believe when they tell me that I’m not talented, they say, it was God who cheated me. It is not true. This simply cannot be.

Release extra energy

If all the energy we waste was put together, it would be a steel blade. Or it could be a world record. Are you surprised? Do you want to know where she goes? Have you ever thought about it?

Do you think that all the energy that you feel in yourself and that you use in everyday life is all that you are capable of? Everything you have? No, my dear friend, we do not use even a third of what we have. A huge part of our energy is spent daily mainly on talking and digesting food. It's like we would drive a dump truck for two or three hours a day, having no benefit from it. Simply because they have committed themselves to it. Because others do it too. We forget about what we have, what we possess. And this is a huge potential, a storehouse of energy and strength.

We are already at home

In anything, one should never act under compulsion - this is clear. But in most cases, we do just that, which, as a rule, does not bring satisfaction. The force of action is equal to the force of reaction. As a result, we get zero. No one can force us to impose reasonable approaches. We must analyze and seek in order to know the truth ourselves. And this is true, as well as the fact that not a single saint became a saint without trials, not a single scientist came to a one-time brilliant conclusion without having done hundreds of experiments and calculations before. Life is not calculable. The fate of each of us depends on how we live, despite the circumstances that arise around us. Passing tests in the form of deprivation or illness, how to act depends only on us and the decisions we have chosen. And what do our decisions depend on?

Fasting and prayer

Fasting raises prayer to heaven.
Fasting refines the body, sharpens the spirit.

Abstinence in food is beneficial both for the body and for spiritual uplift. That is why it can and should become the first stage, preparation for further actions. The purity of consciousness has been created and maintained from time immemorial by prayer, mantra, let's call it whatever you like, the essence will not change. Prayer is not a request, not a hope, and not even a faith - all this can precede it. Prayer is a state of acceptance. The state of communication.


Abstinence - perfection of the body and spirit

Abstinence in a broad sense is beneficial both for the body and for the creation of pure consciousness. All actions and understanding of life laws are based on this, the most important factor in human functions. Passions, desires that torment a person, without the right direction, lead to a slow but sure destruction of the body. At the same time, mental health is losing its roots, which go deep into the subconscious.

Clearing the subconscious mind is difficult and almost impossible for many of us. ordinary people, for those who do not have elementary, but very important concepts for our life. Let's leave the terminology to psychologists and try together with you to understand the work of this little-studied "underworld".

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The method of dry fasting according to L. A. Shchennikov (the method of Healing Abstinence)

Independent dry fasting is a very serious matter.

Everyone is responsible for himself.

L. A. Shchennikov

This technique was developed by Professor L. A. Shchennikov, based on his more than forty years of fasting experience.

The main feature of the method is complete or absolute dry fasting from 5 to 11 days in specialized centers under the control of the author of this technique or his students.

Entering fasting consists of the following steps:

- the patient's psychological attitude to fasting, prayers;

– complete dental examination with mandatory treatment of all teeth;

- refusal of all products containing animal protein, one week before starvation with the transition to vegetable food, preferably from raw vegetables;

- on the day preceding the start of fasting, cleanse the intestines with some kind of laxative;

- do not do enemas!

During fasting, the author of the method of Healing Abstinence advises sleeping 2 times a day: morning and evening from 6 to 10 o'clock, walking in the fresh air for 3 hours in the afternoon and avoiding sleep at night from 10 pm to 6 am. During the course you must:

- completely refuse any food and liquid;

- do not brush your teeth, do not spit saliva, do not rinse your mouth with water;

- refuse any water procedures;

- breathe only through the nose;

- actively move at night;

- avoid sudden movements, use moderate physical activity;

– do not speak, communication only in writing!

- completely refuse to watch TV, use a computer and mobile phone;

- keep your head open, do not use hats;

- it is advisable to walk barefoot, but not more than 3 km per day;

- completely abandon sexual intimacy;

During the course of Healing Abstinence, it is desirable to avoid communication with other people, not to argue, not to get irritated, to be calm and humble, to communicate daily with the head of the treatment course.

The most suitable way out of dry fasting L. A. Shchennikov considers compliance with a strict drinking regimen and raw food diet. Required condition: food should be without salt.

“In recovery, it’s better to be starving than to overeat at least once,” writes the author of the Healing Abstinence method. He advises on the first day out of fasting to drink water in small sips, then whey, then you can take water with the addition of lemon juice and oatmeal decoction. All this volume of liquid should not exceed a total of 3-4 glasses per day. You can eat raw, finely chopped vegetables in small portions and drink diluted vegetable juices.

Starting from the second day, the volume of liquid can be brought up to 1.5 liters, while the use of boiled vegetables and fresh fruits is allowed. From this day on, you can already take a warm shower and after each meal or liquid, be sure to move.

In the following days of the exit from dry fasting, L. A. Shchennikov advises gradually introducing cereals, vegetable proteins, dried fruits into the diet, with a further complete transition to vegetarian food. At the same time, during the period of exit from fasting and after, one should strictly adhere to the ban on the use of hot food, alcohol, coffee, salt, sugar and cigarettes.

Personally, I am not a supporter of dry fasting, and here's why. Any fasting, of course, is a stress for our body, and "hard" dry fasting, in my opinion, is not just stress, but Megastress! In the absence of any intake of fluid from the outside in the body, all processes are accelerated at times, the acidotic crisis does not occur on the tenth day, as with water fasting, but already on the third day of dry hunger. L. A. Shchennikov writes that Healing Abstinence is the shortest way to health. Doubtful. Why is it necessary to hurry so much? This I cannot understand...

Some three years ago, during a summer vacation with a tent in Laspi Bay on the Black Sea, I met and talked with a woman who, of her own free will, underwent a 15-day (!) absolute dry fast, and at home. Her name was Larisa L. and here is her story about it.

“In order to test my willpower and Spirit, to prove something to myself, at the age of 29 I decided to conduct such an experiment. Prior to that, I had switched to separate meals according to the method of G. Shelton, and a few months before fasting, she carried out a thorough cleaning of all organs. I fasted myself during Advent in December. For the entire period of fasting, I suffered greatly from a terrible, sometimes painful thirst, but I didn’t feel like eating at all. All I could afford to make myself less thirsty was to walk the streets and inhale the humid frosty air and put a ball of snow to my lips (but not to drink!). I lost a lot of weight, although I was not full before fasting. A week after the start of fasting, I was already reeling from every gust of wind. In my dreams, nightmares began to haunt me, in which I drank entire lakes of water, swelling up to the size of an airship, and still I couldn’t get drunk! From somewhere, an incomprehensible irritability and aggression appeared, I literally “came off” at everyone for the slightest reason ... On the 13th day, I could no longer get out of bed, even to go to the toilet. Complete apathy for life and lack of strength ...

My friend saved me, who on the 15th day of my "feat" brought me back to life. He literally carried me out of the apartment in his arms and sat me on a bench. I sat and breathed for two hours. Then he took a full bath of snow and put me in it. I didn’t feel the cold, I took the snow in my hands and slowly drank the melt water. To my surprise, after such a "winter swimming" I did not catch a cold! Only after some time, it dawned on me that I almost “left” ... I don’t want to do more such experiments ... "

Enemas and cleansing procedures with absolute dry fasting are excluded, you can’t wash, rinse your mouth, and you can’t spit. Let me then ask, how does a poor organism get rid of toxins? It’s great, we carry all our garbage in the form of toxins and slags, and here it’s only half a step to the strongest intoxication!

The entire period of fasting is much harder both psychologically and physically. I've tried it myself and don't recommend it to anyone., especially long, more than 3 days, periods of dry absolute fasting. Why is it necessary to look for difficult and very dangerous ways, when, in order to achieve the same result, a correct and correct one has long been invented and tested for decades? reliable way water therapeutic fasting? Hundreds of thousands of people, thanks to this smoother, gradual and sparing method, were cured of many of their ailments, and even today thousands of people are successfully defeating diseases, taking water fasting as a basis.

Try to mentally imagine such a picture: two or three dozen slightly staggering (and where to get strength if you can’t drink!), Bad-smelling people (what other “ombre” can come from a person who has not washed for a week or more!), At night (at night you can’t sleep, you need to move, replenishment of energy exclusively from the Cosmos!), wandering barefoot around the building of the Healing Abstinence Center (and you can’t go far!) in complete silence, without even talking to each other (also impossible!). Represented?! My association is some kind of sadomasochistic sect or a psychiatric hospital for deaf and dumb homeless people obsessed with one “Higher” idea. Is not it? I think this surrealistic picture made a special indelible impression on women! Maybe I "exaggerated"? Then re-read again all the instructions of the author of Healing Abstinence himself and see for yourself.

However, if you still decide to resort to complete dry fasting according to this “Miracle Method”, what is free will, just remember that even the author of this technique, L. A. Shchennikov, does not recommend dry fasting at home for a period of more 3 days, and even then under the vigilant supervision of doctors! According to his method of Healing Abstinence, people should undergo a course of long-term dry fasting only in the centers he created and, of course, for a certain amount of money. Pure commerce!

This is a very difficult and dangerous method of fasting, even for a person prepared by regular water fasting! Do not try to pass it on your own for more than 3 days! When deciding on long-term dry fasting using this technique, be sure to ensure yourself constant medical supervision during the entire course. Any negligence can be fatal!

The technique of dry fractional fasting according to V. P. Lavrova

The material for writing was my contacts with the other world, that is, the parallel one.

I've been on the hook for several years now...

V. P. Lavrova

The author of this technique is Valentina Pavlovna Lavrova, a contactee with the Cosmos and a conductor of the ideas of the Higher Mind on Earth, which she considers herself to be. Twenty years ago, according to the deep conviction of V.P. Lavrova, on Earth, at the behest of the Cosmic Higher Mind, a New Era began, which will mark the transition of the best part of humanity to a certain Sixth civilization. To all people worthy of immortality, V.P. Lavrova preaches, the Higher Mind will replace the soul, and will change the entire human body through transmutation at the cellular level. In order to successfully complete the process of transmutation, people absolutely need to carry out a radical cleansing of the body through long dry fasts, followed by a complete rejection of food and water and the transition to nutrition only with cosmic energy in the near future. And whoever does not understand the essence of these great transformations is doomed, according to V. A. Lavrova, to death! That's it, a little and a lot!

I think any sane person understands perfectly well that this is sheer nonsense generated by the sick imagination of Mrs. Lavrova, but since her method of dry fasting has recently become very fashionable among some of our population, I decided to reveal its basic principles in this book.

So, the essence of the method of V.P. Lavrova is as follows: it is a chain of successive cycles of dry fasting and nutrition, equal in duration and for a period of 1 to 5 days. A week before the start of dry fasting, you need to switch to a completely plant-based food, and before the day of hunger, drink as much as possible more water. Then a day of absolutely dry fasting - nothing to eat and nothing to drink, after which you should eat for a day and follow this pattern for a month. After that, according to the author of this technique, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage - two days of fasting and two days of nutrition. A month later - three days of fasting and three days of food. As a result, according to this principle, a person must reach the scheme five days after five days and always adhere to it throughout the rest of his life, says V. A. Lavrova.

Ms. Lavrova advises, you need to go out to food from each dry fast: first drink water, after 2-3 hours start drinking kefir or boiled milk, fish or chicken bouillon, yogurt. Then, after another couple of hours, you can already gradually eat whatever you want! The way out of fasting on juices is categorically not acceptable! She motivates her way out of dry fasting by the fact that any newborn, whether animal or human, immediately begins to suck mother's milk and, thus, immediately passes to milk protein nutrition which, in her opinion, is the only correct one!

Let me note that Mrs. Lavrova, recommending such a way out of fasting, completely forgets about the fact that fasting is undertaken by adults, not babies. Only man, being an adult, continues to drink milk, but not a single animal in nature, having ceased to be a cub, never consumes milk. (Alas, we ourselves taught cats and dogs to do this.) Personally, from dairy products I can sometimes eat only hard cheese, very rarely sour cream and butter, and my body reacts to other dairy products with a categorical “No!” in the form of diarrhea. What is the way out of starvation! The thing is that the casein contained in milk is not absorbed by an adult organism, but V.P. Lavrova, it seems, the "aliens" did not tell about this ...

You can’t start with a longer fast without going through short periods before, and “jump” over the steps. Don't do enemas. Any contact with water is excluded, that is, for several days you bathe, brush your teeth, wash dirty dishes, and then go dirty and sweaty for the same number of days, forgetting about hygiene. Comments, I think, are superfluous!

At its core, the method proposed by V.P. Lavrova is not even a method of dry fasting, but a transition to a different way of life, according to the scheme, the only true path to immortality, as its author categorically believes. In addition, this method has a number of contraindications, which V.P. Lavrova herself points out. So, following her logic, both those who do not want to use her “brilliant” methods, and those who want to, but cannot, according to certain medical indicators, will not gain immortality and will not receive a new Soul. And sideways any religion with a thousand-year history! Either live according to V.P. Lavrova, or welcome to Hell! By the way, with regard to dry cascade fasting, Mrs. V.P. Lavrova did not discover “America”, a similar method was proposed by S.I. Filonov a long time ago, and without any cosmic bells and whistles.

The technique of Sergei Ivanovich Filonov provides for two or sometimes three fractions (cycles) of dry hunger, between which periods of restorative nutrition follow. The first fraction lasts from 5 to 7 days, exactly as long as the person himself is able to withstand, during this cycle the first acidotic crisis passes. This is followed by an exit according to a special technique using medicinal herbs. Then again a period of dry fasting, lasting 7–9 days with the passage of an acidotic crisis, and again a recovery period. Sometimes they resort to the third period of fasting, if the cleansing of the body has not occurred in full.

This approach of S. I. Filonov to dry fasting makes this ordeal smoother and not so painful for the patient. Each subsequent fasting, as it were, is superimposed on the previous one, with the full preservation of the therapeutic effect, but this is achieved with less effort. In addition, the fact that its author allows all water procedures to be carried out during dry fasting is also a positive point.

Of course, many authors of fasting methods (P. Bragg, G. Shelton, Y. Nikolaev and others) did not discern the spiritual essence of fasting, but at least they did not bring an alien basis to this method, which has absolutely nothing to do with God!

Summing up, I can say that it is up to you to decide whether to strive to achieve the Sixth Civilization together with V.P. Lavrova or not. Personally, I'm fine here!

The method of urinary starvation according to G. P. Malakhov

Urinary fasting is the crown of all fasting.

G. P. Malakhov

Another fashionable author of a whole series of books on human health and fasting, in particular, is Gennady Petrovich Malakhov. In one of the publications belonging to his pen, which is called “Starvation. Author's textbook", he writes in detail about the essence of fasting, various methods and his experience of fasting, and also gives his own methodology urinary starvation, which, in his opinion, is the most perfect and exclusively curative.

For those who do not know this term, I will explain - urine is simply urine, which we so recklessly, according to G.P. Malakhov, drain daily, pissing into the toilet. He considers himself the heir of P. Bragg, regularly quotes and refers to his book "The Miracle of Fasting", while calling P. Bragg none other than the Great Authority. At the same time, completely forgetting about how P. Bragg describes the state of urine during fasting. To prove this statement, I will quote the words of the author of The Miracle of Starvation himself: If a person who boasts of his health is put on a 5-6 day fast with distilled water, then his body will begin to excrete poisons with his breath and urine, which will acquire a dark color and a terrible smell.

G.P. Malakhov is firmly convinced that urine fasting, by thinning the blood, reduces the load on the kidneys, flushes the liver, supports the activity of the heart, destroys harmful microbes and bacteria, increases potency and restores the reproductive function of the body. In a word, drinking your own urine during fasting, he preaches, can save humanity from any disease: from a simple cold, and from cancer, and from AIDS!

According to Wikipedia (Global Internet Encyclopedia), urine therapy is a prime example of pseudoscience. Here is a quote from Wikipedia: “In some cases, urine therapy is a danger to the health and life of the patient. The data available in evidence-based medicine indicate that for internal use, human urine is in most cases harmful and even dangerous. Even in relatively healthy people who use urine therapy, there is chronic vomiting, diarrhea, irritation of the stomach and intestines. Such patients can be hospitalized in hospitals with erroneous diagnoses - dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera. At the same time, no infection is found in them, and all symptoms disappear after the cessation of urine therapy. Nevertheless, there are known cases of curing minor ailments with the help of urine, which suggests that under certain conditions, urine therapy can help due to the so-called placebo effect (that is, if a person very strongly believes in the miracle of urine therapy, it will help him). Blessed are those who believe...

“Our own urine is an irreplaceable liquid, naturally charged with all our information, which is capable of“ knocking out ”various pathological foci ... and thereby cleanse the body of various filth,” V.P. Malakhov teaches readers.

I will say right away that I am not an adherent of urine therapy in any of its manifestations. Later in this chapter I will explain why, but for now let's return to the very methodology of Mr. Malakhov.

The entrance to fasting itself is quite classic, the term of hunger is up to 10 days (as with P. Bragg), it is possible to apply dry fasting in the first few days. But there is also distinguishing feature. Its author, before fasting, advises a thorough long-term cleansing of all organs of the body (heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, lymph, joints, etc.), and not just drinking a laxative and doing an enema.

Such a cleansing of the body before fasting, in my opinion, of course, will not bring you harm, but the question arises, why starve after this? Fasting itself is a perfect way to cleanse our body, and there is no need to duplicate it. The explanation for this, obviously, lies in the fact that when we use urine, so hotly advertised by G.P. Malakhov, we ourselves bring dirt back into the body!

During fasting, G.P. Malakhov recommends using great physical exertion and hardening your body in every possible way. I am also a supporter of physical activity during hunger, however, I believe that the load should be moderately balanced and individual for each person. Otherwise, too much energy is wasted, which could have been spent on curing the body of diseases. Accordingly, the therapeutic effect of fasting with too much physical activity is significantly reduced, and in the case of very weakened people, there may also be a significant danger to the patient's health.

Exit from fasting according to the usual classical scheme - on juices, fresh and boiled vegetables, fruits, or on decoctions of medicinal herbs with the addition of honey.

Now let's take a closer look at the issue of using urine instead of liquid for drinking and hygiene procedures during fasting. According to Mr. Malakhov's method of urinary fasting, during the course of hunger, it is necessary and mandatory to use your own excreted urine for drinking, rinse your mouth and nose with it, do enemas and compresses with it several times a day, use it instead of massage cream. I will quote G. P. Malakhov himself: “ Fasting began, and I decided to starve ... I cut my hair bald, began to rub hardened urine into my head and make compresses with it on my head. In the evening I meditated with the idea of ​​hair growth ...» Imagine a picture? Comments required?

Moreover, before using this “Wonderful Living Water”, you must also pre-evaporate to one quarter of the volume! Only in this way, the author of this technique believes, it is possible to achieve an effective result of fasting.

In a healthy person, according to medical biological studies, urine contains uric acid, urea, ammonia, creatine, phosphates and many other chemical compounds, the accumulation of which can be a threat to life. In a sick person, salts of various heavy metals, acetone, pathogenic bacteria. In fact, urine is nothing more than processed and discarded due to pollution ... blood!

Through the human kidneys, blood is filtered during the day in a total volume of about 1500 liters, while forming approximately 170-180 liters of the so-called primary urine, which in its composition is very similar to blood plasma. This primary urine circulates through the renal channels, and during this constant circulation, all the valuable and nutritious substances that our body needs are absorbed back. All poisons and toxins resulting from such purification are excreted from the body in the form of secondary urine in a volume of 600 milliliters to 2 liters per day.

Can these volumes be compared? The human kidneys are a powerful filter that every second rids our body of all unnecessary debris, while retaining all the valuable substances. Our wise body, thus, decides for itself what it needs and what needs to be thrown away! So let's not interfere with him!

I have talked to many doctors and they all unanimously claim that such an "avant-garde" approach to the fasting process can cause irreparable harm to the health of a person "treated" in this way, and lead to severe intoxication. “I drank urine - hurry to the doctor!” - doctors joke gloomily. I fully support this point of view! The fact is that during fasting with urine and other natural secretions, all the garbage, all the toxins and slags that we have so “carefully” accumulated for a long time, begin to leave the body. With uric starvation, instead of allowing our body to be cleansed as much as possible, we consciously use all the rubbish it does not need with big love pushing it back! About the “aroma” in your kitchen while making broth from your own urine, I just keep quiet!

“So you think that urine therapy is nonsense, and I even rejuvenated from it! - an elderly nurse said to the doctors of our regional hospital, - I have already come to terms with the fact that I have been a grandmother for a long time, but now I have become a young woman! You can see for yourself - the result is obvious! This naive woman starved according to the system of G.P. Malakhov, unconditionally believing in the "magic" properties of "living water" - urine. She had oncology in the female part, and in this way she hoped to get rid of the tumor and avoid surgery. Precious time was lost, and the tumor changed into a malignant one. Bleeding, which the woman took for a manifestation of renewed menstrual cycle, turned out to be the result of an open ulcer. Unfortunately, the end of this story is sad...

Think for a minute - if you take good care of your car, you will not fill in used engine oil back, having evaporated it beforehand! With such a “magic” approach, will you go far? Nonsense, right? And Mr. Malakhov recommends that we do the same with our body! What kind of "bouquet" of complications you can get thanks to such a "treatment", you, unfortunately, will find out only some time after its completion. Do you need it? I think every sane person understands that you should not put yourself in risky experiments in this way and subtly mock your own body!

Of course, you can read the book by G. P. Malakhov, but I advise you to use less extreme classical methods of water (and not urine!) fasting for the treatment and healing of your body, which have passed a long test of time and are scientifically substantiated by their authors!

Attention! This is an introductory section of the book.

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Dry fasting is not only a radical method of losing weight, but also a therapeutic measure in diagnosing a number of diseases. In what cases it is optimal to adhere to dry fasting, and how to do it correctly, you can find out further.

Indications for dry fasting and how it works

Dry fasting is a refusal in general from food and water for a period of 24 hours to 7 days (optimally). Other methods of such refusal are based on careful preparation organism, as well as moral endurance. The fact is that dry fasting excludes not only drinking, but also contact with water in the form of a shower and washing.

Why you need to try the dry fasting method on yourself:

  • A person significantly improves his appearance - drastically loses weight (fat deposits disappear right before our eyes), the complexion becomes alive and healthy, and the teeth become pearly white.
  • The internal state of a person is updated, as there is an acceleration of metabolism.
  • Human health improves if there are chronic gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Allergic skin diseases go away, since during dry fasting blood purification inevitably occurs.
Dry fasting is also indicated if there is such a diagnosis:
  • bronchial asthma;
  • osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis;
  • neurosis, depression;
  • infertility (we will tell about the causes and methods of treating infertility in women);
  • excess weight.

During a dry fast, the body finds itself in extreme conditions, so the “elderly” and diseased cells die already after 20 hours. There is a restructuring in the body at the cellular and energy level.

Hence the realities: those people who approach the fasting procedure consistently, following all the recommendations, feel lightness throughout the body, the body is rejuvenated, and the quality of the skin improves. They say that the procedure of a hunger strike with a wise approach is the second youth.

There are several methods and ways of fasting, but the preparation for all is identical and is 2 weeks. You should follow a certain diet to prepare the body for a stressful situation:

  • If it is possible for you, then for 2 two weeks you should be completely on a vegetable diet: cereals that are boiled in water are allowed, without the addition of oils.
  • If 2 weeks is not possible for you, start with a sparing regimen: the first week - eliminate all fatty and sugary foods, the second week - switch to a plant-based diet.
  • The diet of the first week may include chicken and fish from meat dishes.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, berries, as well as boiled vegetables, mushrooms are available for consumption.
  • You can introduce nuts, honey into the diet.
  • Drink more than 2 liters of purified water per day and herbal teas.
  • Eliminate alcohol, and you can not smoke during the preparation and fasting itself.
  • An hour before the start of “drying”, it is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of water, adding the juice of half a lemon and 0.5 teaspoon of honey to 1-2 servings.

If you avoid the preparatory stage, you will have to face this negative consequences like fatigue, irritability, stomach pain, and performance.

Dry hunger strike according to the Shchennikov method

The Shchennikov method is not just a method, but a whole school that is already 27 years old and has real results. What is the peculiarity of his method of fasting:
  • Shchennikov recommends switching to a dry fast gradually, increasing the period of fasting and maintaining the periods between fasting, namely, starting from 36 hours of dry fasting, we take a break of 1-2 days, then increase the days to 3, then a gradual exit.
  • During dry fasting, according to Shchennikov, it is allowed to douse and wash, since the penetration of water through the skin does not affect the fasting itself, and is even useful in this case (other methods adhere to the absence of water both outside and inside during fasting).
  • Shchennikov completely denies the use of cleansing procedures (enemas), as it is unnatural, and the body must carry out "self-cleaning" without any intervention.
A feature of his method is also the "schedule for the hungry":
  • from 6 to 10 hours - the time of morning sleep;
  • from 10 to 1 - time to be active in the fresh air (mandatory condition);
  • from one to 15.00 - the time of "brainstorming";
  • from 15.00 to 18.00 - yoga classes or any physical exercises;
  • from 18 to 22.00 - sleep;
  • from 22.00 to 06.00 - a walk in the fresh air.
Now it remains only to imagine where such a plan can be implemented? Only if you organize a trip to a sanatorium or to a mountainous area. By the way, often the founders organize such collective trips with lectures and training.

Anna Yakuba - fasting as a way of life

Anna Yakuba advises to alternate days of dry fasting with a raw food diet. So, it is allowed to eat green detox smoothies, fruit juices, nuts and dried fruits in moderate fractional doses.

As a preparation, Anna Yakuba recommends “holding on” for 15 to 30 days on a raw food diet (that is, not eating thermally processed foods) and setting yourself up for the result. She advises practicing a two-week course of dry fasting, which alternates one day of fasting and a day of raw food for two weeks, and then comes out of fasting.

In the following video, you can clearly see how Anna Yakuba conducts a 7-day fast:

During fasting, you can not take medications, do bowel cleansing, take alcohol or smoke.

5-day fasting systems from Lavrova

The most popular method of "hunger strike", which is based on the main axiom: after 5 days of fasting, the body opens a "second wind", that is, its natural strength. Thus, immune reserves are opened, and “self-cleaning” occurs.

Types of popular dry fasting systems according to Lavrova (cascade):

  • "Sparing" cascade - is based on the fact that you fast first for 1 day, and then eat normally for 1, 2 or 3 weeks, then fast for 2 days with the same break you choose, then 3 days and so on up to 5 days. After five days - exit from dry fasting.
  • ordinary cascade according to the Lavrova method consists of 5 stages. The first is 1 day of hunger, 1 day of food, and then everything continues in the same way until you feel comfortable in this “competition” with the hidden forces of your body. Then the second period follows: 2 days of dry fasting - 2 days of food, and so the period determined for you continues until your condition in this system is normalized. Then the third period - 3 days of food, 3 days of hunger and so on. So in periods you reach 5 days of fasting with a break of 5 days for food.
  • Short "cascade" is a system that is not subject to periodization. It is carried out in order to cleanse, return to its former shape or take care of its gastrointestinal tract, remove heaviness and improve appearance. To do this: the first day of hunger - the next 2 days you can eat, 2 days of hunger strike - the next 3 days - you can eat, 3 days of hunger strike - 4 days you can eat. So reach up to 5 days and exit the cascade.
  • Abbreviated Program best suited for people "experienced" in dry fasting. It is carried out as follows: 3 days of hunger strike - 15 days you can eat on a diet, 5 days - hunger strike and you can go out.
  • Brief period fasting (24 or 36 hours) usually does not require pre-training and exit from fasting, but still nutrition should be moderate. During these hours you can neither eat nor drink.

Lavrova is also an opponent of bowel cleansing by external methods, since this is a natural process. At the same time, a person should be in the air for a long time, engage in physical education or active sports, and often ventilate the room. You should start fasting according to this popular system while on vacation.

Dry fasting according to Filonov - fractional

Why fractional? The fact is that it is divided into stages (cycles), thanks to which it is possible to replenish reserve resources each time. defensive forces organism. At the first stage of cleansing, the body is “cleaned up”, functionality, energy potential and cell memory are restored. The second stage of fasting is the final one, at which the started process is completed - what was missed at the first stage is cleaned up.

It is worth the fate of 2 rules of dry fasting according to Filonov:

  • During fasting, water procedures are allowed: dousing and washing in all variations. Also in this method, cleansing enemas are used to empty the intestines.
  • In between days of fasting, you stick to a plant-based diet plus cereals, juices, and water. Magnesia (or castor oil) is recommended for bowel cleansing.

Such fasting can be carried out in two ways:

For newbies

It is carried out in 5 factions:
  • 1st cycle : 1 day - fasting, 7 days - food;
  • 2nd cycle : 2 days - fasting, 7 days - food;
  • 3-cycle : 3 days - fasting, 7 days - food;
  • 4th cycle : 4 days - fasting, 7 days - food;
  • 5th cycle : 5 days - fasting, exit.

For prepared

Held in 5 periods:
  • 1st cycle : 1 day - fasting, 2 days - food;
  • 2nd cycle : 2 days - fasting, 3 days - food;
  • 3-cycle : 3 days - fasting, 4 days - food;
  • 4th cycle : 4 days - fasting, 5 days - food;
  • 5th cycle : 5 days - fasting, exit.

"Drying" for 3, 5 and 7 days - what happens?

Depending on how carefully you treated the initial stage of preparing the body for starvation, the reaction of your body in the process of “drying” itself is determined. Of course, the results are determined by the duration of the hunger strike.

Dry fasting in 3 days can lead to:

  • weight loss from 4 to 6 kg;
  • the appearance of a white coating on the tongue as evidence of the "exit" of poisons from the body;
  • increased sleep time, possibly weakness, fatigue, thirst.

Fasting for 5 days leads to a weight loss of up to 8 kg, although apathy, dry lips and mucous membranes, drowsiness and, in some cases, irritability are added to this. The smell from the mouth can appear at any time, as this will be the "first bell" about the body's struggle for life with pathogenic bacteria.

Fasting for 7 days has a great result in weight loss, which reaches 15 kg, but this type of fasting is not suitable for beginners, as it can negatively affect the body. Addiction should be gradual, cyclical.

Exit from the hunger strike

Getting out of the waterless-inedible diet is the most important aspect on which your health, well-being, and willingness to repeat fasting will depend. So, you need to adhere to the following rules:
  • If you started the "marathon" at 7 pm, then you need to complete it at the same time. The fact is that the normalization of the mechanisms of the body requires a regimen.
  • The first thing you can do at the end is to brush your teeth, perform water procedures and drink a glass of water, namely, the water should be boiled and warm, non-carbonated. Drink water in small sips.
  • Take a bath or shower, best contrast.
  • The first snack is cottage cheese or fermented baked milk (curdled milk, yogurt), best of all, home-made on live sourdough.
  • Turn on the broth from chicken breast or any low-fat fish, but do not salt it, and do not eat bread. You need to refrain from flour for several days, so as not to overload the digestive tract.
  • For the next 3-4 days, you can eat small portions of protein foods (cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, fish) and drink water.
  • Food must be chewed thoroughly and for a long time, water should be drunk in small sips.
  • Subsequently, you can gently introduce buckwheat and wheat porridge, stewed vegetables, juices and salads.
  • Stay away from salty and sugary foods for as long as possible. If you are "addicted" to cyclic drying, then until the next cycle - a taboo for these products.

Dry fasting according to Shchennikov is a method of healing the body, which consists in the complete refusal of food and liquid intake for a certain period of time. The optimal period of abstinence from food is 7 days. Despite the severity and complexity of the system, the efficiency justifies itself.

Dr. Leonid Aleksandrovich Shchennikov developed a system of fasting, which is widely used for healing and treating a person. The peculiarity of the method lies in the resolution of external contact with water - you can pour over, wash your face.

  • excess weight;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • infertility (adhesions);
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • benign tumors;
  • cholesterol;
  • neurosis, depression.

Hunger is indicated for hypertension of 1-2 degrees, dental diseases (periodontal disease, periodontitis, tartar), bronchial asthma, cardiac ischemia, angina pectoris.

It will help to cope with skin problems, allergic manifestations (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, subcutaneous mites).

Fasting according to Shchennikov's method is patented in Russia and has been officially tested by the medical commission. According to doctors and patients, this practice has a healing, healing effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

The main advantage of therapeutic refusal of food, according to the method of Leonid Alexandrovich, is the ability to use water externally (bath, wash hands). During fasting, cold douches are shown - this strengthens the immune system, helps the lymphatic system to quickly remove toxins and toxic substances.

With dry abstinence, the adrenal cortex produces hormones in large quantities, which helps the immune system fight inflammation and autoimmune changes. Blood more actively saturates the brain with oxygen, blood pressure normalizes.

Scientists believe that starvation diets help prolong life and youth - metabolism improves, metabolism accelerates, old and diseased cells are eliminated, new healthy ones are born. The skin is hydrated and nourished hyaluronic acid, collagen, which is actively released during the transition to internal nutrition.

Hunger therapy increases insulin sensitivity, which allows the body to efficiently use glucose. A protein is produced that protects the brain from Alzheimer's disease, senile dystrophy of thought processes.

The negatives include:

  • fat burns muscle mass. The body begins to feed on internal resources, compensates for energy costs at the expense of muscle tissue;
  • refusal of water leads to dehydration;
  • poisoning by decay products may occur;
  • there is a possibility of developing diabetes due to a decrease in the level of insulin in the blood.

The procedure has many undesirable consequences that can turn into diseases, disorders of the body. It is necessary to undergo an examination and consult with a doctor about the application of the method in practice.

Rules for the procedure

It is possible to achieve a therapeutic effect with the correct approach to the fasting procedure. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of experts on how to properly enter and exit hunger. If these rules are not followed, you can harm your health, worsen your condition.

Entrance to fasting

Preparation for the holotherapy procedure takes an amount of time equal to the planned fasting days.

The entrance begins with a decrease in the consumption of meat, dairy, fish, bakery products. It is necessary to refuse fried, salty, smoked, spicy. You should gradually introduce fresh vegetables, fruits, reduce portions of food.

For two weeks, you should stop taking medications, drugs, as they accumulate in the body and can cause poisoning in the absence of external nutrition.

An unprepared person should not immediately refuse food for 2 or more days. You need to start the practice from one day, gradually increasing the period.


Fasting lasts a maximum of eleven days. To achieve a therapeutic effect, fasting should be from 5 to 11 days. A period of less than five days will be able to improve and cleanse the body, cure diseases in an acute form, but will not cope with chronic ailments.

There may be manifestations of attacks of aggression, weakness, dizziness. These symptoms will accompany until the onset of an acidotic crisis - a peak state when nutrition begins to come from internal resources and the process of cleansing and healing begins.

The most difficult thing is to endure dry fasting for 11 days. Such a period is prescribed for a severe course of the disease, it is allowed to pass only under the supervision of medical personnel.

Experts recommend during this period to practice breathing exercises, exercise in the fresh air, take a contrast shower, and exclude physical activity. Experienced starving people are advised to carry out spiritual activities - meditation, yoga. For psychological comfort, you should avoid smells from the kitchen, visit catering places, be distracted from thoughts about food and drink.

On the first day, you need to drink a glass of distilled pure water in small sips. After 2 hours, you are allowed to eat some fresh cabbage salad. Further, during the first day, you can eat grated carrots, cucumbers and drink water, herbal decoctions. It is necessary to drink 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

The next day, you can replenish the diet with freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables (carrot, pear, apple), add dried fruits.

On the third day, you can start eating chicken, meat broths, it is allowed to add cereals boiled in water, fermented milk products.

From the fifth day, it is recommended to introduce into the diet in small portions boiled chicken breast, cheeses, other protein products. Body weight with the correct output evenly increases, by 0.5-1 kilogram per day, without forming visible fat deposits.

After the correct completion of the procedure, lightness appears in the body, the skin is cleansed, radiant, efficiency and energy potential increase. It is recommended to do outdoor sports daily (jogging, walking).


When planning a therapeutic fasting, you should pay attention to contraindications:

  • malignant tumors;
  • hepatitis;
  • acute form of tuberculosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • hypotension;
  • fresh wounds, damage to the skin;
  • thrombosis;
  • heart failure 2-3 degrees;
  • renal, liver failure.

It is undesirable to starve at stages 2 and 3 diabetes and mental illness. It is worth refraining from fasting for bedridden people, weakened patients, the elderly, children during the formation of the body (14-16 years).

Dry fasting is contraindicated for thin people, since in a week of refusing food, weight can drop by 7-10 kilograms. Refusal of food with thinness can lead to anorexia, fainting, exhaustion, dehydration.

Fasting wins the trust of people who refuse the help of traditional medicine in favor of such therapy. If you decide to improve your health in the way of Shchennikov, evaluate all the pros and cons, indications and contraindications, and possible consequences. It is important to follow the rules for entering and exiting the diet so as not to harm your health. It should be remembered that the practice of dry fasting should be carried out strictly under medical supervision.