Children 7 months food. Baby nutrition at seven months: what foods to give? Features of feeding this age

The introduced complementary foods significantly expand the diet of a 7-month-old baby. But still there are significant restrictions that must be observed in order to avoid digestive problems. So, what can you feed a baby at 7 months?

What vegetables can be given to a child at 7 months?

The diet of a child at 7 months is gradually expanding with vegetables, diversity is achieved by increasing their range. The baby can be offered mashed carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, etc. Later, you can make mixes, mix vegetable purees with each other or with various cereals. An excellent combination would be broccoli and rice, carrots and potatoes. Mashed potatoes can also be prepared independently, for example, boil potatoes and carrots, chop and pass through a sieve.
Parents often ask pediatricians the question of whether it is possible to give beets to a child for 7 months? Despite the fact that beets are an unsurpassed source of B, C, PP vitamins, iodine, iron, mineral salts, fiber and organic acids. Acquaintance of the child with this vegetable should be carried out not earlier than 8 - 9 months. First of all, this is due to the high sugar content in the vegetable, and its bright color, which can cause allergic reactions. In addition, beets are a herbal laxative. It is possible to introduce beets ahead of time for children prone to constipation, but only after consulting a specialist.

What fruits can a child at 7 months?

From 7 months, the child is allowed to introduce fruits - juices and fruit purees. First, they introduce puree from fruits that do not have a bright color - green apples, natural pears that sprout in the region of residence, apricots and peaches (according to the season). It is necessary to gradually expand their number, by the end of the month you can mix mashed potatoes.
They must be introduced in a teaspoon, gradually increasing their dose, and by the end of 7 months, the amount of fruit puree should be 50 g. Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to give a banana to a child at 7 months? Bananas are a valuable source of vitamin B, C, PP, E, K, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, fluorine. In addition, the contained fiber improves digestion and is a source of energy. Bananas are hypoallergenic, so they will not only be recommended for children, but also useful.
In addition to bananas, there are other fruits rich in vitamins and microelements, for example, persimmon, can it be given to a child at 7 months? Persimmon is a seasonal product rich in iodine and many other trace elements and vitamins. But still, it is not recommended for the nutrition of young children, because. refers to exotic fruits. Even residents of coastal areas, in which persimmon is a common garden tree, do not experiment, in order to avoid the formation of allergic reactions.
A child at 7 months old can be offered compotes, which ones? They should be from light fruits, without added sugar, and lightly concentrated.

What kind of cereal can a child at 7 months?

The introduction of cereals and cereals will prepare the child for the transition from liquid to more solid foods. But still, the first cereals of the child should be liquid, and prepared without adding sugar, but you can add salt. No more than 5 g is added to a ready-made portion of porridge butter.
A child at 7 months should eat buckwheat and oatmeal- sources of protein, vegetable fibers, useful for the digestive tract. For small children, recommended corn grits and rice, enriched with starch to cover all the energy needs of the baby, corn contains iron.
From the middle of the month, in addition to gluten-free cereals, you can offer gluten, but on condition that there is no individual intolerance.
When choosing a specific cereal, it is necessary to take into account its properties: rice - envelops and fixes, oatmeal and buckwheat - a source of fiber with a laxative effect. Based on this, it is recommended to alternate cereals, or combine with each other. Vegetables can be added to cereals, for example, pumpkin, carrots, apples.
It is possible to prepare a 7-month-old baby cereals of industrial production, which are better processed and sterilized and additionally saturated with vitamins, minerals, according to age requirements.
After the introduction of porridge, parents begin to think about the introduction of soups - no soups are recommended for a 7-month-old child, their introduction period is much later - from 9 months.

What other foods can be given to a 7 month old baby?

At 7 months, the diet is not yet so extensive, vegetables, fruits and some cereals have already been introduced as complementary foods. To diversify the diet, various combinations of them are recommended.
Parents try to expand the diet by introducing new products. For children 7 months old, it is not yet recommended to give cottage cheese, kefir and meat. There is a time for the introduction of these products.

The development of a child at 7 months determines the characteristics of his nutrition. The diet is gradually expanded, new foods are introduced, but it is also important to continue breastfeeding or continue to feed with an adapted formula.

Approximate diet for a 7 month old baby

Composing sample menu a child at 7 months old must take into account the main rule - the regimen should be as similar as possible to the nutrition of an adult baby, i.e. with breakfast and full lunch. Fruits are introduced into the menu for a 7-month-old child, which are valuable sources of vitamins, useful acids and some trace elements. Also, acquaintance with vegetables continues - their list is expanding.
It is still better to give preference to mashed potatoes and cereals of industrial production, because. they differ increased level safety and a wide range.

Nutrition for a 7 month old breastfed baby

The main rule for compiling a menu for a 7-month-old breastfed baby is that breastfeeding cannot be ruled out, the baby also continues to need a full supply of all minerals and vitamins, digestive enzymes for better digestion, and the already introduced complementary foods are not enough to cover all needs.
The morning begins with breastfeeding - the so-called first breakfast, which takes place between 6 and 7 o'clock in the morning. After 3-4 hours, a second breakfast follows, for which you can offer dairy-free or milk porridge, with the addition of a piece of butter and breast milk, the main thing is that the porridges are gluten-free. At the request of the baby, supplementary feeding with breast milk is necessary. From the middle of the 7th month, the diet can be expanded with gluten cereals, semolina only allowed for one year.
After a daytime sleep, it's time for lunch, for which you can offer vegetable puree with the addition of vegetable oil. As a drink, you can offer fruit juice diluted with water or mother's breast.
At 6 o'clock, it's time for an afternoon snack, this can be fruit puree, baby biscuits, and supplementary breast milk. Before going to bed, it is better to offer your mother's breasts.

Feeding a 7 month old breastfed baby

By the age of 7 months, the formula-fed child's menu and diet are almost completely established. As a general rule, 5 meals spaced 4 hours apart are enough to provide all the necessary nutrients.
It is necessary to make a specific diet from the already introduced products that the baby liked. Sample diet for the day:

  • 1 breakfast: milk formula;
  • 2 breakfast: dairy-free or milk porridge with the addition of a mixture, fruit puree;
  • lunch: vegetable puree (pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, broccoli);
  • afternoon snack: fruit puree and supplementary feeding with a mixture;
  • dinner: before going to bed - milk mixture.

For a baby who is completely on artificial feeding, it is necessary to have a variety of complementary foods: fruits, vegetables, cereals (gluten-free, it is allowed to introduce gluten, the first portions - no more than a teaspoon, and with a normal reaction of the child - increase its amount). If the baby does not have enough 5 meals a day, one more feeding can be introduced at night - at night, with a mixture.

The amount of food for a child of 7 months

Around the question of how many times to feed a child at 7 months, controversy still does not subside. But in one thing, pediatricians are similar, the amount of food and the number of feedings depends on his needs. On average, babies of this age need 5 meals a day.
The nutrition schedule of a 7 month old baby can be expanded by introducing one more meal - at night. In addition, children also continue to breastfeed frequently. Breast milk is not only food, but also a liquid to quench thirst, mother's love, "sedative" and "sleeping pills".
The introduced complementary foods - vegetable puree, should completely replace one feeding per day. To cover all the needs of the baby, it is necessary to introduce fruit complementary foods and cereals. Whole cow's milk, which can cause allergies, is still not recommended.

How much should a 7 month old baby eat?

Speaking of caloric needs, the baby needs about 800 kcal per day. If you paint specific nutrition figures, then in the morning and in the evening, the child needs about 200 ml of milk or milk formula, and about 50 ml are offered as supplementary food.
For a second breakfast, they offer about 150 g of porridge, and a small piece of butter 5 - 10 g. For lunch, vegetable puree in the amount of 170 g.
It is at this time that most babies begin to show interest in the food that is located in the parent's plate. And you can think about the introduction of pedagogical complementary foods.
It is worth remembering that this type of complementary foods is only compatible with breastfeeding. It is this condition that will provide the baby with all the necessary food enzymes for the digestion of new products. The main thing is that the menu of mother and child coincided.
The kid can be offered to try a piece of an apple, a bagel, suck a piece of boiled beef. The most important thing at this time is to closely monitor the baby so that he does not choke.

Does your baby sit confidently, is very inquisitive and open to everything new? These are sure signs that a seven-month-old growing child lives in your house, whose diet is becoming more varied every day. And although he still needs mother's milk, new “adult” products should appear on the table, because the baby is growing, and he needs to make up for energy losses in sufficient quantities. What does a 7 month old baby's menu look like? What dishes replenish his diet during this period?


Meat is an essential nutrient that is introduced into the diet of a 7-month-old baby as an important source of protein, vitamins B and PP, as well as iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Thanks to this composition, children suffering from anemia or bottle-fed babies may be advised to introduce meat into complementary foods from 6 months. The same rule applies if the baby is not gaining weight well.

The meat product is given in the form of ready-made canned products, sold in jars and passed a huge number of checks, or prepared at home. For children of the first year of life, dietary meats are used: veal, beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken. Offal, such as liver and heart, is best avoided for now.

They begin to feed meat with a miniature portion, literally half a teaspoon, gradually increasing it. This product, like no other, promotes the development of masticatory muscles, but in the seventh month it must be served crushed, brought to a puree state.

Usually the meat is boiled, ground in a blender or meat grinder and given along with soup or vegetable puree. Another option: first, minced meat is made, passed through a meat grinder twice, from which cutlets are formed, steamed. The most tender meat dishes are pudding and soufflé (due to the addition of milk and bread to them), recipes for which can be easily found on culinary sites.

Meat pudding your child will appreciate

Is it possible to give children broth? Opinions are mixed here. Some consider it an extremely useful component. baby food, others - a mixture of hazardous waste when cooking meat. Both have a grain of truth. Therefore, when deciding to feed the crumbs with broth or cook soup on it, remember that it should be secondary, that is, the first portion of water after some time of boiling is drained and a new one is poured. Give such a decoction in small quantities, initially in a teaspoon.


Although egg yolk can cause allergies and should be introduced with extreme caution, its clear benefits should not be underestimated, in particular, the fact that it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus with iron, as well as fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E.

The first time the yolk (not a whole egg) is given in the morning in the amount of 1/8 part and the reaction is observed. If everything is fine, increase the subsequent portions. The norm for a 7 month old baby is half an egg up to 3 times a week. Children with allergies are recommended to start acquaintance with quail egg.


With some of the representatives of cereals, the baby has probably already made friends. Consider the positive aspects of the main types:

  • Buckwheat is rich in iron and other trace elements, perfectly digestible, original in taste.
  • Rice porridge is considered a very nutritious porridge, which, moreover, is useful for babies prone to loose stools.
  • Corn porridge is one of the best options for allergy sufferers, as it does not contain gluten and regulates intestinal function due to fiber. Corn porridge is a good prevention of constipation, although not every adult consumes it regularly and may doubt the advisability of feeding it to children.

Continue to give porridge daily to your baby. For variety, you can add vegetables, such as pumpkin. It will not only enrich the dish useful properties, but also gives it a beautiful appetizing look.


Your child will love mashed apples, pears, chopped bananas. I would like to say about the latter separately: although a banana is an overseas food, it seems that this fruit is ideal for complementary foods.

Kids love bananas

Judge for yourself: they do not cause allergies, are well absorbed, the content of vitamin C is almost the same as in citrus fruits, and a large amount of vitamin K makes them useful for blood vessels and the heart. The starch included in the digestion process is broken down to glucose, which is so necessary at this age. Banana puree is easy to make at home: just mash it well with a fork or chop it in a blender. Older kids like to peel the banana themselves and eat it.

Dairy products

Breastfed babies have the opportunity to receive daily the best milk in the world, created especially for them. With regard to cow's milk, pediatricians agree that it should not be given up to a year due to its severity for digestion and possible allergic reactions. But dairy products- Please.

Common foods of this type are cottage cheese and kefir. Cottage cheese is a generally recognized source of calcium, kefir is very useful for good digestion.


In addition to water, which, it is believed, cannot be replaced by any other liquid, children can cook compote from dried fruits, in summer from fresh apples. When the baby gets used to such a drink, pear, prunes, frozen fruits can be added to compote. Try not to add sugar to it, and if you really want to sweeten it, then just a little bit.

Scheduled meals?

Is it good to have a diet? Undoubtedly! Scheduled feeding, like going to bed at the same time, streamlines your day, helps to plan it productively and as correctly as possible. In most cases, 5 meals a day are saved. Below is a sample menu.

For children whose diet includes breastfeeding

Menu for the artificial:

How to accept rejection?

What if the baby flatly refuses the proposed dish? Well, like any other person with his gastronomic preferences, he has every right to do so.

"You won't be forced to be nice"

Every child has their own pace of introducing new foods. If he turns away from one of them, do not insist, in a week or two, try to offer him again. Some flavors, like broccoli, take time to appreciate.

About food etiquette

The child is growing up before our eyes, so a 7-month-old baby must be taught some behaviors in the kitchen:

  1. Since the baby is already sitting confidently, buy him a personal high chair that meets all safety requirements.
  2. Let the baby strive to master the art of using a spoon as a way to independently obtain food. Morally tune in that learning how to handle a spoon is now more important than cleanliness and order in your kitchen.
  3. Eating food should be an enjoyable experience. If your baby refuses a certain food, do not force feed. But try to find out the reason for the refusal. Perhaps the food was too hot.

It's time to learn how to eat with a spoon yourself

Filling up the cookbook

Many people think about what to feed the crumbs so that the food is varied. Recipes for children, in general, are easy to prepare. Perhaps the recipes below will appeal to your child.

Oatmeal with pumpkin

Oatmeal -12 gr, pumpkin - about 50 gr, 70 ml of milk, 50 ml of water, butter on the tip of a knife.

The pumpkin is washed, cleaned of seeds and peel, cut into cubes of 2 cm, poured hot water and simmer for about 25 minutes closed lid. After that it falls asleep oat groats, hot milk, the stewing process continues for another 20 minutes, simmer over low heat. After cooking, everything is whipped to a puree state using a blender.

Rice porridge with apples

Apple - 40 g, 10 g of rice flour, 30 ml of water, 70 ml of milk, butter on the tip of a knife.

Milk is brought to a boil and rice is poured, previously ground into flour, stirring constantly. Boil for 5 minutes. Grate the peeled apple, mix with porridge and grind in a blender. Add butter.

Every month your baby is developing more and more actively, his diet is gradually becoming more diverse. In this regard, many parents have difficulties - how to feed a child at 7 months. During this period of life, the baby can already sit up on his own and tries to crawl. And this means that he needs more energy. In the article, we will consider what you can feed a child at 7 months, and also analyze the menu of a child at 7 months on breast and artificial feeding.

Features of the nutrition of a child at 7 months

A kid at this age knows a lot and strives to learn even more. This should be taken into account when organizing the catering process:

  • it is better to feed the child in a sitting position, get him a comfortable high chair;
  • show the baby what the spoon is for, how to use it: the child will soon take the device in his hands and will learn to eat on his own;
  • let's drink water and drinks from a cup, you can buy a special children's drinker for your baby;
  • let the baby "feel" what he eats - this is necessary for the development of both sensory and the child's psyche;
  • It is important to show the baby by example how to behave at the table.

What can be given to a child at 7 months?

Every month the child's diet becomes richer. If you have just started introducing complementary foods at this stage, then we suggest that you read the article:

1. Meat. This is an important food product, it contains a large amount of protein, B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. As a rule, complementary foods with meat begin at 7 months. A pediatrician may recommend introducing meat into the diet early if the child is anemic or the child is underweight.

In the diet of a child at 7 months, first of all, lean meats are needed: beef, rabbit, turkey, veal, chicken. You can buy ready-made mashed potatoes in the store or cook it yourself. In any case, the product must be well crushed to a mushy state.

You need to introduce meat puree in small portions - from half a teaspoon. If the child's body responds well to the new product, gradually increase the portion, bringing it up to 30 g per day in a week.

2 eggs. When introducing this product into the diet, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. chicken or quail eggs must be checked for freshness;
  2. only the yolk is introduced into complementary foods, since egg white is a strong allergen, there is no need to rush with it;
  3. it is necessary to boil the egg thoroughly (at least 10 minutes) otherwise there is a risk of salmonellosis.

For the first acquaintance of the baby with this product, the yolk is knocked down to a mushy form, give a quarter of a teaspoon. With normal tolerance, gradually bring to half the yolk up to two times a week.

3. Kashi. If earlier the child was offered only vegetable and fruit purees, now you can diversify the child's diet at 7 months and introduce cereals. It is preferable to start complementary foods with buckwheat, rice or corn porridge. They do not contain gluten, they are nutritious and rich in vitamins.

Be sure, the baby's first porridge should be one-component and fairly liquid. This makes the product more easily absorbed by the body. Yes, and in the case of allergies, it is easier to identify the cause.

4. Fruit. Currently, there is a huge selection of fruit purees on store shelves. And no wonder, because fruits contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

The diet of a child at 7 months can be varied only with hypoallergenic fruits: green apples, pears, bananas. Puree can also be made at home. Mash the banana well enough with a fork. Apples and pears are heat treated. It is better to hold them for a couple or bake in the oven. Then you can grind to a puree state using a blender.

5. Dairy products. In the child's menu at 7 months, you can add cottage cheese and kefir. Kefir improves digestion and normalizes stools. It is also administered in small portions until reaching 170 ml per day.

Cottage cheese begin to give a teaspoon. It should be diluted with a small amount of kefir. Cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, so if the fontanel overgrows too quickly, the use of this product should be reduced or temporarily stopped.

All dairy products must be adapted for infants. It can be purchased at the dairy kitchen or in the children's departments.

6. Drinks. The child needs daily drinking of clean water. For this purpose, it is better to use boiled or special baby water, which contains useful minerals.

You can cook compote from dried fruits or fresh apples yourself with a minimum amount of sugar.

It is allowed to gradually introduce fruit juices into the diet, starting with single-component ones, it is better to start with apple juice.

When compiling a child’s menu at 7 months, remember that gradualness in this case will allow you not to make serious mistakes regarding the health of the crumbs.

Diet plan for a 7 month old baby

Undoubtedly, it is important for a child to adhere to a certain diet, as well as the regime of wakefulness and sleep. This helps to develop good habits in the future, and it is also advisable to plan the day.

  1. activity level;
  2. metabolism;
  3. body constitution.

Pediatricians believe that a child at 7 months should consume a volume of food that is 1/8 of his weight.

Thus, with a child weighing 8 kg, the amount of food he needs is 1 kg per day. With five meals a day, the volume of one meal will be 200 g.

The order of the number of feedings can be as follows:

  • 6:00 am - first feeding. On breastfeeding, the mother offers the baby breast milk, and on artificial milk formula 200 ml. At this stage of the development of the child, completely deny the baby breast milk or milk formula is impossible, since they are the main food for up to a year.
  • 10:00 - second feeding. In the diet of a child at 7 months old, it is good to introduce cereals in the morning. If you previously introduced porridge into the child’s menu, now you can offer 120 grams of porridge and 30 grams of fruit puree. Fruit puree with porridge is not mixed, served separately. It is no longer necessary to supplement breastfeeding or formula milk.
  • 14:00 - the third feeding. During these hours, the child's menu at 7 months can be diversified with a hearty lunch after a walk. Everything is also included in the diet of vegetable cereals. Lunch time is good for getting to know a new product. This new product could be mashed meat. If before that you did not give the child cottage cheese, then it's time to make a light mousse. A blender can easily handle this task. After such a hearty meal, the child can be offered apple juice.
  • 18:00 - fourth feeding. At this time, it is undesirable to introduce new foods into the diet of a child at 7 months. The ideal option give a small amount of already familiar food and supplement with breast milk or formula.
  • 22:00 - fifth feeding. The diet of a child at 7 months ends with the main food product - breast milk or milk formula. You should not give porridge or mashed potatoes, even if the child is already familiar with them, overeating at night is prohibited not only for adults, but also for children, which can provoke flatulence, heaviness, pain and bloating in the abdomen.

Menu for a 7 month old breastfed baby

The main task of compiling the menu of a 7-month-old baby is to compensate for the lack of mother's milk and introduce new products into the diet. This is necessary both for the proper development of the gastrointestinal tract and for the development of the chewing reflex.

At this age, you can gradually accustom the baby to kefir, subject to good protein tolerance.

As the diet becomes richer, the child's menu at 7 months can be varied and adjusted. Only an approximate menu is offered to your attention (if you read the article from beginning to end, then also do not forget that you select portions based on the weight of your child):

  • 06:00 am - breast milk
  • 10:00 am - 170 gr. porridge (you can add breast milk to porridge), 80 gr. sweet puree;
  • 14:00 hours - 170 gr. mashed vegetables + half the yolk (a portion of the yolk depends on when you began to introduce it into the diet), 2-5 tablespoons of fruit juice;
  • 18:00 hours - 40 gr. cottage cheese * with 40 gr. fruit puree, a couple of baby cookies + breastfeeding;
  • 10:00 pm - breast milk

* In the diet of the baby at 7 months, it is desirable to include cottage cheese. If you do not have the opportunity to make a tender mousse from cottage cheese, then you can buy ready-made cottage cheese for children in the store. However, remember that best product This is the one you make at home.

The menu of a child at 7 months on artificial feeding

Modern milk formulas cannot fully provide a complete and comprehensive diet for a formula-fed child, in comparison with mother's milk. Therefore, complementary foods are introduced to babies on IV a little earlier. By the age of 7 months, their diet already contains cottage cheese, kefir, and vegetable purees.

In the feeding regimen for a child at 7 months on artificial feeding, it is necessary to include meat, if this has not been done before.

Your attention is invited to an approximate menu for a child at 7 months on artificial feeding:

  • 06:00 am - 200 gr. milk formula;
  • 10:00 am - 170 gr. porridge with the addition of milk mixture + 80g. fruit puree;
  • 14:00 hours - 170 gr. vegetable puree + half the yolk (the portion of the yolk depends on when you began to introduce it into the diet), 30-50g. meat puree, 1-5 tablespoons of juice;
  • 18:00 hours - 40 gr. cottage cheese + 40 gr. fruit puree, a few pieces of baby cookies, 150 gr. mixtures;
  • 22:00 hours - 200 gr. mixtures or kefir.

If for some reason you have not introduced or introduced kefir into your diet, then you should do it. Kefir is a unique product that will help you easily cope with frequent constipation and problems in the gastrointestinal tract of a child on artificial feeding.

Many pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods with kefir, even for children who cannot tolerate animal protein. The fact is that the protein in kefir has a different structure than the protein in whole milk. Therefore, it is perfectly absorbed in the body of the child.

What to do if the child refuses to eat

If a child categorically refuses to eat what you offer him, then this only indicates that the child either does not like this product or is not ready for it. Each child is a person who has certain gastronomic preferences and this fact must be taken into account.

Each baby has an individual pace in the development of the gastrointestinal tract and not all children are psychologically ready for innovations in the diet.

If a child refuses a product today, do not be discouraged, offer this product in a week. When the child is ready for this product, he will happily eat it, or at least try to taste it.

Today, many mothers, for one reason or another, do not have the opportunity to breastfeed their baby, so the problem of compiling the right diet for the baby is relevant for them. This issue becomes especially important by the age of 7 months, when the baby’s mental and physical activity sharply increases: the baby is already sitting, perhaps crawling or even standing on its legs, holding on to a support. There is an intensive process of cognition of the world.

At this age, the child's body spends a lot of energy. To make up for it, the child needs a full menu that will bring him maximum benefit. In order to make an approximate diet for a child at 7 months, you need to figure out which foods are mandatory for him.

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    The difference between the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding and artificial feeding

    The menu for a 7-month-old formula-fed (FW) baby has a much greater variety of products than the menu for a 7-month-old breastfed (FW). This is not surprising, because nursing mothers introduce the first complementary foods to their child much later - at about 5-6 months. For such children, mother's milk is the main component in the daily diet.

    Artificial babies are introduced to complementary foods much earlier. This is necessary to replenish those essential substances that are in breast milk, but not in mixtures. In addition, due to the mixture in such children, the digestive system begins to rebuild earlier to receive adult food, and therefore problems in the form of an allergic reaction at this age are less likely.

    So, what foods can you feed a child for seven months if he grows on a mixture:

    • cereals on water or mixtures (gluten-free);
    • fermented milk - cottage cheese and kefir;
    • meat puree:
    • egg yolk;
    • vegetable and fruit puree;
    • juices and compotes;
    • cookies, drying, croutons.

    Based on the total amount of food, the daily amount of food for a 7-month-old baby is 1/8 of his weight. The resulting number must be divided by the number of meals (at a given age 5 times) - this is the norm for a single feeding of the baby. This includes formula feeding.

    Rules for the introduction of adult food

    The appropriate time to introduce complementary foods should be determined strictly on an individual basis, depending on the condition of the child. Be sure to consult with the doctor observing the baby before this.

    The health of her crumbs depends on the responsible approach of the mother to this issue. It is important to adhere simple rules the introduction of complementary foods, which will be relevant throughout the entire period of introduction of new types of products into the diet.

    • A new product should be introduced very carefully, starting with half a teaspoon . If there is no allergic reaction, then after two weeks the baby can eat its full portion, corresponding to the norm of this age. A single feeding of a child at 7 months consists of approximately 200 grams of food. Based on this, the volume of one specific product should be calculated.
    • Two or more new types of foods should not be given at the same time, because in the case of an allergy it will be difficult to determine what exactly the child has reacted to.
    • At seven months, the crumbs are actively teething, which may be accompanied by fever, loose stools and other "charms". Therefore, mothers are strongly advised to stick to the old diet for this period without introducing something new. The same can be said about the timing of routine vaccinations.
    • The food of a baby at this age should be in consistency like a puree, for which you can use a blender or strainer. But if sometimes small soft pieces come across, then it's okay. The child should already gradually get used to coarser food.
    • It is advisable to give new food in the first half of the day, during which it would be possible to track the food reaction.

    When introducing products, you should try to maintain the same diet that is typical for 7 months of age. You can not overload the child's ventricle at night - it is better to feed him with a mixture in the morning and in the evening in order to unload digestion after hard work.

    Some mothers have a desire to transfer the child completely to adult food as soon as possible. In no case should this be done, since the infant formula is still the main source of useful nutrients and vitamins. Depending on the appetite, the baby is fed with it 2-3 times a day or even more. Regular food at this stage is only an addition to the main diet.

    A bit of ethics

    The child is growing before our eyes. At the age of 7 months there is active cognition environment. Looking at the parents, the baby learns behavior in society. Therefore, it is important to instill in him useful skills and good manners from an early age.

    1. 1. The child should eat in a sitting position. For their child, parents can purchase a special feeding table that meets safety requirements. Such a table is very convenient not only for the baby, but also for his mother.
    2. 2. Be sure to feed with a spoon. If a child takes a spoon from his mother in order to "work" with it in a plate, do not interfere with him. So he will gradually work out his pen and learn to eat on his own.
    3. 3. If the baby wants to get acquainted with the contents of the plate in the traditional way for children, do not interfere with him. Walls stained with food are an essential attribute of the presence of a child in the house.
    4. 4. No need to force-feed, against your will. Better baby to do something and put a spoon in your mouth in between than to try to achieve this through screaming and crying.
    5. 5. You should personally set an example of behavior at the table.

    Main products for the menu

    The diet of a child on IV at 7 months must necessarily contain the main categories of products that will help the baby grow strong and healthy. Let's look at each category in more detail.

    Porridge is our strength

    Porridge for a 7 month old baby is the main source of carbohydrates. At this age, he probably already got acquainted with gluten-free cereals, which are useful at any age. What cereals are cooked from these cereals:

    • Buckwheat is the main source of iron and other trace elements. Always like the kids.
    • Rice - contains not only proteins and vitamins, but also envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting them from irritation. Good for babies with loose stools.
    • Corn - one of the main products for allergy sufferers, contains iron, potassium and other useful substances. It is a good prevention against constipation.

    These cereals should be on the menu of every bottle-fed baby at 7 months. They are hypoallergenic. They can be boiled in water, vegetable broth or with the subsequent addition of the mixture.

    Russian pediatricians agree that gluten cereals should be introduced to children after 1 year. The only exception is oatmeal, famous for its beneficial properties. It, like all new products, should be introduced carefully, without haste. You can add a little to the main cereals, gradually bringing to the age norm.

    Vegetable puree - a source of fiber

    Along with cereals, it is one of the first complementary foods for babies. A child at 7 months should continue to receive vegetables as an indispensable source of fiber that is good for each tummy. Vegetable purees are easy to digest and do not irritate the intestines.

    Before six months, the baby has already tried zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli are leaders in baby food. Now he can be offered carrots and pumpkins - sources of retinol (vitamin A). A little later - try the potatoes, but only a little, as they strengthen the chair. By 8-9 months - corn puree, very tasty and sweetish.

    You can mix vegetable purees with a small amount of pea and bean puree - sources of vegetable protein. Individually, it is better not to offer them, as they are known digestive irritants. But in combination with vegetables, they are absorbed quite well.

    To the puree, you can add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive or linseed). A small pinch of salt is allowed, just a few crystals.

    Meat is a must

    The menu of a child of 7 months every day should contain a meat dish. Meat is a source of protein and iron, which is necessary to prevent the development of anemia. Turkey, rabbit, veal (lean beef) are suitable for this age. You can try chicken, remembering that it is an allergenic product. Other types of meat are heavy food for the baby, for which he is not yet ready at all.

    At home, the meat should be boiled well and then chopped with a blender. If the child suffers from allergies, it is recommended to boil the meat twice, draining the primary broth. When preparing mashed potatoes, it is recommended to add some water or meat broth to it so that the consistency is semi-liquid.

    It is permissible to mix vegetable and meat puree - such a dish will certainly please the baby. Or you can cook light soups on the broth with the addition of a small amount of cereals. This diversifies the diet of the baby and accustoms him to the right dinners.

    Egg yolk to prevent rickets

    To avoid an allergic reaction, pediatricians often prescribe quail egg yolk for feeding babies. If there is no reaction, then you can smoothly switch to the yolk of a chicken egg. Protein up to a year is not recommended, as it is considered a strong allergen.

    The egg must be hard-boiled (about 10 minutes) - soft-boiled or in a bag for small children is prohibited. The baby needs only a fresh egg to cook. To distinguish fresh from stale, it is enough to lower it into water: in the first case, it will immediately sink, and in the second, it will float.

    Egg yolk is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals. Most of all, it is valued for the presence of vitamin D3 in it, which prevents the development of rickets in infants. The yolk also contains potassium, calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for a growing body to strengthen bones. Of the vitamins - retinol (A), tocopherol (E), niacin (PP), as well as some B vitamins.

    It is desirable to introduce this product to children on IV at about 5-6 months, and with GV - at 8-9 months. To do this, it is divided into eight parts and given one part, mixed with porridge or vegetable puree. At seven months, two chicken yolks should be distributed per week, that is, you can give the child about 1/3 of the yolk or ½ of the yolk 3-4 times a week per day.

    Dairy products

    The nutrition of the child must necessarily include fermented milk products. For children up to a year, these are cottage cheese and kefir. These foods are rich in calcium, minerals and protein.

    These are foods that are quite heavy for children's digestion, so their daily norms are relatively small: for cottage cheese - no more than 30 grams, and for children's kefir - about 100 milliliters. For the first time, both products should be introduced, starting with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing to the daily allowance.

    If a child develops an allergy to fermented milk products, the entire dairy diet containing cow's milk protein, including butter, should be discontinued.

    Butter - to improve taste

    In the absence of an allergy to lactose in the seventh month, it is very good to add about half a teaspoon of butter to the porridge. When buying it, you should pay attention that it is oil, and not a spread. It should not contain vegetable fat.

    By the age of seven months, an artificial baby is most likely already getting apple, pear and banana puree - these fruits are ideal for the first year of life, as they improve heart function and increase iron levels in the blood. If the season allows, you can try giving a peach or apricot. It is not recommended to give imported fruits and berries, as they can be treated with preservatives, to which the baby may have an allergic reaction.

    At this age, it is allowed to give the crumbs juices - apple and pear. At an earlier age, this should not be done, since the fragile intestines can be severely irritated by the acids contained in the juices. They begin to inject juice from half a teaspoon, after diluting it with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1, and bring it to a volume of 50-60 milliliters.

    Juices at this age can be given separately, or served with porridge. It is allowed to cook compotes, which are also loved by all children.

    Feeding regimen for a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby

    The menu for a breastfed baby at 7 months contains less variety of foods than their formula-fed peers. So, knowing now what a seven-month-old baby can and should eat, as well as his approximate daily routine, you can make a daily diet for him.

    This table displays an approximate child's menu for one day. It is listed in some children's medical records. At will or if necessary, products can be added or removed every day.

    If the child does not eat enough, it is allowed to increase the single serving or add one feeding. For all questions regarding the diet, you should contact your pediatrician.

    What to do if a child has an allergy

    Unfortunately, in last years Allergic children are on the rise, even from early infancy. If your baby is such, then when drawing up his diet, this factor must be taken into account. Some products will either have to be completely removed or replaced with others. For example, cow milk products can be substituted for goat milk products.

    It would be ideal to contact an allergist, who will not only prescribe tests to identify specific allergens, but also suggest the necessary diet appropriate for the age of the child.

    Now, having understood the basic diet of a seven-month-old baby, it will be easier for mothers to properly prepare food for their child. And although even among pediatricians there is no consensus on many issues regarding baby food, still only a mother can decide exactly how her child will be better.

    There are many resources on the Internet where you can find out everything about the development of a child, for example, the website of Dr. Komarovsky, Mama Lara, or regional blogs of pregnant women and successful mothers. Studying the information, mommy will be able to take note of the main points for her and in the future apply them to the benefit of herself and her child.