Itchy heels causes treatment. Why does the left or right heel itch: interpretation of signs

Unfortunately, in our time, various dermatological diseases are very common. They can be expressed not only by rashes, but also by strong itchy sensations. Most often, itching occurs in the limbs, for example, on the heels. There can be many reasons for such symptoms, and if you cannot determine them yourself, you should consult a doctor for advice. Itching in the heels can provoke:

  • fungal diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • low-quality shoes;
  • the presence of neurological problems.

Itching with fungal diseases

With a fungus, itching appears in the heels, which worries both at night and during the day. In addition, there may be roughness of the skin, its local thickening. If treatment is not started on time, small abscesses and wounds form on the affected areas. They can be very painful.

On the initial stage ailments, doctors recommend the use of special creams and ointments. They have a local effect, thanks to which it is possible to achieve positive results much faster. If the fungal disease is severely neglected, antibiotic therapy may be needed. To reduce the risk of foot fungus infection, you should observe increased personal hygiene measures in public places, such as a sauna, swimming pool, steam room, gym.

Itching with beriberi

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine why the heels itch, because the tests may be normal, and the itching only intensifies. In such cases, the likelihood of vitamin deficiency is high. By its nature, it is a nutritional deficiency in the body. Most often, beriberi occurs as a result of poor nutrition.

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to independently determine which component is missing in the diet. Only an experienced doctor will be able to identify the true cause of beriberi. With a deficiency of nutrients in the body, in addition to heel itching, the formation of deep cracks in the skin, its uncharacteristic coarsening, hair loss and brittle nails are also observed.

Vitamin deficiency can only be treated from the inside. No ointments or creams can compensate for the lack of trace elements and nutrients. Most effective methods to combat vitamin deficiency are dietary adjustments and the use of special drugs. The diet must contain fresh, high-quality products. Most often, itching of the heels provokes a lack of vitamins such as A, B, C, D. The nutrient content of different foods can be found in the table.

Vitamin Content in Foods AR Fish Oil, Carrot, Parsley, Celery, Asparagus, Egg Yolk, butter, dried apricots. Vorehi (cedar, walnut, almond), beef liver, tuna, salmon, dates, rice, lentils, spinach, broccoli. Black currant, citrus fruits, pepper, rosehip, sea buckthorn, cabbage, onion. herring, hard cheese, butter, sour cream, trout, black caviar.

Itching when wearing poor quality shoes

Very often heels itch, both on the right leg and on the left when wearing low-quality shoes. Manufacturers, unfortunately, do not always use good, natural raw materials for the manufacture of their goods. As a result, in contact with the skin, the insoles or the whole shoe, in general, causes severe itching. Scratching is the result of irritation of the receptors by harmful substances.

Often in this case no treatment is required. It will be enough to treat the skin of the feet with an antiseptic, make a bath of warm boiled water and, for example, change the insoles. To avoid such a situation, you should carefully and carefully buy shoes. When choosing, you should pay attention to such nuances:

  • First of all, shoes should be comfortable and fit the size of the foot. Itching can occur due to impaired blood circulation in the limbs;
  • the materials from which the shoes are made must be natural. In extreme cases, you should choose at least a leather insole;
  • shoes should not emit a chemical, unnatural smell.

Itching in the presence of neurological problems

Instability of the nervous system is caused by stress, overwork, a prolonged state of anxiety, and fears. In the case when only one leg itches and at the same time dermatitis has appeared on the body, you should definitely consult a doctor. If the neurologist confirmed that the itching is caused by a malfunction in the nervous system, then the treatment, in this case, will be aimed at normalizing its work. The safest are herbal sedatives, for example, valerian, motherwort, hawthorn.

Itching of the heels is a very unpleasant sensation that brings a lot of inconvenience. If it itches long time, you should definitely consult a doctor. The specialist will be able to prescribe adequate treatment and tell you what to do to alleviate the condition.

There are many diseases of the skin, the manifestation of which is a feeling of skin irritation, accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation and tingling of any part of the epidermis. The symptom is noticed mainly on the limbs of a person, the favorite localization is the heels: they are most often itchy. Sources of discomfort can be different.

Determining why the heel itches can be difficult. An ailment can appear due to a decrease in human immunity, which is due to constant lack of sleep, severe overwork, malnutrition and lack of sufficient vitamins and water in the body.

Avitaminosis is a common cause of itchy feet.

Particular attention should be paid to shoes: they can also provoke irritation. It is necessary to select this wardrobe item strictly in size so that it does not overstrain the feet and does not interfere with the natural blood circulation in the leg. Well-made shoes prevent overheating of the foot and the penetration of harmful substances into it.

Itching and burning of the heels is caused by a dermatological disease that has a fungal nature. The fungus negatively affects human health, so you should consult a doctor when the first alarming symptoms appear and start treatment on time so as not to aggravate the situation and spread the disease over a large area.

See also: How to reduce the volume of the legs above the knee?

Anatomical features of a person - flat feet, clubfoot, inconsistency with the growth of the size of the foot, overweight - can contribute to the appearance of itching.

After a person consumes a product or drug that causes an allergy, a response is also observed on the heels. Irritation and burning of the skin as a result of an allergic reaction or diabetes is a common occurrence.

Itching with fungal diseases

Often, it is the fungus that has arisen against the background of a weakened immune system that is the cause of itching, since the body cannot cope with the infection. Appeared itching in the heels, rough, thick and wounded skin in some places can torment its owner for a long time.

In the case when the heels of the legs itch due to a fungal disease, doctors advise:

  1. apply ointments and creams, the action of which is aimed at suppressing pathogenic microorganisms and improving the general condition of the skin;
  2. follow the rules of personal hygiene to alleviate the course of the disease and prevent its recurrence.

Vitamin deficiency

Avitaminosis occurs due to:

  • change of seasons;
  • excessive load on the body (both physical and psychological);
  • unbalanced nutrition.

To eliminate the considered cause of the itchy feeling, it is necessary to distribute the existing cases and alternate their implementation with rest, properly compose a diet and, in parallel, take complexes of various vitamins and minerals. Be sure to eat only fresh food. We should not forget about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

See also: What causes the deposition of salts in the heel?

It is necessary to drink vitamins not only when the heels are very itchy, but in advance: in case the change of seasons is coming soon or you need to load yourself with business.

To a man without medical education it is difficult to understand which particular macro- or microelement is not enough in the body, so consult a specialist for accurate identification.

In addition to itching on the heels, vitamin deficiency has a negative effect on human skin, the condition of hair and nails, and its appearance.

Uncomfortable shoes

Poor quality shoes cause itching on the heels. On sale there is a huge number of boots and shoes made of material that adversely affects the skin. Natural fabrics and raw materials are usually quite expensive, so they do not always fall into the hands of manufacturers and buyers.

Shoes that do not fit will also cause itching due to insufficient blood supply or excessive accumulation of moisture. In this case, it is worth stopping wearing an uncomfortable wardrobe item, treating the right and left feet with antiseptic agents and doing warm baths.

See also: Diagnosis and treatment of swelling of the legs during sedentary work

Itching with neurological problems

Itching of the heels can occur due to excessive psychological and emotional stress. Overwork and stress, anxiety, fears, fears, mood swings are manifestations of instability and exhaustion of the human nervous system. If, when visiting a neurologist, the cause of the itching turned out to be precisely in it, then the treatment should be directed to the restoration of the central nervous system.

Neurological symptoms do not exclude the presence of a fungus or beriberi.

An unpleasant itchy sensation, in which the left (or right) heel itches and hurts, may appear as a result of a cumulative effect: problems and experiences are not solved immediately, but accumulate, there is no time to rest and switch.

To save yourself from itching and possible nervous breakdowns, you need to take soothing herbal infusions, arrange an unplanned vacation. Having understood his emotional state, the patient will get rid of the itching sensation, if there were no other reasons why the heels of the legs itch.

Why does my heel itch at night?

The time of day is not an important factor in the occurrence of the itchy feeling. However, doctors have an explanation why the heels of the legs itch at night: people are at rest, so any irritation is felt much stronger than during the day. During work and affairs, no special attention is paid to inconvenience than before going to bed in a relaxed position.

When a person feels itching in the heel area, this undoubtedly brings him discomfort. This problem occurs quite often in people, but not everyone pays special attention to it. Why do heels itch? How to eliminate this unbearable feeling? What to do in such cases?

What causes itchy heels

As a rule, the main causes of itchy heels are:

  • Insect bite. This condition is characterized by the formation of redness and swelling. If there is no allergic reaction to this insect, then the itching will soon pass. If it is, a person needs to consult a specialist to prevent possible complications.
  • The appearance of the fungus It very often occurs during the change of the annual season due to a decrease in immunity or not adhering to the rules of personal hygiene. because of its appearance, the heels begin to itch, peel and crack.
  • Wrong shoes. Heels can itch and peel due to poor-quality and improperly selected shoes. If it is too large, the heel of the foot is overstretched and holds it. Narrow shoes, in turn, provoke circulatory disorders. To give it rigidity, manufacturers of cheap goods use harmful substances to impregnate it. The use of poor-quality glue can also be the reason why the heels crack.

  • Poor quality insoles. Poor quality insoles contain harmful additives that cause increased sweating of the feet and heels. It is they who penetrate the skin of the legs, as a result of which the heels begin to itch. It follows from this that when choosing insoles, you must definitely look at the raw materials from which they are made. It must be natural.
  • Excess weight, too high growth, discrepancy between the size of the legs with height and weight, congenital distortions (flat feet or clubfoot) also sometimes provoke itching of the legs, namely the heels and feet.
  • Lack of vitamins. If your heels itch, this may be a reason to reconsider your diet. To avoid their further cracking, you should definitely eat vegetables and fruits, which include a lot of vitamins.
  • An increase in sugar levels. Itching of the legs occurs for this reason. To do this, the patient should take a blood test in the laboratory.
  • Problems with the nervous system. Due to stress and experiences in the human body, failures and reconfigurations of the body occur. In this case, the nervous system becomes shaky, as a result of which the heels begin to itch. To eliminate this defect, you need to clearly understand your fears and worries.

About itchy heels at night

Very often, the heels itch at night. This discomfort arises due to the fact that it is during this period of the day that the human body is in passive rest. Why do heels itch at night? The reason for this condition can be explained by the following factors:

  1. nervous disorders, bad mood and fear throughout the day
  2. a change in the blood circulation regime due to stimulation of disorders of the internal organs of a person
  3. the presence of dermatological diseases.

What are the preventive measures to be taken?

To prevent itching, cracking and peeling of the legs, you must do the following:

  • observe personal hygiene,
  • wear comfortable shoes
  • buy insoles made from natural materials,
  • with increased sweating, use special means,
  • disinfect skin lesions with substances that kill microorganisms,
  • Keep your toes dry and clean.

An interesting fact is that preventive measures are necessary even when one of the family members complains of itching. For this, disinfection must be carried out.

It not only prevents infection, but also helps the patient avoid it again. Disinfection involves the treatment of the bathroom, floor and walls. In addition, slippers, socks of the patient should be stored separately from other things.

How to get rid of itchy heels

Why does the heel itch and what measures should be taken to combat this unpleasant sensation? This question is of interest to people who have this problem. If the heels do not stop itching, you must do the following:

  • If the heels of the feet are very itchy, antihistamines should be used. They help relieve itching. These drugs include Erius, Tavegil, Suprastin, Loratadin, etc. Some of them help to slow down the nervous system, so during the period of their use, you should stop driving a car.
  • Such an unpleasant sensation appears due to the presence of a fungus. To do this, you need to purchase special antifungal drugs. Now such funds are produced in the form of varnishes and creams. Varnishes have a weak effect, so creams should be used. In addition, solutions are considered very effective. They are able to penetrate deep into the skin of the legs, so they quickly help get rid of a fungal disease.
  • If the main cause of itching of the heels of the feet is increased nervousness, it is necessary to take sedatives. These include Novopassit, motherwort tincture, valerian. Peppermint and lemon balm tea is also effective as a sedative.

  • Heel itching due to the appearance of allergic reactions is treated with antiallergic drugs. In this case, a person needs to find out which allergen provokes such a condition.
  • You can get rid of scabies with a solution of laundry soap and soda. The water temperature in this case should vary from 38 to 40 degrees. The duration of this procedure takes an average of half an hour.

The legs suffer the most during the working day. Therefore, many people do not attach importance to various pain sensations in them. Much easier to treat the scratching of the feet. However, qualified dermatologists advise to be alert when such symptoms appear.

Why do the heels of the feet itch? A person does not know what increases the risk of developing the disease. It is always necessary to establish a diagnosis in order to make the right decision: to treat or everything will pass by itself.

The main accompanying symptoms are: rough skin, dead layers of the epidermis, cracks, sores, non-healing wounds. In this state, it is foolish to wonder why the heels of the legs itch and what to do. It is necessary to establish the diagnosis as soon as possible through the delivery of tests.

Important! Own conjectures may be far from the truth, which will lead to incorrect treatment and worsening of the disease. Only a dermatologist has the right to prescribe medications for recovery.

Primary Sources Causing Itching Heels

Since the legs are constantly in motion, it is extremely difficult to establish the true problem. Symptoms of the disease can be easily confused with overwork, seasonal weather changes, dry climate, uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the causes carefully based on medical practice in such cases.

How is the heel treated for symptoms of skin irritation?

It is important to immediately resolve the problem with the nervous system. If you suspect lack of sleep, excessive stress, irritability, you should think about a course of treatment in this direction. A stable psyche helps to eliminate such ailments as scabies. The psycho-emotional state affects the work of all organs in the body, and the nerve endings here act as an intermediary. If they fail, we should expect more global problems in the psyche.

If the psychologist does not find deviations, you need to start a healthy lifestyle.

To increase the elasticity of the skin, you can resort to multivitamin complexes, specially balanced for such cases. This will save you from erroneous purchases in the store, because not all fruits are equally useful. Unfortunately, this process is very long, and the first results may appear after a few weeks.

Changing shoes to a model with orthopedic bedding will help to alleviate the itching a little. By distributing the load on the entire surface of the foot, it will be possible to avoid tears in the skin. This is especially true in the presence of visible cracks. It is contraindicated to wear flip flops, sneakers and other shoes with a pronounced flat sole.

Here's what dermatologists recommend:

Prevention for the skin on the legs

Hygiene becomes an indispensable step towards getting rid of. Steaming your feet at the end of the day, the skin gets the opportunity to release all the dirt from its pores, thereby preventing it from becoming petrified on the foot. After, a moisturizing lotion will fix the result.

Sweat is a bad environment for your feet. It is advisable to wear shoes with a ventilated surface. From time to time, release the feet from the shoes to air them. It would be even better to moisten them with water to give the skin freshness and get rid of traces of sweat.

Shoes play an important role in the fight against the symptoms of itching. Never use other people's things. They may contain various microorganisms that are the causative agents of the fungus. As a last resort, always wear a thick sock.

The last item in prevention is an antifungal spray. They are now gaining popularity all over the world. One spray is enough to prevent the growth of microorganisms in shoes. Must be applied before and after going outside. This spray can be bought at a pharmacy.

Conclusion about the causes of irritation on the foot

Why do the heels of the feet itch? The answer is ambiguous. On the one hand, the person himself is to blame, who did not observe personal hygiene and wore uncomfortable shoes. On the other hand, the fungus is able to hit absolutely anyone, if conditions are favorable for this.

Attention! Only a dermatologist can tell the difference between physical damage to the foot and a fungus that develops in it. It follows that only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

To solve the problem, you need to change shoes to a more comfortable model. Ventilate your feet from sweat, which may not appear at all if you buy shoes with breathable soles. Inject an antifungal agent inside the shoe before and after using it.

The feet of a person are such a part of his body that is turned down, so they pay attention to the soles only when they step on something hot, icy or sharp.

But sometimes the heels make themselves felt by the fact that the skin on them begins to constantly itch unbearably. This is accompanied by reddening of the skin, the appearance of cracks, peeling of dead particles of the epithelium.

Every day, our heels experience stress when walking or running, so shoes on your feet should be comfortable, their size should not be larger or smaller than your foot. If you are worried about itching in the heel area both day and night, when scratching, there are slight pains, do not self-medicate. At the first sign of discomfort, visit a dermatologist who will determine the reason why the heels itch and prescribe a treatment.

What Causes Itchy Heels: Common Causes

If itching in the heels has become simply unbearable, this indicates that you have some kind of disease or external stimuli are affecting your foot.

It is worth knowing what causes most often lead to discomfort:

If the itching of the sole does not go away for a long time, it is worth making a trip to the clinic, because this pathology may indicate a serious illness.

Overview of pharmaceutical preparations that will relieve the disease

In order to establish the correct diagnosis and eliminate the causes of the pathology, the dermatologist prescribes a complete examination to his patient, after which he selects drugs that will relieve the disease, accompanied by itching of the foot:

  • The antifungal drug, produced in the form of capsules, Itraconazole, is prescribed for oral administration once a day in the amount of two hundred milligrams. The course of treatment lasts for seven days. If the dose of the drug is halved, then therapy continues for two weeks. Contraindicated in patients with heart failure, pregnant and lactating women, people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Lamisil ointment is based on terbinafine hydrochloride, which fights fungal infections of the epithelium on the heels. For the treatment of mycosis, it is necessary to apply the cream to the affected areas once a day at bedtime with a therapy duration of seven days. It should not be used in patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency, children under twelve years of age;
  • Maninil tablets Pink colour, contains glibenclamide, which helps lower blood sugar. The medicine is prescribed directly by the doctor, depending on the degree of the disease. Take the drug once a day - one or two tablets;
  • Persen is available in the form of brown tablets, which contain herbal ingredients: extracts of valerian, lemon balm, peppermint. The drug eliminates irritation, restores sleep, reduces nervous excitability. Reception is carried out two to three times a day, regardless of the meal, drinking plenty of water. You can take two or three tablets at a time. Do not use during pregnancy, lactation, with allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • Cosmetic cream, which includes extracts of plants such as buckwheat and chestnut, currant leaves, sweet clover, as well as liquid propolis, will help to cope with tired legs. Herbal components of the ointment "Chestnut and Propolis" improve blood circulation in the feet, make the skin supple. The agent is rubbed into the skin with light massaging movements when necessary;
  • Oligovit, which is available in capsules, will help increase the amount of vitamins in the human body. It contains sulfates of potassium, copper, iron, manganese, cobalt. Take it after meals with a small amount of liquid. To get rid of beriberi, one tablet per day with a course of treatment for four weeks is enough. You can not take the medicine with other vitamin complexes, during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Omeprazole, which is available in the form of capsules, will help restore the proper functioning of the pancreas, eliminate the pain syndrome. The patient needs twenty milligrams of medication per day. Reception occurs once thirty minutes before meals, the course of treatment lasts from one to two months. Contraindicated in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Feet constantly itch due to various pathologies, so if you get rid of the disease itself, unpleasant symptoms will disappear along with it.

People have been superstitious since time immemorial.

This is especially true of signs and superstitions associated with the feet.

Why does the right or left heel itch? Let's figure it out.

Why the right heel itches is a sign, superstition

Our ancestors associated legs with movement, travel, so every sign that touched the legs, one way or another, said that a person may or may not move towards his goal. Of course, do not confuse signs and prejudices, superstitions. Some people develop phobias in themselves and begin to fear that something really terrible will happen to them if any part of their body itches.

In such cases, superstitions really interfere with life. At first, they interfere only with minor inconveniences, then they develop into phobias and chronic fatigue. But what can be done to prevent this from happening? It pays to be smart about the matter. First, it is worth studying all the interpretations of signs associated with itching of the heels, and only then make decisions and take action.

It is also worth pointing out the fact that quite often itching in the heel area can serve not only as a signal of the body about an upcoming event, but as an absolutely objective problem. So it can be caused precisely by the general malaise of a person. If he overheated, or overcooled, then due to impaired blood flow in the legs, the heel will itch. Itching is also possible due to a fungal disease that can affect not only the foot, but also the heel area.

An allergic reaction to non-natural shoes, creams and other irritants can also cause itching. Seasonal beriberi leads to peeling of the skin, and he, in turn, to cracks in the heels, to their itching. Often, foot injuries lead to itching during the healing of muscle and soft tissues.

Those girls who love high-heeled shoes should practically not react to heel itching, because it can objectively occur due to improper distribution of foot pressure when walking. In ancient times, people did not have problems with high-heeled shoes and fungal diseases, so if itching occurred, and even more so for a short time, they definitely knew that it was the body’s signal about impending events that caused it. But good or bad? Worth sorting out.

Right side human body, and in fact - right heel symbolize the positive side of a person’s nature, his life, so if itching occurs exactly there, it means that only positive changes await him. What exactly?

Why does the right heel itch?

Why the right heel itches is a sign that promises a journey and a very good one. Only benevolent people and good events should be met along the way.

It also promises:

Meeting with nice people;

Meeting guests with gifts;

Visiting those who have not been seen for a long time;

A meeting with an old friend, and a sudden one at that.

She can also itch for fast news from afar, they say that completely unexpected people will bring these news. For those who decide to enter the university, this sign promises success. It is also worth without any doubt to get married. If you have been hesitating for several days and still cannot make a decision, then it’s really worth legitimizing the relationship, because the sign promises you a rapid advancement in life with your soulmate.

If the trip or event was planned in advance, then itching in the right heel can mean exceptionally good friendly communication within the meeting. It is worth noting that the omen should be interpreted immediately before the event itself, or expect the implementation of the plan in the coming days. Signs of this kind do not work for the long term, they are implemented almost instantly.

Therefore, if your right heel itched about a month ago, and today you met an old acquaintance and had a pleasant conversation with him, then the meeting is rather accidental. If you hesitate in making a professional decision, then don't. It is better to immediately voice all your wishes. If the itching of the right heel is active and occurs when thinking about changing positions, going on vacation, then such an event is very rational.

If a child's right heel itches, it means that he will be active and firmly stand on his feet. If you put on other people's slippers or shoes and feel itchy, it means that the person is far from you and he will have a pleasant pastime.

Why does the left heel itch?

If you get up on your left foot, then the whole day will go wrong. Our ancestors knew this. It was impossible to start a new path from the left foot, it is also customary to stand on the wedding towel from the right foot, and not from the left.

But why were our ancestors so superstitious about the left leg and the left side of the body in general? It's simple - it was believed that it was the evil spirit that was in charge of the left side and you should not expect concessions from him. It is believed today that on the left shoulder of each person sits his evil spirit, his vices and troubles. Therefore, the left leg, namely the heel, represents movement in a bad, wrong direction.

Why the left heel itches promises:

Stopping cases;

Gossip and barriers;

Fears and phobias on the way to the goal;

Road closures.

Of course, human thoughts are material, so you should choose them carefully. And every time the heel itches, and especially the left one, you should not sound the alarm. You need to fully weigh the pros and cons of the event that you are going to or the path that you have chosen.

The left heel itches, a sign may indicate the need to commit an incorrect, but such a necessary act. Mistakes, of course, cannot be avoided, but their consequences can be minimized.

If a child has an itchy left heel, this means that he will fall and get injured. It is better to postpone with outdoor activities and a variety of entertainment. Sometimes the left heel begins to itch in a child as a sign that it is necessary to leave the house in which he was greeted unkindly.

Children are more sensitive to energy messages and negative influences. If both heels itch in a child, then it is better to stay at home. If an adult who has decided to radically change his life has both heels itching, then this means that none of the options is correct. Worth thinking about. Find a third way to solve the problem.

In fact, you should always listen to the signals of your body. Sometimes the brain, thanks to impulses sent to a specific organ, warns a person against stupidity and empty deeds. Doctors say that spontaneous itching can also be a sign of an incipient mental disorder. But these are rather exceptions to the rule. Often, itching encourages a person to be more attentive to his body and the business with which he is busy in life.

It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards others and their attitude towards you, it is very likely that among them there is a traitor and the person who wants to block your path. But, if the fifth heel itches, you should boldly embark on this path. Psychologists advise not to be afraid of superstitions, but to test their effectiveness a couple of times on your own experience, make independent inputs, and only then judge. The main thing is the mood for a positive resolution of all exciting issues and problems, for the elimination of obstacles in life.


Reasons why itchy heels

The reasons why the heels itch are presented in large numbers. The most common of them with detailed description problems are shown in the table.


Poor quality socks, shoe insoles or tights

This is a fairly common reason that is usually often ignored. Poor-quality material with prolonged contact with the skin can lead to itching and an allergic reaction.

It is recommended that you do not skimp on quality hosiery accessories and shoes to prevent possible problems. You should at least give preference to high-quality insoles, fabric and leather, as well as regularly clean or change them.

leg fatigue

The sensation of itching and burning often appears due to the fact that a person has been on his feet for a long time. This is observed when wearing high heels, and also due to standing work. Concomitant factors are flat feet, as well as overweight. Itching can be only on the right or left, or on both at once.

High-quality and comfortable shoes will help to solve the problem. Also, during working hours, you should definitely change your shoes and give your feet a rest at least for a short period of time. In the presence of flat feet, it is important to select special insoles to normalize the position of the foot and heel.


Vitamin deficiencies are often observed in winter and spring. This is explained by the fact that fresh fruits and vegetables are practically not consumed, but the body continues to need nutrients. Therefore, a person may feel lethargy, the appearance of fatigue on an ongoing basis, a burning sensation in the heel area.

The solution to the problem will be a variety of diets. You can add fresh or dried fruits and vegetables, nuts, dairy products, meat, vitamin formulations.

Insect bites

If the legs itch suddenly and there is a feeling that the source of itching is right inside, an insect bite may be the cause. It is necessary to carefully examine the place where the skin itches. In the presence of redness or swelling, we can conclude that the cause is an insect bite. In most cases, itching goes away on its own after a while. But if the condition worsens, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital for a consultation.


It occurs on absolutely everything, for example, on washing powder, washing gel, daily tonic or cream. Usually, allergies are accompanied not only by itching, but also by concomitant factors, such as rashes or redness on the skin. Discomfort often increases in the evening and at night.

If itching occurs while you sleep, it is especially unpleasant. Often a person wakes up from such sensations and then cannot fall asleep for a long time. What to do? First you need to try to replace the washing powder or daily foot cream. If this did not help to cope with the problem and the itching still bothers you in the morning or at night, you should visit a doctor for a consultation.

This reason is considered the most popular. In most cases, it occurs in winter and spring. It is at this time that the human immune system is very weakened. If the heels tend to crack and have cracks, this becomes an auxiliary factor that leads to the appearance of fungus.

It can be influenced by wearing shoes that are out of season, which provokes sweating of the feet, the use of synthetic tights, socks and insoles.

Non-compliance with daily hygiene has a special effect on the development of the fungus. The presence of a fungus indicates that you need to urgently visit a dermatologist who will diagnose and prescribe the most appropriate method of treatment.


This disease is considered quite common. It affects people of all ages. Then itching and burning can be observed in different parts body, including heels, hands, feet. Itching appears due to weakened immunity, the presence of endocrine disorders, cracks and microtraumas on the skin.

Treatment is mandatory. If you ignore this simple recommendation, then there is a possibility of fungus, deep cracks, diabetic blisters, boils, as well as loss of sensitivity. The most neglected cases are gangrene and even amputation of the legs.

Malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system

Nervous disorders are often accompanied by itching of the left or right heel. Scabies will become a constant companion with frequent stress, as well as just with nervous experiences.

You can normalize the condition through sports training, avoiding the use of alcohol and foods that contain caffeine, adhering to a healthy daily routine, regular walks in the fresh air and good rest. In some cases, it becomes necessary to visit a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe a course of procedures.


It is manifested not only by itching, but also by the appearance of red spots. Itching usually worsens in the evening.

The main signs will help you understand why the heels itch. Signs are considered to be not superstitions, but some knowledge, they were passed down from generation to generation. Many believe that it is thanks to this knowledge that modern man has the opportunity to look into the future. It should be remembered that the cause may be a disease.

If this is not the case, then you can turn to signs. If the right heel itches, then the road awaits, but which one depends on the itching itself. For example, burning signals that there is a pleasant and long journey ahead, positive acquaintances.

When you want to know why the left heel on the leg itches, the knowledge of the ancestors will be relevant. It is worth preparing for the fact that this is a rather bad signal. It signals that actions will be ineffective, and plans will not come true.

For example, in a girl, the itching of her left heel said that she would soon meet an unpleasant person, she would meet scammers on the way, there would be a quarrel or loss of material resources. It is noteworthy that it was quite simple to prevent this. It was necessary to take a red thread, tie three knots on it and burn the thread. It was also possible to lightly prick the heel with a needle.

A burning sensation in both heels at once indicates that the weather will soon change dramatically. And if itching occurs on Friday or Saturday, then significant changes are coming in life. If the heels itch one by one, then unpleasant events are ahead, for example, a meeting with an unpleasant person. Remember it's only possible options development of events.

What to do if the itching does not go away?

What to do if the itching does not go away? It should be remembered that burning in the heels is often a symptom. That is why it is important to go to a specialist if the heels itch for a long time. The specialist will help to establish the cause of severe itching, to determine what violation provoked the burning of the heels.

First you need to visit a therapist. If necessary, the doctor will issue a referral to a narrower specialist, such as a neurologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, allergist. Often the doctor conducts certain studies, diagnoses and prescribes complex treatment. It must be adhered to in order to get rid of itching of the heels and palms in a child or an adult.

And you can also use drugs from pharmacies. The most popular are such as:

  1. "Itracosanol". It is an antifungal agent that can be found in capsule form. The course of treatment does not exceed a week, but if necessary, it can be slightly increased depending on the problem. Do not use the drug for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for those who suffer from heart disease.
  2. "Lamisil". This is an ointment that has proven itself in the fight against itching due to the fungus. You need to apply ointment on the heels before going to bed. People who have been diagnosed with liver or kidney failure should not use this ointment. It is also not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
  3. "Maninil". The drug is sold in the form of bright pink tablets. The composition is represented by glibenclamide, which lowers blood sugar. The duration of therapy should be determined by a specialist.
  4. "Persen". This drug has a calming effect. The drug is sold in the form of tablets, which include plant extracts: lemon balm, valerian, peppermint. The medicine perfectly fights with nervousness and its signs, irritation, sleep problems. You can not use the drug during the period of bearing a child or lactation, if there is an allergy to specific ingredients.
  5. Chestnut and propolis. This is a cosmetic type drug that helps with tired legs. In addition, the tool helps to achieve firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  6. "Oligovite". He represents an excellent vitamin complex necessary during periods of beriberi.
  7. "Omeprazole". This medicine will be needed to normalize the functioning of the pancreas. It is prohibited for use by pregnant women and children. It is also recommended to consult a specialist before taking it.


Prevention, so that the heels do not itch, is very important. In particular, it is recommended to do the following:

  • do not give other people your socks, tights, insoles and the shoes themselves;
  • do not use other people's hosiery;
  • every day keep the hygiene of the skin of the feet and heels;
  • use every day only comfortable, high-quality and natural insoles and shoes;
  • wear clean socks and tights every day;
  • wash hosiery accessories only with powders and gels with a neutral composition;
  • observe correct mode day;
  • rest enough time;
  • make time for being outdoors;
  • try to eliminate stress and stressful situations, do not be nervous over trifles;
  • include more fruits and vegetables in the diet, balance nutrition;
  • use suitable foot creams with a moisturizing or softening effect to prevent cracking and excessive dryness.

Take care of your heels and feet regularly to avoid discomfort. If necessary, visit doctors in a timely manner who will help you quickly cope with the problem. Remember that you first need to find the cause of the itching, and only then should you start fighting it.

The appearance of a rash on the feet can be accompanied by various symptoms: burning, heels itch and itch. This can bring severe discomfort to a person, regardless of whether the lesion is severe on the heels or not. At the first manifestations of a rash or other discomfort on the feet, you should consult a doctor.

Scratching the skin always brings a person trouble. It seems that there is nothing wrong with scratching an arm or leg, but what if this desire to scratch is constant, to endure and resist which, there is no strength?

Scratching can cause:

  • worsening of the condition of the disease, which caused constant itching of the skin;
  • infection and infection in the body;
  • skin injuries.

Severe itching can provoke constant scratching of the skin, a person may not even notice how he scratches his leg to the blood. Then, through the resulting wound, an infection can enter the bloodstream. Then you will have to deal with several problems.

When the heels itch, this may indicate:

  • the appearance of allergies;
  • infectious lesions of the skin;
  • problems in the work of internal organs and human systems (for example, diabetes mellitus).

The rash on the feet is usually punctate with dense vesicles that may contain fluid. Red spots on the feet can also occur as a manifestation of an allergic or other reaction that has arisen in the body, in appearance they are somewhat reminiscent of plaques. When such reactions appear on the feet, they begin to itch a lot. Spots on the feet can appear on any person, regardless of how old he is and what lifestyle he leads. If the first signs of a rash appear, you should consult a doctor, because you need to find out the exact causes of their appearance.

In addition to the above symptoms of a rash, scales may also form. different type, depending on the cause of the disease and its severity. They can be accompanied by severe itching and cause inflammation of the foot.

The main diseases against which rashes appear on the feet:

  1. Infective endocarditis. When this disease occurs in a person, severe itching begins, which only intensifies in the evening, the heels itch almost constantly. It is with such a disease that the rash looks like red spots. These formations can cause severe pain to a person, outwardly they are very similar to urticaria.
  2. Allergic dermatitis. With such a disease, the main symptoms are small dots of a single color, they can also have a dark red tint, the shape of the dots is slightly convex. In the case of neglect of the disease, serous fluid appears at the points. It is this liquid that can serve as a catalyst for the appearance of severe itching, as well as peeling of the feet and their burning sensation.
  3. Scabies. With such a disease, the appearance of a rash and a constant desire to scratch the skin is a standard situation. Red spots, fluid blisters, and pustules appear, which may itch constantly. In this case, the itching will be strong enough, no matter at what stage the disease is.

The causes of the appearance of a particular disease can only be known for sure after visiting a dermatologist. He will conduct an external examination of the skin and prescribe the necessary tests to determine the cause of the rash. If a person has unbearable itching and the desire to scratch the skin becomes stronger, then you can call an ambulance. Doctors from the brigade will help to get rid of discomfort for a while and will be able to tell you about the alleged diagnosis.


Treatment of a rash on the feet is prescribed by a dermatologist. Before a treatment regimen is prescribed, it is necessary to find out the cause of the rash and itching. If the cause of the rash on the skin was a disease of the internal organs, then the patient will be referred to medical specialist narrow profile so that he prescribes the appropriate treatment.

A dermatologist can only prescribe ointments or creams in order to reduce discomfort and reduce the symptoms of the underlying disease until the person begins the main treatment. Unless, of course, skin problems are the cause of the rash.

In situations where rashes on the skin were the result of an allergic reaction to a certain substance or product, the first thing an allergist will require is to exclude the allergen from a person’s life. Then the attending physician will prescribe a course of therapy to get rid of allergy symptoms and restore general immunity.

When an infectious disease is found in a patient, which was a catalyst for the appearance of a rash and itching on the feet, you need to visit the appropriate specialist. He will make a diagnosis with the help of tests and prescribe the appropriate treatment. To get rid of a rash on the feet, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes and broad-spectrum antibiotics.

It is impossible to self-medicate with such an ailment, despite the fact that at first glance the problem does not seem serious. But, itching and burning can reach such a peak that a person will not be able to lead a normal life. Especially if a rash occurs on the legs in children, you should immediately consult a doctor. In a different situation, the baby's parents may not even notice how he combs the rash and infects, which will only aggravate the situation.

It is necessary to use medications:

  1. Suprastin.
  2. Fenistil-gel.

In the treatment of children, activated charcoal is effective for use.

Prevention of rashes on the feet

To prevent the appearance of a rash on the feet, there are several rules:

  1. To avoid the occurrence of infectious diseases that can cause a rash and itching on the feet, you need to be vaccinated. It is they who help the world's population to avoid many serious and rare diseases. The use of vaccinations can adversely affect the well-being of the child, so if parents notice an increase in body temperature or other symptoms, you should contact your doctor. He will help relieve the child of unpleasant symptoms caused by vaccination, and prescribe general medical remedies to increase immunity.
  2. In order to protect yourself from allergies that can cause rashes and itching, you should try not to eat allergenic foods, keep your house clean and not mess around with pets (if you are allergic to wool). Every person who has been tormented by the problem of allergies for a long time knows his allergen, and always tries to stay away from it.
  3. Diseases of the internal organs and systems of a person that can cause rash and itching can also be controlled by regularly visiting a specialist of the profile that treats this disease. Of course, this is possible when a person is already aware of the presence of a particular ailment. If this is not the case, then the disease that has appeared in the body can be noticed during the medical examination. If the company where the person works is not regularly checked by medical workers, then it is worth doing it yourself, at least once a year.

On the feet of a child, a rash may occur due to the use of improper cosmetic care products. Therefore, when choosing purchased gels and creams for a child, it is necessary to carefully study their composition. If this rule is not followed, the baby may have red spots on the feet.

Many people have to feel painful and unbearable sensations with itching in the heels from time to time. Why do heels itch? There are a lot of reasons for this manifestation and heel itching is a completely unsafe condition.

Who is not familiar with the unbearable and disgusting sensation of itching on the legs? Itching is strong and does not pass or is poorly felt. Sometimes, after combing, suppuration, abrasions or sores appear on the cover of the feet. Why do the legs itch, in particular the soles, heels and between the toes? What is the reason for these disgusting and debilitating feelings.

Causes of itchy feet

To understand why the heels itch, and get rid of such unpleasant sensations, first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of this manifestation.

This can be an elementary load of the legs, malnutrition, all kinds of fungal diseases, a predisposition to allergies, insect bites, the presence of minor microcracks and abrasions, skin pathologies, as well as a disorder of the nervous system.

Let's analyze a number of reasons in more detail:

Often this condition is manifested as a result of an insect bite. After carefully examining the skin of the legs and feet and finding redness and swelling, you will immediately understand what is wrong. Within a short time, the manifestations of itching disappear, but if there are prerequisites for an allergy to insect bites, you should consult a doctor for help.

One of the reasons may be the change of the annual season. A person undergoes a decrease in immunity, and it is not the slightest difficulty to “catch” the fungus. In this case, the help of a specialist is needed, who will establish the correct diagnosis and determine the course of treatment to increase immunity.

An important factor is the shoes we wear. By wearing wide or large shoes, we force the heel of the foot to overstress by holding it. Narrow and cramped, prevents proper blood circulation. When buying shoes, you need to pay attention to its quality: cheap ones, in order to give it rigidity, are impregnated with harmful chemicals, from which the heels itch a lot. The chemical composition of the glue, rough seams, high and irregularly shaped heels reinforce and sharpen the position of the legs.

Insoles play an important role: they must be made from natural raw materials.

If the insoles in shoes are made of artificial raw materials, then during wearing, when sweat is released or the feet are warmed, the insoles will begin to release harmful and harmful substances that penetrate the skin of the feet through the pores. In this case, itching can appear not only in the heels, but throughout the foot. Therefore, insoles should be bought those that are qualitatively made from natural and natural raw materials.

Excess weight, high stature, discrepancy between the size of the foot and the weight and height of a person, congenital distortions: flat feet, when the foot does not rest on two points, and “clubfoot” or foot deformity with its incorrect setting, also induce reasons forcing the heels to itch.

Heels can also itch for a common and popular reason: a fungal disease of the feet. The course of this disease cannot be ignored and hope that everything will go away by itself. The consequences can be very deplorable: skin disease can turn into nail fungus, which is very dangerous for the human body. The fungus produces toxic substances that affect human health. Therefore, at the first sensations of itching, without delaying the disease, it is necessary to buy an ointment against fungi in a pharmacy and undergo a course of treatment. If the disease has dragged on, then, first of all, you need to contact a dermatologist so that the doctor, in addition to the ointment, prescribes to be treated with antibiotics. This is especially true for lovers of constant visits to places where hygiene expects the best: baths, saunas or gyms.

With a deficiency of vitamins and dehydration, the skin of the feet suffers all year round. By taking vitamins regularly and eating fruits and vegetables rich in these vitamins, roughness and cracking of the feet and heels can be avoided.

One of the reasons may be backlash to some allergen. It is necessary to remember what kind of food was taken the day before, perhaps a large amount of sweets was consumed or a stale product was eaten. By analyzing the diet, you can avoid allergic reactions in the future. It is possible that clothing affects allergies: socks or tights made of synthetic material. For some, itching in the heels begins with an allergy to grass, which means walking barefoot in such cases is harmful.

Also, diabetes mellitus is a common cause of itching in the heels. Therefore, you should definitely take a blood test for sugar.

Knowing why the heels itch, you can get rid of this problem forever. It happens that the cause of heel itching is not a harmless reason at all. At the same time, such unbearable scabies in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heels on the legs often depresses a person. What to do in this case and how to determine the true cause of the itching?

First of all, it is necessary to assess how often itching occurs, constantly or at regular intervals. Scabies can be severe, unbearable, long lasting. In some cases, as a result of scratching the skin of the heels, pustules, abrasions or small ulcers appear. If the unpleasant symptom does not go away, you need to seek help from a specialist. After the examination, he will be able to determine what caused the itching, and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In order to find out, as a result of which itching of the heels appears, and to eliminate such a problem, one should understand the various reasons for such a manifestation. The case may be in the usual physical overload of the legs, inappropriate diet, the course of fungal diseases, etc .:

  1. The occurrence of itching as a result of an insect bite. Often the cause of the appearance of scabies can be an allergic reaction to a similar phenomenon. In addition to itching, a slight swelling and redness appear on the skin of the heel. Seeing similar manifestations, you can easily guess what's wrong. Symptoms in this case pass quickly, however, if there are allergic prerequisites for insect bites, medical assistance may be needed.
  2. One of the reasons may be the change of seasons. During this period, a person is subject to a decrease in the functioning of the immune system, so catching the fungus will not be a huge effort. The development of a fungal disease requires a special approach in treatment, because the consequences often portend danger. A skin disease can provoke a nail fungus, which is especially dangerous for any person. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will give a medical opinion and prescribe therapeutic therapy.
  3. An important point is considered to be the shoes that a person wears in everyday life. Using wide, or vice versa, small shoes, there is an excessive tension in the heel region of the foot or a violation of blood circulation. When purchasing any type of footwear, you need to evaluate its quality: inexpensive, so that it becomes more rigid, they are impregnated with reagents with chemical composition causing intense itching of the heels. The chemical components that make up the glue, strong seams, high heels worsen the position of the foot.

Great importance is given to insoles. They should be made from natural material, not artificial. If the raw materials are of poor quality, when worn, the insoles emit harmful elements that penetrate the skin into the heels.

Influence of the nervous system

In a person with a shattered nervous system, the reaction to any irritation can be manifested by itching of individual parts. lower extremities. Excessive worries and anxiety, bad mood, fear of danger can affect health in a similar way. To prevent such troubles, first of all, you will need to analyze your psycho-emotional state, determine what the reason is, and get rid of the anxiety state as soon as possible. Rest has a positive effect, during which the body relaxes and loses all negative emotions.

The feeling of severe itching of the skin of the legs begins to make itself felt after long physical exertion at the end of the working day. In most cases, the causes of scabies in the heel area are:

  • malfunction of the sweat glands;
  • strength and roughness of the skin on the foot;
  • the appearance of dry corns.

The sensation of itching can be so acute and pronounced that it will force the patient to urgently consult a doctor, without waiting for the results of the initial treatment. In this situation, you will need to undergo a medical examination, pass the necessary tests. Based on the results, the doctor will be able to establish a course of drug therapy aimed at improving the functioning of the pancreas. The basis of severe itching of the legs may be the development of diabetes in the body. If during the examination the patient did not determine the expressed causes of itching, the doctor will prescribe a mandatory examination by an endocrinologist.

Symptom of avitaminosis

It is not always easy to determine the cause of itching in the heel area, since the results of the tests taken may be normal. Then you should think about avitaminosis. It represents a lack of essential nutrients. Vitamin deficiency often appears as a result malnutrition, deficit beneficial to the body vitamins.

Without medical help, it is quite difficult to establish which particular vitamin is lacking in the body. Only a qualified doctor will be able to establish the true cause of the development of beriberi. With a lack of the necessary substances in the body, in addition to itching of the heels, the formation of deep cracks on the skin layer of the legs, its roughness and strength, brittle hair and nails can be observed.

Vitamin deficiency can be cured only by taking medications and vitamins inside. None of the available ointments can fully compensate for the lack of useful trace elements. The most effective methods in the fight against the lack of vitamins are considered to be the adjustment of the diet and the use of special means. The daily menu should consist of fresh natural products. Often, itchy heels cause a deficiency of vitamins such as A, B, C, D. C

Illness at night

Sometimes scabies of the legs can appear at night as a result of stressful tension. In this case, the time of day does not play a special role. In humans, as a result of excessive nervous tension at any time, symptoms are manifested, expressed by scabies. Itching of the skin in the heel region does not occur when the body assumes a passive state at night, and the body is in a horizontal position. At night, there is also no increased pressure on the feet and heels with the whole body weight. In this case, there is an increase in blood flow in the vessels of one and the other foot. In addition, the legs are completely freed from physical activity, clothing, etc. In addition, at night the human nervous system rests and recovers.

Why does the heel itch at night? The feeling of itching in the heel area at this time medicine explains as follows:

  • failure of the nervous system and poor emotional well-being during the day;
  • disruption of the internal organs as a result of improper blood circulation;
  • the presence of dermatological diseases associated with professional activities.

To prevent itching of the legs during the day or at night, it is necessary to constantly engage in preventive measures. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid dangerous and emergency consequences. Each person should take care of individual hygiene rules, use only personal items and shoes. In this case, shoes should be chosen with a wide toe and not tight. If damaged, it must be thoroughly disinfected with disinfectants that destroy microbes.


However, if the heels itch and the itching does not go away, you should not engage in self-treatment. You will need to undergo a medical examination to establish the correct medical diagnosis and proceed with the appropriate treatment.

Thus, with itching in the heel area on the legs, it is necessary to examine this area for visible signs. In the absence of such, you will need to undergo a medical examination and, if necessary, pass certain tests. According to the results of the studies passed, the doctor will be able to establish what caused such an itch. However, in order to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon, the necessary preventive measures indicated above should be observed. Thanks to this, there is a chance to prevent scabies.

When a person's right heel itches, this phenomenon gives him a lot of discomfort. A large number of people face such a problem, but not everyone pays due attention to it. You can eliminate unpleasant sensations only if you find out the true cause of their appearance. This article will talk about the causes of discomfort and how to prevent its occurrence.

Initially, you should pay attention to itching in the heels, its intensity, the presence or absence of pustular areas on the heels. So, if the left heel itches for a long time, then it is better to seek the help of a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

Why does the heel on a certain leg itch

Itching in the heel

Doctors identify several main reasons that the patient itches the heel on the left leg or the heel on the right leg. They have nothing to do with going to the left.

Non-pathological causes:

  • A fungus that periodically occurs during weather changes, due to a decrease in immunity and in case of non-compliance with personal hygiene. If the heels itch not due to a change in the weather, then this means that a fungus has settled in the body.
  • The change of season can also cause severe itching in the feet.
    Wearing uncomfortable shoes: people, places, clothes, shoes - everything affects the body. Non-natural insoles often provoke increased sweating and itching associated with the heel. If the left heel itches, regardless of natural phenomena, then you should try to change the insoles.
  • Excess weight, high growth, congenital anomalies of the foot - all this can serve as the main reasons why the right heel itches.
  • An allergic reaction to foods, medicines, or any other allergen. Everyone can face such an unpleasant phenomenon, so no one is immune from this.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.

An insect bite that can provoke redness and swelling in the problem area.

Pathological causes:

  • Enhanced Level blood sugar. Heel scratching may indicate the development of diabetes, so a person should make an appointment with an endocrinologist to rule out a dangerous disease.
  • If the left heel is combed, this is a pathology of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the pancreas always lead to the fact that the protein and carbohydrate balance in the human body is disturbed. It is these phenomena that can provoke the indicated symptomatology.
  • Scabies is a disease characterized by a rash on the body. A person constantly wants to scratch his heels.

Infective endocarditis. With the appearance of such an ailment, red spots appear on the body, similar to hives. Itching in the heels does not go away day or night.

Treatment of itching depends on what factors it is provoked. It is impossible to take any medications at home, because this can only aggravate the situation. It is better to seek the help of qualified professionals.

It is worth considering the fact that if the right heel on the legs of a girl, a man or an old man itches, then this is considered not only an objective phenomenon, but may also indicate some event that will happen in the near future. This means that a person will either be happy or sad. Most often this good sign which promises the achievement of his goal in life.
Superstitious people have long talked a lot about what causes heels to itch. Therefore, there is something for which the heel itches.

Cause of itching fungus

Often, it can cause itching in the heels. The most common cause of such a disease is a decrease in immunity after antibiotic treatment, past illnesses or malnutrition.
In the presence of a fungus, the heels itch both at night and during the day. In addition to scratching, a person notices rough skin on the heel. If the problem is strongly started, then painful purulent wounds can form on the legs.
Treatment of fungal infections of the foot of the sole and foot should be carried out by using creams and ointments. Such drugs can achieve a positive result with a mild stage of the fungus. If the problem is running, then you will have to drink antibiotics.

Malfunctions of the nervous system

Failure in the central nervous system

Some patients who turn to specialists with the problem of itchy heels may need the help of a neurologist. The problem is that itching of the heels sometimes manifests itself as a psychosomatic factor, because any stress negatively affects the body.
Fear, increased anxiety, depression and stressful situations - all this leads to CNS instability. If unpleasant symptoms occur at night and only on one leg, then you should see a neurologist who will confirm or refute psychosomatism.

It is worth considering that people who are quick-tempered, nervous and twitchy are more susceptible to the ailment in question. You need to control your emotions, both negative and positive.

Vitamin deficiency

It is often difficult for doctors to find out why the heel itches, because the patient's tests are within the normal range, and the itching becomes more intense. In this case, experts may suspect the presence of beriberi - a lack of nutritional components in the human body. With the development of such a pathology, in addition to itching, a person on the heels, hair loss and brittle nails.

Due to the fact that beriberi is formed with poor-quality nutrition, people are not able to cope with the problem at home, because you need to determine what exactly the body lacks. Very often, this problem occurs in a baby, children, in a child who tries to scratch his heel strongly.
Treatment with creams and ointments will not help, because the disease must be treated from the inside. A person should review the diet and take special medications.

Itching when wearing poor quality shoes

Poor quality shoes

Heels can itch even if a person wears low-quality shoes. Unscrupulous firms that sew it periodically use bad and unnatural raw materials. Such actions explain why the heels itch when in contact with the insoles, the walls of shoes or boots.
In this case, specific treatment is not required.

Patients should treat problem areas with disinfectants, periodically take baths and, of course, buy new insoles. If there are back heel pains, it is better to consult a specialist. Many doctors argue that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

To prevent the development of the problem, it is worth buying only natural shoes from trusted brands. Slippers should always match the size of the foot so that blood circulation is not disturbed.

Prevention of discomfort

If a person does not want to feel excessive itching of the heels, face peeling of the feet and soreness, then he must adhere to some simple rules. They are:

  • If your heels itch, wash your feet regularly to avoid an itchy sensation.
  • Use comfortable shoes
  • Purchase insoles only from genuine leather or fur
  • With increased sweating, use special pharmacy or folk remedies
  • Use substances that can kill germs and disinfect the skin
  • Rub regularly between fingers where the skin often sweats

Prevention is carried out on any day of the week, if the heels itch often or constantly, even for one family member. Disinfection is appropriate here, which is based on cleaning and processing the floor and walls in the bathroom. In addition, the patient should keep his room slippers separate from the shoes and belongings of other family members, thereby protecting them from discomfort. Only in this case can we count on the non-proliferation of the disease.

Insoles made of natural materials

With regular itching, pain and cracked heels while traveling, it may be worth seeking the help of a qualified specialist. Only a doctor will be able to conduct a proper examination of the body, identify the true causes of the pathological condition and prescribe adequate treatment, if necessary. The patient must do what the doctor recommends.

People have been superstitious since time immemorial.

This is especially true of signs and superstitions associated with the feet.

Why does the right or left heel itch? Let's figure it out.

Why the right heel itches is a sign, superstition

Our ancestors associated legs with movement, travel, so every sign that touched the legs, one way or another, said that a person may or may not move towards his goal. Of course, do not confuse signs and prejudices, superstitions. Some people develop phobias in themselves and begin to fear that something really terrible will happen to them if any part of their body itches.

In such cases, superstitions really interfere with life. At first, they interfere only with minor inconveniences, then they develop into phobias and chronic fatigue. But what can be done to prevent this from happening? It pays to be smart about the matter. First, it is worth studying all the interpretations of signs associated with itching of the heels, and only then make decisions and take action.

It is also worth pointing out the fact that quite often itching in the heel area can serve not only as a signal of the body about an upcoming event, but as an absolutely objective problem. So it can be caused precisely by the general malaise of a person. If he overheated, or overcooled, then due to impaired blood flow in the legs, the heel will itch. Itching is also possible due to a fungal disease that can affect not only the foot, but also the heel area.

An allergic reaction to non-natural shoes, creams and other irritants can also cause itching. Seasonal beriberi leads to peeling of the skin, and he, in turn, to cracks in the heels, to their itching. Often, foot injuries lead to itching during the healing of muscle and soft tissues.

Those girls who love high-heeled shoes should practically not react to heel itching, because it can objectively occur due to improper distribution of foot pressure when walking. In ancient times, people did not have problems with high-heeled shoes and fungal diseases, so if itching occurred, and even more so for a short time, they definitely knew that it was the body’s signal about impending events that caused it. But good or bad? Worth sorting out.

The right side of a person’s body, and in fact, the right heel symbolizes the positive side of a person’s nature, his life, so if itching occurs right there, then only positive changes await him. What exactly?

Why does the right heel itch?

Why the right heel itches is a sign that promises a journey and a very good one. Only benevolent people and good events should be met along the way.

It also promises:

Meeting with nice people;

Meeting guests with gifts;

Visiting those who have not been seen for a long time;

A meeting with an old friend, and a sudden one at that.

She can also itch for fast news from afar, they say that completely unexpected people will bring these news. For those who decide to enter the university, this sign promises success. It is also worth without any doubt to get married. If you have been hesitating for several days and still cannot make a decision, then it’s really worth legitimizing the relationship, because the sign promises you a rapid advancement in life with your soulmate.

If the trip or event was planned in advance, then itching in the right heel can mean exceptionally good friendly communication within the meeting. It is worth noting that the omen should be interpreted immediately before the event itself, or expect the implementation of the plan in the coming days. Signs of this kind do not work for the long term, they are implemented almost instantly.

Therefore, if your right heel itched about a month ago, and today you met an old acquaintance and had a pleasant conversation with him, then the meeting is rather accidental. If you hesitate in making a professional decision, then don't. It is better to immediately voice all your wishes. If the itching of the right heel is active and occurs when thinking about changing positions, going on vacation, then such an event is very rational.

If a child's right heel itches, it means that he will be active and firmly stand on his feet. If you put on other people's slippers or shoes and feel itchy, it means that the person is far from you and he will have a pleasant pastime.

Why does the left heel itch?

If you get up on your left foot, then the whole day will go wrong. Our ancestors knew this. It was impossible to start a new path from the left foot, it is also customary to stand on the wedding towel from the right foot, and not from the left.

But why were our ancestors so superstitious about the left leg and the left side of the body in general? It's simple - it was believed that it was the evil spirit that was in charge of the left side and you should not expect concessions from him. It is believed today that on the left shoulder of each person sits his evil spirit, his vices and troubles. Therefore, the left leg, namely the heel, represents movement in a bad, wrong direction.

Why the left heel itches promises:

Stopping cases;

Gossip and barriers;

Fears and phobias on the way to the goal;

Road closures.

Of course, human thoughts are material, so you should choose them carefully. And every time the heel itches, and especially the left one, you should not sound the alarm. You need to fully weigh the pros and cons of the event that you are going to or the path that you have chosen.

The left heel itches, a sign may indicate the need to commit an incorrect, but such a necessary act. Mistakes, of course, cannot be avoided, but their consequences can be minimized.

If a child has an itchy left heel, this means that he will fall and get injured. It is better to postpone with outdoor activities and a variety of entertainment. Sometimes the left heel begins to itch in a child as a sign that it is necessary to leave the house in which he was greeted unkindly.

Children are more sensitive to energy messages and negative influences. If both heels itch in a child, then it is better to stay at home. If an adult who has decided to radically change his life has both heels itching, then this means that none of the options is correct. Worth thinking about. Find a third way to solve the problem.

In fact, you should always listen to the signals of your body. Sometimes the brain, thanks to impulses sent to a specific organ, warns a person against stupidity and empty deeds. Doctors say that spontaneous itching can also be a sign of an incipient mental disorder. But these are rather exceptions to the rule. Often, itching encourages a person to be more attentive to his body and the business with which he is busy in life.

It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards others and their attitude towards you, it is very likely that among them there is a traitor and the person who wants to block your path. But, if the fifth heel itches, you should boldly embark on this path. Psychologists advise not to be afraid of superstitions, but to test their effectiveness a couple of times on your own experience, make independent inputs, and only then judge. The main thing is the mood for a positive resolution of all exciting issues and problems, for the elimination of obstacles in life.

When a person feels itching in the heel area, this undoubtedly brings him discomfort. This problem occurs quite often in people, but not everyone pays special attention to it. Why do heels itch? How to eliminate this unbearable feeling? What to do in such cases?

What causes itchy heels

As a rule, the main causes of itchy heels are:

  • Insect bite. This condition is characterized by the formation of redness and swelling. If there is no allergic reaction to this insect, then the itching will soon pass. If it is, a person needs to consult a specialist to prevent possible complications.
  • The appearance of the fungus It very often occurs during the change of the annual season due to a decrease in immunity or not adhering to the rules of personal hygiene. because of its appearance, the heels begin to itch, peel and crack.
  • Wrong shoes. Heels can itch and peel due to poor-quality and improperly selected shoes. If it is too large, the heel of the foot is overstretched and holds it. Narrow shoes, in turn, provoke circulatory disorders. To give it rigidity, manufacturers of cheap goods use harmful substances to impregnate it. The use of poor-quality glue can also be the reason why the heels crack.
  • Poor quality insoles. Poor quality insoles contain harmful additives that cause increased sweating of the feet and heels. It is they who penetrate the skin of the legs, as a result of which the heels begin to itch. It follows from this that when choosing insoles, you must definitely look at the raw materials from which they are made. It must be natural.
  • Excess weight, too high growth, discrepancy between the size of the legs with height and weight, congenital distortions (flat feet or clubfoot) also sometimes provoke itching of the legs, namely the heels and feet.
  • Lack of vitamins. If your heels itch, this may be a reason to reconsider your diet. To avoid their further cracking, you should definitely eat vegetables and fruits, which include a lot of vitamins.
  • An increase in sugar levels. Itching of the legs occurs for this reason. To do this, the patient should take a blood test in the laboratory.
  • Problems with the nervous system. Due to stress and experiences in the human body, failures and reconfigurations of the body occur. In this case, the nervous system becomes shaky, as a result of which the heels begin to itch. To eliminate this defect, you need to clearly understand your fears and worries.

About itchy heels at night

Very often, the heels itch at night. This discomfort arises due to the fact that it is during this period of the day that the human body is in passive rest. Why do heels itch at night? The reason for this condition can be explained by the following factors:

  1. nervous breakdowns, bad mood and fear throughout the day
  2. a change in the blood circulation regime due to stimulation of disorders of the internal organs of a person
  3. the presence of dermatological diseases.

What are the preventive measures to be taken?

To prevent itching, cracking and peeling of the legs, you must do the following:

  • observe personal hygiene,
  • wear comfortable shoes
  • buy insoles made from natural materials,
  • with increased sweating, use special means,
  • disinfect skin lesions with substances that kill microorganisms,
  • Keep your toes dry and clean.

An interesting fact is that preventive measures are necessary even when one of the family members complains of itching. For this, disinfection must be carried out.

It not only prevents infection, but also helps the patient avoid it again. Disinfection involves the treatment of the bathroom, floor and walls. In addition, slippers, socks of the patient should be stored separately from other things.

How to get rid of itchy heels

Why does the heel itch and what measures should be taken to combat this unpleasant sensation? This question is of interest to people who have this problem. If the heels do not stop itching, you must do the following:

  • If the heels of the feet are very itchy, antihistamines should be used. They help relieve itching. These drugs include Erius, Tavegil, Suprastin, Loratadin, etc. Some of them help to slow down the nervous system, so during the period of their use, you should stop driving a car.
  • Such an unpleasant sensation appears due to the presence of a fungus. To do this, you need to purchase special antifungal drugs. Now such funds are produced in the form of varnishes and creams. Varnishes have a weak effect, so creams should be used. In addition, solutions are considered very effective. They are able to penetrate deep into the skin of the legs, so they quickly help get rid of a fungal disease.
  • If the main cause of itching of the heels of the feet is increased nervousness, it is necessary to take sedatives. These include Novopassit, motherwort tincture, valerian. Peppermint and lemon balm tea is also effective as a sedative.
  • Heel itching due to the appearance of allergic reactions is treated with antiallergic drugs. In this case, a person needs to find out which allergen provokes such a condition.
  • You can get rid of scabies with a solution of laundry soap and soda. The water temperature in this case should vary from 38 to 40 degrees. The duration of this procedure takes an average of half an hour.

Question, why do heels itch, may be of interest to anyone who has encountered a similar problem. There can be quite a few reasons for this. Itching can occur due to disease, insufficient or improper care, and due to some other factors. With such a nuisance as itching and burning of the heels and feet, you can fight if you establish the cause.

Worth knowing! Remember that you can not self-medicate. If you cannot accurately determine the reason why the heels of the legs itch, then it is better to trust the specialists who will help. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Reasons why itchy heels

The reasons why the heels itch are presented in large numbers. The most common of them with a detailed description of the problem are shown in the table.


Poor quality socks, shoe insoles or tights

This is a fairly common reason that is usually often ignored. Poor-quality material with prolonged contact with the skin can lead to itching and an allergic reaction.

It is recommended that you do not skimp on quality hosiery accessories and shoes to prevent possible problems. You should at least give preference to high-quality insoles, fabric and leather, as well as regularly clean or change them.

leg fatigue

The sensation of itching and burning often appears due to the fact that a person has been on his feet for a long time. This is observed when wearing high heels, and also due to standing work. Concomitant factors are flat feet, as well as overweight. Itching can be only on the right or left, or on both at once.

High-quality and comfortable shoes will help to solve the problem. Also, during working hours, you should definitely change your shoes and give your feet a rest at least for a short period of time. In the presence of flat feet, it is important to select special insoles to normalize the position of the foot and heel.


Vitamin deficiencies are often observed in winter and spring. This is explained by the fact that fresh fruits and vegetables are practically not consumed, but the body continues to need nutrients. Therefore, a person may feel lethargy, the appearance of fatigue on an ongoing basis, a burning sensation in the heel area.

The solution to the problem will be a variety of diets. You can add fresh or dried fruits and vegetables, nuts, dairy products, meat, vitamin formulations.

Insect bites

If the legs itch suddenly and there is a feeling that the source of itching is right inside, an insect bite may be the cause. It is necessary to carefully examine the place where the skin itches. In the presence of redness or swelling, we can conclude that the cause is an insect bite. In most cases, itching goes away on its own after a while. But if the condition worsens, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital for a consultation.


It occurs on absolutely everything, for example, on washing powder, washing gel, daily tonic or cream. Usually, allergies are accompanied not only by itching, but also by concomitant factors, such as rashes or redness on the skin. Discomfort often increases in the evening and at night.

If itching occurs while you sleep, it is especially unpleasant. Often a person wakes up from such sensations and then cannot fall asleep for a long time. What to do? First you need to try to replace the washing powder or daily foot cream. If this did not help to cope with the problem and the itching still bothers you in the morning or at night, you should visit a doctor for a consultation.

This reason is considered the most popular. In most cases, it occurs in winter and spring. It is at this time that the human immune system is very weakened. If the heels tend to crack and have cracks, this becomes an auxiliary factor that leads to the appearance of fungus.

It can be influenced by wearing shoes that are out of season, which provokes sweating of the feet, the use of synthetic tights, socks and insoles.

Non-compliance with daily hygiene has a special effect on the development of the fungus. The presence of a fungus indicates that you need to urgently visit a dermatologist who will diagnose and prescribe the most appropriate method of treatment.


This disease is considered quite common. It affects people of all ages. Then itching and burning can be observed in different parts of the body, including the heels, hands, feet. Itching appears due to weakened immunity, the presence of endocrine disorders, cracks and microtraumas on the skin.

Treatment is mandatory. If you ignore this simple recommendation, then there is a possibility of fungus, deep cracks, diabetic blisters, boils, as well as loss of sensitivity. The most advanced cases are gangrene and even amputation of the legs.

Malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system

Nervous disorders are often accompanied by itching of the left or right heel. Scabies will become a constant companion with frequent stress, as well as just with nervous experiences.

You can normalize the condition through sports training, avoiding the use of alcohol and foods that contain caffeine, adhering to a healthy daily routine, regular walks in the fresh air and good rest. In some cases, it becomes necessary to visit a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe a course of procedures.


It is manifested not only by itching, but also by the appearance of red spots. Itching usually worsens in the evening.

The main signs will help you understand why the heels itch. Signs are considered to be not superstitions, but some knowledge, they were passed down from generation to generation. Many believe that it is thanks to this knowledge that modern man has the opportunity to look into the future. It should be remembered that the cause may be a disease.

If this is not the case, then you can turn to signs. If the right heel itches, then the road awaits, but which one depends on the itching itself. For example, burning signals that there is a pleasant and long journey ahead, positive acquaintances.

When you want to know why the left heel on the leg itches, the knowledge of the ancestors will be relevant. It is worth preparing for the fact that this is a rather bad signal. It signals that actions will be ineffective, and plans will not come true.

For example, in a girl, the itching of her left heel said that she would soon meet an unpleasant person, she would meet scammers on the way, there would be a quarrel or loss of material resources. It is noteworthy that it was quite simple to prevent this. It was necessary to take a red thread, tie three knots on it and burn the thread. It was also possible to lightly prick the heel with a needle.

A burning sensation in both heels at once indicates that the weather will soon change dramatically. And if itching occurs on Friday or Saturday, then significant changes are coming in life. If the heels itch one by one, then unpleasant events are ahead, for example, a meeting with an unpleasant person. Remember that these are just possible scenarios.

What to do if the itching does not go away?

What to do if the itching does not go away? It should be remembered that burning in the heels is often a symptom. That is why it is important to go to a specialist if the heels itch for a long time. The specialist will help to establish the cause of severe itching, to determine what violation provoked the burning of the heels.

First you need to visit a therapist. If necessary, the doctor will issue a referral to a narrower specialist, such as a neurologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, allergist. Often the doctor conducts certain studies, makes a diagnosis and prescribes a comprehensive treatment. It must be adhered to in order to get rid of itching of the heels and palms in a child or an adult.

And you can also use drugs from pharmacies. The most popular are such as:

  1. "Itracosanol". It is an antifungal agent that can be found in capsule form. The course of treatment does not exceed a week, but if necessary, it can be slightly increased depending on the problem. Do not use the drug for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for those who suffer from heart disease.
  2. "Lamisil". This is an ointment that has proven itself in the fight against itching due to the fungus. You need to apply ointment on the heels before going to bed. People who have been diagnosed with liver or kidney failure should not use this ointment. It is also not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
  3. "Maninil". The drug is sold in the form of bright pink tablets. The composition is represented by glibenclamide, which lowers blood sugar. The duration of therapy should be determined by a specialist.
  4. "Persen". This drug has a calming effect. The drug is sold in the form of tablets, which include plant extracts: lemon balm, valerian, peppermint. The medicine perfectly fights with nervousness and its signs, irritation, sleep problems. You can not use the drug during the period of bearing a child or lactation, if there is an allergy to specific ingredients.
  5. Chestnut and propolis. This is a cosmetic type drug that helps with tired legs. In addition, the tool helps to achieve firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  6. "Oligovite". It is an excellent vitamin complex, necessary during periods of beriberi.
  7. "Omeprazole". This medicine will be needed to normalize the functioning of the pancreas. It is prohibited for use by pregnant women and children. It is also recommended to consult a specialist before taking it.


Prevention, so that the heels do not itch, is very important. In particular, it is recommended to do the following:

  • do not give other people your socks, tights, insoles and the shoes themselves;
  • do not use other people's hosiery;
  • every day keep the hygiene of the skin of the feet and heels;
  • use every day only comfortable, high-quality and natural insoles and shoes;
  • wear clean socks and tights every day;
  • wash hosiery accessories only with powders and gels with a neutral composition;
  • follow the correct daily routine;
  • rest enough time;
  • make time for being outdoors;
  • try to eliminate stress and stressful situations, do not be nervous over trifles;
  • include more fruits and vegetables in the diet, balance nutrition;
  • use suitable foot creams with a moisturizing or softening effect to prevent cracking and excessive dryness.

Take care of your heels and feet regularly to avoid discomfort. If necessary, visit doctors in a timely manner who will help you quickly cope with the problem. Remember that you first need to find the cause of the itching, and only then should you start fighting it.

In order to find out, as a result of which itching of the heels appears, and to eliminate such a problem, one should understand the various reasons for such a manifestation. The case may be in the usual physical overload of the legs, inappropriate diet, the course of fungal diseases, etc .:

  1. The occurrence of itching as a result of an insect bite. Often the cause of the appearance of scabies can be an allergic reaction to a similar phenomenon. In addition to itching, a slight swelling and redness appear on the skin of the heel. Seeing similar manifestations, you can easily guess what's wrong. Symptoms in this case pass quickly, however, if there are allergic prerequisites for insect bites, medical assistance may be needed.
  2. One of the reasons may be the change of seasons. During this period, a person is subject to a decrease in the functioning of the immune system, so catching the fungus will not be a huge effort. The development of a fungal disease requires a special approach in treatment, because the consequences often portend danger. A skin disease can provoke a nail fungus, which is especially dangerous for any person. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will give a medical opinion and prescribe therapeutic therapy.
  3. An important point is considered to be the shoes that a person wears in everyday life. Using wide, or vice versa, small shoes, there is an excessive tension in the heel region of the foot or a violation of blood circulation. When purchasing any type of footwear, you need to evaluate its quality: inexpensive, so that it becomes more rigid, they are impregnated with reagents with a chemical composition that causes increased itching of the heels. The chemical components that make up the glue, strong seams, high heels worsen the position of the foot.

Great importance is given to insoles. They should be made from natural material, not artificial. If the raw materials are of poor quality, when worn, the insoles emit harmful elements that penetrate the skin into the heels.

2 Influence of the nervous system

In a person with a loosened nervous system, the reaction to any irritation can be manifested by scabies of individual parts of the lower extremities. Excessive worries and anxiety, bad mood, fear of danger can affect health in a similar way. To prevent such troubles, first of all, you will need to analyze your psycho-emotional state, determine what the reason is, and get rid of the anxiety state as soon as possible. Rest has a positive effect, during which the body relaxes and loses all negative emotions.

The feeling of the skin of the legs begins to make itself felt after long physical exertion at the end of the working day. In most cases, the causes of scabies in the heel area are:

  • malfunction of the sweat glands;
  • strength and roughness of the skin on the foot;
  • the appearance of dry corns.

The sensation of itching can be so acute and pronounced that it will force the patient to urgently consult a doctor, without waiting for the results of the initial treatment. In this situation, you will need to undergo a medical examination, pass the necessary tests. Based on the results, the doctor will be able to establish a course of drug therapy aimed at improving the functioning of the pancreas. The basis of severe itching of the legs may be the development of diabetes in the body. If during the examination the patient did not determine the expressed causes of itching, the doctor will prescribe a mandatory examination by an endocrinologist.

3 Symptom with beriberi

It is not always easy to determine the cause of itching in the heel area, since the results of the tests taken may be normal. Then you should think about avitaminosis. It represents a lack of essential nutrients. Often, beriberi appears as a result of malnutrition, a deficiency of vitamins useful to the body.

Without medical help, it is quite difficult to establish which particular vitamin is lacking in the body. Only a qualified doctor will be able to establish the true cause of the development of beriberi. With a lack of the necessary substances in the body, in addition to itching of the heels, the formation of deep cracks on the skin layer of the legs, its roughness and strength, brittle hair and nails can be observed.

Vitamin deficiency can be cured only by taking medications and vitamins inside. None of the available ointments can fully compensate for the lack of useful trace elements. The most effective methods in the fight against the lack of vitamins are considered to be the adjustment of the diet and the use of special means. The daily menu should consist of fresh natural products. Often, itchy heels cause a deficiency of vitamins such as A, B, C, D. C

4 Illness at night

Sometimes scabies of the legs can appear at night as a result of stressful tension. In this case, the time of day does not play a special role. In a person, as a result of excessive nervous tension, symptoms expressed by scabies are manifested at any time. Itching of the skin in the heel region does not occur when the body assumes a passive state at night, and the body is in a horizontal position. At night, there is also no increased pressure on the feet and heels with the whole body weight. In this case, there is an increase in blood flow in the vessels of one and the other foot. In addition, the legs are completely freed from physical activity, clothing, etc. In addition, at night the human nervous system rests and recovers.

Why does the heel itch at night? The feeling of itching in the heel area at this time medicine explains as follows:

  • failure of the nervous system and poor emotional well-being during the day;
  • disruption of the internal organs as a result of improper blood circulation;
  • the presence of dermatological diseases associated with professional activities.

To prevent itching of the legs during the day or at night, it is necessary to constantly engage in preventive measures. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid dangerous and emergency consequences. Each person should take care of individual hygiene rules, use only personal items and shoes. In this case, shoes should be chosen with a wide toe and not tight. If damaged, it must be thoroughly disinfected with disinfectants that destroy microbes.

However, if the heels itch and the itching does not go away, you should not engage in self-treatment. You will need to undergo a medical examination to establish the correct medical diagnosis and proceed with the appropriate treatment.

Thus, with itching in the heel area on the legs, it is necessary to examine this area for visible signs. In the absence of such, you will need to undergo a medical examination and, if necessary, pass certain tests. According to the results of the studies passed, the doctor will be able to establish what caused such an itch. However, in order to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon, the necessary preventive measures indicated above should be observed. Thanks to this, there is a chance to prevent scabies.

Itching in the heels is a discomfort that may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, burning sensation. There are many reasons for sensations in the feet. These can be insect bites or symptoms of serious diseases of the body. You can get rid of the constant desire to scratch your feet with the help of medications, having passed preliminary tests, by changing the diet.

Feet itch and become covered with red spots for a number of reasons. This is due to irritation of the nerve endings. Sensory receptors on the heels respond to external stimuli and to an imbalance in the functioning of internal organs.

Insect bites, uncomfortable, poor-quality shoes, synthetic clothing, beriberi, allergic reactions, and fungal diseases are common causes of itchy feet.

In diseases of the nervous system, pancreas, diabetes mellitus, dyshidrotic eczema and dyshidrosis, itching in the legs is one of the symptoms. For a complete picture of the disease and determining the correct treatment, the help of doctors and test results is needed.

If a child complains that his heels itch at night, it is impossible to postpone the trip to the therapist. Immunity in children is weak, such a reaction of the body may indicate a serious illness. Causes of heel itching can be enterovirus infection, allergies, fungus, dyshidrosis.

Factors that cause itching

Painful, aching or severe, persistent or appearing nocturnal heel itching of the right, left leg or both at the same time manifests itself due to the following factors:

  1. Wrong shoes, high heels. The legs do not “breathe”, they get tired quickly, an unpleasant odor appears, the skin rubs, blood circulation slows down. As a result: redness, pain in the heels or on the side, the feet peel, crack and begin to itch.
  2. Low-quality shoes to increase the density of the material processed chemicals. Consequently, the skin of the feet absorbs the compounds used in the production that are toxic to the body. This can cause discomfort.
  3. Synthetic socks, tights cause excessive sweating. In this environment, the fungus develops quickly and can affect the heels and nail plates. Along with the stench comes itching, then pain, burning.
  4. Avitaminosis. Excessively dry skin is an indicator of vitamin deficiency. If you do not start treatment, there is a chance that scabies will develop into psoriasis.
  5. Fungal infections are diseases of the skin that often cause itching. Pharmacy creams will help at the initial stage. If the skin condition does not improve, the feet smell bad, the scabies does not go away, an appeal to a dermatologist is mandatory. If a fungal infection is detected, all family members can undergo treatment. The disease is contagious. In the future, preventive measures are needed: disinfection of the bathroom, bedding, towels, dishes, shoes, clothes.
  6. Allergic reactions in the form of itching, redness of the heels can occur on food, a number of medicines, creams, foot ointments, on the material from which shoes or clothing are made.
  7. A disorder of the autonomic nervous system - irritability, nervousness, cardiovascular, hyperventilation syndromes, excessive sweating, impaired thermoregulation - can also cause severe itching in the heel area. It is almost impossible to cure the disease on your own. Only a neurologist, having determined the cause, can help.
  8. People with diabetes are faced with the problem of itching of the skin of the entire body, in particular, the heels.

How to get rid of itchy heels

To answer the question of why the heels itch or bake, you need to find out the reason. Exist different ways deliverance. Each is effective when the drugs treat the disease that caused itching.

The lack of vitamins A, B, C, E, D, P, PP can be replenished by diversifying food with such products: fish oil, liver, walnuts, broccoli, seeds, spinach, rose hips, sea buckthorn, currants, cod liver, sauerkraut, almonds, prunes, sesame seeds, dates, Brussels sprouts, dates.

If the cause of scabies is a fungus, you can get rid of it with the help of an antifungal drug. The pharmacy offers varnishes, creams and ointments. For the initial stage of the disease at home, it will be enough to use varnish: Batrafen, Loceryl varnish, Demicten varnish. If improvement is not observed, substances with strong action are bound to help. The drier the skin, the fatter the remedy should be. Before applying the medicine, the heels should be steamed and the stratum corneum removed with a pumice stone. Apply a layer of varnish on a dry foot. Procedures should be carried out for at least 7 days.

Antifungal antibiotics, azoles, allylamines are medicines that the attending physician should prescribe. Self-administration of medications can cause unwanted complications and side effects. Instructions for potent drugs are full of contraindications.

Allergies are successfully treated with antihistamines. When scabies appears, you need to determine the allergen. This may be poor-quality material on the inside of shoes, socks, stale food or food with an ingredient that provoked such a reaction in the body.

Malfunctions in the work of the nervous system, which lead to itching, are treated with medication and with the use of drugs prescribed by the doctor. To improve the condition, you need to change your lifestyle, work with a psychologist who can prescribe a course of physiotherapy. Pharmacological agents that improve the patient's well-being - vitamin and phytocomplexes, drugs for the cardiovascular system, antidepressants, sedatives.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease common to all age groups. You can check your blood glucose levels at the hospital. Diagnosis, treatment of the disease itself, a symptom - itching of the skin, is carried out only by a doctor.

If the heels itch and local preparations do not help, delaying the trip to the doctor means aggravating the disease of the internal organs, causing complications. They are much more difficult to treat.

Possible complications and prevention

Itching in the legs cannot be endured for a long time, even with great laziness, you will have to look for causes and start treatment. Pharmaceutical products can help, block scabies for a while. After a short period of time, the discomfort will return. Such a picture of the course of the disease is characteristic of a fungal infection, when the disease has not been completely cured and preventive measures have not been taken.

The disease returns when:

  • footwear has not been checked. It is desirable to wear comfortable quality shoes. You can use special insoles made of natural material. They are hypoallergenic, correcting the fit of the foot, with special antibacterial impregnation;
  • synthetic socks and tights have not been replaced with breathable natural fabrics;
  • no heel skin care. After taking a shower, it is advisable to remove keratinized skin with a pumice stone. At night, treat the feet with a nourishing cream. Baths are welcome 1-2 times a week. When itching practice folk recipe steaming and treatment of feet: in 2 liters hot water add 2 tablespoons of soda, laundry soap;
  • The nutritional issue has not been resolved. The diet should contain a maximum of fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits. If there is a lack of nutrients in the body, the skin becomes vulnerable, especially on the heels. It dries out, cracks, peels off, infections appear, the skin begins to itch a lot.

Prevention after treatment avoids the return of the disease, possible complications.