Effect of dry wine. What is useful red wine, properties, composition and calorie content

Many people are familiar with wine as a health drink. In Asia, it appeared more than 7 thousand years ago, when winemaking arose. Later, the Egyptians and Greeks met with wine. The divine potion was used, first of all, to improve health and increase the overall tone of the body. Today, these properties are known to all. From here, people are interested in the specific benefits and harms of the drink.

Red wine - the fountain of youth

  1. The confirmed facts include the fact that red wine prolongs a person's life and youth. The drink includes biologically active compounds with powerful antioxidant properties.
  2. So, only resveratrol is able to remove heavy metals, radionuclides, other toxic substances and toxins from the human body.
  3. All this leads to the rejuvenation of the tissues of internal organs, skin and hair. Red wine prevents oncological ailments, and also stops existing cancerous tissues.
  4. The situation is as follows: when cancer cells are born, they need nourishment in the form of new capillaries. Wine cuts off blood circulation and does not allow blood channels to form. From there, the tumor self-destructs.
  5. The drink rejuvenates the skin, increases the production of collagen fibers and elastin. The face is noticeably tightened and younger, traces of fatigue, sagging, strong wrinkles disappear.
  6. Red dry wine does not allow a person to gain excess body weight. It breaks down fatty compounds, removes excess cholesterol from the blood, accelerates metabolism and loses weight.
  7. There are quite a few diets based on the reasonable consumption of dry red wine. However, before doing this, you need to consult with a specialist nutritionist so as not to harm yourself.

The benefits of red wine

  1. A positive effect is achieved due to the special properties of grapes. Juice and wine from it are beneficial to the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, and respiratory organs.
  2. The composition of the wine contains tannic acid tannin. The shade of the drink and its quality depend on it. Tannin prevents the product from oxidizing, acting as a natural preservative. When ingested, tannin thins the blood, makes the vascular walls dense and elastic. Hence, prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system is carried out.
  3. Incoming flavonoids are natural antioxidants. They stop the harmful effects free radicals prolonging a person's life. When ingested, flavonoids increase the protective shell, so that the immune system becomes immune to viruses. Of the most common antioxidant flavonoids, quercetin, resveratrol, and catechin are isolated. All of them are responsible for cell regeneration, fat control in the liver. Flavonoids are essential for cancer prevention.
  4. The remaining components in the form of micro and macro elements, vitamins, amino acids support the functioning of vital organs. This includes the brain, kidneys, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, external beauty. Red wine stimulates the proper growth and development of tissues at the cellular level.
  5. A high accumulation of iron prevents the risk of anemia - anemia. Wine is responsible for improving blood circulation, the production of red blood cells (blood cells), mild vasodilation. All these properties prevent atherosclerosis, thrombosis, varicose veins.
  6. Red wine is indicated for people who have recently suffered a serious illness or operation. The composition will help to recover faster and strengthen the immune system. The drink has a beneficial effect on the stomach in its disorder, normalizes the stool.
  7. Wine is used to combat beriberi between the seasons. Healing drug must be taken to treat diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Mulled wine prepared by yourself will save you from pneumonia, bronchitis, and colds. The same composition is useful to consume with chronic fatigue and apathy.
  8. It has been repeatedly proven that the drink increases the acidity of the stomach, so it is consumed with gastritis with a low rate of acid production. If you take a glass of wine with dinner, you will improve the digestibility of food and provide yourself with a sound and restful sleep.
  9. Homemade wine has a good effect on the psycho-emotional environment of a person. If you often experience stress, make it a habit to take 50 ml. in the evening before going to bed. Dentists recommend that their patients consume wine to strengthen enamel and reduce bleeding gums.

  1. The drink prevents the transformation of testosterone into estrogen - the female hormone. It does this by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme.
  2. It is known that a high accumulation of estrogen makes the male body partly female. From here, the representative of the strong half begins to gain weight, secondary female signs appear in him.
  3. For example, if a lot of estrogens prevail in the body of a man for a long time, there will be a risk of developing gynecomastia. This is an increase in the mammary glands, leading to breast growth.
  4. If you notice such changes in yourself, use 60-100 ml during a meal. red wine, always dry. Do not lean on large volumes of the drink, otherwise the situation will be completely opposite.
  5. It is important to understand that homemade red wine will suppress the aromatase enzyme. Low-grade powdered raw materials will only harm the liver, kidneys, and heart.
  6. Men will benefit only from the use of dry red wine. Sweet or semi-sweet will increase cholesterol, lead to a set of unwanted kilograms, and reduce testosterone in the blood.
  7. In addition to all of the above, red wine is a natural antioxidant. The product reduces the likelihood of blood clots, thereby preventing strokes and heart attacks.
  8. Wine prevents atherosclerosis and other diseases of this kind. Studies have shown that men who consume 50 ml daily. wines live longer by 10-15 years.
  9. In addition, men are often stressed due to the low psycho-emotional environment. Wine suppresses apathy, irritability, nervousness. The drink improves sleep and calms the nerves.

The benefits of red wine for women

  1. The quality of wine directly depends on whether it is useful for girls or not. The natural drink is rich in flavanoids, enzymes inhibit the development of cancer cells and inhibit the activity of free radicals. Drinking wine prevents breast cancer.
  2. The drink activates substances in the body that stimulate the synthesis of collagen particles in the skin. As a result of such reactions, the epidermis retains youth and elasticity for a long time.
  3. It has been proven that wine helps girls fight extra pounds. Low calorie content and active enzymes make it break down fat layers. The girl loses weight naturally, wine can be included in the diet for diets.
  4. Do not forget that whatever useful wine was not for the body, abuse leads to disastrous results. During gestation, it is strictly forbidden to consume the product.

Wine for blood pressure

  1. The problem of unstable blood pressure most adults suffer. Drinking wine can play a trick on you. Therefore, study the effect of the drink in hypotension and hypertension before drinking wine.
  2. Sweet varieties increase blood pressure, contribute to the increase in heart muscle. Dry wines dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. A drink will help to cope with a similar problem. The main condition remains that it is forbidden to exceed the prescribed norm of the composition.

  1. Modern medicine has singled out a separate method of strengthening human health in the form of wine therapy. The manipulations carried out include getting rid of ailments by drinking wine in a certain amount.
  2. Therapy with the use of wine is also aimed at external influences. With the help of a drink, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin and completely rejuvenate the body at the cellular level.
  3. Active enzymes in the composition of the drink resist premature aging of the skin, smoothing wrinkles and increasing tissue elasticity. The principle of therapy lies in the use of masks, massages and baths based on red wine.
  4. The benefits of such therapy were mentioned in ancient Greece. Wine copes well with the slagging of the body. As a result of the procedure, the skin is cleansed, part of the cellulite disappears. For dry dermis, it is preferable to use semi-sweet wines, for oily skin - masks based on semi-dry and dry wine.
  5. A home spa treatment will be no less effective. To do this, fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature, pour in a bottle of dry red wine. Rest for 40 minutes. After the procedure, the skin will significantly change, rejuvenate, become radiant and smooth.
  6. Wine has been used in traditional medicine. To overcome bronchitis and cold syndromes, it is necessary to warm up 50 ml. alcoholic drink up to 40 degrees in a steam bath. Add to wine 15 gr. honey, 1 gr. cinnamon, black pepper and nutmeg. Stir, use three times a day. Make a new batch each time.
  7. The alcoholic drink proved to be excellent in the fight against anemia and beriberi. To prevent such phenomena, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of red wine. per day during a meal for 1 week. If you still don't feel well, take a break for 3 days. Repeat manipulations.
  8. If you are experiencing intestinal upset or impaired gastrointestinal function, drink 50 ml. cold drink made from grapes. In the fight against sprains, bruises and bruises, compresses and lotions from wine will help. To overcome sleep problems, drink 30 ml at night. sweet drink.

Harm of red wine

  1. Do not forget that wine is an alcoholic beverage. Therefore, despite all the benefits, it is forbidden to take it with coronary artery disease, pancreatitis, impaired thyroid function.
  2. AT medicinal purposes wine is allowed to be used only after agreement with the doctor. The specialist will individually set the daily rate of raw materials. In other cases, wine is harmful if taken uncontrolled.

O useful properties Ah, it makes sense to say, if we take into account the quality raw materials. When taking powdered wine from the store, you will not bring anything but harm to the body.

Video: what happens if you drink wine every day

Health benefits and harms of dry red wine. Types of wines and their differences in the effect on the body. How to choose a good wine and what consumption rate will provide tangible benefits.

From time immemorial, people have considered wine the “drink of the Gods,” as they have discovered many useful properties in it. Just as poison is useful in small doses, alcohol can have a positive effect on the body, but if used in excess, the usefulness will turn into harm. Of course, we will talk only about natural wines, and not about the “powder wines” famously known among the people.

Harm of dry red wine ... or benefit?

So, red dry wine is good and bad, what more?

The beneficial effect of red wine on the body lies in the fact that it contains a large number of various minerals, including potassium, cobalt, iodine, magnesium and others. Regular consumption of red wine in small doses strengthens blood vessels and prevents various diseases. Surely, you have heard that the French have the lowest rate of this disease, all this is precisely because of red wine.
Recently, the beneficial effect of red wine on tooth enamel has been proven. The elements present in red wine do not allow bacteria to settle on the teeth, which means that the occurrence of caries is significantly reduced.

Such is the benefit of a glass of wine, or more precisely, no more than 100 ml per day. However, not everyone observes such a measure and they drink it once a week, a month, but immediately "for all days." This "approach" is not healthy.

The harmfulness of red wine is that wine itself is an alcoholic drink, which means that if you drink it excessively, you cannot avoid headaches and drowsiness. Also, red wine is high in calories, 125 ml of wine has 80 kcal, so don't get carried away.

Dry red wine: good or bad for women?

Let's look at the benefits and harms of red wine for women, which are controversial. Of course, the body of a man and a woman is the same, but there are differences only in the genitourinary system, which means that some influence may differ.

In the female body, wine prevents the development of breast cancer. Also, it relieves menopausal syndrome. At correct use, wine will help preserve youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. The influence of wine on the female body and sexually has been proven, namely, the pleasure from the process is enhanced. Some scientists argue that the use of small doses of wine during pregnancy has a positive effect on the development of the fetus, as well as on the future intellectual abilities of the child. However, this statement is controversial, and at one time was quite strongly criticized.

Red dry wine for medicinal purposes

Many people love red wine, but why dry white wine? It can also be of great benefit to the body, it contains a large amount of various vitamins that are not found in ordinary grape juice.

Also, white wine increases appetite and helps the body absorb protein and iron from food. With colds, white wine is often given to the patient, since it is merciless to microbes and viruses. Thanks to the same effect, wine can be used to color water, and after a while the water will be completely disinfected, and vice versa, if wine is diluted with water, then the wine will not cause any harm. With nausea or vomiting, white wine helps to bind and remove all harmful substances from the body.

People believe that white wine is loved by logical people, because it helps to improve memory, thinking and perception. For older people, it will be useful in that it prevents the development of a disease such as Alzheimer's.

The harmfulness of white wine lies in the fact that, unlike red wine, it greatly harms the teeth, since it contains sugar and acids that destroy enamel. AT large quantities it adversely affects the kidneys, liver and digestive tract, and can also lead to various mental illnesses.

Wine also harms "Bacchus worshipers", that is, those who abuse alcohol, and those who use a low-quality product. So-called "powdered" wine can do terrible harm to your well-being and health in general.

If you are used to drinking wine in large quantities to relax after a hard day, then read the article's tips "

Wine has long been valued for its unique properties and unique taste. Until now, it is a traditional national drink in many European countries. The question of the benefits of wine is of interest to many lovers of this noble drink. At one time, Hippocrates used it in the treatment of patients, and the famous commander Julius Caesar gave it to soldiers in portions to prevent intestinal diseases, as well as to raise their spirits before battle. AT modern society there is a term "wine therapy", which confirms the value of the drink in maintaining health.

The benefits and harms of red wine

Speaking about the benefits and harms of wine for the body, it is important that it be natural, made in compliance with production technologies, aging and storage periods.

Important! Drinks based on powder will not bring any benefit to the body. They do not contain useful vitamins and minerals that have an effective effect on human health.

Wine is useful and really helps to cope with ailments only when consumed in small doses allowed by doctors.

Useful properties of red wine

The health benefits of red wine are already a proven fact. A little of this delicious drink a day improves mood, prolongs youth. It is used for colds, headaches provoked by migraines or low blood pressure.

Tannin, which is part of the composition, maintains the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, which in turn helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamins, macro- and microelements increase the body's resistance to various pathogens, restore strength after serious illnesses, stress, debilitating diets. Eating red fish for dinner, wine not only emphasizes the taste of the dish, but also helps the body absorb useful omega-3 acids.

Alcohol has long been known to improve blood circulation. Thus, a person improves memory and attention, reduces the risk of developing dementia, stroke, and the formation of blood clots in the vessels.

Benefits of dry red wine

Dry red wine lowers blood glucose and cholesterol levels, benefits people suffering from diabetes and liver damage.

Drinking a glass of wine every day is an integral part of many popular diets. The resveratrol contained in the grape drink reduces appetite.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of dry red wine, we should not forget that it is contraindicated for children.

The benefits of red wine for women

Red wine brings significant benefits to women. It affects the emotional state, improves sleep, helps to cope with depression, pain during PMS.

Baths and compresses using the drink increase skin elasticity.

This magical "drink of the gods" is especially appreciated by girls on diets. It not only decorates a meager diet, but also promotes better metabolism, improves digestion.

The benefits of red wine for men

When women are in doubt, men easily accept the information that red wine is good for them.

The strong half of humanity is most susceptible vascular diseases. Maybe it's stress, bad habits, excessive exercise.

Drinking the drink will help with diseases of the heart and genitourinary system. The ability of alcohol to improve mood and sexual activity is especially appreciated.

Negative properties of red wine

The main harm of red wine is abuse. It has a negative effect on the body, contributes to the development alcohol addiction, nullifies all useful properties. Drinking several glasses a day exacerbates chronic diseases in a person, increases the risk of sudden death. Wine can exacerbate allergy symptoms, cause an asthmatic attack.

Important! Alcoholic drinks are contraindicated in children, pregnant women, people with a hereditary predisposition to alcoholism.

Sometimes, with an increased tone of the uterus, gynecologists allow the expectant mother a little alcohol. But this decision is made only by a doctor, based on a study of medical data.

Important! All acute diseases are a contraindication for taking any intoxicating drink.

The benefits and harms of white wine

White wine also has significant benefits to the human body.

It has an antimicrobial effect, improves well-being in intestinal diseases, reduces the risk of viral diseases, has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, improves mood, improves water-salt balance, helps to absorb useful microelements and vitamins contained in dishes.

Dry white wine is more beneficial than sweet. Drinks with a high amount of sugar are harmful to patients with diabetes and allergies.

What types of wine are healthier?

Only natural grape wine in moderation brings benefits. All artificially produced alcoholic beverages are harmful to health.

Experts say that dry red wine brings great benefits. It has more important beneficial components, including resveratrol, than a white drink. White wine is less strong.

Among red wines, pomegranate takes pride of place. Its benefit is in the high content of antioxidants, which have a rejuvenating effect. Linoleic acid in pomegranate inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors.

The richest in substances necessary for the body are drinks created on the basis of Cabernet and Sauvignon grape varieties. Home options from garden and forest berries do not lag behind in benefits, are actively used by households to increase the body's resistance to disease.

Wine Treatment Recipes

Red and white wine can be consumed in combination with foods such as meat, cheese, chocolate. When certain ingredients are added to wine, it acquires medicinal properties. The dose of dry wine for health should not exceed 1 glass.

Honey makes a wine drink an excellent remedy for SARS. By adding St. John's wort and aloe leaves to the composition, you get an excellent tonic balm.

With a strong cough, an infusion is made with dried wormwood grass, and lotions with fresh cabbage leaves are saved from bruises, thrombophlebitis.

Mulled wine is the most popular drink. Traditionally, they take a bottle of dry red for it, heat it up to 80 degrees, add sugar and fragrant ground spices to taste: cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, pepper and others. Such a drink will decorate a cold winter evening, cheer you up.

The therapeutic dose of wine is how much?

The debate about how much wine you can drink a day is relevant to this day. If you want wine to maintain health, you should drink no more than 50 ml per day, and the total amount per week should not exceed 500 ml. Only in this case, this unique drink will have a healing effect.

Each person decides for himself whether he should drink wine or not. In the article, we showed the benefits and harms of wine. When enjoying the taste of an alcoholic drink, do not forget to follow the dosage recommended by experts, and then the wine will bring only pleasure and pleasant memories.

Scientists put an end to the age-old debate about the benefits of red wine. Moderate consumption of this drink does more good than harm to the body, writes Aleksey Bondarev in No. 30 of the magazine Correspondent dated August 2, 2013.

The French are one of the most patriotic nations in the world. No one so fiercely defends their culture and traditions from the invasion of globalism. And the French also defend the custom of accompanying every serious meal with a glass of wine very desperately. And there is something to protect from: doctors and nutritionists from different countries any attempt to prove that moderate drinking is not a hindrance to good health has been attacked for decades.

Now any patriot of the tricolor flag and the Marseillaise has a serious argument - a real shield with which to repel the attacks of skeptics who do not recognize the benefits of alcohol. The results of the largest study, which has been conducted for almost 30 years by scientists from the Universities of Paris and Bordeaux, have been summed up. They observed 35,000 men aged 40 to 65 and concluded that the healthiest of them were those who drank wine in moderation.

This is the first major and authoritative study proving that the notorious French paradox is a reality, and not a fairy tale from the realm of national color. This term in the middle of the last century was called the hypothetical positive effect that red wine produces, mitigating the harm caused to health by high-calorie and fatty foods.

Experts drew attention to the fact that the French are less likely than other Europeans to suffer from a number of age-related diseases (cardiovascular system, alimentary tract, etc.).

Experts drew attention to the fact that the French are less likely than other Europeans to suffer from a number of age-related diseases (cardiovascular system, alimentary tract, etc.). And this despite the fact that french cuisine can not be considered a dietary model. It includes quite a lot of fatty and fried foods, as well as sweets.

Scientists began to look for the roots of this paradox. However, the search was short-lived, since the only plausible explanation could only be the passion of the French for red wine, which contains an abundance of the substance resveratrol, which is attributed to a beneficial effect on health.

Since then, for several decades, red wine has been one of the most frequently discussed topics in medicine. Perhaps only coffee is discussed as passionately, says American physician David Hanneman, but in terms of the number of studies, wine is still in the lead.

According to Hanneman, the results of the studies can be divided into three groups. The former sing of the benefits of wine. The second say that there is a benefit, but insignificant. Still others argue that any alcohol is harmful in principle.

Every few years the pendulum swings in favor of one or another thesis. However, never before have such strong arguments been thrown into the scales as the data of studies in which tens of thousands of people took part, Hanneman notes. Now it will be more difficult for opponents of alcohol to prove their case.

French paradox

Experts from the Universities of Paris and Bordeaux claim that their work proves moderate wine consumption reduces the likelihood of premature death from diseases of the cardiovascular system by 40%, and from cancer by 20%.

“A glass of wine a day eliminates the need to visit a doctor,” the authors of the study paraphrase a well-known American proverb.

A 28-year French experiment shows that ingesting small amounts of red wine has a positive effect on most people, says Crane Stockley of the Australian Wine Research Institute.

This is not only about diseases of the cardiovascular system, but also about reducing the risk of diabetes, dementia and many other diseases that can significantly reduce life expectancy.

Moderate intake at regular intervals, albeit not every day, but during the week can be considered sufficient

“Moderate wine consumption is the key to good health,” says Stockley.

According to the expert, the data of the French study is the last straw in the cup of evidence for the benefits of wine.

“Moderate intake at regular intervals, if not every day, but during the week can be considered sufficient,” Stokely answers the question of how much wine you need to drink in order to feel its effect.

At the same time, wine in large doses immediately leads to the opposite effect, Stokely hastens to emphasize. There is one more caveat: the results of the study concern only adults; in adolescents, regular alcohol intake can adversely affect the formation of the brain.

It is also worth considering that drinking wine, even in small doses, can have a negative impact on the health of people who are already suffering from some kind of serious illness and taking medications. However, having made all these reservations, scientists are immediately ready to rush headlong into the maelstrom of enthusiasm about the benefits of wine.

“The point here is not that regular drinking of wine helps prevent any specific diseases,” Stokely explains, “but that it has a positive effect on a person’s diet and lifestyle.”

Time to scatter stones

However, regarding the benefits of wine for the prevention of specific diseases, researchers also have progress. An equally large-scale study, conducted by American scientists from Boston University together with their colleagues from the University of Rome, shows that small amounts of red wine reduce the risk of kidney stones, and also help to effectively deal with them if they do form. Therefore, red wine is the exact opposite of sugary carbonated drinks that promote kidney stones.

The study, which lasted eight years, included the observation of 200 thousand volunteers who reported to the doctors about what they drink during the day, and gave them their medical records. Thus, the authors of the experiment were able to compare certain drinks with the health status of their patients.

Those who prefer sugary drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, are 33% more likely to develop kidney stones than those who regularly drink red wine.

It turned out that those who prefer sugary drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, are 33% more likely to develop kidney stones than those who regularly drink red wine. Among other drinks that reduce the risk of kidney problems, scientists noted beer, coffee, tea and orange juice. However, none of them can match the effectiveness of red wine.

“It's all about the oxolates - chemicals, which are common cause kidney stone formation,” explains Gary Kurhan of Boston University, one of the authors of the study. According to him, regular moderate wine consumption leads to the removal of oxolates from the body, and not to their accumulation in the kidneys. It is likely that the fructose found in the wines contributes to this, although this remains to be determined in the course of new studies.

Miracle Component

Searches for explanations of the beneficial properties of wine often come across a long list of its components. Among them, fructose, organic acids, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc are usually distinguished. And, of course, vitamins B1, B2, C (all this applies to a greater extent to red wine and mostly dry varieties). However, in last years researchers are paying more attention to its other component - resveratrol, which is gradually becoming one of the most noisy subjects of controversy in modern science.

In red wine, on average, 0.2-5.0 mg / l of resveratrol (in white, its content is much lower). Once in the body of living beings, resveratrol has an antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect, lowers blood sugar levels.

While active resveratrol supplements have begun to appear on the market, some scientists praise this substance, others argue that it is useless. Only in the last two years, the number of large-scale studies, which were tasked with determining how positively this substance affects health and whether it can prolong life, is several dozen.

Once in the body of living beings, resveratrol has an antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect, lowers blood sugar levels.

In 2012, American doctors from the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit found that regular consumption of dry red wine can prevent hearing loss in older people. Naturally, thanks to resveratrol.

Norwegian scientists from the University of Trondheim published the results of their work, indicating that resveratrol can reduce appetite, which means that people who regularly drink red wine in moderate doses are less prone to overeating, and therefore to problems with the digestive tract and obesity. .

Their Dutch colleagues developed the idea: the results of their recent experiments show the benefits of resveratrol for digestion. Moreover, the benefits are very tangible - so much so that scientists in conclusion boldly assert: "One glass of red wine a day prolongs life by an average of five years."

Canadian pharmacist David Sinclair came to the conclusion that resveratrol has a positive effect on the functioning of mitochondria, the parts of cells responsible for energy storage.

But it was the study by New Zealand scientists from Otag University that made the most noise. On the one hand, their work showed that resveratrol has a number of useful properties, on the other hand, they learned that drinking red wine does not affect longevity.

The controversial substance has a beneficial effect on lower forms of life, experts say, but not on people. The authors of the work tested the effects of resveratrol on six types of living organisms. Various fungi supplemented with resveratrol actually lived longer. However, this effect was no longer seen in fruit flies and mice. Now preparations are underway to conduct experiments with people, scientists say.

A question of propaganda

New research has enough critics. As a rule, they argue that the positive aspects of drinking alcohol in the so-called moderate doses are offset by significant risks.

Talk about the benefits of alcohol, whether it be wine or other drinks, invariably leads to the threat of whitewashing the image of alcohol in the public mind, said Mike Daub, a professor at Curtin University in Sydney, Australia.

In fact, Daub believes, alcohol poses a serious threat both in the short and long term - both in the medical and social spheres.

Any publications about the benefits of alcohol based on various studies Daub calls alcohol lobby PR. Daub doesn't blame anyone directly, but says that in many cases, advocates of "scientific" evidence for the benefits of alcohol are directly connected to the alcohol industry.

Today there is a tendency to consider the level of usefulness of alcohol as zero, as is the case with nicotine.

The head of the Federation of Winemakers of Australia, Paul Evans, meets such criticism with hostility.

“Today, there is a trend towards treating alcohol as having zero health benefits, much like nicotine does,” Evans notes. “But there is also a huge body of evidence that wine in moderation can be part of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.”

The presence of wine in the diet should be seen as part of a healthy lifestyle, but not as a main component of it, like the food you eat and the exercises you do in the gym, Stokely emphasizes. And wine should not replace either one or the other.

The cure for everything

Wine carries many dangers, like any other alcoholic drink. However, the list of its advantages is huge. Used in moderation, it is a versatile medicine

Useful properties of wine

Permissible daily dose - no more than 50 g

  • Contains vitamins B2, B1, C, P, iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, manganese
  • Resveratol present in wine has an antitumor effect.
  • Protects cells from the harmful effects of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation, which is useful for the prevention and treatment of cancer
  • Contains catechins, which have antimicrobial activity and are useful for strengthening immunity
  • Increases the level of high molecular weight lipoproteins in the blood, which remove low molecular weight cholesterol from the body, which serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis
  • Reduces the number of fat cells in the body, protects against metabolic disorders, in particular obesity
  • Polyphenols contribute to the regulation of blood sugar levels, which helps to avoid the onset and development of type 2 diabetes.
  • Resveratol thins the blood and prevents platelets from sticking together, helping to prevent thrombosis
  • Resveratol has an effect similar to the action of the hormone estrogen, being a natural biostimulant, and is useful for the prevention of certain estrogen-dependent diseases, in particular osteoporosis
  • The high content of iron in wine, as well as the property of the drink to promote the absorption of iron from food, are useful for anemia, vitamin deficiency, and significant blood loss.
  • A small amount of diluted hot wine with spices is useful in the treatment of diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, such as pneumonia, bronchitis and tuberculosis.
  • For some types of intestinal disorders and poisoning, the astringent and antitoxic properties of wine will be useful.
  • Drinking wine before bed helps with insomnia due to its content of melatonin, the sleep hormone
  • Increases appetite and stimulates gallbladder secretion, aiding the digestion of heavy foods, especially fats
  • Contains substances that stimulate carbohydrate, nitrogen and mineral metabolism in the human body

Harmful properties of wine

  • Harmful daily dose - more than 50 g
  • Contains many allergens such as fruits, yeast, pollen, and histamines - compounds that cause hives, itchy skin, sneezing, bronchospasm and other allergy symptoms
  • Sulfur dioxide, used in winemaking to inhibit the growth of wine yeast, can cause asthma attacks in asthma patients
  • Red wine polyphenols may cause migraine attacks in people prone to the disease
  • With frequent use of alcohol, enzymatic metabolism slows down and the toxic breakdown product of alcohol - acetaldehyde - accumulates in the liver, which over time can cause serious diseases, including cirrhosis.
  • Wine should not be consumed during pregnancy and lactation, since alcohol, entering the child's body, can cause irreversible damage to the cells of his brain and spinal cord

Data of the information and reference service of the Correspondent

This material was published in issue 30 of the Korrespondent magazine of August 2, 2013. Reprinting of publications of the Korrespondent magazine in full is prohibited. The rules for using the materials of the Korrespondent magazine published on the Korrespondent.net website can be found .

After a devastatingly hard day at work, you uncork a bottle, and the sparkling flow of wine fills your glass. And then you hear the voice of your inner “I”: “Should you drink wine?”. In fact, you pay a lot of attention healthy eating, visit the gym several times a week, do yoga. Will these few sips of a fragrant drink nullify all your efforts? There is no doubt that alcohol abuse will have a negative effect on your health, but what about a glass of wine several times a week?

You probably know the benefits of red wine for the cardiovascular system, in particular for heart health. However, you already eat right and regularly expose your body to physical activity, so you should not worry about the heart.

What else can be said about the benefits of wine? You may be surprised, but in addition to a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, wine has many more positive effects on the state of the body. It's all about resveratrol - a special substance with strong antioxidant properties, which is found in grapes and a number of other plants. Resveratrol is responsible for the plant's fight against pathogenic bacteria and fungi, successful development in conditions of drought or lack of nutrients in the soil. Grapes, blueberries, cranberries, mulberries, nuts and pistachios are the leaders in resveratrol content. Taking this substance in its pure form does not give the same effect as drinking wine, since the latter contains other components that help heal the body. And we are talking about red wine, because white grapes does not contain resveratrol.

So, below we offer 14 beneficial effects that wine has on the body. Take note of them, and then an ordinary glass of aromatic drink at dinner will turn into a portion of a real magic elixir for you.

1. Wine prolongs life

On the Greek island of Ikaria, part of the so-called "blue zone", people live much longer than anywhere else in the world. Drinking wine daily is part of a healthy diet here, along with less animal food and more food. plant origin. You can find long-livers who like to drink a glass or two of strong red wine also in Crete and Sardinia. This is part of their kind of anti-aging therapy. Studies conducted in 2007 confirmed that procyanidin, a substance found in the seeds of red grapes, contributes to the improvement of the cardiovascular system. The highest content of this component is observed in wines produced in the south-west of France and Sardinia. It is quite understandable that in these areas people live longer than in other parts of Europe.

Experts at Harvard Medical School have confirmed the fact that resveratrol activates the production of a special protein called sirtuin, which is also called the substance responsible for longevity. It is he who protects the body from the development of age-related diseases.

2. Wine makes you smarter

Resveratrol improves short-term memory. Already after 30 minutes of research, scientists found that participants in the experiment who took resveratrol memorize words much better and processes are much more active in those parts of the brain that are responsible for the formation of new memories, learning, emotions.

3. Wine makes the skin more beautiful

Resveratrol inhibits the growth of acne-causing bacteria and does it much better than the traditional acne treatment, benzoyl peroxide. Today, resveratrol is very often present in the composition of cosmetics, but the topical effect of creams is not as effective as the ingestion of products with a high content of this antioxidant. In other words, get resveratrol from wine, fruits and vegetables instead of buying expensive cosmetics.

4. The effect of drinking wine can outdo even the results of going to the gym.

What would you like more: having a glass of wine with pleasure or doing exhausting exercises in the gym? Scientists have proven that resveratrol improves the condition of the heart, brain and musculoskeletal system in the same way as regular exercise. Now imagine how much more favorable the effect will be if you combine both physical activity and drinking wine?

5. Say goodbye to depression

We all know that wine helps to relax, but depression is a much more serious case. Researchers in Spain have found that people who drink 2 to 7 glasses of wine a week are much less likely to suffer from depression. Even if we take into account a variety of external factors, the effectiveness of wine in the fight against depression is still quite high.

6. Wine Reduces the Risk of Liver Disease

This discovery was a real challenge to the prevailing opinion that alcohol consumption is a direct path to liver disease. If you drink wine in moderation, that is, one glass a day, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. If we compare such “reasonable” wine lovers with absolute teetotalers, then the risk is halved. If we talk about lovers of beer, liqueurs and other strong alcohol, then their chances of getting sick are 4 times higher.

7. Wine and eye health

It has been proven that resveratrol prevents the increase in intraocular pressure. This property may help fight retinopathy (a consequence of diabetes) and age-related visual impairment. Note that to date, such studies have been conducted only on mice, so what dose of resveratrol is necessary for a person is still unknown. But that's a good start, isn't it?

8. Reliable protection for your snow-white smile

Did you know that drinking wine (in reasonable amounts, of course) can protect your teeth from bacteria? We have already noted that wine has an antibacterial effect on the skin. Similarly, it helps fight bacteria on the teeth. Studies have been carried out on all five of the most famous types of bacteria, and after contact with a film of red wine, an almost complete disappearance of microorganisms was observed.

9. Wine reduces the risk of developing cancerous tumors

breast cancer

Red grapes contain substances that can inhibit the activity of aromatase, an enzyme that causes breast tumors to produce their own estrogen. These substances in grapes are also called aromatase inhibitors, responsible for reducing the risk of cancer growth due to alcohol consumption. If you are not a fan of wine, then you can just eat grapes, but only with seeds, because they are especially useful.

bowel cancer

Recent studies show that drinking wine in reasonable amounts can reduce the risk of bowel cancer by 50%.

Prostate cancer

People who drink 4 to 7 glasses of red wine a week are 52% less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than those who don't drink wine at all. Red wine is a reliable ally in the fight against cancer. Experts say that flavonoids, coupled with resveratrol, are antioxidants that can become a counterbalance to androgens - male hormones that stimulate the prostate.

10. Wine will help to cope with an annoying runny nose.

Perhaps now the old grandmother's recipe for treating a cold will not seem so strange to you. A study was conducted at 5 universities in Spain involving 4,000 people. Those who regularly drank wine were much less likely to suffer from colds than those who consumed beer or spirits. Scientists believe that the antioxidants contained in wine contribute to the inhibition of inflammatory processes and the elimination of cold symptoms.

11. Wine Lowers Cholesterol

You don't even need to follow a special diet. Cholesterol levels and pressure indicators will always be normal. Of course, we are talking about the consumption of wine in reasonable quantities.

12. Reducing the risk of stroke

Wine helps reduce the risk of developing coronary disease hearts. Factors such as age, gender, and smoking were taken into account in the study of this effect of wine, and wine consumption on a monthly, weekly, or daily basis was associated with a gradual reduction in the risk of stroke. A similar beneficial effect was not observed in the case of beer or strong alcohol.

13. Regulate blood sugar levels without drugs

Red wine contains a very high amount of polyphenols, which interact with the cells responsible for the distribution and storage of fats, as well as for regulating blood sugar levels. The effect of polyphenols contained in a small glass of red wine can be compared to the effect of some rather strong drugs for diabetics.

14. Wine reduces the risk of diabetes

Those who regularly consume wine in reasonable amounts are 30% less likely to develop type II diabetes. And this is again thanks to resveratrol, which increases insulin sensitivity.