What gives maple. Norway maple, or plane-shaped - Acer platanoides L.: photos and description

Many have heard about the beneficial properties of maple sap. In our latitudes, its extraction is not very common, but the inhabitants of North America are very fond of this drink and revere this tree. So much so that Canadians have been using the sugar maple leaf as a state symbol since the 18th century, and since 1965 it has been on the official flag of Canada. However, not only maple sap is beneficial for the human body, other "organs" of the tree - leaves, bark, fruits, flowers - also have healing properties. In apply, syrup, honey, maple infusions. We will talk about how to use these remedies correctly and what diseases they help get rid of in this article.

Chemical composition

To understand what substances have healing properties in maple, consider its chemical composition. Although, we note right away, since maple is not used in official medicine, its composition has been poorly studied.

It is known that the sap of the tree contains sugars and organic acids, in particular ascorbic, malic, acetic, as well as minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and silicon. In fruits, leaves and bark there are saponins, alkaloids, tannins. The leaves contain organic and phenolcarboxylic acids, carotenoids, rubber, resin, nitrogen-containing substances, vitamins C and E, fatty acids, lipids. Oil, cyclotols, rubber were found in the seeds.

Medicinal properties of maple

Thanks to such a rich composition, maple is endowed with a whole range of healing properties and found application in traditional medicine. In particular, it has:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • antiseptic;
  • painkillers;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • astringent properties.

Clen products can improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve the functioning of muscles and joints, improve blood circulation, and reduce pressure.

In addition, maple is actively used in dendrotherapy. It is believed that touching it gives positive energy, relieves depression, negative thoughts and fatigue.

Its properties are unique. It is used as an effective bile and diuretic, for pathologies of the cardiac system, for cleaning blood vessels, during periods of beriberi and epidemics of viral diseases. It is also a powerful antioxidant.

maple honey plant

Maple is also famous for its beauty. Its honey yield is quite high and amounts to 150-200 kg per 1 ha of plantings. And for field maple, this figure can even reach 1000 kg per 1 ha. From one maple, bees can collect up to 10 kg of honey in early spring.

Most often, maple honey is light in color, but Tatar maple or black maple gives dark honey with a bright and rich taste. It has an immunomodulatory and calming effect on the human body, helps with atherosclerosis, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and improves lactation.

Harvesting and storage of raw materials from maple

Healing actions are characteristic only of the young organs of the plant, so they must be collected in spring and summer.

Maple leaves should be harvested in early summer when the tree is in the bud stage. First, they are slightly dried, spread out in open areas under the sun, then they are removed under a canopy or in well-ventilated rooms where the sun's rays do not penetrate. You can dry the leaves in the attic, terrace, under a canopy. If available, a dryer can be used. The temperature in it should be +50...+60 °C.

Maple for medicinal purposes is harvested in the spring, when sap flow begins.

The buds are plucked in early spring, as soon as they are swollen. At first they are kept in a cool room with good access to oxygen. Then dry.

Flowers are plucked as soon as the tree begins to bloom. They are sent for drying immediately. The place where the flowers are dried should be sheltered from the sun and well ventilated.

Two-winged fruits are harvested after ripening. Dry them in the dryer or in the oven.

Raw materials must be stored in cardboard boxes or paper, fabric bags. Their beneficial features they keep for two years after collection.
If you have a question “When and how to collect maple sap?”, Then it is mined in early spring (February-March), when the buds are already well swollen, but have not yet blossomed. Maple trees usually begin to sap one to two weeks earlier than they do. Sap flow is limited to a period of several weeks.

In order to properly extract the juice and not harm the tree, a small hole is made in the trunk, at a distance of 30 cm from the ground, about 1.5 cm in diameter. A special spout is inserted into it (can be easily made from improvised means). A tube is inserted into the spout, and its end is lowered into a container where it is planned to collect the juice. From one hole, you can sharpen 30 liters of juice to the maximum.

Important! Do not collect sap from a maple that grows near a highway or near an industrial plant.

Keep juice in a cool place. If you plan to store it for a long time, then the best way to prepare it is to prepare syrup (in this form it is stored for one year) or roll it into bottles, covering it with airtight lids.

Recipes for the use of maple in folk medicine

Long-term practice of using maple in the manufacture folk remedies to combat various diseases has developed a number of. Syrup, decoction, tincture - this is what can be made from maple for medicinal purposes. You can find the most common and effective recipes below.

With a general loss of strength

As a tonic and sedative, it is recommended to drink maple juice. It is useful to use it both for people with a weakened body, and for pregnant women, cancer patients.

There is also a recipe for maple milk, which can have an immunomodulatory effect. A glass of milk should be mixed with two tablespoons of maple sap, resulting in a delicious and very healthy drink. Well proven, with a general breakdown, and maple syrup, so it also found application in medicine. The composition is prepared from freshly harvested juice by evaporation: a container with juice is put on fire and heated until the liquid has evaporated by half. You can add a little sugar if you like. After the syrup has cooled, it will acquire a thick and viscous consistency. It can be added to or to various dishes such as pancakes, hash browns, waffles.

Did you know? 1 l maple syrup obtained from about 40 liters of maple sap.

And another useful remedy is prepared from maple syrup - maple oil, the use of which is mainly common in. The syrup is first heated to a temperature of +112°C, and then cooled to +52°C. With constant stirring, a creamy consistency is obtained. Oil, like syrup, is served with pancakes, waffles, pancakes, toast, and pies.

When coughing

When coughing, it is advised to infuse maple seeds. To do this, 1 teaspoon of seeds is placed in 200 ml of water (boiled). Stir and leave for 40 minutes. Then the liquid is passed through gauze and drunk before meals, 50 ml each.

For colds

Also, for coughs and colds, you can use a mixture of milk and maple sap. Boil a glass of milk for about three minutes. Cool and add a glass of maple juice to it. Optionally, and if available, you can add a tablespoon of maple honey. The remedy will be effective if it is drunk three times a day.

A decoction of maple leaves is an antipyretic.

With stomatitis

Maple leaf, among other things, contains substances that allow it to be used medicinal properties with diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, etc.

A decoction is prepared from 1 tablespoon of chopped leaves and boiled water (300 ml). The mixture must be boiled over low heat for half an hour. After cooling, the decoction can be used to rinse the mouth. It is recommended to carry out this procedure three times a day.

Also, with diseases of the oral cavity, a decoction of maple seeds helps well. It will need 1 tablespoon of raw materials and a glass of water. The broth is boiled for half an hour. After cooling and straining, add water until the glass is full.

For diarrhea

For gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea, a decoction of maple bark is used. A glass of boiled water is added to 10 g of bark and boiled for several minutes. After straining, it is ready for use. It is drunk 50 g three times a day.

For colic and kidney disease

With colic and kidney problems, it can be dealt with from maple seeds and leaves. Its recipe is as follows: mix 1 teaspoon of seeds and 2 tablespoons of chopped leaves, add boiling water, place in a water bath and simmer for 30 minutes. After straining, drink 50 g three to four times a day.

The same infusion is advised to be used for urolithiasis, because one of the properties that maple leaves are useful for is to promote the dissolution of stones and the removal of sand.

You can also use a decoction of the leaves. Before each meal, it should be drunk in a 50-milligram glass.

For diseases of the stomach

People with gastritis are recommended a decoction of maple leaves. It is prepared by pouring 1 tablespoon of dry or fresh leaves with a glass of boiling water. The liquid is infused for half an hour and drunk three times a day. If you suspect that you have any serious illness, or if your condition does not improve after using Clen Remedies, contact the hospital immediately.

For joint disease

To relieve inflammation in the joints, they also drink maple broth. Three dry leaves are poured with 1.5 cups of water. The resulting solution is brought to a boil, then taken according to the following scheme: one month, 0.5 cups three times a day before meals, a week break. Then the course is repeated twice more.

With radiculitis and pain in the joints, an alcohol tincture of 20 g of leaves and 100 ml of vodka is also externally used. Before use, the tincture should stand for four days.

To increase potency

Alcohol tinctures from young maple leaves are recommended for men who suffer from impotence. The leaves are chopped in a meat grinder or blender and alcohol is added to them. Alcohol should be 1/3 of the number of leaves. The infusion is taken orally five times a day. The effect can be expected four weeks after the start of use.

There is another recipe for a remedy that improves potency: young leaves are infused in a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water. The drink is taken cold four times a day.

For the healing of purulent wounds

In the presence of purulent wounds, it is advised to treat them with an antiseptic, and then apply a bandage with crushed maple leaves. Such a compress should be applied to the affected areas of the body every day. The course of treatment is 1 week.


Clen has practically no contraindications for use. And they can only apply to those who have an individual intolerance. In addition, pregnant women and young children are advised to use clen-based products only after consulting a gynecologist and pediatrician. After all, the plant contains alkaloids.

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Norway maple, or sycamore- Acer platanoides L. - a large tree from the maple family (Aceraceae) 15-25 (up to 30) m high with a dense spherical crown. In some especially powerful trees, the trunk reaches a meter in diameter. The trunk is covered with brownish-gray cracking bark. The root system is formed by a tap root, which goes relatively shallow into the substrate, and numerous lateral roots, which go far to the sides and cover a huge amount of soil and soil. The leaves are opposite, with well-defined venation, long-petioled, rounded in outline, 5-lobed (less often, the number of lobes is 3 or 7), the recesses between the lobes are rounded, and the lobes themselves also have 3 or 5 lobes ending in pointed tips. Length of leaf blades 5-12 cm, width 8-15 cm; petioles are thin, 5-15 cm long. Young leaves are pubescent along the veins; adults are naked, shiny.
Norway maple flowers on the same tree can be bisexual and dioecious, or only dioecious. They are collected in many-flowered corymbose inflorescences located at the ends of the branches. Calyx of 5 ovate greenish sepals. The corolla is greenish-yellow, with 5 petals, which are slightly longer but narrower than the sepals. The number of stamens ranges from 5 to 1 2. Pistil with an upper 2-celled flat ovary and a style with a 2-separated stigma. In the flowers, nectaries are developed, abundantly secreting a sweet liquid.
Blossoms in April - May, simultaneously with the blooming of the leaves or even a little earlier. The fruit is a double pale greenish lionfish 8-1 1 cm long, splitting into 2 non-opening one-seeded fruitlets, each of which is a flattened nutlet, equipped with a large flat wing. The seed is flat, with a large embryo. In September, the lionfish turn brown, break up into separate fruitlets and crumble. Whirling at the expense of the wing, the fruitlets are picked up by the wind and are from the mother plant, but not far. Fruiting almost every year is plentiful.
Norway maple propagates by seed. Most of the seeds that have fallen in autumn and early winter germinate next spring, but, unfortunately, most seedlings die before they have lived even a year. Those few seedlings that remain alive grow rapidly in the first years of life. Maple is a fast-growing species, the trees reach their maximum height by the age of 50-60, after which the growth in height practically stops, but the crown continues to increase, and the trunk thickens. Maple trees live up to 150-200, according to some sources up to 300 years.

maple spread

Norway maple is a European plant. It is quite widespread in the forest zone of European Russia, reaching in the north to South Karelia, and in the east to the Urals. It grows in broad-leaved and mixed forests, as a rule, as an admixture in the second layer, but in some areas maple can dominate. Prefers areas with fertile loamy soils. Most maple is in oak forests, especially those occupying forest ravines. It is considered a companion of oak and ash in our forests. It has long been bred in settlements as a beautiful tree with original foliage. It is planted in parks, squares, along streets, in yards, in sheltered forest belts. If in summer it is remarkable for its lush greenery, then in autumn maple strikes with an abundance of bright colors - before crumbling, its leaves convey a whole range of yellow, gold, lemon, orange colors. Maple is a shade-tolerant breed, especially when young. Prefers habitats with fairly fertile soils. It needs sufficient soil moisture, inferior in this respect to oak, which is why there is little or no maple in the southern oak forests.

Economic use of Norway maple

Maple Norway has a valuable pinkish or yellowish wood with high strength and hardness. It is well polished and amenable to turning. It is used for the manufacture of a wide variety of joinery and turning products. In particular, furniture, spokes for cart wheels, skis and other sports equipment, stringed musical instruments are made from it. It is valued in the plywood industry. Non-commercial wood is used for firewood, which is of high quality: it burns well, gives a lot of heat, the flame almost does not smoke. Norway maple is an outstanding honey plant. It is believed that from 1 hectare of maple plantations, bees are able to collect from 150 to 200 kg of honey. One tree of decent size produces up to 10 kg of honey. Unfortunately, early flowering does not always allow domestic bees to take full advantage of maple nectar, since at this time the bee colonies have not yet fully recovered from wintering. The sap of many maple species is harvested for the production of sugar and syrup. This industry is especially developed in Canada. The image of a maple leaf has become a symbol of this country. Norway maple is also suitable for obtaining sweet, quite edible juice, but this industry, fortunately for maple trees, is not developed in our country. Yellow and black dyes were obtained from maple leaves, which were used to dye wool in carpet production.

Medicinal value of Norway maple and methods of therapeutic use

FROM medicinal purposes Norway maple is used only in traditional medicine.
Maple sap, like birch sap, is a vitamin and soft drink known to the people for a long time.
In the spring, it is useful to drink a warm mixture of maple sap and milk, taken in equal amounts, for coughing.
Sweet Maple Juice- an excellent tonic that improves mood during and after pregnancy. The boiled maple sap allows you to use it throughout the year with tea.
For renal colic, diseases of the bladder, kidney stones, it is recommended to take: 2 tablespoons of infusion of leaves 4-5 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.
A decoction of leaves and seeds is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, pneumonia and acute respiratory diseases.
According to Raphael maple is ruled by the moon and is healing for those born under the sign of Cancer.

Belongs to the genus Maple and may also be called sycamore maple or sycamore maple. It can grow up to 30 meters in height and has a dense rounded-wide crown. It has large, up to 18 centimeters in diameter leaves with five lobes that end in sharp lobes. The leaves are attached to the branches with long cuttings. Usually they have a light green color, but with the onset of autumn they can take on various colors: red, brown, burgundy and other shades.

Norway maple begins to bloom in the month of May before the leaves bloom and continues to bloom for 10 days. By the time the flowering stops, the maple may also complete the process of leaf emergence. Norway maple is a dioecious plant, and therefore male and female flowers are on different trees. It bears fruit annually and abundantly. Seeds ripen in August-September and can remain on the tree until spring. It begins to bear fruit only in the seventeenth year of life.

Norway maple is propagated by seeds, grafts and young shoots formed in the region of the root system. It grows very rapidly in the first three years after planting. It quickly takes root during transplantation, easily tolerates frosty winters, is resistant to winds, and feels very good in the shade. It does not take root on stony soils and salt marshes, prefers moisture-containing fertile lands.

It feels good in urban conditions, and therefore in Russia it is the main tree species for landscaping streets and creating park facilities. It is planted both in separate specimens and in groups in the form of whole alleys. Norway maple can be found in deciduous and mixed forests, almost throughout Europe, in the North Caucasus and on the southern borders of the taiga.

This maple has several varieties that differ from each other in the type of crown, their height, color and shape of the leaves, and other features.

This is not a large tree about 6 meters high and has a spherical dense crown that does not require pruning. It grows slowly, frost, wind and shade-resistant. Grows in wet and fertile soils. Little affected by pests and diseases. It grows well and favorably develops with constant top dressing. Very well suited for landscaping streets and areas around residential buildings.

This deciduous tree reaches a height of 12 meters with a wide pyramidal tight crown. Differ in the presence of a trunk with a dark gray bark. It has large leaves with 5-7 lobes that are bright red, fading to a brilliant burgundy, and with the onset of autumn, the colors fade. Simultaneously with the appearance of leaves, it begins to bloom with tiny yellow flowers. This type of maple tolerates shading well, but prefers places where there is enough light. Does not like a lot of moisture and does not tolerate its lack. It is very famous among amateur gardeners, thanks to its decorative crown. It tolerates urban conditions well. Powdery mildew is currently the main pest. Maple is propagated by grafting.

It has an oval dense crown. Grows in height up to 20 meters. Green finger-shaped leaves, with a white border, become the color of strawberries when opened, and by autumn the leaves turn yellow. Young shoots are light golden-green. It blooms with yellow-green rounded flowers of a flat shape. Drummond maple grows well and develops on moist, fertile soils. Sometimes leaves appear on the branches without bordering. Such leaves must be removed immediately, and if there are a lot of them on the branch, then the entire branch is completely removed. In addition, the pruning of the maple is usually done after the final blooming of the leaves, because in this period the wounds heal quickly and the tree loses a small amount of juice.

Leaves begin to fall in mid-September. Propagated mainly by grafting. They are used for the formation of living barriers, the formation of alleys and the design of parks and squares. Lush crown and colorful leaves and determine its decorative value.

It has an unusual leaf color, a dense crown and can grow up to 20 meters in height. The leaves, almost black in color, retain their color throughout the season, and by autumn they take on a purple hue. The yellow-orange buds provide some contrast against the leaf opening, making the Crimson King maple very attractive. It grows very quickly and is not averse to growing on any soil, feels good in lighted and semi-shaded areas. Gives garden areas originality and sophistication.

Uses of Norway Maple Bark and Leaves

Leaves and bark are widely used in folk medicine. With diarrhea, decoctions are made from the bark and taken orally, in addition, the bark has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The leaves are able to relieve heat, strengthen the tone of the body. Decoctions are also made from maple leaves, which help with diseases of the bladder. Norway maple can be safely attributed to honey plants. One hectare of Norway maple plantations can produce up to 200 kg of light honey, with excellent taste. Honey improves immunity, calms the nervous system, has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

In the recent past, its leaves were used as a dye for wool. Various furniture, souvenirs and crafts are made from maple wood. They plant entire parks, alleys and gardens.

Few people know that Norway maple has excellent beneficial qualities. When used correctly, it can be of great benefit. Of course, many people know about his most important quality. This tree is widely used in landscape design due to its amazing decorative effect, especially in autumn.

The article presents a description of Norway maple, features of reproduction, use in decorating garden and park areas, etc.

Maple varieties

Maple grows all over the world. Often it is used in landscaping city parks and suburbs. In total, there are more than 150 species of this tree, among which there are both decorative and simple forms.

The most common types:

  • holly maple;
  • bearded;
  • red;
  • Ginnala (or riverine);
  • yellow;
  • green-skinned;
  • false plane tree;
  • naked Hand-shaped (fan);
  • field;
  • Tatar;
  • sugar (Silver);
  • ash-leaved (American);
  • black.


This type of maple grows in the vastness of Europe and Asia (western part). The northern border of the range of Norway maple reaches the southern regions of Finland, Scandinavia and Karelia, and the southern border passes through the northern territories of Iran.

It grows mainly in deciduous and mixed forests in small groups and singly. In Russia, this maple mainly grows in its middle zone.

General information about maple

Widespread in deciduous forests are different kinds maples. More often than others, you can find Norway maple, or common maple. The flowers are fragrant, yellowish-greenish. The flowering of the plant occurs both before the leaves bloom, and after.

This rather decorative species is used for landscaping alleys and parks, ponds, gardens and summer cottages. Fruiting begins at the age of 17 years. Maple is unpretentious, tolerates winter frosts well, and is also not afraid of shading, but loves fertile soil. It should be noted that wild species have greater frost resistance than cultivated ones. The tree can die with excessive moisture and saline soil.

The tree has the most beautiful qualities - a large wide crown, a beautiful slender trunk. The leaves of the Norway maple are the most attractive part of this plant. For all these qualities, the tree is very much appreciated as a decorative species. In autumn, the plant stands out especially brightly among the evergreens. conifers. It should also be noted that maple perfectly tolerates transplantation, urban conditions with a dusty atmosphere, smoke and gases. Norway maple is one of the main species intended for garden and park construction.

It is important to note that the leaves of this species are also used for the manufacture of medicines, as they have such useful enzymes as carbohydrates and aldehydes.

Description of Norway Maple

This maple is very similar in appearance to another species - Canadian (or sugar) maple. They differ among themselves, first of all, in the juice that stands out from the petioles: in Canadian maple it is transparent. And the color of the leaves in the autumn of the Canadian maple is brighter, and its bark is more rough and rough. the holly is more forked, and the buds are reddish in contrast to the bright green of the canadian.

From the petioles and veins of broken leaves, a milky juice is released. The crown of the Norway maple is dense, the bark has a red-gray tint, the dark green leaves are five-lobed in shape. The lower part of the leaf plate is slightly paler. In autumn, they turn into yellow-red shades, and this natural phenomenon acquires an indescribable beauty.

The flowering of the tree occurs in the first half of May. The flowers of a yellowish-green hue are collected in corymbs (15-30 pieces). Due to the fact that the maple of this species is dioecious, it has either male or female flowers. occurs by insects. The nectary in the form of a flat ring is located between the petals and the ovary. The fruit of the Norway maple is a lionfish, which breaks up into 2 one-seeded small fruits. It ripens at the end of summer, and sometimes falls off before the end of winter.


Maple of this species has several decorative forms and many varieties.

  1. The spherical shape is the most commonly used. It is a slow-growing tree grown by grafting into the root neck or trunk. This achieves the bushy appearance of the tree. This form is used both in single plantings and in group plantings (in alleys). It can also be grafted into the root collar for use in lawn decoration.
  2. The palm-cut form is a spectacular plant with dark green leaves separated to the base.
  3. Holly Drummond - a tree with leaves Pink colour when blooming, which then become white-edged. With its unusual beauty, such a plant makes an indelible impression.
  4. Golden Globe - a form with a spherical crown and golden foliage.

The most common varieties

Chemical composition

As noted above, maple leaves contain aldehydes (beta-hexenic, alpha-hexenic), alkaloids. They also contain carbohydrates, organic acids (succinic, acetic, phthalic), rubber, polyisopropenes (squalene), carotenoids (beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, etc.), nitrogen-containing compounds (methylamine, etc.), phenolcarboxylic acids ( gallic, salicylic), vitamins C and E, tannins, higher fatty acids, flavonoids, lipids (phytinyllinolenate) and other substances.

Reproduction of maple holly

Propagation by seeds is the most easy way. It is best to sow the seeds in the fall, so that in winter they undergo stratification in natural conditions. When shoots appear in the spring, they should be transplanted to a permanent place.

Sowing can also be done in the spring (in March), but for this it is necessary to stratify the seeds for 5-7 days in the refrigerator, in a cell for vegetables, placing the seeds in a container with moistened sand.

For propagation by layering, it is necessary to make several cuts on the bark (obliquely) with a sharp knife on a branch intended for breeding a new sprout, and then process them with a root former ("Kornevin" or "Heteroauxin"). To avoid closing the edges of the incisions, you can insert foam grains into them, and cover the wounds with wet moss (sphagnum). Put a plastic bag on top of this part of the branch, tightly fastening it below and above the cuts made. Then you should cover the bag from the sun's rays with foil or canvas. In places of incisions, roots will gradually begin to grow. Next spring, you need to separate the layers from the maple, and plant them in the ground along with the sphagnum.

Reproduction by basal layering is carried out as follows. On the root growth, located closer to the soil surface, cuts are made and treated with a root former solution. Then you should spud high, covering the cuts with earth. It is necessary to water and spud layering throughout the season. Its own roots will develop by next spring, then it will be possible to dig it out and plant it in a new place.

Application in medicine

Preparations, which include Norway maple, are used for diseases of the kidneys, bladder and jaundice. It is used as a tonic and antiemetic, as well as for colds, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and inflammation of the lungs. A decoction of the leaves is also recommended after childbirth (for the complete exit of the child's place).

Fresh crushed maple leaves heal wounds and ulcers. Before using them, they should be well treated with an antiseptic. You can also simply apply steamed leaves to boils, bandage the wound every day, changing the sheet. The course of treatment is about 5-7 days. Maple sap can be taken for scurvy and as a general health drink.

Maple, after birch, oak and pine, is the leader among other trees in terms of the amount of bioenergy that can replenish human energy. Moreover, its quantity is constant from spring to autumn. Most best time to communicate with him - early morning, during and after sunrise. Maples are "friends" in the forest with oaks, aspens and birches.

Household use

Norway maple is popular in the design of gardens, parks, and it is also planted along highways. Decorative plant throughout the growing season. From a simple stump, it gives abundant growth, perfectly tolerates transplantation and growing conditions in the city. Within its range, it is one of the main tree species used in landscape gardening. It has been in horticultural culture since ancient times.

Maple is a good honey plant that has great importance as an early pollen and honey plant. Maple honey belongs to light varieties and has good taste. Bees from a plot with a flowering maple of 1 ha produce up to 200 kilograms of honey per season.

The wood of this type of maple is used for the manufacture of furniture and various wooden crafts. The leaves are used as dyes for wool. used to make the most melodious clarinets and flutes.


Somehow, an evil mother “cursed” a disobedient son, turning him into a maple tree. It grew and became sprawling and beautiful. One day the musicians, passing through the grove past this tree, camped under it. From a branch of a tree they liked, they made a violin, which for many years, in the voice of a son bewitched by his mother, told the whole world about her guilt before him.

Maple is actually a melodious tree. It was from him that Sadko's harp was made.

Maple in landscape design

Gardeners in Holland, Germany, England often use large trees with brightly colored or variegated foliage in landscaping their gardens. Variety of varieties of Norway maple opens up huge opportunities for designers. For example, the slopes of ravines or mountains, planted with maples with purple and yellow shades of foliage, and even with variegation, look fabulous.

For the design of personal and summer cottages, even one maple of the Crimson King variety is enough, which brings a unique flavor to the design. And compositions with his participation, along with other ornamental shrubs and trees, can achieve even better success. Of course, this task is not so simple, since when planting seedlings, it is necessary to take into account not only the compatibility of plants in their colors, but also their future sizes. With thoughtful and correct calculations, this task is quite feasible.

In conclusion, some interesting facts

  1. In the spring, sweet molasses oozes from the drilled maple bark, on which beetles, mosquitoes, flies, butterflies and other insects immediately flock. If the juice begins to ferment a little, then all the unlucky insects clinging to it immediately fall asleep.
  2. Very fond of maple juice and birds: tits, woodpeckers and jays. Do not mind eating them and squirrels.
  3. In addition to sugar, juice contains vitamins, malic acid, proteins and mineral salts. It is known that for a long time people have evaporated maple molasses in order to obtain sugar and syrup. And today, in addition to sugar, vinegar is also obtained from maple sap. They also make syrups and drinks.
  4. There is a village near Moscow named after this wonderful tree - Klenovo. People come here specially for the seeds of these maples - tall and perfectly enduring winter frosts.

Called to be kings, Maple can rightfully become a joker and harlequin in their domain.

Smiling broadly, juggling with many hands, Maple flares up until it perishes in a brown fire, in order to be the first to come to life again next year.

Fiery Maple has always been a symbol of pure energy, a source of goodness and peace of mind. "Yavor" in Russian scriptures, he brought magic to village tales and epics to the difficult village life.

maple names

The Latin name for this magnificent tree is "Acer", which means "sharp".

The first mention of Maple appeared in chronicles in the 15th century in the Old Church Slavonic language. Words with the same root are found in Polish, Croatian and Scandinavian languages, so it is not possible to accurately judge the roots of the origin of the word.

The "Forest" team proposed the following hypothesis for the origin of the name of this tree.

Maple is nothing more than a modified word "Wedge". Since this fragile-looking tree is stronger than oak in terms of its properties, it was used to split stumps and as a wedge. It is possible that Maple got its modern name thanks to these features.

Where does maple grow?

There are about 150 species of Maple in the world, while only 25 grow in Russia. The most common species are Norway Maple, Field Maple and White Maple.

It is distributed mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, although its evergreen counterparts are found in the tropics.

In Russia, it lives in mixed forests, without forming pure maple forests. He loves lighted places very much, so these jokers can be found on the edges and outskirts of the forest.

In our country, the most widespread is the Holly Maple.

The height can reach 30 meters. On average, this representative of the Maple family can live up to 200 years, while his brother, the Canadian Maple, is a real long-liver and lives up to the 4th-5th centuries.

The bark of a ripe maple has a gray tint. The diameter of the tree reaches one and a half meters.

Maple leaves are unmistakable. Large and sinewy, they have five lobes with pointed lobes.

In autumn, the leaves are filled with amber fire until they fall off. After leaf fall, dragonfly-like seeds fall off to give life to new shoots.

Maple wood has White color with a slightly golden sheen. It is well painted, therefore it is appreciated in carpentry workshops.

When does maple bloom?

In the spring in May, small yellow-green flowers appear on the branches of the Maple - a rehearsal of colors. Flowering lasts a week and a half before the first leaves appear on the tree.

There are many signs associated with the flowering of Maple.

One of them is that if the birch begins to bloom before the Maple, it is worth waiting for a dry summer. If the Maple blossoms before the Birch, the summer will be rainy.

Medicinal properties of Clen

Shoots and leaves of the Maple are at the same time choleretic, diuretic and antiseptic.

The well-known Maple juice is used in the treatment of scurvy, atherosclerosis, as well as to strengthen immunity in vitamin deficiency and to restore the nervous system.

A decoction of maple leaves is taken for nephrolithiasis and inflammatory liver diseases.

With deep abrasions, ulcers and cuts, fresh crushed Maple leaves will help restore the skin and enhance the action of antiseptics.

Maple seeds and flowers are a good remedy against disorders of the intestines and stomach.

Maple syrup is a delicacy that made Canada famous, but not everyone knows that in Russia there are maple farms where trees are grown for sap. One of these farms is located near St. Petersburg.

Since Maple is the most valuable honey plant, apiaries located near such farms receive excellent honey.

Maple is the strongest tree, therefore it is used by craftsmen for fine woodcarving. Guaranteeing a small number of chips, Maple allows you to create unique detailed patterns and engravings.

Due to its acoustic properties, White Maple is used in the manufacture of parts for guitars and bowed instruments. Maple is famous for giving brightness to the sound.

Due to its hardness and durability in dance classes, Maple parquet is an indispensable attribute.

Masters of the art of patterning marquetry furniture appreciate Maple veneer for its unique patterns, which are obtained by cutting the veneer from the root.

Maple grows very quickly and can grow as much as two meters in a year.

In the old days, the most important part of the spinning wheel was made from Maple, if possible. Due to its strength and uniform structure, Klen made it possible to make a comb with thin and long teeth. These combs have been preserved in museums and some huts to this day.

Maple served as the material for the Trojan horse from Greek mythology.

One of the oldest maples in the countries former USSR located in Kyiv in the botanical garden. His age is 150 years.

In Japan and China, the Maple leaf symbolizes love.

In the tropics there are evergreen maples that never turn yellow.

In the XIX century in Russia there was a tradition of threading a child between the branches of the Maple. Maple was considered the owner magical power, and part of these forces was transferred to the child, after which an amazing and long life awaited him.

Since the 70s, Maple has been an indispensable base for skateboard and longboard boards.