Calorie content of fried morels. Calorie Morel, mushroom

Calories: 22.7 kcal.

The energy value of the product Morel (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 2.9 g (~12 kcal) Fats: 0.4 g (~4 kcal) Carbohydrates: 2 g. (~8 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 51%|16%|35%

Morel: properties

How much is Morel ( average price for 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region250 rub.

What kind of mushroom is this? Painfully, he does not look like a toadstool. To take - not to take ... This is exactly what many people think when they stumble upon a miracle of the forest - a mushroom called "morel".

Morels have been known to mankind for a very long time. The first mentions date back to the times of Ancient Rome, when these mushrooms were considered an exquisite delicacy and served exclusively on expensive dishes. In many countries of the world, morels are still treated with great respect. After the truffle, this is the most expensive mushroom and a real diamond for culinary experts.

Morels are mushroom pioneers, as they are born in April, much earlier than other mushrooms. Fans are advised to collect only young mushrooms, and eat them after drying or thorough heat treatment, because morels are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms.

Beneficial features Morels are evident when fresh: they contain 1% sugar, 3% nitrogenous and a large amount of aromatics. In terms of calories, morels are similar to many other types of mushrooms: with 100 grams of the product, it is 22.7 kcal. In cooking, these mushrooms with an unusual appearance are used both fried and boiled.

The benefits of morel

The main benefit of morel can be considered the presence of a substance called FD4, which is a type of polysaccharide and strengthens the eye muscles, while working directly with the lens of the eye (prevents it from becoming cloudy). The created drug based on morels passed numerous clinical trials, but its effectiveness exceeded all expectations: vision improved by 20-30% in 60% of patients, and the risk of cataracts decreased by 80%! In addition, there were cases of lightening of the lens of the eye.

The only drawback of the new drug can be called a rather long-term use (at least six months).

But he received the greatest fame as a remedy that cleanses the lymph and blood. The benefits of morel are excellent in the treatment of diseases of the immune system and blood diseases.

Morel harm

Morels are very healthy and tasty, but do not forget that before cooking dishes from these mushrooms, they must be boiled and drained.

When eaten, there is another danger - they can be confused with lines that are truly poisonous. We can say that the harm of morels, in comparison with the action of the lines, is almost imperceptible.

In general, be especially careful and attentive when meeting with these "aliens" and, if there is still a hint of doubt, it is better to leave it or bypass it.

Product proportions. How many grams?

in 1 piece 30 grams

The nutritional value


Morel is a mushroom of the morel family. This concept refers to several varieties of mushrooms.

The mushroom has a brown color and is considered conditionally edible. Before eating, heat treatment is necessary to make the mushroom 100% edible.

These mushrooms were discovered by people a very long time ago, around the 4th century BC. e. The Romans considered this mushroom a delicacy, and professional chefs were used for cooking, and the dishes on which the mushrooms were served were expensive and luxurious. And today morels are revered by many countries, including America, Germany and France. And if in these countries they are grown artificially, then in Russia they grow in the wild, but they can also be found in gardens and lawns.

Morel properties

This mushroom has a dark brown egg-like cap with small cells on the surface. The leg of the mushroom is light, the flesh is white, it has an attractive smell and a pleasant taste.

Morels are divided into three types:

  • ordinary;
  • conical;
  • cap.

These mushrooms grow not only in forests: they can also be found in the park and in the garden. It is noteworthy that the abundance of morels can be found 3-4 years after the forest fire, exactly in the places where there was a forest disaster before.

Sometimes mushroom pickers, due to their inexperience, can confuse a real morel and a false one. Such a mistake threatens with sad consequences, because false mushrooms are quite poisonous. However, it's pretty easy to tell them apart. It is enough to cut the mushroom in half vertically. If the cap and stem are not tied to each other, and the stem itself is quite dense, then the fungus is false. But if the cap and stem are one, and there is nothing inside the stem (that is, it is hollow), then the mushroom is real.

The calorie content of morel is low: only 22 kcal per 100 g.

The benefits of morel

These mushrooms contain several vitamins at once: A, D, C, PP, B1 and B2, as well as minerals. There is quite a lot of phosphorus in them, and especially morels are valued for having the FD4 polysaccharide in its composition, which has an excellent vision-improving property.

Since ancient times, people have known the benefits of morels. Then they used them to treat various eye diseases: myopia, hyperopia and even cataracts. After research by scientists, it turned out that thanks to several components that make up morels, the eye muscles are strengthened, and there is also a positive effect on the eye lens, from which it does not become cloudy.

So you can even find drugs that will contain morel components.

A tincture of the caps of these mushrooms is also useful: it is not taken internally, but is used to rub areas suffering from rheumatism and joint diseases. But a decoction of mushrooms is used orally to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and stimulate appetite.

The use of morel

Morels are used in medicinal purposes So:

Then mushrooms can be consumed, but it is important to do this in a course. For six months, it is important to use them regularly. By the way, it will also strengthen the immune system.

For culinary purposes, they are used in the same way as other edible mushrooms. However, in order for morels to also become edible, preliminary preparation must be carried out. Initially, the mushrooms must be boiled, and the entire broth should be drained. Later, morels can be cooked in any desired way: add to soup, stew or fry. They are also used as a dish on their own. From morels, you can make a filling for pies.

It is worth noting that morels should not be pickled or salted, and if you want dried morels, then you can eat them only 3 months after drying. You need to store dried mushrooms in a dry place so that they do not have contact with moisture, otherwise they will simply become moldy.

Morel harm

Morels are considered conditionally edible because they contain a large amount of toxins. Therefore, without proper pre-treatment, you can harm your body.

You can not use mushrooms with individual intolerance.

Tags: mushrooms, medicinal plants, properties

Medicinal properties of morels.

If you see a morel for the first time, then I think you are unlikely to like it with its appearance. The real morel resembles an ordinary line, but it is a little more beautiful. Like the line, the morel's cap has similar recesses and "snakes", but with a more regular rounded shape.

On the dense leg of the morel there is a hat elongated upwards, which has a height of 3 to 7 cm and a diameter of 3-5 cm. The morel got its name precisely because of the wrinkled hat, which is all made up of grooves and convolutions. The hat is empty inside. Mushroom caps can be of different colors, which will depend on where the mushroom grew and how old it is.

Depending on the conditions, the color of the mushroom will vary from light yellow to gray and brown. The young mushroom has a lighter color. Morel is located on a high leg - from 4 to 6 cm, the diameter of which reaches 3 cm. The leg, like the hat, is empty in the middle. The color of the stem of a mushroom can also reveal the age of the mushroom. A white or beige stem indicates that the mushroom has grown recently. The yellow leg will indicate "middle" age. The old mushroom has a brown tint.

Morels also grow in Europe, Australia and North America. You can find a mushroom in forests with various trees: deciduous, coniferous and mixed. But for the fungus it is important that there is a lot of light. However, despite the love of light, the morel hides in foliage and under shrubs. He also loves the edges of forest paths, areas of fires and conflagrations. But you can meet it only for a short period of time: in May and June. When spring comes early, the fungus may appear in April.

Medicinal properties of morels.

Morels are medicinal mushrooms. They, like many medicinal plants, strengthen the body and strengthen the immune system. Unlike fly agaric, which is also considered medicinal, morel still has a pleasant taste. In addition, morels also have such medicinal properties:

1. Treat eye diseases.

Morels work especially well in the treatment and prevention of such eye diseases: cataracts and glaucoma, myopia and hyperopia. Substances contained in the mushroom can strengthen weakened eye muscles. In addition, morels nourish the eyes and improve in the vessels and muscles of the eyes. metabolic processes. If long-term treatment with morels is carried out, then it is possible to achieve purification and clarification of the clouded lens.

Morel preparations are good for people who have a profession associated with increased eye strain, working with small parts, a computer, contact with sparks and harmful fumes. Mushroom medicines help relieve eye fatigue, remove the feeling of "presence of sand", fog before the eyes and reduced vision.

However, treatment with morels requires constancy and duration: from 4 months to six months.

2. The healing properties of morels in diseases gastrointestinal tract.

They can increase appetite, improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach, remove toxins and cleanse the body. Morels are also effective if diarrhea or constipation occurs.

Morels are shown to those who have a profession with an irregular working day, which does not allow them to eat fully and on time. Need morels and people who have a genetic predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Some diseases of the circulatory system.

Some active substances of morels increase the speed of blood movement in the vessels, which helps to purify the blood. And this is exactly what is required to cure some diseases. Thick blood contributes to the appearance of serious diseases, for example, thrombophlebitis. After all, such blood forms blood clots, which in turn contribute to blockage of blood vessels. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to thin the blood. This is also important in the case when a person has varicose veins.

4. Morels help to improve well-being and increase immunity.

When taking morels, you need to add iron-containing foods to the diet: pomegranate juice, beef or turkey liver.

5. Morel mushrooms are good for breastfeeding mothers because they have a milk-producing effect.

This is a useful and healing property, because many lactating women have a lack of milk. Tinctures and special preparations from morels will help solve this problem. Moreover, morels are absolutely harmless. The constituent components of morels activate the mammary glands, leading to a natural increase in milk production.

6. Antibacterial and antitoxic action.

Inflammatory diseases can also be treated with mushrooms. The same property allows the use of morels for the prevention of viral diseases, which is useful in the season of epidemics.

The antitoxic properties of morels are useful for residents of large polluted cities or for representatives of harmful and dangerous professions, as well as for patients after radio- and chemotherapy. Naturally, morel tinctures are effective for poisoning.

7. Morels improve overall well-being, relieve nausea and dizziness.

Mushrooms will also help those who have unreasonable bouts of nausea and who get sick in transport.

One more thing useful mushroom you can read in the article: Reishi Mushroom Properties.

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Useful properties and application of morel mushroom

Botanical characteristics of the morel

Morel is a marsupial mushroom with a beautiful ovoid-rounded hat. The hat has a yellowish-brownish color and small cells that look like a honeycomb. The cylindrical hollow leg, as a rule, is always lighter than the cap. Morel boasts white flesh with a pleasant aroma and incomparable taste.

These mushrooms prefer deciduous and coniferous forests. They can be found in Australia, North America and, of course, Eurasia. Such early mushrooms appear immediately after the snow melts. They prefer soil that is rich in lime. Since these mushrooms cannot be consumed raw, they are considered conditionally edible. To neutralize toxic acids, morels are recommended to be boiled for at least 15 minutes or dried well.

Useful properties of morel

Morel contains various trace elements and vitamins, as well as a unique polysaccharide substance. Due to its composition, morels have a great effect on visual acuity. Various modern preparations based on morels not only strengthen the eye muscles, but also prevent the lens from becoming cloudy.

It should be mentioned that these mushrooms not only increase appetite, but also significantly enhance the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Morels are excellent at purifying blood and lymph. Along with this, the presented mushrooms are an excellent healing and tonic agent.

The use of morel

Since ancient times, morels have been used in the treatment of farsightedness and myopia, as well as in various diseases of the joints and rheumatism. They are shown to restore the immune system.

To restore vision and treat various diseases, it is recommended to regularly use these mushrooms, and for at least 6 months. Before use, it is recommended to thoroughly clean them, soak in water for one hour, and then boil and rinse in running water.

Dried morels

Such a spring mushroom as morel can be easily dried for long-term storage, since it is hygroscopic. For storage, any dry and well-ventilated area is suitable. Keep in mind that mushrooms absorb moisture easily, so store them in cardboard boxes or heavy paper bags. A fragrant powder is prepared from dried morels, which is an excellent seasoning for a wide variety of dishes, as well as an excellent medicine for the treatment of many diseases.


Morel appears in early spring in parks, deciduous forests and clearings. The height of its ellipsoidal hat with folds can reach 15 cm, and its diameter can reach 10 cm. Interesting irregularly shaped cells form in the folds of the hat. Its color varies from gray to ocher-brown.

Delicate light flesh has a wonderful aroma. The cylindrical hollow leg of the fungus at the base is slightly expanded, it often has a yellowish tint. When fully ripe, it becomes velvety and longitudinally wrinkled. Ellipsoid spores are usually smooth and colorless. Common morel grows only in well-lit places.

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Morel edible

Edible morel has a hollow brownish leg and a chic elongated hat. Its waxy pulp is quite brittle, it has an interesting taste and pleasant aroma. There is an edible morel under bushes, in grassy places, on the ashes of fires, as well as on lawns, along roadsides, next to fields and in parks.

Often, these mushrooms can be harvested from March to the end of May. After 20 minutes of cooking, their toxic substances are neutralized, after which you can cook delicious dishes from them.

Morel conical

Morel conical is common in the tundra, in forest zones and mountains. This species grows from mid-spring to late May. He feels great in the fall. A beautiful conical hat about 4-6 cm high and about 3 cm thick fuses with the mushroom stem with its edges.

Inside, the olive-brown hat is hollow and has a mesh-cellular structure resembling a honeycomb of bees. The whitish cylindrical leg is also hollow inside and has pronounced longitudinal grooves. Tasty and fragrant pulp is slightly waxy, it breaks easily.

Contraindications to the use of morel

Do not forget that before use, such mushrooms must be boiled or dried. Also, be careful not to confuse them with poisonous lines. With proper and moderate use, morels will never harm the human body.

Morel is a mushroom of the morel family. This concept refers to several varieties of mushrooms.

The mushroom has a brown color and is considered conditionally edible. Before eating, heat treatment is necessary to make the mushroom 100% edible.

These mushrooms were discovered by people a very long time ago, around the 4th century BC. e. The Romans considered this mushroom a delicacy, and professional chefs were used for cooking, and the dishes on which the mushrooms were served were expensive and luxurious. And today morels are revered by many countries, including America, Germany and France. And if in these countries they are grown artificially, then in Russia they grow in the wild, but they can also be found in gardens and lawns.

Morel properties

This mushroom has a dark brown egg-like cap with small cells on the surface. The leg of the mushroom is light, the flesh is white, it has an attractive smell and a pleasant taste.

Morels are divided into three types:

These mushrooms grow not only in forests: they can also be found in the park and in the garden. It is noteworthy that the abundance of morels can be found 3-4 years after the forest fire, exactly in the places where there was a forest disaster before.

Sometimes mushroom pickers, due to their inexperience, can confuse a real morel and a false one. Such a mistake threatens with sad consequences, because false mushrooms are quite poisonous. However, it's pretty easy to tell them apart. It is enough to cut the mushroom in half vertically. If the cap and stem are not tied to each other, and the stem itself is quite dense, then the fungus is false. But if the cap and stem are one, and there is nothing inside the stem (that is, it is hollow), then the mushroom is real.

The calorie content of morel is low: only 22 kcal per 100 g.

The benefits of morel

These mushrooms contain several vitamins at once: A, D, C, PP, B1 and B2, as well as minerals. There is quite a lot of phosphorus in them, and especially morels are valued for having the FD4 polysaccharide in its composition, which has an excellent vision-improving property.

Since ancient times, people have known the benefits of morels. Then they used them to treat various eye diseases: myopia, hyperopia and even cataracts. After research by scientists, it turned out that thanks to several components that make up morels, the eye muscles are strengthened, and there is also a positive effect on the eye lens, from which it does not become cloudy.

So you can even find drugs that will contain morel components.

A tincture of the caps of these mushrooms is also useful: it is not taken internally, but is used to rub areas suffering from rheumatism and joint diseases. But a decoction of mushrooms is used orally to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and stimulate appetite.

The use of morel

Morels are used for medicinal purposes as follows:

  • to pre-clean the mushrooms;
  • soak for an hour in water;
  • boil;
  • rinse with water.

Then mushrooms can be consumed, but it is important to do this in a course. For six months, it is important to use them regularly. By the way, it will also strengthen the immune system.

For culinary purposes, they are used in the same way as other edible mushrooms. However, in order for morels to also become edible, preliminary preparation must be carried out. Initially, the mushrooms must be boiled, and the entire broth should be drained. Later, morels can be cooked in any desired way: add to soup, stew or fry. They are also used as a dish on their own. From morels, you can make a filling for pies.

It is worth noting that morels should not be pickled or salted, and if you want dried morels, then you can eat them only 3 months after drying. You need to store dried mushrooms in a dry place so that they do not have contact with moisture, otherwise they will simply become moldy.

Morel harm

Morels are considered conditionally edible because they contain a large amount of toxins. Therefore, without proper pre-treatment, you can harm your body.

You can not use mushrooms with individual intolerance.


Morels are mushrooms with porous body, which belong to the morel family. They are included in the list of conditionally edible mushrooms, since they can be used as food after prolonged heat treatment.

Appearance and description

The caps of the mushroom are ovoid-round in shape and yellow-brown in color. They differ in a cellular structure, grow from below to the leg and are hollow inside.

The legs of the morel are cylindrical, slightly expanding downwards. Their color is from white to yellow-brown. mushroom pulp white color, quite brittle, has a mushroom aroma and a pleasant taste. Morels are hollow inside.

There are such types of morels:


It is also called real and edible. Such mushrooms have a spherical hat up to 8 cm in diameter, brown in color with large cells. They begin to ripen in May, bear fruit until mid-June. There are such morels on the edges, lawns with grass, in coniferous forests, in a clearing, under bushes, in deciduous forests and parks.

Such morels have narrow conical hats up to 10 cm high, covered with vertical folds, which are located on high legs (height from 5 to 15 cm). They grow from April to June in forests, glades and forest edges, in gardens, in kitchen gardens.

Cap conical

Its other names are cap and morel cap. A feature of this type of morels is the bell-shaped conical shape of the cap with shallow wrinkles. They can rarely be found next to a birch, aspen or willow.

Where does it grow

Morels are a widespread species of mushrooms in Russia. They can be found everywhere in mixed and deciduous forests. Mushrooms appear on the edges, clearings, in mossy ditches. Morels are also found in gardens and parks. They grow in large numbers on the site of fires. In the southern parts of the country, these mushrooms grow in vegetable gardens and on lawns.

When to Collect

Collecting morels begins in March, as they appear immediately after the snow melts. The first morels are somewhat watery, so the collection is more often directed to May morels, which become stronger and more fragrant. Often these mushrooms grow in groups. They go to search for them in glades, in ravines, on edges, clearings, in places where there were forest fires.

How to distinguish morels from lines

The differences between these two mushrooms are:

  • Leg length. In morels, the legs are elongated (they practically correspond to hats in length), and in the lines they are shortened.
  • Internal structure. The morel is hollow inside, and there is a sinuous pulp in the lines.
  • The appearance of the hat. In lines, they are more shapeless and similar to the brain, while in morels they are more similar to bee honeycombs.


Morel real (lat. Morchella) is a small mushroom of the morel family (morellaceae) with a porous wrinkled hat, which explains its name. Morel is a conditionally edible mushroom of the third category. It is one of the earliest fungi found in the temperate zone.

Morels appear immediately after the snow melts in forests, on swampy or sandy soil. They are often found and germinate on fires. They grow in the Northern Hemisphere - in the tundra, at the foot of the mountains, in forests and copses.

What do morels look like

The hat of a real morel is ovoid, narrow, pointed, like a cap, elongated upwards, with rounded honeycomb cells. The color is most often brownish brown. The stem, as a rule, is of a gray-whitish hue, hollow inside, turns yellow with age. Its flesh is white, fragile, with a very pleasant mushroom smell and delicate taste. Morels are one of those mushrooms that are especially good when they are very fresh. Only very young mushrooms should be eaten - the harm of morels is that with age they accumulate toxic substances.

There are several types of morels, including such as real morel, conical, cap. All these mushrooms differ primarily in the shape of the cap, and are very similar in their taste characteristics. In many countries, they are experimenting with the cultivation of these mushrooms.

Composition and useful properties

Chemical composition morels is very common for mushrooms - they contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, dietary fiber, water, ash compounds, monosaccharides, disaccharides, B vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine, niacin equivalent), vitamin C8 (perfluorooctanoic acid). Morels, the composition of which, like that of other mushrooms, is characterized by a low calorie content - only 16 kcal per 100 grams of product, can be considered a dietary product.

Is it possible to get poisoned by morels

Morels are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms because they contain gelvellic acid, a dangerous toxic compound. In this connection, these mushrooms can be eaten only after careful pre-treatment.

How to process morels before cooking correctly? They must either be boiled by time for 10 minutes in boiling salted water, or dried first, and soaked for several hours in a salt solution before cooking. Thus, toxic compounds will come out of the pulp of the mushrooms and will not pose a danger to human health.

Morels in ancient times were considered a real delicacy. Dishes with them have a great delicate taste; they prepared them according to many recipes: boiled, fried, baked, cooked soups and cereals with them. A special way of cooking - fried morels in sour cream - was always served on the table on holidays.


Morel properties

How much does a morel cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

What kind of mushroom is this? Painfully, he does not look like a toadstool. To take - not to take ... This is exactly what many people think when they stumble upon a miracle of the forest - a mushroom called "morel".

Morels have been known to mankind for a very long time. The first mentions date back to the times of Ancient Rome, when these mushrooms were considered an exquisite delicacy and served exclusively on expensive dishes. In many countries of the world, morels are still treated with great respect. After the truffle, this is the most expensive mushroom and a real diamond for culinary specialists.

Morels are mushroom pioneers, as they are born in April, much earlier than other mushrooms. Fans are advised to collect only young mushrooms, and eat them after drying or thorough heat treatment, because morels are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms.

The beneficial properties of morels are obvious when fresh: they contain 1% sugar, 3% nitrogenous and a large amount of aromatic substances. In terms of calories, morels are similar to many other types of mushrooms: with 100 grams of the product, it is 22.7 kcal. In cooking, these mushrooms with an unusual appearance are used both fried and boiled.

The benefits of morel

The main benefit of morel can be considered the presence of a substance called FD4, which is a type of polysaccharide and strengthens the eye muscles, while working directly with the lens of the eye (prevents it from becoming cloudy). The created drug based on morels passed numerous clinical trials, but its effectiveness exceeded all expectations: vision improved by 20-30% in 60% of patients, and the risk of cataracts decreased by 80%! In addition, there were cases of lightening of the lens of the eye.

The only drawback of the new drug can be called a rather long-term use (at least six months).

But he received the greatest fame as a remedy that cleanses the lymph and blood. The benefits of morel are excellent in the treatment of diseases of the immune system and blood diseases.

Morel harm

Morels are very healthy and tasty, but do not forget that before cooking dishes from these mushrooms, they must be boiled and drained.

When eaten, there is another danger - they can be confused with lines that are truly poisonous. We can say that the harm of morels, in comparison with the action of the lines, is almost imperceptible.

In general, be especially careful and attentive when meeting these “aliens” and, if there is still a hint of doubt, it is better to leave it or bypass it.

Morel calorie content 22.7 kcal

The energy value of morel (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu):

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 51%|16%|35%

Morels are marsupial mushrooms with a porous, shriveled hat belonging to the Morshell family. The plant renders useful influence on the human body due to the content of bioactive substances: ash compounds, dietary fiber, vitamins, polysaccharides, micro- and macroelements. However, despite the high nutritional value, morels belong to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms (due to the content of toxic gelvellic acid). To neutralize the harmful compound, the plant is subjected to heat treatment or drying. In addition to cooking, morels are used in folk medicine. On the basis of this type of mushroom, decoctions, infusions and extracts are prepared, which are used to treat articular, ophthalmic and gynecological problems.

Botanical description

Morels are one of the most ancient representatives of the mushroom kingdom. The first mention of them is found in the writings of the ancient botanist Theophrastus, who lived in the 4th century BC. In addition, the product was very popular in ancient Rome. It was considered an exquisite delicacy and was served at the royal table in the most expensive and elegant dishes.

Morels belong to the category of "early" spring mushrooms that appear immediately after the ground thaws. They are distributed almost throughout Europe, America and Australia. The period of mass fruiting falls on May-June. If spring is early, then mushrooms appear in the forest as early as mid-April.

Morels are easily recognizable by their fleshy cone-shaped hats, painted in a light brown tone. Their diameter varies within 3-6 cm, and the height is 3-7 cm. At the same time, the outer surface of the fruiting bodies is dotted with many oval cells resembling honeycombs. Obviously, because of this "wrinkling" culture got its name "morel". The hat of a young plant is "planted" on a hollow cylindrical leg of a white or pale beige shade. As the mushroom matures, it changes its color to yellow, and then brown-brown. The height of the stem varies from 3 to 9 cm, and the diameter is from 1 to 3 cm. In addition, representatives of this family are characterized by fragile, waxy-white flesh with a pleasant mushroom taste.

Morels prefer marshy, sandy and calcareous soils. They can be found in forest thickets, near mossy ditches, at the foot of mountains, near the edges of fields, in areas of old fires, where they sprout in small colonies. However, in order to find edible mushrooms, you need to try hard, because they grow in grassy thickets, under dense shrubs or last year's foliage.

Chemical composition

Table No. 2 "Chemical composition of morels"
Name The concentration of a substance in 100 g of fresh mushroom, milligram

Remember, only young fruiting bodies can be eaten, because with age they begin to accumulate harmful toxic components that cause intoxication of the body.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

The benefits of morels are due to the presence in their structure of rare polysaccharide substances (galactomannans, rhamnose, n-acetyl-glucosamines). These compounds improve metabolic processes in the visual apparatus, strengthen the eye muscle, and prevent "clouding" of the lens. In view of this, morel extract is used to combat cataracts, glaucoma, myopia and hyperopia. In addition, preparations based on them are indicated for people whose work is associated with an increased load on the visual apparatus.

Useful properties of morels:

  1. Increase the secretion of gastric juice, accelerate metabolism.
  2. Activate insulin production.
  3. Stabilize pressure.
  4. Improve metabolic processes in cells and tissues.
  5. They increase blood circulation, the removal of toxins and toxins, increase the production of red blood cells.
  6. Prevent the development of varicose veins.
  7. Increase the production of breast milk.
  8. Restore the work of the vestibular apparatus.
  9. Normalize the water-salt balance.
  10. Reduce the manifestation of toxicosis in pregnant women.
  11. Improve the functional state of the brain.
  12. Reduce inflammation in the muscle and cartilage tissue(after stretching).
  13. Increase the expectoration of sputum.

Morels have antibacterial, diuretic, antiviral effects on the body.

Contraindications for use:

  • diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, cyst);
  • acute pathologies of the digestive tract (ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis);
  • kidney disease (hepatitis, kidney failure);
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • children's age (up to 5 years);
  • individual intolerance.

Application in traditional medicine

Recipes for medicinal infusions based on morels:

  1. Eye tincture. To create a mixture, you will need 200 ml and 150 g of morels dried in the sun (at least 3 months). After sublimation, the mushrooms are ground into powder and placed in an alcohol solution for 15 days. Take morel tincture in the morning and evening, 5 ml after meals, drinking sour juice. The healing mixture is used to "clarify" the lens, strengthen the eye muscles, eliminate pain and pain in the visual apparatus.
  2. A decoction to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Soak fresh morels in salt water, then boil in three times the volume of liquid (20 minutes). After that, combine 20 g of crushed raw materials with 250 ml of water and boil for 30 minutes on low heat. The broth is insisted on a cooled plate for at least 5 hours. The healing liquid is taken four times a day, 50 ml each (before meals). The aqueous composition is effective for poor appetite, indigestion, intestinal disorders and weak lactation.
  3. An external remedy for reducing joint pain. Active ingredients: 100 g of fresh morels, 80 g, 70 g of lungwort and 70 g of willow flowers. Soak mushrooms for 30 minutes in salted water, then grind in a blender. After that, mix all the ingredients and pour 600 ml. Place the mixture in a dark place for at least 14 days. Rub the tincture at least 5 times a day in the area of ​​​​inflammation (for arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis and sprains).
  4. Infusion for purification of blood and lymph. The composition is prepared from 300 g of fresh or 30 g of dried morels that have undergone preliminary processing. The cleaned, crushed raw materials are lowered into a half-liter container with vodka and shaken thoroughly. After that, the composition is placed in a cool place for 30 days. The tincture is taken after filtration, 5 ml twice a day, washed down with an acidic drink (fruit drink or juice). The composition is shown to people suffering from anemia, lymphadenitis and lymphogranulomatosis.

Growing at home

The best place to grow morels is an apple orchard. In addition, they grow well in prepared areas of broad-leaved forest, where there is a natural shade from the trees.

The principle of breeding morels:

  1. Soil preparation for sowing mycelium. Considering that morels do not tolerate stagnant water, a drainage system, replace the top layer of soil with a specially prepared substrate. The “correct” soil mixture is prepared according to the following scheme: every 6 servings of garden soil are combined with one part of the ash and half the volume of wood chips. The finished substrate is mixed, and then spread with a ten-centimeter layer on equipped beds. The laid soil is abundantly watered with water (10 liters per 1 sq. M of land).
  2. Mycelium seeding. For getting good harvest it is better to purchase spores from trusted suppliers, rather than using overripe morels that you have collected yourself in the forest. Mushroom mycelium is spread over the surface of the prepared substrate, and then crushed with a small layer of earth (5 cm). After that, the soil is watered with water and covered with a natural "insulation" (straw, foliage, small branches, apple pomace).
  3. Cultivation and harvesting. After sowing the mycelium, it is important to monitor the moisture level of the substrate. As it dries up, a special nutrient concentrate is introduced into the soil, which contributes to the intensive germination of spores (for example, Baikal EM-1). In addition, to stimulate fruiting, the beds can be sprinkled with a thin layer of ash.

The crop is harvested 12 months after sowing. Interestingly, in one place, the mycelium can bear fruit from 3 to 5 years. Care for germinating spores comes down to timely moistening of the soil and feeding the plant with wood ash. In autumn, the site is additionally covered with leaves, straw or grass. In the spring, after the snow melts, the protective cover is removed, leaving a thin layer of plant material.

In most cases, after 2-3 weeks morels begin to bear fruit. Considering that young mushrooms have tender flesh, it is better to use a sharp knife and a spacious container to collect them.

Remember, due to the fragility of morels, they quickly lose their presentation, so they should be transported as carefully as possible and as soon as possible.

Application in cooking

Due to their strong aroma and exquisite taste, morels have gained wide popularity among connoisseurs. mushroom dishes. In cooking, they are used fresh, frozen and dried. Morels are served to the table as an independent snack, as well as as part of various multi-component dishes (sauces, gravy, meat side dishes, fillings for pies, vegetable stews, mashed soups). This product goes well with, cheese and. Along with this, an aromatic seasoning is prepared from the dried fruits, which gives the food a pronounced mushroom taste. The main condition is to properly prepare the product.

Raw material pretreatment algorithm:

  1. Place the mushrooms in a volumetric container with the legs up (to rid the fruiting bodies of sand and insects).
  2. Pour morels with cold water, add, leave in liquid for 20 minutes. When using dried mushrooms, the soaking time increases to 4-5 hours.
  3. Change water.
  4. Subject the product to heat treatment (within 10 minutes). Before boiling, the liquid is salted.
  5. Remove half-finished morels from the hot broth and rinse under running water.
  6. Boil the raw material again for 15 minutes.
  7. Throw the finished morels in a colander and rinse several times with clean liquid.

After a double cycle of heat treatment, harmful compounds completely volatilize.

Remember, only young fruiting bodies (with a white stem) should be collected, because with age the plant accumulates many toxins that are not removed by boiling.

Morels are ideal for stewing, roasting, stuffing and frying. However, they are not customary pickled and salted. You can extend the shelf life of raw materials by drying them in the sun, in a ventilated room or in an oven.

How to dry morels?

Only young fruiting bodies of medium size are suitable for harvesting. Before drying, mushroom caps are wiped with a damp cloth (can not be washed). And sand and insects are removed from the folds. Morels are best dried naturally in the sun. To do this, 2 holes are made in the fruiting bodies (at the root and the base of the cap), after which they are strung on strong threads and covered with two layers of gauze. To avoid mold, the minimum distance between mushroom caps should be 1 cm. When cloudy weather sets in, morels can be dried over a hot stove or in an oven (under constant control). The full cycle of procurement of raw materials is 3 months.

The method of natural drying of mushrooms allows preserving the nutritional value and high taste properties of the product for three years. High quality sublimated mushrooms are resilient and elastic. If their fruiting bodies are squeezed in the hand, they quickly restore their structure.

Along with this, in the process of drying raw materials, harmful toxins “leave” from its tissues. Interestingly, out of 10 kg of fresh fruits, only 1 kg of a freeze-dried product is obtained.

Ready morels are stored in a dry, well-ventilated place in paper or cardboard bags. The storage period is 3 years. At the same time, it is better not to save them near products containing a large amount of moisture (near vegetables, fish, meat).


"Stewed Morels with Vegetables"


  • morels - 400 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • carrots - 250 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • - 180 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 150 g;
  • onion - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • - 25 g;
  • dill, onion tops, basil, parsley;
  • salt, pepper, mushroom seasoning.

Cooking scheme:

  1. Boil the morels in two changes of water, cut the boiled raw materials into strips.
  2. Peel fresh vegetables. Chop potatoes into cubes, eggplant into slices, onions into half rings, peppers and tomatoes into small slices. Squeeze the garlic through a press, chop the greens.
  3. fry onion and then combine it with garlic and mushrooms. Simmer for 5 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Place fresh and sautéed vegetables in a ceramic frying pan or slow cooker (“Stewing” mode). Add 150 ml of water, herbs, salt and spices to the mixture.
  5. Simmer vegetables for 50 minutes closed lid. After turning off the food, leave it on the stove for 10 minutes.

The dish goes well with tomato juice and mustard sauce.

"Mushroom cutlets"


  • morels - 300 g;
  • (dried) - 250 g;
  • - 100 ml;
  • onion (shallot or onion) - 100 g;
  • sour cream (20%) - 50 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 30 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking principle:

  1. Perform heat treatment of mushrooms.
  2. Pass the chopped onion over medium heat (5 minutes).
  3. Skip boiled morels through a meat grinder.
  4. Combine the mushroom mixture with one egg, bread soaked in milk, salt and fried onions. Form cutlets.
  5. Prepare 2 containers with breading: put the beaten egg in the first, pour the breadcrumbs in the second.
  6. Dip the patty in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs.
  7. Fry the product until cooked.

Serve cutlets with sour cream dressing.

  • Add a raw egg to the "stuffing".
  • Fill morels with cooked stuffing.
  • Put the mushrooms in a refractory form, pour over the cream, sprinkle with cheese.
  • Bake stuffed morels in the oven for 40 minutes.
  • "More Soup"


    • water - 1000 ml;
    • morels - 300 g;
    • potatoes - 200 g;
    • cream - 200 ml;
    • - 150 g;
    • carrots - 70 g;
    • olive oil - 60 ml;
    • parsley (fresh) - 1 bunch;
    • garlic - 15 g
    • salt - 10 g.

    Cooking technology:

    1. Boil mushrooms in salted water (20 minutes).
    2. Saute garlic, onion and carrot until golden brown.
    3. Add morels to the passivation, simmer the mixture for 7 minutes.
    4. Transfer the mushroom mass to a saucepan and fill it with clean water.
    5. Pour chopped potatoes and salt into the broth (after boiling), boil the vegetables until tender.
    6. Puree the contents of the pot with a blender.
    7. Combine the mushroom mass with cream and boil again.
    8. Prepare aromatic dressing. To do this, mix olive oil with chopped parsley and garlic (passed through a press).

    Before serving, puree soup is combined with aromatic dressing.

    Morels in sour cream sauce


    • mushrooms - 500 g;
    • meat broth - 250 g;
    • sour cream (preferably thermostatic) - 200 g;
    • olive fat (can be replaced with corn or sunflower) - 50 g;
    • ghee (or butter) - 30 ml;
    • flour - 25 g;
    • lemon juice - 10 ml;
    • egg - 1 pc;
    • salt, spices, mustard.

    Cooking principle:

    1. Boil the mushrooms in two changes of water.
    2. Grind the product in a blender or meat grinder (to obtain a homogeneous mass). If desired, morels can be cut into small slices.
    3. Place the mushroom passivation in a saucepan with melted butter. Simmer the mixture for 20 minutes with the lid closed.
    4. Mix flour with vegetable fat, bring to a boil.
    5. Pour the raw materials into the oil mixture, and then fry until tender (15 minutes).
    6. Combine the mushroom mass with sour cream, egg, salt, seasonings and meat broth. Boil the sauce for another 3-5 minutes. You can add cheese if you like.

    Morel sauce goes well with mashed potatoes, stewed vegetables and boiled.


    Morels are a variety of early edible mushrooms that appear shortly after the soil thaws. They are easily recognizable by their cone-shaped fleshy hat, on the outer side of which there are many oval cells. Morels are useful for the human body, since they contain valuable nutrients: polysaccharides (galactomannan, rhamnose, glucose, n-acetyl-glucosamine), micro and macro elements (potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc),. These compounds improve the functional state of the eyes, strengthen the immune system, stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, accelerate the removal of toxins and toxins, reduce inflammation in the cartilage tissue, and increase lactation. In view of this, morels have found wide application in folk medicine. On their basis, water extracts, alcohol tinctures and multicomponent decoctions are prepared.

    In addition to pharmacological properties, morels have a pronounced mushroom taste. They are great for baking, frying, stewing and drying. However, for nutritional and delicious dish, mushrooms should be pre-prepared (to neutralize toxic substances). To do this, fresh raw materials are soaked in salt water, and then subjected to a double heat treatment (for 20 minutes) in two changes of water. In addition, poisonous gelvellic acid can be destroyed by drying the fruiting bodies in the sun for three months.

    Remember, for culinary and medicinal purposes, it is better to collect young fruiting bodies (with a white "leg") of medium size before they have time to accumulate toxic compounds.

    Fried morels rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin D - 34%, potassium - 13.1%, phosphorus - 18.5%, chlorine - 14.8%, iron - 46.6%, cobalt - 20.3%, manganese - 24.1%, copper - 45.3%, zinc - 14.1%

    What is useful Morels fried

    • Vitamin D maintains calcium and phosphorus homeostasis, carries out mineralization processes bone tissue. A lack of vitamin D leads to impaired calcium and phosphorus metabolism in bones, increased demineralization of bone tissue, which leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis.
    • Potassium is the main intracellular ion involved in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve impulses, pressure regulation.
    • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
    • Chlorine necessary for the formation and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body.
    • Iron is a part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons, oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis.
    • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates the enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
    • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by growth retardation, disorders in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
    • Copper is part of the enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing tissues of the human body with oxygen. Deficiency is manifested by violations of the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
    • Zinc is part of more than 300 enzymes, is involved in the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Insufficient intake leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and fetal malformations. Research recent years the ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia was revealed.
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    Calories, kcal:

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    Morel is a genus of mushrooms of the family Morel(or Morshell), which includes Pezica with large, varying in shape apothecia, often in the form of a hat on a stalk. The body is highly porous. The color is most often brownish. Morels are a conditionally edible mushroom.

    Morels are the earliest spring mushrooms. Appear immediately after the snow begins to melt. The cap of the mushroom is ovoid, with an uneven surface, dark or light brown, hollow inside. The hat gradually turns into a leg (calorizator). The leg is smooth or slightly folded, hollow inside, white, brittle. The pulp is white with a pleasant smell.

    Calorie content of fresh morels

    The calorie content of fresh morels is 27 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    Useful properties and harm of fresh morels

    Fresh morels contain 3% nitrogenous substances, 1% sugar and many aromatic substances.

    Morels contain a substance - one of the polysaccharides, which is conditionally named FD4. Morels not only strengthen the eye muscles, but also work directly with the lens of the eye - it prevents it from becoming cloudy.

    They belong to conditionally edible mushrooms, that is, before cooking, it is recommended to boil the mushrooms thoroughly, drain the broth, and squeeze the mushrooms and rinse several times (kalorizator). Moreover, it is believed that if the poisonous mixture organic matter, contained in morels, dissolves in water and turns into a decoction, then the poisonous substance gyromitrin is not destroyed by boiling, and only prolonged cooking provides partial destruction of poisons. Therefore, there is always a risk of poisoning with fresh morels and sometimes even dried ones if they contain a lot of poison. To avoid morel poisoning, repeated boiling is recommended each time with the decoction drained.

    Fresh morels in cooking

    Used in boiled and fried form (after boiling). Morels can be added to soups, make fillings for pies, and also eaten as an independent dish.